2013-11-17 19:15:38 -07:00

1645 lines
55 KiB

// JAB: this is required for pwrite() in this module
#define _XOPEN_SOURCE 500
#include "gb-include.h"
#include "BigFile.h"
#include "Dir.h"
#include "Threads.h"
#include "Stats.h"
#include "Statsdb.h"
#include "DiskPageCache.h"
#ifdef ASYNCIO
#include <aio.h>
// main.cpp will wait for this to be zero before exiting so all unlink/renames
// can complete
long g_unlinkRenameThreads = 0;
long long g_lastDiskReadStarted = 0LL;
long long g_lastDiskReadCompleted = 0LL;
bool g_diskIsStuck = false;
static void doneWrapper ( void *state , ThreadEntry *t ) ;
static bool readwrite_r ( FileState *fstate , ThreadEntry *t ) ;
BigFile::~BigFile () {
//#define O_DIRECT 040000
BigFile::BigFile () {
m_permissions = S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR | S_IRGRP | S_IWGRP | S_IROTH ;
m_flags = O_RDWR ; // | O_DIRECT;
// NULLify all ptrs to files
for ( long i = 0 ; i < MAX_PART_FILES ; i++ ) m_files[i] = NULL;
m_maxParts = 0;
m_numParts = 0;
m_pc = NULL;
m_vfd = -1;
m_vfdAllowed = false;
m_fileSize = -1;
m_lastModified = -1;
m_numThreads = 0;
m_isClosing = false;
g_lastDiskReadStarted = 0;
g_lastDiskReadCompleted = 0;
g_diskIsStuck = false;
// we alternate parts into "dirname" and "stripeDir"
bool BigFile::set ( char *dir , char *baseFilename , char *stripeDir ) {
// reset filsize
m_fileSize = -1;
m_lastModified = -1;
// m_baseFilename contains the "dir" in it
//sprintf(m_baseFilename ,"%s/%s", dirname , baseFilename );
strcpy ( m_baseFilename , baseFilename );
strcpy ( m_dir , dir );
if ( stripeDir ) strcpy ( m_stripeDir , stripeDir );
else m_stripeDir[0] = '\0';
// reset # of parts
m_numParts = 0;
m_maxParts = 0;
// now add parts from both directories
if ( ! addParts ( m_dir ) ) return false;
if ( ! addParts ( m_stripeDir ) ) return false;
return true;
bool BigFile::reset ( ) {
// reset filsize
m_fileSize = -1;
m_lastModified = -1;
// m_baseFilename contains the "dir" in it
//sprintf(m_baseFilename ,"%s/%s", dirname , baseFilename );
//strcpy ( m_baseFilename , baseFilename );
//strcpy ( m_dir , dir );
//if ( stripeDir ) strcpy ( m_stripeDir , stripeDir );
//else m_stripeDir[0] = '\0';
// reset # of parts
m_numParts = 0;
m_maxParts = 0;
// now add parts from both directories
if ( ! addParts ( m_dir ) ) return false;
if ( ! addParts ( m_stripeDir ) ) return false;
return true;
bool BigFile::addParts ( char *dirname ) {
// if dirname is NULL return true
if ( ! dirname[0] ) return true;
// . now set the names of all the Files that we consist of
// . get the directory entry and find out what parts we have
Dir dir;
dir.set ( dirname );
// set our directory class
if (! return log("disk: openDir (\"%s\") failed",dirname);
// match files with this pattern in the directory
char pattern[256];
sprintf(pattern,"%s*", m_baseFilename );
// length of the base filename
long blen = gbstrlen ( m_baseFilename );
// . set our m_files array
// . addFile() will return false on problems
// . the lower the fileId the older the file (w/ exception of #0)
char *filename;
while ( ( filename = dir.getNextFilename ( pattern ) ) ) {
// if filename len is exactly blen it's part 0
long flen = gbstrlen(filename);
long part = -1;
if ( flen == blen ) part = 0;
// some files have the same first X chars, like
// but are not part files
else if ( flen > blen && strncmp(filename+blen,".part",5)!=0)
// otherwise must end in .part%i
else if (flen - blen < 6 ) {
log ("disk: Part extension too small for \"%s\". "
"Must end in .partN to be valid.",
else part = atoi ( filename + blen + 5 );
// ensure not too big
if ( part >= MAX_PART_FILES ) {
log ("disk: Part number of %li is too big for "
"\"%s\". Should be less than %li.",
// make this part file
if ( ! addPart ( part ) ) return false;
// now set the names of all our files
//for ( long n = 0 ; n < MAX_PART_FILES ; n++ )
//m_files[n].set ( makeFilename ( n, m_baseFilename ) );
return true;
bool BigFile::addPart ( long n ) {
if ( n >= MAX_PART_FILES )
return log("disk: Part number %li > %li.",
File *f ;
try { f = new (File); }
catch ( ... ) {
g_errno = ENOMEM;
return log("BigFile: new(%i): %s",sizeof(File),
mnew ( f , sizeof(File) , "BigFile" );
char buf[1024];
makeFilename_r ( m_baseFilename , NULL, n , buf );
f->set ( buf );
m_files [ n ] = f;
// set maxPart
if ( n+1 > m_maxParts ) m_maxParts = n+1;
return true;
bool BigFile::doesExist ( ) {
return m_numParts;
// if we can open it with a valid fd, then it exists
bool BigFile::doesPartExist ( long n ) {
if ( n >= MAX_PART_FILES ) return false;
bool exists = (bool)m_files[n];
return exists;
// . overide File::open so we can set m_numParts
// . set maxFileSize when opening a new file for writing and using
// DiskPageCache
// . use maxFileSize of -1 for us to use getFileSize() to set it
bool BigFile::open ( int flags , class DiskPageCache *pc ,
long long maxFileSize ,
int permissions ) {
m_flags = flags;
m_pc = pc;
m_permissions = permissions;
m_isClosing = false;
// . init the page cache for this vfd
// . this returns our "virtual fd", not the same as File::m_vfd
// . returns -1 and sets g_errno on failure
// . we pass m_vfd to getPages() and addPages()
if ( m_pc ) {
if ( maxFileSize == -1 ) maxFileSize = getFileSize();
m_vfd = m_pc->getVfd ( maxFileSize, m_vfdAllowed );
g_errno = 0;
return true;
// get the filename of the nth file using m_dir/m_stripeDir & m_baseFilename
void BigFile::makeFilename_r ( char *baseFilename ,
char *baseFilenameDir ,
long n ,
char *buf ) {
char *dir = m_dir;
if ( baseFilenameDir && baseFilenameDir[0] ) dir = baseFilenameDir;
//static char s[1024];
if ( (n % 2) == 0 || ! m_stripeDir[0] )
sprintf ( buf, "%s/%s", dir , baseFilename );
else sprintf ( buf, "%s/%s", m_stripeDir, baseFilename );
if ( n == 0 ) return ;
sprintf ( buf + gbstrlen(buf) , ".part%li", n );
//int BigFile::getfdByOffset ( long long offset ) {
// return getfd ( offset / MAX_PART_SIZE , true /*forReading?*/ );
// . get the fd of the nth file
// . will try to open the file if it hasn't yet been opened
int BigFile::getfd ( long n , bool forReading , long *vfd ) {
// boundary check
if ( n >= MAX_PART_FILES )
return log("disk: Part number %li > %li. fd not available.",
n,(long)MAX_PART_FILES) - 1;
// get the File ptr from the table
File *f = m_files[n];
// if part does not exist then create it!
