2013-09-19 18:21:52 -07:00

2567 lines
76 KiB

// diffbot api implementaion
// WHAT APIs are here?
// . 1. the CrawlBot API to start a crawl
// . 2. To directly process a provided URL (injection)
// . 3. the Cache API so phantomjs can quickly check the cache for files
// and quickly add files to the cache.
// Related pages:
// * (Crawlbot API tab, and others)
// *
#include "TcpServer.h"
#include "HttpRequest.h"
#include "HttpServer.h"
#include "Pages.h" // g_msg
#include "XmlDoc.h" // for checkRegex()
//void printCrawlStats ( SafeBuf *sb , CollectionRec *cr ) ;
void doneSendingWrapper ( void *state , TcpSocket *sock ) ;
bool sendBackDump ( TcpSocket *s,HttpRequest *hr );
//void gotMsg4ReplyWrapper ( void *state ) ;
//bool showAllCrawls ( TcpSocket *s , HttpRequest *hr ) ;
char *getTokenFromHttpRequest ( HttpRequest *hr ) ;
char *getCrawlIdFromHttpRequest ( HttpRequest *hr ) ;
CollectionRec *getCollRecFromHttpRequest ( HttpRequest *hr ) ;
//CollectionRec *getCollRecFromCrawlId ( char *crawlId );
//void printCrawlStatsWrapper ( void *state ) ;
CollectionRec *addNewDiffbotColl ( HttpRequest *hr ) ;
char *g_diffbotFields [] = {
"All", // /api/analyze?mode=auto
"Article (force)", // /api/article
"Article (autodetect)", // /api/analyze?mode=article
"Product (force)",
"Product (autodetect)",
"Image (force)",
"Image (autodetect)",
"FrontPage (force)",
"FrontPage (autodetect)",
// last field must be empty. add new fields above this.
class StateNC {
Msg4 m_msg4;
collnum_t m_collnum;
TcpSocket *m_socket;
class StateXX {
TcpSocket *m_socket;
collnum_t m_collnum;
// . HttpServer.cpp calls handleDiffbotRequest() when it senses
// a diffbot api request, like "GET /api/ *"
// . incoming request format described in
// . use incoming request to create a new collection and set the crawl
// parameters of the collection if it is "/api/startcrawl"
// . url format is like:
// or /api/stopcrawl etc.
// . it does not seem to matter if the handler returns true or false!
bool handleDiffbotRequest ( TcpSocket *s , HttpRequest *hr ) {
// . parse out stuff out of the url call
// . these 3 are required
long tokenLen = 0;
char *token = hr->getString("token",&tokenLen);
// the seed url
char *seed = hr->getString("seed");
// this can be "article" "product" "frontpage" "image"
char *api = hr->getString("api");
// apiQueryString holds the cgi parms to pass to the specific diffbot
// api like /api/article?...<apiQueryString>
char *apiQueryString = hr->getString("apiQueryString",NULL);
// these are regular expressions
char *urlCrawlPattern = hr->getString("urlCrawlPattern",NULL);
char *urlProcessPattern = hr->getString("urlProcessPattern",NULL);
char *pageProcessPattern = hr->getString("pageProcessPattern",NULL);
// this is 1 or 0. if enabled then will only try to
// extract json objects from page types that match "api" page type
// specified above. so if "api" is "product" and a page is identified
// as "image" then no json objects will be extracted.
long classify = hr->getLong("classify",0);
// default to 100,000 pages? max pages successfully downloaded,
// so does not include tcptimeouts, dnstimeouts, but does include
// bad http status codes, like 404.
long long maxCrawled = hr->getLongLong("maxCrawled",100000LL);
// default to 100,000 pages? # of pages SUCCESSFULLY got a reply
// from diffbot for.
