Matt Wells 8a49e87a61 got code with shard rebalancing compiling.
now we store a "sharded by termid" bit in posdb
key for checksums, etc keys that are not sharded
by docid. save having to do disk seeks on every
host in the cluster to do a dup check, etc.
2014-01-11 16:08:42 -08:00

1241 lines
39 KiB

#include "gb-include.h"
#include "Msg3a.h"
//#include "Msg3b.h"
#include "Wiki.h"
//#include "Events.h" // class EventIdBits...printEventIds()
static void gotReplyWrapper3a ( void *state , void *state2 ) ;
//static void gotRerankedDocIds ( void *state );
long *g_ggg = NULL;
Msg3a::Msg3a ( ) {
void Msg3a::constructor ( ) {
// final buf hold the final merged docids, etc.
m_finalBufSize = 0;
m_finalBuf = NULL;
m_docsToGet = 0;
m_numDocIds = 0;
// need to call all safebuf constructors now to set m_label
// NULLify all the reply buffer ptrs
for ( long j = 0; j < MAX_INDEXDB_SPLIT; j++ )
m_reply[j] = NULL;
m_rbufPtr = NULL;
for ( long j = 0; j < MAX_INDEXDB_SPLIT; j++ )
Msg3a::~Msg3a ( ) {
for ( long j = 0; j < MAX_INDEXDB_SPLIT; j++ )
void Msg3a::reset ( ) {
m_siteHashes26 = NULL;
// . NULLify all the reply buffer ptrs
// . have to count DOWN with "i" because of the m_reply[i-1][j] check
for ( long j = 0; j < MAX_INDEXDB_SPLIT; j++ ) {
if ( ! m_reply[j] ) continue;
mfree(m_reply[j],m_replyMaxSize[j], "Msg3aR");
m_reply[j] = NULL;
for ( long j = 0; j < MAX_INDEXDB_SPLIT; j++ )
// and the buffer that holds the final docids, etc.
if ( m_finalBuf )
mfree ( m_finalBuf, m_finalBufSize, "Msg3aF" );
// free the request
if ( m_rbufPtr && m_rbufPtr != m_rbuf ) {
mfree ( m_rbufPtr , m_rbufSize, "Msg3a" );
m_rbufPtr = NULL;
m_finalBuf = NULL;
m_finalBufSize = 0;
m_docsToGet = 0;
m_errno = 0;
m_numDocIds = 0;
Msg39Request *g_r = NULL;
static void gotCacheReplyWrapper ( void *state ) {
Msg3a *THIS = (Msg3a *)state;
// return if it blocked...
if ( ! THIS->gotCacheReply() ) return;
// set g_errno i guess so parent knows
if ( THIS->m_errno ) g_errno = THIS->m_errno;
// call callback if we did not block, since we're here. all done.
THIS->m_callback ( THIS->m_state );
// . returns false if blocked, true otherwise
// . sets g_errno on error
// . "query/coll" should NOT be on the stack in case we block
// . uses Msg36 to retrieve term frequencies for each termId in query
// . sends Msg39 request to get docids from each indexdb split
// . merges replies together
// . we print out debug info if debug is true
// . "maxAge"/"addToCache" is talking about the clusterdb cache as well
// as the indexdb cache for caching termlists read from disk on the machine
// that contains them on disk.
// . "docsToGet" is how many search results are requested
// . "useDateLists" is true if &date1=X, &date2=X or &sdate=1 was specified
// . "sortByDate" is true if we should rank the results by newest pubdate 1st
// . "soreByDateWeight" is 1.0 to do a pure sort byte date, and 0.0 to just
// sort by the regular score. however, the termlists are still read from
// datedb, so we tend to prefer fresher results.
// . [date1,date2] define a range of dates to restrict the pub dates of the
// search results to. they are -1 to indicate none.
// . "restrictIndexdbForQuery" limits termlists to the first indexdb file
// . "requireAllTerms" is true if all search results MUST contain the required
// query terms, otherwise, such results are preferred, but the result set
// will contain docs that do not have all required query terms.
// . "compoundListMaxSize" is the maximum size of the "compound" termlist
// formed in Msg2.cpp by merging together all the termlists that are UOR'ed
// together. this size is in bytes.
// . if "familyFilter" is true the results will not have their adult bits set
// . if language > 0, results will be from that language (language filter)
// . if rerankRuleset >= 0, we re-rank the docids by calling PageParser.cpp
// on the first (X in &n=X) results and getting a new score for each.
// . if "artr" is true we also call PageParser.cpp on the root url of each
// result, since the root url's quality is used to compute the quality
// of the result in Msg16::computeQuality(). This will slow things down lots.
// artr means "apply ruleset to roots".
// . if "recycleLinkInfo" is true then the rerank operation will not call
// Msg25 to recompute the inlinker information used in
// Msg16::computeQuality(), but rather deserialize it from the TitleRec.
// Computing the link info takes a lot of time as well.
bool Msg3a::getDocIds ( Msg39Request *r ,
Query *q ,
void *state ,
void (* callback) ( void *state ),
class Host *specialHost
// initially this is the same as r->m_docsToGet but
// we may up it if too many results got clustered.
// then we re-call this function.