if ( ! f ) {
// don't create File if we're getting it for reading
if ( forReading ) return -1;
if ( ! addPart (n) ) return -1;
f = m_files[n];
// open it if not opened
if ( ! f->isOpen() ) {
if ( ! f->open ( m_flags , m_permissions ) ) {
log("disk: Failed to open file part #%li.",n);
return -1;
// set it virtual fd, too
if ( vfd ) *vfd = f->m_vfd;
// get it's file descriptor
int fd = f->getfd ( ) ;
if ( fd >= -1 ) return fd;
// otherwise, fd is -2 and it's never been opened?!?!
log(LOG_LOGIC,"disk: fd is -2.");
return -1;
// . return -2 on error
// . return -1 if does not exist
// . otherwise return the big file's complete file size (can be well over 2gb)
long long BigFile::getFileSize ( ) {
// return if already computed
if ( m_fileSize >= 0 ) return m_fileSize;
// add up the sizes of each file
long long totalSize = 0;
for ( long n = 0 ; n < m_maxParts ; n++ ) {
// we can have headless big files... count the heads
if ( ! m_files[n] ) { totalSize += MAX_PART_SIZE; continue; }
// . returns -2 on error, -1 if does not exist
// . TODO: it returns 0 if does not exist! FIX...
long size = m_files[n]->getFileSize();
if ( size == -2 ) return -2;
if ( size == -1 ) break;
totalSize += size;
// save time
m_fileSize = totalSize;
return totalSize;
// . return -2 on error
// . return -1 if does not exist
// . otherwise returns the oldest of the last mod dates of all the part files
time_t BigFile::getLastModifiedTime ( ) {
// return if already computed
if ( m_lastModified >= 0 ) return m_lastModified;
// add up the sizes of each file
time_t min = -1;
for ( long n = 0 ; n < m_maxParts ; n++ ) {
// we can have headless big files... count the heads
if ( ! m_files[n] ) continue;
// returns -1 on error, 0 if file does not exist
time_t date = m_files[n]->getLastModifiedTime();
if ( date == -1 ) return -2;
if ( date == 0 ) break;
// check min
if ( date < min || min == -1 ) min = date;
// save time
m_lastModified = min;
return m_lastModified;
// . returns false if blocked, true otherwise
// . sets g_errno on error
// . we need a ptr to the ptr to this BigFile so if we get deleted and
// a signal is still pending for us, the callback will know we are nuked
bool BigFile::read ( void *buf ,
long size ,
long long offset ,
FileState *fs ,
void *state ,
void (* callback)(void *state) ,
long niceness ,
bool allowPageCache ,
bool hitDisk ,
long allocOff ) {
g_errno = 0;
return readwrite ( buf , size , offset , false/*doWrite?*/,
fs , state, callback , niceness , allowPageCache ,
hitDisk , allocOff );
// . returns false if blocked, true otherwise
// . sets g_errno on error
bool BigFile::write ( void *buf ,
long size ,
long long offset ,
FileState *fs ,
void *state ,
void (* callback)(void *state) ,
long niceness ,
bool allowPageCache ) {
// sanity check
if ( g_conf.m_readOnlyMode ) {
logf(LOG_DEBUG,"disk: BigFile: Trying to write while in "
"read only mode.");
return true;
g_errno = 0;
//if ( m_pc && m_pc->m_isOverriden ) allowPageCache = false;
return readwrite ( buf , size , offset , true/*doWrite?*/ ,
fs , state, callback , niceness , allowPageCache ,
true , 0 );
// . returns false if blocked, true otherwise
// . sets g_errno on error
// . we divide into 2 writes in case write spans 2 files
// . only BigFiles will support non-blocking read/writes for now
// . damn, i thought linux supported non-blocking file reads, but it doesn't!
// . we use the aio.h calls
// . we should us kaio from sgi cuz it's in the kernel and only uses 4 threads
// whereas using librt.a creates a thread every time we call aio_read/write()
// . fstate is used by aio_read/write()
// . we need a ptr to the ptr to this BigFile so if we get deleted and
// a signal is still pending for us, the callback will know we are nuked
bool BigFile::readwrite ( void *buf ,
long size ,
long long offset ,
bool doWrite ,
FileState *fstate ,
void *state ,
void (* callback) ( void *state ) ,
long niceness ,
bool allowPageCache ,
bool hitDisk ,
long allocOff ) {
// are we blocking?
bool isNonBlocking = m_flags & O_NONBLOCK;
// if we're non blocking and caller didn't supply an "fstate"
if ( isNonBlocking && ! fstate ) {
log(LOG_LOGIC,"disk: readwrite() call is "
"specified as non-blocking, but no state provided.");
return true;
// reset file size in case we change it here
if ( doWrite ) {
m_fileSize = -1;
m_lastModified = getTimeLocal();
// . sanity check
// . when our offset was just a long 2gig+ files, when dumped,
// had negative offsets, bad engineer
if ( offset < 0 ) {
log(LOG_LOGIC,"disk: readwrite() offset is %lli "
"< 0. dumping core.",offset);
char *xx = NULL; *xx = 0;
// if we're not blocking use a fake fstate
FileState tmp;
if ( ! fstate ) fstate = &tmp;
// . no error yet
// . need this up here in case it is a cache hit from a re-call
// due to a EFILECLOSED error
//fstate->m_errno = 0;
// offset to read into "buf"
long bufOff = 0;
// point to start of space allocated to hold what we read. "buf"
// should be >= allocBuf + allocOff, depending on value of bufOff
char *allocBuf = NULL;
long allocSize;
// reset this
fstate->m_errno = 0;
// . try to get as much as we can from page cache first
// . the vfd of the big file will be the vfd of its last File class
if ( ! doWrite && m_pc && allowPageCache ) {
long oldOff = offset;
// we have to set these so RdbScan doesn't freak out if we
// have it all cached and return without hitting disk
fstate->m_bytesDone = size;
fstate->m_bytesToGo = size;
//log("getting pages off=%lli size=%li",offset,size);
// now we pass in a ptr to the buf ptr, because if buf is NULL
// this will allocate one for us if it has some pages in the
// cache that we can use.
m_pc->getPages (m_vfd,(char **)&buf,size,offset,&size,&offset,
//log("got pages off=%lli size=%li",offset,size);
bufOff = offset - oldOff;
// comment out for test
if ( size == 0 ) {
// let caller/RdbScan know about the newly alloc'd buf
fstate->m_buf = (char *)buf;
fstate->m_allocBuf = allocBuf;
fstate->m_allocSize = allocSize;
fstate->m_allocOff = allocOff;
return true;
// check
//if ( m_pc->m_isOverriden && size < 0 ) {
// fstate->m_bytesDone += size;
// fstate->m_bytesToGo += size;
// return true;
// sanity check. if you set hitDisk to false, you must allow
// us to check the page cache! silly bean!
