2021-05-06 01:52:55 +10:00

1359 lines
37 KiB

#include "gb-include.h"
#include "Words.h"
#include "Phrases.h" // for isInPhrase() for hashWordIffNotInPhrase
#include "Unicode.h" // getUtf8CharSize()
#include "StopWords.h"
#include "Speller.h"
#include "HashTableX.h"
#include "Sections.h"
#include "XmlNode.h" // getTagLen()
//static int32_t printstring ( char *s , int32_t len ) ;
Words::Words ( ) {
m_buf = NULL;
m_bufSize = 0;
Words::~Words ( ) {
void Words::reset ( ) {
m_numWords = 0;
m_numAlnumWords = 0;
m_xml = NULL;
m_preCount = 0;
if ( m_buf && m_buf != m_localBuf && m_buf != m_localBuf2 )
mfree ( m_buf , m_bufSize , "Words" );
m_buf = NULL;
m_bufSize = 0;
m_tagIds = NULL;
m_s = NULL;
m_numTags = 0;
m_hasTags = false;
m_localBuf2 = NULL;
m_localBufSize2 = 0;
bool Words::set ( char *s, int32_t slen, int32_t version,
bool computeWordIds,
int32_t niceness) {
// bail if nothing
if ( ! s || slen == 0 ) {
m_numWords = 0;
m_numAlnumWords = 0;
return true;
char c = s[slen];
if ( c != '\0' ) s[slen]='\0';
bool status = set ( s , version, computeWordIds , niceness );
if ( c != '\0' ) s[slen] = c;
return status;
// a quickie
// this url gives a m_preCount that is too low. why?
int32_t countWords ( char *p , int32_t plen , int32_t niceness ) {
char *pend = p + plen;
int32_t count = 1;
// sequence of punct
for ( ; p < pend && ! is_alnum_utf8 (p) ; p += getUtf8CharSize(p) ) {
// breathe
QUICKPOLL ( niceness );
// in case being set from xml tags, count as words now
if ( *p=='<') count++;
// sequence of alnum
for ( ; p < pend && is_alnum_utf8 (p) ; p += getUtf8CharSize(p) )
// breathe
QUICKPOLL ( niceness );
if ( p < pend ) goto loop;
// some extra for good meaure
return count+10;
int32_t countWords ( char *p , int32_t niceness ) {
int32_t count = 1;
// sequence of punct
for ( ; *p && ! is_alnum_utf8 (p) ; p += getUtf8CharSize(p) ) {
// breathe
QUICKPOLL ( niceness );
// in case being set from xml tags, count as words now
if ( *p=='<') count++;
// sequence of alnum
for ( ; *p && is_alnum_utf8 (p) ; p += getUtf8CharSize(p) )
// breathe
QUICKPOLL ( niceness );
if ( *p ) goto loop;
// some extra for good meaure
return count+10;
static bool s_tested = false;
bool Words::set ( Xml *xml,
bool computeWordIds ,
int32_t niceness ,
int32_t node1 ,
int32_t node2 ) {
// prevent setting with the same string
if ( m_xml == xml ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
m_xml = xml;
m_version = xml->getVersion();
//m_version = xml->getVersion();
// quick test
if ( ! s_tested ) {
// only do once
s_tested = true;
// set c to a curling quote in unicode
int32_t c = 0x201c; // 0x235e;
// encode it into utf8
char dst[5];
// point to it
char *p = dst;
// put space in there
*p++ = ' ';
// "numBytes" is how many bytes it stored into 'dst"
int32_t numBytes = utf8Encode ( c , p );
// must be 2 bytes i guess
if ( numBytes != 3 ) { char *xx=NULL; *xx=0; }
// check it
int32_t size = getUtf8CharSize(p);
if ( size != 3 ) { char *xx=NULL; *xx=0; }
// is that punct
if ( ! is_punct_utf8 ( p ) ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// make sure can pair across
//unsigned char bits = getPunctuationBits ( dst , 4 );
// must be able to pair across
//if ( ! ( bits & D_CAN_PAIR_ACROSS ) ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0;}
// if xml is empty, bail
if ( ! xml->getContent() ) return true;
int32_t numNodes = xml->getNumNodes();
if ( numNodes <= 0 ) return true;
// . can be given a range, if node2 is -1 that means all!
// . range is half-open: [node1, node2)
if ( node2 < 0 ) node2 = numNodes;
// sanity check
if ( node1 > node2 ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
char *start = xml->getNode(node1);
char *end = xml->getNode(node2-1) + xml->getNodeLen(node2-1);
int32_t size = end - start;
m_preCount = countWords( start , size , niceness );
// allocate based on the approximate count
if ( ! allocateWordBuffers(m_preCount, true)) return false;
// are we done?
for ( int32_t k = node1 ; k < node2 && m_numWords < m_preCount ; k++ ){
// get the kth node
char *node = xml->getNode (k);
int32_t nodeLen = xml->getNodeLen(k);
// is the kth node a tag?