//long docsToGet ) {
) {
// in case re-using it
// remember ALL the stuff
m_r = r;
m_q = q;
m_callback = callback;
m_state = state;
// warning. coll size includes \0
if ( ! m_r->ptr_coll || m_r->size_coll-1 <= 0 )
log(LOG_LOGIC,"net: NULL or bad collection. msg3a.");
//m_indexdbSplit = g_hostdb.m_indexSplits;
// certain query term, like,, are NOT split
// at all in order to keep performance high because such
// terms are looked up by the spider. if a query contains
// multiple "no split" terms, then it becomes split unfortunately...
//if ( ! m_q->isSplit() ) m_indexdbSplit = 1;
// for a sanity check in Msg39.cpp
r->m_nqt = m_q->getNumTerms();
// we like to know if there was *any* problem even though we hide
// title recs that are not found.
m_errno = 0;
// reset this to zero in case we have error or something
m_numDocIds = 0;
// total # of estimated hits
m_numTotalEstimatedHits = 0;
// we modify this, so copy it from request
m_docsToGet = r->m_docsToGet;
// . return now if query empty, no docids, or none wanted...
// . if query terms = 0, might have been "x AND NOT x"
if ( m_q->getNumTerms() <= 0 ) return true;
// sometimes we want to get section stats from the hacked
// sectionhash: posdb termlists
if ( m_docsToGet <= 0 && ! m_r->m_getSectionStats )
return true;
// . set g_errno if not found and return true
// . coll is null terminated
CollectionRec *cr = g_collectiondb.getRec(r->ptr_coll, r->size_coll-1);
if ( ! cr ) { g_errno = ENOCOLLREC; return true; }
// query is truncated if had too many terms in it
if ( m_q->m_truncated ) {
log("query: query truncated: %s",m_q->m_orig);
// a handy thing
m_debug = 0;
if ( m_r->m_debug ) m_debug = 1;
if ( g_conf.m_logDebugQuery ) m_debug = 1;
if ( g_conf.m_logTimingQuery ) m_debug = 1;
// time how long it takes to get the term freqs
if ( m_debug ) {
// show the query terms
printTerms ( );
m_startTime = gettimeofdayInMilliseconds();
logf(LOG_DEBUG,"query: msg3a: [%lu] getting termFreqs.",
// . hit msg17 seoresults cache
// . just stores docid/score pairs for seo.cpp
if ( m_r->m_useSeoResultsCache ) {
// the all important seo results cache key
m_ckey.n0 = hash64 ( m_r->ptr_query ,m_r->size_query - 1 ,0 );
m_ckey.n0 = hash64 ( m_r->ptr_coll,m_r->size_coll, m_ckey.n0);
m_ckey.n0 = hash64 ( (char *)&m_r->m_language,1 , m_ckey.n0 );
m_ckey.n0 = hash64 ( (char *)&m_r->m_docsToGet,4, m_ckey.n0 );
// this should be non-zero so g_hostdb.getGroupId(RDB_SERPDB)
// does not always return groupid 0!
m_ckey.n1 = hash32 ( m_r->ptr_query ,m_r->size_query - 1 ,0 );
// must NOT be a delete!
m_ckey.n0 |= 0x01;
// set hi bit to avoid collisions with keys made from
// Cachedb::makeKey() function calls
//m_ckey.n1 |= 0x80000000;
key_t startKey = m_ckey;
key_t endKey = m_ckey;
// clear delbit
startKey.n0 &= 0xfffffffffffffffeLL;
// make a proper endkey
//endKey += 2;
// sanity
if ( ( m_ckey.n0 & 0x01 ) == 0x00 ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// reset it
//m_cacheRec = NULL;
//m_cacheRecSize = 0;
// note it
//log("seopipe: checking ckey=%s q=%s"
// ,KEYSTR(&m_ckey,12)
// ,m_r->ptr_query
// );
//setStatus("launching msg17");
// return FALSE if this blocks
if ( ! m_msg0.getList ( -1, // hostid
0 , // ip
0 , // port
0 , // maxcacheage
false, // addtocache?
(char *)&startKey ,
(char *)&endKey,
10, // minrecsizes 10 bytes
m_r->m_niceness ) )
return false;
return gotCacheReply ( );
bool Msg3a::gotCacheReply ( ) {
// in cache?
if ( ! m_seoCacheList.isEmpty() ) {
// note it
//log("seopipe: found ckey=%s q=%s"
// ,KEYSTR(&m_ckey,12)
// ,m_r->ptr_query
// );
char *p = m_seoCacheList.getList();
// skip key
p += sizeof(key_t);
// datasize
p += 4;
// timestamp
//long cachedTime = *(long *)p;
p += 4;
// # docids
m_numDocIds = *(long *)p;
p += 4;
// total # results
m_numTotalEstimatedHits = *(long *)p;
p += 4;
// docids
m_docIds = (long long *)p;
p += 8 * m_numDocIds;
// scores
m_scores = (float *)p;
p += sizeof(float) * m_numDocIds;
// site hashes
m_siteHashes26 = (long *)p;
p += 4 * m_numDocIds;
// log to log as well
char tmp[50000];
p = tmp;
p += sprintf(p,
"seopipe: hit cache "
"docids=%li "
"query=\"%s\" ",
m_r->ptr_query );
// log each docid
//for ( long i = 0 ; i < m_numDocIds ; i++ ) {
// //float score = m_msg3a->getScores()[i];
// long long d = m_docIds[i];
// //long sh32 = m_msg3a->getSiteHash32(i);
// p += sprintf(p,"d%li=%lli ",i,d);
// all done!
