#include #include #include #include #include #include // for opendir() #include // for opendir() #include // for time() #include #include // inet_ntoa() #include // inet_ntoa() #include // inet_ntoa() #include #include #include char g_name[64]; char *g_hosts[5000]; char *g_ips [5000]; int32_t g_numHosts = 0; void setHosts () ; void add ( char *s ); void add ( char *prefix , int32_t num ); void setS99Local (); void setEtcHosts (); void setEtcNetworkInterfaces (); void setEtcSshSshdconfig (); void setEtcPasswd(); void setAlias (); void setEtcResolv (); void setKnownHosts (); char *getIp ( char *hostname ); // usage . no args! int main ( int argc , char *argv[] ) { // get hostname FILE *fd = fopen ("/etc/hostname","r"); if ( ! fd ) { fprintf(stderr,"could not open /etc/hostname\n"); exit(-1); } if ( argc != 1 ) { fprintf(stderr,"does not take any args. put hostname in " "/etc/hostname\n"); exit(-1); } // set the hostname into g_name[] fgets ( g_name , 60 , fd ); // remove \n if ( g_name[strlen(g_name)-1] == '\n' ) g_name[strlen(g_name)-1] = '\0'; // . avoid all this junk for our routers // . these guys have special ip tables crap, routes, etc. if ( strcmp(g_name,"router0") == 0 ) return 0; if ( strcmp(g_name,"router1") == 0 ) return 0; if ( strcmp(g_name,"gk268") == 0 ) return 0; // router2 if ( strcmp(g_name,"voyager2") == 0 ) return 0; if ( strcmp(g_name,"titan") == 0 ) return 0; // set startup to run mkraid setS99Local(); // . set the g_hosts and g_ips arrays // . set from /etc/hosts actually // . this must be called first to set g_hosts[], etc. setHosts(); // set /etc/hosts, uses g_hosts[] now setEtcHosts (); // set /etc/network/interfaces setEtcNetworkInterfaces(); // set /etc/ssh/sshd_config setEtcSshSshdconfig (); // . restart that // . ss machines just need a restart on eth1 if ( g_name[0]=='s' && g_name[1] == 's' ) system ( "/sbin/ifdown eth1 ; /sbin/ifup eth1"); else system ( "/etc/init.d/networking restart"); // restart sshd system ("/etc/init.d/ssh restart"); // update /etc/passwd setEtcPasswd(); // update /home/mwells/.alias setAlias (); // update /etc/resolv.conf setEtcResolv (); setKnownHosts (); } void setS99Local () { FILE *fd = fopen ("/etc/rcS.d/S99local", "w" ); if ( ! fd ) { fprintf(stderr,"could not open /etc/rcS.d/S99local: %s\n", strerror(errno)); return; } fprintf(fd, "# increase network read buffer\n" "# make even bigger for gigabit network later (10MB)\n" "# echo 10048576 > /proc/sys/net/core/rmem_max\n" "# this causes \"IP: frag: no memory for new fragment!\" failures in dmesg\n" "# increase gigabit network read/write buffers otherwise we lose udp packets\n" "echo 10000000 > /proc/sys/net/core/rmem_max\n" "echo 5000000 > /proc/sys/net/core/wmem_max\n" "\n" ); fprintf(fd, "/usr/sbin/elvtune -w 32 /dev/sda\n" "/usr/sbin/elvtune -w 32 /dev/sdb\n" "/usr/sbin/elvtune -w 32 /dev/sdc\n" "/usr/sbin/elvtune -w 32 /dev/sdd\n" "\n" ); // make raid and mount if not already mounted // a lot of times after reboot something fails! fprintf(fd, "raidstop /dev/md0\n" "mkraid -c /etc/raidtab --really-force /dev/md0\n" "mount /dev/md0\n" "\n" ); fclose(fd); } void