if ( ! allowPageCache && ! hitDisk ) { char*xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
//if ( m_pc && m_pc->m_isOverriden )
// log ( LOG_INFO, "bigfile: HITTING DISK!! %li",
// (long)allowPageCache );
// set up fstate
fstate->m_this = this;
// buf may be NULL if caller passed in a NULL "buf" and it did not hit
// the disk page cache. Threads.cpp will have to allocate it right
// before it launches the thread.
fstate->m_buf = (char *)buf + bufOff;
// if getPages() allocates a buf, this will point to it
fstate->m_allocBuf = allocBuf;
fstate->m_allocSize = allocSize;
// when buf is passed in as NULL we allocate it in Threads.cpp right
// before we launch it to save memory. it may also be allocated in
// DiskPageCache.cpp. we have to know where to start storing
// the read into it for RdbScan, it is not immediately at the
// beginning of the allocated buffer because RdbScan may have to
// turn the first key from a 6 byte half key into a 12 byte key so it
// needs some initial padding. this is because RdbLists should never
// start with a 6 byte half key.
fstate->m_allocOff = allocOff;
fstate->m_bytesToGo = size;
fstate->m_offset = offset;
fstate->m_doWrite = doWrite;
fstate->m_bytesDone = 0;
fstate->m_state = state;
fstate->m_callback = callback;
fstate->m_niceness = niceness;
fstate->m_flags = m_flags;
// . set our fd's before entering the thread in case RdbMerge
// calls our unlinkPart()
// . it's thread-UNsafe to call getfd() from within the thread
// . FUCK! what if we get unlinked and another file gets this fd!!
// . now we do do unlinks in a thread in File.cpp, but since we
// employ the getCloseCount_r() scheme we can detect when this
// situation occurs and pass a g_errno back to the caller.
fstate->m_filenum1 = offset / MAX_PART_SIZE;
fstate->m_filenum2 = (offset + size ) / MAX_PART_SIZE;
// . save the open count for this fd
// . if it changes when we're done with the read we do a re-read
// . it gets incremented once every time File calls ::open and gets
// back this fd
// . fd1 and fd1 are now set in Threads.cpp since we only want to do
// the open right before we actually launch the thread.
//fstate->m_fd1 = getfd ( fstate->m_filenum1 , !doWrite ,
// &fstate->m_vfd1);
//fstate->m_fd2 = getfd ( fstate->m_filenum2 , !doWrite ,
// &fstate->m_vfd2);
fstate->m_fd1 = -3;
fstate->m_fd2 = -3;
fstate->m_vfd1 = -3;
fstate->m_vfd2 = -3;
// . if we are writing, prevent these fds from being closed on us
// by File::closedLeastUsed(), because the fd could then be re-opened
// by someone else doing a write and we end up writing to THAT FILE!
// . the closeCount mechanism helps us DETECT when something like this
// happens, but it will not prevent the write from going through
if ( doWrite ) {
// actually have to do the open here for writing so it
// can prevent the fds from being closed on us
fstate->m_fd1 = getfd ( fstate->m_filenum1 , !doWrite,
fstate->m_fd2 = getfd ( fstate->m_filenum2 , !doWrite,
//File *f1 = m_files [ fstate->m_filenum1 ];
//File *f2 = m_files [ fstate->m_filenum2 ];
enterWriteMode( fstate->m_vfd1 );
enterWriteMode( fstate->m_vfd2 );
fstate->m_closeCount1 = getCloseCount_r ( fstate->m_fd1 );
fstate->m_closeCount2 = getCloseCount_r ( fstate->m_fd2 );
// get the close counts after calling getfd() since if getfd() calls
// File::open() that will inc the counts
// closeCount1 and 2 are now set in Threads.cpp since we want to only
// open the fd right before we launch the thread.
//fstate->m_closeCount1 = getCloseCount_r ( fstate->m_fd1 );
//fstate->m_closeCount2 = getCloseCount_r ( fstate->m_fd2 );
fstate->m_errno = 0;
fstate->m_errno2 = 0;
fstate->m_startTime = gettimeofdayInMilliseconds();
fstate->m_pc = m_pc;
if ( ! allowPageCache )
fstate->m_pc = NULL;
fstate->m_vfd = m_vfd;
// if hitDisk was false we only check the page cache!
if ( ! hitDisk ) return true;
// if disk stuck, forget about it! but make the spider disk reads
// wait until it is unstuck. just don't want to screw up the queries..
if ( g_diskIsStuck && niceness == 0 && ! doWrite ) {
g_errno = fstate->m_errno = EDISKSTUCK;
return true;
// . if we're blocking then do it now
// . this should return false and set g_errno on error, true otherwise
if ( ! isNonBlocking ) goto skipThread;
#ifdef ASYNCIO
goto skipThread;
// . otherwise, spawn a thread to do this i/o
// . this returns false and sets g_errno on error, true on success
// . we should return false cuz we blocked
// . thread will add signal to g_loop on completion to call
if ( ( DISK_THREAD/*threadType*/, niceness , fstate ,
doneWrapper , readwriteWrapper_r) ) return false;
// note it
if ( g_errno ) {
static time_t s_time = 0;
time_t now = getTime();
if ( now - s_time > 5 ) {
log (LOG_INFO,"disk: Thread call failed: %s.",
s_time = now;
// sanity check
if ( ! callback ) { char *xx = NULL; *xx = 0; }
// NOW we return on error because if we already have 5000 disk threads
// queued up, what is the point in blocking ourselves off? that makes
// us look like a dead host and very unresponsive. As long as this
// request originated through Multicast, then multicast will sleep
// and retry. Msg3 could retry, the multicast thing should be more
// for running out of udp slots though...
if ( g_errno && ! doWrite && g_errno != ENOTHREADSLOTS ) {
log (LOG_INFO,"disk: May retry later.");
return true;
// otherwise, thread spawn failed, do it blocking then
g_errno = 0;
if ( ! g_threads.m_disabled ) {
static long s_lastTime = 0;
long now = getTime();
if ( now - s_lastTime >= 1 ) {
s_lastTime = now;
log (LOG_INFO,
"disk: Doing blocking disk access. This will hurt "
"performance. isWrite=%li.",(long)doWrite);
// come here if we haven't spawned a thread
// if there was no room in the thread queue, then we must do this here
fstate->m_fd1 = getfd ( fstate->m_filenum1 , !doWrite ,
fstate->m_fd2 = getfd ( fstate->m_filenum2 , !doWrite ,
fstate->m_closeCount1 = getCloseCount_r ( fstate->m_fd1 );
fstate->m_closeCount2 = getCloseCount_r ( fstate->m_fd2 );
// clear g_errno from the failed thread spawn
g_errno = 0;
// since Threads.cpp usually allocs the buffer before launching,
// we must do it here now
FileState *fs = fstate;
if ( ! fs->m_doWrite && ! fs->m_buf && fs->m_bytesToGo > 0 ) {
long need = fs->m_bytesToGo + fs->m_allocOff;
char *p = (char *) mmalloc ( need , "ThreadReadBuf" );
if ( p ) {
fs->m_buf = p + fs->m_allocOff;
fs->m_allocBuf = p;
fs->m_allocSize = need;
log("disk: read buf alloc failed for %li "
// pthread_create() is abhorently slow. use asyncio if possible.
