#include "gb-include.h" #include "HttpRequest.h" #include "ip.h" HttpRequest::HttpRequest () { m_cgiBuf = NULL; m_cgiBuf2 = NULL; reset(); } HttpRequest::~HttpRequest() { reset(); } char HttpRequest::getReplyFormat() { if ( m_replyFormatValid ) return m_replyFormat; char *formatStr = getString("format"); char format = -1;//FORMAT_HTML; // what format should search results be in? default is html if ( formatStr && strcmp(formatStr,"html") == 0 ) format = FORMAT_HTML; if ( formatStr && strcmp(formatStr,"json") == 0 ) format = FORMAT_JSON; if ( formatStr && strcmp(formatStr,"xml") == 0 ) format = FORMAT_XML; if ( formatStr && strcmp(formatStr,"csv") == 0 ) format = FORMAT_CSV; if ( formatStr && strcmp(formatStr,"iframe")==0) format=FORMAT_WIDGET_IFRAME; if ( formatStr && strcmp(formatStr,"ajax")==0) format=FORMAT_WIDGET_AJAX; if ( formatStr && strcmp(formatStr,"append")==0) format=FORMAT_WIDGET_APPEND; // support old api &xml=1 to mean &format=1 if ( getLong("xml",0) ) { format = FORMAT_XML; } // also support &json=1 if ( getLong("json",0) ) { format = FORMAT_JSON; } if ( getLong("csv",0) ) { format = FORMAT_CSV; } if ( getLong("iframe",0) ) { format = FORMAT_WIDGET_IFRAME; } if ( getLong("ajax",0) ) { format = FORMAT_WIDGET_AJAX; } if ( getLong("append",0) ) { format = FORMAT_WIDGET_APPEND; } // default to html if ( format == -1 ) format = FORMAT_HTML; m_replyFormat = format; m_replyFormatValid = true; return format; } void HttpRequest::reset() { m_numFields = 0; m_replyFormatValid = false; //if ( m_cgiBuf ) mfree ( m_cgiBuf , m_cgiBufMaxLen , "HttpRequest"); m_cgiBufLen = 0; m_cgiBuf = NULL; m_cgiBufMaxLen = 0; //m_buf[0] = '\0'; //m_bufLen = 0; m_path = NULL; m_plen = 0; m_ucontent = NULL; m_ucontentLen = 0; m_cookiePtr = NULL; m_cookieLen = 0; m_userIP = 0; m_isMSIE = false; m_reqBufValid = false; m_reqBuf.purge(); if (m_cgiBuf2) { mfree(m_cgiBuf2, m_cgiBuf2Size, "extraParms"); m_cgiBuf2 = NULL; } m_cgiBuf2Size = 0; } // returns false with g_errno set on error bool HttpRequest::copy ( class HttpRequest *r , bool stealBuf ) { memcpy ( this , r , sizeof(HttpRequest) ); // do not copy this over though in that way m_reqBuf.m_capacity = 0; m_reqBuf.m_length = 0; //m_reqBuf.m_buf = NULL; m_reqBuf.m_usingStack = false; m_reqBuf.m_encoding = csUTF8; if ( stealBuf ) { // if he's on the stack, that's a problem! if ( r->m_reqBuf.m_usingStack ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; } // copy the safebuf member var directly memcpy ( &m_reqBuf , &r->m_reqBuf , sizeof(SafeBuf) ); // do not let it free anything r->m_reqBuf.m_usingStack = true; // that's it! return true; } // otherwise we copy it and update the ptrs below if ( ! m_reqBuf.safeMemcpy ( &r->m_reqBuf ) ) return false; // fix ptrs char *sbuf = r->m_reqBuf.getBufStart(); char *dbuf = m_reqBuf.getBufStart(); for ( long i = 0 ; i < m_numFields ; i++ ) { m_fields [i] = dbuf + (r->m_fields [i] - sbuf); m_fieldValues[i] = NULL; if ( r->m_fieldValues[i] ) m_fieldValues[i] = dbuf + (r->m_fieldValues[i] - sbuf); } m_cookiePtr = dbuf + (r->m_cookiePtr - sbuf ); m_metaCookie = dbuf + (r->m_metaCookie - sbuf ); m_ucontent = dbuf + (r->m_ucontent - sbuf ); m_path = dbuf + (r->m_path - sbuf ); m_cgiBuf = dbuf + (r->m_cgiBuf - sbuf ); // not supported yet. we'd have to allocate it if ( m_cgiBuf2 ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; } return true; } #define RT_GET 0 #define RT_HEAD 1 #define RT_POST 2 #define RT_CONNECT 3 // TODO: ensure not sent to a proxy server since it will expect us to close it // TODO: use chunked transfer encodings to do HTTP/1.1 // . form an HTTP request // . use size 0 for HEAD requests // . use size -1 for GET whole doc requests // . fill in your own offset/size for partial GET requests // . returns false and sets g_errno on error // . NOTE: http 1.1 uses Keep-Alive by default (use Connection: close to not) bool HttpRequest::set (char *url,long offset,long size,time_t ifModifiedSince, char *userAgent , char *proto , bool doPost , char *cookie , char *additionalHeader , // if posting something, how many bytes is it? long postContentLen , // are we sending the request through an http proxy? // if so this will be non-zero long proxyIp ) { m_reqBufValid = false; long hlen ; long port = 80; char *hptr = getHostFast ( url , &hlen , &port ); char *path = getPathFast ( url ); // . use the full url if sending to an http proxy // . HACK: do NOT do this if it is httpS because we end up // using the http tunnel using the CONNECT cmd and the squid proxy // will just forward/proxy just the entire tcp packets. if ( proxyIp && strncmp(url,"https://",8) != 0 ) path = url; char *pathEnd = NULL; char *postData = NULL; if ( doPost ) { pathEnd = strstr(path,"?"); if ( pathEnd ) { *pathEnd = '\0'; postData = pathEnd + 1; } } // if no legit host if ( hlen <= 0 || ! hptr ) { g_errno = EBADURL; return false; } // sanity check. port is only 16 bits if ( port > (long)0xffff ) { g_errno = EBADURL; return false; } // return false and set g_errno if url too big //if ( url->getUrlLen() + 400 >= MAX_REQ_LEN ) { // g_errno = EURLTOOBIG; return false;} // assume request type is a GET m_requestType = RT_GET;//0; // get the host NULL terminated char host[1024+8]; //long hlen = url->getHostLen(); strncpy ( host , hptr , hlen ); host [ hlen ] = '\0'; // then port //unsigned short port = url->getPort(); if ( port != 80 ) { sprintf ( host + hlen , ":%lu" , port ); hlen += gbstrlen ( host + hlen ); } // the if-modified-since field char ibuf[64]; char *ims = ""; if ( ifModifiedSince ) { // NOTE: ctime appends a \n sprintf(ibuf,"If-Modified-Since: %s UTC", asctime(gmtime(&ifModifiedSince))); // get the length long ilen = gbstrlen(ibuf); // hack off \n from ctime - replace with \r\n\0 ibuf [ ilen - 1 ] = '\r'; ibuf [ ilen ] = '\n'; ibuf [ ilen + 1 ] = '\0'; // set ims to this string ims = ibuf; } // . until we fix if-modified-since, take it out // . seems like we are being called with it as true when should not be ims=""; // . use one in conf file if caller did not provide // . this is usually Gigabot/1.0 if ( ! userAgent ) userAgent = g_conf.m_spiderUserAgent; // accept only these char *accept = "*/*"; /* "text/html, " "text/plain, " "text/xml, " "application/pdf, " "application/msword, " "application/vnd.ms-excel, " "application/mspowerpoint, " "application/postscript"; */ char *cmd = "GET"; if ( size == 0 ) cmd = "HEAD"; if ( doPost ) cmd = "POST"; // crap, can't spider nyt.com if we are 1.0, so use 1.0 but also // note Connection: Close\r\n when making requests //proto = "HTTP/1.1"; // . now use "Accept-Language: en" to tell servers we prefer english // . i removed keep-alive connection since some connections close on // non-200 ok http statuses and we think they're open since close // signal (read 0 bytes) may have been delayed char* acceptEncoding = ""; // the scraper is getting back gzipped search results from goog, // so disable this for now // i am re-enabling now for testing... if(g_conf.m_gzipDownloads) acceptEncoding = "Accept-Encoding: gzip;q=1.0\r\n"; // i thought this might stop wikipedia from forcing gzip on us // but it did not! // else // acceptEncoding = "Accept-Encoding:\r\n"; // char *p = m_buf; // init the safebuf to point to this buffer in our class to avoid // a potential alloc // m_reqBuf.setBuf ( m_buf , MAX_REQ_LEN , 0 , false, csUTF8 ); m_reqBuf.purge(); // indicate this is good m_reqBufValid = true; if ( size == 0 ) { // 1 for HEAD requests m_requestType = RT_HEAD; m_reqBuf.safePrintf ( "%s %s %s\r\n" "Host: %s\r\n" "%s" "User-Agent: %s\r\n" "Connection: Close\r\n" //"Connection: Keep-Alive\r\n" "Accept-Language: en\r\n" //"Accept: */*\r\n\r\n" , "Accept: %s\r\n" , cmd, path , proto, host , ims , userAgent , accept ); } else if ( size != -1 ) m_reqBuf.safePrintf ( "%s %s %s\r\n" "Host: %s\r\n" "%s" "User-Agent: %s\r\n" "Connection: Close\r\n" //"Connection: Keep-Alive\r\n" "Accept-Language: en\r\n" //"Accept: */*\r\n" "Accept: %s\r\n" "Range: bytes=%li-%li\r\n" , cmd, path , proto , host , ims , userAgent , accept , offset , offset + size ); else if ( offset > 0 && size == -1 ) m_reqBuf.safePrintf ( "%s %s %s\r\n" "Host: %s\r\n" "%s" "User-Agent: %s\r\n" "Connection: Close\r\n" //"Connection: Keep-Alive\r\n" "Accept-Language: en\r\n" //"Accept: */*\r\n" "Accept: %s\r\n" "Range: bytes=%li-\r\n" , cmd, path , proto , host , ims , userAgent , accept , offset ); // Wget's request: // GET / HTTP/1.0\r\nUser-Agent: Wget/1.10.2\r\nAccept: */*\r\nHost:\r\nConnection: Keep-Alive\r\n\r\n // firefox's request: // GET /master?c=main HTTP/1.1\r\nHost:\r\nUser-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv: Gecko/20100715 Ubuntu/10.04 (lucid) Firefox/3.6.7\r\nAccept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8\r\nAccept-Language: en-us,en;q=0.5\r\nAccept-Encoding: gzip,deflate\r\nAccept-Charset: ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7\r\nKeep-Alive: 115\r\nConnection: keep-alive\r\nReferer:\r\nCookie: __utma=267617550.1103353528.1269214594.1273256655.1276103782.12; __utmz=267617550.1269214594.1.1.utmcsr=(direct)|utmccn=(direct)|utmcmd=(none); _incvi=qCffL7N8chFyJLwWrBDMbNz2Q3EWmAnf4uA; s_lastvisit=1269900225815; s_pers=%20s_getnr%3D1276103782254-New%7C1339175782254%3B%20s_nrgvo%3DNew%7C1339175782258%3B\r\n\r\n else { // until we fix if-modified-since, take it out //ims=""; //userAgent = "Wget/1.10.2"; //userAgent = "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv: Gecko/20100715 Ubuntu/10.04 (lucid) Firefox/3.6.7"; //proto = "HTTP/1.0"; m_reqBuf.safePrintf ( "%s %s %s\r\n" "User-Agent: %s\r\n" "Accept: */*\r\n" "Host: %s\r\n" "%s" "Connection: Close\r\n" //"Connection: Keep-Alive\r\n" //"Accept-Language: en\r\n" "%s", //"Accept: %s\r\n\r\n" , //"\r\n", cmd, path , proto , userAgent , host , ims , acceptEncoding); //accept ); } if ( additionalHeader ) m_reqBuf.safePrintf("%s\r\n",additionalHeader ); // cookie here if ( cookie ) m_reqBuf.safePrintf("Cookie: %s\r\n",cookie ); // print content-length: if post if ( postData ) { // dammit... recaptcha does not work without this!!!! m_reqBuf.safePrintf ( "Content-Type: " "application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n"); } // we need this if doing a post even if postData is NULL if ( doPost ) { long contentLen = 0; if ( postData ) contentLen = strlen(postData); // this overrides if provided. -1 is default if ( postContentLen >= 0 ) contentLen = postContentLen; m_reqBuf.safePrintf ("Content-Length: %li\r\n", contentLen ); m_reqBuf.safePrintf("\r\n"); if ( postData ) m_reqBuf.safePrintf("%s",postData); // log it for debug //log("captch: %s",m_buf); } if ( ! doPost ) { // ! postData ) { m_reqBuf.safePrintf("\r\n"); } // set m_bufLen //m_bufLen = p - m_buf;//gbstrlen ( m_buf ); // sanity check // if ( m_bufLen + 1 > MAX_REQ_LEN ) { // log("build: HttpRequest buf is too small."); // char *xx = NULL; *xx = 0; // } // restore url buffer if ( pathEnd ) *pathEnd = '?'; return true; } // . parse an incoming request // . return false and set g_errno on error // . CAUTION: we destroy "req" by replacing it's last char with a \0 // . last char must be \n or \r for it to be a proper request anyway bool HttpRequest::set ( char *origReq , long origReqLen , TcpSocket *sock ) { // reset number of cgi field terms reset(); if ( ! m_reqBuf.reserve ( origReqLen + 1 ) ) { log("http: failed to copy request: %s",mstrerror(g_errno)); return