#ifndef _BUZZLOGIC_ #include "gb-include.h" #endif #include "Msg40.h" #include "Stats.h" // for timing and graphing time to get all summaries //#include "CollectionRec.h" #include "Collectiondb.h" //#include "TitleRec.h" // containsAdultWords () #include "LanguageIdentifier.h" #include "sort.h" #include "matches2.h" #include "XmlDoc.h" // computeSimilarity() //#include "Facebook.h" // msgfb #include "Speller.h" #include "Wiki.h" #include "HttpServer.h" #include "PageResults.h" // increasing this doesn't seem to improve performance any on a single // node cluster.... #define MAX_OUTSTANDING_MSG20S 200 bool printHttpMime ( class State0 *st ) ; //static void handleRequest40 ( UdpSlot *slot , long netnice ); //static void gotExternalReplyWrapper ( void *state , void *state2 ) ; static void gotCacheReplyWrapper ( void *state ); static void gotDocIdsWrapper ( void *state ); static bool gotSummaryWrapper ( void *state ); //static void didTaskWrapper ( void *state ); //static void gotResults2 ( void *state ); // here's the GIGABIT knobs: // sample radius in chars around each query term : 600 (line 212) // max sample size, all excerpts, per document : 100k (line 213) // map from distance to query term in words to score: (line 855) // map from popularity to score weight : (lines 950 et al) // the comments above are way out of date (aac, Jan 2008) // // QPOP multiplier params #define QPOP_ZONE_0 10 #define QPOP_ZONE_1 30 #define QPOP_ZONE_2 80 #define QPOP_ZONE_3 100 #define QPOP_ZONE_4 300 #define QPOP_MULT_0 10 #define QPOP_MULT_1 8 #define QPOP_MULT_2 6 #define QPOP_MULT_3 4 #define QPOP_MULT_4 2 // QTR scoring params #define MAX_SCORE_MULTIPLIER 3000 // orig: 3000 #define ALT_MAX_SCORE 12000 // orig: 12000 #define ALT_START_SCORE 1000 #define QTR_ZONE_0 4 #define QTR_ZONE_1 8 #define QTR_ZONE_2 12 #define QTR_ZONE_3 20 #define QTR_BONUS_0 1000 #define QTR_BONUS_1 800 #define QTR_BONUS_2 500 #define QTR_BONUS_3 200 #define QTR_BONUS_CW 1 #define MULTIPLE_HIT_BOOST 1000 // orig: 1000 // gigabit phrase scoring params //#define SPARSE_MARK 0.34 //#define SPARSE_PENALTY 1000 #define FWC_PENALTY 500 // penalty for begining with common word #define POP_ZONE_0 10 // 0.00001 #define POP_ZONE_1 30 //0.0001 #define POP_ZONE_2 80 // 0.001 #define POP_ZONE_3 300 // 0.01 #define POP_BOOST_0 4.0 #define POP_BOOST_1 3.0 #define POP_BOOST_2 2.0 #define POP_BOOST_3 1.0 #define POP_BOOST_4 0.1 bool isSubDom(char *s , long len); Msg40::Msg40() { m_socketHadError = 0; m_buf = NULL; m_buf2 = NULL; m_cachedResults = false; m_msg20 = NULL; m_numMsg20s = 0; m_msg20StartBuf = NULL; m_numToFree = 0; // new stuff for streaming results: m_hadPrintError = false; m_numPrinted = 0; m_printedHeader = false; m_printedTail = false; m_sendsOut = 0; m_sendsIn = 0; m_printi = 0; m_numDisplayed = 0; m_numPrintedSoFar = 0; m_lastChunk = false; //m_numGigabitInfos = 0; } void Msg40::resetBuf2 ( ) { // remember num to free in reset() function char *p = m_msg20StartBuf; // msg20 destructors for ( long i = 0 ; i < m_numToFree ; i++ ) { // skip if empty //if ( ! m_msg20[i] ) continue; // call destructor //m_msg20[i]->destructor(); // cast it Msg20 *m = (Msg20 *)p; // free its stuff m->destructor(); // advance p += sizeof(Msg20); } // now free the msg20 ptrs and buffer space if ( m_buf2 ) mfree ( m_buf2 , m_bufMaxSize2 , "Msg40b" ); m_buf2 = NULL; } Msg40::~Msg40() { if ( m_buf ) mfree ( m_buf , m_bufMaxSize , "Msg40" ); m_buf = NULL; resetBuf2(); } bool Msg40::registerHandler ( ) { // . register ourselves with the udp server // . it calls our callback when it receives a msg of type 0x40 //if ( ! g_udpServer.registerHandler ( 0x40, handleRequest40 )) // return false; return true; } // . returns false if blocked, true otherwise // . sets g_errno on error // . uses Msg3a to get docIds // . uses many msg20s to get title/summary/url/docLen for each docId bool Msg40::getResults ( SearchInput *si , bool forward , void *state , void (* callback) ( void *state ) ) { // warning //if ( ! si->m_coll2 ) log(LOG_LOGIC,"net: NULL collection. msg40."); if ( si->m_collnumBuf.length() < (long)sizeof(collnum_t) ) log(LOG_LOGIC,"net: NULL collection. msg40."); m_lastProcessedi = -1; m_si = si; m_state = state; m_callback = callback; m_msg3aRecallCnt = 0; // we haven't allocated any Msg20s yet m_numMsg20s = 0; // reset our error keeper m_errno = 0; // we need this info for caching as well //m_numGigabitInfos = 0; m_lastHeartbeat = getTimeLocal(); //just getfrom searchinput //.... m_catId = hr->getLong("catid",0);m_si->m_catId; m_postQueryRerank.set1( this, si ); // take search parms i guess from first collnum collnum_t *cp = (collnum_t *)m_si->m_collnumBuf.getBufStart(); // get the collection rec CollectionRec *cr =g_collectiondb.getRec( cp[0] ); // g_errno should be set if not found if ( ! cr ) { g_errno = ENOCOLLREC; return true; } // save that m_firstCollnum = cr->m_collnum; // what is our max docids ceiling? //m_maxDocIdsToCompute = cr->m_maxDocIdsToCompute; // topic similarity cutoff m_topicSimilarCutoff = cr->m_topicSimilarCutoffDefault ; m_gigabitBuf.reset(); m_factBuf.reset(); // reset this for family filter m_queryCensored = false; m_filterStats[CR_DIRTY] = 0; //m_numCensored = 0; // . compute the min number of results to scan // . it is the 3rd number in a topicGroupPtr string // . the minimum number of docids to get for topic-clustering purposes //m_docsToScanForTopics = 30; //m_docsToScanForTopics = cr->m_docsToScanForTopics; m_docsToScanForTopics = 0; // we usually only have one TopicGroup but there can be multiple // ones. each TopicGroup can derive its gigabits/topics from a // different source, like the meta keywords tags only, for instance. // This support was originally put in for a client. for ( long i = 0 ; i < m_si->m_numTopicGroups ; i++ ) { long x = m_si->m_topicGroups[i].m_docsToScanForTopics ; if ( x > m_docsToScanForTopics ) m_docsToScanForTopics = x; } // . but only for first page! // . no! the second page of results may not match with the first // if they have different result increments //if ( m_firstResultNum > 0 ) m_docsToScanForTopics = 0; // . reset these // . Next X Results links? yes or no? m_moreToCome = false; // set this to zero -- assume not in cache m_cachedTime = 0; // assume we are not taken from the serp cache m_cachedResults = false; // bail now if 0 requested! if ( m_si->m_docsWanted == 0 ) return true; // . do this now in case results were cached. // . set SearchInput class instance, m_si // . has all the input that we need to get the search results just // the way the caller wants them //m_msg1a.setSearchInput(m_si); // how many docids do we need to get? long get = m_si->m_docsWanted + m_si->m_firstResultNum ; // we get one extra for so we can set m_moreToFollow so we know // if more docids can be gotten (i.e. show a "Next 10" link) get++; // make sure we get more than requested for various other tasks, like // this one here is for gigabit generation. it likes to have 30 docids // typically to generate gigabits from. // NOTE: pqr needs gigabits for all pages if ( /*m_si->m_firstResultNum == 0 && */get < m_docsToScanForTopics ) get = m_docsToScanForTopics; // for alden's reranking. often this is 50! //if ( get < m_si->m_docsToScanForReranking ) // get = m_si->m_docsToScanForReranking; // for zak's reference pages // if(getm_refs_numToGenerate ) get=m_si->m_refs_numToGenerate; // limit to this ceiling though for peformance reasons //if ( get > m_maxDocIdsToCompute ) get = m_maxDocIdsToCompute; // ok, need some sane limit though to prevent malloc from // trying to get 7800003 docids and going ENOMEM if ( get > MAXDOCIDSTOCOMPUTE ) get = MAXDOCIDSTOCOMPUTE; // this is how many visible results we need, after filtering/clustering m_docsToGetVisible = get; // if site clustering is on, get more than we should in anticipation // that some docIds will be clustered. // MDW: we no longer do this here for full splits because Msg39 does // clustering on its end now! //if ( m_si->m_doSiteClustering ) get = (get*150LL)/100LL; //if ( m_si->m_doSiteClustering && ! g_conf.m_fullSplit ) // get = (get*150LL)/100LL; // ip clustering is not really used now i don't think (MDW) //if ( m_si->m_doIpClustering ) get = (get*150LL)/100LL; // . get a little more since this usually doesn't remove many docIds // . deduping is now done in Msg40.cpp once the summaries are gotten if ( m_si->m_doDupContentRemoval ) get = (get*120LL)/100LL; // . get 30% more for what reason? i dunno, just cuz... // . well, for "missing query terms" filtering... errors (not founds) get = (get*130LL)/100LL; // get at least 50 since we need a good sample that explicitly has all // query terms in order to calculate reliable affinities //if ( get < MIN_AFFINITY_SAMPLE ) get = MIN_AFFINITY_SAMPLE; // now apply the multiplier. before it was not getting applied and // we were constantly doing Msg3a recalls. you can set this multiplier // dynamically in the "search controls" // MDW: don't apply if in a full split though, i don't see why... // MDW: just ignore this now, ppl will just mis-set it and serisouly // screw things up... //if ( cr->m_numDocsMultiplier > 1.0 && ! g_conf.m_fullSplit ) // get = (long) ((float)get * cr->m_numDocsMultiplier); // limit to this ceiling though for peformance reasons //if ( get > m_maxDocIdsToCompute ) get = m_maxDocIdsToCompute; // . ALWAYS get at least this many // . this allows Msg3a to allow higher scoring docids in tier #1 to // outrank lower-scoring docids in tier #0, even if such docids have // all the query terms explicitly. and we can guarantee consistency // as long as we only allow for this outranking within the first // MIN_DOCS_TO_GET docids. if ( get < MIN_DOCS_TO_GET ) get = MIN_DOCS_TO_GET; // this is how many docids to get total, assuming that some will be // filtered out for being dups, etc. and that we will have at least // m_docsToGetVisible leftover that are unfiltered and visible. so // we tell each msg39 split to get more docids than we actually want // in anticipation some will be filtered out in this class. m_docsToGet = get; // debug msg if ( m_si->m_debug ) logf(LOG_DEBUG,"query: msg40 mapped %li wanted to %li to get", m_docsToGetVisible,m_docsToGet ); // let's try using msg 0xfd like Proxy.cpp uses to forward an http // request! then we just need specify the ip of the proxy and we // do not need hosts2.conf! if ( forward ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; } // . forward to another *collection* and/or *cluster* if we should // . this is used by Msg41 for importing results from another cluster /* if ( forward ) { // serialize input long requestSize; // CAUTION: m_docsToGet can be different on remote host!!! char *request = m_si->serializeForMsg40 ( &requestSize ); if ( ! request ) return true; // . set timeout based on docids requested! // . the more docs requested the longer it will take to get // . use 50ms per docid requested long timeout = (50 * m_docsToGet) / 1000; // always wait at least 20 seconds if ( timeout < 20 ) timeout = 20; // . forward to another cluster // . use the advanced composite query to make the key unsigned long h = hash32 ( m_si->m_qbuf1 ); // get groupId from docId, if positive long groupNum = h % g_hostdb2.m_numGroups; unsigned long groupId = g_hostdb2.getGroupId ( groupNum ); if ( ! m_mcast.send ( request , requestSize , 0x40 , // msgType 0x40 false , // mcast own m_request? groupId , //sendtogroup(groupKey) false , // send to whole group? h , // key for host in grp this , // state data NULL , // state data gotExternalReplyWrapper , timeout , // to re-send to twin m_si->m_niceness, // niceness , false , // real time udp? -1 , // first hostid NULL , // m_reply , 0 , // m_replyMaxSize , false , // free reply buf? false , // disk load balancing? -1 , // max cache age 0 , // cacheKey 0 , // bogus rdbId -1 , // minRecSizes(-1=ukwn) true , // sendToSelf false , // retry forever &g_hostdb2 )) { m_mcast.reset(); return true; } // always blocks return false; // gotExternalReply(); } */ // time the cache lookup if ( g_conf.m_logTimingQuery || m_si->m_debug ) m_startTime = gettimeofdayInMilliseconds(); // use cache? bool useCache = m_si->m_rcache; // turn it off for now until we cache the scoring tables log("db: cache is disabled until we cache scoring tables"); useCache = false; // if searching multiple collections do not cache for now if ( m_si->m_collnumBuf.length() > (long)sizeof(collnum_t) ) useCache=false; // . try setting from cache first // . cacher --> "do we READ from cache?" if ( useCache ) { // make the key based on query and other input parms in msg40 key_t key = m_si->makeKey ( ); // this should point to the cached rec, if any m_cachePtr = NULL; m_cacheSize = 0; // this returns false if blocked, true otherwise if ( ! m_msg17.getFromCache ( SEARCHRESULTS_CACHEID, key , &m_cachePtr, &m_cacheSize, // use first collection # m_si->m_firstCollnum, this , gotCacheReplyWrapper , m_si->m_niceness , 1 ) ) return false; // reset g_errno, we're just a cache g_errno = 0; return gotCacheReply(); } // keep going return prepareToGetDocIds ( ); } /* void gotExternalReplyWrapper ( void *state , void *state2 ) { Msg40 *THIS = (Msg40 *)state; if ( ! THIS->gotExternalReply() ) return; THIS->m_callback ( THIS->m_state ); } bool Msg40::gotExternalReply ( ) { if ( g_errno ) { log("query: Trying to forward to another cluster " "had error: %s.",mstrerror(g_errno)); return true; } // grab the reply from the multicast class bool freeit; long bufSize , bufMaxSize; char *buf = m_mcast.getBestReply ( &bufSize , &bufMaxSize , &freeit ); relabel( buf, bufMaxSize, "Msg40-mcastGBR" ); // sanity check if ( freeit ) { log(LOG_LOGIC,"query: msg40: gotReply: Bad engineer."); char *xx = NULL; *xx = 0; } if ( bufSize != bufMaxSize ) { log(LOG_LOGIC,"query: msg40: fix me."); char *xx = NULL; *xx = 0; } // set ourselves from it deserialize ( buf , bufSize ); return true; } */ // msg17 calls this after it gets a reply void gotCacheReplyWrapper ( void *state ) { Msg40 *THIS = (Msg40 *)state; // reset g_errno, we're just a cache g_errno = 0; // handle the reply if ( ! THIS->gotCacheReply() ) return; // otherwise, call callback THIS->m_callback ( THIS->m_state ); } bool Msg40::gotCacheReply ( ) { // if not found, get the result the hard way if ( ! m_msg17.wasFound() ) return prepareToGetDocIds ( ); // otherwise, get the deserialized stuff long nb = deserialize(m_cachePtr, m_cacheSize); if ( nb <= 0 ) { log ("query: Deserialization of cached search results " "page failed." ); // free m_buf! if ( m_buf ) mfree ( m_buf , m_bufMaxSize , "deserializeMsg40"); // get results the hard way! return prepareToGetDocIds ( ); } // log the time it took for cache lookup if ( g_conf.m_logTimingQuery ) { long long now = gettimeofdayInMilliseconds(); long long took = now - m_startTime; log(LOG_TIMING, "query: [%lu] found in cache. " "lookup took %lli ms.",(long)this,took); } m_cachedTime = m_msg17.getCachedTime(); m_cachedResults = true; // if it was found, we return true, m_cachedTime should be set return true; } bool Msg40::prepareToGetDocIds ( ) { // log the time it took for cache lookup if ( g_conf.m_logTimingQuery || m_si->m_debug ) { long long now = gettimeofdayInMilliseconds(); long long took = now - m_startTime; logf(LOG_TIMING,"query: [%lu] Not found in cache. " "Lookup took %lli ms.",(long)this,took); m_startTime = now; logf(LOG_TIMING,"query: msg40: [%lu] Getting up to %li " "(docToGet=%li) docids", (long)this, m_docsToGetVisible, m_docsToGet); } //if ( m_si->m_compoundListMaxSize <= 0 ) // log("query: Compound list max size is %li. That is bad. You " // "will not get back some search results for UOR queries.", // m_si->m_compoundListMaxSize ); // . if query has dirty words and family filter is on, set // number of results to 0, and set the m_queryClen flag to true // . m_qbuf1 should be the advanced/composite query if ( m_si->m_familyFilter && getDirtyPoints ( m_si->m_sbuf1.getBufStart() , m_si->m_sbuf1.length() , 0 , NULL ) ) { // make sure the m_numDocIds gets set to 0 m_msg3a.reset(); m_queryCensored = true; return true; } return getDocIds( false ); } // . returns false if blocked, true otherwise // . sets g_errno on error bool Msg40::getDocIds ( bool recall ) { // we modified m_rcache above to be true if we should read from cache long maxAge = 0 ; if ( m_si->m_rcache ) maxAge = g_conf.m_indexdbMaxIndexListAge; // reset it Msg39Request mr; mr.reset(); //m_r.ptr_coll = m_si->m_coll2; //m_r.size_coll = m_si->m_collLen2+1; mr.m_maxAge = maxAge; mr.m_addToCache = m_si->m_wcache; mr.m_docsToGet = m_docsToGet; mr.m_niceness = m_si->m_niceness; mr.m_debug = m_si->m_debug ; mr.m_getDocIdScoringInfo = m_si->m_getDocIdScoringInfo; mr.m_doSiteClustering = m_si->m_doSiteClustering ; mr.m_familyFilter = m_si->m_familyFilter; //mr.m_useMinAlgo = m_si->m_useMinAlgo; //mr.m_useNewAlgo = m_si->m_useNewAlgo; mr.m_doMaxScoreAlgo = m_si->m_doMaxScoreAlgo; //mr.m_fastIntersection = m_si->m_fastIntersection; //mr.m_doIpClustering = m_si->m_doIpClustering ; mr.m_doDupContentRemoval = m_si->m_doDupContentRemoval ; //mr.m_restrictIndexdbForQuery = m_si->m_restrictIndexdbForQuery ; mr.m_queryExpansion = m_si->m_queryExpansion; //mr.m_compoundListMaxSize = m_si->m_compoundListMaxSize ; mr.m_boolFlag = m_si->m_boolFlag ; mr.m_familyFilter = m_si->m_familyFilter ; mr.m_language = (unsigned char)m_si->m_queryLangId; mr.ptr_query = m_si->m_q.m_orig; mr.size_query = m_si->m_q.m_origLen+1; //mr.ptr_whiteList = m_si->m_whiteListBuf.getBufStart(); //mr.size_whiteList = m_si->m_whiteListBuf.length()+1; long slen = 0; if ( m_si->m_sites ) slen = gbstrlen(m_si->m_sites); mr.ptr_whiteList = m_si->m_sites; mr.size_whiteList = slen + 1; mr.m_timeout = -1; // auto-determine based on #terms // make sure query term counts match in msg39 mr.m_maxQueryTerms = m_si->m_maxQueryTerms; mr.m_realMaxTop = m_si->m_realMaxTop; mr.m_minSerpDocId = m_si->m_minSerpDocId; mr.m_maxSerpScore = m_si->m_maxSerpScore; // // how many docid splits should we do to avoid going OOM? // CollectionRec *cr = g_collectiondb.getRec(m_firstCollnum); RdbBase *base = NULL; if ( cr ) g_titledb.getRdb()->getBase(cr->m_collnum); long long numDocs = 0; if ( base ) numDocs = base->getNumTotalRecs(); // for every 5M docids per host, lets split up the docid range // to avoid going OOM long mult = numDocs / 5000000; if ( mult <= 0 ) mult = 1; // . do not do splits if caller is already specifying a docid range // like for gbdocid: queries i guess. // . make sure m_msg2 is non-NULL, because if it is NULL we are // evaluating a query for a single docid for seo tools //if ( m_r->m_minDocId == -1 ) { // && m_msg2 ) { long nt = m_si->m_q.getNumTerms(); long numDocIdSplits = nt / 2; // ;/// 2; if ( numDocIdSplits <= 0 ) numDocIdSplits = 1; // and mult based on index size numDocIdSplits *= mult; //if ( numDocIdSplits < 5 ) numDocIdSplits = 5; //} // for testing //m_numDocIdSplits = 3; //if ( ! g_conf.m_doDocIdRangeSplitting ) // m_numDocIdSplits = 1; // limit to 10 if ( numDocIdSplits > 15 ) numDocIdSplits = 15; // store it in the reuquest now mr.m_numDocIdSplits = numDocIdSplits; // . get the docIds // . this sets m_msg3a.m_clusterLevels[] for us //if(! m_msg3a.getDocIds ( &m_r, m_si->m_q, this , gotDocIdsWrapper)) // return false; //// // // NEW CODE FOR LAUNCHING one MSG3a per collnum to search a token // //// m_num3aReplies = 0; m_num3aRequests = 0; // search the provided collnums (collections) collnum_t *cp = (collnum_t *)m_si->m_collnumBuf.getBufStart(); // how many are we searching? usually just one. m_numCollsToSearch = m_si->m_collnumBuf.length() /sizeof(collnum_t); // make enough for ptrs long need = sizeof(Msg3a *) * m_numCollsToSearch; if ( ! m_msg3aPtrBuf.reserve ( need ) ) return true; // cast the mem buffer m_msg3aPtrs = (Msg3a **)m_msg3aPtrBuf.getBufStart(); // clear these out so we do not free them when destructing for ( long i = 0 ; i < m_numCollsToSearch ;i++ ) m_msg3aPtrs[i] = NULL; // use first guy in case only one coll we are searching, the std case if ( m_numCollsToSearch <= 1 ) m_msg3aPtrs[0] = &m_msg3a; // create new ones if searching more than 1 coll for ( long i = 0 ; i < m_numCollsToSearch ; i++ ) { // get it Msg3a *mp = m_msg3aPtrs[i]; // stop if only searching one collection if ( ! mp ) { try { mp = new ( Msg3a); } catch ( ... ) { g_errno = ENOMEM; return true; } mnew(mp,sizeof(Msg3a),"tm3ap"); } // error? if ( ! mp ) return true; // assign it m_msg3aPtrs[i] = mp; // assign the request for it memcpy ( &mp->m_rrr , &mr , sizeof(Msg39Request) ); // then customize it to just search this collnum mp->m_rrr.m_collnum = cp[i]; // launch a search request m_num3aRequests++; // this returns false if it would block and will call callback if(!mp->getDocIds(&mp->m_rrr,&m_si->m_q,this,gotDocIdsWrapper)) continue; if ( g_errno && ! m_errno ) m_errno = g_errno; m_num3aReplies++; } // call again w/o parameters now return gotDocIds ( ); } // . uses parameters assigned to local member vars above // . returns false if blocked, true otherwise // . sets g_errno on error void gotDocIdsWrapper ( void *state ) { Msg40 *THIS = (Msg40 *) state; // if this blocked, it returns false //if ( ! checkTurnOffRAT ( state ) ) return; THIS->m_num3aReplies++; // return if this blocked if ( ! THIS->gotDocIds() ) return; // now call callback, we're done THIS->m_callback ( THIS->m_state ); } // . return false if blocked, true otherwise // . sets g_errno on error bool Msg40::gotDocIds ( ) { // return now if still waiting for a msg3a reply to get in if ( m_num3aReplies < m_num3aRequests ) return false; // if searching over multiple collections let's merge their docids // into m_msg3a now before we go forward // this will set g_errno on error, like oom if ( ! mergeDocIdsIntoBaseMsg3a() ) log("msg40: error: %s",mstrerror(g_errno)); // log the time it took for cache lookup long long now = gettimeofdayInMilliseconds(); if ( g_conf.m_logTimingQuery || m_si->m_debug||g_conf.m_logDebugQuery){ long long took = now - m_startTime; logf(LOG_DEBUG,"query: msg40: [%lu] Got %li docids in %lli ms", (long)this,m_msg3a.getNumDocIds(),took); logf(LOG_DEBUG,"query: msg40: [%lu] Getting up to %li " "summaries", (long)this,m_docsToGetVisible); } // save any covered up error if ( ! m_errno && m_msg3a.m_errno ) m_errno = m_msg3a.m_errno; //sanity check. we might not have allocated due to out of memory if ( g_errno ) { m_errno = g_errno; return true; } // . ok, do the actual clustering // . sets m_clusterLevels[] // . sets m_clusterLevels[i] to CR_OK if docid #i is not clustered // . sets m_clusterLevels[i] to CR_OK if not doing any clustering or // filtering, and then returns right away // . allow up to "2" docids per hostname if site clustering is on // . returns false and sets g_errno on error // . this should get rid of cluster levels of CR_GOT_REC // . if we had g_conf.m_fullSplit then Msg3a should have these // already set... /* if ( ! g_conf.m_fullSplit && m_si->m_doSiteClustering && ! setClusterLevels ( m_msg3a.m_clusterRecs , m_msg3a.m_docIds , m_msg3a.m_numDocIds , 2 , m_si->m_doSiteClustering , m_si->m_familyFilter , m_si->m_language , // list of blacklisted site ids NULL , m_si->m_debug , m_msg3a.m_clusterLevels )) { m_errno = g_errno; return true; } */ // DEBUG HACK -- make most clustered! //for ( long i = 1 ; i < m_msg3a.m_numDocIds ; i++ ) // m_msg3a.m_clusterLevels[i] = CR_CLUSTERED; // time this m_startTime = gettimeofdayInMilliseconds(); // we haven't got any Msg20 responses as of yet or sent any requests m_numRequests = 0; m_numReplies = 0; //m_maxiLaunched = -1; // when returning search results in csv let's get the first 100 // results and use those to determine the most common column headers // for the csv. any results past those that have new json fields we // will add a header for, but the column will not be labelled with // the header name unfortunately. m_needFirstReplies = 0; if ( m_si->m_format == FORMAT_CSV ) { m_needFirstReplies = m_msg3a.m_numDocIds; if ( m_needFirstReplies > 100 ) m_needFirstReplies = 100; } // we have received m_numGood contiguous Msg20 replies! //m_numContiguous = 0; //m_visibleContiguous = 0; // . do not uncluster more than 5 docids! it slows things down. // . kind of a HACK until we do it right m_unclusterCount = 5; // assume we do not have enough visible docids //m_gotEnough = false; if ( ! m_urlTable.set ( m_msg3a.m_numDocIds * 2 ) ) { m_errno = g_errno; log("query: Failed to allocate memory for url deduping. " "Not deduping search results."); return true; } // if only getting docids, skip summaries,topics, and references // if ( m_si->m_docIdsOnly ) return launchMsg20s ( false ); if ( m_si->m_docIdsOnly ) return true; // . alloc buf to hold all m_msg20[i] ptrs and the Msg20s they point to // . returns false and sets g_errno/m_errno on error // . salvage any Msg20s that we can if we are being re-called if ( ! reallocMsg20Buf() ) return true; // these are just like for passing to Msg39 above //long maxAge = 0; //if ( m_si->m_rcache ) maxAge = g_conf.m_titledbMaxCacheAge; // . launch a bunch of task that depend on the docids we got // . gigabits, reference pages and dmoz topics // . keep track of how many are out m_tasksRemaining = 0; // debug msg if ( m_si->m_debug || g_conf.m_logDebugQuery ) logf(LOG_DEBUG,"query: [%lu] Getting topics/gigabits, " "reference pages and dir pages.",(unsigned long)this); // . do not bother getting topics if we are passed first page // . AWL NOTE: pqr needs topics on all pages //if ( m_si->m_firstResultNum > 0 ) return launchMsg20s ( false ); // do not bother getting topics if we will be re-called below so we // will be here again! //if ( numVisible < m_docsToGet && // are we short? // m_msg3a.m_tier+1 < MAX_TIERS && // do we have a tier to go to? // ! m_msg3a.m_isDiskExhausted )// SOME more data on disk? // return launchMsg20s ( false ); // . TODO: do this LAST, after we get all summaries and do PQR // . TODO: give it all our Msg20s so it can just use those!!! // . get the topics // . returns true right away if m_docsToScanForTopics is <= 0 // if (!m_msg24.generateTopics ( m_si->m_coll , // m_si->m_collLen , // m_msg3a.m_q->m_orig ,// query // m_msg3a.m_q->m_origLen ,// query // m_msg3a.m_docIds , // m_msg3a.m_clusterLevels , // m_msg3a.m_numDocIds , // m_si->m_topicGroups , // m_si->m_numTopicGroups , // maxAge , // m_si->m_wcache ,//addToCache // m_si->m_returnDocIdCount , // m_si->m_returnDocIds , // m_si->m_returnPops , // this , // didTaskWrapper , // m_si->m_niceness )) // m_tasksRemaining++; //generate reference and related pages. // if ( ! m_msg1a.generateReferences(m_si,(void*)this,didTaskWrapper) ) // m_tasksRemaining++; // // call Msg2b to generate directory // // why is this here? it does not depend on the docids. (mdw 9/25/13) // dissect it and fix it!! // //if ( m_si->m_catId && // ! m_msg2b.generateDirectory ( m_si->m_catId, // (void*)this, // didTaskWrapper ) ) // m_tasksRemaining++; return launchMsg20s ( false ); } bool Msg40::mergeDocIdsIntoBaseMsg3a() { // only do this if we were searching multiple collections, otherwise // all the docids are already in m_msg3a if ( m_numCollsToSearch <= 1 ) return true; // free any mem in use m_msg3a.reset(); // count total docids into "td" long td = 0LL; for ( long i = 0 ; i < m_numCollsToSearch ; i++ ) { Msg3a *mp = m_msg3aPtrs[i]; td += mp->m_numDocIds; // reset cursor for list of docids from this collection mp->m_cursor = 0; // add up here too m_msg3a.m_numTotalEstimatedHits += mp->m_numTotalEstimatedHits; } // setup to to merge all msg3as into our one m_msg3a long need = 0; need += td * 8; need += td * sizeof(double); need += td * sizeof(key_t); need += td * 1; need += td * sizeof(collnum_t); // make room for the merged docids m_msg3a.m_finalBuf = (char *)mmalloc ( need , "finalBuf" ); m_msg3a.m_finalBufSize = need; // return true with g_errno set if ( ! m_msg3a.m_finalBuf ) return true; // parse the memory up into arrays char *p = m_msg3a.m_finalBuf; m_msg3a.m_docIds = (long long *)p; p += td * 8; m_msg3a.m_scores = (double *)p; p += td * sizeof(double); m_msg3a.m_clusterRecs = (key_t *)p; p += td * sizeof(key_t); m_msg3a.m_clusterLevels = (char *)p; p += td * 1; m_msg3a.m_scoreInfos = NULL; m_msg3a.m_collnums = (collnum_t *)p; p += td * sizeof(collnum_t); if ( p - m_msg3a.m_finalBuf != need ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; } m_msg3a.m_numDocIds = td; // // begin the collection merge // long next = 0; loop: // get next biggest score double max = -1000000000.0; Msg3a *maxmp = NULL; for ( long i = 0 ; i < m_numCollsToSearch ; i++ ) { // shortcut Msg3a *mp = m_msg3aPtrs[i]; // get cursor long cursor = mp->m_cursor; // skip if exhausted if ( cursor >= mp->m_numDocIds ) continue; // get his next score double score = mp->m_scores[ cursor ]; if ( score <= max ) continue; // got a new winner max = score; maxmp = mp; } // store him if ( maxmp ) { m_msg3a.m_docIds [next] = maxmp->m_docIds[maxmp->m_cursor]; m_msg3a.m_scores [next] = maxmp->m_scores[maxmp->m_cursor]; m_msg3a.m_collnums[next] = maxmp->m_rrr.m_collnum; m_msg3a.m_clusterLevels[next] = CR_OK; maxmp->m_cursor++; next++; goto loop; } // free tmp msg3as now for ( long i = 0 ; i < m_numCollsToSearch ; i++ ) { if ( m_msg3aPtrs[i] == &m_msg3a ) continue; mdelete ( m_msg3aPtrs[i] , sizeof(Msg3a), "tmsg3a"); delete ( m_msg3aPtrs[i] ); m_msg3aPtrs[i] = NULL; } return true; } // . returns false and sets g_errno/m_errno on error // . makes m_msg3a.m_numDocIds ptrs to Msg20s. // . does not allocate a Msg20 in the buffer if the m_msg3a.m_clusterLevels[i] // is something other than CR_OK bool Msg40::reallocMsg20Buf ( ) { // if the user only requested docids, we have no summaries if ( m_si->m_docIdsOnly ) return true; // . allocate m_buf2 to hold all our Msg20 pointers and Msg20 classes // . how much mem do we need? // . need space for the msg20 ptrs long need = m_msg3a.m_numDocIds * sizeof(Msg20 *); // need space for the classes themselves, only if "visible" though for ( long i = 0 ; i < m_msg3a.m_numDocIds ; i++ ) if ( m_msg3a.m_clusterLevels[i] == CR_OK ) need += sizeof(Msg20); // MDW: try to preserve the old Msg20s if we are being re-called if ( m_buf2 ) { // we do not do recalls when streaming yet if ( m_si->m_streamResults ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; } // use these 3 vars for mismatch stat reporting //long mismatches = 0; //long long mismatch1 = 0LL; //long long mismatch2 = 0LL; // make new buf char *newBuf = (char *)mmalloc(need,"Msg40d"); // return false if it fails if ( ! newBuf ) { m_errno = g_errno; return false; } // fill it up char *p = newBuf; // point to our new array of Msg20 ptrs Msg20 **tmp = (Msg20 **)p; // skip over pointer array p += m_msg3a.m_numDocIds * sizeof(Msg20 *); // record start to set to m_msg20StartBuf char *pstart = p; // and count for m_numToFree long pcount = 0; // fill in the actual Msg20s from the old buffer for ( long i = 0 ; i < m_msg3a.m_numDocIds ; i++ ) { // assume empty, because clustered, filtered, etc. tmp[i] = NULL; // if clustered, keep it as a NULL ptr if ( m_msg3a.m_clusterLevels[i] != CR_OK ) continue; // point it to its memory tmp[i] = (Msg20 *)p; // point to the next Msg20 p += sizeof(Msg20); // init it tmp[i]->constructor(); // count it pcount++; // skip it if it is a new docid, we do not have a Msg20 // for it from the previous tier. IF it is from // the current tier, THEN it is new. //if ( m_msg3a.m_tiers[i] == m_msg3a.m_tier ) continue; // see if we can find this docid from the old list! long k = 0; for ( ; k < m_numMsg20s ; k++ ) { // skip if NULL if ( ! m_msg20[k] ) continue; // if it never gave us a reply then skip it if ( ! m_msg20[k]->m_gotReply ) continue; //or if it had an error if ( m_msg20[k]->m_errno ) continue; // skip if no match if ( m_msg3a .m_docIds[i] != m_msg20[k]->m_r->m_docId )//getDocId() ) continue; // we got a match, grab its Msg20 break; } // . skip if we could not match it... strange... // . no, because it may have been in the prev tier, // from a split, but it was not in msg3a's final // merged list made in Msg3a::mergeLists(), but now // it is in there, with the previous tier, because // we asked for more docids from msg3a. // . NO! why did we go to the next tier unnecessarily // THEN? no again, because we did a msg3a recall // and asked for more docids which required us // going to the next tier, even though some (but // not enough) docids remained in the previous tier. if ( k >= m_numMsg20s ) { /* logf(LOG_DEBUG,"query: msg40: could not match " "docid %lli (max=%li) " "to msg20. newBitScore=0x%hhx q=%s", m_msg3a.m_docIds[i], (char)m_msg3a.m_bitScores[i], m_msg3a.m_q->m_orig); */ continue; } // it is from an older tier but never got the msg20 // for it? what happened? it got unclustered?? if ( ! m_msg20[k] ) continue; /* // . make sure they match! // . they may get mismatched after the recall because // a new doc gets added to the index!!! // . also, if the re-call gets the termlist from a // different twin and gets back different docids // or scores, it will change this too!! if ( tmp[i]->m_docId >= 0 && tmp[i]->m_docId != m_msg3a.m_docIds[i] ) { // it should be rare!!! mismatches++; if ( ! mismatch1 ) mismatch1 = tmp[i]->m_docId; if ( ! mismatch2 ) mismatch2 = m_msg3a.m_docIds[i]; continue; //logf(LOG_DEBUG,"query: msg40: docid mismatch" // " at #%li. olddocid=%lli newdocid=%lli",i, // tmp[i]->m_docId,m_msg3a.m_docIds[i]); // core for testing on gb1d only!!! //char *xx = NULL; *xx = 0; } */ // . otherwise copy the memory if available // . if m_msg20[i]->m_docId is set this will save us // repeating a summary lookup tmp[i]->copyFrom ( m_msg20[k] ); } // sanity check if ( p - (char *)tmp != need ) { char *xx = NULL; *xx = 0; } resetBuf2(); // destroy all the old msg20s, this was mem leaking //for ( long i = 0 ; i < m_numMsg20s ; i++ ) { // // assume empty, because clustered, filtered, etc. // if ( ! m_msg20[i] ) continue; // // call its destructor // m_msg20[i]->destructor(); //} // the new buf2 stuff m_numToFree = pcount; m_msg20StartBuf = pstart; // re-assign the msg20 ptr to the ptrs m_msg20 = tmp; // update new count m_numMsg20s = m_msg3a.m_numDocIds; // free old buf //mfree ( m_buf2 , m_bufMaxSize2 , "Msg40c"); // assign to new mem m_buf2 = newBuf; m_bufMaxSize2 = need; // note it since this is inefficient for now // . crap this is messing up m_nextMerged ptr!! //log("query: msg40: rellocated msg20 buffer"); // show mismatch stats //if ( mismatches ) // logf(LOG_DEBUG,"query: msg40: docid %lli mismatched " // "%lli. Total of %li mismathes. q=%s", // mismatch1,mismatch2,mismatches, // m_msg3a.m_q->m_orig ); // all done return true; } m_numMsg20s = m_msg3a.m_numDocIds; // when streaming because we can have hundreds of thousands of // search results we recycle a few msg20s to save mem if ( m_si->m_streamResults ) { long max = MAX_OUTSTANDING_MSG20S * 2; if ( m_msg3a.m_numDocIds < max ) max = m_msg3a.m_numDocIds; need = max * (4+sizeof(Msg20)); m_numMsg20s = max; } m_buf2 = NULL; m_bufMaxSize2 = need; // do the alloc if ( need ) m_buf2 = (char *)mmalloc ( need ,"Msg40msg20"); if ( need && ! m_buf2 ) { m_errno = g_errno; return false; } // point to the mem char *p = m_buf2; // point to the array, then make p point to the Msg20 buffer space m_msg20 = (Msg20 **)p; p += m_numMsg20s * sizeof(Msg20 *); // start free here m_msg20StartBuf = p; // set the m_msg20[] array to use this memory, m_buf20 for ( long i = 0 ; i < m_numMsg20s ; i++ ) { // assume empty m_msg20[i] = NULL; // if clustered, do a NULL ptr if ( m_msg3a.m_clusterLevels[i] != CR_OK ) continue; // point it to its memory m_msg20[i] = (Msg20 *)p; // call its constructor m_msg20[i]->constructor(); // point to the next Msg20 p += sizeof(Msg20); // remember num to free in reset() function m_numToFree++; } // remember how many we got in here in case we have to realloc above //m_numMsg20s = m_msg3a.m_numDocIds; return true; } void didTaskWrapper ( void* state ) { Msg40 *THIS = (Msg40 *) state; // one less task THIS->m_tasksRemaining--; // this returns false if blocked if ( ! THIS->launchMsg20s ( false ) ) return; // we are done, call the callback THIS->m_callback ( THIS->m_state ); } bool Msg40::launchMsg20s ( bool recalled ) { // don't launch any more if client browser closed socket if ( m_socketHadError ) { char *xx=NULL; *xx=0; } // these are just like for passing to Msg39 above long maxAge = 0 ; //if ( m_si->m_rcache ) maxAge = g_conf.m_titledbMaxCacheAge; // may it somewhat jive with the search results caching, otherwise // it will tell me a search result was indexed like 3 days ago // when it was just indexed 10 minutes ago because the // titledbMaxCacheAge was set way too high if ( m_si->m_rcache ) maxAge = g_conf.m_searchResultsMaxCacheAge; /* // "need" = how many more msg20 replies do we need to get back to // get the required number of search results? long sample = 0; long good = 0; long gaps = 0; long goodAfterGaps = 0; // loop up to the last msg20 request we actually launched for ( long i = 0 ; i <= m_maxiLaunched ; i++ ) { // if Msg51 had initially clustered (CR_CLUSTERED) this away // we never actually gave it a msg20 ptr, so it is NULL. it // m_msg3a.m_clusterLevel[i] != CR_OK ever. if ( ! m_msg20[i] ) continue; // do not count if reply not received yet. it is a gap. if ( ! m_msg20[i]->m_gotReply ) { gaps++; continue; } // ok, we had launched it and got a reply for it, it is // therefore in our "sample", used to make the visibility ratio sample++; // . skip if not "good" (visible) // . if msg20 has error, sets cluster level to CR_ERROR_SUMMARY if ( m_msg3a.m_clusterLevels[i] != CR_OK ) continue; // count as good. it is visible. if ( gaps ) goodAfterGaps++; else good++; } // how many MORE docs to we need to get? subtract what was desired from // what we already have that is visible as long as it is before any gap long need = m_docsToGetVisible - good ; // if we fill in the gaps, we get "goodAfterGaps" more visible results if ( need >= gaps ) { // so no need to get these then need -= goodAfterGaps ; // but watch out for flooding! if ( need < gaps ) need = gaps; } // how many total good? long allGood = good + goodAfterGaps; // get the visiblity ratio from the replies we did get back float ratio ; if ( allGood > 0 ) ratio = (float)sample / (float)allGood; else ratio = (float)sample / 1.0 ; // give a 5% boost ratio *= 1.05; // assume some of what we "need" will be invisible, make up for that if ( sample > 0 ) need = (long)((float)need * ratio); // . restrict "need" to no more than 50 at a time // . we are using it for a "max outstanding" msg20s // . do not overflow the udpservers if ( need > 50 ) need = 50; if ( m_si->m_debug || g_conf.m_logDebugQuery ) logf(LOG_DEBUG,"query: msg40: can launch %li more msg20s. " "%li out. %li completed. %li visible. %li gaps. " "%li contiguous. %li toGet. ", need,m_numRequests-m_numReplies,sample,allGood,gaps, m_numContiguous,m_docsToGet); */ long bigSampleRadius = 0; long bigSampleMaxLen = 0; // NOTE: pqr needs gigabits for all pages if(m_docsToScanForTopics > 0 /*&& m_si->m_firstResultNum == 0*/) { bigSampleRadius = 300; //bigSampleMaxLen = m_si->m_topicGroups[0].m_topicSampleSize; bigSampleMaxLen = 5000; } long maxOut = (long)MAX_OUTSTANDING_MSG20S; if ( g_udpServer.getNumUsedSlots() > 500 ) maxOut = 10; if ( g_udpServer.getNumUsedSlots() > 800 ) maxOut = 1; // . launch a msg20 getSummary() for each docid // . m_numContiguous should preceed any gap, see below for ( long i = m_lastProcessedi+1 ; i < m_msg3a.m_numDocIds ; i++ ) { // if the user only requested docids, do not get the summaries if ( m_si->m_docIdsOnly ) break; // if we have enough visible then no need to launch more! //if ( m_gotEnough ) break; // limit it to this dynamic limit so we can check to // see if we got enough visible each time we get one back! // this prevents us from having to do like 50 msg20 lookups // at a time. //if ( m_numRequests-m_numReplies >= need ) break; // hard limit if ( m_numRequests-m_numReplies >= maxOut ) break; // do not launch another until m_printi comes back because // all summaries are bottlenecked on printing him out now if ( m_si->m_streamResults && i >= m_printi + MAX_OUTSTANDING_MSG20S - 1 ) break; // if we have printed enough summaries then do not launch // any more, wait for them to come back in if ( m_printi >= m_docsToGetVisible ) { logf(LOG_DEBUG,"query: got %li summaries. done. " "waiting on remaining " "%li to return." , m_printi , m_numRequests-m_numReplies); break; } // do not double count! //if ( i <= m_lastProcessedi ) continue; // do not repeat for this i m_lastProcessedi = i; // start up a Msg20 to get the summary Msg20 *m = NULL; if ( m_si->m_streamResults ) { // there can be hundreds of thousands of results // when streaming, so recycle a few msg20s to save mem m = getAvailMsg20(); // mark it so we know which docid it goes with m->m_ii = i; } else m = m_msg20[i]; // if msg20 ptr null that means the cluster level is not CR_OK if ( ! m ) { m_numRequests++; m_numReplies++; continue; } // . did