Matt Wells acd05aa740 fix a few minor bugs.
/master/->/admin/ and crawl type mismatch.
2014-03-16 10:34:58 -07:00

608 lines
18 KiB

#include "gb-include.h"
#include "TcpServer.h"
#include "UdpServer.h"
#include "Rdb.h"
#include "Pages.h"
#include "Dns.h"
#include "SafeBuf.h"
#include "Msg13.h"
static void printTcpTable (SafeBuf *p,char *title,TcpServer *server);
static void printUdpTable (SafeBuf *p,char *title,UdpServer *server,
char *coll, char *pwd , long fromIp ,
bool isDns = false );
// . returns false if blocked, true otherwise
// . sets errno on error
// . make a web page displaying the config of this host
// . call g_httpServer.sendDynamicPage() to send it
bool sendPageSockets ( TcpSocket *s , HttpRequest *r ) {
// don't allow pages bigger than 128k in cache
char buf [ 128*1024 ];
SafeBuf p(buf, 128*1024);
//char *bufEnd = buf + 256*1024;
// a ptr into "buf"
// password, too
//long pwdLen = 0;
//char *pwd = r->getString ( "pwd" , &pwdLen );
//if ( pwdLen > 31 ) pwdLen = 31;
//if ( pwd ) pwd[pwdLen]='\0';
long collLen = 0;
char *coll = r->getString( "c", &collLen );
if ( collLen > MAX_COLL_LEN ) collLen = MAX_COLL_LEN;
if ( coll ) coll[collLen] = '\0';
//char pbuf [32];
//if ( pwdLen > 0 ) strncpy ( pbuf , pwd , pwdLen );
// print standard header
// char *ss = p.getBuf();
// char *ssend = p.getBufEnd();
g_pages.printAdminTop ( &p, s , r );
//p.incrementLength(sss - ss);
// now print out the sockets table for each tcp server we have
printTcpTable(&p,"HTTP Server" ,g_httpServer.getTcp());
printTcpTable(&p,"HTTPS Server" ,g_httpServer.getSSLTcp());
printUdpTable(&p,"Udp Server" , &g_udpServer,coll,NULL,s->m_ip);
//printUdpTable(&p,"Udp Server(async)",&g_udpServer2,coll,pwd,s->m_ip);
printUdpTable(&p,"Udp Server (dns)", &g_dns.m_udpServer,
// get # of disks per machine
long count = 0;
for ( long i = 0 ; i < g_hostdb.getNumHosts(); i++ ) {
long hid = g_hostdb.m_hostPtrs[i]->m_hostId;
long m = g_hostdb.getMachineNum ( hid );
if ( m == 0 ) count++;
sprintf ( p , "<table width=100%% bgcolor=#d0d0f0 border=1>"
"<tr><td bgcolor=#c0c0f0 colspan=%li>"
"<center><font size=+1><b>Wait Times</b></font>"
"</td></tr>\n" , 3 + count );
p += gbstrlen ( p );
// print columns
sprintf ( p ,
"<td><b>machine #</b></td>"
"<td><b>send wait</b></td>"
"<td><b>read wait</b></td>" );
p += gbstrlen ( p );
// print disk columns
for ( long i = 0 ; i < count ; i++ ) {
sprintf ( p , "<td><b>disk %li wait</b></td>",i);
p += gbstrlen ( p );
// end the top row
sprintf ( p , "</tr>\n" );
p += gbstrlen ( p );
// print rows
for ( long i = 0 ; i < g_hostdb.getNumMachines() ; i++ ) {
// print machine #
sprintf ( p , "<tr><td><b>%li</b></td>",i);
p += gbstrlen ( p );
// then net send
float x = (float)g_queryRouter.m_sendWaits[i] / 1000;
sprintf ( p , "<td>%.1fms</td>", x );
p += gbstrlen ( p );
// then net read
x = (float)g_queryRouter.m_readWaits[i] / 1000;
