Matt 09de59f026 do not store cblock, etc. tags into tagdb to save
disk space. added tagdb file cache for better performance,
less disk accesses. will help reduce disk load.
put file cache sizes in master controls and if they change
then update the cache size dynamically.
2015-09-10 12:46:00 -06:00

1639 lines
54 KiB

// Matt Wells, copyright Nov 2002
#ifndef SPIDERH
#define SPIDERH
#define MAX_DAYS 365
#include "Rdb.h"
#include "Conf.h"
#include "Titledb.h"
#include "Hostdb.h"
#include "RdbList.h"
#include "RdbTree.h"
#include "HashTableX.h"
#include <time.h>
#include "Msg5.h" // local getList()
#include "Msg4.h"
#include "Msg1.h"
#include "hash.h"
#include "RdbCache.h"
// for diffbot, this is for xmldoc.cpp to update CollectionRec::m_crawlInfo
// which has m_pagesCrawled and m_pagesProcessed.
//bool updateCrawlInfo ( CollectionRec *cr ,
// void *state ,
// void (* callback)(void *state) ,
// bool useCache = true ) ;
// . values for CollectionRec::m_spiderStatus
// . reasons why crawl is not happening
#define SP_MAXROUNDS 1 // hit max rounds limit
#define SP_MAXTOCRAWL 2 // hit max to crawl limit
#define SP_MAXTOPROCESS 3 // hit max to process limit
#define SP_ROUNDDONE 4 // spider round is done
#define SP_NOURLS 5 // initializing
#define SP_PAUSED 6 // user paused spider
#define SP_INPROGRESS 7 // it is going on!
#define SP_ADMIN_PAUSED 8 // g_conf.m_spideringEnabled = false
#define SP_COMPLETED 9 // crawl is done, and no repeatCrawl is scheduled
#define SP_SEEDSERROR 10 // all seeds had an error preventing crawling
bool tryToDeleteSpiderColl ( SpiderColl *sc , char *msg ) ;
void spiderRoundIncremented ( class CollectionRec *cr ) ;
bool testPatterns ( ) ;
bool hasPositivePattern ( char *content ) ;
bool doesStringContainPattern ( char *content , char *pattern ) ;
bool getSpiderStatusMsg ( class CollectionRec *cx ,
class SafeBuf *msg ,
int32_t *status ) ;
int32_t getFakeIpForUrl1 ( char *url1 ) ;
int32_t getFakeIpForUrl2 ( Url *url2 ) ;
// Overview of Spider
// this new spider algorithm ensures that urls get spidered even if a host
// is dead. and even if the url was being spidered by a host that suddenly went
// dead.
// . Spider.h/.cpp contains all the code related to spider scheduling
// . Spiderdb holds the SpiderRecs which indicate the time to spider a url
// . there are 2 types of SpiderRecs: SpiderRequest and SpiderReply recs
// There are 3 main components to the spidering process:
// 1) spiderdb
// 2) the "waiting tree"
// 3) doledb
// spiderdb holds all the spiderrequests/spiderreplies sorted by
// their IP
// the waiting tree holds at most one entry for an IP indicating that
// we should scan all the spiderrequests/spiderreplies for that IP in
// spiderdb, find the "best" one(s) and add it (them) to doledb.
// doledb holds the best spiderrequests from spiderdb sorted by
// "priority". priorities range from 0 to 127, the highest priority.
// basically doledb holds the urls that are ready for spidering now.
// Spiderdb
// the spiderdb holds all the SpiderRequests and SpiderReplies, each of which
// are sorted by their "firstIP" and then by their 48-bit url hash,
// "uh48". the parentDocId is also kept in the key to prevent collisions.
// Each group (shard) of hosts is responsible for spidering a fixed set of
// IPs.
// Dividing Workload by IP Address
// Each host is responsible for its own set of IP addresses. Each SpiderRequest
// contains an IP address called m_firstIP. It alone is responsible for adding
// SpiderRequests from this set of IPs to doledb.
// the doled out
// SpiderRequests are added to doledb using Msg4. Once in doledb, a
// SpiderRequest is ready to be spidered by any host in the group (shard),
// provided that that host gets all the locks.
// "firstIP"
// when we lookup the ip address of the subdomain of an outlink for the first
// time we store that ip address into tagdb using the tag named "firstip".
// that way anytime we add outlinks from the same subdomain in the future they
// are guaranteed to get the same "firstip" even if the actual ip changed. this
// allows us to consistently throttle urls from the same subdomain, even if
// the subdomain gets a new ip. this also increaseses performance when looking
// up the "ips" of every outlink on a page because we are often just hitting
// tagdb, which is much faster than doing dns lookups, that might miss the
// dns cache!
// Adding a SpiderRequest
// When a SpiderRequest is added to spiderdb in Rdb.cpp it calls
// SpiderColl::addSpiderRequest(). If our host is responsible for doling
// that firstIP, we check m_doleIPTable to see if that IP address is
// already in doledb. if it is then we bail. Next we compute the url filter
// number of the url in order to compute its spider time, then we add
// it to the waiting tree. It will not get added to the waiting tree if
// the current entry in the waiting tree has an earlier spider time.
// then when the waiting tree is scanned it will read SpiderRequests from
// spiderdb for just that firstIP and add the best one to doledb when it is
// due to be spidered.
// Waiting Tree
// The waiting tree is a b-tree where the keys are a spiderTime/IPaddress tuple
// of the corresponding SpiderRequest. Think of its keys as requests to
// spider something from that IP address at the given time, spiderTime.
// The entries are sorted by spiderTime first then IP address.
// It let's us know the earliest time we can spider a SpiderRequest
// from an IP address. We have exactly one entry in the waiting tree from
// every IP address that is in Spiderdb. "m_waitingTable" maps an IP
// address to its entry in the waiting tree. If an IP should not be spidered
// until the future then its spiderTime in the waiting tree will be in the
// future.
// Adding a SpiderReply
// We intercept SpiderReplies being added to Spiderdb in Rdb.cpp as well by
// calling SpiderColl::addSpiderReply(). Then we get the firstIP
// from that and we look in spiderdb to find a replacement SpiderRequest
// to add to doledb. To make this part easy we just add the firstIP to the
// waiting tree with a spiderTime of 0. so when the waiting tree scan happens
// it will pick that up and look in spiderdb for the best SpiderRequest with
// that same firstIP that can be spidered now, and then it adds that to
// doledb. (To prevent from having to scan int32_t spiderdb lists and speed
// things up we might want to keep a little cache that maps a firstIP to
// a few SpiderRequests ready to be spidered).
// Deleting Dups
// we now remove spiderdb rec duplicates in the spiderdb merge. we also call
// getUrlFilterNum() on each spiderdb rec during the merge to see if it is
// filtered and not indexed, and if so, we delete it. we also delete all but
// the latest SpiderReply for a given uh48/url. And we remove redundant
// SpiderRequests like we used to do in addSpiderRequest(), which means that
// the merge op needs to keep a small little table to scan in order to
// compare all the SpiderRequests in the list for the same uh48. all of this
// deduping takes place on the final merged list which is then further
// filtered by this by calling Spiderdb.cpp::filterSpiderdbRecs(RdbList *list).
