Zak Betz baa817b51d Fix load balance of msg22s to use the udp slots in pinginfo.
Fix sigchild interrupting popen, when pdftohtml segfaults
popen was hanging forever.
Fix another bug when content length in http header was one off.
2015-11-03 11:51:19 -07:00

2868 lines
88 KiB

#include "gb-include.h"
#include "Hostdb.h"
#include "HashTableT.h"
#include "UdpServer.h"
#include "Threads.h"
#include "Process.h"
#include <sched.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/wait.h>
#include "sort.h"
#include "Rdb.h" // RDB_INDEXDB,...
//#include "Indexdb.h"
#include "Posdb.h"
#include "Titledb.h"
#include "Spider.h"
#include "Clusterdb.h"
#include "Datedb.h"
#include "Tfndb.h"
#include "Dns.h"
#include "Revdb.h"
//extern bool g_isYippy;
// a global class extern'd in .h file
Hostdb g_hostdb;
// the supplemental network used to get titleRecs from by
// for harvesting link text from the larger index
Hostdb g_hostdb2;
//HashTableT <uint64_t, uint32_t> g_hostTableUdp;
//HashTableT <uint64_t, uint32_t> g_hostTableTcp;
HashTableX g_hostTableUdp;
HashTableX g_hostTableTcp;
Host *g_listHosts [ MAX_HOSTS * 4 ];
uint32_t g_listIps [ MAX_HOSTS * 4 ];
uint16_t g_listPorts [ MAX_HOSTS * 4 ];
int32_t g_listNumTotal = 0;
bool isMyIp ( int32_t ip ) ;
void Hostdb::resetPortTables () {
static int cmp ( const void *h1 , const void *h2 ) ;
//static int cmp2 ( const void *h1 , const void *h2 ) ;
//static void *syncStartWrapper_r ( void *state );
//static void syncDoneWrapper ( void *state );
//static void syncWrapper ( int fd, void *state );
//pid_t g_syncpid = -1;
//int32_t g_syncticker = 0;
//int32_t g_syncTimeout = -1;
Hostdb::Hostdb ( ) {
m_hosts = NULL;
m_numHosts = 0;
m_ips = NULL;
m_syncHost = NULL;
m_initialized = false;
m_crcValid = false;
m_crc = 0;
m_created = false;
m_myHost = NULL;
Hostdb::~Hostdb () {
void Hostdb::reset ( ) {
// for ( int32_t i = 0 ; m_hosts && i < m_numHosts ; i++ ) {
// Host *h = &m_hosts[i];
// // if nothing do not try to free it
// if ( ! h->m_lastKnownGoodCrawlInfoReply ) continue;
// mfree ( h->m_lastKnownGoodCrawlInfoReply ,
// h->m_replyAllocSize ,
// "lknown" );
// // do not re-free
// h->m_lastKnownGoodCrawlInfoReply = NULL;
// }
if ( m_hosts )
mfree ( m_hosts, m_allocSize,"Hostdb" );
if ( m_ips ) mfree ( m_ips , m_numIps * 4, "Hostdb" );
m_hosts = NULL;
m_ips = NULL;
m_numIps = 0;
m_syncHost = NULL;
char *Hostdb::getNetName ( ) {
if ( this == &g_hostdb ) return "default";
return m_netName;
// . gets filename that contains the hosts from the Conf file
// . return false on errro
// . g_errno may NOT be set
bool Hostdb::init ( int32_t hostIdArg , char *netName ,
bool proxyHost , char useTmpCluster , char *cwd ) {
// reset my ip and port
m_myIp = 0;
m_myIpShotgun = 0;
m_myPort = 0;
m_myHost = NULL;
//m_myPort2 = 0;
m_numHosts = 0;
m_numHostsPerShard = 0;
m_loopbackIp = atoip ( "" , 9 );
m_useTmpCluster = useTmpCluster;
m_initialized = true;
char *dir = "./";
if ( cwd ) dir = cwd;
// try localhosts.conf first
char *filename = "hosts.conf";
//if ( strcmp ( filename , "hosts.conf" ) == 0 )
// filename = "localhosts.conf";
//bool triedEtc = false;
// for now we autodetermine
if ( hostIdArg != -1 ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// init to -1
m_hostId = -1;
// for yippy use host as port
int32_t yippyPort;
if ( g_isYippy ) {
yippyPort = hostId;
hostId = 0;
// save the name of the network... we can have multiple networks now
// since we need to get title recs from separate networks for getting
// link text for
m_netName[0] = '\0';
if ( netName ) strncpy ( m_netName , netName , 31 );
// make sure our hostId is in our conf file
//if ( hostId < 0 )
// return log(
// "conf: Negative hostId %"INT32" supplied",hostId);
// set early for calling log()
//m_hostId = hostId;
// set clock in sync in fctypes.cpp
//if ( m_hostId == 0 ) g_clockInSync = true;
// log it
//if(this == &g_hostdb) logf(LOG_INIT,"conf: HostId is %"INT32".",m_hostId);
// . File::open() open old if it exists, otherwise,
File f;
f.set ( dir , filename );
// . returns -1 on error and sets g_errno
// . returns false if does not exist, true otherwise
int32_t status = f.doesExist();
int32_t numRead;
// skip config file for yippy
if ( g_isYippy ) {
m_bufSize = sprintf(m_buf,
"port-offset: 0\n"
"index-splits: 1\n"
"working-dir: /home/emily/\n"
"proxy \n"
goto skip;
// return false on error (g_errno should be set)
if ( status <= -1 ) return false;
// return false if the conf file does not exist
if ( status == 0 ) {
// hosts2.conf is not necessary
if ( this == &g_hostdb2 ) return true;
// if doing localhosts.conf now try hosts.conf
// if ( ! triedEtc ) { //strcmp(filename,"hosts.conf") == 0 ) {
// triedEtc = true;
// dir = "/etc/gigablast/";
// //filename = "hosts.conf";
// g_errno = 0;
// goto retry;
// }
// now we generate one if that is not there
if ( ! m_created ) {
m_created = true;
g_errno = 0;
dir = cwd;
createHostsConf( cwd );
goto retry;
log("conf: Filename %s does not exist." ,filename);
return false;
// get file size
m_bufSize = f.getFileSize();
// return false if too big
if ( m_bufSize > (MAX_HOSTS+MAX_SPARES) * 128 ) {
return log(
"conf: %s has filesize "
"of %"INT32" bytes, which is greater than %"INT32" max.",
// note it
//log("host: reading %s",f.getFilename());
// save it
// open the file
if ( ! ( O_RDONLY ) ) return false;
// read in the file
numRead = ( m_buf , m_bufSize , 0 /*offset*/ );
// ensure g_errno is now set if numRead != m_bufSize
if ( numRead != m_bufSize )
return log(
"conf: Error reading "
"%s : %s." , filename,mstrerror(g_errno));
// NULL terminate what we read
m_buf [ m_bufSize ] = '\0';
// skip:
// how many hosts do we have?
char *p = m_buf;
char *pend = m_buf + m_bufSize;
int32_t i = 0;
m_numSpareHosts = 0;
m_numProxyHosts = 0;
m_numHosts = 0;
for ( ; *p ; p++ ) {
if ( is_wspace_a (*p) ) continue;
// skip comments
if ( *p == '#' ) { while ( *p && *p != '\n' ) p++; continue; }
// MUST be a number
if ( ! is_digit ( *p ) ) {
// skip known directives
if ( ! strncmp(p,"port-offset:",12) ||
! strncmp(p,"index-splits:",13) ||
! strncmp(p,"num-mirrors:",12) ||
! strncmp(p,"working-dir:",12) )
p = p;
// check if this is a spare host
else if ( //pend - p < 5 &&
strncasecmp(p, "spare", 5) == 0 )
// count as a spare
// check if this is a proxy host
else if ( //pend - p < 5 &&
strncasecmp(p, "proxy", 5) == 0 )
// count as a spare
// query compression proxies count as proxies
else if ( strncasecmp(p, "qcproxy", 7) == 0 )
// spider compression proxies count as proxies
else if ( strncasecmp(p, "scproxy", 7) == 0 )
return log("conf: %s is malformed. First "
"item of each non-comment line "
"must be a NUMERIC hostId, "
"SPARE or PROXY. line=%s",filename,
// count it as a host
// skip line
while ( *p && *p != '\n' ) p++;
// set g_errno, log and return false if no hosts found in the file
if ( i == 0 ) {
g_errno = ENOHOSTS;
log("conf: No host entries found in %s.",filename);
goto createFile;
return false;
// alloc space for this many Hosts structures
// save buffer size
m_allocSize = sizeof(Host) * i;
m_hosts = (Host *) mcalloc ( m_allocSize ,"Hostdb");
if ( ! m_hosts ) return log(
"conf: Memory allocation failed.");
//uint32_t maxShard = 0;
int32_t numGrunts = 0;
// now fill up m_hosts
p = m_buf;
i = 0;
int32_t line = 1;
//uint32_t lastShard = 0;
int32_t proxyNum = 0;
// assume defaults
//int32_t portOffset = -99999;
int32_t indexSplits = 0;
char *wdir2 = NULL;
int32_t wdirlen2 = 0;
int32_t numMirrors = -1;
for ( ; *p ; p++ , line++ ) {
if ( is_wspace_a (*p) ) continue;
// skip comments
if ( *p == '#' ) { while ( *p && *p != '\n' ) p++; continue; }
// does the line say "port-offset: xxxx" ?
if ( ! strncmp(p,"index-splits:",13) ) {
p += 13;
// skip spaces after the colon
while ( is_wspace_a(*p) ) p++;
indexSplits = atol(p);
while ( *p && *p != '\n' ) p++;
if ( ! strncmp(p,"num-mirrors:",12) ) {
p += 12;
// skip spaces after the colon
while ( is_wspace_a(*p) ) p++;
numMirrors = atol(p);
while ( *p && *p != '\n' ) p++;
// does the line say "working-dir: xxxx" ?
if ( ! strncmp(p,"working-dir:",12) ) {
p += 12;
// skip spaces after the colon
while ( is_wspace_a(*p) ) p++;
wdir2 = p;
// skip until not space
while ( *p && ! is_wspace_a(*p) ) p++;
// set length
wdirlen2 = p - wdir2;
// mark the end
char *end = p;
while ( *p && *p != '\n' ) p++;
// null term it
*end = '\0';
// skip any spaces at start of line
while ( is_wspace_a(*p) ) p++;
// get host in order
Host *h = &m_hosts[i];
// clear it
memset ( h , 0 , sizeof(Host) );
// . see what type of host this is
// . proxies are not given numbers as yet in the hosts.conf
// so number them in the order in which they come
if ( is_digit(*p) ) {
h->m_type = HT_GRUNT;
h->m_hostId = atoi(p);
else if ( strncasecmp(p,"spare",5)==0 ) {
h->m_type = HT_SPARE;
h->m_hostId = -1;
else if ( strncasecmp(p,"qcproxy",7)==0 ) {
h->m_type = HT_QCPROXY;
h->m_hostId = proxyNum++;
else if ( strncasecmp(p,"scproxy",7)==0 ) {
h->m_type = HT_SCPROXY;
h->m_hostId = proxyNum++;
else if ( strncasecmp(p,"proxy",5)==0 ) {
h->m_type = HT_PROXY;
h->m_hostId = proxyNum++;
// ignore old version "port-offset:"
else if ( strncasecmp(p,"port-offset:",12)==0 ) {
while ( *p && *p != '\n' ) p++;
else {
logf(LOG_INFO,"hosts: hosts.conf bad line: %s",p);
return false;
//bool isSpare = false;
//bool isProxy = false;
//if ( i >= m_numHosts && i < (m_numHosts + m_numSpareHosts) )
// isSpare = true;
//if (i >= (m_numHosts + m_numSpareHosts) )
// isProxy = true;
char *wdir;
int32_t wdirlen;
// reset this
h->m_pingMax = -1;
h->m_retired = false;
// skip numeric hostid or "proxy" keyword
while ( ! is_wspace_a(*p) ) p++;
// read in switch id
//h->m_switchId = atoi(p);
// skip spaces after hostid or "proxy" keyword
//while ( ! is_wspace_a(*p) ) p++;
// skip spaces after hostid/port/spare keyword
while ( is_wspace_a(*p) ) p++;
// if proxy get proxy id
if ( ! ( h->m_type & HT_GRUNT ) ) {
// get the hostid
h->m_hostId = atol(p);
// skip that
for ( ; is_digit(*p) ; p++ );
// skip spaces after it
while ( is_wspace_a(*p) ) p++;
int32_t port1 = 6002;
int32_t port2 = 7002;
int32_t port3 = 8002;
int32_t port4 = 9002;
// support old format "000 gk0" and use default ports above
//if ( p[0] == 'g' && p[1] == 'k' ) goto skip;
// sp1 is the proxy
//if ( p[0] == 's' && p[1] == 'p' ) goto skip;
// now the four ports
port1 = atol(p);
// skip digits
for ( ; is_digit(*p) ; p++ );
// skip spaces after it
while ( is_wspace_a(*p) ) p++;
port2 = atol(p);
// skip digits
for ( ; is_digit(*p) ; p++ );
// skip spaces after it
while ( is_wspace_a(*p) ) p++;
port3 = atol(p);
// skip digits
for ( ; is_digit(*p) ; p++ );
// skip spaces after it
while ( is_wspace_a(*p) ) p++;
port4 = atol(p);
// skip digits
for ( ; is_digit(*p) ; p++ );
// skip spaces after it
while ( is_wspace_a(*p) ) p++;
// set our ports
h->m_dnsClientPort = port1; // 6000
h->m_httpsPort = port2; // 7000
h->m_httpPort = port3; // 8000
h->m_port = port4; // 9000
// then hostname
char *host = p;
// . sanity check, hostname must start with letter
// . nah, it can be an ip now!
