# All <, >, " and # characters that are values for a field contained herein # must be represented as <, >, " and # respectively. # Mem available to this process. May be exceeded due to fragmentation. 4000000000 # Below the various Gigablast databases are configured. # <*dbMaxTreeMem> - mem used for holding new recs # <*dbMaxDiskPageCacheMem> - disk page cache mem for this db # <*dbMaxCacheMem> - cache mem for holding single recs # <*dbSaveCache> - save the rec cache on exit? # <*dbMaxCacheAge> - max age (seconds) for recs in rec cache # See that Stats page for record counts and stats. # How many bytes should be used for caching DNS replies? 128000 # A tagdb record assigns a url or site to a ruleset. Each tagdb record is # about 100 bytes or so. 1028000 200000 # A catdb record assigns a url or site to DMOZ categories. Each catdb record # is about 100 bytes. 1000000 25000000 0 # Clusterdb caches small records for site clustering and deduping. 1000000 0 # Max memory for dup vector cache. 10000000 # Robotdb caches robot.txt files. 128000 0 0 5000000 0 1000000 # Maximum bytes of a doc that can be sent before having to read more from disk 128000 # Bytes to use for caching search result pages. 100000 # Read only mode does not allow spidering. 0 # Spell check using the dictionary. 0 # give narrow search suggestions. 0 # Overrides all spidering for all collections on just this host. 1 # Overrides all add urls for all collections on just this host. 1 # Used by proxy to point to a temporary cluster while the original cluster is # updated with a new binary. The temporary cluster is the same as the original # cluster but the ports are all incremented by one from what is in the # hosts.conf. This should ONLY be used for the proxy. 0 # If enabled gb does the search queries in ./test-search/queries.txt and # compares to the last run and outputs the diffs for inspection and validation. 1 # Enable spidering on all hosts 1 # Disable spidering on all hosts 1 # Serves ads unless pure=1 is in cgi parms. 0 # Stripe #n contains twin #n from each group. Doing stripe balancing helps # prevent too many query requests coming into one host. This parm is only for # the proxy. Stripe balancing is done by default unless the parm is disabled # on the proxy in which case it appends a &dsb=0 to the query url it sends to # the host. The proxy alternates to which host it forwards the incoming query # based on the stripe. It takes the number of query terms in the query into # account to make a more even balance. 1 # Is this cluster part of a live production cluster? If this is true we make # sure that elvtune is being set properly for best performance, otherwise, gb # will not startup. 0 # Is this cluster just used for indexing wikipedia pages? 0 # At what temperature in Celsius should we send an email alert if a hard drive # reaches it? 45 # If a heartbeat is delayed this many milliseconds dump a core so we can see # where the CPU was. Logs 'db: missed heartbeat by %lli ms'. Use 0 or less to # disable. 0 # If a call to a message callback or message handler in the udp server takes # more than this many milliseconds, then log it. Logs 'udp: Took %lli ms to # call callback for msgType=0x%hhx niceness=%li'. Use -1 or less to disable # the logging. -1 # Sends emails to admin if a host goes down. 0 # Sends to sysadmin@gigablast.com. 0 # Sends to email address 1 through email server 1. 1 # Sends to email address 1 through email server 1 if any parm is changed. 1 # Connects to this server directly when sending email 1 # Sends to this address when sending email 1 # The from field when sending email 1 # Sends to email address 2 through email server 2. 0 # Sends to email address 2 through email server 2 if any parm is changed. 1 # Connects to this server directly when sending email 2 # Sends to this address when sending email 2 # The from field when sending email 2 # Sends to email address 3 through email server 3. 0 # Sends to email address 3 through email server 3 if any parm is changed. 1 # Connects to this server directly when sending email 3 # Sends to this address when sending email 3 # The from field when sending email 3 # Sends to email address 4 through email server 4. 0 # Sends to email address 4 through email server 4 if any parm is changed. 1 # Connects to this server directly when sending email 4 # Sends to this address when sending email 4 # The from field when sending email 4 # Do not send email alerts about dead hosts to anyone except # sysadmin@gigablast.com between the times given below unless all the twins of # the dead host are also dead. Instead, wait till after if the host is still # dead. 0 # Look for this string in the kernel buffer for sending email # Look for this string in the kernel buffer for sending email # Look for this string in the kernel buffer for sending email # If you have scsi drives or a slow network, say yes here to minimize data # fetches across the network. 0 # If enabled then all writes will be flushed to disk. This is generally a good # thing. 1 # Read what was written in a verification step. Decreases performance, but may # help fight disk corruption mostly on Maxtors and Western Digitals. 0 # When reindexing a document, do not re-add data that should already be in # index or clusterdb since the last time the document was indexed. Otherwise, # re-add the data regardless. 0 # Use /etc/hosts file to resolve hostnames? the /etc/host file is reloaded # every minute, so if you make a change to it you might have to wait one # minute for the change to take affect. 