Matt Wells 26b98a591a fixed bug of not saving waiting trees!
took out misleading Collectiondb::getNumRecs() func.! bad
2014-01-23 01:02:11 -08:00

1780 lines
54 KiB

#include "gb-include.h"
#include "UdpServer.h"
#include "Hostdb.h"
#include "Msg0.h" // for getRdb(char rdbId)
#include "Msg4.h"
#include "Tfndb.h"
#include "Clusterdb.h"
#include "Spider.h"
//#include "Checksumdb.h"
#include "Datedb.h"
#include "Rdb.h"
//#include "Indexdb.h"
#include "Profiler.h"
#include "Repair.h"
#include "Multicast.h"
#include "Syncdb.h"
// Send out our records to add every X ms here:
// Batching up the add requests saves udp traffic
// on large networks (100+ hosts).
// . currently: send out adds once every 500ms
// . when this was 5000ms (5s) it would wait like
// 5s to spider a url after adding it.
//#define MSG4_WAIT 500
// article1.html and article11.html are dups but they are being spidered
// within 500ms of another
#define MSG4_WAIT 100
// we have up to this many outstanding Multicasts to send add requests to hosts
#define MAX_MCASTS 128
Multicast s_mcasts[MAX_MCASTS];
Multicast *s_mcastHead = NULL;
Multicast *s_mcastTail = NULL;
long s_mcastsOut = 0;
long s_mcastsIn = 0;
// we have one buffer for each host in the cluster
static char *s_hostBufs [MAX_HOSTS];
static long s_hostBufSizes [MAX_HOSTS];
static long s_numHostBufs;
// . each host has a 32k add buffer which is sent when full or every 10 seconds
// . buffer will be more than 32k if the record to add is larger than 32k
#define MAXHOSTBUFSIZE (32*1024)
// the linked list of Msg4s waiting in line
static Msg4 *s_msg4Head = NULL;
static Msg4 *s_msg4Tail = NULL;
// . TODO: use this instead of spiderrestore.dat
// . call this once for every Msg14 so it can add all at once...
// . make Msg14 add the links before anything else since that uses Msg10
// . also, need to update spiderdb rec for the url in Msg14 using Msg4 too!
// . need to add support for passing in array of lists for Msg14
static void gotReplyWrapper4 ( void *state , void *state2 ) ;
static void storeLineWaiters ( ) ;
static void handleRequest4 ( UdpSlot *slot , long niceness ) ;
static void sleepCallback4 ( int bogusfd , void *state ) ;
static bool sendBuffer ( long hostId , long niceness ) ;
static Multicast *getMulticast ( ) ;
static void returnMulticast ( Multicast *mcast ) ;
//static void processSpecialSignal ( collnum_t collnum , char *p ) ;
//static bool storeList2 ( RdbList *list , char rdbId , collnum_t collnum,
// bool forceLocal, bool splitList , long niceness );
static bool storeRec ( collnum_t collnum ,
char rdbId ,
unsigned long gid ,
long hostId ,
char *rec ,
long recSize ,
long niceness ) ;
// all these parameters should be preset
bool registerHandler4 ( ) {
// register ourselves with the udp server
if ( ! g_udpServer.registerHandler ( 0x04, handleRequest4 ) )
return false;
// clear the host bufs
s_numHostBufs = g_hostdb.getNumShards();
for ( long i = 0 ; i < s_numHostBufs ; i++ )
s_hostBufs[i] = NULL;
// init the linked list of multicasts
s_mcastHead = &s_mcasts[0];
s_mcastTail = &s_mcasts[MAX_MCASTS-1];
for ( long i = 0 ; i < MAX_MCASTS - 1 ; i++ )
s_mcasts[i].m_next = &s_mcasts[i+1];
// last guy has nobody after him
s_mcastTail->m_next = NULL;
// nobody is waiting in line
s_msg4Head = NULL;
s_msg4Tail = NULL;
// spider hang bug
//logf(LOG_DEBUG,"msg4: registering handler.");
// for now skip it
//return true;
// . restore state from disk
// . false means repair is not active
if ( ! loadAddsInProgress ( NULL ) ) {
log("init: Could not load addsinprogress.dat. Ignoring.");
g_errno = 0;
// . register sleep handler every 5 seconds = 5000 ms
// . right now MSG4_WAIT is 500ms... i lowered it from 5s
// to speed up spidering so it would harvest outlinks
// faster and be able to spider them right away.
// . returns false on failure
return g_loop.registerSleepCallback(MSG4_WAIT,NULL,sleepCallback4 );
static void flushLocal ( ) ;
// scan all host bufs and try to send on them
void sleepCallback4 ( int bogusfd , void *state ) {
// wait for clock to be in sync
if ( ! isClockInSync() ) return;
// flush them buffers
void flushLocal ( ) {
g_errno = 0;
// put the line waiters into the buffers in case they are not there
// now try to send the buffers
for ( long i = 0 ; i < s_numHostBufs ; i++ )
sendBuffer ( i , MAX_NICENESS );
g_errno = 0;
//static void (* s_flushCallback) ( void *state ) = NULL ;
//static void * s_flushState = NULL;
// for holding flush callback data
static SafeBuf s_callbackBuf;
static long s_numCallbacks = 0;
class CBEntry {
long long m_timestamp;
void (*m_callback)(void *);
void *m_callbackState;
// . injecting into the "test" coll flushes after each inject
// . returns false if blocked and callback will be called
bool flushMsg4Buffers ( void *state , void (* callback) (void *) ) {
// if all empty, return true now
if ( ! hasAddsInQueue () ) return true;
// how much per callback?
long cbackSize = sizeof(CBEntry);
// ensure big enough for first call
if ( s_callbackBuf.m_capacity == 0 ) { // length() == 0 ) {
// make big
if ( ! s_callbackBuf.reserve ( 300 * cbackSize ) ) {
// return true with g_errno set on error
log("msg4: error allocating space for flush callback");
return true;
// then init
// scan for empty slot
char *buf = s_callbackBuf.getBufStart();
CBEntry *cb = (CBEntry *)buf;
CBEntry *cbEnd = (CBEntry *)(buf + s_callbackBuf.getCapacity());
// find empty slot
for ( ; cb < cbEnd && cb->m_callback ; cb++ ) ;
// no room?
if ( cb >= cbEnd ) {
log("msg4: no room for flush callback. count=%li",
return true;
// add callback to list
// time must be the same as used by UdpSlot::m_startTime
cb->m_callback = callback;
cb->m_callbackState = state;
// inc count
//if ( s_flushCallback ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// start it up
// scan msg4 slots for maximum start time so we can only
// call the flush done callback when all msg4 slots in udpserver
// have start times STRICTLY GREATER THAN that, then we will
// be guaranteed that everything we added has been replied to!
