#include "gb-include.h" #include "Url.h" #include "Domains.h" #include "Errno.h" #include "HashTable.h" #include "Speller.h" static void print_string ( char *s , int32_t len ); void Url::reset() { m_scheme = NULL; m_host = NULL; m_path = NULL; m_filename = NULL; m_extension = NULL; m_query = NULL; m_domain = NULL; m_tld = NULL; m_anchor = NULL; //m_site = NULL; m_url[0] = '\0'; m_ulen = 0; m_dlen = 0; m_slen = 0; m_qlen = 0; m_hlen = 0; m_elen = 0; m_mdlen = 0; m_anchorLen = 0; //m_siteLen = 0; // ip related stuff m_ip = 0; // m_isWarcValid = false; // m_isArcValid = false; } // set from another Url, does a copy void Url::set ( Url *url , bool addWWW ) { if ( ! url ) { reset(); return; } set ( url->getUrl() , url->getUrlLen() , addWWW ); } void Url::set (Url *baseUrl,char *s,int32_t len,bool addWWW,bool stripSessionId, bool stripPound , bool stripCommonFile, int32_t titleRecVersion ) { reset(); // debug msg //if ( addWWW ) // log("Url::set: warning, forcing WWW\n"); if ( ! baseUrl ) { set ( s , len , addWWW ); return; } char *base = (char *) baseUrl->m_url; int32_t blen = baseUrl->m_ulen; // don't include cgi crap if ( baseUrl->m_query ) blen -= (baseUrl->m_qlen + 1); // . adjust length of the base url. // . if base url does not end in / then it must have a m_filename at // the end, therefore we should strip the m_filename if ( blen > 0 && base[blen-1] != '/' ) while (blen > 0 && base[blen-1] != '/') blen--; // . fix baseurl = "http://xyz.com/poo/all" and s = "?page=3" // . if "s" starts with ? then keep the filename in the base url if ( s[0] == '?' ) { for ( ; base[blen] && base[blen]!='?'; blen++ ); } if ( blen==0 && len==0 ) return; // skip s over spaces char *send = s + len; while ( s < send && is_wspace_a ( *s ) ) { s++; len--; } // . is s a relative url? search for ://, but break at first / // . but break at any non-alnum or non-hyphen bool isAbsolute = false; int32_t i; for ( i = 0; i < len && (is_alnum_a(s[i]) || s[i]=='-') ; i++ ); //for ( i = 0 ; s[i] && (is_alnum_a(s[i]) || s[i]=='-') ; i++ ); if ( ! isAbsolute ) isAbsolute = ( i + 2 < len && s[i+0]==':' && s[i+1]=='/' ); // some are missing both /'s! //s[i+2]=='/' ) ; if ( ! isAbsolute ) isAbsolute = ( i + 2 < len && s[i+0]==':' && s[i+1]=='\\' ); // or if s starts with // then it's also considered absolute! if ( ! isAbsolute && len > 1 && s[0]=='/' && s[1]=='/' ) isAbsolute = true; // watch out for idiots if ( ! isAbsolute && len > 1 && s[0]=='\\' && s[1]=='\\' ) isAbsolute = true; // debug msg //log("base=%s, abs=%i, slen=%i, s=%s, i=%i\n", // base,isAbsolute,len,s,i); // don't use base if s is not relative if ( blen==0 || isAbsolute ) { set(s,len,addWWW,stripSessionId,stripPound, false, // stripCommonFile? titleRecVersion); return; } // . if s starts with / then hack of base's m_path // . careful not to hack of the port, if any // . blen = baseUrl->m_slen + 3 + baseUrl->m_hlen; if ( len > 0 && s[0]=='/' ) blen = baseUrl->m_path - baseUrl->m_url ; char temp[MAX_URL_LEN*2+1]; strncpy(temp,base,blen); if (len>MAX_URL_LEN) len = MAX_URL_LEN-2; // if s does NOT start with a '/' then add one here in case baseUrl // does NOT end in one. // fix baseurl = "http://xyz.com/poo/all" and s = "?page=3" if ( len > 0 && s[0] != '/' && s[0] !='?' && temp[blen-1] != '/' ) temp[blen++] ='/'; strncpy(temp+blen,s,len); set ( temp, blen+len , addWWW , stripSessionId , stripPound , stripCommonFile , titleRecVersion ); } // . url rfc = http://www.blooberry.com/indexdot/html/topics/urlencoding.htm // . "...Only alphanumerics [0-9a-zA-Z], the special characters "$-_.+!*'()," // [not including the quotes - ed], and reserved characters used for their // reserved purposes may be used unencoded within a URL." // . i know sun.com has urls like "http://sun.com/;$sessionid=123ABC$" // . url should be ENCODED PROPERLY for this to work properly void Url::set ( char *t , int32_t tlen , bool addWWW , bool stripSessionId , bool stripPound , bool stripCommonFile , int32_t titleRecVersion ) { reset(); // debug //t = "http://www.ac.uk/../../news/.asp"; //tlen = gbstrlen(t); if ( ! t || tlen == 0 ) return ; // we may add a "www." a trailing backslash and \0, ... if ( tlen > MAX_URL_LEN - 10 ) { log( LOG_LIMIT,"db: Encountered url of length %"INT32". " "Truncating to %i" , tlen , MAX_URL_LEN - 10 ); tlen = MAX_URL_LEN - 10; } // . skip over non-alnum chars (except - or /) in the beginning // . if url begins with // then it's just missing the http: (slashdot) // . watch out for hostname like: -dark-.deviantart.com(yes, it's real) // . so all protocols are hostnames MUST start with alnum OR hyphen while ( tlen > 0 && !is_alnum_a(*t) && *t!='-' && *t!='/'){t++;tlen--;} // . stop t at first space or binary char // . url should be in encoded form! int32_t i ; for ( i = 0 ; i < tlen ; i++ ) { if ( ! is_ascii(t[i]) ) break; // no non-ascii chars allowed if ( is_wspace_a(t[i]) ) break; // no spaces allowed } // truncate length to the first occurence of an unacceptable char tlen = i; // . decode characters that should not have been encoded // . also NULL terminates //char tmp[MAX_URL_LEN]; //int32_t tmpLen; //tmpLen = safeDecode ( t , tlen , tmp ); // . jump over http:// if it starts with http://http:// // . a common mistake... while ( tlen > 14 && ! strncasecmp ( t , "http://http://" , 14 ) ) { t += 7; tlen -= 7; } //if ( tlen > 26 ) //while ( ! strncasecmp ( t , "http%3A%2F%2Fhttp%3A%2F%2F",26)){ //t += 13; tlen -= 13; } // strip the "#anchor" from http://www.xyz.com/somepage.html#anchor" int32_t anchorPos = 0; int32_t anchorLen = 0; for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < tlen ; i++ ) { if ( t[i] != '#' ) continue; anchorPos = i; anchorLen = tlen - i; if ( stripPound ) tlen = i; break; } // copy to "s" so we can NULL terminate it char s [ MAX_URL_LEN ]; int32_t len = tlen; // store filtered url into s gbmemcpy ( s , t , tlen ); s[len]='\0'; // make http:////www.xyz.com into http://www.xyz.com // if ( len > 14 && s[7]=='/' && ! strncasecmp ( s , "http:////" ,9) ){ // gbmemcpy (s+7,s+9,len-9+1); // len -= 2; // } // if ( len > 14 && s[8]=='/' && ! strncasecmp ( s ,"https:////",10)){ // gbmemcpy (s+8,s+10,len-9+1); // len -= 2; // } // . remove session ids from s // . ';' most likely preceeds a session id // . http://www.b.com/p.jhtml;jsessionid=J4QMFWBG1SPRVWCKUUXCJ0W?pp=1 // . http://www.b.com/generic.html;$sessionid$QVBMODQAAAGNA?pid=7 // . http://www.b.com/?PHPSESSID=737aec14eb7b360983d4fe39395&p=1 // . http://www.b.com/cat.cgi/process?mv_session_id=xrf2EY3q&p=1 // . http://www.b.com/default?SID=f320a739cdecb4c3edef67e&p=1 if ( stripSessionId ) { // CHECK FOR A SESSION ID USING SEMICOLONS // or don't...bad for dmoz urls and apparently has ligit use // int32_t i = 0; // while ( s[i] && s[i]!=';' ) i++; // // did we get a semi colon? // if ( s[i] == ';' ) { // // i is start of it // int32_t a = i; // // find the end of the session id // int32_t b = i + 1; // while ( s[b] && s[b] != '?' ) b++; // // remove the session id by covering it up // memmove ( &s[a] , &s[b] , len - b ); // // reduce length // len -= (b-a); // // NULL terminate // s[len] = '\0'; // } // CHECK FOR A SESSION ID USING QUERY STRINGS char *p = s; while ( *p && *p != '?' && *p != ';' ) p++; // bail if no ? if ( ! *p ) goto skip; // now search for severl strings in the cgi query string char *tt = NULL; int32_t x; if ( ! tt ) { tt = gb_strcasestr ( p , "PHPSESSID=" ); x = 10;} if ( ! tt ) { tt = strstr ( p , "SID=" ); x = 4;} // . osCsid and XTCsid are new session ids // . keep this up here so "sid=" doesn't override it if ( ! tt && titleRecVersion >= 59 ) { tt = strstr ( p , "osCsid=" ); x = 7; if ( ! tt ) tt = strstr ( p , "XTCsid=" ); // a hex sequence of at least 10 digits must follow if ( tt && ! isSessionId ( tt + x, titleRecVersion ) ) tt = NULL; } if ( ! tt && titleRecVersion >= 59 ) { tt = strstr ( p , "osCsid/" ); x = 7; // a hex sequence of at least 10 digits must follow if ( tt && ! isSessionId ( tt + x, titleRecVersion ) ) tt = NULL; } // this is a new session id thing if ( ! tt && titleRecVersion >= 54 ) { tt = strstr ( p , "sid=" ); x = 4; // a hex sequence of at least 10 digits must follow if ( tt && ! isSessionId ( tt + x, titleRecVersion ) ) tt = NULL; } // osCsid and XTCsid are new session ids if ( ! tt && titleRecVersion >= 57 ) { tt = strstr ( p , "osCsid=" ); x = 7; if ( ! tt ) tt = strstr ( p , "XTCsid=" ); // a hex sequence of at least 10 digits must follow if ( tt && ! isSessionId ( tt + x, titleRecVersion ) ) tt = NULL; } // fixes for bug of matching plain &sessionid= first and // then realizing char before is an alnum... if ( ! tt && titleRecVersion >= 59 ) { tt = gb_strcasestr ( p, "jsessionid="); x = 11; } if ( ! tt && titleRecVersion >= 59 ) { tt = gb_strcasestr ( p , "vbsessid=" ); x = 9;} if ( ! tt && titleRecVersion >= 59 ) { tt = gb_strcasestr ( p, "asesessid=" ); x = 10; } if ( ! tt && titleRecVersion >= 59 ) { tt = gb_strcasestr ( p, "nlsessid=" ); x = 9; } if ( ! tt && titleRecVersion >= 59 ) { tt = gb_strcasestr ( p, "psession=" ); x = 9; } if ( ! tt ) { tt = gb_strcasestr ( p , "session_id="); x = 11;} if ( ! tt ) { tt = gb_strcasestr ( p , "sessionid=" ); x = 10;} if ( ! tt ) { tt = gb_strcasestr ( p , "sessid=" ); x = 7;} if ( ! tt ) { tt = gb_strcasestr ( p , "vbsessid=" ); x = 9;} if ( ! tt ) { tt = gb_strcasestr ( p , "session=" ); x = 8;} if ( ! tt ) { tt = gb_strcasestr ( p , "session/" ); x = 8;} if ( ! tt ) { tt = gb_strcasestr ( p , "POSTNUKESID=");x = 12;} // some new session ids as of Feb 2005 if ( ! tt ) { tt = gb_strcasestr ( p, "auth_sess=" ); x = 10; } if ( ! tt ) { tt = gb_strcasestr ( p, "mysid=" ); x = 6; } if ( ! tt ) { tt = gb_strcasestr ( p, "oscsid=" ); x = 7; } if ( ! tt ) { tt = gb_strcasestr ( p, "cg_sess=" ); x = 8; } if ( ! tt ) { tt = gb_strcasestr ( p, "galileoSession");x=14; } if ( ! tt ) { tt = gb_strcasestr ( p, "asesessid=" ); x = 10; } if ( ! tt ) { tt = gb_strcasestr ( p, "nlsessid=" ); x = 9; } if ( ! tt ) { tt = gb_strcasestr ( p, "jsessionid="); x = 11; } if ( ! tt ) { tt = gb_strcasestr ( p, "psession=" ); x = 9; } // new as of Jan 2006. is hurting news5 collection on gb6 if ( ! tt ) { tt = gb_strcasestr ( p, "sess=" ); x = 5; } // .php?s=8af9d6d0d59e8a3108f3bf3f64166f5a& // .php?s=eae5808588c0708d428784a483083734& // .php?s=6256dbb2912e517e5952caccdbc534f3& if ( ! tt && (tt = strstr ( p-4 , ".php?s=" )) ) { // point to the value of the s= char *pp = tt + 7; int32_t i = 0; // ensure we got 32 hexadecimal chars while ( pp[i] && ( is_digit(pp[i]) || ( pp[i]>='a' && pp[i]<='f' ) ) ) i++; // if not, do not consider it a session id if ( i < 32 ) tt = NULL; // point to s= for removal else { tt += 5; x = 2; } } // bail if none were found if ( ! tt ) goto skip; // . must not have an alpha char before it! // . prevent "DAVESID=" from being labeled as session id if ( is_alnum_a ( *(tt-1) ) ) goto skip; // start of the shit int32_t a = tt - s; // get the end of the shit int32_t b = a + x; // back up until we hit a ? or & or / or ; while ( a > 0 && s[a-1] != '?' && s[a-1] != '&' && s[a-1] != '/' && s[a-1] != ';' ) a--; // keep the '?' if ( s[a]=='?' ) a++; // back up over any semicolon if ( s[a-1] == ';' && titleRecVersion >= 59 ) a--; // advance b until we hit & or end or ? or a ';' while ( s[b] && s[b] != '&' && s[b] != '?' && s[b] != ';') b++; // if we don't have 5+ chars in session id itself, skip it if ( b - (a + x) < 5 ) goto skip; // go over a & or a ; if ( s[b] == '&' || s[b] == ';' ) b++; // remove the session id by covering it up memmove ( &s[a] , &s[b] , len - b ); // reduce length len -= (b-a); // if s ends in ? or & or ;, backup while ( len > 0 && (s[len-1]=='?'||s[len-1]=='&'||s[len-1]==';')) len--; // NULL terminate s[len] = '\0'; } skip: // remove common filenames like index.html if ( stripCommonFile ) { if ( len - 14 > 0 && strncasecmp(&s[len-14], "/default.xhtml", 14) == 0 ) len -= 13; else if ( len - 13 > 0 && ( strncasecmp(&s[len-13], "/default.html", 13) == 0 || strncasecmp(&s[len-13], "/default.ascx", 13) == 0 || strncasecmp(&s[len-13], "/default.ashx", 13) == 0 || strncasecmp(&s[len-13], "/default.asmx", 13) == 0 || strncasecmp(&s[len-13], "/default.xhtm", 13) == 0 || strncasecmp(&s[len-13], "/default.aspx", 13) == 0 ) ) len -= 12; else if ( len - 12 > 0 && ( strncasecmp(&s[len-12], "/default.htm", 12) == 0 || strncasecmp(&s[len-12], "/default.php", 12) == 0 || strncasecmp(&s[len-12], "/default.asp", 12) == 0 || strncasecmp(&s[len-12], "/index.xhtml", 12) == 0 ) ) len -= 11; else if ( len - 11 > 0 && ( strncasecmp(&s[len-11], "/index.html", 11) == 0 || strncasecmp(&s[len-11], "/index.aspx", 11) == 0 || strncasecmp(&s[len-11], "/index.xhtm", 11) == 0 || strncasecmp(&s[len-11], "/default.pl", 11) == 0 || strncasecmp(&s[len-11], "/default.cs", 11) == 0 ) ) len -= 10; else if ( len - 10 > 0 && ( strncasecmp(&s[len-10], "/index.htm", 10) == 0 || strncasecmp(&s[len-10], "/index.php", 10) == 0 || strncasecmp(&s[len-10], "/index.asp", 10) == 0 || strncasecmp(&s[len-10], "/main.html", 10) == 0 || strncasecmp(&s[len-10], "/main.aspx", 10) == 0 ) ) len -= 9; else if ( len - 9 > 0 && ( strncasecmp(&s[len-9], "/index.pl", 9) == 0 || strncasecmp(&s[len-9], "/main.htm", 9) == 0 || strncasecmp(&s[len-9], "/main.php", 9) == 0 ) ) len -= 8; else if ( len - 8 > 0 && ( strncasecmp(&s[len-8], "/main.pl", 8) == 0 ) ) len -= 7; s[len] = '\0'; } // replace the "\" with "/" -- a common mistake int32_t j; for ( j = 0 ; s[j] ; j++) if (s[j]=='\\') s[j]='/'; // . dig out the protocol/scheme for this s (check for ://) // . protocol may only have alnums and hyphens in it for ( i = 0 ; s[i] && (is_alnum_a(s[i]) || s[i]=='-') ; i++ ); // if we have a legal protocol, then set "m_scheme", "slen" and "sch" // and advance i to the m_host if ( i + 2 < len && s[i]==':' && s[i+1]=='/' && s[i+2]=='/') { // copy lowercase protocol to "m_url" to_lower3_a ( s , i + 3 , m_url ); m_scheme = m_url; m_slen = i; m_ulen = i + 3; i += 3; } else if (i + 2 < len && s[i]==':' && s[i+1]=='/'&& is_alnum_a(s[i+2])){ // copy lowercase protocol to "m_url" to_lower3_a ( s , i + 2 , m_url ); // add in needed / m_url[i+2]='/'; m_scheme = m_url; m_slen = i; m_ulen = i + 3; i += 2; } // callto:+441202300007 (skype links) // mailto:blah@blah.com /* else if ( i+1 < len && s[i]==':' && version >= 62 ) { // copy lowercase protocol to "m_url" to_lower3_a ( s , i + 1 , m_url ); // add in needed / m_url[i+2]='/'; m_scheme = m_url; m_slen = i; m_ulen = i + 3; i += 2; } */ // otherwise we had no syntactically correct protocol else { gbmemcpy ( m_url,"http://" , 7 ); m_scheme = m_url; m_slen = 4; m_ulen = 7; i = 0; // if s started with // then skip that (slashdot) if ( s[0]=='/' && s[1]=='/' ) i = 2; } // . now &s[i] should point to the m_host name // . chars allowed in hostname = period,alnum,hyphen,underscore // . stops at '/' or ':' or any other disallowed character j = i; while (s[j] && (is_alnum_a(s[j]) || s[j]=='.' || s[j]=='-'||s[j]=='_')) j++; // copy m_host into "s" (make it lower case, too) to_lower3_a ( s + i, j - i, m_url + m_ulen ); m_host = m_url + m_ulen; m_hlen = j - i; // common mistake: if hostname ends in a . then back up while ( m_hlen > 0 && m_host[m_hlen-1]=='.' ) m_hlen--; // NULL terminate for strchr() m_host [ m_hlen ] = '\0'; // . common mistake: if hostname has no '.' in it append a ".com" // . now that we use hosts in /etc/hosts we no longer do this //if ( m_hlen > 0 && strchr ( m_host ,'.' ) == NULL ) { // gbmemcpy ( &m_host[m_hlen] , ".com" , 4 ); // m_hlen += 4; //} // advance m_ulen to end of hostname m_ulen += m_hlen; // . set our m_ip if hostname is in a.b.c.d format // . this returns 0 if not a valid ip string m_ip = atoip ( m_host , m_hlen ); // advance i to the : for the port, if it exists i = j; // NULL terminate m_host for getTLD(), getDomain() and strchr() below m_host [ m_hlen ] = '\0'; // use ip as domain if we're just an ip address like if ( m_ip ) { // ip address has no tld, or mid domain m_tld = NULL; m_tldLen = 0; // but it does have a domain (1.2.3) m_domain = getDomainOfIp ( m_host , m_hlen , &m_dlen ); // just use the domain as the mid domain for ip-based urls m_mdlen = m_dlen; } // . otherwise, get the tld // . uses thorough list of tlds in Domains.cpp else if ( ( m_tld = ::getTLD ( m_host, m_hlen ) ) && m_tld > m_host ) { // set m_domain if we had a tld that's not equal to our host m_tldLen = gbstrlen ( m_tld ); m_domain = ::getDomain ( m_host , m_hlen , m_tld , &m_dlen ); // set the mid domain length (-1 for the '.') m_mdlen = m_dlen - m_tldLen - 1; } // otherwise, we're no ip and we have no valid domain else { m_domain = NULL; m_dlen = 0; m_tldLen = 0; m_mdlen = 0; } // . if domain same as host then we might insert a "www." server name // . however, must have a period in domain name // . otherwise a domain name of "xxx" would become "www.xxx" and if // Url::set() is called on that it would be "www.www.xxx" (bad bad) // . let's only add "www." if there's only 1 period, ok? if ( ! m_ip && addWWW && m_host == m_domain && strchr(m_host,'.') ) { memmove ( m_host + 4 , m_host , m_hlen ); gbmemcpy ( m_host , "www." , 4 ); if ( m_domain ) m_domain += 4; if ( m_tld ) m_tld += 4; m_ulen += 4; m_hlen += 4; } // set the default port based on the protocol m_defPort = 80; if ( m_slen==5 && strncmp(m_scheme, "https",5)==0 ) m_defPort = 443; if ( m_slen==3 && strncmp(m_scheme, "ftp" ,3)==0 ) m_defPort = 21; // assume we're using the default port for this scheme/protocol m_port = m_defPort; m_portStr = NULL; // see if a port was provided in the hostname after a colon if ( s[i] == ':' ) { // remember the ptr so far int32_t savedLen = m_ulen; // add a colon to our m_url m_url [ m_ulen++ ] = ':'; // scan for a '/' j = i + 1; while ( s[j] && s[j]!