if ( ! xml->isTag(k) ) {
char c = node[nodeLen];
node[nodeLen] = '\0';
node[nodeLen] = c;
// it is a tag
m_words [m_numWords] = node;
m_wordLens [m_numWords] = nodeLen;
m_tagIds [m_numWords] = xml->getNodeId(k);
m_wordIds [m_numWords] = 0LL;
m_nodes [m_numWords] = k;
// we have less than 127 HTML tags, so set
// the high bit for back tags
if ( xml->isBackTag(k)) {
m_tagIds[m_numWords] |= BACKBIT;
//log(LOG_DEBUG, "Words: Word %"INT32": got tag %s%s (%d)",
// m_numWords,
// isBackTag(m_numWords)?"/":"",
// g_nodes[getTagId(m_numWords)].m_nodeName,
// getTagId(m_numWords));
// used by XmlDoc.cpp
return true;
bool Words::set11 ( char *s , char *send , int32_t niceness ) {
m_s = s;
// this will make addWords() scan for tags
m_hasTags = true;
// save it
char saved = *send;
// null term
*send = '\0';
// determine rough upper bound on number of words by counting
// punct/alnum boundaries
m_preCount = countWords ( s , niceness );
// true = tagIds
bool status = allocateWordBuffers(m_preCount,true);
// deal with error now
if ( ! status ) { *send = saved; return false; }
// and set the words
status = addWords(s,0x7fffffff, true, niceness );
// bring it back
*send = saved;
// return error?
return status;
bool Words::setxi ( char *s , char *buf, int32_t bufSize, int32_t niceness ) {
// prevent setting with the same string
if ( m_s == s ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// save for sanity check
m_s = s;
m_localBuf2 = buf;
m_localBufSize2 = bufSize;
// determine rough upper bound on number of words by counting
// punct/alnum boundaries
m_preCount = countWords ( s , niceness );
if (!allocateWordBuffers(m_preCount)) return false;
bool computeWordIds = true;
return addWords(s,0x7fffffff, computeWordIds, niceness );
// . set words from a string
// . assume no HTML entities in the string "s"
// . s must be NULL terminated
// . NOTE: do not free "s" from under us cuz we reference it
// . break up the string ,"s", into "words".
// . doesn't do tags, only text nodes in "xml"
// . our definition of a word is as close to English as we can get it
// . BUT we also consider a string of punctuation characters to be a word
bool Words::set ( char *s , int32_t version,
bool computeWordIds ,
int32_t niceness ) {
// prevent setting with the same string
if ( m_s == s ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
m_version = version;
// save for sanity check
m_s = s;
m_version = version;
// determine rough upper bound on number of words by counting
// punct/alnum boundaries
m_preCount = countWords ( s , niceness );
if (!allocateWordBuffers(m_preCount)) return false;
return addWords(s,0x7fffffff, computeWordIds, niceness );
#include "XmlNode.h"
bool Words::addWords(char *s,int32_t nodeLen,bool computeWordIds, int32_t niceness) {
int32_t i = 0;
int32_t j;
//int32_t k = 0;
int32_t wlen;
//uint32_t e;
//int32_t skip;
int32_t badCount = 0;
bool hadApostrophe = false;
UCScript oldScript = ucScriptCommon;
UCScript saved;
UCProps props;
// bad utf8 can cause a breach
if ( i >= nodeLen ) goto done;
if ( ! s[i] ) goto done;
if ( ! is_alnum_utf8(s+i) ) { // && m_numWords < m_preCount ) {
if ( m_numWords >= m_preCount ) goto done;
// tag?
if ( s[i]=='<' && m_hasTags && isTagStart(s+i) ) {
// get the tag id
if ( s[i+1]=='/' ) {
// skip over /
m_tagIds [m_numWords] = ::getTagId(s+i+2);
m_tagIds [m_numWords] |= BACKBIT;
m_tagIds [m_numWords] = ::getTagId(s+i+1);
m_words [m_numWords] = s + i;
m_wordIds [m_numWords] = 0LL;
// skip till end
int32_t tagLen = getTagLen(s+i); // ,niceness);
m_wordLens [m_numWords] = tagLen;
// advance
i += tagLen;
goto uptop;
// it is a punct word, find end of it
char *start = s+i;
//for (;s[i] && ! is_alnum_utf8(s+i);i+=getUtf8CharSize(s+i));
for ( ; s[i] ; i += getUtf8CharSize(s+i)){
// stop on < if we got tags
if ( s[i] == '<' && m_hasTags ) break;
// breathe
// if we are simple ascii, skip quickly
if ( is_ascii(s[i]) ) {
// accumulate NON-alnum chars
if ( ! is_alnum_a(s[i]) ) continue;
// update
oldScript = ucScriptCommon;
// otherwise, stop we got alnum
// if we are utf8 we stop on special props
UChar32 c = utf8Decode ( s+i );
// stop if word char
if ( ! ucIsWordChar ( c ) ) continue;
// update first though
oldScript = ucGetScript ( c );
// then stop
m_words [ m_numWords ] = start;
m_wordLens [ m_numWords ] = s+i - start;
m_wordIds [ m_numWords ] = 0LL;
if (m_tagIds) m_tagIds[m_numWords] = 0;
goto uptop;
// get an alnum word
j = i;
//for ( ; is_alnum_utf8 (&s[i] ) ; i += getUtf8CharSize(s+i) );
for ( ; s[i] ; i += getUtf8CharSize(s+i) ) {
// breathe
// simple ascii?
