#include "gb-include.h" #include "TcpSocket.h" #include "HttpServer.h" #include "Pages.h" #include "Indexdb.h" #include "sort.h" #include "Users.h" static int pingSort1 ( const void *i1, const void *i2 ); static int pingSort2 ( const void *i1, const void *i2 ); static int pingAgeSort ( const void *i1, const void *i2 ); static int pingMaxSort ( const void *i1, const void *i2 ); static int slowDiskSort ( const void *i1, const void *i2 ); static int splitTimeSort ( const void *i1, const void *i2 ); static int flagSort ( const void *i1, const void *i2 ); static int resendsSort ( const void *i1, const void *i2 ); static int errorsSort ( const void *i1, const void *i2 ); static int tryagainSort ( const void *i1, const void *i2 ); static int dgramsToSort ( const void *i1, const void *i2 ); static int dgramsFromSort ( const void *i1, const void *i2 ); //static int loadAvgSort ( const void *i1, const void *i2 ); static int memUsedSort ( const void *i1, const void *i2 ); static int cpuUsageSort ( const void *i1, const void *i2 ); long generatePingMsg( Host *h, long long nowms, char *buffer ); // . returns false if blocked, true otherwise // . sets errno on error // . make a web page displaying the config of this host // . call g_httpServer.sendDynamicPage() to send it bool sendPageHosts ( TcpSocket *s , HttpRequest *r ) { // don't allow pages bigger than 128k in cache char buf [ 64*1024 ]; //char *p = buf; //char *pend = buf + 64*1024; SafeBuf sb(buf, 64*1024); // check for a sort request long sort = r->getLong ( "sort", -1 ); // sort by ping times by default now, we are usually always doing that if ( sort == -1 ) sort = 1; char *coll = r->getString ( "c" ); //char *pwd = r->getString ( "pwd" ); // check for setnote command long setnote = r->getLong("setnote", 0); long setsparenote = r->getLong("setsparenote", 0); // check for replace host command long replaceHost = r->getLong("replacehost", 0); // check for sync host command long syncHost = r->getLong("synchost", 0); // set note... if ( setnote == 1 ) { // get the host id to change long host = r->getLong("host", -1); if ( host == -1 ) goto skipReplaceHost; // get the note to set long noteLen; char *note = r->getString("note", ¬eLen, "", 0); // set the note g_hostdb.setNote(host, note, noteLen); } // set spare note... if ( setsparenote == 1 ) { // get the host id to change long spare = r->getLong("spare", -1); if ( spare == -1 ) goto skipReplaceHost; // get the note to set long noteLen; char *note = r->getString("note", ¬eLen, "", 0); // set the note g_hostdb.setSpareNote(spare, note, noteLen); } // replace host... if ( replaceHost == 1 ) { // get the host ids to swap long rhost = r->getLong("rhost", -1); long rspare = r->getLong("rspare", -1); if ( rhost == -1 || rspare == -1 ) goto skipReplaceHost; // replace g_hostdb.replaceHost(rhost, rspare); } // sync host... if ( syncHost == 1 ) { // get the host id to sync long syncHost = r->getLong("shost", -1); if ( syncHost == -1 ) goto skipReplaceHost; // call sync g_hostdb.syncHost(syncHost, false); //g_syncdb.syncHost ( syncHost ); } if ( syncHost == 2 ) { // get the host id to sync long syncHost = r->getLong("shost", -1); if ( syncHost == -1 ) goto skipReplaceHost; // call