UdpSlot *slot = g_udpServer.getActiveHead();
long long max = 0LL;
for ( ; slot ; slot = slot->m_next ) {
// get its time stamp
if ( slot->m_msgType != 0x04 ) continue;
// must be initiated by us
if ( ! slot->m_callback ) continue;
// get it
if ( max && slot->m_startTime < max ) continue;
// got a new max
max = slot->m_startTime;
// set time AFTER the udpslot gets its m_startTime set so
// now will be >= each slot's m_startTime.
cb->m_timestamp = max;
// can we sometimes flush without blocking? maybe...
//if ( ! hasAddsInQueue () ) return true;
// assign it
//s_flushState = state;
//s_flushCallback = callback;
// we are waiting now
return false;
// used by Repair.cpp to make sure we are not adding any more data ("writing")
bool hasAddsInQueue ( ) {
// if there is an outstanding multicast...
if ( s_mcastsOut > s_mcastsIn ) return true;
// if we have a msg4 waiting in line...
if ( s_msg4Head ) return true;
// if we have an host buf that has something in it...
for ( long i = 0 ; i < s_numHostBufs ; i++ ) {
if ( ! s_hostBufs[i] ) continue;
if ( *(long *)s_hostBufs[i] > 4 ) return true;
// otherwise, we have nothing queued up to add
return false;
// . returns false if blocked, true otherwise
// . returns true and sets g_errno on error
// . forceLocal was removed because if you want to delete a corrupt key in
// spiderdb, it should be removed in a merge or something...
bool Msg4::addList ( RdbList *list ,
char rdbId ,
char *coll ,
void *state ,
void (* callback)(void *state) ,
long niceness ,
bool forceLocal ,
bool splitList ) {
// warning
if ( ! coll ) {
log(LOG_LOGIC,"net: NULL collection. msg4.cpp.");
return true;
// save it
strcpy ( m_coll , coll );
// make it a collnum
collnum_t collnum = g_collectiondb.getCollnum ( coll );
// is it non-existent
if ( collnum == (collnum_t)-1 ) {
log(LOG_LOGIC,"build: msg4: bad coll %s",coll);
return true;
// then re-call
return addList ( list , rdbId , collnum ,
state , callback , niceness,
forceLocal, splitList);
// . returns false if blocked, true otherwise
// . returns true and sets g_errno on error
bool Msg4::addList ( RdbList *list ,
char rdbId ,
collnum_t collnum ,
void *state ,
void (* callback)(void *state) ,
long niceness ,
bool forceLocal ,
bool splitList ) {
// sanity check
//if ( niceness != MAX_NICENESS ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0;}
// clear it
g_errno = 0;
// if list has no records in it return true
if ( ! list || list->isEmpty() ) return true;
// save it
m_rdbId = rdbId;
m_niceness = niceness;
// this is only valid if storeList() ends up returning false, otherwise
// the caller may free it
m_list = list;
m_callback = callback;
m_state = state;
m_forceLocal = forceLocal;
m_splitList = splitList;
// MDW: make sure we point to start of the list
// MDW: need to reset the list ptr, otherwise twin might not get the
// recs if we are adding to spiderdb
// . store the list in the buffer for each hostid
// . have a buffer for each host and each rdb
// . and each collnum
// . this returns true if stored, false if could not store
if ( ! storeList ( list , rdbId , collnum ) ) return false;
// launch anyone that needs it
//launchBuffers ( );
// otherwise, g_errno should be set
return true;
// . split the list up into pieces based on hostname
// . call storeSubList() on each piece
// . returns false and sets g_errno on failure
bool Msg4::storeList ( RdbList *list , char rdbId , collnum_t collnum ) {
// sanity check
if ( rdbId < 0 ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// nobody is after us in the linked list
m_next = NULL;
// . if others are waiting in line, we must wait in line to in case
// there is an order dependency in the records being added
// . however, if we are the head of the list we are being called from
// handleReply4() and this is an attempt to finish processing this
// list.
//if ( s_msg4Tail && this != s_msg4Head ) {
if ( s_msg4Tail ) {
// sanity check -- detect re-use of a blocked msg4!
if ( this == s_msg4Head ) { char *xx =NULL; *xx=0; }
if ( ! s_msg4Head ) { char *xx =NULL; *xx=0; }
// spider hang bug
// "db: msg4 blocked. adding to tail. msg4=%li",(long)this);
s_msg4Tail->m_next = this;
s_msg4Tail = this;
return false;
// this returns true if all of the records in the list were
// successfully stored in the s_hostBufs[] buffers for sending,
// otherwise it returns false and we must call storeList2() again
// for this list when a Multicast becomes available.
if ( storeList2 ( list , rdbId , collnum , m_forceLocal, m_splitList,
m_niceness ) )
return true;
// spider hang bug
//logf(LOG_DEBUG,"build: msg4 first in line. msg4=%li",(long)this);
// sanity check
if ( s_msg4Head || s_msg4Tail ) { char *xx=NULL; *xx=0; }
// . wait in line
// . when the s_hostBufs[hostId] is able to accomodate our
// record this loop will be resumed and the caller's callback
// will be called once we are able to successfully queue up
// all recs in the list
// . we are the only one in line, otherwise, we would have exited
// the start of this function
s_msg4Head = this;
s_msg4Tail = this;
// return false so caller blocks. we will call his callback
// when we are able to add his list to the hostBufs[] queue
// and then he can re-use this Msg4 class for other things.
return false;
bool storeList2 ( RdbList *list ,
char rdbId ,
collnum_t collnum ,
bool forceLocal,
bool splitList ,
long niceness ) {
// get groupId of each key
unsigned long gid;
char key[MAX_KEY_BYTES];
// sanity check
if ( rdbId < 0 ) {
log("repair: Consider erasing repair.dat and "
"repair-addsinprogress.dat to restart the repair IF "
"you were doing a repair.");
char *xx=NULL;*xx=0;
// store each record in the list into the send buffers
while ( ! list->isExhausted() ) {
// get the key of the current record
list->getCurrentKey ( key );
// . if key belongs to same group as firstKey then continue
// . titledb now uses last bits of docId to determine groupId
// . but uses the top 32 bits of key still
// . spiderdb uses last 64 bits to determine groupId
// . tfndb now is like titledb(top 32 bits are top 32 of docId)
if(forceLocal) gid = g_hostdb.m_groupId;
else gid = getGroupId ( rdbId , key , splitList );
char *rec = list->getCurrentRec();
long recSize = list->getCurrentRecSize();
// i fixed UdpServer.cpp to NOT call msg4 handlers when in
// a quickpoll, in case we receive a niceness 0 msg4 request
// convert the gid to the hostid of the first host in this
// group. uses a quick hash table.
long hostId = g_hostdb.makeHostIdFast ( gid );
// . add that rec to this groupId, gid, includes the key
// . these are NOT allowed to be compressed (half bit set)
// and this point
// . this returns false and sets g_errno on failure
if ( storeRec ( collnum, rdbId, gid, hostId, rec, recSize ,
niceness )) {
// . point to next record
// . will point past records if no more left!