sprintf ( p , "<td>%.1fms</td>", x );
p += gbstrlen ( p );
// print disk wait in milliseconds (it's in microseconds)
// find any host that matches this machine
for ( long j = 0 ; j < g_hostdb.getNumHosts() ; j++ ) {
// use in order of ip
long hid = g_hostdb.m_hostPtrs[j]->m_hostId;
// get machine #
long m = g_hostdb.getMachineNum(hid);
// skip if no match
if ( m != i ) continue;
// otherwise print
x = (float)g_queryRouter.m_diskWaits[hid] / 1000;
sprintf ( p , "<td>%.1fms</td>", x );
p += gbstrlen ( p );
// end row
sprintf ( p , "</tr>\n");
p += gbstrlen ( p );
// end table
sprintf ( p , "</table>");
p += gbstrlen ( p );
// print the final tail
//p += g_httpServer.printTail ( p , pend - p );
// calculate buffer length
long bufLen = p.length();
// . send this page
// . encapsulates in html header and tail
// . make a Mime
return g_httpServer.sendDynamicPage ( s , (char*) p.getBufStart() ,
bufLen );
void printTcpTable ( SafeBuf* p, char *title, TcpServer *server ) {
// table headers for urls current being spiderd
p->safePrintf ( "<table %s>"
"<tr class=hdrow><td colspan=19>"
//"<font size=+1>"
"<tr bgcolor=#%s>"
"<td><b>bytes read</td>"
"<td><b>bytes to read</td>"
"<td><b>bytes sent</td>"
"<td><b>bytes to send</td>"
, title
// current time in milliseconds
long long now = gettimeofdayInMilliseconds();
// store in buffer for sorting
long times[MAX_TCP_SOCKS];
TcpSocket *socks[MAX_TCP_SOCKS];
long nn = 0;
for ( long i = 0 ; i<=server->m_lastFilled && nn<MAX_TCP_SOCKS; i++ ) {
// get the ith socket
TcpSocket *s = server->m_tcpSockets[i];
// continue if empty
if ( ! s ) continue;
// store it
times[nn] = now - s->m_startTime;
socks[nn] = s;
// bubble sort
// assume no swap will happen
bool didSwap = false;
for ( long i = 1 ; i < nn ; i++ ) {
if ( times[i-1] >= times[i] ) continue;
long tmpTime = times[i-1];
TcpSocket *tmpSock = socks[i-1];
times[i-1] = times[i];
socks[i-1] = socks[i];
times[i ] = tmpTime;
socks[i ] = tmpSock;
didSwap = true;
if ( didSwap ) goto keepSorting;
// now fill in the columns
for ( long i = 0 ; i < nn ; i++ ) {
// get the ith socket
TcpSocket *s = socks[i];
// set socket state
char *st = "ERROR";
switch ( s->m_sockState ) {
case ST_AVAILABLE: st="available"; break;
//case ST_CLOSED: st="closed"; break;
case ST_CONNECTING: st="connecting"; break;
case ST_READING: st="reading"; break;
case ST_SSL_ACCEPT: st="ssl accept"; break;
case ST_SSL_SHUTDOWN: st="ssl shutdown"; break;
case ST_WRITING: st="sending"; break;
case ST_NEEDS_CLOSE: st="needs close"; break;
case ST_CLOSE_CALLED: st="close called"; break;
// bgcolor is lighter for incoming requests
char *bg = "c0c0f0";
if ( s->m_isIncoming ) bg = "e8e8ff";
// times
long elapsed1 = now - s->m_startTime ;
long elapsed2 = now - s->m_lastActionTime ;
p->safePrintf ("<tr bgcolor=#%s>"
"<td>%li</td>" // i
"<td>%i</td>" // fd