='/') m_url[m_ulen++] = s[j++]; // now read our port m_portStr = s + i; // str includes ':' m_port = atol2 ( s + (i + 1) , j - (i + 1) ); // if it's the default port, then remove what we copied if ( m_port == m_defPort ) m_ulen = savedLen; // make i point to the root / in the m_path, if any i = j; } // how many chars is taken up by a specified port? m_portLen = 0; if ( m_port != m_defPort ) { m_portLen += 2; // :3 if ( m_port >= 10 ) m_portLen += 1; if ( m_port >= 100 ) m_portLen += 1; if ( m_port >= 1000 ) m_portLen += 1; if ( m_port >= 10000 ) m_portLen += 1; } //m_site = m_url; //m_siteLen = m_ulen+1; // append a '/' to m_url then bail if there is no m_path after the port if ( s[i]=='\0' || s[i] != '/') { m_path = m_url + m_ulen; m_path[0] = '/'; m_plen = 1; m_url[ ++m_ulen ]='\0'; // debug change goto done; return; } // . get the m_path and m_path length // . j,i should point to start of path slash '/' // . scan so it points to end or a ? or # j = i; while ( s[j] && s[j]!='?' && s[j]!='#' ) j++; // point the path inside m_url even though we haven't written it yet m_path = m_url + m_ulen; m_plen = m_ulen; // . deal with wierd things in the path // . i points to start of path (should be /) for (; i < j ; i++ ) { // dedup double backslashes // ensure m_ulen >= m_plen so we don't hurt "http:///" ... // but people sometimes put http:// in the *path* if ( s[i] == '/' && m_url[m_ulen-1] == '/' && m_ulen-1 >= m_plen && m_ulen >= 2 && m_url[m_ulen-2] != ':' ) continue; // deal with current directories in the m_path if ( s[i] == '.' && m_url[m_ulen-1] == '/' && (i+1 == j || s[i+1]=='/')) continue; // . deal with damned ..'s in the m_path // . if next 2 chars are .'s and last char we wrote was '/' if ( s[i] == '.' && s[i+1]=='.' && m_url[m_ulen-1] == '/' ) { // dont back up over first / in path if ( m_url + m_ulen - 1 > m_path ) m_ulen--; while ( m_url[m_ulen-1] != '/' ) m_ulen--; // skip i to next / after these 2 dots while ( s[i] && s[i]!='/' ) i++; continue; } // don't allow ; before the ?...probably because of stripped // sessionId... // I was going to add other possible dup separators, but now // it seems as though it might cause problems if (titleRecVersion >= 78){ if (s[i] == ';' && s[i+1] == '?') continue; } // store char and advance to next m_url[m_ulen++] = s[i]; } // reset the path length in case we had to remove some wierd stuff m_plen = m_ulen - m_plen; // . remove trailing /'s from path, but not first one! // . NO! this is WRONG! we need it so we know it's a dir name //while ( m_plen > 1 && m_path[m_plen-1]=='/' ) { m_plen--; m_ulen--; } // . get the m_query // . the query is anything after the path that starts with ? // . NOTE: we ignore strings beginning with '#' (page relative anchors) if ( i < len && s[i] != '#' ) { //gbmemcpy ( m_url + m_ulen , s + i , len - i ); //remove back to back &'s in the cgi query //http://www.nyasatimes.com/national/politics/160.html?print&&& char *kstart = s + i; char *kend = s + i + (len - i); char *dst = m_url + m_ulen; for ( char *k = kstart ; k < kend ; k++ ) { // skip & if we just did one if ( *k == '&' && k > kstart && *(k-1)=='&' ) continue; // copy over one char at a time *dst++ = *k; } // point after the '?' i guess m_query = m_url + m_ulen + 1; //m_qlen = len - i - 1; m_qlen = dst - m_query; m_ulen += m_qlen + 1; } // get the m_filename from the m_path (m_flen might be 0) m_flen = 0; while (m_path[m_plen-1-m_flen]!='/' && m_flen 0 && m_ulen + anchorLen + 2 < MAX_URL_LEN ) { m_anchor = &m_url[m_ulen+1]; gbmemcpy(&m_url[m_ulen+1], &t[anchorPos], anchorLen); m_url[m_ulen+1+anchorLen] = '\0'; } done: // debug msg //log("--------------%s has domain \"",s); //for (int32_t k=0;k %s\n",m_url,u2.getUrl()); //sleep(5000); } flag = 0; } char Url::isSessionId ( char *hh, int32_t titleRecVersion ) { int32_t count = 0; int32_t step = 0; int32_t nonNumCount = 0; // old bug didn't step through characters if (titleRecVersion >= 69) step = 1; // do not limit count to 12, the hex numbers may only be // after the 12th character! we were not identifying these // as sessionids when we shold have been because of that. for ( ; *hh ; count++, hh+=step ) { if ( *hh >= '0' && *hh <= '9' ) continue; nonNumCount++; if ( *hh >= 'a' && *hh <= 'f' ) continue; // we got an illegal session id character return false; } // if we got at least 12 of em, consider it a valid id if (titleRecVersion >= 69) // make sure it's a hexadecimal number...lots of product // ids and dates use only decimal numbers return ( nonNumCount > 0 && count >= 12); return ( count >= 12 ); } // hostname must also be www or NULL to be a root url bool Url::isRoot() { if ( m_plen != 1 ) return false; if ( !m_path || m_path[0] != '/' ) return false; if ( m_query ) return false; // for now we'll let all thos *.deviantart.com names clog us up // because i don't want to dis' stuff like espn.go.com return true; // get just the hostname w/o the domain (includes '.' following name) //int32_t nameLen = m_hlen - m_dlen ; //if ( nameLen <= 0 ) return true; //if ( nameLen != 4 ) return false; // "www." //if ( strncmp ( m_host , "www" , 3 ) != 0 ) return false; //return true; } // a super root url is a root url where the hostname is NULL or "www" bool Url::isSuperRoot () { if ( ! isRoot() ) return false; // if hostname is same as domain, it's a super root if ( m_host == m_domain && m_hlen == m_dlen ) return true; // if host is not "www." followed by domain, it's NOT a super root if ( m_hlen != m_dlen + 4 ) return false; if ( strncmp ( m_host , "www." , 4 ) == 0 ) return true; return false; } bool Url::isSimpleSubdomain ( ) { // if hostname is same as domain, it's passes if ( m_host == m_domain && m_hlen == m_dlen ) return true; // if host is not "www." followed by domain, it's NOT if ( m_hlen != m_dlen + 4 ) return false; if ( strncmp ( m_host , "www." , 4 ) == 0 ) return true; return false; } // . get length of sub-url #j // . basically like adding j /.. to the end of the url // . sub-url #0 is the full url // . includes /~ as it's own path int32_t Url::getSubUrlLen ( int32_t j ) { // assume it's the whole url int32_t len = m_ulen; // subtract the m_query (cgi) part at the end of the url if ( m_query ) len -= m_qlen + 1; //and the ? // return the full url (without m_query) if j is 0 if ( j == 0 ) return len; // . start right past the http://m_host.domain.com/ int32_t start = m_slen + 3 + m_hlen + 1 + m_portLen ; while ( len > start ) { if ( m_url [ len - 1 ] == '/' ) j--; if ( m_url [ len - 2 ] == '/' && m_url [ len - 1 ] == '~') j--; // include this backslash (or ~) in the sub-url if ( j == 0 ) return len; // shrink by one character len--; } // return 0 if jth sub-url does not exist return 0; } // . similar to getSubUrlLen() above but only works on the path // . if j is 0 that's the whole url path! int32_t Url::getSubPathLen ( int32_t j ) { int32_t subUrlLen = getSubUrlLen ( j ); if ( subUrlLen <= 0 ) return 0; // . the subPath length includes the root backslash // . portLen includes the whole :8080 thing (for non default ports) return subUrlLen - m_slen - 3 - m_hlen - m_portLen; } void Url::print() { printf("############ url ############\n"); printf("url: %s\n",m_url); printf("host: "); print_string( m_host, m_hlen ); printf("\n"); printf("scheme: "); print_string( m_scheme , m_slen ); printf("\n"); printf("path: "); print_string(m_path , m_plen ); printf("\n"); printf("query: %s\n",m_query); printf("port: %"INT32"\n", m_port ); printf("domain: "); print_string(m_domain, m_dlen ); printf("tld: "); print_string(m_tld, m_tldLen ); printf("mid domain: "); print_string(m_domain, m_mdlen ); printf("\n"); printf("is root %i\n",isRoot()); } void print_string ( char *s , int32_t len ) { int32_t i = 0; if ( ! s ) return; while ( i < len ) printf("%c",s[i++]); } bool Url::isExtensionIndexable () { // assume no extension is html if ( m_elen == 0 ) return true; if ( ! m_extension ) return true; // no matter what the extension, if it has cgi parms, let it through. if ( m_query ) return true; // now we index source code if ( m_elen == 1 ) { if ( m_extension[0] == 'c' ) return true; if ( m_extension[0] == 'h' ) return true; } else if ( m_elen == 2 ) { if ( strncasecmp ( m_extension , "ps", 2 ) == 0 ) return true; // perl is used like cgi if ( strncasecmp ( m_extension , "pl", 2 ) == 0 ) return true; return false; } else if ( m_elen == 3 ) { if ( strncasecmp ( m_extension , "htm", 3 ) == 0 ) return true; if ( strncasecmp ( m_extension , "asp", 3 ) == 0 ) return true; if ( strncasecmp ( m_extension , "xml", 3 ) == 0 ) return true; // rss has a Content-Type of xml usually if ( strncasecmp ( m_extension , "rss", 3 ) == 0 ) return true; if ( strncasecmp ( m_extension , "cgi", 3 ) == 0 ) return true; if ( strncasecmp ( m_extension , "dll", 3 ) == 0 ) return true; if ( strncasecmp ( m_extension , "jsp", 3 ) == 0 ) return true; if ( strncasecmp ( m_extension , "php", 3 ) == 0 ) return true; if ( strncasecmp ( m_extension , "txt", 3 ) == 0 ) return true; if ( strncasecmp ( m_extension , "pdf", 3 ) == 0 ) return true; if ( strncasecmp ( m_extension , "doc", 3 ) == 0 ) return true; if ( strncasecmp ( m_extension , "xls", 3 ) == 0 ) return true; if ( strncasecmp ( m_extension , "ppt", 3 ) == 0 ) return true; // now we index source code if ( strncasecmp ( m_extension , "cpp", 3 ) == 0 ) return true; if ( strncasecmp ( m_extension , "hpp", 3 ) == 0 ) return true; if ( strncasecmp ( m_extension , "vbs", 3 ) == 0 ) return true; if ( strncasecmp ( m_extension , "frm", 3 ) == 0 ) return true; if ( strncasecmp ( m_extension , "bas", 3 ) == 0 ) return true; if ( strncasecmp ( m_extension , "jsp", 3 ) == 0 ) return true; // probably cold fusion template file. seems to be text/html if ( strncasecmp ( m_extension , "cfm", 3 ) == 0 ) return true; //http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/science/nature/default.stm if ( strncasecmp ( m_extension , "stm", 3 ) == 0 ) return true; // rdf for rss feeds if ( strncasecmp ( m_extension , "rdf", 3 ) == 0 ) return true; return false; } else if ( m_elen == 4 ) { if ( strncasecmp ( m_extension , "html",4 ) == 0 ) return true; if ( strncasecmp ( m_extension , "phtm",4 ) == 0 ) return true; if ( strncasecmp ( m_extension , "shtm",4 ) == 0 ) return true; if ( strncasecmp ( m_extension , "fcgi",4 ) == 0 ) return true; if ( strncasecmp ( m_extension , "aspx",4 ) == 0 ) return true; // php3 and php4 etc. if ( strncasecmp ( m_extension , "php" ,3 ) == 0 ) return true; // now we index source code if ( strncasecmp ( m_extension , "java",4 ) == 0 ) return true; return false; } else if ( m_elen == 5 ) { if ( strncasecmp ( m_extension, "shtml", 5) == 0 ) return true; if ( strncasecmp ( m_extension, "jhtml", 5) == 0 ) return true; if ( strncasecmp ( m_extension, "phtml", 5) == 0 ) return true; if ( strncasecmp ( m_extension, "story", 5) == 0 ) return true; return false; } return false; } // . return url w/o http:// // . without trailing / if path is just "/" // . without "www." if in hostname and "rmWWW" is true // . sets *len to it's length char *Url::getShorthandUrl ( bool rmWWW , int32_t *len ) { char *u = m_url; int32_t ulen = m_ulen; if ( ulen > 7 && strncasecmp ( u , "http://" , 7 ) == 0) { u += 7 ; ulen -= 7 ; // if hostname is just "www" then skip iff rmWWW is true if ( rmWWW && m_hlen >= 4 && strncmp(m_host,"www.",4) == 0) { u += 4; ulen -= 4; } } // skip trailing / if ( m_plen == 1 && m_path[0]=='/' && m_query == NULL ) ulen--; // set the length *len = ulen; // return the url int16_thand return u; } int32_t Url::getPathDepth ( bool countFilename ) { char *s = m_path + 1; char *send = m_url + m_ulen; int32_t count = 0; while ( s < send ) if ( *s++ == '/' ) count++; // if we're counting the filename as a path component... if ( countFilename && *(send-1) != '/' ) count++; return count; } char *Url::getPathComponent ( int32_t num , int32_t *clen ) { // start countint at path char *start = m_path; char *p = m_path; char *pend = m_path + m_plen; int32_t count = 0; // loop up here for each component loop: // skip the '/' p++; start++; // advance until next / or end while ( p < pend && *p != '/' ) p++; // set length of that if ( clen ) *clen = p - start; // all done? if ( count == num ) return start; // if none, simply does not exist if ( p >= pend ) return NULL; // advance count++; // set start to p now start = p; goto loop; } //char *Url::getPathEnd ( int32_t num ) { // // get component // int32_t pclen = 0; // char *pc = getPathComponent ( num , &pclen ); // // return the end of it // return pc + pclen; //} bool Url::isHostWWW ( ) { if ( m_hlen < 4 ) return false; if ( m_host[0] != 'w' ) return false; if ( m_host[1] != 'w' ) return false; if ( m_host[2] != 'w' ) return false; if ( m_host[3] != '.' ) return false; return true; } // . is the url a porn/spam url? // . i use /usr/share/dict/words to check for legit words // . if it's int32_t and has 4+ hyphens, consider it spam // . if you add a word here, add it to PageResults.cpp:isQueryDirty() bool Url::isSpam() { // store the hostname in a buf since we strtok it char s [ MAX_URL_LEN ]; // don't store the .com or .org while searching for isSpam int32_t slen = m_hlen - m_tldLen - 1; gbmemcpy ( s , m_host , slen ); if ( ! m_domain ) return false; if ( ! m_dlen ) return false; //int32_t len = m_dlen; //gbmemcpy ( s , m_domain , len ); // if tld is gov or edu or org, not porn if ( m_tldLen >= 3 && strncmp ( m_tld , "edu" , 3 )==0 ) return false; if ( m_tldLen >= 3 && strncmp ( m_tld , "gov" , 3 )==0 ) return false; // NULL terminate for strstr s[slen]='\0'; // . if there is 4 or more hyphens, and hostLen > 30 consider it spam // . actually there seems to be a lot of legit sites with many hyphens if ( slen > 30 ) { int32_t count = 0; char *p = s; while ( *p ) if ( *p++ == '-' ) count++; if ( count >= 4 ) return true; } // // TODO: use getMatch()!!!! +pts -pts system // // check each thing separated by periods for porn char *send = s + slen; char *p = s; loop: // if done, return if ( p >= send ) return false; // find the next period or hyphen char *pend = p; while ( pend < send && *pend != '.' && *pend !='-' ) pend++; // ok NULL terminate it *pend = '\0'; // check that if ( isSpam ( p , pend - p ) ) return true; // point to next p = pend + 1; // loop back goto loop; } bool Url::isSpam ( char *s , int32_t slen ) { // no need to indent below, keep it clearer if ( ! isAdult ( s, slen ) ) return false; // check for naughty words. Split words to deep check if we're surely // adult. Required because montanalinux.org is showing up as porn // because it has 'anal' in the hostname. // send each phrase seperately to be tested. // hotjobs.yahoo.com char *a = s; char *p = s; bool foundCleanSequence = false; char splitWords[1024]; char *splitp = splitWords; while ( p < s + slen ){ while ( p < s + slen && *p != '.' && *p != '-' ) p++; bool isPorn = false; // TODO: do not include "ult" in the dictionary, it is // always splitting "adult" as "ad ult". i'd say do not // allow it to split a dirty word into two words like that. if ( g_speller.canSplitWords( a, p - a, &isPorn, splitp, langEnglish, csUTF8 ) ){ if ( isPorn ){ log(LOG_DEBUG,"build: identified %s as " "porn after splitting words as " "%s", s, splitp); return true; } foundCleanSequence = true; // keep searching for some porn sequence } p++; a = p; splitp += gbstrlen(splitp); } // if we found a clean sequence, its not porn if ( foundCleanSequence ) { log(LOG_INFO,"build: did not identify url %s " "as porn after splitting words as %s", s, splitWords); return false; } // we tried to get some seq of words but failed. Still report // this as porn, since isAdult() was true logf ( LOG_DEBUG,"build: failed to find sequence of words to " "prove %s was not