#include "gb-include.h" #ifdef CYGWIN // use a stub long klogctl( int, char *,int ) { return 0; } #else // otherwise, use the real one #include // for klogctl #endif #include "PingServer.h" #include "UdpServer.h" //#include "Sync.h" #include "Conf.h" #include "HttpServer.h" #include "HttpMime.h" #include "Proxy.h" #include "Repair.h" #include "Process.h" #include "DailyMerge.h" #include "Spider.h" #include "Test.h" #include "Rebalance.h" #define PAGER_BUF_SIZE (10*1024) // from main.cpp. when keepalive script restarts us this is true extern bool g_recoveryMode; // a global class extern'd in .h file PingServer g_pingServer; char s_kernelRingBuf[4097]; long s_kernelRingBufLen = 0; static void sleepWrapper ( int fd , void *state ) ; //static void sleepWrapper10 ( int fd , void *state ); static void checkKernelErrors( int fd, void *state ); static void gotReplyWrapperP ( void *state , UdpSlot *slot ) ; static void handleRequest11 ( UdpSlot *slot , long niceness ) ; static void gotReplyWrapperP2 ( void *state , UdpSlot *slot ); static void gotReplyWrapperP3 ( void *state , UdpSlot *slot ); static void updatePingTime ( Host *h , long *pingPtr , long tripTime ) ; // JAB: warning abatement //static bool pageTMobile ( Host *h , char *errmsg ) ; //static bool pageAlltel ( Host *h , char *errmsg , char *num ) ; //static bool pageVerizon ( Host *h , char *errmsg ) ; //static void verizonWrapper ( void *state , TcpSocket *ts ) ; //static bool pageVerizon2 ( void *state , TcpSocket *s ) ; // JAB: warning abatement //static bool pageSprintPCS ( Host *h , char *errmsg , char *num ) ; //static void sprintPCSWrapper ( void *state , TcpSocket *ts ) ; //static bool pageSprintPCS2 ( void *state , TcpSocket *ts ) ; static bool sendAdminEmail ( Host *h, char *fromAddress, char *toAddress, char *body , char *emailServIp );//= "mail.gigablast.com" ); static void emailSleepWrapper ( int fd, void *state ); bool PingServer::registerHandler ( ) { // . we'll handle msgTypes of 0x11 for pings // . register ourselves with the udp server // . it calls our callback when it receives a msg of type 0x0A // . it is now hot..., no, not hot anymore //if ( ! g_udpServer2.registerHandler ( 0x11, handleRequest11 )) // return false; // register on low priority server to make transition easier if ( ! g_udpServer.registerHandler ( 0x11, handleRequest11 )) return false; // limit this to 1000ms if ( g_conf.m_pingSpacer > 1000 ) g_conf.m_pingSpacer = 1000; // save this m_pingSpacer = g_conf.m_pingSpacer; // this starts off at zero m_callnum = 0; // . this was 500ms but now when a host shuts downs it sends all other // hosts a msg saying so... PingServer::broadcastShutdownNotes() ... // . so i put it up to 2000ms to save bandwidth some // . but these packets are small and cheap so now let's send out 10 // every second to keep on top of things // . so in a network of 128 hosts we'll cycle through in 12.8 seconds // and set a host to dead on avg will take about 13 seconds if ( ! g_loop.registerSleepCallback ( g_conf.m_pingSpacer , // ~100ms (void *)m_callnum , // NULL , sleepWrapper , 0 ) ) return false; // if not host #0, we're done if ( g_hostdb.m_hostId != 0 ) return true; // we have disabled syncing for now return true; // . this is called ever 10 minutes // . it tells all hosts to store a sync point at about the same time // . the sync point is a fixed value in time used as a reference // for performing incremental synchronization by Sync.cpp should // a host go down without saving. one of its twins must of course // remain up in order to sync him. //if ( ! g_loop.registerSleepCallback ( SYNC_TIME*1000 , // ms // NULL , // sleepWrapper10 ) ) // return false; return true; } static long s_outstandingPings = 0; // . gets filename that contains the hosts from the Conf file // . return false on errro // . g_errno may NOT be set bool PingServer::init ( ) { // reset how many pings we've launched //m_launched = 0; //m_totalLaunched = 0; m_i = 0; m_numRequests2 = 0; m_numReplies2 = 0; m_useShotgun = 0; m_pingProxy = 0; m_minRepairMode = -1; m_maxRepairMode = -1; m_minRepairModeBesides0 = -1; m_minRepairModeHost = NULL; m_maxRepairModeHost = NULL; m_minRepairModeBesides0Host = NULL; initKernelErrorCheck(); // invalid info init m_currentPing = -1; m_bestPing = -1; m_bestPingDate = 0; m_numHostsWithForeignRecs = 0; m_numHostsDead = 0; m_hostsConfInDisagreement = false; m_hostsConfInAgreement = false; // . send a ping request to everybody on the network right now! // . no, sleepWrapper needs to do it when g_loop is working //sendPingsToAll(); // we're done return true; } void PingServer::initKernelErrorCheck(){ // Most of the important logfiles are gathered in a single // directory - /var/log // * /var/log/dmesg - boot time hardware detection and driver setup // * /var/log/messages - general system messages, includes most of // what is in dmesg if it hasn't "rolled over". // * /var/log/syslog - like the "messages" log, but sometimes includes // other details // * /var/log/mythtv/mythbackend.log - status logs from the MythTV // backend server // * /var/log/mysql/mysql.err - errors from the database server // (usually empty!) // * /var/log/daemon.log - messages from service tasks like lircd // * /var/log/kern.log - if something has gone wrong with a kernel // module, you may find something here. // * /var/log/Xorg.0.log - start up log from the X server (GUI // environment), including hardware detection and modes (resolution) // selected // BUT FOUND A BETTER WAY THAN TO READ LOG FILES! // directly read the kernel ring buffer every x sec using klogctl. // look for errors directly in the kernel ring buffer. // fill the kernel ring buf with info that was available before startup s_kernelRingBufLen = klogctl( 3, s_kernelRingBuf, 4096 ); if ( s_kernelRingBufLen < 0 ){ log ("db: klogctl returned error"); } // clear the kernel Errors for ( long i = 0; i < g_hostdb.m_numHosts; i++ ){ g_hostdb.m_hosts[i].m_kernelErrors = 0; g_hostdb.m_hosts[i].m_kernelErrorReported = false; } if ( !g_loop.registerSleepCallback( 30000, NULL, checkKernelErrors,0)) log ("registering kern.log failed"); return; } void PingServer::sendPingsToAll ( ) { //g_conf.m_logDebugUdp = 1; // stop for now //return; if ( g_isYippy ) return; // if we are the query/spider compr. proxy then do not send out pings if ( g_hostdb.m_myHost->m_type & HT_QCPROXY ) return; if ( g_hostdb.m_myHost->m_type & HT_SCPROXY ) return; // do not ping ourselves if we are host #0, because wrapper // will not be called... //if ( g_hostdb.m_hostId == 0 ) g_host0Replied = true; // get host #0 Host *hz = g_hostdb.getHost ( 0 ); // sanity check if ( hz->m_hostId != 0 ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; } // do a quick send to host 0 out of band if we have never // got a reply from him. we need him to sync our clock! static long s_lastTime = 0; if ( ! hz->m_inProgress1 && hz->m_numPingReplies == 0 && time(NULL) - s_lastTime > 2 ) { // update clock to avoid oversending s_lastTime = time(NULL); // ping him pingHost ( hz , hz->m_ip , hz->m_port ); } // once we do a full round, drop out. use firsti to determine this long firsti = -1; for ( ; m_i != firsti && s_outstandingPings < 5 ; ) { // store it if ( firsti == -1 ) firsti = m_i; // get the next host in line Host *h = g_listHosts [ m_i ]; uint32_t ip = g_listIps [ m_i ]; uint16_t port = g_listPorts [ m_i ]; // point to next ip/port, and wrap if we should if ( ++m_i >= g_listNumTotal ) m_i = 0; // skip if not udp port. might be http, dns or https. if ( port != h->m_port ) continue; // if he is in progress, skip as well. check for shotgun ip. if ( ip == h->m_ip && h->m_inProgress1 ) continue; if ( ip != h->m_ip && h->m_inProgress2 ) continue; // do not ping query compression proxies or spider comp proxies if ( h->m_type & HT_QCPROXY ) continue; if ( h->m_type & HT_SCPROXY ) continue; // try to launch the request pingHost ( h , ip , port ) ; } // . check if pingSpacer was updated via master controls and fix our // sleep wrapper callback interval if so // . limit this to 1000ms if ( g_conf.m_pingSpacer > 1000 ) g_conf.m_pingSpacer = 1000; // update pingSpacer callback tick if it changed since last time if ( m_pingSpacer == g_conf.m_pingSpacer ) return; // register new one if ( ! g_loop.registerSleepCallback ( m_pingSpacer , // ~100ms (void *)(m_callnum+1) , sleepWrapper , 0 ) ) { static char logged = 0; if ( ! logged ) log("net: Could not update ping spacer."); logged = 1; return; } // now it is safe to unregister last callback then g_loop.unregisterSleepCallback((void *)m_callnum,sleepWrapper); // point to next one m_callnum++; } class HostStatus { public: long long m_lastPing; char m_repairMode; char m_kernelError; char m_loadAvg; char m_percentMemUsed; }; // ping host #i void PingServer::pingHost ( Host *h , uint32_t ip , uint16_t port ) { // don't ping on interface machines //if ( g_conf.m_interfaceMachine ) return; // do not ping ourselves //if ( h == g_hostdb.m_myHost ) return; // return if NULL if ( ! h ) return; long hostId = h->m_hostId; // every time this is hostid 0, do a sanity check to make sure // g_hostdb.m_numHostsAlive is accurate if ( hostId == 0 ) { long numHosts = g_hostdb.getNumHosts(); if( h->m_isProxy ) numHosts = g_hostdb.getNumProxy(); // do not do more than once every 10 seconds static long lastTime = 0; long now = getTime(); if ( now - lastTime > 10 ) { lastTime = now; long count = 0; for ( long i = 0 ; i < numHosts; i++ ) { // count if not dead Host *host; if ( h->m_isProxy ) host = g_hostdb.getProxy(i); else host = g_hostdb.getHost(i); if ( !g_hostdb.isDead(host)) count++; } // make sure count matches if ( (!h->m_isProxy && count != g_hostdb.getNumHostsAlive()) ) { //( h->m_isProxy && //count != g_hostdb.getNumProxyAlive()) ) { char *xx = NULL; *xx = 0; } } } // watch for out of bounds //if ( hostId < 0 || hostId >= g_hostdb.getNumHosts() ) return; // don't ping ourselves, we know we're alive // only if we aren't the proxy // MDW: no, let's ping ourselves so all the Host vars can be // set properly in here and we don't have to repeat that // code. /* if ( hostId == g_hostdb.m_hostId && h == g_hostdb.m_myHost ){ //&& !g_proxy.isProxyRunning() ) { // set loadavg and return h->m_loadAvg = g_process.getLoadAvg(); // set our percent mem used h->m_percentMemUsed = ((float)g_mem.getUsedMem()*100.0)/ (float)g_mem.getMaxMem(); return; } */ // don't ping again if already in progress if ( ip == h->m_ip && h->m_inProgress1 ) return; if ( ip != h->m_ip && h->m_inProgress2 ) return; // time now long long nowmsLocal = gettimeofdayInMillisecondsLocal(); //long long now2 = gettimeofdayInMillisecondsLocal(); // only ping a host once every 5 seconds tops //if ( now - h->m_lastPing < 5000 ) return; // stamp it h->m_lastPing = nowmsLocal; // count it s_outstandingPings++; // consider it in progress if ( ip == h->m_ip ) h->m_inProgress1 = true; else h->m_inProgress2 = true; // . if he is not dead, set this first send time // . this can be the first time we sent an unanswered ping // . this is only used to determine when to send emails since we // can now send the email a configurable amount of seconds after the // host as already been registered as dead. i hope this will fix the // problem of the hitachis causing bus resets all the time. because // we make the dead threshold only a few seconds to protect // performance, but make the email time much higher so i can sleep // at night. // . in the beginning all hosts are considered dead, but the email code // should not be 0, it should be -2 // . BOTH eth ports must be dead for host to be dead bool isAlive = false; if ( h->m_ping < g_conf.m_deadHostTimeout ) isAlive = true; if ( g_conf.m_useShotgun && h->m_pingShotgun < g_conf.m_deadHostTimeout ) isAlive = true; if ( isAlive && h->m_emailCode == 0 ) h->m_startTime =nowmsLocal;//now2 // log it only the first time he is registered as dead if ( isAlive ) h->m_wasAlive = true; else h->m_wasAlive = false; // note it. wait 30 seconds cuz they are all high at the start when // everyone is just coming up. //if ( h->m_ping > 1000 && // gettimeofdayInMillisecondsLocal()-g_process.m_processStartTime> // 30000 ) // log("gb: Got high ping of %li ms to hostid #%li", // (long)h->m_ping,(long)h->m_hostId); // . use the shotgun port to send the request? or the original port? // . the reply will be sent back to the same ip/port as it was sent // from because in PingServer::handleRequest() we set the // "useSameSwitch" flag to true when passing to // UdpServer::sendReply_ass() //unsigned long ip; //if ( useShotgunIp ) ip = h->m_ipShotgun; //else ip = h->m_ip; Host *me = g_hostdb.m_myHost; // use the tmp buf //char request[14+4+4+1]; //char *p = m_request; // we can have multiple outstanding pings, so keep request bufs // independent... char *request = h->m_requestBuf; char *p = h->m_requestBuf; // store the last ping we got from it first *(long long *)p = h->m_lastPing; p += sizeof(long long); // let the receiver know our repair mode *p = g_repairMode; p++; // problem is that we know when the error occurs, but don't know when // the error has been fixed. So just consider this host as dead unless // gb is restarted and the problem is fixed *p = me->m_kernelErrors; p++; //if ( me->m_kernelErrors ){ //char *xx = NULL; *xx = 0; //} int32_t l_loadavg = (int32_t) (g_process.getLoadAvg() * 100.0); memcpy(p, &l_loadavg, sizeof(int32_t)); p += sizeof(int32_t); // then our percent mem used float mem = ((float)g_mem.getUsedMem()*100.0)/(float)g_mem.getMaxMem(); *(float *)p = mem ; p += sizeof(float); // 4 bytes // our cpu usage *(float *)p = me->m_cpuUsage ; p += sizeof(float); // 4 bytes // our num recs, docsIndexed //*(long*)p = (long)g_clusterdb.getRdb()->getNumTotalRecs(); *(long*)p = (long)g_process.getTotalDocsIndexed(); p += sizeof(long); // urls indexed since startup //*(long*)p = (long)g_test.m_urlsIndexed; //p += sizeof(long); // our num recs, eventsIndexed //*(long*)p = g_timedb.getNumTotalEvents();//g_coldb.m_numEventsAllColl //*(long *)p = 0; //p += sizeof(long); // slow disk reads *(long*)p = g_stats.m_slowDiskReads; p += sizeof(long); // and hosts.conf crc *(long *)p = g_hostdb.getCRC(); p += 4; // ensure crc is legit if ( g_hostdb.getCRC() == 0 ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; } // disk usage (df -ka) *(float *)p = g_process.m_diskUsage; p += 4; // flags indicating our state long flags = 0; // let others know we are doing our daily merge and have turned off // our spiders. when host #0 indicates this state it will wait // for all other hosts to enter the mergeMode. when other hosts // receive this state from host #0, they will start their daily merge. if ( g_spiderLoop.m_numSpidersOut > 0 ) flags |= PFLAG_HASSPIDERS; if ( g_process.isRdbMerging() ) flags |= PFLAG_MERGING; if ( g_process.isRdbDumping() ) flags |= PFLAG_DUMPING; if ( g_rebalance.m_isScanning ) flags |= PFLAG_REBALANCING; if ( g_recoveryMode ) flags |= PFLAG_RECOVERYMODE; if ( g_rebalance.m_numForeignRecs ) flags |= PFLAG_FOREIGNRECS; if ( g_dailyMerge.m_mergeMode == 0 ) flags |= PFLAG_MERGEMODE0; if ( g_dailyMerge.m_mergeMode ==0 || g_dailyMerge.m_mergeMode == 6 ) flags |= PFLAG_MERGEMODE0OR6; *(long *)p = flags; p += 4; // 4 bytes // the collection number we are daily merging (currently 2 bytes) collnum_t cn = -1; if ( g_dailyMerge.m_cr ) cn = g_dailyMerge.m_cr->m_collnum; *(collnum_t *)p = cn ; p += sizeof(collnum_t); // store hd temps memcpy ( p , me->m_hdtemps , 4 * 2 ); p += 4 * 2; long requestSize = p - request; // sanity check if ( requestSize != MAX_PING_SIZE ) { char *xx = NULL; *xx = 0; } // debug msg //logf(LOG_DEBUG,"net: Sending ping request to hid=%li ip=%s.", // h->m_hostId,iptoa(ip)); // . launch one // . returns false and sets errno on error // . returns true if request sent and it blocked // . use MsgType of 0x11 for pinging // . we now use the high-prioirty server, g_udpServer2 // . now we send over our current time so remote host will sync up // with us // . only sync up with hostId #0 // . if he goes down its ok because time is mostly important for // spidering and spidering is suspended if a host is down //if ( g_udpServer.sendRequest ( (char *)(&h->m_lastPing) , // 8 , // the proxy may be interfacing with the temporary cluster while // we update the main cluster... //long port = h->m_port; if ( g_proxy.isProxyRunning() && g_conf.m_useTmpCluster ) port++; if ( h->m_isProxy ) hostId = -1; if ( g_udpServer.sendRequest ( request , requestSize , 0x11 , ip ,//h->m_ip , port ,//h->m_port , hostId , NULL , (void *)h , // callback state gotReplyWrapperP , // timeout (g_conf.m_deadHostTimeout/1000)+1 , 1000 , // backoff 2000 , // max wait NULL , // reply buf 0 , // reply buf size 0 )) // niceness return; // it had an error, so dec the count s_outstandingPings--; // consider it out of progress if ( ip == h->m_ip ) h->m_inProgress1 = false; else h->m_inProgress2 = false; // had an error log("net: Pinging host #%li had error: %s.", h->m_hostId,mstrerror(g_errno) ); // reset it cuz it's not a showstopper g_errno = 0; } // . this is the last hostId we sent an alert about // . it is -1 if he has come back up since // . it is -1 if we've sent no alerts // . it is so we only send out one email even though a bunch of consecutive // hosts right before us (in hostid ranking) may have gone down. The admin // only needs one notification. static long s_lastSentHostId = -1; void gotReplyWrapperP ( void *state , UdpSlot *slot ) { // state is the host Host *h = (Host *)state; long hid = h->m_hostId; // if host 0 special case. //if ( hid == 0 && g_sendingToHost0 ) { // // no longer sending to him // g_sendingToHost0 = false; // // if he sent a reply, don't bother him so much any more // if ( ! g_errno ) g_host0Replied = true; //} // un-count it s_outstandingPings--; // don't let udp server free our send buf, we own it slot->m_sendBufAlloc = NULL; // update ping time long long nowms = gettimeofdayInMillisecondsLocal(); //long long now2 = gettimeofdayInMillisecondsLocal(); long long tripTime = nowms - slot->m_firstSendTime ; // what port were we sending to? //unsigned short port = slot->m_port; // ensure not negative, clock might have been adjusted! if ( tripTime < 0 ) tripTime = 0; // get the Host ptr //Host *h = g_hostdb.getHost ( hid ); // bail if none if ( ! h ) { log(LOG_LOGIC,"net: pingserver: bad hostId."); return; } // point to the right ping time, for the original port or for the // shotgun port long *pingPtr = NULL; if ( slot->m_ip == h->m_ipShotgun ) pingPtr = &h->m_pingShotgun; // original overrides shotgun, in case ips match if ( slot->m_ip == h->m_ip ) pingPtr = &h->m_ping; // otherwise... wierd!! if ( ! pingPtr ) pingPtr = &h->m_ping; // debug msg //logf(LOG_DEBUG,"net: Got ping reply for hid=%li ip=%s " //"tripTime=%lli.", hid,iptoa(slot->m_ip),tripTime); // update ping times for this host //*pingPtr = tripTime; if ( g_errno == EUDPTIMEDOUT ) tripTime = g_conf.m_deadHostTimeout; updatePingTime ( h , pingPtr , tripTime ); // sanity checks if ( slot->m_ip==h->m_ip && !h->m_inProgress1) {char *xx=NULL;*xx=0;} if ( slot->m_ip!=h->m_ip && !h->m_inProgress2) {char *xx=NULL;*xx=0;} // consider it out of progress if ( slot->m_ip == h->m_ip ) h->m_inProgress1 = false; else h->m_inProgress2 = false; // count all replies if ( ! g_errno ) h->m_numPingReplies++; // but if g_errno == EUDPTIMEDOUT, mark the host as dead if ( g_errno == EUDPTIMEDOUT ) { // if not first time... if ( ! h->m_wasAlive && // we must have been alive at some time h->m_wasEverAlive && // and this is lefit h->m_timeOfDeath != 0 && // and in our group //h->m_groupId == g_hostdb.m_myHost->m_groupId ) { h->m_shardNum == getMyShardNum() ) { // how long dead for? long long delta = nowms - h->m_timeOfDeath; // we did it once, do not repeat h->m_timeOfDeath = 0; // num collections long nc = g_collectiondb.m_numRecs; // if 5 minutes, issue reload if in our group for ( long i = 0 ; i < nc && delta > 2*60*1000 ; i++ ){ // get coll SpiderColl *sc=g_spiderCache.getSpiderColl(i); // skip if empty if ( ! sc ) continue; // flag it sc->m_twinDied = true; // flag it for a reload since our twin died //sc->m_needsReload = true; // reload m_sniTable/m_cdTable/etc. //sc->m_doInitialScan = true; } } //*pingPtr = g_conf.m_deadHostTimeout; if ( h->m_wasAlive ) { char *buf = "Host"; if(h->m_isProxy) buf = "Proxy"; log("net: %s #%li ip=%s is dead. Has not responded to " "ping in %li ms.", buf, h->m_hostId, iptoa(slot->m_ip), (long)g_conf.m_deadHostTimeout); // set dead time h->m_timeOfDeath = nowms; // send a kill -SEGV to the gb process on that // host to see why he froze up! // ALSO get a snapshot of the ps -aux on that machine /* char sbuf[1024]; sprintf (sbuf,"ssh %s '" "ps auxww > /tmp/psout & " "killall -SEGV gb " "'",iptoa(h->m_ip)); log("net: system(\"%s\")",sbuf); static bool s_count = 0 // only call system() once and only if we are host #0 if (g_hostdb.m_myHost->m_hostId == 0 && s_count == 0) system ( sbuf ); // count how many times we do it s_count++; */ } } // clear g_errno so we don't think any functions below set it g_errno = 0; // is the whole host alive? if either port is up it is still alive bool isAlive = false; if ( g_conf.m_useShotgun && h->m_pingShotgun < g_conf.m_deadHostTimeout ) isAlive = true; if ( h->m_ping < g_conf.m_deadHostTimeout ) isAlive = true; // if host is not dead clear his sentEmail bit so if he goes // down again we may be obliged to send another email, provided // we are the hostid right after him if ( isAlive ) { // allow him to receive emails again h->m_emailCode = 0; // if he was the subject of the last alert we emailed and now // he is back up then we are free to send another alert about // any other host that goes down if ( h->m_hostId == s_lastSentHostId ) s_lastSentHostId = -1; // mark this h->m_wasEverAlive = true; } if ( isAlive && h->m_percentMemUsed >= 99.0 && h->m_firstOOMTime == 0 ) h->m_firstOOMTime = nowms; if ( isAlive && h->m_percentMemUsed < 99.0 ) h->m_firstOOMTime = 0LL; // if this host is alive and has been at 99% or more mem usage // for the last X minutes, and we have got at least 10 ping replies // from him, then send an email alert. if ( isAlive && h->m_percentMemUsed >= 99.0 && nowms - h->m_firstOOMTime >= g_conf.m_sendEmailTimeout ) g_pingServer.sendEmail ( h , NULL , true , true ); // . if his ping was dead, try to send an email alert to the admin // . returns false if blocked, true otherwise // . sets g_errno on erro // . send it iff both ports (if using shotgun) are dead if ( ! isAlive && nowms - h->m_startTime >= g_conf.m_sendEmailTimeout) g_pingServer.sendEmail ( h ) ; // if this host is alive but has some kernel error, then send an // email alert. if ( h->m_kernelErrors && !h->m_kernelErrorReported ){ log("net: Host #%li is reporting kernel errors.", h->m_hostId); // MDW: disable for now, so does not wake us up at 3am //g_pingServer.sendEmail ( h, NULL, true, false, true ); h->m_kernelErrorReported = true; } // reset if the machine has come back up if ( !h->m_kernelErrors && h->m_kernelErrorReported ) h->m_kernelErrorReported = false; // reset in case sendEmail() set it g_errno = 0; Host *myHost = g_hostdb.m_myHost; // . the one byte response has the sync status // . i think we cored on this when it wasn't checking to see if // slot->m_readBuf was NULL. how can that happen? it