// because the list is just a random piece of spiderdb, boundary issues will
// cause some records to leak through, but with enough file merge operations
// they should eventually be zapped.
// DoleDB
// This holds SpiderRequests that are ready to be spidered right now. A host
// in our group (shard) will call getLocks() to get the locks for a
// SpiderRequest in doledb that it wants to spider. it must receive grants
// from every alive machine in the group in order to properly get the lock.
// If it receives a rejection from one host it release the lock on all the
// other hosts. It is kind of random to get a lock, similar to ethernet
// collision detection.
// Dole IP Table
// m_doleIpTable (HashTableX, 96 bit keys, no data)
// Purpose: let's us know how many SpiderRequests have been doled out for
// a given firstIP
// Key is simply a 4-byte IP.
// Data is the number of doled out SpiderRequests from that IP.
// we use m_doleIpTable for keeping counts based on ip of what is doled out.
// g_doledb
// Purpose: holds the spider request your group (shard) is supposed to spider
// according to getGroupIdToSpider(). 96-bit keys, data is the spider rec with
// key. ranked according to when things should be spidered.
// <~priority> 8bits
// <spiderTime> 32bits
// <urlHash48> 48bits (to avoid collisions)
// <reserved> 7bits (used 7 bits from urlhash48 to avoid collisio)
// <delBit> 1bit
// DATA:
// <spiderRec> Xbits (spiderdb record to spider, includes key)
// everyone in group (shard) tries to spider this shit in order.
// you call SpiderLoop::getLocks(sr,hostId) to get the lock for it before
// you can spider it. everyone in the group (shard) gets the lock request.
// if you do not get granted lock by all alive hosts in the group (shard) then
// you call Msg12::removeAllLocks(sr,hostId). nobody tries to spider
// a doledb spider rec if the lock is granted to someone else, just skip it.
// if a doling host goes dead, then its twins will dole for it after their
// SpiderColl::m_nextReloadTime is reached and they reset their cache and
// re-scan spiderdb. XmlDoc adds the negative key to RDB_DOLEDB so that
// should remove it from doledb when the spidering is complete, and when
// Rdb.cpp receives a "fake" negative TITLEDB key it removes the doledbKey lock
// from m_lockTable. See XmlDoc.cpp "fake titledb key".
// Furthermore, if Rdb.cpp receives a positive doledbKey
// it might update SpiderColl::m_nextKeys[priority] so that the next read of
// doledb starts there when SpiderLoop::spiderDoledUrls() calls
// msg5 to read doledb records from disk.
// TODO: when a host dies, consider speeding up the reload. might be 3 hrs!
// PROBLEM: what if a host dies with outstanding locks???
// SpiderLoop::m_lockTable (HashTableX(6,8))
// Purpose: allows a host to lock a doledb key for spidering. used by Msg12
// and SpiderLoop. a host must get the lock for all its alive twins in its
// group (shard) before it can spider the SpiderRequest, otherwise, it will
// removeall the locks from the hosts that did grant it by calling
// Msg12::removeAllLocks(sr,hostId).
// To actually spider something, we do a read of doledb to get the next
// SpiderRequest. Because there are so many negative/positive key annihilations
// in doledb, we keep a "cursor key" for each spider priority in doledb.
// We get a "lock" on the url so no other hosts in our group (shard) can
// spider it from doledb. We get the lock if all hosts in the shard
// successfully grant it to us, otherwise, we inform all the hosts that
// we were unable to get the lock, so they can unlock it.
// SpiderLoop::spiderDoledUrls() will scan doledb for each collection that
// has spidering enabled, and get the SpiderRequests in doledb that are
// in need of spidering. The keys in doledb are sorted by highest spider
// priority first and then by the "spider time". If one spider priority is
// empty or only has spiderRequests in it that can be spidered in the future,
// then the next priority is read.
// any host in our group (shard) can spider a request in doledb, but they must
// lock it by calling getLocks() first and all hosts in the group (shard) must
// grant them the lock for that url otherwise they remove all the locks and
// try again on another spiderRequest in doledb.
// Each group (shard) is responsible for spidering a set of IPs in spiderdb.
// and each host in the group (shard) has its own subset of those IPs for which
// it is responsible for adding to doledb. but any host in the group (shard)
// can spider any request/url in doledb provided they get the lock.
// evalIpLoop()
// The waiting tree is populated at startup by scanning spiderdb (see
// SpiderColl::evalIpLoop()), which might take a while to complete,
// so it is running in the background while the gb server is up. it will
// log "10836674298 spiderdb bytes scanned for waiting tree re-population"
// periodically in the log as it tries to do a complete spiderdb scan
// every 24 hours. It should not be necessary to scan spiderdb more than
// once, but it seems we are leaking ips somehow so we do the follow-up
// scans for now. (see populateWaitingTreeFromSpiderdb() in Spider.cpp)
// It will also perform a background scan if the admin changes the url
// filters table, which dictates that we recompute everything.
// evalIpLoop() will recompute the "url filter number" (matching row)
// in the url filters table for each url in each SpiderRequest it reads.
// it will ignore spider requests whose urls
// are "filtered" or "banned". otherwise they will have a spider priority >= 0.
// So it calls ::getUrlFilterNum() for each url it scans which is where
// most of the cpu it uses will probably be spent. It picks the best
// url to spider for each IP address. It only picks one per IP right now.
// If the best url has a scheduled spider time in the future, it will add it
// to the waiting tree with that future timestamp. The waiting tree only
// stores one entry for each unique IP, so it tries to store
// the entry with the earliest computed scheduled spider time, but if
// some times are all BEFORE the current time, it will resolve conflicts
// by preferring those with the highest priority. Tied spider priorities
// should be resolved by minimum hopCount probably.
// If the spidertime of the URL is overdue then evalIpLoop() will NOT add
// it to waiting tree, but will add it to doledb directly to make it available
// for spidering immediately. It calls m_msg4.addMetaList() to add it to
// doledb on all hosts in its group (shard). It uses s_ufnTree for keeping
// track of the best urls to spider for a given IP/spiderPriority.
// evalIpLoop() can also be called with its m_nextKey/m_endKey limited
// to just scan the SpiderRequests for a specific IP address. It does
// this after adding a SpiderReply. addSpiderReply() calls addToWaitingTree()
// with the "0" time entry, and addToWaitingTree() calls
// populateDoledbFromWaitingTree() which will see that "0" entry and call
// evalIpLoop(true) after setting m_nextKey/m_endKey for that IP.
// SpiderColl::populateDoledbFromWaitingTree() scans the waiting tree for
// entries whose spider time is due. so it gets the IP address and spider
// priority from the waiting tree. but then it calls evalIpLoop()
// restricted to that IP (using m_nextKey,m_endKey) to get the best
// SpiderRequest from spiderdb for that IP to add to doledb for immediate
// spidering. populateDoledbFromWaitingTree() is called a lot to try to
// keep doledb in sync with waiting tree. any time an entry in the waiting
// tree becomes available for spidering it should be called right away so
// as not to hold back the spiders. in general it should exit quickly because
// it calls getNextIpFromWaitingTree() which most of the time will return 0
// indicating there are no IPs in the waiting tree ready to be spidered.
