#include "gb-include.h" #include "Collectiondb.h" #include "Pages.h" #include "SafeBuf.h" #include "Msg1f.h" #include "Parms.h" #include "Users.h" #define MAX_LOG_WINDOW 8192 static void gotRemoteLogWrapper(void *state, UdpSlot *slot); struct StateLogView { TcpSocket *m_s; SafeBuf m_sb; int32_t m_numOutstanding; // char m_readBuf[MAX_HOSTS * MAX_LOG_WINDOW]; //we need to malloc this now, incase they want to see more of the log. int32_t m_readBufSize; char *m_readBuf; char *m_readBufPtrs[MAX_HOSTS]; bool m_filters[8]; char *m_filterStr[8]; char m_numFilts; char *m_lastPtr; int32_t m_numSlots; }; static char *s_magicStr = "4j3.8x*"; #define BABY_BLUE "e0e0d0" //#define LIGHT_BLUE "d0d0e0" //#define DARK_BLUE "c0c0f0" bool sendPageLogView ( TcpSocket *s , HttpRequest *r ) { StateLogView* st; try { st = new (StateLogView); } catch ( ... ) { g_errno = ENOMEM; return g_httpServer.sendErrorReply(s,500,"Out of memory"); } mnew ( st , sizeof(StateLogView) , "StateLogViewA" ); st->m_numOutstanding = 0; st->m_numSlots = 0; st->m_s = s; SafeBuf *p = &st->m_sb; p->reserve2x(65535); //int32_t user = g_pages.getUserType( s , r ); //char *username = g_users.getUsername(r); //char *pwd = r->getString ("pwd"); //char *coll = r->getString ("c"); int32_t refreshRate = r->getLong("rr", 0); int32_t sampleSize = r->getLong("ss", 2048); if(refreshRate > 0) p->safePrintf("", refreshRate); // char *ss = p->getBuf(); // char *ssend = p->getBufEnd(); g_pages.printAdminTop ( p, s, r ); // p->incrementLength(sss - ss); int32_t nh = g_hostdb.getNumHosts(); bool blocked = true; p->safePrintf(" "); p->safePrintf("
"); p->safePrintf("\n\n",TABLE_STYLE); p->safePrintf(""); p->safePrintf("" "", LIGHT_BLUE, refreshRate); p->safePrintf("" ""); // . count the number of hosts we are getting logs for: int32_t numOn = 0; for (int32_t i = 0 ; i < nh ; i++ ) { char hostbuf[128]; sprintf(hostbuf, "h%"INT32"",i); numOn += r->getLong(hostbuf, 0); } int32_t dfault = 0; if(numOn == 0) { dfault = 1; numOn = nh; } st->m_readBufSize = numOn * sampleSize; st->m_readBuf = (char*)mmalloc( st->m_readBufSize, "PageLogViewB"); if(!st->m_readBuf) { g_httpServer.sendErrorReply(st->m_s, 500,"Out of Memory"); delete st; mdelete(st, sizeof(StateLogView), "StateLogViewA"); return true; } st->m_lastPtr = st->m_readBuf; st->m_filterStr[0] = ""; st->m_filterStr[1] = ""; st->m_filterStr[2] = ""; st->m_filterStr[3] = "LOGIC"; st->m_filterStr[4] = "DEBUG"; st->m_filterStr[5] = "WARN"; st->m_filterStr[6] = "INFO"; st->m_filterStr[7] = "INIT"; p->safePrintf("\n"); p->safePrintf("\n"); p->safePrintf("
" "
Log View
" "
Refresh Rate:
Sample Size:", LIGHT_BLUE, sampleSize); p->safePrintf("", s_magicStr); p->safePrintf(""); p->safePrintf("
Filter Types:", LIGHT_BLUE); char *checked; st->m_numFilts = 0; for(int32_t i = 7; i >= 0; i--) { char tmpbuf[128]; sprintf(tmpbuf, "f%"INT32"", i); st->m_filters[i] = r->getLong(tmpbuf, 0); if(st->m_filters[i]) { checked = "checked"; st->m_numFilts++; } else checked = ""; p->safePrintf("", i, checked, i); if(i < 3) { char filtbuf[128]; int32_t len; sprintf(filtbuf, "fs%"INT32"", i); st->m_filterStr[i] = r->getString(filtbuf, &len, ""); if(len != 0) { gbmemcpy(st->m_lastPtr, st->m_filterStr[i], len); st->m_filterStr[i] = st->m_lastPtr; st->m_lastPtr += len; *(st->m_lastPtr) = '\0'; (st->m_lastPtr)++; } else if(st->m_filters[i]) { st->m_filters[i] = false; st->m_numFilts--; } p->safePrintf("", i, st->m_filterStr[i]); } else p->safePrintf("%s",st->m_filterStr[i]); } p->safePrintf(""); p->safePrintf("
