#include "Wiki.h" #include "Query.h" #include "Words.h" #include "Titledb.h" #include "Threads.h" static void doneReadingWikiWrapper ( void *state ) ; // the global instance Wiki g_wiki; Wiki::Wiki () { m_callback = NULL; m_state = NULL; m_opened = false; // use a 4 byte key size and 1 byte data size m_ht.set ( 4 , 1,0,NULL,0,false,0 ,"tbl-wiki"); } void Wiki::reset() { m_ht.reset(); } Wiki::~Wiki () { if ( m_opened ) m_f.close(); } // . load from disk // . wikititles.txt (loads wikititles.dat if and date is newer) bool Wiki::load() { // load it from .dat file if exists and is newer char ff1[256]; char ff2[256]; sprintf(ff1, "%swikititles.txt.part2", g_hostdb.m_dir); sprintf(ff2, "%swikititles2.dat", g_hostdb.m_dir); int fd1 = open ( ff1 , O_RDONLY ); if ( fd1 < 0 ) log(LOG_INFO,"wiki: open %s: %s",ff1,mstrerror(errno)); int fd2 = open ( ff2 , O_RDONLY ); if ( fd2 < 0 ) log(LOG_INFO,"wiki: open %s: %s",ff2,mstrerror(errno)); struct stat stats1; struct stat stats2; long errno1 = 0; long errno2 = 0; if ( fstat ( fd1 , &stats1 ) == -1 ) errno1 = errno; if ( fstat ( fd2 , &stats2 ) == -1 ) errno2 = errno; // close all close ( fd1 ); close ( fd2 ); // save text size for getRandomPhrase() function below m_txtSize = stats1.st_size; // just use the .dat if we got it if ( ! errno2 ) { log(LOG_INFO,"wiki: Loading %s",ff2); // "dir" is NULL since already included in ff2 return m_ht.load ( NULL , ff2 ); } // if we got a newer binary version, use that // add in 10 seconds i guess if ( ! errno2 && ! errno1 && stats2.st_mtime +10> stats1.st_mtime ) { log(LOG_INFO,"wiki: Loading %s",ff2); // "dir" is NULL since already included in ff2 return m_ht.load ( NULL , ff2 ); } // if no text file that is bad if ( errno1 ) { g_errno = errno1 ; return log ("gb: could not open %s for reading: %s",ff1, mstrerror(g_errno)); } // get the size of it long size = stats1.st_size; // now we have to load the text file return loadText( size ); } bool Wiki::loadText ( long fileSize ) { log(LOG_INFO,"wiki: generating wikititles2.dat file"); SafeBuf sb; char ff1[256]; sprintf(ff1, "%swikititles.txt.part1", g_hostdb.m_dir); log(LOG_INFO,"wiki: Loading %s",ff1); if ( ! sb.fillFromFile(ff1) ) return false; char ff2[256]; sprintf(ff2, "%swikititles.txt.part2", g_hostdb.m_dir); log(LOG_INFO,"wiki: Loading %s",ff2); if ( ! sb.catFile(ff2) ) return false; //int fd1 = open ( ff1 , O_RDONLY ); // read in whole thing //char *buf = (char *)mmalloc ( size + 1 , "wiki" ); //if ( ! buf ) return false; //long n = read ( fd1 , buf , size ); //close ( fd1 ); //if ( n != size ) { g_errno = EBADENGINEER; return false; } // null terminate //buf[size] = '\0'; sb.pushChar('\0'); // should not have reallocated too much if ( sb.length() + 100 < sb.m_capacity ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; } char *buf = sb.getBufStart(); long size = sb.length() - 1; // scan each line char *p = buf; char *pend = buf + size; char *eol = NULL; for ( ; p < pend ; p = eol + 1 ) { // skip spaces while ( p < pend && is_wspace_a ( *p ) ) p++; // find end of line, "eol" (also treat '(' as \n now) //for(eol = p; eol < pend && *eol !='\n' && *eol!='('; eol++) ; // do not use '(' since too many non-phraes in ()'s (for love) for (eol = p; eol < pend && *eol !='\n' ; eol++) ; // parse into words Words w; if ( ! w.set ( p , // s eol - p , // slen TITLEREC_CURRENT_VERSION , true , // computeIds? MAX_NICENESS ) ) return false; long nw = w.getNumWords(); // skip if it begins with 'the', like 'the uk' because it // is causing uk to get a low score in 'boots in the uk'. // same for all stop words i guess... long start = 0; //if ( nw >= 2 && w.m_wordIds[0] == 3522767639246570644LL && // w.m_wordIds[1] == -943426581783550057LL ) // log("poo"); // hashfast32 = 2117103295 // this was letting "To_bell_the_cat" through as // "bell_the_cat" and messing up "To_be_or_not_to_be" /* for ( ; start < nw ; start++ ) { // skip punct stuff if ( w.getWordId(start) == 