seemed to have, // when it tried to allocate one byte of mem and failed... if ( slot->m_readBufSize == 1 && slot->m_readBuf ) h->m_syncStatus = *(slot->m_readBuf); /* else if( myHost && myHost->m_isProxy && hid == 0 && slot->m_readBufSize == 9 && slot->m_readBuf ) { h->m_syncStatus = *(slot->m_readBuf); if ( *pingPtr < 200 ) { long long time = *(long long*)(slot->m_readBuf+1); settimeofdayInMillisecondsGlobal(time); //time_t tmt = time/1000; //log("net: Proxy got time of %s", ctime(&tmt)); } } */ // debug msg //log("slot=%li, g_errno=%li (%s) " // "hostId %li has ping of %li", // (long)slot,g_errno,mstrerror(g_errno),hid,tripTime); // if we're host #0 and he responded really quickly, // tell him to sync to our time //long h0MachineNum = g_hostdb.getMachineNum(0); if (myHost && myHost->m_isProxy) return; if ( g_hostdb.m_hostId != 0 ) return; if ( *pingPtr > 200 ) return; // debug //log("PingServer:: uncomment me"); // don't send sync request to same machine either, we share the clock //if((!h->m_isProxy && g_hostdb.getMachineNum(hid) == h0MachineNum) || // ( h->m_isProxy && h->m_ip == myHost->m_ip) ) // return; // count this one too s_outstandingPings++; // record this time g_pingServer.m_currentPing = *pingPtr; // . ok, his ping was under half a second so he should sync with us // . he should recognize empty requests as a request to sync // . send reply back to the same ip/port that sent to us if ( h->m_isProxy ) hid = -1; // send back what his ping was so he knows *(long *)h->m_requestBuf = *pingPtr; if ( g_udpServer.sendRequest ( h->m_requestBuf , 4 , // 4 byte request 0x11 , slot->m_ip , // h->m_ip , slot->m_port , // h->m_port2 , hid , NULL , (void *)h->m_hostId, // callback state gotReplyWrapperP3 , // timeout (g_conf.m_deadHostTimeout/1000)+1 , 1000 , // backoff 2000 , // max wait NULL , // reply buf 0 , // reply buf size 0 )) // niceness return; // he came back right away s_outstandingPings--; // had an error log("net: Got error sending time sync request: %s.", mstrerror(g_errno) ); // reset it cuz it's not a showstopper g_errno = 0; // . come down here to launch another ping if we need to // . this is really only used when we first come up // launchMore: //g_pingServer.sendPingsToAll(); } void gotReplyWrapperP3 ( void *state , UdpSlot *slot ) { // do not free this! slot->m_sendBufAlloc = NULL; // un-count it s_outstandingPings--; // continue to launch more if we need to //g_pingServer.sendPingsToAll(); } // record time in the ping request iff from hostId #0 static long long s_deltaTime = 0; // this may be called from a signal handler now... void handleRequest11 ( UdpSlot *slot , long niceness ) { // get request //char *request = slot->m_readBuf; long requestSize = slot->m_readBufSize; char *request = slot->m_readBuf; // get the ip/port of requester unsigned long ip = slot->m_ip; unsigned short port = slot->m_port; // get the host entry Host *h = g_hostdb.getHost ( ip , port ); // we may be the temporary cluster (grep for useTmpCluster) and // the proxy is sending pings from its original port plus 1 if ( ! h ) h = g_hostdb.getHost ( ip , port + 1 ); // debug //fprintf(stderr,"GOT PING insighandler=%li rsize=%li h=%li\n", // (long)g_inSigHandler,requestSize,(long)h); if ( ! h ) { // size of 3 means it is a debug ping from // proxy server is a connectIp, so don't display the message // ./gb ./hosts.conf --udp if ( requestSize != 3 && ! g_conf.isConnectIp(ip) ) log(LOG_LOGIC,"net: pingserver: No host for " "dstip=%s port=%hu tid=%li fromhostid=%li", iptoa(ip),port,slot->m_transId,slot->m_hostId); //static long s_count = 0; //fprintf(stderr,"GOT %li\n",s_count++); //g_udpServer2.sendErrorReply ( slot , 1 ); // set "useSameSwitch" to true so even if shotgunning is on // the udp server will send the reply back to the same ip/port // from which we got the request g_udpServer.sendReply_ass ( NULL , // msg 0 , // msgSize NULL , // alloc 0 , // alloc Size slot , 60 , // timeout in seconds NULL , // state NULL , // callback 500 , // backoff in ms 1000 , // max wait for backoff true );// use same switch? return; } // point to the correct ping time. this request may have come from // the shotgun network, or the primary network. long *pingPtr = NULL; if ( slot->m_ip == h->m_ipShotgun ) pingPtr = &h->m_pingShotgun; // original overrides shotgun, in case ips match if ( slot->m_ip == h->m_ip ) pingPtr = &h->m_ping; // otherwise... wierd!! if ( ! pingPtr ) pingPtr = &h->m_ping; //logf(LOG_DEBUG,"net: Got ping request from hid=%li ip=%s", // h->m_hostId,iptoa(slot->m_ip)); // . he's definitely not dead since he sent us a request // . NO! he might not be able to see our packets but we can see his! // so i am commenting this out... this seemed to happen on the // cluster and caused craziness! "TX Unit Hang" errors in the // kernel ring buffer (dmesg) //if ( *pingPtr >= g_conf.m_deadHostTimeout ) { // //*pingPtr = g_conf.m_deadHostTimeout - 1; // updatePingTime ( h , pingPtr, g_conf.m_deadHostTimeout - 1 ); // //if ( *pingPtr < 0 ) *pingPtr = 0; //} // reply msg char *reply = NULL; long replySize = 0; // . a request size of 10 means to set g_repairMode to 1 // . it can only be advanced to 2 when we receive ping replies from // everyone that they are not spidering or merging titledb... if ( requestSize == MAX_PING_SIZE){//14+4+4+4+4+sizeof(collnum_t)+1 ) { char* p = request + 10; // fetch load avg... h->m_loadAvg = ((double)(*((long*)(p)))) / 100.0; p += sizeof(long); // and mem used h->m_percentMemUsed = *(float *)(p); p += sizeof(float); // and cpu usage h->m_cpuUsage = *(float *)(p); // 4 bytes p += sizeof(float); // the host's global doc count. h->m_docsIndexed = *(long*)(p); p += sizeof(long); // how many we indexed since startup //h->m_urlsIndexed = *(long*)(p); //p += sizeof(long); // the host's event count. //h->m_eventsIndexed = *(long*)(p); //p += sizeof(long); // slow disk reads is important h->m_slowDiskReads = *(long*)(p); p += sizeof(long); h->m_hostsConfCRC = *(long*)(p); p += sizeof(long); // sanity if ( h->m_hostsConfCRC == 0 ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; } // disk usage h->m_diskUsage = *(float *)p; p += sizeof(float); // put the state flags h->m_flags = *(long *)(p); p += sizeof(long); // the collnum it is daily merging h->m_dailyMergeCollnum = *(collnum_t *)(p); p += sizeof(collnum_t); // the 4 hd temps memcpy ( h->m_hdtemps , p , 4 * 2 ); p += 4 * 2; // if any one of them is overheating, then turn off // spiders on ourselves (and thus the full cluster) for ( long k = 0 ; k < 4 ; k++ ) if ( h->m_hdtemps[k] > g_conf.m_maxHardDriveTemp ) g_conf.m_spideringEnabled = 0; // we finally got a ping reply from him h->m_gotPingReply = true; // should we enter daily merge mode? only if hostid #0 is in it //if ( (h->m_flags & PFLAG_MERGEMODENOT0) && // h->m_hostId == 0 && // g_hostdb.m_hostId != 0 && // g_dailyMerge.m_mergeMode == 0 ) // // advance into the daily merge mode // g_dailyMerge.m_mergeMode = 1; // . what repair mode is the requester in? // . 0 means not in repair mode // . 1 means in repair mode waiting for a local spider or // titledb merge to stop // . 2 means in repair mode and local spiders and local titledb // merging have stopped and are will not start up again // . 3 means all hosts have entered mode 2 so we can start // repairing // . 4 means done repairing and ready to exit repair mode, // but waiting for other hosts to be mode 4 or 0 before // it can exit, too, and go back to mode 0 char mode = request[8]; h->m_kernelErrors = request[9]; //if ( h->m_kernelErrors ){ //char *xx = NULL; *xx = 0; //} // set his repair mode in the hosts table if ( h ) { // if his mode is 2 he is ready to start repairing // because he has stopped all spiders and titledb // merges from happening. if he just entered mode // 2 now, check to see if all hosts are in mode 2 now. char oldMode = h->m_repairMode; // update his repair mode h->m_repairMode = mode; // . get the MIN repair mode of all hosts // . expensive, so only do if a host changes modes if ( oldMode != mode || g_pingServer.m_minRepairMode == -1 ) g_pingServer.setMinRepairMode ( h ); } // make it a normal ping now requestSize = 8; } PingServer *ps = &g_pingServer; ps->m_numHostsWithForeignRecs = 0; ps->m_numHostsDead = 0; ps->m_hostsConfInDisagreement = false; ps->m_hostsConfInAgreement = false; // // do all hosts have the same hosts.conf???? // // if some hosts are dead then we will not set either flag. // // scan all grunts for agreement. do this line once per sec? // long agree = 0; long i; for ( i = 0 ; i < g_hostdb.getNumGrunts() ; i++ ) { Host *h = &g_hostdb.m_hosts[i]; if ( h->m_flags & PFLAG_FOREIGNRECS ) ps->m_numHostsWithForeignRecs++; if ( g_hostdb.isDead ( h ) ) ps->m_numHostsDead++; // skip if not received yet if ( ! h->m_hostsConfCRC ) continue; // badness? if ( h->m_hostsConfCRC != g_hostdb.m_crc ) { ps->m_hostsConfInDisagreement = true; break; } // count towards agreement agree++; } // iff all in agreement, set this flag if ( agree == g_hostdb.getNumGrunts() ) ps->m_hostsConfInAgreement = true; // if request is 5 bytes, must be a host telling us he's shutting down if ( requestSize == 5 ) { // his byte #4 is sendEmailAlert bool sendEmailAlert = request[4]; // and make him dead if ( h ) { //h->m_ping = g_conf.m_deadHostTimeout + 1; //h->m_pingShotgun = g_conf.m_deadHostTimeout + 1; long deadTime = g_conf.m_deadHostTimeout + 1; updatePingTime ( h , &h->m_ping , deadTime ); updatePingTime ( h , &h->m_pingShotgun , deadTime ); // don't email admin if sendEmailAlert is false if ( ! sendEmailAlert ) h->m_emailCode = -2; // otherwise, launch him one now else { //h->m_emailCode = 0; // . this returns false if blocked, true otherw // . sets g_errno on erro g_pingServer.sendEmail ( h ); // reset in case sendEmail() set it g_errno = 0; } // if we are a proxy and he had an outstanding 0xfd msg // then we need to re-route that! likewise any msg // that has not got a full reply needs to be timedout // right now so we can re-route it... g_udpServer.timeoutDeadHosts ( h ); } else log(LOG_LOGIC,"net: pingserver: Got NULL host ptr."); } // . if size is 4 then he wants us to sync with him // . this was "0", but now we include what the ping was else if ( requestSize == 4 ) { // get the ping time long ping = *(long *)request; // store it g_pingServer.m_currentPing = ping; // should we update the clock? bool setClock = true; // . add 1ms DRIFT for every hour since last update // . use local clock time only long nowLocal = getTime(); // how many seconds since we last updated our clock? long delta = nowLocal - g_pingServer.m_bestPingDate; // drift it 1ms every 5 seconds, that seems somewhat typical long drift = delta / 5; // get best "drifted" ping, "dping" long dping = g_pingServer.m_bestPing + drift; // no overflowing if ( dping < g_pingServer.m_bestPing ) dping = 0x7fffffff; // if this is our first time if ( g_pingServer.m_bestPingDate == 0 ) dping = 0x7fffffff; // . don't bother if not more accurate // . update the clock on "ping" ties because our local clock // drifts a lot if ( g_pingServer.m_currentPing > dping ) setClock = false; // ping must be < 200 ms to update if ( g_pingServer.m_currentPing > 200 ) setClock = false; // if no host... how can this happen? if ( ! h ) setClock = false; // only update if from host #0 if ( h && h->m_hostId != 0 ) setClock = false; // proxy can be host #0, too! watch out... if ( h && h->m_isProxy ) setClock = false; // only commit sender's time if from hostId #0 if ( setClock ) { // what time is it now? long long nowmsLocal=gettimeofdayInMillisecondsLocal(); // log it log(LOG_DEBUG,"admin: Got ping of %li ms. Updating " "clock. drift=%li delta=%li