Matt Wells 941c8f1892 now added CT_STATUS type results into serps.
one for each spider reply we add so we can query
spider replies. using url: or type:status etc.
2014-05-09 13:52:12 -07:00

180 lines
5.4 KiB

// Matt Wells, copyright Jun 2000
// . class to parse an html MIME header
#ifndef _HTTPMIME_H_
#define _HTTPMIME_H_
#include <time.h>
void getTime ( char *s , int *sec , int *min , int *hour ) ;
long getMonth ( char *s ) ;
long getWeekday ( char *s ) ;
time_t atotime ( char *s ) ;
time_t atotime1 ( char *s ) ;
time_t atotime2 ( char *s ) ;
time_t atotime3 ( char *s ) ;
time_t atotime4 ( char *s ) ;
time_t atotime5 ( char *s ) ;
// the various content types
#define CT_UNKNOWN 0
#define CT_HTML 1
#define CT_TEXT 2
#define CT_XML 3
#define CT_PDF 4
#define CT_DOC 5
#define CT_XLS 6
#define CT_PPT 7
#define CT_PS 8
// images
#define CT_GIF 9
#define CT_JPG 10
#define CT_PNG 11
#define CT_TIFF 12
#define CT_BMP 13
#define CT_JS 14
#define CT_CSS 15
#define CT_JSON 16
#define CT_IMAGE 17
#define CT_STATUS 18 // an internal type indicating spider reply
#define ET_IDENTITY 0
#define ET_GZIP 1
#define ET_COMPRESS 2
#define ET_DEFLATE 3
extern char *g_contentTypeStrings[];
#include <time.h> // time_t mktime()
#include "Url.h"
class HttpMime {
bool init ( ) ;
void reset() ;
HttpMime () ;
// . returns false and sets errno if could not get a valid mime
// . just copies bits and pieces so you can free "mime" whenever
// . we need "url" to set m_locUrl if it's a relative redirect
bool set ( char *httpReply , long replyLen , Url *url );
// these 2 sets are used to dress up a fake mime for passing
// to TitleRec::set() called from Msg16 getDoc() routine
void setLastModifiedDate ( time_t date ) { m_lastModifiedDate = date;};
void setContentType ( long t ) { m_contentType = t; };
void setHttpStatus ( long status ) { m_status = status; };
// http status: 404, 200, etc.
long getHttpStatus () { return m_status; };
char *getContent () { return m_content; };
long getContentLen () { return m_contentLen; };
time_t getLastModifiedDate() { return m_lastModifiedDate; };
long getContentType () { return m_contentType; };
bool isEmpty () { return ( m_status == -1); };
Url *getLocationUrl () { return &m_locUrl; };
char *getCookie () { return m_cookie; };
long getCookieLen () { return m_cookieLen; };
// new stuff for Msg13.cpp to use
char *getLocationField () { return m_locationField; }
long getLocationFieldLen () { return m_locationFieldLen; }
// compute length of a possible mime starting at "buf"
long getMimeLen ( char *buf , long bufLen , long *boundaryLen ) ;
// . used to create a mime
// . if bytesToSend is < 0 that means send totalContentLen (all doc)
// . if lastModified is 0 we take the current time and use that
// . cacheTime is how long for browser to cache this page in seconds
// . a cacheTime of -2 means do not cache at all
// . a cacheTime of -1 means do not cache when moving forward,
// but when hitting the back button, serve cached results
// . a cache time of 0 means use local caching rules
// . any other cacheTime is an explicit time to cache the page for
// . httpStatus of -1 means to auto determine
void makeMime ( long totalContentLen ,
long cacheTime =-1 , // -1-->noBackCache
time_t lastModified = 0 ,
long offset = 0 ,
long bytesToSend =-1 ,
char *ext = NULL,
bool POSTReply = false,
char *contentType = NULL ,
char *charset = NULL ,
long httpStatus = -1 ,
char *cookie = NULL );
// make a redirect mime
void makeRedirMime ( char *redirUrl , long redirUrlLen );
char *getMime ( ) { return m_buf; };
// does this include the last \r\n\r\n? yes!
long getMimeLen ( ) { return m_bufLen; };
long getBoundaryLen ( ) { return m_boundaryLen; };
char *getCharset ( ) { return m_charset ; };
long getCharsetLen ( ) { return m_charsetLen; };
long getContentEncoding () {return m_contentEncoding;}
char *getContentEncodingPos() {return m_contentEncodingPos;}
char *getContentLengthPos() {return m_contentLengthPos;}
// private:
// . sets m_status, m_contentLen , ...
// . we need "url" to set m_locUrl if it's a relative redirect
bool parse ( char *mime , long mimeLen , Url *url );
// converts a string contentType like "text/html" to a long
long getContentTypePrivate ( char *s ) ;
// convert a file extension like "gif" to "images/gif"
const char *getContentTypeFromExtension ( char *ext ) ;
// used for bz2, gz files
const char *getContentEncodingFromExtension ( char *ext ) ;
// these are set by calling set() above
long m_status;
char *m_content;
long m_contentLen;
time_t m_lastModifiedDate;
long m_contentType;
Url m_locUrl;
char *m_locationField ;
long m_locationFieldLen ;
// buf used to hold a mime we create
char m_buf[1024];
long m_bufLen;
long m_contentEncoding;
char *m_contentEncodingPos;
char *m_contentLengthPos;
// the size of the terminating boundary, either 1 or 2 bytes.
// just the last \n in the case of a \n\n or \r in the case
// of a \r\r, but it is the full \r\n in the case of a last \r\n\r\n
long m_boundaryLen;
// Content-Type: text/html;charset=euc-jp // japanese (euc-jp)
// Content-Type: text/html;charset=gb2312 // chinese (gb2312)
char *m_charset;
long m_charsetLen;
char *m_cookie;
long m_cookieLen;