2021-05-06 01:52:55 +10:00

1983 lines
70 KiB

#include "gb-include.h"
#include "UdpSlot.h"
#include "UdpServer.h"
#include "Stats.h"
#include "Proxy.h"
int32_t g_cancelAcksSent = 0;
int32_t g_cancelAcksRead = 0;
// max resend time (max backoff) for niceness 0
//#define MAX_RESEND_0 700
// . i lowered this because the wire supports 1 full packet about every 120
// MICROSECONDS. so in 40ms we could send ~350 1500-byte packets!!!
// . i also lowered the ack window down to 2 dgrams so this makes more sense
//#define MAX_RESEND_0 40
// let's not clog everybody up
#define MAX_RESEND_0 200
// max resend time (max backoff) for niceness 1+
//#define MAX_RESEND_1 30000
// since high priority udp server can suspend lower, make this zippier
//#define MAX_RESEND_1 400
// let's not clog everybody up
//#define MAX_RESEND_1 800
// let's not clog up our network switch internet port
#define MAX_RESEND_1 15000
// start resend time for niceness 0
//#define RESEND_0 30
//#define RESEND_0 60
//#define RESEND_0 120
// . now i increase resend time from 120 to 250 because packets don't seem
// to be getting lost as much as before since i increase
// /proc/sys/net/core/rmem_default and rmem_max to 10Megs
// . before, when it was 65k, kernel was dropping packets like a blind waiter
// . so try 250ms now, hopefully it will cut down on uneccessary resends
// . also it would help to make UdpServer use unmasked interrupt signals
// to be more responsive
// . but now we also have a problem of doing a bunch of sends, they just
// get put on the queue and some may be silently dropped (send sendto())
// . we base this resend time assuming we sent the packet when we called
// . sigtimedwait() only has a resolution of 20ms!!! so make due...
// . i lowered this down to 20 since our window is much smaller now
// . there's typically about 120 microseconds between full packets so we
// should resend quickly!!
//#define RESEND_0 250
//#define RESEND_0 120
//#define RESEND_0 20
// keep it to 40ms due to kernel time slicing problems
//#define RESEND_0 33
// but now that we have our query compression proxy over the internet, we got
// pings that are like 50ms...
// this was at 70 but gk0 pings to scproxy1 at like 150ms a lot via
// the roadrunner wireless link, so lets crank this up
#define RESEND_0 170
// let it all spray out like a wild hose
//#define RESEND_0 30
// . for int16_t msgs we can resend more rapidly
// . it doesn't help to go lower than 20ms cuz that's sigtimedwait()'s limit
//#define RESEND_0_SHORT 20
// keep it to 40ms due to kernel time slicing problems
//#define RESEND_0_SHORT 33
// we are going over the internet to our query compression proxy now
#define RESEND_0_SHORT 170
// start resend time for niceness 1+
//#define RESEND_1 2000
// we now suspend the low priority udp server when the high one is
// processing an incoming request, so this can be zippier here
//#define RESEND_1 200
//#define RESEND_1 100
// because of roadrunner... (See above)
#define RESEND_1 200
// try to fix a bunch of msg99 replies coming into host 0 at once
#define RESEND_1_LOCAL 100
// . the ack window is back and bigger, now 100 dgrams
// . this gives the receives a chance to respond to being blasted
// . without this acks being sent back are often lost for some reason,
// ?maybe it's just loopback sends?
//#define ACK_WINDOW_SIZE 50
//#define ACK_WINDOW_SIZE 14
//#define ACK_WINDOW_SIZE 30
//#define ACK_WINDOW_SIZE 40
//#define ACK_WINDOW_SIZE 4
// spider (low priority udp server) is having troubles finishing some trans
// so let's make this a bit bigger to alleviate the problem
//#define ACK_WINDOW_SIZE 12
// i don't know if that was the cause of it, i think it might be something
// else, so to try to prevent from dropping packets (ifconfig) let's put
// this down again.
// . since we're not hot yet, make this bigger than 4
// . go all out --- assuming dgram size of ~64k this should cover a 1.5 meg msg
//#define ACK_WINDOW_SIZE 250
//#define ACK_WINDOW_SIZE 20
// size of window for local transactions over loopback interface
//#define ACK_WINDOW_SIZE_LB 40
//#define ACK_WINDOW_SIZE_LB 250
//#define ACK_WINDOW_SIZE_LB 4
// spider (low priority udp server) is having troubles finishing some trans
// so let's make this a bit bigger to alleviate the problem
//#define ACK_WINDOW_SIZE_LB 12
// see comment above for why we put this back from 12 to 4
static char s_shotgunBit = 0;
// i add this to resend time to jiggle it so it doesn't collide as much
//static int32_t s_incDelay = 0;
void UdpSlot::connect ( UdpProtocol *proto ,
sockaddr_in *endPoint ,
Host *host ,
int32_t hostId ,
int32_t transId ,
int32_t timeout , // in seconds
int64_t now ,
int32_t niceness ) {
// map loopback ip to our ip
uint32_t ip = endPoint->sin_addr.s_addr ;
if ( //!g_conf.m_interfaceMachine &&
ip == g_hostdb.getLoopbackIp() )
ip = g_hostdb.getMyIp();
connect ( proto ,
ip ,
ntohs ( endPoint->sin_port ) ,
host ,
hostId ,
transId ,
timeout ,
now ,
niceness );
// . call this after you make a new UdpSlot
// . make new slot using mcalloc() so it's zero'd out
// . NOTE: callback must be non-NULL if you're going to send a request
void UdpSlot::connect ( UdpProtocol *proto ,
uint32_t ip ,
uint16_t port ,
Host *host ,
int32_t hostId ,
int32_t transId ,
int32_t timeout , // in seconds
int64_t now ,
int32_t niceness ) {
// clear bufs
//m_sendBuf = NULL;
//m_readBuf = NULL;
// clear everything
//memset ( this , 0 , sizeof(UdpSlot) );
// . make async signal safe
// . TODO: this is slow to clear all those m_*bits, we got 1.7k of slot
//int32_t size = (uint32_t)m_tmpBuf - (uint32_t)this ;
//int32_t size = (uint32_t)&m_next - (uint32_t)this ;
//memset_ass ( (char *)this , 0 , size );
// avoid that heavy memset_ass() call using this logic.
// we will clear on demand using m_numBitsInitialized logic
// in UdpSlot.h
int32_t size = (char *)&m_sentBits2 - (char *)this ;
memset_ass ( (char *)this , 0 , size );
// store this info
m_proto = proto ;
m_ip = ip ; // keep in network order
m_port = port ; // keep in host order
m_host = host ;
m_hostId = hostId ;
m_transId = transId ;
m_timeout = timeout ;
m_niceness = niceness ;
// initialize our time of birth
m_startTime = now;
// reset this
m_queuedTime = -1;
// is it a local ip?
bool isLocal = false;
// int16_tcut
uint8_t *p = (uint8_t *)&m_ip;
// this is local
if ( p[0] == 10 ) isLocal = true;
// this is local
if ( p[0] == 192 && p[1] == 168 ) isLocal = true;
// if we match top two ips, then its local
if ( (m_ip&0x0000ffff) == (g_hostdb.m_myIp&0x0000ffff)) isLocal = true;
// loopback is local
if ( m_ip == 0x0100007f ) isLocal = true;
// . if we're sending to loopback make bigger
// . dns has its own max size (DNS_DGRAM_SIZE)
// . if we're going over the internet (interface machine)
// use a smaller DGRAM so it makes it
if ( ! m_proto->useAcks() )
m_maxDgramSize = DGRAM_SIZE_DNS;
else if ( //g_conf.m_interfaceMachine ||
// now that we use hosts2.conf so we can get link text
// via Msg20 from an external gb cluster, it need not come
// from the admin ip...
//( ! g_hostdb.isIpInNetwork ( ip ) &&
// g_conf.isAdminIp ( ip ) ) )
// this was 0000ffff but since we now use 10.5.*.* and
// 10.6.*.* i had to change that
! isLocal ) { // || ! g_hostdb.isIpInNetwork ( ip ) ) {
// i guess we use this
//char *xx=NULL; *xx=0;
//else if ( ip == g_hostdb.getMyIp() )
else if ( g_hostdb.isMyIp(ip) )
m_maxDgramSize = DGRAM_SIZE_LB;
m_maxDgramSize = DGRAM_SIZE;
void UdpSlot::resetConnect ( ) {
if ( //!g_conf.m_interfaceMachine &&
m_ip == g_hostdb.getLoopbackIp() )
m_ip = g_hostdb.getMyIp();
// . compute max dgram size
// . if we're sending to loopback make bigger
// . dns has its own max size (DNS_DGRAM_SIZE)
// . if we're going over the internet (interface machine)
// use a smaller DGRAM so it makes it
if ( ! m_proto->useAcks() )
m_maxDgramSize = DGRAM_SIZE_DNS;
else if ( //g_conf.m_interfaceMachine ||
// now that we use hosts2.conf so we can get link text
// via Msg20 from an external gb cluster, it need not come
// from the admin ip...