s_deltaTime=%llims " "nowmsLocal=%llims", (long)g_pingServer.m_currentPing,drift,delta, s_deltaTime,nowmsLocal); // what should the new time be? (local mobo time) long long newTime = s_deltaTime + nowmsLocal; // update clock settimeofdayInMillisecondsGlobal ( newTime ); // time stamps g_pingServer.m_bestPingDate = nowLocal; // and the ping g_pingServer.m_bestPing = g_pingServer.m_currentPing; // clear this //s_deltaTime = 0; } } // all pings now deliver a timestamp of the sending host else if ( requestSize == 8 ) { //reply = g_pingServer.getReplyBuffer(); // only record sender's time if from hostId #0 if ( h && h->m_hostId == 0 && !h->m_isProxy) { // what time is it now? long long nowmsLocal=gettimeofdayInMillisecondsLocal(); // . seems these servers drift by 1 ms every 5 secs // . or that is about 17 seconds a day // . we do NOT know how accurate host #0's supplied // time is because the request may have been delayed log(LOG_DEBUG,"admin: host #0 time is %lli ms and " "our local time is %lli ms, delta=%lli ms", *(long long *)request,nowmsLocal , *(long long *)request - nowmsLocal ); // update s_delta in case host #0 sends us a // request size of 4, telling us to sync up with this s_deltaTime =*(long long *)request - nowmsLocal; } // Reply to the proxy with a time stamp to sync with /* else if ( h && h->m_isProxy && g_hostdb.m_hostId == 0 && g_conf.m_timeSyncProxy ) { long long time = gettimeofdayInMillisecondsLocal(); // skip the syncstatus byte and write the time *(long long *)(reply+1) = time; replySize = sizeof(long long); } */ // send back a 1 byte msg with our sync status now //Host *me = g_hostdb.getHost ( g_hostdb.m_hostId ); //*(char*)reply = me->m_syncStatus; //replySize++; reply = NULL; replySize = 0; // debug -- don't ack any pings for now //g_udpServer2.destroySlot ( slot ); //return; } // a tap request -- to store the sync point in the sync file //else if ( requestSize == 9 ) // g_sync.addOp ( OP_SYNCPT , "" , *(long long *)request ); // otherwise, unknown request size else log(LOG_LOGIC,"net: pingserver: Unknown request size of " "%li bytes.", requestSize); // always send back an empty reply g_udpServer.sendReply_ass ( reply , // msg replySize , // msgSize NULL , // alloc 0 , // alloc Size slot , 60 , // timeout in seconds NULL , // state NULL , // callback 500 , // backoff in ms 1000 , // max wait for backoff true );// use same switch? // . now in PingServer.cpp for hostid 0 it checks // the urlsindexed from each host if g_conf.m_testParserEnabled // is true to see if we should call g_test.stopIt() // . add up each hosts urls indexed if ( ! g_conf.m_testParserEnabled ) return; if ( g_hostdb.m_myHost->m_hostId != 0 ) return; long total = 0; for ( long i = 0 ; i < g_hostdb.getNumHosts() ; i++ ) { Host *h = &g_hostdb.m_hosts[i]; total += h->m_urlsIndexed; } // all done? if ( total >= g_test.m_urlsAdded ) g_test.stopIt(); return; } // . sets m_minRepairMode // . only call this when host "h" changes repair mode void PingServer::setMinRepairMode ( Host *hhh ) { // . this host is the holder of the min now, return if not a match // . do not return if m_minRepairMode has not been set at all though bool returnNow = true; if ( m_minRepairModeHost == hhh ) returnNow = false; if ( m_maxRepairModeHost == hhh ) returnNow = false; if ( m_minRepairModeBesides0Host == hhh ) returnNow = false; if ( m_minRepairMode == -1 ) returnNow = false; if ( m_maxRepairMode == -1 ) returnNow = false; if ( m_minRepairModeBesides0 == -1 ) returnNow = false; if ( returnNow ) return; // count the mins long min = -1; long max = -1; long min0 = -1; Host *minh = NULL; Host *maxh = NULL; Host *minh0 = NULL; // scan to find new min for ( long i = 0 ; i < g_hostdb.getNumHosts() ; i++ ) { // count if not dead Host *h = &g_hostdb.m_hosts[i]; // . if it is us, the repairMode is not updated because we // do not ping ourselves. // . we check ourselves in the the getMinRepairMode() and // getNumHostsInRepairMode7() functions defined in // PingServer.h if ( h == g_hostdb.m_myHost ) continue; // get repair mode long repairMode = h->m_repairMode; // is it a min? if ( repairMode < min || min == -1 ) { // we got a new minner min = repairMode; minh = h; } // is it a max? if ( repairMode > max || max == -1 ) { // we got a new minner max = repairMode; maxh = h; } // . min0 is the lowest repair mode that is not 0 // . if they are all 0, then it will be 0 if ( repairMode == 0 ) continue; if ( repairMode < min0 || min0 == -1 ) { min0 = repairMode; minh0 = h; } } // set these guys to the min m_minRepairMode = min; m_minRepairModeHost = minh; // and these to max m_maxRepairMode = max; m_maxRepairModeHost = maxh; // if they are all 0 then this will be 0 m_minRepairModeBesides0 = min0; m_minRepairModeBesides0Host = minh0; } // // This code is used to cyclically ping all hosts in the network // // this wrapper is called once 100ms, or so... void sleepWrapper ( int fd , void *state ) { // . do not do anything if still doing initial pinging above // . in fact, launch as many pings as we can right now //if ( ! g_host0Replied || // g_pingServer.m_totalLaunched < // (g_hostdb.getNumHosts() + g_hostdb.getNumProxy()) ) { // g_pingServer.sendPingsToAll(); // return; //} g_pingServer.sendPingsToAll();//pingNextHost ( ); } /* void PingServer::pingNextHost ( ) { skip: // . don't use more than 32 UdpSlots for pinging // . don't use more than numHosts UdpSlots for pinging long n = g_hostdb.getNumHosts(); if ( m_pingProxy ) n = g_hostdb.getNumProxy(); long max = n; if ( n > 32 ) max = 32; if ( s_outstandingPings >= max ) return; // the next hostid to ping static long s_nextHostId = 0; // cycle through pinging different hosts // get next host to ping if ( s_nextHostId >= n ) { s_nextHostId = 0; // toggle shotgun if we should if ( g_conf.m_useShotgun ) { if ( m_useShotgun ) { m_useShotgun = 0; if(g_hostdb.getNumProxy()) m_pingProxy ^= 1; } else { m_useShotgun = 1; } } else { if(g_hostdb.getNumProxy()) m_pingProxy ^= 1; } } // always turn off if we should if ( ! g_conf.m_useShotgun ) m_useShotgun = 0; // ping it Host *h = g_hostdb.getHost(s_nextHostId); if ( m_pingProxy ) h = g_hostdb.getProxy(s_nextHostId); pingHost ( h, m_useShotgun ); // inc next host to ping s_nextHostId++; } */ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // email sending code ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // we can send emails when a host is detected as dead // . returns false if blocked, true otherwise // . sets g_errno on error bool PingServer::sendEmail ( Host *h , char *errmsg , bool sendToAdmin , bool oom , bool kernelErrors , bool parmChanged , bool forceIt , long mxIP ) { // 0 means none // clear this g_errno = 0; // not if we have outstanding requests if ( m_numReplies2 < m_numRequests2 ) { log("net: Email not sent since there are %li outstanding " "replies.",m_numReplies2 - m_numRequests2); return true; } // throttle the oom sends if ( oom ) { static long s_lastOOMTime = 0; long now = getTimeLocal(); // space 15 minutes apart if ( now - s_lastOOMTime < 15*60 ) return true; // set time s_lastOOMTime = now; } // always force these now because they are messing up our latency graph if ( oom ) forceIt = true; // . even if we don't send an email, log it // . return if alerts disabled if ( ! g_conf.m_sendEmailAlerts && ! forceIt ) { // . only log if this is his first time as being detected dead // . this is useful cuz it might hint at a down link if ( h != NULL && h->m_emailCode == 0 ) { h->m_emailCode = 1; //log("net: Host #%li is dead. Has not responded to " // "ping in %li ms.",h->m_hostId, // (long)g_conf.m_deadHostTimeout); } return true; } // bitch and bail if h is NULL and this is a dead host msg if ( ! h && errmsg == NULL) { g_errno = EBADENGINEER; log(LOG_LOGIC,"net: pingserver: Host ptr is NULL 2."); return true; } // if he's not open for alerts,return (see PingServer.h) for alert defn if ( h && h->m_emailCode != 0 ) return true; // don't send another email until the last us we alerted revives if ( h && s_lastSentHostId >= 0 ) { // in fact, even after the lastSentHostId host comes back // up, don't send to these guys who were dead before it came // back up h->m_emailCode = -5; return true; } char msgbuf[2048]; if( h ) { //as a special case construct the error message here if // we have a host. // . are we the designated host to send the email alert? // . our hostid must be the next alive hostId long dhid = h->m_hostId; Host *dh = g_hostdb.getHost ( dhid ); Host *origdh = dh; //while ( dh && dh->m_ping >= g_conf.m_deadHostTimeout ) { long totalCount = 0; while ( dh && ( g_hostdb.isDead ( dh ) || dh == origdh ) ) { if ( ++dhid >= g_hostdb.getNumHosts() ) dhid = 0; dh = g_hostdb.getHost ( dhid ); if ( totalCount++ >= g_hostdb.getNumHosts() ) break; } // . if we're not the next alive host in line to send, bail // . if next-in-line crashes before he sends then there will be // a cascade affect and we could end up sending a BUNCH of // emails so prevent that now by setting his m_emailCode if ( dhid != g_hostdb.m_hostId ) { h->m_emailCode = -3; return true; } // mark him as in progress h->m_emailCode = -4; // a host or proxy? char *nm = "Host"; if ( h->m_isProxy ) nm = "Proxy"; // note it in the log if ( oom ) log("net: %s %s #%li is out of mem for %li ms. " "Sending email alert.",h->m_hostname,nm, h->m_hostId, (long)g_conf.m_sendEmailTimeout); else if ( kernelErrors ) log("net: %s %s #%li has an error in the kernel. " "Sending email alert.",h->m_hostname,nm, h->m_hostId); else log("net: %s %s #%li is dead. Has not responded to " "ping in %li ms. Sending email alert.", h->m_hostname,nm,h->m_hostId, (long)g_conf.m_sendEmailTimeout); // . make the msg // . put host0 ip in ()'s so we know what network it was Host *h0 = g_hostdb.getHost ( 0 ); long ip0 = 0; if ( h0 ) ip0 = h0->m_ip; char *desc = "dead"; if ( oom ) desc = "out of memory"; else if ( kernelErrors ) desc = "having kernel errors"; sprintf ( msgbuf , "%s %s %li is %s. cluster=%s (%s)", h->m_hostname,nm, h->m_hostId, desc, g_conf.m_clusterName,iptoa(ip0)); errmsg = msgbuf; } // . returns false if blocked, true otherwise // . sets g_errno on error bool status = true; m_numRequests2 = 0; m_numReplies2 = 0; // sysadmin if ( g_conf.m_sendEmailAlertsToSysadmin && sendToAdmin ) { m_numRequests2++; if ( ! sendAdminEmail ( h, "sysadmin@gigablast.com", "sysadmin@gigablast.com", errmsg , "mail.gigablast.com" ) ) status = false; } // set the max for sanity checking in gotdoc m_maxRequests2 = m_numRequests2; bool delay = g_conf.m_delayNonCriticalEmailAlerts; // oom is always critical, as is kernel errors if ( oom || kernelErrors ) delay = false; // if delay non critical email alerts is true do not send email // alerts about dead hosts to anyone except sysadmin@gigablast.com // between 10:00pm and 9:30am unless all the other twins of the // dead host are also dead. Instead, wait till after 9:30 am if // the host is still dead. if ( delay && h && sendToAdmin ) { /* long deaHr,deaMin,debHr,debMin; char hr[3],min[3]; hr[2] = '\0'; min[2] = '\0'; memcpy ( hr, g_conf.m_delayEmailsAfter, 2 ); deaHr = atoi(hr); memcpy ( min, g_conf.m_delayEmailsAfter + 3, 2 ); deaMin = atoi(min); memcpy ( hr, g_conf.m_delayEmailsBefore, 2 ); debHr = atoi(hr); memcpy ( min, g_conf.m_delayEmailsBefore + 3, 2 ); debMin = atoi(min); //get the current time. use getTime() because //then it is sync'ed with host 0's time. time_t rawTime = getTime(); struct tm *timeInfo; //timeInfo stores the lasthour time timeInfo = localtime ( &rawTime ); char buf[64]; strftime ( buf , 100 , "%b %d %T", timeInfo); //log ( LOG_WARN,"net: pingserver: local time is %s when " // "host died",buf ); //tm struct has