#ifdef ASYNCIO
// we only have two in the array... most likely though we only
// need one here...
aiocb *a0 = &fstate->m_aiocb[0];
aiocb *a1 = &fstate->m_aiocb[1];
// init them for the read
a0->aio_fildes = fstate->m_fd1;
a1->aio_fildes = fstate->m_fd2;
// the offset of each file
long long off1 = fs->m_offset;
// always read at start of 2nd file
long long off2 = 0;
// how many bytes to read from each file?
long long readSize1 = size;
long long readSize2 = 0;
if ( off1 + readSize1 > MAX_PART_SIZE ) {
readSize1 = ((long long)MAX_PART_SIZE) - off1;
readSize2 = size - readSize1;
a0->aio_offset = off1;
a1->aio_offset = off2;
a0->aio_nbytes = readSize1;
a1->aio_nbytes = readSize2;
a0->aio_buf = fstate->m_buf;
a1->aio_buf = fstate->m_buf + readSize1;
a0->aio_reqprio = 0;
a1->aio_reqprio = 0;
a0->aio_sigevent = SIGEV_SIGNAL;
a1->aio_sigevent = SIGEV_SIGNAL;
// translate offset to a filenum and offset
long filenum = offset / MAX_PART_SIZE;
long localOffset = offset % MAX_PART_SIZE;
// read or write?
if ( doWrite ) a0->aio_lio_opcode = LIO_WRITE;
else a0->aio_lio_opcode = LIO_READ;
// different fds implies two different files we gotta read from.
long numFilesToReadFrom = 1;
if ( fstate->m_fd1 != fstate->m_fd2 ) numFilesToReadFrom = 2;
// set it up
//aioList->m_signal = ESIG;
// don't use this on kernels below 3.12 because it can block
// when reading ext4 files.
// this will send the signal when read/write is completed
//long status = lio_listio ( LIO_NOWAIT ,
// a0 ,
// numFilesToReadFrom ,
// &fstate->m_sigEvent );
// if status is 0, there was no error
if ( status == 0 ) {
g_errno = 0;
// assume we will get the signal later
return false;
// got interrupted by a signal? try again.
if ( errno == EINTR )
goto retry77;
// tell caller about the error
g_errno = errno;
log("aio: %s", mstrerror(g_errno));
// we did not block or anything
return true;
// . this returns false and sets errno on error
// . set g_errno to the errno
if ( ! readwrite_r ( fstate , NULL ) ) g_errno = errno;
// exit write mode
if ( doWrite ) {
//File *f1 = m_files [ fstate->m_filenum1 ];
//File *f2 = m_files [ fstate->m_filenum2 ];
exitWriteMode( fstate->m_vfd1 );
exitWriteMode( fstate->m_vfd2 );
// set this up here
fstate->m_bytesDone = fstate->m_bytesToGo;
// and this too
fstate->m_doneTime = gettimeofdayInMilliseconds();
// if it read less than 8MB/s bitch
long long now = gettimeofdayInMilliseconds() ;
long long took = now - fstate->m_startTime ;
long rate = 100000;
if ( took > 500 ) rate = fstate->m_bytesDone / took ;
if ( rate < 8000 && fstate->m_niceness <= 0 ) {
log(LOG_INFO,"disk: Read %li bytes in %lli ms (%liMB/s).",
// default graph color is black
int color = 0x00000000;
char *label = "disk_read";
// use red for writes, though
if ( fstate->m_doWrite ) {
color = 0x00ff0000;
label = "disk_write";
// but gray for low priority reads
else if ( fstate->m_niceness > 0 ) color = 0x00808080;
// add the stat
g_stats.addStat_r ( fstate->m_bytesDone ,
fstate->m_startTime ,
now ,
//label ,
color );
// add to statsdb as well
//g_statsdb.addStat ( fstate->m_niceness,
// label,
// fstate->m_startTime,
// now,
// fstate->m_bytesDone);
// store read/written pages into page cache
if ( ! g_errno && fstate->m_pc )
fstate->m_pc->addPages ( fstate->m_vfd ,
fstate->m_buf ,
fstate->m_bytesDone ,
fstate->m_offset ,
fstate->m_niceness );
// now log our stuff here
if ( g_errno && g_errno != EBADENGINEER )
log("disk: readwrite: %s", mstrerror(g_errno));
// . this EBADENGINEER can happen right after a merge if
// the file is renamed because the fd may have changed from
// under us
// . i added EBADF because RbdDump was failing because of this when
// trying to write the tree to a file
// . EBADF happens when we unlink a file from under a read or write
// . the closeCount code below was not saving us from coring on EBADF
// because the closeCount is only changed if another file is opened
// with that fd, it is not incremented on a close() but rather on
// an open()
if ( g_errno == EBADENGINEER ) { // || g_errno == EBADF ) {
long fn1 = fstate->m_filenum1;
long fn2 = fstate->m_filenum2;
char *s = getFilename();
log(LOG_DEBUG,"disk: Closing old fd1 (%s,%li)",s,fn1);
log(LOG_DEBUG,"disk: Closing old fd2 (%s,%li)",s,fn2);
// get the File ptr from the table
File *f1 = getFile(fn1);
File *f2 = getFile(fn2);
if ( f2 == f1 ) f2 = NULL;
log(LOG_DEBUG,"disk: Closing old fd1 (%s,%li)",s,fn1);
if ( f2) log(LOG_DEBUG,"disk: Closing old fd2 (%s,%li)",s,fn2);
if ( f1 ) f1->close();
if ( f2 ) f2->close();
// we didn't block so return true
return true;
// . this should be called from the main process after getting our call OUR callback here
void doneWrapper ( void *state , ThreadEntry *t ) {
FileState *fstate = (FileState *)state;
// any writes we did in the disk read thread were done to the
// "tmp" FileState class on the stack, so now we have the real deal
// we can update all this junk.
fstate->m_bytesDone = fstate->m_bytesToGo;
fstate->m_doneTime = t->m_exitTime; // set in Threads.cpp
fstate->m_errno = t->m_errno;
// exit write mode
if ( fstate->m_doWrite ) {
// THIS could have been deleted!!