// get next rec
// g_errno is not set if the store rec could not send the
// buffer because no multicast was available
if ( g_errno )
log("build: Msg4 storeRec had error: %s.",
// clear this just in case
g_errno = 0;
return false;
return true;
// returns false if blocked
bool Msg4::addMetaList ( char *metaList ,
long metaListSize ,
char *coll ,
void *state ,
void (* callback)(void *state) ,
long niceness ,
char rdbId ) {
collnum_t collnum = g_collectiondb.getCollnum ( coll );
return addMetaList ( metaList ,
metaListSize ,
collnum ,
state ,
callback ,
niceness ,
rdbId );
bool Msg4::addMetaList ( SafeBuf *sb ,
collnum_t collnum ,
void *state ,
void (* callback)(void *state) ,
long niceness ,
char rdbId ,
long shardOverride ) {
return addMetaList ( sb->getBufStart() ,
sb->length() ,
collnum ,
state ,
callback ,
niceness ,
rdbId ,
shardOverride );
bool Msg4::addMetaList ( char *metaList ,
long metaListSize ,
collnum_t collnum ,
void *state ,
void (* callback)(void *state) ,
long niceness ,
char rdbId ,
// Rebalance.cpp needs to add negative keys to
// remove foreign records from where they no
// longer belong because of a new hosts.conf file.
// This will be -1 if not be overridden.
long shardOverride ) {
// not in progress
m_inUse = false;
// empty lists are easy!
if ( metaListSize == 0 ) return true;
// sanity
//if ( collnum < 0 || collnum > 1000 ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
if ( collnum < 0 ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// if first time set this
m_currentPtr = metaList;
m_metaList = metaList;
m_metaListSize = metaListSize;
m_collnum = collnum;
m_state = state;
m_callback = callback;
m_rdbId = rdbId;
m_niceness = niceness;
m_next = NULL;
m_shardOverride = shardOverride;
// get in line if there's a line
if ( s_msg4Head ) {
// add ourselves to the line
s_msg4Tail->m_next = this;
// we are the new tail
s_msg4Tail = this;
// debug log. seems to happen a lot if not using threads..
if ( g_conf.m_useThreads )
log("msg4: queueing body msg4=0x%lx",(long)this);
// mark it
m_inUse = true;
// all done then, but return false so caller does not free
// this msg4
return false;
// then do it
if ( addMetaList2 ( ) ) return true;
// sanity check
if ( s_msg4Head || s_msg4Tail ) { char *xx=NULL; *xx=0; }
// . spider hang bug
// . debug log. seems to happen a lot if not using threads..
if ( g_conf.m_useThreads )
logf(LOG_DEBUG,"msg4: queueing head msg4=0x%lx",(long)this);
// mark it
m_inUse = true;
// . wait in line
// . when the s_hostBufs[hostId] is able to accomodate our
// record this loop will be resumed and the caller's callback
// will be called once we are able to successfully queue up
// all recs in the list
// . we are the only one in line, otherwise, we would have exited
// the start of this function
s_msg4Head = this;
s_msg4Tail = this;
// return false so caller blocks. we will call his callback
// when we are able to add his list to the hostBufs[] queue
// and then he can re-use this Msg4 class for other things.
return false;
bool isInMsg4LinkedList ( Msg4 *msg4 ) {
Msg4 *m = s_msg4Head;
for ( ; m ; m = m->m_next )
if ( m == msg4 ) return true;
return false;
bool Msg4::addMetaList2 ( ) {
char *p = m_currentPtr;
// get the collnum
//collnum_t collnum = g_collectiondb.getCollnum ( m_coll );
char *pend = m_metaList + m_metaListSize;
//if ( m_collnum < 0 || m_collnum > 1000 ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
if ( m_collnum < 0 ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// store each record in the list into the send buffers
for ( ; p < pend ; ) {
// first is rdbId
char rdbId = m_rdbId;
if ( rdbId < 0 ) rdbId = *p++;
// get nosplit
//bool nosplit = ( rdbId & 0x80 ) ;
// mask off rdbId
rdbId &= 0x7f;
// get the key of the current record
char *key = p;
// negative key?
bool del ;
if ( *p & 0x01 ) del = false;
else del = true;
// get the key size. a table lookup in Rdb.cpp.
long ks ;
if ( rdbId == RDB_POSDB || rdbId == RDB2_POSDB2) ks = 18;
else if ( rdbId == RDB_DATEDB ) ks = 16;
else ks = getKeySizeFromRdbId ( rdbId );
// skip key
p += ks;
// set this
//bool split = true; if ( nosplit ) split = false;
// . if key belongs to same group as firstKey then continue
// . titledb now uses last bits of docId to determine groupId
// . but uses the top 32 bits of key still
// . spiderdb uses last 64 bits to determine groupId
// . tfndb now is like titledb(top 32 bits are top 32 of docId)
//uint32_t gid = getGroupId ( rdbId , key , split );
unsigned long shardNum = getShardNum( rdbId , key );
// override it from Rebalance.cpp for redistributing records
// after updating hosts.conf?
if ( m_shardOverride >= 0 ) shardNum = m_shardOverride;
// get the record, is -1 if variable. a table lookup.
long dataSize;
if ( rdbId==RDB_POSDB || rdbId==RDB2_POSDB2) dataSize = 0;
else if ( rdbId == RDB_DATEDB ) dataSize = 0;
else dataSize = getDataSizeFromRdbId ( rdbId );
// . negative keys have no data
// . this unfortunately is not true according to RdbList.cpp
if ( del ) dataSize = 0;
// if variable read that in
if ( dataSize == -1 ) {
// -1 means to read it in
dataSize = *(long *)p;
// sanity check
if ( dataSize < 0 ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// sanity check
//if ( rdbId == RDB_DOLEDB &&
// (*key & 0x01) == 0x01 && // positive key
// dataSize <= 0 ) {
// char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// skip dataSize
p += 4;
// skip over the data, if any
p += dataSize;
// breach us?
if ( p > pend ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// i fixed UdpServer.cpp to NOT call msg4 handlers when in
// a quickpoll, in case we receive a niceness 0 msg4 request
QUICKPOLL(m_niceness); // MAX_NICENESS);
// convert the gid to the hostid of the first host in this
// group. uses a quick hash table.
