Ivan Skytte Jørgensen 9b02e87913 Removed global #pragma pack(4) from <types.h>
The global setting was causing fragility other places requiring include order
to be specific. Remoed the global "#pragma pack(4)" and replaced it with the
equally ugly "__attribute__((packed, aligned(4)))", but at least it is explicit
and doesn't interfere with system and 3rd-party header files and libraries.

Origin: e4323f397f
2021-06-18 13:07:08 +10:00

1644 lines
54 KiB

// Matt Wells, copyright Nov 2002
#ifndef SPIDERH
#define SPIDERH
#define MAX_DAYS 365
#include "Rdb.h"
#include "Conf.h"
#include "Titledb.h"
#include "Hostdb.h"
#include "RdbList.h"
#include "RdbTree.h"
#include "HashTableX.h"
#include <time.h>
#include "Msg5.h" // local getList()
#include "Msg4.h"
#include "Msg1.h"
#include "hash.h"
#include "RdbCache.h"
// for diffbot, this is for xmldoc.cpp to update CollectionRec::m_crawlInfo
// which has m_pagesCrawled and m_pagesProcessed.
//bool updateCrawlInfo ( CollectionRec *cr ,
// void *state ,
// void (* callback)(void *state) ,
// bool useCache = true ) ;
// . values for CollectionRec::m_spiderStatus
// . reasons why crawl is not happening
#define SP_MAXROUNDS 1 // hit max rounds limit
#define SP_MAXTOCRAWL 2 // hit max to crawl limit
#define SP_MAXTOPROCESS 3 // hit max to process limit
#define SP_ROUNDDONE 4 // spider round is done
#define SP_NOURLS 5 // initializing
#define SP_PAUSED 6 // user paused spider
#define SP_INPROGRESS 7 // it is going on!
#define SP_ADMIN_PAUSED 8 // g_conf.m_spideringEnabled = false
#define SP_COMPLETED 9 // crawl is done, and no repeatCrawl is scheduled
#define SP_SEEDSERROR 10 // all seeds had an error preventing crawling
bool tryToDeleteSpiderColl ( SpiderColl *sc , char *msg ) ;
void spiderRoundIncremented ( class CollectionRec *cr ) ;
bool testPatterns ( ) ;
bool hasPositivePattern ( char *content ) ;
bool doesStringContainPattern ( char *content , char *pattern ) ;
bool getSpiderStatusMsg ( class CollectionRec *cx ,
class SafeBuf *msg ,
int32_t *status ) ;
int32_t getFakeIpForUrl1 ( char *url1 ) ;
int32_t getFakeIpForUrl2 ( Url *url2 ) ;
// Overview of Spider
// this new spider algorithm ensures that urls get spidered even if a host
// is dead. and even if the url was being spidered by a host that suddenly went
// dead.
// . Spider.h/.cpp contains all the code related to spider scheduling
// . Spiderdb holds the SpiderRecs which indicate the time to spider a url
// . there are 2 types of SpiderRecs: SpiderRequest and SpiderReply recs
// There are 3 main components to the spidering process:
// 1) spiderdb
// 2) the "waiting tree"
// 3) doledb
// spiderdb holds all the spiderrequests/spiderreplies sorted by
// their IP
// the waiting tree holds at most one entry for an IP indicating that
// we should scan all the spiderrequests/spiderreplies for that IP in
// spiderdb, find the "best" one(s) and add it (them) to doledb.
// doledb holds the best spiderrequests from spiderdb sorted by
// "priority". priorities range from 0 to 127, the highest priority.
// basically doledb holds the urls that are ready for spidering now.
// Spiderdb
// the spiderdb holds all the SpiderRequests and SpiderReplies, each of which
// are sorted by their "firstIP" and then by their 48-bit url hash,
// "uh48". the parentDocId is also kept in the key to prevent collisions.
// Each group (shard) of hosts is responsible for spidering a fixed set of
// IPs.
// Dividing Workload by IP Address
// Each host is responsible for its own set of IP addresses. Each SpiderRequest
// contains an IP address called m_firstIP. It alone is responsible for adding
// SpiderRequests from this set of IPs to doledb.
// the doled out
// SpiderRequests are added to doledb using Msg4. Once in doledb, a
// SpiderRequest is ready to be spidered by any host in the group (shard),
// provided that that host gets all the locks.
// "firstIP"
// when we lookup the ip address of the subdomain of an outlink for the first
// time we store that ip address into tagdb using the tag named "firstip".
// that way anytime we add outlinks from the same subdomain in the future they
// are guaranteed to get the same "firstip" even if the actual ip changed. this
// allows us to consistently throttle urls from the same subdomain, even if
// the subdomain gets a new ip. this also increaseses performance when looking
// up the "ips" of every outlink on a page because we are often just hitting
// tagdb, which is much faster than doing dns lookups, that might miss the
// dns cache!
// Adding a SpiderRequest
// When a SpiderRequest is added to spiderdb in Rdb.cpp it calls
// SpiderColl::addSpiderRequest(). If our host is responsible for doling
// that firstIP, we check m_doleIPTable to see if that IP address is
// already in doledb. if it is then we bail. Next we compute the url filter
// number of the url in order to compute its spider time, then we add
// it to the waiting tree. It will not get added to the waiting tree if
// the current entry in the waiting tree has an earlier spider time.
// then when the waiting tree is scanned it will read SpiderRequests from
// spiderdb for just that firstIP and add the best one to doledb when it is
// due to be spidered.
// Waiting Tree
// The waiting tree is a b-tree where the keys are a spiderTime/IPaddress tuple
// of the corresponding SpiderRequest. Think of its keys as requests to
// spider something from that IP address at the given time, spiderTime.
// The entries are sorted by spiderTime first then IP address.
// It let's us know the earliest time we can spider a SpiderRequest
// from an IP address. We have exactly one entry in the waiting tree from
// every IP address that is in Spiderdb. "m_waitingTable" maps an IP
// address to its entry in the waiting tree. If an IP should not be spidered
// until the future then its spiderTime in the waiting tree will be in the
// future.
// Adding a SpiderReply
// We intercept SpiderReplies being added to Spiderdb in Rdb.cpp as well by
// calling SpiderColl::addSpiderReply(). Then we get the firstIP
// from that and we look in spiderdb to find a replacement SpiderRequest
// to add to doledb. To make this part easy we just add the firstIP to the
// waiting tree with a spiderTime of 0. so when the waiting tree scan happens
// it will pick that up and look in spiderdb for the best SpiderRequest with
// that same firstIP that can be spidered now, and then it adds that to
// doledb. (To prevent from having to scan int32_t spiderdb lists and speed
// things up we might want to keep a little cache that maps a firstIP to
// a few SpiderRequests ready to be spidered).
// Deleting Dups
// we now remove spiderdb rec duplicates in the spiderdb merge. we also call
// getUrlFilterNum() on each spiderdb rec during the merge to see if it is
// filtered and not indexed, and if so, we delete it. we also delete all but
// the latest SpiderReply for a given uh48/url. And we remove redundant
// SpiderRequests like we used to do in addSpiderRequest(), which means that
// the merge op needs to keep a small little table to scan in order to
// compare all the SpiderRequests in the list for the same uh48. all of this
// deduping takes place on the final merged list which is then further
// filtered by this by calling Spiderdb.cpp::filterSpiderdbRecs(RdbList *list).
