#include "gb-include.h" #include "MsgC.h" MsgC::MsgC ( ) { m_ipPtr = NULL; } MsgC::~MsgC ( ) { } static void gotReplyWrapper ( void *state , void *state2 ) ; static void handleRequest ( UdpSlot *slot , long niceness ) ; static void gotMsgCIpWrapper( void *state, long ip); bool MsgC::registerHandler ( ) { // . register ourselves with the high priority udp server // . it calls our callback when it receives a msg of type 0x0c //if ( ! g_udpServer2.registerHandler ( 0x0c, handleRequest )) // return false; if ( ! g_udpServer.registerHandler ( 0x0c, handleRequest )) return false; return true; } // returns false if blocked, true otherwise bool MsgC::getIp(char *hostname , long hostnameLen , long *ip , void *state , void (* callback) ( void *state , long ip ), long niceness , bool forwardToProxy ){ m_mcast.reset(); m_callback=callback; m_ipPtr = ip; m_forwardToProxy = forwardToProxy; // sanity check if ( ! m_ipPtr ) { char *xx = NULL; *xx = 0; } // First check if g_dns has it. This function is a part of the // g_dns.getIp() function, except that we do not lookup the ip in // the dns server directly after not finding it in the cache. if ( !hostname || hostnameLen <= 0 ) { log(LOG_LOGIC,"dns: msgc: Asked to get IP of zero length " "hostname."); *ip = 0; return true; } // . don't accept large hostnames // . technically the limit is 255 but i'm stricter if ( hostnameLen >= 254 ) { g_errno = EHOSTNAMETOOBIG; log("dns: msgc: Asked to get IP of hostname over 253 " "characters long."); *ip = 0; return true; } // debug //char c = hostname[hostnameLen]; //if ( c != 0 ) hostname[hostnameLen] = 0; log(LOG_DEBUG,"dns: msgc: getting ip (sendtoproxy=%li) for %s.", (long)forwardToProxy,hostname); //if ( c != 0 ) hostname[hostnameLen] = c; // if url is already in a.b.c.d format return that if ( is_digit(hostname[0]) ) { *ip = atoip ( hostname , hostnameLen ); // somebody put a http://3.0/ link in here //if ( *ip >= 1 && *ip < 10 ) // log("dns: hostname had ip %s",iptoa(*ip)); //if ( *ip == 3 ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; } if ( *ip != 0 ) return true; } // key is hash of the hostname //key_t key = hash96 ( hostname , hostnameLen ); key_t key = g_dns.getKey ( hostname , hostnameLen ); // is it in the /etc/hosts file? if ( g_conf.m_useEtcHosts && g_dns.isInFile ( key , ip ))return 1; // debug msg //char tmp[2048]; //memcpy ( tmp , hostname , hostnameLen ); //tmp [ hostnameLen ] = '\0'; // . try getting from the cache first // . this returns true if was in the cache and sets *ip to the ip // . ip is set to 0 for non-existent domains, and -1 if there was // a dns timed out error getting it the last time. these will be // cached for about a day. if ( g_dns.isInCache ( key , ip ) ) { if ( *ip == 3 ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; } // debug msg //log("dns::getIp: %s (key=%llu) has ip=%s in cache!!!", // tmp,key.n0,iptoa(*ip)); return true; } // hack for speed //char *is = ""; // alibi.com //char *is = "";// events.kgoradio.com //char *is = ""; // livenation //char *is = ""; // publicbroadcasting.net DON'T USE!! //char *is = ""; // events.kqed.org //log("HACKING ip to %s !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!",is); //*ip = atoip (is,gbstrlen(is)); //return true; // So its not in the local dns cache, so lets look in the // s_localDnsCache. For that I need to pass the url m_u.set(hostname,hostnameLen); /* *ip=g_spiderCache.getLocalIp(&m_u); if (*ip !=0) { //Lets add to the local dns g_dns.addToCache(key,*ip); return true; } */ //c = hostname[hostnameLen]; //if ( c != 0 ) hostname[hostnameLen] = 0; //if ( c != 0 ) hostname[hostnameLen] = c; // Ok, so now it is not in dns cache or in spider cache, so lets send // the dns lookup request // to a host in the cluster based on the hash of the hostname DIV'd // with the number of hosts in the cluster, g_hostdb.m_numHosts. The // request should be looked up in a new RdbCache (not Dns.cpp's local // cache) once delivered to the responsible host. // We have to send hostname, and the size is hostnameLen strncpy(m_request,hostname,hostnameLen); long requestSize = hostnameLen; // null end it m_request[requestSize]='\0'; requestSize++; //unsigned long groupNum=key.n0 % g_hostdb.m_numShards; //unsigned long groupId=g_hostdb.getGroupId(groupNum); // get a hostid that should house this ip in its local cache Host *host = NULL; // g_dns.getResponsibleHost ( key ); Host *firstHost; // with the new iframe tag expansion logic in Msg13.cpp, the // spider