Matt 09de59f026 do not store cblock, etc. tags into tagdb to save
disk space. added tagdb file cache for better performance,
less disk accesses. will help reduce disk load.
put file cache sizes in master controls and if they change
then update the cache size dynamically.
2015-09-10 12:46:00 -06:00

846 lines
34 KiB

// Matt Wells, copyright Nov 2007
// get various information from a query and a docId, like summary, title, etc.
#ifndef _MSG20_H_
#define _MSG20_H_
#include "UdpServer.h"
#include "Hostdb.h"
#include "Multicast.h"
#include "Xml.h"
#include "Summary.h"
#include "Titledb.h"
#include "Query.h"
//#include "LinkInfo.h"
#include "Tagdb.h" // TagRec
#include "Events.h" // EventIdBits
// values for SummaryLine::m_flags
//#define SL_TRUNCATED 0x0100
//#define SL_IS_TITLE 0x0080
//#define SL_HAS_DATE 0x0040
//#define SL_HAS_QTERM 0x0020
//#define SL_BULLET 0x0001
// MAX_QUERY_LEN is pretty big and Msg40 contains 50 or so Msg20s so let's
// cut down on memory usage here.
//#define MAX_MSG20_REQUEST_SIZE (500+500)
//#define MSG20_MAX_REPLY_SIZE (1*1024)
// see what happens if we eliminate these bufs
#define MAX_MSG20_REQUEST_SIZE (1)
#define MSG20_MAX_REPLY_SIZE (1)
#define REQ20FLAG1_PQRENABLED 0x08
#define INLINK_FLAG_SPAM 0x01
class Msg20Request {
Msg20Request() { reset(); };
// zero ourselves out
void reset() {
memset ( (char *)this,0,sizeof(Msg20Request) );
// these are the only non-zero defaults
m_version = MSG20_CURRENT_VERSION;
m_maxNumCharsPerLine = 50;
m_numSummaryLines = 2;
m_expected = false;
m_allowPunctInPhrase = true;
m_docId = -1LL; // set docid to "invalid"
m_boolFlag = 2 ; // autodetect if query boolean
m_titleMaxLen = 64 ;
m_summaryMaxLen = 512 ;
// reset ptr sizes
int32_t size = m_buf - (char *)&size_qbuf;
memset ( &size_qbuf , 0 , size );
int32_t getStoredSize ( );
char *serialize ( int32_t *sizePtr ,
char *userBuf ,
int32_t userBufSize ) ;
int32_t deserialize ( );
char m_version ; // non-zero default
char m_numSummaryLines ; // non-zero default
char m_expected ; // non-zero default
char m_allowPunctInPhrase ; // non-zero default
bool m_getHeaderTag ;
void *m_state ;
void *m_state2 ; // used by Msg25.cpp
int32_t m_j ; // used by Msg25.cpp
bool (* m_callback)( void *m_state );
void (* m_callback2)( void *m_state );
int64_t m_docId ;
Hostdb *m_hostdb ;
int32_t m_niceness ;
char m_boolFlag ;
int32_t m_titleMaxLen ;
int32_t m_summaryMaxLen ;
int32_t m_summaryMaxNumCharsPerLine ;
int32_t m_maxNumCharsPerLine ;
int32_t m_bigSampleRadius ;
int32_t m_bigSampleMaxLen ;
int32_t m_maxCacheAge ;
int32_t m_maxLinks ;
int32_t m_discoveryDate ;
// special shit so we can remove an inlinker to a related docid
// if they also link to the main url we are processing seo for.
// set both of these to 0 to disregard.
int32_t m_ourHostHash32;
int32_t m_ourDomHash32;
FacetValHash_t m_facetValHash;
char m_justGetFacets : 1 ;
// for sending msg20 request to another network
//int32_t m_hostIP;
//int32_t m_hostUDPPort;
// if titleRec not from this ruleset, return g_errno = EDOCFILTERED
//int32_t m_rulesetFilter ;
// add this many seconds to clock to simulate event search going
// forward or backward in time
int32_t m_clockOff;
// we force the clock time to this if "clockset" is a non-zero cgi parm
time_t m_clockSet;
// pass in the same time in UTC we used for the intersection algo
time_t m_nowUTC;
int32_t m_turkIp;
// language the query is in (ptr_qbuf)
uint8_t m_langId;
// . if not 0 then return the event from the docid with that eventId
// . include the title and text of the event, and the address
// serialized using Address::serialize(), and all the start dates
// from now onward
int32_t m_eventId ;
// we now use the numeric collection # and not the ptr_coll
collnum_t m_collnum;
// set this to true when you pass in m_eventIdBits...