// Which is why as we add SpiderRequests to doledb for an IP we also
// remove that IP from the waiting tree. This keeps this check fast.
// In order to allow multiple outstanding spiders per IP address, if, say,
// maxSpidersPerIp is > 1, we now promptly add the negative doledb key
// as soon as a lock is granted and we also add an entry to the waiting tree
// which will result in an addition to doledb of the next unlocked
// SpiderRequest. This logic is mostly in Spider.cpp's Msg12::gotLockReply().
// Rdb.cpp will see that we added a "fakedb" record
// A record is only removed from Doledb after the spider adds the negative
// doledb record in XmlDoc.cpp when it is done. XmlDoc.cpp also adds a
// "fake" negative titledb record to remove the lock on that url at the
// same time.
// So, 1) we can allow for multiple doledb entries per IP and the assigned
// host can reply with "wait X ms" to honor the spiderIpWait constraint,
// or 2) we can delete the doledb entry after the lock is granted, and then
// we can immediately add a "currentTime + X ms" entry to the waiting tree to
// add the next doledb record for this IP X ms from now.
// I kind of like the 2nd approach because then there is only one entry
// per IP in doledb. that is kind of nice. So maybe using the same
// logic that is used by Spider.cpp to release a lock, we can say,
// "hey, i got the lock, delete it from doledb"...
// . what groupId (shardId) should spider/index this spider request?
// . CAUTION: NOT the same group (shard) that stores it in spiderdb!!!
// . CAUTION: NOT the same group (shard) that doles it out to spider!!!
//uint32_t getGroupIdToSpider ( char *spiderRec );
// now used by xmldoc.cpp
bool isAggregator ( int32_t siteHash32 ,
int32_t domHash32 ,
char *url ,
int32_t urlLen ) ;
// The 128-bit Spiderdb record key128_t for a rec in Spiderdb is as follows:
// <32 bit firstIp> (firstIp of the url to spider)
// <48 bit normalized url hash> (of the url to spider)
// <1 bit isRequest> (a SpiderRequest or SpiderReply record?)
// <38 bit docid of parent> (to avoid collisions!)
// <8 bit reserved> (was "spiderLinks"/"forced"/"retryNum")
// <1 bit delbit> (0 means this is a *negative* key)
// there are two types of SpiderRecs really, a "request" to spider a url
// and a "reply" or report on the attempted spidering of a url. in this way
// Spiderdb is a perfect log of desired and actual spider activity.
// . Spiderdb contains an m_rdb which has SpiderRecs/urls to be spidered
// . we split the SpiderRecs up w/ the hosts in our group (shard) by IP of the
// url.
// . once we've spidered a url it gets added with a negative spiderdb key
// in XmlDoc.cpp
class Spiderdb {
// reset rdb
void reset();
// set up our private rdb for holding SpiderRecs
bool init ( );
// init the rebuild/secondary rdb, used by PageRepair.cpp
bool init2 ( int32_t treeMem );
bool verify ( char *coll );
bool addColl ( char *coll, bool doVerify = true );
Rdb *getRdb ( ) { return &m_rdb; };
//DiskPageCache *getDiskPageCache() { return &m_pc; };
// this rdb holds urls waiting to be spidered or being spidered
Rdb m_rdb;
int64_t getUrlHash48 ( key128_t *k ) {
return (((k->n1)<<16) | k->n0>>(64-16)) & 0xffffffffffffLL; };
bool isSpiderRequest ( key128_t *k ) {
return (k->n0>>(64-17))&0x01; };
bool isSpiderReply ( key128_t *k ) {
return ((k->n0>>(64-17))&0x01)==0x00; };
int64_t getParentDocId ( key128_t *k ) {return (k->n0>>9)&DOCID_MASK;};
// same as above
int64_t getDocId ( key128_t *k ) {return (k->n0>>9)&DOCID_MASK;};
int32_t getFirstIp ( key128_t *k ) { return (k->n1>>32); }
key128_t makeKey ( int32_t firstIp ,
int64_t urlHash48 ,
bool isRequest ,
int64_t parentDocId ,
bool isDel ) ;
key128_t makeFirstKey ( int32_t firstIp ) {
return makeKey ( firstIp,0LL,false,0LL,true); };
key128_t makeLastKey ( int32_t firstIp ) {
return makeKey ( firstIp,0xffffffffffffLL,true,
MAX_DOCID,false); };
key128_t makeFirstKey2 ( int32_t firstIp , int64_t uh48 ) {
return makeKey ( firstIp,uh48,false,0LL,true); };
key128_t makeLastKey2 ( int32_t firstIp , int64_t uh48 ) {
return makeKey ( firstIp,uh48,true,MAX_DOCID,false); };
// what groupId (shardid) spiders this url?
inline uint32_t getShardNum ( int32_t firstIp ) {
// must be valid
if ( firstIp == 0 || firstIp == -1 ) {char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// mix it up
uint32_t h = (uint32_t)hash32h ( firstIp, 0x123456 );
// get it
return h % g_hostdb.m_numShards;
// print the spider rec
int32_t print( char *srec , SafeBuf *sb = NULL );
//DiskPageCache m_pc;
void dedupSpiderdbList ( RdbList *list , int32_t niceness , bool removeNegRecs );
extern class Spiderdb g_spiderdb;
extern class Spiderdb g_spiderdb2;
class SpiderRequest {
// we now define the data so we can use this class to cast
// a SpiderRec outright
key128_t m_key;
int32_t m_dataSize;
// this ip is taken from the TagRec for the domain of the m_url,
// but we do a dns lookup initially if not in tagdb and we put it in
// tagdb then. that way, even if the domain gets a new ip, we still
// use the original ip for purposes of deciding which groupId (shardId)
// is responsible for storing, doling/throttling this domain. if the
// ip lookup results in NXDOMAIN or another error then we generally
// do not add it to tagdb in msge*.cpp. this ensures that any given
// domain will always be spidered by the same group (shard) of hosts
// even if the ip changes later on. this also increases performance
// since we do a lot fewer dns lookups on the outlinks.
int32_t m_firstIp;
//int32_t getFirstIp ( ) { return g_spiderdb.getFirstIp(&m_key); };
int32_t m_hostHash32;
int32_t m_domHash32;
int32_t m_siteHash32;
// this is computed from every outlink's tagdb record but i guess
// we can update it when adding a spider rec reply
int32_t m_siteNumInlinks;
// . when this request was first was added to spiderdb
// . Spider.cpp dedups the oldest SpiderRequests that have the
// same bit flags as this one. that way, we get the most uptodate
// date in the request... UNFORTUNATELY we lose m_addedTime then!!!
uint32_t m_addedTime; // time_t
// if m_isNewOutlink is true, then this SpiderRequest is being added
// for a link that did not exist on this page the last time it was
// spidered. XmlDoc.cpp needs to set XmlDoc::m_min/maxPubDate for
// m_url. if m_url's content does not contain a pub date explicitly
// then we can estimate it based on when m_url's parent was last
// spidered (when m_url was not an outlink on its parent page)
uint32_t m_parentPrevSpiderTime; // time_t
//int32_t m_parentFirstIp;
// # of spider requests from different c-blocks. capped at 255.