0LL ) continue; // skip query stop words // why? messes up "to be or not to be" if ( w.isQueryStopWord(start) ) continue; // ok, we got a good starter word break; } */ // if no words, bail if ( start >= nw ) continue; // remove last words if not alnum if ( nw > 0 && !w.isAlnum(nw-1) ) nw--; // if no words, bail if ( start >= nw ) continue; // skip this line if no words if ( nw <= 0 ) continue; // if begins with upper/lower and ends with lower/upper, skip // don't skip because i still want it for gigabits for // "point-in-time" "real-time" etc. common phrases. //char flag = 0; //if ( w.isCapitalized(start) && ! w.isCapitalized(nw-1) && // // fix "To_be_or_not_to_be" // ! w.isStopWord(nw-1) ) // flag = 1; //if ( ! w.isCapitalized(start) && w.isCapitalized(nw-1) ) // flag = 1; // skip if it has ('s in it char c = *eol; *eol = '\0'; char *pp = NULL; if ( !pp ) pp = strstr ( p,"[" ); if ( !pp && strncasecmp( p,"List of ",8)==0) pp = p; if ( !pp ) pp = strstr ( p,"," ); // show it for debug //if ( ! pp ) printf("%s\n",p); *eol = c; if ( pp ) continue; // get these long long *wids = w.getWordIds(); // reset hash uint32_t h = 0; // count the words in the phrase long count = 0; // hash the word ids together for ( long i = start ; i < nw ; i++ ) { // skip if not a proper word if ( ! w.isAlnum(i) ) continue; // add into hash quickly h = hash32Fast ( wids[i] & 0xffffffff , h ); // count them count++; } // skip if too big if ( count > 250 ) continue; // store into hash table // make negative i guess to indicate it is not // the best title form //if ( flag ) count = count * -1; if ( ! m_ht.addKey ( &h , &count ) ) return false; } /* // reset for 2nd scan p = buf; // // // scan a second time and allow the mixed case guys like "Lock_pick" // if Lockpick exists and is a word // // for ( ; p < pend ; p = eol + 1 ) { // skip spaces while ( p < pend && is_wspace_a ( *p ) ) p++; // find end of line, "eol" (also treat '(' as \n now) //for(eol = p; eol < pend && *eol !='\n' && *eol!='('; eol++) ; // do not use '(' since too many non-phraes in ()'s (for love) for (eol = p; eol < pend && *eol !='\n' ; eol++) ; // parse into words Words w; if ( ! w.set ( p , // s eol - p , // slen TITLEREC_CURRENT_VERSION , true , // computeIds? MAX_NICENESS ) ) return false; long nw = w.getNumWords(); // skip if it begins with 'the', like 'the uk' because it // is causing uk to get a low score in 'boots in the uk'. // same for all stop words i guess... long start = 0; //if ( nw >= 2 && w.m_wordIds[0] == 3522767639246570644LL && // w.m_wordIds[1] == -943426581783550057LL ) // log("poo"); // hashfast32 = 2117103295 for ( ; start < nw ; start++ ) { // skip punct stuff if ( w.getWordId(start) == 0LL ) continue; // skip query stop words if ( w.isQueryStopWord(start) ) continue; // ok, we got a good starter word break; } // if no words, bail if ( start >= nw ) continue; // need something like "Lock_pick" if ( nw != 3 ) continue; // remove last words if not alnum if ( nw > 0 && !w.isAlnum(nw-1) ) nw--; // if no words, bail if ( start >= nw ) continue; // skip this line if no words if ( nw <= 0 ) continue; // if not mixed, skip for 2nd scan if ( w.isCapitalized(start) && w.isCapitalized(nw-1) ) continue; if ( ! w.isCapitalized(start) && ! w.isCapitalized(nw-1)) continue; char **wptrs = w.getWords(); long *wlens = w.getWordLens(); uint64_t h64 = 0; long conti = 0; long count = 0; // hash the word ids together for ( long i = start ; i < nw ; i++ ) { // skip if not a proper word if ( ! w.isAlnum(i) ) continue; // no digits starting "08-Hillary" "08Hillary" if ( i == start && !w.isAlpha(i) ) continue; // add into hash quickly h64 = hash64Lower_utf8_cont(wptrs[i], wlens[i], h64, &conti ); count++; } // 2 words if ( count != 2 ) continue; // skip if too big if ( count > 250 ) continue; // conert uint32_t h32 = h64 & 0xffffffff; // the compound form must be in the table from the first scan, // if not, skip it if ( ! m_ht.isInTable ( &h32 ) ) continue; uint32_t hf32 = 0; count = 0; long long *wids = w.getWordIds(); // hash the word ids together to make a new hash that takes the // space into account. for ( long i = start ; i < nw ; i++ ) { // skip if not a proper word if ( ! w.isAlnum(i) ) continue; // add into hash quickly hf32 = hash32Fast ( wids[i] & 0xffffffff , hf32 ); // count them count++; } // ok, store it if ( ! m_ht.addKey ( &hf32 , &count ) ) return false; // for debug //char c = *eol; // *eol = '\0'; //log("wiki: %s",wptrs[0]); // *eol = c; } */ // do not save if we can't if ( g_conf.m_readOnlyMode ) return true; // now save this hash table for quicker loading next time //char ff2[256]; //sprintf(ff2, "%s/wikititles2.dat", g_hostdb.m_dir); if ( ! m_ht.save ( g_hostdb.m_dir , "wikititles2.dat" ) ) return false; log(LOG_INFO,"wiki: done generating wikititles2.dat file"); // success return true; } // if a phrase in a query is in a wikipedia title, then increase // its affWeights beyond the normal 1.0 long Wiki::getNumWordsInWikiPhrase ( long i , Words *w ) { long long *wids = w->m_wordIds; if ( ! wids[i] ) return 0; long nw = w->m_numWords; char **wptrs = w->getWords(); long *wlens = w->getWordLens(); // how many in the phrase long max = -1; long maxCount = 0; // accumulate a hash of the word ids //long long h = 0LL; uint32_t h = 0; long wcount = 0; // otherwise, increase affinity high for included words for ( long j = i ; j < nw && j < i + 12 ; j++ ) { // count all words wcount++; // skip if not alnum if ( ! wids[j] ) continue; // add to hash //h = hash64 ( wids[j] , h ); // add into hash quickly h = hash32Fast ( wids[j] & 0xffffffff , h ); // skip single words, we only want to check phrases if ( j == i ) continue; // look in table char *vp = (char *)m_ht.getValue ( &h ); // skip if nothing if ( ! vp ) { // try combining. FIX FOR "Lock_pick". we want that to // be a wikipedia phrase, but it's not recorded because // its case is mixed. if ( j != i + 2 ) continue; // fix for "Make a" being a phrase because "Makea" // is in the wikipedia. fix for // 'how to make a lock pick set' if ( wlens[i+2] <= 2 ) continue; // special hash uint64_t h64 = 0; long conti = 0; // add into hash quickly h64 = hash64Lower_utf8_cont(wptrs[i], wlens[i], h64, &conti ); h64 = hash64Lower_utf8_cont(wptrs[i+2], wlens[i+2], h64, &conti ); // try looking that up uint32_t hf32 = h64 & 0xffffffff; vp = (char *)m_ht.getValue(&hf32); } if ( ! vp ) continue; // we got a match max = j; maxCount = wcount; } // return now if we got one if ( maxCount > 0 ) return maxCount; // otherwise, try combining so "lock pick" is a wikipedia phrase because // "lockpick" is a wikipedia title. return maxCount; } /* // if a phrase in a query is in a wikipedia title, then increase // its affWeights beyond the normal 1.0 bool Wiki::setPhraseAffinityWeights ( Query *q , float *affWeights , bool *oneTitle ) { // reset all terms wiki affinities to 1.0 for ( long i = 0 ; i < q->m_numTerms ; i++ ) q->m_qterms[i].m_wikiAff = 1.0; long loopCount = 0; long lasti; // loop over query words QueryWord *qw = q->m_qwords; long nw = q->m_numWords; for ( long i = 0 ; i < nw ; i++ ) { // skip if not alnum if ( qw[i].m_rawWordId == 0LL ) continue; // loop count loopCount++; // no longer one title? if ( loopCount > 1 && oneTitle && i >lasti ) *oneTitle = false; // count it long count = 0; // how many in the phrase long max = -1; // accumulate a hash of the word ids long long h = 0LL; // otherwise, increase affinity high for included words for ( long j = i ; j < nw && count < 12 ; j++ ) { // skip if not alnum if ( qw[j].m_rawWordId == 0LL ) continue; // add to hash h = hash64 ( qw[j].m_rawWordId , h ); // count it count++; // skip single words, we only want to check phrases if ( count == 1 ) continue; // look in table char *vp = (char *)m_ht.getValue ( &h ); // skip if nothing if ( ! vp ) continue; // we got a match max = j; } // set all