char m_getEventSummary ;
char m_summaryMode ;
// typically we allow 1 vote per ip or host i guess, but buzz should
// allow for up to 4, for better influence determination.
char m_linksPerIpHost ;
char m_flags ;
char m_highlightQueryTerms :1;
char m_highlightDates :1; // for event dates
char m_wcache :1;
//char m_checkSitedb :1;
char m_getImageUrl :1;
char m_ratInSummary :1;
char m_countOutlinks :1;
char m_considerTitlesFromBody :1;
char m_getSummaryVector :1;
char m_showBanned :1;
//char m_excludeLinkText :1;
//char m_excludeMetaText :1;
//char m_hackFixWords :1;
//char m_hackFixPhrases :1;
char m_includeCachedCopy :1;
char m_getSectionVotingInfo :1; // in JSON for now
char m_getMatches :1;
char m_useLinkdbForInlinks :1;
char m_getTermListBuf :1;
//char m_getInlinks :1; // use m_getLinkInfo!
char m_getOutlinks :1;
char m_getTitleRec :1; // sets ptr_tr in reply
char m_maxInlinks :1;
char m_getGigabitVector :1;
char m_doLinkSpamCheck :1;
char m_isLinkSpam :1; // Msg25 uses for storage
char m_isSiteLinkInfo :1; // site link info?
char m_isDebug :1;
// if true, calls Msg25 and fills in ptr_linkInfo/size_linkInfo
char m_computeLinkInfo :1;
// if true, just calls TitleRec::getLinkInfo() to set ptr_linkInfo
char m_getLinkInfo :1;
// if this is true we will not compute the title, etc. of BAD inlinks
// deemed link spam
char m_onlyNeedGoodInlinks :1;
// if true, sets ptr_linkText, etc.
char m_getLinkText :1;
// if this is true then we set ptr_turkForm to be an input form
// for turking this event summary and title
char m_getTurkForm :1;
char m_showTurkInstructions :1;
char m_isTurkSpecialQuery :1;
char m_isMasterAdmin :1;
// . this is for buzz.
// . this says to compute the <absScore2> tag in their xml feed.
// . the document receives a score of 0 if it does not match the query
// . can we just keep it a binary score? let's try that.
char m_checkForQueryMatch :1;
// serialize() converts these ptrs into offsets in m_buf[]
// and deserialize() converts them back into ptrs on the receiver's end
char *ptr_qbuf ;
char *ptr_hqbuf ;
//char *ptr_q2buf ;
char *ptr_turkUser ;
char *ptr_ubuf ; // url buffer
char *ptr_rubuf ; // redirect url buffer
char *ptr_termFreqs ;
char *ptr_affWeights ;
char *ptr_linkee ; // used by Msg25 for getting link text
//char *ptr_coll ;
//char *ptr_imgUrl ;
char *ptr_displayMetas ;
// . from here down: automatically set in Msg20Request::serialize()
// from the above parms
// . add new size_* parms after size_qbuf and before size_displayMetas
// so that serialize()/deserialize() still work
int32_t size_qbuf ;
int32_t size_hqbuf ;
//int32_t size_q2buf ;
int32_t size_turkUser ;
int32_t size_ubuf ; // url buffer
int32_t size_rubuf ; // redirect url buffer
int32_t size_termFreqs ;
int32_t size_affWeights ;
int32_t size_linkee ; // size includes terminating \0
//int32_t size_coll ; // size includes terminating \0
//int32_t size_imgUrl ;
int32_t size_displayMetas ; // size includes terminating \0
char m_buf[0] ;
// the Msg20Reply::ptr_eventSummaryLines is a list of these classes
class SummaryLine {
int32_t m_totalSize;
//int32_t m_pageOff;
int32_t m_pageOff1;
int32_t m_pageOff2;
int32_t m_firstDatePageOff;
// so we know if two summary lines are adjacent. then we do not
// insert the "..." between them when displaying.
int32_t m_alnumPosA;
int32_t m_alnumPosB;
// copied from EventDesc::m_dflags. might also include some tags
// that we add in XmlDoc::getEventSummary(), like EDF_TRUNCATED
int32_t m_flags;
// if two summary lines are adjacent then do not print the ... between
// in the serps, will look cleaner...