// taken from the # of SpiderRequests.
uint8_t m_pageNumInlinks;
uint8_t m_reservedb2;
uint8_t m_reservedb3;
uint8_t m_reservedb4;
// info on the page we were harvest from
int32_t m_parentHostHash32;
int32_t m_parentDomHash32;
int32_t m_parentSiteHash32;
// if there are several spiderrequests for a url, this should be
// the earliest m_addedTime, basically, the url discovery time. this is
// NOT valid in spiderdb, but only set upon selecting the url to spider
// when we scan all of the SpiderRequests it has.
int32_t m_discoveryTime;
// the PROBABLE DOCID. if there is a collision with another docid
// then we increment the last 8 bits or so. see Msg22.cpp.
//int64_t m_probDocId;
//int32_t m_reservedc1;
int32_t m_reservedc2;
//int32_t m_parentPubDate;
// . pub date taken from url directly, not content
// . ie.
// . ie.
//int32_t m_urlPubDate;
// . replace this with something we need for smart compression
// . this is zero if none or invalid
int32_t m_contentHash32;
// . each request can have a different hop count
// . this is only valid if m_hopCountValid is true!
// . i made this a int16_t from int32_t to support m_parentLangId etc above
int16_t m_hopCount;
// when creating a chinese search engine for instance it is nice
// to know the language of the page we are spidering's parent.
// typically a chinese page will link to another chinese page,
// though not always of course. this is the primary language of
// the parent.
uint8_t m_parentLangId;//reserved1;
// the new add url control will allow user to control link spidering
// on each url they add. they can also specify file:// instead of
// http:// to index local files. so we have to allow file://
/* char m_onlyAddSameDomainLinks :1; */
/* char m_onlyAddSameSubdomainLinks :1; */
/* char m_onlyDoNotAddLinksLinks :1; // max hopcount 1 */
/* char m_onlyDoNotAddLinksLinksLinks :1; // max hopcount 2 */
char m_ignoreDocUnchangedError:1;//reserved2a:1;
char m_recycleContent:1;//m_reserved2b:1;
char m_hasMediaExtension:1; // reserved2c:1;
char m_hasMediaExtensionValid:1;
char m_reserved2e:1;
char m_reserved2f:1;
char m_reserved2g:1;
char m_reserved2h:1;
//int32_t m_hopCount;
// . this is now computed dynamically often based on the latest
// m_addedTime and m_percentChanged of all the SpideRec *replies*.
// we may decide to change some url filters
// that affect this computation. so SpiderCache always changes
// this value before adding any SpiderRec *request* to the
// m_orderTree, etc.
//time_t m_spiderTime;
// our bit flags
int32_t m_hopCountValid:1;
// are we a request/reply from the add url page?
int32_t m_isAddUrl:1;
// are we a request/reply from PageReindex.cpp
int32_t m_isPageReindex:1;
// are we a request/reply from PageInject.cpp
int32_t m_isPageInject:1;
// or from PageParser.cpp directly
int32_t m_isPageParser:1;
// should we use the test-spider-dir for caching test coll requests?
//int32_t m_useTestSpiderDir:1;
int32_t m_parentIsSiteMap:1;
// . is the url a docid (not an actual url)
// . could be a "query reindex"
int32_t m_urlIsDocId:1;
// does m_url end in .rss .xml .atom? or a related rss file extension?
int32_t m_isRSSExt:1;
// is url in a format known to be a permalink format?
int32_t m_isUrlPermalinkFormat:1;
// is url ""?
int32_t m_isPingServer:1;
// . are we a delete instruction? (from Msg7.cpp as well)
// . if you want it to be permanently banned you should ban or filter
// it in the urlfilters/tagdb. so this is kinda useless...
int32_t m_forceDelete:1;
// are we a fake spider rec? called from Test.cpp now!
int32_t m_isInjecting:1;
// are we a respider request from Sections.cpp
//int32_t m_fromSections:1;
// a new flag. replaced above. did we have a corresponding SpiderReply?
int32_t m_hadReply:1;
// are we scraping from google, etc.?
int32_t m_isScraping:1;
// page add url can be updated to store content for the web page
// into titledb or something to simulate injections of yore. we can
// use that content as the content of the web page. the add url can
// accept it from a form and we store it right away into titledb i
// guess using msg4, then we look it up when we spider the url.
int32_t m_hasContent:1;
// is first ip a hash of url or docid or whatever?
int32_t m_fakeFirstIp:1;
//*? or*?
int32_t m_isWWWSubdomain:1;
// these "parent" bits are invalid if m_parentHostHash32 is 0!
// that includes m_isMenuOutlink
// if the parent was respidered and the outlink was there last time
// and is there now, then this is "0", otherwise, this is "1"
int32_t m_isNewOutlink :1;
int32_t m_sameDom :1;
int32_t m_sameHost :1;
int32_t m_sameSite :1;
int32_t m_wasParentIndexed :1;
int32_t m_parentIsRSS :1;
int32_t m_parentIsPermalink :1;
int32_t m_parentIsPingServer:1;
int32_t m_parentHasAddress :1;
// is this outlink from content or menu?
int32_t m_isMenuOutlink :1;
// these bits also in SpiderReply
// was it in google's index?
int32_t m_inGoogle:1;
// expires after a certain time or if ownership changed
// did it have an inlink from a really nice site?
int32_t m_hasAuthorityInlink :1;
int32_t m_hasContactInfo :1;
int32_t m_isContacty :1;
int32_t m_hasSiteVenue :1;
// are the 3 bits above valid?
// if site ownership changes might be invalidated.
// "inGoogle" also may expire after so int32_t too
int32_t m_inGoogleValid :1;
int32_t m_hasAuthorityInlinkValid :1;
int32_t m_hasContactInfoValid :1;
int32_t m_isContactyValid :1;
int32_t m_hasAddressValid :1;
//int32_t m_matchesUrlCrawlPattern :1;
//int32_t m_matchesUrlProcessPattern:1;
int32_t m_hasTODValid :1;
int32_t m_hasSiteVenueValid :1;
int32_t m_siteNumInlinksValid :1;
// . only support certain tags in url filters now i guess
// . use the tag value from most recent SpiderRequest only
// . the "deep" tag is popular for hitting certain sites hard
//int32_t m_tagDeep:1;
// we set this to one from Diffbot.cpp when urldata does not
// want the url's to have their links spidered. default is to make
// this 0 and to not avoid spidering the links.
int32_t m_avoidSpiderLinks:1;
// for identifying address heavy sites...
//int32_t m_tagYellowPages:1;
// when indexing urls for dmoz, i.e. the urls outputted from
// 'dmozparse urldump -s' we need to index them even if there
// was a ETCPTIMEDOUT because we have to have indexed the same
// urls that dmoz has in it in order to be identical to dmoz.
int32_t m_ignoreExternalErrors:1;
// called XmlDoc::set4() from PageSubmit.cpp?