//( ! g_hostdb.isIpInNetwork ( ip ) &&
// g_conf.isAdminIp ( ip ) ) )
// this as 0x0000ffff but we use 10.5.* and 10.6.* addresses
(m_ip & 0x000000ff) != (g_hostdb.m_myIp & 0x000000ff) ||
! g_hostdb.isIpInNetwork ( m_ip ) ) {
char *xx=NULL;*xx=0;
//else if ( m_ip == g_hostdb.getMyIp() )
else if ( g_hostdb.isMyIp(m_ip) )
m_maxDgramSize = DGRAM_SIZE_LB;
m_maxDgramSize = DGRAM_SIZE;
// reset the slot
m_readBitsOn = 0;
m_sentBitsOn = 0;
m_readAckBitsOn = 0;
m_sentAckBitsOn = 0;
m_nextToSend = 0;
m_firstUnlitSentAckBit = 0;
m_numBitsInitialized = 0;
// for ( int32_t b = 0; b < m_dgramsToSend; b++ ) {
// clrBit(b, m_sentBits2);
// clrBit(b, m_readBits2);
// clrBit(b, m_sentAckBits2);
// clrBit(b, m_readAckBits2);
// }
// . set m_dgramsToSend
// . similar to UdpProtocol::getNumDgrams(char *dgram,int32_t dgramSize)
int32_t dataSpace = m_maxDgramSize ;
if ( m_proto->stripHeaders() )
dataSpace -= m_proto->getHeaderSize ( m_sendBufSize );
m_dgramsToSend = m_sendBufSize / dataSpace;
if ( m_sendBufSize % dataSpace != 0 ) m_dgramsToSend++;
// if msgSize was given as 0 force a dgram to be sent
if ( m_sendBufSize == 0 ) m_dgramsToSend = 1;
// . call this only AFTER calling connect() above
// . callback is non-NULL iff you're sending a request
// . callback is NULL ifd you're sending a reply
// . returns false and sets g_errno on error
bool UdpSlot::sendSetup ( char *msg ,
int32_t msgSize ,
char *alloc ,
int32_t allocSize ,
unsigned char msgType ,
int64_t now ,
void *state ,
void (*callback)(void *state, UdpSlot *slot) ,
int32_t niceness ,
int16_t backoff ,
int16_t maxWait ,
char *replyBuf ,
int32_t replyBufMaxSize ) {
// can't be too big
if ( msgSize / m_maxDgramSize + 1 >= MAX_DGRAMS ) {
int32_t maxMsgSize = m_maxDgramSize * MAX_DGRAMS;
log(LOG_LOGIC,"udp: Msg size of %"INT32" bytes is too big "
"to send. Max dgram size = %"INT32". Max dgrams = "
"%"INT32". Max msg size = %"INT32" msgtype=0x%hhx. Please "
"increase the #define MAX_DGRAMS in UdpSlot.h and "
"recompile to fix this.",
//char *xx=NULL; *xx=0;
return false;
//return false;
// get the timestamp in milliseconds
//int64_t now = gettimeofdayInMilliseconds();
// fill in the supplied parameters
m_sendBuf = msg;
m_sendBufSize = msgSize;
m_sendBufAllocSize = allocSize;
m_sendBufAlloc = alloc;
m_callback = callback;
m_state = state;
m_msgType = msgType;
m_lastSendTime = now;
m_lastReadTime = now;
m_niceness = niceness;
m_backoff = backoff;
m_maxWait = maxWait;
// . only set m_readBuf if we should
// . sendSetup() is called by slots sending a request
// . sendSetup() is called by slots sending a reply
// . so m_readBuf may have info in it if we're sending a reply so
// just don't NULLify it, it needs to be freed. This was causing
// a memleak for receivers of Msg0x01s
if ( replyBuf ) {
if ( m_readBuf ) {
return log(LOG_LOGIC,"udp: Trying to initialize a udp "
"socket for sending, but its read buffer "
"is not empty.");
m_readBuf = replyBuf;
m_readBufSize = 0;
m_readBufMaxSize = replyBufMaxSize;
// we haven't sent anything yet so reset this to -1
m_firstSendTime = -1;
// creation time
//m_sendSetupCalled = now;
// set m_resendTime, based on m_resendCount and m_niceness
// . set m_dgramsToSend
// . similar to UdpProtocol::getNumDgrams(char *dgram,int32_t dgramSize)
int32_t dataSpace = m_maxDgramSize ;
if ( m_proto->stripHeaders() )
dataSpace -= m_proto->getHeaderSize ( msgSize );
m_dgramsToSend = msgSize / dataSpace;
if ( msgSize % dataSpace != 0 ) m_dgramsToSend++;
// if msgSize was given as 0 force a dgram to be sent
if ( msgSize == 0 ) m_dgramsToSend = 1;
// send to particular ip, but not for pings
if ( m_msgType == 0x11 ) return true;
if ( ! m_host ) return true;
// inherit this from the last transactions
m_preferEth = m_host->m_preferEth;
// and set our ip accordingly
if ( m_host->m_preferEth == 1 ) m_ip = m_host->m_ipShotgun;
else m_ip = m_host->m_ip;
return true;
// resets a UdpSlot for a resend
void UdpSlot::prepareForResend ( int64_t now , bool resendAll ) {
// debug msg
//if ( g_conf.m_logDebugUdp )
// log(LOG_DEBUG,"udp: resending slot "
// "all=%"INT32" "
// "tid=%"INT32" "
// "dst=%s:%hu." ,
// (int32_t)resendAll ,
// (int32_t)m_transId ,
// iptoa(m_ip),
// (uint16_t)m_port);
// clear all if reset is true
if ( resendAll ) {
for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < m_dgramsToSend ; i++ )
clrBit ( i , m_readAckBits2 );
m_readAckBitsOn = 0;
// how many sentBits we cleared
int32_t cleared = 0;
// clear each sent bit if it hasn't gotten an ACK
for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < m_dgramsToSend ; i++ ) {
// continue if we already have an ack for this one
if ( isOn ( i , m_readAckBits2 ) ) continue;
// continue if it's already cleared
if ( ! isOn ( i , m_sentBits2 ) ) continue;
// mark dgram #i as unsent since we don't have ACK for it yet
clrBit ( i , m_sentBits2 );
// reduce the lit bit count
// may have to adjust m_nextToSend
if ( i < m_nextToSend ) m_nextToSend = i;
// count each cleared bit
// . if we were using eth0 try using eth1, and vice versa
// . those linksys switches seem to go down all the time and come
// back up after a few hours
// . only do this on the 2nd resend
if ( g_conf.m_useShotgun &&
// . only do this on 2nd resend.
// . MDW: no, i like flip flopping with each resend,
// it is like doing it in parallel
// m_resendCount == 1 &&
// need to be sending to a host in the network
m_host &&
// shotgun ip (eth1) must be different than eth0 ip
m_host->m_ip != m_host->m_ipShotgun &&
// pingserver.cpp sends to the exact ips it needs to
m_msgType != 0x11 ) {
// . were we using the eth0 ip? if so, switch to eth1
// . do not switch though if the ping is really bad for eth1
if ( m_preferEth == 0 && m_host->m_pingShotgun<3000 ){
// set m_ip to ip of eth1
m_ip = m_host->m_ipShotgun;
// this is now only used when sendSetup() is called
// for the start of sending a request/reply
m_host->m_preferEth = 1;
// use eth1 to talk to this guy for this tid
m_preferEth = 1;
// log it if changing
if ( g_conf.m_logDebugUdp )
"udp: switching to eth1 for host #%"INT32" "
"tid=%"INT32"", m_host->m_hostId,m_transId);
// . otherwise, we were using the eth1 (shotgun) ip
// . do not switch though if the ping is really bad for eth0
else if ( m_preferEth == 1 && m_host->m_ping < 3000 ) {
// set m_ip to ip of eth0
m_ip = m_host->m_ip;
// this is now only used when sendSetup() is called
// for the start of sending a request/reply
m_host->m_preferEth = 0;
// use eth0 to talk to this guy for this tid
m_preferEth = 0;
// log it
if ( g_conf.m_logDebugUdp )
"udp: switching to eth0 for host #%"INT32" "
// . just some debug notes
// . this happens when host cores and both eth0 and eth1 r dead
//logf(LOG_DEBUG,"udp: not switching. preferEth=%"INT32" "
// "pingSHotgun=%"INT32" ping=%"INT32"",(int32_t)m_host->m_preferEth,
// m_host->m_pingShotgun,m_host->m_ping);
// . tally the count
// . need to increment since won't resend to eth1 unless this is 2
// debug msg
if ( g_conf.m_logDebugUdp ||
(g_conf.m_logDebugDns && !m_proto->useAcks()) )
logf(LOG_DEBUG,"udp: resending slot "
"all=%"INT32" "
"tid=%"INT32" "
"dst=%s:%hu "
"count=%"INT32" "
"host=0x%"PTRFMT" "
"cleared=%"INT32"" ,
(int32_t)resendAll ,
(int32_t)m_transId ,
// . after UdpServer::readTimeOutPoll() calls this prepareForResend()
// he then calls doSending()
// . but we cannot send unless the token is free or we're older (500ms)
// than the guy that has the token
// . therefore let's update the m_lastSentTime if we didn't send
// anything, just so readTimeoutPoll() quits calling us every time
m_lastSendTime = now;
// . don't increase our m_resendTime if we didn't resend anything
// . that way when the token is available or 500ms younger than us
// we won't be waiting 600ms until we can check that!
if ( cleared == 0 ) return;
// otheriwise, calculate how much time since our last send
// these values are computed, but not used, it seems as though
//the functionality was moved into setResendTime.
