#include "gb-include.h" #include "AutoBan.h" #include #include "SafeBuf.h" #include "Pages.h" #include "Loop.h" #include "sort.h" #include "Users.h" AutoBan g_autoBan; void resetHash(int fd, void *state); static int32_t *SorterTable; //static ull_t *SorterTable2; // #define EXPLICIT_ALLOW 0x8000000000000000ULL // #define BANNED 0x4000000000000000ULL // #define COUNT_OVERFLOW 0x0040040000000000ULL // #define TOP_LONG_MASK 0x7fffffff00000000ULL // #define DAY_COUNT_MASK 0x0000ffff00000000ULL AutoBan::AutoBan() { m_detectKeys = NULL; m_detectVals = NULL; m_tableSize = 0; } AutoBan::~AutoBan ( ) { reset(); } void AutoBan::reset ( ) { if ( m_detectKeys ) { mfree ( m_detectKeys, m_tableSize * sizeof(int32_t), "AutoBanK" ); m_detectKeys = NULL; } if ( m_detectVals ) { mfree ( m_detectVals, m_tableSize * sizeof(DetectVal), "AutoBanV" ); m_detectVals = NULL; } m_ht.reset(); } bool AutoBan::init() { m_tableSize = AUTOBAN_INITSIZE; m_numEntries = 0; m_detectKeys = (int32_t*)mmalloc(m_tableSize * sizeof(int32_t), "AutoBan"); if(!m_detectKeys) { return false; } m_detectVals = (DetectVal*)mmalloc(m_tableSize * sizeof(DetectVal), "AutoBan"); if(!m_detectVals) { mfree (m_detectKeys, m_tableSize * sizeof(int32_t), "AutoBan"); return false; } memset(m_detectKeys, 0, sizeof(int32_t) * m_tableSize); //now add all banIps and allowIps from gconf. setCodesFromConf(); if(!restore()) log(LOG_WARN, "init: autoban could not restore dat file."); setFromConf(); g_loop.registerSleepCallback ( ONE_DAY , NULL, resetHash,0); return true; } bool AutoBan::addIp(int32_t ip, char action) { int32_t now = getTime(); DetectVal d; d.m_minuteExpires = now + 60; d.m_dayExpires = now + ONE_DAY; d.m_dayCount = 0; d.m_minuteCount = 0; d.m_timesBanned = 0; d.m_flags = action | FROMCONF; bool retval = addKey(ip, &d); return retval; } bool AutoBan::addKey(int32_t ip, DetectVal* d) { int32_t tabsize = m_tableSize - 1; uint32_t i = (uint32_t)ip & tabsize; do { if(m_detectKeys[i] == ip) { m_detectKeys[i] = ip; m_detectVals[i].m_flags = d->m_flags; m_detectVals[i].m_minuteCount = d->m_minuteCount; m_detectVals[i].m_dayCount = d->m_dayCount; m_detectVals[i].m_minuteExpires = d->m_minuteExpires; m_detectVals[i].m_dayExpires = d->m_dayExpires; m_detectVals[i].m_timesBanned = d->m_timesBanned; break; } if(m_detectKeys[i] == 0) { if(m_numEntries * 1.2 > m_tableSize ) { //here we grow the table and adjust i to an //empty slot in the new (bigger) table if(!growTable()) return false; int32_t tabsize = m_tableSize - 1; i = (uint32_t)ip & tabsize; while(m_detectKeys[i] != 0) i = (i + 1) & tabsize; } m_detectKeys[i] = ip; m_detectVals[i].m_flags = d->m_flags; m_detectVals[i].m_minuteCount = d->m_minuteCount; m_detectVals[i].m_dayCount = d->m_dayCount; m_detectVals[i].m_minuteExpires = d->m_minuteExpires; m_detectVals[i].m_dayExpires = d->m_dayExpires; m_detectVals[i].m_timesBanned = d->m_timesBanned; m_numEntries++; break; } i = (i + 1) & tabsize; } while(1); return true; } void AutoBan::removeIp(int32_t ip) { int32_t tabsize = m_tableSize - 1; uint32_t i = (uint32_t)ip & tabsize; do { if(m_detectKeys[i] == ip) { m_detectKeys[i] = 0; i = (i + 1) & tabsize; while ( m_detectKeys[i] ) { int32_t key = m_detectKeys[i]; DetectVal *val = &m_detectVals[i]; m_detectKeys[i] = 0; m_numEntries--; addKey(key, val); i = (i + 1) & tabsize; } m_numEntries--; break; } if(m_detectKeys[i] == 0) { break; } i = (i + 1) & tabsize; } while(1); } bool AutoBan::growTable() { int32_t oldTableSize = m_tableSize; int32_t *oldDetectKeys = m_detectKeys; DetectVal *oldDetectVals = m_detectVals; m_tableSize = m_tableSize << 1; // log(LOG_INFO, "Autoban: Resize %"INT32" to %"INT32"", oldTableSize, // m_tableSize); m_detectKeys = (int32_t*)mmalloc(m_tableSize * sizeof(int32_t), "AutoBanK"); if(!m_detectKeys) { m_detectKeys = oldDetectKeys; m_detectVals = oldDetectVals; m_tableSize = oldTableSize; return false; } m_detectVals = (DetectVal*)mmalloc(m_tableSize * sizeof(DetectVal), "AutoBanB"); if(!m_detectVals) { mfree (m_detectKeys, m_tableSize * sizeof(int32_t), "AutoBan"); m_detectKeys = oldDetectKeys; m_detectVals = oldDetectVals; m_tableSize = oldTableSize; return false; } memset(m_detectKeys, 0, sizeof(int32_t) * m_tableSize); //now copy them to the new space. for(int32_t i = 0; i < oldTableSize; i++) { if(oldDetectKeys[i] == 0) continue; addKey(oldDetectKeys[i], &oldDetectVals[i]); } mfree(oldDetectKeys, oldTableSize * sizeof(int32_t), "AutoBan"); mfree(oldDetectVals, oldTableSize * sizeof(DetectVal), "AutoBan"); return true; } void resetHash(int fd, void *state) { g_autoBan.cleanHouse(); } //here we forget about people that haven't queried us in a while. void AutoBan::cleanHouse() { int32_t now = getTime(); for(int32_t i = 0; i < m_tableSize; i++) { if(m_detectKeys[i] == 0) continue; if(m_detectVals[i].m_flags & FROMCONF) continue; if(m_detectVals[i].m_timesBanned == 0 && m_detectVals[i].m_dayExpires < now) removeIp(m_detectKeys[i]); } } bool AutoBan::setCodesFromConf() { static bool s_firstTime = true; m_codeResetTime = getTime(); char *p = g_conf.m_validCodes; while(*p) { if(!isspace(*p)) { int32_t len = 0; while(p[len] && !isspace(p[len])) len++; //now p points to a code, with length len. //log(LOG_WARN, "autoban code is %s %"INT32"", p, len); int32_t h = hash32(p,len); CodeVal cv; int32_t max = len; if ( max > 30 ) max = 30; strncpy(cv.m_code,p,max); cv.m_code[max]='\0'; cv.m_ip = 0; cv.m_count = 0; cv.m_bytesSent = 0; cv.m_bytesRead = 0; // we might be doing an update, so only set this // count to 0 the first time we are called on startup if ( s_firstTime ) cv.m_outstanding = 0; cv.m_maxEver = 0; cv.m_maxOutstanding = 5000; //m_numCodes++; p += len; // skip spaces or tabs while ( *p == ' ' || *p == '\t' ) p++; // do we got a number? that is the max outstanding cnt if ( is_digit ( *p ) ) cv.m_maxOutstanding = atoi(p); // ensure no breach if ( cv.m_maxOutstanding < 10 ) log("gb: client code %s has LOW max " "outstanding limit of %"INT32"", cv.m_code,cv.m_maxOutstanding); // skip the digits, until we hit \r or \n while ( is_digit ( *p ) ) p++; // now add it if ( ! m_ht.addKey ( h , cv ) ) return false; } p++; } s_firstTime = false; return true; } void AutoBan::setFromConf(){ char* banIps = g_conf.m_banIps; char *start = banIps; do { while(*banIps && !isspace(*banIps)) banIps++; int32_t ip = atoip(start, banIps - start); if(ip) { if(!addIp(ip, DENY)) { log(LOG_WARN, "autoban: malloc failed, couldn't add IP."); } } while(*banIps && isspace(*banIps)) banIps++; start = banIps; } while(*banIps); char* allowIps = g_conf.m_allowIps; start = allowIps; do { while(*allowIps && !isspace(*allowIps)) allowIps++; int32_t ip = atoip(start, allowIps - start); if(ip) { if(!addIp(ip, ALLOW)) { log(LOG_WARN, "autoban: malloc failed, couldn't add IP."); } } while(*allowIps && isspace(*allowIps)) allowIps++; start = allowIps; } while(*allowIps); } bool AutoBan::hasCode(char *code, int32_t codeLen, int32_t ip ) { if(codeLen == 0) return false; int32_t h = hash32(code,codeLen); CodeVal *cv = m_ht.getValuePointer ( h ); if ( ! cv ) return log(LOG_INFO, "query: unrecognized code: %s", code); cv->m_ip = ip; cv->m_count++; return true; } // returns true if client is over the limit, false otherwise bool AutoBan::incRequestCount ( int32_t ch , int32_t bytesRead ) { if ( ! ch ) return false; CodeVal *cv = m_ht.getValuePointer ( ch ); if ( ! cv ) return false; // sanity check if ( bytesRead < 0 ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; } // inc his count cv->m_outstanding++; cv->m_bytesRead += bytesRead; // the max ever? if ( cv->m_outstanding > cv->m_maxEver ) cv->m_maxEver = cv->m_outstanding; // over limit? return ( cv->m_outstanding > cv->m_maxOutstanding ); } void AutoBan::decRequestCount ( int32_t ch , int32_t bytesSent ) { if ( ! ch ) return; CodeVal *cv = m_ht.getValuePointer ( ch ); if ( ! cv ) return; // sanity check if ( bytesSent < 0 ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; } // dec the count cv->m_outstanding--; cv->m_bytesSent += bytesSent; } bool