up to max to affinity of 10.0 for ( long j = i ; j <= max ; j++ ) { // skip if not alnum if ( qw[j].m_rawWordId == 0LL ) continue; // get term QueryTerm *qtp = qw[j].m_queryPhraseTerm; QueryTerm *qtw = qw[j].m_queryWordTerm; // store affinity, say 10x normal and 1/10th normal if ( qtp ) qtp->m_wikiAff = 1.00; if ( qtw ) qtw->m_wikiAff = 0.05; } // if that was our firstTime and max is maxed, we got a // single wikipedia title if ( loopCount == 1 && oneTitle ) { *oneTitle = true; lasti = i + max; } } // store into array for ( long i = 0 ; i < q->m_numTerms ; i++ ) affWeights[i] = q->m_qterms[i].m_wikiAff; return true; } */ // . we hit google with random queries to see what blog sites and // news sites they have // . returns false if blocks, true otherwise // . returns true and sets g_errno on error bool Wiki::getRandomPhrase ( void *state , void (*callback)(void *state)) { // sanity check if ( this != &g_wiki ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; } // this will be set on error m_errno = 0; // just get it from the file... long r = rand() % m_txtSize; // read in 5k r -= 5000; // prevent negatives if ( r < 0 ) r = 0; // open it if ( ! m_opened ) { // return NULL on error, g_errno should be set if ( ! m_f.set ( g_hostdb.m_dir , "wikititles.txt" ) ) return true; if ( ! m_f.open ( O_NONBLOCK , // flags NULL , // pc -1 , // maxFileSize 0 ))// permissions return true; m_opened = true; } // someone is already outstanding! if ( m_callback ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; } // save it m_state = state; m_callback = callback; // . read it from there // . returns false if blocked if ( ! m_f.read (m_buf,5000,r,&m_fs,NULL,doneReadingWikiWrapper ) ) return false; // . ok it did not block // . this will set Wiki::m_randPhrase[] doneReadingWiki ( ); // no need to call callback, we did not block return true; } void doneReadingWikiWrapper ( void *state ) { // set m_randPhrase[] buf g_wiki.doneReadingWiki ( ); // call callback g_wiki.m_callback ( g_wiki.m_state ); // NULLify it to "free it up" g_wiki.m_state = NULL; g_wiki.m_callback = NULL; } void Wiki::doneReadingWiki ( ) { // error? if ( g_errno ) { m_errno = g_errno; log("wiki: had error getting rand phrase: %s", mstrerror(g_errno)); return; } // find first \n in buf char *p = m_buf; char *pend = m_buf + 5000; while ( p < pend && *p != '\n' ) p++; // skip that '\n' p++; // strange!! if ( p >= pend ) { m_errno = EBADENGINEER; log("wiki: bad random read."); return; } // // parse like in Wiki::load() now // char *eol = NULL; for ( ; p < pend ; p = eol + 1 ) { // skip spaces while ( p < pend && is_wspace_a ( *p ) ) p++; // find end of line, "eol" (also treat '(' as \n now) //for(eol = p; eol < pend && *eol !='\n' && *eol!='('; eol++) ; for ( eol = p; eol < pend && *eol !='\n' ; eol++) ; // parse into words Words w; if ( ! w.set ( p , // s eol - p , // slen TITLEREC_CURRENT_VERSION , true , // computeIds? MAX_NICENESS ) ) { m_errno = g_errno; return; } long nw = w.getNumWords(); // remove last words if not alnum if ( nw > 0 && !w.isAlnum(nw-1) ) nw--; // skip this line if no words if ( nw <= 0 ) continue; // if begins with upper/lower and ends with lower/upper, skip if ( w.isCapitalized(0) && ! w.isCapitalized(nw-1) ) continue; if ( ! w.isCapitalized(0) && w.isCapitalized(nw-1) ) continue; // skip if it has ('s in it char c = *eol; *eol = '\0'; char *pp = NULL; if ( !pp ) pp = strstr ( p,"(" ); if ( !pp ) pp = strstr ( p,"[" ); if ( !pp && strncasecmp( p,"List of ",8)==0) pp = p; if ( !pp ) pp = strstr ( p,"," ); *eol = c; if ( pp ) continue; // // BUT here we skip if too long! // we don't want to send insanely long queries to goog/yhoo // long size = w.getWord(nw-1) - w.getWord(0); size += w.getWordLen(nw-1); if ( size >= 128 ) continue; // get ptr to it char *wptr = w.getWord ( 0 ); // copy that memcpy ( m_randPhrase , wptr , size ); // NULL terminate m_randPhrase[size] = '\0'; // all done return; } }