#include "gb-include.h" #include "Msg2.h" #include "Stats.h" #include "RdbList.h" #include "Rdb.h" #include "Threads.h" #include "Posdb.h" // getTermId() #include "Msg3a.h" // DEFAULT_POSDB_READ_SIZE //static void gotListWrapper0 ( void *state ) ; static void gotListWrapper ( void *state , RdbList *list , Msg5 *msg5 ) ; Msg2::Msg2() { m_numLists = 0; } void Msg2::reset ( ) { m_numLists = 0; } Msg2 *g_msg2; // . returns false if blocked, true otherwise // . sets g_errno on error // . componentCodes are used to collapse a series of termlists into a single // compound termlist. component termlists have their compound termlist number // as their componentCode, compound termlists have a componentCode of -1, // other termlists have a componentCode of -2. These are typically taken // from the Query.cpp class. bool Msg2::getLists ( int32_t rdbId , collnum_t collnum , // char *coll , int32_t maxAge , bool addToCache , //QueryTerm *qterms , Query *query , // put list of sites to restrict to in here // or perhaps make it collections for federated search? char *whiteList , int64_t docIdStart, int64_t docIdEnd, int32_t *minRecSizes , //int32_t numLists , // make max MAX_MSG39_LISTS RdbList *lists , void *state , void (* callback)(void *state ) , Msg39Request *request , int32_t niceness , bool doMerge , bool isDebug , int32_t *bestSenderHostIds , bool restrictPosdb , char forceParitySplit , bool checkCache ) { // warning if ( collnum < 0 ) log(LOG_LOGIC,"net: bad collection. msg2."); if ( ! minRecSizes ) { g_errno = EBADENGINEER; log(LOG_LOGIC,"net: MinRecSizes is NULL."); return true; } // save callback and state m_query = query; if ( ! query ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; } m_state = state; m_callback = callback; m_niceness = niceness; m_doMerge = doMerge; m_isDebug = isDebug; m_lists = lists; //m_totalRead = 0; m_whiteList = whiteList; m_w = 0; m_p = whiteList; m_docIdStart = docIdStart; m_docIdEnd = docIdEnd; m_req = request; m_qterms = m_query->m_qterms; m_minRecSizes = minRecSizes; m_maxAge = maxAge; m_getComponents = false; m_rdbId = rdbId; m_addToCache = addToCache; m_collnum = collnum; m_restrictPosdb = restrictPosdb; m_forceParitySplit = forceParitySplit; m_checkCache = checkCache; // MDW: no more than an hr seconds, no matter what. let's keep it fresh if ( m_maxAge > 3600 ) m_maxAge = 3600; // we haven't got any responses as of yet or sent any requests m_numReplies = 0; m_numRequests = 0; // save rdbid in case getDbnameFromId() is called below //m_msg5[0].m_rdbId = rdbId; // start the timer m_startTime = gettimeofdayInMilliseconds(); // set this m_numLists = m_query->m_numTerms; // make sure not too many lists being requested if ( m_numLists > MAX_NUM_LISTS ) {g_errno=ETOOMANYLISTS; return true;} // clear them all //for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < m_numLists ; i++ ) { // m_inProgress[i] = true; // //m_slotNum[i] = -1; //} // all msg5 available for use for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < MSG2_MAX_REQUESTS ; i++ ) m_avail[i] = true; if ( m_isDebug ) { if ( m_getComponents ) log ("query: Getting components."); else log ("query: Getting lists."); } // reset error m_errno = 0; // reset list counter m_i = 0; // fetch what we need return getLists ( ); } bool Msg2::getLists ( ) { // if we're just using the root file of indexdb to save seeks int32_t numFiles; bool includeTree; if ( m_restrictPosdb ) { numFiles = 1; includeTree = false; } else { numFiles = -1; includeTree = true; } //int32_t pass = 0; //bool redo = false; // loop: // . send out a bunch of