#include #include "SafeBuf.h" #include "HttpServer.h" TcpSocket *g_qaSock = NULL; SafeBuf g_qaOutput; bool g_qaInProgress = false; long g_numErrors; static long s_checkCRC = 0; static bool s_registered = false; bool qatest ( ) ; void qatestWrapper ( int fd , void *state ) { qatest(); } // wait X seconds, call sleep timer... then call qatest() void wait( float seconds ) { // put into milliseconds long delay = (long)(seconds * 1000.0); if ( g_loop.registerSleepCallback ( delay , NULL , // state qatestWrapper,//m_masterLoop 0 )) {// niceness s_registered = true; // wait for it, return -1 since we blocked return; } log("qa: could not register callback!"); return; } // first inject a set list of urls static char **s_urlPtrs = NULL; static char **s_contentPtrs = NULL; static SafeBuf s_ubuf1; static SafeBuf s_ubuf2; static SafeBuf s_cbuf2; static Url s_url; void markOut ( char *content , char *needle ) { if ( ! content ) return; loop: char *s = strstr ( content , needle ); if ( ! s ) return; // advance over name like "rand64=" to avoid hitting those digits s += gbstrlen(needle); for ( ; *s && ! is_digit(*s); s++ ); // find end of digit stream //char *end = s; //while ( ; *end && is_digit(*s); end++ ); // just bury the digit stream now, zeroing out was not // a consistent LENGTH if we had 10 hits vs 9... making the hash // different // space out digits for ( ; *s && is_digit(*s); s++ ) *s = ' '; // loop for more for the "rand64=" thing content = s; goto loop; } // do not hash long qa_hash32 ( char *s ) { unsigned long h = 0; long k = 0; for ( long i = 0 ; s[i] ; i++ ) { // skip if not first space and back to back spaces if ( s[i] == ' ' &&i>0 && s[i-1]==' ') continue; h ^= g_hashtab [(unsigned char)k] [(unsigned char)s[i]]; k++; } return h; } #define MAXFLAGS 50 class QATest { public: bool (* m_func)(); char *m_testName; char *m_testDesc; char m_doTest; // we set s_flags to this long m_flags[MAXFLAGS]; }; static char *s_content = NULL; static HashTableX s_ht; static QATest *s_qt = NULL; bool saveHashTable ( ) { if ( s_ht.m_numSlotsUsed <= 0 ) return true; SafeBuf fn; fn.safePrintf("%s/qa/",g_hostdb.m_dir); log("qa: saving crctable.dat"); s_ht.save ( fn.getBufStart() , "crctable.dat" ); return true; } void makeQADir ( ) { static bool s_init = false; if ( s_init ) return; s_init = true; s_ht.set(4,4,1024,NULL,0,false,0,"qaht"); // make symlink //char cmd[512]; //snprintf(cmd,"cd %s/html ;ln -s ../qa ./qa", g_hostdb.m_dir); //system(cmd); char dir[1024]; snprintf(dir,1000,"%sqa",g_hostdb.m_dir); log("mkdir mkdir %s",dir); long status = ::mkdir ( dir , S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR | S_IXUSR | S_IRGRP | S_IWGRP | S_IXGRP | S_IROTH | S_IXOTH ); if ( status == -1 && errno != EEXIST && errno ) log("qa: Failed to make directory %s: %s.", dir,mstrerror(errno)); // try to load from disk SafeBuf fn; fn.safePrintf("%s/qa/",g_hostdb.m_dir); log("qa: loading crctable.dat"); s_ht.load ( fn.getBufStart() , "crctable.dat" ); } void processReply ( char *reply , long replyLen ) { // store our current reply SafeBuf fb2; fb2.safeMemcpy(reply,replyLen ); fb2.nullTerm(); // log that we got the reply log("qa: got reply(len=%li)(errno=%s)=%s", replyLen,mstrerror(g_errno),reply); char *content = NULL; long contentLen = 0; // get mime if ( reply ) { HttpMime mime; mime.set ( reply, replyLen , NULL ); // only hash content since mime has a timestamp in it content = mime.getContent(); contentLen = mime.getContentLen(); if ( content && contentLen>0 && content[contentLen] ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; } } if ( ! content ) { content = ""; contentLen = 0; } s_content = content; // take out markOut ( content , ""); markOut ( content , ""); // until i figure this one out, take it out markOut ( content , ""); // until i figure this one out, take it out markOut ( content , ""); // for those links in the html pages markOut ( content, "rand64="); // for json markOut ( content , "\"currentTimeUTC\":" ); markOut ( content , "\"responseTimeMS\":"); markOut ( content , "\"docsInCollection\":"); // for xml markOut ( content , "" ); markOut ( content , ""); markOut ( content , ""); markOut ( content , ""); // indexed 1 day ago markOut ( content,"indexed:"); // modified 1 day ago markOut ( content,"modified:"); // s_gigabitCount... it is perpetually incrementing static counter // in PageResults.cpp markOut(content,"ccc("); markOut(content,"id=fd"); markOut(content,"id=sd"); // for some reason the term freq seems to change a little in // the scoring table markOut(content,"id=tf"); // # of collections in the admin page: ..."4 Collections" markOut(content,"px;color:black;\">