return true;
CollectionRec *cr;
cr = g_collectiondb.getRec(m_r->ptr_coll,m_r->size_coll-1);
setTermFreqWeights ( cr->m_coll,m_q,m_termFreqs , m_termFreqWeights );
if ( m_debug ) {
//long long *termIds = m_q->getTermIds();
//if ( m_numCandidates ) termIds = m_synIds;
for ( long i = 0 ; i < m_q->m_numTerms ; i++ ) {
// get the term in utf8
QueryTerm *qt = &m_q->m_qterms[i];
//char bb[256];
//utf16ToUtf8(bb, 256, qt->m_term, qt->m_termLen);
char *tpc = qt->m_term + qt->m_termLen;
char c = *tpc;
*tpc = 0;
// this term freq is estimated from the rdbmap and
// does not hit disk...
logf(LOG_DEBUG,"query: term #%li \"%s\" "
"termid=%lli termFreq=%lli termFreqWeight=%.03f",
// put it back
*tpc = c;
// time how long to get each split's docids
if ( m_debug )
m_startTime = gettimeofdayInMilliseconds();
// reset replies received count
m_numReplies = 0;
// shortcut
long n = m_q->m_numTerms;
// set the Msg39 request
// free if we should
if ( m_rbufPtr && m_rbufPtr != m_rbuf ) {
mfree ( m_rbufPtr , m_rbufSize , "Msg3a");
m_rbufPtr = NULL;
// a tmp buf
long readSizes[MAX_QUERY_TERMS];
// update our read info
for ( long j = 0; j < n ; j++ ) {
// the read size for THIS query term
long rs = 300000000; // toRead; 300MB i guess...
// limit to 50MB man! this was 30MB but the
// 'time enough for love' query was hitting 30MB termlists.
//rs = 50000000;
rs = DEFAULT_POSDB_READSIZE;//90000000; // 90MB!
// if section stats, limit to 1MB
if ( m_r->m_getSectionStats ) rs = 1000000;
// get the jth query term
QueryTerm *qt = &m_q->m_qterms[j];
// if query term is ignored, skip it
if ( qt->m_ignored ) rs = 0;
// set it
readSizes[j] = rs;
// serialize this
m_r->ptr_readSizes = (char *)readSizes;
m_r->size_readSizes = 4 * n;
// and this
m_r->ptr_termFreqWeights = (char *)m_termFreqWeights;
m_r->size_termFreqWeights = 4 * n;
// store query into request, might have changed since we called
// Query::expandQuery() above
m_r->ptr_query = m_q->m_orig;
m_r->size_query = m_q->m_origLen+1;
// the white list now too...
//m_r->ptr_whiteList = si->m_whiteListBuf.getBufStart();
// free us?
if ( m_rbufPtr && m_rbufPtr != m_rbuf ) {
mfree ( m_rbufPtr , m_rbufSize, "Msg3a" );
m_rbufPtr = NULL;
m_r->m_stripe = 0;
// debug thing
g_r = m_r;
// . (re)serialize the request
// . returns NULL and sets g_errno on error
// . "m_rbuf" is a local storage space that can save a malloc
// . do not "makePtrsRefNewBuf" because if we do that and this gets
// called a 2nd time because m_getWeights got set to 0, then we
// end up copying over ourselves.
m_rbufPtr = serializeMsg ( sizeof(Msg39Request),
&m_rbufSize ,
m_rbuf ,
false );
if ( ! m_rbufPtr ) return true;
// free this one too
// and copy that!
if ( ! m_rbuf2.safeMemcpy ( m_rbufPtr , m_rbufSize ) ) return true;
// and tweak it
((Msg39Request *)(m_rbuf2.getBufStart()))->m_stripe = 1;
// end formulating the Msg39 request
// . set timeout based on docids requested!
// . the more docs requested the longer it will take to get
long timeout = (50 * m_docsToGet) / 1000;
// at least 20 seconds
if ( timeout < 20 ) timeout = 20;
// override? this is USUALLY -1, but DupDectector.cpp needs it
// high because it is a spider time thing.
if ( m_r->m_timeout > 0 ) timeout = m_r->m_timeout;
// for new posdb stuff
if ( timeout < 60 ) timeout = 60;
long long qh = 0LL; if ( m_q ) qh = m_q->getQueryHash();
m_numHosts = g_hostdb.getNumHosts();
// only send to one host?
if ( ! m_q->isSplit() ) m_numHosts = 1;
// now we run it over ALL hosts that are up!
for ( long i = 0; i < m_numHosts ; i++ ) { // m_indexdbSplit; i++ ) {
// get that host
Host *h = g_hostdb.getHost(i);
// if not a full split, just round robin the group, i am not
// going to sweat over performance on non-fully split indexes
// because they suck really bad anyway compared to full
// split indexes. "gid" is already set if we are not split.
//unsigned long gid = h->m_groupId;//g_hostdb.getGroupId(i);
long shardNum = h->m_shardNum;
long firstHostId = h->m_hostId;
// get strip num
char *req = m_rbufPtr;
// if sending to twin, use slightly different request
if ( h->m_stripe == 1 ) req = m_rbuf2.getBufStart();
// if we are a non-split query, like just send
// to the host that has the first termid local. it will call
// msg2 to download all termlists. msg2 should be smart
// enough to download the "non split" termlists over the net.