// int32_t max ;
// if ( m_maxWait >= 0 ) max = m_maxWait;
// else if ( m_niceness == 0 ) max = MAX_RESEND_0;
// else max = MAX_RESEND_1;
// // . how many milliseconds have we been trying to send to it?
// // . each retry doubles the previous (up to 30,000ms)
// int32_t elapsed = m_resendCount;
// for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < m_resendCount ; i++ ) {
// int32_t step = m_resendCount << (i+1) ;
// // watch out for huge numbers
// if ( i >= 16 ) step = max;
// if ( step > max ) step = max;
// elapsed += step;
// }
// debug msg
//log("(resend) tripTime = %"INT32"", m_resendTime );
// . we haven't gotten a read in m_resendTime milliseconds!
// . stamp host's times to show the affect of the slowdown
// . "timedOut" being true means host will only be stamped if it makes
// his avg ping time WORSE
// . use this when we didn't actually get a response from him
// . this is now handled by g_hostdb::pingHost()
//g_hostdb.stampHost( m_hostId , elapsed , true/*timedOut?*/ );
// tally the count
// update stats for this host for the PageHosts.cpp table
Host *h = m_host;
if ( ! h && m_hostId >= 0 ) h = g_hostdb.getHost ( m_hostId );
if ( h ) h->m_pingInfo.m_totalResends += cleared;
// . set the resend time based on m_resendCount and m_niceness
// . this typically doubles m_resendTime with each resendCount
setResendTime ();
void UdpSlot::setResendTime() {
// otherwise, calculate how much time since our last send
int32_t max ;
if ( m_maxWait >= 0 ) max = m_maxWait;
else if ( m_niceness == 0 ) max = MAX_RESEND_0;
else max = MAX_RESEND_1;
// if backoff not negative use that
if ( m_backoff >= 0 ) {
// compute resend time
int32_t bs = ( 1 << m_resendCount );
int32_t val = ((int32_t)m_backoff) * bs;
// check for overflow
if ( val < (int32_t)m_backoff )
m_resendTime = max;
else if ( val < bs )
m_resendTime = max;
else if ( bs < 0 )
m_resendTime = max;
m_resendTime = val;
// . don't exceed the max, though of .4 seconds
// . it's crucial to keep this fairly low because an old slot
// can only steal the token when a dgram or ack is read
// into that slot
if ( m_resendTime > max ) m_resendTime = max;
// is it a local ip?
bool isLocal = false;
// int16_tcut
uint8_t *p = (uint8_t *)&m_ip;
// this is local
if ( p[0] == 10 ) isLocal = true;
// this is local
if ( p[0] == 192 && p[1] == 168 ) isLocal = true;
// if we match top two ips, then its local
if ( (m_ip&0x0000ffff) == (g_hostdb.m_myIp&0x0000ffff)) isLocal = true;
// loopback is local
if ( m_ip == 0x0100007f ) isLocal = true;
// . keep our resend times up-to-date
// . recompute a new resend time in milliseconds for the winning slot
// . we double,triple,... the deviation as our backoff scheme
// . get the avg/stdDev round trip times for this host from the hostmap
// . these times may change every time we receive an ACK for this host
// . the new resend time is like double
if ( m_niceness == 0 ) {
// if size is int16_t we typically use smaller resend time
if ( m_dgramsToSend <= 1 ) m_resendTime = RESEND_0_SHORT;
else m_resendTime = RESEND_0;
// save for checking for overflow
int32_t tt = m_resendTime;
// 30 ms resend time for starters for high priority slots
m_resendTime *= ( 1 << m_resendCount );
// watch out for overflow
if ( m_resendTime < tt ) m_resendTime = max;
// don't exceed the max, though of .4 seconds
if ( m_resendTime > max ) m_resendTime = max;
// quick and somewhat incorrect overflow check
if ( m_resendTime <= 0 ) m_resendTime = max;
else {
int32_t base = RESEND_1;
if ( isLocal ) base = RESEND_1_LOCAL;
m_resendTime = base * ( 1 << m_resendCount );
// watch out for overflow
if ( m_resendTime < base ) m_resendTime = max;
//try to prevent everyone from syncing up on
//a bogged down host when spidering.
m_resendTime += rand() % m_resendTime;
// don't exceed the max, though of 30 seconds
if ( m_resendTime > max ) m_resendTime = max;
// quick and somewhat incorrect overflow check
if ( m_resendTime <= 0 ) m_resendTime = max;
// add a rand amount of time to avoid collisions with
// other streams that will probably resend, max of 6 ms
//m_resendTime += s_incDelay;
// . inc up to 6 ms
// . this was a rand() statement, but that's not async signal safe
//if ( ++s_incDelay > 6 ) s_incDelay = 0;
// if we're dns protocol, always use resendTime of 4 seconds
if ( ! m_proto->useAcks() ) m_resendTime = 4000;
// . returns values:
// . -2 if nothing to send
// . -1 on error,
// . 0 if blocked,
// . 1 if completed sending a datagram/ACK
// . sets g_errno on error
// . this is only called by UdpServer::doSending()
// . we try to do ALL the reading before calling this so we can send
// many ACKs back in one packet
int32_t UdpSlot::sendDatagramOrAck ( int sock, bool allowResends, int64_t now ){
// if acks we've sent isn't caught up to what we read, send an ack
if ( m_sentAckBitsOn < m_readBitsOn && m_proto->useAcks() )
return sendAck ( sock , now );
// we may have received an ack for an implied resend (from ack gap)
// so we clear some bits, but then got an ACK back later
while ( m_nextToSend < m_dgramsToSend &&
isOn ( m_nextToSend , m_sentBits2 ) )
// if we've sent it all return -2
if ( m_sentBitsOn >= m_dgramsToSend ) return -2;
// or if we hit the end of the road, but m_sentBitsOn is not full,
// then m_nextToSend must have been too high
if ( m_nextToSend >= m_dgramsToSend ) {
"udp: senddatagramorack: m_nextToSend=%"INT32" >= %"INT32". "
"Fixing it. Do not panic.",
m_nextToSend , m_dgramsToSend );
return 1;
// get the ip
int32_t ip = m_ip;
// . if this is a send to our ip use the loopback interface
// . MTU is very high here
//if ( !g_conf.m_interfaceMachine && m_ip == g_hostdb.getMyIp() )
//if ( !g_conf.m_interfaceMachine && g_hostdb.isMyIp(m_ip) )
if ( g_hostdb.isMyIp(m_ip) )
ip = g_hostdb.getLoopbackIp();
// pick a dgram to send
int32_t dgramNum = m_nextToSend;
// debug msg
// . store dgram #dgramNum from this send buf into "dgram"
// . let the protocol set the dgram from the m_sendBuf for us
char buf [ DGRAM_SIZE_CEILING ];
// should hold all headers
char saved [ 32 ];
// the header size
int32_t headerSize = m_proto->getHeaderSize(0);
// bitch if too big
if ( headerSize > 32 ) {
log(LOG_LOGIC,"udp: senddatagramorack: header size of %"INT32" "
"is bigger than 32.",headerSize); return -1; }
// . now from here on we only use headerSize so we can strip the header
// . so if the protocol wants the headers, leave them in...
if ( ! m_proto->stripHeaders() ) headerSize = 0;
// offset into send buffer, the data to send
int32_t offset = dgramNum * ( m_maxDgramSize - headerSize );
// what should we send, and how much?
char *send = m_sendBuf + offset;
int32_t sendSize = m_sendBufSize - offset;
// truncate to max size of dgram we're allowed
if ( sendSize > m_maxDgramSize - headerSize )
sendSize = m_maxDgramSize - headerSize;
// where to store the dgram, header and data, assume "buf"
char *dgram = buf;
// size of dgram, header and data
int32_t dgramSize = headerSize + sendSize;
// if we're NOT the 1st dgram we can store into send buf directly
if ( dgramNum != 0 ) {
// where to store the header? right into send buf
dgram = send - headerSize;
// but save before overwriting
memcpy_ass ( saved , dgram , headerSize );
// store header into "dgram"
m_proto->setHeader ( dgram ,
m_sendBufSize ,
m_msgType ,
dgramNum ,
m_transId ,
m_callback , // weInitiated?
m_localErrno , // hadError?
m_niceness );
// . if we're the first dgram, we can't back up for the header...