long long maxToProcess = hr->getLongLong("maxProcessed",100000LL);
char *id = hr->getString("id",NULL); // crawl id
// start or stop a crawl or download? /api/startcrawl /api/stopcrawl or
// /api/downloadcrawl /api/activecrawls
char *path = hr->getPath();
if ( ! path || strncmp(path,"/api/",5) != 0 ) {
g_errno = EBADREQUEST;
g_msg = " (error: diffbot api path invalid)";
return g_httpServer.sendErrorReply(s,500,"invalid diffbot "
"api path");
#define DB_STOPCRAWL 2
#define DB_CRAWLS 3
long func = 0;
bool hasFormat = hr->hasField("format");
if ( strncmp(path,"/api/startcrawl" ,15) == 0 ) func=DB_STARTCRAWL;
if ( strncmp(path,"/api/stopcrawl" ,14) == 0 ) func=DB_STOPCRAWL;
if ( strncmp(path,"/api/resumecrawl" ,16) == 0 ) func=DB_RESUMECRAWL;
if ( strncmp(path,"/api/crawls" ,11) == 0 ) func=DB_CRAWLS;
if ( strncmp(path,"/api/activecrawls" ,17) == 0 ) func=DB_ACTIVECRAWLS;
if ( strncmp(path,"/api/downloadurls" ,17) == 0 ) func=DB_DOWNLOADURLS;
if ( strncmp(path,"/api/downloadcrawl",18) == 0 ) {
if ( ! hasFormat ) func = DB_DOWNLOADURLS;
if ( ! func ) {
g_errno = EBADREQUEST;
g_msg = " (error: diffbot api command invalid)";
return g_httpServer.sendErrorReply(s,500,"invalid diffbot "
"api command");
// token is not required for /api/activecrawls or stopcrawl, only id
if ( (func == DB_STARTCRAWL ||
func == DB_CRAWLS ) &&
! token ) {
g_errno = EBADREQUEST;
g_msg = " (error: need \"token\" parm)";
return g_httpServer.sendErrorReply(s,500,
"missing \"token\" parm");
if ( (func == DB_STOPCRAWL ||
! id ) {
g_errno = EBADREQUEST;
g_msg = " (error: need \"id\" parm)";
return g_httpServer.sendErrorReply(s,500,
"missing \"id\" parm");
CollectionRec *cr = NULL;
// get collrec
if ( func == DB_STOPCRAWL ||
// the crawlid needs a valid collection
cr = getCollRecFromCrawlId ( id );
// complain if not there
if ( ! cr ) {
g_errno = EBADREQUEST;
g_msg = " (error: invalid diffbot crawl id or token)";
return g_httpServer.sendErrorReply(s,500,"invalid "
"diffbot crawl id "
"or token");
// if stopping crawl...
if ( func == DB_STOPCRAWL ) {
cr->m_spideringEnabled = 0;
char *reply = "{\"reply\":\"success\"}";
return g_httpServer.sendDynamicPage( s,
0, // cacheTime
true, // POSTReply?
// resuming crawl
if ( func == DB_RESUMECRAWL ) {
cr->m_spideringEnabled = 1;
char *reply = "{\"reply\":\"success\"}";
return g_httpServer.sendDynamicPage( s,
0, // cacheTime
true, // POSTReply?
// downloading the urls from spiderdb... sorted by time?
if ( func == DB_DOWNLOADURLS )
return sendBackDump ( s , hr , RDB_SPIDERDB );
return sendBackDump ( s , hr , RDB_TITLEDB );
// viewing crawl stats just for this one collection/crawl
if ( func == DB_ACTIVECRAWLS ) {
// state class in case update blocks
StateXX *sxx;
try { sxx = new (StateXX); }
catch ( ... ) {
g_msg = "(error: no mem for diffbot2)";
return g_httpServer.sendErrorReply(s,500,
mnew ( sxx , sizeof(StateXX), "statexx");
// set this shit
sxx->m_collnum = cr->m_collnum;
sxx->m_socket = s;
// . if blocks then return and wait for callback 2 be called
// . set useCache to false to get semi-exact stats
if ( ! updateCrawlInfo ( cr ,
sxx ,
printCrawlStatsWrapper ,
false ))
return false;
// it did not block, so call wrapper directly
printCrawlStatsWrapper ( sxx );
// all done
return true;
// show stats of ALL crawls done by this token
if ( func == DB_CRAWLS )
return showAllCrawls ( s , hr );
// at this point they must be starting a new other cmds remain
if ( func != DB_STARTCRAWL ) {
g_errno = EBADREQUEST;
g_msg = " (error: diffbot api command invalid)";
return g_httpServer.sendErrorReply(s,500,"invalid diffbot "
"api command");
// SUPPORT FOR GET /api/startcrawl
// Adds a new CollectionRec, injects the seed url into it, and
// turns spidering on.