porn.", s ); return true; /* if ( strstr ( s , "upskirt" ) ) return true; if ( strstr ( s , "downblouse") ) return true; if ( strstr ( s , "adult" ) ) return true; if ( strstr ( s , "shemale" ) ) return true; if ( strstr ( s , "spank" ) ) return true; if ( strstr ( s , "dildo" ) ) return true; if ( strstr ( s , "shaved" ) ) return true; if ( strstr ( s , "bdsm" ) ) return true; if ( strstr ( s , "voyeur" ) ) return true; if ( strstr ( s , "shemale" ) ) return true; if ( strstr ( s , "fisting" ) ) return true; if ( strstr ( s , "escorts" ) ) return true; if ( strstr ( s , "vibrator" ) ) return true; if ( strstr ( s , "rgasm" ) ) return true; // 0rgasm if ( strstr ( s , "orgy" ) ) return true; if ( strstr ( s , "orgies" ) ) return true; if ( strstr ( s , "masturbat" ) ) return true; if ( strstr ( s , "stripper" ) ) return true; if ( strstr ( s , "lolita" ) ) return true; //if ( strstr ( s , "hardcore" ) ) return true; ps2hardcore.co.uk if ( strstr ( s , "softcore" ) ) return true; if ( strstr ( s , "whore" ) ) return true; if ( strstr ( s , "slut" ) ) return true; if ( strstr ( s , "smut" ) ) return true; if ( strstr ( s , "tits" ) ) return true; if ( strstr ( s , "lesbian" ) ) return true; if ( strstr ( s , "swinger" ) ) return true; if ( strstr ( s , "fetish" ) ) return true; if ( strstr ( s , "housewife" ) ) return true; if ( strstr ( s , "housewive" ) ) return true; if ( strstr ( s , "nude" ) ) return true; if ( strstr ( s , "bondage" ) ) return true; if ( strstr ( s , "centerfold") ) return true; if ( strstr ( s , "incest" ) ) return true; if ( strstr ( s , "pedophil" ) ) return true; if ( strstr ( s , "pedofil" ) ) return true; // hornyear.com if ( strstr ( s , "horny" ) ) return true; if ( strstr ( s , "pussy" ) ) return true; if ( strstr ( s , "pussies" ) ) return true; if ( strstr ( s , "penis" ) ) return true; if ( strstr ( s , "vagina" ) ) return true; if ( strstr ( s , "phuck" ) ) return true; if ( strstr ( s , "blowjob" ) ) return true; if ( strstr ( s , "gangbang" ) ) return true; if ( strstr ( s , "xxx" ) ) return true; if ( strstr ( s , "porn" ) ) return true; if ( strstr ( s , "felch" ) ) return true; if ( strstr ( s , "cunt" ) ) return true; if ( strstr ( s , "bestial" ) ) return true; if ( strstr ( s , "beastial" ) ) return true; //if ( strstr ( s , "oral" ) ) return true; // moral, doctorial, ... // these below may have legit meanings if ( strstr ( s , "kink" ) ) { if ( strstr ( s , "kinko" ) ) return false; // the store return true; } if ( strstr ( s , "sex" ) ) { // sexton, sextant, sextuplet, sextet if ( strstr ( s , "sext" ) ) return false; if ( strstr ( s , "middlesex" ) ) return false; if ( strstr ( s , "sussex" ) ) return false; if ( strstr ( s , "essex" ) ) return false; if ( strstr ( s , "deusex" ) ) return false; // video game if ( strstr ( s , "sexchange" ) ) return false; // businessexh if ( strstr ( s , "sexpress" ) ) return false; // *express if ( strstr ( s , "sexpert" ) ) return false; // *expert if ( strstr ( s , "sexcel" ) ) return false; // *excellence if ( strstr ( s , "sexist" ) ) return false; // existence if ( strstr ( s , "sexile" ) ) return false; // existence if ( strstr ( s , "harassm" ) ) return false; // harassment if ( strstr ( s , "sexperi" ) ) return false; // experience if ( strstr ( s , "transex" ) ) return false; // transexual if ( strstr ( s , "sexual" ) ) return false; // abuse,health if ( strstr ( s , "sexpo" ) ) return false; // expo,expose if ( strstr ( s , "exoti" ) ) return false; // exotic(que) if ( strstr ( s , "sexclu" ) ) return false; // exclusive/de return true; } // www.losAnaLos.de // sanalcafe.net if ( strstr ( s , "anal") ) { if ( strstr ( s , "analog" ) ) return false; // analogy if ( strstr ( s , "analy" ) ) return false; // analysis if ( strstr ( s , "canal" ) ) return false; if ( strstr ( s , "kanal" ) ) return false; // german if ( strstr ( s , "banal" ) ) return false; return true; } if ( strstr ( s , "cum") ) { if ( strstr ( s , "circum" ) ) return false; // circumvent if ( strstr ( s , "magn" ) ) return false; // magna cum if ( strstr ( s , "succu" ) ) return false; // succumb if ( strstr ( s , "cumber" ) ) return false; // encumber if ( strstr ( s , "docum" ) ) return false; // document if ( strstr ( s , "cumul" ) ) return false; // accumulate if ( strstr ( s , "acumen" ) ) return false; // acumen if ( strstr ( s , "cucum" ) ) return false; // cucumber if ( strstr ( s , "incum" ) ) return false; // incumbent if ( strstr ( s , "capsicum" ) ) return false; if ( strstr ( s , "modicum" ) ) return false; if ( strstr ( s , "locum" ) ) return false; // slocum if ( strstr ( s , "scum" ) ) return false; if ( strstr ( s , "accu" ) ) return false; // compounds! // arcum.de // cummingscove.com // cumchristo.org return true; } //if ( strstr ( s , "lust" ) ) { // if ( strstr ( s , "illust" ) ) return false; // illustrated // if ( strstr ( s , "clust" ) ) return false; // cluster // if ( strstr ( s , "blust" ) ) return false; // bluster // if ( strstr ( s , "lustrad" ) ) return false; // balustrade // // TODO: plusthemes.com wanderlust // return true; //} // brettwatt.com //if ( strstr ( s , "twat" ) ) { // if ( strstr ( s , "watch" ) ) return false; // wristwatch // if ( strstr ( s , "atwater" ) ) return false; // if ( strstr ( s , "water" ) ) return false; // sweetwater // return true; //} if ( strstr ( s, "clit" ) && ! strstr ( s, "heraclitus") ) return true; // fuckedcompany.com is ok if ( strstr ( s, "fuck" ) && ! strstr ( s, "fuckedcomp") ) return true; if ( strstr ( s, "boob" ) && ! strstr ( s, "booboo" ) ) return true; if ( strstr ( s, "wank" ) && ! strstr ( s, "swank" ) ) return true; // fick is german for fuck (fornication under consent of the king) if ( strstr ( s, "fick" ) && ! strstr ( s, "fickle") && ! strstr ( s , "traffick" ) ) return true; // sclerotic // buerotipp.de if ( strstr ( s, "eroti") && ! strstr ( s, "sclero" ) ) return true; // albaberlin.com // babelfish.altavista.com if ( strstr ( s, "babe" ) && ! strstr ( s, "toyland" ) && ! strstr ( s , "babel") ) return true; // what is gaya.dk? if ( strstr ( s , "gay" ) && ! strstr ( s, "gaylord" ) ) return true; // url appears to be ok return false;*/ } // . remove any session id // . i'm sick of these tihngs causing dup problems // . types: // http://www.b.com/?PHPSESSID=737aec14eb7b360983d4fe39395 // http://www.b.com/cat.cgi/process?mv_session_id=xrf2EY3q& // http://www.b.com/default?SID=f320a739cdecb4c3edef67e // http://www.b.com/generic.html;$sessionid$QVBMODQAAAGNA?pid=7 // http://www.b.com/p.jhtml;jsessionid=J4QMFWBG1SPRVWCKUUXCJ0W?stuff=1 // look for ';' // look for PHPSESSID, session_id, SID, jsessionid // followed by string of at least 4 letters/numbers //List of extensions NOT to parse static char *s_badExtensions[] = { "ai", "aif", "aifc", "aiff", "asc", "au", "avi", "bcpio", "bin", "bmp", "bz2", //"c", //"cc",// c source code, allow "ccad", "cdf", //"class",// text source code file usually, allow "cpio", "cpt", //"csh", "css", "dcr", "dir", "dms", //"doc", "drw", "dvi", "dwg", "dxf", "dxr", "eps", "etx", "exe", "ez", //"f", // ambigous "f90", "fli", "gif", "gtar", "gz", //"h", "hdf", "hh", "hqx", //"htm", //"html", "ice", "ief", "iges", "igs", "ips", "ipx", "jpe", "jpeg", "jpg", //"js", "kar", "latex", "lha", "lsp", "lzh", //"m", // ambiguous "man", "me", "mesh", "mid", "midi", "mif", "mime", "mov", "movie", "mp2", "mp3", "mpe", "mpeg", "mpg", "mpga", "ms", "msh", "nc", "oda", "pbm", "pdb", //"pdf", "pgm", "pgn", "png", "pnm", "pot", "ppm", "pps", // "ppt", "ppz", "pre", "prt", // "ps", "qt", "ra", "ram", "ras", "rgb", "rm", "roff", "rpm", "deb", // debian/ubuntu package file "rtf", "rtx", "scm", "set", "sgm", "sgml", //"sh", // shells are text files "shar", "silo", "sit", "skd", "skm", "skp", "skt", "smi", "smil", "snd", "sol", "spl", "src", "step", "stl", "stp", "sv4cpio", "sv4crc", "swf", //"t", // ambiguous ... Mr.T. "tar", "tcl", "tex", "texi", "texinfo", "tif", "tiff", "tr", "tsi", "tsp", "tsv", //"txt", "unv", "ustar", "vcd", "vda", "viv", "vivo", "vrml", "wav", "wrl", "xbm", "xlc", "xll", "xlm", //"xls", "xlw", //"xml", "xpm", "xwd", "xyz", "zip",// };//look below, I added 3 more types for TR version 73 static HashTable s_badExtTable; static bool s_badExtInitialized; //returns True if the extension is listed as bad bool Url::isBadExtension ( int32_t version ) { // return !isExtensionIndexable(); if ( ! m_extension || m_elen == 0 ) return false; if(!s_badExtInitialized) { //if hash has not been created-create one int32_t i=0; //version 72 and before. do { int tlen = gbstrlen(s_badExtensions[i]); int64_t swh = hash64Lower_a(s_badExtensions[i],tlen); if(!s_badExtTable.addKey(swh,(int32_t)50)) return false; i++; } while(strcmp(s_badExtensions[i],"zip")!