"); // make checksum. we ignore back to back spaces so this // hash works for 10 vs 9 long contentCRC = 0; if ( content ) contentCRC = qa_hash32 ( content ); // note it log("qa: got contentCRC of %lu",contentCRC); // if what we expected, save to disk if not there yet, then // call s_callback() to resume the qa pipeline /* if ( contentCRC == s_expectedCRC ) { // save content if good char fn3[1024]; sprintf(fn3,"%sqa/content.%lu",g_hostdb.m_dir,contentCRC); File ff; ff.set ( fn3 ); if ( ! ff.doesExist() ) { // if not there yet then save it fb2.save(fn3); } // . continue on with the qa process // . which qa function that may be //s_callback(); return; } */ // // if crc of content does not match what was expected then do a diff // so we can see why not // // this means caller does not care about the response if ( ! s_checkCRC ) { //s_callback(); return; } //const char *emsg = "qa: bad contentCRC of %li should be %li " // "\n";//"phase=%li\n"; //fprintf(stderr,emsg,contentCRC,s_expectedCRC);//,s_phase-1); // hash url long urlHash32 = hash32n ( s_url.getUrl() ); // combine test function too since two tests may use the same url long nameHash = hash32n ( s_qt->m_testName ); // combine together urlHash32 = hash32h ( nameHash , urlHash32 ); makeQADir(); // break up into lines char fn2[1024]; sprintf(fn2,"%sqa/content.%lu",g_hostdb.m_dir,contentCRC); fb2.save ( fn2 ); // look up in hashtable to see what reply crc should be long *val = (long *)s_ht.getValue ( &urlHash32 ); // just return if the same if ( val && contentCRC == *val ) { g_qaOutput.safePrintf("" "passed test
%s : " "%s (urlhash=%lu " "crc=" "%lu)
" "
", s_qt->m_testName, s_url.getUrl(), s_url.getUrl(), urlHash32, contentCRC, contentCRC); return; } if ( ! val ) { // add it so we know s_ht.addKey ( &urlHash32 , &contentCRC ); g_qaOutput.safePrintf("" "first time testing
%s : " "%s " "(urlhash=%lu " "crc=%lu" ")
" "
", s_qt->m_testName, s_url.getUrl(), s_url.getUrl(), urlHash32, contentCRC, contentCRC); return; } log("qa: crc changed for url %s from %li to %li", s_url.getUrl(),*val,contentCRC); // get response on file SafeBuf fb1; char fn1[1024]; sprintf(fn1,"%sqa/content.%lu",g_hostdb.m_dir, *val); fb1.load(fn1); fb1.nullTerm(); // do the diff between the two replies so we can see what changed char cmd[1024]; sprintf(cmd,"diff %s %s > /tmp/diffout",fn1,fn2); //log("qa: %s\n",cmd); gbsystem(cmd); g_numErrors++; g_qaOutput.safePrintf("FAILED TEST
%s : " "%s (urlhash=%lu)
" " " "Accept changes" "
" "original on left, new on right. " "oldcrc = %lu" " != %lu = newcrc" "
diff output follows:
" "

			      // input checkbox name field

			      // submitchanges() parms

			      // original/old content.%lu

			      // new content.%lu

			      // for the pre tag id:

	// store in output
	SafeBuf sb;
	g_qaOutput.htmlEncode ( sb.getBufStart() );


"); // if this is zero allow it to slide by. it is learning mode i guess. // so we can learn what crc we need to use. // otherwise, stop right there for debugging //if ( s_expectedCRC != 0 ) exit(1); // keep on going //s_callback(); } // after we got the reply and verified expected crc, call the callback static bool (*s_callback)() = NULL; // come here after receiving ANY reply from the gigablast server static void gotReplyWrapper ( void *state , TcpSocket *sock ) { processReply ( sock->m_readBuf , sock->m_readOffset ); s_callback (); } // returns false if blocked, true otherwise, like on quick connect error bool getUrl( char *path , long checkCRC = 0 , char *post = NULL ) { SafeBuf sb; sb.safePrintf ( "http://%s:%li%s" , iptoa(g_hostdb.m_myHost->m_ip) , (long)g_hostdb.m_myHost->m_httpPort , path ); s_checkCRC = checkCRC; bool doPost = true; if ( strncmp ( path , "/search" , 7 ) == 0 ) doPost = false; //Url u; s_url.set ( sb.getBufStart() ); log("qa: getting %s",sb.getBufStart()); if ( ! g_httpServer.getDoc ( s_url.getUrl() , 0 , // ip 0 , // offset -1 , // size 0 , // ifmodsince NULL , gotReplyWrapper, 999999*1000, // timeout ms 0, // proxyip 0, // proxyport -1, // maxtextdoclen -1, // maxotherdoclen NULL , // useragent "HTTP/1.0" , // protocol doPost , // doPost NULL , // cookie NULL , // additionalHeader NULL , // fullRequest post ) ) return false; // error? processReply ( NULL , 0 ); //log("qa: getUrl error: %s",mstrerror(g_errno)); return true; } bool loadUrls ( ) { static bool s_loaded = false; if ( s_loaded ) return true; s_loaded = true; // use injectme3 file s_ubuf1.load("./injectme3"); // scan for +++URL: xxxxx char *s = s_ubuf1.getBufStart(); for ( ; *s ; s++ ) { if ( strncmp(s,"+++URL: ",8) ) continue; // got one // \0 term it for s_contentPtrs below *s = '\0'; // find end of it s += 8; char *e = s; for ( ; *e && ! is_wspace_a(*e); e++ ); // null term it if ( *e ) *e = '\0'; // store ptr s_ubuf2.pushLong((long)s); // skip past that s = e; // point to content s_cbuf2.pushLong((long)(s+1)); } // make array of url ptrs s_urlPtrs = (char **)s_ubuf2.getBufStart(); s_contentPtrs= (char **)s_cbuf2.getBufStart(); return true; } /* static char *s_queries[] = { "the", "+the", "cats", "+cats dog", "+cats +dog", "cat OR dog", "cat AND dog", "cat AND NOT dog", "NOT cat AND NOT dog", "cat -dog", "site:wisc.edu" }; */ //#undef usleep // nw use this static long *s_flags = NULL; // // the injection qa test suite // bool qainject1 ( ) { //if ( ! s_callback ) s_callback = qainject1; // // delete the 'qatest123' collection // //static bool s_x1 = false; if ( ! s_flags[0] ) { s_flags[0] = true; if ( ! getUrl ( "/admin/delcoll?xml=1&delcoll=qatest123" ) ) return false; } // // add the 'qatest123' collection // //static bool s_x2 = false; if ( ! s_flags[1] ) { s_flags[1] = true; if ( ! getUrl ( "/admin/addcoll?addcoll=qatest123&xml=1" , // checksum of reply