// TODO: fix msg2 to do that...
if ( ! m_q->isSplit() ) {
long long tid = m_q->getTermId(0);
key_t k = g_indexdb.makeKey(tid,1,1,false );
// split = false! do not split
//gid = getGroupId ( RDB_POSDB,&k,false);
shardNum = g_hostdb.getShardNumByTermId(&k);
firstHostId = -1;
// debug log
if ( m_debug )
logf(LOG_DEBUG,"query: Msg3a[%lu]: forwarding request "
"of query=%s to shard %lu.",
(long)this, m_q->getQuery(), shardNum);
// send to this guy
Multicast *m = &m_mcast[i];
// clear it for transmit
// . send out a msg39 request to each split
// . multicasts to a host in group "groupId"
// . we always block waiting for the reply with a multicast
// . returns false and sets g_errno on error
// . sends the request to fastest host in group "groupId"
// . if that host takes more than about 5 secs then sends to
// next host
// . key should be largest termId in group we're sending to
bool status;
status = m->send ( req , // m_rbufPtr ,
m_rbufSize , // request size
0x39 , // msgType 0x39
false , // mcast owns m_request?
shardNum , // group to send to
false , // send to whole group?
(long)qh , // 0 // startKey.n1
this , // state1 data
m , // state2 data
gotReplyWrapper3a ,
timeout , // in seconds
m_r->m_niceness ,
false , // realtime?
firstHostId, // -1// bestHandlingHostId ,
NULL , // m_replyBuf ,
// this is true if multicast should free the
// reply, otherwise caller is responsible
// for freeing it after calling
// getBestReply().
// actually, this should always be false,
// there is a bug in Multicast.cpp.
// no, if we error out and never steal
// the buffers then they will go unfreed
// so they are freed by multicast by default
// then we steal control explicitly
true );
// if successfully launch, do the next one
if ( status ) continue;
// . this serious error should make the whole query fail
// . must allow other replies to come in though, so keep going
log("query: Multicast Msg3a had error: %s",mstrerror(g_errno));
m_errno = g_errno;
g_errno = 0;
// return false if blocked on a reply
if ( m_numReplies < m_numHosts ) return false;//indexdbSplit )
// . otherwise, we did not block... error?
// . it must have been an error or just no new lists available!!
// . if we call gotAllSplitReplies() here, and we were called by
// mergeLists() we end up calling mergeLists() again... bad. so
// just return true in that case.
//return gotAllSplitReplies();
return true;
void gotReplyWrapper3a ( void *state , void *state2 ) {
Msg3a *THIS = (Msg3a *)state;
// timestamp log
if ( THIS->m_debug )
logf(LOG_DEBUG,"query: msg3a: [%lu] got reply #%li in %lli ms."
" err=%s", (long)THIS, THIS->m_numReplies ,
gettimeofdayInMilliseconds() - THIS->m_startTime ,
mstrerror(g_errno) );
else if ( g_errno )
logf(LOG_DEBUG,"msg3a: error reply. [%lu] got reply #%li "
" err=%s", (long)THIS, THIS->m_numReplies ,
mstrerror(g_errno) );
// if one split times out, ignore it!
if ( g_errno == EQUERYTRUNCATED ||
g_errno == EUDPTIMEDOUT )
g_errno = 0;
// record it
if ( g_errno && ! THIS->m_errno )
THIS->m_errno = g_errno;
// set it
Multicast *m = (Multicast *)state2;
// update time
long long endTime = gettimeofdayInMilliseconds();
// update host table
Host *h = m->m_replyingHost;
// i guess h is NULL on error?
if ( h ) {
// how long did it take from the launch of request until now
// for host "h" to give us the docids?
long long delta = (endTime - m->m_replyLaunchTime);
// . sanity check
// . ntpd can screw with our local time and make this negative
if ( delta >= 0 ) {
// count the split
// accumulate the times so we can do an average display
// in PageHosts.cpp.
h->m_splitTimes += delta;
// update count of how many replies we got
// bail if still awaiting more replies
if ( THIS->m_numReplies < THIS->m_numHosts ) return;
// return if gotAllSplitReplies() blocked
if ( ! THIS->gotAllSplitReplies( ) ) return;
// set g_errno i guess so parent knows
if ( THIS->m_errno ) g_errno = THIS->m_errno;
// call callback if we did not block, since we're here. all done.
THIS->m_callback ( THIS->m_state );
static void gotSerpdbReplyWrapper ( void *state ) {
Msg3a *THIS = (Msg3a *)state;
// remove error, like ETRYAGAIN etc.
g_errno = 0;
// call callback if we did not block, since we're here. all done.
