mwells 87285ba3cd use gbmemcpy not memcpy so we can get profiler working again
since memcpy can't be interrupted and backtrace() called.
2015-01-13 12:25:42 -07:00

456 lines
12 KiB

// Matt Wells, copyright Sep 2001
// the main program that brings it all together
#include "gb-include.h"
#include "Mem.h"
#include "Conf.h"
#include "Dns.h"
#include "HttpServer.h"
#include "Loop.h"
#include <sys/resource.h> // setrlimit
#include "SafeBuf.h"
static void startSpidering ( ) ;
static void gotDocWrapper ( void *state , TcpSocket *s ) ;
static void sleepWrapper ( int fd , void *state ) ;
bool sendPageSEO(TcpSocket *s, HttpRequest *hr) {return true;}
bool g_recoveryMode;
static int32_t s_maxNumThreads = 1 ;
static int32_t s_launched = 0;
static int32_t s_total = 0;
static char *s_p = NULL;
static char *s_pend = NULL;
static bool s_portSwitch = 0;
static int32_t s_wait;
static int32_t s_lastTime = 0;
static int32_t s_printIt = true;
static char s_append[512];
static SafeBuf s_words;
static SafeBuf s_windices;
static char *s_server = NULL;
static int32_t s_numRandWords = 0;
int32_t getRandomWords(char *buf, char *bufend, int32_t numWords);
bool getWords();
bool mainShutdown ( bool urgent ) { return true; }
bool closeAll ( void *state , void (* callback)(void *state) ) {return true;}
bool allExit ( ) {return true;}
int main ( int argc , char *argv[] ) {
// let's ensure our core file can dump
struct rlimit lim;
lim.rlim_cur = lim.rlim_max = RLIM_INFINITY;
if ( setrlimit(RLIMIT_CORE,&lim) )
log("blaster::setrlimit: %s", mstrerror(errno) );
g_conf.m_maxMem = 500000000;
// init our table for doing zobrist hashing
if ( ! hashinit() ) {
log("blaster::hashinit failed" ); return 1; }
// init the memory class after conf since it gets maxMem from Conf
//if ( ! g_mem.init ( 20000000 ) ) {
// log("blaster::Mem init failed" ); return 1; }
g_mem.m_maxMem = 200000000;
// start up log file
if ( ! g_log.init( "/tmp/blasterLog" ) ) {
log("blaster::Log open /tmp/blasterLog failed" ); return 1; }
// get dns ip from /etc/resolv.conf
g_conf.m_dnsIps[0] = 0;
FILE *fd = fopen ( "/etc/resolv.conf" , "r" );
if ( ! fd ) {
log("blaster::fopen: /etc/resolve.conf %s",
mstrerror(errno)); return 1; }
char tmp[1024];
while ( fgets ( tmp , 1024 , fd ) ) {
// tmp buf ptr
char *p = tmp;
// skip comments
if ( *p == '#' ) continue;
// skip nameserver name
if ( ! isdigit(*p) ) while ( ! isspace ( *p ) ) p++ ;
// skip spaces
while ( isspace ( *p ) ) p++;
// if this is not a digit, continue
if ( ! isdigit(*p) ) continue;
// get ip
g_conf.m_dnsIps[0] = atoip ( p , gbstrlen(p) );
// done
fclose ( fd );
// if no dns server found, bail
if ( g_conf.m_dnsIps[0] == 0 ) {
log("blaster:: no dns ip found in /etc/resolv.conf");return 1;}
// hack # of dns servers
g_conf.m_numDns = 1;
g_conf.m_dnsPorts[0] = 53;
//g_conf.m_dnsIps [0] = atoip ( "", 11 );
//g_conf.m_dnsClientPort = 9909;
g_conf.m_dnsMaxCacheMem = 1024*10;
// hack http server port to -1 (none)
//g_conf.m_httpPort = 0;
g_conf.m_httpMaxSockets = 200;
//g_conf.m_httpMaxReadBufSize = 102*1024*1024;
g_conf.m_httpMaxSendBufSize = 16*1024;
//g_conf.m_httpMaxDownloadSockets = 200;
if ( argc != 4 && argc != 5 && argc !=6 ) {
fprintf(stderr,"USAGE: blaster [fileOfUrls | -r<num random words><server>] [maxNumThreads] [wait in ms] "
"<lines to skip> <string to append>\n");
fprintf(stderr,"USAGE: examples:\n");
fprintf(stderr,"USAGE: ./blaster queries.fromlog 10 1\n");
fprintf(stderr,"USAGE: ./blaster -r3 1 100\n");
return 1;
fprintf(stderr,"Logging to /tmp/blasterLog\n");
// init the loop
if ( ! g_loop.init() ) {
log("blaster::Loop init failed" ); return 1; }
// . then dns client
// . server should listen to a socket and register with g_loop
if ( ! g_dns.init(6000) ) {
log("blaster::Dns client init failed" ); return 1; }
// . then webserver
// . server should listen to a socket and register with g_loop
for(int32_t i = 0; i < 50; i++) {
if ( ! g_httpServer.init( 8333 + i, 9334+i ) ) {
log("blaster::HttpServer init failed" );
//return 1;
else break;
// set File class
char *fname = argv[1];
int32_t fnameLen = gbstrlen(fname);
int32_t fileSize = 0;
int32_t bufSize = 0;
char *buf = NULL;
int32_t n = 0;
//should we generate random queries?