//BigFile *THIS = fstate->m_this;
//File *f1 = THIS->m_files [ fstate->m_filenum1 ];
//File *f2 = THIS->m_files [ fstate->m_filenum2 ];
exitWriteMode( fstate->m_vfd1 );
exitWriteMode( fstate->m_vfd2 );
// if it read less than 8MB/s bitch
long long took = fstate->m_doneTime - fstate->m_startTime;
long rate = 100000;
if ( took > 500 ) rate = fstate->m_bytesDone / took ;
bool slow = false;
if ( rate < 8000 ) slow = true;
if ( fstate->m_errno == EDISKSTUCK ) slow = true;
if ( slow && fstate->m_niceness <= 0 ) {
if ( fstate->m_errno != EDISKSTUCK )
log(LOG_INFO, "disk: Read %li bytes in %lli ms (%liMB/s).",
// get the BigFIle
//BigFile *THIS = fs->m_this;
// recall g_errno from state's m_errno
g_errno = fstate->m_errno;
// might have had the file renamed/unlinked from under us
if ( ! g_errno ) g_errno = fstate->m_errno2;
// fstate has his own m_pc in case BigFile got deleted, we cannot
// reference it...
if ( ! g_errno && fstate->m_pc )
fstate->m_pc->addPages ( fstate->m_vfd ,
fstate->m_buf ,
fstate->m_bytesDone ,
fstate->m_offset ,
fstate->m_niceness );
// add the stat
if ( ! g_errno ) {
// default graph color is black
int color = 0x00000000;
char *label = "disk_read";
// use red for writes, though
if ( fstate->m_doWrite ) {
color = 0x00ff0000;
label = "disk_write";
// but gray for low priority reads
else if ( fstate->m_niceness > 0 ) color = 0x00808080;
// add it
g_stats.addStat_r ( fstate->m_bytesDone ,
fstate->m_startTime ,
fstate->m_doneTime ,
//label ,
color );
// add to statsdb as well
//g_statsdb.addStat ( fstate->m_niceness,
// label,
// fstate->m_startTime,
// fstate->m_doneTime,
// fstate->m_bytesDone);
// debug msg
//char *s = "read";
//if ( fstate->m_doWrite ) s = "wrote";
//char *t = "no"; // are we blocking?
//if ( fstate->m_this->getFlags() & O_NONBLOCK ) t = "yes";
// this is bad for real-time threads cuz our unlink() routine may
// have been called by RdbMerge and our m_files may be altered
//log("disk::readwrite: %s %li bytes from %s(nonBlock=%s)",s,n,
// m_files[filenum]->getFilename(),t);
//log("disk::readwrite_r: %s %li bytes (nonBlock=%s)",
// s,fstate->m_bytesDone/*n*/,t);
// debug msg
//long took = gettimeofdayInMilliseconds() - fstate->m_startTime ;
//log("read of %li bytes took %li ms",fstate->m_bytesDone, took);
// now log our stuff here
long tt = LOG_WARN;
if ( g_errno == EFILECLOSED ) tt = LOG_INFO;
if ( g_errno && g_errno != EDISKSTUCK )
log (tt,"disk: %s. fd1=%li vfd=%li "
"off=%lli toread=%li.",
(long long)fstate->m_offset ,
(long)fstate->m_bytesToGo );
// someone is closing our fd without setting File::s_vfds[fd] to -1
if ( g_errno && g_errno != EDISKSTUCK ) {
//int fd1 = fstate->m_fd1;
//int fd2 = fstate->m_fd2;
int vfd1 = fstate->m_vfd1;
int vfd2 = fstate->m_vfd2;
int ofd1 = getfdFromVfd(vfd1);
int ofd2 = getfdFromVfd(vfd2);
log(tt,"disk: vfd1=%i s_fds[%i]=%i.",vfd1,vfd1,ofd1);
log(tt,"disk: vfd2=%i s_fds[%i]=%i.",vfd2,vfd2,ofd2);
// . this EBADENGINEER can happen right after a merge if
// the file is renamed because the fd may have changed from
// under us
// . i added EBADF because RbdDump was failing because of this when
// trying to write the tree to a file
// . the closeCount code below was not saving us from coring on EBADF
// because the closeCount is only changed if another file is opened
// with that fd, it is not incremented on a close() but rather on
// an open()
if ( g_errno == EBADENGINEER ) { // || g_errno == EBADF ) {
long fn1 = fstate->m_filenum1;
long fn2 = fstate->m_filenum2;
// CAUTION: if file got delete THIS will be invalid!!!
BigFile *THIS = fstate->m_this;
char *s = THIS->getFilename();
log(LOG_DEBUG,"disk: Closing old fd1 (%s,%li)",s,fn1);
log(LOG_DEBUG,"disk: Closing old fd2 (%s,%li)",s,fn2);
// get the File ptr from the table
File *f1 = THIS->getFile(fn1);
File *f2 = THIS->getFile(fn2);
if ( f2 == f1 ) f2 = NULL;
if ( f1 ) { f1->close();log(LOG_DEBUG,"disk: Closed old fd1");}
if ( f2 ) { f2->close();log(LOG_DEBUG,"disk: Closed old fd2");}
// call the callback, with errno set if there was an error
fstate->m_callback ( fstate->m_state );
void *readwriteWrapper_r ( void *state , ThreadEntry *t ) {
// debug msg
//log("disk: this thread id = %li",(long)pthread_self());
// if we were queued and now we are launching stuck, just return now
//if ( g_diskIsStuck ) {
// t->m_errno = EDISKSTUCK;
// return NULL;
// if we got hit before we set m_readyForBail to true we must have
// been hit pre-launch... so bail quickly in that case...
if ( t && t->m_callback == ohcrap ) {
t->m_errno = EDISKSTUCK;
return NULL;
// extract our class
FileState *orig = (FileState *)state;
// save this shit on the stack in case fstate gets pull from under us
FileState tmp;
memcpy ( &tmp , orig , sizeof(FileState ));
FileState *fstate = &tmp;
// lead Threads::bailOnReads() know we can be bailed on now since
// we have copied over all the date we can from fstate, which can
// be pulled out from under us now
t->m_readyForBail = true;
// get THIS
//BigFile *THIS = fstate->m_this;
// clear thread's errno
errno = 0;
// . make it so we go away immediately upon receiving a cancellation
// signal rather than queing the signal until we call
// pthread_testcancel()
// . this allows us to immediately hault disk reads/writes that are
// lower priority than i/o's we're about to do
// . this is so merging won't affect queries per second so much
//int err = pthread_setcanceltype ( PTHREAD_CANCEL_ASYNCHRONOUS, NULL);
//if ( err != 0 ) log("readwriteWrapper: pthread_setcanceltype: %s",
// mstrerror(err) );
// . do the readwrite_r() since we're a thread now
// . this SHOULD NOT set g_errno, we're a thread!
// . it does have it's own errno however
// . if this gets a cancel signal in the read() it will stop blocking
// and errno will be EINTR
bool status = readwrite_r ( fstate , t ) ;
// did our callback get pre-called by Process.cpp/Threads.cpp?
// fstate is probably invalid then, so watch out!
if ( t && t->m_callback == ohcrap ) return NULL;
// set errno
if ( ! status ) fstate->m_errno = errno;
// test again here
// get the two files
File *f1 = NULL;
File *f2 = NULL;
// when we exit, m_this is invalid!!!
if ( fstate->m_filenum1 < fstate->m_this->m_maxParts )
f1 = fstate->m_this->m_files[fstate->m_filenum1];
if ( fstate->m_filenum2 < fstate->m_this->m_maxParts )
f2 = fstate->m_this->m_files[fstate->m_filenum2];
// . if open count changed on us our file got unlinked from under us
// and another file was opened with that same fd!!!
// . just fail the read so caller knows it is bad
// . do not do this for writes because RdbDump can fail when writing!
