Matt 4f2d3fe048 make query reindex (not query delete) distribute
the spiderrequests based on the domain hash bits
contained in the docid. that way the same domain
is not clogging up all the spiders on all the hosts.
2015-05-07 09:08:59 -07:00

953 lines
25 KiB

#include "gb-include.h"
#include "HttpServer.h"
#include "Msg0.h"
#include "Msg1.h"
#include "IndexList.h"
#include "Msg20.h"
#include "Collectiondb.h"
#include "Hostdb.h"
#include "Conf.h"
#include "Query.h"
#include "RdbList.h"
#include "Pages.h"
#include "Msg3a.h"
#include "Msg40.h"
#include "sort.h"
#include "Users.h"
#include "Spider.h"
#include "Revdb.h"
#include "XmlDoc.h"
#include "PageInject.h" // Msg7
#include "PageReindex.h"
//static bool printInterface ( SafeBuf *sb , char *q ,//int32_t user ,
// char *username, char *c , char *errmsg ,
// char *qlangStr ) ;
class State13 {
Msg1c m_msg1c;
GigablastRequest m_gr;
static void doneReindexing ( void *state ) ;
// . returns false if blocked, true otherwise
// . sets g_errno on error
// . query re-index interface
// . call g_httpServer.sendDynamicPage() to send it
bool sendPageReindex ( TcpSocket *s , HttpRequest *r ) {
// if they are NOT submitting a request print the interface
// and we're not running, just print the interface
// t = r->getString ("action" , &len );
// if ( len < 2 ) { // && ! s_isRunning ) {
// //p = g_pages.printAdminTop ( p , pend , s , r );
// //p = printInterface ( p , pend,q,username,coll,NULL,qlangStr);
// //g_pages.printAdminTop ( &sb , s , r );
// //printInterface ( &sb,q,username,coll,NULL,qlangStr);
// return g_httpServer.sendDynamicPage (s,
// sb.getBufStart(),
// sb.length(),
// -1,
// false);
// }
// make a state
State13 *st ;
try { st = new (State13); }
catch ( ... ) {
g_errno = ENOMEM;
log("PageTagdb: new(%i): %s",
return g_httpServer.sendErrorReply(s,500,mstrerror(g_errno));}
mnew ( st , sizeof(State13) , "PageReindex" );
// set this. also sets gr->m_hr
GigablastRequest *gr = &st->m_gr;
// this will fill in GigablastRequest so all the parms we need are set
g_parms.setGigablastRequest ( s , r , gr );
TcpSocket *sock = gr->m_socket;
// get collection rec
CollectionRec *cr = g_collectiondb.getRec ( gr->m_coll );
// bitch if no collection rec found
if ( ! cr ) {
g_errno = ENOCOLLREC;
//log("build: Injection from %s failed. "
// "Collection \"%s\" does not exist.",
// iptoa(s->m_ip),coll);
// g_errno should be set so it will return an error response
mdelete ( st , sizeof(State13) , "PageTagdb" );
delete (st);
return true;
collnum_t collnum = cr->m_collnum;
SafeBuf sb;
// if no query send back the page blanked out i guess
if ( ! gr->m_query || ! gr->m_query[0] ) {
doneReindexing ( st );
return true;
// no permmission?
bool isMasterAdmin = g_conf.isMasterAdmin ( s , r );
bool isCollAdmin = g_conf.isCollAdmin ( s , r );
if ( ! isMasterAdmin &&
! isCollAdmin ) {
g_errno = ENOPERM;
doneReindexing ( st );
return true;
int32_t langId = getLangIdFromAbbr ( gr->m_qlang );
// let msg1d do all the work now
if ( ! st->m_msg1c.reindexQuery ( gr->m_query ,
gr->m_srn , // startNum ,
gr->m_ern , // endNum ,
st ,
doneReindexing ) )
return false;
// no waiting
doneReindexing ( st );
return true;
st->m_updateTags = updateTags;
take this our for now. we are using likedb...
if ( updateTags ) {
// let msg1d do all the work now
if ( ! st->m_msg1d.updateQuery ( st->m_query ,
startNum ,
endNum ,
st ,
doneReindexing ) )
return false;
else {
void doneReindexing ( void *state ) {
// cast it
State13 *st = (State13 *)state;
GigablastRequest *gr = &st->m_gr;
// note it
if ( gr->m_query && gr->m_query[0] )
log(LOG_INFO,"admin: Done with query reindex. %s",
// if no error, send the pre-generated page
// this must be under 100 chars or it messes our reply buf up
//char mesg[200];
// if we used msg1d, then WHY ARE WE USING m_msg1c.m_numDocIdsAdded
// here?