expected 238170006 ) ) return false; } // turn off images thumbnails if ( ! s_flags[17] ) { s_flags[17] = true; if ( ! getUrl ( "/admin/spider?c=qatest123&mit=0", // checksum of reply expected 238170006 ) ) return false; } // this only loads once loadUrls(); long max = s_ubuf2.length()/(long)sizeof(char *); //max = 1; // // inject urls, return false if not done yet // //static bool s_x4 = false; if ( ! s_flags[2] ) { // TODO: try delimeter based injection too //static long s_ii = 0; for ( ; s_flags[20] < max ; ) { // inject using html api SafeBuf sb; sb.safePrintf("&c=qatest123&deleteurl=0&" "format=xml&u="); sb.urlEncode ( s_urlPtrs[s_flags[20]] ); // the content sb.safePrintf("&hasmime=1"); // sanity //if ( strstr(s_urlPtrs[s_flags[20]],"wdc.htm") ) // log("hey"); sb.safePrintf("&content="); sb.urlEncode(s_contentPtrs[s_flags[20]] ); sb.nullTerm(); // pre-inc it in case getUrl() blocks s_flags[20]++;//ii++; if ( ! getUrl("/admin/inject", 0, // no idea what crc to expect sb.getBufStart()) ) return false; } s_flags[2] = true; } // +the //static bool s_x5 = false; if ( ! s_flags[3] ) { wait(1.5); s_flags[3] = true; return false; } if ( ! s_flags[16] ) { s_flags[16] = true; if ( ! getUrl ( "/search?c=qatest123&qa=1&format=xml&q=%2Bthe" "&dsrt=500", 702467314 ) ) return false; } // sports news //static bool s_x7 = false; if ( ! s_flags[4] ) { s_flags[4] = true; if ( ! getUrl ( "/search?c=qatest123&qa=1&format=xml&" "q=sports+news",2009472889 ) ) return false; } // 'washer & dryer' does some algorithmic synonyms 'washer and dryer' if ( ! s_flags[15] ) { s_flags[15] = true; if ( ! getUrl ( "/search?c=qatest123&qa=1&format=xml&" "debug=1&q=washer+%26+dryer",9999 ) ) return false; } // // eject/delete the urls // //static long s_ii2 = 0; for ( ; s_flags[5] < max ; ) { // reject using html api SafeBuf sb; sb.safePrintf( "/admin/inject?c=qatest123&deleteurl=1&" "format=xml&u="); sb.urlEncode ( s_urlPtrs[s_flags[5]] ); sb.nullTerm(); // pre-inc it in case getUrl() blocks //s_ii2++; s_flags[5]++; if ( ! getUrl ( sb.getBufStart() , 0 ) ) return false; } // // make sure no results left, +the // if ( ! s_flags[6] ) { wait(1.5); s_flags[6] = true; return false; } if ( ! s_flags[14] ) { s_flags[14] = true; if ( ! getUrl ( "/search?c=qatest123&qa=2&format=xml&q=%2Bthe", -1672870556 ) ) return false; } //static bool s_fee2 = false; if ( ! s_flags[13] ) { s_flags[13] = true; log("qa: SUCCESSFULLY COMPLETED " "QA INJECT TEST 1"); //if ( s_callback == qainject ) exit(0); return true; } return true; } bool qainject2 ( ) { //if ( ! s_callback ) s_callback = qainject2; // // delete the 'qatest123' collection // //static bool s_x1 = false; if ( ! s_flags[0] ) { s_flags[0] = true; if ( ! getUrl ( "/admin/delcoll?xml=1&delcoll=qatest123" ) ) return false; } // // add the 'qatest123' collection // //static bool s_x2 = false; if ( ! s_flags[1] ) { s_flags[1] = true; if ( ! getUrl ( "/admin/addcoll?addcoll=qatest123&xml=1" , // checksum of reply expected 238170006 ) ) return false; } // turn off images thumbnails if ( ! s_flags[17] ) { s_flags[17] = true; if ( ! getUrl ( "/admin/spider?c=qatest123&mit=0", // checksum of reply expected 238170006 ) ) return false; } // // try delimeter based injecting // //static bool s_y2 = false; if ( ! s_flags[7] ) { s_flags[7] = true; SafeBuf sb; // delim=+++URL: sb.safePrintf("&c=qatest123&deleteurl=0&" "delim=%%2B%%2B%%2BURL%%3A&format=xml&u=xyz.com&" "hasmime=1&content="); // use injectme3 file SafeBuf ubuf; ubuf.load("./injectme3"); sb.urlEncode(ubuf.getBufStart()); if ( ! getUrl ( "/admin/inject", // check reply, seems to have only a single // docid in it -1970198487, sb.getBufStart()) ) return false; } // now query check //static bool s_y4 = false; if ( ! s_flags[8] ) { wait(1.5); s_flags[8] = true; return false; } if ( ! s_flags[14] ) { s_flags[14] = true; if ( ! getUrl ( "/search?c=qatest123&qa=1&format=xml&q=%2Bthe", -1804253505 ) ) return false; } //static bool s_y5 = false; if ( ! s_flags[9] ) { s_flags[9] = true; if ( ! getUrl ( "/search?c=qatest123&qa=1&format=xml&q=sports" "+news&ns=1&tml=20&smxcpl=30&" "sw=10&showimages=1" ,-1874756636 ) ) return false; } //static bool s_y6 = false; if ( ! s_flags[10] ) { s_flags[10] = true; if ( ! getUrl ( "/search?c=qatest123&qa=1&format=xml&q=sports" "+news&ns=1&tml=20&smxcpl=30&" "sw=10&showimages=0&hacr=1" ,1651330319 ) ) return false; } //static bool s_y7 = false; if ( ! s_flags[11] ) { s_flags[11] = true; if ( ! getUrl ( "/search?c=qatest123&qa=1&format=xml&q=sports" "+news&ns=1&tml=20&smxcpl=30&" "sw=10&showimages=0&sc=1" ,-1405546537 ) ) return false; } // // mdw: query reindex test // if ( ! s_flags[30] ) { s_flags[30] = true; if ( ! getUrl ( "/admin/reindex" "?c=qatest123" "&format=xml" //"&debug=1" "&q=sports" "&forcedel=1" "&qa=1" ,9999 ) ) return false; } // wait 10 seconds for reindex to finish if ( ! s_flags[31] ) { wait(10.0); s_flags[31] = true; return false; } // ensure no results for sports now if ( ! s_flags[32] ) { s_flags[32] = true; if ( ! getUrl ( "/search?c=qatest123&qa=1&format=xml&q=sports" "&ns=1&tml=20&smxcpl=30&" "sw=10&showimages=0&sc=1" ,-1405546537 ) ) return false; } // and this particular url has two spider