proxy will create a newXmlDoc to do that and will call // MsgC to lookup ips.. so we do not want to send a msgc request // to ourselves, so just call the dns directly if ( g_hostdb.m_myHost->m_isProxy ) { if ( g_dns.getIp( hostname, hostnameLen, ip, state, callback)) return true; // ok, we blocked, call callback when done return false; } // . use scproxy if we should // . so if we are behind a nat this should make the nat table overflow // a moot point, because we are now tunneling via msgC to a // server that has its own IP address and does not use NAT. // . and if the msgc packets got screwed up by NAT that is ok because // it will re-send forever using our reliable udp protocol // . if we are hitting a bind9 server then askRootNameservers will be // false. so if we are using a bind9 server then do not send the // request to an scproxy, but send it to a grunt with a cache. //if ( g_conf.m_useCompressionProxy && g_conf.m_askRootNameservers ) { if ( forwardToProxy ) { host = g_hostdb.getBestSpiderCompressionProxy((long *)&key.n1); if ( ! host && ! g_errno ) { log("msgc: using compression proxy and asking root " "name servers, but no compression proxy was " "given in hosts.conf"); g_errno = EBADENGINEER; } if ( ! host ) return true; firstHost = host; } else { host = g_dns.getResponsibleHost ( key ); firstHost = NULL; } if ( g_conf.m_logDebugDns ) { long fip = 0; if ( host ) fip = host->m_ip; log(LOG_DEBUG,"dns: msgc: multicasting for ip for %s to %s.", hostname,iptoa(fip)); } // it should have set g_errno to EDEADHOST if this happens if ( ! host ) { log("dns: please add primary dns to spider proxy gb.conf"); if ( ! g_errno ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; } return true; } //unsigned long groupId = host->m_groupId; long firstHostId = host->m_hostId; // the handling server will timeout its dns algorithm and send us // back an EDNSTIMEDOUT error, so we do not need to have any timeout // here unless we are niceness 0, which we need in case the handling // servers goes down, we do not want to wait for it and would rather // call the callback with an EUDPTIMEDOUT error after 60 seconds. long timeout = 60; // make it virtual infinite if ( niceness > 0 ) timeout = 999999999; if ( !m_mcast.send (m_request , // sets mcast->m_msg to this requestSize, // sets mcast->m_msgLen to this 0x0c , // msgType for add rdb record false , // does multicast own msg? host->m_shardNum , // group to send to (groupKey) false , // send to whole group? 0 , // key.n1 , // key is useless for us this , // state data state , // state data gotReplyWrapper , timeout , // timeout in secs niceness , // niceness false , // realtime udp firstHostId,// first host to try NULL , // reply buf 0 , // replybuf max size false , // free reply buf? false , // diskloadbalancing? -1 , // maxCacheAge 0 , // cacheKey 0 , // rdbId -1 , // minRecSizes true , // sendtoself true , // retryforever NULL , // hostdb -1 , // redirecttimeout firstHost )){ // firstProxyHost //did not block, error log(LOG_DEBUG,"dns: msgc: mcast had error: %s", mstrerror(g_errno)); return true; } //Should always block, unless error return false; } void gotReplyWrapper ( void *state , void *state2 ) { MsgC *THIS = (MsgC *)state; // this can set g_errno. sets to ETRYAGAIN if checksum is wrong // so XmlDoc.cpp should try again! maybe later... long ip = THIS->gotReply(); // debug if ( g_conf.m_logDebugDns ) { char *s =""; if ( THIS->m_forwardToProxy ) s = "from proxy "; logf(LOG_DEBUG,"dns: msgc: got reply %sof %s for %s. " "state=0x%lx mcast=0x%lx", s,iptoa(*THIS->m_ipPtr),THIS->m_u.getUrl(),(long)state2, (long)&THIS->m_mcast); } THIS->m_callback(state2,ip); } long MsgC::gotReply(){ long replySize,maxSize; bool freeIt; char *reply = m_mcast.getBestReply (&replySize, &maxSize, &freeIt); *m_ipPtr = 0; long ip2 = 0; // sanity check if (replySize != 12 || !reply ){ g_errno = EBADREPLYSIZE; log( "dns: msgc: Bad reply size of %li", (unsigned long)reply ); } else { *m_ipPtr = *(long *)reply; // repeated ip ip2 = *(long *)(reply + 4); // an actual checksum //long crc = *(long *)(reply + 8); } // debug log(LOG_DEBUG,"dns: msgc: got reply of %s for %s.", iptoa(*m_ipPtr),m_u.getUrl()); // test checkusm if ( *m_ipPtr != ip2 ) { log("dns: ip checksum is incorrect. %lu != %lu. " "setting to -1.", *m_ipPtr,ip2); g_errno = ETRYAGAIN; *m_ipPtr = -1; return -1; } // . if we have to free the buffer // . if freeIt is false that maeans we own the reply buffer // . if not sending to a proxy this means