Matt Wells 27e8e810d2 use collnum instead of coll string.
more stable since resetting collections
keeps string the same but changes the collnum.
2014-03-06 15:48:11 -08:00

291 lines
8.2 KiB

#include "gb-include.h"
#include "Msge0.h"
static void gotTagRecWrapper ( void *state ) ;
Msge0::Msge0() {
m_slabNum = -1;
m_buf = NULL;
m_numReplies = 0;
m_n = 0;
Msge0::~Msge0() {
#define SLAB_SIZE (8*1024)
void Msge0::reset() {
m_errno = 0;
for ( long i = 0 ; i < m_n ; i++ ) {
// cast it
TagRec *tr = m_tagRecPtrs[i];
// skip if empty
if ( ! tr ) continue;
// skip if base
if ( tr == m_baseTagRec ) continue;
// free the rdblist memory in the TagRec::m_list
for ( long i = 0 ; i <= m_slabNum ; i++ )
mfree ( m_slab[i] , SLAB_SIZE , "msgeslab" );
m_slabNum = -1;
m_slabPtr = NULL;
m_slabEnd = NULL;
if ( m_buf ) mfree ( m_buf , m_bufSize,"Msge0buf");
m_buf = NULL;
m_numReplies = 0;
m_n = 0;
// . get various information for each url in a list of urls
// . urls in "urlBuf" are \0 terminated
// . used to be called getSiteRecs()
// . you can pass in a list of docIds rather than urlPtrs
bool Msge0::getTagRecs ( char **urlPtrs ,
linkflags_t *urlFlags , //Links::m_linkFlags
long numUrls ,
// if skipOldLinks && urlFlags[i]&LF_OLDLINK, skip it
bool skipOldLinks ,
TagRec *baseTagRec ,
collnum_t collnum,
long niceness ,
void *state ,
void (*callback)(void *state) ) {
// bail if no urls or linkee
if ( numUrls <= 0 ) return true;
// save all input parms
m_urlPtrs = urlPtrs;
m_urlFlags = urlFlags;
m_numUrls = numUrls;
m_skipOldLinks = skipOldLinks;
m_baseTagRec = baseTagRec;
m_collnum = collnum;
m_niceness = niceness;
m_state = state;
m_callback = callback;
// . how much mem to alloc?
// . include an extra 4 bytes for each one to hold possible errno
long need =
4 + // error
4 + // tag ptr
4 ; // slab ptr
// one per url
need *= numUrls;
// allocate the buffer to hold all the info we gather
m_buf = (char *)mcalloc ( need , "Msge0buf" );
if ( ! m_buf ) return true;
m_bufSize = need;
// clear it all
memset ( m_buf , 0 , m_bufSize );
// set the ptrs!
char *p = m_buf;
m_tagRecErrors = (long *)p ; p += numUrls * 4;
m_tagRecPtrs = (TagRec **)p ; p += numUrls * 4;
m_slab = (char **)p ; p += numUrls * 4;
// initialize
m_numRequests = 0;
m_numReplies = 0;
// . point to first url to process
// . url # m_n
m_n = 0;
// clear the m_used flags
memset ( m_used , 0 , MAX_OUTSTANDING_MSGE0 );
// . launch the requests
// . a request can be a msg8a, msgc, msg50 or msg20 request depending
// on what we need to get
// . when a reply returns, the next request is launched for that url
// . we keep a msgESlot state for each active url in the buffer
// . we can have up to MAX_ACTIVE urls active
if ( ! launchRequests ( 0 ) ) return false;
// none blocked, we are done
return true;
// we only come back up here 1) in the very beginning or 2) when a url
// completes its pipeline of requests
bool Msge0::launchRequests ( long starti ) {
// reset any error code
g_errno = 0;
// stop if no more urls. return true if we got all replies! no block.
if ( m_n >= m_numUrls ) return (m_numRequests == m_numReplies);
// if all hosts are getting a diffbot reply with 50 spiders and they
// all timeout at the same time we can very easily clog up the
// udp sockets, so use this to limit... i've seen the whole
// spider tables stuck with "getting outlink tag rec vector"statuses
if ( g_udpServer.m_numUsedSlots > 500 ) maxOut = 1;
// if we are maxed out, we basically blocked!
if (m_numRequests - m_numReplies >= maxOut ) return false;
// . skip if "old"
// . we are not planning on adding this to spiderdb, so Msg16
// want to skip the ip lookup, etc.
if ( m_urlFlags && (m_urlFlags[m_n] & LF_OLDLINK) && m_skipOldLinks ) {
goto loop;
// if url is same host as the tagrec provided, just reference that!