// because the list is just a random piece of spiderdb, boundary issues will
// cause some records to leak through, but with enough file merge operations
// they should eventually be zapped.
// DoleDB
// This holds SpiderRequests that are ready to be spidered right now. A host
// in our group (shard) will call getLocks() to get the locks for a
// SpiderRequest in doledb that it wants to spider. it must receive grants
// from every alive machine in the group in order to properly get the lock.
// If it receives a rejection from one host it release the lock on all the
// other hosts. It is kind of random to get a lock, similar to ethernet
// collision detection.
// Dole IP Table
// m_doleIpTable (HashTableX, 96 bit keys, no data)
// Purpose: let's us know how many SpiderRequests have been doled out for
// a given firstIP
// Key is simply a 4-byte IP.
// Data is the number of doled out SpiderRequests from that IP.
// we use m_doleIpTable for keeping counts based on ip of what is doled out.
// g_doledb
// Purpose: holds the spider request your group (shard) is supposed to spider
// according to getGroupIdToSpider(). 96-bit keys, data is the spider rec with
// key. ranked according to when things should be spidered.
// <~priority> 8bits
// <spiderTime> 32bits
// <urlHash48> 48bits (to avoid collisions)
// <reserved> 7bits (used 7 bits from urlhash48 to avoid collisio)
// <delBit> 1bit
// DATA:
// <spiderRec> Xbits (spiderdb record to spider, includes key)
// everyone in group (shard) tries to spider this shit in order.
// you call SpiderLoop::getLocks(sr,hostId) to get the lock for it before
// you can spider it. everyone in the group (shard) gets the lock request.
// if you do not get granted lock by all alive hosts in the group (shard) then
// you call Msg12::removeAllLocks(sr,hostId). nobody tries to spider
// a doledb spider rec if the lock is granted to someone else, just skip it.
// if a doling host goes dead, then its twins will dole for it after their
// SpiderColl::m_nextReloadTime is reached and they reset their cache and
// re-scan spiderdb. XmlDoc adds the negative key to RDB_DOLEDB so that
// should remove it from doledb when the spidering is complete, and when
// Rdb.cpp receives a "fake" negative TITLEDB key it removes the doledbKey lock
// from m_lockTable. See XmlDoc.cpp "fake titledb key".
// Furthermore, if Rdb.cpp receives a positive doledbKey
// it might update SpiderColl::m_nextKeys[priority] so that the next read of
// doledb starts there when SpiderLoop::spiderDoledUrls() calls
// msg5 to read doledb records from disk.
// TODO: when a host dies, consider speeding up the reload. might be 3 hrs!
// PROBLEM: what if a host dies with outstanding locks???
// SpiderLoop::m_lockTable (HashTableX(6,8))
// Purpose: allows a host to lock a doledb key for spidering. used by Msg12
// and SpiderLoop. a host must get the lock for all its alive twins in its
// group (shard) before it can spider the SpiderRequest, otherwise, it will
// removeall the locks from the hosts that did grant it by calling
// Msg12::removeAllLocks(sr,hostId).
// To actually spider something, we do a read of doledb to get the next
// SpiderRequest. Because there are so many negative/positive key annihilations
// in doledb, we keep a "cursor key" for each spider priority in doledb.
// We get a "lock" on the url so no other hosts in our group (shard) can
// spider it from doledb. We get the lock if all hosts in the shard
// successfully grant it to us, otherwise, we inform all the hosts that
// we were unable to get the lock, so they can unlock it.
// SpiderLoop::spiderDoledUrls() will scan doledb for each collection that
// has spidering enabled, and get the SpiderRequests in doledb that are
// in need of spidering. The keys in doledb are sorted by highest spider
// priority first and then by the "spider time". If one spider priority is
// empty or only has spiderRequests in it that can be spidered in the future,
// then the next priority is read.
// any host in our group (shard) can spider a request in doledb, but they must
// lock it by calling getLocks() first and all hosts in the group (shard) must
// grant them the lock for that url otherwise they remove all the locks and
// try again on another spiderRequest in doledb.
// Each group (shard) is responsible for spidering a set of IPs in spiderdb.
// and each host in the group (shard) has its own subset of those IPs for which
// it is responsible for adding to doledb. but any host in the group (shard)
// can spider any request/url in doledb provided they get the lock.
// evalIpLoop()
// The waiting tree is populated at startup by scanning spiderdb (see
// SpiderColl::evalIpLoop()), which might take a while to complete,
// so it is running in the background while the gb server is up. it will
// log "10836674298 spiderdb bytes scanned for waiting tree re-population"
// periodically in the log as it tries to do a complete spiderdb scan
// every 24 hours. It should not be necessary to scan spiderdb more than
// once, but it seems we are leaking ips somehow so we do the follow-up
// scans for now. (see populateWaitingTreeFromSpiderdb() in Spider.cpp)
// It will also perform a background scan if the admin changes the url
// filters table, which dictates that we recompute everything.
// evalIpLoop() will recompute the "url filter number" (matching row)
// in the url filters table for each url in each SpiderRequest it reads.
// it will ignore spider requests whose urls
// are "filtered" or "banned". otherwise they will have a spider priority >= 0.
// So it calls ::getUrlFilterNum() for each url it scans which is where
// most of the cpu it uses will probably be spent. It picks the best
// url to spider for each IP address. It only picks one per IP right now.
// If the best url has a scheduled spider time in the future, it will add it
// to the waiting tree with that future timestamp. The waiting tree only
// stores one entry for each unique IP, so it tries to store
// the entry with the earliest computed scheduled spider time, but if
// some times are all BEFORE the current time, it will resolve conflicts
// by preferring those with the highest priority. Tied spider priorities
// should be resolved by minimum hopCount probably.
// If the spidertime of the URL is overdue then evalIpLoop() will NOT add
// it to waiting tree, but will add it to doledb directly to make it available
// for spidering immediately. It calls m_msg4.addMetaList() to add it to
// doledb on all hosts in its group (shard). It uses s_ufnTree for keeping
// track of the best urls to spider for a given IP/spiderPriority.
// evalIpLoop() can also be called with its m_nextKey/m_endKey limited
// to just scan the SpiderRequests for a specific IP address. It does
// this after adding a SpiderReply. addSpiderReply() calls addToWaitingTree()
// with the "0" time entry, and addToWaitingTree() calls
// populateDoledbFromWaitingTree() which will see that "0" entry and call
// evalIpLoop(true) after setting m_nextKey/m_endKey for that IP.
// SpiderColl::populateDoledbFromWaitingTree() scans the waiting tree for
// entries whose spider time is due. so it gets the IP address and spider
// priority from the waiting tree. but then it calls evalIpLoop()
// restricted to that IP (using m_nextKey,m_endKey) to get the best
// SpiderRequest from spiderdb for that IP to add to doledb for immediate
// spidering. populateDoledbFromWaitingTree() is called a lot to try to
// keep doledb in sync with waiting tree. any time an entry in the waiting
// tree becomes available for spidering it should be called right away so
// as not to hold back the spiders. in general it should exit quickly because
// it calls getNextIpFromWaitingTree() which most of the time will return 0
// indicating there are no IPs in the waiting tree ready to be spidered.