we already TRY to get the summary for this docid? // . we might be re-called from the refilter: below // . if already did it, skip it // . Msg20::getSummary() sets m_docId, first thing if ( m_msg3a.m_docIds[i] == m->getRequestDocId() ) { m_numRequests++; m_numReplies++; continue; } // get the LinkInfo class to set from it //LinkInfo* li = NULL; //if ( m_si->m_refs_numToGenerate != 0 && // m_si->m_refs_docsToScan > 0 ) // li = m_msg1a.getLinkInfo(i); // ENGINEER NOTE -- use a single call to msg20 and use flags.. //if ( m_si->m_rp_useResultsAsReferences ) { // if (!m_tmpMsg20[n]. // getSummary(m_msg3a.getQuery(), // assume no error g_errno = 0; // debug msg if ( m_si->m_debug || g_conf.m_logDebugQuery ) logf(LOG_DEBUG,"query: msg40: [%lu] Getting " "summary #%li for docId=%lli", (unsigned long)this,i,m_msg3a.m_docIds[i]); // launch it m_numRequests++; // keep for-loops shorter with this //if ( i > m_maxiLaunched ) m_maxiLaunched = i; // get the collection rec CollectionRec *cr =g_collectiondb.getRec(m_firstCollnum); //getRec(m_si->m_coll2,m_si->m_collLen2); if ( ! cr ) { log("msg40: missing coll"); g_errno = ENOCOLLREC; if ( m_numReplies < m_numRequests ) return false; return true; } // set the summary request then get it! Msg20Request req; Query *q = &m_si->m_q; req.ptr_qbuf = q->getQuery(); req.size_qbuf = q->getQueryLen()+1; req.m_langId = m_si->m_queryLangId; // set highlight query if ( m_si->m_highlightQuery && m_si->m_highlightQuery[0] ) { req.ptr_hqbuf = m_si->m_highlightQuery; req.size_hqbuf = gbstrlen(req.ptr_hqbuf)+1; } long q3size = m_si->m_sbuf3.length()+1; if ( q3size == 1 ) q3size = 0; //req.ptr_q2buf = m_si->m_sbuf3.getBufStart(); //req.size_q2buf = q3size; req.m_isAdmin = m_si->m_isAdmin; //req.m_rulesetFilter = m_si->m_ruleset; //req.m_getTitleRec = m_si->m_getTitleRec; //req.m_isSuperTurk = m_si->m_isSuperTurk; req.m_highlightQueryTerms = m_si->m_doQueryHighlighting; //req.m_highlightDates = m_si->m_doDateHighlighting; //req.ptr_coll = m_si->m_coll2; //req.size_coll = m_si->m_collLen2+1; req.m_isDebug = (bool)m_si->m_debug; if ( m_si->m_displayMetas && m_si->m_displayMetas[0] ) { long dlen = gbstrlen(m_si->m_displayMetas); req.ptr_displayMetas = m_si->m_displayMetas; req.size_displayMetas = dlen+1; } req.m_docId = m_msg3a.m_docIds[i]; // if the msg3a was merged from other msg3as because we // were searching multiple collections... if ( m_msg3a.m_collnums ) req.m_collnum = m_msg3a.m_collnums[i]; // otherwise, just one collection else req.m_collnum = m_msg3a.m_rrr.m_collnum; req.m_numSummaryLines = m_si->m_numLinesInSummary; req.m_maxCacheAge = maxAge; req.m_wcache = m_si->m_wcache; // addToCache req.m_state = this; req.m_callback = gotSummaryWrapper; req.m_niceness = m_si->m_niceness; req.m_summaryMode = m_si->m_summaryMode; // need to see if it is banned, etc. //req.m_checkSitedb = 1; // 0 means not, 1 means is (should never be 2 at this point) req.m_boolFlag = m_si->m_boolFlag; req.m_allowPunctInPhrase = m_si->m_allowPunctInPhrase; req.m_showBanned = m_si->m_showBanned; //req.m_excludeLinkText = m_si->m_excludeLinkText ; //req.m_excludeMetaText = m_si->m_excludeMetaText ; req.m_includeCachedCopy = m_si->m_includeCachedCopy;//bigsmpl req.m_getSectionVotingInfo = m_si->m_getSectionVotingInfo; req.m_considerTitlesFromBody = m_si->m_considerTitlesFromBody; if ( cr->m_considerTitlesFromBody ) req.m_considerTitlesFromBody = true; req.m_expected = true; req.m_getSummaryVector = true; req.m_bigSampleRadius = bigSampleRadius; req.m_bigSampleMaxLen = bigSampleMaxLen; req.m_titleMaxLen = 256; req.m_titleMaxLen = cr->m_titleMaxLen; if(m_si->m_isAdmin && m_si->m_format == FORMAT_HTML ) req.m_getGigabitVector = true; else req.m_getGigabitVector = false; req.m_flags = 0; if ( m_postQueryRerank.isEnabled() ) { req.m_flags |= REQ20FLAG1_PQRENABLED; if (m_si->m_pqr_demFactLocSummary > 0) req.m_flags |= REQ20FLAG1_PQRLOCENABLED; } if ( m_si->m_pqr_demFactCommonInlinks > 0.0 ) //req.m_getInlinks = true; req.m_getLinkInfo = true; // . buzz likes to do the &inlinks=1 parm to get inlinks // . use "&inlinks=1" for realtime inlink info, use // "&inlinks=2" to just get it from the title rec, which is // more stale, but does not take extra time or resources // . we "default" to the realtime stuff... i.e. since buzz // is already using "&inlinks=1" if ( m_si->m_displayInlinks == 1 ) req.m_computeLinkInfo = true; if ( m_si->m_displayInlinks == 2 ) //req.m_getInlinks = true; req.m_getLinkInfo = true; if ( m_si->m_displayInlinks == 3 ) req.m_computeLinkInfo = true; if ( m_si->m_displayInlinks == 4 ) req.m_computeLinkInfo = true; if ( m_si->m_displayOutlinks ) req.m_getOutlinks = true; // buzz still wants the SitePop, computed fresh from Msg25, // even if they do not say "&inlinks=4" ... but they do // seem to specify getsitepops, so use that too //if ( m_si->m_getSitePops ) // req.m_computeLinkInfo = true; if (m_si->m_queryMatchOffsets) req.m_getMatches = true; if ( ! m->getSummary ( &req ) ) continue; // got reply m_numReplies++; // . otherwise we got summary without blocking // . deal with an error if ( ! g_errno ) continue; // log it log("query: Had error getting summary: %s.", mstrerror(g_errno)); // record g_errno if ( ! m_errno ) m_errno = g_errno; // reset g_errno g_errno = 0; } // return false if still waiting on replies if ( m_numReplies < m_numRequests ) return false; // do not re-call gotSummary() to avoid a possible recursive stack // explosion. this is only true if we are being called from // gotSummary() already, so do not call it again!! if ( recalled ) return true; // if we got nothing, that's it if ( m_msg3a.m_numDocIds <= 0 ) { // but if in streaming mode we still have to stream the // empty results back if ( m_si->m_streamResults ) return gotSummary ( ); // otherwise, we're done return true; } // . i guess crash here for now // . seems like we can call reallocMsg20Buf() and the first 50 // can already be set, so we drop down to here... so don't core logf(LOG_DEBUG,"query: Had all msg20s already."); // . otherwise, we got everyone, so go right to the merge routine // . returns false if not all replies have been received // . returns true if done // . sets g_errno on error return gotSummary ( ); } Msg20 *Msg40::getAvailMsg20 ( ) { for ( long i = 0 ; i < m_numMsg20s ; i++ ) { // m_inProgress is set to false right before it // calls Msg20::m_callback which is gotSummaryWrapper() // so we should be ok with this if ( m_msg20[i]->m_launched ) continue; return m_msg20[i]; } // how can this happen??? char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; return NULL; } Msg20 *Msg40::getCompletedSummary ( long ix ) { for ( long i = 0 ; i < m_numMsg20s ; i++ ) { if ( m_msg20[i]->m_ii != ix ) continue; if ( m_msg20[i]->m_inProgress ) return NULL; return m_msg20[i]; } return NULL; } bool gotSummaryWrapper ( void *state ) { Msg40 *THIS = (Msg40 *)state; // inc it here THIS->m_numReplies++; // log every 1000 i guess if ( (THIS->m_numReplies % 1000) == 0 ) log("msg40: got %li summaries out of %li",THIS->m_numReplies, THIS->m_msg3a.m_numDocIds); // it returns false if we're still awaiting replies if ( ! THIS->gotSummary ( ) ) return false; // now call callback, we're done THIS->m_callback ( THIS->m_state ); return true; } void doneSendingWrapper9 ( void *state , TcpSocket *sock ) { Msg40 *THIS = (Msg40 *)state; // the send completed, count it THIS->m_sendsIn++; // socket error? if client closes the socket midstream we get one. if ( g_errno ) { THIS->m_socketHadError = g_errno; log("msg40: streaming socket had error: %s", mstrerror(g_errno)); } // clear it so we don't think it was a msg20 error below g_errno = 0; // try to send more... returns false if blocked on something if ( ! THIS->gotSummary() ) return; // all done!!!??? THIS->m_callback ( THIS->m_state ); } // . returns false if not all replies have been received (or timed/erroredout) // . returns true if done (or an error finished us) // . sets g_errno on error bool Msg40::gotSummary ( ) { // now m_linkInfo[i] (for some i, i dunno which) is filled if ( m_si->m_debug || g_conf.m_logDebugQuery ) logf(LOG_DEBUG,"query: msg40: [%lu] Got summary. " "Total got=#%li.", (unsigned long)this,m_numReplies); // come back up here if we have to get more docids from Msg3a and // it gives us more right away without blocking, then we need to // re-filter them! // refilter: // did we have a problem getting this summary? if ( g_errno ) { // save it m_errno = g_errno; // log it if ( g_errno != EMISSINGQUERYTERMS ) log("query: msg40: Got error getting summary: %s.", mstrerror(g_errno)); // reset g_errno g_errno = 0; } // initialize dedup table if we haven't already if ( ! m_dedupTable.isInitialized() && ! m_dedupTable.set (4,0,64,NULL,0,false,m_si->m_niceness,"srdt") ) log("query: error initializing dedup table: %s", mstrerror(g_errno)); State0 *st = (State0 *)m_state; // keep socket alive if not streaming. like downloading csv... // this fucks up HTTP replies by inserting a space before the "HTTP" // it does not render properly on the browser... /* long now2 = getTimeLocal(); if ( now2 - m_lastHeartbeat >= 10 && ! m_si->m_streamResults && // incase socket is closed and recycled for another connection st->m_socket->m_numDestroys == st->m_numDestroys ) { m_lastHeartbeat = now2; int n = ::send ( st->m_socket->m_sd , " " , 1 , 0 ); log("msg40: sent heartbeat of %li bytes on sd=%li", (long)n,(long)st->m_socket->m_sd); } */ /* // sanity check for ( long i = 0 ; i < m_msg3a.m_numDocIds ; i++ ) { // stop as soon as we hit a gap breaking our contiguity... Msg20 *m = m_msg20[i]; if ( ! m ) continue; Msg20Reply *mr = m->m_r; if ( ! mr ) continue; char *cc = mr->ptr_content; if ( ! cc ) continue; //if ( ! strstr(cc,"Modern Marketing KF400032MA") ) continue; //log("hey"); //fprintf(stderr,"msg %li = %s\n",i,cc ); if ( i == 48329 ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; } mr->ptr_content = NULL; } */ doAgain: SafeBuf *sb = &st->m_sb; sb->reset(); // this is in PageResults.cpp if ( m_si && m_si->m_streamResults && ! m_printedHeader ) { // only print header once m_printedHeader = true; printHttpMime ( st ); printSearchResultsHeader ( st ); } for ( ; m_si && m_si->m_streamResults&&m_printi m_sendsIn ) break; // get summary for result #m_printi Msg20 *m20 = getCompletedSummary ( m_printi ); // if printing csv we need the first 100 results back // to get the most popular csv headers for to print that // as the first row in the csv output. if we print a // results with a column not in the header row then we // augment the headers then and there, although the header // row will be blank for the new column, we can put // the new header row at the end of the file i guess. this way // we can immediately start streaming back the csv. if ( m_needFirstReplies ) { // need at least this many replies to process if ( m_numReplies < m_needFirstReplies ) break; // ensure we got the TOP needFirstReplies in order // of their display to ensure consistency long k; for ( k = 0 ; k < m_needFirstReplies ; k++ ) { Msg20 *xx = getCompletedSummary(k); if ( ! xx ) break; if ( ! xx->m_r ) break; } // if not all have come back yet, wait longer... if ( k < m_needFirstReplies ) break; // now make the csv header and print it printCSVHeaderRow ( sb ); // and no longer need to do this logic m_needFirstReplies = 0; } // otherwise, get the summary for result #m_printi //Msg20 *m20 = m_msg20[m_printi]; //if ( ! m20 ) { // log("msg40: m20 NULL #%li",m_printi); // continue; //} // if result summary #i not yet in, wait... if ( ! m20 ) break; // wait if no reply for it yet //if ( m20->m_inProgress ) // break; if ( m20->m_errno ) { log("msg40: sum #%li error: %s", m_printi,mstrerror(m20->m_errno)); // make it available to be reused m20->reset(); continue; } // get the next reply we are waiting on to print results order Msg20Reply *mr = m20->m_r; if ( ! mr ) break; //if ( ! mr ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; } // primitive deduping. for diffbot json exclude url's from the // XmlDoc::m_contentHash32.. it will be zero if invalid i guess if ( m_si && m_si->m_doDupContentRemoval && // &dr=1 mr->m_contentHash32 && // do not dedup CT_STATUS results, those are // spider reply "documents" that indicate the last // time a doc was spidered and the error code or success // code mr->m_contentType != CT_STATUS && m_dedupTable.isInTable ( &mr->m_contentHash32 ) ) { //if ( g_conf.m_logDebugQuery ) log("msg40: dup sum #%li (%lu)(d=%lli)",m_printi, mr->m_contentHash32,mr->m_docId); // make it available to be reused m20->reset(); continue; } // static long s_bs = 0; // if ( (s_bs++ % 5) != 0 ) { // log("msg40: FAKE dup sum #%li (%lu)(d=%lli)",m_printi, // mr->m_contentHash32,mr->m_docId); // // make it available to be reused // m20->reset(); // continue; // } // return true with g_errno set on error if ( m_si && m_si->m_doDupContentRemoval && // &dr=1 mr->m_contentHash32 && // do not dedup CT_STATUS results, those are // spider reply "documents" that indicate the last // time a doc was spidered and the error code or success // code mr->m_contentType != CT_STATUS && ! m_dedupTable.addKey ( &mr->m_contentHash32 ) ) { m_hadPrintError = true; log("msg40: error adding to dedup table: %s", mstrerror(g_errno)); } // assume we show this to the user m_numDisplayed++; //log("msg40: numdisplayed=%li",m_numDisplayed); // do not print it if before the &s=X start position though if ( m_si && m_numDisplayed <= m_si->m_firstResultNum ){ log("msg40: hiding #%li (%lu)(d=%lli)", m_printi,mr->m_contentHash32,mr->m_docId); m20->reset(); continue; } log("msg40: printing #%li (%lu)(d=%lli)", m_printi,mr->m_contentHash32,mr->m_docId); // . ok, we got it, so print it and stream it // . this might set m_hadPrintError to true printSearchResult9 ( m_printi , &m_numPrintedSoFar ); //m_numPrintedSoFar++; //log("msg40: printedsofar=%li",m_numPrintedSoFar); // now free the reply to save memory since we could be // streaming back 1M+. we call reset below, no need for this. //m20->freeReply(); // return it so getAvailMsg20() can use it again // this will set m_launched to false m20->reset(); } // set it to true on all but the last thing we send! if ( m_si->m_streamResults ) st->m_socket->m_streamingMode = true; // if streaming results, and too many results were clustered or // deduped then try to get more by merging the docid lists that // we already have from the shards. if this still does not provide // enough docids then we will need to issue a new msg39 request to // each shard to get even more docids from each shard. if ( m_si && m_si->m_streamResults && // this is coring as well on multi collection federated searches // so disable that for now too. it is because Msg3a::m_r is // NULL. m_numCollsToSearch == 1 && // must have no streamed chunk sends out m_sendsOut == m_sendsIn && // if we did not ask for enough docids and they were mostly // dups so they got deduped, then ask for more. // m_numDisplayed includes results before the &s=X parm. // and so does m_docsToGetVisiable, so we can compare them. m_numDisplayed < m_docsToGetVisible && // wait for us to have exhausted the docids we have merged m_printi >= m_msg3a.m_numDocIds && // wait for us to have available msg20s to get summaries m_numReplies == m_numRequests && // this is true if we can get more docids from merging // more of the termlists from the shards together. // otherwise, we will have to ask each shard for a // higher number of docids. m_msg3a.m_moreDocIdsAvail && // do not do this if client closed connection ! m_socketHadError ) { //&& // doesn't work on multi-coll just yet, it cores. // MAKE it. //m_numCollsToSearch == 1 ) { // can it cover us? long need = m_msg3a.m_docsToGet + 20; // note it log("msg40: too many summaries deduped. " "getting more " "docids from msg3a merge and getting summaries. " "%li are visible, need %li. " "changing docsToGet from %li to %li. " "numReplies=%li numRequests=%li", m_numDisplayed, m_docsToGetVisible, m_msg3a.m_docsToGet, need, m_numReplies, m_numRequests); // merge more docids from the shards' termlists m_msg3a.m_docsToGet = need; // sanity. the original msg39request must be there if ( ! m_msg3a.m_r ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; } // this should increase m_msg3a.m_numDocIds m_msg3a.mergeLists(); } // . wrap it up with Next 10 etc. // . this is in PageResults.cpp if ( m_si && m_si->m_streamResults && ! m_printedTail && m_printi >= m_msg3a.m_numDocIds ) { m_printedTail = true; printSearchResultsTail ( st ); if ( m_sendsIn < m_sendsOut ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; } // this will be our final send st->m_socket->m_streamingMode = false; } TcpServer *tcp = &g_httpServer.m_tcp; //g_conf.m_logDebugTcp = 1; // . transmit the chunk in sb if non-zero length // . steals the allocated buffer from sb and stores in the // TcpSocket::m_sendBuf, which it frees when socket is // ultimately destroyed or we call sendChunk() again. // . when TcpServer is done transmitting, it does not close the // socket but rather calls doneSendingWrapper() which can call // this function again to send another chunk // . when we are truly done sending all the data, then we set lastChunk // to true and TcpServer.cpp will destroy m_socket when done if ( sb->length() && // did client browser close the socket on us midstream? ! m_socketHadError && ! tcp->sendChunk ( st->m_socket , sb , this , doneSendingWrapper9 ) ) // if it blocked, inc this count. we'll only call m_callback // above when m_sendsIn equals m_sendsOut... and // m_numReplies == m_numRequests m_sendsOut++; // writing on closed socket? if ( g_errno ) { m_socketHadError = g_errno; log("msg40: got tcp error : %s",mstrerror(g_errno)); } // do we need to launch another batch of summary requests? if ( m_numRequests < m_msg3a.m_numDocIds && ! m_socketHadError ) { // . if we can launch another, do it // . say "true" here so it does not call us, gotSummary() and // do a recursive stack explosion // . this returns false if still waiting on more to come back if ( ! launchMsg20s ( true ) ) return false; // it won't launch now if we are bottlnecked waiting for // m_printi's summary to come in if ( m_si->m_streamResults ) return false; // maybe some were cached? //goto refilter; // it returned true, so m_numRequests == m_numReplies and // we don't need to launch any more! but that does NOT // make sense because m_numContiguous < m_msg3a.m_numDocIds // . i guess the launch can fail because of oom... and // end up returning true here... seen it happen, and // we had full requests/replies for m_msg3a.m_numDocIds log("msg40: got all replies i guess"); goto doAgain; //char *xx=NULL; *xx=0; } // . ok, now i wait for everybody. // . TODO: evaluate if this hurts us if ( m_numReplies < m_numRequests ) return false; // if streaming results, we are done if ( m_si && m_si->m_streamResults ) { // unless waiting for last transmit to complete if ( m_sendsOut > m_sendsIn ) return false; // delete everything! no, doneSendingWrapper9 does... //mdelete(st, sizeof(State0), "msg40st0"); //delete st; // otherwise, all done! return true; } // save this before we increment m_numContiguous //long oldNumContiguous = m_numContiguous; // . before launching more msg20s, first see if we got enough now // . the first "m_numContiguous" of the m_msg20[] are valid! // . save this for launchMsg20s() to look at at so it will not keep // launching just to keep m_maxOutstanding satisfied. otherwise, if // msg20[0] is really really slow, we end up getting back *way* more // summaries than we probably need! // . this also let's us know how many of the m_msg3a.m_docIds[] and // m_msg20[]s we can look at at this point to determine how many of // the docids are actually "visible" (unclustered) // . if enough are already visible we set m_gotEnough to true to // prevent more msg20s being launched. but we must wait for all that // have launched to come back. // . visibleContiguous = of the contiguous guys, how many are good, // i.e. visible/unclustered? /* for ( long i = 0 ; i < m_msg3a.m_numDocIds ; i++ ) { // stop as soon as we hit a gap breaking our contiguity... if ( m_msg20[i] && ! m_msg20[i]->m_gotReply ) break; // count every docid m_numContiguous++; // count if it is visible if (m_msg3a.m_clusterLevels[i] == CR_OK) m_visibleContiguous++; } */ // if there's no way we have enough, keep going /* if ( m_visibleContiguousm_docsWanted+m_si->m_firstResultNum+1 && // there have to be more docids to get summaries for... m_numContiguous < m_msg3a.m_numDocIds ) { // . if we can launch another, do it // . say "true" here so it does not call us, gotSummary() and // do a recursive stack explosion // . this returns false if still waiting on more to come back if ( ! launchMsg20s ( true ) ) return false; // maybe some were cached? goto refilter; } */ // MDW: put this back once we figure out how to prevent so many // wasted summary lookups // how many msg20s have we got back but filtered out? // long filtered = m_numContiguous - m_visibleContinguous; // we don't want to over-launch msg20s if we end up getting what // we wanted without any disappearing because of clustering, etc. // BUT if we UNDER the hard count, launch more //if ( m_numContiguous == oldNumContiguous && ! m_gotEnough ) { // // launch more msg20 requests // if ( ! launchMsg20s ( true ) ) return false; // // maybe some were cached? // //goto refilter; // // it returned true, so m_numRequests == m_numReplies and // // we don't need to launch any more! but that does NOT // // make sense because the reply we just got did not increase // // m_numContiguous, meaning there is a gap we are waiting on. // char *xx=NULL; *xx=0; //} // this logic here makes us get the msg20s in chunks of 50, so the // 51st msg20 request will have to wait for the first 50 replies to // arrive before it can even be launched! that seriously slows us down, // because we often have a summary that takes 200ms to get... but most // take like 10-20ms or so. MDW: comment out later again //if( (m_numContiguous == oldNumContiguous) && // (m_numReplies < m_numRequests ) ) // return false; // so we have to set this to zero 0 i guess //oldNumContiguous = 0; // and this //m_numContiguous = m_numReplies; long long startTime = gettimeofdayInMilliseconds(); long long took; // shortcut //Query *q = m_msg3a.m_q; Query *q = &m_si->m_q; //log(LOG_DEBUG, "query: msg40: deduping from %ld to %ld", //oldNumContiguous, m_numContiguous); // count how many are visible! //long visible = 0; // loop over each clusterLevel and set it for ( long i = 0 ; i < m_numReplies ; i++ ) { // get current cluster level char *level = &m_msg3a.m_clusterLevels[i]; // sanity check -- this is a transistional value msg3a should // set it to something else! if ( *level == CR_GOT_REC ) { char *xx=NULL; *xx=0; } if ( *level == CR_ERROR_CLUSTERDB ) { char *xx=NULL; *xx=0; } // skip if already "bad" if ( *level != CR_OK ) continue; // if the user only requested docids, we have no summaries if ( m_si->m_docIdsOnly ) break; // convenient var Msg20 *m = m_msg20[i]; // get the Msg20 reply Msg20Reply *mr = m->m_r; // if no reply, all hosts must have been dead i guess so // filter out this guy if ( ! mr && ! m->m_errno ) { logf(LOG_DEBUG,"query: msg 20 reply was null."); m->m_errno = ENOHOSTS; } // if any msg20 has m_errno set, then set ours so at least the // xml feed will know there was a problem even though it may // have gotten search results. // the BIG HACK is done in Msg20. Msg20::m_errno is set to // something like EMISSINGQUERYTERMS if the document really // doesn't match the query, maybe because of indexdb corruption if ( m->m_errno ) { if ( m_si->m_debug || g_conf.m_logDebugQuery ) logf( LOG_DEBUG, "query: result %li (docid=%lli) had " "an error (%s) and will not be shown.", i, m_msg3a.m_docIds[i], mstrerror(m->m_errno)); *level = CR_ERROR_SUMMARY; //m_visibleContiguous--; // update our m_errno while here if ( ! m_errno ) m_errno = m->m_errno; continue; } // a special case if ( mr && mr->m_errno == CR_RULESET_FILTERED ) { *level = CR_RULESET_FILTERED; //m_visibleContiguous--; continue; } // this seems to be set too! if ( mr && mr->m_errno == EDOCFILTERED ) { *level = CR_RULESET_FILTERED; //m_visibleContiguous--; continue; } if ( ! m_si->m_showBanned && mr->m_isBanned ) { if ( m_si->m_debug || g_conf.m_logDebugQuery ) logf ( LOG_DEBUG, "query: result %li (docid=%lli) is " "banned and will not be shown.", i, m_msg3a.m_docIds[i] ); *level = CR_BANNED_URL; //m_visibleContiguous--; continue; } // filter out urls with ptr_ubuf, " in them if ( strstr(mr->ptr_ubuf, "]]>") ) { *level = CR_BAD_URL; //m_visibleContiguous--; continue; } if( ! mr->m_hasAllQueryTerms ) { if ( m_si->m_debug || g_conf.m_logDebugQuery ) logf( LOG_DEBUG, "query: result %li (docid=%lli) is " "missing query terms and will not be" " shown.", i, m_msg3a.m_docIds[i] ); *level = CR_MISSING_TERMS; //m_visibleContiguous--; // uncluster any docids below this one if ( m_unclusterCount-- > 0 ) uncluster ( i ); continue; } //visible++; } // . assume no dups removed // . we print "click here to show ommitted results" if this is true m_removedDupContent = false; // what is the deduping threshhold? 0 means do not do deuping long dedupPercent = 0; if ( m_si->m_doDupContentRemoval && m_si->m_percentSimilarSummary ) dedupPercent = m_si->m_percentSimilarSummary; // icc=1 turns this off too i think if ( m_si->m_includeCachedCopy ) dedupPercent = 0; // if the user only requested docids, we have no summaries if ( m_si->m_docIdsOnly ) dedupPercent = 0; // filter out duplicate/similar summaries for ( long i = 0 ; dedupPercent && i < m_numReplies ; i++ ) { // skip if already invisible if ( m_msg3a.m_clusterLevels[i] != CR_OK ) continue; // start with the first docid we have not yet checked! //long m = oldNumContiguous; // get it Msg20Reply *mri = m_msg20[i]->m_r; // do not dedup CT_STATUS results, those are // spider reply "documents" that indicate the last // time a doc was spidered and the error code or // success code if ( mri->m_contentType == CT_STATUS ) continue; // never let it be i //if ( m <= i ) m = i + 1; // see if any result lower-scoring than #i is a dup of #i for( long m = i+1 ; m < m_numReplies ; m++ ) { // get current cluster level char *level = &m_msg3a.m_clusterLevels[m]; // skip if already invisible if ( *level != CR_OK ) continue; // get it Msg20Reply *mrm = m_msg20[m]->m_r; // do not dedup CT_STATUS results, those are // spider reply "documents" that indicate the last // time a doc was spidered and the error code or // success code if ( mrm->m_contentType == CT_STATUS ) continue; // use gigabit vector to do topic clustering, etc. long *vi = (long *)mri->ptr_vbuf; long *vm = (long *)mrm->ptr_vbuf; //char s = g_clusterdb. // getSampleSimilarity (vi,vm,VECTOR_REC_SIZE ); float s ; s = computeSimilarity(vi,vm,NULL,NULL,NULL, m_si->m_niceness); // skip if not similar if ( (long)s < dedupPercent ) continue; // otherwise mark it as a summary dup if ( m_si->m_debug || g_conf.m_logDebugQuery ) logf( LOG_DEBUG, "query: result #%ld " "(docid=%lli) is %.02f%% similar-" "summary of #%li (docid=%lld)", m, m_msg3a.m_docIds[m] , s, i, m_msg3a.m_docIds[i] ); *level = CR_DUP_SUMMARY; //m_visibleContiguous--; m_removedDupContent = true; // uncluster the next clustered docid from this // hostname below "m" if ( m_unclusterCount-- > 0 ) uncluster ( m ); } } // // BEGIN URL NORMALIZE AND COMPARE // // . ONLY DEDUP URL if it explicitly enabled AND we are not performing // a site: or suburl: query. if(m_si->m_dedupURL && !q->m_hasPositiveSiteField && !q->m_hasSubUrlField) { for(long i = 0 ; i < m_msg3a.m_numDocIds ; i++) { // skip if already invisible if(m_msg3a.m_clusterLevels[i] != CR_OK) continue; // get it Msg20Reply *mr = m_msg20[i]->m_r; // hash the URL all in lower case to catch wiki dups char *url = mr-> ptr_ubuf; long ulen = mr->size_ubuf - 1; // since the redirect url is a more accurate // representation of the conent do that if it exists. if ( mr->ptr_rubuf ) { url = mr-> ptr_rubuf; ulen = mr->size_rubuf - 1; } // fix for directories, sometimes they are indexed // without a trailing slash, so let's normalize to // this standard. if(url[ulen-1] == '/') ulen--; Url u; u.set(url,ulen); url = u.getHost(); if(u.getPathLen() > 1) { // . remove sub-domain to fix conflicts with // sites having www,us,en,fr,de,uk,etc AND // it redirects to the same page. char *host = u.getHost(); char *mdom = u.getMidDomain(); if(mdom && host) { long hlen = mdom - host; if (isSubDom(host, hlen-1)) url = mdom; } } // adjust url string length ulen -= url - u.getUrl(); uint64_t h = hash64Lower_a(url, ulen); long slot = m_urlTable.getSlot(h); // if there is no slot,this url doesn't exist => add it if(slot == -1) { m_urlTable.addKey(h,mr->m_docId); } else { // If there was a slot, denote with the // cluster level URL already exited previously char *level = &m_msg3a.m_clusterLevels[i]; if(m_si->m_debug || g_conf.m_logDebugQuery) logf(LOG_DEBUG, "query: result #%ld " "(docid=%lli) is the " "same URL as " "(docid=%lld)", i,m_msg3a.m_docIds[i], m_urlTable. getValueFromSlot(slot)); *level = CR_DUP_URL; //m_visibleContiguous--; m_removedDupContent = true; } } } // // END URL NORMALIZE AND COMPARE // // how many docids are visible? (unfiltered) //long visible = m_filterStats[CR_OK]; // count how many are visible! long visible = 0; // loop over each clusterLevel and set it for ( long i = 0 ; i < m_numReplies ; i++ ) { // get current cluster level char *level = &m_msg3a.m_clusterLevels[i]; // on CR_OK if ( *level == CR_OK ) visible++; } // do we got enough search results now? //if ( visible >= m_docsWanted ) // m_gotEnough = true; // show time took = gettimeofdayInMilliseconds() - startTime; if ( took > 3 ) log(LOG_INFO,"query: Took %lli ms to do clustering and dup " "removal.",took); // do we have enough visible at this point? //if ( m_visibleContiguous >= m_docsToGetVisible ) m_gotEnough = true; // . wait for all the replies to come in // . no more should be launched in launchedMsg20s() since we set // m_gotEnough to true // . MDW: i added "m_gotEnough &&" to this line... //if ( m_gotEnough && m_numReplies < m_numRequests ) return false; // . let's wait for the tasks to complete before even trying to launch // more than the first MAX_OUTSTANDING msg20s // . the msg3a re-call will end up re-doing our tasks as well! so we // have to make sure they complete at this point if ( m_tasksRemaining > 0 ) return false; // debug bool debug = (m_si->m_debug || g_conf.m_logDebugQuery); for ( long i = 0 ; debug && i < m_msg3a.m_numDocIds ; i++ ) { //unsigned long sh; //sh = g_titledb.getHostHash(*(key_t*)m_msg20[i]->m_vectorRec); long cn = (long)m_msg3a.m_clusterLevels[i]; if ( cn < 0 || cn >= CR_END ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; } char *s = g_crStrings[cn]; if ( ! s ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; } logf(LOG_DEBUG, "query: msg40 final hit #%li) d=%llu " "cl=%li (%s)", i,m_msg3a.m_docIds[i],(long)m_msg3a.m_clusterLevels[i],s); } if ( debug ) logf (LOG_DEBUG,"query: msg40: firstResult=%li, " "totalDocIds=%ld, resultsWanted=%ld " "visible=%li toGet=%li recallCnt=%li", m_si->m_firstResultNum, m_msg3a.m_numDocIds , m_docsToGetVisible, visible, //m_numContiguous, m_docsToGet , m_msg3aRecallCnt); // if we do not have enough visible, try to get more if ( visible < m_docsToGetVisible && m_msg3a.m_moreDocIdsAvail && // doesn't work on multi-coll just yet, it cores m_numCollsToSearch == 1 ) { // can it cover us? long need = m_msg3a.m_docsToGet + 20; // note it log("msg40: too many summaries invisible. getting more " "docids from msg3a merge and getting summaries. " "%li are visible, need %li. " "%li to %li. " "numReplies=%li numRequests=%li", visible, m_docsToGetVisible, m_msg3a.m_docsToGet, need, m_numReplies, m_numRequests); // get more //m_docsToGet = need; // merge more m_msg3a.m_docsToGet = need; m_msg3a.mergeLists(); // rellaoc the msg20 array if ( ! reallocMsg20Buf() ) return true; // reset this before launch m_numReplies = 0; m_numRequests = 0; // reprocess all! m_lastProcessedi = -1; // now launch! if ( ! launchMsg20s ( true ) ) return false; // all done, call callback return true; } /* // if we do not have enough visible, try to get more if ( visible < m_docsToGet && // if we got some docids yet to get, from any tier... //m_msg3a.m_moreDocIdsAvail && // do not recall until all done with the msg20s //m_numContiguous >= m_msg3a.m_numDocIds && // and we had to have gotten all requested of use but just lost // some docids due to clustering/filtering m_msg3a.m_numDocIds >= m_docsToGet && // . only recall 3 times at most // . this also prevents potential stack explosion since we // re-call getDocIds() below! m_msg3aRecallCnt < 3 && // do not recall if doing rerank //m_si->m_rerankRuleset < 0 && // do not recall if we got the max to compute m_msg3a.m_numDocIds < m_maxDocIdsToCompute ) { // get the visibility ratio float ratio ; if ( m_visibleContiguous < 2 ) ratio = m_msg3a.m_numDocIds / 1; else ratio = m_msg3a.m_numDocIds / m_visibleContiguous; // always boost by at least 50% more for good measure ratio *= 1.5; // keep stats on it g_stats.m_msg3aRecallCnt++; m_msg3aRecallCnt++; // . re-call msg3a and ask for more docids because some of them // are invisible/filtered and we need more // . MDW: can we make Msg3a just re-do its merge if it can, // rather than re-call Msg39 again? (TODO) // . apply the ratio, to get more docids long get = (long)((float)m_docsToGet * ratio); // do not breach the limit if ( get > m_maxDocIdsToCompute ) get = m_maxDocIdsToCompute; // . if different, recall msg3a // . if we are then we can start from msg3a.MergedocIds if ( get > m_docsToGet ) { // debug msg //if ( g_conf.m_logDebugQuery || m_si->m_debug ) logf(LOG_DEBUG,"query: msg40: recalling msg3a " "merge oldactual=%li newactual=%li", m_docsToGet,get); // ok, we got a new number to get now m_docsToGet = get; // let's do it all from the top! return getDocIds ( true ) ; // NOTE: we no longer do msg3a re-calls for simplicity // so all re-calling is done from right here only // MDW: hack it in msg3a too //m_msg3a.m_docsToGet = get; // . true = recalled? // . this will re-merge the lists with a higher // m_docsToGet and hopefully squeeze more docids out // . this will block (return false) if it has to // re-call the Msg39s to get more docids by calling // Msg3a::fetchLists(). // . if it blocks it will eventually call our // gotDocIdsWrapper() callback //if ( ! m_msg3a.mergeLists ( true ) ) return false; // hey, we got some more docids out of the merge, // so check them out //goto refilter; } } */ /* // how many msg20::getSummary() calls did we do unnecessarily? long vcnt = 0; for ( long i = 0 ; i <= m_maxiLaunched ; i++ ) { // skip if never launched and should have... a gap... if ( m_msg20[i] && ! m_msg20[i]->m_gotReply ) continue; // get cluster level char level = m_msg3a.m_clusterLevels[i]; // sanity check if ( level < 0 || level >= CR_END ) { char *xx=NULL; *xx =0; } // add it up g_stats.m_filterStats[(long)level]++; // skip if NOT visible if ( m_msg3a.m_clusterLevels[i] != CR_OK ) continue; // count if visible vcnt++; // skip if not wasted if ( vcnt <= m_docsToGetVisible ) continue; // a special g_stat, means msg20 call was not necessary g_stats.m_filterStats[CR_WASTED]++; // discount from visible g_stats.m_filterStats[CR_OK]--; } */ // get time now long long now = gettimeofdayInMilliseconds(); // . add the stat for how long to get all the summaries // . use purple for tie to get all summaries // . THIS INCLUDES Msg3a/Msg39 RECALLS!!! // . can we subtract that? g_stats.addStat_r ( 0 , m_startTime , now , //"get_all_summaries", 0x008220ff ); // timestamp log if ( g_conf.m_logTimingQuery || m_si->m_debug ) logf(LOG_DEBUG,"query: msg40: [%li] Got %li summaries in " "%lli ms", (long)this , visible, // m_visibleContiguous, now - m_startTime ); //long maxAge = 0; //if ( m_si->m_rcache ) maxAge = g_conf.m_titledbMaxCacheAge; ///////////// // // // prepare query term extra info for gigabits // //////////// //QueryTerm *qterms[MAX_QUERY_TERMS]; //long nqt = 0; //Query *q = m_si->m_q; // english? TEST! unsigned char lang = m_si->m_queryLangId; // just print warning i guess if ( lang == 0 ) { log("query: queryLang is 0 for q=%s",q->m_orig); //char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; } } // we gotta use query TERMS not words, because the query may be // 'cd rom' and the phrase term will be 'cdrom' which is a good one // to use for gigabits! plus we got synonyms now! for ( long i = 0 ; i < q->m_numTerms ; i++ ) { // shortcut QueryTerm *qt = &q->m_qterms[i]; // assume ignored qt->m_popWeight = 0; qt->m_hash64d = 0; // skip if ignored query stop word etc. if ( qt->m_ignored && qt->m_ignored != IGNORE_QUOTED )continue; // get the word or phrase char *s = qt->m_term; long slen = qt->m_termLen; // use this special hash for looking up popularity in pop dict // i think it is just like hash64 but ignores spaces so we // can hash 'cd rom' as "cdrom". but i think we do this // now, so use m_termId as see... unsigned long long qh = hash64d(s, slen); //long long qh = qt->m_termId; long qpop; qpop = g_speller.getPhrasePopularity(s, qh, true,lang); long qpopWeight; if ( qpop < QPOP_ZONE_0 ) qpopWeight = QPOP_MULT_0; else if ( qpop < QPOP_ZONE_1 ) qpopWeight = QPOP_MULT_1; else if ( qpop < QPOP_ZONE_2 ) qpopWeight = QPOP_MULT_2; else if ( qpop < QPOP_ZONE_3 ) qpopWeight = QPOP_MULT_3; else if ( qpop < QPOP_ZONE_4 ) qpopWeight = QPOP_MULT_4; else qpopWeight = 1; // remember them in the query term qt->m_hash64d = qh; qt->m_popWeight = qpopWeight; // store that queryterm ptrs into our array //qterms[nqt] = qt; //nqt++; // debug it if ( ! m_si->m_debugGigabits ) continue; SafeBuf msg; msg.safePrintf("gbits: qpop=%li qweight=%li " "queryterm=", qpop,qpopWeight); msg.safeMemcpy(qt->m_term,qt->m_termLen); msg.pushChar('\0'); logf(LOG_DEBUG,"%s",msg.getBufStart()); } ///////////// // // make gigabits // ///////////// if ( m_docsToScanForTopics > 0 ) { // time it long long stt = gettimeofdayInMilliseconds(); // get the fist one, just use that for now TopicGroup *tg = &m_si->m_topicGroups[0]; // . this will not block // . this code is in XmlDoc.cpp // . samples are from XmlDoc::getSampleForGigabits(), generated // for each titlerec in the search results // . SHIT! lets go back to the old code since this was // the new approach and didn't support single lower-case // words, like "parchment" for the 'Magna Carta' query. // or 'copies' for the 'Magna Carta' query, etc. which // i think are very interesting, especially when displayed // in sentences // . set m_gigabitInfos[] to be the gigabits if ( ! computeGigabits( tg ) ) { // note it log("gbits: general error: %s",mstrerror(g_errno)); // g_errno should be set on error here! return true; } // now make the fast facts from the gigabits and the // samples. these are sentences containing the query and // a gigabit. if ( ! computeFastFacts ( ) ) { // note it log("gbits: general error: %s",mstrerror(g_errno)); // g_errno should be set on error here! return true; } /* long ng; ng = intersectGigabits ( //m_msg3a.m_q->m_orig , //m_msg3a.m_q->m_origLen , m_msg20 , m_msg3a.m_numDocIds,//m_numContiguous //m_msg3a.getClusterLevels(), //m_si->m_topicGroups , //m_si->m_numTopicGroups , m_si->m_langHint , tg->m_maxTopics , tg->m_docsToScanForTopics , tg->m_minDocCount , m_gigabitInfos , m_si->m_niceness ); */ // ng is -1 on error, g_errno should be set //if ( ng == -1 ) return true; // otherwise, it is legit! //m_numGigabitInfos = ng; // sanity check //if ( ng > 50 ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; } // time it long long took = gettimeofdayInMilliseconds() - stt; if ( took > 5 ) logf(LOG_DEBUG,"query: make gigabits took %lli ms", took); } // take this out for now... #ifdef GB_PQR // run post query reranks for this query long wanted = m_si->m_docsWanted + m_si->m_firstResultNum + 1; if ( m_postQueryRerank.isEnabled() && m_postQueryRerank.set2(wanted)){ if ( ! m_postQueryRerank.preRerank () ) { log("query: PostQueryRerank::" "preRerank() failed."); m_postQueryRerank.rerankFailed(); } else if ( ! m_postQueryRerank.rerank () ) { log("query: PostQueryRerank::" "rerank() failed."); m_postQueryRerank.rerankFailed(); } else if ( ! m_postQueryRerank.postRerank () ) { log("query: PostQueryRerank::" "postRerank() failed."); m_postQueryRerank.rerankFailed(); } } #endif // set m_moreToCome, if true, we print a "Next 10" link m_moreToCome = (visible > //m_visibleContiguous > m_si->m_docsWanted+m_si->m_firstResultNum); if ( m_si->m_debug || g_conf.m_logDebugQuery ) logf ( LOG_DEBUG, "query: msg40: more? %d", m_moreToCome ); // alloc m_buf, which should be NULL if ( m_buf ) { char *xx = NULL; *xx = 0; } // . we need to collapse m_msg3a.m_docIds[], etc. into m_docIds[] etc // to be just the docids we wanted. // . at this point we should merge in all docids from all Msg40s from // different clusters, etc. // . now alloc space