if(fnameLen > 2 && fname[0] == '-' && fname[1] == 'r') {
char *p = fname + 2;
s_numRandWords = atoi( p );
while(is_digit(*p)) p++;
if(*p == '\0') goto printUsage;
s_server = p;
log("blaster server is %s", s_server);
// char x[1024];
// while(1) {
// int32_t l = getRandomWords(x, x + 1024, s_numRandWords);
// *(x + l) = '\0';
// log("blaster: %s", x);
// }
// exit(1);
else { //it is a real file
File f;
f.set ( fname );
// open file
if ( ! ( O_RDONLY ) ) {
log("blaster::open: %s %s",fname,mstrerror(g_errno));
return 1;
// get file size
fileSize = f.getFileSize() ;
// store a \0 at the end
bufSize = fileSize + 1;
// make buffer to hold all
buf = (char *) mmalloc ( bufSize , "blaster" );
if ( ! buf) {log("blaster::mmalloc: %s",mstrerror(errno));return 1;}
//char *bufEnd = buf + bufSize;
// set s_p
s_p = buf;
s_pend = buf + bufSize - 1;
// read em all in
if ( ! ( buf , fileSize , 0 ) ) {
log("blaster::read: %s %s",fname,mstrerror(g_errno));return 1;}
// change \n to \0
//char *p = buf;
for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < bufSize ; i++ ) {
if ( buf[i] != '\n' ) continue;
buf[i] = '\0';
// log a msg
log(LOG_INIT,"blaster: read %"INT32" urls into memory", n );
int32_t linesToSkip = 0;
if ( argc >= 5 ) {
linesToSkip = atoi ( argv[4] );
log (LOG_INIT,"blaster: skipping %"INT32" urls",linesToSkip);
for ( int32_t i = 0; i < linesToSkip && s_p < s_pend; i++ )
s_p += gbstrlen(s_p) + 1;
if ( argc == 6 ) {
int32_t len = gbstrlen ( argv[5] );
if ( len > 512 )
len = 512;
strncpy ( s_append , argv[5] , gbstrlen (argv[5]) );
s_append[0] = '\0';
// get min time bewteen each spider in milliseconds
s_wait = atoi( argv[3] );
// # of threads
s_maxNumThreads = 1;
s_maxNumThreads = atoi ( argv[2] );
s_portSwitch = 0;
//if ( argc == 4 ) s_portSwitch = 1;
//else s_portSwitch = 0;
// start our spider loop
//startSpidering( );
// wakeup wrapper every X ms
g_loop.registerSleepCallback ( s_wait , NULL , sleepWrapper );
//msg10.addUrls ( uu , gbstrlen(uu)+1, NULL,0,time(0),4,true,NULL,NULL);
// . now start g_loops main interrupt handling loop
// . it should block forever
// . when it gets a signal it dispatches to a server or db to handle it
if ( ! g_loop.runLoop() ) {
log("blaster::runLoop failed" ); return 1; }
// dummy return (0-->normal exit status for the shell)
return 0;
void sleepWrapper ( int fd , void *state ) {
void startSpidering ( ) {
// url class for parsing/normalizing url
Url u;
// count total urls done
static int64_t s_startTime = 0;
// set startTime
if ( s_startTime == 0 ) s_startTime = gettimeofdayInMilliseconds();
// get time now
int64_t now = gettimeofdayInMilliseconds();
// elapsed time to do all urls
double took = (double)(now - s_startTime) / 1000.0 ;
// log this every 20 urls
if ( s_printIt && s_total > 0 && ( s_total % 20 ) == 0 ) {
logf(LOG_INFO,"did %"INT32" urls in %f seconds. %f urls per second."
" threads now = %"INT32".",
s_total , took , ((double)s_total) / took, s_launched);
s_printIt = false;
// did we wait int32_t enough?