if ( st->m_updateTags )
sprintf ( mesg , "<center><font color=red><b>Success. "
"Updated tagrecs and index for %"INT32" docid(s)"
"</b></font></center><br>" ,
st->m_msg1d.m_numDocIds );
// print the html page
HttpRequest *hr = &gr->m_hr;
char format = hr->getReplyFormat();
SafeBuf sb;
char *ct = "text/html";
if ( format == FORMAT_JSON ) ct = "application/json";
if ( format == FORMAT_XML ) ct = "text/xml";
if ( format == FORMAT_XML ) {
, st->m_msg1c.m_numDocIdsAdded
g_httpServer.sendDynamicPage ( gr->m_socket,
mdelete ( st , sizeof(State13) , "PageTagdb" );
delete (st);
if ( format == FORMAT_JSON ) {
, st->m_msg1c.m_numDocIdsAdded
g_httpServer.sendDynamicPage ( gr->m_socket,
mdelete ( st , sizeof(State13) , "PageTagdb" );
delete (st);
g_pages.printAdminTop ( &sb , gr->m_socket , &gr->m_hr );
".poo { background-color:#%s;}\n"
"</style>\n" ,
// print error msg if any
if ( gr->m_query && gr->m_query[0] && ! g_errno )
sb.safePrintf ( "<center><font color=red><b>Success. "
"Added %"INT32" docid(s) to "
"spider queue.</b></font></center><br>" ,
st->m_msg1c.m_numDocIdsAdded );
if ( gr->m_query && gr->m_query[0] && g_errno )
sb.safePrintf ( "<center><font color=red><b>Error. "
"%s</b></font></center><br>" ,
// print the reindex interface
g_parms.printParmTable ( &sb , gr->m_socket , &gr->m_hr );
g_httpServer.sendDynamicPage ( gr->m_socket,
mdelete ( st , sizeof(State13) , "PageTagdb" );
delete (st);
// Msg1c if for reindexing docids
static void gotDocIdListWrapper ( void *state );
static void addedListWrapper ( void *state ) ;
Msg1c::Msg1c() {
m_numDocIds = 0;
m_numDocIdsAdded = 0;
m_collnum = -1;
m_callback = NULL;
bool Msg1c::reindexQuery ( char *query ,
collnum_t collnum ,//char *coll ,
int32_t startNum ,
int32_t endNum ,
bool forceDel ,
int32_t langId,
void *state ,
void (* callback) (void *state ) ) {
m_collnum = collnum;// = coll;
m_startNum = startNum;
m_endNum = endNum;
m_forceDel = forceDel;
m_state = state;
m_callback = callback;
m_numDocIds = 0;
m_numDocIdsAdded = 0;
m_niceness = MAX_NICENESS;
// langunknown?
m_qq.set2 ( query , langId , true ); // /*bool flag*/ );
// a debug thing
m_qq.m_containingParent = (void *)this;
//CollectionRec *cr = g_collectiondb.getRec ( collnum );
// sanity fix
if ( endNum - startNum > MAXDOCIDSTOCOMPUTE )
//CollectionRec *cr = g_collectiondb.getRec ( coll );
// reset again just in case
// set our Msg39Request
//m_req.ptr_coll = coll;
//m_req.size_coll = gbstrlen(coll)+1;
m_req.m_collnum = m_collnum;
m_req.m_docsToGet = endNum;
m_req.m_niceness = 0,
m_req.m_getDocIdScoringInfo = false;
m_req.m_doSiteClustering = false;
//m_req.m_doIpClustering = false;
m_req.m_doDupContentRemoval = false;
m_req.ptr_query = m_qq.m_orig;
m_req.size_query = m_qq.m_origLen+1;
m_req.m_timeout = 100000; // very high, 100k seconds
m_req.m_queryExpansion = true; // so it's like regular rslts
// add language dropdown or take from [query reindex] link
m_req.m_language = langId;
//m_req.m_debug = 1;
// log for now
logf(LOG_DEBUG,"reindex: qlangid=%"INT32" q=%s",langId,query);
g_errno = 0;
// . get the docIds
// . this sets m_msg3a.m_clusterLevels[] for us
if ( ! m_msg3a.getDocIds ( &m_req ,
&m_qq ,
this ,
gotDocIdListWrapper ))
return false;
// . this returns false if blocks, true otherwise
// . sets g_errno on failure
return gotList ( );
void gotDocIdListWrapper ( void *state ) {
// cast
Msg1c *m = (Msg1c *)state;
// return if this blocked
if ( ! m->gotList ( ) ) return;
// call callback otherwise
m->m_callback ( m->m_state );
// . this returns false if blocks, true otherwise
// . sets g_errno on failure
bool Msg1c::gotList ( ) {
if ( g_errno ) return true;
int64_t *tmpDocIds = m_msg3a.getDocIds();
int32_t numDocIds = m_msg3a.getNumDocIds();
if ( m_startNum > 0) {
numDocIds -= m_startNum;
tmpDocIds = &tmpDocIds[m_startNum];
m_numDocIds = numDocIds; // save for reporting
// log it
log(LOG_INFO,"admin: Got %"INT32" docIds for query reindex.", numDocIds);
// bail if no need
if ( numDocIds <= 0 ) return true;
// force spiders on on entire network. they will progagate from
// host #0...