for "docsWanted" m_docIds[], m_scores[], // m_bitScores[], m_clusterLevels[] and m_newMsg20[] // // HACK TIME // // . bury filtered/clustered docids from m_msg3a.m_docIds[] // . also remove result no in the request window specified by &s=X&n=Y // where "s" is m_si->m_firstResultNum (which starts at 0) and "n" // is the number of results requested, m_si->m_docsWanted // . this is a bit of a hack (MDW) long c = 0; long v = 0; for ( long i = 0 ; i < m_msg3a.m_numDocIds ; i++ ) { // assume we got a valid docid bool skip = false; // must ahve a cluster level of CR_OK (visible) if ( m_msg3a.m_clusterLevels[i] != CR_OK ) skip = true; // v is the visible count else if ( v++ < m_si->m_firstResultNum ) skip = true; // . if skipping a valid msg20, give it a chance to destruct // . no longer do this because CR_SUMMARY_MERGED needs to keep // the msg20 reply around so PageResults.cpp can merge the // event descriptions //if ( skip && m_msg20[i] ) m_msg20[i]->destructor(); // if skipping continue if ( skip ) continue; // we got a winner, save it m_msg3a.m_docIds [c] = m_msg3a.m_docIds [i]; m_msg3a.m_scores [c] = m_msg3a.m_scores [i]; m_msg3a.m_clusterLevels [c] = m_msg3a.m_clusterLevels [i]; m_msg20 [c] = m_msg20 [i]; if ( m_msg3a.m_scoreInfos ) m_msg3a.m_scoreInfos [c] = m_msg3a.m_scoreInfos [i]; long need = m_si->m_docsWanted; // if done, bail if ( ++c >= need ) break; } // reset the # of docids we got to how many we kept! m_msg3a.m_numDocIds = c; // debug for ( long i = 0 ; debug && i < m_msg3a.m_numDocIds ; i++ ) logf(LOG_DEBUG, "query: msg40 clipped hit #%li) d=%llu " "cl=%li (%s)", i,m_msg3a.m_docIds[i],(long)m_msg3a.m_clusterLevels[i], g_crStrings[(long)m_msg3a.m_clusterLevels[i]]); // // END HACK // // . uc = use cache? // . store in cache now if we need to bool uc = false; if ( m_si->m_useCache ) uc = true; if ( m_si->m_wcache ) uc = true; // . do not store if there was an error // . no, allow errors in cache since we often have lots of // docid not founds and what not, due to index corruption and // being out of sync with titledb if ( m_errno && // forgive "Record not found" errors, they are quite common m_errno != ENOTFOUND && m_errno != EMISSINGQUERYTERMS ) { logf(LOG_DEBUG,"query: not storing in cache: %s", mstrerror(m_errno)); uc = false; } if ( m_si->m_docIdsOnly ) uc = false; // all done if not storing in cache if ( ! uc ) return true; // debug if ( m_si->m_debug ) logf(LOG_DEBUG,"query: [%lu] Storing output in cache.", (unsigned long)this); // store in this buffer char tmpBuf [ 64 * 1024 ]; // use that char *p = tmpBuf; // how much room? long tmpSize = getStoredSize(); // unless too small if ( tmpSize > 64*1024 ) p = (char *)mmalloc(tmpSize,"Msg40Cache"); if ( ! p ) { // this is just for cachinig, not critical... ignore errors g_errno = 0; logf ( LOG_INFO , "query: Size of cached search results page (and " "all associated data) is %li bytes. Max is %i. " "Page not cached.", tmpSize, 32*1024 ); return true; } // serialize into tmp long nb = serialize ( p , tmpSize ); // it must fit exactly if ( nb != tmpSize || nb == 0 ) { g_errno = EBADENGINEER; log (LOG_LOGIC, "query: Size of cached search results page (%li) " "does not match what it should be. (%li)", nb, tmpSize ); return true; } if ( ! m_msg3a.m_rrr.m_getDocIdScoringInfo ) { // make key based on the hash of certain vars in SearchInput key_t k = m_si->makeKey(); // cache it m_msg17.storeInCache ( SEARCHRESULTS_CACHEID , k , p , // rec tmpSize , // recSize m_firstCollnum ,//m_si->m_coll2 m_si->m_niceness , 3 ); //timeout=3secs } // free it, cache will copy it into its ring buffer if ( p != tmpBuf ) mfree ( p , tmpSize , "Msg40Cache" ); // ignore errors g_errno = 0; return true; } // m_msg3a.m_docIds[m] was filtered because it was a dup or something so we // must "uncluster" the *next* docid from the same hostname that is clustered void Msg40::uncluster ( long m ) { // skip for now return; key_t crec1 = m_msg3a.m_clusterRecs[m]; long long sh1 = g_clusterdb.getSiteHash26 ( (char *)&crec1 ); for ( long k = 0 ; k < m_msg3a.m_numDocIds ; k++ ) { // skip docid #k if not from same hostname key_t crec2 = m_msg3a.m_clusterRecs[k]; long long sh2 = g_clusterdb.getSiteHash26 ( (char *)&crec2 ); if ( sh2 != sh1 ) continue; // skip if not OK or CLUSTERED if ( m_msg3a.m_clusterLevels[k] != CR_CLUSTERED ) continue; // UNHIDE IT m_msg3a.m_clusterLevels[k] = CR_OK; // we must UN-dedup anything after us because now that we are // no longer clustered, we could dedup a result below us, // which deduped another result, which is now no longer deduped // because its deduped was this unclustered results dup! ;) for ( long i = k+1 ; i < m_msg3a.m_numDocIds ; i++ ) { // get current cluster level char *level = &m_msg3a.m_clusterLevels[i]; // reset dupped guys, they will be re-done if needed! if ( *level == CR_DUP_SUMMARY ) *level = CR_OK; if ( *level == CR_DUP_TOPIC ) *level = CR_OK; } // . reset this so it gets re-computed // . we are placing a gap at m_msg20[k] since // m_msg20[k].m_gotReply = false //m_numContiguous = 0; //m_visibleContiguous = 0; // debug note logf(LOG_DEBUG,"query: msg40: unclustering docid #%li %lli. " "(unclusterCount=%li)", k,m_msg3a.m_docIds[k],m_unclusterCount); // . steal the msg20! // . sanity check -- should have been NULL! if ( m_msg20[k] ) { char *xx=NULL; *xx=0; } // sanity check if ( ! m_msg20[m] ) { char *xx=NULL; *xx=0; } // sanity check if ( k == m ) { char *xx=NULL; *xx=0; } // for every one guy marked as a dup, we uncluster FIVE //if ( ++count >= 5 ) break; // grab it m_msg20[k] = m_msg20[m]; // reset it, m_gotReply should be false now m_msg20[k]->reset(); // the dup guy has a NULL ptr now m_msg20[m] = NULL; // . only have to unhide one at a time // . one is a dup, so no more than one will // become UNhidden break; } } long Msg40::getStoredSize ( ) { // moreToCome=1 long size = 1; // msg3a size += m_msg3a.getStoredSize(); // add each summary for ( long i = 0 ; i < m_msg3a.m_numDocIds; i++ ) { // do not store the big samples if we're not storing cached // copy. if "includeCachedCopy" is true then the page itself // will be the summary. //if ( ! m_si->m_includeCachedCopy ) // m_msg20[i]->clearBigSample(); // getting rid of this makes it take up less room m_msg20[i]->clearLinks(); m_msg20[i]->clearVectors(); // if not visisble, do not store! if ( m_msg3a.m_clusterLevels[i] != CR_OK ) continue; // otherwise, store it size += m_msg20[i]->getStoredSize(); } // . the related topics, only those whose score is >= m_minTopicScore // . nah, just re-instersect from the msg20 replies again! its quick //size += m_msg24.getStoredSize ( ); //size += m_msg1a.getStoredSize ( ); // cache msg2b if we have it //size += m_msg2b.getStoredSize(); return size; } // . serialize ourselves for the cache // . returns bytes written // . returns -1 and sets g_errno on error long Msg40::serialize ( char *buf , long bufLen ) { // set the ptr stuff char *p = buf; char *pend = buf + bufLen; // miscellaneous *p++ = m_moreToCome; // msg3a: // m_numDocIds[] // m_docIds[] // m_scores[] // m_clusterLevels[] // m_totalHits (estimated) long nb = m_msg3a.serialize ( p , pend ); // return -1 on error if ( nb < 0 ) return -1; // otherwise, inc over it p += nb; // . then summary excerpts, keep them word aligned... // . TODO: make sure empty Msg20s are very little space! for ( long i = 0 ; i < m_msg3a.m_numDocIds ; i++ ) { // sanity check if ( m_msg3a.m_clusterLevels[i] == CR_OK && ! m_msg20[i] ) { char *xx = NULL; *xx = 0; } // if null skip it if ( ! m_msg20[i] ) continue; // do not store the big samples if we're not storing cached // copy. if "includeCachedCopy" is true then the page itself // will be the summary. //if ( ! m_si->m_includeCachedCopy ) // m_msg20[i]->clearBigSample(); // getting rid of this makes it take up less room m_msg20[i]->clearLinks(); m_msg20[i]->clearVectors(); // if not visisble, do not store! if ( m_msg3a.m_clusterLevels[i] != CR_OK ) continue; // return -1 on error, g_errno should be set long nb = m_msg20[i]->serialize ( p , pend - p ) ; // count it if ( m_msg3a.m_rrr.m_debug ) log("query: msg40 serialize msg20size=%li",nb); //if ( m_r.m_debug ) { // long mcount = 0; // Msg20Reply *mr = m_msg20[i]->m_r; // for ( long *mm = &mr->size_tbuf ; // mm <= &mr->size_templateVector ; // mm++ ) { // log("query: msg20 #%li = %li", // mcount,*mm); // mcount++; // } //} if ( nb == -1 ) return -1; p += nb; } // nah, just re-instersect from the msg20 replies again! its quick //long x = m_msg24.serialize ( p , pend - p ); //if ( x == -1 ) return -1; //p += x; //long y = m_msg1a.serialize (p, pend - p); //if ( y == -1 ) return -1; //p += y; //long z = m_msg2b.serialize (p, pend - p); //if ( z == -1 ) return -1; //p += z; if ( m_msg3a.m_rrr.m_debug ) log("query: msg40 serialize nd=%li " "msg3asize=%li ",m_msg3a.m_numDocIds,nb); // return bytes stored return p - buf; } // . deserialize ourselves for the cache // . returns bytes written // . returns -1 and sets g_errno on error long Msg40::deserialize ( char *buf , long bufSize ) { // we OWN the buffer m_buf = buf; m_bufMaxSize = bufSize; // set the ptr stuff char *p = buf; char *pend = buf + bufSize; // miscellaneous m_moreToCome = *p++; // msg3a: // m_numDocIds // m_docIds[] // m_scores[] // m_clusterLevels[] // m_totalHits (estimated) long nb = m_msg3a.deserialize ( p , pend ); // return -1 on error if ( nb < 0 ) return -1; // otherwise, inc over it p += nb; // . alloc buf to hold all m_msg20[i] ptrs and the Msg20s they point to // . return -1 if this failed! it will set g_errno/m_errno already if ( ! reallocMsg20Buf() ) return -1; // MDW: then summary excerpts, keep them word aligned... for ( long i = 0 ; i < m_msg3a.m_numDocIds ; i++ ) { // if flag is 0 that means a NULL msg20 if ( m_msg3a.m_clusterLevels[i] != CR_OK ) continue; // return -1 on error, g_errno should be set long x = m_msg20[i]->deserialize ( p , pend - p ) ; if ( x == -1 ) return -1; p += x; } // msg2b //long z = m_msg2b.deserialize ( p , pend - p ); //if ( z == -1 ) return -1; //p += z; // return bytes read return p - buf; } static char *s_subDoms[] = { // Common Language sub-domains "en" , "fr" , "es" , "ru" , "zz" , "ja" , "tw" , "cn" , "ko" , "de" , "nl" , "it" , "fi" , "sv" , "no" , "pt" , "vi" , "ar" , "he" , "id" , "el" , "th" , "hi" , "bn" , "pl" , "tl" , // Common Country sub-domains "us" , "uk" , // Common web sub-domains "www" }; static HashTable s_subDomTable; static bool s_subDomInitialized = false; static bool initSubDomTable(HashTable *table, char *words[], long size ){ // set up the hash table if ( ! table->set ( size * 2 ) ) return log(LOG_INIT,"build: Could not init sub-domain " "table." ); // now add in all the stop words long n = (long)size/ sizeof(char *); for ( long i = 0 ; i < n ; i++ ) { char *sw = words[i]; long swlen = gbstrlen ( sw ); long h = hash32Lower_a(sw, swlen); long slot = table->getSlot(h); // if there is no slot, this url doesn't exist => add it if(slot == -1) table->addKey(h,0); else log(LOG_INIT,"build: Sub-domain table has duplicates"); } return true; } bool isSubDom(char *s , long len) { if ( ! s_subDomInitialized ) { s_subDomInitialized = initSubDomTable(&s_subDomTable, s_subDoms, sizeof(s_subDoms)); if (!s_subDomInitialized) return false; } // get from table long h = hash32Lower_a(s, len); if(s_subDomTable.getSlot(h) == -1) return false; return true; } ////////////////////////////////// // // COMPUTE GIGABITS!!! // ////////////////////////////////// bool hashSample ( Query *q, HashTableX *master, TopicGroup *tg , SafeBuf *vecBuf, Msg20 *thisMsg20 , HashTableX *repeatTable , bool debugGigabits ) ; static int gigabitCmp ( const void *a, const void *b ) { Gigabit *ga = *(Gigabit **)a; Gigabit *gb = *(Gigabit **)b; // put termlen =0 at end, that means it was nuked //if ( ga->m_termLen == 0 && gb->m_termLen > 0 ) return 1; // swap //if ( ga->m_termLen > 0 && gb->m_termLen == 0 ) return -1; float sa = ga->m_gbscore * ga->m_numPages; float sb = gb->m_gbscore * gb->m_numPages; // "King John" on 6 pages should be "John" on 12! sa *= ga->m_numWords; sb *= gb->m_numWords; // punish if only on one page if ( ga->m_numPages <= 1 ) sa /= 4.0; if ( gb->m_numPages <= 1 ) sb /= 4.0; if ( sa < sb ) return 1; // swap! if ( sa > sb ) return -1; if ( ga->m_numPages < gb->m_numPages ) return 1; // swap if ( ga->m_numPages > gb->m_numPages ) return -1; if ( ga->m_termLen > gb->m_termLen ) return 1; // swap if ( ga->m_termLen < gb->m_termLen ) return -1; return 0; } //#define MAXPOP 10000 #define MAXPOP 32000 // // . set m_gigabitInfos[] array and return # of them we set // . returns -1 with g_errno set on error // . fills m_gigabitPtrs safebuf with ptrs to the Gigabit class // and the ptrs are sorted by m_gbscore // bool Msg40::computeGigabits( TopicGroup *tg ) { //long long start = gettimeofdayInMilliseconds(); long niceness = 0; Query *q = &m_si->m_q; // for every sample estimate the number of words so we know how big // to make our repeat hash table long maxWords = 0; for ( long i = 0 ; i < m_msg3a.m_numDocIds ; i++ ) { // skip if not visible if ( m_msg3a.m_clusterLevels[i] != CR_OK ) continue; // get it Msg20* thisMsg20 = m_msg20[i]; // must be there! wtf? if ( ! thisMsg20 ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; } // make sure the summary is not in a foreign language (aac) //if (thisMsg20) { // unsigned char sLang; // sLang = thisMsg20->m_r->m_summaryLanguage; // if (language != langUnknown && sLang != language) // continue; //}; // . get the sample as provided by XmlDoc::getMsg20Reply() // calling XmlDoc::getGigabitSample() for each docid in // the search results // . the sample is a bunch of text snippets surrounding the // query terms in the doc in the search results Msg20Reply *reply = thisMsg20->getReply(); char *sample = reply->ptr_gigabitSample; long slen = reply->size_gigabitSample; // but if doing metas, get the display content as the sample //char *next = thisMsg20->getDisplayBuf(); //if ( tg->m_meta[0] && next ) // sample = thisMsg20->getNextDisplayBuf(&slen,&next); // set parser vars char *p = sample; char *pend = sample + slen; long sampleWords = 0; //long numExcerpts = 0; while ( p < pend ) { // buffer is \0 separated text snippets long plen = gbstrlen (p); sampleWords += countWords( p,plen); // advance to next exerpt p += plen + 1; //if ( debug ) numExcerpts++; }; if (maxWords + sampleWords > 0x08000000) { log("gbits: too many words in samples. " "Discarding the remaining samples " "(maxWords=%li)", maxWords); char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; } // the thing we are counting!!!! maxWords += sampleWords; } // // hash table for repeated fragment detection // // make it big enough so there are gaps, so chains are not too long long minBuckets = (long)(maxWords * 1.5); if(minBuckets < 512) minBuckets = 512; long numSlots = 2 * getHighestLitBitValue ( minBuckets ) ; // return -1 with g_errno set on error HashTableX repeatTable; if ( ! repeatTable.set(8,4,numSlots,NULL , 0, false,niceness,"gbbux")) return false; // // only allow one gigabit sample per ip? // HashTableX iptable; if ( tg->m_ipRestrict ) { long ns = m_msg3a.m_numDocIds * 4; if ( ! iptable.set(4,0,ns,NULL,0,false,niceness,"gbit") ) return false; } // // space for all vectors for deduping samples that are 80% similar // SafeBuf vecBuf; long vneed = m_msg3a.m_numDocIds * SAMPLE_VECTOR_SIZE; if ( tg->m_dedupSamplePercent >= 0 && ! vecBuf.reserve ( vneed ) ) return false; // // // . the master hash table for scoring gigabits // . each slot is a class "Gigabit" // // HashTableX master; long bs = sizeof(Gigabit); // key is a 64-bit wordid hash from Words.cpp if ( ! master.set ( 8 , bs , 20000,NULL,0,false,niceness,"mgbt") ) return false; // // now combine all the pronouns and pronoun phrases into one big hash // table and collect the top 10 topics // QUICKPOLL(niceness); long numDocsProcessed = 0; for ( long i = 0 ; i < m_msg3a.m_numDocIds ; i++ ) { // skip if not visible if ( m_msg3a.m_clusterLevels[i] != CR_OK ) continue; // get it Msg20* thisMsg20 = m_msg20[i]; // must be there! wtf? if ( ! thisMsg20 ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; } // make sure the summary is not in a foreign language (aac) //if (thisMsg20) { // unsigned char sLang; // sLang = thisMsg20->m_r->m_summaryLanguage; // if(language!=langUnknown && sLang != language) continue; //}; Msg20Reply *reply = thisMsg20->getReply(); // skip if from an ip we already did if ( tg->m_ipRestrict ) { long ipd = ipdom ( reply->m_firstIp ); // zero is invalid! if ( ! ipd ) continue; //log("url=%s",thisMsg20->getUrl()); if ( iptable.isInTable(&ipd) ) { //log("dup=%s",thisMsg20->getUrl()); continue; } // now we also check domain Url uu; uu.set ( reply->ptr_ubuf, reply->size_ubuf-1); // "mid dom" is the "ibm" part of ibm.com or ibm.de char *dom = uu.getMidDomain(); long dlen = uu.getMidDomainLen(); if ( dom && dlen > 0 ) { long h = hash32 ( dom , dlen ); if ( iptable.isInTable(&h) ) continue; iptable.addKey (&h); } // add ip iptable.addKey ( &ipd ); } // continue; // mdw // count it numDocsProcessed++; // . hash it into the master table // . this may alloc st->m_mem, so be sure to free below hashSample ( q, &master, tg , &vecBuf, thisMsg20, &repeatTable, m_si->m_debugGigabits); // ignore errors g_errno = 0; } // debug msg /* for ( long i = 0 ; i < nt ; i++ ) { long score = master->getScoreFromTermNum(i) ; if ( ! score ) continue; char *ptr = master->getTermPtr(i) ; long len = master->getTermLen(i); char ff[1024]; if ( len > 1020 ) len = 1020; memcpy ( ff , ptr , len ); ff[len] = '\0'; // we can have html entities in here now //if ( ! is_alnum(ff[0]) ) { char *xx = NULL; *xx = 0; } log("%08li %s",score,ff); } */ // how many do we need? //long need = tg->m_maxTopics ; SafeBuf gigabitPtrBuf; long need = master.m_numSlotsUsed * 4; if ( ! gigabitPtrBuf.reserve ( need ) ) return false; //long minScore = 0x7fffffff; //long minj = -1; long i ; for ( i = 0 ; i < master.m_numSlots ; i++ ) { // skip if empty if ( master.isEmpty(i) ) continue; // get it Gigabit *gb = (Gigabit *)master.getValueFromSlot(i); // skip term #i from "table" if it has 0 score //long score = master.m_scores[i]; // getScoreFromTermNum(i) ; //if ( ! score ) continue; // skip if 0 score i guess //if ( ! gb->m_qrt ) continue; // . make it higher the more popular a term is // . these are based on a MAXPOP of 10000 //long mdc = (long)((((double)numDocsProcessed * 3.0 * // (double)(gb->m_gbpop&0x7fffffff))+0.5)/ // MAXPOP); //if ( mdc < tg->m_minDocCount ) mdc = tg->m_minDocCount; // skip if does not meet the min doc count if ( gb->m_numPages < tg->m_minDocCount ) continue; // set the min of all in our list //if ( score < minScore ) { minScore = score; minj = np; } // i've seen this become NULL at line 753 on gb1 below for // /search?code=mammaXbG&uip= // manhattan,+ny // so let's try it again and try to find out why maybe if ( gb->m_termLen <= 0 ) { char *orig = ""; if ( q ) orig = q->m_orig; log (LOG_LOGIC,"query: Got 0 length gigabit. q=%s", orig); continue; } // recalc the score //double frac1 = ((MAXPOP-(pops[i]&0x7fffffff))*100.0)/MAXPOP; //double frac2 = ((double)count * 100.0) / (double)sampled; //score = (long)((frac1 * frac2) / 100.0); // we got a winner gigabitPtrBuf.pushLong((long)gb); } // // // sort the gigabit ptrs // // Gigabit **ptrs = (Gigabit **)gigabitPtrBuf.getBufStart(); long numPtrs = gigabitPtrBuf.length() / 4; gbqsort ( ptrs , numPtrs , sizeof(Gigabit *) , gigabitCmp , 0 ); // we are done if not deduping if ( ! tg->m_dedup ) goto skipdedup; // . scan the gigabits // . now remove similar terms from the gigabits for ( long i = 0 ; i < numPtrs ; i++ ) { // get it Gigabit *gi = ptrs[i]; // skip if nuked already if ( gi->m_termLen == 0 ) continue; // scan down to this score, but not below //long minScore = scores[i] - 25; // if we get replaced by a longer guy, remember him //long replacerj = -1; // . a longer term than encapsulates us can eliminate us // . or, if we're the longer, we eliminate the shorter for ( long j = i + 1 ; j < numPtrs ; j++ ) { // get it Gigabit *gj = ptrs[j]; // skip if nuked already if ( gj->m_termLen == 0 ) continue; // wtf? if ( gj->m_termId64 == gi->m_termId64 ) { char *xx=NULL; *xx=0; } // if page count not the same let it coexist if ( gi->m_numPages != gj->m_numPages ) continue; // if we are the shorter, nuke the longer guy // that contains us because we have a higher score // since ptrs are sorted by score then length. if ( gi->m_termLen < gj->m_termLen ) { // just null