AutoBan::hasPerm(int32_t ip, char *code, int32_t codeLen, char *uip, int32_t uipLen, TcpSocket *s, HttpRequest *r, SafeBuf* testBuf, bool justCheck ) { char *reqStr = r->getRequest(); int32_t reqLen = r->getRequestLen(); int32_t raw = r->getLong("xml", 0); int32_t isHuman = 0; if(code && hasCode(code, codeLen, ip )) { //don't close client's sockets if(s) s->m_prefLevel++; //no ip, but valid code, let them through. if(!uip) return true; ip = atoip(uip, uipLen); // log(LOG_WARN, "has uip %s", uip); if(!ip) return true; //has code and uip, do the check. //the front end can administer a turing test //and tell us to unban them isHuman = r->getLong("ishuman", 0); } // if ip is local and uip is there, use it if ( uip && r->isLocal() ) { // it's local, let it through if( ! uip ) return true; // get the new ip then ip = atoip(uip, uipLen); // log(LOG_WARN, "has uip %s", uip); if ( !ip ) return true; //has code and uip, do the check. } //now we check the ip block which the ip is in. uint32_t ipBlock = (uint32_t)ip & 0x0000ffff; uint32_t i = getSlot((uint32_t)ipBlock); if((uint32_t)m_detectKeys[i] == ipBlock) { if(m_detectVals[i].m_flags & ALLOW) { if ( justCheck ) return true; m_detectVals[i].m_dayCount++; if(s) s->m_prefLevel++; return true; } if(m_detectVals[i].m_flags & DENY) { if ( justCheck ) return false; m_detectVals[i].m_dayCount++; return false; } } //now we check the ip group which the ip is in. uint32_t ipGroup = (uint32_t)ip & 0x00ffffff; i = getSlot((uint32_t)ipGroup); if((uint32_t)m_detectKeys[i] == ipGroup) { if(m_detectVals[i].m_flags & ALLOW) { if ( justCheck ) return true; m_detectVals[i].m_dayCount++; if(s) s->m_prefLevel++; return true; } if(m_detectVals[i].m_flags & DENY) { if ( justCheck ) return false; m_detectVals[i].m_dayCount++; return false; } } i = getSlot((uint32_t)ip); int32_t now = getTime(); int32_t banTest = r->getLong("bantest",0); if ( banTest ) { log("autoban: doing ban test"); goto doTuringTest; } if(m_detectKeys[i] == ip) { if(m_detectVals[i].m_flags & ALLOW) { // do not inc if just checking, like for a gif file if ( justCheck ) return true; //explicitly allowed. //log(LOG_WARN,"autoban: %"INT32" allowed.", ip); m_detectVals[i].m_dayCount++; if(s) s->m_prefLevel++; return true; } if(m_detectVals[i].m_flags & DENY) { // do not inc if just checking, like for a gif file if ( justCheck ) return false; //banned by autoban, or explicity banned by matt. int32_t explicitBan = m_detectVals[i].m_flags & FROMCONF; //log(LOG_WARN,"autoban: %"INT32" rejected.", ip); if(!explicitBan && // MDW yippy project - no! don't unban bots! //(m_detectVals[i].m_dayExpires < now || isHuman)) { (isHuman)) { //they are unbanned for now, I guess. m_detectVals[i].m_flags &= ~DENY; m_detectVals[i].m_dayExpires = now + ONE_DAY; m_detectVals[i].m_minuteExpires = now + 60; m_detectVals[i].m_dayCount = 1; m_detectVals[i].m_minuteCount = 1; log("autoban: auto-unbanning %s",iptoa(ip)); //return true; goto checkSubstr; } m_detectVals[i].m_dayCount++; if(explicitBan) return false; if(uip) return false; goto doTuringTest; } // do not inc if just checking, like a gif file if ( justCheck ) return true; /* if( m_detectVals[i].m_minuteCount > 0 && // two requests in one second? now == m_detectVals[i].m_minuteExpires - 60 ) { m_detectVals[i].m_flags |= DENY; log("autoban: second-banning %s",iptoa(ip)); int32_t banUntil = now + (ONE_DAY * (m_detectVals[i].m_timesBanned + 1)); if(banUntil < 0 || m_detectVals[i].m_timesBanned == 255 ) { m_detectVals[i].m_dayExpires = 0x7fffffff; } else { m_detectVals[i].m_timesBanned++; m_detectVals[i].m_dayExpires =banUntil; } return false; } */ if(m_detectVals[i].m_minuteCount >= g_conf.m_numFreeQueriesPerMinute) { if(m_detectVals[i].m_minuteExpires > now) { //ban 'em, they are a cowbot, so they //don't get the turing test m_detectVals[i].m_flags |= DENY; log("autoban: minute-banning %s",iptoa(ip)); int32_t banUntil = now + (ONE_DAY * (m_detectVals[i].m_timesBanned + 1)); if(banUntil < 0 || m_detectVals[i].m_timesBanned == 255 ) { m_detectVals[i].m_dayExpires = 0x7fffffff; } else { m_detectVals[i].m_timesBanned++; m_detectVals[i].m_dayExpires = banUntil; } return false; //goto doTuringTest; } else { m_detectVals[i].m_minuteExpires = now + 60; m_detectVals[i].m_minuteCount = 0; } } if((uint32_t)m_detectVals[i].m_dayCount >= g_conf.m_numFreeQueriesPerDay) { if(m_detectVals[i].m_dayExpires > now) { //ban 'em log("autoban: day-banning %s",iptoa(ip)); m_detectVals[i].m_flags |= DENY; if(m_detectVals[i].m_timesBanned != 255) m_detectVals[i].m_timesBanned++; m_detectVals[i].m_dayExpires = now + (ONE_DAY * m_detectVals[i]. m_timesBanned); if(uip) return false; goto doTuringTest; } else { m_detectVals[i].m_dayExpires = now + ONE_DAY; m_detectVals[i].m_dayCount = 0; } } m_detectVals[i].m_minuteCount++; m_detectVals[i].m_dayCount++; //return true; goto checkSubstr; } // do not inc if just checking, like for a gif file if ( justCheck ) return true; if(m_detectKeys[i] == 0) { if(m_numEntries * 1.2 > m_tableSize ) { //here we grow the table and adjust i to an //empty slot in the new (bigger) table if(!growTable()) //return true; goto checkSubstr; i = getSlot(ip); } m_detectKeys[i] = ip; m_detectVals[i].m_flags = 0; m_detectVals[i].m_minuteCount = 1; m_detectVals[i].m_dayCount = 1; m_detectVals[i].m_minuteExpires = now + 60; m_detectVals[i].m_dayExpires = now + ONE_DAY; m_detectVals[i].m_timesBanned = 0; ++m_numEntries; //log(LOG_WARN,"autoban: %"INT32" adding to empty slot.", //ip); //return true; goto checkSubstr; } //we go here if someone is banned and they are trying to search doTuringTest: // sanity! if ( justCheck ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; } if( raw == 0 ) { // did we get a good response from the turing test? if( g_turingTest.isHuman(r)) { m_detectVals[i].m_flags &= ~DENY; //log("autoban: turing-unbanning %s",iptoa(ip)); m_detectVals[i].m_dayExpires = now + ONE_DAY; m_detectVals[i].m_minuteExpires = now + 60; m_detectVals[i].m_dayCount = 1; m_detectVals[i].m_minuteCount = 1; log(LOG_INFO, "autoban: ip %s has unbanned " "themselves", iptoa(ip)); return true; } testBuf->safePrintf("
"); int32_t queryLen = 0; char* query = r->getValue("q" , &queryLen); int32_t start = r->getLong("s" , 0); if ( query ) testBuf->safePrintf("\n", query); if ( start > 0 ) testBuf->safePrintf("\n", start); int32_t gigabits = r->getLong("gigabits",0); if ( gigabits ) testBuf->safePrintf("\n"); // // yippy parms // char *ifs = r->getString("input-form",NULL); if ( ifs ) testBuf->safePrintf("\n", ifs ); char *vs = r->getString("v:sources",NULL); if ( vs ) testBuf->safePrintf("\n", vs ); char *vp = r->getString("v:project",NULL); if ( vp ) testBuf->safePrintf("\n", vp ); char *qp = r->getString("query",NULL); if ( qp ) testBuf->safePrintf("\n", qp); if ( banTest ) testBuf->safePrintf("\n"); // // end yippy parms // // display the turing test so they can unban themselves g_turingTest.printTest(testBuf); testBuf->safePrintf("

"); testBuf->safePrintf("
"); } return false; checkSubstr: // sanity! if ( justCheck ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; } // Look for regular expressions that may serve as a signature of // a botnet attack char *banRegex = g_conf.m_banRegex; int32_t banRegexLen = g_conf.m_banRegexLen; if (!banRegex || !banRegexLen) return true; // Don't do regex...look for comma-separated lists of substrings int32_t start = 0; bool gotMatch = false; bool missedMatch = false; for (int32_t i=0;i<= banRegexLen;i++) { if (i != banRegexLen && banRegex[i] && banRegex[i] != '\n' && banRegex[i] != '\r' && banRegex[i] != ',') continue; char c = banRegex[i]; // NULL terminate banRegex[i] = '\0'; // search for substr (must be longer than 2 chars if ( i - start > 2){ if (strnstr2(reqStr, reqLen, &banRegex[start])) gotMatch = true; else missedMatch = true; } banRegex[i] = c; start = i+1; // check the next substr if we're not at the // end of line or end of buffer if (c != '\n' && c != '\r' && c != '\0') continue; // did we get all