g_conf.m_spideringEnabled = true;
// make a list big enough to hold all the spider recs that we make
// from these docIds
//SafeBuf sb;
int32_t nowGlobal = getTimeGlobal();
HashTableX dt;
char dbuf[1024];
State13 *st = (State13 *)m_state;
GigablastRequest *gr = &st->m_gr;
m_numDocIdsAdded = 0;
//int32_t count = 0;
// list consists of docIds, loop through each one
for(int32_t i = 0; i < numDocIds; i++) {
int64_t docId = tmpDocIds[i];
// when searching events we get multiple docids that are same
if ( dt.isInTable ( &docId ) ) continue;
// add it
if ( ! dt.addKey ( &docId ) ) return true;
// log it if we have 1000 or less of them for now
//if ( i <= 100 )
// this causes a sigalarm log msg to wait forever for lock
//char *msg = "Reindexing";
//if ( m_forceDel ) msg = "Deleting";
//logf(LOG_INFO,"build: %s docid #%"INT32"/%"INT32") %"INT64"",
// msg,i,count++,docId);
SpiderRequest sr;
// url is a docid!
sprintf ( sr.m_url , "%"UINT64"" , docId );
// make a fake first ip
// use only 64k values so we don't stress doledb/waittrees/etc.
// for large #'s of docids
int32_t firstIp = (docId & 0x0000ffff);
// bits 6-13 of the docid are the domain hash so use those
// when doing a REINDEX (not delete!) to ensure that requests
// on the same domain go to the same shard, at least when
// we have up to 256 shards. if we have more than 256 shards
// at this point some shards will not participate in the
// query reindex/delete process because of this, so
// we'll want to allow more bits in in that case perhaps.
// check out Hostdb::getShardNum(RDB_SPIDERDB) in Hostdb.cpp
// to see what shard is responsible for storing and indexing
// this SpiderRequest based on the firstIp.
if ( ! m_forceDel ) {
// if we are a REINDEX not a delete because
// deletes don't need to spider/redownload the doc
// so the distribution can be more random
firstIp >>= 6;
firstIp &= 0xff;
// 0 is not a legit val. it'll core below.
if ( firstIp == 0 ) firstIp = 1;
// use a fake ip
sr.m_firstIp = firstIp;//nowGlobal;
// we are not really injecting...
sr.m_isInjecting = false;//true;
sr.m_hopCount = -1;
sr.m_isPageReindex = 1;
sr.m_urlIsDocId = 1;
sr.m_fakeFirstIp = 1;
// for msg12 locking
//sr.m_probDocId = docId;
// use test-parser not test-spider
//sr.m_useTestSpiderDir = 0;
sr.m_parentIsSiteMap = 0;
// now you can recycle content instead of re-downloading it
// for every docid
sr.m_recycleContent = gr->m_recycleContent;
// if this is zero we end up getting deduped in
// dedupSpiderList() if there was a SpiderReply whose
// spider time was > 0
sr.m_addedTime = nowGlobal;
if ( m_forceDel ) sr.m_forceDelete = 1;
else sr.m_forceDelete = 0;
// . complete its m_key member
// . parentDocId is used to make the key, but only allow one
// page reindex spider request per url... so use "0"
// . this will set "uh48" to hash64b(m_url) which is the docid
sr.setKey( firstIp, 0LL , false );
// how big to serialize
int32_t recSize = sr.getRecSize();
// store it
if ( ! m_sb.safeMemcpy ( (char *)&sr , recSize ) ) {
// g_errno must be set
if ( ! g_errno ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
//s_isRunning = false;
"admin: Query reindex size of %"INT32" "
"too big. Aborting. Bad engineer." ,
(int32_t)0);//m_list.getListSize() );
return true;
// free "finalBuf" etc. for msg39
// make it into a list for adding with Msg1
key128_t startKey; startKey.setMin();
key128_t endKey ; endKey.setMax();
m_list2.set ( sb.getBufStart() ,
sb.length () ,
sb.getBufStart() ,
sb.getCapacity() ,
(char *)&startKey ,
(char *)&endKey ,
-1 , // fixedDatSize
true , // ownData?