//if ( ! is_alpha_a(*p) ) {
// log("admin: hostname %s is bad",p);
// g_errno = EBADENGINEER;
// return false;
// skip hostname (can be an ip now)
while ( *p && (*p=='.'||is_alnum_a(*p)) ) p++;
// get length
int32_t hlen = p - host;
// limit
if ( hlen > 15 ) {
log("admin: hostname too long in hosts.conf");
return false;
// copy it
gbmemcpy ( h->m_hostname , host , hlen );
// null term it
h->m_hostname[hlen] = '\0';
// need this for hashing
// if hostname is an ip that's ok i guess
int32_t ip = atoip ( h->m_hostname );
// for localhost
//if ( ! ip && host &&
// ! strncasecmp(host,"localhost",9) ) {
// ip = atoip("");
// if not an ip, look it up
if ( ! ip ) {
// get key
key_t k = hash96 ( host , hlen );
// get eth0 ip of hostname in /etc/hosts
g_dns.isInFile ( k , &ip );
//g_errno = EBADENGINEER;
//log("admin: hostname \"%s\" in "
// "hosts.conf "
// "not in /etc/hosts",h->m_hostname);
//return false;
// still bad?
if ( ! ip ) {
log("admin: no ip for hostname \"%s\" in "
"hosts.conf in /etc/hosts",
return false;
// store the ip
h->m_ip = ip;
// get possible 2nd hostname
// skip spaces or until \n
for ( ; *p == ' ' ; p++ );
// must be a 2nd hostname
char *hostname2 = NULL;
int32_t hlen2 = 0;
if ( *p != '\n' ) {
hostname2 = p;
// find end of it
for ( ; *p=='.' ||
is_digit(*p) ||
is_alnum_a(*p) ; p++ );
hlen2 = p - hostname2;
int32_t inc = 0;
int32_t ip2 = 0;
// was it "retired"?
if ( hostname2 && strncasecmp(hostname2,"retired",7) == 0 ) {
h->m_retired = true;
hostname2 = NULL;
//goto retired;
// if no secondary hostname for "gk2" (e.g.) try "gki2"
char tmp2[32];
if ( ! hostname2 && host[0]=='g' && host[1]=='k') {
int32_t hn = atol(host+2);
hostname2 = tmp2;
// limit
if ( hlen2 > 15 ) {
log("admin: hostname too long in hosts.conf");
return false;
// a direct ip address?
if ( hostname2 ) {
gbmemcpy ( h->m_hostname2,hostname2,hlen2);
h->m_hostname2[hlen2] = '\0';
ip2 = atoip ( h->m_hostname2 );
if ( ! ip2 && hostname2 ) {
// set this ip
//int32_t nextip;
// now that must have the eth1 ip in /etc/hosts
key_t k = hash96 ( h->m_hostname2 , hlen2 );
// get eth1 ip of hostname in /etc/hosts
if ( ! g_dns.isInFile ( k , &ip2 ) ) {
log("admin: secondary host %s in hosts.conf "
"not in /etc/hosts. Using secondary "
"ethernet (eth1) ip "
"of %s",hostname2,iptoa(ip));
//nextip = ip;
// just use the old ip then!
//g_errno = EBADENGINEER;
//return false;
// if none, use initial ip as shotgun as well
if ( ! ip2 ) ip2 = ip;
// store the ip, the eth1 ip
h->m_ipShotgun = ip2; // nextip;
// . "p" should not point to first char after hostname
// . a special inc
inc = 0;
if ( useTmpCluster ) inc = 1;
// proxies never get their port inc'd
if ( h->m_type & (HT_ALL_PROXIES) ) inc = 0;
// . now p should point to first char after hostname
// . skip spaces and tabs
while ( *p && (*p==' '|| *p=='\t') )p++;
// is "RETIRED" after hostname?
if ( strncasecmp(p,"retired",7) == 0 )
h->m_retired = true;
// for qcproxies, the next thing is always an
// ip:port of another proxy that we forward the
// queries to.
if ( h->m_type & HT_QCPROXY ) {
char *s = p;
for ( ; *s && *s!=':' ; s++ );
int32_t ip = 0;
if ( *s == ':' ) ip = atoip(p,s-p);
int32_t port = 0;
if ( *s ) port = atol(s+1);
// sanity
if ( ip == 0 || port == 0 ) {
log("admin: bad qcproxy line. must "
"have ip:port after hostname.");
return false;
h->m_forwardIp = ip;
h->m_forwardPort = port;
// skip that to port offset now
for ( ; *p && *p!=' ' && *p !='\t' ; p++);
// then skip spaces
for ( ; *p && (*p==' '|| *p=='\t') ; p++ );
// yippy hack
//if ( g_isYippy ) {
// h->m_httpPort = yippyPort; // 80;
// and other stuff
//h->m_ideChannel = 0;
// our group is based on our split!
//h->m_group = i % g_hostdb.m_indexSplits; // # grps
//h->m_group = i % indexSplits; // # grps
//h->m_shardNum = i % indexSplits;
// i guess proxy and spares don't count
if ( h->m_type != HT_GRUNT ) h->m_shardNum = 0;
// are we a compression proxy?
//h->m_isCompressionProxy = false;
//bool isLocal = false;
//uint8_t *p = (uint8_t *)&h->m_ip;
//if ( p[0] == 10 ) isLocal = true;
//if ( p[0] == 192 && p[1] == 168 ) isLocal = true;
//if ( h->m_ip == 16777343 ) isLocal = true;
// compression proxies are off network so they can
// compress the spidered docs before sending to our
// network to save our bandwidth costs since our local
// fiber connection is expensive
//if ( isProxy && ! isLocal )
// h->m_isCompressionProxy = false;
// this is the same
wdir = wdir2;
wdirlen = wdirlen2; // gbstrlen ( wdir2 );
// and skip the old parsing junk
//goto skip;
// check for working dir override
if ( *p == '/' ) {
wdir = p;
while ( *p && ! isspace(*p) ) p++;
wdirlen = p - wdir;
if ( ! wdir ) {
log("admin: need working-dir for host "
"in hosts.conf line %"INT32"",line);
return false;
// check for something after the working dir
h->m_note[0] = '\0';
if ( *p != '\n' ) {
// save the note
char *n = p;
while ( *n && *n != '\n' && n < pend ) n++;
int32_t noteSize = n - p;
if ( noteSize > 127 ) noteSize = 127;
gbmemcpy(h->m_note, p, noteSize);
*p++ = '\0'; // NULL terminate for atoip
*p = '\0';
sscanf ( p ,
"%"INT32" %s %s %hu %hu %hu %hu %hu %"INT32" %"INT32" %s" ,
&h->m_hostId ,
ipbuf1 ,
ipbuf2 ,
&h->m_port ,
&h->m_port2 ,
&h->m_dnsClientPort ,
&h->m_httpPort ,
&h->m_ideChannel ,
wdir );
// keep these the same for now
h->m_externalHttpPort = h->m_httpPort;
h->m_externalHttpsPort = h->m_httpsPort;
// get max group number
//if ( h->m_shardNum > maxShard && h->m_type==HT_GRUNT )
// maxShard = h->m_shardNum;
if ( h->m_type == HT_GRUNT )
if ( h->m_shardNum <= lastShard && h->m_shardNum != 0
&& !(h->m_type&(HT_ALL_PROXIES)) ) {
return log("conf: Host has bad shard # in %s line %"INT32". "
"Shard #'s must be strictly increasing, with "
"the exception of going from the last "
"shard # to the shard # of zero.",
lastShard = h->m_shardNum;
// skip line now
while ( *p && *p != '\n' )
// ensure they're in proper order without gaps
if ( h->m_type==HT_GRUNT && h->m_hostId != i ) {
g_errno = EBADHOSTID;
return log(
"conf: Unordered hostId of %"INT32", should be %"INT32" "
"in %s line %"INT32".",
// and working dir
if ( wdirlen > 127 ) {
return log(
"conf: Host working dir too long in "
"%s line %"INT32".",filename,line);
if ( wdirlen <= 0 ) {
return log(
"conf: No working dir supplied in "
"%s line %"INT32".",filename,line);
// make sure it is legit
if ( wdir[0] != '/' ) {
return log(
"conf: working dir must start "
"with / in %s line %"INT32"",filename,line);
//wdir [ wdirlen ] = '\0';
// take off slash if there
if ( wdir[wdirlen-1]=='/' ) wdir[--wdirlen]='\0';
// get real path (no symlinks symbolic links)
// only if on same IP!!!!
if ( isMyIp ( h->m_ip ) ) {
char tmp[256];
int32_t tlen = readlink ( wdir , tmp , 250 );
// if we got the actual path, copy that over
if ( tlen != -1 ) {
// wdir currently references into the
// hosts.conf buf so don't store the expanded
// directory into there
wdir = tmp;
wdirlen = tlen;
// add slash if none there
if ( wdir[wdirlen-1] !='/' ) wdir[wdirlen++] = '/';
// don't breach Host::m_dir[128] buffer
if ( wdirlen >= 128 ) {
log("conf: working dir %s is too long, >= 128 chars.",
return false;
// copy it over
//strcpy ( m_hosts[i].m_dir , wdir );
gbmemcpy(m_hosts[i].m_dir, wdir, wdirlen);
m_hosts[i].m_dir[wdirlen] = '\0';
// reset this
//m_hosts[i].m_pingInfo.m_lastPing = 0LL;
m_hosts[i].m_lastPing = 0LL;
// and don't send emails on him until we got a good ping
m_hosts[i].m_emailCode = -2;
// we do not know if it is in sync
m_hosts[i].m_syncStatus = 2;
// not doing a sync right now
m_hosts[i].m_doingSync = 0;
// so UdpServer.cpp knows if we are in g_hostdb or g_hostdb2
m_hosts[i].m_hostdb = this;
// reset these
m_hosts[i].m_pingInfo.m_flags = 0;
m_hosts[i].m_pingInfo.m_cpuUsage = 0.0;
m_hosts[i].m_loadAvg = 0.0;
// point to next one
//m_numHosts = i;
m_numTotalHosts = i;
// how many shards are we configure for?