0 # If enabled, Gigablast assumes the first half of machines in hosts.conf are # on a different network switch than the second half, and minimizes transmits # between the switches. 0 # When enabled Gigablast will randomly fail at allocating memory. Used for # testing stability. 0 # When enabled Gigablast will make sure it reparses the document exactly the # same way. It does this every 1000th document anyway, but enabling this makes # it do it for every document. 0 # If enabled, all servers must have two gigabit ethernet ports hooked up and # Gigablast will round robin packets between both ethernet ports when sending # to another host. Can speed up network transmissions as much as 2x. 0 # If enabled, Gigablast will use quickpoll. Significantly improves # performance. Only turn this off for testing. 1 # If enabled, Gigablast will use threads. 1 # If enabled, Gigablast will use shared memory. Should really only be used on # the live cluster, keep this on the testing cluster since it can leak easily. 0 # Use disk page cache? 1 # Use disk page cache? 1 # Use disk page cache? 1 # Use disk page cache? 1 # Use disk page cache? 1 # Use disk page cache? 1 # Use disk page cache? 1 # Use disk page cache? 1 # Use disk page cache? 1 # Scan all titledb files if rec not found. You should keep this on to avoid # corruption. Do not turn it off unless you are Matt Wells. 1 # for specifying if this is an interface machinemessages are rerouted from # this machine to the maincluster set in the hosts.conf. 0 # At query time, should Gigablast generate content vectors for title records # lacking them? This is an expensive operation, so is really just for testing # purposes. 0 # Keep track of ips which do queries, disallow non-customers from hitting us # too hard. 0 # Non-customers get this many queries per day beforebeing autobanned 1024 # Non-customers get this many queries per minute beforebeing autobanned 30 # If this is non empty, http traffic will be redirected to the specified # address. # If this is true, gb will route download requests for web pages to proxies in # hosts.conf. Proxies will download and compress docs before sending back. 0 # Enable/disable the ability to synchronize time between the cluster and the # proxy 0 # Allows scaling up of hosts by deleting recs not in the correct group. This # should only happen why copying a set of servers to the new hosts. Otherwise # corrupted data will cause a halt. 0 # Allows bypass of db validation so gigablast will not halt if a corrupt db is # discovered durring load. Use this when attempting to load with a collection # that has known corruption. 0 # IP address of the primary DNS server. Assumes UDP port 53. # IP address of the secondary DNS server. Assumes UDP port 53. Will be # accessed in conjunction with the primary dns, so make sure this is always # up. An ip of 0 means disabled. # Access the wiki coll through this proxy ip # Access the wiki coll through this proxy port 0 # Email alerts will include the cluster name # Identification seen by web servers when the Gigablast spider downloads their # web pages. It is polite to insert a contact email address here so webmaster # that experience problems from the Gigablast spider have somewhere to vent. # If this is true, gb will send accept-encoding: gzipwhen doing http downloads. 0 # When no collection is explicitly specified, assume this collection name. # Collection to be used for directory searching and display of directory topic # pages. # Hostname of the server providing the directory. Leave empty to use this host. # Total incoming bandwidth used by all spiders should not exceed this many # kilobits per second. 999999.000 # Spiders will shed load when their host exceeds this value for the 1-minute # load average in /proc/loadavg. The value 0.0 disables this feature. 0.000 # Maximum number of threads to use per Gigablast process for intersecting # docid lists. Generally, set this to the number of CPUs on the machine. 1 # Maximum number of pages to index or delete from index per second for all # hosts combined. 999999.000 # Consider a host in the Gigablast network to be dead if it does not respond # to successive pings for this number of seconds. Gigablast does not send # requests to dead hosts. Outstanding requests may be re-routed to a twin. 4000 # Send an email after a host has not responded to successive pings for this # many milliseconds. 62000 # Wait this many milliseconds before pinging the next host. Each host pings # all other hosts in the network. 100 # Send email alerts when average query latency goes above this threshold. 2.000 # Send email alerts when query success rate goes below this threshold. 0.850 # Record this number of query times before calculating average query latency. 3000 # If we reach this many corrupt index lists, send an admin email. Set to -1 # to disable. 5 # Maximum number of threads to use per Gigablast process for writing data to # the disk. Keep low to reduce file interlace effects and impact on query # response time. 1 # Maximum number of threads to use per Gigablast process for accessing the # disk for index-building purposes. Keep low to reduce impact on query # response time. Increase for RAID systems or when initially building an index. 7 # This particular number applies to all reads above 1MB. 3 # This particular number applies to all reads above 100K. 4 # This particular number applies to all reads above 1MB. 5 # Maximum number of threads to use per Gigablast process for accessing the # disk for querying purposes. IDE systems tend to be more responsive when this # is low. Increase for SCSI or RAID systems. 