//long hostId = g_hostdb.makeHostIdFast ( gid );
Host *hosts = g_hostdb.getShard ( shardNum );
long hostId = hosts[0].m_hostId;
// . add that rec to this groupId, gid, includes the key
// . these are NOT allowed to be compressed (half bit set)
// and this point
// . this returns false and sets g_errno on failure
if ( storeRec ( m_collnum,
key, // start of rec,
p - key , // recSize
m_niceness )) {
// . point to next record
// . will point past records if no more left!
m_currentPtr = p; // += recSize;
// get next rec
// g_errno is not set if the store rec could not send the
// buffer because no multicast was available
if ( g_errno )
log("build: Msg4 storeRec had error: %s.",
// clear this just in case
g_errno = 0;
// if g_errno was not set, this just means we do not have
// room for the data yet, and try again later
return false;
// . send out all bufs
// . before we were caching to reduce packet traffic, but
// since we don't use the network for sending termlists let's
// try going back to making it even more real-time
//if ( ! isClockInSync() ) return true;
// flush them buffers
return true;
// . modify each Msg4 request as follows
// . collnum(2bytes)|rdbId(1bytes)|listSize&rawlistData|...
// . store these requests in the buffer just like that
bool storeRec ( collnum_t collnum ,
char rdbId ,
unsigned long shardNum, //gid
long hostId ,
char *rec ,
long recSize ,
long niceness ) {
// loop back up here if you have to flush the buffer
// sanity check
//if ( recSize==16 && rdbId==RDB_SPIDERDB && *(long *)(rec+12)!=0 ) {
// char *xx=NULL; *xx=0; }
// . how many bytes do we need to store the request?
// . USED(4 bytes)/collnum/rdbId(1)/recSize(4bytes)/recData
// . "USED" is only used for mallocing new slots really
long needForRec = sizeof(collnum_t) + 1 + 4 + recSize;
long needForBuf = 4 + needForRec;
// 8 bytes for the zid
needForBuf += 8;
// how many bytes of the buffer are occupied or "in use"?
char *buf = s_hostBufs[hostId];
// if NULL, try to allocate one
if ( ! buf || s_hostBufSizes[hostId] < needForBuf ) {
// how big to make it
// must accomodate rec at all costs
if ( size < needForBuf ) size = needForBuf;
// make them all the same size
buf = (char *)mmalloc ( size , "Msg4a" );
// if still no luck, we cannot send this msg
if ( ! buf ) return false;
if(s_hostBufs[hostId]) {
//if the old buf was too small, resize
memcpy( buf, s_hostBufs[hostId],
mfree ( s_hostBufs[hostId],
s_hostBufSizes[hostId] , "Msg4b" );
// if we are making a brand new buf, init the used
// size to "4" bytes
// itself(4) PLUS the zid (8 bytes)
*(long *)buf = 4 + 8;
// add it
s_hostBufs [hostId] = buf;
s_hostBufSizes[hostId] = size;
// . first long is how much of "buf" is used
// . includes everything even itself
long used = *(long *)buf;
// sanity chec. "used" must include the 4 bytes of itself
if ( used < 12 ) { char *xx = NULL; *xx = 0; }
// how much total buf space do we have, used or unused?
long maxSize = s_hostBufSizes[hostId];
// how many bytes are available in "buf"?
long avail = maxSize - used;
// if we can not fit list into buffer...
if ( avail < needForRec ) {
// . send what is already in the buffer and clear it
// . will set s_hostBufs[hostId] to NULL
// . this will return false if no available Multicasts to
// send the buffer, in which case we must tell the caller
// to block and wait for us to call his callback, only then
// will he be able to proceed. we will call his callback
// as soon as we can copy... use this->m_msg1 to add the
// list that was passed in...
if ( ! sendBuffer ( hostId , niceness ) ) return false;
// now the buffer should be empty, try again
goto retry;
// point to where to store the list
char *start = buf + used;
char *p = start;
// store the record and all the info for it
*(collnum_t *)p = collnum; p += sizeof(collnum_t);
*(char *)p = rdbId ; p += 1;
*(long *)p = recSize; p += 4;
memcpy ( p , rec , recSize ); p += recSize;
// update buffer used
*(long *)buf = used + (p - start);
// all done, did not "block"
return true;
// . returns false if we were UNable to get a multicast to launch the buffer,
// true otherwise
// . returns false and sets g_errno on error
bool sendBuffer ( long hostId , long niceness ) {
//logf(LOG_DEBUG,"build: sending buf");
// how many bytes of the buffer are occupied or "in use"?
char *buf = s_hostBufs [hostId];
long allocSize = s_hostBufSizes[hostId];
// skip if empty
if ( ! buf ) return true;
// . get size used in buf
// . includes everything, including itself!
long used = *(long *)buf;
// if empty, bail
if ( used <= 12 ) return true;
// grab a vehicle for sending the buffer
Multicast *mcast = getMulticast();
// if we could not get one, wait in line for one to become available
if ( ! mcast ) {
//logf(LOG_DEBUG,"build: no mcast available");
return false;
// NO! storeRec() will alloc it!
// make it point to another
char *newBuf = (char *)mmalloc ( MAXHOSTBUFSIZE , "Msg4Buf" );
// assign it to the new Buf
s_hostBufs [ hostId ] = newBuf;
// reset used
if ( newBuf ) {
*(long *)newBuf = 4;
s_hostBufSizes[hostId] = MAXHOSTBUFSIZE;
else s_hostBufSizes[hostId] = 0; //if we were oom reset size
// get groupId
//unsigned long groupId = g_hostdb.getGroupIdFromHostId ( hostId );
Host *h = g_hostdb.getHost(hostId);
unsigned long shardNum = h->m_shardNum;
// get group #
//long groupNum = g_hostdb.getGroupNum ( groupId );
// sanity check. our clock must be in sync with host #0's or with
// a host from his group, group #0
if ( ! isClockInSync() ) { char *xx=NULL ; *xx=0; }
// try to keep all zids unique, regardless of their group
static uint64_t s_lastZid = 0;
// select a "zid", a sync id
uint64_t zid = gettimeofdayInMilliseconds();
// keep it strictly increasing
if ( zid <= s_lastZid ) zid = s_lastZid + 1;
// update it
s_lastZid = zid;
// shift up 1 so Syncdb::makeKey() is easier
zid <<= 1;
// set some things up
char *p = buf + 4;
// . sneak it into the top of the buffer
// . TODO: fix the code above for this new header
*(uint64_t *)p = zid;
p += 8;
// syncdb debug
if ( g_conf.m_logDebugSpider )
logf(LOG_DEBUG,"syncdb: sending msg4 request zid=%llu",zid);
// this is the request
char *request = buf;
long requestSize = used;
// . launch the request
// . we now have this multicast timeout if a host goes dead on it
// and it fails to send its payload
// . in that case we should restart from the top and we will add
// the dead host ids to the top, and multicast will avoid sending
// to hostids that are dead now
key_t k; k.setMin();
if ( mcast->send ( request , // sets mcast->m_msg to this
requestSize, // sets mcast->m_msgLen to this
0x04 , // msgType for add rdb record
false , // does multicast own msg?
shardNum,//groupId , // group to send to (groupKey)
true , // send to whole group?