the substrings? if (gotMatch && !missedMatch) return false; // reset for the next set of substrings gotMatch = false; missedMatch = false; } return true; } // //just check, don't update the table. // bool AutoBan::isBanned(uint32_t ip) { // int32_t i = getSlot((uint32_t)ip); // if(m_detectVals[i] & 0x4000000000000000ULL) { // return true; // } // return false; // } int32_t AutoBan::getSlot(int32_t ip) { int32_t tabsize = m_tableSize - 1; uint32_t i = (uint32_t)ip & tabsize; do { if(m_detectKeys[i] == ip) { return i; } if(m_detectKeys[i] == 0) { return i; } i = (i + 1) & tabsize; } while(1); return i; } //find repeated spaces and trim them down to only //one space in a row. void trimWhite(char* beginning) { char *to = beginning; char *from; bool lastIsSpace = false; while(*to != '\0') { if(isspace(*to)) { if(lastIsSpace) { from = to; char* begin = to + 1; while(isspace(*from)) from++; while(*to) *to++ = *from++; trimWhite(begin); return; } else lastIsSpace = true; if(*to == '\r') *to = '\n'; } else lastIsSpace = false; to++; } } //same as strstr, but this makes sure that you are on a word //boundary. char* findToken(char* body, char* substr, int32_t substrLen) { char *start = body; while(body) { body = strstr(body, substr); if(body) { //check the body and the end to make //sure that what we have is not a substring of //a larger string if((body == start || isspace(*(body - 1))) && (isspace(*(body + substrLen)) || *(body + substrLen) == '\0')) { break; } else body += substrLen; } else break; } return body; } static int ip_cmp ( const void *h1 , const void *h2 ) { char* tmp1; char* tmp2; tmp1 = ((char *)&(SorterTable[*(int32_t*)h1])); tmp2 = ((char *)&(SorterTable[*(int32_t*)h2])); return strncmp(tmp1, tmp2, 4); } #define BABY_BLUE "e0e0d0" #define LIGHT_BLUE "d0d0e0" #define DARK_BLUE "c0c0f0" #define GREEN "00ff00" #define RED "ff0000" #define YELLOW "ffff00" bool sendPageAutoban ( TcpSocket *s , HttpRequest *r ) { return g_autoBan.printTable(s,r); } bool AutoBan::printTable( TcpSocket *s , HttpRequest *r ) { SafeBuf sb(512 * 512,"autobbuf"); //read in all of the possible cgi parms off the bat: //int32_t user = g_pages.getUserType( s , r ); //char *username = g_users.getUsername(r); //char *pwd = r->getString ("pwd"); char *coll = r->getString ("c"); int32_t banIpsLen; char *banIps = r->getString ("banIps" , &banIpsLen , NULL); int32_t allowIpsLen; char *allowIps = r->getString ("allowIps" , &allowIpsLen , NULL); int32_t clearLen; char *clear = r->getString ("clear" , &clearLen , NULL); bool changed = false; int32_t validCodesLen; char *validCodes = r->getString ("validCodes", &validCodesLen, NULL); int32_t showAllIps = r->getLong("showAllIps", 0); int32_t showLongView = r->getLong("int32_tview", 0); // do it all from parm now //int32_t banRegexLen; //char *banRegex = r->getString("banRegex", &banRegexLen, NULL); // char *ss = sb.getBuf(); // char *ssend = sb.getBufEnd(); g_pages.printAdminTop ( &sb, s , r ); //sb.incrementLength(sss - ss); // MDW: moved to here int32_t now = getTime(); int32_t days; int32_t hours; int32_t minutes; int32_t secs; int32_t msecs; if(r->getLong("resetcodes", 0)) { setCodesFromConf(); } sb.safePrintf("\n

\n",TABLE_STYLE); getCalendarFromMs((now - m_codeResetTime) * 1000, &days, &hours, &minutes, &secs, &msecs); sb.safePrintf("", DARK_BLUE, coll, days, hours, minutes, secs); sb.safePrintf("" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "", LIGHT_BLUE); for(int32_t i = 0; i < m_ht.getNumSlots(); i++) { if ( m_ht.getKey ( i ) == 0 ) continue; CodeVal *cv = m_ht.getValuePointerFromSlot ( i ); if ( ! cv ) continue; sb.safePrintf(""); sb.safePrintf(""); sb.safePrintf("", iptoa(cv->m_ip)); sb.safePrintf("", cv->m_count); sb.safePrintf("", cv->m_bytesRead); sb.safePrintf("", cv->m_bytesSent); sb.safePrintf("", cv->m_outstanding); sb.safePrintf("", cv->m_maxEver); if ( cv->m_maxOutstanding != 50 ) sb.safePrintf("", cv->m_maxOutstanding); else sb.safePrintf("", cv->m_maxOutstanding); sb.safePrintf(""); } sb.safePrintf ("