status records indexed if ( ! s_flags[33] ) { s_flags[33] = true; if ( ! getUrl ( "/search?c=qatest123&qa=1&format=xml&q=" "url2%3Axyz.com%2F-13737921970569011262&xml=1" ,-1405546537 ) ) return false; } // // delete the 'qatest123' collection // // if ( ! s_flags[12] ) { // s_flags[12] = true; // if ( ! getUrl ( "/admin/delcoll?xml=1&delcoll=qatest123" ) ) // return false; // } //static bool s_fee2 = false; if ( ! s_flags[13] ) { s_flags[13] = true; log("qa: SUCCESSFULLY COMPLETED " "QA INJECT TEST 2"); //if ( s_callback == qainject ) exit(0); return true; } return true; } /* static char *s_urls1 = " walmart.com" " cisco.com" " t7online.com" " sonyericsson.com" " netsh.com" " allegro.pl" " hotscripts.com" " sitepoint.com" " so-net.net.tw" " aol.co.uk" " sbs.co.kr" " chinaacc.com" " eyou.com" " spray.se" " carview.co.jp" " xcar.com.cn" " united.com" " raaga.com" " primaryads.com" " szonline.net" " icbc.com.cn" " instantbuzz.com" " sz.net.cn" " 6to23.com" " seesaa.net" " tracking101.com" " jubii.dk" " 5566.net" " prikpagina.nl" " 7xi.net" " 91.com" " jjwxc.com" " adbrite.com" " hoplay.com" " questionmarket.com" " telegraph.co.uk" " trendmicro.com" " google.fi" " ebay.es" " tfol.com" " sleazydream.com" " websearch.com" " freett.com" " dayoo.com" " interia.pl" " yymp3.com" " stanford.edu" " time.gr.jp" " telia.com" " madthumbs.com" " chinamp3.com" " oldgames.se" " buy.com" " singpao.com" " cbsnews.com" " corriere.it" " cbs.com" " flickr.com" " theglobeandmail.com" " incredifind.com" " mit.edu" " chase.com" " ktv666.com" " oldnavy.com" " lego.com" " eniro.se" " bloomberg.com" " ft.com" " odn.ne.jp" " pcpop.com" " ugameasia.com" " cantv.net" " allinternal.com" " aventertainments.com" " invisionfree.com" " hangzhou.com.cn" " zhaopin.com" " bcentral.com" " lowes.com" " adprofile.net" " yninfo.com" " jeeran.com" " twbbs.net.tw" " yousendit.com" " aavalue.com" " google.com.co" " mysearch.com" " worldsex.com" " navisearch.net" " lele.com" " msn.co.in" " officedepot.com" " xintv.com" "" " travelzoo.com" " bol.com.br" " dtiserv2.com" " optonline.net" " hitslink.com" " freechal.com" " infojobs.net" ; */ bool qaspider1 ( ) { // // delete the 'qatest123' collection // //static bool s_x1 = false; if ( ! s_flags[0] ) { s_flags[0] = true; if ( ! getUrl ( "/admin/delcoll?xml=1&delcoll=qatest123" ) ) return false; } // // add the 'qatest123' collection // //static bool s_x2 = false; if ( ! s_flags[1] ) { s_flags[1] = true; if ( ! getUrl ( "/admin/addcoll?addcoll=qatest123&xml=1" , // checksum of reply expected 238170006 ) ) return false; } // turn off images thumbnails if ( ! s_flags[24] ) { s_flags[24] = true; if ( ! getUrl ( "/admin/spider?c=qatest123&mit=0", // checksum of reply expected 238170006 ) ) return false; } // restrict hopcount to 0 or 1 in url filters so we do not spider // too deep //static bool s_z1 = false; if ( ! s_flags[2] ) { s_flags[2] = true; SafeBuf sb; sb.safePrintf("&c=qatest123&" // make it the custom filter "ufp=custom&" "fe=%%21ismanualadd+%%26%%26+%%21insitelist&hspl=0&hspl=1&fsf=0.000000&mspr=0&mspi=1&xg=1000&fsp=-3&" // take out hopcount for now, just test quotas // "fe1=tag%%3Ashallow+%%26%%26+hopcount%%3C%%3D1&hspl1=0&hspl1=1&fsf1=1.000000&mspr1=1&mspi1=1&xg1=1000&fsp1=3&" // just one spider out allowed for consistency "fe1=tag%%3Ashallow+%%26%%26+sitepages%%3C%%3D20&hspl1=0&hspl1=1&fsf1=1.000000&mspr1=1&mspi1=1&xg1=1000&fsp1=45&" "fe2=default&hspl2=0&hspl2=1&fsf2=1.000000&mspr2=0&mspi2=1&xg2=1000&fsp2=45&" ); if ( ! getUrl ( "/admin/filters",0,sb.getBufStart()) ) return false; } // set the site list to // a few sites //static bool s_z2 = false; if ( ! s_flags[3] ) { s_flags[3] = true; SafeBuf sb; sb.safePrintf("&c=qatest123&format=xml&sitelist="); sb.urlEncode("tag:shallow site:www.walmart.com\r\n" "tag:shallow site:http://www.ibm.com/\r\n"); sb.nullTerm(); if ( ! getUrl ("/admin/settings",0,sb.getBufStart() ) ) return false; } // // use the add url interface now // walmart.com above was not seeded because of the site: directive // so this will seed it. // //static bool s_y2 = false; if ( ! s_flags[4] ) { s_flags[4] = true; SafeBuf sb; // delim=+++URL: sb.safePrintf("&c=qatest123" "&format=json" "&strip=1" "&spiderlinks=1" "&urls=www.walmart.com+ibm.com" ); // . now a list of websites we want to spider // . the space is already encoded as + //sb.urlEncode(s_urls1); if ( ! getUrl ( "/admin/addurl",0,sb.getBufStart()) ) return false; } // // wait for spidering to stop // checkagain: // wait until spider finishes. check the spider status page // in json to see when completed //static bool s_k1 = false; if ( ! s_flags[5] ) { // wait 5 seconds, call sleep timer... then call qatest() //usleep(5000000); // 5 seconds wait(3.0); s_flags[5] = true; return false; } if ( ! s_flags[15] ) { s_flags[15] = true; if ( ! getUrl ( "/admin/status?format=json&c=qatest123",0) ) return false; } //static bool s_k2 = false; if ( ! s_flags[6] ) { // ensure spiders are done. // "Nothing currently available to spider" if ( s_content&&!strstr(s_content,"Nothing currently avail")){ s_flags[5] = false; s_flags[15] = false; goto checkagain; } s_flags[6] = true; } // wait for index msg4 to not be cached to ensure all