term the longer char c1 = gi->m_term[gi->m_termLen]; gi->m_term[gi->m_termLen] = '\0'; char c2 = gj->m_term[gj->m_termLen]; gj->m_term[gj->m_termLen] = '\0'; // if shorter is contained char *s; s = gb_strcasestr (gj->m_term, gi->m_term); // un-null term longer gi->m_term[gi->m_termLen] = c1; gj->m_term[gj->m_termLen] = c2; // even if he's longer, if his score is too // low then he cannot nuke us // MDW: try doing page count! //if ( scores[j] < minScore ) continue; // if we were NOT contained by someone below... if ( ! s ) continue; // just punish, and resort by score later. // TODO: ensure cannot go negative! //gj->m_numPages -= gi->m_numPages; // he's gotta be on all of our pages, too //if ( ! onSamePages(i,j,slots,heads,pages) ) // continue; // debug it if ( m_si->m_debugGigabits ) { SafeBuf msg; msg.safePrintf("gbits: gigabit \""); msg.safeMemcpy(gi->m_term, gi->m_termLen); msg.safePrintf("\"[%.0f] *NUKES0* \"", gi->m_gbscore); msg.safeMemcpy(gj->m_term, gj->m_termLen); msg.safePrintf("\"[%.0f]", gj->m_gbscore); logf(LOG_DEBUG,"%s",msg.getBufStart()); } // shorter gets our score (we need to sort) // not yet! let him finish, then replace him!! //replacerj = j; gj->m_termLen = 0; // see if we can nuke other guys at least //continue; } else { // just null term the longer char c1 = gi->m_term[gi->m_termLen]; gi->m_term[gi->m_termLen] = '\0'; char c2 = gj->m_term[gj->m_termLen]; gj->m_term[gj->m_termLen] = '\0'; // . otherwise, we are the longer // . we can nuke any shorter below us, all // scores char *s; s = gb_strcasestr ( gi->m_term,gj->m_term ); // un-null term gi->m_term[gi->m_termLen] = c1; gj->m_term[gj->m_termLen] = c2; // keep going if no match if ( ! s ) continue; // just punish, and resort by score later. // TODO: ensure cannot go negative! //gj->m_numPages -= gi->m_numPages; // debug it if ( m_si->m_debugGigabits ) { SafeBuf msg; msg.safePrintf("gbits: gigabit \""); msg.safeMemcpy(gi->m_term, gi->m_termLen); msg.safePrintf("\"[%.0f] *NUKES1* \"", gi->m_gbscore); msg.safeMemcpy(gj->m_term, gj->m_termLen); msg.safePrintf("\"[%.0f]", gj->m_gbscore); logf(LOG_DEBUG,"%s",msg.getBufStart()); } // remove him if we contain him gj->m_termLen = 0; } } /* // if we got replaced by a longer guy, he replaces us // and takes our score if ( replacerj >= 0 ) { // gigabit #i is now gigabit #j Gigabit *gj = ptrs[replacerj]; // debug it SafeBuf msg; msg.safePrintf("msg40: replacing gigabit \""); msg.safeMemcpy(gi->m_term,gi->m_termLen); msg.safePrintf("\"[%.0f] *WITH2* \"",gi->m_gbscore); msg.safeMemcpy(gj->m_term,gj->m_termLen); msg.safePrintf("\"[%.0f]",gj->m_gbscore); logf(LOG_DEBUG,msg.getBufStart()); // make us longer then! gi->m_termLen = gj->m_termLen; // and nuke him gj->m_termLen = 0; } */ } // remove common phrases for ( long i = 0 ; i < numPtrs ; i++ ) { // get it Gigabit *gi = ptrs[i]; // skip if nuked already if ( gi->m_termLen == 0 ) continue; // shortcut char *s = gi->m_term; long slen = gi->m_termLen; // compare if (!strncasecmp(s, "all rights reserved",slen) || !strncasecmp(s, "rights reserved" ,slen) || !strncasecmp(s, "in addition" ,slen) || !strncasecmp(s, "for example" ,slen) || !strncasecmp(s, "in order" ,slen) || !strncasecmp(s, "in fact" ,slen) || !strncasecmp(s, "in general" ,slen) || !strncasecmp(s, "contact us" ,slen) || !strncasecmp(s, "at the same time" ,slen) || !strncasecmp(s, "http" ,slen) || !strncasecmp(s, "html" ,slen) || !strncasecmp(s, "s " ,slen) || !strncasecmp(s, "for more information",slen)) gi->m_termLen = 0; } // now after longer topics replaced the shorter topics which they // contained, remove the longer topics if they have too many words // remove common phrases for ( long i = 0 ; i < numPtrs ; i++ ) { // get it Gigabit *gi = ptrs[i]; // skip if nuked already if ( gi->m_termLen == 0 ) continue; // set the words to this gigabit char *s = gi->m_term; long slen = gi->m_termLen; Words w; w.setx ( s , slen , 0 ); long nw = w.getNumWords(); // . does it have comma? or other punct besides an apostrophe? // . we allow gigabit phrases to incorporate a long stretch // of punct... only before the LAST word in the phrase, // that way our overlap removal still works well. bool hasPunct = false; for ( long k = 0 ; k < slen ; k++ ) { if ( ! is_punct_a(s[k]) ) continue; // apostrophe is ok as long as alnum follows if ( s[k] == '\'' && is_alnum_a(s[k+1]) ) continue; // . period ok, as long as space or alnum follows // . if space follows, then an alnum must follow that // . same goes for colon QUICKPOLL(niceness); // . for now, until we get abbreviations working, // alnum must follow period if ( (s[k] == '.' || s[k] == ':' ) && ( is_alnum_a(s[k+1]) || // accept single intial before the period, too (s[k+1] ==' ' && is_alnum_a(s[k+2]) && k>=2 && s[k-2]==' '))) continue; // comma is ok if surrounded by digits if ( (s[k] == ',' && is_digit(s[k-1]) && is_digit(s[k+1]) )) continue; // percent is ok if ( s[k] == '%' ) continue; if ( s[k] == '&' ) continue; if ( s[k] == '@' ) continue; if ( s[k] == '-' ) continue; //if ( s[k] == '(' ) continue; //if ( s[k] == ')' ) continue; hasPunct = true; break; } // keep it if words are under limit // and has no commas if ( nw <= 2 * tg->m_maxWordsPerTopic -1 && ! hasPunct ) continue; // remove it!!! gi->m_termLen = 0; } // resort!! put termLen = 0 at end! //gbqsort ( ptrs , numPtrs , sizeof(Gigabit *) , gigabitCmp , 0 ); // fucking, done, just use the ptrs!!! //m_gigabitPtrsValid = true; // return ptr to the safebuf //return &m_gigabitPtrs; skipdedup: long stored = 0; // now top winning copy winning gigabits into safebuf for ( long i = 0 ; i < numPtrs ; i++ ) { // get it Gigabit *gi = ptrs[i]; // skip if nuked already if ( gi->m_termLen == 0 ) continue; // store it m_gigabitBuf.safeMemcpy ( gi , sizeof(Gigabit) ); // stop at 100 i guess if ( ++stored >= 100 ) break; } return true; } void hashExcerpt ( Query *q , // local gigabits table HashTableX *tt , // the excerpt Words &ww, TopicGroup *tg , HashTableX *repeatTable , Msg20 *thisMsg20 , bool debugGigabits ); // . returns false and sets g_errno on error // . here's the tricky part bool hashSample ( Query *q, HashTableX *master, TopicGroup *tg , SafeBuf *vecBuf, Msg20 *thisMsg20 , HashTableX *repeatTable , bool debugGigabits ) { // numTerms must be less than this //if ( q && q->m_numTerms > MAX_QUERY_TERMS ) // return log("gbits: Too many query terms for " // "topic generation."); Msg20Reply *reply = thisMsg20->getReply(); // get the ith big sample char *bigSampleBuf = reply->ptr_gigabitSample; long bigSampleLen = reply->size_gigabitSample; // but if doing metas, get the display content //char *next = thisMsg20->getDisplayBuf(); // but if doing metas, get the display content //if ( tg->m_meta[0] && next) // bigSampleBuf=thisMsg20->getNextDisplayBuf(&bigSampleLen,&next); // skip if empty if ( bigSampleLen<=0 || ! bigSampleBuf ) return true; // the docid long long docId = reply->m_docId; //long long start = gettimeofdayInMilliseconds(); // // termtable. for hashing all excerpts in a sample // HashTableX localGigabitTable; long bs = sizeof(Gigabit); if ( ! localGigabitTable.set(8,bs,20000,NULL,0,false, 0,"gbtrmtbl") ) { log("gbits: Had error allocating a table for topic " "generation: %s.",mstrerror(g_errno)); return true; } //---> word next to both query terms should not be between by word just //next to one.... //---> weight by query popularity too! //log("******** hashing doc *********"); HashTableX simTable; char tmpBuf[41000]; simTable.set(4,0,8192,tmpBuf,41000,false,0,"simtbl"); // store our elements into here //char vstack[10000]; //long vneed = nw * 8; //SafeBuf vbuf(vstack,10000); //if ( ! vbuf.reserve ( vneed ) ) return true; SafeBuf vbuf; // TODO: make this better if ( ! vbuf.reserve ( 10000 * 8 ) ) return true; // // NOTE: now we have only a sample and excerpts are separated // with |'s // // hash each excerpt char *p = bigSampleBuf; // most samples are under 5k, i've seend a 32k sample take 11ms! char *pend = p + bigSampleLen; while ( p < pend ) { // debug //log("docId=%lli EXCERPT=%s",docId,p); long plen = gbstrlen(p); // parse into words Words ww; ww.setx ( p, plen, 0);// niceness // advance to next excerpt p += plen + 1; // p is only non-NULL if we are doing it the old way hashExcerpt ( q, &localGigabitTable, ww, tg, repeatTable , thisMsg20 , debugGigabits ); // skip if not deduping if ( tg->m_dedupSamplePercent <= 0 ) continue; // make a vector out of words long long *wids = ww.getWordIds(); long nw = ww.getNumWords(); for ( long i = 0 ; i < nw ; i++ ) { // make it this unsigned long widu = (unsigned long long)(wids[i]); // donot allow this! zero is a vector terminator if ( widu == 0 ) widu = 1; // skip if already added to vector if ( simTable.isInTable(&widu) ) continue; // store that as a vector component if ( ! vbuf.pushLong(widu) ) return false; // make sure we do not dedup if ( ! simTable.addKey(&widu) ) return false; } } // sort 32-bit word ids from whole sample. niceness = 0 vbuf.sortLongs(0); // make sure under (128-4) bytes... vbuf.truncLen(((long)SAMPLE_VECTOR_SIZE) - 4); // make last long a 0 vbuf.pushLong(0); // . compute the fingerprint/similarirtyVector from this table // the same way we do for documents for deduping them at query time // . or we could just wait for our dedup algo to kick in... (mdw) // then comment this stuff out ... if ( tg->m_dedupSamplePercent > 0 ) { // store it there //SafeBuf sampleVec; //getSampleVector ( bigSample , bigSampleLen , &sampleVec ); // point to it char *v1 = vbuf.getBufStart(); // get # stored so far long numVecs = vecBuf->length() / (long)SAMPLE_VECTOR_SIZE; char *v2 = vecBuf->getBufStart(); // see if our vector is too similar for ( long i = 0 ; i < numVecs ; i++ ) { char ss; ss = g_clusterdb.getSampleSimilarity(v1,v2, SAMPLE_VECTOR_SIZE); v2 += SAMPLE_VECTOR_SIZE; // return true if too similar to another sample we did if ( ss >= tg->m_dedupSamplePercent ) { // 80 ) { localGigabitTable.reset(); log(LOG_DEBUG,"gbits: removed dup sample."); return true; } } // add our vector to the array vecBuf->safeMemcpy(v1,(long)SAMPLE_VECTOR_SIZE); } //log("TOOK %lli ms plen=%li",gettimeofdayInMilliseconds()-start, // bufLen); //log("have %li terms in termtable. adding to master.", // tt.getNumTermsUsed()); // . now hash the entries of this table, tt, into the master // . the master contains entries from all the other tables long nt = localGigabitTable.getNumSlots(); //long pop = 0 ; for ( long i = 0 ; i < nt ; i++ ) { // skip if empty if ( localGigabitTable.isEmpty(i) ) continue; // get it Gigabit *gc = (Gigabit *)localGigabitTable.getDataFromSlot(i); // this should be indented if ( ! gc->m_gbscore ) continue;//tt.m_scores[i] ) continue; //long ii = (long)tt.getTermPtr(i); // then divide by that //long score =gc->m_scoreFromTermNum;//tt.getScoreFromTermNum(i // watch out for 0 //if ( score <= 0 ) continue; // get termid long long termId64 = *(long long *)localGigabitTable.getKey(i); // . get the bucket // . may be or may not be full (score is 0 if empty) //long n = master->getTermNum ( tt.getTermId(i) ); Gigabit *mg = (Gigabit *)master->getValue(&termId64); // skip if 0, i've seen this happen before //if ( tt.getTermId(i) == 0 ) continue; //if ( returnPops ) pop = tt.m_pops[i]; // set hi bit of "pop" if in unicode //if ( isUnicode ) pop |= 0x80000000; //else pop &= 0x7fffffff; //pop &= 0x7fffffff; Gigabit gbit; Gigabit *pg; // if already there... inc the score i guess if ( mg ) { // if already seen it for this docid skip? if ( mg->m_lastDocId == docId ) continue; // first time for this docid mg->m_numPages++; mg->m_gbscore += gc->m_gbscore; mg->m_lastDocId = docId; pg = mg; } else { // . add term to master table gbit.m_term = gc->m_term; gbit.m_termLen = gc->m_termLen; gbit.m_numPages = 1; gbit.m_gbscore = gc->m_gbscore; gbit.m_lastDocId = docId; gbit.m_termId64 = termId64; gbit.m_minPop = gc->m_minPop; gbit.m_numWords = gc->m_numWords; // zero out memset ( gbit.m_wordIds , 0 , MAX_GIGABIT_WORDS*8); // sanity if ( gc->m_numWords > MAX_GIGABIT_WORDS ) { char*xx=NULL;*xx=0;} memcpy((char *)gbit.m_wordIds, (char *)gc->m_wordIds, gc->m_numWords * 8 ); if ( ! master->addKey ( &termId64, &gbit ) ) return false; pg = &gbit; } // debug msg //if ( ! g_conf.m_logDebugQuery ) continue; if ( ! debugGigabits ) continue; char *ww = pg->m_term; long wwlen = pg->m_termLen; char c = ww[wwlen]; ww[wwlen]='\0'; logf(LOG_DEBUG,"gbits: master " "termId=%020llu " "d=%018lli " "score=%7.1f " "cumscore=%7.1f " "pages=%li " "len=%02li term=%s", termId64, docId, gc->m_gbscore, // this time score pg->m_gbscore, // cumulative score pg->m_numPages, wwlen, ww); ww[wwlen]=c; } //log("master has %li terms",master.getNumTermsUsed()); // clear any error if ( g_errno ) { log("gbits: Had error getting topic candidates from " "document: " "%s.",mstrerror(g_errno)); g_errno = 0; } //mfree ( buf , bufMaxLen , "Msg24" ); return true; } class WordInfo { public: // popularity long m_wpop; // is query term? bool m_isQueryTerm; // is common word? (do not let frags end in these words) bool m_isCommonWord; // the raw QTR scores (aac) float m_proxScore;//qtr; // a hash for looking up in the popularity dictionary //long long dwid64; // . from 0 to 100. 100 means not repeated. // . set in setRepeatScores() function char m_repeatScore; }; void setRepeatScores ( Words *ww , WordInfo *wis, HashTableX *repeatTable ) ; void hashExcerpt ( Query *q , HashTableX *localGigabitTable , Words &words, TopicGroup *tg , HashTableX *repeatTable , Msg20 *thisMsg20 , bool debugGigabits ) { // . bring it out // . allow one more word per gigabit, then remove gigabits that // are that length. this fixes the problem of having the same // sentence repeated in different documents, which are fairly // different as a whole, but have the same repeated sentence or // paragraph. // . by only adding one, if the next word is a common word then // we would fail to make a larger gigabit, that's why i added // the maxjend code below this. long maxWordsPerPhrase = tg->m_maxWordsPerTopic ; if ( tg->m_topicRemoveOverlaps ) maxWordsPerPhrase += 2; //char enforceQueryRadius = ! tg->m_meta[0]; char delimeter = tg->m_delimeter; // 0 means none (default) //char idf = tg->m_useIdfForTopics; // or if no query, no query radius //if ( ! q || q->getNumNonFieldedSingletonTerms() == 0 ) // enforceQueryRadius = false; // . now all the data is in buf/bufLen // . parse it up into Words // . now XmlDoc::getGigabitVector() calls us and it already has the // Words pased up, so it will use a NULL buf long nw = words.getNumWords(); // don't breech our arrays man //if ( nw > 10000 ) nw = 10000; Msg20Reply *reply = thisMsg20->getReply(); unsigned char lang = reply->m_language; // // // additional info for each word // // SafeBuf wibuf; long need = nw * sizeof(WordInfo); if ( ! wibuf.reserve ( need ) ) { log("gigabits: could not allocate local buffer " "(%li bytes required)", need); return; } WordInfo *wis = (WordInfo *)wibuf.getBufStart(); // // // . where does each query term occur in the doc? // . record each query term's word position into the PosInfo array // // class PosInfo { public: long m_pos[1000]; long m_posLen; long m_posPtr; }; SafeBuf posBuf; long need2 = MAX_QUERY_TERMS * sizeof(PosInfo); posBuf.setLabel("m40posbuf"); if ( ! posBuf.reserve ( need2 ) ) { log("gigabits: could not allocate 2 local buffer " "(%li bytes required)", need2); return; } PosInfo *pis = (PosInfo *)posBuf.getBufStart(); for (long i = 0; i < q->m_numTerms ; i++) { pis[i].m_posLen = 0; pis[i].m_posPtr = 0; } // start parsing at word #0 in the excerpt long i = 0; // skip punct at beginning of excerpt if ( i < nw && words.isPunct(i) ) i++; // this is aac's thing... if ( i < nw ) wis[i].m_proxScore = 0.0; // . now we keep a hash table to zero out repeated fragments // . it uses a sliding window of 5 words // . it stores the hash of those 5 words in the hash table // . if sees how many 5-word matches it gets in a row // . the more matches it gets, the more it demotes the word scores // in that span of 5 words // . these are stored in the weights class // . a repeatScore of 0 means to demote it out completely, 100 means // it is not repeated at all // . multiply the final gigabit score by the repeatScore/100. // . this function sets WordInfo::m_repeatScore // . each word in the excerpt is 1-1 with the WordInfos setRepeatScores ( &words , wis, repeatTable ); // record the positions of all query words char **wp = words.m_words; long *wlen = words.m_wordLens; long long *wids = words.getWordIds(); // loop over the words in our EXCERPT for ( ; i < nw ; i++ ) { // get associated WordInfo class WordInfo *wi = &wis[i]; // aac's thing wi->m_proxScore = 0.0; // skip if not indexable if ( ! wids[i] ) continue; // skip if repeated too much according to setRepeatScores() if ( wi->m_repeatScore <= 20 ) continue; // reset popularity //if ( idf ) wi->m_wpop = -1; // assume all same if not using idf //else wi->m_wpop = 1; // assume this word is not in the query wi->m_isQueryTerm = 0; // reset wi->m_wpop = -1; // debug point //if ( strncmp( wp[i],"This",4) == 0 ) // log("hey"); // store the id //wi->m_dwid64 = hash64d(wp[i], wlen[i] ); // . is it a common word? // . it is if it is just one letter // . what about X-windows coming up for a 'windows' query? // or e-mail coming up for a query? // . METALINCS likes to have 1 digit topics if ( wlen[i] <= 1 && is_lower_a(wp[i][0]) ) wi->m_isCommonWord = 1; // 2004 is common here but if it makes it in, don't remove it // in the top topics list... no. loses 'atari 2600' then! //else if ( is_digit(ww.getWord(i)[0]) ) // icw[i] = 1; //#ifndef _METALINCS_ else wi->m_isCommonWord = isCommonWord ( wids[i] ); //#else // always allow gigabits that start with numbers for metalincs //else if ( ! is_digit(wp[i][0])) // wi->m_isCommonWord = isCommonWord ( (long)wids[i] ); //else // wi->m_isCommonWord = 0; //#endif // debug msg /* char *s = ww.getWord(i); long slen = ww.getWordLen(i); char c = s[slen]; s[slen]='\0'; log("icw=%li %s",icw[i],s); s[slen]=c; */ // is it a query term? if so, record its word # in "pos" arry long nt = q->m_numTerms; for ( long j = 0 ; j < nt ; j++ ) { // get query term #j QueryTerm *qt = &q->m_qterms[j]; // does word #i match query word id #j? skip if not. if ( wids[i] != qt->m_hash64d ) continue; // get vector for query word #j PosInfo *pi = &pis[j]; // skip if already have 1000 occurences of this term if ( pi->m_posLen >= 1000 ) continue; // add this query term # into our m_pos vector pi->m_pos[pi->m_posLen] = i; pi->m_posLen++; // mark this word so if a phrase only has // all query terms we do not hash it wi->m_isQueryTerm = 1; break; } } // // // done scanning words in excerpt // // // max score -- ONE max scoring hits per doc //long maxScore = nqi * MAX_SCORE_MULTIPLIER; // this happens when generating the gigabit vector for a single doc // so don't hamper it to such a small ceiling //if ( nqi == 0 ) maxScore = ALT_MAX_SCORE; // reset cursor to word #0 in excerpt again i = 0; // skip initial punct and spaces if ( i < nw && words.isPunct(i) ) i++; // score each word based on distance to query terms //float score; // // // loop through all the words again and set WordInfo::m_proxScore // and WordInfo::m_wpop // // for ( ; i < nw ; i++ ) { // debug point //if ( strncasecmp( wp[i],"Microsoft",9) == 0 ) // log("hey"); // do we have pre-supplied words and scores from XmlDoc.cpp? //if ( wids ) { // skip if not indexable if ( ! wids[i] ) continue; // shorcut WordInfo *wi = &wis[i]; // skip if in a repeat chunk of doc if ( wi->m_repeatScore <= 20 ) continue; // protect against misspelled html entities (aac) if ( (wp[i][-1] == '&' && is_alnum_a(wp[i][0])) || (wp[i][0] == '&' && is_alnum_a(wp[i][1])) ) continue; // no more one or two letter gigabits (aac) if ( wlen[i] < 3 && (! is_digit(wp[i][0])) ) continue; //continue; //mdw // if we had a delimeter, previous word must have it // or be the first punct word if ( delimeter && i >= 2 && ! words.hasChar(i-1,delimeter) ) continue; // skip if a query term, it's ineligible //if ( ww.getWordLen(i) == 0 ) continue; // if query is NULL, assume we are restricting to meta tags // and query is not necessary //if ( enforceQueryRadius ) score = 0; //else score = ALT_START_SCORE; long j ; // number of matches long nm = 0; // how close is the word to the query terms? base // the proxScore on that. float proxScore = 0.0; // loop over the # of matchable words in the query for ( j = 0 ; j < q->m_numTerms ; j++ ) { // get the vector