//int32_t m_isPageSubmit:1;
// are we in the m_orderTree/m_doleTables/m_ipTree
//int32_t m_inOrderTree:1;
// are we doled out?
//int32_t m_doled:1;
// are we a re-add of a spiderrequest already in spiderdb added
// from xmldoc.cpp when done spidering so that the spider request
// gets back in the cache quickly?
//int32_t m_readd:1;
// . what url filter num do we match in the url filters table?
// . determines our spider priority and wait time
int16_t m_ufn;
// . m_priority is dynamically computed like m_spiderTime
// . can be negative to indicate filtered, banned, skipped, etc.
// . for the spiderrec request, this is invalid until it is set
// by the SpiderCache logic, but for the spiderrec reply this is
// the priority we used!
char m_priority;
// . this is copied from the most recent SpiderReply into here
// . its so XMlDoc.cpp can increment it and add it to the new
// SpiderReply it adds in case there is another download error ,
char m_errCount;
// we really only need store the url for *requests* and not replies
char m_url[MAX_URL_LEN+1];
// . basic functions
// . clear all
void reset() {
memset ( this , 0 , (char *)m_url - (char *)&m_key );
// -1 means uninitialized, this is required now
m_ufn = -1;
// this too
m_priority = -1;
// this happens to be zero already, but just in case it changes
m_parentLangId = langUnknown;
static int32_t getNeededSize ( int32_t urlLen ) {
return sizeof(SpiderRequest) - (int32_t)MAX_URL_LEN + urlLen; };
int32_t getRecSize () { return m_dataSize + 4 + sizeof(key128_t); }
// how much buf will we need to serialize ourselves?
//int32_t getRecSize () {
// //return m_dataSize + 4 + sizeof(key128_t); }
// return (m_url - (char *)this) + gbstrlen(m_url) + 1
// // subtract m_key and m_dataSize
// - sizeof(key_t) - 4 ;
int32_t getUrlLen() { return m_dataSize -
// subtract the \0
((char *)m_url-(char *)&m_firstIp) - 1;};
char *getUrlPath() {
char *p = m_url;
for ( ; *p ; p++ ) {
if ( *p != ':' ) continue;
if ( *p != '/' ) continue;
if ( *p != '/' ) continue;
if ( ! *p ) return NULL;
// skip until / then
for ( ; *p && *p !='/' ; p++ ) ;
if ( *p != '/' ) return NULL;
// return root path of / if there.
return p;
//int32_t getUrlLen() { return gbstrlen(m_url); };
void setKey ( int32_t firstIp ,
int64_t parentDocId ,
int64_t uh48 ,
bool isDel ) ;
void setKey ( int32_t firstIp, int64_t parentDocId , bool isDel ) {
int64_t uh48 = hash64b ( m_url );
setKey ( firstIp , parentDocId, uh48, isDel );
void setDataSize ( );
int64_t getUrlHash48 () {return g_spiderdb.getUrlHash48(&m_key); };
int64_t getParentDocId (){return g_spiderdb.getParentDocId(&m_key);};
int32_t print( class SafeBuf *sb );
int32_t printToTable ( SafeBuf *sb , char *status ,
class XmlDoc *xd , int32_t row ) ;
// for diffbot...
int32_t printToTableSimple ( SafeBuf *sb , char *status ,
class XmlDoc *xd , int32_t row ) ;
static int32_t printTableHeader ( SafeBuf *sb , bool currentlSpidering ) ;
static int32_t printTableHeaderSimple ( SafeBuf *sb ,
bool currentlSpidering ) ;
// returns false and sets g_errno on error
bool setFromAddUrl ( char *url ) ;
bool setFromInject ( char *url ) ;
bool isCorrupt ( );
// . XmlDoc adds this record to spiderdb after attempting to spider a url
// supplied to it by a SpiderRequest
// . before adding a SpiderRequest to the spider cache, we scan through
// all of its SpiderRecReply records and just grab the last one. then
// we pass that to ::getUrlFilterNum()
// . if it was not a successful reply, then we try to populate it with
// the member variables from the last *successful* reply before passing
// it to ::getUrlFilterNum()
// . getUrlFilterNum() also takes the SpiderRequest record as well now
// . we only keep the last X successful SpiderRecReply records, and the
// last unsucessful Y records (only if more recent), and we nuke all the
// other SpiderRecReply records
class SpiderReply {
// we now define the data so we can use this class to cast
// a SpiderRec outright
key128_t m_key;
// this can be used for something else really. all SpiderReplies are fixed sz
int32_t m_dataSize;
// for calling getHostIdToDole()
int32_t m_firstIp;
//int32_t getFirstIp ( ) { return g_spiderdb.getFirstIp(&m_key); };
// we need this too in case it changes!
int32_t m_siteHash32;
// and this for updating crawl delay in m_cdTable
int32_t m_domHash32;
// since the last successful SpiderRecReply
float m_percentChangedPerDay;
// when we attempted to spider it
uint32_t m_spideredTime; // time_t
// . value of g_errno/m_indexCode. 0 means successfully indexed.
int32_t m_errCode;
// this is fresher usually so we can use it to override
// SpiderRequest's m_siteNumLinks
int32_t m_siteNumInlinks;
// how many inlinks does this particular page have?
//int32_t m_pageNumInlinks;
// the actual pub date we extracted (0 means none, -1 unknown)
int32_t m_pubDate;
// . SpiderRequests added to spiderdb since m_spideredTime
// . XmlDoc.cpp's ::getUrlFilterNum() uses this as "newinlinks" arg
//int32_t m_newRequests;
// . replaced m_newRequests
// . this is zero if none or invalid
int32_t m_contentHash32;
// in milliseconds, from robots.txt (-1 means none)
// TODO: store in tagdb, lookup when we lookup tagdb recs for all
// out outlinks
int32_t m_crawlDelayMS;
// . when we basically finished DOWNLOADING it
// . use 0 if we did not download at all
// . used by Spider.cpp to space out urls using sameIpWait
int64_t m_downloadEndTime;
// how many errors have we had in a row?
//int32_t m_retryNum;
// . like "404" etc. "200" means successfully downloaded
// . we can still successfully index pages that are 404 or permission
// denied, because we might have link text for them.
int16_t m_httpStatus;
// . only non-zero if errCode is set!
// . 1 means it is the first time we tried to download and got an error
// . 2 means second, etc.
char m_errCount;
// what language was the page in?
char m_langId;
// our bit flags
// XmlDoc::isSpam() returned true for it!
//char m_isSpam:1;
// was the page in rss format?
int32_t m_isRSS:1;
// was the page a permalink?
int32_t m_isPermalink:1;
// are we a pingserver page?
int32_t m_isPingServer:1;
// did we delete the doc from the index?
