// Matt Wells, copyright Jan 2002 // . usage: reindex2 // . moves files resulting from running "reindex" to their right locations // . run on host0 // . assumes files on hosts4-7 in /?/new/* #include "gb-include.h" #include int main ( int argc , char *argv[] ) { // must have big filename if ( argc != 2 ) { printf("reindex2 [this hostnum]\n"); exit(-1); } long thishostnum = atoi ( argv[1] ); if ( thishostnum <4 || thishostnum >7 ) { printf("reindex2 [this hostnum]\n"); exit(-1); } printf("using hostnum %li\n",thishostnum); // map of dbname to index # char *names[] = { "index" , "spider" , "url" , "checksum" , "title" }; long numnames = 5; // // gather list of all hosts/files // long hosts [600*4*4]; char drives [600*4*4]; char filenames[600*4*4][64]; //long filesize [600*4*4]; long prenum [600*4*4]; long filenum [600*4*4]; long dbnamenum [600*4*4]; char *ext [600*4*4]; long next [ 8 ] [ 4 ] [ 5 ]; long count = 0; for ( long i = 4 ; i <= 7 ;i++ ) { for ( char c ='a' ; c <= 'd' ; c++ ) { char buf[128]; sprintf ( buf , "rsh host%li ls -1 /%c/new" , i, c ); //sprintf ( buf , "ls -1 /%c/new" , c ); // open pipe to read in FILE *fd; fd = popen ( buf , "r" ); if ( ! fd ) { printf("reindex2: popen failed"); return -1; } //char tmp[1024]; while ( fgets ( filenames[count] , 64 , fd ) ) { // get filename //sscanf ( tmp,"%*s %*s %*s %*s %li %*s %*s %*s %s", // &filesize[count], filenames[count] ); // ref the filename char *f = filenames[count]; long len = gbstrlen ( f ); f[--len] = '\0'; // print it //printf("%s\n", f); // parse it up hosts [ count ] = i; drives [ count ] = c; // parse out prenum and filenum long *p1 = &prenum[count]; long *p2 = &filenum[count]; long *p = p1; for ( long j = 0 ; j < len ; j++ ) { if ( ! isdigit ( f[j] ) ) continue; char *end = &f[j+1]; while ( isdigit ( *end ) ) end++; // tmp null char x = *end; *end = '\0'; *p = atoi(&f[j]); j += (end - &f[j]) -1; *end = x; if ( p == p2 ) break; p = p2; } // parse out extension long j = 0; while ( f[j] != '.' ) j++; ext [ count ] = &f[j+1]; // parse out db name j = 0; while ( ! isdigit (f[j]) ) j++; f[j] ='\0'; // map f to # long k = 0; for ( ; k < numnames ; k++ ) if ( strcmp ( f , names[k] ) == 0 ) { dbnamenum [ count ] = k; break; } if ( k >= numnames ) { printf("error2\n"); return -1; } // last # for each dbnum/host/drive next [ i ] [ c -'a'] [ dbnamenum[count]] = 1; // print our reconstruction to verify sprintf(buf, "host%li:/%c/new/%s%lidb%04li.%s", hosts [count] , drives[count] , names[dbnamenum [count]] , prenum[count] , filenum[count] , ext[count] ); //printf("%s\n",buf); // next file count++; } pclose ( fd ); } } // print out all file names //for ( long i = 0 ; i < count ; i++ ) // printf("host%li:/%c/new/%s%lidb%li.%s (%li,%li)\n", // hosts[i],drives[i], // dbname[i], prenum[i], // filenum[i] , ext[i]); // print total //printf("total files = %li\n", count); printf("echo \"ls phase done. writing rcps now\"\n"); // populate base dir of each host 4-7 for ( long i = 0 ; i < count ; i++ ) { // . get all files for host #i, dir $c // . index*db0001.dat ... char buf[128]; sprintf(buf, "host%li:/%c/new/%s%lidb%04li.%s", hosts [i] , drives[i] , names [ dbnamenum [i]] , prenum[i] , filenum[i] , ext[i] ); // map prenum to new host/drive/dbnum long newhost = 4 + prenum[i] / 4; char newdrive = 'a' + (prenum[i] % 4); long *p = &next[newhost] [newdrive -'a'] [dbnamenum[i]]; long newnext = *p; // skip, but advance, if we're not src host if ( thishostnum != hosts[i] ) { // advance to next file # if ( ext[i][0]=='m') *p = *p + 2; continue; } // print new filename char buf2[128]; sprintf(buf2, "host%li:/%c/%sdb%04li.%s", newhost , newdrive , names [ dbnamenum [i]] , newnext , ext[i] ); // first get destinate filesize if it exists // make the ls cmd first /* char buf3[128]; sprintf ( buf3 , "rsh host%li ls -la /%c/%sdb%04li.%s", newhost , newdrive , names [ dbnamenum [i]] , newnext , ext[i] ); // echo command printf("echo \"%s\"\n", buf3 ); FILE *fd = popen ( buf3 , "r" ); char ttt[1024]; long dorcp = 1; long size = 0; if ( fgets ( ttt , 1024 , fd ) ) { char tmp[1024]; sscanf ( tmp,"%*s %*s %*s %*s %li %*s %*s %*s %*s", &size); if ( size == filesize[i] ) dorcp = 0; } pclose(fd); // avoid rcp if we can if ( dorcp == 0 ) continue; */ // //printf ( "%s --> %s\n", buf , buf2 ); // now copy file if we're src host char buf4[128]; sprintf ( buf4 , "rcp /%c/new/%s%lidb%04li.%s %s", drives[i] , names [ dbnamenum [i]] , prenum[i] , filenum[i] , ext[i] , buf2); // execute and wait for copy to complete printf ("%s\n",buf4 ); system ( buf4 ); //printf ("echo \"%s\"\n",buf4 ); //system ( buf4 ); // advance to next file # if ( ext[i][0]=='m') *p = *p + 2; } }