if ( is_ascii(s[i]) ) {
// accumulate alnum chars
if ( is_alnum_a(s[i]) ) continue;
// update
oldScript = ucScriptCommon;
// otherwise, stop we got punct
// get the code point of the utf8 char
UChar32 c = utf8Decode ( s+i );
// get props
props = ucProperties ( c );
// good stuff?
if ( props & (UC_IGNORABLE|UC_EXTEND) ) continue;
// stop? if UC_WORCHAR is set, that means its an alnum
if ( ! ( props & UC_WORDCHAR ) ) {
// reset script between words
oldScript = ucScriptCommon;
// save it
saved = oldScript;
// update here
oldScript = ucGetScript(c);
// treat ucScriptLatin (30) as common so we can have latin1
// like char without breaking the word!
if ( oldScript == ucScriptLatin ) oldScript = ucScriptCommon;
// stop on this crap too i guess. like japanese chars?
if ( props & ( UC_IDEOGRAPH | UC_HIRAGANA | UC_THAI ) ) {
// include it
i += getUtf8CharSize(s+i);
// but stop
// script change?
if ( saved != oldScript ) break;
// . java++, A++, C++ exception
// . A+, C+, exception
// . TODO: consider putting in Bits.cpp w/ D_CAN_BE_IN_PHRASE
if ( s[i]=='+' ) {
if ( s[i+1]=='+' && !is_alnum_utf8(&s[i+2]) ) i += 2;
else if ( !is_alnum_utf8(&s[i+1]) ) i++;
// . c#, j#, ...
if ( s[i]=='#' && !is_alnum_utf8(&s[i+1]) ) i++;
// comma is ok if like ,ddd!d
if ( s[i]==',' &&
i-j <= 3 &&
is_digit(s[i-1]) ) {
// if word so far is 2 or 3 chars, make sure digits
if ( i-j >= 2 && ! is_digit(s[i-2]) ) goto nogo;
if ( i-j >= 3 && ! is_digit(s[i-3]) ) goto nogo;
// scan forward
if ( s[i] == ',' &&
is_digit(s[i+1]) &&
is_digit(s[i+2]) &&
is_digit(s[i+3]) &&
! is_digit(s[i+4]) ) {
i += 4;
goto subloop;
// decimal point?
if ( s[i] == '.' &&
is_digit(s[i-1]) &&
is_digit(s[i+1]) ) {
// allow the decimal point
// skip over string of digits
while ( is_digit(s[i]) ) i++;
// allow for words like we're dave's and i'm
hadApostrophe = true;
goto again;
hadApostrophe = false;
// get word length
wlen = i - j;
if ( m_numWords >= m_preCount ) goto done;
m_words [ m_numWords ] = &s[j];
m_wordLens[ m_numWords ] = wlen;
// word start
// if ( m_numWords==11429 )
// log("hey");
// . Lars says it's better to leave the accented chars intact
// . google agrees
// . but what about "re'sume"?
if ( computeWordIds ) {
int64_t h = hash64Lower_utf8(&s[j],wlen);
m_wordIds [m_numWords] = h;
// until we get an accent removal algo, comment this
// out and possibly use the query synonym pipeline
// to search without accents. MDW
//int64_t h2 = hash64AsciiLowerE(&s[j],wlen);
//if ( h2 != h ) m_stripWordIds [m_numWords] = h2;
//else m_stripWordIds [m_numWords] = 0LL;
//m_stripWordIds[m_numWords] = 0;
if (m_tagIds) m_tagIds[m_numWords] = 0;
// break on \0 or MAX_WORDS
//if ( ! s[i] ) goto done;
// get a punct word
goto uptop;
j = i;
// delineate the "punctuation" word
for ( ; s[i] && !is_alnum_utf8(&s[i]);i+=getUtf8CharSize(s+i));
// bad utf8 could cause us to breach the node, so watch out!