=0); //version 73 and after. if(!s_badExtTable.addKey(hash64Lower_a("wmv", 3), (int32_t)73) || !s_badExtTable.addKey(hash64Lower_a("wma", 3), (int32_t)73) || !s_badExtTable.addKey(hash64Lower_a("ogg", 3), (int32_t)73)) return false; s_badExtInitialized = true; } int myKey = hash64Lower_a(m_extension,m_elen); //zero unless we have a bad extention, otherwise //we return TR version in which it was banned int32_t badVersion = s_badExtTable.getValue(myKey); if (badVersion == 0) return false; //if(badVersion <= version) return true; if ( badVersion > version ) return false; // exceptions for .warc.gz .warc .arc .argc.gz if ( isWarc() || isArc() ) return false; return true; } bool Url::isWarc ( ) { // if ( ulen>8 && strncmp(uend-8,".warc.gz",8)==0 ) // m_isWarc = true; // if ( ulen>8 && strncmp(uend-5,".warc" ,5)==0 ) // m_isWarc = true; // if ( ulen>8 && strncmp(uend-7,".arc.gz",7)==0 ) // m_isArc = true; // if ( ulen>8 && strncmp(uend-4,".arc" ,4)==0 ) // m_isArc = true; if ( m_elen == 4 && m_extension[0] == 'w' && m_extension[1] == 'a' && m_extension[2] == 'r' && m_extension[3] == 'c' ) return true; if ( m_elen == 2 && m_extension[0] == 'g' && m_extension[1] == 'z' && m_ulen > 10 && m_extension[-1] == '.' && m_extension[-2] == 'c' && m_extension[-3] == 'r' && m_extension[-4] == 'a' && m_extension[-5] == 'w' && m_extension[-6] == '.' ) { // m_isWarc = true; // m_isWarcValid = true; return true; } return false; } bool Url::isArc ( ) { if ( m_elen == 3 && m_extension[0] == 'a' && m_extension[1] == 'r' && m_extension[2] == 'c' ) return true; // hack to allow for .gz if it is .warc.gz or .arc.gz if ( m_elen == 2 && m_extension[0] == 'g' && m_extension[1] == 'z' && m_ulen > 10 && m_extension[-1] == '.' && m_extension[-2] == 'c' && m_extension[-3] == 'r' && m_extension[-4] == 'a' && m_extension[-5] == '.' ) { // m_isArc = true; // m_isArcValid = true; return true; } return false; } // see Url.h for a description of this. bool Url::isLinkLoop ( ) { char *s = m_path ; char *send = m_url + m_ulen; int32_t count = 0; int32_t components = 0; bool prevWasDouble = false; char *last = NULL; if (!s) return false; // use this hash table to hash each path component in the url char buf [ 5000 ]; HashTable t; t.set ( 100 , buf , 5000 ); // grab each path component for ( ; s < send ; s++ ) { if ( *s != '/' ) continue; // ok, add this guy to the hash table, if we had one if ( ! last ) { last = s; continue; } // give up after 50 components if ( components++ >= 50 ) return false; // hash him uint32_t h = hash32 ( last , s - last ); // is he in there? int32_t slot = t.getSlot ( h ); // get his val (count) int32_t val = 0; if ( slot >= 0 ) val = t.getValueFromSlot ( slot ); // if not in there put him in a slot if ( slot < 0 ) { last = s; t.addKey ( h , 1 ); continue; } // increment it val++; // does it occur 3 or more times? if so, we have a link loop if ( val >= 3 ) return true; // is it 2 or more? if ( val == 2 ) count++; // if we have two such components, then we are a link loop. // BUT, we must be a pair! if ( count >= 2 && prevWasDouble ) return true; // set this so in case next guy is a double if ( val == 2 ) prevWasDouble = true; else prevWasDouble = false; // add it back after incrementing t.setValue ( slot , val ); // update "last" last = s; } return false; } // // here are some examples of link loops in urls: // //http://www.pittsburghlive.com:8000/x/tribune-review/opinion/steigerwald/letters\/send/archive/letters/send/archive/bish/archive/bish/letters/bish/archive/lette\rs/send/archive/letters/send/bish/letters/archive/bish/letters/ //http://www.pittsburghlive.com:8000/x/tribune-review/opinion/steigerwald/letters\/bish/letters/archive/bish/archive/letters/send/archive/letters/send/archive/le\tters/send/archive/letters/send/bish/ //http://www.pittsburghlive.com:8000/x/tribune-review/opinion/steigerwald/letters\/send/archive/bish/letters/send/archive/letters/send/archive/bish/archive/bish/\archive/bish/letters/send/archive/letters/archive/letters/send/archive/bish/let\ters/ //http://www.pittsburghlive.com:8000/x/tribune-review/opinion/steigerwald/letters\/send/archive/letters/send/archive/letters/archive/bish/archive/bish/archive/bi\sh/letters/send/archive/bish/archive/letters/send/bish/archive/bish/letters/sen\d/archive/ //http://www.pittsburghlive.com:8000/x/tribune-review/opinion/steigerwald/letters\/send/archive/bish/letters/send/archive/bish/letters/bish/letters/send/archive/\bish/archive/letters/bish/letters/send/archive/bish/letters/send/bish/archive/l\etters/bish/letters/archive/letters/send/ //http://www.pittsburghlive.com:8000/x/tribune-review/opinion/steigerwald/letters\/send/archive/bish/letters/send/archive/bish/letters/send/bish/archive/letters/\send/bish/archive/letters/send/archive/letters/bish/archive/bish/archive/letter\s/ bool Url::isIp() { if(!m_host) return false; if(!is_digit(*m_host)) return false; return atoip ( m_host , m_hlen ); } /* bool Url::isSiteRoot ( char *coll , TagRec *tagRec , char **retSite , int32_t *retSiteLen ) { int32_t siteLen; // use the DOMAIN as the default site char *site = getSite ( &siteLen , coll , false , tagRec ); // check end of site char *send = site + siteLen; // our end char *uend = m_url + m_ulen; // backup over an ending '/' if ( uend[-1] == '/' ) uend--; // set it if ( retSite ) *retSite = site; if ( retSiteLen ) *retSiteLen = siteLen; // if before our end, we are not a site root return (uend <= send); } // . a "site" is a set of urls controlled/regulated primarily by the same // entity. // . this returns the smallest site containing the url, m_url // . so fred.blogspot.com is considered a site regulated by "fred" // . BUT blogspot.com is a larger site regulated by blogspot // . the default site is the domain // . returns NULL and sets g_errno on error // . if "defaultToHostname" is true we default to the hostname // as opposed to the domain name. char *Url::getSite ( int32_t *siteLen , char *coll , bool defaultToHostname , TagRec *tagRec , bool *isDefault ) { // clear just in case g_errno = 0; // convenience vars char *p; int32_t len = 0; // assume we return the default if ( isDefault ) *isDefault = true; int32_t sitepathdepth = -1; // we may have a defined path depth Tag *tag = NULL; // see if we do if ( tagRec ) tag = tagRec->getTag("sitepathdepth"); // sanity check if ( tag && tag->m_dataSize != 1 ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; } // if there, get the sitepathdepth value it contains if ( tag ) sitepathdepth = (int32_t)tag->m_data[0]; // . deal with site indicators // . these are applied to all domains uniformly // . if it is xyz.com/users/ use xyz.com/users/fred/ as the site p = m_path; // a lot of times these were not indivual blogs, but the blog subsite // of a site... http://dccc.org/blog/P4575/ //if ( strncasecmp(p,"/blogs/" , 7) == 0 ) len = 7; //if ( strncasecmp(p,"/blog/" , 6) == 0 ) len = 6; // commented out a bunch cuz they were profiles mostly, not blogs... if ( strncasecmp(p,"/~" , 2) == 0 ) len = 2; // assume this is a username. skip the first / if ( sitepathdepth == 1 ) len = 1; //if ( strncasecmp(p,"/users/" , 7) == 0 ) len = 7; //if ( strncasecmp(p,"/user/" , 6) == 0 ) len = 6; //if ( strncasecmp(p,"/members/" , 9) == 0 ) len = 9; //if ( strncasecmp(p,"/membres/" , 9) == 0 ) len = 9; //if ( strncasecmp(p,"/member/" , 8) == 0 ) len = 8; //if ( strncasecmp(p,"/membre/" , 8) == 0 ) len = 8; //if ( strncasecmp(p,"/member.php?u=",14) == 0 ) len = 14; // point to after the /users/, /blogs/, /user/, /blog/ or /~xxx/ p += len; // assume there is NOT an alpha char after this char username = false; // . skip to next / OR ? // . stop at . or -, because we do not allow those in usernames and // they are often indicative of filenames without file extensions while ( len && *p && *p!= '/'&&*p!='?'&&*p!='.'&&*p!='-'&&*p!