Yasser Arafat may be upbeat about the Palestinian dialogue with the United States but the hopelessness his people face renders this confidence hollow. The Palestinian president is merely reflecting past reactions. Any talks with the "honest broker" in Washington have always been seen as the elusive light at the end of the tunnel of despair for the Palestinians.

Bringing a sense of reality to the early optimism in Palestinian ranks is the voice of the Pope. The pontiff has questioned the very violence that is supposed to usher in security for the people on both sides of the Middle East divide. He has lamented the constant state of siege that the Palestinians have been forced to live under in recent times. He has called on the international community to accelerate the peace process by taking a more determined role in the conflict.

It is about time such words of wisdom are taken for what they represent. A true will to resolve a conflict that is as genocidal as it is suicidal. The gradual takeover of Arab lands by the Israelis is not going to bring about any security for the aggressors. Such action can only ensure bloodletting for decades ahead. This cycle has been proved in the past and has been well understood by the international community.

The Palestinians themselves are making sincere efforts at reforming their state and preparing for a cleaner and more efficient form of self-administration. They should be assisted in this endeavour by the international community and not thwarted by the current level of apathy that witnesses their plight. Israel must be shown that its policies against the Palestinians are wrong and cannot have international approval. A small step by the world community can make the right difference in the occupied lands.