if ( i > nodeLen ) {
i = nodeLen;
// get word length
wlen = i - j;
if ( m_numWords >= m_preCount ) goto done;
m_words [m_numWords ] = &s[j];
m_wordLens [m_numWords ] = wlen;
m_wordIds [m_numWords ] = 0LL;
if (m_tagIds) m_tagIds[m_numWords] = 0;
// bad programming warning
if ( m_numWords > m_preCount ) {
"build: words: set: Fix counting routine.");
char *xx = NULL; *xx = 0;
// compute total length
if ( m_numWords <= 0 ) m_totalLen = 0;
else m_totalLen = m_words[m_numWords-1] - s + m_wordLens[m_numWords-1];
if ( badCount )
log("words: had %"INT32" bad utf8 chars",badCount);
return true;
// common to Unicode and ISO-8859-1
bool Words::allocateWordBuffers(int32_t count, bool tagIds) {
// alloc if we need to (added 4 more for m_nodes[])
int32_t wordSize = 0;
wordSize += sizeof(char *);
wordSize += sizeof(int32_t);
wordSize += sizeof(int64_t);
wordSize += sizeof(int32_t);
if ( tagIds ) wordSize += sizeof(nodeid_t);
m_bufSize = wordSize * count;
if(m_bufSize < 0) return log("build: word count overflow %"INT32" "
"bytes wordSize=%"INT32" count=%"INT32".",
m_bufSize, wordSize, count);
if ( m_bufSize <= m_localBufSize2 && m_localBuf2 ) {
m_buf = m_localBuf2;
else if ( m_bufSize <= WORDS_LOCALBUFSIZE ) {
m_buf = m_localBuf;
else {
m_buf = (char *)mmalloc ( m_bufSize , "Words" );
if ( ! m_buf ) return log("build: Could not allocate %"INT32" "
"bytes for parsing document.",
// set ptrs
char *p = m_buf;
m_words = (char **)p ;
p += sizeof(char*) * count;
m_wordLens = (int32_t *)p ;
p += sizeof(int32_t)* count;
m_wordIds = (int64_t *)p ;
p += sizeof (int64_t) * count;
//m_stripWordIds = (int64_t *)p ;
//p += sizeof (int64_t) * count;
m_nodes = (int32_t *)p;
p += sizeof(int32_t) * count;
if (tagIds) {
m_tagIds = (nodeid_t*) p;
p += sizeof(nodeid_t) * count;
if ( p > m_buf + m_bufSize ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
return true;
void Words::print( ) {
for (int32_t i=0;i<m_numWords;i++) {
void Words::printWord ( int32_t i ) {
fprintf(stderr,"#%05"INT32" ",i);
fprintf(stderr,"%020"UINT64" ",m_wordIds[i]);
// print the word
//if (m_spam.m_spam[i]!=0)
// printf("[%i]",m_spam.m_spam[i]);
int32_t printstring ( char *s , int32_t len ) {
// filter out \n's and \r's
int32_t olen = 0;
for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < len && olen < 17 ; i++ ) {
if ( s[i] == '\n' || s[i] =='\r' ) continue;
if ( olen == 17 ) fprintf(stderr,"...");
//while ( olen < 20 ) { fprintf(stderr," "); olen++; }
return olen;
// for g_indexdb.getTermId()
#include "Indexdb.h"
// . hash all the words into "table"
// . NOTE: we append ":" to the prefixes for you, if one is not there already
bool Words::hash ( TermTable *table ,
Spam *spam ,
//Scores *scores ,
Weights *weights ,
uint32_t baseScore ,
uint32_t maxScore ,
int64_t startHash ,
char *prefix1 ,
int32_t prefixLen1 ,
char *prefix2 ,
int32_t prefixLen2 ,
bool useStems ,
bool hashUniqueOnly ,
int32_t version , // titleRecVersion ,
class Phrases *phrases ,
bool hashWordIffNotInPhrase ,
int32_t niceness ) {
//if (g_pbuf) g_pbufPtr+=sprintf(g_pbufPtr,"<b>Words::hash()</b><br>");
// don't hash if score is 0 or less.
if ( baseScore <= 0 ) return true;
// is the table storing the terms as strings, too?
// used by PageParser.cpp
SafeBuf *pbuf = table->getParserBuf();
// each word has a score (spam modified)
int32_t score;
int32_t score2;
// the score from the Scores class
int32_t *wscores = NULL;
int32_t norm = DW; // NORM_WORD_SCORE;
//if ( scores ) wscores = scores->m_scores;
// point to word weights over score if we got them
if ( weights ) {
wscores = weights->m_ww;
// set to default weight, DW, defined in Weights.h
norm = DW;
// the hash of each word
int64_t h;
// now hash each form of each word
for (int32_t i = 0 ; i < m_numWords; i++ ) {
// don't hash punct words
//if (m_isUnicode || m_version >= 67){
//if (!ucIsWordChar(((UChar*)m_words[i])[0])) continue;
if (!m_wordIds[i]) continue;
// . if the word is not in a phrase and
// "hashWordOnlyIfNotInPhrase" is true then don't hash it
// . this is used in LinkInfo::hash() to hash link text
if ( hashWordIffNotInPhrase && phrases->isInPhrase(i) )
// assume words has the baseScore
score = baseScore;
// modify score based on score vector... like Spam class
// but top score is XXX. the score vector weights words in
// different sections of the documents differently. sections
// that have lots of unhyperlinked text weight highly. this
// is used to strip out menus, etc. used to get articles for
// the news collection.
if ( wscores ) {
// ignore word completely if score is 0
if ( wscores[i] == 0 ) continue;
// scale the final score if we should
if ( wscores[i] != norm ) { // NORM_WORD_SCORE ) {
// . we use -1 to mean to index with minimal
// score but also to mean that it is not
// visible
// . used for things in <marquee> and <select>
// . see Scores.cpp
//if ( wscores[i] == -1 ) score = 1;
//score = (score * wscores[i]) >> 10;
// TODO: can this wrap?
score = (score * wscores[i]) / norm;
// never decrease all the way to 0
if ( score <= 0 ) score = 1;
// . hash the startHash with the wordId for this word
// . we must mask it before adding it to the table because
// this table is also used to hash IndexLists into that come
// from LinkInfo classes (incoming link text). And when
// those IndexLists are hashed they used masked termIds.