THIS->m_callback ( THIS->m_state );
bool Msg3a::gotAllSplitReplies ( ) {
// if any of the split requests had an error, give up and set m_errno
// but don't set if for non critical errors like query truncation
if ( m_errno ) {
g_errno = m_errno;
return true;
// also reset the finalbuf and the oldNumTopDocIds
if ( m_finalBuf ) {
mfree ( m_finalBuf, m_finalBufSize, "Msg3aF" );
m_finalBuf = NULL;
m_finalBufSize = 0;
// update our estimated total hits
m_numTotalEstimatedHits = 0;
for ( long i = 0; i < m_numHosts ; i++ ) {
// get that host that gave us the reply
//Host *h = g_hostdb.getHost(i);
// . get the reply from multicast
// . multicast should have destroyed all slots, but saved reply
// . we are responsible for freeing the reply
// . we need to call this even if g_errno or m_errno is
// set so we can free the replies in Msg3a::reset()
// . if we don't call getBestReply() on it multicast should
// free it, because Multicast::m_ownReadBuf is still true
Multicast *m = &m_mcast[i];
bool freeit = false;
long replySize = 0;
long replyMaxSize;
char *rbuf;
Msg39Reply *mr;
// . only get it if the reply not already full
// . if reply already processed, skip
// . perhaps it had no more docids to give us or all termlists
// were exhausted on its disk and this is a re-call
// . we have to re-process it for count m_numTotalEstHits, etc.
rbuf = m->getBestReply ( &replySize ,
&replyMaxSize ,
&freeit ,
true ); //stealIt?
// cast it
mr = (Msg39Reply *)rbuf;
// in case of mem leak, re-label from "mcast" to this so we
// can determine where it came from, "Msg3a-GBR"
relabel( rbuf, replyMaxSize , "Msg3a-GBR" );
// . we must be able to free it... we must own it
// . this is true if we should free it, but we should not have
// to free it since it is owned by the slot?
if ( freeit ) {
log(LOG_LOGIC,"query: msg3a: Steal failed.");
char *xx = NULL; *xx=0;
// bad reply?
if ( ! mr ) {
log(LOG_LOGIC,"query: msg3a: Bad NULL reply from "
"host #%li. Timeout? OOM?",i);
m_reply [i] = NULL;
m_replyMaxSize[i] = 0;
// it might have been timd out, just ignore it!!
// if size is 0 it can be Msg39 giving us an error!
// all reply buffers should be freed on reset()
return true;
// how did this happen?
if ( replySize < 29 && ! mr->m_errno ) {
// if size is 0 it can be Msg39 giving us an error!
log(LOG_LOGIC,"query: msg3a: Bad reply size of %li.",
// all reply buffers should be freed on reset()
return true;
// can this be non-null? we shouldn't be overwriting one
// without freeing it...
if ( m_reply[i] )
// note the mem leak now
log("query: mem leaking a 0x39 reply");
// cast it and set it
m_reply [i] = mr;
m_replyMaxSize[i] = replyMaxSize;
// deserialize it (just sets the ptr_ and size_ member vars)
//mr->deserialize ( );
deserializeMsg ( sizeof(Msg39Reply) ,
mr->m_buf );
// sanity check
if ( mr->m_nqt != m_q->getNumTerms() ) {
g_errno = EBADREPLY;
m_errno = EBADREPLY;
log("query: msg3a: Split reply qterms=%li != %li.",
(long)mr->m_nqt,(long)m_q->getNumTerms() );
return true;
// return if split had an error, but not for a non-critical
// error like query truncation
if ( mr->m_errno && mr->m_errno != EQUERYTRUNCATED ) {
g_errno = mr->m_errno;
m_errno = mr->m_errno;
log("query: msg3a: Split had error: %s",
return true;
// skip down here if reply was already set
// add of the total hits from each split, this is how many
// total results the lastest split is estimated to be able to
// return
// . THIS should now be exact since we read all termlists
// of posdb...
m_numTotalEstimatedHits += mr->m_estimatedHits;
// debug log stuff
if ( ! m_debug ) continue;
// cast these for printing out
long long *docIds = (long long *)mr->ptr_docIds;
score_t *scores = (score_t *)mr->ptr_scores;
// print out every docid in this split reply
for ( long j = 0; j < mr->m_numDocIds ; j++ ) {
// print out score_t
logf( LOG_DEBUG,
"query: msg3a: [%lu] %03li) "
"split=%li docId=%012llu domHash=0x%02lx "
"score=%lu" ,
(unsigned long)this ,
j ,
i ,
docIds [j] ,
(long)scores[j] );
// this seems to always return true!
mergeLists ( );
if ( ! m_r->m_useSeoResultsCache ) return true;
// now cache the reply
SafeBuf cr;
long dataSize = 4 + 4 + 4 + m_numDocIds * (8+4+4);
long need = sizeof(key_t) + 4 + dataSize;
bool status = cr.reserve ( need );
// sanity
if ( ( m_ckey.n0 & 0x01 ) == 0x00 ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// ignore errors
g_errno = 0;
// return on error with g_errno cleared if cache add failed
if ( ! status ) return true;
// add to buf otherwise
cr.safeMemcpy ( &m_ckey , sizeof(key_t) );
cr.safeMemcpy ( &dataSize , 4 );
long now = getTimeGlobal();
cr.pushLong ( now );
cr.pushLong ( m_numDocIds );
cr.pushLong ( m_numTotalEstimatedHits );//Results );
long max = m_numDocIds;
// then the docids
for ( long i = 0 ; i < max ; i++ )
cr.pushLongLong(m_docIds[i] );
for ( long i = 0 ; i < max ; i++ )
for ( long i = 0 ; i < max ; i++ )
// sanity
if ( cr.length() != need ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// make these
key_t startKey;
key_t endKey;
startKey = m_ckey;
// clear delbit
startKey.n0 &= 0xfffffffffffffffeLL;
// end key is us
endKey = m_ckey;
// that is the single record
m_seoCacheList.set ( cr.getBufStart() ,
cr.getBufStart(), // alloc
cr.getCapacity(), // alloc size
(char *)&startKey,
(char *)&endKey,
-1, // fixeddatasize
true, // owndata?