//int32_t m_alnumWordA;
//int32_t m_alnumWordB;
char m_buf[0];
// values for m_flags3
//#define F3_STORE_HOURS 0x01
class Msg20Reply {
// free the merge buf from Msg40.cpp merging event summaries
void destructor();
// zero ourselves out
void reset() { memset ( (char *)this,0,sizeof(Msg20Reply) ); };
// how many bytes if we had to serialize it?
int32_t getStoredSize() ;
int32_t deserialize ( ) ;
int32_t serialize ( char *buf , int32_t bufSize );
char *getAttendeeUrl ( int32_t i ) { return ""; };
char *getLikerUrl ( int32_t i ) { return ""; };
bool sendReply ( class XmlDoc *xd ) ;
// after calling these, when serialize() is called again it will
// exclude these strings which were "cleared". Used by Msg40 to
// reduce the memory required for caching the Msg40 which includes an
// array of Msg20s.
//void clearBigSample ( ) { size_sbuf = 0; };
void clearOutlinks ( ) {
size_obuf = 0;
size_linkText = 0;
size_surroundingText = 0;
//size_linkInfo = 0;
size_outlinks = 0;
void clearVectors ( ) { size_vbuf = 0; };
// a new one for getting the display contents sequentially used
// by Msg24.cpp. this routine is the exclusive user of the "next"
// variable which must be set to "ptr_dbuf" when first called.
char *getNextDisplayBuf ( int32_t *len , char **next ) {
if ( ! *next ) return NULL;
if ( *next >= (char *)ptr_dbuf + size_dbuf ) return NULL;
char *s = *next;
*len = gbstrlen(*next);
*next += *len + 1;
return s;
char m_version ;
int32_t m_ip ;
int32_t m_firstIp ;
int32_t m_wordPosStart ;
int64_t m_domHash ;
int64_t m_docId ;
int64_t m_urlHash48 ;
uint64_t m_eventHash64 ;
int32_t m_eventId ;
uint64_t m_eventDateHash64 ;
uint32_t m_adch32 ; // event address/data content hash
uint32_t m_adth32 ; // event address/data tag hash
int32_t m_firstSpidered ;
int32_t m_lastSpidered ;
int32_t m_lastModified ;
int32_t m_datedbDate ;
int32_t m_firstIndexedDate ; // for the url/document as a whole
int32_t m_discoveryDate ; // for the inlink in question...
int32_t m_numAlnumWords ;
//int32_t m_numAttendees ;
//int32_t m_numLikers ;
bool m_datedbDateIsEstimated;
int32_t m_errno ; // LinkInfo uses it for LinkTextRepl
collnum_t m_collnum ; // collection # we came from
char m_sumFromDmoz ; // unused
int32_t m_hostHash ;
char m_noArchive ;
char m_contentType ;
//char m_docQuality ;
char m_siteRank ;
char m_isBanned ;
char m_isFiltered ;
char m_eventExpired ;
char m_hasLinkToOurDomOrHost;
//char m_isNormalized ;
char m_urlFilterNum ;
char m_hopcount ;
//char m_flags3 ;
char m_recycled ;
uint8_t m_language ;
uint8_t m_summaryLanguage ;
uint16_t m_country ;
uint16_t m_computedCountry ;
int16_t m_charset ;
// for use by caller
class Msg20Reply *m_nextMerged ;
//int32_t m_numCatIds ; // use size_catIds
//int32_t m_numIndCatIds ; // use size_indCatIds
int32_t m_contentLen ; // was m_docLen
int32_t m_contentHash32 ; // for deduping diffbot json objects streaming
//int32_t m_docSummaryScore ;
//int32_t m_inSectionScore ;
//float m_proximityScore ;
//int32_t m_ruleset ;
int32_t m_pageNumInlinks ;
int32_t m_pageNumGoodInlinks ;
int32_t m_pageNumUniqueIps ; // includes our own inlinks
int32_t m_pageNumUniqueCBlocks; // includes our own inlinks
int32_t m_pageInlinksLastUpdated;
int32_t m_siteNumInlinks ; // GOOD inlinks!