// So we should too...
//h = hash64 ( startHash , m_wordIds[i] ) & TERMID_MASK;
h = g_indexdb.getTermId ( startHash , m_wordIds[i] ) ;
//if (m_isUnicode &&
// (((UChar*)m_words[i])[0] == '1' ||
// ((UChar*)m_words[i])[0] == 's')){
// printf("Words::hash: starthash %"INT64" prefix2 \"
// %10s\" wordId "
// "(%"INT64") termId: (%"INT64") ",
// startHash, prefix2, m_wordIds[i], h);
// ucDebug(m_words[i], m_wordLens[i]);
// . modify word's score based on the spam probability
// . don't hash it if it's heavily spammed (spam of 100%)
if ( spam && spam->getSpam(i) ) {
score = score - (score*spam->getSpam(i)) / 100;
if ( score <= 0 ) continue;
//if ( version >= 36 ) {
score2 = score >> 1;
if (score2 <= 0) score2 = 1;
// score2 = score;
// debug, show the score for 'york'
//if ( h == 25718418790376LL ) {
// int32_t ww = -1;
// if ( wscores ) ww = wscores[i];
// logf(LOG_DEBUG,"build: adding %"INT32" for sex, wscore=%"INT32" "
// "baseScore=%"INT32"",
// score,ww,baseScore);
// if we don't have to print out the parser info then
// do not supply the term string to the table
if ( ! pbuf ) {
if ( ! table->addTerm(h,score,maxScore,hashUniqueOnly,
m_version ))
return false;
// . keep tabs on what we hash into the table if we need to
// . store the term into term table
int32_t slen;
char *s = table->storeTerm ( m_words[i],
m_wordLens[i] ,
prefix1 , prefixLen1 ,
prefix2 , prefixLen2 ,
true, &slen);
if(s == NULL) {
g_errno = ENOMEM;
return false;
if ( ! table->addTerm(h,score,maxScore,hashUniqueOnly,
return false;
// sanity check
//if ( h == 262515731587173LL ) {
// int32_t nn = table->getScoreFromTermId ( h );
// logf(LOG_DEBUG,"build: score now %"INT32"",nn);
// return now if we don't have to print out spam info to parser buf
if ( ! pbuf ) return true;
if ( ! spam && ! weights ) return true;//scores ) return true;
// new line for parser buf
*pbuf += '\n';
// print page as normal
//char m_printTags = false;
// print out each word and it's spam value, if we have spammed words!
int32_t i;
for ( i = 0 ; i < m_numWords; i++ ) {
// get the score, default it to 100
int32_t score = 100;
// phrase weight
int32_t pscore = 100;
// NORM_WORD_SCORE is 128 last time i checked, this allows for
// us to do fast integer operations with the resolution of a
// float
//if ( scores )
// score = (100 * scores->getScore(i)) / NORM_WORD_SCORE;
if ( weights ) {
// DW is the default word weight
score = (100 *weights->m_ww[i] ) / DW;
pscore = (100 *weights->m_pw[i] ) / DW;
//if (m_wordIds[i] && (!scores || scores->getScore(i) > 0)){
// show tags unrendered
if ( ! pbuf->m_renderHtml && m_wordIds[i] ) {
if (spam->getSpam(i) ) {
pbuf->safePrintf("<span class=\"spam\">"
pbuf->safePrintf("<span class=\"token\">");
else if ( ! pbuf->m_renderHtml && m_tagIds && m_tagIds[i] ) {
if (m_tagIds[i] == TAG_COMMENT)
pbuf->safePrintf("<span class=\"gbcomment\">");
pbuf->safePrintf("<span class=\"gbtag\">");
for ( int32_t j = 0 ; j < m_wordLens[i] ; j++ ) {
UChar32 c = (unsigned char)m_words[i][j];
// print the tag au natural if we should
if ( pbuf->m_renderHtml ) { // ! m_printTags ) {
c = fixWindows1252(c);
if (c == '<'){
else if (c == '>'){
else if (c == '&'){
c = fixWindows1252(c);
if ((m_tagIds && m_tagIds[i]) || ! m_wordIds[i] ) {
if ( pscore != 0 ) {
//int32_t tt=((int32_t)scores->getScore(i)*100)/
//int32_t tt = 0;
//if(scores) tt = scores->getScore(i);
//else tt = score;
//tt = score;
//if ( tt == 0 ) tt = 1;
//pbuf->safePrintf("<font size=-7 color=red>"
// "%"INT32"</font>",
// pscore);
//if ( scores )
// pbuf->safePrintf(
// "<font size=-7 color=green>"
// "%"INT32"</font>",
// scores->m_scores[i]);
pbuf->safePrintf("<font size=-7>#%"INT32"</font>",i);
if ( ! pbuf->m_renderHtml ) // ! m_printTags )
//if (m_wordIds[i] && (!scores || scores->getScore(i) > 0) ){
if (m_wordIds[i] ) { // && score ) {
if ( m_wordIds[i] && spam->getSpam(i) ) {
//if (m_wordIds[i] && (!scores || scores->getScore(i)
// > 0) ){
//if(scores && scores->getScore(i) != NORM_WORD_SCORE){
//if ( score != 0 || pscore != 0 ) {
//int32_t tt=((int32_t)scores->getScore(i)*100)/
int32_t tt = 0;
//if(scores) tt = scores->getScore(i);
//else tt = score;
tt = score;
if ( tt == 0 ) tt = 1;
pbuf->safePrintf("<font size=-7 color=red>"
//if ( scores )
// pbuf->safePrintf("<font size=-7 color=green>"
// "%"INT32"</font>",
// (int32_t)scores->m_scores[i]);
pbuf->safePrintf("<font size=-7>#%"INT32"</font>",i);
if ( ! pbuf->m_renderHtml ) // ! m_printTags )
// end with a <br>
pbuf->safePrintf ( "<br><br><br>" );
if ( i >= m_numWords ) return true;
// otherwise print a msg if breaked out
pbuf->safePrintf("<br><b>... out of memory</b><br>");
return true;
// the new faster words setter.