//int32_t m_deleted:1;
// was it in the index when we were done?
int32_t m_isIndexed:1;
// these bits also in SpiderRequest
// was it in google's index?
int32_t m_inGoogle:1;
// did it have an inlink from a really nice site?
int32_t m_hasAuthorityInlink:1;
// does it have contact info
int32_t m_hasContactInfo:1;
int32_t m_isContacty :1;
int32_t m_hasAddress :1;
int32_t m_hasTOD :1;
// make this "INvalid" not valid since it was set to 0 before
// and we want to be backwards compatible
int32_t m_isIndexedINValid :1;
//int32_t m_hasSiteVenue :1;
// expires after a certain time or if ownership changed
int32_t m_inGoogleValid :1;
int32_t m_hasContactInfoValid :1;
int32_t m_hasAuthorityInlinkValid :1;
int32_t m_isContactyValid :1;
int32_t m_hasAddressValid :1;
int32_t m_hasTODValid :1;
//int32_t m_hasSiteVenueValid :1;
int32_t m_reserved2 :1;
int32_t m_siteNumInlinksValid :1;
// was the request an injection request
int32_t m_fromInjectionRequest :1;
// did we TRY to send it to the diffbot backend filter? might be err?
int32_t m_sentToDiffbotThisTime :1;
int32_t m_hadDiffbotError :1;
// . was it in the index when we started?
// . we use this with m_isIndexed above to adjust quota counts for
// this m_siteHash32 which is basically just the subdomain/host
// for SpiderColl::m_quotaTable
int32_t m_wasIndexed :1;
// this also pertains to m_isIndexed as well:
int32_t m_wasIndexedValid :1;
// how much buf will we need to serialize ourselves?
int32_t getRecSize () { return m_dataSize + 4 + sizeof(key128_t); }
// clear all
void reset() { memset ( this , 0 , sizeof(SpiderReply) ); };
void setKey ( int32_t firstIp,
int64_t parentDocId ,
int64_t uh48 ,
bool isDel ) ;
int32_t print ( class SafeBuf *sbarg );
int64_t getUrlHash48 () {return g_spiderdb.getUrlHash48(&m_key); };
int64_t getParentDocId (){return g_spiderdb.getParentDocId(&m_key);};
// are we responsible for this ip?
bool isAssignedToUs ( int32_t firstIp ) ;
// key96_t:
#define DOLEDBKEY key_t
#define SPIDERDBKEY key128_t
// . store urls that can be spidered right NOW in doledb
// . SpiderLoop.cpp doles out urls from its local spiderdb into
// the doledb rdb of remote hosts (and itself as well sometimes!)
// . then each host calls SpiderLoop::spiderDoledUrls() to spider the
// urls doled to their group (shard) in doledb
class Doledb {
void reset();
bool init ( );
bool addColl ( char *coll, bool doVerify = true );
//DiskPageCache *getDiskPageCache() { return &m_pc; };
// . see "overview of spidercache" below for key definition
// . these keys when hashed are clogging up the hash table
// so i am making the 7 reserved bits part of the urlhash48...
key_t makeKey ( int32_t priority ,
uint32_t spiderTime , // time_t
int64_t urlHash48 ,
bool isDelete ) {
// sanity checks
if ( priority & 0xffffff00 ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0;}
if ( urlHash48 & 0xffff000000000000LL ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0;}
key_t k;
k.n1 = (255 - priority);
k.n1 <<= 24;
k.n1 |= (spiderTime >>8);
k.n0 = spiderTime & 0xff;
k.n0 <<= 48;
k.n0 |= urlHash48;
// 7 bits reserved
k.n0 <<= 7;
// still reserved but when adding to m_doleReqTable it needs
// to be more random!! otherwise the hash table is way slow!
k.n0 |= (urlHash48 & 0x7f);
// 1 bit for negative bit
k.n0 <<= 1;
// we are positive or not? setting this means we are positive
if ( ! isDelete ) k.n0 |= 0x01;
return k;
// . use this for a query reindex
// . a docid-based spider request
// . crap, might we have collisions between a uh48 and docid????
key_t makeReindexKey ( int32_t priority ,
uint32_t spiderTime , // time_t
int64_t docId ,
bool isDelete ) {
return makeKey ( priority,spiderTime,docId,isDelete); };
key_t makeFirstKey2 ( int32_t priority ) {
key_t k;
// set priority
k.n1 = (255 - priority);
k.n1 <<= 24;
return k;
key_t makeLastKey2 ( int32_t priority ) {
key_t k;
// set priority
k.n1 = (255 - priority);
k.n1 <<= 24;
k.n1 |= 0x00ffffff;
return k;
int32_t getPriority ( key_t *k ) {
return 255 - ((k->n1 >> 24) & 0xff); };
int32_t getSpiderTime ( key_t *k ) {
uint32_t spiderTime = (k->n1) & 0xffffff;
spiderTime <<= 8;
// upper 8 bits of k.n0 are lower 8 bits of spiderTime
spiderTime |= (uint32_t)((k->n0) >> (64-8));
return (int32_t)spiderTime;
int32_t getIsDel ( key_t *k ) {
if ( (k->n0 & 0x01) ) return 0;
return 1; };
int64_t getUrlHash48 ( key_t *k ) {
return (k->n0>>8)&0x0000ffffffffffffLL; }
key_t makeFirstKey ( ) { key_t k; k.setMin(); return k;};
key_t makeLastKey ( ) { key_t k; k.setMax(); return k;};
Rdb *getRdb() { return &m_rdb;};
Rdb m_rdb;
//DiskPageCache m_pc;
extern class Doledb g_doledb;
// was 1000 but breached, now equals SR_READ_SIZE/sizeof(SpiderReply)
#define MAX_BEST_REQUEST_SIZE (MAX_URL_LEN+1+sizeof(SpiderRequest))
#define MAX_DOLEREC_SIZE (MAX_BEST_REQUEST_SIZE+sizeof(key_t)+4)
#define MAX_SP_REPLY_SIZE (sizeof(SpiderReply))
// we have one SpiderColl for each collection record
class SpiderColl {
~SpiderColl ( );
SpiderColl ( ) ;
void setCollectionRec ( class CollectionRec *cr );
class CollectionRec *getCollectionRec ( );
void clearLocks();
// called by main.cpp on exit to free memory
void reset();
bool load();
int64_t m_msg4Start;
int32_t getTotalOutstandingSpiders ( ) ;
void urlFiltersChanged();
key128_t m_firstKey;
// spiderdb is now 128bit keys
key128_t m_nextKey;
key128_t m_endKey;
bool m_useTree;
//bool m_lastDoledbReadEmpty;
//bool m_encounteredDoledbRecs;
//int64_t m_numRoundsDone;
//bool m_bestRequestValid;
//char m_bestRequestBuf[MAX_BEST_REQUEST_SIZE];
//SpiderRequest *m_bestRequest;
//uint64_t m_bestSpiderTimeMS;
//int32_t m_bestMaxSpidersPerIp;
bool m_lastReplyValid;
char m_lastReplyBuf[MAX_SP_REPLY_SIZE];
// doledbkey + dataSize + bestRequestRec
//char m_doleBuf[MAX_DOLEREC_SIZE];
SafeBuf m_doleBuf;
bool m_isLoading;
// for scanning the wait tree...
bool m_isPopulatingDoledb;
// for reading from spiderdb
//bool m_isReadDone;
bool m_didRead;
// corresponding to CollectionRec::m_siteListBuf
//char *m_siteListAsteriskLine;
bool m_siteListHasNegatives;
bool m_siteListIsEmpty;
bool m_siteListIsEmptyValid;
// data buckets in this table are of type
HashTableX m_siteListDomTable;
// substring matches like "contains:goodstuff" or
// later "regex:.*"
SafeBuf m_negSubstringBuf;
SafeBuf m_posSubstringBuf;
RdbCache m_dupCache;
RdbTree m_winnerTree;
HashTableX m_winnerTable;
int32_t m_tailIp;
int32_t m_tailPriority;
int64_t m_tailTimeMS;
int64_t m_tailUh48;
int32_t m_tailHopCount;
int64_t m_minFutureTimeMS;
// these don't work because we only store one reply
// which overwrites any older reply. that's how the
// key is. we can change the key to use the timestamp
// and not parent docid in makeKey() for spider
// replies later.