//int32_t m_siteNumInlinksTotal ; // TOTAL inlinks
//int32_t m_siteNumUniqueIps ;
//int32_t m_siteNumUniqueCBlocks;
int32_t m_numOutlinks ; // replaced m_linkCount
int32_t m_tmp ; // used by Msg40.cpp for event merge
//float m_diversity ;
uint32_t m_tagVectorHash ; // zak's hash of html template
uint32_t m_gigabitVectorHash ; // zak's hash of the gigabits
uint32_t m_eventSummaryHash ;
double m_eventGeocoderLat ; // lat/lon of the event
double m_eventGeocoderLon ;
uint64_t m_eventAddressHash64 ; // event address hash
uint64_t m_eventTitleHash64 ; // event title hash
int32_t m_eventTitleOff ; // offset of first word in title
evflags_t m_eventFlags ;
char m_timeZoneOffset ; // in hours
char m_useDST ; // does event place use dst?
int32_t m_nextStart ; // next occ starts at this time_t
int32_t m_nextEnd ; // end - start is how long it is
int32_t m_prevStart ;
int32_t m_prevEnd ;
int32_t m_displayStartTime ; // the event times to display
int32_t m_displayEndTime ;
double m_balloonLat;
double m_balloonLon;
char m_balloonLetter;
// . hash of all the event start times from now until 60 days from now
// . used by Msg40.cpp for merging event summaries deemed to be the
// same event
uint32_t m_timeIntervalHash;
// these are just storage for LinkInfo::set() to use
//int32_t m_linkTextScoreWeight ;
int32_t m_linkTextNumWords ;
//int32_t m_linkTextLinkerQualityBoost ;
//int32_t m_linkTextNumWordsBoost ;
//int32_t m_linkTextBaseScore ;
char *m_linkTextNote ;
//int32_t m_pagePop ; // set for m_computeLinkInfo
//int32_t m_siteRootPagePop ; // set for m_computeLinkInfo
//int32_t m_siteRootNumInlinks ; // set for m_computeLinkInfo
//int32_t m_sitePop ; // set for m_computeLinkInfo
int32_t m_midDomHash ; // set for m_getLinkText
int32_t m_adIdHash ; // set for m_getLinkText
int32_t m_timeLinkSpam ; // set for m_getLinkText
void *m_parentOwner;
char m_constructorId;
char m_inlinkWeight ; // set for m_getLinkText
char m_isLinkSpam ; // set for m_getLinkText
char m_isAnomaly ; // set for m_getLinkText
char m_outlinkInContent ; // set for m_getLinkText
char m_outlinkInComment ; // set for m_getLinkText
char m_hasAllQueryTerms ; // set for m_getLinkText (buzz)
char m_isPermalink ; // set for m_getLinkText (buzz)
// . serialize() converts these ptrs into offsets in m_buf[] and
// deserialize() converts them back into ptrs on the receiver's end
// . note: there must be an associated size_* for each ptr_* in the
// same relative position to the members surrounding it
// . if a ptr_* is added above ptr_tbuf or underneath
// ptr_outlinkRulesets, then the serialize() and deserialize()
// methods must be changed
// . also, all ptr_* should be char* and all size_* should be in bytes
char *ptr_tbuf ; // title buffer
char *ptr_htag ; // h1 tag buf
char *ptr_ubuf ; // url buffer
char *ptr_rubuf ; // redirect url buffer
char *ptr_displaySum ; // summary for displaying
char *ptr_dedupSum ; // summary for deduping
char *ptr_dbuf ; // display metas \0 separated
//char *ptr_sbuf ; // big sample buf for gigabits
char *ptr_gigabitSample ;
char *ptr_obuf ; // outlinks buf, \0 separated
char *ptr_mbuf ; // match offsets
char *ptr_vbuf ; // summary vector
char *ptr_tvbuf ; // title vector
char *ptr_gbvecbuf ; // gigabit vector
char *ptr_imgUrl ; // youtube/metacafe vid thumb
char *ptr_imgData ; // for encoded images
char *ptr_facetBuf ;
//char *ptr_eventEnglishTime ; // "every saturday [[]] jan"
//char *ptr_eventDateIntervals ;
char *ptr_likedbList ;
char *ptr_matchedQueryWords ;
char *ptr_numMatchedQueryWords ;
char *ptr_matchedTypes ;
int32_t *ptr_catIds ;
int32_t *ptr_indCatIds ;
//char *ptr_dmozTitleLens ;
char *ptr_dmozTitles ;
//char *ptr_dmozSummLens ;
char *ptr_dmozSumms ;
//char *ptr_dmozAnchorLens ;
char *ptr_dmozAnchors ;
//char *ptr_tagRec ;
char *ptr_site ;
char *ptr_gbAdIds ;
char *ptr_summLocs ;
char *ptr_summLocsPops ;
// . if m_computeLinkInfo is true this is computed using Msg25 (fresh)
// . if m_setLinkInfo is true this is just set from the titleRec
// . this is a serialized LinkInfo class
char *ptr_linkInfo; // inlinks ;