Hosts:", LIGHT_BLUE); for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < nh ; i++ ) { // skip dead hosts, i don't want to wait for them to timeout. if ( g_hostdb.isDead ( i ) ) continue; // get the ith host (hostId) char hostbuf[128]; sprintf(hostbuf, "h%"INT32"",i); int32_t thisHost = r->getLong(hostbuf, dfault); if(!thisHost) { p->safePrintf("%"INT32"", hostbuf,hostbuf, i); continue; } p->safePrintf("%"INT32"", hostbuf, hostbuf,i); if(!Msg1f::getLog(i, sampleSize, st, gotRemoteLogWrapper)) { st->m_numOutstanding++; blocked = false; } } p->safePrintf("",nh); p->safePrintf("
\n",LIGHT_BLUE); p->safePrintf(" "); p->safePrintf("
\n"); p->safePrintf("
"); if(!blocked) return blocked; gotRemoteLogWrapper(st, NULL); return true; } bool showLine ( SafeBuf *sb , char *s , int32_t len ) { return sb->brify ( s , len , 0 , // niceness 80 , // cols "
", false ); // isHtml? } void gotRemoteLogWrapper(void *state, UdpSlot *slot) { StateLogView* st = (StateLogView*)state; if(slot && !g_errno) { char *nextLine = strchr(slot->m_readBuf, '\n'); if(nextLine) { int32_t segSize = slot->m_readBufSize - (nextLine - slot->m_readBuf); if(segSize + st->m_lastPtr > st->m_readBufSize + st->m_readBuf) goto noRoom; gbmemcpy(st->m_lastPtr, nextLine + 1, segSize); st->m_readBufPtrs[st->m_numSlots] = st->m_lastPtr; st->m_lastPtr += slot->m_readBufSize; st->m_numSlots++; } } noRoom: if(--st->m_numOutstanding > 0) return; if(st->m_numSlots == 0) { g_httpServer.sendErrorReply(st->m_s, 500,"couldn't get logs"); mfree(st->m_readBuf, st->m_readBufSize,"PageLogViewB"); delete st; mdelete(st, sizeof(StateLogView), "StateLogViewA"); return; } SafeBuf *p = &st->m_sb; // p->safePrintf(" "); p->safePrintf("

	while(1) {
		int64_t timeStamp = 9223372036854775807LL;
		//int64_t timeStamp = LONG_LONG_MAX;
		int32_t ndx = -1;
		//get next winner
		for (int32_t i = 0; i < st->m_numSlots; i++) {
			if(!st->m_readBufPtrs[i]) continue;
			int64_t t = atoll(st->m_readBufPtrs[i]);
			if(t > timeStamp) continue;
			timeStamp = t;
			ndx = i;
		if(ndx == -1) {
"); // p->safePrintf("
"); p->safePrintf(""); p->safePrintf(""); char* sbuf = (char*) p->getBufStart(); int32_t sbufLen = p->length(); g_httpServer.sendDynamicPage(st->m_s, sbuf, sbufLen, -1/*cachetime*/); mfree(st->m_readBuf, st->m_readBufSize,"PageLogViewB"); delete st; mdelete(st, sizeof(StateLogView), "StateLogViewA"); return; } char *nextLine = strchr(st->m_readBufPtrs[ndx], '\n'); int32_t lineLen; if(!nextLine) lineLen = gbstrlen(st->m_readBufPtrs[ndx]); else lineLen = nextLine - st->m_readBufPtrs[ndx]; int32_t matchNum = -1; if(strnstr(st->m_readBufPtrs[ndx], s_magicStr, lineLen)) { goto skipPrint; } for(int32_t i = 0; i < 8; i++) { if(!st->m_filters[i]) continue; if(strnstr(st->m_readBufPtrs[ndx], st->m_filterStr[i], lineLen)){ matchNum = i; break; } } if(matchNum >= 0 || st->m_numFilts == 0) { if(matchNum == 0) { p->safePrintf(""); showLine(p,st->m_readBufPtrs[ndx], lineLen); p->safePrintf("\n"); p->safePrintf(""); } else if(matchNum == 1) { p->safePrintf(""); showLine(p,st->m_readBufPtrs[ndx], lineLen); p->safePrintf("\n"); p->safePrintf(""); } else if(matchNum == 2) { p->safePrintf(""); showLine(p,st->m_readBufPtrs[ndx], lineLen); p->safePrintf("\n"); p->safePrintf(""); } else { showLine(p,st->m_readBufPtrs[ndx], lineLen); p->safePrintf("\n"); } } skipPrint: if(nextLine) st->m_readBufPtrs[ndx] = nextLine + 1; else st->m_readBufPtrs[ndx] = NULL; } }