0 , // key is useless for us
(void *)allocSize , // state data
(void *)mcast , // state data
gotReplyWrapper4 ,
// this was 60 seconds, but if we saved the
// addsinprogress at the wrong time we might miss
// it when its between having timed out and
// having been resent by us!
999999999 , // timeout in secs
MAX_NICENESS, // niceness
false , // realtime
-1 , // first host to try
NULL , // replyBuf = NULL ,
0 , // replyBufMaxSize = 0 ,
true , // freeReplyBuf = true ,
false , // doDiskLoadBalancing = false ,
-1 , // no max cache age limit
k , // cache key
RDB_NONE , // bogus rdbId
-1 , // unknown minRecSizes read size
true )) { // sendToSelf?
// . let storeRec() do all the allocating...
// . only let the buffer go once multicast succeeds
s_hostBufs [ hostId ] = NULL;
// success
return true;
// g_errno should be set
log("net: Had error when sending request to add data to rdb shard "
"#%lu: %s.", shardNum,mstrerror(g_errno));
returnMulticast ( mcast );
return false;
Multicast *getMulticast ( ) {
// get head
Multicast *avail = s_mcastHead;
// return NULL if none available
if ( ! avail ) return NULL;
// if all are out then forget it!
if ( s_mcastsOut - s_mcastsIn >= MAX_MCASTS ) return NULL;
// remove from head of linked list
s_mcastHead = avail->m_next;
// if we were the tail, none now
if ( s_mcastTail == avail ) s_mcastTail = NULL;
// count it
// sanity
if ( avail->m_inUse ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// return that
return avail;
void returnMulticast ( Multicast *mcast ) {
// return this multicast
// we are at the tail, nobody is after us
mcast->m_next = NULL;
// if no tail we are both head and tail
if ( ! s_mcastTail ) s_mcastHead = mcast;
// put after the tail
else s_mcastTail->m_next = mcast;
// and we are the new tail
s_mcastTail = mcast;
// count it
// just free the request
void gotReplyWrapper4 ( void *state , void *state2 ) {
//logf(LOG_DEBUG,"build: got msg4 reply");
long allocSize = (long)state;
Multicast *mcast = (Multicast *)state2;
// get the request we sent
char *request = mcast->m_msg;
//long requestSize = mcast->m_msgSize;
// get the buffer alloc size
//long allocSize = requestSize;
//if ( allocSize < MAXHOSTBUFSIZE ) allocSize = MAXHOSTBUFSIZE;
if ( request ) mfree ( request , allocSize , "Msg4" );
// make sure no one else can free it!
mcast->m_msg = NULL;
// get the udpslot that is replying here
UdpSlot *replyingSlot = mcast->m_slot;
if ( ! replyingSlot ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
returnMulticast ( mcast );
storeLineWaiters ( );
// now if all buffers are empty, let any flush request know that
// bail if no callbacks to call
if ( s_numCallbacks == 0 ) return;
//log("msg4: got msg4 reply. replyslot starttime=%lli slot=0x%lx",
// replyingSlot->m_startTime,(long)replyingSlot);
// get the oldest msg4 slot starttime
UdpSlot *slot = g_udpServer.getActiveHead();
long long min = 0LL;
for ( ; slot ; slot = slot->m_next ) {
// get its time stamp
if ( slot->m_msgType != 0x04 ) continue;
// must be initiated by us
if ( ! slot->m_callback ) continue;
// if it is this replying slot or already had the callback
// called, then ignore it...
if ( slot->m_calledCallback ) continue;
// ignore incoming slot! that could be the slot we were
// waiting for to complete so its starttime will always
// be less than our callback's m_timestamp
//if ( slot == replyingSlot ) continue;
// log it
//log("msg4: slot starttime = %lli ",slot->m_startTime);
// get it
if ( min && slot->m_startTime >= min ) continue;
// got a new min
min = slot->m_startTime;
// log it
//log("msg4: slots min = %lli ",min);
// scan for slots whose callbacks we can call now
char *buf = s_callbackBuf.getBufStart();
CBEntry *cb = (CBEntry *)buf;
CBEntry *cbEnd = (CBEntry *)(buf + s_callbackBuf.getCapacity());
// find empty slot
for ( ; cb < cbEnd ; cb++ ) {
// skip if empty
if ( ! cb->m_callback ) continue;
// debug
//log("msg4: cb timestamp = %lli",cb->m_timestamp);
// wait until callback's stored time is <= all msg4
// slot's start times, then we can guarantee that all the
// msg4s required for this callback have replied.
// min will be zero if no msg4s in there, so call callback.
if ( min && cb->m_timestamp >= min ) continue;
// otherwise, call the callback!
cb->m_callback ( cb->m_callbackState );
// take out of queue now by setting callback ptr to 0
cb->m_callback = NULL;
// discount
// of course, skip this part if nobody called a flush
//if ( ! s_flushCallback ) return;
// if not completely empty, wait!
if ( hasAddsInQueue () ) {
// flush away some more just in case
// and wait
// seems good to go!
//s_flushCallback ( s_flushState );
// nuke it
//s_flushCallback = NULL;
void storeLineWaiters ( ) {
// try to store all the msg4's lists that are waiting in line
Msg4 *msg4 = s_msg4Head;
// now were we waiting on a multicast to return in order to send
// another request? return if not.
if ( ! msg4 ) return;
// grab the first Msg4 in line
if ( ! msg4->addMetaList2 ( ) ) return;
// hey, we were able to store that Msg4's list, remove him
s_msg4Head = msg4->m_next;
// empty? make tail NULL too then
if ( ! s_msg4Head ) s_msg4Tail = NULL;
// . if his callback was NULL, then was loaded in loadAddsInProgress()
// . we no longer do that so callback should never be null now
if ( ! msg4->m_callback ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// log this now i guess. seems to happen a lot if not using threads
if ( g_conf.m_useThreads )
logf(LOG_DEBUG,"msg4: calling callback for msg4=0x%lx",
// release it
msg4->m_inUse = false;
// call his callback
msg4->m_callback ( msg4->m_state );
// ensure not re-added - no, msg4 might be freed now!
//msg4->m_next = NULL;
// try the next Msg4 in line
goto loop;
#include "Process.h"
// . destroys the slot if false is returned
// . this is registered in Msg4::set() to handle add rdb record msgs
// . seems like we should always send back a reply so we don't leave the
// requester's slot hanging, unless he can kill it after transmit success???
// . TODO: need we send a reply back on success????