// . made using LinkInfo::set ( Msg20Reply **ptrs )
// . this is a serialized LinkInfo class
char *ptr_outlinks ;
// . these are used only by Msg25 to compute LinkInfo
// . Msg25 will call Msg20 on the docid of a potentially good inlinker
// instead of calling the now obsolete Msg23::getLinkText()
int32_t *ptr_vector1 ; // set for m_getLinkText
int32_t *ptr_vector2 ; // set for m_getLinkText
int32_t *ptr_vector3 ; // set for m_getLinkText
char *ptr_linkText ; // set for m_getLinkText
char *ptr_surroundingText ; // set for m_getLinkText
char *ptr_linkUrl ; // what we link to
char *ptr_rssItem ; // set for m_getLinkText
char *ptr_categories ;
char *ptr_gigabitQuery ; // , separated list of gigabits
int32_t *ptr_gigabitScores ; // 1-1 with the terms in query
char *ptr_content ; // page content in utf8
char *ptr_sectionVotingInfo ; // in JSON
char *ptr_tr ; // like just using msg22
char *ptr_tlistBuf ;
char *ptr_tiBuf ; // terminfobuf
char *ptr_templateVector ;
char *ptr_metadataBuf;
// . for eventIds include the title and text of the event, and the addr
// serialized using Address::serialize(), and all the start dates
// from now onward
// . contains serialized EventReply classes
// . usually just one, but if multiple events that had different
// addresses from this same docid matched the query, then we will
// have multiple EventReply classes in this buf
//char *ptr_eventSummaryLines ;
//char *ptr_eventAddr ;
//char *ptr_eventTagsFromContent ;
//char *ptr_eventTagsFromTagdb ;
//char *ptr_eventBestPlaceName ;
// . if Msg20Request::m_forTurk is true then the ptr_turkForm will
// be a little input form that lists every line in the title and
// description of the event along with controls that allow the turk
// to turn descriptions on/off and pick different titles.
// . when they submit their changes then it should basically add
// the turk tag hashes of each line to tagdb, but only if changed
// by the turk.
// . i guess it should submit directly to tagdb...
// . then we should do a query reindex on all docs with that
// tagformathash
//char *ptr_turkForm;
char *ptr_note ; // reason why it cannot vote
// . add new size_* parms after size_tbuf and before
// size_outlinkRulesets
// so that serialize()/deserialize() still work
// . string sizes of the strings we store into m_buf[]
// . wordCountBuf is an exact word count 1-1 with each "range"
int32_t size_tbuf ;
int32_t size_htag ;
int32_t size_ubuf ;
int32_t size_rubuf ;
int32_t size_displaySum ;
int32_t size_dedupSum ;
int32_t size_dbuf ;
//int32_t size_sbuf ;
int32_t size_gigabitSample ; // includes \0
int32_t size_obuf ;
int32_t size_mbuf ;
int32_t size_vbuf ;
int32_t size_tvbuf ;
int32_t size_gbvecbuf ;
int32_t size_imgUrl ; // youtube/metacafe vid thumb
int32_t size_imgData ;
int32_t size_facetBuf ;
//int32_t size_eventEnglishTime ;
//int32_t size_eventDateIntervals ;
int32_t size_likedbList ;
int32_t size_matchedQueryWords ;
int32_t size_numMatchedQueryWords ;
int32_t size_matchedTypes ;
int32_t size_catIds ;
int32_t size_indCatIds ;
//int32_t size_dmozTitleLens ;
int32_t size_dmozTitles ;
//int32_t size_dmozSummLens ;
int32_t size_dmozSumms ;
//int32_t size_dmozAnchorLens ;
int32_t size_dmozAnchors ;
//int32_t size_tagRec ;
int32_t size_site ;
int32_t size_gbAdIds ;
int32_t size_summLocs ;
int32_t size_summLocsPops ;
int32_t size_linkInfo;//inlinks ;
int32_t size_outlinks ;
int32_t size_vector1 ;
int32_t size_vector2 ;
int32_t size_vector3 ;
int32_t size_linkText ;
int32_t size_surroundingText ;
int32_t size_linkUrl ;
int32_t size_rssItem ;
int32_t size_categories ;
int32_t size_gigabitQuery ;
int32_t size_gigabitScores ;
int32_t size_content ; // page content in utf8
int32_t size_sectionVotingInfo ; // in json, includes \0
int32_t size_tr ;
int32_t size_tlistBuf ;
int32_t size_tiBuf ;
int32_t size_templateVector ;
int32_t size_metadataBuf ;
//int32_t size_eventSummaryLines ;
//int32_t size_eventAddr ;
//int32_t size_eventTagsFromContent ;
//int32_t size_eventTagsFromTagdb ;
//int32_t size_eventBestPlaceName ;
//int32_t size_turkForm ;
// CAUTION: do not add any parms below size_note!!!