// Which is why as we add SpiderRequests to doledb for an IP we also
// remove that IP from the waiting tree. This keeps this check fast.
// In order to allow multiple outstanding spiders per IP address, if, say,
// maxSpidersPerIp is > 1, we now promptly add the negative doledb key
// as soon as a lock is granted and we also add an entry to the waiting tree
// which will result in an addition to doledb of the next unlocked
// SpiderRequest. This logic is mostly in Spider.cpp's Msg12::gotLockReply().
// Rdb.cpp will see that we added a "fakedb" record
// A record is only removed from Doledb after the spider adds the negative
// doledb record in XmlDoc.cpp when it is done. XmlDoc.cpp also adds a
// "fake" negative titledb record to remove the lock on that url at the
// same time.
// So, 1) we can allow for multiple doledb entries per IP and the assigned
// host can reply with "wait X ms" to honor the spiderIpWait constraint,
// or 2) we can delete the doledb entry after the lock is granted, and then
// we can immediately add a "currentTime + X ms" entry to the waiting tree to
// add the next doledb record for this IP X ms from now.
// I kind of like the 2nd approach because then there is only one entry
// per IP in doledb. that is kind of nice. So maybe using the same
// logic that is used by Spider.cpp to release a lock, we can say,
// "hey, i got the lock, delete it from doledb"...
// . what groupId (shardId) should spider/index this spider request?
// . CAUTION: NOT the same group (shard) that stores it in spiderdb!!!
// . CAUTION: NOT the same group (shard) that doles it out to spider!!!
//uint32_t getGroupIdToSpider ( char *spiderRec );
// now used by xmldoc.cpp
bool isAggregator ( int32_t siteHash32 ,
int32_t domHash32 ,
char *url ,
int32_t urlLen ) ;
// The 128-bit Spiderdb record key128_t for a rec in Spiderdb is as follows:
// <32 bit firstIp> (firstIp of the url to spider)
// <48 bit normalized url hash> (of the url to spider)
// <1 bit isRequest> (a SpiderRequest or SpiderReply record?)
// <38 bit docid of parent> (to avoid collisions!)
// <8 bit reserved> (was "spiderLinks"/"forced"/"retryNum")
// <1 bit delbit> (0 means this is a *negative* key)
// there are two types of SpiderRecs really, a "request" to spider a url
// and a "reply" or report on the attempted spidering of a url. in this way
// Spiderdb is a perfect log of desired and actual spider activity.
// . Spiderdb contains an m_rdb which has SpiderRecs/urls to be spidered
// . we split the SpiderRecs up w/ the hosts in our group (shard) by IP of the
// url.
// . once we've spidered a url it gets added with a negative spiderdb key
// in XmlDoc.cpp
class Spiderdb {
// reset rdb
void reset();
// set up our private rdb for holding SpiderRecs
bool init ( );
// init the rebuild/secondary rdb, used by PageRepair.cpp
bool init2 ( int32_t treeMem );
bool verify ( char *coll );
bool addColl ( char *coll, bool doVerify = true );
Rdb *getRdb ( ) { return &m_rdb; };
//DiskPageCache *getDiskPageCache() { return &m_pc; };
// this rdb holds urls waiting to be spidered or being spidered
Rdb m_rdb;
int64_t getUrlHash48 ( key128_t *k ) {
return (((k->n1)<<16) | k->n0>>(64-16)) & 0xffffffffffffLL; };
bool isSpiderRequest ( key128_t *k ) {
return (k->n0>>(64-17))&0x01; };
bool isSpiderReply ( key128_t *k ) {
return ((k->n0>>(64-17))&0x01)==0x00; };
int64_t getParentDocId ( key128_t *k ) {return (k->n0>>9)&DOCID_MASK;};
// same as above
int64_t getDocId ( key128_t *k ) {return (k->n0>>9)&DOCID_MASK;};
int32_t getFirstIp ( key128_t *k ) { return (k->n1>>32); }
key128_t makeKey ( int32_t firstIp ,
int64_t urlHash48 ,
bool isRequest ,
int64_t parentDocId ,
bool isDel ) ;
key128_t makeFirstKey ( int32_t firstIp ) {
return makeKey ( firstIp,0LL,false,0LL,true); };
key128_t makeLastKey ( int32_t firstIp ) {
return makeKey ( firstIp,0xffffffffffffLL,true,
MAX_DOCID,false); };
key128_t makeFirstKey2 ( int32_t firstIp , int64_t uh48 ) {
return makeKey ( firstIp,uh48,false,0LL,true); };
key128_t makeLastKey2 ( int32_t firstIp , int64_t uh48 ) {
return makeKey ( firstIp,uh48,true,MAX_DOCID,false); };
// what groupId (shardid) spiders this url?
inline uint32_t getShardNum ( int32_t firstIp ) {
// must be valid
if ( firstIp == 0 || firstIp == -1 ) {char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// mix it up
uint32_t h = (uint32_t)hash32h ( firstIp, 0x123456 );
// get it
return h % g_hostdb.m_numShards;
// print the spider rec
int32_t print( char *srec , SafeBuf *sb = NULL );
//DiskPageCache m_pc;
void dedupSpiderdbList ( RdbList *list , int32_t niceness , bool removeNegRecs );
extern class Spiderdb g_spiderdb;
extern class Spiderdb g_spiderdb2;
class SpiderRequest {
// we now define the data so we can use this class to cast
// a SpiderRec outright
key128_t m_key;
int32_t m_dataSize;
// this ip is taken from the TagRec for the domain of the m_url,
// but we do a dns lookup initially if not in tagdb and we put it in
// tagdb then. that way, even if the domain gets a new ip, we still
// use the original ip for purposes of deciding which groupId (shardId)
// is responsible for storing, doling/throttling this domain. if the
// ip lookup results in NXDOMAIN or another error then we generally
// do not add it to tagdb in msge*.cpp. this ensures that any given
// domain will always be spidered by the same group (shard) of hosts
// even if the ip changes later on. this also increases performance
// since we do a lot fewer dns lookups on the outlinks.
int32_t m_firstIp;
//int32_t getFirstIp ( ) { return g_spiderdb.getFirstIp(&m_key); };
int32_t m_hostHash32;
int32_t m_domHash32;
int32_t m_siteHash32;
// this is computed from every outlink's tagdb record but i guess
// we can update it when adding a spider rec reply
int32_t m_siteNumInlinks;
// . when this request was first was added to spiderdb
// . Spider.cpp dedups the oldest SpiderRequests that have the
// same bit flags as this one. that way, we get the most up-to-date
// date in the request... UNFORTUNATELY we lose m_addedTime then!!!
uint32_t m_addedTime; // time_t
// if m_isNewOutlink is true, then this SpiderRequest is being added
// for a link that did not exist on this page the last time it was
// spidered. XmlDoc.cpp needs to set XmlDoc::m_min/maxPubDate for
// m_url. if m_url's content does not contain a pub date explicitly
// then we can estimate it based on when m_url's parent was last
// spidered (when m_url was not an outlink on its parent page)
uint32_t m_parentPrevSpiderTime; // time_t
//int32_t m_parentFirstIp;
// # of spider requests from different c-blocks. capped at 255.