false; } // copy it to avoid mangling it m_reqBuf.safeMemcpy ( origReq , origReqLen ); // NULL term m_reqBuf.pushChar('\0'); m_reqBufValid = true; // and point to that char *req = m_reqBuf.getBufStart(); long reqLen = m_reqBuf.length() - 1; // save this m_userIP = 0; if ( sock ) m_userIP = sock->m_ip; m_isSSL = 0; if ( sock ) m_isSSL = (bool)sock->m_ssl; // TcpServer should always give us a NULL terminated request if ( req[reqLen] != '\0' ) { char *xx = NULL; *xx = 0; } // how long is the first line, the primary request // long i; // for ( i = 0 ; i= 1024 ) { g_errno = EBADREQUEST; return false; } // get the type, must be GET or HEAD if ( strncmp ( req , "GET " , 4 ) == 0 ) { m_requestType = RT_GET; cmdLen = 3; } // these means a compressed reply was requested. use by query // compression proxies. else if ( strncmp ( req , "ZET " , 4 ) == 0 ) { m_requestType = RT_GET; cmdLen = 3; } else if ( strncmp ( req , "HEAD " , 5 ) == 0 ) { m_requestType = RT_HEAD; cmdLen = 4; } else if ( strncmp ( req , "POST " , 5 ) == 0 ) { m_requestType = RT_POST; cmdLen = 4; } else if ( strncmp ( req , "CONNECT " , 8 ) == 0 ) { //m_requestType = RT_CONNECT; //cmdLen = 7; // we do not proxy https requests because we can't // decrypt the page contents to cache them or to insert // the sectiondb voting markup, so it's kinda pointless... // and i'm not aiming to be a full-fledge squid proxy. log("http: CONNECT request not supported because we " "can't insert section markup and we can't cache: %s",req); g_errno = EBADREQUEST; return false; } else { log("http: got bad request cmd: %s",req); g_errno = EBADREQUEST; return false; } // . NULL terminate the request (a destructive operation!) // . this removes the last \n in the trailing \r\n // . shit, but it fucks up POST requests if ( m_requestType != RT_POST ) { req [ reqLen - 1 ] = '\0'; reqLen--; } // POST requests can be absolutely huge if you are injecting a 100MB // file, so limit our strstrs to the end of the mime char *d = NULL; char dc; // check for body if it was a POST request if ( m_requestType == RT_POST ) { d = strstr ( req , "\r\n\r\n" ); if ( d ) { dc = *d; *d = '\0'; } else log("http: Got POST request without \\r\\n\\r\\n."); } // is it a proxy request? m_isSquidProxyRequest = false; if ( strncmp ( req + cmdLen + 1, "http://" ,7) == 0 || strncmp ( req + cmdLen + 1, "https://",8) == 0 ) { m_isSquidProxyRequest = true; // set url parms for it m_squidProxiedUrl = req + cmdLen + 1; char *p = m_squidProxiedUrl + 7; if ( *p == '/' ) p++; // https:// ? // stop at whitespace or \0 for ( ; *p && ! is_wspace_a(*p) ; p++ ); // that's the length of it m_squidProxiedUrlLen = p - m_squidProxiedUrl; } else if ( m_requestType == RT_CONNECT ) { m_isSquidProxyRequest = true; // set url parms for it m_squidProxiedUrl = req + cmdLen + 1; // usually its like CONNECT diffbot.com:443 char *p = m_squidProxiedUrl; // stop at whitespace or \0 for ( ; *p && ! is_wspace_a(*p) ; p++ ); // that's the length of it m_squidProxiedUrlLen = p - m_squidProxiedUrl; } // check authentication char *auth = NULL; if ( m_isSquidProxyRequest && req ) auth = strstr(req,"Proxy-authorization: Basic "); //if ( m_isSquidProxyRequest && ! auth ) { // log("http: no auth in proxy request %s",req); // g_errno = EBADREQUEST; // return false; //} SafeBuf tmp; if ( auth ) { // find end of it char *p = auth; for ( ; *p && *p != '\r' && *p != '\n' ; p++ ); tmp.base64Decode ( auth , p - auth ); } // assume incorrect username/password bool matched = false; if ( m_isSquidProxyRequest ) { // now try to match in g_conf.m_proxyAuth safebuf of // username:password space-separated list char *p = g_conf.m_proxyAuth.getBufStart(); // loop over those for ( ; p && *p ; ) { // skip initial white space for ( ; *p && is_wspace_a(*p); p++ ); // skip to end of username:password thing char *end = p; for ( ; *end && !is_wspace_a(*end); end++); // save char *start = p; // advance p = end; // this is always a match if ( end-start == 3 && strncmp(start,"*:*",3)==0 ) { matched = true; break; } // compare now if ( tmp.length() != end-start ) continue; if ( strncmp(tmp.getBufStart(),start,end-start)) continue; // we got a match matched = true; break; } } // incorrect username:passwrod? if ( m_isSquidProxyRequest && ! matched ) { log("http: bad username:password in proxy request %s",req); g_errno = EPERMDENIED; return false; } // if proxy request to download a url through us, we are done if ( m_isSquidProxyRequest ) return true; bool multipart = false; if ( m_requestType == 2 ) { // is POST? char *cd =strcasestr(req,"Content-Type: multipart/form-data"); if ( cd ) multipart = true; } // . point to the file path // . skip over the "GET " long filenameStart = 4 ; // skip over extra char if it's a "HEAD " request if ( m_requestType == RT_HEAD || m_requestType == RT_POST ) filenameStart++; // are we a redirect? long i = filenameStart; m_redirLen = 0; if ( strncmp ( &req[i] , "/?redir=" , 8 ) == 0 ) { for ( long k = i+8; k= MAX_HTTP_FILENAME_LEN - 10 ) { log("http: got filenameLen>=max"); g_errno = EBADREQUEST; return false; } // . decode the filename into m_filename and reassign it's length // . decode %2F to / , etc... m_filenameLen = urlDecode(m_filename,req+filenameStart,m_filenameLen); // NULL terminate m_filename m_filename [ m_filenameLen ] = '\0'; // does it have a file extension AFTER the last / in the filename? bool hasExtension = false; for ( long j = m_filenameLen-1 ; j >= 0 ; j-- ) { if ( m_filename[j] == '.' ) { hasExtension = true; break; } if ( m_filename[j] == '/' ) break; } // if it has no file extension append a /index.html if ( ! hasExtension && m_filename [ m_filenameLen - 1 ] == '/' ) { strcat ( m_filename , "index.html" ); m_filenameLen = gbstrlen ( m_filename ); } // . uses the TcpSocket::m_readBuf // . if *p was ? then keep going m_origUrlRequest = origReq + filenameStart; char *p = origReq + m_filenameLen; for ( ; *p && ! is_wspace_a(*p) ; p++ ); m_origUrlRequestLen = p - m_origUrlRequest; // set file offset/size defaults m_fileOffset = 0; // -1 means ALL the file from m_fileOffset onwards m_fileSize = -1; // "e" points to where the range actually starts, if any //char *e; // . TODO: speed up by doing one strstr for Range: and maybe range: // . do they have a Range: 0-100\n in the mime denoting a partial get? //char *s = strstr ( req ,"Range:bytes=" ); //e = s + 12; // try alternate formats //if ( ! s ) { s = strstr ( req ,"Range: bytes=" ); e = s + 13; } //if ( ! s ) { s = strstr ( req ,"Range: " ); e = s + 7; } // parse out the range if we got one //if ( s ) { // long x = 0; // sscanf ( e ,"%li-%li" , &m_fileOffset , &x ); // // get all file if range's 2nd number is non-existant // if ( x == 0 ) m_fileSize = -1; // else m_fileSize = x - m_fileOffset; // // ensure legitimacy // if ( m_fileOffset < 0 ) m_fileOffset = 0; //} // reset our hostname m_hostLen = 0; // assume request is NOT from local network //m_isRootAdmin = false; m_isLocal = false; // get the virtual hostname they want to use char *s = strstr ( req ,"Host:" ); // try alternate formats if ( ! s ) s = strstr ( req , "host:" ); // must be on its own line, otherwise it's not valid if ( s && s > req && *(s-1) !='\n' ) s = NULL; // parse out the host if we got one if ( s ) { // skip field name, host: s += 5; // skip e to beginning of the host name after "host:" while ( *s==' ' || *s=='\t' ) s++; // find end of the host name char *end = s; while ( *end && !is_wspace_a(*end) ) end++; // . now *end should be \0, \n, \r, ' ', ... // . get host len m_hostLen = end - s; // truncate if too big if ( m_hostLen >= 255 ) m_hostLen = 254; // copy into hostname memcpy ( m_host , s , m_hostLen ); } // NULL terminate it m_host [ m_hostLen ] = '\0'; // get Referer: field s = strstr ( req ,"Referer:" ); // find another if ( ! s ) s = strstr ( req ,"referer:" ); // must be on its own line, otherwise it's not valid if ( s && s > req && *(s-1) !='\n' ) s = NULL; // assume no referer m_refLen = 0; // parse out the referer if we got one if ( s ) { // skip field name, referer: s += 8; // skip e to beginning of the host name after ':' while ( *s==' ' || *s=='\t' ) s++; // find end of the host name char *end = s; while ( *end && !is_wspace_a(*end) ) end++; // . now *end should be \0, \n, \r, ' ', ... // . get len m_refLen = end - s; // truncate if too big if ( m_refLen >= 255 ) m_refLen = 254; // copy into m_ref memcpy ( m_ref , s , m_refLen ); } // NULL terminate it m_ref [ m_refLen ] = '\0'; // get User-Agent: field s = strstr ( req ,"User-Agent:" ); // find another if ( ! s ) s = strstr ( req ,"user-agent:" ); // must be on its own line, otherwise it's not valid if ( s && s > req && *(s-1) !='\n' ) s = NULL; // assume empty long len = 0; // parse out the referer if we got one if ( s ) { // skip field name, referer: s += 11; // skip e to beginning of the host name after ':' while ( *s==' ' || *s=='\t' ) s++; // find end of the agent name char *end = s; while ( *end && *end!='\n' && *end!='\r' ) end++; // . now *end should be \0, \n, \r, ' ', ... // . get agent len len = end - s; // truncate if too big if ( len > 127 ) len = 127; // copy into m_userAgent memcpy ( m_userAgent , s , len ); } // NULL terminate it m_userAgent [ len ] = '\0'; m_isMSIE = false; if ( strstr ( m_userAgent , "MSIE" ) ) m_isMSIE = true; // get Cookie: field s = strstr ( req, "Cookie:" ); // find another if ( !s ) s = strstr ( req, "cookie:" ); // must be on its own line, otherwise it's not valid if ( s && s > req && *(s-1) != '\n' ) s = NULL; // assume empty // m_cookieBufLen = 0; m_cookiePtr = s; // parse out the cookie if we got one if ( s ) { // skip field name, Cookie: s += 7; // skip s to beginning of cookie after ':' while ( *s == ' ' || *s == '\t' ) s++; // find end of the cookie char *end = s; while ( *end && *end != '\n' && *end != '\r' ) end++; // save length m_cookieLen = end - m_cookiePtr; // get cookie len //m_cookieBufLen = end - s; // trunc if too big //if (m_cookieBufLen > 1023) m_cookieBufLen = 1023; // copy into m_cookieBuf //memcpy(m_cookieBuf, s, m_cookieBufLen); } // NULL terminate it if ( m_cookiePtr ) m_cookiePtr[m_cookieLen] = '\0'; //m_cookieBuf[m_cookieBufLen] = '\0'; // convert every '&' in cookie to a \0 for parsing the fields // for ( long j = 0 ; j < m_cookieBufLen ; j++ ) // if ( m_cookieBuf[j] == '&' ) m_cookieBuf[j] = '\0'; // mark it as cgi if it has a ? bool isCgi = ( req [ i ] == '?' ) ; // reset m_filename length to exclude the ?* stuff if ( isCgi ) { // skip over the '?' i++; // find a space the delmits end of cgi long j; for ( j = i; j < reqLen; j++) if (is_wspace_a(req[j])) break; // now add it if ( ! addCgi ( &req[i] , j-i ) ) return false; // update i i = j; } // . set path ptrs // . the whole /cgi/14.cgi?coll=xxx&..... thang m_path = req + filenameStart; m_plen = i - filenameStart; // we're local if hostname is 192.168.