"<td>%lims</td>" // elapsed seconds since start
"<td>%lims</td>" // last action
//"<td>%li</td>" // timeout
"<td>%s</td>" // ip
"<td>%hu</td>" // port
"<td>%s</td>" // state
"<td>%li</td>" // bytes read
"<td>%li</td>" // bytes to read
"<td>%li</td>" // bytes sent
"<td>%li</td>" // bytes to send
"</tr>\n" ,
bg ,
s->m_sd ,
//s->m_timeout ,
iptoa(s->m_ip) ,
s->m_port ,
st ,
s->m_readOffset ,
s->m_totalToRead ,
s->m_sendOffset ,
s->m_totalToSend );
// end the table
p->safePrintf ("</table><br>\n" );
void printUdpTable ( SafeBuf *p, char *title, UdpServer *server ,
char *coll, char *pwd , long fromIp ,
bool isDns ) {
if ( ! coll ) coll = "main";
//if ( ! pwd ) pwd = "";
// time now
long long now = gettimeofdayInMilliseconds();
// get # of used nodes
//long n = server->getTopUsedSlot();
// store in buffer for sorting
long times[50000];//MAX_UDP_SLOTS];
UdpSlot *slots[50000];//MAX_UDP_SLOTS];
long nn = 0;
for ( UdpSlot *s = server->getActiveHead() ; s ; s = s->m_next2 ) {
if ( nn >= 50000 ) {
log("admin: Too many udp sockets.");
// if empty skip it
//if ( server->isEmpty ( i ) ) continue;
// get the UdpSlot
//UdpSlot *s = server->getUdpSlotNum(i);
// if data is NULL that's an error
//if ( ! s ) continue;
// store it
times[nn] = now - s->m_startTime;
slots[nn] = s;
// bubble sort
// assume no swap will happen
bool didSwap = false;
for ( long i = 1 ; i < nn ; i++ ) {
if ( times[i-1] >= times[i] ) continue;
long tmpTime = times[i-1];
UdpSlot *tmpSlot = slots[i-1];
times[i-1] = times[i];
slots[i-1] = slots[i];
times[i ] = tmpTime;
slots[i ] = tmpSlot;
didSwap = true;
if ( didSwap ) goto keepSorting;
// count how many of each msg we have
long msgCount0[96];
long msgCount1[96];
for ( long i = 0; i < 96; i++ ) {
msgCount0[i] = 0;
msgCount1[i] = 0;
for ( long i = 0; i < nn; i++ ) {
UdpSlot *s = slots[i];
if ( s->m_msgType >= 96 ) continue;
if ( s->m_niceness == 0 )
// print the counts
p->safePrintf ( "<table %s>"
"<tr class=hdrow><td colspan=19>"
"<b>%s Summary</b> (%li transactions)"
"<tr bgcolor=#%s>"
"<td><b>msg type</td>"
title , server->getNumUsedSlots() ,
for ( long i = 0; i < 96; i++ ) {
if ( msgCount0[i] <= 0 ) continue;
p->safePrintf("<tr bgcolor=#%s>"
LIGHT_BLUE,i, msgCount0[i]);
for ( long i = 0; i < 96; i++ ) {
if ( msgCount1[i] <= 0 ) continue;
p->safePrintf("<tr bgcolor=#%s>"
LIGHT_BLUE,i, msgCount1[i]);
p->safePrintf ( "</table><br>" );
char *dd = "";
if ( ! isDns )
dd = "<td><b>msgType</td>"
else {
dd = //"<td><b>dns ip</b></td>"
p->safePrintf ( "<table %s>"
"<tr class=hdrow><td colspan=19>"
//"<font size=+1>"
"<b>%s</b> (%li transactions)"
"<tr bgcolor=#%s>"
"<td><b>last read</td>"
"<td><b>last send</td>"
"<td><b>dgrams read</td>"
"<td><b>dgrams to read</td>"
"<td><b>acks sent</td>"
"<td><b>dgrams sent</td>"
"<td><b>dgrams to send</td>"
"<td><b>acks read</td>"
"</tr>\n" ,
title , server->getNumUsedSlots() ,
dd );