// taken from the # of SpiderRequests.
uint8_t m_pageNumInlinks;
uint8_t m_reservedb2;
uint8_t m_reservedb3;
uint8_t m_reservedb4;
// info on the page we were harvest from
int32_t m_parentHostHash32;
int32_t m_parentDomHash32;
int32_t m_parentSiteHash32;
// if there are several spiderrequests for a url, this should be
// the earliest m_addedTime, basically, the url discovery time. this is
// NOT valid in spiderdb, but only set upon selecting the url to spider
// when we scan all of the SpiderRequests it has.
int32_t m_discoveryTime;
// the PROBABLE DOCID. if there is a collision with another docid
// then we increment the last 8 bits or so. see Msg22.cpp.
//int64_t m_probDocId;
//int32_t m_reservedc1;
int32_t m_reservedc2;
//int32_t m_parentPubDate;
// . pub date taken from url directly, not content
// . ie.
// . ie.
//int32_t m_urlPubDate;
// . replace this with something we need for smart compression
// . this is zero if none or invalid
int32_t m_contentHash32;
// . each request can have a different hop count
// . this is only valid if m_hopCountValid is true!
// . i made this a int16_t from int32_t to support m_parentLangId etc above
int16_t m_hopCount;
// when creating a chinese search engine for instance it is nice
// to know the language of the page we are spidering's parent.
// typically a chinese page will link to another chinese page,
// though not always of course. this is the primary language of
// the parent.
uint8_t m_parentLangId;//reserved1;
// the new add url control will allow user to control link spidering
// on each url they add. they can also specify file:// instead of
// http:// to index local files. so we have to allow file://
/* char m_onlyAddSameDomainLinks :1; */
/* char m_onlyAddSameSubdomainLinks :1; */
/* char m_onlyDoNotAddLinksLinks :1; // max hopcount 1 */
/* char m_onlyDoNotAddLinksLinksLinks :1; // max hopcount 2 */
char m_ignoreDocUnchangedError:1;//reserved2a:1;
char m_recycleContent:1;//m_reserved2b:1;
char m_hasMediaExtension:1; // reserved2c:1;
char m_hasMediaExtensionValid:1;
char m_reserved2e:1;
char m_reserved2f:1;
char m_reserved2g:1;
char m_reserved2h:1;
//int32_t m_hopCount;
// . this is now computed dynamically often based on the latest
// m_addedTime and m_percentChanged of all the SpideRec *replies*.
// we may decide to change some url filters
// that affect this computation. so SpiderCache always changes
// this value before adding any SpiderRec *request* to the
// m_orderTree, etc.
//time_t m_spiderTime;
// our bit flags
int32_t m_hopCountValid:1;
// are we a request/reply from the add url page?
int32_t m_isAddUrl:1;
// are we a request/reply from PageReindex.cpp
int32_t m_isPageReindex:1;
// are we a request/reply from PageInject.cpp
int32_t m_isPageInject:1;
// or from PageParser.cpp directly
int32_t m_isPageParser:1;
// should we use the test-spider-dir for caching test coll requests?
//int32_t m_useTestSpiderDir:1;
int32_t m_parentIsSiteMap:1;
// . is the url a docid (not an actual url)
// . could be a "query reindex"
int32_t m_urlIsDocId:1;
// does m_url end in .rss .xml .atom? or a related rss file extension?
int32_t m_isRSSExt:1;
// is url in a format known to be a permalink format?
int32_t m_isUrlPermalinkFormat:1;
// is url ""?
int32_t m_isPingServer:1;
// . are we a delete instruction? (from Msg7.cpp as well)
// . if you want it to be permanently banned you should ban or filter
// it in the urlfilters/tagdb. so this is kinda useless...
int32_t m_forceDelete:1;
// are we a fake spider rec? called from Test.cpp now!
int32_t m_isInjecting:1;
// are we a respider request from Sections.cpp
//int32_t m_fromSections:1;
// a new flag. replaced above. did we have a corresponding SpiderReply?
int32_t m_hadReply:1;
// are we scraping from google, etc.?
int32_t m_isScraping:1;
// page add url can be updated to store content for the web page
// into titledb or something to simulate injections of yore. we can
// use that content as the content of the web page. the add url can
// accept it from a form and we store it right away into titledb i
// guess using msg4, then we look it up when we spider the url.
int32_t m_hasContent:1;
// is first ip a hash of url or docid or whatever?
int32_t m_fakeFirstIp:1;
//*? or*?
int32_t m_isWWWSubdomain:1;
// these "parent" bits are invalid if m_parentHostHash32 is 0!
// that includes m_isMenuOutlink
// if the parent was respidered and the outlink was there last time
// and is there now, then this is "0", otherwise, this is "1"
int32_t m_isNewOutlink :1;
int32_t m_sameDom :1;
int32_t m_sameHost :1;
int32_t m_sameSite :1;
int32_t m_wasParentIndexed :1;
int32_t m_parentIsRSS :1;
int32_t m_parentIsPermalink :1;
int32_t m_parentIsPingServer:1;
int32_t m_parentHasAddress :1;
// is this outlink from content or menu?
int32_t m_isMenuOutlink :1;
// these bits also in SpiderReply
// was it in google's index?
int32_t m_inGoogle:1;
// expires after a certain time or if ownership changed
// did it have an inlink from a really nice site?
int32_t m_hasAuthorityInlink :1;
int32_t m_hasContactInfo :1;
int32_t m_isContacty :1;
int32_t m_hasSiteVenue :1;
// are the 3 bits above valid?
// if site ownership changes might be invalidated.
// "inGoogle" also may expire after so int32_t too
int32_t m_inGoogleValid :1;
int32_t m_hasAuthorityInlinkValid :1;
int32_t m_hasContactInfoValid :1;
int32_t m_isContactyValid :1;
int32_t m_hasAddressValid :1;
//int32_t m_matchesUrlCrawlPattern :1;
//int32_t m_matchesUrlProcessPattern:1;
int32_t m_hasTODValid :1;
int32_t m_hasSiteVenueValid :1;
int32_t m_siteNumInlinksValid :1;
// . only support certain tags in url filters now i guess
// . use the tag value from most recent SpiderRequest only
// . the "deep" tag is popular for hitting certain sites hard
//int32_t m_tagDeep:1;
// we set this to one from Diffbot.cpp when urldata does not
// want the url's to have their links spidered. default is to make
// this 0 and to not avoid spidering the links.
int32_t m_avoidSpiderLinks:1;
// for identifying address heavy sites...
//int32_t m_tagYellowPages:1;
// when indexing urls for dmoz, i.e. the urls outputted from
// 'dmozparse urldump -s' we need to index them even if there
// was a ETCPTIMEDOUT because we have to have indexed the same
// urls that dmoz has in it in order to be identical to dmoz.
int32_t m_ignoreExternalErrors:1;
// called XmlDoc::set4() from PageSubmit.cpp?
//int32_t m_isPageSubmit:1;
// are we in the m_orderTree/m_doleTables/m_ipTree
//int32_t m_inOrderTree:1;
// are we doled out?