[0|1].y //if ( strncmp(iptoa(sock->m_ip),"192.168.1.",10) == 0) { // m_isRootAdmin = true; m_isLocal = true; } //if ( strncmp(iptoa(sock->m_ip),"192.168.0.",10) == 0) { // m_isRootAdmin = true; m_isLocal = true; } //if(strncmp(iptoa(sock->m_ip),"192.168.1.",10) == 0) m_isLocal = true; //if(strncmp(iptoa(sock->m_ip),"192.168.0.",10) == 0) m_isLocal = true; if ( sock && strncmp(iptoa(sock->m_ip),"192.168.",8) == 0) m_isLocal = true; if ( sock && strncmp(iptoa(sock->m_ip),"10.",3) == 0) m_isLocal = true; // steve cook's comcast at home: // if ( sock && strncmp(iptoa(sock->m_ip),"",13) == 0) // m_isLocal = true; // procog's ip // if ( sock && strncmp(iptoa(sock->m_ip),"",13) == 0) // m_isLocal = true; // diffbot comcast if ( sock && strncmp(iptoa(sock->m_ip),"",11) == 0) m_isLocal = true; // matt comcast if ( sock && strncmp(iptoa(sock->m_ip),"",11) == 0) m_isLocal = true; // matt comcast #2 if ( sock && strncmp(iptoa(sock->m_ip),"",14) == 0) m_isLocal = true; // titan if ( sock && strncmp(iptoa(sock->m_ip),"",13) == 0) m_isLocal = true; // gotta scan all ips in hosts.conf as well... // if we are coming from any of our own hosts.conf c blocks // consider ourselves local unsigned long last = 0; for ( long i = 0 ; i < g_hostdb.m_numHosts ; i++ ) { Host *h = g_hostdb.getHost(i); // save time with this check if ( h->m_ip == last ) continue; // update it last = h->m_ip; // returns number of top bytes in comon long nt = ipCmp ( sock->m_ip , h->m_ip ); // at least be in the same c-block as a host in hosts.conf if ( nt < 3 ) continue; m_isLocal = true; break; } // connectips/adminips // for ( long i = 0 ; i < g_conf.m_numConnectIps ; i++ ) { // if ( sock->m_ip != g_conf.m_connectIps[i] ) continue; // m_isLocal = true; // break; // } // roadrunner ip // if ( sock && strncmp(iptoa(sock->m_ip),"",13) == 0) // m_isLocal = true; // cnsp ip //if ( sock && strncmp(iptoa(sock->m_ip),"",13) == 0) // m_isLocal = true; // emily parker //if ( sock && strncmp(iptoa(sock->m_ip),"",12) == 0) //m_isLocal = true; // if ( sock && sock->m_ip == 16777343 ) m_isLocal = true; // steve cook's webserver //if ( sock && strncmp(iptoa(sock->m_ip),"",13) == 0) // m_isLocal = true; // . also if we're coming from lenny at my house consider it local // . this is a security risk, however... TODO: FIX!!! //if ( sock->m_ip == atoip ("" , 13 ) ) m_isRootAdmin = true; // . TODO: now add any cgi data from a POST..... // . look after the mime //char *d = NULL; // check for body if it was a POST request //if ( m_requestType == RT_POST ) d = strstr ( req , "\r\n\r\n" ); // now put d's char back, just in case... does it really matter? if ( d ) *d = dc; // return true now if no cgi stuff to parse if ( d ) { char *post = d + 4; long postLen = reqLen-(d+4-req) ; // post sometimes has a \r or\n after it while ( postLen > 0 && post[postLen-1]=='\r' ) postLen--; // add it to m_cgiBuf, filter and everything if ( ! addCgi ( post , postLen ) ) return false; } // sometimes i don't want to be admin //if ( getLong ( "admin" , 1 ) == 0 ) m_isRootAdmin = false; // success ///// // Handle Extra parms... char *ep = g_conf.m_extraParms; char *epend = g_conf.m_extraParms + g_conf.m_extraParmsLen; char *qstr = m_cgiBuf; long qlen = m_cgiBufLen; while (ep < epend){ char buf[AUTOBAN_TEXT_SIZE]; long bufLen = 0; // get next substring while (*ep && ep < epend && *ep != ' ' && *ep != '\n'){ buf[bufLen++] = *ep++; } // skip whitespace while (*ep && ep < epend && *ep == ' '){ ep++; } // null terminate buf[bufLen] = '\0'; // No match if (!bufLen || !strnstr2(qstr, qlen, buf)){ // skip to end of line while (*ep && ep < epend && *ep != '\n') ep++; // skip newline while (*ep && ep < epend && *ep == '\n') ep++; // try next substr continue; } // found a match... // get parm string bufLen = 0; while (*ep && ep < epend && *ep != '\n'){ buf[bufLen++] = *ep++; } buf[bufLen] = '\0'; // skip newline while (*ep && ep < epend && *ep == '\n') ep++; logf(LOG_DEBUG, "query: appending \"%s\" to query", buf); long newSize = m_cgiBuf2Size + bufLen+1; char *newBuf = (char*)mmalloc(newSize, "extraParms"); if (!newBuf){ return log("query: unable to allocate %ld bytes " "for extraParms", newSize); } char *p = newBuf; if (m_cgiBuf2Size) { memcpy(newBuf, m_cgiBuf2, m_cgiBuf2Size); p += m_cgiBuf2Size-1; mfree(m_cgiBuf2, m_cgiBuf2Size, "extraParms"); m_cgiBuf2 = NULL; m_cgiBuf2Size = 0; } memcpy(p, buf, bufLen); m_cgiBuf2 = newBuf; m_cgiBuf2Size = newSize; p += bufLen; *p = '\0'; } // Put '\0' back into the HttpRequest buffer... // crap, not if we are multi-part unencoded stuff... if ( m_cgiBuf && ! multipart ) { // do not mangle the "ucontent"! long cgiBufLen = m_cgiBufLen; cgiBufLen -= m_ucontentLen; char *buf = m_cgiBuf; for (long i = 0; i < cgiBufLen ; i++) if (buf[i] == '&') buf[i] = '\0'; // don't decode the ucontent= field! long decodeLen = m_cgiBufLen; // so subtract that if ( m_ucontent ) decodeLen -= m_ucontentLen; // decode everything long len = urlDecode ( m_cgiBuf , m_cgiBuf , decodeLen ); // we're parsing crap after the null if the last parm // has no value //memset(m_cgiBuf+len, '\0', m_cgiBufLen-len); m_cgiBufLen = len; // ensure that is null i guess if ( ! m_ucontent ) m_cgiBuf[len] = '\0'; } if (m_cgiBuf2){ char *buf = m_cgiBuf2; for (long i = 0; i < m_cgiBuf2Size-1 ; i++) if (buf[i] == '&') buf[i] = '\0'; long len = urlDecode ( m_cgiBuf2 , m_cgiBuf2 , m_cgiBuf2Size); memset(m_cgiBuf2+len, '\0', m_cgiBuf2Size-len); } // . parse the fields after the ? in a cgi filename // . or fields in the content if it's a POST // . m_cgiBuf must be and is NULL terminated for this parseFields ( m_cgiBuf , m_cgiBufLen ); // Add extra parms to the request. if (m_cgiBuf2Size){ parseFields(m_cgiBuf2, m_cgiBuf2Size); } // urldecode the cookie buf too!! if ( m_cookiePtr ) { char *p = m_cookiePtr; for (long i = 0; i < m_cookieLen ; i++) { //if (p[i] == '&') p[i] = '\0'; // cookies are separated with ';' in the request only if (p[i] == ';') p[i] = '\0'; // a hack for the metacookie=.... // which uses &'s to separate its subcookies // this is a hack for msie's limit of 50 cookies if ( p[i] == '&' ) p[i] = '\0'; // set m_metaCookie to start of meta cookie if ( p[i] == 'm' && p[i+1] == 'e' && strncmp(p,"metacookie",10) == 0 ) m_metaCookie = p; } long len = urlDecode ( m_cookiePtr , m_cookiePtr, m_cookieLen ); // we're parsing crap after the null if the last parm // has no value memset(m_cookiePtr+len, '\0', m_cookieLen-len); m_cookieLen = len; } return true; } // s must be NULL terminated bool HttpRequest::addCgi ( char *s , long slen ) { // calculate the length of the cgi data w/o the ? //m_cgiBufMaxLen = slen + 1; // alloc space for it, including a \0 at the end //m_cgiBuf = (char *) mmalloc ( m_cgiBufMaxLen , "HttpRequest"); //if ( ! m_cgiBuf ) return false; m_cgiBuf = s; // set the length of the cgi string m_cgiBufLen = slen; // ensure no overflow (add 1 cuz we NULL terminate it) //if ( m_cgiBufLen>=1023) { g_errno = EBUFTOOSMALL;return false;} // copy cgi string into m_cgiBuf //memcpy ( m_cgiBuf , s , slen ); // NULL terminate and include it in the length //m_cgiBuf [ m_cgiBufLen++ ] = '\0'; m_cgiBuf [ slen ] = '\0'; // change &'s to \0's char *p = m_cgiBuf; char *pend = m_cgiBuf + m_cgiBufLen; for ( ; p < pend ; p++ ) { // but the [&|?]ucontent=%s is an exception because that is // unencoded to make it easier to interface with if ( p[0] == 'u' && p[1] == 'c' && p[2] == 'o' && p > m_cgiBuf && // the new cgi buf is not mangled, so check for '&' (p[-1] == '\0' || p[-1] == '?' ||p[-1]=='&') && strncmp ( p , "ucontent=" , 9 ) == 0 ) { // store it m_ucontent = p + 9; m_ucontentLen = m_cgiBufLen - (m_ucontent - m_cgiBuf); // this includes the terminating \0, so remove it //m_ucontentLen--; break; } // put these in later, after we check for extra parms //if ( *p =='&' ) *p = '\0'; } // . decode it -- from m_cgiBuf back into m_cgiBuf // . m_cgiBufLen should only decrease, never increase // . only decode up to "s", keep m_unencodedContent the way it is // save this until after we insert nulls //m_cgiBufLen = urlDecode ( m_cgiBuf , m_cgiBuf , p - m_cgiBuf ); // update the null termination m_cgiBuf [ m_cgiBufLen ] = '\0'; return true; } float HttpRequest::getFloatFromCookie ( char *field, float def ) { long flen; char *cs = getStringFromCookie ( field , &flen , NULL ); if ( ! cs ) return def; float cv = atof(cs); return cv; } long HttpRequest::getLongFromCookie ( char *field, long def ) { long flen; char *cs = getStringFromCookie ( field , &flen , NULL ); if ( ! cs ) return def; long long cv = atoll(cs); // convert return (long)cv; } long long HttpRequest::getLongLongFromCookie ( char *field, long long def ) { long flen; char *cs = getStringFromCookie ( field , &flen , NULL ); if ( ! cs ) return def; long long cv = strtoull(cs,NULL,10); return cv; } bool HttpRequest::getBoolFromCookie ( char *field, bool def ) { long flen; char *cs = getStringFromCookie ( field , &flen , NULL ); if ( ! cs ) return def; if ( cs[0] == '0' ) return false; return true; } // *next is set to ptr into m_cgiBuf so that the next successive call to // getString with the SAME "field" will start at *next. that way you // can use the same cgi parameter multiple times. (like strstr kind of) char *HttpRequest::getStringFromCookie ( char *field , long *len , char *defaultStr , long *next ) { // get field len long flen = gbstrlen(field); // assume none if ( len ) *len = 0; // if no cookie, forget it if ( ! m_cookiePtr ) return defaultStr; // the end of the cookie //char *pend = m_cookieBuf + m_cookieBufLen; char *pend = m_cookiePtr + m_cookieLen; char *p = m_cookiePtr; // skip over spaces and punct for ( ; p && p < pend ; p++ ) if ( is_alnum_a(*p) ) break; // skip "Cookie:" if ( p + 7 < pend && ! strncasecmp(p,"cookie:",7) ) p += 7; // skip spaces after that for ( ; p && p < pend ; p++ ) if ( is_alnum_a(*p) ) break; // crazy? if ( p >= pend ) return defaultStr; char *savedVal = NULL; // so we do not skip the first cookie, jump right in! // otherwise we lose the calendar cookie for msie goto entryPoint; // . loop over all xxx=yyy\0 thingies in the cookie // . we converted every '&' to a \0 when the cookiebuf was set above //for ( char *p = m_cookieBuf ; *p ; p += gbstrlen(p) + 1 ) { // . no, we just keep them as &'s because seems like cookies use ;'s // as delimeters not so much &'s. and when we log the cookie in the // log, i wanted to see the whole cookie, so having \0's in the // cookie was messing that up. for ( ; p < pend ; p++ ) { // need a \0 // fixes "display=0&map=0&calendar=0;" that is only one cookie. // so do not grap value of map or calendar from that!! if ( *p ) continue; // back to back \0's? be careful how we skip over them! if ( ! p[1] ) continue; // skip that if ( ++p >= pend ) break; // skip whitespace that follows for ( ; p < pend ; p++ ) if ( ! is_wspace_a(*p) ) break; // end of cookie? if ( p >= pend ) break; entryPoint: // check first char if ( *p != *field ) continue; // does it match? continue if not a match if ( strncmp ( p , field , flen ) ) continue; // point to value char *val = p + flen; // must be an equal sign if ( *val != '=' ) continue; // skip that sign val++; // . cookies terminate fields by space or ; or & // . skip to end of cookie value for this field char *e = val; // skip over alnum. might also be \0 if this function // was already called somewhere else! // we NULL separated each cookie and then urldecoded each // cookie above in the m_cookieBuf logic. cookies can contain // encoded ;'s and &'s so i took this checks out of this while // loop. like the widgetHeader has semicolons in it and it // stores in the cookie. while ( e < pend && *e ) e++; // that is the length if ( len ) *len = e - val; // NULL terminate it, we should have already logged the cookie // so it should be ok to NULL terminate now. we already // call urlDecode() now above... and make the &'s into \0's *e = '\0'; // if we were in the meta cookie, return that... // otherwise if