// . copy data into dgram if we're the 1st dgram
if ( dgramNum == 0 )
memcpy_ass ( dgram + headerSize , send , sendSize );
//log("done set");
// if we are the proxy sending a udp packet to our flock, then make
// sure that we send to tmp cluster if we should
if ( g_proxy.isProxy() && g_conf.m_useTmpCluster && m_host )
m_port = m_host->m_port + 1;
else if ( m_host )
m_port = m_host->m_port ;
// we need a destination stored in a sockaddr for passing to sendto()
// get sending info from the send control slot (network order)
// TODO: ensure network order
struct sockaddr_in to;
to.sin_family = AF_INET;
// never use shotgun network if turned off...
if ( ! g_conf.m_useShotgun ) s_shotgunBit = 0;
// i am turning this flip flop stuff off for now and using the
// shotgun network as an emergency back up (see below for "shotgun")
// because now since we are fully split we have no need for huge
// amount of internal bandwidth and besides that it was very cpu
// intensive to send dgrams because the kernel sucks for that! MDW
s_shotgunBit = 0;
//to.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl ( (uint32_t ) (m_ip ) );
// are we sending to loopback? if so, treat as eth0.
if ( ip == 0x0100007f ) { // ""
to.sin_addr.s_addr = ip;
to.sin_port = htons ( m_port );
// update stats, just put them all in g_udpServer
g_udpServer.m_eth0PacketsOut += 1;
g_udpServer.m_eth0BytesOut += dgramSize;
// . shotgun toggle this
// . do not do shotgun if sending to host in hosts2.conf
else if ( m_host && s_shotgunBit && m_host->m_hostdb == &g_hostdb ) {
to.sin_addr.s_addr = m_host->m_ipShotgun;
to.sin_port = htons ( m_port );
// don't fuck with it if we are ping though, because that
// needs to specify the exact ip!
if ( m_msgType == 0x11 ) to.sin_addr.s_addr = ip;
//m_host->m_shotgunBit = 0;
s_shotgunBit = 0;
// update stats, just put them all in g_udpServer
g_udpServer.m_eth1PacketsOut += 1;
g_udpServer.m_eth1BytesOut += dgramSize;
// do not do shotgun if sending to host in hosts2.conf
else if ( m_host && m_host->m_hostdb == &g_hostdb ) {
// we now pick ip based on this. if we fail to get a timely ACK
// then we set switch eth preferences. helps when a switch
// crashes.
if ( m_preferEth == 1 )
to.sin_addr.s_addr = m_host->m_ipShotgun;
to.sin_addr.s_addr = m_host->m_ip;
// don't fuck with it if we are ping though, because that
// needs to specify the exact ip!
if ( m_msgType == 0x11 ) to.sin_addr.s_addr = ip;
to.sin_port = htons ( m_port );
//if ( m_host ) m_host->m_shotgunBit = 1;
//if ( m_host ) s_shotgunBit = 1;
// flip the network every other packet we send
s_shotgunBit = 1;
// update stats, just put them all in g_udpServer
g_udpServer.m_eth0PacketsOut += 1;
g_udpServer.m_eth0BytesOut += dgramSize;
else {
// count packets to/from hosts outside the cluster separately
// these guys are importing link text usually
to.sin_addr.s_addr = ip;
to.sin_port = htons ( m_port );
g_udpServer.m_outsiderPacketsOut += 1;
g_udpServer.m_outsiderBytesOut += dgramSize;
// not async signal safe
//bzero ( &(to.sin_zero) , 8 );
memset_ass ( (char *)&(to.sin_zero), 0 , 8 );
// debug msg
// debug msg
//log("sending dgram of size=%"INT32" (max=%"INT32")",dgramSize,m_maxDgramSize);
// . this socket should be non-blocking (i.e. return immediately)
// . this should set g_errno on error!
int bytesSent = sendto ( sock ,
dgram ,
dgramSize ,
0 , // makes dns fail->MSG_DONTROUTE ,
(struct sockaddr *)&to ,
sizeof ( to ) );
// restore what we overwrote
if ( dgramNum != 0 ) memcpy_ass ( dgram , saved , headerSize );
// debug msg
// return -1 on error or 0 if blocked
if ( bytesSent < 0 ) {
// copy errno to g_errno
g_errno = errno;
if ( g_errno == EAGAIN ) { g_errno = 0; return 0;}
#ifdef _VALGRIND_
// interrupted system call?
if ( g_errno == 4 ) { g_errno = 0; return 0; }
// not in linux
// . "output queue for a network interface was full"
// . however, linux just silently drops packets!!!!!!!
// . i think using more than 1GB in this process brings this
// problem up, the kernel's kmalloc fails...
if ( g_errno == ENOBUFS ) {
// log it once every 3 seconds so they know
static int32_t s_lastTime = 0;
static int32_t s_count = 0;
int32_t t = getTime();
if ( t - s_lastTime > 3 ||
s_lastTime - t > 3 ) { // clock skew?
s_lastTime = getTime();
log("udp: got ENOBUFS kernel bug %"INT32" times.",
//g_errno = 0;
//return 0;
return -1;
// log the error
log("udp: Call to sendto had error (ignoring): %s.",
mstrerror(g_errno)) ;
// . now immediately switch the eth port to see if that helps!
// . actually, just pretend we sent it. we won't get an ack
// and the resend algo will switch ports
//return -1;
bytesSent = dgramSize;
// this should not happen
if ( bytesSent != dgramSize ) {
log("udp: sendto only sent %i bytes, not %"INT32". Undersend.",
return -1;
// general count
if ( m_niceness == 0 ) g_stats.m_packetsOut[m_msgType][0]++;
else g_stats.m_packetsOut[m_msgType][1]++;
// keep stats
if ( m_host ) m_host->m_dgramsTo++;
// sending to loopback,
else if ( ip == 0x0100007f ) g_hostdb.getMyHost()->m_dgramsTo++;
// keep track of dgrams sent outside of our cluster
//else g_stats.m_dgramsToStrangers++;
// get time now
//int64_t now = gettimeofdayInMilliseconds();
// . if it's our first, mark this for g_stats UDP_*_OUT_BPS
// . sendSetup() will set m_firstSendTime to -1
if (m_sentBitsOn == 0 && m_firstSendTime == -1) m_firstSendTime =now;
// mark this dgram as sent
setBit ( dgramNum , m_sentBits2 );
// count the bit we lit
// update last send time stamp even if we're a resend
m_lastSendTime = now;
// update m_nextToSend
m_nextToSend = getNextUnlitBit ( dgramNum, m_sentBits2,m_dgramsToSend);
// log network info
if ( g_conf.m_logDebugUdp ) {
//int32_t shotgun = 0;
//if ( g_conf.m_useShotgun && ! s_shotgunBit ) shotgun = 1;
//if ( g_conf.m_useShotgun && s_useShotgunIp ) shotgun = 1;
int32_t eth = 1;
if ( m_host && m_host->m_ip == to.sin_addr.s_addr ) eth = 0;
// if sending outside, always use eth0
if ( ! m_host ) eth = 0;
//if ( m_host->m_ip == (uint32_t)ip ) eth = 0;
int32_t hid = -1;
if ( m_host && m_host->m_hostdb == &g_hostdb )
hid = m_host->m_hostId;
//#ifdef _UDPDEBUG_
//if ( ! m_proto->useAcks() ) {
int32_t kk = 0; if ( m_callback ) kk = 1;
"udp: sent dgram "
"dgram=%"INT32" "
"dgrams=%"INT32" "
"msg=0x%hx "
"tid=%"INT32" "
"dst=%s:%hu "
"eth=%"INT32" "
"init=%"INT32" "
"age=%"INT32" "
"dsent=%"INT32" "
"aread=%"INT32" "
"len=%"INT32" "
"msgSz=%"INT32" "
"cnt=%"INT32" "
"wait=%"INT32" "
"error=%"INT32" "
"k.n1=%"UINT32" n0=%"UINT64" "
"maxdgramsz=%"INT32" "
(int32_t)kk ,
(int32_t)(now-m_startTime) ,
(int32_t)m_sentBitsOn ,
(int32_t)m_readAckBitsOn ,
(int32_t)bytesSent ,
(int32_t)m_resendTime ,
(int32_t)m_localErrno ,
m_key.n1,m_key.n0 ,
m_maxDgramSize ,
hid );
// bail now if we're a re-send
if ( m_resendCount > 0 ) return 1;
// to save UdpSlot mem we only track every 8th dgram
if ( (dgramNum & 0x07) != 0 ) return 1;
// set the time
//setSendTime ( dgramNum >> 3 , now );
// return 1 cuz we didn't block
return 1;
// assume m_readBits2, m_sendBits2, m_sentAckBits2 and m_readAckBits2 are
// correct and update m_firstUnlitSentAckBit, m_sentAckBitsOn, m_readBitsOn,
// m_readAckBitsOn and m_sentBitsOn
void UdpSlot::fixSlot ( ) {
// log it
"udp: before fixSlot(): "
"m_readBitsOn=%"INT32" "
"m_readAckBitsOn=%"INT32" "
"m_sentBitsOn=%"INT32" "
"m_sentAckBitsOn=%"INT32" "
"m_firstUnlitSentAckBit=%"INT32" "
"m_nextToSend=%"INT32" " ,
m_nextToSend );
m_readBitsOn = 0;
m_readAckBitsOn = 0;
m_sentBitsOn = 0;
m_sentAckBitsOn = 0;
for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < m_dgramsToRead ; i++ ) {
if ( isOn ( i , m_readBits2 ) ) m_readBitsOn++;
// we send back an ack for every dgram read
if ( isOn ( i , m_sentAckBits2 ) ) m_sentAckBitsOn++;
for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < m_dgramsToSend ; i++ ) {
if ( isOn ( i , m_sentBits2 ) ) m_sentBitsOn++;
// we must read an ack for every dgram sent
if ( isOn ( i , m_readAckBits2 ) ) m_readAckBitsOn++;
// start at bit #0 so this doesn't loop forever
m_nextToSend =getNextUnlitBit(-1,m_sentBits2 ,m_dgramsToSend);
"udp: after fixSlot(): "
"m_readBitsOn=%"INT32" "
"m_readAckBitsOn=%"INT32" "
"m_sentBitsOn=%"INT32" "
"m_sentAckBitsOn=%"INT32" "
"m_firstUnlitSentAckBit=%"INT32" "
"m_nextToSend=%"INT32" " ,
m_nextToSend );
// . this should be called only after read poll has nothing left to read so
// we can combine many ACKs into one mega ACK and save packets per second
// on the network (reduce by half?)
