// Matt Wells, Copyright Nov 2000 // . every host (aka server) has a unique positive 32 bit hostId // . to get the groupId of a hostId we must reverse the bits and then // AND the result with g_hostdb.m_groupMask // . host record is about 32 bytes // . we keep a list of all hosts in the conf file // . this new model is much easier to work with // . format of hosts in the xml conf file // . 1234 #ifndef _HOSTDB_H_ #define _HOSTDB_H_ #include // ioctl() - get our ip address from a socket #include // for struct ifreq passed to ioctl() //#include "../../rsa/rsa.h" // public_key private_key vlong (seals) //#include "Conf.h" // for getting m_groupId/m_groupMask #include "Xml.h" // host file in xml // the default mattster udp port (also re-defined in conf/Conf.cpp) TODO: unify //#define DEFAULTPORT 55 // the default high priority udp port (these requests are handled first) //#define DEFAULTPORT2 56 // what ping time constitutes a dead host (in milliseconds)? //#define DEAD_HOST_PING 5500 // when renaming over 100 titledb files on ide drive it seems to take // more than 10 seconds some times, i think just when the neighboring ide // drive is also busy reading/writing. let's try 16.5 seconds. // But now we use threaded renames and unlinks so put back down to 7500 // I get too many false positives when at 9500 for some reason... i think // when we get hit with a query bomb... so go from 9500 to 16500 // This is now g_conf.m_deadHostTimeout and configurable. //#define DEAD_HOST_PING 16500 enum { ME_IOERR = 1, ME_100MBPS, ME_UNKNWN }; // for the Host::m_flags #define PFLAG_HASSPIDERS 0x01 #define PFLAG_MERGING 0x02 #define PFLAG_DUMPING 0x04 // these two flags are used by DailyMerge.cpp to sync the daily merge // between all the hosts in the cluster #define PFLAG_MERGEMODE0 0x08 #define PFLAG_MERGEMODE0OR6 0x10 #define PFLAG_REBALANCING 0x20 #define PFLAG_FOREIGNRECS 0x40 #define PFLAG_RECOVERYMODE 0x80 // added slow disk reads to it, 4 bytes (was 52) #define MAX_PING_SIZE (44+4+4) #define HT_GRUNT 0x01 #define HT_SPARE 0x02 #define HT_PROXY 0x04 #define HT_QCPROXY 0x08 #define HT_SCPROXY 0x10 #define HT_ALL_PROXIES (HT_PROXY|HT_QCPROXY|HT_SCPROXY) long *getLocalIps ( ) ; class EventStats { public: long m_expired; long m_active; // these are all active long m_experimental; long m_resultSet1; long m_resultSetOther; long m_facebook; long m_badGeocoder; void clear ( ) { memset ( this , 0 , sizeof(EventStats) ); }; }; class Host { public: //bool isDead ( ) { return m_hostdb->m_isDead (); }; long m_hostId ; //unsigned long m_groupId ; // shards and groups are basically the same, but let's keep it simple. // since we use m_map in Hostdb.cpp to map the bits of a key to // the shard # now (not a groupId anymore, since groupId does not // work for non binary powers of shards) unsigned long m_shardNum; //long m_groupNum; // char m_pubKey[20]; // 128bit(16 byte) and a short/long unsigned long m_ip ; // used for internal communcation (udp) // what stripe are we in? i.e. what twin number are we? long m_stripe; // . these are used for talking w/ a particular host from the outside // . usually m_extHttpPort = m_httpPort, but if you are going through // a router it can do portmapping. It might portmap 80 to 8000 so // you should use 80 here then. //unsigned long m_externalIp; // used for web-based GUI, to the world // this ip is now the shotgun ip. the problem with an "external" ip // is that people internal to the network cannot usually see it!! // so now this is just a secondary regular ip address for servers with // dual gigabit ethernet ports. make performance much better. unsigned long m_ipShotgun; unsigned short m_externalHttpPort; unsigned short m_externalHttpsPort; // his checksum of his hosts.conf so we can ensure we have the // same hosts.conf file! 0 means not legit. long m_hostsConfCRC; // used by Process.cpp to do midnight stat dumps and emails EventStats m_eventStats; // time_t m_lastComm ; // time of last communication // time_t m_lastAttempt ; // time of last attempted communication // long m_bandwidth; // bytes per second // long long m_bytesRecvdFrom; // why do we need this? // long long m_bytesSentTo; // why