you visited this site before metacookies // were used you might have the cookie outside the meta // cookie AND inside the metacookie, and only the value // inside the metacookie is legit... if ( val > m_metaCookie ) return val; // otherwise, save it and try to get from meta cookie savedVal = val; // length //if ( len ) *len = gbstrlen(val); // this is the value! //return val; } // did we save something? if ( savedVal ) return savedVal; // no match return defaultStr; } // *next is set to ptr into m_cgiBuf so that the next successive call to // getString with the SAME "field" will start at *next. that way you // can use the same cgi parameter multiple times. (like strstr kind of) char *HttpRequest::getString ( char *field , long *len , char *defaultStr , long *next ) { char *value = getValue ( field , len, next ); // return default if no match if ( ! value ) { if ( ! len ) return defaultStr; if ( defaultStr ) *len = gbstrlen ( defaultStr ); else *len = 0; return defaultStr; } // otherwise, it's a match return value; } bool HttpRequest::getBool ( char *field , bool defaultBool ) { long flen; char *cs = getString ( field , &flen , NULL ); if ( ! cs ) return defaultBool; if ( cs[0] == '0' ) return false; return true; } long HttpRequest::getLong ( char *field , long defaultLong ) { long len; char *value = getValue ( field, &len, NULL ); // return default if no match if ( ! value || len == 0 ) return defaultLong; // otherwise, it's a match char c = value[len]; value[len] = '\0'; long res = atol ( value ); value[len] = c; if ( res == 0 ) { // may be an error. if so return the default long i = 0; while ( i < len && is_wspace_a(value[i]) ) i++; if ( i < len && (value[i] == '-' || value[i] == '+') ) i++; if ( i >= len || !is_digit(value[i]) ) return defaultLong; } return res; } long long HttpRequest::getLongLong ( char *field , long long defaultLongLong ) { long len; char *value = getValue ( field, &len, NULL ); // return default if no match if ( ! value || len == 0 ) return defaultLongLong; // otherwise, it's a match char c = value[len]; value[len] = '\0'; long long res = strtoull ( value , NULL, 10 ); value[len] = c; if ( res == 0 ) { // may be an error. if so return the default long i = 0; while ( i < len && is_wspace_a(value[i]) ) i++; if ( i < len && (value[i] == '-' || value[i] == '+') ) i++; if ( i >= len || !is_digit(value[i]) ) return defaultLongLong; } return res; } float HttpRequest::getFloat ( char *field , double defaultFloat ) { long len; char *value = getValue ( field, &len, NULL ); // return default if no match if ( ! value || len == 0 ) return defaultFloat; // otherwise, it's a match char c = value[len]; value[len] = '\0'; float res = atof ( value ); value[len] = c; if ( res == +0.0 ) { // may be an error. if so return the default long i = 0; while ( i < len && is_wspace_a(value[i]) ) i++; if ( i < len && (value[i] == '-' || value[i] == '+' || value[i] == '.') ) i++; if ( i >= len || !is_digit(value[i]) ) return defaultFloat; } return res; } double HttpRequest::getDouble ( char *field , double defaultDouble ) { long len; char *value = getValue ( field, &len, NULL ); // return default if no match if ( ! value || len == 0 ) return defaultDouble; // otherwise, it's a match char c = value[len]; value[len] = '\0'; double res = strtod ( value , NULL ); value[len] = c; if ( res == +0.0 ) { // may be an error. if so return the default long i = 0; while ( i < len && is_wspace_a(value[i]) ) i++; if ( i < len && (value[i] == '-' || value[i] == '+' || value[i] == '.') ) i++; if ( i >= len || !is_digit(value[i]) ) return defaultDouble; } return res; } bool HttpRequest::hasField ( char *field ) { // how long is it? long fieldLen = gbstrlen ( field ); // scan the field table directly long i = 0; for ( ; i < m_numFields ; i++ ) { if ( fieldLen != m_fieldLens[i] ) continue; if ( strncmp ( field, m_fields[i], fieldLen ) != 0 ) continue; // got a match return the true return true; } return false; } char *HttpRequest::getValue ( char *field , long *len, long *next ) { // how long is it? long fieldLen = gbstrlen ( field ); // scan the field table directly long i = 0; if ( next ) i = *next ; for ( ; i < m_numFields ; i++ ) { if ( fieldLen != m_fieldLens[i] ) continue; if ( strncmp ( field, m_fields[i], fieldLen ) != 0 ) continue; // got a match return the value if ( next ) *next = i + 1; if ( len ) *len = gbstrlen(m_fieldValues[i]); return m_fieldValues[i]; } // return NULL if no match if ( next ) *next = 0; return NULL; } char *HttpRequest::getValue ( long i, long *len ) { if ( i >= m_numFields ) return NULL; if (len) *len = gbstrlen(m_fieldValues[i]); return m_fieldValues[i]; } // . parse cgi fields contained in s // . s points to the stuff immediately after the ? // . we should have already replaced all &'s in s with /0's // . we also replace the last \r with a \0 void HttpRequest::parseFields ( char *s , long slen ) { // . are we a multipart/form-data? // . many of form tags for event submission forms are this //