that has what word #'s in the // excerpt that query word #j matches PosInfo *pe = &pis[j]; // skip query word #j if does not match ANY words // in this excerpt... if ( pe->m_posLen <= 0 ) continue; // get the jth quer term we match then QueryTerm *qt = &q->m_qterms[j]; // zero for this term float score = 0.0; // get distance in words //long d1 = i - pos[ 1000 * j + posPtr[j] ] ; // . posPtr is like a cursor into our m_pos array // that has the word #'s that this query word // matches in the excerpt // . "d1" is distance in words from word #i to // the next closest query term long d1 = i - pe->m_pos[pe->m_posPtr]; // if word #i is BEFORE this matching word in the // excerpt, flip the sign if ( d1 < 0 ) d1 = d1 * -1; // // if the matching word is the last that occurence // of that word... // if ( pe->m_posPtr + 1 >= pe->m_posLen ) { // if too far apart, go to next query term if (d1 >= QTR_ZONE_3) continue; if ( wi->m_isQueryTerm || wi->m_isCommonWord || wlen[i] <= 3) { // common word, query terms, short words // are all second class citizens when it // comes to scoring: they get a small // bonus, to ensure that they are // considered in the next stage, but do not // benefit from QPOP and multiple hit // bonuses (aac) //score = QTR_BONUS_CW; //proxScore += score; continue; }; // QTR_ZONE_0 is the tighest radius if (d1 < QTR_ZONE_0) score = QTR_BONUS_0; else if (d1 < QTR_ZONE_1) score = QTR_BONUS_1; else if (d1 < QTR_ZONE_2) score = QTR_BONUS_2; else score = QTR_BONUS_3; // increment the # of matches nm++; // multiplier based on query word popularity score *= qt->m_popWeight;//qpops[j]; proxScore += score; continue; } // // look at the following match // //long d2 = pos[ 1000 * j + posPtr[j] + 1 ] - i ; // look at the next occurence of query term #j // in the excerpt and get dist from us to it long d2 = pe->m_pos[pe->m_posPtr + 1] - i; // make it positive if ( d2 < 0 ) d2 = d2 * -1; // if we are closer to the current matching word // then set score for that... if ( d1 <= d2 ) { // if ( d1 >=20 ) continue; // if ( d1 < 4 ) score += 1000; // else if ( d1 < 8 ) score += 800; // else if ( d1 < 12 ) score += 500; // else score += 200; // nm++; // score *= qpops[j]; // continue; if (d1 >= QTR_ZONE_3) continue; if ( wi->m_isQueryTerm || wi->m_isCommonWord || wlen[i] <= 3) { // common word, query terms, short words // are all second class citizens when it // comes to scoring: they get a small // bonus, to ensure that they are // considered in the next stage, but do not // benefit from QPOP and multiple hit // bonuses (aac) //score = QTR_BONUS_CW; continue; }; if (d1 < QTR_ZONE_0) score = QTR_BONUS_0; else if (d1 < QTR_ZONE_1) score = QTR_BONUS_1; else if (d1 < QTR_ZONE_2) score = QTR_BONUS_2; else score = QTR_BONUS_3; nm++; score *= qt->m_popWeight;//qpops[j]; proxScore += score; continue; } // // // otherwise, we are closer to the next occurence!! // be sure to ince its posPtr cursor then // // // i think it is safe to increment this here now // because we are closer to the word position // m_pos[m_posPtr+1] then m_pos[m_posPtr]. pe->m_posPtr++; // if radius is too big... no score increase if (d2 >= QTR_ZONE_3) continue; if ( wi->m_isQueryTerm || wi->m_isCommonWord || wlen[i] <= 3) { // common word, query terms, short words // are all second class citizens when it // comes to scoring: they get a small // bonus, to ensure that they are // considered in the next stage, but do not // benefit from QPOP and multiple hit // bonuses (aac) //score = QTR_BONUS_CW; //proxScore += score; continue; } // give out some score bonuses if (d2 < QTR_ZONE_0) score = QTR_BONUS_0; else if (d2 < QTR_ZONE_1) score = QTR_BONUS_1; else if (d2 < QTR_ZONE_2) score = QTR_BONUS_2; else score = QTR_BONUS_3; // and match count.. why this? nm++; // multiply by query term pop weight that we are // closest too score *= qt->m_popWeight;//qpops[j]; proxScore += score; } // skip if too far away from all query terms if ( proxScore <= 0 ) continue; // give a boost for multiple hits // the more terms in range, the bigger the boost... if ( nm > 1 ) { //log("nm=%li",nm); // hmmm... try to rely on more pages mentioning it! //score += MULTIPLE_HIT_BOOST * nm; }; // . save the raw QTR score (aac) // . this is based on how close the word is to all query // terms... wi->m_proxScore = proxScore; // no longer count closeness to query terms for score, // just use # times topic is in doc(s) and popularity //score = 1000; // set pop if it is -1 if ( wi->m_wpop == -1 ) { // pops[i] == -1 ) { wi->m_wpop = g_speller. getPhrasePopularity( wp[i],wids[i], true,lang); // decrease popularity by half if // capitalized so Jack does not have // same pop as "jack" if ( is_upper_a (wp[i][0]) ) wi->m_wpop >>= 1; if ( wi->m_wpop == 0 ) wi->m_wpop = 1; } // log that if ( ! debugGigabits ) continue; SafeBuf msg; msg.safePrintf("gbits: wordpos=%3li " "repeatscore=%3li " "wordproxscore=%6.1f word=", i, (long)wi->m_repeatScore, proxScore); msg.safeMemcpy(wp[i],wlen[i]); msg.pushChar(0); logf(LOG_DEBUG,"%s",msg.getBufStart()); } //long mm = 0; // reset word ptr again i = 0; // skip initial punct again if ( i < nw && words.isPunct(i) ) i++; long wikiEnd = -1; // // // scan words again and add GIGABITS to term table "localGigabitTable" // // for ( ; i < nw ; i++ ) { // shortcut WordInfo *wi = &wis[i]; // must start with a QTR-scoring word (aac) if ( wi->m_proxScore <= 0.0 ) continue; // do not split a phrase like "next generation" to just // get the gigabit "generation" by itself. // should also fix "search engine" from being split into // "search" and "engine" if ( i <= wikiEnd ) continue; //if ( strncmp(words.m_words[i],"point",5) == 0 ) // log("hey"); // in a wikipedia title? long numWiki = g_wiki.getNumWordsInWikiPhrase ( i,&words ); wikiEnd = i + numWiki; // point to the string of the word char *ww = wp[i]; long wwlen = wlen[i]; //long ss; //float ss; if ( wi->m_isCommonWord ) { // . skip this and all phrases if we're "to" // . avoid "to use..." "to do..." "to make..." annoying // . "to" has score 1, "and" has score 2, "of" is 3, // . "the" is 4, "this" is 5 if ( wi->m_isCommonWord <= 5 ) continue; // cannot start with any common word,unless capitalized if ( is_lower_a(wp[i][0]) ) continue; } // if a hyphen is immediately before us, we cannot start // a phrase... fu-ture, preven-tion if ( i > 0 && wp[i][-1]=='-' ) continue; // same for colon if ( i > 0 && wp[i][-1]==':' ) continue; // . if a "'s " is before us, we cannot start either // . "valentine's day cards" if ( i >= 3 && wp[i][-3]=='\'' && wp[i][-2 ]=='s' && is_wspace_a(wp[i][-1]) ) continue; // or if our first char is a digit and a "digit," is before us // because we don't want to break numbers with commas in them if ( is_digit(wp[i][0]) && i >= 2 && wp[i][-1]==',' && is_digit(wp[i][-2]) ) continue; // set initial popularity //float gigabitPop = 1.0; long minPop = 0x7fffffff; //if ( wi->m_wpop > 0) pop = ((float) wi->m_wpop) / MAXPOP; //else pop = 1.0 / MAXPOP; // // // set initial score and bonus resuming from above for loop // // //float wordProxSum = 0;//wi->m_proxScore; float wordProxMax = 0; float bonus = 0; unsigned long long ph64 = 0;//wids[i]; // hash value // if first letter is upper case, double the score //if ( is_upper_a (ww.getWord(i)[0]) ) score <<= 1; // . loop through all phrases that start with this word // . up to 6 real words per phrase // . 'j' counts our 'words' which counts a $ of puncts as word long jend = i + maxWordsPerPhrase * 2; // 12; long maxjend = jend ; if ( tg->m_topicRemoveOverlaps ) maxjend += 8; if ( jend > nw ) jend = nw; if ( maxjend > nw ) maxjend = nw; long count = 0; long nqc = 0; // # common/query words in our phrase long nhw = 0; // # of "hot words" (contribute to score) //if ( wlen[i] == 8 && strncmp(wp[i],"Practice",8) == 0 ) // log("hey"); long jWikiEnd = -1; for ( long j = i ; j < jend ; j++ ) { // skip if not indexable if ( ! wids[j] ) continue; // . do not split a wiki title //if ( j < wikiEnd-1 ) continue; // . j starts at i, so we can pick up the wikiphrase // from i // . so if "search" is i and is @ 146 and "engine" @ // 148 then jWikiEnd will be 148, and j needs to be // able to end on that so use wikiEnd-1 if ( j < jWikiEnd - 1) continue; long njw = g_wiki.getNumWordsInWikiPhrase ( j,&words ); jWikiEnd = j + njw; // get word info WordInfo *wj = &wis[j]; // skip if in a repeated fragment if ( wj->m_repeatScore <= 20 ) continue; // no ending in ing on capitalized if ( wlen[j] > 3 && wp[j][wlen[j]-1 ]=='g' && wp[j][wlen[j]-2 ]=='n' && wp[j][wlen[j]-3]=='i' && is_lower_a(wp[j][0]) ) continue; if (j == i) { if ( wj->m_isCommonWord || wlen[j] < 3) bonus -= FWC_PENALTY; // if word is 4 letters or more and ends in ed, do // not allow to be its own gigabit if ( wlen[j] > 3 && wp[j][wlen[j]-1 ]=='d' && wp[j][wlen[j]-2]=='e' ) continue; // no more "com" gigabits, please! (aac) if ( wlen[j] == 3 && wp[j][0 ]=='c' && wp[j][1 ]=='o' && wp[j][2]=='m') continue; }; // let's generalize even more! do not allow common // single words as gigabits, with 250+ pop //if ( pop > 100 && j == i && is_lower(wp[j][0]) ) //continue; // the above assumes a MAX_POP of 10k (sanity check) //if ( MAXPOP != 10000 ) { char *xx = NULL; *xx = 0; } // are we passed the first word in the phrase? if ( j > i ) { // advance phrase length wwlen += wlen[j-1] + wlen[j]; // . cut phrase short if too much punct between // the current word, j, and the last one, j-2 // . but allow for abbreviations or initials // of single letters, like 'harry s. truman'. // we do not want to break before 's.' // . because the phrase "s. doesn't stand for // anything." was unable to form. we only // got "s." and "doesn't stand for anything." // as possible gigabit candidates. //if ( wlen[j-1] > 1 ) { // if ( wlen[j-1] != 2 ) break; // if ( wp [j-1][0] != '.' ) break; // if ( wlen[j-2] > 1 ) break; //} // . we now allow most punct since it is // filtered out above w/ hasPunct variable // . this a little more than doubles the // processing overhead going from 1 to 3 // . going from 1 to 2 we see that we take 60ms // instead of 50ms *when removing overlaps* // . at 1 we take about 48/45ms, not much // different when removing overlaps // . increasing this totally wipes out our // overlap problem, but it is very expensive, // so now i just halt after jumping one big // string of punct below, and filter out // those gigabits above with hasPunct. // . i'd really like to NOT have this here // becase we get much better gigabits, but // we need it as a speed saver... if (wlen[j-1]>tg->m_topicMaxPunctLen) break; // no phrasing across commas, etc. /* if ( wlen[j-1] == 2 ) { // only allow " " or ": " or ". " if ( wp[j-1][1]!=' ' ) break; if ( wp[j-1][0]!=' ' && wp[j-1][0]!=':' && wp[j-1][0]!='\'' && // beatles' // allow commas here, but we // remove any gigabits with commas // because we just use them to // cancel out bad gigabits. wp[j-1][0]!=',' && wp[j-1][0]!='.' ) break; // . TODO: add in sgt. col. so that // stuff can be in a gigabit // . only allow ". " if prev word was // abbreviation. if ( wp[j-1][0]=='.' && j >= 2 && wlen[j-2] > 3) break; // != 1 } */ // or if we just skipped the delimeter, // we are not allowed to phrase across that // if one was provided if ( delimeter &&words.hasChar(j-1,delimeter)) break; // make sure we could phrase across last word //if ( wlen[j-1] > 1 && // bits.getPunctuationBits(wp[j-1],wlen[j-1]) // == 0 ) break; } // // accumulate the phrase's hash AND pop // ph64 = hash64 ( ph64 , wids[j] ); // set pop if it is -1 if ( wj->m_wpop == -1 ) { // pops[i] == -1 ) { wj->m_wpop = g_speller. getPhrasePopularity( wp[j],wids[j], true,lang); // decrease popularity by half if // capitalized so Jack does not have // same pop as "jack" if ( is_upper_a (wp[j][0]) ) wj->m_wpop >>= 1; if ( wj->m_wpop == 0 ) wj->m_wpop = 1; } // adjust popularity //gigabitPop = (gigabitPop* wj->m_wpop)/MAXPOP; // watch our for overflow //if ( gigabitPop <= 0 ) gigabitPop = 1.0/MAXPOP; if ( wj->m_wpop < minPop ) minPop = wj->m_wpop; // get lowest of scores //if(scores && scores[j] > mm ) mm = scores[j]; // accumulate wordproxscores //wordProxSum += wj->m_proxScore; if ( wj->m_proxScore > wordProxMax ) wordProxMax = wj->m_proxScore; // keep track of words count++; if ( wj->m_isQueryTerm || wj->m_isCommonWord ) { nqc++; // increment number of query/commoners } // do not count 1.0 cuz those are the query terms! else if ( wj->m_proxScore > 1.0) { // increment "hot word" counter nhw++; }; // keep phrasing until next punct word is delimeter // or the end if ( delimeter ) { // if we end on a punct word, then hash // our phrase, otherwise, only hash it if // the next word has the delimeter if ( j+2m_isCommonWord ) { // allow for more words only for purposes // of fixing the ABCD and BCDE overlap bug // without having to raise jend for all cases if ( jend < maxjend ) jend++; continue; } // do not stop if - . or @ follows us right b4 alnum if ( j+1 < nw && is_alnum_a(wp[j+1][1]) ) { if ( wp[j+1][0]=='-' ) continue; if ( wp[j+1][0]=='.' ) continue; if ( wp[j+1][0]=='\'') continue; if ( wp[j+1][0]=='@' ) continue; // . do not split phrases between capitalized words // . this should fix the Costa Rica, Costa Blah bug // . it may decrease score of Belkin for query // 'Belkin Omni Cube' but that's ok because if // Belkin is important it will be used independently. if ( is_upper_a(wp[j][0]) && j + 2 < nw && wp[j+1][0]==' ' && is_upper_a(wp[j+2][0]) && wlen[j+1] == 1 && tg->m_maxWordsPerTopic > 1 ) continue; } // do not mix caps if ( is_upper_a(wp[i][0]) != is_upper_a(wp[j][0]) ) continue; // . do not stop on a single capital letter // . so we don't stop on "George W->" (george w. bush) // . i added the " && j > i" so METALINCS can have // single digit gigabits if ( wlen[j] == 1 && j > i ) continue; // . do not split after Mr. or St. or Ms. or Mt. ... // . fixes 'st. valentines day' if ( wlen[j] == 2 && is_upper_a(wp[j][0]) && wp[j][2]=='.' ) continue; // sgt. or col. if ( wlen[j] == 3 && wp[j][3]=='.' ){ if ( to_lower_a(wp[j][0 ])=='s' && to_lower_a(wp[j][1 ])=='g' && to_lower_a(wp[j][2])=='t' ) continue; if ( to_lower_a(wp[j][0 ])=='c' && to_lower_a(wp[j][1 ])=='o' && to_lower_a(wp[j][2])=='l' ) continue; if ( to_lower_a(wp[j][0 ])=='m' && to_lower_a(wp[j][1 ])=='r' && to_lower_a(wp[j][2])=='s' ) continue; } // . do not split commas in numbers // . like 1,000,000,000 if ( j >= 2 && wp[j][-1 ]==',' && is_digit(wp[j][-2]) && wp[j][wlen[j]]==',' && is_digit(wp[j][wlen[j]+1])) continue; /* if ( pop < 1 ) ; else if ( pop < 2 ) ss = (score * 90) / 100; else if ( pop < 5 ) ss = (score * 85) / 100; else if ( pop < 10 ) ss = (score * 80) / 100; else if ( pop < 20 ) ss = (score * 75) / 100; else if ( pop < 30 ) ss = (score * 70) / 100; else if ( pop < 40 ) ss = (score * 65) / 100; else if ( pop < 50 ) ss = (score * 60) / 100; else ss = (score * 40) / 100; */ //if ( tt->getScoreFromTermId((long long)h) > 0 ) // continue; // debug msg //char c = ww[wwlen]; //ww[wwlen]='\0'; //fprintf(stderr,"tid=%lu score=%li pop=%li len=%li " // "repeat=%li term=%s\n",h,ss,pop,wwlen, // repeatScores[i],ww); //ww[wwlen]=c; // include any ending or starting ( or ) if ( i > 0 && ww[-1] == '(' ) { // ensure we got a ')' somwhere before adding ( for ( long r = 0 ; r <= wwlen ; r++ ) if ( ww[r]==')' ) { ww--; wwlen++; break; } } if ( i < nw && ww[wwlen] == ')' ) { // we need a '(' somewhere before adding the ) for ( long r = 0 ; r <= wwlen ; r++ ) if ( ww[r]=='(' ) { wwlen++; break; } } // now remove ('s if begin AND end in them if ( ww[0] == '(' && ww[wwlen-1] == ')' ) { ww++; wwlen -= 2; } // base his score on this float wordScore = wj->m_proxScore; // now double score if capitalized, we need more // proper nouns for topic clustering to work better, // but it doesn't count if start of a sentence, so // there must be some alnum word right before it. if ( is_upper_a(ww[0]) && wwlen>=2 && j >= 2 && // do not breach! is_alnum_a(ww[-2])) wordScore *= 2; // <<= 1; // 1; // adjust the gigabit score using the new scores array //if ( scores && mm != NORM_WORD_SCORE ) // ss = (ss * mm) / NORM_WORD_SCORE; // adjust the gigabit score using the new scores array //if ( scores && mm != NORM_WORD_SCORE ) // ss = (ss * mm) / NORM_WORD_SCORE; // only count the highest scoring guy once per page //long tn = tt->getTermNum((long long)h); //maxScore = ss; //if ( tn >= 0 ) { // long sc = tt->getScoreFromTermNum(tn); // if ( sc > maxScore ) maxScore = sc; //} // . add it // . now store the popularity, too, so we can display // it for the winning gigabits //if ( ! tt->addTerm ((long long)h,ss,maxScore,false, // ww,wwlen,tn,NULL,pop) ) // . weight score by pop // . lets try weighting more popular phrases more! //ss = score; // i guess average the > 0 prox scores //if ( nhw > 0) wordScore /= nhw; // i think a common word penalty is this bonus? // it is accumulate, so we can add it down here //wordProxSum += bonus; // penalty if not enough hot words //if ( nhw < 3 ) // wordScore -= 100; // accumulate proxScores of each word // involved in the gigbit, including the // FIRST word! //wordScoreSum += wordScore; float boost; if (minPop < POP_ZONE_0) boost = POP_BOOST_0; else if (minPop < POP_ZONE_1) boost = POP_BOOST_1; else if (minPop < POP_ZONE_2) boost = POP_BOOST_2; else if (minPop < POP_ZONE_3) boost = POP_BOOST_3; else boost = POP_BOOST_4; // apply the boost //float popModScore = wordProxSum * boost; float popModScore = wordProxMax * boost; if ( popModScore <= 0 ) popModScore = 1; // average among the words with positive prox scores //if ( nhw > 0 ) popModScore /= nhw; // store it //long ipop = (long)(pop * MAXPOP); // // ADD A GIGABIT CANDIDATE // Gigabit gc; gc.m_term = ww; gc.m_termLen = wwlen; gc.m_gbscore = popModScore; gc.m_minPop = minPop; // how many words in the gigabit? long ngw = (j - i)/2 + 1; gc.m_numWords = ngw; // breach check. go to next gigabit beginning word? if ( ngw > MAX_GIGABIT_WORDS ) break; // record each word! long wcount = 0; for ( long k = i ; k <= j ; k++ ) { if ( ! wids[k] ) continue; gc.m_wordIds[wcount] = wids[k]; wcount++; if ( wcount >= MAX_GIGABIT_WORDS ) break; gc.m_wordIds[wcount] = 0LL; } if ( ! localGigabitTable->addKey ( &ph64 , &gc ) ) { log("gbits: No memory to grow table."); return; } // debug it if ( debugGigabits ) { SafeBuf msg; msg.safePrintf("gbits: adding gigabit " "d=%018llu " "termId=%020llu " "popModScore=%7.1f " //"wordProxSum=%7.1f " "wordProxMax=%7.1f " "nhw=%2li " "minWordPopBoost=%2.1f " "minWordPop=%5li " "term=\"", reply->m_docId, ph64, popModScore, wordProxMax, nhw, boost, minPop); msg.safeMemcpy(gc.m_term,gc.m_termLen); msg.safePrintf("\""); logf(LOG_DEBUG,"%s",msg.getBufStart()); } // stop after indexing a word after a long string of // punct, this is the overlap bug fix without taking // a performance hit. hasPunct above will remove it. if ( j > i && wlen[j-1] > 2 ) break; } } // report error if ( g_errno ) log("gbits: Had error getting topic candidates from " "document: %s.",mstrerror(g_errno)); // clear any error g_errno = 0; } // taken from Weights.cpp's set3() function void setRepeatScores ( Words *words , WordInfo *wis, HashTableX *repeatTable ) { long nw = words->getNumWords(); // if no words, nothing to do if ( nw == 0 ) return; //char *ptr = repeatTable; //long numSlots = repeatTableNumSlots; //long long *hashes = (long long *)ptr; ptr += numSlots * 8; //long *vals = (long *)ptr; ptr += numSlots * 4; long long ringWids [ 5 ]; long ringPos [ 5 ]; long ringi = 0; long count = 0; long long h = 0; //long numSlots = repeatTable->getNumSlots(); // make the mask //unsigned long mask = numSlots - 1; // clear ring of hashes memset ( ringWids , 0 , 5 * sizeof(long long) ); // for sanity check //long lastStart = -1; // count how many 5-word sequences we match in a row long matched = 0; long matchStart = -1; // reset for ( long i = 0 ; i < nw ; i++ ) wis[i].m_repeatScore = 100; // return until we fix the infinite loop bug //return; long long *wids = words->getWordIds(); // . hash EVERY 5-word sequence in the document // . if we get a match look and see what sequences it matches // . we allow multiple instances of the same hash to be stored in // the hash table, so keep checking for a matching hash until you // chain to a 0 hash, indicating the chain ends // . check each matching hash to see if more than 5 words match // . get the max words that matched from all of the candidates // . demote the word and phrase weights based on the total/max // number of words matching for ( long i = 0 ; i < nw ; i++ ) { // skip if not alnum word if ( ! wids[i] ) continue; // reset //repeatScores[i] = 100; // add new to the 5 word hash h ^= wids[i]; // . remove old from 5 word hash before adding new... // . initial ring wids are 0, so should be benign at startup h ^= ringWids[ringi]; // add to ring ringWids[ringi] = wids[i]; // save our position ringPos[ringi] = i; // wrap the ring ptr if we need to, that is why we are a ring if ( ++ringi >= 5 ) ringi = 0; // this 5-word sequence starts with word # "start" long start = ringPos[ringi]; // need at least 5 words in the ring buffer to do analysis if ( ++count < 5 ) continue; // sanity check //if ( start <= lastStart ) { char *xx = NULL; *xx = 0; } // look up in the hash table //long n = h & mask; // stop at new york times - debug /* if ( words->m_words[i][0] == 'A' && words->m_words[i][1] == 's' && words->m_words[i][2] == 'k' && words->m_words[i][3] == 'e' && words->m_words[i][4] == 'd' && words->m_words[i][5] == ' ' && words->m_words[i][6] == 'Q' && words->m_words[i][7] == 'u' ) log("hey"); */ //loop: // all done if empty if ( ! repeatTable->isInTable(&h) ) {//! hashes[n] ) { // add ourselves to the hash table now //hashes[n] = h; // this is where the 5-word sequence starts //vals [n] = matchStart+1; long val = matchStart+1; repeatTable->addKey(&h,&val); // do not demote any words if less than 8 matched if ( matched < 3 ) { matched = 0; continue; } // reset matched = 0; // . how much we should we demote // . 