msg5 requests // . make slots for all for ( ; m_i < m_numLists ; m_i++ ) { // sanity for Msg39's sake. do no breach m_lists[]. if ( m_i >= MAX_QUERY_TERMS ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; } // if any had error, forget the rest. do not launch any more if ( m_errno ) break; // skip if already did it //if ( ! m_inProgress[i] ) continue; // skip if currently launched //if ( m_slotNum[i] >= 0 ) continue; //if ( ! m_avail[i] ) continue; // do not allow too many outstanding requests //if ( m_numRequests - m_numReplies >= MSG2_MAX_REQUESTS ) // return false; // . reset it just in case it was being recycled // . now we call Msg39::reset() which frees each m_list[i] //m_lists[i].freeList(); // skip if no bytes requested if ( m_minRecSizes[m_i] == 0 ) continue; // get a free msg5 //int32_t j = 0; //for( ; j < MSG2_MAX_REQUESTS ; j++ ) if ( m_avail[j] ) break; //if ( j >= MSG2_MAX_REQUESTS ) { // log(LOG_LOGIC,"query: No msg5s available."); // char *xx = NULL; *xx = 0; //} // endtime of 0 means to ignore //m_endTimes[i] = 0; //char *kp = (char *)&m_qterms[i].m_startKey; //bool isSplit = m_qterms[i].isSplit();//m_isSplit[i]; //uint32_t gid = getGroupId ( m_rdbId , kp , isSplit ); // . get the local lists last cuz we will block on reading them // from disk if the niceness is 0 //if ( pass == 0 && gid == g_hostdb.m_groupId ) continue; //if ( pass == 1 && gid != g_hostdb.m_groupId ) continue; if ( m_isDebug ) { key144_t *sk ; key144_t *ek ; sk = (key144_t *)m_qterms[m_i].m_startKey; ek = (key144_t *)m_qterms[m_i].m_endKey; int64_t docId0 = g_posdb.getDocId(sk); int64_t docId1 = g_posdb.getDocId(ek); log("query: reading termlist #%"INT32" "//from " //"distributed cache on host #%"INT32". " "termId=%"INT64". k=%s mr=%"INT32" (docid0=%"INT64" -" "docid1=%"INT64").", m_i, //hostId, g_posdb.getTermId(sk), KEYSTR(sk,sizeof(POSDBKEY)), //sk->n2, //sk->n1, //(int32_t)sk->n0, m_minRecSizes[m_i], docId0, docId1); } int32_t minRecSize = m_minRecSizes[m_i]; // sanity check if ( ( minRecSize > ( 500 * 1024 * 1024 ) || minRecSize < 0) ){ log( "minRecSize = %"INT32"", minRecSize ); char *xx=NULL; *xx=0; } //bool forceLocalIndexdb = true; // if it is a no-split term, we may gotta get it over the net //if ( ! m_qterms[i].isSplit() ) // forceLocalIndexdb = false; QueryTerm *qt = &m_qterms[m_i]; char *sk2 = NULL; char *ek2 = NULL; sk2 = qt->m_startKey; ek2 = qt->m_endKey; // if single word and not required, skip it if ( ! qt->m_isRequired && ! qt->m_isPhrase && ! qt->m_synonymOf ) continue; Msg5 *msg5 = getAvailMsg5(); // return if all are in use if ( ! msg5 ) return false; // stash this msg5->m_parent = this; msg5->m_i = m_i; /* // if doing a gbdocid:| restricted query then use msg0 // because it is probably stored remotely! if ( m_query->m_docIdRestriction ) { // try to just ask one host for this termlist int64_t d = m_query->m_docIdRestriction; uint32_t gid = g_hostdb.getGroupIdFromDocId ( d ); Host *group = g_hostdb.getGroupFromGroupId ( gid ); int32_t hoff = d % g_hostdb.getNumHostsPerShard(); Host *h = &group[hoff]; m_msg0[i].m_parent = this; // this will use a termlist cache locally and on the // remote end to ensure optimal performance. if ( ! m_msg0[i].getList ( -1, // hostid 0 , // ip 0 , // port 86400*7,// maxCacheAge true , // addtocache m_rdbId , m_coll , &m_lists[i], // listPtr sk2, // startkey ek2, // endkey minRecSize , &m_msg0[i], // state gotListWrapper0,//callback m_niceness , true, // doerrocorrection? true, // include tree? true, // do merge? h->m_hostId,//firsthostid 0,//startfilenum -1,//numfiles 