hours from 0-23 long tmHr = timeInfo->tm_hour; long tmMin = timeInfo->tm_min; bool delay = false; if ( ( tmHr > deaHr || ( tmHr == deaHr && tmMin > deaMin ) ) && ( tmHr < debHr || ( tmHr == debHr && tmMin < debMin ) ) ) delay = true; else if ( ( tmHr > deaHr || ( tmHr == deaHr && tmMin > deaMin ) ) && ( debHr < deaHr || ( debHr == deaHr && debMin < deaMin ) ) ) delay = true; else if ( ( tmHr < debHr || ( tmHr == debHr && tmMin < debMin ) ) && ( deaHr > debHr || ( deaHr == debHr && deaMin > debMin ) ) ) delay = true; */ // always delay no matter the time now bool delay = true; if ( delay ) { //check if the hosts twins are dead too long numTwins = 0; Host *hosts = g_hostdb.getShard( h->m_shardNum, &numTwins ); long i = 0; while ( i < numTwins ){ if ( !g_hostdb.isDead ( hosts[i].m_hostId ) ) break; i++; } //if no twin is alive, emergency ! send email ! //if even one twin is alive, don't send now if ( i == numTwins ) goto skipSleep; /* time_t rawTime2 = getTime(); struct tm *timeInfo2; //timeInfo stores the lasthour UTC time timeInfo2=localtime(&rawTime2); //change the time to delayemailsBefore timeInfo2->tm_hour = debHr; timeInfo2->tm_min = debMin; rawTime2 = mktime ( timeInfo2 ); double diffTime = difftime ( rawTime2 , rawTime ); // if difftime is neg, that means we were yesterday, // so add 1 day to get real diff if (diffTime < 0 ) diffTime = (60 * 60 * 24 ) + diffTime; log( LOG_WARN,"net: pingserver: Delay non critical " "email alerts on. Trying to send email after %li " "seconds",(long) diffTime ); long wait = (long)diffTime * 1000 ;//ms // wake up after so many seconds g_loop.registerSleepCallback( wait, h, emailSleepWrapper ); */ return true; } } skipSleep: // matt tmobile //if ( g_conf.m_sendEmailAlertsToMattTmobile ) { // m_numRequests2++; // if ( ! pageTMobile ( h, errmsg)) // status = false; //} // matt alltel /* if ( g_conf.m_sendEmailAlertsToMattAlltell ) { m_numRequests2++; if ( ! sendAdminEmail ( h, "sysadmin@gigablast.com", "5054503518@message.alltel.com", errmsg , "mms-mta.alltel.net" )) status = false; } */ // matt alltel // if ( g_conf.m_sendEmailAlertsToMattAlltell ) { // m_numRequests2++; // //if ( ! pageAlltel ( h, errmsg , "5053626809" ) ) // if ( ! pageAlltel ( h, errmsg , "5054503518" ) ) // status = false; // } // matt verizon //if ( g_conf.m_sendEmailAlertsToMattVerizon ) { // m_numRequests2++; // if ( ! pageVerizon ( h, errmsg ) ) // status = false; //} // melissa // if ( g_conf.m_sendEmailAlertsToMelissa ) { // m_numRequests2++; // if ( ! pageAlltel ( h, errmsg , "5054292121" ) ) // melissa // status = false; // } // partap /* if ( g_conf.m_sendEmailAlertsToPartap ) { m_numRequests2++; //if ( ! pageSprintPCS ( h, errmsg , "5056889554") ) // status = false; if ( ! sendAdminEmail ( h, "sysadmin@gigablast.com", "5056889554@mx.messaging.sprintpcs.com", errmsg , "mx.messaging.sprintpcs.com") ) status = false; } // javier if ( g_conf.m_sendEmailAlertsToJavier ) { m_numRequests2++; //if ( ! pageSprintPCS ( h, errmsg , "5056959513") ) // status = false; if ( ! sendAdminEmail ( h, "sysadmin@gigablast.com", "5056959513@mx.messaging.sprintpcs.com", errmsg , "mx.messaging.sprintpcs.com") ) status = false; } // cinco // if ( g_conf.m_sendEmailAlertsToCinco ) { // m_numRequests2++; // //if ( ! pageSprintPCS ( h, errmsg , "5054179933") ) // // status = false; // if ( ! sendAdminEmail ( h, // "sysadmin@gigablast.com", // "5054179933@mx.messaging.sprintpcs.com", // errmsg ) ) // status = false; // } // zak if ( g_conf.m_sendEmailAlertsToZak) { m_numRequests2++; if ( ! sendAdminEmail ( h, "zak@gigablast.com", "zak@gigablast.com", errmsg , "mail.gigablast.com" ) ) status = false; m_numRequests2++; if ( ! sendAdminEmail ( h, "sysadmin@gigablast.com", "5052204556@message.alltel.com", errmsg , "mms-mta.alltel.net" )) status = false; } if ( g_conf.m_sendEmailAlertsToSabino ) { m_numRequests2++; //if ( ! pageSprintPCS ( h, errmsg , "5056959513") ) // status = false; if ( ! sendAdminEmail ( h, "sysadmin@gigablast.com", "7082076550@mobile.mycingular.com", errmsg , "mx.mycingular.net" ) ) status = false; } */ bool e1 = g_conf.m_sendEmailAlertsToEmail1; bool e2 = g_conf.m_sendEmailAlertsToEmail2; bool e3 = g_conf.m_sendEmailAlertsToEmail3; bool e4 = g_conf.m_sendEmailAlertsToEmail4; // some people don't want parm change alerts if ( parmChanged && ! g_conf.m_sendParmChangeAlertsToEmail1) e1=false; if ( parmChanged && ! g_conf.m_sendParmChangeAlertsToEmail2) e2=false; if ( parmChanged && ! g_conf.m_sendParmChangeAlertsToEmail3) e3=false; if ( parmChanged && ! g_conf.m_sendParmChangeAlertsToEmail4) e4=false; // point to provided IP as string char *mxIPStr = NULL; char ipBuf[64]; if ( mxIP ) { sprintf(ipBuf,"%s",iptoa(mxIP)); mxIPStr = ipBuf; } if ( e1 ) { m_numRequests2++; m_maxRequests2++; char *mxHost = g_conf.m_email1MX; if ( mxIP ) mxHost = mxIPStr; if ( ! sendAdminEmail ( h, g_conf.m_email1From, g_conf.m_email1Addr, errmsg, mxHost ) ) // g_conf.m_email1MX) ) status = false; } if ( e2 ) { m_numRequests2++; m_maxRequests2++; char *mxHost = g_conf.m_email2MX; if ( mxIP ) mxHost = mxIPStr; if ( ! sendAdminEmail ( h, g_conf.m_email2From, g_conf.m_email2Addr, errmsg, mxHost ) ) // g_conf.m_email2MX) ) status = false; } if ( e3 ) { m_numRequests2++; m_maxRequests2++; char *mxHost = g_conf.m_email3MX; if ( mxIP ) mxHost = mxIPStr; if ( ! sendAdminEmail ( h, g_conf.m_email3From, g_conf.m_email3Addr, errmsg, mxHost ) ) // g_conf.m_email3MX) ) status = false; } if ( e4 ) { m_numRequests2++; m_maxRequests2++; char *mxHost = g_conf.m_email4MX; if ( mxIP ) mxHost = mxIPStr; if ( ! sendAdminEmail ( h, g_conf.m_email4From, g_conf.m_email4Addr, errmsg, mxHost ) ) // g_conf.m_email4MX) ) status = false; } // set the max for sanity checking below //m_maxRequests2 = m_numRequests2; // did we block or not? return true if nobody blocked return status; } void emailSleepWrapper ( int fd, void *state ){ g_loop.unregisterSleepCallback( state, emailSleepWrapper ); //check if the host is still dead and if the last host to die is this //host Host *h = (Host *)state; //if he is still dead and no other host has died after it if ( g_hostdb.isDead( h ) && s_lastSentHostId == h->m_hostId ){ //reset s_lastSentHostId for sendEmail() s_lastSentHostId = -1; //reset hosts emailcode so that it sends the email h->m_emailCode = 0; g_pingServer.sendEmail ( h , NULL , false );//sendToAdmin } //if we're alive then no need to send email. If some other host has //died, that host will send an email anyway. } #include "HttpServer.h" static void gotDocWrapper ( void *state , TcpSocket *ts ) ; // JAB: warning abatement #if 0 // . returns false if blocks, true otherwise // . sets g_errno on error bool pageTMobile ( Host *h , char *errmsg) { // log("EMAIL SENT %s!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!",errmsg); // return true; // for debug without actually wasting our cell phone instant messages //log("EMAIL SENT hid=%li!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!",h->m_hostId); //gotDocWrapper ( h , NULL ); //return true; // looks like TcpServer won't let us use a static sendBuf // cuz we cannot just set TcpSocket->m_sendBuf to NULL to stop // the freeing cuz if TcpServer::gotIp() has an error it // frees it sendBuf. This happens in other places too. void * state = h; char *buf = (char *) mmalloc ( PAGER_BUF_SIZE , "PingServer" ); // bail on malloc error if ( ! buf ) { log("net: Could not allocate %li bytes to send email " "to mobile." , (long)PAGER_BUF_SIZE); g_pingServer.m_numReplies++; return true; } char *p = buf; char *pend = buf + PAGER_BUF_SIZE; // send the request sprintf ( p , //"POST /mytmobile/login/default.asp?" //"POST /messaging/default.asp?" "POST /customer_site/jsp/messaging_lo.jsp?" "To=5054503518 HTTP/1.0\r\n" "Accept: image/gif, image/x-xbitmap, image/jpeg, " "image/pjpeg, application/x-shockwave-flash, " "application/msword, */*\r\n" "Accept-Language: en-us\r\n" "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n" "Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate\r\n" "User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 " "(compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows 98; Win 9x 4.90)\r\n" //"Host: www.t-mobile.com\r\n" "Host: wmg.tmomail.net\r\n" "Content-Length: xxx\r\n" //"Connection: Keep-Alive\r\n" "Connection: close\r\n" "Cache-Control: no-cache\r\n\r\n" //"txtNum=5054503518&txtFrom=gb&" "DOMAIN_NAME=@tmomail.com&" "min=5054503518&" "require_sender=gb&" //"hdnpublic=1&" "msgTermsUse=on&" //"txtMessage="); //"trackResponses=No&" //"Send.x=Yes&" "text="); p += gbstrlen ( p ); // append the err msg, but convert spaces to +'s long i; for ( i = 0 ; errmsg[i] && p + 4 < pend ; i++ ) { if ( errmsg[i] == ' ' ) *p++ = '+'; else if ( errmsg[i] == '.' ) { p[0] = '%'; p[1] = '2'; p[2] = 'E'; p += 3; } else *p++ = errmsg[i]; } *p = '\0'; long bufLen = p - buf; // replace xxx char *s = strstr ( buf , "xxx" ); char *t = strstr ( buf , "\r\n\r\n" ) + 4; long clen = bufLen - ( t - buf ); sprintf ( s , "%3li" , clen ); s [ 3 ] = '\r'; // post it up // borrow our HttpServer's TcpServer //TcpServer *ts = g_httpServer.getTcp(); TcpServer *ts = g_httpServer.getSSLTcp(); if ( ! ts ) { log("db: Could not page alltel because " "no gb.pem file in working dir so " "SSL server is unavailable."); return true; } if ( ! ts->sendMsg ( //"" , //gbstrlen("") , "", gbstrlen(""), 443 , // https, 80 , buf , PAGER_BUF_SIZE , bufLen , bufLen , (void *)h , gotDocWrapper , 60*1000 , 100*1024 , // maxTextDocLen 100*1024 )) // maxOtherDocLen return false; // we did not block, so update h->m_emailCode gotDocWrapper (state, NULL ); // we did not block return true; } #endif // JAB: warning abatement #if 0 // . returns false if blocks, true otherwise // . sets g_errno on error bool pageAlltel ( Host *h , char *errmsg , char *num ) { // for debug without actually wasting our cell phone instant messages //log("EMAIL SENT hid=%li!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!",h->m_hostId); //gotDocWrapper ( h , NULL ); //return true; // looks like TcpServer won't let us use a static sendBuf // cuz we cannot just set TcpSocket->m_sendBuf to NULL to stop // the freeing cuz if TcpServer::gotIp() has an error it // frees it sendBuf. This happens in other places too. void * state = h; char *buf = (char *) mmalloc ( PAGER_BUF_SIZE , "PingServer" ); // bail on malloc error if ( ! buf ) { log("net: Could not allocate %li bytes to send email " "to alltel." , PAGER_BUF_SIZE); g_pingServer.m_numReplies++; return true; } char *p = buf; char *pend = buf + PAGER_BUF_SIZE; // send the request char *host = "message.alltel.com"; char *ip = ""; // message.alltel.com //char *num = "5054292121"; // melissa sprintf ( p , //"POST /mytmobile/login/default.asp?" "POST /customer_site/jsp/messaging.jsp" " HTTP/1.0\r\n" "Accept: image/gif, image/x-xbitmap, image/jpeg, " "image/pjpeg, application/x-shockwave-flash, " "application/msword, */*\r\n" "Accept-Language: en-us\r\n" "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n" "Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate\r\n" "User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 " "(compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows 98; Win 9x 4.90)\r\n" "Host: %s\r\n" // www.t-mobile.com "Content-Length: xxx\r\n" //"Connection: Keep-Alive\r\n" "Connection: close\r\n" "Cache-Control: no-cache\r\n\r\n" // post data "trackResponses=No&" "devicetype=1&" "DOMAIN_NAME=@vtext.com&" "sender=gb&" "min=%s&" // phone number "callback=&" "count=160&" "type=1&" // 1=high priority, 0=normal "text=" , host , num ); p += gbstrlen ( p ); // append the err msg, but convert spaces to +'s long i; for ( i = 0 ; errmsg[i] && p + 4 < pend ; i++ ) { if ( errmsg[i] == ' ' ) *p++ = '+'; else if ( errmsg[i] == '.' ) { p[0] = '%'; p[1] = '2'; p[2] = 'E'; p += 3; } else *p++ = errmsg[i]; } *p = '\0'; long bufLen = p - buf; // replace xxx char *s = strstr ( buf , "xxx" ); char *t = strstr ( buf , "\r\n\r\n" ) + 4; long clen = bufLen - ( t - buf ); sprintf ( s , "%3li" , clen ); s [ 3 ] = '\r'; // post it up // borrow our HttpServer's TcpServer TcpServer *ts = g_httpServer.getTcp(); if ( ! ts->sendMsg ( ip , gbstrlen(ip) , 80 , buf , PAGER_BUF_SIZE , bufLen , bufLen , state , gotDocWrapper , 60*1000 , 100*1024 , // maxTextDocLen 100*1024 )) // maxOtherDocLen return false; // we did not block, so update h->m_emailCode gotDocWrapper ( state , NULL ); // we did not block return true; } #endif // JAB: warning abatement #if 0 // . returns false if blocks, true otherwise // . sets g_errno on error bool pageSprintPCS ( Host *h , char *errmsg , char *num) { char *host = "messaging.sprintpcs.com"; //char *num = "2813004108"; // partap // for debug without actually wasting our cell phone instant messages //log("EMAIL SENT hid=%li!