results indexed if ( ! s_flags[22] ) { s_flags[22] = true; wait(1.5); } // verify no results for gbhopcount:2 query //static bool s_y4 = false; if ( ! s_flags[7] ) { s_flags[7] = true; if ( ! getUrl ( "/search?c=qatest123&qa=1&format=xml&" "q=gbhopcount%3A2", -1672870556 ) ) return false; } // but some for gbhopcount:0 query //static bool s_t0 = false; if ( ! s_flags[8] ) { s_flags[8] = true; if ( ! getUrl ( "/search?c=qatest123&qa=1&format=xml&" "q=gbhopcount%3A0", 908338607 ) ) return false; } // check facet sections query for walmart //static bool s_y5 = false; if ( ! s_flags[9] ) { s_flags[9] = true; if ( ! getUrl ( "/search?c=qatest123&format=json&stream=1&" "q=gbfacetstr%3Agbxpathsitehash2492664135", 55157060 ) ) return false; } //static bool s_y6 = false; if ( ! s_flags[10] ) { s_flags[10] = true; if ( ! getUrl ( "/get?page=4&q=gbfacetstr:gbxpathsitehash2492664135&qlang=xx&c=qatest123&d=9861563119&cnsp=0" , 999 ) ) return false; } // in xml //static bool s_y7 = false; if ( ! s_flags[11] ) { s_flags[11] = true; if ( ! getUrl ( "/get?xml=1&page=4&q=gbfacetstr:gbxpathsitehash2492664135&qlang=xx&c=qatest123&d=9861563119&cnsp=0" , 999 ) ) return false; } // and json //static bool s_y8 = false; if ( ! s_flags[12] ) { s_flags[12] = true; if ( ! getUrl ( "/get?json=1&page=4&q=gbfacetstr:gbxpathsitehash2492664135&qlang=xx&c=qatest123&d=9861563119&cnsp=0" , 999 ) ) return false; } // delete the collection //static bool s_fee = false; // if ( ! s_flags[13] ) { // s_flags[13] = true; // if ( ! getUrl ( "/admin/delcoll?delcoll=qatest123" ) ) // return false; // } if ( ! s_flags[17] ) { s_flags[17] = true; if ( ! getUrl ( "/search?c=qatest123&qa=1&format=xml&" "q=site2%3Awww.walmart.com+" "gbsortby%3Agbspiderdate", 999 ) ) return false; } // xpath is like a title here i think. check the returned // facet table in the left column if ( ! s_flags[18] ) { s_flags[18] = true; if ( ! getUrl ( "/search?c=qatest123&qa=1&format=html&" "q=gbfacetstr%3Agbxpathsitehash3624590799" , 999 ) ) return false; } if ( ! s_flags[19] ) { s_flags[19] = true; if ( ! getUrl ( "/search?c=qatest123&qa=1&xml=1&" "q=gbfacetint%3Agbhopcount" , 999 ) ) return false; } if ( ! s_flags[20] ) { s_flags[20] = true; if ( ! getUrl ( "/search?c=qatest123&qa=1&json=1&" "q=gbfacetint%3Alog.score" , 999 ) ) return false; } if ( ! s_flags[21] ) { s_flags[21] = true; if ( ! getUrl ( "/search?c=qatest123&qa=1&xml=1&" "q=gbfacetfloat%3Atalks.rating" , 999 ) ) return false; } if ( ! s_flags[23] ) { s_flags[23] = true; // test facets mixed with gigabits in left hand column if ( ! getUrl ( "/search?c=qatest123&qa=1&html=1&" "q=gbfacetint%3Agbhopcount+walmart" , 999 ) ) return false; } //static bool s_fee2 = false; if ( ! s_flags[14] ) { s_flags[14] = true; log("qa: SUCCESSFULLY COMPLETED " "QA SPIDER1 TEST"); return true; } return true; } bool qaspider2 ( ) { // // delete the 'qatest123' collection // //static bool s_x1 = false; if ( ! s_flags[0] ) { s_flags[0] = true; if ( ! getUrl ( "/admin/delcoll?xml=1&delcoll=qatest123" ) ) return false; } // // add the 'qatest123' collection // //static bool s_x2 = false; if ( ! s_flags[1] ) { s_flags[1] = true; if ( ! getUrl ( "/admin/addcoll?addcoll=qatest123&xml=1" , // checksum of reply expected 238170006 ) ) return false; } // turn off images thumbnails if ( ! s_flags[24] ) { s_flags[24] = true; if ( ! getUrl ( "/admin/spider?c=qatest123&mit=0", // checksum of reply expected 238170006 ) ) return false; } // restrict hopcount to 0 or 1 in url filters so we do not spider // too deep //static bool s_z1 = false; if ( ! s_flags[2] ) { s_flags[2] = true; SafeBuf sb; sb.safePrintf("&c=qatest123&" // make it the custom filter "ufp=custom&" "fe=%%21ismanualadd+%%26%%26+%%21insitelist&hspl=0&hspl=1&fsf=0.000000&mspr=0&mspi=1&xg=1000&fsp=-3&" // take out hopcount for now, just test quotas // "fe1=tag%%3Ashallow+%%26%%26+hopcount%%3C%%3D1&hspl1=0&hspl1=1&fsf1=1.000000&mspr1=1&mspi1=1&xg1=1000&fsp1=3&" // sitepages is a little fuzzy so take it // out for this test and use hopcount!!! //"fe1=tag%%3Ashallow+%%26%%26+sitepages%%3C%%3D20&hspl1=0&hspl1=1&fsf1=1.000000&mspr1=1&mspi1=1&xg1=1000&fsp1=45&" "fe1=tag%%3Ashallow+%%26%%26+hopcount<%%3D1&hspl1=0&hspl1=1&fsf1=1.000000&mspr1=1&mspi1=1&xg1=1000&fsp1=45&" "fe2=default&hspl2=0&hspl2=1&fsf2=1.000000&mspr2=0&mspi2=1&xg2=1000&fsp2=45&" ); if ( ! getUrl ( "/admin/filters",0,sb.getBufStart()) ) return false; } // set the site list to // a few sites // these should auto seed so no need to use addurl //static bool s_z2 = false; if ( ! s_flags[3] ) { s_flags[3] = true; SafeBuf sb; sb.safePrintf("&c=qatest123&format=xml&sitelist="); sb.urlEncode(//walmart has too many pages at depth 1, so remove it //"tag:shallow www.walmart.com\r\n" "tag:shallow http://www.ibm.com/\r\n"); sb.nullTerm(); if ( ! getUrl ("/admin/settings",0,sb.getBufStart() ) ) return false; } // // wait for spidering to stop // checkagain: // wait until spider finishes. check the spider status page // in json to see when completed //static bool s_k1 = false; if ( ! s_flags[4] ) { //usleep(5000000); // 5 seconds s_flags[4] = true; wait(3.0); return false; } if ( ! s_flags[14] ) { s_flags[14] = true; if ( ! getUrl ( "/admin/status?format=json&c=qatest123",0) ) return false; } //static bool s_k2 = false; if ( ! s_flags[5] ) { // ensure spiders are done. // "Nothing currently available to spider" if ( s_content&&!strstr(s_content,"Nothing currently avail")){ s_flags[4] = false; s_flags[14] = false; goto checkagain; } s_flags[5] = true; } // verify no results for gbhopcount:2 query //static bool s_y4 = false; if ( ! s_flags[6] ) { s_flags[6] = true; if ( ! getUrl ( "/search?c=qatest123&qa=1&format=xml&" "q=gbhopcount%3A2", -1310551262 ) ) return false; } // but some for gbhopcount:0 query //static bool s_t0 = false; if ( ! s_flags[7] ) { s_flags[7] = true; if ( ! getUrl ( "/search?c=qatest123&qa=1&format=xml&n=500&" "q=gbhopcount%3A0", 999 ) ) return false; } // check facet sections query for walmart //static bool s_y5 = false; if ( ! s_flags[8] ) { s_flags[8] = true; if ( ! getUrl ( "/search?c=qatest123&format=json&stream=0&" "q=gbfacetstr%3Agbxpathsitehash3311332088", 999 ) ) return false; } // wait for some reason if ( ! s_flags[15] ) { s_flags[15] = true; wait(1.5); return false; } //static bool s_y6 = false; // 102573507011 docid is // http://www.ibm.com/smarterplanet/us/en/overview/ideas/ if ( ! s_flags[9] ) { s_flags[9] = true; if ( ! getUrl ( "/get?page=4&q=gbfacetstr:gbxpathsitehash3311332088&qlang=xx&c=qatest123&d=102573507011&cnsp=0" , 999 ) ) return false; } // in xml //static bool s_y7 = false; if ( ! s_flags[10] ) { s_flags[10] = true; if ( ! getUrl ( "/get?xml=1&page=4&q=gbfacetstr:gbxpathsitehash2492664135&qlang=xx&c=qatest123&d=102573507011&cnsp=0" , 999 ) ) return false; } // and json //static bool s_y8 = false; if ( ! s_flags[11] ) { s_flags[11] = true; if ( ! getUrl ( "/get?json=1&page=4&q=gbfacetstr:gbxpathsitehash2492664135&qlang=xx&c=qatest123&d=102573507011&cnsp=0" , 999 ) ) return false; } // delete the collection //static bool s_fee = false; // if ( ! s_flags[12] ) { // s_flags[12] = true; // if ( ! getUrl ( "/admin/delcoll?delcoll=qatest123" ) ) // return false; // } //static bool s_fee2 = false; if ( ! s_flags[13] ) { s_flags[13] = true; log("qa: SUCCESSFULLY COMPLETED " "QA SPIDER2 TEST"); return true; } return true; } bool qascrape ( ) { // // delete the 'qatest123' collection // //static bool s_x1 = false; if ( ! s_flags[0] ) { s_flags[0] = true; if ( ! getUrl ( "/admin/delcoll?xml=1&delcoll=qatest123" ) ) return false; } // // add the 'qatest123' collection // //static bool s_x2 = false; if ( ! s_flags[1] ) { s_flags[1] = true; if ( ! getUrl ( "/admin/addcoll?addcoll=qatest123&xml=1" , // checksum of reply expected 238170006 ) ) return false; } // turn off images thumbnails if ( ! s_flags[24] ) { s_flags[24] = true; if ( ! getUrl ( "/admin/spider?c=qatest123&mit=0", // checksum of reply expected 238170006 ) ) return false; } // scrape it if ( ! s_flags[3] ) { s_flags[3] = true; SafeBuf sb; sb.safePrintf( "/admin/inject?c=qatest123&" "format=xml&qts=test"); if ( ! getUrl ( sb.getBufStart() , 999 ) ) return false; } // verify no results for gbhopcount:2 query //static bool s_y4 = false; if ( ! s_flags[6] ) { s_flags[6] = true; if ( ! getUrl ( "/search?c=qatest123&qa=1&format=xml&" "q=test", -1310551262 ) ) return false; } //static bool s_fee2 = false; if ( ! s_flags[13] ) { s_flags[13] = true; log("qa: SUCCESSFULLY COMPLETED " "QA SCRAPE TEST"); return true; } return true; } static char *s_ubuf4 = "http://www.nortel.com/multimedia/flash/mediaplayer/config/solutions_enterprisesecurity.json " "http://quirksmode.org/m/d/md.json " "http://www.chip.de/headfoot/json/8659753/tk.json?t=11-02-08-13-32 " "http://developer.apple.com/wwdc/data/sessions.json " "http://www.bbc.co.uk/radio4/programmes/schedules/fm/today.json " "http://www.hellonorthgeorgia.com/slideShowJSON11034.json " "http://www.metastatic.org/log-4.json " "http://www.metastatic.org/log.json " "http://www.textsfromlastnight.com/Vote-Down-Text-24266.json " "http://www.textsfromlastnight.com/Vote-Up-Text-13999.json " "http://shapewiki.com/shapes/4755.json " "http://shapewiki.com/shapes/40.json " "http://www.neocol.com/news/hcc-international-appoint-neocol-as-information-management-partner.json " "http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b00vy3l1.json " "http://iwakura.clipp.in/feed.json " "http://schwarzlich.clipp.in/feed.json " "http://freethefoxes.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/lang/sv.json " "http://www.domik.net/data/vCard1.json " "http://www.domik.net/data/vCard14205.json " "http://www.chip.de/headfoot/json/8659753/handy.json?t=11-02-08-13-32 " "http://www.neocol.com/news/neocol-relocates-to-new-expanded-hq.json " "http://www.nbafinals.com/video/channels/nba_tv/2009/07/23/nba_20090723_1fab5_pistons.nba.json " "http://quiltid.com/feeds/me/blake.json " "http://parliament.southgatelabs.com/members.json " "http://www.funradio.fr/service/carrousel.json?home " "http://doyouflip.com/dcefd5cffeecebcabc049a8a1cc18fac/bundle.json " "http://freethefoxes.