false , // use half keys?
16 ); // 16 byte keys now
// release from sb so it doesn't free it
//g_conf.m_logDebugSpider = 1;
log("reindex: adding docid list to spiderdb");
if ( ! m_msg4.addMetaList ( m_sb.getBufStart() ,
m_sb.length() ,
m_collnum ,
this ,
addedListWrapper ,
0 , // niceness
RDB_SPIDERDB ))// spiderdb
return false;
// if we did not block, go here
return true;
void addedListWrapper ( void *state ) {
// note that
log("reindex: done adding list to spiderdb");
// cast
Msg1c *m = (Msg1c *)state;
// call callback, all done
m->m_callback ( m->m_state );
// Msg1d is for adding new tags for events
static void updateTagTermsWrapper ( void *state ) {
Msg1d *THIS = (Msg1d *)state;
if ( ! THIS->updateTagTerms ( ) ) return;
// . finally done with the query reindex for tags
// . on error g_errno is set here...
THIS->m_callback ( THIS->m_state );
// . returns false if blocked, true otherwise
// . returns true and sets g_errno on error
bool Msg1d::updateQuery ( char *query ,
HttpRequest *r,
TcpSocket *sock,
char *coll ,
int32_t startNum ,
int32_t endNum ,
void *state ,
void (* callback) (void *state ) ) {
m_coll = coll;
m_startNum = startNum;
m_endNum = endNum;
m_state = state;
m_callback = callback;
m_i = 0;
m_flushedList = 0;
m_qq.set ( query , 0 ); // flag
m_niceness = MAX_NICENESS;
//CollectionRec *cr = g_collectiondb.getRec ( coll );
// make a search input
m_si.set ( sock , r , &m_qq );
m_si.m_skipEventMerge = 1;
m_si.m_niceness = 0;
m_si.m_doSiteClustering = false;
m_si.m_doIpClustering = false;
m_si.m_doDupContentRemoval = false;
m_si.m_docsWanted = endNum - startNum;
m_si.m_firstResultNum = startNum;
m_si.m_userLat = 999.0;
m_si.m_userLon = 999.0;
m_si.m_zipLat = 999.0;
m_si.m_zipLon = 999.0;
m_si.m_clockOff = 0;
m_si.m_clockSet = 0;
// it is not super critical machine clock is synced right away.
// it could take a second or so after we come up to sync with host #0
if ( isClockInSync() ) m_si.m_nowUTC = getTimeGlobal();
else m_si.m_nowUTC = getTimeLocal ();
// . sort by next upcoming time of event (if any)
// . TODO: make sure does not include expired events
m_si.m_sortBy = SORTBY_TIME;
m_si.m_coll = m_coll;
m_si.m_collLen = gbstrlen(m_coll);
if ( ! m_msg40.getResults ( &m_si ,
false ,
this ,
updateTagTermsWrapper ) )
// return false if we blocked
return false;
// . this returns false if blocks, true otherwise
// . sets g_errno on failure
return updateTagTerms ( );
// the alternate reindex path, just update tags
void sleepBack ( int fd , void *state ) {
Msg1d *THIS = (Msg1d *)state;
// unregister
g_loop.unregisterSleepCallback ( THIS , sleepBack );
// note it
log("reindex: back from sleep");
// try to get lock again
if ( ! THIS->updateTagTerms ( ) ) return;
// . finally done with the query reindex for tags
// . on error g_errno is set here...