false,// use half keys?
sizeof(key_t) );
// do not allow cr to free it, msg1 will
// note it
//log("seopipe: storing ckey=%s q=%s"
// ,KEYSTR(&m_ckey,12)
// ,m_r->ptr_query
// );
//log("msg1: sending niceness=%li",(long)m_r->m_niceness);
// this will often block, but who cares!? it just sends a request off
if ( ! m_msg1.addList ( &m_seoCacheList ,
this, // state
gotSerpdbReplyWrapper, // callback
false, // forcelocal?
m_r->m_niceness ) ) {
return false;
// we can safely delete m_msg17... just return true
return true;
// . merge all the replies together
// . put final merged docids into m_docIds[],m_bitScores[],m_scores[],...
// . this calls Msg51 to get cluster levels when done merging
// . Msg51 remembers clusterRecs from previous call to avoid repeating lookups
// . returns false if blocked, true otherwise
// . sets g_errno and returns true on error
bool Msg3a::mergeLists ( ) {
// time how long the merge takes
if ( m_debug ) {
logf( LOG_DEBUG, "query: msg3a: --- Final DocIds --- " );
m_startTime = gettimeofdayInMilliseconds();
// reset our final docids count here in case we are a re-call
m_numDocIds = 0;
// a secondary count, how many unique docids we scanned, and not
// necessarily added to the m_docIds[] array
//m_totalDocCount = 0; // long docCount = 0;
m_moreDocIdsAvail = true;
// shortcut
//long numSplits = m_numHosts;//indexdbSplit;
// . point to the various docids, etc. in each split reply
// . tcPtr = term count. how many required query terms does the doc
// have? formerly called topExplicits in IndexTable2.cpp
long long *diPtr [MAX_INDEXDB_SPLIT];
float *rsPtr [MAX_INDEXDB_SPLIT];
key_t *ksPtr [MAX_INDEXDB_SPLIT];
long long *diEnd [MAX_INDEXDB_SPLIT];
for ( long j = 0; j < m_numHosts ; j++ ) {
Msg39Reply *mr =m_reply[j];
// if we have gbdocid:| in query this could be NULL
if ( ! mr ) {
diPtr[j] = NULL;
diEnd[j] = NULL;
rsPtr[j] = NULL;
ksPtr[j] = NULL;
diPtr [j] = (long long *)mr->ptr_docIds;
rsPtr [j] = (float *)mr->ptr_scores;
ksPtr [j] = (key_t *)mr->ptr_clusterRecs;
diEnd [j] = (long long *)(mr->ptr_docIds +
mr->m_numDocIds * 8);
// clear if we had it
if ( m_finalBuf ) {
mfree ( m_finalBuf, m_finalBufSize, "Msg3aF" );
m_finalBuf = NULL;
m_finalBufSize = 0;
// HACK: START section stats merge
long sneed = 0;
for ( long j = 0; j < m_numHosts ; j++ ) {
Msg39Reply *mr = m_reply[j];
if ( ! mr ) continue;
sneed += mr->size_siteHashList/4;
HashTableX dt;
//char tmpBuf[5000];
if (sneed&&!dt.set(4,0,sneed,NULL,0,false,
return true;
for ( long j = 0; sneed && j < m_numHosts ; j++ ) {
Msg39Reply *mr =m_reply[j];
if ( ! mr ) continue;
SectionStats *src = &mr->m_sectionStats;
SectionStats *dst = &m_sectionStats;
dst->m_onSiteDocIds += src->m_onSiteDocIds;
dst->m_offSiteDocIds += src->m_offSiteDocIds;
// now the list should be the unique site hashes that
// had the section hash. we need to uniquify them again
// here.
long *p = (long *)mr->ptr_siteHashList;
long np = mr->size_siteHashList / 4;
for ( long k = 0 ; k < np ; k++ )
// hash it up, no dups!
// update our count based on that
dst->m_numUniqueSites = dt.getNumSlotsUsed();
if ( m_r->m_getSectionStats ) return true;
// HACK: END section stats merge
if ( m_docsToGet <= 0 ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// . how much do we need to store final merged docids, etc.?