sync g_hostdb.syncHost(syncHost, true); //g_syncdb.syncHost ( syncHost ); } skipReplaceHost: long refreshRate = r->getLong("rr", 0); if(refreshRate > 0) sb.safePrintf("", refreshRate); // ignore char *username = g_users.getUsername ( r ); char *password = NULL; User *user = NULL; if ( username ) user = g_users.getUser (username ); if ( user ) password = user->m_password; if ( ! password ) password = ""; if ( ! username ) username = ""; // print standard header // char *pp = sb.getBuf(); // char *ppend = sb.getBufEnd(); // if ( pp ) { g_pages.printAdminTop ( &sb , s , r ); // sb.incrementLength ( pp - sb.getBuf() ); // } char *colspan = "30"; //char *shotcol = ""; char shotcol[1024]; shotcol[0] = '\0'; if ( g_conf.m_useShotgun ) { colspan = "31"; //shotcol = "ip2"; sprintf ( shotcol, "" "ping2", coll,username,password); } // print host table sb.safePrintf ( "" "" "" "" "" "" "" // i don't remember the last time i used this, so let's // just comment it out to save space //"" //"" //"" //"" // this is now more or less obsolete //"" //"" "" // this is now obsolete since ide channel is. it was used // so that only the guy with the token could merge, // and it made sure that only one merge per ide channel // and per group was going on at any one time for performance // reasons. //"" //"" //"" //"" // this is now fairly obsolete //"" "" //"" //"" //"" "" "" "" "" "" //"" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" //"" "" "%s"// "" //"", //"" //"" "", LIGHT_BLUE , colspan , DARK_BLUE , coll, sort, coll, username, password, coll, username, password, coll, username, password, coll, username, password, coll, username, password, coll, username, password, coll, username, password, coll, username, password, coll, username, password, coll, username, password, //coll,username, password, coll, username, password, coll, username, password, coll, username, password, coll, username, password, shotcol ); // loop through each host we know and print it's stats long nh = g_hostdb.getNumHosts(); // should we reset resends, errorsRecvd and ETRYAGAINS recvd? if ( r->getLong("reset",0) ) { for ( long i = 0 ; i < nh ; i++ ) { // get the ith host (hostId) Host *h = g_hostdb.getHost ( i ); h->m_totalResends = 0; h->m_errorReplies = 0; h->m_etryagains = 0; h->m_dgramsTo = 0; h->m_dgramsFrom = 0; } } // sort hosts if needed long hostSort [ MAX_HOSTS ]; for ( long i = 0 ; i < nh ; i++ ) hostSort [ i ] = i; switch ( sort ) { case 1: gbsort ( hostSort, nh, sizeof(long), pingSort1 ); break; case 2: gbsort ( hostSort, nh, sizeof(long), pingSort2 ); break; case 3: gbsort ( hostSort, nh, sizeof(long), resendsSort ); break; case 4: gbsort ( hostSort, nh, sizeof(long), errorsSort ); break; case 5: gbsort ( hostSort, nh, sizeof(long), tryagainSort ); break; case 6: gbsort ( hostSort, nh, sizeof(long), dgramsToSort ); break; case 7: gbsort ( hostSort, nh, sizeof(long), dgramsFromSort ); break; //case 8: gbsort ( hostSort, nh, sizeof(long), loadAvgSort ); break; case 9: gbsort ( hostSort, nh, sizeof(long), memUsedSort ); break; case 10:gbsort ( hostSort, nh, sizeof(long), cpuUsageSort ); break; case 11:gbsort ( hostSort, nh, sizeof(long), pingAgeSort ); break; case 12:gbsort ( hostSort, nh, sizeof(long), flagSort ); break; case 13:gbsort ( hostSort, nh, sizeof(long), splitTimeSort ); break; case 14:gbsort ( hostSort, nh, sizeof(long), pingMaxSort ); break; case 15:gbsort ( hostSort, nh, sizeof(long), slowDiskSort ); break; } // we are the only one that uses these flags, so set them now /* static char s_properSet = 0; if ( ! s_properSet ) { s_properSet = 1; g_hostdb.setOnProperSwitchFlags(); } */ long long nowmsLocal = gettimeofdayInMillisecondsLocal(); // print it //long ng = g_hostdb.getNumGroups(); for ( long si = 0 ; si < nh ; si++ ) { long i = hostSort[si]; // get the ith host (hostId) Host *h = g_hostdb.getHost ( i ); // get avg/stdDev msg roundtrip times in ms for ith host //long avg , stdDev; //g_hostdb.getTimes ( i , &avg , &stdDev ); char ptr[256]; long pingAge = generatePingMsg(h, nowmsLocal, ptr); char pms[64]; if ( h->m_pingMax < 0 ) sprintf(pms,"???"); else sprintf(pms,"%lims",h->m_pingMax); // the sync status ascii-ized char syncStatus = h->m_syncStatus; char *ptr2; if (syncStatus==0) ptr2 ="N"; else if (syncStatus==1) ptr2 ="Y"; else ptr2 ="?"; char ipbuf1[64]; char ipbuf2[64]; strcpy(ipbuf1,iptoa(h->m_ip)); strcpy(ipbuf2,iptoa(h->m_ipShotgun)); char hdbuf[128]; char *hp = hdbuf; for ( long k = 0 ; k < 4 ; k++ ) { long temp = h->m_hdtemps[k]; if ( temp > 50 ) hp += sprintf(hp,"%li" "", temp); else hp += sprintf(hp,"%li",temp); if ( k < 3 ) *hp++ = '/'; *hp = '\0'; } //long switchGroup = 0; //if ( g_hostdb.m_indexSplits > 1 ) // switchGroup = h->m_group%g_hostdb.m_indexSplits; // the switch id match //char tmpN[256]; //if ( ! h->m_onProperSwitch ) // sprintf(tmpN, "%li", // (long)h->m_switchId); //else // sprintf(tmpN, "%li", (long)h->m_switchId); // host can have 2 ip addresses, get the one most // similar to that of the requester long eip = g_hostdb.getBestIp ( h , s->m_ip ); char ipbuf3[64]; strcpy(ipbuf3,iptoa(eip)); char *fontTagFront = ""; char *fontTagBack = ""; if ( h->m_percentMemUsed >= 98.0 ) { fontTagFront = ""; fontTagBack = ""; } float cpu = h->m_cpuUsage; if ( cpu > 100.0 ) cpu = 100.0; if ( cpu < 0.0 ) cpu = -1.0; // split time, don't divide by zero! long splitTime = 0; if ( h->m_splitsDone ) splitTime = h->m_splitTimes / h->m_splitsDone; char flagString[32]; char *fs = flagString; *fs = '\0'; // if it has spiders going on say "S" if ( h->m_flags & PFLAG_HASSPIDERS ) strcat ( fs , "S"); // say "M" if merging if ( h->m_flags & PFLAG_MERGING ) strcat ( fs , "M"); // say "D" if dumping if ( h->m_flags & PFLAG_DUMPING ) strcat ( fs , "D"); // say "y" if doing the daily merge if ( !(h->m_flags & PFLAG_MERGEMODE0) ) strcat ( fs , "y"); // clear it if it is us, this is invalid if ( ! h->m_gotPingReply ) strcpy(flagString,"??"); if ( fs[0] == '\0' ) strcpy(flagString," "); // print it sb.safePrintf ( "" "" "" // hostname "" // group "" // stripe //"" // group mask //"" // ip1 //"" // ip2 //"" // port //"" // client port "" // http port //"" // token group num //"" // switch group //"" // tmpN //"" // ide channel // hd temps "" // resends "" // error replies "" // etryagains "" // # dgrams sent to "" // # dgrams recvd from "" // loadavg //"" // split time "" // splits done "" // flags "" // slow disk reads "" // docs indexed "" // percent mem used "" // cpu usage "" // ping max "" // ping age "" // ping "" //"" //"" "" "" , ipbuf3, h->m_httpPort, username, password, coll, sort, i , h->m_hostname, h->m_group, h->m_stripe, // group mask is not looked at a lot and is // really only for indexdb and a few other rdbs //g_hostdb.makeGroupId(i,ng) , //ipbuf1, //ipbuf2, //h->m_port , //h->m_dnsClientPort , h->m_httpPort , //h->m_tokenGroupNum, //switchGroup , //tmpN, //h->m_ideChannel, hdbuf, h->m_totalResends, h->m_errorReplies, h->m_etryagains, h->m_dgramsTo, h->m_dgramsFrom, //h->m_loadAvg, // double splitTime, h->m_splitsDone, flagString, h->m_slowDiskReads, h->m_docsIndexed, fontTagFront, h->m_percentMemUsed, // float fontTagBack, cpu, // float // ping max pms, // ping age pingAge, //avg , //stdDev, //ping, ptr , //ptr2 , h->m_note ); } // end the table now sb.safePrintf ( "
" //"" "Hosts " "(" "reset)" //"" "
" "hostIdhost namemirror groupstripegroup maskip1ip2udp portpriority udp portdns client porthttp porttoken groupbest switch idactual switch idswitch idide channelHD temps (C)resends senterrors recvdETRYAGAINS recvd" "dgrams resent" "errors recvd" "ETRY AGAINS recvd" "dgrams to" "dgrams from" //"loadavg" "avg split timesplits done" "status" "slow readsdocs indexed" "mem used" "cpu" "max ping1" "ping1 ageip1" "ping1ip2inSyncavg roundtripstd. dev.

\n" ); // print spare hosts table sb.safePrintf ( "" "" "" "" "" "" "" //"" //"" //"" "" //"" // this is now fairly obsolete //"" "", LIGHT_BLUE , DARK_BLUE ); for ( long i = 0; i < g_hostdb.m_numSpareHosts; i++ ) { // get the ith host (hostId) Host *h = g_hostdb.getSpare ( i ); char ipbuf1[64]; char ipbuf2[64]; strcpy(ipbuf1,iptoa(h->m_ip)); strcpy(ipbuf2,iptoa(h->m_ipShotgun)); // print it sb.safePrintf ( "" "" "" "" "" //"" //"" // priority udp port //"" "" //"" // switch id //"" // ide channel "" "" , i , h->m_hostname, ipbuf1, ipbuf2, //h->m_port , //h->m_port2 , //h->m_dnsClientPort , h->m_httpPort , //h->m_switchId, //h->m_ideChannel , h->m_note ); } sb.safePrintf ( "
" //"" "Spares" //"" "
spareIdhost nameip1ip2udp portpriority udp portdns client porthttp portswitch idide channelnote

" ); // print proxy hosts table sb.safePrintf ( "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" //"" //"" //"" "" //"" "" "" "" //"" // this is now fairly obsolete //"" "", LIGHT_BLUE , DARK_BLUE ); for ( long i = 0; i < g_hostdb.m_numProxyHosts; i++ ) { // get the ith host (hostId) Host *h = g_hostdb.getProxy ( i ); char ptr[256]; long pingAge = generatePingMsg(h, nowmsLocal, ptr); char ipbuf1[64]; char ipbuf2[64]; strcpy(ipbuf1,iptoa(h->m_ip)); strcpy(ipbuf2,iptoa(h->m_ipShotgun)); // host can have 2 ip addresses, get the one most // similar to that of the requester long eip = g_hostdb.getBestIp ( h , s->m_ip ); char ipbuf3[64]; strcpy(ipbuf3,iptoa(eip)); char pms[64]; if ( h->m_pingMax < 0 ) sprintf(pms,"???"); else sprintf(pms,"%lims",h->m_pingMax); // the sync status ascii-ized char *type = "proxy"; if ( h->m_type == HT_QCPROXY ) type = "qcproxy"; if ( h->m_type == HT_SCPROXY ) type = "scproxy"; // print it sb.safePrintf ( "" "" "" "" "" "" //"" //"" // priority udp port //"" "" //"" // switch id "" // ping max "" // ping age "" // ping //"" // ide channel "" "" , ipbuf3, h->m_httpPort, username, password, coll, i , type, h->m_hostname, ipbuf1, ipbuf2, //h->m_port , //h->m_port2 , //h->m_dnsClientPort , h->m_httpPort , //h->m_switchId, pms, pingAge, ptr, //h->m_ideChannel , h->m_note ); } sb.safePrintf ( "