int32_t size_note ;
// . this is the "string buffer" and it is a variable size
// . this whole class is cast to a udp reply, so the size of "buf"
// depends on the size of that udp reply
char m_buf[0];
int32_t getNumCatIds (){return size_catIds/4; };
int32_t getNumIndCatIds (){return size_indCatIds/4; };
int32_t getCatId (int32_t i){return ((int32_t *)ptr_catIds)[i]; };
int32_t getIndCatId (int32_t i){return ((int32_t *)ptr_indCatIds)[i];};
//int32_t getDmozTitleLen (int32_t i){
// return ((int32_t *)ptr_dmozTitleLens)[i];};
//int32_t getDmozSummLen (int32_t i){
// return ((int32_t *)ptr_dmozSummLens)[i]; };
//int32_t getDmozAnchorLen (int32_t i){
// return (int32_t)((uint8_t *)ptr_dmozAnchorLens)[i];};
//int32_t *getCatIds (){return (int32_t *)ptr_catIds; };
//int32_t *getIndCatIds (){return (int32_t *)ptr_indCatIds; };
//int32_t *getTitleLens (){return (int32_t *)ptr_dmozTitleLens;};
//int32_t *getSummLens (){return (int32_t *)ptr_dmozSummLens; };
//uint8_t*getAnchorLens (){return(uint8_t *)ptr_dmozAnchorLens;};
class Msg20 {
// . this should only be called once
// . should also register our get record handlers with the udpServer
bool registerHandler ( );
// see definition of Msg20Request below
bool getSummary ( class Msg20Request *r );
// "m_request = r->serialize(&m_requestSize,m_requestBuf)"
char *m_request;
int32_t m_requestSize;
char m_requestBuf[MAX_MSG20_REQUEST_SIZE];
// this is cast to m_replyPtr
Msg20Reply *m_r ;
// m_replyPtr pts to either m_replyBuf or to mem allocated from the
// udp server to hold the reply.
//char *m_replyPtr;
int32_t m_replySize;
int32_t m_replyMaxSize;
//char m_replyBuf[MSG20_MAX_REPLY_SIZE];
// i guess Msg40.cpp looks at this flag
char m_gotReply;
// set if we had an error
int32_t m_errno;
int64_t getRequestDocId () { return m_requestDocId; };
int64_t m_requestDocId;
// and this is copied from the msg20request
int32_t m_eventId;
// when we merge two msg20 replies in Msg40.cpp keep track of the
// event ids via this bit vector so if the click on the [cached] page
// link we can highlight the relevant event sections.
//EventIdBits m_eventIdBits;
int32_t getStoredSize ( ) {
if ( ! m_r ) return 0;
return m_r->getStoredSize(); };
// . return how many bytes we serialize into "buf"
// . sets g_errno and returns -1 on error
int32_t serialize ( char *buf , int32_t bufSize ) {
if ( ! m_r ) return 0;
return m_r->serialize ( buf , bufSize ); };
// . this is destructive on the "buf". it converts offs to ptrs
// . sets m_r to the modified "buf" when done
// . sets g_errno and returns -1 on error, otherwise # of bytes deseril
int32_t deserialize ( char *buf , int32_t bufSize ) ;
// Msg40 caches each Msg20Reply when it caches the page of results, so,
// to keep the size of the cached Msg40 down, we do not cache certain
// things. so we have to "clear" these guys out before caching.