// . docid=8 score=4 bitScore=1 clusterRecs=key_t clusterLevls=1
long need = m_docsToGet * (8+4+sizeof(key_t)+sizeof(DocIdScore *)+1);
// allocate it
m_finalBuf = (char *)mmalloc ( need , "finalBuf" );
m_finalBufSize = need;
// g_errno should be set if this fails
if ( ! m_finalBuf ) return true;
// hook into it
char *p = m_finalBuf;
m_docIds = (long long *)p; p += m_docsToGet * 8;
m_scores = (float *)p; p += m_docsToGet * sizeof(float);
m_clusterRecs = (key_t *)p; p += m_docsToGet * sizeof(key_t);
m_clusterLevels = (char *)p; p += m_docsToGet * 1;
m_scoreInfos = (DocIdScore **)p;p+=m_docsToGet*sizeof(DocIdScore *);
// sanity check
char *pend = m_finalBuf + need;
if ( p != pend ) { char *xx = NULL; *xx =0; }
// . now allocate for hash table
// . get at least twice as many slots as docids
HashTableT<long long,char> htable;
// returns false and sets g_errno on error
if ( ! htable.set ( m_docsToGet * 2 ) ) return true;
// hash table for doing site clustering, provided we
// are fully split and we got the site recs now
HashTableT<long long,long> htable2;
if ( m_r->m_doSiteClustering && ! htable2.set ( m_docsToGet * 2 ) )
return true;
// ***MERGE ALL SPLITS INTO m_docIds[], etc.***
// . merge all lists in m_replyDocIds[splitNum]
// . we may be re-called later after m_docsToGet is increased
// if too many docids were clustered/filtered out after the call
// to Msg51.
// the winning docid will be diPtr[maxj]
long maxj = -1;
//Msg39Reply *mr;
long hslot;
// get the next highest-scoring docids from all split lists
for ( long j = 0; j < m_numHosts; j++ ) {
// . skip exhausted lists
// . these both should be NULL if reply was skipped because
// we did a gbdocid:| query
if ( diPtr[j] >= diEnd[j] ) continue;
// compare the score
if ( maxj == -1 ) { maxj = j; continue; }
if ( *rsPtr[j] < *rsPtr[maxj] ) continue;
if ( *rsPtr[j] > *rsPtr[maxj] ){ maxj = j; continue; }
// prefer lower docids on top
if ( *diPtr[j] < *diPtr[maxj] ) { maxj = j; continue;}
if ( maxj == -1 ) {
m_moreDocIdsAvail = false;
goto doneMerge;
// only do this logic if we have clusterdb recs included
if ( m_r->m_doSiteClustering &&
// if the clusterLevel was set to CR_*errorCode* then this key
// will be 0, so in that case, it might have been a not found
// or whatever, so let it through regardless
ksPtr[maxj]->n0 != 0LL &&
ksPtr[maxj]->n1 != 0 ) {
// if family filter on and is adult...
if ( m_r->m_familyFilter &&
g_clusterdb.hasAdultContent((char *)ksPtr[maxj]) )
goto skip;
// get the hostname hash, a long long
long sh = g_clusterdb.getSiteHash26 ((char *)ksPtr[maxj]);
// do we have enough from this hostname already?
long slot = htable2.getSlot ( sh );
// if this hostname already visible, do not over-display it...
if ( slot >= 0 ) {
// get the count
long val = htable2.getValueFromSlot ( slot );
// . if already 2 or more, give up
// . if the site hash is 0, that usually means a
// "not found" in clusterdb, and the accompanying
// cluster level would be set as such, but since we
// did not copy the cluster levels over in the merge
// algo above, we don't know for sure... cluster recs
// are set to 0 in the Msg39.cpp clustering.
if ( sh && val >= 2 ) goto skip;
// inc the count
// store it
htable2.setValue ( slot , val );
// . add it, this should be pre-allocated!
// . returns false and sets g_errno on error
else if ( ! htable2.addKey(sh,1) ) return true;
hslot = htable.getSlot ( *diPtr[maxj] );
// . only add it to the final list if the docid is "unique"
// . BUT since different event ids share the same docid, exception!
if ( hslot < 0 ) {
// always inc this
// only do this if we need more
if ( m_numDocIds < m_docsToGet ) {
// get DocIdScore class for this docid
Msg39Reply *mr = m_reply[maxj];
// point to the array of DocIdScores
DocIdScore *ds = (DocIdScore *)mr->ptr_scoreInfo;
long nds = mr->size_scoreInfo/sizeof(DocIdScore);
DocIdScore *dp = NULL;
for ( long i = 0 ; i < nds ; i++ ) {
if ( ds[i].m_docId != *diPtr[maxj] ) continue;
dp = &ds[i];
// add the max to the final merged lists
m_docIds [m_numDocIds] = *diPtr[maxj];
// wtf?
if ( ! dp ) {
// this is empty if no scoring info
// supplied!
if ( m_r->m_getDocIdScoringInfo )
log("msg3a: CRAP! got empty score "
"info for "
//char *xx=NULL; *xx=0; 261561804684
// qry =
// point to the single DocIdScore for this docid
m_scoreInfos[m_numDocIds] = dp;
// reset this just in case
if ( dp ) {
dp->m_singleScores = NULL;
dp->m_pairScores = NULL;
// now fix DocIdScore::m_pairScores and m_singleScores
// ptrs so they reference into the
// Msg39Reply::ptr_pairScoreBuf and ptr_singleSingleBuf
// like they should. it seems we do not free the
// Msg39Replies so we should be ok referencing them.
if ( dp && dp->m_singlesOffset >= 0 )
dp->m_singleScores =
(SingleScore *)(mr->ptr_singleScoreBuf+
dp->m_singlesOffset) ;
if ( dp && dp->m_pairsOffset >= 0 )
dp->m_pairScores =
(PairScore *)(mr->ptr_pairScoreBuf +
dp->m_pairsOffset );
// turn it into a float, that is what rscore_t is.