86400//timeout in secs )){ // if it blocked, occupy the slot m_numRequests++; m_avail [i] = false; continue; } // we got the list without blocking, must have been // in the local g_termListCache. goto noblock; } */ // . start up a Msg5 to get it // . this will return false if blocks // . no need to do error correction on this since only RdbMerge // really needs to do it and he doesn't call Msg2 // . this is really only used to get IndexLists // . we now always compress the list for 2x faster transmits if ( ! msg5->getList ( m_rdbId , // rdbid m_collnum , &m_lists[m_i], // listPtr sk2,//&m_startKeys [i*ks], ek2,//&m_endKeys [i*ks], minRecSize , includeTree,//true, // include tree? false , // addtocache 0, // maxcacheage 0 , // start file num numFiles,//-1 , // num files msg5,//&m_msg5[i] , // state gotListWrapper , m_niceness , false , // error correction NULL , // cachekeyptr 0, // retrynum -1, // maxretries true, // compensateformerge? -1, // syncpoint NULL, // msg5b false, // isrealmerge? true,// allow disk page cache? true, // hit disk? //false)) {// MERGE LISTS??? NO!!! true) ) { // MERGE AGAIN NOW! m_numRequests++; //m_slotNum [i] = i; //m_avail [i] = false; continue; } // noblock: // do not allow it to be re-used since now posdb // calls Msg2::getListGroup() //m_slotNum [i] = i; // that is no int32_ter the case!! we do a merge now... i // think we decided it was easier to deal with shit n posdb.cpp // but i don't know how much this matters really //m_avail [i] = false; // set our end time if we need to //if ( g_conf.m_logTimingNet ) // m_endTimes[i] = gettimeofdayInMilliseconds(); // if the list is empty, we can get its components now //m_inProgress[i] = false; // we didn't block, so do this m_numReplies++; m_numRequests++; // return the msg5 now returnMsg5 ( msg5 ); // note it //if ( m_isDebug ) // logf(LOG_DEBUG,"query: got list #%"INT32" size=%"INT32"", // i,m_lists[i].getListSize() ); // count it //m_totalRead += m_lists[i].getListSize(); // break out on error and wait for replies if we blocked if ( ! g_errno ) continue; // report the error and return m_errno = g_errno; log("query: Got error reading termlist: %s.", mstrerror(g_errno)); goto skip; } // // now read in lists from the terms in the "whiteList" // // . loop over terms in the whitelist, space separated. // . m_whiteList is NULL if none provided. for ( char *p = m_p ; m_whiteList && *p ; m_w++ ) { // advance char *current = p; for ( ; *p && *p != ' ' ; p++ ); // save end of "current" char *end = p; // advance to point to next item in whiteList for ( ; *p == ' ' ; p++ ); // . convert whiteList term into key // . put the "site:" prefix before it first // . see XmlDoc::hashUrl() where prefix = "site" int64_t prefixHash = hash64b ( "site" ); //int64_t termId = hash64(current,end-current); // crap, Query.cpp i guess turns xyz.com into http://xyz.com/ int32_t conti = 0; int64_t termId = 0LL; termId = hash64_cont("http://",7,termId,&conti); termId = hash64_cont(current,end-current,termId,&conti); termId = hash64_cont("/",1,termId,&conti); //SafeBuf tt; //tt.safePrintf("http://"); //tt.safeMemcpy(current,end-current); //tt.pushChar('/'); //int64_t yy = hash64n(tt.getBufStart()); //if ( yy != termId ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; } int64_t finalTermId = hash64 ( termId , prefixHash ); // mask to 48 bits finalTermId &= TERMID_MASK; // . make key. be sure to limit to provided docid range // if we are doing docid range splits to prevent OOM // . these docid ranges were likely set in Msg39:: // doDocIdRangeSplitLoop(). it already applied