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/lang/sch.json " "http://delphie.clipp.in/feed.json " "http://gotgastro.com/notices.json " "http://www.paralela45bacau.ro/ajax/newsletter.json " "http://www.elstoleno.com/unsorted.json " "http://papanda.clipp.in/feed.json " "http://d.yimg.com/b/api/data/us/news/elections/2010/result/us_house.json " "http://www.nba.co.nz/video/teams/sixers/2009/07/28/090727lou.sixers.json " "http://n2.talis.com/svn/playground/mmmmmrob/OpenLibrary/tags/day1/data/authors.1in10.json " "http://asn.jesandco.org/resources/D2364040_manifest.json " "http://search.twitter.com/search.json?q=from%3ADrathal " "http://www.matthiresmusic.com/3f6524261baf47acc61d3fb22ab9b18a/bundle.json " "http://search.twitter.com/search.json?q= " "http://www.christinaperri.com/98a59708246eb4fcc4e22a09113699c6/bundle.json " "http://www.misterbluesky.nl/News.json " "http://ymorimo.clipp.in/feed.json " "http://wedata.net/databases.json " "http://cms.myspacecdn.com/cms/api/opensearch.json " "http://seria.clipp.in/feed.json " "http://www.treysongz.com/6b10fcf3a6f99b4622e4d33d1532b380/bundle.json " "http://psychedesire.clipp.in/feed.json " "http://www.sekaino.com/skedu/demodata/dev_data_ccmixter.json " "http://www.360wichita.com/slideShowJSON8496.json " "http://speakerrate.com/events/856-jquery-conference-2011-san-francisco-bay-area.json " ; bool qajson ( ) { // // delete the 'qatest123' collection // //static bool s_x1 = false; if ( ! s_flags[0] ) { s_flags[0] = true; if ( ! getUrl ( "/admin/delcoll?xml=1&delcoll=qatest123" ) ) return false; } // // add the 'qatest123' collection // //static bool s_x2 = false; if ( ! s_flags[1] ) { s_flags[1] = true; if ( ! getUrl ( "/admin/addcoll?addcoll=qatest123&xml=1" , // checksum of reply expected 238170006 ) ) return false; } // turn off images thumbnails if ( ! s_flags[24] ) { s_flags[24] = true; if ( ! getUrl ( "/admin/spider?c=qatest123&mit=0", // checksum of reply expected 238170006 ) ) return false; } // add the 50 urls if ( ! s_flags[3] ) { s_flags[3] = true; SafeBuf sb; sb.safePrintf("&c=qatest123" "&format=json" "&strip=1" "&spiderlinks=0" "&urls="//www.walmart.com+ibm.com" ); sb.urlEncode ( s_ubuf4 ); // . now a list of websites we want to spider // . the space is already encoded as + if ( ! getUrl ( "/admin/addurl",0,sb.getBufStart()) ) return false; } // // wait for spidering to stop // checkagain: // wait until spider finishes. check the spider status page // in json to see when completed //static bool s_k1 = false; if ( ! s_flags[5] ) { // wait 5 seconds, call sleep timer... then call qatest() //usleep(5000000); // 5 seconds wait(3.0); s_flags[5] = true; return false; } if ( ! s_flags[15] ) { s_flags[15] = true; if ( ! getUrl ( "/admin/status?format=json&c=qatest123",0) ) return false; } //static bool s_k2 = false; if ( ! s_flags[6] ) { // ensure spiders are done. // "Nothing currently available to spider" if ( s_content&&!strstr(s_content,"Nothing currently avail")){ s_flags[5] = false; s_flags[15] = false; goto checkagain; } s_flags[6] = true; } if ( ! s_flags[7] ) { s_flags[7] = true; if ( ! getUrl ( "/search?c=qatest123&qa=1&format=xml&" "q=type%3Ajson+meta.authors%3Appk", -1310551262 ) ) return false; } if ( ! s_flags[8] ) { s_flags[8] = true; if ( ! getUrl ( "/search?c=qatest123&qa=1&format=xml&n=100&" "q=type%3Ajson", -1310551262 ) ) return false; } if ( ! s_flags[9] ) { s_flags[9] = true; if ( ! getUrl ( "/search?c=qatest123&qa=1&format=json&" "q=gbfacetstr%3Ameta.authors", -1310551262 ) ) return false; } if ( ! s_flags[10] ) { s_flags[10] = true; // this has > 50 values for the facet field hash if ( ! getUrl ( "/search?c=qatest123&qa=1&format=json&" "q=gbfacetstr%3Astrings.key", -1310551262 ) ) return false; } // other query tests... if ( ! s_flags[12] ) { s_flags[12] = true; if ( ! getUrl ( "/search?c=qatest123&qa=1&format=json&" "q=inurl2%3Aquirksmode.org%2Fm%2F", -1310551262 ) ) return false; } if ( ! s_flags[13] ) { s_flags[13] = true; if ( ! getUrl ( "/search?c=qatest123&qa=1&format=json&" "q=site%3Aquirksmode.org", -1310551262 ) ) return false; } // test gbfieldmatch:field:"quoted value" query to ensure it converts // the quoted value into the right int32 if ( ! s_flags[14] ) { s_flags[14] = true; if ( ! getUrl ( "/search?c=qatest123&qa=1&format=json&" "q=gbfieldmatch%3Astrings.key" "%3Ainvestigate-tweet", -1310551262 ) ) return false; } if ( ! s_flags[15] ) { s_flags[15] = true; if ( ! getUrl ( "/search?c=qatest123&qa=1&format=json&" "q=gbfieldmatch%3Astrings.key" "%3A\"Maemo+Browser\"", -1310551262 ) ) return false; } if ( ! s_flags[16] ) { s_flags[16] = true; if ( ! getUrl ( "/search?c=qatest123&qa=1&format=json&" "q=gbfieldmatch%3Astrings.key" "%3A\"Google+Wireless+Transcoder\"", -1310551262 ) ) return false; } // this should have no results, not capitalized if ( ! s_flags[17] ) { s_flags[17] = true; if ( ! getUrl ( "/search?c=qatest123&qa=1&format=json&" "q=gbfieldmatch%3Astrings.key%3A\"samsung\"", -1310551262 ) ) return false; } if ( ! s_flags[18] ) { s_flags[18] = true; if ( ! getUrl ( "/search?c=qatest123&qa=1&format=json&" "q=gbfieldmatch%3Astrings.key%3ASamsung", -1310551262 ) ) return false; } if ( ! s_flags[18] ) { s_flags[18] = true; if ( ! getUrl ( "/search?c=qatest123&qa=1&format=json&" "q=gbfieldmatch%3Astrings.key%3A\"Samsung\"", -1310551262 ) ) return false; } //static bool s_fee2 = false; if ( ! s_flags[20] ) { s_flags[20] = true; log("qa: SUCCESSFULLY COMPLETED " "QA JSON TEST"); return true; } return true; } /* bool qaspider ( ) { if ( ! s_callback ) s_callback = qaspider; // do first qa test for spider // returns true when done, false when blocked if ( ! qaspider1() ) return false; // do second qa test for spider // returns true when done, false when blocked if ( ! qaspider2() ) return false; return true; } */ static QATest s_qatests[] = { {qainject1, "injectTest1", "Test injection api. Test injection of multiple urls with content. " "Test deletion of urls via inject api."