Zak Betz a46c5b8f86 Fix anomalous link text detector to take into consideration the total
number of inlinkers instead of just counting the matched link texts.
2015-11-20 10:42:46 -07:00

276 lines
9.0 KiB

// Matt Wells, copyright Jul 2001
#ifndef _MATCHES_H_
#define _MATCHES_H_
#include "Query.h"
#include "Words.h"
#include "Xml.h"
#include "HashTableT.h"
#include "Pos.h"
#include "Bits.h"
// do not hash more than this many query words into the hash table
// . i upped this from 500 to 3000 to better support the BIG HACK
// getting 3000 matches slows down the summary generator a lot.
// . i raised MAX_MATCHES to 3000 for huge UOR queries made in SearchInput.cpp
// from facebook interests
#define MAX_MATCHES 3000
typedef int32_t mf_t;
// . values for Match::m_flags
// . dictates the "match group" that the match belongs to
#define MF_TITLEGEN 0x0001 // in generated title?
#define MF_TITLETAG 0x0002
#define MF_LINK 0x0004 // in non-anomalous link text
//#define MF_ALINK 0x0008 // in anomalous link text
#define MF_HOOD 0x0010 // in non-anomalous neighborhood
//#define MF_AHOOD 0x0020 // in anomalous neighborhood
#define MF_BODY 0x0040 // in body
#define MF_METASUMM 0x0080 // in meta summary
#define MF_METADESC 0x0100 // in meta description
#define MF_METAKEYW 0x0200 // in meta keywords
#define MF_DMOZTITLE 0x0400
#define MF_DMOZSUMM 0x0800
#define MF_RSSTITLE 0x1000
#define MF_RSSDESC 0x2000
#define MF_URL 0x4000 // in url
#define MF_SYNONYM 0x8000
class Match {
// word # we match in the document using "m_words" below
int32_t m_wordNum;
// # of words in this match, like if we match a phrase
// we have > 1 words in the match
int32_t m_numWords;
// word # we match in the query
int32_t m_qwordNum;
// # of query words we match if we are a phrase, otherwise
// this is 1
int32_t m_numQWords;
// . used for highlighting under different colors (Highlight.cpp)
// . words in the same quote should use the same highlight color
int32_t m_colorNum;
// . max score of all contained query terms in this match
// . uses provided m_tscores[] array to get scores of the query terms
//int32_t m_score;
// "match group" or type of match. i.e. MF_TITLETAG, MF_METASUMM, ...
mf_t m_flags;
// improve summary generation parms
int32_t m_dist;
//bool m_crossedSection;
// . for convenience, these four class ptrs are used by Summary.cpp
// . m_wordNum is relative to this "words" class (and scores,bits,pos)
class Words *m_words;
class Sections *m_sections;
class Bits *m_bits;
class Pos *m_pos;
class Matches {
void setQuery ( Query *q );//, int32_t *tscores = NULL ) ;
bool set ( class XmlDoc *xd ,
class Words *bodyWords ,
//class Synonyms *bodySynonyms ,
class Phrases *bodyPhrases ,
class Sections *bodySections ,
class Bits *bodyBits ,
class Pos *bodyPos ,
class Xml *xml ,
class Title *tt ,
int32_t niceness ) ;
bool addMatches ( char *s ,
int32_t slen ,
mf_t flags ,
int64_t docId ,
int32_t niceness ) ;
// . this sets the m_matches[] array
// . m_matches[i] is -1 if it matches no term in the query
// . m_matches[i] is X if it matches term #X in the query
// . returns false and sets errno on error
bool addMatches ( Words *words ,
//class Synonyms *syn = NULL ,
class Phrases *phrases = NULL ,
Sections *sections = NULL ,
Bits *bits = NULL ,
Pos *pos = NULL ,
int32_t fieldCode = 0 , // wrds,0=none
bool allowPunctInPhrase = true ,
bool exclQTOnlyInAnchTxt = false,
qvec_t reqMask = 0 ,
qvec_t negMask = 0 ,
int32_t diversityWeight = 1 ,
int64_t docId = 0 ,
mf_t flags = 0 );
// this is NULL terminated
//char getTermNum ( int32_t i ) { return m_termNums[i]; };
//char getTermNum2 ( int32_t i ) { return m_termNums2[i]; };
// get the whole array
//char *getTermNums ( ) { return m_termNums; };
//char *getPhraseNums ( ) { return m_phraseNums; };
// how many words matched a rawTermId?