them to // the QueryTerm::m_startKey in Msg39.cpp so we have to // apply here as well... char sk3[MAX_KEY_BYTES]; char ek3[MAX_KEY_BYTES]; g_posdb.makeStartKey ( sk3 , finalTermId , m_docIdStart ); g_posdb.makeEndKey ( ek3 , finalTermId , m_docIdEnd ); // get one Msg5 *msg5 = getAvailMsg5(); // return if all are in use if ( ! msg5 ) return false; // stash this msg5->m_parent = this; msg5->m_i = m_i + m_w; // advance cursor m_p = p; // sanity for Msg39's sake. do no breach m_lists[]. if ( m_w >= MAX_WHITELISTS ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; } // like 90MB last time i checked. so it won't read more // than that... int32_t minRecSizes = DEFAULT_POSDB_READSIZE; // start up the read. thread will wait in thread queue to // launch if too many threads are out. if ( ! msg5->getList ( m_rdbId , // rdbid m_collnum , &m_whiteLists[m_w], // listPtr &sk3,//&m_startKeys [i*ks], &ek3,//&m_endKeys [i*ks], minRecSizes, includeTree,//true, // include tree? false , // addtocache 0, // maxcacheage 0 , // start file num numFiles,//-1 , // num files msg5,//&m_msg5[i] , // state gotListWrapper , m_niceness , false , // error correction NULL , // cachekeyptr 0, // retrynum -1, // maxretries true, // compensateformerge? -1, // syncpoint NULL, // msg5b false, // isrealmerge? true,// allow disk page cache? true, // hit disk? //false)) {// MERGE LISTS??? NO!!! true) ) { // MERGE AGAIN NOW! m_numRequests++; //m_avail [i] = false; continue; } // return it! m_numReplies++; m_numRequests++; // . return the msg5 now returnMsg5 ( msg5 ); // break out on error and wait for replies if we blocked if ( ! g_errno ) continue; // report the error and return m_errno = g_errno; log("query: Got error reading termlist: %s.", mstrerror(g_errno)); goto skip; } skip: // do the 2nd pass if we need to (and there was no error) //if ( ! g_errno && pass == 0 ) { pass = 1; goto loop; } // if we did get a compound list reply w/o blocking, re-do the loop // because we may be able to launch some component list requests //if ( ! g_errno && redo ) { redo = false; pass = 0; goto loop; } // . bail if waiting for all non-component lists, still // . did anyone block? if so, return false for now if ( m_numRequests > m_numReplies ) return false; // . otherwise, we got everyone, so go right to the merge routine // . returns false if not all replies have been received // . returns true if done // . sets g_errno on error return gotList ( NULL ); } Msg5 *Msg2::getAvailMsg5 ( ) { for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < MSG2_MAX_REQUESTS ; i++ ) { if ( ! m_avail[i] ) continue; m_avail[i] = false; return &m_msg5[i]; } return NULL; } void Msg2::returnMsg5 ( Msg5 *msg5 ) { int32_t i; for ( i = 0 ; i < MSG2_MAX_REQUESTS ; i++ ) if ( &m_msg5[i] == msg5 ) break; // wtf? if ( i >= MSG2_MAX_REQUESTS ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; } // make it available m_avail[i] = true; // reset it msg5->reset(); } /* void gotListWrapper0 ( void *state ) { Msg0 *msg0 = (Msg0 *)state; Msg2 *THIS = (Msg2 *)msg0->m_parent; RdbList *list = msg0->m_list; // get list #. TODO: make sure this works int32_t i = list - &THIS->m_lists[0]; THIS->m_inProgress[i] = false; THIS->m_numReplies++; if ( THIS->m_isDebug ) { if ( ! list ) logf(LOG_DEBUG,"query: got0 NULL list #%"INT32"", i); else logf(LOG_DEBUG,"query: got0 list #%"INT32" size=%"INT32"", i,list->getListSize() ); } // try to launch more if ( ! THIS->getLists ( ) ) return; // now call callback, we're done THIS->m_callback ( THIS->m_state ); } */ void gotListWrapper ( void *state , RdbList *rdblist, Msg5 *msg5 ) { //Msg2 *THIS = (Msg2 *) state; Msg5 *ms = (Msg5 *)state; Msg2 *THIS = (Msg2 *)ms->m_parent; RdbList *list = ms->m_list; // note it if ( g_errno ) { log ("msg2: error reading list: %s",mstrerror(g_errno)); THIS->m_errno = g_errno; g_errno = 0; } // identify the msg0 slot we use int32_t i = list - THIS->m_lists; //int32_t i = ms->m_i; //if ( i < 0 || i >= MSG2_MAX_REQUESTS ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; } //int32_t nn = THIS->m_slotNum [ i ]; //THIS->m_inProgress[ i] = false; THIS->returnMsg5 ( ms ); // now we keep for because Msg2::getGroupList() needs it!! //THIS->m_avail [nn] = true; //THIS->m_slotNum [ i] = -1; // . now m_linkInfo[i] (for some i, i dunno which) is filled THIS->m_numReplies++; // note it if ( THIS->m_isDebug ) { if ( ! list ) logf(LOG_DEBUG,"query: got NULL list #%"INT32"", i); else logf(LOG_DEBUG,"query: got list #%"INT32" size=%"INT32"", i,list->getListSize() ); } // keep a count of bytes read from all lists //if ( list ) THIS->m_totalRead += list->getListSize(); // try to launch more if ( ! THIS->getLists ( ) ) return; // set g_errno if any one list read had error if ( THIS->m_errno ) g_errno = THIS->m_errno; // now call callback, we're done THIS->m_callback ( THIS->m_state ); } // . returns false if not all replies have been received (or timed/erroredout) // . returns true if done (or an error finished us) // . sets g_errno on error // . "list" is NULL if we got all lists w/o blocking and called this bool Msg2::gotList ( RdbList *list ) { // wait until we got all the replies before we attempt to merge if ( m_numReplies < m_numRequests ) return false; // timestamp log //if(m_isDebug) { // int32_t size = -1; // if ( list ) size = list->getListSize(); // log("Msg2::got list size=%"INT32" listPtr=%"INT32"", size , (int32_t)list ); //} // . return true on error // . no, wait to get all the replies because we destroy ourselves // by calling the callback, and another reply may come back and // think we're still around. so, ideally, destroy those udp slots // OR just wait for all replies to come in. //if ( g_errno ) return true; if ( m_errno ) log("net: Had error fetching data from %s: %s.", getDbnameFromId(m_rdbId), mstrerror(m_errno) ); // note it if ( m_isDebug ) { for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < m_numLists ; i++ ) { log("msg2: read termlist #%"INT32" size=%"INT32"", i,m_lists[i].m_listSize); } } // bitch if we hit our max read sizes limit, we are losing docids! for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < m_numLists ; i++ ) { if ( m_lists[i].m_listSize < m_minRecSizes[i] ) continue; if ( m_minRecSizes[i] == 0 ) continue; // do not print this if compiling section xpathsitehash stats // because we only need like 10k of list to get a decent // reading if ( m_req->m_forSectionStats ) break; log("msg2: read termlist #%"INT32" size=%"INT32" maxSize=%"INT32". losing " "docIds!", i,m_lists[i].m_listSize,m_minRecSizes[i]); } // debug msg int64_t now = gettimeofdayInMilliseconds(); // . add the stat // . use yellow for our color (Y= g -b if(m_niceness > 0) { g_stats.addStat_r ( 0 , m_startTime , now , //"get_termlists_nice", 0x00aaaa00 ); } else { g_stats.addStat_r ( 0 , m_startTime , now , //"get_termlists", 0x00ffff00 ); } m_k = -1; // set this i guess g_errno = m_errno; // assume no compound list needs to be added to the cache //for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < m_numLists ; i++ ) m_needsCaching[i] = false; // probably out of memory if this is set //if ( err ) return true; // all done return true; }