// . in that case hopefully write will fail if the fd was re-opened
// for another file in RDONLY mode, but, if per chance it opens
// a different file for dumping or merging with this same fd then
// we may be seriously screwing things up!! TODO: investigate
// . f1 and f2 can be non-null and invalid here now on the ssds
// i saw this happen on gk153... i preserved the core/gb on there
//if ( (getCloseCount_r (fstate->m_fd1) != fstate->m_closeCount1 ||
// getCloseCount_r (fstate->m_fd2) != fstate->m_closeCount2 )) {
if ( ! f1 ||
! f2 ||
f1->m_closeCount != fstate->m_closeCount1 ||
f2->m_closeCount != fstate->m_closeCount2 ) {
long cc1 = -1;
long cc2 = -1;
if ( f1 ) cc1 = f1->m_closeCount;
if ( f2 ) cc2 = f2->m_closeCount;
log("file: c1a=%li c1b=%li c2a=%li c2b=%li",
if ( ! fstate->m_doWrite ) fstate->m_errno = EFILECLOSED;
// we use s_writing[] locks in File.cpp to prevent a write
// operation's fd from being closed under him
else log("PANIC: fd closed on us while writing. This should "
"never happen!! Simultaneous writes?");
// if it wasn't cancelled, just interrupted, try again
if ( errno == EINTR ) {
errno = 0;
fstate->m_errno = 0;
goto again;
// turn off the cancel-ability of this thread
//pthread_setcancelstate ( PTHREAD_CANCEL_DISABLE , NULL );
// set done time even if errno set
// - mdw, can't set this here now because fstate might be invalid...
//long long now = gettimeofdayInMilliseconds() ;
//fstate->m_doneTime = now;
// add the stat
if ( ! errno ) {
// default graph color is black
int color = 0x00000000;
char *label = "disk_read";
// use red for writes, though
if ( fstate->m_doWrite ) {
color = 0x00ff0000;
label = "disk_write";
// but gray for low priority reads
else if ( fstate->m_niceness > 0 ) color = 0x00808080;
// add it
g_stats.addStat_r ( fstate->m_bytesDone ,
fstate->m_startTime ,
now ,
label ,
color );
// debug msg
//fprintf(stderr,"BigFile exiting thread, state=%lu\n",(long)fstate);
// . we're all done, tell g_threads
// . this never returns
// . the state must be unique per thread so we know what thread this is
// . i tried using pthread_self() but we'd have to store it in
// g_thread's ThreadEntry ourselves, as a thread
// . the thread's cleanUp handler should call g_threads.exit(fstate)
//g_threads.exit ( fstate );
//pthread_exit ( NULL );
// update this since our updates were done to the FileState "tmp"
// which is just on the stack
t->m_errno = fstate->m_errno;
// bogus return
return NULL;
// . returns false and sets errno on error, true on success
// . don't log shit when you're in a thread anymore
// . if we receive a cancel sig while in pread/pwrite it will return -1
// and set errno to EINTR
bool readwrite_r ( FileState *fstate , ThreadEntry *t ) {
// if no buffer to read into the alloc in Threads.cpp failed
if ( ! fstate->m_buf ) {
return log( "disk: read buf is NULL. malloc failed?");
// how many total bytes to write?
long bytesToGo = fstate->m_bytesToGo; //- fstate->m_bytesDone;
// how many bytes we've written so far
long bytesDone = fstate->m_bytesDone;
// get current offset
long long offset = fstate->m_offset + fstate->m_bytesDone;
// are we writing? or reading?
bool doWrite = fstate->m_doWrite;
// point to buf
char *p = fstate->m_buf + bytesDone ;
// return here if done
if ( bytesDone >= bytesToGo ) return true;
// rand segv test (test how new cloned children handle it
//if ( g_threads.amThread() && (rand() % 10) == 1 ) {
// char *xx = NULL; *xx = 0;
// translate offset to a filenum and offset
long filenum = offset / MAX_PART_SIZE;
long localOffset = offset % MAX_PART_SIZE;
// how many bytes to read/write to first little file?
long avail = MAX_PART_SIZE - localOffset;
// how may bytes do we have left to read/write
long len = bytesToGo - bytesDone;
// how many bytes can we write to it now
if ( len > avail ) len = avail;
// get the fd for this filenum
int fd = -1;
if ( filenum == fstate->m_filenum1 ) fd = fstate->m_fd1;
else if ( filenum == fstate->m_filenum2 ) fd = fstate->m_fd2;
// this old way wasn't thread safe since unlinkPart() could be called
// fd = getfd ( filenum , !doWrite );
// return -1 on error
if ( fd < 0 ) {
log(LOG_LOGIC, "disk: fd < 0. Bad engineer.");
return false; //log("disk::readwrite_r: fd is negative");
// did our callback get pre-called by Process.cpp/Threads.cpp?
if ( t && t->m_callback == ohcrap ) return false;
// only set this now if we are the first one
if ( g_threads.m_threadQueues[DISK_THREAD].m_hiReturned ==
g_threads.m_threadQueues[DISK_THREAD].m_hiLaunched )
g_lastDiskReadStarted = fstate->m_startTime;
// fake it out
//static long s_poo = 0;
//if ( s_poo > 1125 )sleep(5);
//log("disk: spoo=%li",s_poo);
// reset this
errno = 0;
// n holds how many bytes read/written
int n ;
// do the read/write blocking
if ( doWrite ) n = pwrite ( fd , p , len , localOffset );
else n = pread ( fd , p , len , localOffset );
// interrupted system call?
if ( n < 0 && errno == EINTR )
goto retry25;
// this is thread safe...
g_lastDiskReadCompleted = g_now; // gettimeofdayInMilliseconds_r();
// debug msg
//char *s = "read";
//if ( fstate->m_doWrite ) s = "wrote";
//char *t = "no"; // are we blocking?
//if ( fstate->m_this->getFlags() & O_NONBLOCK ) t = "yes";
// this is bad for real-time threads cuz our unlink() routine may
// have been called by RdbMerge and our m_files may be altered
//log("disk::readwrite: %s %li bytes from %s(nonBlock=%s)",s,n,
// m_files[filenum]->getFilename(),t);
//log("disk::readwrite_r: %s %li bytes (nonBlock=%s)", s,n,t);
//log("disk::readwrite_r: did %li bytes", n);
// . if n is 0 that's strange!!
// . i think the fd will have been closed and re-opened on us if this
// happens... usually
if (n==0 && len > 0 ) {
log("disk: Read of %li bytes at offset %lli for %s "
"failed because file is too short for that "
"offset? Our fd was probably stolen from us by another "
"thread. Will retry. error=%s.",
return false; // log("disk::read/write: offset too big");
// return bytes we did if we blocked ( and reset errno )
//if ( n < 0 && errno == EAGAIN ) { errno = 0; return false; }
// . for some reason we sometimes get interrupted, so just try again
// . we should block all signals a thread can get, but it seems
// if the parent process gets a signal the thread gets it too!
// . this could be a thread cancel signal!!!!!!