// . NOTE: Must always call g_udpServer::sendReply or sendErrorReply() so
// read/send bufs can be freed
void handleRequest4 ( UdpSlot *slot , long netnice ) {
// easy var
UdpServer *us = &g_udpServer;
// if we just came up we need to make sure our hosts.conf is in
// sync with everyone else before accepting this! it might have
// been the case that the sender thinks our hosts.conf is the same
// since last time we were up, so it is up to us to check this
if ( g_pingServer.m_hostsConfInDisagreement ) {
us->sendErrorReply ( slot , g_errno );
// need to be in sync first
if ( ! g_pingServer.m_hostsConfInAgreement ) {
// . if we do not know the sender's hosts.conf crc, wait 4 it
// . this is 0 if not received yet
if ( ! slot->m_host->m_hostsConfCRC ) {
us->sendErrorReply ( slot , g_errno );
// compare our hosts.conf to sender's otherwise
if ( slot->m_host->m_hostsConfCRC != g_hostdb.getCRC() ) {
us->sendErrorReply ( slot , g_errno );
//logf(LOG_DEBUG,"build: handling msg4 request");
// extract what we read
char *readBuf = slot->m_readBuf;
long readBufSize = slot->m_readBufSize;
// must at least have an rdbId
if ( readBufSize < 7 ) {
us->sendErrorReply ( slot , g_errno );
//char *p = readBuf;
//char *pend = readBuf + readBufSize;
// get total buf used
long used = *(long *)readBuf; //p += 4;
// sanity check
if ( used != readBufSize ) {
bool skipSyncdb = false;
// skip syncdb if we are just one host!
if ( g_hostdb.m_numHosts == 1 ) skipSyncdb = true;
// if we did not sync our parms up yet with host 0, wait...
if ( g_hostdb.m_hostId != 0 && ! g_parms.m_inSyncWithHost0 ) {
// limit logging to once per second
static long s_lastTime = 0;
long now = getTimeLocal();
if ( now - s_lastTime >= 1 ) {
s_lastTime = now;
log("msg4: waiting to sync with "
"host #0 before accepting data");
// tell send to try again shortly
g_errno = ETRYAGAIN;
// OK, just to get the ball rolling let's delay using/debugging
// syncdb until after launch in order to move up the launch date.
// we are going to be running solid states so there should be a lot
// fewer hardware issues...
skipSyncdb = true;
if ( skipSyncdb ) {
// this returns false with g_errno set on error
if ( ! addMetaList ( readBuf , slot ) ) {
// good to go
us->sendReply_ass ( NULL , 0 , NULL , 0 , slot ) ;
// . add to syncdb tree
// . a key_t is now before the "used"
// . this returns false and sets g_errno if we could not add it to
// syncdb OR if there were some msg4 requests we should have got
// before this one!
// . in the first case it will set g_errno to ETRYAGAIN probably,
// but if out of order it will just set g_errno to EOUTOFSYNC i guess
if ( ! g_syncdb.gotMetaListRequest ( slot ) ) {
us->sendErrorReply(slot,g_errno);return; }
// . chalk it up
// . it may have multiple different rdb items in the list now!
//rdb->sentReplyAdd ( 0 );
// . send an empty (non-error) reply as verification
// . slot should be auto-nuked on transmission/timeout of reply
// . udpServer should free the readBuf
us->sendReply_ass ( NULL , 0 , NULL , 0 , slot ) ;
// . Syncdb.cpp will call this after it has received checkoff keys from
// all the alive hosts for this zid/sid
// . returns false and sets g_errno on error, returns true otherwise
bool addMetaList ( char *p , UdpSlot *slot ) {
if ( g_conf.m_logDebugSpider )
logf(LOG_DEBUG,"syncdb: calling addMetalist zid=%llu",
*(long long *)(p+4));
// get total buf used
long used = *(long *)p;
// the end
char *pend = p + used;
// skip the used amount
p += 4;
// skip zid
p += 8;
Rdb *rdb = NULL;
char lastRdbId = -1;
// . this request consists of multiple recs, so add each one
// . collnum(2bytes)/rdbId(1byte)/recSize(4bytes)/recData/...
// extract collnum, rdbId, recSize
collnum_t collnum = *(collnum_t *)p; p += sizeof(collnum_t);
char rdbId = *(char *)p; p += 1;
long recSize = *(long *)p; p += 4;
// shortcut
//UdpServer *us = &g_udpServer;
// . get the rdb to which it belongs, use Msg0::getRdb()
// . do not call this for every rec if we do not have to
if ( rdbId != lastRdbId ) {
rdb = getRdbFromId ( (char) rdbId );
//if ( rdbId == RDB_FAKEDB ) {
// // do special handler process
// processSpecialSignal ( collnum , p );
// // skip the fakedb record
// p += recSize;
// // drop it for now!!
// if ( p < pend ) goto loop;
// // all done
// return true;
// an uninitialized secondary rdb? it will have a keysize
// if 0 if its never been intialized from the repair page
if ( rdb && rdb->m_ks <= 0 ) {
log("msg4: oops. got an rdbId key for a secondary "
"rdb and not in repair mode! fix xmldoc!");
char *xx=NULL;*xx=0;
if ( ! rdb ) {
if ( slot )
log("msg4: rdbId of %li unrecognized from "
"hostip=%s. "
"dropping WHOLE request", (long)rdbId,
log("msg4: rdbId of %li unrecognized. "
"dropping WHOLE request", (long)rdbId);
// drop it for now!!
//if ( p < pend ) goto loop;
// all done
//return true;
char *xx=NULL;*xx=0;
// silently drop it, the WHOLE thing, it seems
// corrupted!!!
return true;
//g_errno = EBADENGINEER;
//return false;
//if ( ! rdb ) return false;
// . if already in addList and we are quickpoll interruptint, try again
// . happens if our niceness gets converted to 0
if ( rdb->m_inAddList ) {
g_errno = ETRYAGAIN;
return false;
// sanity check
if ( p + recSize > pend ) { g_errno = ECORRUPTDATA; return false; }
// reset g_errno
g_errno = 0;
// . make a list from this data
// . skip over the first 4 bytes which is the rdbId
// . TODO: embed the rdbId in the msgtype or something...
RdbList list;
// sanity check
if ( rdb->getKeySize() == 0 ) {
log("seems like a stray /e/repair-addsinprogress.dat file "
"rdbId=%li. not in repair mode. dropping.",(long)rdbId);
char *xx=NULL;*xx=0;
// drop it for now!!
p += recSize;
if ( p < pend ) goto loop;
// all done
return true;
// set the list
list.set ( p ,
recSize ,
p ,
recSize ,
rdb->getFixedDataSize() ,
false , // ownData?
rdb->useHalfKeys() ,
rdb->getKeySize () );
// advance over the rec data to point to next entry
p += recSize;
// keep track of stats
rdb->readRequestAdd ( recSize );
// this returns false and sets g_errno on error
bool status =rdb->addList(collnum, &list, MAX_NICENESS );
// bad coll #? ignore it. common when deleting and resetting
// collections using crawlbot. but there are other recs in this
// list from different collections, so do not abandon the whole
// meta list!! otherwise we lose data!!
if ( g_errno == ENOCOLLREC && !status ) { g_errno = 0; status = true; }
// do the next record here if there is one
if ( status && p < pend ) goto loop;
// no memory means to try again
if ( g_errno == ENOMEM ) g_errno = ETRYAGAIN;
// doing a full rebuid will add collections
if ( g_errno == ENOCOLLREC &&
g_repairMode > 0 )
//g_repair.m_fullRebuild )
g_errno = ETRYAGAIN;
// ignore enocollrec errors since collection can be reset while
// spiders are on now.