//void clearBigSample () { m_r->clearBigSample(); };
void clearOutlinks () { if ( m_r ) m_r->clearOutlinks (); };
void clearLinks () { if ( m_r ) m_r->clearOutlinks (); };
void clearVectors () { if ( m_r ) m_r->clearVectors (); };
// copy "src" to ourselves
void copyFrom ( class Msg20 *src ) ;
// inlinker information, used by PostQueryRerank.cpp
//class LinkInfo *getInlinks () {
// return (class LinkInfo *)m_r->ptr_inlinks ; };
//class LinkInfo *getOutlinks () {
// return (class LinkInfo *)m_r->ptr_outlinks; };
// just let caller parse it up
Msg20Reply *getReply () { return m_r; };
// these just return what we parsed out from the reply
char *getSummary () { return m_r->ptr_sum ; };
char *getDisplayBuf () { return m_r->ptr_dbuf; };
char *getBigSampleBuf () { return m_r->ptr_sbuf; };
char *getTitle () { return m_r->ptr_tbuf; };
char *getUrl () { return m_r->ptr_ubuf; };
char *getRedirUrl () { return m_r->ptr_rubuf; };
char *getOutlinksBuf () { return m_r->ptr_obuf; };
char *getLinksBuf () { return m_r->ptr_obuf; };
char *getMatchOffBuf () { return m_r->ptr_mbuf; };
char *getSummaryVector () { return m_r->ptr_vbuf; };
// what was this? gigabit/sample vector combined?
char *getVectorRec () { return NULL; };
char *getGigabitVector () {return m_r->ptr_gbvecbuf;}
uint64_t *getSummaryLocs () { return (uint64_t*)m_r->ptr_summLocs;}
int32_t *getSummaryLocsPops() {return (int32_t *)m_r->ptr_summLocsPops;}
int32_t getSummaryLen () { return m_r->size_sum; };
int32_t getDisplayBufLen () { return m_r->size_dbuf; };
int32_t getBigSampleLen () { return m_r->size_sbuf; };
int32_t getTitleLen () { return m_r->size_tbuf; };
int32_t getUrlSize () { return m_r->size_ubuf; };
int32_t getRedirUrlSize () { return m_r->size_rubuf; };
int32_t getNumSummaryLocs() { return m_r->size_summLocs/sizeof(uint64_t); }
int32_t getNumSummaryLocsPops() { return m_r->size_summLocs/sizeof(int32_t); }
int32_t getUrlLen () { return m_r->size_ubuf-1; };
int32_t getRedirUrlLen () { return m_r->size_rubuf-1; };
int32_t getOutlinksBufLen() { return m_r->size_obuf; };
int32_t getLinksBufLen () { return m_r->size_obuf; };
int32_t getMatchOffBufLen () { return m_r->size_mbuf; };
int32_t getDocLen () { return m_r->m_contentLen; };
int32_t getContentLen () { return m_r->m_contentLen; };
bool isSumFromDmoz () { return m_r->m_sumFromDmoz; };
int32_t getIp () { return m_r->m_ip; };
int64_t getDomainHash () { return m_r->m_domHash; };
unsigned char getLanguage () { return m_r->m_language; };
unsigned char getSummaryLanguage() { return m_r->m_summaryLanguage; };
uint16_t getCountry () { return m_r->m_country; };
uint16_t getComputedCountry(){ return m_r->m_computedCountry; }
int16_t getCharset () { return m_r->m_charset; };
char getUrlFilterNum () { return m_r->m_urlFilterNum; }
int64_t getDocId () { return m_r->m_docId; };
time_t getFirstSpidered () { return m_r->m_firstSpidered; };
time_t getLastSpidered () { return m_r->m_lastSpidered; };
time_t getNextSpiderDate() { return m_r->m_nextSpiderDate; };
time_t getLastModified () { return m_r->m_lastModified; };
time_t getDatedbDate () { return m_r->m_datedbDate; };
bool getDatedbDateIsEstimated () {
return m_r->m_datedbDateIsEstimated; };
int32_t getRuleset () { return m_r->m_ruleset; };
int32_t getHostHash () { return m_r->m_hostHash; };
// if this is true, do not display a [cached] link for this result
char getNoArchive () { return m_r->m_noArchive; };
// content-type codes are in HttpMime.h (CT_HTML, CT_PDF, ...)