}, {qainject2, "injectTest2", "Test injection api. Test delimeter-based injection of single file. " "test tml ns smxcpl sw showimages sc search parms."}, {qaspider1, "spiderSitePagesTest", "Test spidering walmart.com and ibm.com using sitepages quota. " "Test facets."}, {qaspider2, "spiderHopCountTest", "Test spidering ibm.com using hopcount limit."}, {qascrape, "queryScrapeTest", "Scrape and inject results from google and bing."}, {qajson, "jsontest", "Add Url some JSON pages and test json-ish queries. Test facets over " "json docs."} }; void resetFlags() { long n = sizeof(s_qatests)/sizeof(QATest); for ( long i = 0 ; i < n ; i++ ) { QATest *qt = &s_qatests[i]; memset(qt->m_flags,0,4*MAXFLAGS); } } // . run a series of tests to ensure that gb is functioning properly // . uses the ./qa subdirectory to hold archive pages, ips, spider dates to // ensure consistency between tests for exact replays bool qatest ( ) { if ( s_registered ) { g_loop.unregisterSleepCallback(NULL,qatestWrapper); s_registered = false; } if ( ! s_callback ) s_callback = qatest; if ( ! g_qaSock ) return true; // returns true when done, false when blocked //if ( ! qainject ( ) ) return false; // returns true when done, false when blocked //if ( ! qaspider ( ) ) return false; long n = sizeof(s_qatests)/sizeof(QATest); for ( long i = 0 ; i < n ; i++ ) { QATest *qt = &s_qatests[i]; if ( ! qt->m_doTest ) continue; // store that s_qt = qt; // point to flags s_flags = qt->m_flags; // call the qatest if ( ! qt->m_func() ) return false; } // save this saveHashTable(); // do not reset since we don't reload it above! //s_ht.reset(); //if ( g_numErrors ) // g_qaOutput.safePrintf("
"); g_qaOutput.safePrintf("
"); // . print the output // . the result of each test is stored in the g_qaOutput safebuf g_httpServer.sendDynamicPage(g_qaSock, g_qaOutput.getBufStart(), g_qaOutput.length(), -1/*cachetime*/); g_qaOutput.purge(); g_qaSock = NULL; return true; } #include "Parms.h" #include "Pages.h" bool sendPageQA ( TcpSocket *sock , HttpRequest *hr ) { char pbuf[32768]; SafeBuf sb(pbuf, 32768); //char format = hr->getReplyFormat(); // set this. also sets gr->m_hr GigablastRequest gr; // this will fill in GigablastRequest so all the parms we need are set g_parms.setGigablastRequest ( sock , hr , &gr ); // // . handle a request to update the crc for this test // . test id identified by "ajaxUrlHash" which is the hash of the test's url // and the test name, QATest::m_testName long ajax = hr->getLong("ajax",0); unsigned long ajaxUrlHash ; ajaxUrlHash = (unsigned long long)hr->getLongLong("uh",0LL); unsigned long ajaxCrc ; ajaxCrc = (unsigned long long)hr->getLongLong("crc",0LL); if ( ajax ) { // make sure it is initialized if ( s_ht.m_ks ) { // overwrite current value with provided one because // the user click on an override checkbox to update // the crc s_ht.addKey ( &ajaxUrlHash , &ajaxCrc ); saveHashTable(); } // send back the urlhash so the checkbox can turn the // bg color of the "diff" gray SafeBuf sb3; sb3.safePrintf("%lu",ajaxUrlHash); g_httpServer.sendDynamicPage(sock, sb3.getBufStart(), sb3.length(), -1/*cachetime*/); return true; } // if they hit the submit button, begin the tests long submit = hr->hasField("action"); long n = sizeof(s_qatests)/sizeof(QATest); if ( submit && g_qaInProgress ) { g_errno = EINPROGRESS; g_httpServer.sendErrorReply(sock,g_errno,mstrerror(g_errno)); return true; } // set m_doTest for ( long i = 0 ; submit && i < n ; i++ ) { QATest *qt = &s_qatests[i]; char tmp[10]; sprintf(tmp,"test%li",i); qt->m_doTest = hr->getLong(tmp,0); } if ( submit ) { // reset all the static thingies resetFlags(); // save socket g_qaSock = sock; g_numErrors = 0; g_qaOutput.reset(); g_qaOutput.safePrintf("" "QA Test Results\n"); g_qaOutput.safePrintf(" "); // and run the qa test loop if ( ! qatest( ) ) return false; // what happened? log("qa: qatest completed without blocking"); } // show tests, all checked by default, to perform g_pages.printAdminTop ( &sb , sock , hr ); sb.safePrintf(" "); //sb.safePrintf("
"); sb.safePrintf("\n\n",TABLE_STYLE); sb.safePrintf(""); // header row sb.safePrintf("\n"); // . we keep the ptr to each test in an array // . print out each qa function for ( long i = 0 ; i < n ; i++ ) { QATest *qt = &s_qatests[i]; char *bg; if ( i % 2 == 0 ) bg = LIGHT_BLUE; else bg = DARK_BLUE; sb.safePrintf("" "" "" "\n" , bg , i , i , qt->m_testName , qt->m_testDesc ); } sb.safePrintf("
" "
QA Tests
" "
Do Test? (toggle)",n); sb.safePrintf("Test Name
%s" "
" "%s" "
\n"); // "
\n"); g_pages.printAdminBottom ( &sb , hr ); g_httpServer.sendDynamicPage(sock, sb.getBufStart(), sb.length(), -1/*cachetime*/); return true; }