//m_numShards = maxShard + 1; // g_conf.m_numGroups;
// # of mirrors is zero if no mirrors,
// if it is 1 then each host has ONE MIRROR host
if ( numMirrors == 0 )
indexSplits = numGrunts;
if ( numMirrors > 0 )
indexSplits = numGrunts / (numMirrors+1);
if ( indexSplits == 0 ) {
log("admin: need num-mirrors: xxx or "
"index-splits: xxx directive "
"in hosts.conf");
return false;
numMirrors = (numGrunts / indexSplits) - 1 ;
if ( numMirrors < 0 ) {
log("admin: need num-mirrors: xxx or "
"index-splits: xxx directive "
"in hosts.conf (2)");
return false;
m_indexSplits = indexSplits;
m_numShards = numGrunts / (numMirrors+1);
// set Host::m_shardNum
for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < numGrunts ; i++ ) {
Host *h = &m_hosts[i];
h->m_shardNum = i % indexSplits;
// assign spare hosts
if ( m_numSpareHosts > MAX_SPARES ) {
log ( "conf: Number of spares (%"INT32") exceeds max of %i, "
"truncating.", m_numSpareHosts, MAX_SPARES );
m_numSpareHosts = MAX_SPARES;
for ( i = 0; i < m_numSpareHosts; i++ ) {
m_spareHosts[i] = &m_hosts[m_numHosts + i];
// assign proxy hosts
if ( m_numProxyHosts > MAX_PROXIES ) {
log ( "conf: Number of proxies (%"INT32") exceeds max of %i, "
"truncating.", m_numProxyHosts, MAX_PROXIES );
char *xx=NULL;*xx=0;
m_numProxyHosts = MAX_PROXIES;
for ( i = 0; i < m_numProxyHosts; i++ ) {
m_proxyHosts[i] = &m_hosts[m_numHosts + m_numSpareHosts + i];
m_proxyHosts[i]->m_isProxy = true;
// sanity
if ( m_proxyHosts[i]->m_type == 0 ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// log discovered hosts
log ( LOG_INFO, "conf: Discovered %"INT32" hosts and %"INT32" spares and "
"%"INT32" proxies.",m_numHosts, m_numSpareHosts, m_numProxyHosts );
// if we have m_numShards we must have
int32_t hostsPerShard = m_numHosts / m_numShards;
// must be exact fit
if ( hostsPerShard * m_numShards != m_numHosts ) {
return log("conf: Bad number of hosts for %"INT32" shards "
"in hosts.conf.",m_numShards);
// count number of hosts in each shard
for ( i = 0 ; i < m_numShards ; i++ ) {
int32_t count = 0;
for ( int32_t j = 0 ; j < m_numHosts ; j++ )
if ( m_hosts[j].m_shardNum == (uint32_t)i )
if ( count != hostsPerShard ) {
return log("conf: Number of hosts in each shard "
"in %s is not equal.",filename);
// assume no ide sharing
//m_ideSharing = false;
// . print warning
// . TODO: speed this up when we get a lot of hosts
for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < m_numHosts ; i++ ) {
int32_t count = 0;
for ( int32_t j = 0 ; j < m_numHosts ; j++ ) {
if ( m_hosts[i].m_ip == m_hosts[j].m_ip &&
m_hosts[i].m_ideChannel ==m_hosts[j].m_ideChannel)
// do we have any ide sharing going on?
if ( count >= 2 ) m_ideSharing = true;
// . make sure this is a legit # of hosts
// . numGroups should divide it evenly
// . TODO: actually should be a power of 2!!
//if ( getNumBitsOn ( (uint32_t)m_numHosts ) != 1 ) {
// g_errno = EBADNUMHOSTS;
// return log(
// "conf: Number of hosts in %s is not power "
// "of 2",hostsPerGroup,filename);
if ( getNumBitsOn ( (uint32_t)m_numHosts ) != 1 ) {
return log(
"conf: Number of hosts in %s is not power "
"of 2",filename);
// set the groupId for each host
//for ( i = 0 ; i < m_numHosts ; i++ )
// m_hosts[i].m_groupId = g_hostdb.makeGroupId ( i, m_numGroups);
// set group #
//for ( i = 0 ; i < m_numHosts ; i++ )
// m_hosts[i].m_groupNum = i / hostsPerGroup;
// now sort hosts by shard # then HOST id (both ascending order)
gbsort ( m_hosts , m_numHosts , sizeof(Host), cmp );
// ensure hosts in order of groupId then hostId
//for ( i = 1 ; i < m_numHosts ; i++ ) {
// if ( m_hosts[i-1].m_groupId < m_hosts[i].m_groupId)continue;
// if ( m_hosts[i-1].m_groupId == m_hosts[i].m_groupId &&
// m_hosts[i-1].m_hostId < m_hosts[i].m_hostId )continue;
// return log(
// "conf: Hosts in %s not sorted correctly. "
// "Check order of hostId and groupId.",filename);
// . set m_shards array
// . m_shards[i] is the first host in shardId "i"
// . any other hosts w/ same shardId immediately follow it
// . loop through each shard
int32_t j;
for ( i = 0 ; i < m_numShards ; i++ ) {
for ( j = 0 ; j < m_numHosts ; j++ )
if ( m_hosts[j].m_hostId == i ) break;
// this points to list of all hosts in shard #j since
// we sorted m_hosts by shardId
m_shards[i] = &m_hosts[j];
// . set m_hostPtrs now so Hostdb::getHost() works
// . the hosts are sorted by shard first so we must be careful
for ( i = 0 ; i < m_numHosts ; i++ ) {
int32_t j = m_hosts[i].m_hostId;
m_hostPtrs[j] = &m_hosts[i];
// reset this count to 1, 1 counts for ourselves
if(proxyHost) {
//m_numHostsAlive = 1;
m_numProxyAlive = 1;
//m_numProxyAlive = m_numProxyHosts;
else {
m_numHostsAlive = 1;
//m_numProxyAlive = m_numProxyHosts;
// sometimes g_conf is not loaded, so fake it
int32_t deadHostTimeout = g_conf.m_deadHostTimeout;
// make sure it is bigger than anything
if ( deadHostTimeout == 0 ) deadHostTimeout = 0x7fffffff;
// reset ping/stdDev times
for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < m_numHosts ; i++ ) {
//m_hosts[i].m_pingAvg = 100; // 100 ms
//m_hosts[i].m_pingStdDev = 50; // with a of 50 ms
// assume everybody is dead, except us
m_hosts[i].m_ping = deadHostTimeout;
m_hosts[i].m_pingShotgun = deadHostTimeout;
m_hosts[i].m_loadAvg = 0.0;
// no, we want Multicast to obey QueryRouter's first hosts
// on startup
//m_hosts[i].m_ping = 0;
// assume dead until we can ping it
//m_hosts[i].m_ping = DEAD_HOST_PING + 1;
// but we're not dead
//if ((this == &g_hostdb2) || (m_hosts[i].m_hostId == hostId)) {
// m_hosts[i].m_ping = 0;
// m_hosts[i].m_pingShotgun = 0;
// m_hosts[i].m_loadAvg = g_process.getLoadAvg();
// not in progress
m_hosts[i].m_inProgress1 = false;
m_hosts[i].m_inProgress2 = false;
m_hosts[i].m_numPingReplies = 0;
m_hosts[i].m_preferEth = 0;
// reset m_ping
//for ( int32_t j = 0 ; j < 4; j++ ) m_hosts[i].m_pings[j] = 100;
// a debug note
//log("########## FIX ME ###########");
// . set the m_machineNum of each host
// . hostPtrs are sorted by hostId which means should also be sorted
// by IP so we can get a good machine number assignment
if ( m_numHosts > 0 ) m_hostPtrs[0]->m_machineNum = 0;
int32_t next = 1;
for ( int32_t i = 1 ; i < m_numHosts ; i++ ) {
// see if on a machine we already numbered
// debug comment out
for ( j = 0 ; j < i ; j++ )
if (m_hostPtrs[i]->m_ip == m_hostPtrs[j]->m_ip) break;
// if it matches the ip of another host it's on the same machne
if ( j < i ) {
m_hostPtrs[i]->m_machineNum =
// otherwise, a new one
// put this back to the bootom!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
// !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
m_hostPtrs[i]->m_machineNum = next++;
// set # of machines
m_numMachines = next;
// get IPs of this server. last entry is 0.
int32_t *localIps = getLocalIps();
if ( ! localIps )
return log("conf: Failed to get local IP address. Exiting.");
// if no cwd, then probably calling 'gb inject foo.warc <hosts.conf>'
if ( ! cwd ) {
log("hosts: missing cwd");
return true;
// now get host based on cwd and ip
Host *host = getHost2 ( cwd , localIps );
// now set m_myIp, m_myPort, m_myPort2 and m_myMachineNum
//Host *host = getHost ( hostId );
if ( proxyHost )
host = getProxy2 ( cwd , localIps ); //hostId );
if ( ! host )
return log("conf: Could not find host with path %s and "
"local ip in %s",cwd,filename);
m_myIp = host->m_ip; // internal IP
m_myIpShotgun = host->m_ipShotgun;
m_myPort = host->m_port; // low priority udp port
//m_myPort2 = host->m_port2; // hi priority udp port
m_myMachineNum = host->m_machineNum;
m_myHost = host;
// set our ping to zero
host->m_ping = 0;
host->m_pingShotgun = 0;
host->m_loadAvg = g_process.getLoadAvg();
// Token Groups for Merging
// set the m_tokenGroupNum member of each Host class we have
for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < m_numHosts ; i++ )
m_hosts[i].m_tokenGroupNum = -1;
for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < m_numHosts ; i++ )
m_hosts[i].m_tokenGroupNum = getTokenGroupNum ( &m_hosts[i] );
// do a second pass to resolve indirections
for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < m_numHosts ; i++ )
m_hosts[i].m_tokenGroupNum = getTokenGroupNum ( &m_hosts[i] );
// . order the hostIds by their token group num
// . if they are on the same host (IP) using the same ide channel OR
// they are in the same mirror group, then they are in the same
// token group (only one host in group can have the token and the
// token is required for merging if "use merge token" is "YES")
for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < m_numHosts ; i++ ) m_hostPtrs2[i] = &m_hosts[i];
gbsort ( m_hostPtrs2 , m_numHosts , sizeof(Host *) , cmp2 );
// now set m_hostIdToTokenGroupNum for fast lookups by Msg35.cpp
// for call to Hostdb::getTokenGroup()
for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < m_numHosts ; i++ ) {
// find first host in token group #i
int32_t j = 0;
for ( j = 0 ; j < m_numHosts ; j++ )
if ( m_hostPtrs2[j]->m_tokenGroupNum == i ) break;
// if nobody start with host #i, try next one
if ( j >= m_numHosts ) continue;
// mark him
int32_t start = j;
// map all hosts in group #i to the jth host, the starter
int32_t gsize = 0;
for ( j = 0 ; j < m_numHosts ; j++ )
if ( m_hostPtrs2[j]->m_tokenGroupNum == i ) {
int32_t hid = m_hostPtrs2[j]->m_hostId;
m_hostIdToTokenGroupNum[hid] = start;
// otherwise, set the first ptr to this group
m_groupSize [ start ] = gsize;
// debug the token groups out
for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < m_numHosts ; i++ ) {
int32_t n;
Host **g = getTokenGroup ( i , &n );
char buf [ 1024 ];
char *p = buf;
sprintf ( p , "db: Token group of hid #%"INT32" is", i );
p += gbstrlen ( p );
for ( int32_t j = 0 ; j < n ; j++ ) {
sprintf ( p , " %"INT32"." , g[j]->m_hostId );
p += gbstrlen ( p );
log ( LOG_DEBUG , "%s", buf );
// THIS hostId
m_hostId = m_myHost->m_hostId;
// set hosts per shard (mirror group)
m_numHostsPerShard = m_numHosts / m_numShards;
// groupId and groupmask should be -1 for proxy but they
// are declared as unsigned :(
// CALCULATE groupId of THIS host from hostId and numGroups
//m_groupId = g_hostdb.makeGroupId ( m_hostId , m_numGroups );
// make groupMask - same for the whole network
//m_groupMask = g_hostdb.makeGroupMask ( m_numGroups );
// set m_stripe (aka m_twinNum) for each host
for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < m_numHosts ; i++ ) {
// get this host
Host *h = &m_hosts[i];
// get his shard, array of hosts
Host *shard = getShard ( h->m_shardNum );
// how many hosts in the shard?
int32_t ng = getNumHostsPerShard();
// hosts in shard should be sorted by hostid i think, anyway,
// they *need* to be. see above, hosts are in order in the
// m_hosts[] array by shard then by hostId, so we should be
// good to go.
for ( int32_t j = 0 ; j < ng ; j++ ) {
if ( &shard[j] != h ) continue;
h->m_stripe = j;
// get THIS host
Host *h = getHost ( m_hostId );
if ( proxyHost )
h = getProxy ( m_hostId );
if ( ! h ) return log(
"conf: HostId %"INT32" not found in %s.",
// set m_dir to THIS host's working dir
strcpy ( m_dir , h->m_dir );
// likewise, set m_htmlDir to this host's html dir
sprintf ( m_httpRootDir , "%shtml/" , m_dir );
sprintf ( m_logFilename , "%slog%03"INT32"", m_dir , m_hostId );
if ( ! g_conf.m_runAsDaemon &&
! g_conf.m_logToFile )
int32_t gcount = 0;
for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < MAX_KSLOTS && m_numHosts ; i++ ) {
// set its group id from groupNum, which is "gcount"
//m_map[i] = getGroupId ( gcount++ );
//uint32_t gid = getGroupId_old(gcount);
//int32_t groupNum = getGroupNum (gid);
// TODO: test this later
//int32_t oldVal = getGroupId_old ( gcount );
// now just map to the shard # not the groupId... simpler...
m_map[i] = gcount % m_numShards;
// inc it
// wrap group Num
//if ( gcount >= m_numShards ) gcount = 0;
// set our group
m_myShard = getShard ( m_myHost->m_shardNum );
// has the hosts
return hashHosts();
bool Hostdb::hashHosts ( ) {
// this also holds g_hosts2 as well as g_hosts so we cannot preallocate
for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < m_numHosts ; i++ ) {
Host *h = &m_hosts[i];
// init shotgun bit here, 0 or 1 depending on our hostId
h->m_shotgunBit = m_hostId & 0x01;
int32_t ip;
ip = h->m_ip;
if ( ! hashHost ( 1,h,ip, h->m_port )) return false;
if ( ! hashHost ( 0,h,ip, h->m_httpPort )) return false;
if ( ! hashHost ( 0,h,ip, h->m_httpsPort)) return false;
// . only hash this if not already in there
// . just used to see if ip is in the network (local)
if ( ! hashHost ( 1 , h , ip, 0 )) return false;
// only hash shotgun ip if different
if ( h->m_ip == h->m_ipShotgun ) continue;
ip = h->m_ipShotgun;
if ( ! hashHost ( 1,h,ip, h->m_port )) return false;
if ( ! hashHost ( 0,h,ip, h->m_httpPort )) return false;
if ( ! hashHost ( 0,h,ip, h->m_httpsPort)) return false;
// . only hash this if not already in there
// . just used to see if ip is in the network (local)
if ( ! hashHost ( 1 , h , ip, 0 )) return false;
// . hash loopback ip to point to us
// . udpserver needs this?