we got the ip from // another host that is not a proxy and we should free it... // . but if we got this reply froma proxy, do not free it if ( ! freeIt && ! m_forwardToProxy ) { //log (LOG_DEBUG,"msgC: Multicast asked to free buffer"); mfree(reply,maxSize,"MulticastMsgC"); } // sanity check if ( (unsigned long)*m_ipPtr <= 255 && (unsigned long)*m_ipPtr > 0 ) { log("dns: msgc: got msgc ip reply of %lu for %s. wtf? trying " "again.", *m_ipPtr,m_u.m_url); g_errno = ETRYAGAIN; *m_ipPtr = 0; //char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; } } // . don't add to cache if there was an error. // . at this level, these are multicast errors, not dns errors if(g_errno) return *m_ipPtr; // Now we can add stuff to the local dns and spider cache. //key_t key = hash96( m_u.getHost() , m_u.getHostLen() ); key_t key = g_dns.getKey ( m_u.getHost(),m_u.getHostLen() ); // just cache for hour locally since ttl may not have been that high // as given to us from the authoratative name server. // TODO: return the ttl as well. g_dns.addToCache(key,*m_ipPtr,60*60*24); // and tell the spider the ip of this url so it can do its IP based // throttling. //g_spiderCache.addLocalIp(&m_u,*m_ipPtr); return *m_ipPtr; } // like gotReply() but it is a reply from the proxy, so we gotta free our // msgc before sending back a reply to the first guy's msgc void gotProxyReplyWrapper ( void *state , long ipArg ) { // get the msgc we used to send to proxy MsgC *THIS = (MsgC *)state; // get ip from the proxy reply long ip = THIS->gotReply(); // debug log(LOG_DEBUG,"dns: msgc: got reply from proxy of %s for %s.", iptoa(*THIS->m_ipPtr),THIS->m_u.getUrl()); UdpSlot *slot = THIS->m_slot; // free the msgc we used to communicate with the proxy mdelete ( THIS , sizeof(MsgC), "proxmsgc"); delete ( THIS ); // send ip back to the first guy to launch a msgc request gotMsgCIpWrapper ( slot , ip ); } // . only return false if you want slot to be nuked w/o replying // . MUST always call g_udpServer::sendReply() or sendErrorReply() void handleRequest ( UdpSlot *slot , long niceness ) { // get the request, should be the hostname char *hostname = slot->m_readBuf; // do not include the \0 at the end in the length long hostnameLen = slot->m_readBufSize - 1; long ip=0; //char c = hostname[hostnameLen]; //if ( c != 0 ) hostname[hostnameLen] = 0; log(LOG_DEBUG,"dns: msgc: handle request called for %s state=%lu", hostname,(long)slot); //if ( c != 0 ) hostname[hostnameLen] = c; bool useProxy = g_conf.m_useCompressionProxy; // not if we are though if ( g_hostdb.m_myHost->m_isProxy ) useProxy = false; // . turn off for now for testing // . roadrunner wireless injects garbage into our msgc replies // which makes our checksum fail in UdpSlot.cpp, however, it really // slows everything down when we are silently dropping so many // packets. so do not forward requests to the spider proxy for // now. re-enable this later perhaps when we have cogent installed. useProxy = false; // check dns cache for the hostname. This should also send to // the dnsServer. If it is not in the cache, getIp puts it in. if ( ! useProxy ) { if ( g_dns.getIp( hostname, hostnameLen, &ip, slot, gotMsgCIpWrapper )) gotMsgCIpWrapper(slot,ip); return; } // . if we need to go to proxy, forward it now with a new msgC // . before sending off to compression proxy, check the cache // . gotProxyReplyWrapper shold add it to our cache key_t key = g_dns.getKey ( hostname , hostnameLen ); if ( g_dns.isInCache ( key , &ip ) ) { gotMsgCIpWrapper ( slot , ip ); return; } // ok, not in cache, send request to proxy now MsgC *msgc; try { msgc = new ( MsgC ); } catch ( ... ) { g_errno = ENOMEM; g_udpServer.sendErrorReply ( slot , g_errno ); return; } mnew ( msgc , sizeof(MsgC), "proxmsgc" ); // save this for sending back to request msgc->m_slot = slot; // send request to proxy now msgc->getIp ( hostname , hostnameLen , &msgc->m_tmpIp, msgc, // state gotProxyReplyWrapper, // callback niceness, true ); // forwardToProxy? } void gotMsgCIpWrapper( void *state, long ip){ UdpSlot *slot=(UdpSlot *) state; log(LOG_DEBUG,"dns: msgc sending reply for state=%lu.",(long)state); //to fit the ip address char reply[12]; long replySize=12; // reply=(char*) mmalloc(replySize,"MsgC"); char *p = reply; *(long *)p = ip; p += 4; // repeat it as a checksum *(long *)p = ip; p += 4; // an actual checksum *(long *)p = hash32h ( ip , 0 ); p += 4; g_udpServer.sendReply_ass ( reply , replySize , NULL , 0 , slot , 2 ); // timeout in 2 secs return; }