THIS->m_callback ( THIS->m_state );
bool Msg1d::updateTagTerms ( ) {
// get docids
m_numDocIds = m_msg40.getNumDocIds();
// loop over each docid/eventid/eventhash
for ( ; m_i < m_numDocIds ; ) {
// . retry if we did not get the lock
// . TODO: make sure this doesn't hog the cpu looping!!
if ( ! m_msg12.m_hasLock ) m_gotLock = 0;
// int16_tcut
Msg20Reply *mr = m_msg40.m_msg20[m_i]->m_r;
// lock it
if ( ! m_gotLock++ ) {
// note it
//log("reindex: getting lock for %s",mr->ptr_ubuf);
log("reindex: getting lock for %"UINT64"",mr->m_urlHash48);
// try to get the lock
if ( ! m_msg12.getLocks ( mr->m_docId,//urlHash48 ,
mr->ptr_ubuf , // url
this ,
updateTagTermsWrapper ) ) {
//log("reindex: blocked");
// return false if blocked
return false;
// note it
//log("reindex: did not block");
// wait for lock?
if ( ! m_msg12.m_hasLock ) {
log("reindex: waiting for lock for uh=%"UINT64"",
return false;
// sanity
if ( ! m_msg12.m_hasLock ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// get tag rec
if ( ! m_gotTagRec++ ) {
// make the fake url
char fbuf[1024];
sprintf(fbuf,"gbeventhash%"UINT64".com",mr->m_eventHash64 );
m_fakeUrl.set ( fbuf );
// note it
//log("reindex: getting tag rec for %s",mr->ptr_ubuf);
// now look that up
if ( ! m_msg8a.getTagRec ( &m_fakeUrl ,
m_coll ,
true , // canonical lookup?
m_niceness ,
this ,
updateTagTermsWrapper ,
&m_tagRec ) )
return false;
// get revdb rec
if ( ! m_gotRevdbRec++ ) {
// note it
//log("reindex: getting revdbrec for %s",mr->ptr_ubuf);
// make the key range
key_t sk = g_revdb.makeKey ( mr->m_docId , true );
key_t ek = g_revdb.makeKey ( mr->m_docId , false );
// int16_tcut
Msg0 *m = &m_msg0;
// this is a no-split lookup by default now
if ( ! m->getList ( -1 , // hostId
0 , // ip
0 , // port
0 , // maxCacheAge
false , // add to cache?
m_coll ,
&m_revdbList ,
sk ,
ek ,
1 , // minRecSizes in bytes
this ,
updateTagTermsWrapper ,
m_niceness ))
return false;
// process it
if ( ! m_madeList++ ) {
// note it
//log("reindex: making meta list for %s",mr->ptr_ubuf);
// returns false and sets g_errno on error
// . makes a metalist for us to add to datedb
// . adds in the new tag terms
// . includes a new revdb record that is basically
// the old revdb record plus the new tag terms
if ( ! getMetaList ( mr->m_docId ,
mr->m_eventId ,
&m_revdbList ,
m_niceness ,
&m_addBuf ) )
return true;
// int16_tcut
m_metaList = m_addBuf.getBufStart();
m_metaListSize = m_addBuf.getBufUsed();
// debug log
log("reindex: event reindex d=%"UINT64" eid=%"UINT32" "
// add using msg4
if ( ! m_addedList++ ) {
// note it
//log("reindex: adding meta list for %s",mr->ptr_ubuf);
if ( ! m_msg4.addMetaList ( m_metaList ,
m_metaListSize ,
m_coll ,
this ,
updateTagTermsWrapper ,
m_niceness ) )
return false;
// return lock just for our uh48
if ( ! m_removeLock++ ) {
// note it
log("reindex: removing lock for %"UINT64"",mr->m_urlHash48);
if ( ! m_msg12.removeAllLocks ( ) )
return false;
// update
// reset for next guy
m_gotLock = 0;
m_gotTagRec = 0;
m_gotRevdbRec = 0;
m_madeList = 0;
m_addedList = 0;
m_removeLock = 0;
// flush and wait
// TODO: add this back one we code it up
flushMsg4Buffers ( NULL , NULL );
//if ( ! m_flushedList++ &&
// ! m_msg4.flushMsg4Buffers ( this ,
// updateTagTermsWrapper ) )
// return false;
// all done
return true;
// . put the meta list into "addBuf"
// . returns false and sets g_errno on error
bool Msg1d::getMetaList ( int64_t docId ,
int32_t eventId ,
TagRec *egr ,
RdbList *oldList ,
int32_t niceness ,
SafeBuf *addBuf ) {
// . now make the positive tag terms
// . put our new tag hashes in here
HashTableX dt;
char dtbuf[1524];
// these keys are 12 bytes here
dt.set ( 12,4,64,dtbuf,1524,false,niceness,"msg1dbuf");
// hash without prefix (no gbtag: junk)
if ( ! hashEventTagRec ( egr ,
eventId ,
&dt ,
NULL , // pbuf
NULL , // wts
NULL , // wbuf
niceness ) )
return false;
// point to the OLD meta list (inside the revdb record)
char *om = NULL;
int32_t osize = 0;
char *omend = NULL;
// . only point to records in list record if there
// . taken from XmlDoc.cpp:15228
if ( oldList->m_listSize > 16 ) {
om = oldList->m_list + 12 + 4;
osize = *(int32_t *)(oldList->m_list + 12);
omend = om + osize;
// how much space in new revdb rec that will replace "oldList"?