//int32_t m_doled:1;
// are we a re-add of a spiderrequest already in spiderdb added
// from xmldoc.cpp when done spidering so that the spider request
// gets back in the cache quickly?
//int32_t m_readd:1;
// . what url filter num do we match in the url filters table?
// . determines our spider priority and wait time
int16_t m_ufn;
// . m_priority is dynamically computed like m_spiderTime
// . can be negative to indicate filtered, banned, skipped, etc.
// . for the spiderrec request, this is invalid until it is set
// by the SpiderCache logic, but for the spiderrec reply this is
// the priority we used!
char m_priority;
// . this is copied from the most recent SpiderReply into here
// . its so XMlDoc.cpp can increment it and add it to the new
// SpiderReply it adds in case there is another download error ,
char m_errCount;
// we really only need store the url for *requests* and not replies
char m_url[MAX_URL_LEN+1];
// . basic functions
// . clear all
void reset() {
memset ( this , 0 , (char *)m_url - (char *)&m_key );
// -1 means uninitialized, this is required now
m_ufn = -1;
// this too
m_priority = -1;
// this happens to be zero already, but just in case it changes
m_parentLangId = langUnknown;
static int32_t getNeededSize ( int32_t urlLen ) {
return sizeof(SpiderRequest) - (int32_t)MAX_URL_LEN + urlLen; };
int32_t getRecSize () { return m_dataSize + 4 + sizeof(key128_t); }
// how much buf will we need to serialize ourselves?
//int32_t getRecSize () {
// //return m_dataSize + 4 + sizeof(key128_t); }
// return (m_url - (char *)this) + gbstrlen(m_url) + 1
// // subtract m_key and m_dataSize
// - sizeof(key_t) - 4 ;
int32_t getUrlLen() { return m_dataSize -
// subtract the \0
((char *)m_url-(char *)&m_firstIp) - 1;};
char *getUrlPath() {
char *p = m_url;
for ( ; *p ; p++ ) {
if ( *p != ':' ) continue;
if ( *p != '/' ) continue;
if ( *p != '/' ) continue;
if ( ! *p ) return NULL;
// skip until / then
for ( ; *p && *p !='/' ; p++ ) ;
if ( *p != '/' ) return NULL;
// return root path of / if there.
return p;
//int32_t getUrlLen() { return gbstrlen(m_url); };
void setKey ( int32_t firstIp ,
int64_t parentDocId ,
int64_t uh48 ,
bool isDel ) ;
void setKey ( int32_t firstIp, int64_t parentDocId , bool isDel ) {
int64_t uh48 = hash64b ( m_url );
setKey ( firstIp , parentDocId, uh48, isDel );
void setDataSize ( );
int64_t getUrlHash48 () {return g_spiderdb.getUrlHash48(&m_key); };
int64_t getParentDocId (){return g_spiderdb.getParentDocId(&m_key);};
int32_t print( class SafeBuf *sb );
int32_t printToTable ( SafeBuf *sb , char *status ,
class XmlDoc *xd , int32_t row ) ;
// for diffbot...
int32_t printToTableSimple ( SafeBuf *sb , char *status ,
class XmlDoc *xd , int32_t row ) ;
static int32_t printTableHeader ( SafeBuf *sb , bool currentlSpidering ) ;
static int32_t printTableHeaderSimple ( SafeBuf *sb ,
bool currentlSpidering ) ;
// returns false and sets g_errno on error
bool setFromAddUrl ( char *url ) ;
bool setFromInject ( char *url ) ;
bool isCorrupt ( );
} __attribute__((packed, aligned(4)));
// . XmlDoc adds this record to spiderdb after attempting to spider a url
// supplied to it by a SpiderRequest
// . before adding a SpiderRequest to the spider cache, we scan through
// all of its SpiderRecReply records and just grab the last one. then
// we pass that to ::getUrlFilterNum()
// . if it was not a successful reply, then we try to populate it with
// the member variables from the last *successful* reply before passing
// it to ::getUrlFilterNum()
// . getUrlFilterNum() also takes the SpiderRequest record as well now
// . we only keep the last X successful SpiderRecReply records, and the
// last unsuccessful Y records (only if more recent), and we nuke all the
// other SpiderRecReply records
class SpiderReply {
// we now define the data so we can use this class to cast
// a SpiderRec outright
key128_t m_key;
// this can be used for something else really. all SpiderReplies are fixed sz
int32_t m_dataSize;
// for calling getHostIdToDole()
int32_t m_firstIp;
//int32_t getFirstIp ( ) { return g_spiderdb.getFirstIp(&m_key); };
// we need this too in case it changes!
int32_t m_siteHash32;
// and this for updating crawl delay in m_cdTable
int32_t m_domHash32;
// since the last successful SpiderRecReply
float m_percentChangedPerDay;
// when we attempted to spider it
uint32_t m_spideredTime; // time_t
// . value of g_errno/m_indexCode. 0 means successfully indexed.
int32_t m_errCode;
// this is fresher usually so we can use it to override
// SpiderRequest's m_siteNumLinks
int32_t m_siteNumInlinks;
// how many inlinks does this particular page have?
//int32_t m_pageNumInlinks;
// the actual pub date we extracted (0 means none, -1 unknown)
int32_t m_pubDate;
// . SpiderRequests added to spiderdb since m_spideredTime
// . XmlDoc.cpp's ::getUrlFilterNum() uses this as "newinlinks" arg
//int32_t m_newRequests;
// . replaced m_newRequests
// . this is zero if none or invalid
int32_t m_contentHash32;
// in milliseconds, from robots.txt (-1 means none)
// TODO: store in tagdb, lookup when we lookup tagdb recs for all
// out outlinks
int32_t m_crawlDelayMS;
// . when we basically finished DOWNLOADING it
// . use 0 if we did not download at all
// . used by Spider.cpp to space out urls using sameIpWait
int64_t m_downloadEndTime;
// how many errors have we had in a row?
//int32_t m_retryNum;
// . like "404" etc. "200" means successfully downloaded
// . we can still successfully index pages that are 404 or permission
// denied, because we might have link text for them.
int16_t m_httpStatus;
// . only non-zero if errCode is set!
// . 1 means it is the first time we tried to download and got an error
// . 2 means second, etc.
char m_errCount;
// what language was the page in?
char m_langId;
// our bit flags
// XmlDoc::isSpam() returned true for it!
//char m_isSpam:1;
// was the page in rss format?
int32_t m_isRSS:1;
// was the page a permalink?
int32_t m_isPermalink:1;
// are we a pingserver page?
int32_t m_isPingServer:1;
// did we delete the doc from the index?