int32_t getNumMatches ( ) { return m_numMatches; };
//void clearBitsMatched( void ) { m_explicitBitsMatched = 0x00; };
//void addBitMatched ( qvec_t bit ) { m_explicitBitsMatched |= bit; };
//qvec_t getBitsMatched( void ) { return m_explicitBitsMatched; };
// set m_termNums from a to b to 0
//void clearMatches ( int32_t a , int32_t b );
// janitorial stuff
Matches ( ) ;
~Matches( ) ;
void reset ( ) ;
void reset2 ( ) ;
// BIG HACK support
//int32_t getTermsFound ( bool *hadPhrases , bool *hadWords );
uint32_t getTermsFound2(bool *hadPhrases, bool *hadWords);
//bool negTermsFound ( );
bool docHasQueryTerms(int32_t totalInlinks);
// used internally and by PageGet.cpp
bool isMatchableTerm ( class QueryTerm *qt );//, int32_t i );
// used internally
int32_t getNumWordsInMatch ( Words *words ,
int32_t wn ,
int32_t n ,
int32_t *numQWords ,
int32_t *qwn ,
bool allowPunctInPhrase = true ) ;
// how many words matched a rawTermId?
Match m_matches[MAX_MATCHES_FOR_BIG_HACK];
int32_t m_numMatches;
//int32_t m_numNegTerms;
// found term vector, 1-1 with m_q->m_qterms[]
//char m_foundTermVector [ MAX_QUERY_TERMS ];
//char m_foundNegTermVector [ MAX_QUERY_TERMS ];
qvec_t m_explicitBitsMatched;
// . hash query word ids into a small hash table
// . we use this to see what words in the document are query terms
int64_t m_qtableIds [ MAX_QUERY_WORDS_TO_MATCH * 3 ];
int32_t m_qtableWordNums [ MAX_QUERY_WORDS_TO_MATCH * 3 ];
char m_qtableFlags [ MAX_QUERY_WORDS_TO_MATCH * 3 ];
//int64_t m_qtableNegIds [ MAX_QUERY_WORDS_TO_MATCH * 3 ];
int32_t m_numSlots;
Query *m_q;
int32_t m_maxNQW;
int32_t *m_tscores;
int32_t m_numAlnums;
// . 1-1 with Query::m_qwords[] array of QWords
// . shows the match flags for that query word
//mf_t m_qwordFlags[MAX_QUERY_WORDS];
mf_t *m_qwordFlags;
int32_t m_qwordAllocSize;
char m_tmpBuf[128];
//stuff for detecting whether a match is part of a larger phrase
void setSubPhraseDetection();
void detectSubPhrase(Words* w,
int32_t matchWordNum,
int32_t numMatchedWords,
int32_t queryWordNum,
int32_t diversityWeight );
float getDiversity();
bool m_detectSubPhrases;
int32_t m_leftDiversity;
int32_t m_rightDiversity;
static const int32_t m_htSize = 128 * (sizeof(int64_t) + sizeof(int32_t));
char m_subPhraseBuf[2 * m_htSize];
HashTableT<int64_t, int32_t> m_pre;
HashTableT<int64_t, int32_t> m_post;
// . one words/scores/bits/pos/flags class per "match group"
// . match groups examples = body, a single link text, a meta tag, etc.
// . match groups are basically disjoint chunks of text information
// . the document body (web page) is considered a single match group
// . a single link text is considered a match group
// . a single meta summary tag is a match group, ...
Words *m_wordsPtr [MAX_MATCHGROUPS];
Sections *m_sectionsPtr [MAX_MATCHGROUPS];
Bits *m_bitsPtr [MAX_MATCHGROUPS];
Pos *m_posPtr [MAX_MATCHGROUPS];
mf_t m_flags [MAX_MATCHGROUPS];
int32_t m_numMatchGroups;
Words m_wordsArray [MAX_MATCHGROUPS];
Bits m_bitsArray [MAX_MATCHGROUPS];
Pos m_posArray [MAX_MATCHGROUPS];
int64_t *m_pids2;
int64_t *m_pids3;
int64_t *m_pids4;
int64_t *m_pids5;
// MDW: i am hoping we do not need this, it is really only useful
// for the words in the body of the document!!
//Sections m_sectionsArray [MAX_MATCHGROUPS];
bool getMatchGroup ( mf_t matchFlag ,
Words **wp ,
Pos **pp ,
Sections **sp );
//qvec_t m_explicitsMatched;
//qvec_t m_matchableRequiredBits;
// this may be false and still be included in the results if rat=0
//bool m_hasAllQueryTerms;
// if this is false big hack will exclude it from results
//bool m_matchesQuery;
#define OFFSET_BYTES 1
#define OFFSET_WORDS 2
// smaller class for attaching to Msg20
class MatchOffsets{
void reset();
bool set(Xml *xml, Words *words, Matches *matches,
unsigned char offsetType);
int32_t getStoredSize();
int32_t serialize(char *buf, int32_t buflen);
int32_t deserialize(char *buf, int32_t buflen);
int32_t m_numMatches;
unsigned char m_queryWords[MAX_MATCHES];
int32_t m_matchOffsets[MAX_MATCHES];
// keep track of breaks between matches
int32_t m_numBreaks;
int32_t m_breakOffsets[MAX_MATCHES];
// and total number of alnums in the document
int32_t m_numAlnums;