10 matching words pretty much means 0 weights //float demote = 1.0 - ((matched-5)*.10); //if ( demote >= 1.0 ) continue; //if ( demote < 0.0 ) demote = 0.0; // demote the words involved for ( long j = matchStart ; j < i ; j++ ) wis[j].m_repeatScore = 0; // get next word continue; } // save start of matching sequence for demote loop if ( matched == 0 ) matchStart = start; // inc the match count matched++; } // if we ended without nulling out some matches if ( matched < 3 ) return; for ( long j = matchStart ; j < nw ; j++ ) wis[j].m_repeatScore = 0; } /////////////////// // // FAST FACTS // // Sentences containing a gigabit and a lot or all of the query terms. // // /////////////////// static int factCmp ( const void *a, const void *b ) { Fact *fa = *(Fact **)a; Fact *fb = *(Fact **)b; float sa = fa->m_maxGigabitModScore * fa->m_queryScore; float sb = fb->m_maxGigabitModScore * fb->m_queryScore; // punish if more than one gigabit! just try to get all // query terms and ONE gigabit to keep things more targetted. sa /= fa->m_numGigabits; sb /= fb->m_numGigabits; if ( sa < sb ) return 1; // swap! if ( sa > sb ) return -1; if ( fa->m_factLen > fb->m_factLen ) return 1; // swap if ( fa->m_factLen < fb->m_factLen ) return -1; // then based on docid if ( fa->m_docId > fb->m_docId ) return 1; // swap if ( fa->m_docId < fb->m_docId ) return -1; // if same docid, base on doc position if ( fa->m_fact > fb->m_fact ) return 1; // swap if ( fa->m_fact < fb->m_fact ) return -1; return 0; } // . aka NUGGABITS // . now make the fast facts from the gigabits and the samples. // . these are sentences containing the query and a gigabit. // . sets m_factBuf bool Msg40::computeFastFacts ( ) { // skip for now //return true; bool debugGigabits = m_si->m_debugGigabits; // // hash gigabits by first wordid and # words, and phrase hash // HashTableX gbitTable; char gbuf[30000]; if ( ! gbitTable.set(8,4,1024,gbuf,30000,false,0,"gbtbl") ) return false; long numGigabits = m_gigabitBuf.length()/sizeof(Gigabit); Gigabit *gigabits = (Gigabit *)m_gigabitBuf.getBufStart(); for ( long i = 0 ; i < numGigabits ; i++ ) { // get the ith gigabit Gigabit *gi = &gigabits[i]; // parse into words Words ww; ww.setx ( gi->m_term , gi->m_termLen , 0 ); long long *wids = ww.getWordIds(); // fix mere here //if ( ! wids[0] ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; } if ( ! wids[0] ) { log("doc: wids[0] is null"); return true; } // . hash first word // . so gigabit has # words in it so we can do a slower // compare function to make sure entire gigabit is matched // in the code below if ( ! gbitTable.addKey ( &wids[0] , &gi ) ) return false; } // // hash the query terms we need to match into table as well // Query *q = &m_si->m_q; HashTableX queryTable; char qbuf[10000]; if ( ! queryTable.set(8,4,512,qbuf,10000,false,0,"qrttbl") ) return false; for ( long i = 0 ; i < q->m_numTerms ; i++ ) { // shortcut QueryTerm *qt = &q->m_qterms[i]; // skip if no weight! if ( qt->m_popWeight <= 0.0 ) continue; // use RAW termid if ( ! queryTable.addKey ( &qt->m_rawTermId, &qt ) ) return false; } // // store Facts (sentences) into this safebuf (nuggets)(nuggabits) // char ftmp[100000]; SafeBuf factBuf(ftmp,100000); // scan docs in search results for ( long i = 0 ; i < m_msg3a.m_numDocIds ; i++ ) { // skip if not visible if ( m_msg3a.m_clusterLevels[i] != CR_OK ) continue; // get it Msg20* thisMsg20 = m_msg20[i]; // must be there! wtf? Msg20Reply *reply = thisMsg20->getReply(); // get sample. sample uses \0 as delimeters between excerpts char *p = reply-> ptr_gigabitSample; char *pend = p + reply->size_gigabitSample; // includes \0 // skip if empty if ( ! p ) continue; // scan excerpts in sample, \0 separated while ( p < pend ) { // // find the terminating " * " that delineates sections // and sentences in this excerpt. // // NOW we delineate sentences and headings with |'s // char *pstart = p; for ( ; *p ; p++ ) { if ( p[0] == '|' ) break; } // mark that char *pend = p; // skip over delimeter if it was there so // pstart points to the next section on the next // iteration if ( *p ) p += 1; // otherwise, skip the \0 else p++; // debug //log("docId=%lli EXCERPT=%s",docId,p); // . add facts that have the query and a gigabit // . set Fact::m_score based on gigabit it contains // . limit to complete sentences, surrounded by *'s // i guess... if ( ! addFacts ( &queryTable, &gbitTable, pstart, pend, debugGigabits, reply, &factBuf ) ) return false; } } // // now sort the Facts by scores // long numFacts = factBuf.getLength() / sizeof(Fact); Fact *facts = (Fact *)factBuf.getBufStart(); SafeBuf ptrBuf; if ( ! ptrBuf.reserve( numFacts * 4 ) ) return false; for ( long i = 0 ; i < numFacts ; i++ ) { Fact *fi = &facts[i]; ptrBuf.pushLong((long)fi); } Fact **ptrs = (Fact **)ptrBuf.getBufStart(); gbqsort ( ptrs , numFacts , sizeof(Fact *) , factCmp , 0 ); // // now dedup and set m_gigabitModScore to 0 if a dup fact! // long need = 0; for ( long i = 0 ; i < numFacts ; i++ ) { // get it Fact *fi = &facts[i]; char *v1 = fi->m_dedupVector; long vsize = SAMPLE_VECTOR_SIZE; // compare its dedup vector to the facts before us long j; for ( j = 0 ; j < i ; j++ ) { // get it Fact *fj = &facts[j]; char *v2 = fj->m_dedupVector; char ss = g_clusterdb.getSampleSimilarity(v1,v2,vsize); if ( ss < 80 ) continue; // damn, we're a dup sentence... fi->m_gigabitModScore = 0.0; fi->m_queryScore = 0.0; break; } // otherwise we passed if ( j >= i ) need += sizeof(Fact); } // // now transcribe the non-dups over into permanent buf // if ( ! m_factBuf.reserve ( need ) ) return false; for ( long i = 0 ; i < numFacts ; i++ ) { // get it Fact *fi = &facts[i]; if ( fi->m_gigabitModScore == 0.0 ) continue; // transcribe m_factBuf.safeMemcpy ( fi , sizeof(Fact) ); } return true; } bool Msg40::addFacts ( HashTableX *queryTable, HashTableX *gbitTable , char *pstart, char *pend, bool debugGigabits , Msg20Reply *reply, SafeBuf *factBuf ) { // parse into words. 0 niceness. Words ww; if ( ! ww.set11 ( pstart,pend , 0 ) ) return false; long nw = ww.getNumWords(); long long *wids = ww.getWordIds(); // initialize the sentence/fact we might add to factBuf if score>0 Fact fact; fact.m_queryScore = 0; fact.m_gigabitModScore = 0; fact.m_numGigabits = 0; fact.m_printed = 0; fact.m_numQTerms = 0; fact.m_fact = pstart; fact.m_factLen = pend - pstart; fact.m_reply = reply; fact.m_maxGigabitModScore = 0; // . sentences end in periods. // . all sections delimeted by **'s for ( long i = 0 ; i < nw ; i++ ) { // skip punct words in the sentence/section if ( ! wids[i] ) continue; // does it match a query term? QueryTerm **qtp = (QueryTerm **)queryTable->getValue(&wids[i]); // yes? if ( qtp ) { // get the query term it matches QueryTerm *qt = *qtp; // add points for matching it! fact.m_queryScore += qt->m_popWeight; fact.m_numQTerms++; // no need to add gigabit then continue; } // match a gigabit? Gigabit **gbp = (Gigabit **)gbitTable->getValue(&wids[i]); if ( gbp ) { // avoid overflow of ptrs! if ( fact.m_numGigabits >= MAX_GIGABIT_PTRS ) continue; // get the gigabit it might match Gigabit *gb = *gbp; // see if matches all words in the gigabit long x = i + 2; long k; for ( k = 1 ; k < gb->m_numWords ; k++ ) { // get next word id in sent for ( ; x < nw && ! wids[x] ; x++ ); // all done? no match then if ( x >= nw ) break; // ok check it if ( gb->m_wordIds[k] != wids[x]) break; // advance x too x++; } // it does NOT match the full gigabit! next word then. if ( k < gb->m_numWords ) goto nomatch; // . ok, it is a match // . multiply gigabit score by # pages it is on // to get the modified gigabit score float gbModScore = gb->m_gbscore * gb->m_numPages; fact.m_gigabitModScore += gbModScore; if ( gbModScore > fact.m_maxGigabitModScore ) fact.m_maxGigabitModScore = gbModScore; fact.m_gigabitPtrs[fact.m_numGigabits] = gb; fact.m_numGigabits++; continue; } nomatch: // otherwise, it does not match a gigabit or query word continue; } // ok, skip if missing either a gigabit or query term if ( fact.m_gigabitModScore == 0 ) return true; if ( fact.m_queryScore == 0 ) return true; // // make a vector out of words for deduping it! // HashTableX simTable; char sbuf[5000]; simTable.set(4,0,256,sbuf,5000,false,0,"simtab3"); char vtmp[5000]; SafeBuf vbuf(vtmp,5000); for ( long j = 0 ; j < nw ; j++ ) { // make it this unsigned long widu; widu = (unsigned long long)(wids[j]); // dont allow this! zero is a vector terminator if ( widu == 0 ) widu = 1; // skip if already added to vector if ( simTable.isInTable(&widu) ) continue; // store that as a vector component if ( ! vbuf.pushLong(widu) ) return false; // make sure we do not dedup if ( ! simTable.addKey(&widu) ) return false; } // sort 32-bit word ids from excerpt. niceness = 0 vbuf.sortLongs(0); // make sure under (128-4) bytes... vbuf.truncLen(((long)SAMPLE_VECTOR_SIZE) - 4); // make last long a 0 so Clusterdb::getSimilarity() likes it vbuf.pushLong(0); // now store it in the Fact struct memcpy ( fact.m_dedupVector , vbuf.getBufStart(), vbuf.length() ); // otherwise, add it if ( ! factBuf->safeMemcpy ( &fact , sizeof(Fact) ) ) return false; return true; } // . printSearchResult into "sb" bool Msg40::printSearchResult9 ( long ix , long *numPrintedSoFar ) { // . we stream results right onto the socket // . useful for thousands of results... and saving mem if ( ! m_si || ! m_si->m_streamResults ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; } // get state0 State0 *st = (State0 *)m_state; //SafeBuf *sb = &st->m_sb; // clear it since we are streaming //sb->reset(); Msg40 *msg40 = &st->m_msg40; // then print each result // don't display more than docsWanted results if ( m_numPrinted >= msg40->getDocsWanted() ) { // i guess we can print "Next 10" link m_moreToCome = true; // do not exceed what the user asked for return true; } // prints in xml or html if ( m_si->m_format == FORMAT_CSV ) { printJsonItemInCSV ( st , ix ); //log("print: printing #%li csv",(long)ix); } // print that out into st->m_sb safebuf else if ( ! printResult ( st , ix , numPrintedSoFar ) ) { // oom? if ( ! g_errno ) g_errno = EBADENGINEER; log("query: had error: %s",mstrerror(g_errno)); m_hadPrintError = true; } // count it m_numPrinted++; return true; } bool printHttpMime ( State0 *st ) { SearchInput *si = &st->m_si; // grab the query //Msg40 *msg40 = &(st->m_msg40); //char *q = msg40->getQuery(); //long qlen = msg40->getQueryLen(); //char local[ 128000 ]; //SafeBuf sb(local, 128000); SafeBuf *sb = &st->m_sb; // reserve 1.5MB now! if ( ! sb->reserve(1500000 ,"pgresbuf" ) ) // 128000) ) return true; // just in case it is empty, make it null terminated sb->nullTerm(); char *ct = "text/csv"; if ( si->m_format == FORMAT_JSON ) ct = "application/json"; if ( si->m_format == FORMAT_XML ) ct = "text/xml"; if ( si->m_format == FORMAT_HTML ) ct = "text/html"; //if ( si->m_format == FORMAT_TEXT ) // ct = "text/plain"; if ( si->m_format == FORMAT_CSV ) ct = "text/csv"; // . if we haven't yet sent an http mime back to the user // then do so here, the content-length will not be in there // because we might have to call for more spiderdb data HttpMime mime; mime.makeMime ( -1, // totel content-lenght is unknown! 0 , // do not cache (cacheTime) 0 , // lastModified 0 , // offset -1 , // bytesToSend NULL , // ext false, // POSTReply ct, // "text/csv", // contenttype "utf-8" , // charset -1 , // httpstatus NULL ); //cookie sb->safeMemcpy(mime.getMime(),mime.getMimeLen() ); return true; } ///////////////// // // CSV LOGIC from PageResults.cpp // ///////////////// // return 1 if a should be before b static int csvPtrCmp ( const void *a, const void *b ) { //JsonItem *ja = (JsonItem **)a; //JsonItem *jb = (JsonItem **)b; char *pa = *(char **)a; char *pb = *(char **)b; if ( strcmp(pa,"type") == 0 ) return -1; if ( strcmp(pb,"type") == 0 ) return 1; // force title on top if ( strcmp(pa,"product.title") == 0 ) return -1; if ( strcmp(pb,"product.title") == 0 ) return 1; if ( strcmp(pa,"title") == 0 ) return -1; if ( strcmp(pb,"title") == 0 ) return 1; // otherwise string compare int val = strcmp(pa,pb); return val; } #include "Json.h" // // print header row in csv // bool Msg40::printCSVHeaderRow ( SafeBuf *sb ) { //Msg40 *msg40 = &st->m_msg40; //long numResults = msg40->getNumResults(); char tmp1[1024]; SafeBuf tmpBuf (tmp1 , 1024); char tmp2[1024]; SafeBuf nameBuf (tmp2, 1024); char nbuf[27000]; HashTableX nameTable; if ( ! nameTable.set ( 8,4,2048,nbuf,27000,false,0,"ntbuf") ) return false; long niceness = 0; // . scan every fucking json item in the search results. // . we still need to deal with the case when there are so many // search results we have to dump each msg20 reply to disk in // order. then we'll have to update this code to scan that file. for ( long i = 0 ; i < m_needFirstReplies ; i++ ) { Msg20 *m20 = getCompletedSummary(i); if ( ! m20 ) break; if ( m20->m_errno ) continue; if ( ! m20->m_r ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; } Msg20Reply *mr = m20->m_r; // get content char *json = mr->ptr_content; // how can it be empty? if ( ! json ) continue; // parse it up Json jp; jp.parseJsonStringIntoJsonItems ( json , niceness ); // scan each json item for ( JsonItem *ji = jp.getFirstItem(); ji ; ji = ji->m_next ){ // skip if not number or string if ( ji->m_type != JT_NUMBER && ji->m_type != JT_STRING ) continue; // if in an array, do not print! csv is not // good for arrays... like "media":[....] . that // one might be ok, but if the elements in the // array are not simple types, like, if they are // unflat json objects then it is not well suited // for csv. if ( ji->isInArray() ) continue; // reset length of buf to 0 tmpBuf.reset(); // . get the name of the item into "nameBuf" // . returns false with g_errno set on error if ( ! ji->getCompoundName ( tmpBuf ) ) return false; // skip the "html" column, strip that out now if ( strcmp(tmpBuf.getBufStart(),"html") == 0 ) continue; // is it new? long long h64 = hash64n ( tmpBuf.getBufStart() ); if ( nameTable.isInTable ( &h64 ) ) continue; // record offset of the name for our hash table long nameBufOffset = nameBuf.length(); // store the name in our name buffer if ( ! nameBuf.safeStrcpy ( tmpBuf.getBufStart() ) ) return false; if ( ! nameBuf.pushChar ( '\0' ) ) return false; // it's new. add it if ( ! nameTable.addKey ( &h64 , &nameBufOffset ) ) return false; } } // . make array of ptrs to the names so we can sort them // . try to always put title first regardless char *ptrs [ 1024 ]; long numPtrs = 0; for ( long i = 0 ; i < nameTable.m_numSlots ; i++ ) { if ( ! nameTable.m_flags[i] ) continue; long off = *(long *)nameTable.getValueFromSlot(i); char *p = nameBuf.getBufStart() + off; ptrs[numPtrs++] = p; if ( numPtrs >= 1024 ) break; } // sort them qsort ( ptrs , numPtrs , 4 , csvPtrCmp ); // set up table to map field name to column for printing the json items HashTableX *columnTable = &m_columnTable; if ( ! columnTable->set ( 8,4, numPtrs * 4,NULL,0,false,0,"coltbl" ) ) return false; // now print them out as the header row for ( long i = 0 ; i < numPtrs ; i++ ) { if ( i > 0 && ! sb->pushChar(',') ) return false; if ( ! sb->safeStrcpy ( ptrs[i] ) ) return false; // record the hash of each one for printing out further json // objects in the same order so columns are aligned! long long h64 = hash64n ( ptrs[i] ); if ( ! columnTable->addKey ( &h64 , &i ) ) return false; } m_numCSVColumns = numPtrs; if ( ! sb->pushChar('\n') ) return false; if ( ! sb->nullTerm() ) return false; return true; } // returns false and sets g_errno on error bool Msg40::printJsonItemInCSV ( State0 *st , long ix ) { long niceness = 0; // // get the json from the search result // Msg20 *m20 = getCompletedSummary(ix); if ( ! m20 ) return false; if ( m20->m_errno ) return false; if ( ! m20->m_r ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; } Msg20Reply *mr = m20->m_r; // get content char *json = mr->ptr_content; // how can it be empty? if ( ! json ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; } // parse the json Json jp; jp.parseJsonStringIntoJsonItems ( json , niceness ); HashTableX *columnTable = &m_columnTable; long numCSVColumns = m_numCSVColumns; //SearchInput *si = m_si; SafeBuf *sb = &st->m_sb; // make buffer space that we need char ttt[1024]; SafeBuf ptrBuf(ttt,1024); long maxCols = numCSVColumns; // allow for additionals colls maxCols += 100; long need = maxCols * sizeof(JsonItem *); if ( ! ptrBuf.reserve ( need ) ) return false; JsonItem **ptrs = (JsonItem **)ptrBuf.getBufStart(); // reset json item ptrs for csv columns. all to NULL memset ( ptrs , 0 , need ); char tmp1[1024]; SafeBuf tmpBuf (tmp1 , 1024); JsonItem *ji; /////// // // print json item in csv // /////// for ( ji = jp.getFirstItem(); ji ; ji = ji->m_next ) { // skip if not number or string if ( ji->m_type != JT_NUMBER && ji->m_type != JT_STRING ) continue; // skip if not well suited for csv (see above comment) if ( ji->isInArray() ) continue; // . get the name of the item into "nameBuf" // . returns false with g_errno set on error if ( ! ji->getCompoundName ( tmpBuf ) ) return false; // is it new? long long h64 = hash64n ( tmpBuf.getBufStart() ); // ignore the "html" column if ( strcmp(tmpBuf.getBufStart(),"html") == 0 ) continue; long slot = columnTable->getSlot ( &h64 ) ; // MUST be in there // get col # long column = -1; if ( slot >= 0 ) column =*(long *)columnTable->getValueFromSlot ( slot); // sanity if ( column == -1 ) {//>= numCSVColumns ) { // add a new column... long newColnum = numCSVColumns + 1; // silently drop it if we already have too many cols if ( newColnum >= maxCols ) continue; columnTable->addKey ( &h64 , &newColnum ); column = newColnum; numCSVColumns++; //char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; } } // set ptr to it for printing when done parsing every field // for this json item ptrs[column] = ji; } // now print out what we got for ( long i = 0 ; i < numCSVColumns ; i++ ) { // , delimeted if ( i > 0 ) sb->pushChar(','); // get it ji = ptrs[i]; // skip if none if ( ! ji ) continue; // skip "html" field... too spammy for csv and > 32k causes // libreoffice calc to truncate it and break its parsing if ( ji->m_name && //! ji->m_parent && strcmp(ji->m_name,"html")==0) continue; // // get value and print otherwise // if ( ji->m_type == JT_NUMBER ) { // print numbers without double quotes if ( ji->m_valueDouble *10000000.0 == (double)ji->m_valueLong * 10000000.0 ) sb->safePrintf("%li",ji->m_valueLong); else sb->safePrintf("%f",ji->m_valueDouble); continue; } // print the value sb->pushChar('\"'); // get the json item to print out long vlen = ji->getValueLen(); // truncate char *truncStr = NULL; if ( vlen > 32000 ) { vlen = 32000; truncStr = " ... value truncated because " "Excel can not handle it. Download the " "JSON to get untruncated data."; } // print it out sb->csvEncode ( ji->getValue() , vlen ); // print truncate msg? if ( truncStr ) sb->safeStrcpy ( truncStr ); // end the CSV sb->pushChar('\"'); } sb->pushChar('\n'); sb->nullTerm(); return true; }