// . only do this if they did not already specify a in
// the hosts.conf i guess
int32_t lbip = atoip("");
Host *hxx = getHost ( lbip , m_myHost->m_port );
// only do this if not explicitly assigned to in hosts.conf
if ( ! hxx && (int32_t)m_myHost->m_ip != lbip ) {
int32_t loopbackIP = atoip("",9);
if ( ! hashHost(1,m_myHost,loopbackIP,m_myHost->m_port))
return false;
// and the proxies as well
for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < m_numProxyHosts ; i++ ) {
Host *h = getProxy(i);
// init shotgun bit here, 0 or 1 depending on our hostId
h->m_shotgunBit = m_hostId & 0x01;
int32_t ip;
ip = h->m_ip;
if ( ! hashHost ( 1,h,ip, h->m_port )) return false;
if ( ! hashHost ( 0,h,ip, h->m_httpPort )) return false;
if ( ! hashHost ( 0,h,ip, h->m_httpsPort)) return false;
// . only hash this if not already in there
// . just used to see if ip is in the network (local)
if ( ! hashHost ( 1 , h , ip, 0 )) return false;
// only hash shotgun ip if different
if ( h->m_ip == h->m_ipShotgun ) continue;
ip = h->m_ipShotgun;
if ( ! hashHost ( 1,h,ip, h->m_port )) return false;
if ( ! hashHost ( 0,h,ip, h->m_httpPort )) return false;
if ( ! hashHost ( 0,h,ip, h->m_httpsPort)) return false;
// . only hash this if not already in there
// . just used to see if ip is in the network (local)
if ( ! hashHost ( 1 , h , ip, 0 )) return false;
// verify g_hostTableUdp
for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < m_numHosts ; i++ ) {
// get the ith host
Host *h = &m_hosts[i];
Host *h2 ;
h2 = getUdpHost ( h->m_ip , h->m_port );
if ( h != h2 )
return log("db: Host lookup failed for hostId %i.",
h2 = getUdpHost ( h->m_ipShotgun , h->m_port );
if ( h != h2 )
return log("db: Host lookup2 failed for hostId %"INT32".",
if ( ! isIpInNetwork ( h->m_ip ) )
return log("db: Host lookup5 failed for hostId %"INT32".",
// verify g_hostTableTcp
for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < m_numHosts ; i++ ) {
// get the ith host
Host *h = &m_hosts[i];
Host *h2 ;
h2 = getTcpHost ( h->m_ip , h->m_httpPort );
if ( h != h2 )
return log("db: Host lookup3 failed for hostId %"INT32". "
"ip=%s port=%hu",
h2 = getTcpHost ( h->m_ip , h->m_httpsPort );
if ( h != h2 )
return log("db: Host lookup4 failed for hostId %"INT32".",
return true;
bool Hostdb::hashHost ( bool udp , Host *h , uint32_t ip , uint16_t port ) {
// if we are g_hostdb2, do not add if host is in g_hostdb
// otherwise PingServer.cpp updates hdtemps, etc. on the wrong host
Host *hh = NULL;
if ( udp ) hh = getHost ( ip , port );
if ( hh && this == &g_hostdb2 ) return true;
// no proxies from hosts2.conf
if ( this == &g_hostdb2 && h->m_isProxy ) return true;
// debug
char *hs = "unknown.conf";
if ( this == &g_hostdb2 ) hs = "hosts2.conf";
if ( this == &g_hostdb ) hs = "hosts.conf";
//logf(LOG_INFO,"db: adding %s ip=%s port=%"INT32" isUdp=%"INT32"",// (%s)",
// h->m_hostname,iptoa(ip),(int32_t)port,(int32_t)udp);//,hs);
if ( hh && port ) {
log("db: Must hash hosts.conf first, then hosts2.conf.");
log("db: or there is a repeated ip/port in hosts.conf.");
log("db: repeated host ip=%s port=%"INT32" "
return false;//char *xx=NULL;*xx=0;
// . keep a list of the udp ips for pinging
// . do not ping hostdb2 hosts though!
if ( udp && port != 0 && this == &g_hostdb ) {
// add the ip port for pinging purposes
g_listHosts [g_listNumTotal] = h;
g_listIps [g_listNumTotal] = ip;
g_listPorts [g_listNumTotal] = port;
// int16_tcut
//HashTableT <uint64_t, uint32_t> *t;
HashTableX *t;
if ( udp ) t = &g_hostTableUdp;
else t = &g_hostTableTcp;
// initialize the table?
if ( t->m_ks == 0 ) {
t->set ( 8 , sizeof(char *),16,NULL,0,false,0,"hostbl");
// get his key
uint64_t key = 0;
// masking the low bits of the ip is not good because it is
// the same for every host! so reverse the key to get good hash
char *dst = (char *)&key;
char *src = (char *)&ip;
dst[0] = src[3];
dst[1] = src[2];
dst[2] = src[1];
dst[3] = src[0];
// port too
char *src2 = (char *)&port;
dst[4] = src2[1];
dst[5] = src2[0];
// look it up
int32_t slot = t->getSlot ( &key );
// see if there is a collision
Host *old = NULL;
if ( slot >= 0 ) {
// ports of 0 mean we are just adding an ip, and we can
// have multiple hosts on the same ip. this call was just
// to make isIpInNetwork() function work.
if ( port == 0 ) return true;
old = *(Host **)t->getValueFromSlot(slot);
return log("db: Got collision between hostId %"INT32" and "
"%"INT32"(proxy=%"INT32"). Both have same ip/port. Does "
"hosts.conf match hosts2.conf?",
// add the new key with a ptr to host using m_port
return t->addKey ( &key , &h ); // (uint32_t)h ) ;
int32_t Hostdb::getHostId ( uint32_t ip , uint16_t port ) {
Host *h = getUdpHost ( ip , port );
if ( ! h ) return -1;
return h->m_hostId;
Host *Hostdb::getHostByIp ( uint32_t ip ) {
return getHostFromTable ( 1 , ip , 0 );
Host *Hostdb::getHost ( uint32_t ip , uint16_t port ) {
return getHostFromTable ( 1 , ip , port );
// . get Host entry from ip/port
// . port defaults to 0 for no port
Host *Hostdb::getUdpHost ( uint32_t ip , uint16_t port ) {
return getHostFromTable ( 1 , ip , port );
// . get Host entry from ip/port
// . port defaults to 0 for no port
Host *Hostdb::getTcpHost ( uint32_t ip , uint16_t port ) {
return getHostFromTable ( 0 , ip , port );
bool Hostdb::isIpInNetwork ( uint32_t ip ) {
// use port of 0
if ( getHostByIp ( ip ) ) return true;
// not found
return false;
// . get Host entry from ip/port
// . this works on proxy hosts as well!
// . use a port of 0 if we should disregard port
Host *Hostdb::getHostFromTable ( bool udp , uint32_t ip , uint16_t port ) {
// int16_tcut
//HashTableT <uint64_t, uint32_t> *t;
HashTableX *t;
if ( udp ) t = &g_hostTableUdp;
else t = &g_hostTableTcp;
// reset key
uint64_t key = 0;
// masking the low bits of the ip is not good because it is
// the same for every host! so reverse the key to get good hash
char *dst = (char *)&key;
char *src = (char *)&ip;
dst[0] = src[3];
dst[1] = src[2];
dst[2] = src[1];
dst[3] = src[0];
// port too
char *src2 = (char *)&port;
dst[4] = src2[1];
dst[5] = src2[0];
// look it up
int32_t slot = t->getSlot ( &key );
// return NULL if not found
if ( slot < 0 ) return NULL;
return *(Host **) t->getValueFromSlot ( slot );
Host **Hostdb::getTokenGroup ( uint32_t hostId , int32_t *numHosts ) {
// map groupId to hostId
int32_t hid = m_hostIdToTokenGroupNum [ hostId ];
if ( numHosts ) *numHosts = m_groupSize [ hid ];
return &m_hostPtrs2 [ hid ];
// . use the lowest hostId of the all the hosts that are in our token group
// as our token group number
// . ha's must be passed in order of the hostId
int32_t Hostdb::getTokenGroupNum ( Host *ha ) {
for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < m_numHosts ; i++ ) {
Host *hb = m_hostPtrs [ i ];
// is he the lowest hostid so far? yes... return the hostid
if ( hb->m_groupId == ha->m_groupId ) goto gotit;
if ( hb->m_ideChannel != ha->m_ideChannel) continue;
if ( hb->m_machineNum != ha->m_machineNum) continue;
// start a new token group if we have to
int32_t tg1 = ha->m_tokenGroupNum;
int32_t tg2 = hb->m_tokenGroupNum;
// if both negative, use hostId to start new token group
if ( tg1 < 0 && tg2 < 0 ) return hb->m_hostId;
// if it is us, skip
if ( ha->m_hostId == hb->m_hostId ) continue;
// pick the smallest, non-negative
if ( tg1 < tg2 && tg1 >= 0 ) return tg1;
else return tg2;
// if only one host, this happens on the second call
if ( ha->m_tokenGroupNum >= 0 ) return ha->m_tokenGroupNum;
// force seg fault if none found, that's bad
char *xx = NULL; *xx = 0;
return -1;
// . this is used by gbsort() above
// . sorts Hosts by their groupId
int cmp2 (const void *v1, const void *v2) {
Host *h1 = *(Host **)v1;
Host *h2 = *(Host **)v2;
// return if groups differ
return h1->m_tokenGroupNum - h2->m_tokenGroupNum;
// . this is used by gbsort() above
// . sorts Hosts by their shard
int cmp (const void *v1, const void *v2) {
Host *h1 = (Host *)v1;
Host *h2 = (Host *)v2;
// return if shards differ
if ( h1->m_shardNum < h2->m_shardNum ) return -1;
if ( h1->m_shardNum > h2->m_shardNum ) return 1;
// otherwise sort by hostId
return h1->m_hostId - h2->m_hostId;
// . returns the first host in the group "groupId"
// . this host has the lowest hostId of all hosts in that group
// . reverse bit order to get hostId from groupId
// . this hostId will be the lowest numbered hostId in the group
int32_t Hostdb::makeHostId ( uint32_t groupId ) {
return reverseBits ( groupId );
int32_t Hostdb::makeHostIdFast ( uint32_t groupId ) {
// sanity check
if ( m_numHosts > 655536 ) { char *xx = NULL; *xx = 0; }
// init a table that takes the top 2 bytes of the groupId
// and maps to a table
static bool s_init = false;
static uint16_t s_gidTable [ 64*1024 ];
// sanity check -- temporary (REMOVE!!)
if ( s_init ) {
int32_t tmpHostId = makeHostId ( groupId );
if ( tmpHostId != s_gidTable [ groupId>>16 ] ) {
char *xx = NULL; *xx = 0; }
if ( s_init ) return s_gidTable[ groupId>>16 ];
memset ( s_gidTable , 0 , 2*64*1024 );
// init s_gidTable
for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < m_numGroups ; i++ ) {
// get their groupId
uint32_t groupId = m_groups[i]->m_groupId;
// make the table entry using the top 2 bytes of the groupId,
// those are the only bits that matter
s_gidTable [ groupId>>16 ] = m_groups[i]->m_hostId;
// table is initialized
s_init = true;
// return the answer
return s_gidTable[ groupId>>16 ];
// . hi bits are set
// . we need to reverse the order of the bits in "hostId" to get the "groupId"
// . if we have 8 hosts but only 4 groups, we mask the hostId with (4 - 1):
// hostId = 0 , groupId = 1 & 0x03 = 0
// hostId = 1 , groupId = 1 & 0x03 = 1
// hostId = 2 , groupId = 2 & 0x03 = 2
// hostId = 3 , groupId = 3 & 0x03 = 3
// hostId = 4 , groupId = 4 & 0x03 = 0
// hostId = 5 , groupId = 5 & 0x03 = 1
// hostId = 6 , groupId = 6 & 0x03 = 2
// hostId = 7 , groupId = 7 & 0x03 = 3
uint32_t Hostdb::makeGroupId ( int32_t hostId , int32_t numGroups ) {
return reverseBits ( hostId & (numGroups - 1) );
// hi bits are set
uint32_t Hostdb::makeGroupMask ( int32_t numGroups ) {
return makeGroupId ( numGroups - 1 , numGroups );
#include "Stats.h"
bool Hostdb::isShardDead ( int32_t shardNum ) {
// how many seconds since our main process was started?