char *cd = strncasestr ( s , "\r\nContent-Disposition:", slen ); if ( cd ) { parseFieldsMultipart ( s , slen ); return; } // should be NULL terminated since we replaced &'s w/ 0's in set() char *send = s + slen ; // reset field count long n = m_numFields; while ( s && s < send ) { // watch out for overflow if ( n >= MAX_CGI_PARMS ) { log("http: Received more than %li CGI parms. " "Truncating.",(long)MAX_CGI_PARMS); break; } // set the nth field name in this cgi string m_fields [ n ] = s; // point to = sign char *equal = strchr ( s , '=' ); // try next field if none here if ( ! equal ) { s += gbstrlen ( s ) + 1; continue; } // if no equal sign, maybe it is one of diffbot's valueless // fields, so support that now if ( ! equal ) { // just set value to NULL char *end = strchr(s,'&'); long len = end - s; if ( ! end ) len = gbstrlen(s); m_fieldLens[n] = len; s[len] = '\0'; m_fieldValues[n] = NULL; n++; // skip over the '&' too s += len + 1; continue; } // set field len m_fieldLens [ n ] = equal - s; // set = to \0 so getField() returns NULL terminated field name *equal = '\0'; // set value (may be \0) m_fieldValues [ n ] = equal + 1; // count the number of field/value pairs we get n++; // skip: // point to next field s = equal + 1 + gbstrlen ( equal + 1 ) + 1 ; } m_numFields = n; } void HttpRequest::parseFieldsMultipart ( char *s , long slen ) { // should be NULL terminated since we replaced &'s w/ 0's in set() char *send = s + slen ; // reset field count long n = m_numFields; loop: // watch out for overflow if ( n >= MAX_CGI_PARMS ) { log("http: Received more than %li CGI parms. " "Truncating.",(long)MAX_CGI_PARMS); return; } s = strncasestr ( s , "\r\nContent-Disposition:", send - s ); if ( ! s ) return; // get the line end s += 2; char *lineEnd = strstr ( s , "\r\n" ); if ( ! lineEnd ) return; // get the name char *name = strncasestr ( s , "name=\"" , lineEnd - s ); if ( ! name ) goto loop; // point to name s = name + 6; // set the nth field name in this cgi string m_fields[n] = s; // point to = sign, use this for multiparts though char *equal = strstr ( s , "\"\r\n\r\n" ); // for uploading a file it looks like // Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"file\"; filename=\"poo.txt\"\r\nContent-Type: text/plain\r\n\r\nsomething here\n=====\nagain we do it... char *equal2 = strstr ( s , "\"" ); // debug point if ( strncmp(s,"file",4) == 0 ) log("hey"); // so if we had that then we had an uploaded file bool uploadedFile = false; if ( equal2 && equal && equal2 < equal ) { uploadedFile = true; equal = equal2; } // try next field if none here if ( ! equal ) goto loop; // set field len m_fieldLens [ n ] = equal - s; // point to field value s = equal + 5; // unless we had an uploaded file, then skip more if ( uploadedFile ) { char *fileStart = strstr(equal,"\r\n\r\n"); if ( fileStart ) fileStart += 4; s = fileStart; } // set = to \0 so getField() returns NULL terminated field name *equal = '\0'; // set value (may be \0) m_fieldValues [ n ] = s; // force to \0 at end char *vend = strstr ( s , "\r\n----------"); // 29 -'s then a # if ( ! vend ) return; // null terminate the value as well *vend = '\0'; // count the number of field/value pairs we get n++; // remember it m_numFields = n; // point to next field goto loop; } #include "Facebook.h" // . the url being reuqested // . removes &code= facebook cruft bool HttpRequest::getCurrentUrl ( SafeBuf &cu ) { // makre sure we got enough room if ( ! cu.reserve ( m_hostLen + 64 + m_plen + 1 + 1 ) ) return false; // need a "Host: " char *host = m_host; if ( ! host ) host = APPSUBDOMAIN; cu.safePrintf("http"); if ( m_isSSL ) cu.pushChar('s'); cu.safePrintf("://%s",host); char *path = m_path; long plen = m_plen; if ( ! path ) { path = "/"; plen = 1; } // . scan path and change \0 back to = or & // . similar logic in HttpServer.cpp for logging! char *dst = cu.getBuf(); char *src = path; char *srcEnd = path + plen; char dd = '='; for ( ; src < srcEnd ; src++ , dst++ ) { *dst = *src; if ( *src ) continue; *dst = dd; if ( dd == '=' ) dd = '&'; else dd = '='; } *dst = '\0'; // cut it off at facebook's &code= char *buf = cu.getBufStart(); char *code = strstr( buf,"&code="); // fix for eventguru.com/blog.html?code= if ( ! code ) code = strstr(buf,"?code="); // hack that off if there if ( code ) { *code = '\0'; dst = code; } // update length cu.setLength( dst - cu.getBufStart() ); return true; } bool HttpRequest::getCurrentUrlPath ( SafeBuf &cup ) { // makre sure we got enough room if ( ! cup.reserve ( m_plen + 1 + 1 ) ) return false; char *path = m_path; long plen = m_plen; if ( ! path ) { path = "/"; plen = 1; } // . scan path and change \0 back to = or & // . similar logic in HttpServer.cpp for logging! char *dst = cup.getBuf(); char *start = dst; char *src = path; char *srcEnd = path + plen; // stop if we hit '?' for ( ; src < srcEnd && *src != '?' ; src++ , dst++ ) { *dst = *src; } cup.incrementLength(dst - start); *dst = '\0'; return true; } int getVersionFromRequest ( HttpRequest *r ) { char *path = r->getFilename(); long pathLen = r->getFilenameLen(); bool requestHasVersion = pathLen > 2 && strncmp( path, "/v", 2 ) == 0; if (!requestHasVersion) return HTTP_REQUEST_DEFAULT_REQUEST_VERSION; char *rest = path + 2; char *end = strstr(rest, "/"); if (!end) return HTTP_REQUEST_DEFAULT_REQUEST_VERSION; char version[3]; int digits = end - rest; if (digits <= 0 || digits > 2) return HTTP_REQUEST_DEFAULT_REQUEST_VERSION; strncpy(version, rest, digits); version[digits] = '\0'; int v = atoi(version); if (v <= 0 || v > 99) return HTTP_REQUEST_DEFAULT_REQUEST_VERSION; return v; } // if user is NOT the root admin, and the collection is NOT main/dmoz/demo // then assume they are a guest admin bool HttpRequest::isGuestAdmin ( ) { // if we are coming from a local ip then we are the root admin, not // a guest user. if ( isLocal() ) return false; CollectionRec *cr = g_collectiondb.getRec ( this , false ); // if collection does not exist, meaning &c=xxxxx was not specified, // in the GET request, then assume they want to create a new one. if ( ! cr ) return true; // main, dmoz and demo colls are off limits. those are never guest // admin collection names. if ( strcmp(cr->m_coll,"main") ) return false; if ( strcmp(cr->m_coll,"dmoz") ) return false; if ( strcmp(cr->m_coll,"demo") ) return false; // if they know the collection name then they are logged in return true; }