Matt f488be4ede make new logfile when current logfile hits 1GB.
this will save disk space so we can delete the old
log files that can be many GBs in size.
2015-01-05 11:29:49 -08:00

177 lines
5.7 KiB

// Matt Wells, copyright Feb 2001
// . a great way to record errors encountered during
// . we store the errorMsg, it's length, the type of message and time.
// . when our buf gets full we dump half the messages to the log file (if any)
// . netLogdb can send error msgs for you with it's sendError cmd
// . sendError ( UdpSlot *slot , char *errFormat , ...); (also logs it)
#ifndef _MYLOG_H_
#define _MYLOG_H_
// logs information pertaining to more complicated procedures, like
// the merging and dumping of data for the "db" component, or what urls are
// being spidered for the "build" component.
#define LOG_INFO 0x0001
// the default log message type. also logs slow performance.
#define LOG_WARN 0x0004
// programmer error. sanity check. always on.
#define LOG_LOGIC 0x0010
// Reminders to fix the code. generally disabled.
#define LOG_REMIND 0x0020
// for debugging. generally disabled.
#define LOG_DEBUG 0x0040
// times various subroutines for debugging performance.
#define LOG_TIMING 0x0100
// initialization (and shutdown) information. also print routines. always on.
#define LOG_INIT 0x0400
// if a url or link gets truncated, uses this in the "build" context. (Url.cpp
// and Links.cpp)
// also used if a document not added due to quota breech. (Msg16.cpp)
// also used if too many nested tags to parse doc correctly (Xml.cpp)
// in the "query" context for serps too big to be cached. (Msg17.cpp)
#define LOG_LIMIT 0x2000
// It is convenient to divide everything into components and allow the admin
// to toggle logging for various aspects, such as performance or timing
// messages, of these components:
// addurls related to adding urls
// admin related to administrative things, sync file, collections
// build related to indexing (high level)
// conf configuration issues
// disk disk reads and writes
// dns dns networking
// http http networking
// loop
// net network later: multicast pingserver. sits atop udpserver.
// query related to querying (high level)
// rdb generic rdb things
// spcache related to determining what urls to spider next
// speller query spell checking
// thread calling threads
// topics related topics
// udp udp networking
// example log:
//456456454 0 INIT Gigablast Version 1.234
//454544444 0 INIT thread Allocated 435333 bytes for thread stacks.
//123456789 0 WARN mem Failed to alloc 360000 bytes.
//123456789 0 WARN query Failed to intersect lists. Out of memory.
//123456789 0 WARN query Too many words. Query truncated.
//234234324 0 REQST http GET /index.html User-Agent
//234234324 0 REPLY http sent 34536 bytes
//345989494 0 REQST build GET
//345989494 0 INFO build ip= : Success
//324234324 0 DEBUG build Skipping, would hammer IP.
#define MAX_LOG_MSGS 1024 // in memory
// this is for printing out how a page is parsed by PageParser.cpp
/* extern char *g_pbuf ; */
/* extern char *g_pbufPtr ; */
/* extern char *g_pterms ; */
/* extern char *g_ptermPtr ; */
/* extern char *g_pend; */
extern char *g_dbuf;
extern int32_t g_dbufSize;
bool log ( int32_t type , char *formatString , ... )
__attribute__ ((format(printf, 2, 3)));
bool log ( char *formatString , ... )
__attribute__ ((format(printf, 1, 2)));
bool logf ( int32_t type , char *formatString , ... )
__attribute__ ((format(printf, 2, 3)));
// may also syslog and fprintf the msg.
// ALWAYS returns FALSE (i.e. 0)!!!! so you can say return log.log(...)
bool log ( int32_t type , char *formatString , ... ) ;
// this defaults to type of LOG_WARN
bool log ( char *formatString , ... ) ;
// force it to be logged, even if off on log controls panel
bool logf ( int32_t type , char *formatString , ... ) ;
class Log {
// returns true if opened log file successfully, otherwise false
bool init ( char *filename );
// . log this msg
// . "msg" must be NULL terminated
// . now is the time of day in milliseconds since the epoch
// . if "now" is 0 we insert the timestamp for you
// . if "asterisk" is true we print an asterisk to indicate that
// the msg was actually logged earlier but only printed now because
// we were in a signal handler at the time
bool logR ( int64_t now, int32_t type, char *msg, bool asterisk ,
bool forced = false );
// returns false if msg should not be logged, true if it should
bool shouldLog ( int32_t type , char *msg ) ;
// just initialize with no file
Log () ;
~Log () ;
void reset ( );
void setPid();
// save before exiting
void close () { dumpLog(); };
// do we need to print out the msgs we've saved while in sig handler?
bool needsPrinting ( ) { return m_needsPrinting; };
// print the stuff that needs printing
void printBuf ( );
// this is only called when in a signal handler
bool logLater ( int64_t now , int32_t type , char *formatString ,
va_list ap );
bool m_disabled;
bool m_logTimestamps;
char *getFilename() { return m_filename; };
bool dumpLog ( ); // make room for the new ones
char *m_filename;
int m_fd;
char *m_hostname;
int m_port;
int64_t m_logFileSize;
bool makeNewLogFile ( );
char *m_errorMsg [ MAX_LOG_MSGS ];
int16_t m_errorMsgLen [ MAX_LOG_MSGS ];
int64_t m_errorTime [ MAX_LOG_MSGS ];
unsigned char m_errorType [ MAX_LOG_MSGS ];
int m_numErrors;
// m_erroMsg's point into this buf.
char m_buf [ 1024 * 32];
int m_bufPtr;
// do we need to print out the msgs we've saved while in sig handler?
bool m_needsPrinting;
extern class Log g_log;