setKnownHosts () { FILE *fd = fopen ("/home/mwells/.ssh/authorized_keys2", "w" ); if ( ! fd ) { fprintf(stderr,"could not open /home/mwells/authorized_keys2: %s\n", strerror(errno)); return; } // set authorized_keys2 for mwells fprintf ( fd , "ssh-dss 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 root@ss0\n" "ssh-dss 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 mwells@voyager\n" ); fclose(fd); // set our private/public key pairs too for mwells fd = fopen ("/home/mwells/.ssh/id_dsa.pub", "w" ); if ( ! fd ) { fprintf(stderr,"could not open /home/mwells/id_dsa.pub: %s\n", strerror(errno)); return; } fprintf ( fd , "ssh-dss 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 root@ss0\n" ); fclose ( fd ); // mwells private key fd = fopen ("/home/mwells/.ssh/id_dsa", "w" ); if ( ! fd ) { fprintf(stderr,"could not open /home/mwells/id_dsa: %s\n", strerror(errno)); return; } fprintf ( fd , "-----BEGIN DSA PRIVATE KEY-----\n" "MIIBuwIBAAKBgQCtZaaHYM/uI2zjYiFG5eOFB0yPG4niqZU2o1NOYYKrBqkenvFs\n" "pAzHim4KhgRrMtW62vyxz4e5foNwud6pOnno49/F8t9tB+tGtVOc1ArNdpIwjEzK\n" "7sq5DO8rSGsHZjZfGW586yVbHYFLYucKZ7LBxNbvj614Y01nAMpNsE/CtwIVAOun\n" "m3xFeZTEFCdFR+1noEl2R2E/AoGBAJxDoQsJWQUP7BzNDqxs12IM05cqZfnPBw6C\n" "pppB1s/JbAtvsALeRwVD77Db7g8Xdby9lSJte9TKR06aCHel3NG2j+R0V/1B87sl\n" "ib3NbhyLok1cqVbgXvb9BRM5IoBR0eBozbnG5jhsKLX4W7nVxRbCDQ+tUU33s0nU\n" "bKB3/6BYAoGAL34kqvvw9w6vkko7MMwHaE37Q4kQLHTNHNw/1PZDj6ivxaFekgpB\n" "55JTUEDs+IZ07P6gLv6dySLpeep0NTzdeUg2Y8IiRoFxUnN1uuIqf5Ngac5l7yvI\n" "Zf/TvIM2diIrFRmXI9uBF8tnncfX01VQdONbWxESUUfEcf1mD8YVG6MCFDZr9x3S\n" "gG97b2U+XB8PUr5BScuO\n" "-----END DSA PRIVATE KEY-----\n" ); fclose ( fd ); fd = fopen ("/home/mwells/.ssh/known_hosts", "w" ); if ( ! fd ) { fprintf(stderr,"could not open /home/mwells/known_hosts: %s\n", strerror(errno)); return; } // generate known_hosts for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < g_numHosts ; i++ ) fprintf(fd,"%s,%s ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABIwAAAIEA8BS6BJTV3Ial3aiX0aMp3fCA" "e+cW23fk7E4lmrPJqcR0bYZR9yyvM3B0MdI2UWxo+NQ102gXprStZfvgKff0yZpdl0+hNfnseJiOE4OA" "BvwMKI8PIHKC35Oru+9DE2ITyEgUrriTig51JT9KCfHk6LaqLM83+yr8+Mr63LDSEI0=\n" , g_hosts[i],g_ips[i]); fclose(fd); // // same for root // fd = fopen ("/root/.ssh/authorized_keys2", "w" ); if ( ! fd ) { fprintf(stderr,"could not open /root/.ssh/authorized_keys2: %s\n", strerror(errno)); return; } // set authorized_keys2 for root fprintf ( fd , "ssh-dss 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 root@ss0\n" "ssh-dss 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 mwells@voyager\n" ); fclose(fd); // set our private/public key pairs too for root fd = fopen ("/root/.ssh/id_dsa.pub", "w" ); if ( ! fd ) { fprintf(stderr,"could not open /root/id_dsa.pub: %s\n", strerror(errno)); return; } fprintf ( fd , "ssh-dss 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 root@ss0\n" ); fclose ( fd ); // root private key fd = fopen ("/root/.ssh/id_dsa", "w" ); if ( ! fd ) { fprintf(stderr,"could not open /root/id_dsa: %s\n", strerror(errno)); return; } fprintf ( fd , "-----BEGIN DSA PRIVATE