='_') { if ( is_alpha_a(*p) ) username = true; p++; } // if we hit this, not a username if ( *p=='.' || *p == '-' || *p == '_' ) username = false; // did we get a match? // . www.cits.ucsb.edu/users/michael-osborne // . www.cits.ucsb.edu/users/michael-osborne/ // . after /blog/ or /~ should be another / or \0, not a period, // because that indicates probably a filename, which is not right, // because we are expecting a username! if ( username ) { // include the '/' if ( *p == '/' ) p++; // get length *siteLen = p - m_host; // not the default if ( isDefault ) *isDefault = false; // return the site return m_host; } // assume none *siteLen = 0; // . the default site is the domain // . if domain is invalid, site/siteLen will be NULL/0 if ( ! getDomain() ) return NULL; // check the Site Filters table CollectionRec *cr = NULL; if ( coll ) cr = g_collectiondb.getRec(coll); // the default site is the domain char *site; if ( defaultToHostname ) { site = m_host ; *siteLen = m_hlen; } else { site = m_domain; *siteLen = m_dlen; } // g_errno should be set if ( ! cr ) return site; // initialize the hash table if it needs to be if ( cr->m_updateSiteRulesTable ) { logf ( LOG_INFO, "db: Updating Site Filters Table" ); // fill in the hash tables with domain hashes cr->m_siteRulesTable.reset(); cr->m_siteRulesTable.set(cr->m_numSiteExpressions*2); for ( int32_t i = 0; i < cr->m_numSiteExpressions ; i++ ) { Url f; char *u = cr->m_siteExpressions[i]; int32_t ulen = gbstrlen ( u ); // do not add "www." f.set(u,ulen,false); // hash the whole hostname (might be just domain) int32_t h = hash32 ( f.getHost(), f.getHostLen() ); // also hash scheme and port h = hash32 ( f.getScheme() , f.getSchemeLen() , h ); h = hash32 ( h , f.getPort() ); // add to the table cr->m_siteRulesTable.addKey(h, i+1); } // unset the update flag cr->m_updateSiteRulesTable = 0; } // . you can only have on entry per domain or subdomain in the table! // . that entry will be a domain or a subdomain // . so check for both in the hash table int32_t t = 2; loop: t--; // return the DEFAULT SITE if no matches if ( t < 0 ) return site; // check hash table for this domain or subdomain int32_t h ; if ( t == 1 ) h = hash32 ( getHost () , getHostLen () ); else h = hash32 ( getDomain() , getDomainLen() ); // also hash scheme and port h = hash32 ( getScheme(), getSchemeLen(), h); h = hash32 ( h, getPort()); // is it in the table? int32_t s = cr->m_siteRulesTable.getSlot(h); // if not found, try the domain next if ( s < 0 ) goto loop; // found, grab the index # int32_t i = cr->m_siteRulesTable.getValueFromSlot(s) - 1; // . see if the url properly matches a filter // . do NOT add "www." to the domain/subdomain of the filter url char *e = cr->m_siteExpressions[i]; Url f; f.set (e,gbstrlen(e),false); // what is the rule #? if rule is 0, that means the "hostname" rule // otherwise this specifies a path depth that defines the site... int32_t r = cr->m_siteRules[i]; // get the full hostname of it //char *h = f.getHost(); //int32_t hlen = f.getHostLen(); // get its hostname (might just be a domain name) char *sub = f.getHost(); int32_t subLen = f.getUrlLen() - f.getSchemeLen() - 3; // assume we did not match it char matched = 0; // is the filtered url "f" a "substring" of us? if ( strncmp ( getHost () , sub , subLen ) == 0 ) matched = 1; if ( strncmp ( getDomain() , sub , subLen ) == 0 ) matched = 2; // must also match scheme and port if ( getPort() != f.getPort() ) matched = false; if ( getSchemeLen() != f.getSchemeLen() ) matched = false; if ( strncmp(getScheme(), f.getScheme(),m_slen) ) matched = false; // if really not a match try again if ( ! matched ) goto loop; // . we got a match // . if r == 0 then the hostname is the site for this rule // . so return the hostname as the site if ( r == 0 ) { // not the default if ( isDefault ) *isDefault = false; *siteLen = m_hlen; return m_host; } // . otherwise, it is path depth based // . m_path starts off point to "/" p = m_path; // if empty, no good, no site. return the DEFAULT SITE if ( ! p ) return site; // do not count the first "/" p++; // how many /'s to count to? int32_t count ; // count them for ( count = r ; count > 0 ; count-- ) { // inc p while ( *p && *p !='/' ) p++; // done? if ( ! *p ) break; // skip passed the '/' p++; } // if count not accomplished, no site. return the DEFAULT SITE. if ( count > 0 ) return site; // not the default if ( isDefault ) *isDefault = false; // otherwise we got the site if ( matched == 1 ) { // use the host, since we matched that *siteLen = p - m_host; // return it return m_host; } // otherwise, use domain *siteLen = p - m_domain; return m_domain; } int32_t Url::getSiteHash32 ( char *coll ) { int32_t siteLen; // prefer domain as default, not hostname char *site = getSite ( &siteLen , coll , false ); return hash32 ( site , siteLen ); } */ int32_t Url::getHash32WithWWW ( ) { uint32_t hh = hash32n ( "www." ); int32_t conti = 4; hh = hash32_cont ( m_domain , m_dlen , hh , &conti ); return hh; } int32_t Url::getHostHash32 ( ) { return hash32 ( m_host , m_hlen ); } int64_t Url::getHostHash64 ( ) { return hash64 ( m_host , m_hlen ); } int32_t Url::getDomainHash32 ( ) { return hash32 ( m_domain , m_dlen ); } int64_t Url::getDomainHash64 ( ) { return hash64 ( m_domain , m_dlen ); } int32_t Url::getUrlHash32 ( ) { return hash32(m_url,m_ulen); } int64_t Url::getUrlHash64 ( ) { return hash64(m_url,m_ulen); } char *getHostFast ( char *url , int32_t *hostLen , int32_t *port ) { // point to the url char *pp = url; // skip http(s):// or ftp:// (always there?) while ( *pp && *pp != ':' ) pp++; // skip :// pp += 3; // point "uhost" to hostname right away char *uhost = pp; // advance "pp" till we hit a / or : while ( *pp && *pp !='/' && *pp !=':' ) pp++; // advance "pe" over the port char *pe = pp; if ( *pp == ':' ) { // if port ptr given, do not treat port as part of hostname if ( port ) *port = atoi(pp+1); // i think this was including :1234 as part of hostname // if port was NULL! //else while ( *pe && *pe != '/' ) pe++; } // set length if ( hostLen ) *hostLen = pe - uhost; return uhost; } char *getPathFast ( char *url ) { // point to the url char *pp = url; // skip http(s):// or ftp:// (always there?) while ( *pp && *pp != ':' ) pp++; // skip :// pp += 3; // point "uhost" to hostname right away //char *uhost = pp; // advance "pp" till we hit a / or : while ( *pp && *pp !='/' && *pp !=':' ) pp++; // advance "pe" over the port char *pe = pp; if ( *pp == ':' ) while ( *pe && *pe != '/' ) pe++; // but not if something follows the '/' return pe; } char *getTLDFast ( char *url , int32_t *tldLen , bool hasHttp ) { // point to the url char *pp = url; // only do this for some if ( hasHttp ) { // skip http(s):// or ftp:// (always there?) while ( *pp && *pp != ':' ) pp++; // skip :// pp += 3; } // point "uhost" to hostname right away char *uhost = pp; // advance "pp" till we hit a / or : or \0 while ( *pp && *pp !='/' && *pp !=':' ) pp++; // are we a root? assume so. char isRoot = true; // advance "pe" over the port char *pe = pp; if ( *pp == ':' ) while ( *pe && *pe != '/' ) pe++; // but not if something follows the '/' if ( *pe == '/' && *(pe+1) ) isRoot = false; // set length of host int32_t uhostLen = pp - uhost; // . is the hostname just an IP address? // . if it is an ip based url make domain the hostname char *ss = uhost; bool isIp = true; for ( ; *ss && ss while ( *pp && *pp !='/' && *pp !=':' ) pp++; // are we a root? assume so. //char isRoot = true; // advance "pe" over the port char *pe = pp; if ( *pp == ':' ) while ( *pe && *pe != '/' ) pe++; // but not if something follows the '/' //if ( *pe == '/' && *(pe+1) ) isRoot = false; // set length int32_t uhostLen = pp - uhost; // get end //char *hostEnd = uhost + uhostLen; // . is the hostname just an IP address? // . if it is an ip based url make domain the hostname char *ss = uhost; while ( *ss && !is_alpha_a(*ss) && ss uhost && *udom != '.' ) udom--; // fix http://ok/ if ( udom < uhost || *udom =='/' ) return false; // if we hit '.' advance 1 if ( *udom == '.' ) udom++; // eqal to host? if not, we do have a subdomain if ( udom != uhost ) return true; // otherwise the hostname equals the domain name return false; } // returns NULL if url was in bad format and could not get domain. this // was happening when a host gave us a bad redir url and xmldoc tried // to set extra doc's robot.txt url to it "http://2010/robots.txt" where // the host said "Location: 2010 ...". char *getDomFast ( char *url , int32_t *domLen , bool hasHttp ) { // point to the url char *pp = url; // skip http if there if ( hasHttp ) { // skip http(s):// or ftp:// (always there?) while ( *pp && *pp != ':' ) pp++; // skip :// pp += 3; } // point "uhost" to hostname right away char *uhost = pp; // advance "pp" till we hit a / or : while ( *pp && *pp !