// . returns values:
// . -2 if nothing to send
// . -1 on error,
// . 0 if blocked,
// . 1 if completed sending a datagram/ACK
// . if we Initiated is the default -2, then we use m_callback to determine
// if we initiated the transaction or not
// . if m_callback is NULL we did NOT intiate the transaction
// . we should only be called if m_sentAckBitsOn < m_readBitsOn, i.e.
// when we're not caught up with ACKing with what we've read
int32_t UdpSlot::sendAck ( int sock , int64_t now ,
int32_t dgramNum , int32_t weInitiated ,
bool cancelTrans ) {
// protection from garbled dgrams
if ( dgramNum >= MAX_DGRAMS ) {
"udp: Sending ack for dgram #%"INT32" > max dgram of %"INT32".",
dgramNum,(int32_t)MAX_DGRAMS); return 1; }
// remember if forced or not
//int32_t forced = dgramNum;
// if this was not supplied, look at m_callback to determine it
if ( weInitiated == -2 ) {
if ( m_callback ) weInitiated = 1;
else weInitiated = 0;
// a little dgram buffer
// . if dgramNum is -1, send the next ack in line
// . it's the first bit in m_sentAckBits2 that is 0 while being
// lit in m_readBits
if ( dgramNum == -1 ) {
// m_firstUnlitSentAckBit is the first clr bit in m_sentAckBits
dgramNum = m_firstUnlitSentAckBit;
// . now find the first bit in m_sentAckBits2 that is off
// yet on in m_readBits
// . the OLD statement below didn't check to see if dgramNum is
// then off in m_sentAckBits!!!
// . let's do it custom then!
// . we know that m_sentAckBitsOn < m_readBitsOn so the
// we must find a bit with these properties
for ( ; dgramNum < m_dgramsToRead ; dgramNum++ ) {
// if bit off in m_readBits2, it's not an ACK candidate
// if bit is off in m_sentAckBits2, that's the one!
// if we had no match, that's an error!
if ( dgramNum >= m_dgramsToRead ) {
"udp: Sending ack for dgram #%"INT32" which is passed "
"the number of dgrams we have to read, %"INT32". "
"Fixing. Do not panic.",
dgramNum , m_dgramsToRead );
//char *xx = NULL; *xx = 0;
//return -1;
return -1;
// . ask the protocol class to make an ACK for us and store in "dgram"
// . we initiated the transaction if our callback is non-NULL
int32_t dgramSize = m_proto->makeAck ( dgram ,
dgramNum ,
m_transId ,
weInitiated ,
cancelTrans );
// get the ip
uint32_t ip = m_ip;
// . if this is a send to our ip use the loopback interface
// . MTU is very high here
//if ( !g_conf.m_interfaceMachine &&
// m_ip == g_hostdb.getMyIp() )
//if ( !g_conf.m_interfaceMachine && g_hostdb.isMyIp(m_ip) )
if ( g_hostdb.isMyIp(m_ip) )
ip = g_hostdb.getLoopbackIp();
// if we are the proxy sending a udp packet to our flock, then make
// sure that we send to tmp cluster if we should
if ( g_proxy.isProxy() && g_conf.m_useTmpCluster && m_host )
m_port = m_host->m_port + 1;
else if ( m_host )
m_port = m_host->m_port ;
// get the ip address of dest. host from the slot
struct sockaddr_in to;
to.sin_family = AF_INET;
to.sin_addr.s_addr = ip;
to.sin_port = htons ( m_port );
// . respect the shotgun. ping though does not! (0x11)
// . NO! send ack back on the same eth port as the request we recvd
//if ( m_host && m_msgType != 0x11 ) {
// // send ack back on the same eth port as the request we recvd
// if ( m_host->m_preferEth == 1 )
// to.sin_addr.s_addr = m_host->m_ipShotgun;
// else
// to.sin_addr.s_addr = m_host->m_ip;
// not async sig safe
//bzero ( &(to.sin_zero) , 8 );
memset_ass ( (char *)&(to.sin_zero), 0 , 8 );
// stat count
if ( cancelTrans ) g_cancelAcksSent++;
// . this socket should be non-blocking (i.e. return immediately)
// . this should set g_errno on error
int bytesSent = sendto ( sock ,
dgram ,
dgramSize ,
0 ,
(struct sockaddr *)&to ,
sizeof ( to ) );
// return -1 on error, 0 if blocked
if ( bytesSent < 0 ) {
// copy errno to g_errno
g_errno = errno;
if ( g_errno == EAGAIN ) { g_errno = 0; return 0; }
if ( g_errno == ENOBUFS ) { g_errno = 0; return 0; }
#ifdef _VALGRIND_
// interrupted system call
if ( g_errno == 4 ) { g_errno = 0; return 0; }
log("udp: error sending ack: %s",mstrerror(g_errno));
return -1;
// this should not happen
if ( bytesSent != dgramSize ) {
log("udp: sendto only sent %i bytes, not %"INT32". Undersend.",
return -1;
// general count
if ( m_niceness == 0 ) g_stats.m_packetsOut[m_msgType][0]++;
else g_stats.m_packetsOut[m_msgType][1]++;
// we were an ack
if ( m_niceness == 0 ) g_stats.m_acksOut[m_msgType][0]++;
else g_stats.m_acksOut[m_msgType][1]++;
// keep stats
if ( m_host ) m_host->m_dgramsTo++;
// sending to loopback,
else if ( ip == 0x0100007f ) g_hostdb.getMyHost()->m_dgramsTo++;
if ( ! isOn ( dgramNum , m_sentAckBits2 ) ) {
// mark this ack as sent
setBit ( dgramNum , m_sentAckBits2 );
// count the bit we lit
// update last send time stamp even if we're a resend
m_lastSendTime = now; // gettimeofdayInMilliseconds();
// . dgramNum should neveber <, though
// . but this can happen if we're hot (signal handler)??? how???
if ( dgramNum < m_firstUnlitSentAckBit ) {
"udp: Sending ack for dgram #%"INT32" which should have "
"already been sent. Next ack to send should be for dgram "
"# %"INT32". Fixing. Do not panic.",
dgramNum , m_firstUnlitSentAckBit );
//char *xx = NULL; *xx = 0;
return 1;
// . only update m_firstUnlitSentAckBit if we dgramNum was
// the first unlit bit in m_sentAckBits
// . otherwise, we had a read hole so we had to skip dgramNum around
if (dgramNum <= m_firstUnlitSentAckBit)
m_firstUnlitSentAckBit = getNextUnlitBit(dgramNum,
// log msg
if ( g_conf.m_logDebugUdp ) { // || cancelTrans ) {
//#ifdef _UDPDEBUG_
int32_t kk = 0; if ( m_callback ) kk = 1;
int32_t hid = -1;
if ( m_host && m_host->m_hostdb == &g_hostdb )
hid = m_host->m_hostId;
"udp: sent ACK "
"dgram=%"INT32" "
"msg=0x%hx "
"tid=%"INT32" "
"src=%s:%hu "
"init=%"INT32" "
"age=%"INT32" "
"cancel=%"INT32" "
"dread=%"INT32" "
"asent=%"INT32" "
(int16_t)m_msgType ,
iptoa(m_ip),//+9 ,
(int32_t)kk ,
(int32_t)(gettimeofdayInMilliseconds() - m_startTime) ,
(int32_t)m_readBitsOn ,
(int32_t)m_sentAckBitsOn ,
return 1;
// . returns false and sets g_errno on error, true otherwise
// . if the read dgram had an error code we set g_errno to that and ret false
// . anyone calling this should call sendDatagramOrAck() immediately afterwards
// in case the send was blocking on receiving an ACK or we should send an ACK
// . updates: m_readBits2, m_readBitsOn, m_sentAckBits2, m_sentAckBitsOn
// m_firstUnlitSentAckBit
bool UdpSlot::readDatagramOrAck ( int sock ,
char *peek ,
int32_t peekSize,
int64_t now ,
bool *discard ,
int32_t *readSize ) {
// assume discard
*discard = true;
// get dgram Number
int32_t dgramNum = m_proto->getDgramNum ( peek , peekSize );
// protection from garbled dgrams
if ( dgramNum >= MAX_DGRAMS ) {
"udp: Reading for dgram #%"INT32" > max dgram of %"INT32".",
return true;
// was it a cancel signal?
if ( m_proto->isCancelTrans ( peek , peekSize ) ) {
//if ( g_conf.m_logDebugUdp )
"udp: Read cancel ack hdrlen=%"INT32" tid=%"INT32" "
"src=%s:%hu msgType=0x%hhx weInitiated=%"PTRFMT" "
"sent=%"INT32" "
"sendbufalloc=%"PTRFMT" sendbufsize=%"UINT32"",
peekSize , m_proto->getTransId ( peek,peekSize ),
// stat count
// what happens is that if we are handling a request and we
// try to send back the reply on this slot, it will have been
// destroyed by a call to makeCallbacks(). but really the
// purpose is to avoid sending large termlists back and
// wasting network bandwidth, so let's just avoid this if
// we are not IN THE MIDDLE OF doing a large send. when we
// start the send it will probably send us another cancel ack
// and we can abort it then. before, this was causing Msg20
// to crash because the requester would send us a cancel ack
// and destroy the slot that msg20 would try to send its reply
// on. It's reply was delayed and when it finally came round
// the slot was destroyed...