// now fill in the columns
for ( long i = 0 ; i < nn ; i++ ) {
// get from sorted list
UdpSlot *s = slots[i];
// set socket state
//char *st = "ERROR";
//if ( ! s->isDoneReading() ) st = "reading";
//if ( ! s->isDoneSending() ) st = "reading";
// times
long long elapsed0 = (now - s->m_startTime ) ;
long long elapsed1 = (now - s->m_lastReadTime ) ;
long long elapsed2 = (now - s->m_lastSendTime ) ;
char e0[32],e1[32], e2[32];
sprintf ( e0 , "%llims" , elapsed0 );
sprintf ( e1 , "%llims" , elapsed1 );
sprintf ( e2 , "%llims" , elapsed2 );
if ( s->m_startTime == 0LL ) strcpy ( e0 , "--" );
if ( s->m_lastReadTime == 0LL ) strcpy ( e1 , "--" );
if ( s->m_lastSendTime == 0LL ) strcpy ( e2 , "--" );
// bgcolor is lighter for incoming requests
char *bg = LIGHT_BLUE;//"c0c0f0";
// is it incoming
if ( ! s->m_callback ) bg = LIGHTER_BLUE;//"e8e8ff";
Host *h = g_hostdb.getHost ( s->m_ip , s->m_port );
char *eip = "??";
unsigned short eport = 0 ;
//long ehostId = -1 ;
char *ehostId = "-1";
//char tmpIp [64];
// print the ip
char tmpHostId[64];
if ( h ) {
// host can have 2 ip addresses, get the one most
// similar to that of the requester
eip = iptoa(g_hostdb.getBestIp ( h , fromIp ));
//eip = iptoa(h->m_externalIp) ;
//eip = iptoa(h->m_ip) ;
eport = h->m_externalHttpPort ;
//ehostId = h->m_hostId ;
if ( h->m_isProxy )
ehostId = tmpHostId;
// if no corresponding host, it could be a request from an external
// cluster, so just show the ip
else {
sprintf ( tmpHostId , "%s" , iptoa(s->m_ip) );
ehostId = tmpHostId;
eip = tmpHostId;
// set description of the msg
long msgType = s->m_msgType;
char *desc = "";
char *rbuf = s->m_readBuf;
char *sbuf = s->m_sendBuf;
long rbufSize = s->m_readBufSize;
long sbufSize = s->m_sendBufSize;
bool weInit = s->m_callback;
char calledHandler = s->m_calledHandler;
if ( weInit ) calledHandler = s->m_calledCallback;
char *buf = NULL;
long bufSize = 0;
char tt [ 64 ];
if ( msgType == 0x00 && weInit ) buf = sbuf;
if ( msgType == 0x00 && ! weInit ) buf = rbuf;
if ( msgType == 0x01 && weInit ) buf = sbuf;
if ( msgType == 0x01 && ! weInit ) buf = rbuf;
// . if callback was called this slot's sendbuf can be bogus
// . i put this here to try to avoid a core dump
if ( msgType == 0x13 && weInit && ! s->m_calledCallback ) {
buf = sbuf; bufSize = sbufSize; }
if ( msgType == 0x13 && ! weInit ) {
buf = rbuf; bufSize = rbufSize; }
if ( buf ) {
long rdbId = -1;
if (msgType == 0x01) rdbId = buf[0];
//else rdbId = buf[8+sizeof(key_t)*2+16];
else rdbId = buf[24];
Rdb *rdb = NULL;
if ( rdbId >= 0 && ! isDns )
rdb = getRdbFromId ((uint8_t)rdbId );
char *cmd;
if ( msgType == 0x01 ) cmd = "add to";
else cmd = "get from";
tt[0] = ' '; tt[1]='\0';
if ( rdb ) sprintf ( tt , "%s %s" ,
cmd,rdb->m_dbname );
desc = tt;
if ( msgType == 0x10 ) desc = "add links";
if ( msgType == 0x0c ) desc = "getting ip";
if ( msgType == 0x0d ) desc = "get outlink ips/qualities";