// we do this to make it easier for PostQueryRerank.cpp
m_scores [m_numDocIds]=(float)*rsPtr[maxj];
if ( m_r->m_doSiteClustering )
m_clusterRecs[m_numDocIds]= *ksPtr[maxj];
// clear this out
// set this for use below
hslot = m_numDocIds;
// point to next available slot to add to
// if it has ALL the required query terms, count it
//if ( *bsPtr[maxj] & 0x60 ) m_numAbove++;
// . add it, this should be pre-allocated!
// . returns false and sets g_errno on error
if ( ! htable.addKey(*diPtr[maxj],1) ) return true;
// increment the split pointers from which we took the max
// get the next highest docid and add it in
if ( m_numDocIds < m_docsToGet ) goto mergeLoop;
if ( m_debug ) {
// show how long it took
logf( LOG_DEBUG,"query: msg3a: [%lu] merged %li docs from %li "
"splits in %llu ms. "
(unsigned long)this,
m_numDocIds, (long)m_numHosts,
gettimeofdayInMilliseconds() - m_startTime
// show the final merged docids
for ( long i = 0 ; i < m_numDocIds ; i++ ) {
long sh = 0;
if ( m_r->m_doSiteClustering )
sh=g_clusterdb.getSiteHash26((char *)
// print out score_t
logf(LOG_DEBUG,"query: msg3a: [%lu] "
"%03li) merged docId=%012llu "
"score=%.01f hosthash=0x%lx",
(unsigned long)this,
m_docIds [i] ,
(float)m_scores [i] ,
sh );
// if we had a full split, we should have gotten the cluster recs
// from each split already
memset ( m_clusterLevels , CR_OK , m_numDocIds );
return true;
long Msg3a::getStoredSize ( ) {
// docId=8, scores=sizeof(rscore_t), clusterLevel=1 bitScores=1
// eventIds=1
long need = m_numDocIds * ( 8 + sizeof(rscore_t) + 1 ) +
4 + // m_numDocIds
8 ; // m_numTotalEstimatedHits (estimated # of results)
return need;
long Msg3a::serialize ( char *buf , char *bufEnd ) {
char *p = buf;
char *pend = bufEnd;
// store # of docids we have
*(long *)p = m_numDocIds; p += 4;
// estimated # of total hits
*(long *)p = m_numTotalEstimatedHits; p += 8;
// store each docid, 8 bytes each
memcpy ( p , m_docIds , m_numDocIds * 8 ); p += m_numDocIds * 8;
// store scores
memcpy ( p , m_scores , m_numDocIds * sizeof(rscore_t) );
p += m_numDocIds * sizeof(rscore_t) ;
// store cluster levels
memcpy ( p , m_clusterLevels , m_numDocIds ); p += m_numDocIds;
// sanity check
if ( p > pend ) { char *xx = NULL ; *xx = 0; }
// return how much we did
return p - buf;
long Msg3a::deserialize ( char *buf , char *bufEnd ) {
char *p = buf;
char *pend = bufEnd;
// get # of docids we have
m_numDocIds = *(long *)p; p += 4;
// estimated # of total hits
m_numTotalEstimatedHits = *(long *)p; p += 8;
// get each docid, 8 bytes each
m_docIds = (long long *)p; p += m_numDocIds * 8;
// get scores
m_scores = (rscore_t *)p; p += m_numDocIds * sizeof(rscore_t) ;
// get cluster levels
m_clusterLevels = (char *)p; p += m_numDocIds;
// sanity check
if ( p > pend ) { char *xx = NULL ; *xx = 0; }
// return how much we did
return p - buf;
void Msg3a::printTerms ( ) {
// loop over all query terms
long n = m_q->getNumTerms();
// do the loop
for ( long i = 0 ; i < n ; i++ ) {
// get the term in utf8
//char bb[256];
// "s" points to the term, "tid" the termId
//char *s;
//long slen;
//long long tid;
//char buf[2048];
long long tid = m_q->m_qterms[i].m_termId;
char *s = m_q->m_qterms[i].m_term;
long slen = m_q->m_qterms[i].m_termLen;
char c = s[slen];
s[slen] = '\0';
//utf16ToUtf8(bb, 256, s , slen );
//sprintf(buf," termId#%li=%lli",i,tid);
// this term freq is estimated from the rdbmap and
// does not hit disk...
logf(LOG_DEBUG,"query: term #%li \"%s\" (%llu)",i,s,tid);
s[slen] = c;
void setTermFreqWeights ( char *coll,
Query *q ,
long long *termFreqs,
float *termFreqWeights ) {
long long numDocsInColl = 0;
RdbBase *base = getRdbBase ( RDB_CLUSTERDB , coll );
if ( base ) numDocsInColl = base->getNumGlobalRecs();
// issue? set it to 1000 if so
if ( numDocsInColl < 0 ) {
log("query: Got num docs in coll of %lli < 0",numDocsInColl);
// avoid divide by zero below
numDocsInColl = 1;
// now get term freqs again, like the good old days
long long *termIds = q->getTermIds();
// just use rdbmap to estimate!
for ( long i = 0 ; i < q->getNumTerms(); i++ ) {
long long tf = g_posdb.getTermFreq ( coll ,termIds[i]);
if ( termFreqs ) termFreqs[i] = tf;
float tfw = getTermFreqWeight(tf,numDocsInColl);
termFreqWeights[i] = tfw;