" //"" "Proxies" //"" "
proxyIdtypehost nameip1ip2udp portpriority udp portdns client porthttp portswitch idmax ping1ping1 ageping1ping2ide channelnote
" "%li%s%s%s%s%hi%hi%hi%hi%i%s%ldms%s%li%s

" ); // print help table sb.safePrintf ( "" "" "" "" "" "\n" "" "" "" "\n" "" "" "" "\n" "" "" "" "\n" /* "" "" "" "\n" "" "" "" "\n" */ "" "" "" "\n" /* "" "" "" "\n" */ /* "" "" "" "\n" */ "" "" "" "\n" "" "" "" "\n" "" "" "" "\n" "" "" "" "\n" "" "" "" "\n" //"" //"" //"" //"\n" "" "" "" "\n" "" "" "" "\n" "" "" "" "\n" "" "" "" "\n" "" "" "" "\n" "" "" "" "\n" "" "" "" "\n" "" "" "" "\n" "" "" "" "\n" , LIGHT_BLUE , DARK_BLUE ); sb.safePrintf ( "
" //"" "Key" //"" "
mirror group" "The active hosts are divded into groups. These are " "mirror groups. A host in group X ideally has exactly " "the same data as any other host in group X." "
stripe" "Each stripe is a set of hosts, one from each mirror " "group. Each strip is basically a complete and independent " "search engine index. Although some functionality, like " "summary generation, is generally distributed across " "stripe boundaries." "
ip1The primary IP address of the host." "
ip2The secondary IP address of the host." "
udp portThe UDP port the host uses to send and recieve " "datagrams." "
dns client portThe UDP port used to send and receive dns traffic with." "
http portThe port you can connect a browser to." "
best switch idThe host prefers to be on this switch because it " "needs to send a lot of data to other hosts on this swtich. " "Therefore, ideally, the best switch id should match the " "actual switch id for optimal performance." "
switch idHosts that share the same switch id are " "physically on the same switch." "
dgrams resentHow many datagrams have had to be resent to a host " "because it was not ACKed quick enough or because it was " "fully ACKed but the entire request was resent in case " "the host was reset." "
errors recvdHow many errors were received from a host in response " "to a request to retrieve or insert data." "
ETRYAGAINS recvdHow many ETRYAGAIN were received in response to a " "request to add data. Usually because the host's memory " "is full and it is dumping its data to disk. This number " "can be high if the host if failing to dump the data " "to disk because of some malfunction, and it can therefore " "bottleneck the entire cluster." "
dgrams toHow many datagrams were sent to the host from the " "selected host since startup. Includes ACK datagrams. This " "can actually be higher than the number of dgrams read " "when the selected host is the same as the host in the " "table because of resends. Gigablast will resend datagrams " "that are not promptly ACKknowledged." "
dgrams fromHow many datagrams were received from the host by the " "selected host since startup. Includes ACK datagrams." "
loadavg1-minute sliding-window load average from " //"/proc/loadavg." //"
mem usedpercentage of memory currently used." "