// i guess all nodes initially appear dead, so
// compensate for that.
long long now = gettimeofdayInMilliseconds();
long elapsed = (now - g_stats.m_startTime) ;/// 1000;
if ( elapsed < 60*1000 ) return false; // try 60 secs now
Host *shard = getShard ( shardNum );
//Host *live = NULL;
for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < m_numHostsPerShard ; i++ ) {
// get it
Host *h = &shard[i];
// skip if dead
if ( isDead(h->m_hostId) ) continue;
// return it if alive
return false;
return true;
// return first alive host in a shard
Host *Hostdb::getLiveHostInShard ( int32_t shardNum ) {
Host *shard = getShard ( shardNum );
//Host *live = NULL;
for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < m_numHostsPerShard ; i++ ) {
// get it
Host *h = &shard[i];
// skip if dead
if ( isDead(h->m_hostId) ) continue;
// return it if alive
return h;
// return first one if all dead
return &shard[0];
Host *Hostdb::getLeastLoadedInShard ( uint32_t shardNum ) {
int32_t minOutstandingRequests = 0x7fffffff;
int32_t minOutstandingRequestsIndex = -1;
Host *shard = getShard ( shardNum );
for(int32_t i = 0; i < m_numHostsPerShard; i++) {
Host *hh = &shard[i];
if(isDead(hh)) continue;
// log("host %"INT32 " numOutstanding is %"INT32, hh->m_hostId,
// hh->m_pingInfo.m_udpSlotsInUseIncoming);
if(hh->m_pingInfo.m_udpSlotsInUseIncoming > minOutstandingRequests) continue;
minOutstandingRequests = hh->m_pingInfo.m_udpSlotsInUseIncoming;
minOutstandingRequestsIndex = i;
if(minOutstandingRequestsIndex == -1) return shard;
return &shard[minOutstandingRequestsIndex];
// if all are dead just return host #0
Host *Hostdb::getFirstAliveHost ( ) {
for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < m_numHosts ; i++ )
// if host #i is alive, return her
if ( ! isDead ( i ) ) return getHost(i);
// if all are dead just return host #0
return getHost(0);
// . get the Hosts in group with "groupId"
Host *Hostdb::getGroup ( uint32_t groupId , int32_t *numHosts ) {
// set hosts per group
if ( numHosts ) *numHosts = m_numHostsPerShard;
// . translate groupId to a hostId
// . this hostId should be the lowest hostId in this groupId
int32_t hostId = makeHostId ( groupId );
// watch out for bogus groupIds
if ( hostId >= m_numHosts ) {
if ( numHosts ) *numHosts = 0;
log("conf: Received request for "
"group of hosts based on bad groupId.");
return NULL;
// . get first host that has this groupId (in the m_groups array)
// . m_groups sorts the Hosts by groupid then hostId
return m_groups [ hostId ];
Host *Hostdb::getFastestHostInGroup ( uint32_t groupId ) {
Host *hosts = getGroup ( groupId );
if ( ! hosts ) return NULL;
// scan for smallest average roundtrip time (i.e. ping time)
int32_t minPing = 0x7fffffff;
int32_t mini = -1;
for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < m_numHostsPerShard ; i++ ) {
//if ( hosts[i].m_pingAvg >= minPing ) continue;
if ( hosts[i].m_ping >= minPing ) continue;
//minPing = hosts[i].m_pingAvg;
minPing = hosts[i].m_ping;
mini = i;
// how can this happen?
if ( mini == -1 ) return NULL;
// return the fastest host
return &hosts[mini];
// TODO: speed this up when we get a *lot* of hosts
Host *Hostdb::getSharer ( Host *h ) {
// return quickly if we know nobody shares an ide channel
if ( ! m_ideSharing ) return NULL;
for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < m_numHosts ; i++ ) {
// skip self
if ( m_hosts[i].m_hostId == h->m_hostId ) continue;
if ( m_hosts[i].m_ip != h->m_ip ) continue;
if ( m_hosts[i].m_ideChannel != h->m_ideChannel ) continue;
return &m_hosts[i];
return NULL;
bool Hostdb::hasDeadHost ( ) {
for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < m_numHosts ; i++ )
if ( isDead ( i ) ) return true;
return false;
bool Hostdb::isDead ( int32_t hostId ) {
Host *h = getHost ( hostId );
return isDead ( h );
bool Hostdb::isDead ( Host *h ) {
// retired is basically dead
if ( h->m_retired ) return true;
if ( g_hostdb.m_myHost == h ) return false;
if ( ! g_conf.m_useShotgun )
return ( h->m_ping >= g_conf.m_deadHostTimeout);
if ( h->m_ping < g_conf.m_deadHostTimeout ) return false;
if ( h->m_pingShotgun < g_conf.m_deadHostTimeout ) return false;
return true;
int32_t Hostdb::getAliveIp ( Host *h ) {
if ( ! g_conf.m_useShotgun )
return h->m_ip;
if ( h->m_ping < g_conf.m_deadHostTimeout )
return h->m_ip;
if ( h->m_pingShotgun < g_conf.m_deadHostTimeout )
return h->m_ipShotgun;
return h->m_ip;
int64_t Hostdb::getNumGlobalRecs ( ) {
int64_t n = 0;
for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < m_numHosts ; i++ )
n += getHost ( i )->m_pingInfo.m_totalDocsIndexed;
return n / m_numHostsPerShard;
int64_t Hostdb::getNumGlobalEvents ( ) {
int64_t n = 0;
for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < m_numHosts ; i++ )
n += getHost ( i )->m_eventsIndexed;
return n / m_numHostsPerShard;
bool Hostdb::setNote ( int32_t hostId, char *note, int32_t noteLen ) {
// replace the note on the host
if ( noteLen > 125 ) noteLen = 125;
Host *h = getHost ( hostId );
if ( !h ) return true;
//h->m_note[0] = ' ';
//h->m_note[1] = '#';
gbmemcpy(h->m_note, note, noteLen);
h->m_note[noteLen] = '\0';
// write this hosts conf out
return saveHostsConf();
bool Hostdb::setSpareNote ( int32_t spareId, char *note, int32_t noteLen ) {
// replace the note on the host
if ( noteLen > 125 ) noteLen = 125;
Host *h = getSpare ( spareId );
if ( !h ) return true;
//h->m_note[0] = ' ';
//h->m_note[1] = '#';
gbmemcpy(h->m_note, note, noteLen);
h->m_note[noteLen] = '\0';
// write this hosts conf out
return saveHostsConf();
bool Hostdb::replaceHost ( int32_t origHostId, int32_t spareHostId ) {
Host *oldHost = getHost(origHostId);
Host *spareHost = getSpare(spareHostId);
if ( !oldHost || !spareHost )
return log ( "init: Bad Host or Spare given. Aborting." );
// host must be dead
if ( !isDead(oldHost) )
return log ( "init: Cannot replace live host. Aborting." );
Host tmp;
gbmemcpy ( &tmp , oldHost , sizeof(Host) );
gbmemcpy ( oldHost , spareHost , sizeof(Host) );
gbmemcpy ( spareHost , &tmp , sizeof(Host) );
// however, these values need to change
oldHost->m_hostId = origHostId;
//oldHost->m_groupId = spareHost->m_groupId;
oldHost->m_shardNum = spareHost->m_shardNum;
//oldHost->m_groupNum = spareHost->m_groupNum;
oldHost->m_stripe = spareHost->m_stripe;
//oldHost->m_group = spareHost->m_group;
oldHost->m_isProxy = spareHost->m_isProxy;
oldHost->m_type = HT_SPARE;
oldHost->m_hostdb = spareHost->m_hostdb;
oldHost->m_inProgress1 = spareHost->m_inProgress1;
oldHost->m_inProgress2 = spareHost->m_inProgress2;
// last ping timestamp
//oldHost->m_pingInfo.m_lastPing = spareHost->m_pingInfo.m_lastPing;
oldHost->m_lastPing = spareHost->m_lastPing;
// and the new spare gets a new hostid too
spareHost->m_hostId = spareHostId;
memset ( &oldHost->m_pingInfo , 0 , sizeof(PingInfo) );
// reset these stats
oldHost->m_pingMax = 0;
oldHost->m_gotPingReply = false;
oldHost->m_loadAvg = 0;
//oldHost->m_percentMemUsed = 0;
oldHost->m_firstOOMTime = 0;
//oldHost->m_cpuUsage = 0;
oldHost->m_pingInfo.m_totalDocsIndexed = 0;
oldHost->m_eventsIndexed = 0;
//oldHost->m_slowDiskReads = 0;
//oldHost->m_kernelErrors = 0;
oldHost->m_kernelErrorReported = false;
//oldHost->m_flags = 0;
//oldHost->m_dailyMergeCollnum = 0;
oldHost->m_ping = g_conf.m_deadHostTimeout;
oldHost->m_pingShotgun = g_conf.m_deadHostTimeout;
oldHost->m_emailCode = 0;
oldHost->m_wasAlive = false;
oldHost->m_pingInfo.m_etryagains = 0;
oldHost->m_pingInfo.m_udpSlotsInUseIncoming = 0;
oldHost->m_pingInfo.m_totalResends = 0;
oldHost->m_errorReplies = 0;
oldHost->m_dgramsTo = 0;
oldHost->m_dgramsFrom = 0;
oldHost->m_repairMode = 0;
oldHost->m_splitsDone = 0;
oldHost->m_splitTimes = 0;
// oldHost->m_hdtemps[0] = 0;
// oldHost->m_hdtemps[1] = 0;
// oldHost->m_hdtemps[2] = 0;
// oldHost->m_hdtemps[3] = 0;
// . just swap ips and ports and directories
// . first store all the old info so we can put it away
uint32_t oldIp = oldHost->m_ip;
uint32_t oldIp2 = oldHost->m_ipShotgun;
uint16_t oldExtHttpPort = oldHost->m_externalHttpPort;
uint16_t oldExtHttpsPort = oldHost->m_externalHttpsPort;
uint16_t oldPort = oldHost->m_port;
uint16_t oldPort2 = oldHost->m_port2;
uint16_t oldHttpPort = oldHost->m_httpPort;
uint16_t oldHttpsPort = oldHost->m_httpsPort;
int32_t oldMachineNum = oldHost->m_machineNum;
int32_t oldIdeChannel = oldHost->m_ideChannel;
char oldSwitchId = oldHost->m_switchId;
uint16_t oldDnsPort = oldHost->m_dnsClientPort;
char oldDir[128];
gbmemcpy(oldDir, oldHost->m_dir, 128);
char oldNote[128];
gbmemcpy(oldNote, oldHost->m_note, 128);
// . now copy in the spare's info
oldHost->m_ip = spareHost->m_ip;
oldHost->m_ipShotgun = spareHost->m_ipShotgun;
oldHost->m_externalHttpPort = spareHost->m_externalHttpPort;
oldHost->m_externalHttpsPort = spareHost->m_externalHttpsPort;
oldHost->m_port = spareHost->m_port;
oldHost->m_port2 = spareHost->m_port2;
oldHost->m_httpPort = spareHost->m_httpPort;
oldHost->m_httpsPort = spareHost->m_httpsPort;
oldHost->m_machineNum = spareHost->m_machineNum;
oldHost->m_ideChannel = spareHost->m_ideChannel;
oldHost->m_switchId = spareHost->m_switchId;
oldHost->m_dnsClientPort = spareHost->m_dnsClientPort;
gbmemcpy(oldHost->m_dir, spareHost->m_dir, 128);
gbmemcpy(oldHost->m_note, spareHost->m_note, 128);
// . now store the old info off
spareHost->m_ip = oldIp;
spareHost->m_ipShotgun = oldIp2;
spareHost->m_externalHttpPort = oldExtHttpPort;
spareHost->m_externalHttpsPort = oldExtHttpsPort;
spareHost->m_port = oldPort;
spareHost->m_port2 = oldPort2;
spareHost->m_httpPort = oldHttpPort;
spareHost->m_httpsPort = oldHttpsPort;
spareHost->m_machineNum = oldMachineNum;
spareHost->m_ideChannel = oldIdeChannel;
spareHost->m_switchId = oldSwitchId;
spareHost->m_dnsClientPort = oldDnsPort;
gbmemcpy(spareHost->m_dir, oldDir, 128);
gbmemcpy(spareHost->m_note, oldNote, 128);
// write this hosts conf out
// . now we need to replace the ips and ports in the hash tables
// just clear the hash tables and rehash
// reset pingserver's list too!