// hey, m_sentBitsOn can be non-zero even if we haven't sent
// anything because m_sentBits[i] gets forced on below if we
// read an ack...
if ( m_sentBitsOn <= 0 ) return true;
// sometimes it points to a separate send buffer
//if ( ! m_sendBufAlloc ) return true;
// msg1 sends back an empty reply (0 bytes) so we need to
// check m_resendCount as well, because if we have never
// generated a reply it should be 0! we are having problems
// with acks getting dropped on the floor and the reply
// keeps getting re-sent over and over, and the received
// cancel acks are ignore because msg1 has a 0 byte reply...
if ( ! m_sendBufSize && m_resendCount<=0 ) return true;
// record if we cancelled it. how many cancel acks we read!
if ( m_niceness == 0 ) g_stats.m_cancelRead[m_msgType][0]++;
else g_stats.m_cancelRead[m_msgType][1]++;
// force to be done so UdpServer::makeCallback() will close it
m_dgramsToRead = 1;
m_dgramsToSend = 1;
m_readBitsOn = 1;
m_sentBitsOn = 1;
m_readAckBitsOn = 1;
m_sentAckBitsOn = 1;
// assume the receiver ran out of memory
m_errno = ENOMEM;
return true;
// handle acks
if ( m_proto->isAck ( peek , peekSize ) ) {
// if ack for msg4 core to test its save stuff
//if ( m_msgType == 0x04 ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
readAck ( sock, dgramNum , now );
// keep stats
if ( m_host ) m_host->m_dgramsFrom++;
// reading from loopback,
else if (m_ip==0x0100007f)g_hostdb.getMyHost()->m_dgramsFrom++;
return true;
// . now we have a regular dgram to process
// . get the timestamp in microseconds
// . change to g_now cuz this has to be async safe
//int64_t now = gettimeofdayInMilliseconds();
// log msg
if ( g_conf.m_logDebugUdp ) {
int32_t hid = -1;
if ( m_host && m_host->m_hostdb == &g_hostdb )
hid = m_host->m_hostId;
//#ifdef _UDPDEBUG_
//if ( ! m_proto->useAcks() ) {
int32_t kk = 0; if ( m_callback ) kk = 1;
"udp: Read dgram "
"dgram=%"INT32" "
"msg=0x%hx "
"tid=%"INT32" "
"src=%s:%hu "
"init=%"INT32" "
"age=%"INT32" "
"dread=%"INT32" "
"asent=%"INT32" "
//"len=%"INT32" "
"msgSz=%"INT32" "
"error=%"INT32" "
(int32_t)(gettimeofdayInMilliseconds() - m_startTime) ,
(int32_t)m_readBitsOn ,
(int32_t)m_sentAckBitsOn ,
//(int32_t)peekSize ,
(int32_t)m_proto->getMsgSize(peek,peekSize) ,
// }
// update time of last read
m_lastReadTime = g_now;
// if it's passing us an g_errno then set our g_errno from it
if ( m_proto->hadError ( peek , peekSize ) ) {
// bitch if not dgramNum #0
if ( dgramNum != 0 )
log(LOG_LOGIC,"udp: Error dgram is not dgram #0.");
// it's new to us, set the read bits
setBit ( dgramNum, m_readBits2 );
// we read one dgram
m_readBitsOn = 1;
// only one dgram to read
m_dgramsToRead = 1;
// tell caller we haven't read anything
m_readBufSize = 0;
// . but set the remote error bit so we know it's not local
// . why? this was messing up g_errno interp. in Multicast!
g_errno = m_proto->getErrno(peek,peekSize);//|REMOTE_ERROR_BIT;
// return false cuz this was a remote-side error
return false;
// . if he's sending a REPLY then set all of our m_readAckBits
// because he must have sent ACKs (or tried) for all dgrams in the
// request
// . did we initiate?
// . AND did we miss some ACKs he sent to us?
if ( m_callback && m_readAckBitsOn != m_dgramsToSend ) {
// catch em all up
for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < m_dgramsToSend ; i++ )
setBit ( i , m_readAckBits2 );
m_readAckBitsOn = m_dgramsToSend;
if ( g_conf.m_logDebugUdp )
log(LOG_DEBUG,"udp: Cramming ACKs "
"tid=%"INT32" "
"dst=%s:%hu" ,
(int32_t)m_transId ,
// . if it's our first, mark this for g_stats UDP_*_IN_BPS
// . makeReadBuf will init m_firstReadTime to -1
//if (m_readBitsOn == 0 && m_firstReadTime == -1) m_firstReadTime =now;
// did we already receive this dgram?
if ( isOn(dgramNum,m_readBits2) ) {
// did we already send the ack for it?
if ( isOn(dgramNum,m_sentAckBits2) ) {
// clear the ack we sent for this so we send it again
clrBit ( dgramNum , m_sentAckBits2 );
// reduce lit bit count of sent acks
// update the next ack to send
if ( dgramNum < m_firstUnlitSentAckBit )
m_firstUnlitSentAckBit = dgramNum;
return true;
return true;
// . copy the msg meat into our m_readBuf
// . how big is the dgram header?
int32_t headerSize = m_proto->getHeaderSize ( peek , peekSize );
// make it zero if proto wants them in m_readBuf
if ( ! m_proto->stripHeaders() ) headerSize = 0;
// . we store transId, size, type, etc. in the UdpSlot
// . we store the msg in it's pre-sent form (w/o dgram headers)
// . "maxDataSize" is max bytes of msg data per dgram (w/o hdr)
int32_t maxDataSize = m_maxDgramSize - headerSize;
int32_t offset = dgramNum * maxDataSize;
// . this checks for undersends (dgrams with not enough data)
// . we set "size" to the space available in readBuf for dgram's data
// . we then truncate to maxDataSize in case it's too big
// . "size" should equal the msg (w/o hdr) in the dgram
// . return true on error
// NO: added the "dgramsToRead > 0" to allow underSends on 1 dgram msgs
int size = m_readBufSize - offset;
if ( size > maxDataSize ) size = maxDataSize;
if ( size != dgramSize - headerSize ) {
// remove dgram from queue
return log("UdpSlot::readDgram: read undersend") ;
// this checks for oversends, dgrams that fall outside our readBuf
if ( offset + dgramSize - headerSize > m_readBufSize ) {
// remove dgram from queue
return log("UdpSlot::readDgram: read buf overflow") ;
// we'll read it ourselves, so tell caller not to read it
// . how many bytes should be in this dgram?
// . this will be -1 if unknown, but under a dgram's worth of bytes
// . -1 is used for the DNS protocol
int32_t msgSize = m_proto->getMsgSize ( peek , peekSize );
// if this is the first dgram then set this shit
if ( m_readBitsOn == 0 ) {
// how many dgrams are we reading for this msg?
m_dgramsToRead = m_proto->getNumDgrams(msgSize,m_maxDgramSize);
// set the msgType from the dgram header
m_msgType = m_proto->getMsgType ( peek , peekSize );
// how big is the msg? remember it
m_readBufSize = msgSize;
// . set the cback niceness
// . ONLY if slot is new! otherwise, we keep the sender's
// niceness. so if the slot niceness got converted by
// the handler we do not re-nice it on our end.
if ( ! m_sendBuf )
m_niceness = m_proto->isNice ( peek , peekSize );
// . if m_readBuf is NULL then init m_readBuf/m_readBufMaxSize big
// enough to hold "msgSize" bytes
// . if we are hot then do not call malloc but try to use m_tmpBuf
// . if we fail, return false and set g_errno
// . init m_readBuf, m_readBufMaxSize and m_dgramsToRed
// . only inits m_readBuf and m_readBufMaxSize if these are 0
// ERROR!!!! cannot call malloc() in a signal handler
// But now, IF WE'RE HOT, sendRequest() should pre-allocate m_readBuf
// and if we're reading in an incoming request then it cannot be bigger
// than the slot's m_quickBuf which we set m_readBuf to in
// makeReadBuf if we're hot...
// just use m_tmpBuf if our sendBuf is NULL and we are reading a
// small request. But Msg17 thinks this is allocated and tells Msg40
// to free it.
// i'm commenting this out to find the rdbtree corruption bug
//if ( ! m_sendBuf && ! m_readBuf &&
// msgSize < TMPBUFSIZE && m_msgType != 0x17 ) {
// m_readBuf = m_tmpBuf;
// m_readBufMaxSize = TMPBUFSIZE;
// . this dgram should let us know how big the entire msg is
// . so allocate space for m_readBuf
// . we may already have a read buf if caller passed one in
if ( ! m_readBuf ) {
if ( ! makeReadBuf ( msgSize , m_dgramsToRead ) )
return log("udp: Failed to allocate %"INT32" bytes to read "
"request or reply for udp socket.",msgSize);
// track down the mem leak.