if ( m_urlFlags && (m_urlFlags[m_n] & LF_SAMEHOST) && m_baseTagRec) {
m_tagRecPtrs[m_n] = (TagRec *)m_baseTagRec;
goto loop;
// . get the next url
// . if m_xd is set, create the url from the ad id
char *p = m_urlPtrs[m_n];
// get the length
long plen = gbstrlen(p);
// . grab a slot
// . m_msg8as[i], m_msgCs[i], m_msg50s[i], m_msg20s[i]
long i;
// make this 0 since "maxOut" now changes!!
for ( i = 0 /*starti*/ ; i < MAX_OUTSTANDING_MSGE0 ; i++ )
if ( ! m_used[i] ) break;
// sanity check
if ( i >= MAX_OUTSTANDING_MSGE0 ) { char *xx = NULL; *xx = 0; }
// normalize the url
m_urls[i].set ( p , plen );
// save the url number, "n"
m_ns [i] = m_n;
// claim it
m_used[i] = true;
// note it
//if ( g_conf.m_logDebugSpider )
// log(LOG_DEBUG,"spider: msge0: processing url %s",
// m_urls[i].getUrl());
// . start it off
// . this will start the pipeline for this url
// . it will set m_used[i] to true if we use it and block
// . it will increment m_numRequests and NOT m_numReplies if it blocked
sendMsg8a ( i );
// consider it launched
// inc the url count
// try to do another
goto loop;
bool Msge0::sendMsg8a ( long i ) {
// handle errors
if ( g_errno && ! m_errno ) m_errno = g_errno;
g_errno = 0;
Msg8a *m = &m_msg8as[i];
//TagRec *m = &m_tagRecs[i];
// save state into Msg8a
m->m_state2 = this;
m->m_state3 = (void *)i;
// how big are all the tags we got for this url
long need = sizeof(TagRec);
// sanity check
if ( need > SLAB_SIZE ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// how much space left in the latest buffer
if ( m_slabPtr + need > m_slabEnd ) {
// inc the buffer number
// allocate a new 8k buffer
m_slab[m_slabNum] = (char *)mmalloc (SLAB_SIZE,"msgeslab");
// failed?
if ( ! m_slab[m_slabNum] ) {
// do not free if null above
// count as reply
// make it available again
m_used[i] = false;
// record error
if ( ! m_errno ) m_errno = g_errno;
// error out
log("msge0: slab alloc: %s",mstrerror(g_errno));
return true;
// uh oh?
if ( ! m_slab[m_slabNum] && m_errno == 0 )
m_errno = g_errno;
// set it (will be NULL if malloc failed)
m_slabPtr = m_slab[m_slabNum];
m_slabEnd = m_slabPtr + SLAB_SIZE;
// we are processing the nth url
long n = m_ns[i];
// now use it
m_tagRecPtrs[n] = (TagRec *)m_slabPtr;
// constructor
// advance it
m_slabPtr += sizeof(TagRec);
// skip for debug
//return doneSending(i);
// . this now employs the tagdb filters table for lookups
// . that is really a hack until we find a way to identify subsites
// on a domain automatically, like is a
// subsite.
if ( ! m->getTagRec ( &m_urls[i] ,
NULL, // sites[i] ,
m_collnum ,
// if domain is banned, we will miss that here!
true , // skip domain lookup?
m_niceness ,
m , // state
gotTagRecWrapper ,
m_tagRecPtrs[n]) )
return false;
return doneSending ( i );
void gotTagRecWrapper ( void *state ) {
Msg8a *m = (Msg8a *)state;
//TagRec *m = (TagRec *)state;
Msge0 *THIS = (Msge0 *)m->m_state2;
long i = (long )m->m_state3;
if ( ! THIS->doneSending ( i ) ) return;
// try to launch more, returns false if not done
if ( ! THIS->launchRequests(i) ) return;
// must be all done, call the callback
THIS->m_callback ( THIS->m_state );
bool Msge0::doneSending ( long i ) {
// we are processing the nth url
long n = m_ns[i];
// save the error if msg8a had one
m_tagRecErrors[n] = g_errno;
// also, set m_errno for this Msge0 class...
if ( g_errno && ! m_errno ) m_errno = g_errno;
// reset error for successive calls to other msgs
g_errno = 0;
// copy the Tags from Msg8a into a "slab".
// alloc a new slab if not enough room.
// tally it up
//if ( m_getSiteRecs ) ruleset = m_siteRecBuf[n].m_filenum;
//log ( LOG_DEBUG, "build: Finished Msge0 for url [%li,%li]: %s",
// n, i, m_urls[i].getUrl() );
// free it
m_used[i] = false;
// we did not block
return true;