// old was taking 346 cycles per word
bool Words::set2 ( Xml *xml,
bool computeWordIds ,
int32_t niceness) {
m_xml = xml;
m_version = xml->getVersion();
m_version = xml->getVersion();
register char *p = (char *)xml->getContent();
if ( *p ) p++;
register int32_t x = 0;
//if ( is_alnum(*(p-1)) ^ is_alnum(*p) ) x++;
//if ( is_alnum(*p ) ) x++;
//x += g_map_is_alpha[*p] ;
if ( is_alnum_utf8(p) ) x++;
//if ( isalnum(*p) ) x++;
//if ( g_map_is_alpha[*p] ) x++;
if ( *p ) goto ploop;
m_preCount = x;
m_preCount = xml->getContentLen() / 2;
//if ( m_preCount > 9000 ) m_preCount = 9000;
//m_preCount = 9000;
if (!allocateWordBuffers(m_preCount, true)) return false;
int32_t numNodes = xml->getNumNodes();
// are we done?
for ( int32_t k = 0 ; k < numNodes && m_numWords < m_preCount ; k++ ) {
// get the kth node
char *node = xml->getNode (k);
int32_t nodeLen = xml->getNodeLen(k);
// is the kth node a tag?
if ( xml->isTag(k) ) {
m_words [m_numWords] = node;
m_wordLens [m_numWords] = nodeLen;
m_tagIds [m_numWords] = xml->getNodeId(k);
m_wordIds [m_numWords] = 0LL;
m_nodes [m_numWords] = k;
// we have less than 127 HTML tags, so set
// the high bit for back tags
if ( xml->isBackTag(k)) {
m_tagIds[m_numWords] |= BACKBIT;
//log(LOG_DEBUG, "Words: Word %"INT32": got tag %s%s (%d)",
// m_numWords,
// isBackTag(m_numWords)?"/":"",
// g_nodes[getTagId(m_numWords)].m_nodeName,
// getTagId(m_numWords));
// used by XmlDoc.cpp
// otherwise it's a text node
char c = node[nodeLen];
node[nodeLen] = '\0';
addWords(node, nodeLen,computeWordIds, niceness);
node[nodeLen] = c;
return true;
int32_t Words::isFloat ( int32_t n, float& f) {
char buf[128];
char *p = buf;
int32_t offset = 0;
while(isPunct(n+offset) &&
!(m_words[n+offset][0] == '.' ||
m_words[n+offset][0] == '-')) offset++;
while(isPunct(n+offset) &&
!(m_words[n+offset][0] == '.' ||
m_words[n+offset][0] == '-')) offset++;
gbmemcpy(buf, getWord(n), getWordLen(n));
buf[getWordLen(n)] = '\0';
log(LOG_WARN, "trying to get %s %"INT32"", buf, offset);
if(isNum(n)) {
if(1 + n < m_numWords &&
isPunct(n+1) && m_words[n+1][0] == '.') {
if(2 + n < m_numWords && isNum(n+2)) {
gbmemcpy(p, m_words[n], m_wordLens[n]);
p += m_wordLens[n];
gbmemcpy(p, ".", 1);
gbmemcpy(p, m_words[n+2], m_wordLens[n+2]);
f = atof(buf);
return 3 + offset;
else {
return offset;
} else if(n > 0 && isPunct(n-1) && m_wordLens[n-1] > 0 &&
(m_words[n-1][m_wordLens[n-1]-1] == '.' ||
m_words[n-1][m_wordLens[n-1]-1] == '-')) {
//hmm, we just skipped the period as punct?
sprintf(buf, "0.%s",m_words[n]);
f = atof(buf);
return 1 + offset;
else {
f = atof(m_words[n]);
return 1 + offset;
//does this have a period in front?