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!",h->m_hostId); //gotDocWrapper ( h , NULL ); //return true; // looks like TcpServer won't let us use a static sendBuf // cuz we cannot just set TcpSocket->m_sendBuf to NULL to stop // the freeing cuz if TcpServer::gotIp() has an error it // frees it sendBuf. This happens in other places too. void * state = h; char *buf = (char *) mmalloc ( PAGER_BUF_SIZE , "PingServer" ); // bail on malloc error if ( ! buf ) { log("net: Could not allocate %li bytes to send email " "to sprint pcs." , PAGER_BUF_SIZE); g_pingServer.m_numReplies++; return true; } char *p = buf; char *pend = buf + PAGER_BUF_SIZE; // save ptr to host or email type *(Host **)(p+PAGER_BUF_SIZE-4) = (Host*)state; // then the message to send sprintf ( p , //"POST /mytmobile/login/default.asp?" "POST /textmessaging/composeconfirm" //;jsessionid=CSRtp1YQo3WyzNL0edNEHsI4oN2IloYE9buvqYaO //Pgijz4Ht1WUO!1942930617!182751426!5070!7002" " HTTP/1.0\r\n" "Accept: image/gif, image/x-xbitmap, image/jpeg, " "image/pjpeg, application/x-shockwave-flash, " "application/msword, */*\r\n" "Accept-Language: en-us\r\n" "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n" "Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate\r\n" "User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 " "(compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows 98; Win 9x 4.90)\r\n" "Host: %s\r\n" // www.t-mobile.com "Content-Length: xxx\r\n" //"Connection: Keep-Alive\r\n" "Connection: close\r\n" "Cookie: \r\n" "Cache-Control: no-cache\r\n\r\n" // post data "randomToken=&" "phoneNumber=%s&" // phone number //"characters=%li&" //"characters=160&" //"callBackNumber=&" "message=" , host , num );//, (long)160-gbstrlen(errmsg) ); p += gbstrlen ( p ); // append the err msg, but convert spaces to +'s long i; for ( i = 0 ; errmsg[i] && p + 4 < pend ; i++ ) { if ( errmsg[i] == ' ' ) *p++ = '+'; else if ( errmsg[i] == '.' ) { p[0] = '%'; p[1] = '2'; p[2] = 'E'; p += 3; } else *p++ = errmsg[i]; } *p = '\0'; //long bufLen = p - buf; // gotta get the cookie Url url; //char *uu = ""; char *uu = ""; //char *uu = "http://messaging.sprintpcs.com/textmessaging/compose"; url.set(uu,gbstrlen(uu)); if ( ! g_httpServer.getDoc ( &url , 0 , // offset -1 , // size false , // m_ifModifiedSince buf , // state sprintPCSWrapper , // 30*1000 , // timeout 0 , // m_proxyIp 0 , // m_proxyPort 100*1024 , // m_maxTextDocLen 100*1024 , // m_maxOtherDocLen "Mozilla/4.0 " // user agent "(compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows 98; " "Win 9x 4.90)\r\n" ) ) return false; // must have been an error log("net: Got error getting page from Sprint PCS: %s.", mstrerror(g_errno)); // always call this at the end return pageSprintPCS2 ( buf , NULL ); } #endif // JAB: warning abatement #if 0 void sprintPCSWrapper ( void *state , TcpSocket *ts) { pageSprintPCS2 ( state , ts ); } #endif // JAB: warning abatement #if 0 bool pageSprintPCS2 ( void *state , TcpSocket *s) { char *ip = ""; char *buf = (char *)state; long bufLen = gbstrlen(buf); char *p = buf; char *pend = p + bufLen; // last 4 bytes of buffer is the Host ptr void* state2 = (p+PAGER_BUF_SIZE-4); if ( g_errno || ! s ) { mfree ( buf , PAGER_BUF_SIZE , "PingServer" ); // always call this at the end gotDocWrapper( state2 , NULL ); return true; } // sprint debug msg //log("net: Got reply from Sprint PCS:\n%s",s->m_readBuf); // get the cookie HttpMime mime; mime.set ( s->m_readBuf , s->m_readOffset , NULL ); char *cookie = mime.getCookie ( ); long cookieLen = mime.getCookieLen (); bufLen += cookieLen; if ( ! cookie ) { log("net: No cookie to send to Sprint PCS"); g_errno = EBADREPLY; mfree ( buf , PAGER_BUF_SIZE , "PingServer" ); // always call this at the end gotDocWrapper( state2 , NULL ); return true; } // part the request to make room for cookie char *ss = strstr ( p , "Cookie: "); if ( ! ss ) { char *xx = NULL; *xx = 0; } ss += 8; // points to right after the space // insert the cookie memcpy ( ss+cookieLen , ss , pend - ss ); memcpy ( ss , cookie , cookieLen ); pend += cookieLen; // replace xxx char *sx = strstr ( buf , "xxx" ); char *t = strstr ( buf , "\r\n\r\n" ) + 4; long clen = bufLen - ( t - buf ); sprintf ( sx , "%3li" , clen ); sx [ 3 ] = '\r'; // sprint debug msg //log("net: Sending to Sprint PCS:\n%s",buf); // post it up // borrow our HttpServer's TcpServer TcpServer *ts = g_httpServer.getTcp(); if ( ! ts->sendMsg ( ip , gbstrlen(ip) , 80 , buf , PAGER_BUF_SIZE , gbstrlen(buf) , gbstrlen(buf) , state2 , gotDocWrapper , 60*1000 , 100*1024 , // maxTextDocLen 100*1024 )) // maxOtherDocLen return false; // we did not block, so update h->m_emailCode gotDocWrapper ( state2 , NULL ); // we did not block return true; } #endif // a bit of a hack for monitor.cpp //long g_emailMX1IPBackUp = 0; bool sendAdminEmail ( Host *h, char *fromAddress, char *toAddress, char *body , char *emailServIp) { // create a new buffer char *buf = (char *) mmalloc ( PAGER_BUF_SIZE , "PingServer" ); // fill the buffer char *p = buf; // helo line p += sprintf(p, "HELO gigablast.com\r\n"); // mail line p += sprintf(p, "MAIL from:<%s>\r\n", fromAddress); // to line p += sprintf(p, "RCPT to:<%s>\r\n", toAddress); // data p += sprintf(p, "DATA\r\n"); // body p += sprintf(p, "To: %s\r\n", toAddress); p += sprintf(p, "Subject: Sysadmin Event Message\r\n"); // mime header must be separated from body by an extra \r\n p += sprintf(p, "\r\n"); p += sprintf(p, "%s", body); // quit p += sprintf(p, "\r\n.\r\nQUIT\r\n"); // get the length long buffLen = (p - buf); // send the message TcpServer *ts = g_httpServer.getTcp(); log ( LOG_WARN, "PingServer: Sending email to sysadmin:\n %s", buf ); //if ( !ts->sendMsg ( g_conf.m_smtpHost, // gbstrlen(g_conf.m_smtpHost), // g_conf.m_smtpPort, char *ip = emailServIp;//""; // gf39, mail server ip // use backup if there //char ipString[64]; //if ( g_emailServIPBackup ) { // iptoa(ipString,g_emailMX1IPBackup); // ip = ipString; //} if ( !ts->sendMsg ( ip, gbstrlen(ip), 25, // smtp (send mail transfer protocol) port buf, PAGER_BUF_SIZE, buffLen, buffLen, h, gotDocWrapper, 60*1000, 100*1024, 100*1024 ) ) return false; // we did not block, so update h->m_emailCode gotDocWrapper ( h , NULL ); // we did not block return true; } void gotDocWrapper ( void *state , TcpSocket *s ) { // keep track of how many we got g_pingServer.m_numReplies2++; if ( g_pingServer.m_numReplies2 > g_pingServer.m_maxRequests2 ) { log(LOG_LOGIC,"net: too many replies received. " "requests:%li replies:%li maxrequests:%li", g_pingServer.m_numRequests2, g_pingServer.m_numReplies2, g_pingServer.m_maxRequests2); //char *xx = NULL; *xx = 0; } Host *h = (Host *)state; // if ( ! h ) { log("net: h is NULL in pingserver."); return; } // don't let tcp server free the sendbuf, that's static //s->m_sendBuf = NULL; if ( g_errno ) { if(h) { log("net: Had error sending email to mobile for dead " "hostId " "#%li: %s.", h->m_hostId,mstrerror(g_errno)); } else { log("net: Had error sending email to mobile for " "long latency: %s.", mstrerror(g_errno)); } // mark as 0 on error to try sending again later //h->m_emailCode = 0; // reset these errors just in case g_errno = 0; return; } // log it if(h) log("net: Email sent successfully for dead host #%li.", h->m_hostId); else log("net: Email sent successfully for long latency."); // . show the reply // . seems to crash if we log the read buffer... no \0? if ( s && s->m_readBuf ) log("net: Got messaging server reply #%li.\n%s", g_pingServer.m_numReplies2,s->m_readBuf ); // otherwise, success if(h) { h->m_emailCode = 1; // . mark him as the one email we sent // . don't send another email until he comes back up! // . it's just a waste s_lastSentHostId = h->m_hostId; } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////// // the shutdown broadcast ////////////////////////////////////////////////// // when a host goes down gracefully it lets all its peers know so they // do not send requests to it. // . broadcast shutdown notes // . returns false if blocked, true otherwise // . does not set g_errno bool PingServer::broadcastShutdownNotes ( bool sendEmailAlert , void *state , void (* callback)(void *state) ) { // don't broadcast on interface machines if ( g_conf.m_interfaceMachine ) return true; // only call once if ( m_numRequests != m_numReplies ) return true; // keep track m_numRequests = 0; m_numReplies = 0; // save callback info m_broadcastState = state; m_broadcastCallback = callback; // use this buffer static char s_buf [5]; *(long *)s_buf = g_hostdb.m_hostId; // followed by sendEmailAlert s_buf[4] = (char)sendEmailAlert; long np = g_hostdb.getNumProxy(); // do not send to proxies if we are a proxy if ( g_hostdb.m_myHost->m_isProxy ) np = 0; // sent to proxy hosts too so they don't send to us for ( long i = 0 ; i < np ; i++ ) { // get host Host *h = g_hostdb.getProxy(i); // skip ourselves //if ( h->m_hostId == g_hostdb.m_hostId ) continue; // count as sent m_numRequests++; // send it right now if ( g_udpServer.sendRequest ( s_buf , 5 , // rqstSz 0x11 , // msgType h->m_ip , h->m_port , // we are sending to a proxy! -1 , // h->m_hostId , NULL , // NULL , // state gotReplyWrapperP2 , 3 , // 3 sec timeout -1 , // default backoff -1 , // default maxwait NULL , // reply buf 0 , // reply buf size 0 ))// niceness continue; // otherwise, had an error m_numReplies++; // reset g_errno g_errno = 0; } // send a high priority msg to each host in network, except us for ( long i = 0 ; i < g_hostdb.getNumHosts() ; i++ ) { // get host Host *h = &g_hostdb.m_hosts[i]; // skip ourselves if ( h->m_hostId == g_hostdb.m_hostId ) continue; // count as sent m_numRequests++; // request will be freed by UdpServer //char *r = (char *) mmalloc ( 4 , "PingServer" ); //if ( ! r ) return true; //memcpy ( r , (char *)(&h->m_hostId) , 4 ); // send it right now if ( g_udpServer.sendRequest ( s_buf , 5 , // rqstSz 0x11 , // msgType h->m_ip , h->m_port , h->m_hostId , NULL , // NULL , // state gotReplyWrapperP2 , 3 , // 3 sec timeout -1 , // default backoff -1 , // default maxwait NULL , // reply buf 0 , // reply buf size 0 ))// niceness continue; // otherwise, had an error m_numReplies++; // reset g_errno g_errno = 0; } // if already done return true if ( m_numReplies >= m_numRequests ) return true; // otherwise we blocked return false; } void gotReplyWrapperP2 ( void *state , UdpSlot *slot ) { // count it g_pingServer.m_numReplies++; // don't let udp server free our send buf, we own it slot->m_sendBufAlloc = NULL; // discard errors g_errno = 0; // bail if not done if ( g_pingServer.m_numReplies < g_pingServer.m_numRequests ) return ; // call our wrapper if ( g_pingServer.m_broadcastCallback ) g_pingServer.m_broadcastCallback(g_pingServer.m_broadcastState); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////// // the sync point section ////////////////////////////////////////////////// // every 10 minutes, host #0 tells all hosts to store a "sync point". // this will force all hosts to dump a list of the names of all the files // they have created since the last "sync point" was stored. in addition // to dumping this list to disk, the "sync point" itself (a timestamp) // will be appened to the list so we know at what approximate times all // the files were created. this if for doing incremental synchronization. // all "sync points" are from host #0's clock. // ensure not too many sync point store requests off at once static long s_outstandingTaps = 0; static char s_lastSyncPoint [ 9 ]; static long s_nextTapHostId ; static void tapLoop ( ) ; static void gotTapReplyWrapper ( void *state , UdpSlot *slot ) ; // this wrapper is called once every second, or so... void sleepWrapper10 ( int fd , void *state ) { // can't do much if still waiting on a very old tap! if ( s_outstandingTaps ) { log("PingServer::sleepWrapper10: stuck tap. sync messed up."); return; } // request is 9 bytes to distinguish from 8-byte requests long long stamp = gettimeofdayInMilliseconds(); // . keep incrementing this if already used to avoid repeat stamps // . should be extremely rare // . even with this we can still have repeat stamps if we are not // in sync, so i check for that in Sync::getSyncPoint() // . -1 is reserved for meaning no stamp (see Msg0.h) //while ( g_sync.hasStamp ( stamp ) || stamp == -1 ) stamp++; // save it for distributing *(long long *) s_lastSyncPoint = stamp; // reset loop parms s_nextTapHostId = 0; // do the tap loop tapLoop ( ); } void tapLoop ( ) { // . don't use more than 16 UdpSlots for tapping // . don't use more than numHosts UdpSlots for tapping long max = g_hostdb.getNumHosts(); if ( max > 16 ) max = 16; loop: if ( s_outstandingTaps >= max ) return; // cycle through pinging different hosts long n = g_hostdb.getNumHosts(); // if done sending requests then just return if ( s_nextTapHostId >= n ) return; // otherwise, tap this guy g_pingServer.tapHost ( s_nextTapHostId ); // inc next host to ping s_nextTapHostId++; // do as many in a row as we can goto loop; } void gotTapReplyWrapper ( void *state , UdpSlot *slot ) { // it came back s_outstandingTaps--; // don't let udp server free our send buf, we own it slot->m_sendBufAlloc = NULL; // discard errors g_errno = 0; // loop to do more if we need to tapLoop ( ); } // ping host #i void PingServer::tapHost ( long hostId ) { // don't ping on interface machines if ( g_conf.m_interfaceMachine ) return; // don't tap ourselves //if ( hostId == g_hostdb.m_hostId ) return; // watch for out of bounds if ( hostId < 0 || hostId >= g_hostdb.getNumHosts() ) return; // get host ptr Host *h = g_hostdb.getHost ( hostId ); // return if NULL if ( ! h ) return; // don't tap again if already in progress //if ( h->m_inTapProgress ) return; // count it s_outstandingTaps++; // consider it in progress //h->m_inProgress = true; // . launch one // . returns false and sets errno on error // . returns true if request sent and it blocked // . size of 2 is unique to a tap // . use MsgType of 0x11 for pinging // . we now use the high-prioirty server, g_udpServer2 // . now we send over our current time so remote host will sync up // with us // . only sync up with hostId #0 // . if he goes down its ok because time is mostly important for // spidering and spidering is suspended if a host is down if ( g_udpServer.sendRequest ( s_lastSyncPoint , 9 , 0x11 , h->m_ip , h->m_port , h->m_hostId , NULL , (void *)h->m_hostId, // callback state gotTapReplyWrapper , 30 , // timeout 1000 , // backoff 10000 , // max wait NULL , // reply buf 0 , // reply buf size 0 ))// niceness return; // it had an error, so dec the count s_outstandingTaps--; // consider it out of progress //h->m_inTapProgress = false; // had an error log("net: Had error sending sync point request to host #%li: %s.", h->m_hostId,mstrerror(g_errno) ); // reset it cuz it's not a showstopper g_errno = 0; } // . this should be called on reception of an ACK to keep track of ping time. // . this should be called on time out of a dgram reception. // . "tripTime" is in milliseconds // . "tripTime" should be the timeOut time if "timedOut" is true // . returns false if you have to wait for your callback to be called // . returns true if you don't have to wait... stamp happened immediately // . sets g_errno on any error, regardless of whether true or false was returnd /* void PingServer::stampHost ( long hostId , long tripTime , bool timedOut ) { // hostId of -1 means unknown, so we can't stamp it if ( hostId == -1 ) return; if ( hostId >= g_hostdb.getNumHosts() ) return; // ensure tripTime doesn't wrap around if ( tripTime < 0 ) return; // tripTime = 0x7fffffff; // sanity check if ( tripTime > 65000 ) { log("PingServer::stampHost: bad tripTime"); } // get the host, return false on error Host *h = m_hostPtrs[hostId]; // if he was considered timedout, only stamp if it makes his time worse if ( timedOut && tripTime < h->m_pingAvg ) return; // TODO: do we need this? // . don't update this host if this new ping time is < 10% different // than the ping time we have recorded now // long diff = newPing - h->m_pingAvg; // if ( diff < 0 ) diff *= -1; // if ( ( 100 * diff ) / h->m_pingAvg < 10 ) return true; // . we keep track of the last 4 pings for each host // . we use the avg ping time to select fast hosts for querying // . we use the std. dev. to know when to re-send datagrams // shift the 5-ping window and insert the new ping for ( long i = 0 ; i < 3 ; i++ ) h->m_pings[i] = h->m_pings[i+1]; h->m_pings[3] = tripTime; // our latest ping // compute the avg long avg = 0; for ( long i = 0 ; i < 4 ; i++ ) avg += h->m_pings[i]; avg /= 4; h->m_pingAvg = avg; // compute the std dev long stdDev = 0; for ( long i = 0 ; i < 4 ; i++ ) { long diff = ( h->m_pings[i] - avg ); if ( diff < 0 ) stdDev -= diff; else stdDev += diff; } stdDev /= 4; h->m_pingStdDev = stdDev; } */ /* void PingServer::getTimes ( long hostId , long *avg , long *stdDev ) { // make defaults (right now for dns server only) *avg = 5000; // milliseconds = 5 seconds *stdDev = 500; // hostId of -1 means unknown, so we can't stamp it if ( hostId == -1 ) return; if ( hostId >= g_hostdb.getNumHosts() ) return; // get the host, return false on error Host *h = m_hostPtrs[hostId]; *avg = h->m_pingAvg; *stdDev = h->m_pingStdDev; return; } */ // if its status changes from dead to alive or vice versa, we have to // update g_hostdb.m_numHostsAlive. Dns.cpp and Msg17 will use this count void updatePingTime ( Host *h , long *pingPtr , long tripTime ) { // sanity check if ( pingPtr != &h->m_ping && pingPtr != &h->m_pingShotgun ) { char *xx = NULL; *xx = 0; } // . was it dead before this? // . both ips must be dead for it to be dead bool wasDead = g_hostdb.isDead ( h ); // do the actual update *pingPtr = tripTime; // do not go negative on us if ( *pingPtr < 0 ) *pingPtr = 0; // . record max ping // . wait 60 seconds for everyone to come up if we just started up if ( tripTime > h->m_pingMax && // do not count shotgun ips! pingPtr == &h->m_ping && gettimeofdayInMillisecondsLocal()-g_process.m_processStartTime>= 60000 ) { h->m_pingMax = tripTime; char *desc = ""; if ( pingPtr == &h->m_pingShotgun ) desc = " (shotgun)"; if ( tripTime > 50 ) log("gb: got new max ping time of %li for " "host #%li%s ",tripTime,h->m_hostId,desc); } // is it dead now? bool isDead = g_hostdb.isDead ( h ); // force it out of sync if ( isDead ) h->m_inSync = false; //if ( ! wasDead && isDead ) // log("hey"); //logf(LOG_DEBUG,"ping: hostid %li wasDead=%li isDead=%li " // "numAlive=%li", // (long)h->m_hostId,(long)wasDead,(long)isDead, // (long)g_hostdb.m_numHostsAlive); if( h->m_isProxy ) { // maintain m_numProxyAlive if there was a change in state //if ( wasDead && ! isDead ) g_hostdb.m_numProxyAlive++; //if ( ! wasDead && isDead ) g_hostdb.m_numProxyAlive--; // sanity check, this should be at least 1 since we are alive //if ( g_hostdb.m_numProxyAlive < 0 || // g_hostdb.m_numProxyAlive > g_hostdb.getNumProxy() ) { // char *xx = NULL; *xx =0; } } else { // maintain m_numHostsAlive if there was a change in state if ( wasDead && ! isDead ) g_hostdb.m_numHostsAlive++; if ( ! wasDead && isDead ) g_hostdb.m_numHostsAlive--; // sanity check, this should be at least 1 since we are alive if ( g_hostdb.m_numHostsAlive < 0 || g_hostdb.m_numHostsAlive > g_hostdb.m_numHosts ) { char *xx = NULL; *xx =0; } } } void checkKernelErrors( int fd, void *state ){ Host *me = g_hostdb.m_myHost; long long st = gettimeofdayInMilliseconds(); char buf[4098]; // klogctl reads the last 4k lines of the kernel ring buffer short bufLen = klogctl(3,buf,4096); long long took = gettimeofdayInMilliseconds() - st; if ( took >= 3 ) { long len = bufLen; if ( len > 200 ) len = 200; char c = buf[len]; buf[len] = '\0'; log("db: klogctl took %lli ms to read %s",took, buf); buf[len] = c; } if ( bufLen < 0 ){ log ("db: klogctl returned error: %s",mstrerror(errno)); return; } // make sure not too big! if ( bufLen >= 4097 ) { log ("db: klogctl overflow"); return; } buf[bufLen] = '\0'; // compare it to the old buffer if ( s_kernelRingBufLen == bufLen && strncmp ( s_kernelRingBuf, buf, bufLen ) == 0 ) // nothing has changed so return return; // somethings changed. find out what part has changed // sometimes the kernel ring buffer gets full and overwrites itself. // in that case compare only latter half of the old buffer char *oldKernBuf = s_kernelRingBuf; long oldKernBufLen = s_kernelRingBufLen; if ( s_kernelRingBufLen > 3 * 1024 ){ oldKernBuf = s_kernelRingBuf + s_kernelRingBufLen / 2; oldKernBufLen = gbstrlen( oldKernBuf ); } // somethings changed. find out what part has changed char *changedBuf = strstr ( buf, oldKernBuf ); // we found the old buf. skip it and go to the part that has changed if ( changedBuf ) changedBuf += oldKernBufLen; // we couldn't find the old buf in the new buf! else changedBuf = buf; long changedBufLen = gbstrlen(changedBuf); // copy the new buf over to the old buf strcpy ( s_kernelRingBuf, buf ); s_kernelRingBufLen = bufLen; static long s_lastCount = 0; // since we do not know if this host has been fixed or not by looking // at the kernel ring buffer, keep returning until someone clicks // 'clear kernel error message' control in Master Controls. // but don't return before copying over the new buffer if ( me->m_kernelErrors > 0 ) return; // check if we match any error strings in master controls char *p = NULL; if ( gbstrlen(g_conf.m_errstr1) > 0 ) p = strstr( changedBuf, g_conf.m_errstr1 ); if ( !p && gbstrlen(g_conf.m_errstr2) > 0 ) p = strstr( changedBuf, g_conf.m_errstr2 ); if ( !p && gbstrlen(g_conf.m_errstr3) > 0 ) p = strstr( changedBuf, g_conf.m_errstr3 ); if ( p ){ // a kernel error that we cared for has happened! // check what kind of an error is this // isolate that line from the rest of the buf while ( p < changedBuf + changedBufLen && *p != '\n' ) p++; *p = '\0'; while ( p > changedBuf && *(p-1) != '\n' ) p--; if ( strncasestr ( p, gbstrlen(p) , "scsi" ) && g_numIOErrors > s_lastCount ) { me->m_kernelErrors = ME_IOERR; s_lastCount = g_numIOErrors; } else if ( strncasestr ( p, gbstrlen(p), "100 mbps" ) ) me->m_kernelErrors = ME_100MBPS; // assume an I/O IO error here otherwise else if ( g_numIOErrors > s_lastCount ) { me->m_kernelErrors = ME_UNKNWN; s_lastCount = g_numIOErrors; } log ( LOG_DEBUG,"PingServer: error message in " "kernel ring buffer, \"%s\"", p ); log ( LOG_WARN,"PingServer: this host shall be " "dead to all other hosts unless the problem is fixed " "and kernel error message cleared in Master Controls." ); } return; } void PingServer::sendEmailMsg ( long *lastTimeStamp , char *msg ) { // leave if we already sent and alert within 5 mins //static long s_lasttime = 0; long now = getTimeGlobalNoCore(); if ( now - *lastTimeStamp < 5*60 ) return; // prepare msg to send //Host *h0 = g_hostdb.getHost ( 0 ); char msgbuf[1024]; snprintf(msgbuf, 1024, "cluster %s : proxy: %s", g_conf.m_clusterName, msg); // send it, force it, so even if email alerts off, it sends it g_pingServer.sendEmail ( NULL , // Host *h msgbuf , // char *errmsg = NULL , true , // bool sendToAdmin = true , false , // bool oom = false , false , // bool kernelErrors = false , false , // bool parmChanged = false , true );// bool forceIt = false ); *lastTimeStamp = now; return; } ///////////////// // // for sending email notifications to external addresses // /////////////////// /* bool gotMxIp ( EmailInfo *ei ) ; void gotMxIpWrapper ( void *state , long ip ) { EmailInfo *ei = (EmailInfo *)state; // i guess set it ei->m_mxIp = ip; // handle it if ( ! gotMxIp ( ei ) ) return; // did not block, call callback ei->m_callback ( ei->m_state ); } */ void doneSendingEmailWrapper ( void *state , TcpSocket *sock ) { if ( g_errno ) log("crawlbot: error sending email = %s",mstrerror(g_errno)); // log the reply if ( sock && sock->m_readBuf ) log("crawlbot: got socket reply=%s", sock->m_readBuf); EmailInfo *ei = (EmailInfo *)state; ei->m_callback ( ei->m_state ); } // returns false if blocked, true otherwise bool sendEmail ( class EmailInfo *ei ) { // this is often set from XmlDoc.cpp::indexDoc() g_errno = 0; char *to = ei->m_toAddress.getBufStart(); char *dom = strstr(to,"@"); if ( ! dom || ! dom[1] ) { g_errno = EBADENGINEER; log("email: missing @ sign in email %s",to); return true; } // point to domain dom++; // ref that for printing HELO line ei->m_dom = dom; // just send it to a sendmail server which will forward it, // because a lot of email servers don't like us connecting directly // beause i think our IP address does not match that of our // MX ip for our domain? sendmail must be configured to allow // forwarding if it receives an email from the IP of host #0 // in the cluster. ei->m_mxIp = atoip(g_conf.m_sendmailIp); /* // prepend a special marker so Dns.cpp returns the mx record ei->m_mxDomain.safePrintf("gbmxrec-%s",dom); // get mx ip. returns false if would block. if ( ! g_dns.getIp ( ei->m_mxDomain.getBufStart() , ei->m_mxDomain.getLength() , &ei->m_mxIp, ei , gotMxIpWrapper ) ) return false; return gotMxIp ( ei ); } // returns false if blocked, true otherwise bool gotMxIp ( EmailInfo *ei ) { // error? if ( g_errno ) { log("crawlbot: error getting MX IP to send email alert for " "%s = %s", ei->m_mxDomain.getBufStart(), mstrerror(g_errno)); return true; } */ // wtf? if ( ei->m_mxIp == 0 ) { log("crawlbot: got bad MX ip of 0 for %s", ei->m_mxDomain.getBufStart()); return true; } // label alloc'd mem with gotmxip in case of mem leak SafeBuf sb;//("gotmxip"); // helo line sb.safePrintf("HELO %s\r\n",ei->m_dom); // mail line sb.safePrintf( "MAIL FROM:<%s>\r\n", ei->m_fromAddress.getBufStart()); // to line sb.safePrintf( "RCPT TO:<%s>\r\n", ei->m_toAddress.getBufStart()); // data sb.safePrintf( "DATA\r\n"); // body sb.safePrintf( "To: %s\r\n", ei->m_toAddress.getBufStart()); sb.safePrintf( "Subject: %s\r\n",ei->m_subject.getBufStart()); // mime header must be separated from body by an extra \r\n sb.safePrintf( "\r\n"); sb.safePrintf( "%s", ei->m_body.getBufStart() ); // quit sb.safePrintf( "\r\n.\r\nQUIT\r\n\r\n"); // send the message TcpServer *ts = g_httpServer.getTcp(); log ( LOG_WARN, "crawlbot: Sending email to %s (MX IP=%s):\n %s", ei->m_toAddress.getBufStart(), iptoa(ei->m_mxIp), sb.getBufStart() ); // make a temp string SafeBuf mxIpStr; mxIpStr.safePrintf("%s",iptoa(ei->m_mxIp) ); if ( !ts->sendMsg ( mxIpStr.getBufStart(), mxIpStr.length(), 25, // smtp (send mail transfer protocol) port sb.getBufStart(), sb.getCapacity(), sb.getLength(), sb.getLength(), ei,//NULL,//h, doneSendingEmailWrapper, 60*1000, 100*1024, 100*1024 ) ) { // tcpserver will free it, so prevent double free with detach sb.detachBuf(); return false; } // error? if no error, it was a successful write and it done, // otherwise we will want to free the sendbuf here so do not // call detachBuf() if ( ! g_errno ) // tcpserver will free it, so prevent double free with detach sb.detachBuf(); // we did not block return true; } static void gotMandrillReplyWrapper ( void *state , TcpSocket *s ) { // log the mandril reply log("email: got mandrill reply: %s",s->m_readBuf); EmailInfo *ei = (EmailInfo *)state; if ( ei->m_callback ) ei->m_callback ( ei->m_state ); } // mailchimp http mail api bool sendEmailThroughMandrill ( class EmailInfo *ei ) { // this is often set from XmlDoc.cpp::indexDoc() g_errno = 0; SafeBuf sb; // then the message to send sb.safePrintf( "POST /api/1.0/messages/send-template.json" " HTTP/1.0\r\n" "Accept: image/gif, image/x-xbitmap, image/jpeg, " "image/pjpeg, application/x-shockwave-flash, " "application/msword, */*\r\n" "Accept-Language: en-us\r\n" //"Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n" "Content-Type: application/json\r\n" //"Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate\r\n" "User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 " "(compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows 98; Win 9x 4.90)\r\n" "Host: mandrillapp.com\r\n" // www.t-mobile.com "Content-Length: xxxx\r\n" //"Connection: Keep-Alive\r\n" "Connection: close\r\n" //"Cookie: \r\n" "Cache-Control: no-cache\r\n\r\n" ); // // post data // char *to = ei->m_toAddress.getBufStart(); char *from = ei->m_fromAddress.getBufStart(); char *crawl = "unknown2"; CollectionRec *cr = g_collectiondb.m_recs[ei->m_collnum]; if ( cr ) crawl = cr->m_diffbotCrawlName.getBufStart(); SafeBuf ub; ub.safePrintf( "{\"key\":\"GhWT0UpcVBl7kmumrt9dqg\"," "\"template_name\":\"crawl-finished\"," "\"template_content\": []," "\"message\": {" "\"to\": [" "{" "\"email\":\"%s\"" "}" "]," "\"from_email\":\"%s\"," "\"headers\": {" "\"Reply-To\":\"%s\"" "}," "\"bcc_address\":\"%s\"," "\"global_merge_vars\":[" "{" "\"name\":\"CRAWLNAME\"," "\"content\":\"%s\"" "}" "]" "}" "}" , to , from , from , from , crawl ); // this is not for application/json content type in POST request //ub.urlEncode(); // how big? long contentLen = ub.length(); // append the post data to the full request sb.safeMemcpy ( &ub ); // make sure ends in \0 sb.nullTerm(); // set it char *needle = "Content-Length: "; long needleLen = gbstrlen(needle); char *s = strstr(sb.getBufStart(),needle); s += needleLen; char c = s[4]; sprintf(s,"%04li",contentLen); s[4] = c; // show it log("email: sending request to https://mandrillapp.com/ : %s", sb.getBufStart() ); // gotta get the cookie char *uu = "https://mandrillapp.com/"; if ( ! g_httpServer.getDoc ( uu, 0, // ip 0 , // offset -1 , // size false , // m_ifModifiedSince ei , // state gotMandrillReplyWrapper , // 60*1000 , // timeout 0 , // m_proxyIp 0 , // m_proxyPort 100*1024 , // m_maxTextDocLen 100*1024 , // m_maxOtherDocLen NULL, // user agent "HTTP/1.0" , //proto true, // post? NULL, // cookie NULL, // additional header sb.getBufStart() ) ) // full requesst return false; // must have been an error log("net: Got error getting page from mandrill: %s.", mstrerror(g_errno)); // ignore it g_errno = 0; // always call this at the end return true; } ///////////////////////////// // // send two notifications, email and webhook // ///////////////////////////// void doneSendingNotifyEmailWrapper ( void *state ) { EmailInfo *ei = (EmailInfo *)state; ei->m_notifyBlocked--; // error? log("build: email notification status: %s",mstrerror(g_errno)); // ignore it for rest g_errno = 0; // wait for post url to get done if ( ei->m_notifyBlocked > 0 ) return; // unmark it ei->m_inUse = false; // all done ei->m_finalCallback ( ei->m_finalState ); } void doneGettingNotifyUrlWrapper ( void *state , TcpSocket *sock ) { EmailInfo *ei = (EmailInfo *)state; ei->m_notifyBlocked--; // error? log("build: url notification status: %s",mstrerror(g_errno)); // wait for email to get done if ( ei->m_notifyBlocked > 0 ) return; // unmark it ei->m_inUse = false; // all done ei->m_finalCallback ( ei->m_finalState ); } // for printCrawlDetailsInJson() #include "PageCrawlBot.h" // . return false if would block, true otherwise // . used to send email and get a url when a crawl hits a maxToCrawl // or maxToProcess limitation. bool sendNotification ( EmailInfo *ei ) { if ( ei->m_inUse ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; } // caller must set this, as well as m_finalCallback/m_finalState CollectionRec *cr = g_collectiondb.m_recs[ei->m_collnum]; char *email = ""; char *url = ""; char *crawl = "unknown2"; if ( cr ) email = cr->m_notifyEmail.getBufStart(); if ( cr ) url = cr->m_notifyUrl.getBufStart(); if ( cr ) crawl = cr->m_diffbotCrawlName.getBufStart(); // sanity check, can only call once if ( ei->m_notifyBlocked != 0 ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; } ei->m_inUse = true; if ( email && email[0] ) { log("build: sending email notification to %s for " "crawl \"%s\" : %s", email,crawl,ei->m_spiderStatusMsg.getBufStart()); SafeBuf msg; msg.safePrintf("Your crawl \"%s\" has a new status: %s" , ei->m_spiderStatusMsg.getBufStart() , crawl ); // reset m_length otherwise it builds up ei->m_toAddress.reset(); ei->m_toAddress.safeStrcpy ( email ); ei->m_toAddress.nullTerm(); // reset m_length otherwise it builds up ei->m_fromAddress.reset(); ei->m_fromAddress.safePrintf("support@diffbot.com"); /* ei->m_subject.safePrintf("crawl paused"); ei->m_body.safePrintf("Your crawl for collection \"%s\" " "has been paused because it hit " "a maxPagesToCrawl or maxPagesToProcess " "limitation." , cr->m_coll); */ ei->m_state = ei;//this; ei->m_callback = doneSendingNotifyEmailWrapper; // this will usually block, unless error maybe if ( ! sendEmailThroughMandrill ( ei ) ) ei->m_notifyBlocked++; } if ( url && url[0] ) { log("build: sending url notification to %s for coll \"%s\"", url,crawl); Url uu; uu.set ( url ); SafeBuf fullReq; fullReq.safePrintf("POST %s HTTP/1.0\r\n" "User-Agent: Crawlbot/2.0\r\n" "Accept: */*\r\n" "Host: " , uu.getPath() ); fullReq.safeMemcpy ( uu.getHost() , uu.getHostLen() ); // make custom headers fullReq.safePrintf ("X-Crawl-Name: %s\r\n" // last \r\n is added in HttpRequest.cpp "X-Crawl-Status: %s\r\n" // hdrs , cr->m_diffbotCrawlName.getBufStart() , ei->m_spiderStatusMsg.getBufStart() ); // also in post body SafeBuf postContent; // the collection details printCrawlDetailsInJson ( &postContent , cr ); // content-length of it fullReq.safePrintf("Content-Length: %li\r\n", postContent.length()); // type is json fullReq.safePrintf("Content-Type: application/json\r\n"); fullReq.safePrintf("\r\n"); // then the post content fullReq.safeMemcpy ( &postContent ); fullReq.nullTerm(); // GET request if ( ! g_httpServer.getDoc ( url , 0 , // ip 0 , // offset -1 , // size false, // ifmodsince ei,//this , doneGettingNotifyUrlWrapper , 60*1000 , // timeout 0, // proxyip 0 , // proxyport 10000, // maxTextDocLen 10000, // maxOtherDocLen "Crawlbot/2.0", // user agent "HTTP/1.0", // proto true , // doPost NULL, // cookie NULL , // custom hdrs fullReq.getBufStart() , NULL ) ) ei->m_notifyBlocked++; } if ( ei->m_notifyBlocked == 0 ) { ei->m_inUse = false; return true; } // we blocked, wait return false; }