char getContentType () { return m_r->m_contentType; };
unsigned char getQuality () { return m_r->m_docQuality; };
unsigned char getDocQuality () { return m_r->m_docQuality; };
//int32_t getNumOutlinks () { return m_r->m_numOutlinks; };
bool isBanned () { return m_r->m_isBanned; };
bool isNormalized () { return m_r->m_isNormalized; } ;
bool hasAllQueryTerms () { return m_r->m_hasAllQueryTerms; };
char getHopCount () { return m_r->m_hopcount; };
float getDiversity () { return m_r->m_diversity;}
// . parse the TitleRec::m_flags3 variable
// . if the datedb date was estimated that means we computed it using
// the bisection method. so print "Updated XXXX" instead of
// "Published XXXX" next to the result.
char datedbDateIsEstimated () {
return m_r->m_flags3 & FLAG3_DATEDB_DATE_IS_ESTIMATED; };
float getProximityScore () {return m_r->m_proximityScore;};
int32_t getInSectionScore () {return m_r->m_inSectionScore;};
int32_t getSummaryScore () {return m_r->m_docSummaryScore; };
TagRec *getTagRec (){return (TagRec *)m_r->ptr_tagRec; };
int32_t getTagRecSize (){return m_r->size_tagRec; };
int32_t getNumCatids (){return m_r->size_catids/4; };
int32_t getNumIndCatids (){return m_r->size_indCatids/4; };
int32_t *getDmozCatIds (){return (int32_t *)m_r->ptr_catids; };
int32_t *getDmozCatids (){return (int32_t *)m_r->ptr_catids; };
int32_t *getDmozIndCatIds (){return (int32_t *)m_r->ptr_indCatids; };
int32_t *getDmozIndCatids (){return (int32_t *)m_r->ptr_indCatids; };
char *getDmozTitles (){return m_r->ptr_dmozTitles; };
int32_t *getDmozTitleLens (){return (int32_t *)m_r->ptr_dmozTitleLens;};
char *getDmozSumms (){return m_r->ptr_dmozSumms; };
int32_t *getDmozSummLens (){return (int32_t *)m_r->ptr_dmozSummLens; };
char *getDmozAnchors (){return m_r->ptr_dmozAnchors; };
uint8_t *getDmozAnchorLens (){
return(uint8_t *)m_r->ptr_dmozAnchorLens;};
uint32_t getTagVectorHash () {return m_r->m_tagVectorHash; }
uint32_t getGigabitVectorHash() {return m_r->m_gigabitVectorHash; }
char* getAdIds () {return m_r->ptr_gbAdIds;}
int32_t getAdIdsSize () {return m_r->size_gbAdIds;}
static int32_t getApproxLinkCount(char* content, int32_t contentLen);
//static int32_t getLinkHashes(Links& ln, char* buf, int32_t bufSize);
//char *getNextDisplayBuf ( int32_t *len , char **next ) {
// return m_r->getNextDisplayBuf(len,next); };
// for sending the request
Multicast m_mcast;
void gotReply ( class UdpSlot *slot );
// general purpose routines
// so we can alloc arrays of these using mmalloc()
void constructor ();
void destructor ();
void freeReply ();
void reset ();
void *m_hack;
int32_t m_hack2;
int32_t m_ii;
// is the reply in progress? if msg20 has not launched a request
// this is false. if msg20 received its reply, this is false.
// otherwise this is true.
bool m_inProgress;
bool m_launched;
char m_ownReply;
char m_expected;
bool (*m_callback ) ( void *state );
void (*m_callback2) ( void *state );
void *m_state;
// used by MsgE to store its data
void *m_state2;
void *m_state3;
void *m_owningParent;
char m_constructedId;
// PostQueryRerank storage area for printing out in PageResults.cpp
float m_pqr_old_score ;
float m_pqr_factor_diversity ;
float m_pqr_factor_quality ;
float m_pqr_factor_inlinkers ;
float m_pqr_factor_proximity ;
float m_pqr_factor_ctype ;
float m_pqr_factor_lang ; // includes country