//if ( g_errno == ENOCOLLREC )
// g_errno = 0;
// are we done
if ( g_errno ) return false;
// success
return true;
// serialization code
// . when we core, save this stuff so we can re-add when we come back up
// . have a sleep wrapper that tries to flush the buffers every 10 seconds
// or so.
// . returns false on error, true on success
// . does not do any mallocs in case we are OOM and need to save
// . BUG: might be trying to send an old bucket, so scan udp slots too? or
// keep unsent buckets in the list?
bool saveAddsInProgress ( char *prefix ) {
if ( g_conf.m_readOnlyMode ) return true;
// this does not work so skip it for now
//return true;
// open the file
char filename[1024];
// if saving while in repair mode, that means all of our adds must
// must associated with the repair. if we send out these add requests
// when we restart and not in repair mode then we try to add to an
// rdb2 which has not been initialized and it does not work.
if ( ! prefix ) prefix = "";
sprintf ( filename , "%s%saddsinprogress.saving",
g_hostdb.m_dir , prefix );
long fd = open ( filename, O_RDWR | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC ,
if ( fd < 0 ) {
log ("build: Failed to open %s for writing: %s",
return false;
log(LOG_INFO,"build: Saving %s",filename);
// the # of host bufs
write ( fd , (char *)&s_numHostBufs , 4 );
// serialize each hostbuf
for ( long i = 0 ; i < s_numHostBufs ; i++ ) {
// get the size
long used = 0;
// if not null, how many bytes are used in it?
if ( s_hostBufs[i] ) used = *(long *)s_hostBufs[i];
// size of the buf
write ( fd , (char *)&used , 4 );
// skip if none
if ( ! used ) continue;
// if only 4 bytes used, that is basically empty, the first
// 4 bytes is how much of the total buffer is used, including
// those 4 bytes.
if ( used == 4 ) continue;
// the buf itself
write ( fd , s_hostBufs[i] , used );
// scan in progress msg4 requests too!
UdpSlot *slot = g_udpServer.m_head2;
for ( ; slot ; slot = slot->m_next2 ) {
// skip if not msg4
if ( slot->m_msgType != 0x04 ) continue;
// skip if we did not initiate it
if ( ! slot->m_callback ) continue;
// skip if got reply
if ( slot->m_readBuf ) continue;
// write hostid sent to
write ( fd , &slot->m_hostId , 4 );
// write that
write ( fd , &slot->m_sendBufSize , 4 );
// then the buf data itself
write ( fd , &slot->m_sendBuf , slot->m_sendBufSize );
// MDW: if msg4 was stored in the linked list then caller
// never got his callback called, so the spider will redo
// this url later...
// . serialize each Msg4 that is waiting in line
// . need to preserve their list ptrs so to avoid re-adds?
Msg4 *msg4 = s_msg4Head;
while ( msg4 ) {
msg4->save ( fd );
// next msg4
msg4 = msg4->m_next;
// all done
close ( fd );
// if all was successful, rename the file
char newFilename[1024];
// if saving while in repair mode, that means all of our adds must
// must associated with the repair. if we send out these add requests
// when we restart and not in repair mode then we try to add to an
// rdb2 which has not been initialized and it does not work.
sprintf ( newFilename , "%s%saddsinprogress.dat",
g_hostdb.m_dir , prefix );
::rename ( filename , newFilename );
return true;
bool Msg4::save ( int fd ) {
short collLen = gbstrlen(m_coll);
// collLen
write ( fd , &collLen , 2 );
// coll, as a string in case coll is deleted and another added
write ( fd , coll , collLen + 1 );
// offset
long offset = m_currentPtr - m_metaList;
// might as well avoid re-adds
write ( fd , (char *)&offset , 4 );
// list size (4 bytes)
write ( fd , (char *)&m_metaListSize , 4 );
// list data
write ( fd , m_metaList , m_metaListSize );
return true;
// . returns false on an unrecoverable error, true otherwise
// . sets g_errno on error
bool loadAddsInProgress ( char *prefix ) {
if ( g_conf.m_readOnlyMode ) return true;
// open the file
char filename[1024];
// . a load when in repair mode means something special
// . see Repair.cpp's call to loadAddState()
// . if we saved the add state while in repair mode when we exited
// then we need to restore just that
if ( ! prefix ) prefix = "";
sprintf ( filename, "%s%saddsinprogress.dat",
g_hostdb.m_dir , prefix );
// if file does not exist, return true, not really an error
struct stat stats;
stats.st_size = 0;
int status = stat ( filename , &stats );
if ( status != 0 && errno == ENOENT ) return true;
// get the fileSize into "pend"
long p = 0;
long pend = stats.st_size;
long fd = open ( filename, O_RDONLY );
if ( fd < 0 ) {
log ("build: Failed to open %s for reading: %s",
g_errno = errno;
return false;
log(LOG_INFO,"build: Loading %li bytes from %s",pend,filename);
// . deserialize each hostbuf
// . the # of host bufs
long numHostBufs;
read ( fd , (char *)&numHostBufs , 4 );
p += 4;
if ( numHostBufs != s_numHostBufs ) {
return log("build: addsinprogress.dat has wrong number of "
"host bufs.");
// deserialize each hostbuf
for ( long i = 0 ; i < s_numHostBufs ; i++ ) {
// break if nothing left to read
if ( p >= pend ) break;
// USED size of the buf
long used;
read ( fd , (char *)&used , 4 );
p += 4;
// if used is 0, a NULL buffer, try to read the next one
if ( used == 0 || used == 4 ) {
s_hostBufs [i] = NULL;
s_hostBufSizes[i] = 0;
// malloc the min buf size
long allocSize = MAXHOSTBUFSIZE;
if ( allocSize < used ) allocSize = used;
// alloc the buf space, returns NULL and sets g_errno on error
char *buf = (char *)mmalloc ( allocSize , "Msg4" );
if ( ! buf ) return log("build: Could not alloc %li bytes for "
"reading %s",allocSize,filename);
// the buf itself
long nb = read ( fd , buf , used );
// sanity
if ( nb != used ) {
// reset the buffer usage
*(long *)(p-4) = 4;
// return false
return log("build: error reading addsinprogress.dat: "
"%s", mstrerror(errno));
// skip over it
p += used;
// sanity check
if ( *(long *)buf != used ) {
log("build: file %s is bad.",filename);
char *xx = NULL; *xx = 0;
// set the array
s_hostBufs [i] = buf;
s_hostBufSizes [i] = allocSize;
// scan in progress msg4 requests too that we stored in this file too
for ( ; ; ) {
// break if nothing left to read
if ( p >= pend ) break;
// hostid sent to
long hostId;
read ( fd , (char *)&hostId , 4 );
p += 4;
// get host
Host *h = g_hostdb.getHost(hostId);
// must be there
if ( ! h ) return log("build: bad msg4 hostid %li",hostId);
// host many bytes
long numBytes;
read ( fd , (char *)&numBytes , 4 );
p += 4;
// allocate buffer
char *buf = (char *)mmalloc ( numBytes , "msg4loadbuf");
if ( ! buf ) return log("build: could not alloc msg4 buf");
// the buffer
long nb = read ( fd , buf , numBytes );
if ( nb != numBytes ) return log("build: bad msg4 buf read");
p += numBytes;
// send it!