//int32_t m_deleted:1;
// was it in the index when we were done?
int32_t m_isIndexed:1;
// these bits also in SpiderRequest
// was it in google's index?
int32_t m_inGoogle:1;
// did it have an inlink from a really nice site?
int32_t m_hasAuthorityInlink:1;
// does it have contact info
int32_t m_hasContactInfo:1;
int32_t m_isContacty :1;
int32_t m_hasAddress :1;
int32_t m_hasTOD :1;
// make this "INvalid" not valid since it was set to 0 before
// and we want to be backwards compatible
int32_t m_isIndexedINValid :1;
//int32_t m_hasSiteVenue :1;
// expires after a certain time or if ownership changed
int32_t m_inGoogleValid :1;
int32_t m_hasContactInfoValid :1;
int32_t m_hasAuthorityInlinkValid :1;
int32_t m_isContactyValid :1;
int32_t m_hasAddressValid :1;
int32_t m_hasTODValid :1;
//int32_t m_hasSiteVenueValid :1;
int32_t m_reserved2 :1;
int32_t m_siteNumInlinksValid :1;
// was the request an injection request
int32_t m_fromInjectionRequest :1;
// did we TRY to send it to the diffbot backend filter? might be err?
int32_t m_sentToDiffbotThisTime :1;
int32_t m_hadDiffbotError :1;
// . was it in the index when we started?
// . we use this with m_isIndexed above to adjust quota counts for
// this m_siteHash32 which is basically just the subdomain/host
// for SpiderColl::m_quotaTable
int32_t m_wasIndexed :1;
// this also pertains to m_isIndexed as well:
int32_t m_wasIndexedValid :1;
// how much buf will we need to serialize ourselves?
int32_t getRecSize () { return m_dataSize + 4 + sizeof(key128_t); }
// clear all
void reset() { memset ( this , 0 , sizeof(SpiderReply) ); };
void setKey ( int32_t firstIp,
int64_t parentDocId ,
int64_t uh48 ,
bool isDel ) ;
int32_t print ( class SafeBuf *sbarg );
int64_t getUrlHash48 () {return g_spiderdb.getUrlHash48(&m_key); };
int64_t getParentDocId (){return g_spiderdb.getParentDocId(&m_key);};
} __attribute__((packed, aligned(4)));
// are we responsible for this ip?
bool isAssignedToUs ( int32_t firstIp ) ;
// key96_t:
#define DOLEDBKEY key_t
#define SPIDERDBKEY key128_t
// . store urls that can be spidered right NOW in doledb
// . SpiderLoop.cpp doles out urls from its local spiderdb into
// the doledb rdb of remote hosts (and itself as well sometimes!)
// . then each host calls SpiderLoop::spiderDoledUrls() to spider the
// urls doled to their group (shard) in doledb
class Doledb {
void reset();
bool init ( );
bool addColl ( char *coll, bool doVerify = true );
//DiskPageCache *getDiskPageCache() { return &m_pc; };
// . see "overview of spidercache" below for key definition
// . these keys when hashed are clogging up the hash table
// so i am making the 7 reserved bits part of the urlhash48...
key_t makeKey ( int32_t priority ,
uint32_t spiderTime , // time_t
int64_t urlHash48 ,
bool isDelete ) {
// sanity checks
if ( priority & 0xffffff00 ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0;}
if ( urlHash48 & 0xffff000000000000LL ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0;}
key_t k;
k.n1 = (255 - priority);
k.n1 <<= 24;
k.n1 |= (spiderTime >>8);
k.n0 = spiderTime & 0xff;
k.n0 <<= 48;
k.n0 |= urlHash48;
// 7 bits reserved
k.n0 <<= 7;
// still reserved but when adding to m_doleReqTable it needs
// to be more random!! otherwise the hash table is way slow!
k.n0 |= (urlHash48 & 0x7f);
// 1 bit for negative bit
k.n0 <<= 1;
// we are positive or not? setting this means we are positive
if ( ! isDelete ) k.n0 |= 0x01;
return k;
// . use this for a query reindex
// . a docid-based spider request
// . crap, might we have collisions between a uh48 and docid????
key_t makeReindexKey ( int32_t priority ,
uint32_t spiderTime , // time_t
int64_t docId ,
bool isDelete ) {
return makeKey ( priority,spiderTime,docId,isDelete); };
key_t makeFirstKey2 ( int32_t priority ) {
key_t k;
// set priority
k.n1 = (255 - priority);
k.n1 <<= 24;
return k;
key_t makeLastKey2 ( int32_t priority ) {
key_t k;
// set priority
k.n1 = (255 - priority);
k.n1 <<= 24;
k.n1 |= 0x00ffffff;
return k;
int32_t getPriority ( key_t *k ) {
return 255 - ((k->n1 >> 24) & 0xff); };
int32_t getSpiderTime ( key_t *k ) {
uint32_t spiderTime = (k->n1) & 0xffffff;
spiderTime <<= 8;
// upper 8 bits of k.n0 are lower 8 bits of spiderTime
spiderTime |= (uint32_t)((k->n0) >> (64-8));
return (int32_t)spiderTime;
int32_t getIsDel ( key_t *k ) {
if ( (k->n0 & 0x01) ) return 0;
return 1; };
int64_t getUrlHash48 ( key_t *k ) {
return (k->n0>>8)&0x0000ffffffffffffLL; }
key_t makeFirstKey ( ) { key_t k; k.setMin(); return k;};
key_t makeLastKey ( ) { key_t k; k.setMax(); return k;};
Rdb *getRdb() { return &m_rdb;};
Rdb m_rdb;
//DiskPageCache m_pc;
extern class Doledb g_doledb;
// was 1000 but breached, now equals SR_READ_SIZE/sizeof(SpiderReply)
#define MAX_BEST_REQUEST_SIZE (MAX_URL_LEN+1+sizeof(SpiderRequest))
#define MAX_DOLEREC_SIZE (MAX_BEST_REQUEST_SIZE+sizeof(key_t)+4)
#define MAX_SP_REPLY_SIZE (sizeof(SpiderReply))
// we have one SpiderColl for each collection record
class SpiderColl {
~SpiderColl ( );
SpiderColl ( ) ;
void setCollectionRec ( class CollectionRec *cr );
class CollectionRec *getCollectionRec ( );
void clearLocks();
// called by main.cpp on exit to free memory
void reset();
bool load();
int64_t m_msg4Start;
int32_t getTotalOutstandingSpiders ( ) ;
void urlFiltersChanged();
key128_t m_firstKey;
// spiderdb is now 128bit keys
key128_t m_nextKey;
key128_t m_endKey;
bool m_useTree;
//bool m_lastDoledbReadEmpty;
//bool m_encounteredDoledbRecs;
//int64_t m_numRoundsDone;
//bool m_bestRequestValid;
//char m_bestRequestBuf[MAX_BEST_REQUEST_SIZE];
//SpiderRequest *m_bestRequest;
//uint64_t m_bestSpiderTimeMS;
//int32_t m_bestMaxSpidersPerIp;
bool m_lastReplyValid;
char m_lastReplyBuf[MAX_SP_REPLY_SIZE];
// doledbkey + dataSize + bestRequestRec
//char m_doleBuf[MAX_DOLEREC_SIZE];
//SafeBuf m_doleBuf;
bool m_isLoading;
// for scanning the wait tree...
bool m_isPopulatingDoledb;
// for reading from spiderdb
//bool m_isReadDone;
bool m_didRead;
// corresponding to CollectionRec::m_siteListBuf
//char *m_siteListAsteriskLine;
bool m_siteListHasNegatives;
bool m_siteListIsEmpty;
bool m_siteListIsEmptyValid;
// data buckets in this table are of type
HashTableX m_siteListDomTable;
// substring matches like "contains:goodstuff" or
// later "regex:.*"
SafeBuf m_negSubstringBuf;
SafeBuf m_posSubstringBuf;
RdbCache m_dupCache;
RdbTree m_winnerTree;
HashTableX m_winnerTable;
int32_t m_tailIp;
int32_t m_tailPriority;
int64_t m_tailTimeMS;
int64_t m_tailUh48;
int32_t m_tailHopCount;
int64_t m_minFutureTimeMS;
// these don't work because we only store one reply
// which overwrites any older reply. that's how the
// key is. we can change the key to use the timestamp
// and not parent docid in makeKey() for spider
// replies later.