if(isPunct(n) && (m_words[n][0] == '.' || m_words[n][0] == '-')) {
if(1 + n < m_numWords && isNum(n+1)) {
gbmemcpy(p, m_words[n], m_wordLens[n]);
p += m_wordLens[n];
gbmemcpy(p, m_words[n+1], m_wordLens[n+1]);
f = atof(buf);
return 2 + offset;
return offset;
static uint8_t s_findMaxIndex(int64_t *array, int num, int *wantmax = NULL) {
if(!array || num < 2 || num > 255) return(0);
int64_t max, oldmax;
int idx = 0;
max = oldmax = INT_MIN;
for(int x = 0; x < num; x++) {
if(array[x] >= max) {
oldmax = max;
max = array[x];
idx = x;
if(max == 0) return(0);
if(max == oldmax) return(0);
if(wantmax) *wantmax = max;
//static bool s_isWordCap ( char *word , int len ) {
// if ( ! is_upper_utf8 ( word ) ) return false;
// int32_t cs = getUtf8CharSize ( word );
// if ( is_lower_utf8 ( &word[cs] ) ) return true;
// return false;
unsigned char Words::isBounded(int wordi) {
if(wordi+1 < m_numWords &&
getWord(wordi)[getWordLen(wordi)] == '/' //||
//getWord(wordi)[getWordLen(wordi)] == '?'
if(wordi+1 < m_numWords &&
(getWord(wordi)[getWordLen(wordi)] == '.' ||
getWord(wordi)[getWordLen(wordi)] == '?') &&
is_alnum_a(getWord(wordi)[getWordLen(wordi)+1]) )
if(wordi > 0 &&
(getWord(wordi)[-1] == '/' ||
getWord(wordi)[-1] == '?'))
unsigned char getCharacterLanguage ( char *utf8Char ) {
// romantic?
char cs = getUtf8CharSize ( utf8Char );
// can't say what language it is
if ( cs == 1 ) return langUnknown;
// convert to 32 bit unicode
UChar32 c = utf8Decode ( utf8Char );
UCScript us = ucGetScript ( c );
// arabic? this also returns for persian!! fix?
if ( us == ucScriptArabic )
return langArabic;
if ( us == ucScriptCyrillic )
return langRussian;
if ( us == ucScriptHebrew )
return langHebrew;
if ( us == ucScriptGreek )
return langGreek;
return langUnknown;
// returns -1 and sets g_errno on error, because 0 means langUnknown
int32_t Words::getLanguage( Sections *sections ,
int32_t maxSamples,
int32_t niceness,
int32_t *langScore) {
// calculate scores if not given
//Scores calcdScores;
//if ( ! scores ) {
// if ( ! calcdScores.set( this,m_version,false ) )
// return -1;
// scores = &calcdScores;
// . take a random sample of words and look them up in the
// language dictionary
//HashTableT<int64_t, char> ht;
HashTableX ht;
int64_t langCount[MAX_LANGUAGES];
int64_t langWorkArea[MAX_LANGUAGES];
int32_t numWords = m_numWords;
//int32_t skip = numWords/maxSamples;
//if ( skip == 0 ) skip = 1;
// reset the language count
memset(langCount, 0, sizeof(int64_t)*MAX_LANGUAGES);
// sample the words
//int32_t wordBase = 0;
int32_t wordi = 0;
//if ( ! ht.set(maxSamples*1.5) ) return -1;
if ( ! ht.set(8,1,(int32_t)(maxSamples*8.0),NULL,0,false,
return -1;
// . avoid words in these bad sections
// . google seems to index SEC_MARQUEE so i took that out of badFlags
// int16_tcuts
int64_t *wids = m_wordIds;
int32_t *wlens = m_wordLens;
char **wptrs = m_words;
//int32_t langTotal = 0;
// log ( LOG_WARN, "xmldoc: Picking language from %"INT32" words with %"INT32" skip",
// numWords, skip );
char numOne = 1;
Section **sp = NULL;
if ( sections ) sp = sections->m_sectionPtrs;
// this means null too
if ( sections && sections->m_numSections == 0 ) sp = NULL;
int32_t maxCount = 1000;
while ( wordi < numWords ) {
// breathe
QUICKPOLL( niceness );
// move to the next valid word
if ( ! wids [wordi] ) { wordi++; continue; }
if ( wlens[wordi] < 2 ) { wordi++; continue; }
// skip if in a bad section
//int32_t flags = sections->m_sectionPtrs[i]->m_flags;
// meaning script section ,etc
if ( sp && ( sp[wordi]->m_flags & badFlags ) ) {
wordi++; continue; }
// check the language
//unsigned char lang = 0;
// Skip if word is capitalized and not preceded by a tag
//if(s_isWordCap(getWord(wordi), getWordLen(wordi)) &&
// wordi > 0 && !getTagId(wordi - 1)) {
// wordi++;
// continue;
// Skip word if bounded by '/' or '?' might be in a URL
if(isBounded(wordi)) {
// is it arabic? sometimes they are spammy pages and repeat
// a few arabic words over and over again, so don't do deduping
// with "ht" before checking this.
char cl = getCharacterLanguage ( wptrs[wordi] );
if ( cl ) {
langCount[(unsigned char)cl]++;
//if(ht.getSlot(m_wordIds[wordi]) !=-1) {
if(!ht.isEmpty(&m_wordIds[wordi]) ) {
// If we can't add the word, it's not that bad.