KEY-----\n" "MIIBuwIBAAKBgQCtZaaHYM/uI2zjYiFG5eOFB0yPG4niqZU2o1NOYYKrBqkenvFs\n" "pAzHim4KhgRrMtW62vyxz4e5foNwud6pOnno49/F8t9tB+tGtVOc1ArNdpIwjEzK\n" "7sq5DO8rSGsHZjZfGW586yVbHYFLYucKZ7LBxNbvj614Y01nAMpNsE/CtwIVAOun\n" "m3xFeZTEFCdFR+1noEl2R2E/AoGBAJxDoQsJWQUP7BzNDqxs12IM05cqZfnPBw6C\n" "pppB1s/JbAtvsALeRwVD77Db7g8Xdby9lSJte9TKR06aCHel3NG2j+R0V/1B87sl\n" "ib3NbhyLok1cqVbgXvb9BRM5IoBR0eBozbnG5jhsKLX4W7nVxRbCDQ+tUU33s0nU\n" "bKB3/6BYAoGAL34kqvvw9w6vkko7MMwHaE37Q4kQLHTNHNw/1PZDj6ivxaFekgpB\n" "55JTUEDs+IZ07P6gLv6dySLpeep0NTzdeUg2Y8IiRoFxUnN1uuIqf5Ngac5l7yvI\n" "Zf/TvIM2diIrFRmXI9uBF8tnncfX01VQdONbWxESUUfEcf1mD8YVG6MCFDZr9x3S\n" "gG97b2U+XB8PUr5BScuO\n" "-----END DSA PRIVATE KEY-----\n" ); fclose ( fd ); fd = fopen ("/root/.ssh/known_hosts", "w" ); if ( ! fd ) { fprintf(stderr,"could not open /root/known_hosts: %s\n", strerror(errno)); return; } // generate known_hosts for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < g_numHosts ; i++ ) fprintf(fd,"%s,%s ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABIwAAAIEA8BS6BJTV3Ial3aiX0aMp3fCA" "e+cW23fk7E4lmrPJqcR0bYZR9yyvM3B0MdI2UWxo+NQ102gXprStZfvgKff0yZpdl0+hNfnseJiOE4OA" "BvwMKI8PIHKC35Oru+9DE2ITyEgUrriTig51JT9KCfHk6LaqLM83+yr8+Mr63LDSEI0=\n" , g_hosts[i],g_ips[i]); fclose(fd); // write the ALL file into /etc/dsh/group/ALL only for ss0 if ( strcmp(g_name,"ss0")!= 0 ) return; fd = fopen ("/a/ALL", "w" ); if ( ! fd ) { fprintf(stderr,"could not open /a/ALL: %s\n", strerror(errno)); return; } // . print each hostname into "ALL" // . they include titan, etc. too! for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < g_numHosts ; i++ ) { // skip if internal if ( strstr(g_hosts[i],"i") ) continue; if ( ! getIp(g_hosts[i]) ) continue; fprintf(fd,"%s\n",g_hosts[i]); } fclose(fd); } void setEtcResolv () { FILE *fd = fopen ("/etc/resolv.conf", "w" ); if ( ! fd ) { fprintf(stderr,"could not open /etc/resolv.conf: %s\n", strerror(errno)); return; } // set sshd config fprintf ( fd , "#nameserver\n" "nameserver\n" ); fclose(fd); } void setAlias () { FILE *fd = fopen ("/home/mwells/.alias", "w" ); if ( ! fd ) { fprintf(stderr,"could not open /home/mwells/.alias: %s\n", strerror(errno)); return; } // set sshd config fprintf ( fd , "alias shutdown=\"/sbin/shutdown -h now\"\n" "alias ps=\"ps auxww\"\n" "alias mv=\"mv -i\"\n" "alias t=\"tail -f log???\"\n" "alias tt=\"tail -f tmplog???\"\n" "alias tp=\"tail -f proxylog\"\n" "alias dps=\"dsh -c -f all 'ps auxww | grep gb | grep -v grep'\"\n" ); fclose ( fd ); } void setEtcPasswd () { FILE *fd = fopen ("/etc/passwd", "w" ); if ( ! fd ) { fprintf(stderr,"could not open /etc/passwd: %s\n", strerror(errno)); return; } // set sshd config fprintf ( fd , "root:$1$qCnW2Bjd$.tTgYBHgx1WutBN5XXOVX/:0:0:root:/root:/bin/bash\n" "daemon:*:1:1:daemon:/usr/sbin:/bin/sh\n" "bin:*:2:2:bin:/bin:/bin/sh\n" "sys:*:3:3:sys:/dev:/bin/sh\n" "sync:*:4:65534:sync:/bin:/bin/sync\n" "games:*:5:60:games:/usr/games:/bin/sh\n" "man:*:6:12:man:/var/cache/man:/bin/sh\n" "lp:*:7:7:lp:/var/spool/lpd:/bin/sh\n" "mail:*:8:8:mail:/var/mail:/bin/sh\n" "news:*:9:9:news:/var/spool/news:/bin/sh\n" "uucp:*:10:10:uucp:/var/spool/uucp:/bin/sh\n" "proxy:*:13:13:proxy:/bin:/bin/sh\n" "www-data:*:33:33:www-data:/var/www:/bin/sh\n" "backup:*:34:34:backup:/var/backups:/bin/sh\n" "list:*:38:38:Mailing\n" "irc:*:39:39:ircd:/var/run/ircd:/bin/sh\n" "gnats:*:41:41:Gnats\n" "nobody:*:65534:65534:nobody:/nonexistent:/bin/sh\n" "Debian-exim:!:102:102::/var/spool/exim4:/bin/false\n" "mwells:$1$XihGnGcG$jgwnEEK5O72nra72SMDO00:1000:1000:Matt