do we need this? unsigned short m_port ; // Mattster Protocol (MP) UDP port //unsigned short m_portShotgun; // for shotgunning //unsigned short m_port2; // the high priority port unsigned short m_httpPort ; // http port unsigned short m_httpsPort; //long m_pingAvg ; // in ms //long m_pingStdDev; // in ms //long m_pings[4]; // our window of the last 4 pings long m_ping; long m_pingShotgun; long m_pingMax; // have we ever got a ping reply from him? char m_gotPingReply; double m_loadAvg; float m_percentMemUsed; // the first time we went OOM (out of mem, i.e. >= 99% mem used) long long m_firstOOMTime; // cpu usage float m_cpuUsage; float m_diskUsage; long m_slowDiskReads; // doc count long m_docsIndexed; long m_urlsIndexed; long m_eventsIndexed; // did gb log system errors that were given in g_conf.m_errstr ? char m_kernelErrors; bool m_kernelErrorReported; long m_flags; // used be SEO pipeline in xmldoc.cpp long m_numOutstandingRequests; // used by DailyMerge.cpp exclusively collnum_t m_dailyMergeCollnum; // last time g_hostdb.ping(i) was called for this host in milliseconds. long long m_lastPing; // . first time we sent an unanswered ping request to this host // . used so we can determine when to send an email alert long long m_startTime; // is a ping in progress for this host? char m_inProgress1; // shotgun char m_inProgress2; long long m_numPingReplies; // send to eth 0 or 1 when sending to this host? char m_preferEth; // machine #, a machine can have several hosts on it long m_machineNum; // . this is used for sending email alerts to admin about dead hosts // . 0 means we can send an email for this host if he goes dead on us // . +1 means we already sent an email for him since he was down and // he hasn't come back up since // . -1 means he went down gracefully so no alert is needed // . -2 means he went down while g_conf.m_sendEmailAlert was false // . -3 means another host was responsible for sending to him, not us // . -4 means we are currently in progress sending an email for him // . -5 means he went down before host we alerted admin about revived long m_emailCode; // . ide channel // . Msg34 will add disk load from other gigablast process that are // using your channel and your ip long m_ideChannel; //long m_tokenGroupNum; // 0 means no, 1 means yes, 2 means unknown char m_syncStatus; // we now include the working dir in the hosts.conf file // so main.cpp can do gb --install and gb --allstart char m_dir [ 128 ]; char m_hostname[16]; // the secondary ethernet interface hostname char m_hostname2[16]; // client port unsigned short m_dnsClientPort; // . what set the host is in // . its redundant twins are always in different sets //long m_group; // was host in gk0 cluster and retired because its twin got // ssds, so it was no longer really needed. bool m_retired; // used for logging when a host goes dead for the first time bool m_wasAlive; bool m_wasEverAlive; long long m_timeOfDeath; // this toggles between 0 and 1 for alternating packet sends to // eth0 and eth1 of this host char m_shotgunBit; // how many ETRYAGAINs we received as replies from this host long m_etryagains; // how many resends total we had to do to this host long m_totalResends; // how many total error replies we got from this host long m_errorReplies; // now include a note for every host char m_note[128]; char m_doingSync; char m_switchId; char m_onProperSwitch; bool m_isProxy; // used for compressing spidered docs before sending back to local // network to save on local loop bandwidth costs char m_type; bool isProxy() { return (m_type == HT_PROXY); }; bool isGrunt() { return (m_type == HT_GRUNT); }; // for m_type == HT_QCPROXY, we forward the query to the regular proxy // at this Ip:Port. we should receive a compressed 0xfd reply and // we uncompress it and return it to the browser. long m_forwardIp; short m_forwardPort; long long m_dgramsTo; long long m_dgramsFrom; char m_repairMode; // for timing how long the msg39 takes from this host long m_splitsDone; long long m_splitTimes; // . the hostdb to which this host belongs! // . getHost(ip,port) will return a Host ptr from either // g_hostdb or g_hostdb2, so UdpServer.cpp