// Just gripe about it in the log.
if(!ht.addKey(&m_wordIds[wordi], &numOne)) {
log(LOG_WARN, "build: Could not add word to temporary "
"table, memory error?\n");
g_errno = ENOMEM;
return -1;
if ( maxCount-- <= 0 ) break;
// No lang from charset, got a phrase, and 0 language does not have
// a score Order is very important!
int foundone = 0;
if ( // lang == 0 &&
// we seem to be missing hungarian and thai
langWorkArea) &&
// why must it have an "unknown score" of 0?
// allow -1... i don't know what that means!!
langWorkArea[0] <= 0) {
int lasty = -1;
for(int y = 1; y < MAX_LANGUAGES; y++) {
if(langWorkArea[y] == 0) continue;
int32_t pop = langWorkArea[y];
// negative means in an official dictionary
if ( pop < 0 ) {
pop *= -1;
langCount[y] += 1;
// extra?
if ( pop > 1000 )
langCount[y] += 2;
if ( pop > 10000 )
langCount[y] += 2;
lasty = y;
// . if it can only belong to one language
// . helps fix that fact that our unifiedDict is crummy
// and identifes some words as being in a lot of languages
// like "Pronto" as being in english and not giving
// the popularities correctly.
if ( foundone == 1 )
// give massive boost
langCount[lasty] += 10;
// . try to skip unknown words without killing sample size
// . we lack russian, hungarian and arabic in the unified
// dict, so try to do character detection for those langs.
// . should prevent them from being detected as unknown
// langs and coming up for english search 'gigablast'
if ( ! foundone ) {
// do not count towards sample size
// skip to the next word
//wordBase += skip;
//if ( wordi < wordBase )
// wordi = wordBase;
// punish unknown count in case a doc has a lot of proper names
// or something
//langCount[langUnknown] /= 2;
// get the lang with the max score then
int l = s_findMaxIndex(langCount, MAX_LANGUAGES);
// if(langCount[l] < 15) return(langUnknown);
if(langScore) *langScore = langCount[l];
// return if known now
return l;
// get the word index at the given character position
int32_t Words::getWordAt ( char *p ) { // int32_t charPos ) {
if ( ! p ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
if ( p < m_words[0] ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
if ( p >= getContentEnd() ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
int32_t step = m_numWords / 2;
int32_t i = m_numWords / 2 ;
// divide it by 2 each time
step >>= 1;
// always at least one
if ( step <= 0 ) step = 1;
// is it a hit?
if ( p >= m_words[i] && p < m_words[i] + m_wordLens[i] )
return i;
// compare
if ( m_words[i] < p ) i += step;
else i -= step;
goto loop;
return -1;
// . return the value of the specified "field" within this html tag, "s"
// . the case of "field" does not matter
char *getFieldValue ( char *s ,
int32_t slen ,
char *field ,
int32_t *valueLen ) {
// reset this to 0
*valueLen = 0;
// scan for the field name in our node
int32_t flen = gbstrlen(field);
char inQuotes = '\0';
int32_t i;
// make it sane
if ( slen > 2000 ) slen = 2000;
for ( i = 1; i + flen < slen ; i++ ) {
// skip the field if it's quoted
if ( inQuotes) {
if (s[i] == inQuotes ) inQuotes = 0;
// set inQuotes to the quote if we're in quotes
if ( (s[i]=='\"' || s[i]=='\'')){
inQuotes = s[i];
// if not in quote tag might end
if ( s[i] == '>' && ! inQuotes ) return NULL;
// a field name must be preceeded by non-alnum
if ( is_alnum_a ( s[i-1] ) ) continue;
// the first character of this field shout match field[0]
if ( to_lower_a (s[i]) != to_lower_a(field[0] )) continue;
// field just be immediately followed by an = or space
if (s[i+flen]!='='&&!is_wspace_a(s[i+flen]))continue;
// field names must match
if ( strncasecmp ( &s[i], field, flen ) != 0 ) continue;
// break cuz we got a match for our field name
// return NULL if no matching field
if ( i + flen >= slen ) return NULL;
// advance i over the fieldname so it pts to = or space
i += flen;
// advance i over spaces
while ( i < slen && is_wspace_a ( s[i] ) ) i++;
// advance over the equal sign, return NULL if does not exist
if ( i < slen && s[i++] != '=' ) return NULL;
// advance i over spaces after the equal sign
while ( i < slen && is_wspace_a ( s[i] ) ) i++;
// now parse out the value of this field (could be in quotes)
inQuotes = '\0';
// set inQuotes to the quote if we're in quotes
if ( s[i]=='\"' || s[i]=='\'') inQuotes = s[i++];
// mark this as the start of the value
int start=i;
// advance i until we hit a space, or we hit a that quote if inQuotes
if (inQuotes) while (i<slen && s[i] != inQuotes ) i++;
else while ( i<slen &&!is_wspace_a(s[i])&&s[i]!='>')i++;
// set the length of the value
*valueLen = i - start;
// return a ptr to the value
return s + start;