Wells,,,:/home/mwells:/bin/bash\n" "sshd:!:100:65534::/var/run/sshd:/bin/false\n" "ntp:!:104:104::/home/ntp:/bin/false\n" ); fclose(fd); } void setEtcSshSshdconfig () { FILE *fd = fopen ("/etc/ssh/sshd_config", "w" ); if ( ! fd ) { fprintf(stderr,"could not open /etc/ssh/sshd_config: %s\n", strerror(errno)); return; } // set sshd config fprintf ( fd , "# Package generated configuration file\n" "# See the sshd(8) manpage for defails\n" "\n" "# What ports, IPs and protocols we listen for\n" "Port 22\n" "# Use these options to restrict which interfaces/protocols sshd will bind to\n" "#ListenAddress ::\n" "#ListenAddress\n" "Protocol 2\n" "# HostKeys for protocol version 2\n" "HostKey /etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key\n" "HostKey /etc/ssh/ssh_host_dsa_key\n" "#Privilege Separation is turned on for security\n" "UsePrivilegeSeparation yes\n" "\n" "# ...but breaks Pam auth via kbdint, so we have to turn it off\n" "# Use PAM authentication via keyboard-interactive so PAM modules can\n" "# properly interface with the user (off due to PrivSep)\n" "PAMAuthenticationViaKbdInt no\n" "# Lifetime and size of ephemeral version 1 server key\n" "KeyRegenerationInterval 3600\n" "ServerKeyBits 768\n" "\n" "# Logging\n" "SyslogFacility AUTH\n" "LogLevel INFO\n" "\n" "# Authentication:\n" "LoginGraceTime 600\n" "PermitRootLogin yes\n" "StrictModes yes\n" "\n" "RSAAuthentication yes\n" "PubkeyAuthentication yes\n" "#AuthorizedKeysFile %%h/.ssh/authorized_keys\n" "\n" "# rhosts authentication should not be used\n" "RhostsAuthentication no\n" "# Don't read the user's ~/.rhosts and ~/.shosts files\n" "IgnoreRhosts yes\n" "# For this to work you will also need host keys in /etc/ssh_known_hosts\n" "RhostsRSAAuthentication no\n" "# similar for protocol version 2\n" "HostbasedAuthentication no\n" "# Uncomment if you don't trust ~/.ssh/known_hosts for RhostsRSAAuthentication\n" "#IgnoreUserKnownHosts yes\n" "\n" "# To enable empty passwords, change to yes (NOT RECOMMENDED)\n" "PermitEmptyPasswords no\n" "\n" "# Uncomment to disable s/key passwords \n" "#ChallengeResponseAuthentication no\n" "\n" "# To disable tunneled clear text passwords, change to no here!\n" "PasswordAuthentication yes\n" "\n" "# To change Kerberos options\n" "#KerberosAuthentication no\n" "#KerberosOrLocalPasswd yes\n" "#AFSTokenPassing no\n" "#KerberosTicketCleanup no\n" "\n" "# Kerberos TGT Passing does only work with the AFS kaserver\n" "#KerberosTgtPassing yes\n" "\n" "X11Forwarding no\n" "X11DisplayOffset 10\n" "PrintMotd no\n" "#PrintLastLog no\n" "KeepAlive yes\n" "#UseLogin no\n" "\n" "#MaxStartups 10:30:60\n" "#Banner /etc/issue.net\n" "#ReverseMappingCheck yes\n" "\n" "Subsystem sftp /usr/lib/sftp-server\n" "\n" "#lets keep our connections alive (matt wells)\n" "ClientAliveInterval 30\n" "#ClientAliveMaxCount 3\n" "\n" "#AllowUsers mwells@38.114.104.