#include "gb-include.h" #include "RdbMem.h" //#include "RdbDump.h" #include "Rdb.h" RdbMem::RdbMem() { m_mem = NULL; m_memSize = 0; //m_dump = NULL; m_rdb = NULL; m_is90PercentFull = false; } RdbMem::~RdbMem() { if ( m_mem ) mfree ( m_mem , m_memSize , m_allocName ); } void RdbMem::reset ( ) { if ( m_mem ) mfree ( m_mem , m_memSize , m_allocName ); m_mem = NULL; } void RdbMem::clear ( ) { // set up primary/secondary mem ptrs m_ptr1 = m_mem; // secondary mem initially grow downward m_ptr2 = m_mem + m_memSize; } /* #include // PAGE_SIZE // return #of bytes scanned for timing purposes long RdbMem::scanMem ( ) { // ahh.. just scan the whole thing to keep it simple char *p = m_mem + 64 ; char *pend = m_mem + m_memSize; char c; while ( p < pend ) { c = *p; p += PAGE_SIZE; } return m_memSize; } */ // initialize us with the RdbDump class your rdb is using bool RdbMem::init ( Rdb *rdb , long memToAlloc , char keySize , char *allocName ) { // hold on to this so we know if dump is going on //m_dump = dump; m_rdb = rdb; m_ks = keySize; m_allocName = allocName; // return true if no mem if ( memToAlloc <= 0 ) return true; // get the initial mem m_mem = (char *) mmalloc ( memToAlloc , m_allocName ); if ( ! m_mem ) return log("RdbMem::init: %s", mstrerror(g_errno)); m_memSize = memToAlloc; // rush it into mem for real long n = m_memSize / 4; for ( long i = 0 ; i < n ; i++ ) ((long *)m_mem)[i] = 0; // set up primary/secondary mem ptrs m_ptr1 = m_mem; // secondary mem initially grow downward m_ptr2 = m_mem + m_memSize; // . set our limit markers // . one for when primary mem, m_ptr1, is growing upward // and the other for when it's growing downward long long limit = ((long long)m_memSize * 90LL) / 100LL; m_90up = m_mem + limit; m_90down = m_mem + m_memSize - limit; // success return true; } // . if a dump is not going on this uses the primary mem space // . if a dump is going on and this key has already been dumped // (we check RdbDump::getFirstKey()/getLastKey()) add it to the // secondary mem space, otherwise add it to the primary mem space //void *RdbMem::dupData ( key_t key , char *data , long dataSize ) { void *RdbMem::dupData ( char *key , char *data , long dataSize , collnum_t collnum ) { char *s = (char *) allocData ( key , dataSize , collnum ); if ( ! s ) return NULL; memcpy ( s , data , dataSize ); return s; } //void *RdbMem::allocData ( key_t key , long dataSize ) { void *RdbMem::allocData ( char *key , long dataSize , collnum_t collnum ) { // if we're dumping and key has been dumped, use the secondary mem //if ( m_dump->isDumping() && key < m_dump->getLastKeyInQueue() ) { if ( m_rdb->m_inDumpLoop && // m_dump->isDumping() && ( collnum < m_rdb->m_dumpCollnum || (collnum == m_rdb->m_dumpCollnum && // if dump fails to alloc mem in RdbDump::dumpTree it does // a sleep wrapper and keeps retrying, and // RdbDump::m_lastKeyInQueue can remain NULL because we've // never dumped out a list from the tree yet m_rdb->m_dump.m_lastKeyInQueue && KEYCMP(key,m_rdb->m_dump.getLastKeyInQueue(),m_ks)<0)) ){ // if secondary mem is growing down... if ( m_ptr2 > m_ptr1 ) { // return NULL if it would breech, // don't allow ptrs to equal each other because // we know which way they're growing based on order if ( m_ptr2 - dataSize <= m_ptr1 ) return NULL; // otherwise, grow downward m_ptr2 -= dataSize; // note it //if ( m_ks == 16 ) //log("rdbmem: ptr2a=%lu size=%li", // (long)m_ptr2,dataSize); return m_ptr2; } // . if it's growing up... // . return NULL if it would breech if ( m_ptr2 + dataSize >= m_ptr1 ) return NULL; // otherwise, grow downward m_ptr2 += dataSize; // note it //if ( m_ks == 16 ) //log("rdbmem: ptr2b=%lu size=%li", // (long)m_ptr2-dataSize,dataSize); return m_ptr2 - dataSize; } // . otherwise, use the primary mem // . if primary mem growing down... if ( m_ptr1 > m_ptr2 ) { // return NULL if it would breech if ( m_ptr1 - dataSize <= m_ptr2 ) return NULL; // otherwise, grow downward m_ptr1 -= dataSize; // are we at the 90% limit? if ( m_ptr1 < m_90down ) m_is90PercentFull = true; // note it //if ( m_ks == 16 ) //log("rdbmem: ptr1a=%lu size=%li",(long)m_ptr1,dataSize); // return the ptr return m_ptr1; } // . if it's growing up... // . return NULL if it would breech if ( m_ptr1 + dataSize >= m_ptr2 ) return NULL; // otherwise, grow upward m_ptr1 += dataSize; // are we at the 90% limit? if ( m_ptr1 > m_90up ) m_is90PercentFull = true; // note it //if ( m_ks == 16 ) //log("rdbmem: ptr1b=%lu size=%li",(long)m_ptr1-dataSize,dataSize); // return the ptr return m_ptr1 - dataSize; } // . when a dump completes we free the primary mem space and make // the secondary mem space the new primary mem space void RdbMem::freeDumpedMem() { // bail if we have no mem if ( m_memSize == 0 ) return; // save primary ptr char *tmp = m_ptr1; // debug //logf(LOG_DEBUG, // "db: freeing dumped mem ptr1=%lx ptr2=%lx.",m_ptr1,m_ptr2); // primary pointer, m_ptr1, becomes m_ptr2 m_ptr1 = m_ptr2; // secondary ptr becomes primary m_ptr2 = tmp; // reset secondary (old primary mem was dumped out to disk) if ( m_ptr2 > m_ptr1 ) m_ptr2 = m_mem + m_memSize; else m_ptr2 = m_mem; // no longer 90% full m_is90PercentFull = false; }