//if ( n < 0 && errno == EINTR ) {
// //log("disk::readWrite_r: %s",mstrerror(errno));
// errno = 0;
// goto loop;
// on other errno, return -1
if ( n < 0 ) {
log("disk::readwrite_r: %s",mstrerror(errno));
return false;
// bitch if didn't read what we wanted
//if ( n != len )
// log("disk::readwrite_r: only did %li, needed %li",n,len);
// . flush the write
// . linux's write cache may be messing with my data!
// . no, turns out write errors (garbage written) happens anyway...
// . now we flush all writes! skip bdflush man.
// . only allow syncing if file is non-blocking, because blocking
// writes are used for when we call RdbTree::fastSave_r() and it
// takes forever to dump Spiderdb if we sync each little write
if ( g_conf.m_flushWrites &&
doWrite &&
(fstate->m_flags & O_NONBLOCK) &&
fdatasync ( fd ) < 0 ) {
log("disk: fdatasync: %s", mstrerror(errno));
// ignore an error here
errno = 0;
// update the count
bytesDone += n;
// inc the main offset and the buffer ptr, "p"
offset += n;
p += n;
// add to fileState
fstate->m_bytesDone += n;
// loop back
goto loop;
// non-blocking unlink/rename code
bool BigFile::unlink ( ) {
return unlinkRename ( NULL , -1 , false, NULL, NULL );
bool BigFile::rename ( char *newBaseFilename , char *newBaseFilenameDir ) {
return unlinkRename ( newBaseFilename, -1, false, NULL, NULL ,
newBaseFilenameDir );
bool BigFile::chopHead ( long part ) {
return unlinkRename ( NULL, part, false, NULL, NULL );
bool BigFile::unlink ( void (* callback) ( void *state ) ,
void *state ) {
return unlinkRename ( NULL , -1 , true, callback , state );
bool BigFile::rename ( char *newBaseFilename ,
void (* callback) ( void *state ) ,
void *state ) {
return unlinkRename ( newBaseFilename, -1, true, callback, state);
bool BigFile::chopHead ( long part ,
void (* callback) ( void *state ) ,
void *state ) {
//for ( long i = 0 ; i < part ; i++ )
// set return value to false if we blocked somewhere
return unlinkRename ( NULL, part, true, callback, state );
static void *renameWrapper_r ( void *state , ThreadEntry *t ) ;
static void *unlinkWrapper_r ( void *state , ThreadEntry *t ) ;
static void doneRenameWrapper ( void *state , ThreadEntry *t ) ;
static void doneUnlinkWrapper ( void *state , ThreadEntry *t ) ;
// . returns false if blocked, true otherwise
// . sets g_errno on error
// . ser "part" to -1 to remove or unlink all part files
// . "newBaseFilenameDir" if NULL, defaults to m_dir, the current dir
// in which this file already exists
bool BigFile::unlinkRename ( // non-NULL for renames, NULL for unlinks
char *newBaseFilename ,
// part num to unlink, -1 for all (or rename)
long part ,
bool useThread ,
void (* callback) ( void *state ) ,
void *state ,
char *newBaseFilenameDir ) {
// fail in read only mode
if ( g_conf.m_readOnlyMode ) {
log("disk: cannot unlink or rename files in read only mode");
return true;
// . wait for any previous unlink to finish
// . we can only store one callback at a time, m_callback, so we
// must do this for now
if ( m_numThreads > 0 &&
( callback != m_callback || state != m_state ) ) {
log("disk: Unlink/rename threads are in progress.");
return true;
// . is this a rename?
// . hack off any directory in newBaseFilename
if ( newBaseFilename ) {
// well, now Rdb.cpp's moveToTrash() moves an old rdb file
// into the trash subdir, so we must preserve the full path
char *s ;
while( (s=strchr(newBaseFilename,'/'))) newBaseFilename = s+1;
// close all files -- they close themselves when we call rename
// close ();
// . set a new base filename for us
// . readwriteWrapper_r() will retry a read if a rename is
// going on and a read fails. after each rename thread is
// done (doneWrapper) it will call File::set.
// . when all renames have completed then
// m_bigFile::m_baseFilename will be set to m_newBaseFilename
strcpy ( m_newBaseFilename , newBaseFilename );
// save this guy
if ( newBaseFilenameDir )
strcpy ( m_newBaseFilenameDir , newBaseFilenameDir );
m_newBaseFilenameDir[0] = '\0';
// set the op flag
m_isUnlink = false;
m_isUnlink = true;
// close all files
//close ();
// . unlink likes to sometimes just unlink one part at a time
// . this should be -1 to unlink all at once
m_part = part;
// the state varies
void *(*startRoutine)(void *state,ThreadEntry *t);
void (*doneRoutine )(void *state,ThreadEntry *t);
long i = 0;
if ( m_part >= 0 ) i = m_part;
// how many parts have we done?
m_partsRemaining = m_maxParts;
// is it only 1 to be unlinked?
if ( m_part >= 0 ) m_partsRemaining = 1;
for ( ; i < m_maxParts ; i++ ) {
// break out if we should only unlink one part
if ( m_part >= 0 && i != m_part ) break;
// get the ith file to rename/unlink
File *f = m_files[i];
if ( ! f ) {
// one less part to do
// remove it from disk
if ( m_isUnlink ) {
startRoutine = unlinkWrapper_r ;
doneRoutine = doneUnlinkWrapper ;
else {
startRoutine = renameWrapper_r ;
doneRoutine = doneRenameWrapper ;
// base in ptr to file, but set f->m_this and f->m_i
f->m_this = this;
f->m_i = i;
// assume thread launched, doneRoutine() will decrement these
// skip thread?
if ( ! useThread ) goto skipThread;
// save callback for when all parts are unlinked or renamed
m_callback = callback;
m_state = state;
// . we spawn the thread here now
// . returns true on successful spawning
// . we can't make a disk thread cuz Threads.cpp checks its
// FileState member for readSize for thread throttling
if ( (UNLINK_THREAD/*threadType*/,1/*niceness*/,
f , doneRoutine , startRoutine ) )
// otherwise, thread spawn failed, do it blocking then
"disk: Failed to launch unlink/rename thread for %s. "
"Doing blocking unlink. part=%li/%li. "
"This will hurt performance. "
// log these for now, remove later
logf(LOG_DEBUG,"disk: Unlinking/renaming %s without thread.",
// before we call doneRoutine(), we must NULLify the callback
m_callback = NULL;
// clear errno, cause startRoutine() may set it
errno = 0;
// these are normally called from a thread
startRoutine ( f , NULL );
// copy errno over to g_errno
if ( errno ) g_errno = errno;
// wrap it up
doneRoutine ( f , NULL );
// set his new name now if we're a rename with no thread
//if ( m_isUnlink ) {
// // consider the part file, if any, nuked
// if ( m_part >= 0 ) removePart ( m_part ); // NO!