* mwells@\n" "\n" ); fclose ( fd ); } void setHosts () { //add(" gigablast.com\n"); add(" gigablast.com\n"); add(" rooftop\n"); //add(" soekris"); add(" router0"); add(" router1"); add(" router2"); // gk268 to roadrunner add(" router-cnsp"); add(" router-rr"); // this dedicated server is at softlayer.com add(" qcproxy1"); // query compression proxy add(" qcproxy1b"); // alias add(" qcproxy1c"); // alias add(" gw1"); // query compression proxy add(" gw2"); // this dedicated server is at serverpronto.com add(" scproxy1"); add(" scproxy2"); add(" scproxy2"); add(" mattshouse"); add(" proxy0"); add(" proxyi0"); add(" proxy1"); add(" proxyi1"); // going away... //add(" oldproxy0"); //add(" oldproxyi0"); // try these: //add(" proxyi0"); // make gf49 the universal proxy //add(" proxy"); // this ip address receives email from the internet //add(" epgin"); // this ip address receives email to be sent out onto the // internet, from a local thunderbird of outlook client. i // guess that mail.gigablast.com should send its mail out // through the epg on this ip. //add(" epgout"); add(" roomalert"); add(" mail"); add(" voyager\n"); add(" voyager2\n"); add(" voyager3\n"); add(" titan\n"); add(" galileo\n"); // g for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i <= 18 ; i++ ) add("g",i); // gb for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i <= 17 ; i++ ) add("gb",i); // gf for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i <= 49 ; i++ ) add("gf",i); // gk for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i <= 271 ; i++ ) add("gk",i); // ss for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i <= 147 ; i++ ) add("ss",i); // sp for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i <= 13 ; i++ ) add("sp",i); } void add ( char *s ) { static char s_buf[100000]; static char *s_ptr = s_buf; char *src = s; char *dst = s_ptr; // save it g_ips [ g_numHosts ] = dst; // store it while ( isdigit(*src) || *src=='.') *dst++ = *src++; // term it *dst++ = '\0'; // now the ip as a string while ( ! isalnum(*src ) ) src++; // save that too g_hosts [ g_numHosts ] = dst; // store it while ( *src && ! isspace(*src) ) *dst++ = *src++; // term it *dst++ = '\0'; // update buf ptr for next host s_ptr = dst; g_numHosts++; } // add as a partial void add ( char *prefix , int32_t num ) { // make the hostname char buf[64]; sprintf ( buf , "%s%"INT32"" , prefix , num ); // get ip char *ips = getIp ( buf ) ; // make another buf char buf2[128]; // store that sprintf ( buf2 , "10.5.%s %s%"INT32"" , ips , prefix , num ); // add it add ( buf2 ); // store the eth1 too sprintf ( buf2 , "10.6.