// someone is not freeing their read buf!!
//logf(LOG_DEBUG,"udpslot alloc %"INT32" at 0x%"XINT32" msgType=%hhx",
// msgSize,m_readBuf,m_msgType);
// if we don't have enough room alloc a read buffer
if ( msgSize > m_readBufMaxSize ) {
// now we must alloc a buffer
m_readBuf = NULL;
goto retry;
// return false if we have no room for the entire reply
if ( msgSize > m_readBufMaxSize ) {
return log("udp: Msg size of %"INT32" bytes is too big for the "
"buffer size, %"INT32", we allocated. msgType=0x%hhx.",
msgSize, m_readBufMaxSize , m_msgType );
// if its a msg 0x0c reply from a proxy ove roadrunner wireless
// they tend to damage our packets for some reason so i repeat
// the ip for a total of an 8 byte reply
MDW: this seems to be causing problems on local networks
so taking it out. 4/7/2015.
if ( m_msgType == 0x0c && msgSize == 12 && peekSize == 24 &&
// must be reply! not request.
m_callback ) {
// sanity
if ( m_proto->getMaxPeekSize() < 24 ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0;}
if ( headerSize != 12 ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0;}
// ips must match. like a checksum kinda.
int32_t ip1 = *(int32_t *)(peek+headerSize);
int32_t ip2 = *(int32_t *)(peek+headerSize+4);
int32_t crc = *(int32_t *)(peek+headerSize+8);
// one more check since ip1 seems to equal ip2 sometimes
// when it should not!
int32_t h32 = hash32h ( ip1 , 0 );
if ( ip1 != ip2 || h32 != crc ) {
static int32_t s_lastTime = 0;
int32_t tt = getTimeLocal();
if ( tt > s_lastTime + 5 ) {
s_lastTime = tt;
log("dns: dropping corrupt msgc reply dgram. "
return true;
return true;
// we're doing the call to recvfrom() for sure now
*discard = false;
// dgram #'s above 0 can be copied directly into m_readBuf
if ( dgramNum > 0 ) {
// how much DATA can we read from this dgram?
int32_t avail = m_readBufMaxSize - offset;
if ( avail > maxDataSize ) avail = maxDataSize;
// include header too
int32_t toRead = avail + headerSize;
// where to put it?
char *dest = m_readBuf + offset - headerSize;
// sanity check, watch out for bad headers...
if ( toRead < 0 ) {
// throw this dgram away
*discard = true;
//g_errno = ECORRUPTDATA;
// do not spam the logs
static int32_t s_badCount = 0;
// only log it once every 1024 times it happens
//if ( ((s_badCount++) & 1023 ) == 0 )
log("udp: got %"INT32" bad dgram headers. "
"dgramNum=%"INT32" offset=%"INT32" "
"readBufMaxSize=%"INT32". IS hosts.conf OUT OF SYNC???",
// this actually helps us to identify when hosts.conf
// is out of sync between hosts, so core
// SEEMS like the roadrunner wireless connection
// is spiking our packets sometimes with noise...
//char *xx = NULL; *xx = 0;
return false;
// save what's before us
char tmp[32];
memcpy_ass ( tmp , dest , headerSize );
int numRead = recvfrom ( sock ,
dest ,
toRead ,
0 ,
//log("udp: recvfrom1 = %i",(int)numRead);
// let caller know how much we read for stats purposes
*readSize = numRead;
// restore what was at the header before we stored it there
memcpy_ass ( dest , tmp , headerSize );
// bail on error, how could this happen?
if ( numRead < 0 ) {
#ifdef _VALGRIND_
if ( errno == 4 ) goto retry;
g_errno = errno;
return log("udp: Call to recvfrom had error: %s.",
// keep stats
if ( m_host ) m_host->m_dgramsFrom++;
// reading from loopback,
else if (m_ip==0x0100007f)g_hostdb.getMyHost()->m_dgramsFrom++;
// keep track of dgrams sent outside of our cluster
//else g_stats.m_dgramsFromStrangers++;
// it's new to us, set the read bits
setBit ( dgramNum, m_readBits2 );
// inc the lit bit count
// if our proto doesn't use acks, treat this as an ACK as well
if ( ! m_proto->useAcks () ) readAck(sock,0/*dgramNum*/,now);
// if read everything, set the queued timer
if ( m_readBitsOn >= m_dgramsToRead )
m_queuedTime = gettimeofdayInMilliseconds();
// all done
return true;
// otherwise, copy into our tmp buffer
char dgram [DGRAM_SIZE_CEILING];
// read in the whole dgram
int dgramSize = recvfrom ( sock ,
dgram ,
0 ,
//log("udp: recvfrom2 = %i",(int)dgramSize);
// bail on error, how could this happen?
if ( dgramSize < 0 ) {
// valgrind
if ( errno == EINTR ) goto retry2;
g_errno = errno;
return log("udp: Call to recvfrom had error: %s.",
// keep stats
if ( m_host ) m_host->m_dgramsFrom++;
// . reading from loopback,
// . monitor.cpp has NULL for g_hostdb.m_myHost
else if ( m_ip == 0x0100007f && g_hostdb.getMyHost() )
// keep track of dgrams sent outside of our cluster
//else g_stats.m_dgramsFromStrangers++;
// let caller know how much we read for stats purposes
*readSize = dgramSize;
// where to put it? it might not be dgram #0...
char *dest = m_readBuf + offset ;
// what to put?
char *src = dgram + headerSize ;
// how much to put
int32_t len = dgramSize - headerSize;
// if msgSize was -1 then m_readBufSize will be -1
if ( m_readBufSize == -1 ) m_readBufSize = len;
// bounce it back into m_readBuf
memcpy_ass ( dest , src , len );
// it's new to us, set the read bits
setBit ( dgramNum, m_readBits2 );
// inc the lit bit count
// if our proto doesn't use acks, treat this as an ACK as well
if ( ! m_proto->useAcks () ) readAck(sock,0/*dgramNum*/,now);
// if read everything, set the queued timer
if ( m_readBitsOn >= m_dgramsToRead )
m_queuedTime = gettimeofdayInMilliseconds();
// success
return true;
// called to process an ack we read for dgram # "dgramNum"
void UdpSlot::readAck ( int sock , int32_t dgramNum , int64_t now ) {
// protection from garbled dgrams
if ( dgramNum >= MAX_DGRAMS ) {
"udp: Reading ack for dgram #%"INT32" > max dgram of %"INT32".",
return ; }
// . get time now
// . make async safe
//int64_t now = gettimeofdayInMilliseconds();
// update lastRead time for this transaction
m_lastReadTime = g_now;
// cease all resending
m_resendCount = 0;
// reset the resendTime to the starting point before back-off scheme
// if this is a dup ack, ignore it
if ( isOn ( dgramNum , m_readAckBits2 ) ) return;
// mark this ack as read
setBit ( dgramNum , m_readAckBits2 );
// update lit bit count
// if it was marked as unsent, fix that
if ( ! isOn ( dgramNum , m_sentBits2 ) ) {
// bitch if we do not even have a send buffer. why is he acking
// something we haven't even had to a chance to generate let
// alone send? network error?
if ( ! m_sendBufAlloc || m_dgramsToSend <= 0 )
log("udp: Read ack but send buf is empty.");
// mark this dgram as sent
setBit ( dgramNum , m_sentBits2 );
// update lit bit count
// . we often receive an out of order ACK
// . this usually means that the receiver did not get the dgrams
// for the gap of acks because of a collision
// . we detect this gap and automatically re-send the dgrams w/o delay
// . if our right neighbor read ack bit is off then mark all off bits
// on our right as having sent bits of 0, until we hit a lit ack bit
for ( int32_t i = dgramNum - 1 ; i >= 0 ; i-- ) {
// stop after hitting a lit bit
if ( isOn ( i , m_readAckBits2 ) ) break;
// mark as unsent iff it's marked as sent
if ( ! isOn ( i , m_sentBits2 ) ) continue;
// mark as unsent
clrBit ( i , m_sentBits2 );
// reduce the lit bit count
// update m_nextToSend
if ( i < m_nextToSend ) m_nextToSend = i;
// if the reply or request was fully acknowledged by the receiver
// then record some statistics
if ( ! hasAcksToRead() ) {
//if ( m_msgType == 0x39 )
// log("jey");
int64_t now = gettimeofdayInMilliseconds();
int32_t delta = now - m_startTime;
// but if we were sending a reply, use m_queuedTime
// as the start time of the send. we set m_queuedTime
// to the current time in sendReply().
if ( ! m_callback ) delta = now - m_queuedTime;
int32_t n = m_niceness;
if ( n < 0 ) n = 0;
if ( n > 1 ) n = 1;
int32_t r = 0;
// if m_callback then we are sending a request, not a reply,
// because only the sender of the request has a callback
if ( m_callback ) r = 1;
// add to average
g_stats.m_msgTotalOfSendTimes[m_msgType][n][r] += delta;
g_stats.m_msgTotalSent [m_msgType][n][r]++;
// bucket number is log base 2 of the delta
if ( delta > 64000 ) delta = 64000;
int32_t bucket = getHighestLitBit ( (uint16_t)delta );
g_stats.m_msgTotalSentByTime [m_msgType][n][r][bucket]++;
// set the queued time for stats on how long it sits in the
// queue.