cpu usagepercentage of cpu resources in use by the gb process." "
ping1 ageHow long ago the last ping request was sent to " "this host. Let's us know how fresh the ping time is." "
ping1Ping time to this host on the primary network." "
ping2Ping time to this host on the seconday/shotgun " "network. This column is not visible if the shotgun " "network is not enabled in the master controls." "
M (status flag)Indicates host is merging files on disk." "
D (status flag)Indicates host is dumping data to disk." "
S (status flag)Indicates host has outstanding spiders." "
y (status flag)Indicates host is performing the daily merge." "

" ); //p = g_pages.printAdminBottom ( p , pend ); // calculate buffer length //long bufLen = p - buf; // . send this page // . encapsulates in html header and tail // . make a Mime return g_httpServer.sendDynamicPage ( s , (char*) sb.getBufStart() , sb.length() ); } long generatePingMsg( Host *h, long long nowms, char *buf ) { long ping = h->m_ping; // show ping age first long pingAge = nowms- h->m_lastPing; // if host is us, we don't ping ourselves if ( h->m_hostId == g_hostdb.m_hostId && h == g_hostdb.m_myHost) pingAge = 0; // if last ping is still 0, we haven't pinged it yet if ( h->m_lastPing == 0 ) pingAge = 0; // ping to string sprintf ( buf , "%lims", ping ); // ping time ptr // make it "DEAD" if > 6000 if ( ping >= g_conf.m_deadHostTimeout ) { // mark SYNC if doing a sync if ( h->m_doingSync ) sprintf(buf, "SYNC"); else sprintf(buf, "DEAD"); } // for kernel errors else if ( h->m_kernelErrors > 0 ){ if ( h->m_kernelErrors == ME_IOERR ) sprintf(buf, "IOERR" ""); else if ( h->m_kernelErrors == ME_100MBPS ) sprintf(buf, "100MBPS" ""); else sprintf(buf, "KERNELERR" ""); } if ( ! g_conf.m_useShotgun ) return pingAge; char *p = buf + gbstrlen(buf); p += sprintf ( p , "" ); // the second eth port, ip2, the shotgun port long pingB = h->m_pingShotgun; sprintf ( p , "%lims", pingB ); if ( pingB >= g_conf.m_deadHostTimeout ) { // mark SYNC if doing a sync if ( h->m_doingSync ) sprintf(p,"SYNC"); else sprintf(p,"DEAD"); return pingAge; } return pingAge; } int pingSort1 ( const void *i1, const void *i2 ) { Host *h1 = g_hostdb.getHost ( *(long*)i1 ); Host *h2 = g_hostdb.getHost ( *(long*)i2 ); // float up to the top if the host is reporting kernel errors // even if the ping is normal if ( h1->m_kernelErrors > 0 ) return -1; if ( h2->m_kernelErrors > 0 ) return 1; if ( h1->m_ping > h2->m_ping ) return -1; if ( h1->m_ping < h2->m_ping ) return 1; return 0; } int pingSort2 ( const void *i1, const void *i2 ) { Host *h1 = g_hostdb.getHost ( *(long*)i1 ); Host *h2 = g_hostdb.getHost ( *(long*)i2 ); // float up to the top if the host is reporting kernel errors // even if the ping is normal if ( h1->m_kernelErrors > 0 ) return -1; if ( h2->m_kernelErrors > 0 ) return 1; if ( h1->m_pingShotgun > h2->m_pingShotgun ) return -1; if ( h1->m_pingShotgun < h2->m_pingShotgun ) return 1; return 0; } int pingMaxSort ( const void *i1, const void *i2 ) { Host *h1 = g_hostdb.getHost ( *(long*)i1 ); Host *h2 = g_hostdb.getHost ( *(long*)i2 ); if ( h1->m_pingMax > h2->m_pingMax ) return -1; if ( h1->m_pingMax < h2->m_pingMax ) return 1; return 0; } int slowDiskSort ( const void *i1, const void *i2 ) { Host *h1 = g_hostdb.getHost ( *(long*)i1 ); Host *h2 = g_hostdb.getHost ( *(long*)i2 ); if ( h1->m_slowDiskReads > h2->m_slowDiskReads ) return -1; if ( h1->m_slowDiskReads < h2->m_slowDiskReads ) return 1; return 0; } int pingAgeSort ( const void *i1, const void *i2 ) { Host *h1 = g_hostdb.getHost ( *(long*)i1 ); Host *h2 = g_hostdb.getHost ( *(long*)i2 ); if ( h1->m_lastPing > h2->m_lastPing ) return -1; if ( h1->m_lastPing < h2->m_lastPing ) return 1; return 0; } int splitTimeSort ( const void *i1, const void *i2 ) { Host *h1 = g_hostdb.getHost ( *(long*)i1 ); Host *h2 = g_hostdb.getHost ( *(long*)i2 ); long t1 = 0; long t2 = 0; if ( h1->m_splitsDone > 0 ) t1 = h1->m_splitTimes / h1->m_splitsDone; if ( h2->m_splitsDone > 0 ) t2 = h2->m_splitTimes / h2->m_splitsDone; if ( t1 > t2 ) return -1; if ( t1 < t2 ) return 1; return 0; } int flagSort ( const void *i1, const void *i2 ) { Host *h1 = g_hostdb.getHost ( *(long*)i1 ); Host *h2 = g_hostdb.getHost ( *(long*)i2 ); if ( h1->m_flags > h2->m_flags ) return -1; if ( h1->m_flags < h2->m_flags ) return 1; return 0; } int resendsSort ( const void *i1, const void *i2 ) { Host *h1 = g_hostdb.getHost ( *(long*)i1 ); Host *h2 = g_hostdb.getHost ( *(long*)i2 ); if ( h1->m_totalResends > h2->m_totalResends ) return -1; if ( h1->m_totalResends < h2->m_totalResends ) return 1; return 0; } int errorsSort ( const void *i1, const void *i2 ) { Host *h1 = g_hostdb.getHost ( *(long*)i1 ); Host *h2 = g_hostdb.getHost ( *(long*)i2 ); if ( h1->m_errorReplies > h2->m_errorReplies ) return -1; if ( h1->m_errorReplies < h2->m_errorReplies ) return 1; return 0; } int tryagainSort ( const void *i1, const void *i2 ) { Host *h1 = g_hostdb.getHost ( *(long*)i1 ); Host *h2 = g_hostdb.getHost ( *(long*)i2 ); if ( h1->m_etryagains > h2->m_etryagains ) return -1; if ( h1->m_etryagains < h2->m_etryagains ) return 1; return 0; } int dgramsToSort ( const void *i1, const void *i2 ) { Host *h1 = g_hostdb.getHost ( *(long*)i1 ); Host *h2 = g_hostdb.getHost ( *(long*)i2 ); if ( h1->m_dgramsTo > h2->m_dgramsTo ) return -1; if ( h1->m_dgramsTo < h2->m_dgramsTo ) return 1; return 0; } int dgramsFromSort ( const void *i1, const void *i2 ) { Host *h1 = g_hostdb.getHost ( *(long*)i1 ); Host *h2 = g_hostdb.getHost ( *(long*)i2 ); if ( h1->m_dgramsFrom > h2->m_dgramsFrom ) return -1; if ( h1->m_dgramsFrom < h2->m_dgramsFrom ) return 1; return 0; } /* int loadAvgSort ( const void *i1, const void *i2 ) { Host *h1 = g_hostdb.getHost ( *(long*)i1 ); Host *h2 = g_hostdb.getHost ( *(long*)i2 ); if ( h1->m_loadAvg > h2->m_loadAvg ) return -1; if ( h1->m_loadAvg < h2->m_loadAvg ) return 1; return 0; } */ int memUsedSort ( const void *i1, const void *i2 ) { Host *h1 = g_hostdb.getHost ( *(long*)i1 ); Host *h2 = g_hostdb.getHost ( *(long*)i2 ); if ( h1->m_percentMemUsed > h2->m_percentMemUsed ) return -1; if ( h1->m_percentMemUsed < h2->m_percentMemUsed ) return 1; return 0; } int cpuUsageSort ( const void *i1, const void *i2 ) { Host *h1 = g_hostdb.getHost ( *(long*)i1 ); Host *h2 = g_hostdb.getHost ( *(long*)i2 ); if ( h1->m_cpuUsage > h2->m_cpuUsage ) return -1; if ( h1->m_cpuUsage < h2->m_cpuUsage ) return 1; return 0; }