" "
Code Usage " "(reset " "%"INT32" days %"INT32" hours %"INT32" " "minutes %"INT32" sec ago)" "
Query Count
Bytes Read
Bytes Sent
Outstanding Count
Most Ever Outstanding
Max Outstanding
"); sb.copyToken(cv->m_code);//m_codeVals[i].m_code); sb.safePrintf("

\n" ); if(clear && clearLen < 64) { int32_t ip = atoip(clear, clearLen); if(ip) { removeIp(ip); char *beginning; char ipbuf[64];//gotta NULL terminate for strstr memcpy(ipbuf, clear, clearLen); ipbuf[clearLen] = '\0'; beginning = findToken(g_conf.m_banIps, ipbuf, clearLen); if(beginning) { char *to = beginning; char *from = beginning + clearLen; while(*to) *to++ = *from++; } beginning = findToken(g_conf.m_allowIps, ipbuf, clearLen); if(beginning) { char *to = beginning; char *from = beginning + clearLen; while(*to) *to++ = *from++; } changed = true; } } int32_t allowLen; char *allow = r->getString ( "allow" , &allowLen , NULL ); if(allow && allowLen < 64) { int32_t ip = atoip(allow, allowLen); if(ip) { char *beginning; char ipbuf[64];//gotta NULL terminate for strstr memcpy(ipbuf, allow, allowLen); ipbuf[allowLen] = '\0'; beginning = findToken(g_conf.m_allowIps, ipbuf, allowLen); if(!beginning) { //its not present, so add it. char *p = g_conf.m_allowIps; while(*p) p++; if(p - g_conf.m_allowIps + allowLen + 2 < AUTOBAN_TEXT_SIZE) { *p++ = '\n'; memcpy(p, ipbuf,allowLen); *(p + allowLen) = '\0'; } else { sb.safePrintf("" "Not enough stack space " "to fit allowIps. " "Increase " "AUTOBAN_TEXT_SIZE in " "Conf.h. " "Had %"INT32" need %"INT32"." "", (int32_t)AUTOBAN_TEXT_SIZE, (int32_t)(p - g_conf.m_allowIps + allowLen + 2)); goto dontRemove1; } } beginning = findToken(g_conf.m_banIps, ipbuf, allowLen); if(beginning) { //remove it from banned if present. char *to = beginning; char *from = beginning + allowLen; while(*to) *to++ = *from++; } changed = true; } } dontRemove1: int32_t denyLen; char *deny = r->getString ( "deny" , &denyLen , NULL ); if(deny && denyLen < 64) { int32_t ip = atoip(deny, denyLen); if(ip) { char *beginning; char ipbuf[64];//gotta NULL terminate for strstr memcpy(ipbuf, deny, denyLen); ipbuf[denyLen] = '\0'; beginning = findToken(g_conf.m_banIps, ipbuf, denyLen); if(!beginning) { //its not present, so add it. char *p =g_conf.m_banIps; while(*p) p++; if(p - g_conf.m_banIps + denyLen + 2 < AUTOBAN_TEXT_SIZE) { *p++ = '\n'; memcpy(p, ipbuf,denyLen); *(p + denyLen) = '\0'; } else { sb.safePrintf("Not " "enough stack space " "to fit bannedIPs. " "Increase " "AUTOBAN_TEXT_SIZE in " "Conf.h. " "Had %i need %"INT32"." "", AUTOBAN_TEXT_SIZE, (int32_t)(p - g_conf.m_banIps + denyLen + 2)); goto dontRemove2; } } beginning = findToken(g_conf.m_allowIps, ipbuf, denyLen); if(beginning) { //remove it from allowed list if present. char *to = beginning; char *from = beginning + denyLen; while(*to) *to++ = *from++; } changed = true; } } dontRemove2: if(!g_conf.m_doAutoBan) { sb.safePrintf("
Autoban is disabled, " "turn it on in Master Controls.

"); } if(validCodes) { if(validCodesLen >= AUTOBAN_TEXT_SIZE) { sb.safePrintf("Not enough stack space " "to fit codes. " "Increase AUTOBAN_TEXT_SIZE in Conf.h. " "Had %i need %"INT32".", AUTOBAN_TEXT_SIZE, validCodesLen); validCodes = NULL; validCodesLen = 0; } else { memcpy(g_conf.m_validCodes, validCodes, validCodesLen); g_conf.m_validCodes[validCodesLen] = '\0'; trimWhite(g_conf.m_validCodes); setCodesFromConf(); } } //first remove all of the ips in the conf, then add the passed in // ones to the conf parm; if (banIps) { //ack, the browser puts in crlf when this comes back, so //we will have a longer string here than the one we sent //out. trim back all extrainious whitespace before we do //bounds checking. trimWhite(banIps); banIpsLen = gbstrlen(banIps); if(banIpsLen >= AUTOBAN_TEXT_SIZE) { sb.safePrintf("Not enough stack space " "to fit bannedIps. " "Increase AUTOBAN_TEXT_SIZE in Conf.h. " "Had %i need %"INT32".", AUTOBAN_TEXT_SIZE, banIpsLen); banIpsLen = AUTOBAN_TEXT_SIZE - 1; } for(int32_t i = 0; i < m_tableSize; i++) { if(m_detectKeys[i] == 0) continue; //check the 'set from conf' bit, and clear those. if(m_detectVals[i].m_flags & FROMCONF) { removeIp(m_detectKeys[i]); } } memcpy(g_conf.m_banIps, banIps, banIpsLen); g_conf.m_banIps[banIpsLen] = '\0'; changed = true; } if (allowIps) { trimWhite(allowIps); allowIpsLen = gbstrlen(allowIps); if(allowIpsLen >= AUTOBAN_TEXT_SIZE) { sb.safePrintf("Not enough stack space " "to fit allowIps. " "Increase AUTOBAN_TEXT_SIZE in Conf.h. " "Had %i need %"INT32".", AUTOBAN_TEXT_SIZE, allowIpsLen); allowIpsLen = AUTOBAN_TEXT_SIZE - 1; } for(int32_t i = 0; i < m_tableSize; i++) { if(m_detectKeys[i] == 0) continue; //check the 'set from conf' bit, and clear those. if(m_detectVals[i].m_flags & FROMCONF) { removeIp(m_detectKeys[i]); } } memcpy(g_conf.m_allowIps, allowIps, allowIpsLen); g_conf.m_allowIps[allowIpsLen] = '\0'; changed = true; } if(changed) { trimWhite(g_conf.m_allowIps); trimWhite(g_conf.m_banIps); setFromConf(); } sb.safePrintf("\n\n",TABLE_STYLE); sb.safePrintf("", DARK_BLUE); // ss = sb.getBuf(); // ssend = sb.getBufEnd(); g_parms.printParms (&sb, s, r); // sb.incrementLength(sss - ss); sb.safePrintf (""); sb.safePrintf ("
" "
Add IPs
" "
" "" "

\n" ); if(!showLongView) { sb.safePrintf("Show watched ips table...", coll, showAllIps); return g_httpServer.sendDynamicPage ( s , sb.getBufStart() , sb.length() , -1 , false); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// sb.safePrintf("\n\n",TABLE_STYLE); sb.safePrintf("", DARK_BLUE); sb.safePrintf("" "" "" // "" "" "", LIGHT_BLUE); int32_t *sortedIndices = (int32_t*)mmalloc(m_tableSize * sizeof(int32_t), "AutoBanH"); if(!sortedIndices) { return g_httpServer.sendErrorReply(s,500,mstrerror(ENOMEM)); } int32_t numEntries = 0; for(int32_t i = 0; i < m_tableSize; i++) { if(m_detectKeys[i] == 0) continue; sortedIndices[numEntries++] = i; } SorterTable = m_detectKeys; gbsort(sortedIndices, numEntries, sizeof(int32_t), ip_cmp); //lets put each class of watched ip in its own safebuf then cat //them together at the end. SafeBuf allowed; SafeBuf banned; SafeBuf feedLeachers; SafeBuf cowBots; SafeBuf *e; for(int32_t j = 0; j < numEntries; j++) { int32_t i = sortedIndices[j]; if(m_detectKeys[i] == 0) continue; //if(!(m_detectVals[i].m_flags & FROMCONF)) continue; bool allow = m_detectVals[i].m_flags & ALLOW && m_detectVals[i].m_flags & FROMCONF; bool deny = m_detectVals[i].m_flags & DENY && m_detectVals[i].m_flags & FROMCONF; bool explicitban = deny && m_detectVals[i].m_flags & FROMCONF; uint16_t dayCount = m_detectVals[i].m_dayCount; unsigned char minuteCount = m_detectVals[i].m_minuteCount; bool day = dayCount >= g_conf.m_numFreeQueriesPerDay; bool minute = minuteCount >= g_conf.m_numFreeQueriesPerMinute; char *description; char *color; if(allow) { color = GREEN; description = "Allowed"; e = &allowed; } else if(explicitban) { color = RED; description = "Banned"; e = &banned; } else if(minute) { color = RED; description = "Cow Bot"; e = &cowBots; } else if(day) { color = RED; description = "Feed Leacher"; e = &feedLeachers; } else { //this can happen when someone was banned due to //exceeding the quota, then the quota was lowered. m_detectVals[i].m_flags &= ~DENY; //log("autoban: ohshit-banning %s",iptoa(s->m_ip)); continue; } e->safePrintf(""); e->safePrintf("" // "" "",color, iptoa(m_detectKeys[i]), description, // days,hours,minutes, coll, iptoa(m_detectKeys[i]), showAllIps, coll, iptoa(m_detectKeys[i]), showAllIps, coll, iptoa(m_detectKeys[i]), showAllIps); e->safePrintf(""); } sb.cat(allowed); sb.cat(banned); sb.cat(feedLeachers); sb.cat(cowBots); sb.safePrintf ("
" "
Watched Ips
Time Added
" "
" // "%"INT32" days %"INT32" hrs %"INT32" min ago" // "
" "allow/" "" "deny/" "" "clear
" "

\n" ); // MDW moved from here sb.safePrintf("\n

\n",TABLE_STYLE); sb.safePrintf("", DARK_BLUE); sb.safePrintf("" "", LIGHT_BLUE); sb.safePrintf("", coll); sb.safePrintf("", coll); sb.safePrintf("", coll); sb.safePrintf("", coll); sb.safePrintf ("
" "
Control Panel