g_listNumTotal = 0;
// now restock everything
// replace ips in udp server
g_udpServer.replaceHost ( spareHost, oldHost );
//g_udpServer2.replaceHost ( spareHost, oldHost );
// return success
// update Host::m_onProperSwitch
return true;
void Hostdb::setOnProperSwitchFlags ( ) {
int32_t split = g_hostdb.m_indexSplits;
for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < m_numHosts ; i++ ) {
Host *h = &m_hosts[i];
// get switch group
int32_t switchGroup = 0;
if ( split > 0 ) switchGroup = h->m_group % split;
// and switch id
int32_t switchId = h->m_switchId;
// reset counts
int32_t diffSwitch = 0;
int32_t sameSwitch = 0;
char inMajority = true;
uint32_t minIp = 0;
// does his switch id match the majority of the hosts
// with his same switch group? if so, he is on the proper
// switch, otherwise, he is not
for ( int32_t j = 0 ; j < m_numHosts ; j++ ) {
// get the jth host
Host *h2 = &m_hosts[j];
// get his switch group
int32_t switchGroup2 = 0;
if ( split > 0 ) switchGroup2 = h2->m_group % split;
// skip if not a match
if ( switchGroup2 != switchGroup ) continue;
// get group with lowest ip
if ( minIp == 0 || h2->m_ip < minIp ) {
// update minIp
minIp = h2->m_ip;
// if it switchId matches "switchId" then
// "h" is in the majority group
if ( h2->m_switchId == switchId )
inMajority = true;
inMajority = false;
// if not on same switch do not count this one
if ( h2->m_switchId != switchId ) diffSwitch++;
// a good match
else sameSwitch++;
// if "h" is in majority he is on proper switch
// but, if no majority, (split 50/50), then the group with
// the lowest ip is the correct group
if ( sameSwitch > diffSwitch ) {
h->m_onProperSwitch = true;
if ( sameSwitch < diffSwitch ) {
h->m_onProperSwitch = false;
// otherwise, half are on a different switch, so the half
// that has the lowest ip is the correct half
h->m_onProperSwitch = inMajority;
bool Hostdb::saveHostsConf ( ) {
// open the hosts.conf file
char filename[1024];
sprintf ( filename, "%shosts.conf", m_dir );
log ( LOG_INFO, "conf: Writing hosts.conf file to: %s",
filename );
int32_t fd = open ( filename, O_CREAT|O_WRONLY|O_TRUNC ,
getFileCreationFlags() );
if ( !fd ) {
log ( "conf: Failed to open %s for writing.", filename );
return false;
char temp[1024];
// write a header
// 000xx 00000 00000
sprintf(temp, "#ID IP LINKIP UDP1 UDP2 "
// 00000 00000 00000 0 0 000 ...
"# the new hosts.conf format:\n"
"# <hostId> <hostname> [portoffset] [# <comment>]\n"
"# spare <hostname> [portoffset] [# <comment>]\n"
"# proxy <hostname> [portoffset] [# <comment>]\n"
"# we use /etc/hosts to get the ip of eth0\n"
"# we insert an 'i' into hostname to get ip of eth1\n"
"working-dir: %s\n"
//"port-offset: %"INT32"\n"
"index-splits: %"INT32"\n"
//(int32_t)g_hostdb.m_myHost->m_httpPort - 8000,
g_hostdb.m_indexSplits );
write(fd, temp, gbstrlen(temp));
// loop over each host and write the conf line
for ( int32_t i = 0; i < m_numTotalHosts; i++ ) {
Host *h;
if ( i < m_numHosts )
h = getHost(i);
else if ( i < m_numHosts + m_numSpareHosts )
h = getSpare(i - m_numHosts);
h = getProxy(i - m_numHosts - m_numSpareHosts);
// generate the host id
if ( i >= m_numHosts + m_numSpareHosts )
sprintf(temp, "proxy ");
else if ( i >= m_numHosts )
sprintf(temp, "spare ");
else if ( i < 10 )
sprintf(temp, "00%"INT32" ", i);
else if ( i < 100 )
sprintf(temp, "0%"INT32" ", i);
sprintf(temp, "%"INT32" ", i);
write(fd, temp, gbstrlen(temp));
int32_t spaces;
//int32_t g;
// the new format is just the hostname then note
sprintf(temp,"%s ",h->m_hostname);
write(fd, temp, gbstrlen(temp));
goto skip;
// generate the ip string
strcpy(temp, iptoa(h->m_ip));
write(fd, temp, gbstrlen(temp));
spaces = 16 - gbstrlen(temp);
for ( int32_t s = 0; s < spaces; s++ ) write(fd, " ", 1);
// generate the ip2 string
strcpy(temp, iptoa(h->m_ipShotgun));
write(fd, temp, gbstrlen(temp));
spaces = 16 - gbstrlen(temp);
for ( int32_t s = 0; s < spaces; s++ ) write(fd, " ", 1);
// udp1 port
sprintf(temp, "%hu ", h->m_port);
write(fd, temp, gbstrlen(temp));
spaces = 6 - gbstrlen(temp);
for ( int32_t s = 0; s < spaces; s++ ) write(fd, " ", 1);
// udp2 port
//sprintf(temp, "%hu ", h->m_port2);
sprintf(temp, "0 " );
write(fd, temp, gbstrlen(temp));
spaces = 6 - gbstrlen(temp);
for ( int32_t s = 0; s < spaces; s++ ) write(fd, " ", 1);
// dns port
sprintf(temp, "%hu ", h->m_dnsClientPort);
write(fd, temp, gbstrlen(temp));
spaces = 6 - gbstrlen(temp);
for ( int32_t s = 0; s < spaces; s++ ) write(fd, " ", 1);
// http port
sprintf(temp, "%hu ", h->m_httpPort);
write(fd, temp, gbstrlen(temp));
spaces = 6 - gbstrlen(temp);
for ( int32_t s = 0; s < spaces; s++ ) write(fd, " ", 1);
// https port
sprintf(temp, "%hu ", h->m_httpsPort);
write(fd, temp, gbstrlen(temp));
spaces = 6 - gbstrlen(temp);
for ( int32_t s = 0; s < spaces; s++ ) write(fd, " ", 1);
// IDE channel
sprintf(temp, "%"INT32" ", h->m_ideChannel);
write(fd, temp, gbstrlen(temp));
// switch ID
sprintf(temp, "%"INT32" ", (int32_t)h->m_switchId);
write(fd, temp, gbstrlen(temp));
// Group ID
g = h->m_group;
if ( g < 10 )
sprintf(temp, "00%"INT32" ", g);
else if ( g < 100 )
sprintf(temp, "0%"INT32" ", g);
sprintf(temp, "%"INT32" ", g);
write(fd, temp, gbstrlen(temp));
// directory
write(fd, h->m_dir, gbstrlen(h->m_dir));
// note
write(fd, h->m_note, gbstrlen(h->m_note));
// end line
write(fd, "\n", 1);
// close else the file
return true;
void syncDoneWrapper ( void *state , ThreadEntry *t ) {
Hostdb *THIS = (Hostdb*)state;
void *syncStartWrapper_r ( void *state , ThreadEntry *t ) {
Hostdb *THIS = (Hostdb*)state;
return NULL;
// sync a host with its twin
bool Hostdb::syncHost ( int32_t syncHostId, bool useSecondaryIps ) {
// can't do two syncs
if ( m_syncHost )
return log(LOG_WARN, "conf: Cannot manage two syncs on this "
"host. Aborting.");
// log the start
log ( LOG_INFO, "init: Syncing host %"INT32" with twin.", syncHostId );
// if no twins, can't do it
if ( m_numHostsPerShard == 1 )
return log(LOG_WARN, "conf: Cannot sync host, no twins. "
// spiders must be off
if ( g_conf.m_spideringEnabled )
return log(LOG_WARN, "conf: Syncing while spiders are on is "
"disallowed. Aborting.");
// first, the host must be marked as dead
Host *h = getHost(syncHostId);
if ( ! h )
log("conf: Cannot get host with host id #%"INT32"",
if ( !isDead(h) )
return log(LOG_WARN, "conf: Cannot sync live host. Aborting.");
// now check it for a clean directory
int32_t ip1 = h->m_ip;
if ( useSecondaryIps ) ip1 = h->m_ipShotgun;
char ip1str[32];
sprintf ( ip1str, "%hhu.%hhu.%hhu.%hhu",
(unsigned char)(ip1 >> 0)&0xff,
(unsigned char)(ip1 >> 8)&0xff,
(unsigned char)(ip1 >> 16)&0xff,
(unsigned char)(ip1 >> 24)&0xff );
char cmd[1024];
sprintf ( cmd, "ssh %s \"cd %s; du -b | tail -n 1\" > ./synccheck.txt",
ip1str, h->m_dir );
log ( LOG_INFO, "init: %s", cmd );
int32_t fd = open ( "./synccheck.txt", O_RDONLY );
if ( fd < 0 )
return log(LOG_WARN, "conf: Unable to open synccheck.txt. "
int32_t len = read ( fd, cmd, 1023 );
cmd[len] = '\0';
// delete the file to make sure we don't reuse it
gbsystem ( "rm ./synccheck.txt" );
// check the size
int32_t checkSize = atol(cmd);
if ( checkSize > 4096 || checkSize <= 0 )
return log(LOG_WARN, "conf: Detected %"INT32" bytes in "
"directory to "
"sync. Must be empty. Aborting.",
// set the sync host
m_syncHost = h;
m_syncSecondaryIps = useSecondaryIps;
h->m_doingSync = 1;
// start the sync in a thread, complete when it's done
this ,
syncDoneWrapper ,
syncStartWrapper_r ) ) return true;
// error
h->m_doingSync = 0;
m_syncHost = NULL;
return log ( LOG_WARN, "conf: Could not spawn thread for call to sync "
"host. Aborting." );
// MDW: take out for now
//int my_system_r ( char *cmd , int32_t timeout );
int startUp ( void *cmd );
void Hostdb::syncStart_r ( bool amThread ) {
// get the twin we'll copy from
int32_t numHostsInShard;
//Host *hostGroup = getGroup(m_syncHost->m_groupId, &numHostsInGroup);
Host *shard = getShard(m_syncHost->m_shardNum, &numHostsInShard);
if ( numHostsInShard == 1 ) {
m_syncHost->m_doingSync = 0;
m_syncHost = NULL;
log (LOG_WARN, "sync: Could not Sync, Host has no twin.");
Host *srcHost = &shard[numHostsInShard - 1];
if ( srcHost == m_syncHost ) srcHost = &shard[numHostsInShard-2];
// create the rcp command
char cmd[1024];
int32_t ip1 = m_syncHost->m_ip;
if ( m_syncSecondaryIps ) ip1 = m_syncHost->m_ipShotgun;
char ip1str[32];
sprintf ( ip1str, "%hhu.%hhu.%hhu.%hhu",
(unsigned char)(ip1 >> 0)&0xff,
(unsigned char)(ip1 >> 8)&0xff,
(unsigned char)(ip1 >> 16)&0xff,
(unsigned char)(ip1 >> 24)&0xff );
int32_t ip2 = srcHost->m_ip;
if ( m_syncSecondaryIps ) ip2 = srcHost->m_ipShotgun;
char ip2str[32];
sprintf ( ip2str, "%hhu.%hhu.%hhu.%hhu",
(unsigned char)(ip2 >> 0)&0xff,
(unsigned char)(ip2 >> 8)&0xff,
(unsigned char)(ip2 >> 16)&0xff,
(unsigned char)(ip2 >> 24)&0xff );
// now we also remove the old log files and *.cache files because
// they do not apply to this new host
// . TODO :
// need the -f flag for rm in case those files do not exist, it
// would error out then
sprintf ( cmd, "ssh %s \"rcp -pr %s:%s* %s ; "
"rcp -pr %s:%s.antiword %s ; "
"rm -f %slog* %s*.cache %s*~ %stmplog* ; "
"rm -f %scoll.*.*/waiting* ;" // waitingtree & waitingtable
"rm -f %scoll.*.*/doleiptable.dat* ;"
// the new guy is NOT in sync!