// int32_t m_numSuccessReplies;
// int32_t m_numFailedReplies;
// . do not re-send CrawlInfoLocal for a coll if not update
// . we store the flags in here as true if we should send our
// CrawlInfoLocal for this coll to this hostId
char m_sendLocalCrawlInfoToHost[MAX_HOSTS];
Msg4 m_msg4x;
//Msg4 m_msg4;
//Msg1 m_msg1;
//bool m_msg1Avail;
RdbList m_tmpList;
bool isInDupCache ( SpiderRequest *sreq , bool addToCache ) ;
// Rdb.cpp calls this
bool addSpiderReply ( SpiderReply *srep );
bool addSpiderRequest ( SpiderRequest *sreq , int64_t nowGlobalMS );
void removeFromDoledbTable ( int32_t firstIp );
bool addToDoleTable ( SpiderRequest *sreq ) ;
bool addDoleBufIntoDoledb (bool isFromCache,uint32_t cachedTimestamp);
bool updateSiteNumInlinksTable ( int32_t siteHash32,int32_t sni,
time_t tstamp); // time_t
uint64_t getSpiderTimeMS ( SpiderRequest *sreq,
int32_t ufn,
SpiderReply *srep,
uint64_t nowGlobalMS);
// doledb cursor keys for each priority to speed up performance
key_t m_nextKeys[MAX_SPIDER_PRIORITIES];
// save us scanning empty priorities
char m_isDoledbEmpty [MAX_SPIDER_PRIORITIES];
// are all priority slots empt?
//int32_t m_allDoledbPrioritiesEmpty;
//int32_t m_lastEmptyCheck;
// maps priority to first ufn that uses that
// priority. map to -1 if no ufn uses it. that way when we scan
// priorities for spiderrequests to dole out we can start with
// priority 63 and see what the max spiders or same ip wait are
// because we need the ufn to get the maxSpiders from the url filters
// table.
int32_t m_priorityToUfn[MAX_SPIDER_PRIORITIES];
// init this to false, and also set to false on reset, then when
// it is false we re-stock m_ufns. re-stock if user changes the
// url filters table...
bool m_ufnMapValid;
// list for loading spiderdb recs during the spiderdb scan
RdbList m_list;
// spiderdb scan for populating waiting tree
RdbList m_list2;
Msg5 m_msg5b;
bool m_gettingList2;
key128_t m_nextKey2;
key128_t m_endKey2;
time_t m_lastScanTime;
bool m_waitingTreeNeedsRebuild;
int32_t m_numAdded;
int64_t m_numBytesScanned;
int64_t m_lastPrintCount;
int64_t m_lastPrinted;
// used by SpiderLoop.cpp
int32_t m_spidersOut;
// . hash of collection name this arena represents
// . 0 for main collection
collnum_t m_collnum;
char m_coll [ MAX_COLL_LEN + 1 ] ;
class CollectionRec *getCollRec();
char *getCollName();
bool m_isTestColl;
HashTableX m_doleIpTable;
// freshest m_siteNumInlinks per site stored in here
HashTableX m_sniTable;
// maps a domainHash32 to a crawl delay in milliseconds
HashTableX m_cdTable;
RdbCache m_lastDownloadCache;
bool m_countingPagesIndexed;
HashTableX m_localTable;
int64_t m_lastReqUh48a;
int64_t m_lastReqUh48b;
int64_t m_lastRepUh48;
// move to CollectionRec so it can load at startup and save it
//HashTableX m_pageCountTable;
bool makeDoleIPTable ( );
bool makeWaitingTable ( );
bool makeWaitingTree ( );
int64_t getEarliestSpiderTimeFromWaitingTree ( int32_t firstIp ) ;
bool printWaitingTree ( ) ;
bool addToWaitingTree ( uint64_t spiderTime , int32_t firstIp ,
bool callForScan );
int32_t getNextIpFromWaitingTree ( );
uint64_t getNextSpiderTimeFromWaitingTree ( ) ;
void populateDoledbFromWaitingTree ( );
//bool scanSpiderdb ( bool needList );
// broke up scanSpiderdb into simpler functions:
bool evalIpLoop ( ) ;
bool readListFromSpiderdb ( ) ;
bool scanListForWinners ( ) ;
bool addWinnersIntoDoledb ( ) ;
void populateWaitingTreeFromSpiderdb ( bool reentry ) ;
HashTableX m_waitingTable;
RdbTree m_waitingTree;
RdbMem m_waitingMem; // used by m_waitingTree
key_t m_waitingTreeKey;
bool m_waitingTreeKeyValid;
int32_t m_scanningIp;
int32_t m_gotNewDataForScanningIp;
int32_t m_lastListSize;
int32_t m_lastScanningIp;
int64_t m_totalBytesScanned;
char m_deleteMyself;
// start key for reading doledb
key_t m_msg5StartKey;
void devancePriority();
void setPriority(int32_t pri);
key_t m_nextDoledbKey;
bool m_didRound;
int32_t m_pri2;
bool m_twinDied;
int32_t m_lastUrlFiltersUpdate;
// for reading lists from spiderdb
Msg5 m_msg5;
bool m_gettingList1;
// how many outstanding spiders a priority has
int32_t m_outstandingSpiders[MAX_SPIDER_PRIORITIES];
bool printStats ( SafeBuf &sb ) ;
bool isFirstIpInOverflowList ( int32_t firstIp ) ;
int32_t *m_overflowList;
int64_t m_totalNewSpiderRequests;
int64_t m_lastSreqUh48;
int32_t m_cblocks[20];
int32_t m_pageNumInlinks;
int32_t m_lastCBlockIp;
int32_t m_lastOverflowFirstIp;
class CollectionRec *m_cr;
class SpiderCache {
// returns false and set g_errno on error
bool init ( ) ;
SpiderCache ( ) ;
// what SpiderColl does a SpiderRec with this key belong?
SpiderColl *getSpiderColl ( collnum_t collNum ) ;
SpiderColl *getSpiderCollIffNonNull ( collnum_t collNum ) ;
// called by main.cpp on exit to free memory
void reset();
void save ( bool useThread );
bool needsSave ( ) ;
void doneSaving ( ) ;
bool m_isSaving;
// . we allocate one SpiderColl per collection
// . each one stores the collNum of the collection name it represents,
// and has a ptr to it, m_cr, that is updated by sync()
// when the Collectiondb is updated
// . NOW, this is a ptr in the CollectionRec.. only new'd if
// in use, and deleted if not being used...