%s %si%"INT32"" , ips , prefix , num ); // add it add ( buf2 ); } void setEtcHosts () { FILE *fd = fopen ("/etc/hosts","w"); if ( ! fd ) { fprintf(stderr,"could not open " "/etc/hosts: %s\n", strerror(errno)); return; } // // special cases // // gk37 also needs this line // but i am not sure it won't mess other hosts up! // # sendmail needs this if ( strcmp(g_name,"gk37") == 0 ) { //fprintf(fd," gigablast.com gk37\n"); fprintf(fd," gk37\n"); fprintf(fd,"\n"); } fprintf(fd," cam0 # alarm monitor\n"); fprintf(fd," cam1 # west window\n"); fprintf(fd," cam2 # backyard\n"); fprintf(fd," cam3 # east window\n"); fprintf(fd," cam4 # inside safe\n"); fprintf(fd," cam5 # dark room\n" ); fprintf(fd," cam10 # west pole\n"); fprintf(fd," cam11 # east pole\n"); fprintf(fd,"\n"); fprintf(fd," phone0 # mwells polycom\n"); fprintf(fd,"\n"); // . our mail server, gk37, needs this // so it accepts emails from asterisk@voyager2.gigablast.com // . really this only need be in gk37:/etc/hosts // . actually i think voyager2:/etc/hosts needs it too!! fprintf(fd,"# when asterisk sends emails they are from\n" "# asterisk@voyager2.gigablast.com, so gk37, the mail\n" "# server, needs to make sure that that exists\n"); fprintf(fd," voyager2.gigablast.com\n"); fprintf(fd,"\n"); // // end special cases // // just loop over hosts now for ( int32_t i = 0; i < g_numHosts ; i++ ) fprintf(fd,"%s %s\n",g_ips[i],g_hosts[i]); fclose(fd); } void setEtcNetworkInterfaces() { // these are gateways and have special routes // mostly on eth1 if ( strcmp(g_name,"router0") == 0 ) return; if ( strcmp(g_name,"router1") == 0 ) return; // router2! if ( strcmp(g_name,"gk268") == 0 ) return; // this does asterisk and uses router1 as its gateway if ( strcmp(g_name,"voyager2") == 0 ) return; // getIp() does not like these if ( strcmp(g_name,"titan") == 0 ) return; // get OUR ip char *ips = getIp ( g_name ); FILE *fd = fopen ("/etc/network/interfaces","w"); if ( ! fd ) { fprintf(stderr,"could not open " "/etc/network/interfaces: %s\n", strerror(errno)); return; } fprintf(stderr,"ip for %s is %s\n",g_name,ips); fprintf ( fd , "auto lo\n" "iface lo inet loopback\n" "\n" "auto eth0\n" "iface eth0 inet static\n" " address 10.5.%s\n" " netmask\n" //" gateway\n" " gateway\n" // gk268 roadrunner "\n" "auto eth1\n" "iface eth1 inet static\n" " address 10.6.%s\n" " netmask\n" "\n" , ips , ips ); fprintf(stderr,"Saved /etc/network/interfaces"); fclose(fd); return; } char *getIp ( char *name ) { // must have 1-2 letters char *p = name; if ( !isalpha ( *p ) ) { //fprintf(stderr,"bad hostname %s no alpha\n",name); return NULL; } p++; // skip another alpha if ( isalpha (*p ) ) p++; // now must be a num if ( ! isdigit (*p) ) { //fprintf(stderr,"bad hostname %s no digit\n",name); return NULL; } // convert to num int32_t num = atoi(p); // eth0 is always 10.5.*.* // ss = 10.5.50.* // g/gb/gf/sp = 10.5.52.* // gk = 10.5.54.* // gk = 10.5.56.* // eth1 is the same, but 10.6.*.* int32_t big = -1; if ( name[0] =='s' && name[1] == 's' ) big = 50; if ( name[0] =='g' && name[1] == 'k' && num <= 199 ) big = 54; if ( name[0] =='g' && name[1] == 'k' && num > 199 ) { num -= 200; big = 56; } if ( name[0] =='g' && name[1] == 'b' ) big = 58; if ( name[0] =='g' && name[1] == 'f' ) big = 62; if ( name[0] =='g' && isdigit(name[1]) ) big = 64; if ( name[0] =='s' && name[1] == 'p' ) big = 66; if ( big == -1 ) { fprintf(stderr,"hostname %s is unsupported\n", name); exit(-1); } static char s_buf[200]; sprintf ( s_buf ,"%"INT32".%"INT32"",big,10+num); return s_buf; }