"echo 0 > %sinsync.dat\"",
m_syncHost->m_dir ,
m_syncHost->m_dir ,
m_syncHost->m_dir ,
m_syncHost->m_dir ,
m_syncHost->m_dir ,
m_syncHost->m_dir ,
m_syncHost->m_dir ,
m_syncHost->m_dir ,
m_syncHost->m_dir );
log ( LOG_INFO, "init: %s", cmd );
MDW: take out for now
int err = my_system_r ( cmd, 3600*24 );
if ( err != 0 ) {
log ( "conf: Call to system(\"%s\") had error %s.", cmd ,
strerror(err) );
m_syncHost->m_doingSync = 0;
m_syncHost = NULL;
void Hostdb::syncDone ( ) {
// now make a call to startup the newly synced host
if ( !m_syncHost ) {
log ( "conf: SyncHost is invalid. Most likely a problem "
"during the sync. Ending synchost." );
log ( LOG_INFO, "init: Sync copy done. Starting host." );
m_syncHost->m_doingSync = 0;
char cmd[1024];
sprintf(cmd, "./gb start %"INT32"", m_syncHost->m_hostId);
log ( LOG_INFO, "init: %s", cmd );
m_syncHost = NULL;
// use the ip that is not dead, prefer eth0
int32_t Hostdb::getBestIp ( Host *h , int32_t fromIp ) {
// if shotgun/eth1 ip is dead, returh eth0 ip
if ( h->m_pingShotgun >= g_conf.m_deadHostTimeout ) return h->m_ip;
// if eth0 dead, return shotgun ip
if ( h->m_ping >= g_conf.m_deadHostTimeout ) return h->m_ipShotgun;
// default to eth0 if both dead
return h->m_ip;
unsigned char *a = (unsigned char *)&h->m_ipShotgun;
unsigned char *b = (unsigned char *)&fromIp;
// we assume shotgun is the internal ip address, but it may not be
unsigned char *c = (unsigned char *)&h->m_ip;
// return the closest match, iff there is a match
if ( a[3] == b[3] && a[2] == b[2] )
return h->m_ipShotgun;
if ( c[3] == b[3] && c[2] == b[2] )
return h->m_ip;
// if our primary ip is internal, return the shotgun
bool isPrimaryInternal = false;
bool isShotgunInternal = false;
if ( a[0]==192 && a[1]==168 ) isShotgunInternal = true;
if ( a[0]==10 && a[1]==1 ) isShotgunInternal = true;
if ( a[0]==127 && a[1]==0 ) isShotgunInternal = true;
if ( c[0]==192 && c[1]==168 ) isPrimaryInternal = true;
if ( c[0]==10 && c[1]==1 ) isPrimaryInternal = true;
if ( c[0]==127 && c[1]==0 ) isPrimaryInternal = true;
// if primary is not internal, use that then
if ( ! isPrimaryInternal ) return h->m_ip;
// if primary is internal, and so is shotgun, prefer primary
if ( isShotgunInternal ) return h->m_ip;
// if primary is internal, and shotgun is not, use shotgun
return h->m_ipShotgun;
// . "h" is from g_hostdb2, the "external" cluster
// . should we send to its primary or shotgun ip?
// . this returns which ip we should send to
int32_t Hostdb::getBestHosts2IP ( Host *h ) {
// sanity check
if ( this != &g_hostdb ) { char *xx = NULL; *xx = 0; }
// get external ips
unsigned char *a = (unsigned char *)&h->m_ipShotgun;
unsigned char *c = (unsigned char *)&h->m_ip;
char isShotgunInternal = false;
char isPrimaryInternal = false;
if ( a[0]==192 && a[1]==168 ) isShotgunInternal = true;
if ( a[0]==10 && a[1]==1 ) isShotgunInternal = true;
if ( a[0]==127 && a[1]==0 ) isShotgunInternal = true;
if ( c[0]==192 && c[1]==168 ) isPrimaryInternal = true;
if ( c[0]==10 && c[1]==1 ) isPrimaryInternal = true;
if ( c[0]==127 && c[1]==0 ) isPrimaryInternal = true;
// get this host
Host *local = g_hostdb.getMyHost();
unsigned char *b = (unsigned char *)&local->m_ipShotgun;
unsigned char *d = (unsigned char *)&local->m_ip;
char onSameNetwork = false;
// if ip "a" in hosts2.conf is NOT INTERNAL (192.168.*) then see
// if it matches any ip (top 2 bytes) in hosts.conf
if ( ! isShotgunInternal ) {
// it is PROBABLY on the same net if the top two bytes match!
if ( a[0] == b[0] && a[1] == b[1] ) onSameNetwork = true;
if ( a[0] == d[0] && a[1] == d[1] ) onSameNetwork = true;
// likewise, see if the shotgun ip in hosts2.conf matches the top two
// bytes of either of our IPs
if ( ! isPrimaryInternal ) {
// it is PROBABLY on the same net if the top two bytes match!
if ( c[0] == b[0] && c[1] == b[1] ) onSameNetwork = true;
if ( c[0] == d[0] && c[1] == d[1] ) onSameNetwork = true;
// use internal ip if available and on same network
if ( onSameNetwork && isPrimaryInternal ) return h->m_ip; // c
if ( onSameNetwork && isShotgunInternal ) return h->m_ipShotgun; // a
// otherwise, if none are internal, just make it primary
if ( onSameNetwork ) return h->m_ip;
// ok, not on the same network, use external
if ( ! isPrimaryInternal ) return h->m_ip;
if ( ! isShotgunInternal ) return h->m_ipShotgun;
// otherwise, make a guess, both are internal!!
static time_t s_last = 0;
// log it every 10 seconds
time_t t = getTime();
if ( t - s_last > 10 ) {
log("db: All hosts2.conf IPs are internal! Please fix!");
s_last = t;
// just try the primary then
return h->m_ip;
// assume to be from posdb here
uint32_t Hostdb::getShardNumByTermId ( void *k ) {
return m_map [(*(uint16_t *)((char *)k + 16))>>3];
int32_t getShardNumFromTermId ( int64_t termId ) {
key144_t sk;
// make fake posdb key
g_posdb.makeStartKey ( &sk, termId );
// and use this
return g_hostdb.getShardNumByTermId ( &sk );
// . if false, we don't split index and date lists, other dbs are unaffected
// . this obsolets the g_*.getGroupId() functions
// . this allows us to have any # of groups in a stripe, not just power of 2
// . now we can use 3 stripes of 96 hosts each so spiders will almost never
// go down
//uint32_t Hostdb::getGroupId ( char rdbId,void *k,bool split ) {
uint32_t Hostdb::getShardNum ( char rdbId,void *k ) { // ,bool split ) {
if ( (rdbId == RDB_POSDB || rdbId == RDB2_POSDB2) &&
// split by termid and not docid?
g_posdb.isShardedByTermId ( k ) ) {
// based on termid NOT docid!!!!!!
// good for page checksums so we only have to do disk
// seek on one shard, not all shards.
// use top 13 bits of key.
return m_map [(*(uint16_t *)((char *)k + 16))>>3];
// try to put those most popular ones first for speed
if ( rdbId == RDB_POSDB || rdbId == RDB2_POSDB2 ) {
uint64_t d = g_posdb.getDocId ( k );
return m_map [ ((d>>14)^(d>>7)) & (MAX_KSLOTS-1) ];
//if ( rdbId == RDB_INDEXDB || rdbId == RDB2_INDEXDB2 ) {
// uint64_t d = g_indexdb.getDocId ( (key_t *)k );
// return m_map [ ((d>>14)^(d>>7)) & (MAX_KSLOTS-1) ];
else if ( rdbId == RDB_DATEDB || rdbId == RDB2_DATEDB2 ) {
uint64_t d = g_datedb.getDocId ( k );
return m_map [ ((d>>14)^(d>>7)) & (MAX_KSLOTS-1) ];
else if ( rdbId == RDB_LINKDB || rdbId == RDB2_LINKDB2 ) {
return m_map [(*(uint16_t *)((char *)k + 26))>>3];
//else if ( rdbId == RDB_TFNDB || rdbId == RDB2_TFNDB2 ) {
// uint64_t d = g_tfndb.getDocId ( (key_t *)k );
// return m_map [ ((d>>14)^(d>>7)) & (MAX_KSLOTS-1) ];
else if ( rdbId == RDB_TITLEDB || rdbId == RDB2_TITLEDB2 ) {
uint64_t d = g_titledb.getDocId ( (key_t *)k );
return m_map [ ((d>>14)^(d>>7)) & (MAX_KSLOTS-1) ];
else if ( rdbId == RDB_SPIDERDB || rdbId == RDB2_SPIDERDB2 ) {
//int64_t d = g_spiderdb.getDocId ( (key_t *)k );
//return m_map [ ((d>>14)^(d>>7)) & (MAX_KSLOTS-1) ];
// HACK:!!! only the responsible group can nuke a spiderdb key
//if ( ( ((char *)k)[0] & 0x01 ) == 0x00 )
// return g_hostdb.m_myHost->m_groupId;
// . otherwise, check the ip!
// . this must be a full rec... cast it
//SpiderRequest *sreq = (SpiderRequest *)k;
int32_t firstIp = g_spiderdb.getFirstIp((key128_t *)k);
// do what Spider.h getGroupId() used to do so we are
// backwards compatible
uint32_t h = (uint32_t)hash32h(firstIp,0x123456);
// use that for getting the group
//return g_spiderdb.getGroupId( firstIp );
return m_map [ h & (MAX_KSLOTS-1)];
else if ( rdbId == RDB_CLUSTERDB || rdbId == RDB2_CLUSTERDB2 ) {
uint64_t d = g_clusterdb.getDocId ( k );
return m_map [ ((d>>14)^(d>>7)) & (MAX_KSLOTS-1) ];
else if ( rdbId == RDB_TAGDB ||
rdbId == RDB2_TAGDB2 ) {
return m_map [(*(uint16_t *)((char *)k + 10))>>3];
// based on url hash, top 32 bits
else if ( rdbId == RDB_CACHEDB || rdbId == RDB_SERPDB ) {
return m_map [(*(uint16_t *)((char *)k + 10))>>3];
// . base this on city/adm1/city/streetname hash bits,
// . see Events::makePlacedbKey()
// . we got 8+16+25+16 bits = 65 bits
// . least significant bits are first
else if ( rdbId == RDB_PLACEDB || rdbId == RDB2_PLACEDB2 ) {
// hash those guys hashes into a single hash
uint32_t h = hash32 ( ((char *)k) + 8 , 8 );
// use that to lookup in m_map then
return m_map [ h & (MAX_KSLOTS-1) ];
else if ( rdbId == RDB_DOLEDB ) { // || rdbId == RDB2_DOLEDB2 ) {
// HACK:!!!!!! this is a trick!!! it is us!!!
//return g_hostdb.m_myHost->m_groupId;
return g_hostdb.m_myHost->m_shardNum;
else if ( rdbId == RDB_SECTIONDB || rdbId == RDB2_SECTIONDB2 ) {
// use top 13 bits of key
return m_map [(*(uint16_t *)((char *)k + 14))>>3];
//uint64_t d = g_datedb.getDocId ( k );
//return m_map [ ((d>>14)^(d>>7)) & (MAX_KSLOTS-1) ];
else if ( rdbId == RDB_REVDB || rdbId == RDB2_REVDB2 ) {
// key is formed like title key is
//int64_t d = g_titledb.getDocId ( (key_t *)k );
uint64_t d = g_revdb.getDocId( (key_t *)k );
return m_map [ ((d>>14)^(d>>7)) & (MAX_KSLOTS-1) ];
//else if ( rdbId == RDB_FAKEDB ) {
// // HACK:!!!!!! this is a trick!!! it is us!!!