//SpiderColl *m_spiderColls [ MAX_COLL_RECS ];
//int32_t m_numSpiderColls;
extern class SpiderCache g_spiderCache;
// we now include the firstip in the case where the same url
// has 2 spiderrequests where one is a fake firstip. in that scenario
// we will miss the spider request to spider, the waiting tree
// node will be removed, and the spider round will complete,
// which triggers a waiting tree recompute and we end up spidering
// the dup spider request right away and double increment the round.
inline int64_t makeLockTableKey ( int64_t uh48 , int32_t firstIp ) {
return uh48 ^ (uint32_t)firstIp;
inline int64_t makeLockTableKey ( SpiderRequest *sreq ) {
return makeLockTableKey(sreq->getUrlHash48(),sreq->m_firstIp);
inline int64_t makeLockTableKey ( SpiderReply *srep ) {
return makeLockTableKey(srep->getUrlHash48(),srep->m_firstIp);
class LockRequest {
int64_t m_lockKeyUh48;
int32_t m_lockSequence;
int32_t m_firstIp;
char m_removeLock;
collnum_t m_collnum;
class ConfirmRequest {
int64_t m_lockKeyUh48;
collnum_t m_collnum;
key_t m_doledbKey;
int32_t m_firstIp;
int32_t m_maxSpidersOutPerIp;
class UrlLock {
int32_t m_hostId;
int32_t m_lockSequence;
int32_t m_timestamp;
int32_t m_expires;
int32_t m_firstIp;
char m_spiderOutstanding;
char m_confirmed;
collnum_t m_collnum;
class Msg12 {
bool confirmLockAcquisition ( ) ;
//uint32_t m_lockGroupId;
LockRequest m_lockRequest;
ConfirmRequest m_confirmRequest;
// stuff for getting the msg12 lock for spidering a url
bool getLocks ( int64_t probDocId,
char *url ,
DOLEDBKEY *doledbKey,
collnum_t collnum,
int32_t sameIpWaitTime, // in milliseconds
int32_t maxSpidersOutPerIp,
int32_t firstIp,
void *state,
void (* callback)(void *state) );
bool gotLockReply ( class UdpSlot *slot );
bool removeAllLocks ( );
// these two things comprise the lock request buffer
//uint64_t m_lockKey;
// this is the new lock key. just use docid for docid-only spider reqs.
uint64_t m_lockKeyUh48;
int32_t m_lockSequence;
int64_t m_origUh48;
int32_t m_numReplies;
int32_t m_numRequests;
int32_t m_grants;
bool m_removing;
bool m_confirming;
char *m_url; // for debugging
void *m_state;
void (*m_callback)(void *state);
bool m_gettingLocks;
bool m_hasLock;
collnum_t m_collnum;
DOLEDBKEY m_doledbKey;
int32_t m_sameIpWaitTime;
int32_t m_maxSpidersOutPerIp;
int32_t m_firstIp;
Msg4 m_msg4;
void handleRequest12 ( UdpSlot *udpSlot , int32_t niceness ) ;
void handleRequestc1 ( UdpSlot *slot , int32_t niceness ) ;
// . the spider loop
// . it gets urls to spider from the SpiderCache global class, g_spiderCache
// . supports robots.txt
// . supports <META NAME="ROBOTS" CONTENT="NOINDEX"> (no indexing)
// . supports <META NAME="ROBOTS" CONTENT="NOFOLLOW"> (no links)
// . supports limiting spiders per domain
// . max spiders we can have going at once for this process
// . limit to 50 to preven OOM conditions
#define MAX_SPIDERS 300
class SpiderLoop {
bool isInLockTable ( int64_t probDocId );
bool printLockTable ( );
int32_t getNumSpidersOutPerIp ( int32_t firstIp , collnum_t collnum ) ;
// free all XmlDocs and m_list
void reset();
// . call this no matter what
// . if spidering is disabled this will sleep about 10 seconds or so
// before checking to see if it's been enabled
void startLoop();
void doLoop();
void doleUrls1();
void doleUrls2();
int32_t getMaxAllowableSpidersOut ( int32_t pri ) ;
void spiderDoledUrls ( ) ;
bool gotDoledbList2 ( ) ;
// . returns false if blocked and "callback" will be called,
// true otherwise
// . returns true and sets g_errno on error
bool spiderUrl9 ( class SpiderRequest *sreq ,
key_t *doledbKey ,
collnum_t collnum,//char *coll ,
int32_t sameIpWaitTime , // in milliseconds
int32_t maxSpidersOutPerIp );
bool spiderUrl2 ( );
Msg12 m_msg12;
// state memory for calling SpiderUrl2() (maybe also getLocks()!)
SpiderRequest *m_sreq;
//char *m_coll;
collnum_t m_collnum;
char *m_content;
int32_t m_contentLen;
char m_contentHasMime;
key_t *m_doledbKey;
void *m_state;
void (*m_callback)(void *state);
// . the one that was just indexed
// . Msg7.cpp uses this to see what docid the injected doc got so it
// can forward it to external program
int64_t getLastDocId ( );
// delete m_msg14[i], decrement m_numSpiders, m_maxUsed
void cleanUp ( int32_t i );
// registers sleep callback iff not already registered
void doSleep ( ) ;
bool indexedDoc ( class XmlDoc *doc );
// are we registered for sleep callbacks
bool m_isRegistered;
int32_t m_numSpidersOut;
int32_t m_launches;
// for spidering/parsing/indexing a url(s)
class XmlDoc *m_docs [ MAX_SPIDERS ];
// . this is "i" where m_msg14[i] is the highest m_msg14 in use
// . we use it to limit our scanning to the first "i" m_msg14's
int32_t m_maxUsed;
// . list for getting next url(s) to spider
RdbList m_list;
// for getting RdbLists
Msg5 m_msg5;
class SpiderColl *m_sc;
// used to avoid calling getRec() twice!
//bool m_gettingList0;
int32_t m_outstanding1;
bool m_gettingDoledbList;
HashTableX m_lockTable;
// save on msg12 lookups! keep somewhat local...
RdbCache m_lockCache;
RdbCache m_winnerListCache;
//bool m_gettingLocks;
// for round robining in SpiderLoop::doleUrls(), etc.
//int32_t m_cri;
CollectionRec *getActiveList();
void buildActiveList ( ) ;
class CollectionRec *m_crx;
class CollectionRec *m_activeList;
CollectionRec *m_bookmark;
bool m_activeListValid;
bool m_activeListModified;
uint32_t m_recalcTime;
bool m_recalcTimeValid;
int64_t m_doleStart;
int32_t m_processed;
extern class SpiderLoop g_spiderLoop;
void clearUfnTable ( ) ;
int32_t getUrlFilterNum ( class SpiderRequest *sreq ,
class SpiderReply *srep ,
int32_t nowGlobal ,
bool isForMsg20 ,
int32_t niceness ,
class CollectionRec *cr ,
bool isOutlink , // = false ,
HashTableX *quotaTable ,//= NULL ) ;
int32_t langIdArg );