// int32_t m_numSuccessReplies;
// int32_t m_numFailedReplies;
// . do not re-send CrawlInfoLocal for a coll if not update
// . we store the flags in here as true if we should send our
// CrawlInfoLocal for this coll to this hostId
char m_sendLocalCrawlInfoToHost[MAX_HOSTS];
Msg4 m_msg4x;
//Msg4 m_msg4;
//Msg1 m_msg1;
//bool m_msg1Avail;
RdbList m_tmpList;
bool isInDupCache ( SpiderRequest *sreq , bool addToCache ) ;
// Rdb.cpp calls this
bool addSpiderReply ( SpiderReply *srep );
bool addSpiderRequest ( SpiderRequest *sreq , int64_t nowGlobalMS );
void removeFromDoledbTable ( int32_t firstIp );
bool addToDoleTable ( SpiderRequest *sreq ) ;
bool validateDoleBuf ( SafeBuf *doleBuf ) ;
bool addDoleBufIntoDoledb ( SafeBuf *doleBuf , bool isFromCache);
//,uint32_t cachedTimestamp);
bool updateSiteNumInlinksTable ( int32_t siteHash32,int32_t sni,
time_t tstamp); // time_t
uint64_t getSpiderTimeMS ( SpiderRequest *sreq,
int32_t ufn,
SpiderReply *srep,
uint64_t nowGlobalMS);
// doledb cursor keys for each priority to speed up performance
key_t m_nextKeys[MAX_SPIDER_PRIORITIES];
// save us scanning empty priorities
char m_isDoledbEmpty [MAX_SPIDER_PRIORITIES];
// are all priority slots empt?
//int32_t m_allDoledbPrioritiesEmpty;
//int32_t m_lastEmptyCheck;
// maps priority to first ufn that uses that
// priority. map to -1 if no ufn uses it. that way when we scan
// priorities for spiderrequests to dole out we can start with
// priority 63 and see what the max spiders or same ip wait are
// because we need the ufn to get the maxSpiders from the url filters
// table.
int32_t m_priorityToUfn[MAX_SPIDER_PRIORITIES];
// init this to false, and also set to false on reset, then when
// it is false we re-stock m_ufns. re-stock if user changes the
// url filters table...
bool m_ufnMapValid;
// list for loading spiderdb recs during the spiderdb scan
RdbList m_list;
// spiderdb scan for populating waiting tree
RdbList m_list2;
Msg5 m_msg5b;
bool m_gettingList2;
key128_t m_nextKey2;
key128_t m_endKey2;
time_t m_lastScanTime;
bool m_waitingTreeNeedsRebuild;
int32_t m_numAdded;
int64_t m_numBytesScanned;
int64_t m_lastPrintCount;
int64_t m_lastPrinted;
// used by SpiderLoop.cpp
int32_t m_spidersOut;
// . hash of collection name this arena represents
// . 0 for main collection
collnum_t m_collnum;
char m_coll [ MAX_COLL_LEN + 1 ] ;
class CollectionRec *getCollRec();
char *getCollName();
bool m_isTestColl;
HashTableX m_doleIpTable;
// freshest m_siteNumInlinks per site stored in here
HashTableX m_sniTable;
// maps a domainHash32 to a crawl delay in milliseconds
HashTableX m_cdTable;
RdbCache m_lastDownloadCache;
bool m_countingPagesIndexed;
HashTableX m_localTable;
int64_t m_lastReqUh48a;
int64_t m_lastReqUh48b;
int64_t m_lastRepUh48;
// move to CollectionRec so it can load at startup and save it
//HashTableX m_pageCountTable;
bool makeDoleIPTable ( );
bool makeWaitingTable ( );
bool makeWaitingTree ( );
int64_t getEarliestSpiderTimeFromWaitingTree ( int32_t firstIp ) ;
bool printWaitingTree ( ) ;
bool addToWaitingTree ( uint64_t spiderTime , int32_t firstIp ,
bool callForScan );
int32_t getNextIpFromWaitingTree ( );
uint64_t getNextSpiderTimeFromWaitingTree ( ) ;
void populateDoledbFromWaitingTree ( );
//bool scanSpiderdb ( bool needList );
// broke up scanSpiderdb into simpler functions:
bool evalIpLoop ( ) ;
bool readListFromSpiderdb ( ) ;
bool scanListForWinners ( ) ;
bool addWinnersIntoDoledb ( ) ;
void populateWaitingTreeFromSpiderdb ( bool reentry ) ;
HashTableX m_waitingTable;
RdbTree m_waitingTree;
RdbMem m_waitingMem; // used by m_waitingTree
key_t m_waitingTreeKey;
bool m_waitingTreeKeyValid;
int32_t m_scanningIp;
int32_t m_gotNewDataForScanningIp;
int32_t m_lastListSize;
int32_t m_lastScanningIp;
int64_t m_totalBytesScanned;
char m_deleteMyself;
// start key for reading doledb
key_t m_msg5StartKey;
void devancePriority();
void setPriority(int32_t pri);
key_t m_nextDoledbKey;
bool m_didRound;
int32_t m_pri2;
bool m_twinDied;
int32_t m_lastUrlFiltersUpdate;
// for reading lists from spiderdb
Msg5 m_msg5;
bool m_gettingList1;
// how many outstanding spiders a priority has
int32_t m_outstandingSpiders[MAX_SPIDER_PRIORITIES];
bool printStats ( SafeBuf &sb ) ;
bool isFirstIpInOverflowList ( int32_t firstIp ) ;
int32_t *m_overflowList;
int64_t m_totalNewSpiderRequests;
int64_t m_lastSreqUh48;
int32_t m_cblocks[20];
int32_t m_pageNumInlinks;
int32_t m_lastCBlockIp;
int32_t m_lastOverflowFirstIp;
class CollectionRec *m_cr;
class SpiderCache {
// returns false and set g_errno on error
bool init ( ) ;
SpiderCache ( ) ;
// what SpiderColl does a SpiderRec with this key belong?
SpiderColl *getSpiderColl ( collnum_t collNum ) ;
SpiderColl *getSpiderCollIffNonNull ( collnum_t collNum ) ;
// called by main.cpp on exit to free memory
void reset();
void save ( bool useThread );
bool needsSave ( ) ;
void doneSaving ( ) ;
bool m_isSaving;
// . we allocate one SpiderColl per collection
// . each one stores the collNum of the collection name it represents,
// and has a ptr to it, m_cr, that is updated by sync()
// when the Collectiondb is updated
// . NOW, this is a ptr in the CollectionRec.. only new'd if
// in use, and deleted if not being used...