// continue;
//startRoutine ( f );
// follow up on the call to close1_r()
//char newFilename [ 1024 ];
//makeFilename_r ( m_newBaseFilename,i,newFilename);
//m_files[i]->set ( newFilename );
// remove pages from DiskPageCache if all files unlinked
if ( m_isUnlink && part == -1 ) {
// release it first, cuz the removeThreads() below
// may call QUICKPOLL() and we end up reading from same file!
if ( m_pc ) m_pc->rmVfd ( m_vfd );
// remove all queued threads that point to us that have not
// yet been launched
// close em up
// if one blocked, we block, but never return false if !useThread
if ( m_numThreads > 0 && useThread ) return false;
// . if we launched no threads update OUR base filename right now
if ( ! m_isUnlink ) strcpy ( m_baseFilename , m_newBaseFilename );
// we did not block
return true;
void *renameWrapper_r ( void *state , ThreadEntry *t ) {
// extract our class
File *f = (File *)state;
// . by getting the inode in the cache space the call to f->close()
// in doneRenameWrapper() should not block
// . fd is < 0 if invalid, >= 0 if valid
//int fd = f->getfdNoOpen ();
// hey, it still blocks
//if ( fd >= 0 ) fsync ( fd );
// get the big guy and the i in m_files[i]
BigFile *THIS = (BigFile *)f->m_this;
// get the ith file we just unlinked
long i = f->m_i;
// . get the new full name for this file
// . based on m_dir/m_stripeDir and m_baseFilename
char newFilename [ 1024 ];
THIS->makeFilename_r ( THIS->m_newBaseFilename ,
THIS->m_newBaseFilenameDir ,
i ,
newFilename );
char oldFilename [ 1024 ];
THIS->makeFilename_r ( THIS->m_baseFilename ,
i ,
oldFilename );
//if ( m_files[i]->rename ( newFilename ) ) continue;
// this returns 0 on success
if ( ::rename ( oldFilename , newFilename ) ) {
// reset errno and return true if file does not exist
if ( errno == ENOENT ) {
log("disk: file %s does not exist.",oldFilename);
errno = 0;
// otherwise, it's a more serious error i guess
else log("disk: rename %s to %s: %s",
return NULL;
// we must close the file descriptor in the thread otherwise the
// file will not actually be renamed in this thread
// sync to disk in case power goes out
// . this might be safe to call in a thread
// . but we do it right after the thread exits now
//THIS->m_files[i]->set ( THIS->m_newBaseFilename );
return NULL;
void *unlinkWrapper_r ( void *state , ThreadEntry *t ) {
// get ourselves
File *f = (File *)state;
// . by getting the inode in the cache space the call to delete(f)
// below should not block
// . fd is < 0 if invalid, >= 0 if valid
//int fd = f->getfdNoOpen ();
// hey, it still blocks
//if ( fd >= 0 ) fsync ( fd );
// and unlink it
::unlink ( f->getFilename() );
// we must close the file descriptor in the thread otherwise the
// file will not actually be unlinked in this thread
// sync to disk in case power goes out
return NULL;
void doneRenameWrapper ( void *state , ThreadEntry *t ) {
// extract our class
File *f = (File *)state;
// . finish the close
// . for some reason renaming invalidates our fd so if someone wants
// to read from us they'll have to re-open
// . this may bitch about a bad file descriptor since we call
// ::close1_r(fd) in the thread
// get the big guy and the i in m_files[i]
BigFile *THIS = (BigFile *)f->m_this;
// clear thread's errno
errno = 0;
// one less
// reset g_errno and return true if file does not exist
//if ( g_errno == ENOENT ) g_errno = 0 ;
// otherwise, it's a more serious error i guess
if ( g_errno ) log ( "disk: rename: %s: %s",
// get the ith file we just unlinked
long i = f->m_i;
// rename the part if it checks out
if ( f == THIS->m_files[i] ) {
// set his new name
char newFilename [ 1024 ];
THIS->makeFilename_r ( THIS->m_newBaseFilename,
THIS->m_files[i]->set ( newFilename );
// otherwise bitch about it
else log(LOG_LOGIC,"disk: Rename had bad file ptr.");
// bail if more to do
//if ( THIS->m_numThreads > 0 ) return;
// one less part to do
// return if more to do
if ( THIS->m_partsRemaining > 0 ) return;
// update OUR base filename now after all Files are renamed
strcpy ( THIS->m_baseFilename , THIS->m_newBaseFilename );
// . all done, call the main callback
// . this is NULL if we were not called in a thread
if ( THIS->m_callback ) THIS->m_callback ( THIS->m_state );
void doneUnlinkWrapper ( void *state , ThreadEntry *t ) {
// extract our class
File *f = (File *)state;
// finish the close
// get the big guy and the i in m_files[i]
BigFile *THIS = (BigFile *)f->m_this;
// clear thread's errno
errno = 0;
// one less
// otherwise, it's a more serious error i guess
if ( g_errno ) log("disk: unlink: %s", mstrerror(g_errno));
// get the ith file we just unlinked
long i = f->m_i;
// . remove the part if it checks out
// . this will also close the file when it deletes it
if ( f == THIS->m_files[i] ) THIS->removePart ( i );
// otherwise bitch about it
else log(LOG_LOGIC,"disk: Unlink had bad file ptr.");
// bail if more to do
if ( THIS->m_numThreads > 0 ) return;
// return if more to do
//if ( THIS->m_partsRemaining > 0 ) return;
// . all done, call the main callback
// . this is NULL if we were not called in a thread
if ( THIS->m_callback ) THIS->m_callback ( THIS->m_state );
void BigFile::removePart ( long i ) {
File *f = m_files[i];
// . thread should have stored the filename for unlinking
// . now delete it from memory
mdelete ( f , sizeof(File) , "BigFile" );
delete (f);
// and clear from our table
m_files[i] = NULL;
// we have one less part
// max part num may be different
if ( m_maxParts != i+1 ) return;
// set m_maxParts
long j;
for ( j = i ; j >= 0 ; j-- )
if ( m_files[j] ) { m_maxParts = j+1; break; }
// may have no more part files left which means no max part num
if ( j < 0 ) m_maxParts = 0;
// used by RdbMap after reading in during start up, we don't want to waste
// all the fds, but we can't call BigFile::close() because then RdbMap::unlink
// doesn't work.
bool BigFile::closeFds ( ) {
for ( long i = 0 ; i < m_maxParts ; i++ ) {
if ( ! m_files[i] ) continue;
return true;
bool BigFile::close ( ) {
// do not double call this
if ( m_isClosing ) return true;
// this end up being called again through a sequence of like 20
// subroutines, so put a stop to that circle
m_isClosing = true;
for ( long i = 0 ; i < m_maxParts ; i++ ) {
if ( ! m_files[i] ) continue;
mdelete ( m_files[i] , sizeof(File) , "BigFile" );
delete (m_files[i]);
m_files[i] = NULL;
m_numParts = 0;
m_maxParts = 0;
// save vfd and pc because removeThreads() actually ends up calling
// the done wrapper, sending back an error reply, shutting down the
// udp server, calling main.cpp::resetAll(), which resets the Rdb and
// free this big file
DiskPageCache *pc = m_pc;
long vfd = m_vfd;
// remove all queued threads that point to us that have not
// yet been launched
// release our pages from the DiskPageCache
//if ( m_pc ) m_pc->rmVfd ( m_vfd );
if ( pc ) pc->rmVfd ( vfd );
return true;
ssize_t gbpwrite(int fd, const void *buf, size_t count, off_t offset) {
return pwrite ( fd , buf , count , offset );