if ( msgType == 0x11 ) desc = "ping";
if ( msgType == 0x12 ) desc = "get lock";
if ( msgType == 0x06 ) desc = "spider lock";
if ( msgType == 0x04 ) desc = "meta add";
if ( msgType == 0x13 ) {
char isRobotsTxt = 1;
if ( buf && bufSize >=
(long)sizeof(Msg13Request)-(long)MAX_URL_LEN ) {
Msg13Request *r = (Msg13Request *)buf;
isRobotsTxt = r->m_isRobotsTxt;
if ( isRobotsTxt ) desc = "get robots.txt";
else desc = "get web page";
if ( msgType == 0x09 ) desc = "add site";
if ( msgType == 0x08 ) desc = "get site";
if ( msgType == 0x8b ) desc = "get catid";
if ( msgType == 0x34 ) desc = "get load";
if ( msgType == 0x02 ) desc = "get lists";
if ( msgType == 0x22 ) desc = "get titlerec";
if ( msgType == 0x36 ) desc = "get termFreq";
if ( msgType == 0x20 ) desc = "get summary";
if ( msgType == 0x2c ) desc = "get address";
if ( msgType == 0x24 ) desc = "get gigabits";
if ( msgType == 0x39 ) desc = "get docids";
if ( msgType == 0x17 ) desc = "cache access";
if ( msgType == 0x23 ) desc = "get linktext";
if ( msgType == 0x07 ) desc = "inject";
if ( msgType == 0x35 ) desc = "merge token";
if ( msgType == 0x3b ) desc = "get docid score";
if ( msgType == 0x50 ) desc = "get root quality";
if ( msgType == 0x25 ) desc = "get link info";
if ( msgType == 0xfd ) desc = "proxy forward";
p->safePrintf ( "<tr bgcolor=#%s>"
"<td>%s</td>" // age
"<td>%s</td>" // last read
"<td>%s</td>" // last send
"<td>%li</td>", // timeout
bg ,
e0 ,
e1 ,
e2 ,
s->m_timeout );
// now use the ip for dns and hosts
char *cf1 = "";
char *cf2 = "";
if ( s->m_convertedNiceness ) {
cf1 = "<font color=red>";
cf2 = "</font>";
if ( isDns ) {
char *hostname = (char *)s->m_tmpVar;
// get the domain from the hostname
long dlen;
char *dbuf = ::getDomFast ( hostname,&dlen,false);
" <a href=\"/admin/tagdb?"
"[<font color=red><b>BAN %s</b></font>]"
"</nobr></a> " ,
dbuf , coll , dbuf );
if ( ! isDns ) {
//"<td>%s</td>" // ip
//"<td>%hu</td>" // port
// clickable hostId
char *toFrom = "to";
if ( ! s->m_callback ) toFrom = "from";
//"<td><a href=http://%s:%hu/cgi/15.cgi>%li</a></td>"
p->safePrintf ( "<td>0x%hhx</td>" // msgtype
"<td><nobr>%s</nobr></td>" // desc
"<td><nobr>%s <a href=http://%s:%hu/"
"<td>%s%li%s</td>" , // niceness
s->m_msgType ,
//iptoa(s->m_ip) ,
//s->m_port ,
// begin clickable hostId
eip ,
eport ,
coll ,
ehostId ,
// end clickable hostId
p->safePrintf ( "<td>%lu</td>" // transId
"<td>%i</td>" // called handler
"<td>%li</td>" // dgrams read
"<td>%li</td>" // dgrams to read
"<td>%li</td>" // acks sent
"<td>%li</td>" // dgrams sent
"<td>%li</td>" // dgrams to send
"<td>%li</td>" // acks read
"<td>%hhu</td>" // resend count
"</tr>\n" ,
s->getNumDgramsRead() ,
s->m_dgramsToRead ,
s->getNumAcksSent() ,
s->getNumDgramsSent() ,
s->m_dgramsToSend ,
s->getNumAcksRead() ,
s->m_resendCount );
// end the table
p->safePrintf ("</table><br>\n" );