if ( now - s_lastTime < s_wait ) return;
s_lastTime = now;
// . use HttpServer.getDoc() to fetch it
// . fetch X at a time
while ( (s_server || s_p < s_pend) && s_launched < s_maxNumThreads ) {
// clear any error
g_errno = 0;
//append s_append to the url
char url[MAX_URL_LEN];
char *p = url;
char *pend = url + MAX_URL_LEN;
char *t = NULL;
if(s_server) {
int32_t len = gbstrlen(s_server);
gbmemcpy ( p, s_server, len);
p += len;
p += getRandomWords(p, pend, s_numRandWords);
int32_t appendLen = gbstrlen(s_append);
if ( p + appendLen < pend ) {
gbmemcpy ( p, s_append, gbstrlen(s_append) );
p += gbstrlen(s_append);
*p++ = '\0';
u.set ( url , p - url);
t = g_mem.strdup(url, "saved url");
else {
gbmemcpy ( p, s_p, gbstrlen(s_p));
p += gbstrlen ( s_p );
if ( gbstrlen(s_p) + gbstrlen(s_append) < MAX_URL_LEN )
gbmemcpy ( p, s_append, gbstrlen(s_append) );
p += gbstrlen(s_append);
//null end
*p ='\0';
// make into a url class
u.set ( url , gbstrlen(url) );
// set port if port switch is true
//if ( s_portSwitch ) {
// int32_t r = rand() % 32;
// u.setPort ( 8000 + r );
// save s_p
t = s_p;
// skip to next url
s_p += gbstrlen ( s_p ) + 1;
// count it
// get it
bool status = g_httpServer.getDoc ( u.getUrl() , // url
0, // ip
0 , // offset
-1 , // size
0 , // ifModifiedSince
(void *)t , // state
gotDocWrapper, // callback
20*1000, // timeout
0, // proxy ip
0, // proxy port
30*1024*1024, //maxLen
// continue if it blocked
if ( ! status ) continue;
// otherwise, got it right away
// log msg
log("got doc1 %s: %s", u.getUrl() , mstrerror(g_errno) );
// we gotta wait
// bail if not done yet
//if ( s_launched > 0 ) return;
if ( s_server || s_p < s_pend ) return;
// otherwise, we're all done
logf(LOG_INFO,"blaster: did %"INT32" urls in %f seconds. %f urls per "
s_total , took , ((double)s_total) / took );
// exit now
exit ( 0 );
void gotDocWrapper ( void *state , TcpSocket *s ) {
// no longer launched
char* url = (char*)state;
// bail if got cut off
if ( s->m_readOffset == 0 ) {
log("lost %s",(char *) state);
if(s_server) mfree(url, gbstrlen(url)+1, "saved url");
// got one more result page
// allow printing
s_printIt = true;
// get time now
int64_t now = gettimeofdayInMilliseconds();
// get hash
char *reply = s->m_readBuf ;
int32_t size = s->m_readOffset;
HttpMime mime;
mime.set ( reply , size , NULL );
char *content = reply + mime.getMimeLen();
int32_t contentLen = size - mime.getMimeLen();
int32_t status = mime.getHttpStatus();
uint32_t h = hash32 ( content , contentLen );
char *p = mime.getMime();
char *pend = p + mime.getMimeLen();
char message[256];
int32_t mlen = 0;
// parse status message out of response
// HTTP/1.0
while ( p < pend && !isspace(*p) ) p++;
// skip space
while ( p < pend && isspace(*p) ) p++;
// copy to end of line
while (p < pend && mlen < 255 && *p != '\r' && *p != '\n'){
message[mlen++] = *p;
message[mlen] = '\0';
// log msg
if ( g_errno )
logf(LOG_INFO,"blaster: got doc (status=%"INT32") (%"INT32") (%"INT32"ms) %s : "
"%s", status,
s->m_readOffset ,
(int32_t)(now - s->m_startTime) ,
(char *)state ,
mstrerror(g_errno) );
logf(LOG_INFO,"blaster: got doc (status=%"INT32") (%"INT32") (%"INT32"ms) "
"(hash=%"XINT32") %s", status,
s->m_readOffset ,
(int32_t)(now - s->m_startTime) ,
h ,
(char *)state );
if(s_server) mfree(url, gbstrlen(url)+1, "saved url");
// try to launch another
int32_t getRandomWords(char *buf, char *bufend, int32_t numWords) {
int32_t totalWords = s_windices.length() / sizeof(int32_t);
char *p = buf;
while(1) {
int32_t wordNum = rand() % totalWords;
int32_t windex = *(int32_t*)(&s_windices[wordNum*sizeof(int32_t)]);
int32_t wlen = gbstrlen(&s_words[windex]);
if(wlen + 1 + p >= bufend) return p - buf;
gbmemcpy(p, &s_words[windex], wlen);
p += wlen;
if(--numWords <= 0) return p - buf;
*p++ = '+';
return p - buf;
bool getWords() {
FILE *fd = fopen ( "/usr/share/dict/words" , "r" );
if ( ! fd ) {
log("blaster:: failed to open /usr/share/dict/words %s",
return 1;
char tmp[1024];
while ( fgets ( tmp , 1024 , fd ) ) {
int32_t len = gbstrlen(tmp);
if(len > 2 && tmp[len-2] == 's' && tmp[len-3] == '\'') continue;
s_windices += s_words.length();
s_words.safeMemcpy(tmp, len-1); //copy in data minus the newline
s_words += '\0';
fclose ( fd );
log("blaster: read %"INT32" words, %"INT32" bytes in from dictionary.",
s_windices.length() / sizeof(int32_t), s_words.length());
return true;