int32_t need = osize + dt.m_numSlotsUsed * (1+16);
// make new revdb rec from that
if ( ! m_rr.reserve ( need ) ) return false;
// scan the meta list
for ( char *p = om ; p < omend ; ) {
// breathe
// save this
char byte = *p;
// get the rdbid for this rec
char rdbId = byte & 0x7f;
// skip that
// get the key size
int32_t ks = getKeySizeFromRdbId ( rdbId );
// get that
char *k = p;
// store it in new revdb rec
if ( ! m_rr.pushChar ( rdbId ) ) return false;
// and key
if ( ! m_rr.safeMemcpy ( k , ks ) ) return false;
// unlike a real meta list, this meta list has
// no data field, just rdbIds and keys only! because
// we only use it for deleting, which only requires
// a key and not the data
p += ks;
// skip now
if ( rdbId != RDB_DATEDB ) continue;
// . date must be 0x7fff**** in order to be a tag term
// . this is because we hacked the high bit on in
// hashEventTagRec in XmlDoc.cpp, then the date is
// complemented by g_datedb.makeKey()
// . so skip this datedb key if not a tag term
if ( k[9] != (char)0x7f || k[8] != (char)0xff ) continue;
// remove tag term from new list, we'll add it back later below
m_rr.incrementLength ( -ks -1 );
// add it as negative key, first the rdbId
if ( ! addBuf->pushChar ( rdbId ) ) return false;
// make key negative by clearing LSB
k[0] &= 0xfe;
// add this negative key to the msg4 addlist buffer
if ( ! addBuf->safeMemcpy ( k , ks ) ) return false;
// . scan each term in with prefix
// . the key formation code taken from XmlDoc::addTableDate()
for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < dt.m_numSlots ; i++ ) {
// breathe
// skip if empty
if ( ! dt.m_flags[i] ) continue;
// get its key
key96_t *k = (key96_t *)dt.getKey ( i );
// get its value
uint32_t v = *(uint32_t *)dt.getValueFromSlot ( i );
// convert to 8 bits
v = score32to8 ( v );
// . make the meta list key for datedb
// . a datedb key (see Datedb.h)
// . date is fake in that it is like the dates in
// XmlDoc::hashEventTagRec(), it is an eventid range
// with the tagterm bit (0x80000000) set
key128_t mk = g_datedb.makeKey ( k->n0 , // termId
k->n1 , // date
v , // score (8 bits)
docId ,
false );// del key?
// add that to list, first the rdbid
if ( ! addBuf->pushChar ( (char)RDB_DATEDB ) ) return false;
// then the key
if ( ! addBuf->safeMemcpy ( (char *)&mk , 16 ) ) return false;
// also add to the new revdb rec
if ( ! m_rr.pushChar ( (char)RDB_DATEDB ) ) return false;
// and key to that
if ( ! m_rr.safeMemcpy ( (char *)&mk , 16 ) ) return false;
// now for the final metalist to add, we will be adding the new
// revdb record to RDB_REVDB and we will be adding a bunch of
// RDB_DATEDB records to datedb.
// partap got a revdb record of zero size... strange
if ( oldList->m_listSize > 0 ) {
// revdb rec
if ( ! addBuf->pushChar ( (char)RDB_REVDB ) ) return false;
// revdb key
if ( ! addBuf->safeMemcpy ( oldList->m_list , 12 ) )
return false;
// and datasize
int32_t dataSize = m_rr.getBufUsed();
// store that after key
if ( ! addBuf->safeMemcpy ( (char *)&dataSize , 4 ) )
return false;
// append the data of the revdb record then
if ( ! addBuf->cat ( m_rr ) ) return false;
else {
log("reindex: strange. revdb rec is empty.");
// free it to save mem
return true;