// return g_hostdb.m_myHost->m_groupId;
//else if ( rdbId == RDB_CATDB || rdbId == RDB2_CATDB2 ) {
// return m_map [(*(uint16_t *)((char *)k + 10))>>3];
else if ( rdbId == RDB_CATDB || rdbId == RDB2_CATDB2 ) {
return m_map [(*(uint16_t *)((char *)k + 10))>>3];
// core -- must be provided
char *xx = NULL; *xx = 0;
//groupId=key.n1 & g_hostdb.m_groupMask;
//return (((key_t *)key)->n1) & g_hostdb.m_groupMask;
return 0;
uint32_t Hostdb::getShardNumFromDocId ( int64_t d ) {
return m_map [ ((d>>14)^(d>>7)) & (MAX_KSLOTS-1) ];
Host *Hostdb::getBestSpiderCompressionProxy ( int32_t *key ) {
static int32_t s_numTotal = 0;
static int32_t s_numAlive = 0;
static Host *s_alive[64];
static Host *s_lastResort = NULL;
static bool s_aliveValid = false;
if ( ! s_aliveValid ) {
// come up to "redo" from below if a host goes dead
s_aliveValid = true;
for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < m_numProxyHosts ; i++ ) {
Host *h = getProxy(i);
if ( ! (h->m_type & HT_SCPROXY ) ) continue;
// if all dead use this
s_lastResort = h;
// count towards total even if not alive
// now must be alive
if ( g_hostdb.isDead (h) ) continue;
// stop to avoid breach
if ( s_numAlive >= 64 ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// add it otherwise
s_alive[s_numAlive++] = h;
// if no scproxy in hosts.conf return NULL
if ( s_numTotal == 0 ) return NULL;
// if none alive, use last resort, a non-null dead host
if ( s_numAlive == 0 ) return s_lastResort;
// pick one based on the key
int32_t ni = hash32((char *)key , 4 ) % s_numAlive;
// get it
Host *h = s_alive[ni];
// if dead, recompute alive[] table and try again!
if ( g_hostdb.isDead(h) ) goto redo;
// got a live one
return h;
int32_t Hostdb::getCRC ( ) {
if ( m_crcValid ) return m_crc;
// hash up all host entries, just the grunts really.
SafeBuf str;
for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < getNumGrunts() ; i++ ) {
Host *h = &m_hosts[i];
// dns client port not so important
str.safePrintf("%"INT32",", i);
str.safePrintf("%s," , iptoa(h->m_ip));
str.safePrintf("%s," , iptoa(h->m_ipShotgun));
str.safePrintf("%"INT32",", (int32_t)h->m_httpPort);
str.safePrintf("%"INT32",", (int32_t)h->m_httpsPort);
str.safePrintf("%"INT32",", (int32_t)h->m_port);
m_crc = hash32n ( str.getBufStart() );
// make sure it is legit
if ( m_crc == 0 ) m_crc = 1;
m_crcValid = true;
return m_crc;
bool Hostdb::createHostsConf( char *cwd ) {
fprintf(stderr,"Creating %shosts.conf\n",cwd);
SafeBuf sb;
sb.safePrintf("# The Gigablast host configuration file.\n");
sb.safePrintf("# Tells us what hosts are participating in the distributed search engine.\n");
// put our cwd here
sb.safePrintf("0 5998 7000 8000 9000 %s\n",cwd);
sb.safePrintf("# How many mirrors do you want? If this is 0 then your data\n");
sb.safePrintf("# will NOT be replicated. If it is 1 then each host listed\n");
sb.safePrintf("# below will have one host that mirrors it, thereby decreasing\n");
sb.safePrintf("# total index capacity, but increasing redundancy. If this is\n");
sb.safePrintf("# 1 then the first half of hosts will be replicated by the\n");
sb.safePrintf("# second half of the hosts listed below.\n");
sb.safePrintf("num-mirrors: 0\n");
sb.safePrintf("# List of hosts. Limited to 512 from MAX_HOSTS in Hostdb.h. Increase that\n");
sb.safePrintf("# if you want more.\n");
sb.safePrintf("# Format:\n");
sb.safePrintf("# first column: hostID (starts at 0 and increments from there)\n");
sb.safePrintf("# second column: the port used by the client DNS algorithms\n");
sb.safePrintf("# third column: port that HTTPS listens on\n");
sb.safePrintf("# fourth column: port that HTTP listens on\n");
sb.safePrintf("# fifth column: port that udp server listens on\n");
sb.safePrintf("# sixth column: IP address or hostname that has an IP address in /etc/hosts\n");
sb.safePrintf("# seventh column: like sixth column but for secondary ethernet port. Can be the same as the sixth column.\n");
sb.safePrintf("# eigth column: An optional text note that will "
"display in the hosts table for this host.\n");
sb.safePrintf("# This file consists of a list of lines like this:\n");
sb.safePrintf("# <ClientDnsPort> <HttpsPort> <HttpPort> <UdpPort> <IP1> <IP2> <Path>\n");
sb.safePrintf("# By default just use the local host as the single host as listed below.\n");
sb.safePrintf("# The client DNS uses port 5998, https listens on 7000, http listens on port\n");
sb.safePrintf("# 8000 and the udp server listens on port 9000. We used to use port 6000 for\n");
sb.safePrintf("# DNS listening but it seemed to have some issues. If your DNS keeps timing\n");
sb.safePrintf("# out try a different port from 5998.\n");
sb.safePrintf("# If your server only has one IP then just repeat it as IP1 and IP2. You\n");
sb.safePrintf("# can also use an alphanumeric name from /etc/hosts in place of a direct\n");
sb.safePrintf("# IP address. (see example below)\n");
sb.safePrintf("# Use './gb N' to run the gb process as host #N where N is 0 to run as\n");
sb.safePrintf("# the first host in the list below. \n");
sb.safePrintf("# Use './gb start N' to use passwordless ssh to ssh to that Nth machine\n");
sb.safePrintf("# listed below and start the process. Use must have private/public keys\n");
sb.safePrintf("# for the required passwordless ssh.\n");
sb.safePrintf("# Use './gb kstart N' to run the Nth host in a bash keep-alive loop. So if it\n");
sb.safePrintf("# cores it will restart. It will send out an email alert if it restarts.\n");
sb.safePrintf("# The working directory is the last string on each line. That is where the\n");
sb.safePrintf("# 'gb' binary resides.\n");
sb.safePrintf("# Example of a four-node distributed search index running on a single\n");
sb.safePrintf("# server with four cores. The working directories are /home/mwells/hostN/.\n");
sb.safePrintf("# The 'gb' binary resides in the working directories. We have to use\n");
sb.safePrintf("# different ports for each gb instance since they are all on the same\n");
sb.safePrintf("# server.\n");
//sb.safePrintf("# Use './gb 2' to run as the host on IP for example.\n");
sb.safePrintf("#0 5998 7000 8000 9000 /home/mwells/host0/\n");
sb.safePrintf("#1 5997 7001 8001 9001 /home/mwells/host1/\n");
sb.safePrintf("#2 5996 7002 8002 9002 /home/mwells/host2/\n");
sb.safePrintf("#3 5995 7003 8003 9003 /home/mwells/host3/\n");
sb.safePrintf("# A four-node cluster on four different servers:\n");
sb.safePrintf("#0 5998 7000 8000 9000 /home/mwells/gigablast/\n");
sb.safePrintf("#1 5998 7000 8000 9000 /home/mwells/gigablast/\n");
sb.safePrintf("#2 5998 7000 8000 9000 /home/mwells/gigablast/\n");
sb.safePrintf("#3 5998 7000 8000 9000 /home/mwells/gigablast/\n");
sb.safePrintf("# Example of an eight-node cluster.\n");
sb.safePrintf("# Each line represents a single gb process with dual ethernet ports\n");
sb.safePrintf("# whose IP addresses are in /etc/hosts under se0, se0b, se1, se1b, ...\n");
sb.safePrintf("#0 5998 7000 8000 9000 se0 se0b /home/mwells/gigablast/\n");
sb.safePrintf("#1 5998 7000 8000 9000 se1 se1b /home/mwells/gigablast/\n");
sb.safePrintf("#2 5998 7000 8000 9000 se2 se2b /home/mwells/gigablast/\n");
sb.safePrintf("#3 5998 7000 8000 9000 se3 se3b /home/mwells/gigablast/\n");
sb.safePrintf("#4 5998 7000 8000 9000 se4 se4b /home/mwells/gigablast/\n");
sb.safePrintf("#5 5998 7000 8000 9000 se5 se5b /home/mwells/gigablast/\n");
sb.safePrintf("#6 5998 7000 8000 9000 se6 se6b /home/mwells/gigablast/\n");
sb.safePrintf("#7 5998 7000 8000 9000 se7 se7b /home/mwells/gigablast/\n");
sb.safePrintf("# Proxies\n");
sb.safePrintf("# Proxies handle the incoming search request and load balance it to \n");
sb.safePrintf("# one of the hosts listed above. If you only have one host in your search\n");
sb.safePrintf("# engine then you probably do not really need the proxy. You need to make\n");
sb.safePrintf("# sure all shard hosts and all proxies have the same hosts.conf because\n");
sb.safePrintf("# they ping each other to ensure they are up.\n");
sb.safePrintf("# To start a proxy you can run './gb proxy load 0' to start the first\n");
sb.safePrintf("# proxy in your list. Use './gb proxy load 1' to start the second proxy, etc.\n");
sb.safePrintf("# Use './gb proxy start N' to start the Nth proxy, where N starts at 0,\n");
sb.safePrintf("# mentioned in the proxy list below. You need to enable passwordless ssh\n");
sb.safePrintf("# using private/public keys for that to work. \n");
sb.safePrintf("# Use './gb proxy kstart N' to start the Nth proxy in a keep-alive loop using\n");
sb.safePrintf("# the bash shell. So if it cores it will restart and send you an email alert.\n");
sb.safePrintf("# Format:\n");
sb.safePrintf("# First column is \"proxy\" and followed by the standard columns described above\n");
sb.safePrintf("# Example:\n");
sb.safePrintf("# A proxy will be running on\n");
sb.safePrintf("#proxy 6001 7001 8001 9001\n");
log("%shosts.conf does not exist, creating.",cwd); ( cwd , "hosts.conf" );
return true;
void swapInts ( void *xx ) {
// do nothing if 32-bit arch
if ( sizeof(void *) == 4 ) return;
// otherwise swap the two 32-bit numbers in this ptr
int32_t *p1 = (int32_t *)xx;
int32_t *p2 = (int32_t *)(((char *)xx)+4);
int32_t tmp = *p1;
*p1 = *p2;
*p2 = tmp;
static int32_t s_localIps[20];
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <ifaddrs.h>
int32_t *getLocalIps ( ) {
static bool s_valid = false;
if ( s_valid ) return s_localIps;
s_valid = true;
struct ifaddrs *ifap = NULL;
if ( getifaddrs( &ifap ) < 0 ) {
log("hostdb: getifaddrs: %s.",mstrerror(errno));
return NULL;
ifaddrs *p = ifap;
int32_t ni = 0;
// store loopback just in case
int32_t loopback = atoip("");
s_localIps[ni++] = loopback;
for ( ; p && ni < 18 ; p = p->ifa_next ) {
// avoid possible core dump
if ( ! p->ifa_addr ) continue;
//break; // mdw hack...
struct sockaddr_in *xx = (sockaddr_in *)p->ifa_addr;
// fix the bug when compiling for 64-bit arch
swapInts ( &xx );
int32_t ip = xx->sin_addr.s_addr;
// skip if loopback we stored above
if ( ip == loopback ) continue;
// skip bogus ones
if ( (uint32_t)ip <= 10 ) continue;
// show it
//log("host: detected local ip %s",iptoa(ip));
// otherwise store it
s_localIps[ni++] = ip;
// mark the end of it
s_localIps[ni] = 0;
// free that memore
freeifaddrs ( ifap );
// return the static buffer
return s_localIps;
bool isMyIp ( int32_t ip ) {
int32_t *localIp = getLocalIps();
for ( ; *localIp ; localIp++ ) {
if ( ip == *localIp ) return true;
return false;
Host *Hostdb::getHost2 ( char *cwd , int32_t *localIps ) {
for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < m_numHosts ; i++ ) {
Host *h = &m_hosts[i];
// . get the path. guaranteed to end in '/'
// as well as cwd!
// . if the gb binary does not reside in the working dir
// for this host, skip it, it's not our host
if ( strcmp(h->m_dir,cwd) ) continue;
// now it must be our ip as well!
int32_t *ipPtr = localIps;
for ( ; *ipPtr ; ipPtr++ )
// return the host if it also matches the ip!
if ( (int32_t)h->m_ip == *ipPtr ) return h;
// what, no host?
return NULL;
Host *Hostdb::getProxy2 ( char *cwd , int32_t *localIps ) {
for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < m_numProxyHosts ; i++ ) {
Host *h = getProxy(i);
if ( ! (h->m_type & HT_PROXY ) ) continue;
// . get the path. guaranteed to end in '/'
// as well as cwd!
// . if the gb binary does not reside in the working dir
// for this host, skip it, it's not our host
if ( strcmp(h->m_dir,cwd) ) continue;
// now it must be our ip as well!
int32_t *ipPtr = localIps;
for ( ; *ipPtr ; ipPtr++ )
// return the host if it also matches the ip!
if ( (int32_t)h->m_ip == *ipPtr ) return h;
// what, no host?
return NULL;