if ( ! g_udpServer.sendRequest ( buf ,
numBytes ,
0x04 , // msgType
h->m_ip ,
h->m_port ,
h->m_hostId ,
NULL , // state data
NULL , // callback
999999999)){// seconds timeout
// report it
return log("build: could not resend reload buf: %s",
// MDW: if msg4 was stored in the linked list then caller
// never got his callback called, so the spider will redo
// this url later...
// . deserialize each Msg4 that is waiting in line
// . need to preserve their list ptrs so to avoid re-adds?
// . format:
// rdbid(1 byte)
// collLen(2 byte)
// coll(\0 terminated string)
// listOff(4 bytes)
// listSize(4 bytes)
// list(listSize bytes)
while ( p < pend ) {
// make a new msg4 to hold this
Msg4 *msg4 ;
try { msg4 = new (Msg4); }
catch ( ... ) {
// return false and set g_errno on error
g_errno = ENOMEM;
return log("build: Msg4 new failed. Could not read in "
// register with Mem.cpp's table
mnew ( msg4 , sizeof(Msg4) , "Msg4c");
char rdbId ;
short collLen ;
char coll[MAX_COLL_LEN+1];
long listOff ;
long listSize ;
bool err = false;
// read in rdbid, collLen, coll, listSize, listOffset, listData
if ( read ( fd, &rdbId , 1 ) != 1 ) err = true;
if ( read ( fd, &collLen , 2 ) != 2 ) err = true;
if ( read ( fd, coll , collLen+1 ) != collLen+1) err =true;
if ( read ( fd, &listOff , 4 ) != 4 ) err = true;
if ( read ( fd, &listSize, 4 ) != 4 ) err = true;
// advance read head
p += 1 + 2 + collLen + 1 + 4 + 4;
// make a buf for the list
char *listBuf = (char *)mmalloc ( listSize , "Msg4d" );
if ( ! listBuf )
return log("build: Failed to load addsinprogress.dat.");
if ( read ( fd , listBuf , listSize ) != listSize ) err = true;
p += listSize;
// handle read errors, return false with g_errno set
if ( err ) {
mfree ( listBuf , listSize , "Msg4d" );
mdelete ( msg4 , sizeof(Msg4), "Msg4" );
delete ( msg4 );
return log("build: addsinprogress.dat: %s",
// no callback, so it will be deleted when fully added
msg4->m_callback = NULL;
msg4->m_state = NULL;
// use our own internal list
msg4->m_list = &msg4->m_myList;
Rdb *rdb = getRdbFromId ( rdbId );
// if had a bad rdbId, try reading the next queue
if ( ! rdb ) {
log("build: had bogus rdbId of %li.",(long)rdbId);
mfree ( listBuf , listSize , "Msg4d" );
mdelete ( msg4 , sizeof(Msg4), "Msg4" );
delete ( msg4 );
return log("build: addsinprogress.dat: %s",
// otherwise, set the list to wait in line, our linked list
msg4->m_list->set ( listBuf ,
listSize ,
listBuf ,
listSize ,
rdb->getFixedDataSize() ,
true , // ownData?
rdb->useHalfKeys() ,
rdb->getKeySize () );
// force set the current rec ptr
msg4->m_list->m_listPtr = listBuf + listOff;
// init for linked list
msg4->m_next = NULL;
// store in linked list
if ( ! s_msg4Tail ) {
// hey, we are the first in the linked list
s_msg4Head = msg4;
s_msg4Tail = msg4;
// otherwise, we are not the first
s_msg4Tail->m_next = msg4;
s_msg4Tail = msg4;
// all done
close ( fd );
return true;
// right now the FAKEDB record is a signal to remove the spider lock
// from the lock table because we are done spidering it.
void processSpecialSignal ( collnum_t collnum , char *p ) {
key_t *fake = (key_t *)p;
// use a uh48 of 0 to signify an unlock operation
//g_titledb.getUrlHash48 ( (key_t *)key ) == 0LL ) {
// must be 96 bits
//if ( m_ks != 12 ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// get docid that was locked
//long long d = g_titledb.getDocId ( (key_t *)key);
long long d = fake->n0;
// . make it the first probable, that is the lock key
// . we do that so if we are locking a new url that
// is not yet indexed, its probable docid may collide
// and be incremented, so we do not know what its
// actual docid will end up being...
long long lockKey = g_titledb.getFirstProbableDocId(d);
// log debug msg
if ( g_conf.m_logDebugSpider)
// log debug
logf(LOG_DEBUG,"msg4: got FAKE titledb "
"key for lockkey=%llu - removing spider lock",
// shortcut
HashTableX *ht = &g_spiderLoop.m_lockTable;
UrlLock *lock = (UrlLock *)ht->getValue ( &lockKey );
time_t nowGlobal = getTimeGlobal();
if ( g_conf.m_logDebugSpiderFlow )
logf(LOG_DEBUG,"spflow: scheduled lock removal in 5 secs for "
"docid=lockkey=%llu", lockKey);
// test it
//if ( m_nowGlobal == 0 && lock )
// m_nowGlobal = getTimeGlobal();
// we do it this way rather than remove it ourselves
// because a lock request for this guy
// might be currently outstanding, and it will end up
// being granted the lock even though we have by now removed
// it from doledb, because it read doledb before we removed
// it! so wait 5 seconds for the doledb negative key to
// be absorbed to prevent a url we just spidered from being
// re-spidered right away because of this sync issue.
if ( lock ) lock->m_expires = nowGlobal + 5;
// bitch if not in there
if (!lock&&g_conf.m_logDebugSpider)//ht->isInTable(&lockKey))
logf(LOG_DEBUG,"spider: rdb: lockkey %llu "
"was not in lock table",lockKey);
// now unlock on that
// do not actually add this fake key to titledb!
//return true;