needs to know which it // is from when making the UdpSlot key. class Hostdb *m_hostdb; // . temps in celsius of the hard drives // . set in Process.cpp short m_hdtemps[4]; // Syncdb.cpp uses these char m_inSync ; char m_isPermanentOutOfSync ; //char *m_lastKnownGoodCrawlInfoReply; //char *m_lastKnownGoodCrawlInfoReplyEnd; //long m_replyAllocSize; // . used by Parms.cpp for broadcasting parm change requests // . each parm change request has an id // . this let's us know which id is in progress and what the last // id completed was long m_currentParmIdInProgress; long m_lastParmIdCompleted; class ParmNode *m_currentNodePtr; long m_lastTryError; long m_lastTryTime; char m_requestBuf[MAX_PING_SIZE]; }; #define MAX_HOSTS 512 #define MAX_SPARES 64 #define MAX_PROXIES 6 // . this is used by Bandwidth.h and Msg21.cpp // . it should really be about the same as MAX_HOSTS if we have one host // per machine #define MAX_MACHINES 256 // for table for mapping key to a groupid #define MAX_KSLOTS 8192 class Hostdb { public: // . set up our Hostdb // . sets itself from g_conf (our configuration class) // . returns false on fatal error // . gets filename from Conf.h class bool init ( long hostId , char *netname = NULL, bool proxyHost = false , char useTempCluster = 0 , char *cwd = NULL ); // for dealing with pings bool registerHandler ( ); // if config changes this *should* change long getCRC(); // . to prevent script kiddies from sending bogus udp packets to // our udp servers we make sure they are from an IP in our hosts.conf // file. If not, then we drop it. If the script kiddie spoofed us // then we just have to deal with malformed packets in the handlers. // . this just hashes each ip into m_ipHashes at startup and checks // for the ip in there //bool isIpInNetwork ( long ip ); // . add ips from all hosts to our validation table so isIpInNetwork() // returns true for them // . this will add the dns ips from the Conf file //bool validateIps ( class Conf *conf ) ; char *getNetName ( ); Hostdb(); ~Hostdb(); void reset(); unsigned long getMyIp ( ) { return m_myIp; }; unsigned short getMyPort ( ) { return m_myPort; }; //unsigned short getMyPort2 ( ) { return m_myPort2; }; long getMyHostId ( ) { return m_hostId; }; long getMyMachineNum ( ) { return m_myMachineNum; }; unsigned long getLoopbackIp ( ) { return m_loopbackIp; }; Host *getMyHost ( ) { return m_myHost; }; bool amProxy ( ) { return m_myHost->isProxy(); }; Host *getMyShard ( ) { return m_myShard; }; long getMyShardNum ( ) { return m_myHost->m_shardNum; }; bool isMyIp ( unsigned long ip ) { if ( ip == m_myIp ) return true; if ( ip == m_myIpShotgun ) return true; if ( ip == 0x0100007f ) return true; return false; }; // . one machine may have several hosts // . get the machine # the hostId resides on long getMachineNum ( long hostId ) { return getHost(hostId)->m_machineNum; }; long getNumMachines ( ) { return m_numMachines; }; // . some utility routines // . hostIds go from 0 to N-1 where N is # of particiapting hosts // . groupIds have hi bits set first & depend on # of groups // . groupMask is just the highest groupId //long makeHostId ( unsigned long groupId ) ; //unsigned long makeGroupId ( long hostId , long numGroups ); //unsigned long makeGroupMask ( long numGroups ) ; // uses a table //long makeHostIdFast ( unsigned long groupId ) ; // we consider the host dead if we didn't get a ping reply back // after 10 seconds bool isDead ( long hostId ) ; bool isDead ( Host *h ) ; long getAliveIp ( Host *h ) ; bool hasDeadHost ( ); bool kernelErrors (Host *h) { return h->m_kernelErrors; }; long long getNumGlobalRecs ( ); long long getNumGlobalEvents ( ); //Host *getLiveHostInGroup ( long groupId ); Host *getLiveHostInShard ( long shardNum ); // in the entire cluster. return host #0 if its alive, otherwise // host #1, etc. Host *getFirstAliveHost (); // . returns false if blocks and will call your callback later // . returns true if doesn't block // . sets errno on error // . used to get array of hosts in 1 group usually for transmitting to // . returned group includes all hosts in host "hostId"'s group // . RdbList will be populated with the hosts in that group // . we do not create an RdbList, you must do that // . callback passes your RdbList back to you //Host *getGroup ( unsigned long groupId , long *numHosts = NULL ); Host *getShard ( unsigned long shardNum , long *numHosts = NULL ) { if ( numHosts ) *numHosts = m_numHostsPerShard; return &m_hosts[shardNum * m_numHostsPerShard]; }; //Host *getGroupFromGroupId ( unsigned long gid ) { // return getGroup ( gid ); //}; //Host *getGroupFromGroupNum ( long groupNum ) { // // the array of Hosts that this points into is sorted // // by groupId first, so we should be ok // return m_groups[groupNum]; //}; // the row # //long getStripe ( unsigned long groupId ) { // Host *h = getGroup ( groupId ); // if ( ! h ) return -1; // return h->m_stripe;//groupNum; //}; // the column # //long getGroupNum ( unsigned long groupId ) { // Host *h = getGroup ( groupId ); // if ( ! h ) return -1; // return h->m_group; //}; // quickly get the lowest hostid in group "groupId" //Host *getHostIdFast ( unsigned long groupId ); // hosts in a token group share a token that is required for // performing merges (big read/writes on disk) //Host **getTokenGroup ( unsigned long hostId , long *numHosts = NULL); // this is used to set the Host::m_tokenGroupNum members //long getTokenGroupNum ( Host *ha ) ; // . map a group num to a groupId // . used by titledb.h to find groupId for a docId //unsigned long getGroupId_old ( long groupNum ) { // return m_hostPtrs[groupNum]->m_groupId_old; } //unsigned long getGroupIdFromHostId ( long hostId ) { // return m_hostPtrs[hostId]->m_groupId; }; // get the host in this group with the smallest avg roundtrip time //Host *getFastestHostInGroup ( unsigned long groupId ); // get the host that has this path/ip Host *getHost2 ( char *cwd , long *localIps ) ; Host *getProxy2 ( char *cwd , long *localIps ) ; // . like above but just gets one host // Host *getHost ( long hostId ) { return m_groups[hostId]; }; Host *getHost ( long hostId ) { if ( hostId < 0 ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; } return m_hostPtrs[hostId]; }; Host *getSpare ( long spareId ) { return m_spareHosts[spareId]; }; Host *getProxy ( long proxyId ) { return m_proxyHosts[proxyId]; }; long getNumHosts ( ) { return m_numHosts; }; long getNumProxy ( ) { return m_numProxyHosts; }; long getNumProxies ( ) { return m_numProxyHosts; }; long getNumGrunts ( ) { return m_numHosts; }; // how many of the hosts are non-dead? long getNumHostsAlive ( ) { return m_numHostsAlive; }; long getNumProxyAlive ( ) { return m_numProxyAlive; }; //long getNumGroups () { return m_numGroups; }; long getNumShards () { return m_numShards; }; long getNumIndexSplits() { return m_indexSplits; }; // how many hosts in this group? //long getNumHostsPerShard ( ) { return m_numHostsPerShard; }; long getNumHostsPerShard ( ) { return m_numHostsPerShard; }; // goes with Host::m_stripe long getNumStripes ( ) { return m_numHostsPerShard; }; // . get a host entry from ip/port // . returns NULL if no match //Host *getHost ( unsigned long ip , unsigned short port ); //Host *getProxy ( unsigned long ip , unsigned short port ); // from http/https ports //Host *getHostFromTcpPort ( unsigned long ip , unsigned short port ); //Host *getProxyFromTcpPort ( unsigned long ip , unsigned short port ); // . get the Host sharing m_hosts[n]'s ip and ide channel // . used by Msg34.cpp to compute load on the channel // . TODO: speed this up when we get a *lot* of hosts // . right now it just does a linear scan //Host *getSharer ( Host *h ) ; // . add ip to allowed packets table, if we receive a udp packet // from an ip not in this list, we discard it // . returns true on success bool addIp ( long ip ) ; // . hostId of -1 means unknown //void getTimes ( long hostId , long *avg , long *stdDev ); // . update ping time info of this host // . uses a 10-ping running average // . "tripTime" is in milliseconds // . hostId of -1 means unknown (will just return true) //void stampHost ( long hostId , long tripTime , bool timedOut ); // hash the hosts into the hash tables for lookup bool hashHosts(); bool hashHost ( bool udp , Host *h , uint32_t ip , uint16_t port ) ; long getHostId ( uint32_t ip , uint16_t port ) ; Host *getHostByIp ( uint32_t ip ) ; Host *getHost ( uint32_t ip , uint16_t port ) ; Host *getUdpHost ( uint32_t ip , uint16_t port ) ; Host *getTcpHost ( uint32_t ip , uint16_t port ) ; bool isIpInNetwork ( uint32_t ip ) ; Host *getHostFromTable ( bool udp , uint32_t ip , uint16_t port ) ; // sets the note for a host bool setNote ( long hostId, char *note, long noteLen ); bool setSpareNote ( long spareId, char *note, long noteLen ); // replace a host with a spare bool replaceHost ( long origHostId, long spareHostId ); void setOnProperSwitchFlags ( ) ; // write a hosts.conf file bool saveHostsConf ( ); // sync a host with its twin bool syncHost ( long syncHostId, bool useSecondaryIps ); void syncStart_r ( bool amThread ); void syncDone ( ); long getBestIp ( Host *h , long fromIp ) ; Host *getBestSpiderCompressionProxy ( long *key ) ; // only used by 'gb scale ' cmd for now void resetPortTables (); // returns best IP to use for "h" which is a host in hosts2.conf long getBestHosts2IP ( Host *h ); // our host's info used by Udp* classes for internal communication unsigned long m_myIp; unsigned long m_myIpShotgun; unsigned short m_myPort; //unsigned short m_myPort2; long m_myMachineNum; Host *m_myHost; Host *m_myShard; // the loopback ip ( unsigned long m_loopbackIp; // . the hosts are stored from g_conf in xml to here // . m_hosts[i] is the ith Host entry Host *m_hosts; long m_numHosts; long m_numHostsAlive; long m_allocSize; // . this maps a hostId to the appropriate host! // . we can't use m_hosts[i] because we sort it by groupId for getGroup Host *m_hostPtrs[MAX_HOSTS]; // . m_hostIdToTokenGroupNum maps a host id to a "tgn" // . m_hostPtrs2 [ tgn ] is the list of Host ptrs in that host's // merge token group and the size of the group is m_groupSize [ tgn ] // . used by getTokenGroup() which is used by Msg35.cpp //Host *m_hostPtrs2 [ MAX_HOSTS ] ; //long m_hostIdToTokenGroupNum [ MAX_HOSTS ] ; //long m_groupSize [ MAX_HOSTS ]; // we must have the same number of hosts in each group long m_numHostsPerShard; // store the file in m_buf char m_buf [MAX_HOSTS * 128]; long m_bufSize; // this maps shard # to the array of hosts in that shard Host *m_shards[MAX_HOSTS]; long m_numMachines; // the hash table of the ips in hosts.conf long *m_ips; long m_numIps; // does a host share an ide channel with another host? //bool m_ideSharing; // . our group info long m_hostId; // our hostId long m_numShards; //unsigned long m_groupId; // hi bits are set before low bits //unsigned long m_groupMask; // hi bits are set before low bits char m_dir[256]; char m_httpRootDir[256]; char m_logFilename[256]; long m_indexSplits; char m_netName[32]; // spare hosts list Host *m_spareHosts[MAX_SPARES]; long m_numSpareHosts; // proxy host list Host *m_proxyHosts[MAX_PROXIES]; long m_numProxyHosts; long m_numProxyAlive; long m_numTotalHosts; bool m_initialized; bool createHostsConf( char *cwd ); bool m_created; long m_crc; long m_crcValid; // for sync Host *m_syncHost; bool m_syncSecondaryIps; char m_useTmpCluster; //uint32_t getGroupId (char rdbId, void *key, bool split = true); //uint32_t getGroupIdFromDocId ( long long d ) ; uint32_t getShardNum (char rdbId, void *key ); uint32_t getShardNumFromDocId ( long long d ) ; // assume to be for posdb here uint32_t getShardNumByTermId ( void *key ); uint32_t m_map[MAX_KSLOTS]; }; extern class Hostdb g_hostdb; extern class Hostdb g_hostdb2; extern Host *g_listHosts [ MAX_HOSTS * 4 ]; extern uint32_t g_listIps [ MAX_HOSTS * 4 ]; extern uint16_t g_listPorts [ MAX_HOSTS * 4 ]; extern long g_listNumTotal; inline uint32_t getShardNum ( char rdbId, void *key ) { return g_hostdb.getShardNum ( rdbId , key ); }; inline uint32_t getMyShardNum ( ) { return g_hostdb.m_myHost->m_shardNum; }; inline uint32_t getShardNumFromDocId ( long long d ) { return g_hostdb.getShardNumFromDocId ( d ); }; long getShardNumFromTermId ( long long termId ); //inline uint32_t getGroupId ( char rdbId, void *key,bool split = true) { // return g_hostdb.getGroupId ( rdbId , key , split ); //}; //inline uint32_t getGroupIdFromDocId ( long long d ) { // return g_hostdb.getGroupIdFromDocId ( d ); //}; #endif