m_queuedTime = now;
// to save memory in UdpSlot we only keep track of every 8th dgram time
//if ( (dgramNum & 0x07) == 0 ) {
// get when we sent this dgram
//int64_t start = getSendTime ( dgramNum >> 3 ) ;
// trip time
//int32_t tripTime = now - start;
// debug msg
//log("tripTime = %"INT32"", tripTime );
// . update host time
// . we should also stamp the host each time we re-send, too
// . this is now handled by g_hostdb::pingHost()
//g_hostdb.stampHost( m_hostId , tripTime, false/*timedOut?*/);
// log msg
if ( g_conf.m_logDebugUdp ) {
//#ifdef _UDPDEBUG_
int32_t kk = 0; if ( m_callback ) kk = 1;
int32_t hid = -1;
if ( m_host && m_host->m_hostdb == &g_hostdb )
hid = m_host->m_hostId;
"udp: Read ACK "
"dgram=%"INT32" "
"msg=0x%hx "
"tid=%"INT32" "
"src=%s:%hu "
"init=%"INT32" "
"age=%"INT32" "
"dsent=%"INT32" "
"aread=%"INT32" "
(int16_t)m_msgType ,
iptoa(m_ip) ,
(int32_t)kk ,
(int32_t)(now -m_startTime) ,
(int32_t)m_sentBitsOn ,
(int32_t)m_readAckBitsOn ,
// returns false and sets g_errno on error
bool UdpSlot::makeReadBuf ( int32_t msgSize , int32_t numDgrams ) {
// bitch if it's already there
if ( m_readBuf ) {
return log(LOG_LOGIC,
"udp: makereadbuf: Read buf already there.");
// reset this to -1
//m_firstReadTime = -1;
// ensure msg not too big
if ( msgSize > m_proto->getMaxMsgSize() ) {
g_errno = EMSGTOOBIG;
return log(LOG_LOGIC,"udp: makereadbuf: msg size of %"INT32" is "
"too big. Max is %"INT32".",msgSize,
// if msgSize is -1 then it is under 1 dgram, but assume the worst
if ( msgSize == -1 ) msgSize = m_maxDgramSize;
// . if we're in a sig handler do not call malloc()
// . also, if read is small, don't bother calling malloc()
// . i took out msgSize < TMPBUFSIZE because caller may be expecting
// to "steal" the reply for setting an RdbList or something and he
// won't want to do a copy. Fixes segv we had with Msg0 calling
// Multicast and setting the list with reply and ownData to true.
if ( g_inSigHandler ) { // || msgSize < TMPBUFSIZE ) {
// bitch if incoming read too big to handle
if ( msgSize > TMPBUFSIZE ) {
return log(LOG_LOGIC,"udp: makereadbuf: buffer size "
"of %"INT32" is too big for async udp socket.",
m_readBuf = m_tmpBuf;
m_readBufMaxSize = TMPBUFSIZE;
return true;
// . if it is small enough, no need to malloc
// . but Msg0 requests like to set list to contents, so make it
// . we'll have to check everything before doing this...
//if ( msgSize <= TMPBUFSIZE && m_msgType != 0x00 ) {
// m_readBuf = m_tmpBuf;
// m_readBufMaxSize = TMPBUFSIZE;
// return true;
// . create a msg buf to hold msg, zero out everything...
// . label it "umsg" so we can grep the *.cpp files for it
char bb[10];
bb[0] = 'u';
bb[1] = 'm';
bb[2] = 's';
bb[3] = 'g';
// msgType is 8 bits
char val ;
val = ((m_msgType >> 4) & 0x0f);
if ( val <= 9 ) bb[4] = '0' + val;
else bb[4] = 'a' + val - 10;
val = ((m_msgType ) & 0x0f);
if ( val <= 9 ) bb[5] = '0' + val;
else bb[5] = 'a' + val - 10;
bb[6] = '\0';
//sprintf(bb,"UdpSlot 0x%hx",m_msgType);
m_readBuf = (char *) mmalloc ( msgSize , bb ); // "UdpSlot") ;
if ( ! m_readBuf ) {
m_readBufSize = 0;
return log("udp: Failed to allocate %"INT32" bytes to "
"read request or reply on udp socket.",
m_readBufMaxSize = msgSize;
// let the caller know we're good
return true;
// . returns a score of -1 if nothing to send
// . higher scoring slots will do their sending first
// . may have ACKs to send or plain old dgrams to send
// . now is current time in milliseconds since the epoch
// . returns -2 if token required to send more
//int32_t UdpSlot::getScore (int64_t now, UdpSlot *s_token ,
// uint32_t s_tokenTime , int32_t LARGE_MSG ) {
int32_t UdpSlot::getScore ( int64_t now ) {
// . allow tokens 500ms older than the current possessor of the token
// to send with an ack window of 1
// . if you change the 500 here change it in UdpServer::readSock() too
//bool old = ( (uint32_t)m_startTime + 100 < s_tokenTime );
// . do not send acks back for any large reply if s_token is in use
// . m_callback is non-NULL if we initiated the transaction
// . but it's ok if it's local, on the same host. NO!!! FIX!
// . don't send ack if either slot is taken!
if ( m_callback && m_dgramsToRead >= LARGE_MSG &&
//g_hostdb.getMyIp() != m_ip &&
s_token && s_token != this && ! old )
return -1;
// . we cannot send anything if someone already has s_token
// . or if someone has s_token (we're being blasted)
if ( ! m_callback && m_dgramsToSend >= LARGE_MSG &&
//g_hostdb.getMyIp() != m_ip &&
s_token && s_token != this && ! old )
return -1;
// do not do sends if callback was called. maybe cancelled?
// this was causing us to get into an infinite loop in
// UdpServer.cpp's sendPoll_ass(). there wasn't anything to send i
// guess because it got cancelled (?) but we kept returning it here
// nonetheless.
if ( m_calledCallback )
return -1;
// send ACKs before regular dgrams so we don't hold people up
if ( m_sentAckBitsOn < m_readBitsOn && m_proto->useAcks() )
return 0x7fffffff;
// return a score of -1 if we've sent all dgrams (and no acks to send)
if ( m_sentBitsOn >= m_dgramsToSend ) return -1;
// . if token is available (or you're older) you can always send one
// dgram passed the last ack you got (ack window of 1)
// . when receiver's token opens up he'll send you an ack for it
// and when you get that ack you can grab your token and send back!
if ( (old || ! s_token) &&
! m_callback && m_dgramsToSend >= LARGE_MSG &&
getNumDgramsSent() > getNumAcksRead() ) return -1;
// . let's use a window now, give acks a chance to catch up somewhat
// . if send is local, use a larger ack window of ?64? dgrams
//if ( ( m_ip != g_hostdb.getMyIp() || g_conf.m_interfaceMachine ) &&
//if ( ( ! g_hostdb.isMyIp(m_ip) || g_conf.m_interfaceMachine ) &&
if ( ! g_hostdb.isMyIp(m_ip) &&
m_sentBitsOn >= m_readAckBitsOn + ACK_WINDOW_SIZE ) return -1;
// well, give a window size of 100 to loopbacks
//if ( ( m_ip == g_hostdb.getMyIp() && !g_conf.m_interfaceMachine ) &&
//if ( ( g_hostdb.isMyIp(m_ip) && !g_conf.m_interfaceMachine ) &&
if ( g_hostdb.isMyIp(m_ip) &&
m_sentBitsOn >= m_readAckBitsOn + ACK_WINDOW_SIZE_LB ) return -1;
// . if we don't have s_token, but it is available, then our window
// size is only 1
// . when we read an ACK we'll try to claim s_token then and our
// window size will be back to ACK_WINDOW_SIZE
// . so you can only send 1 dgram more than acks read if you don't have
// the token!
if ( ! s_token && ! m_callback && m_dgramsToSend >= LARGE_MSG &&
getNumAcksRead() + 1 <= getNumDgramsSent() ) return -1;
// return 1 if now is 0
if ( now == 0LL ) return 1;
// sort regular sends by the last send time
int64_t score = now - m_lastSendTime + 1000;
// watch out if someone changed the system clock on us
if ( score < 1000 ) score = 1000;
// . if we've resent before, wait enough time to send again!
// . m_resendCount resets when we read an ack (in readAck())
//if ( m_resendCount > 0 && now - m_lastReadTime < m_resendTime ) {
//log("now=%"INT64"-lastRead=%"INT64" <%"INT32"" , now,m_lastReadTime,m_resendTime);
// return -1;
// let's give smaller msgs more pts to reduce latency
//if ( m_sendBufSize <= 1 *1024 ) return score + 30 ;
//if ( m_sendBufSize <= 10 *1024 ) return score + 20;
//if ( m_sendBufSize <= 100*1024 ) return score + 10;
// . is it a resend?
// . get the time we sent the first unacked dgram
// m_firstUnackedDgram
// bool resend = ( score >= m_resendTime );
// if it's a resend set the hi bit to give it precedence
// if ( resend ) score |= 0x80000000;
// else score &= 0x7fffffff;
return score;
void UdpSlot::printState() {
//int64_t now = gettimeofdayInMilliseconds();
"admin: UdpSlot - type:Msg%2"XINT32" nice:%"INT32" "
"queued:%"INT32" "