20 # This particular number applies to all reads above 1MB. 20 # This particular number applies to all reads above 100K. 20 # This particular number applies to all reads above 1MB. 20 # Word or phrase must be present in this percent of documents in order to # qualify as a spelling recommendation. 0.010 # Percent to weight phrases in queries. 100.000 # Percent of how much to use words to phrase ratio weights. 90 # When passing queries around the network, send the raw string instead of the # serialized query if the required buffer is bigger than this. Smaller values # decrease network traffic for large queries at the expense of processing time. 8192 # Read and write this many bytes at a time when merging files. Smaller values # are kinder to query performance, but the merge takes longer. Use at least # 1000000 for fast merging. 800000 # minRecSizes for Catdb lookups 100000000 # Maximum sockets available to serve incoming HTTP requests. Too many # outstanding requests will increase query latency. Excess requests will # simply have their sockets closed. 100 # Maximum sockets available to serve incoming HTTPS requests. Like max http # sockets, but for secure sockets. 100 # Copy data in memory to disk after this many minutes have passed without the # data having been dumped or saved to disk. Use 0 to disable. 5 # Add this number to the total document count in the index. Just used for # displaying on the homepage. 0 # Generates profiling data for callbacks on page performance 0 # Enable profiler to do accounting of time taken by functions. 1 # Profiler will not show functions which take less than this many milliseconds # in the log or on the perfomance graph. 10 # Produce a LOG_TIMING log message for each callback called, along with the # time it took. Profiler must be enabled. 0 # Archive system statistics information in Statsdb. 1 # How many seconds should we cache a search results page for? 10800 # add Ips here to bar them from accessing this gigablast server. # add Ips here to give them an infinite query quota. # Don't try to autoban queries that have one of these codes. Also, the code # must be valid for us to use &uip=IPADDRESS as the IP address of the # submitter for purposes of autoban AND purposes of addurl daily quotas. # Append extra default parms to queries that match certain substrings. # Format: text to match in url, followed by a space, then the list of extra # parms as they would appear appended to the url. One match per line. # ban any query that matches this list of substrings. Must match all # comma-separated strings on the same line. ('\n' = OR, ',' = AND) # Add facebook user IDs here so those people can turk the results. Later we # may limit each person to turking a geographic region. # Allow UDP requests from this list of IPs. Any datagram received not coming # from one of these IPs, or an IP in hosts.conf, is dropped. If another # cluster is accessing this cluster for getting link text or whatever, you # will need to list the IPs of the accessing machines here. These IPs are also # used to allow access to the HTTP server even if it was disabled in the # Master Controls. IPs that have 0 has their Least Significant Byte are # treated as wildcards for IP blocks. That is, means 1.2.3.*. # Log GET and POST requests received from the http server? 1 # Should we log queries that are autobanned? They can really fill up the log. 1 # If query took this many millliseconds or longer, then log the query and the # time it took to process. 5000 # Log query reply in proxy, but only for those queries above the time # threshold above. 0 # Log status of spidered or injected urls? 1 # Log messages if Gigablast runs out of udp sockets? 0 # Log messages not related to an error condition, but meant more to give an # idea of the state of the gigablast process. These can be useful when # diagnosing problems. 1 # Log it when document not added due to quota breech. Log it when url is too # long and it gets truncated. 0 # Log various debug messages. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 # Log various timing related messages. 0 # Log various timing related messages. 0 0 0 0 # Log various timing related messages. 0 0 # Log reminders to the programmer. You do not need this. 0 # If enabled, gigablast will repair the rdbs as specified by the parameters # below. When a particular collection is in repair mode, it can not spider or # merge titledb files. 0 # Comma or space separated list of the collections to repair or rebuild. # In bytes. 300000000 # Maximum number of outstanding inject spiders for repair. 32 # If enabled, gigablast will reinject the content of all title recs into a # secondary rdb system. That will the primary rdb system when complete. 0 # If enabled, gigablast will keep the new spiderdb records when doing the full # rebuild or the spiderdb rebuild. 1 # If enabled, gigablast will recycle the link info when rebuilding titledb. 0 # If enabled, gigablast will rebuild this rdb 1 # If enabled, gigablast will rebuild this rdb 0 # If enabled, gigablast will rebuild this rdb 0 # If enabled, gigablast will rebuild this rdb 0 # If enabled, gigablast will rebuild this rdb 0 # If disabled, gigablast will skip root urls. 1 # If disabled, gigablast will skip non-root urls. 1 # When rebuilding spiderdb and scanning it for new spiderdb records, should a # tagdb lookup be performed? Runs much much faster without it. Will also keep # the original doc quality and spider priority in tact. 0