Show Ips by Number of Queries" "
" "0 Queries" "
" "1 Query" "
" "10 Queries" "
" "100 Queries" "

\n"); if(!showAllIps) { char* ss = (char*) sb.getBufStart(); int32_t sslen = sb.length(); mfree(sortedIndices, m_tableSize * sizeof(int32_t),"AutoBanH"); return g_httpServer.sendDynamicPage ( s , ss , sslen , -1 , false); } sb.safePrintf("\n

\n",TABLE_STYLE); sb.safePrintf("", DARK_BLUE); sb.safePrintf("" "" "" "" "" "" "" "", LIGHT_BLUE); char minBuf[128]; char dayBuf[128]; uint32_t lastIpGroup = 0; for(int32_t j = 0; j < numEntries; j++) { int32_t i = sortedIndices[j]; int32_t dayCount = m_detectVals[i].m_dayCount; unsigned char minuteCount = m_detectVals[i].m_minuteCount; if(!(m_detectVals[i].m_flags & FROMCONF)) { if(m_detectVals[i].m_minuteExpires < now) minuteCount = 0; if(!(m_detectVals[i].m_flags & DENY) && m_detectVals[i].m_dayExpires < now) dayCount = 0; } //a hack: if( dayCount < showAllIps) continue; char *color = YELLOW; if(m_detectVals[i].m_flags & ALLOW) { color = GREEN; snprintf(minBuf, 128, "--"); snprintf(dayBuf, 128, "%"INT32"", dayCount); } else if(m_detectVals[i].m_flags & DENY) { color = RED; snprintf(minBuf, 128, "--"); snprintf(dayBuf, 128, "%"INT32"", dayCount); } else { snprintf(minBuf, 128, "%"INT32"", (int32_t)minuteCount); snprintf(dayBuf, 128, "%"INT32"", (int32_t)dayCount); } uint32_t thisIpGroup = (uint32_t)m_detectKeys[i] & 0x00ffffff; sb.safePrintf("
"); if(m_detectVals[i].m_flags & FROMCONF) { sb.safePrintf("
" "" "" "" "", color, (thisIpGroup == lastIpGroup)?"":"", iptoa(m_detectKeys[i]), (thisIpGroup == lastIpGroup)?"":"", minBuf, dayBuf); } else { //they haven't done a query since being unbanned, //unban them now so we don't get negative resets displayed. /* no, don't unban the bots!!! MDW yippy project if(m_detectVals[i].m_dayExpires < now) { m_detectVals[i].m_flags &= ~DENY; //log("autoban: dayexpire-unbanning %s", // iptoa(ip)); m_detectVals[i].m_dayExpires = now + ONE_DAY; m_detectVals[i].m_minuteExpires = now + 60; m_detectVals[i].m_dayCount = 0; m_detectVals[i].m_minuteCount = 0; sb.safePrintf(""); continue; } */ getCalendarFromMs((m_detectVals[i].m_dayExpires - now)* 1000, &days, &hours, &minutes, &secs, &msecs); sb.safePrintf("" "" "" "" "", color, (thisIpGroup == lastIpGroup)?"":"", iptoa(m_detectKeys[i]), (thisIpGroup == lastIpGroup)?"":"", minBuf, dayBuf, days, hours, minutes, secs, m_detectVals[i].m_timesBanned); } sb.safePrintf("", coll, iptoa(m_detectKeys[i]), showAllIps, coll, iptoa(m_detectKeys[i]), showAllIps); sb.safePrintf(""); lastIpGroup = thisIpGroup; } sb.safePrintf ("
" "
Queries Today
Minute count
Day count
Time Until Reset
Times Banned
" "NEVER" "
" "%"INT32" days %"INT32" hrs %"INT32" min %"INT32" sec" "
" "" "allow/" "" "deny
" "

\n" ); char* ss = (char*) sb.getBufStart(); int32_t sslen = sb.length(); mfree(sortedIndices, m_tableSize * sizeof(int32_t),"AutoBanH"); return g_httpServer.sendDynamicPage ( s , ss , sslen , -1 , false); } bool AutoBan::save() { char tmp[512 * 512]; SafeBuf p(tmp, 512 * 512); p += m_numEntries; for(int32_t i = 0; i < m_tableSize; i++) { if(m_detectKeys[i] == 0) continue; p += m_detectKeys[i]; p.safeMemcpy((char*)&m_detectVals[i], sizeof(m_detectVals[i])); } return p.dumpToFile("autoban-saved.dat"); } bool AutoBan::restore() { char tmp[512 * 512]; SafeBuf p(tmp, 512 * 512); if(p.fillFromFile("autoban-saved.dat")<0) return false; if (p.length() <= 0 ) return true; char* buf = (char*) p.getBufStart(); char* bufEnd = (char*) p.getBufEnd(); // catLoop: int32_t numEntries = *(int32_t*)buf; buf += sizeof(int32_t); for(int32_t i = 0; i < numEntries; i++) { if ( buf + 4 > bufEnd ) break; int32_t ip = *(int32_t*)buf; buf += sizeof(int32_t); addKey(ip, (DetectVal*)buf); buf += sizeof(DetectVal); if(buf > bufEnd) return false; } log("autoban: read %"INT32" entries",numEntries); // more to read? return no if not // this was a hack when catting two autoban-saved.dat files together //if ( buf + 4 < bufEnd && numEntries ) // goto catLoop; // all done return true; }