='/' && *pp !=':' ) pp++; // are we a root? assume so. char isRoot = true; // advance "pe" over the port char *pe = pp; if ( *pp == ':' ) while ( *pe && *pe != '/' ) pe++; // but not if something follows the '/' if ( *pe == '/' && *(pe+1) ) isRoot = false; // set length int32_t uhostLen = pp - uhost; // get end char *hostEnd = uhost + uhostLen; // . is the hostname just an IP address? // . if it is an ip based url make domain the hostname char *ss = uhost; while ( *ss && !is_alpha_a(*ss) && ss uhost && *udom != '.' ) udom--; // fix http://ok/ if ( udom < uhost || *udom =='/' ) return NULL; // if we hit '.' advance 1 if ( *udom == '.' ) udom++; // set domain length *domLen = hostEnd - udom; return udom; } // is it of a permalink form? bool isPermalinky ( char *u ) { // get its path char *path = getPathFast(u); // our ptr char *p = path; // we must have a sequence of 3 or more digits in the path int32_t dcount = 0; // start scanning at the path for ( ; *p && *p !='?' ; p++ ) { // if not a digit, reset count if ( ! is_digit(*p) ) { dcount = 0; continue; } // count it if a digit if ( ++dcount == 3 ) break; } // it can also have 2+ hyphens or 2+ underscores in a single // path component to be a permalink int32_t hcount = 0; p = path; for ( ; *p && *p !='?' ; p++ ) { // if not a digit, reset count if ( *p == '/' ) { hcount = 0; continue; } // is it a thing? if ( *p != '_' && *p != '-' ) continue; // count it if ( ++hcount == 2 ) break; } // must be "permalinky" if ( hcount < 2 && dcount < 3 ) return false; // we are return true; } /* bool Url::isRSSFormat ( ) { // if it ends in .rss, .xml or .rdf ASSUME rss bool isRSS = false; char *e = getExtension(); int32_t elen = getExtensionLen(); if ( elen == 3 && strcmp(e,"rss")==0 ) isRSS = true; if ( elen == 3 && strcmp(e,"xml")==0 ) isRSS = true; if ( elen == 3 && strcmp(e,"rdf")==0 ) isRSS = true; // . but if it has wlwmanifest, then not! // . i don't know what those are, but they are not rss feeds if ( strstr ( getPath(), "wlwmanifest" ) ) isRSS = false; // same goes for foaf if ( strstr ( getPath(), "foaf" ) ) isRSS = false; return isRSS; } */ // is it http://rpc.weblogs.com/int16_tChanges.xml, etc.? bool Url::isPingServer ( ) { if ( strcmp ( m_url , "http://rpc.weblogs.com/int16_tChanges.xml") == 0 ) return true; // testing page if ( strcmp ( m_url , "") == 0 ) return true; // default return false; } bool isPingServer ( char *s ) { if ( strstr ( s , "rpc.weblogs.com/int16_tChanges.xml") ) return true; // testing page if ( strstr ( s , "") ) return true; // default return false; } // "s" point to the start of a normalized url (includes http://, etc.) char *getHost ( char *s , int32_t *hostLen ) { // skip proto while ( *s != ':' ) s++; // skip :// s += 3; // that is the host char *host = s; // get length of hostname for ( s++; *s && *s != '/' ; s++ ); // that is it *hostLen = s - host; // return it return host; } char *getFilenameFast ( char *s , int32_t *filenameLen ) { // skip proto while ( *s != ':' ) s++; // skip :// s += 3; // get length of hostname for ( s++; *s && *s != '/' ; s++ ); // should always have a / if ( *s != '/' ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0;} // skip that s++; // this point to the filename char *filename ; // loop over every subdir name in the path subloop: // assume that is filename filename = s; // advance s for ( ; *s && *s !='/' && *s != '?' && *s !='#' ; s++ ); // if we hit another '/' re-set filename if ( *s == '/' ) { s++; goto subloop; } // set end of it char *filenameEnd = s; // set length *filenameLen = filenameEnd - filename; // if none, return null if ( *filenameLen == 0 ) return NULL; // return it return filename; } // . return ptrs to the end // . the character it points to SHOULD NOT BE part of the site char *getPathEnd ( char *s , int32_t desiredDepth ) { // skip proto while ( *s != ':' ) s++; // skip :// s += 3; // get length of hostname for ( s++; *s && *s != '/' ; s++ ); // should always have a / if ( *s != '/' ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0;} // skip that s++; // init depth int32_t depth = 0; // do a character loop for ( ; depth <= desiredDepth && *s ; s++ ) // count the '/' if ( *s == '/' ) depth++; // return the end return s; /* // save for below int32_t saved = depth; // keep going while ( depth-- > 0 ) { for ( s++; *s && *s != '/' && *s != '?' ; s++ ); // if not enough path components (or cgi), return NULL if ( *s != '/' ) return NULL; } // include the last '/' if we have path components if ( saved > 0 ) s++; // . we got it // . if depth==0 just use "www.xyz.com" as site // . if depth==1 just use "www.xyz.com/foo/" as site return s; */ } // . pathDepth==0 for "www.xyz.com" // . pathDepth==0 for "www.xyz.com/" // . pathDepth==0 for "www.xyz.com/foo" // . pathDepth==1 for "www.xyz.com/foo/" // . pathDepth==1 for "www.xyz.com/foo/x" // . pathDepth==2 for "www.xyz.com/foo/x/" // . pathDepth==2 for "www.xyz.com/foo/x/y" int32_t getPathDepth ( char *s , bool hasHttp ) { // skip http:// if we got it if ( hasHttp ) { // skip proto while ( *s != ':' ) s++; // must have it! if ( ! *s ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; } // skip :// s += 3; } // skip over hostname for ( s++; *s && *s != '/' ; s++ ); // no, might be a site like "xyz.com" if ( ! *s ) return 0; // should always have a / if ( *s != '/' ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0;} // skip that s++; // init depth int32_t depth = 0; // do a character loop for ( ; *s ; s++ ) { // stop if we hit ? or # if ( *s == '?' ) break; if ( *s == '#' ) break; // count the '/' if ( *s == '/' ) depth++; } return depth; } // must be like xyz.com/xxxx/yyyy/[a-z]*.htm format bool isHijackerFormat ( char *url ) { if ( ! url ) return false; // get the path char *p = getPathFast ( url ); if ( strstr(p,"/docs.php?id=") ) return true; if ( strstr(p,"/mods.php?id=") ) return true; if ( strstr(p,"/show.php?p=") ) return true; // count the /'s int32_t pc = 0; for ( ; *p=='-' || *p=='_' || *p=='/' || (*p>='a'&&*p<='z') || is_digit(*p); p++) if ( *p == '/' ) pc++; // too many /'s? if ( pc >= 5 ) return false; // too few. need at least 3 if ( pc <= 2 ) return false; // need a .htm if ( *p != '.' ) return false; // skip . p++; // need "htm\0" now if ( p[0] != 'h' ) return false; if ( p[1] != 't' ) return false; if ( p[2] != 'm' ) return false; if ( p[3] != 0 ) return false; return true; } bool Url::hasMediaExtension ( ) { if ( ! m_extension || ! m_elen ) return false; char *ext = m_extension; if ( to_lower_a(ext[0]) == 'c' && to_lower_a(ext[1]) == 's' && to_lower_a(ext[2]) == 's' ) return true; if ( to_lower_a(ext[0]) == 'm' && to_lower_a(ext[1]) == 'p' && to_lower_a(ext[2]) == 'g' ) return true; if ( to_lower_a(ext[0]) == 'p' && to_lower_a(ext[1]) == 'n' && to_lower_a(ext[2]) == 'g' ) return true; if ( to_lower_a(ext[0]) == 'w' && to_lower_a(ext[1]) == 'm' && to_lower_a(ext[2]) == 'v' ) return true; if ( to_lower_a(ext[0]) == 'w' && to_lower_a(ext[1]) == 'a' && to_lower_a(ext[2]) == 'v' ) return true; if ( to_lower_a(ext[0]) == 'j' && to_lower_a(ext[1]) == 'p' && to_lower_a(ext[2]) == 'g' ) return true; if ( to_lower_a(ext[0]) == 'g' && to_lower_a(ext[1]) == 'i' && to_lower_a(ext[2]) == 'f' ) return true; if ( to_lower_a(ext[0]) == 'i' && to_lower_a(ext[1]) == 'c' && to_lower_a(ext[2]) == 'o' ) return true; if ( to_lower_a(ext[0]) == 'm' && to_lower_a(ext[1]) == 'p' && to_lower_a(ext[2]) == '3' ) return true; if ( to_lower_a(ext[0]) == 'm' && to_lower_a(ext[1]) == 'p' && to_lower_a(ext[2]) == '4' ) return true; if ( to_lower_a(ext[0]) == 'm' && to_lower_a(ext[1]) == 'o' && to_lower_a(ext[2]) == 'v' ) return true; if ( to_lower_a(ext[0]) == 'a' && to_lower_a(ext[1]) == 'v' && to_lower_a(ext[2]) == 'i' ) return true; if ( to_lower_a(ext[0]) == 'm' && to_lower_a(ext[1]) == 'p' && to_lower_a(ext[2]) == 'e' && to_lower_a(ext[3]) == 'g' ) return true; if ( to_lower_a(ext[0]) == 'j' && to_lower_a(ext[1]) == 'p' && to_lower_a(ext[2]) == 'e' && to_lower_a(ext[3]) == 'g' ) return true; return false; }