//SpiderColl *m_spiderColls [ MAX_COLL_RECS ];
//int32_t m_numSpiderColls;
extern class SpiderCache g_spiderCache;
// we now include the firstip in the case where the same url
// has 2 spiderrequests where one is a fake firstip. in that scenario
// we will miss the spider request to spider, the waiting tree
// node will be removed, and the spider round will complete,
// which triggers a waiting tree recompute and we end up spidering
// the dup spider request right away and double increment the round.
inline int64_t makeLockTableKey ( int64_t uh48 , int32_t firstIp ) {
return uh48 ^ (uint32_t)firstIp;
inline int64_t makeLockTableKey ( SpiderRequest *sreq ) {
return makeLockTableKey(sreq->getUrlHash48(),sreq->m_firstIp);
inline int64_t makeLockTableKey ( SpiderReply *srep ) {
return makeLockTableKey(srep->getUrlHash48(),srep->m_firstIp);
class LockRequest {
int64_t m_lockKeyUh48;
int32_t m_lockSequence;
int32_t m_firstIp;
char m_removeLock;
collnum_t m_collnum;
class ConfirmRequest {
int64_t m_lockKeyUh48;
collnum_t m_collnum;
key_t m_doledbKey;
int32_t m_firstIp;
int32_t m_maxSpidersOutPerIp;
class UrlLock {
int32_t m_hostId;
int32_t m_lockSequence;
int32_t m_timestamp;
int32_t m_expires;
int32_t m_firstIp;
char m_spiderOutstanding;
char m_confirmed;
collnum_t m_collnum;
class Msg12 {
bool confirmLockAcquisition ( ) ;
//uint32_t m_lockGroupId;
LockRequest m_lockRequest;
ConfirmRequest m_confirmRequest;
// stuff for getting the msg12 lock for spidering a url
bool getLocks ( int64_t probDocId,
char *url ,
DOLEDBKEY *doledbKey,
collnum_t collnum,
int32_t sameIpWaitTime, // in milliseconds
int32_t maxSpidersOutPerIp,
int32_t firstIp,
void *state,
void (* callback)(void *state) );
bool gotLockReply ( class UdpSlot *slot );
bool removeAllLocks ( );
// these two things comprise the lock request buffer
//uint64_t m_lockKey;
// this is the new lock key. just use docid for docid-only spider reqs.
uint64_t m_lockKeyUh48;
int32_t m_lockSequence;
int64_t m_origUh48;
int32_t m_numReplies;
int32_t m_numRequests;
int32_t m_grants;
bool m_removing;
bool m_confirming;
char *m_url; // for debugging
void *m_state;
void (*m_callback)(void *state);
bool m_gettingLocks;
bool m_hasLock;
collnum_t m_collnum;
DOLEDBKEY m_doledbKey;
int32_t m_sameIpWaitTime;
int32_t m_maxSpidersOutPerIp;
int32_t m_firstIp;
Msg4 m_msg4;
void handleRequest12 ( UdpSlot *udpSlot , int32_t niceness ) ;
void handleRequestc1 ( UdpSlot *slot , int32_t niceness ) ;
// . the spider loop
// . it gets urls to spider from the SpiderCache global class, g_spiderCache
// . supports robots.txt
// . supports <META NAME="ROBOTS" CONTENT="NOINDEX"> (no indexing)
// . supports <META NAME="ROBOTS" CONTENT="NOFOLLOW"> (no links)
// . supports limiting spiders per domain
// . max spiders we can have going at once for this process
// . limit to 50 to prevent OOM conditions
#define MAX_SPIDERS 300
class SpiderLoop {
bool isInLockTable ( int64_t probDocId );
bool printLockTable ( );
int32_t getNumSpidersOutPerIp ( int32_t firstIp , collnum_t collnum ) ;
// free all XmlDocs and m_list
void reset();
// . call this no matter what
// . if spidering is disabled this will sleep about 10 seconds or so
// before checking to see if it's been enabled
void startLoop();
void doLoop();
void doleUrls1();
void doleUrls2();
int32_t getMaxAllowableSpidersOut ( int32_t pri ) ;
void spiderDoledUrls ( ) ;
bool gotDoledbList2 ( ) ;
// . returns false if blocked and "callback" will be called,
// true otherwise
// . returns true and sets g_errno on error
bool spiderUrl9 ( class SpiderRequest *sreq ,
key_t *doledbKey ,
collnum_t collnum,//char *coll ,
int32_t sameIpWaitTime , // in milliseconds
int32_t maxSpidersOutPerIp );
bool spiderUrl2 ( );
Msg12 m_msg12;
// state memory for calling SpiderUrl2() (maybe also getLocks()!)
SpiderRequest *m_sreq;
//char *m_coll;
collnum_t m_collnum;
char *m_content;
int32_t m_contentLen;
char m_contentHasMime;
key_t *m_doledbKey;
void *m_state;
void (*m_callback)(void *state);
// . the one that was just indexed
// . Msg7.cpp uses this to see what docid the injected doc got so it
// can forward it to external program
int64_t getLastDocId ( );
// delete m_msg14[i], decrement m_numSpiders, m_maxUsed
void cleanUp ( int32_t i );
// registers sleep callback iff not already registered
void doSleep ( ) ;
bool indexedDoc ( class XmlDoc *doc );
// are we registered for sleep callbacks
bool m_isRegistered;
int32_t m_numSpidersOut;
int32_t m_launches;
// for spidering/parsing/indexing a url(s)
class XmlDoc *m_docs [ MAX_SPIDERS ];
// . this is "i" where m_msg14[i] is the highest m_msg14 in use
// . we use it to limit our scanning to the first "i" m_msg14's
int32_t m_maxUsed;
// . list for getting next url(s) to spider
RdbList m_list;
// for getting RdbLists
Msg5 m_msg5;
class SpiderColl *m_sc;
// used to avoid calling getRec() twice!
//bool m_gettingList0;
int32_t m_outstanding1;
bool m_gettingDoledbList;
HashTableX m_lockTable;
// save on msg12 lookups! keep somewhat local...
RdbCache m_lockCache;
RdbCache m_winnerListCache;
//bool m_gettingLocks;
// for round robining in SpiderLoop::doleUrls(), etc.
//int32_t m_cri;
CollectionRec *getActiveList();
void buildActiveList ( ) ;
class CollectionRec *m_crx;
class CollectionRec *m_activeList;
CollectionRec *m_bookmark;
bool m_activeListValid;
bool m_activeListModified;
int32_t m_activeListCount;
uint32_t m_recalcTime;
bool m_recalcTimeValid;
int64_t m_lastCallTime;
int64_t m_doleStart;
int32_t m_processed;
extern class SpiderLoop g_spiderLoop;
void clearUfnTable ( ) ;
int32_t getUrlFilterNum ( class SpiderRequest *sreq ,
class SpiderReply *srep ,
int32_t nowGlobal ,
bool isForMsg20 ,
int32_t niceness ,
class CollectionRec *cr ,
bool isOutlink , // = false ,
HashTableX *quotaTable ,//= NULL ) ;
int32_t langIdArg );