if ( ! seed ) {
g_errno = EBADREQUEST;
g_msg = " (error: need seed parm)";
return g_httpServer.sendErrorReply(s,500,"need seed parm");
if ( ! api ) {
g_errno = EBADREQUEST;
g_msg = " (error: need seed api)";
return g_httpServer.sendErrorReply(s,500,"need api parm");
// sanity
if ( gbstrlen(seed)+1 >= MAX_URL_LEN ) {
g_errno = EBADREQUEST;
g_msg = " (error: seed url too long)";
return g_httpServer.sendErrorReply(s,500,"seed url must "
"be less than 1023 "
// make sure the provided regular expressions compile ok
SafeBuf sb;
bool boolVal;
bool boolValValid;
long compileError;
// test the url crawl pattern
sb.set ( urlCrawlPattern );
checkRegex (&sb,"x",&boolVal,&boolValValid,&compileError,cr);
if ( compileError ) {
g_errno = EBADREQUEST;
g_msg = "(error: bad url crawl pattern)";
return g_httpServer.sendErrorReply(s,500,
"bad url crawl pattern");
// test the url process pattern
sb.set ( urlProcessPattern );
checkRegex (&sb,"x",&boolVal,&boolValValid,&compileError,cr);
if ( compileError ) {
g_errno = EBADREQUEST;
g_msg = "(error: bad url process pattern)";
return g_httpServer.sendErrorReply(s,500,
"bad url process pattern");
// test the page process pattern
sb.set ( pageProcessPattern );
checkRegex (&sb,"x",&boolVal,&boolValValid,&compileError,cr);
if ( compileError ) {
g_errno = EBADREQUEST;
g_msg = "(error: bad page process pattern)";
return g_httpServer.sendErrorReply(s,500,
"bad page process pattern");
// crap we need a new state: NC = New Collection state
// because we do a msg4 below that could block...
StateNC *nc;
try { nc = new (StateNC); }
catch ( ... ) {
g_msg = "(error: no mem for diffbot)";
return g_httpServer.sendErrorReply(s,500,mstrerror(g_errno));
mnew ( nc , sizeof(StateNC), "statenc");
// let's create a new crawl id. dan was making it 32 characters
// with 4 hyphens in it for a total of 36 bytes, but since
// MAX_COLL_LEN, the maximum length of a collection name, is just
// 64 bytes, and the token is already 32, let's limit to 16 bytes
// for the crawlerid. so if we print that out in hex, 16 hex chars
// 0xffffffff 0xffffffff is 64 bits. so let's make a random 64-bit
// value here.
unsigned long r1 = rand();
unsigned long r2 = rand();
unsigned long long crawlId64 = (unsigned long long) r1;
crawlId64 <<= 32;
crawlId64 |= r2;
// the name of the new collection we are creating for this crawl
// will be <tokenId>-<crawlId>. if it is a "test" crawl as
// specified as an option in the diffbot crawlbot api page,
// then make it <tokenId>-<crawlId>-test. Test crawls do not index,
// they only crawl.
char collBuf[MAX_COLL_LEN+1];
// include a +5 for "-test"
// include 16 for crawlid (16 char hex #)
if ( tokenLen + 16 + 5>= MAX_COLL_LEN ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0;}
char *testStr = "";
//if ( cr->m_isDiffbotTestCrawl ) testStr = "-test";
// ensure the crawlid is the full 16 characters long so we
// can quickly extricate the crawlid from the collection name
// . make a new collection! "cr" is the collectionRec.
// . collection Name is the crawl id
if ( ! g_collectiondb.addRec ( collBuf ,
NULL , // copy from
0 , // copy from len
true , // it is a brand new one
-1 , // we are new, this is -1
false , // is NOT a dump
true // save it for sure!
) ) {
log("diffbot: failed to add new coll rec");
g_msg = " (error: diffbot failed to allocate crawl)";
return g_httpServer.sendErrorReply(s,500,"diffbot crawl "
"alloc failed?");
// get the collrec
cr = g_collectiondb.getRec ( collBuf );
// did an alloc fail?
if ( ! cr ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// noralize the seed url
Url norm;
norm.set ( seed );
cr->m_diffbotSeed.set ( norm.getUrl() );
// these must be there too
//cr->m_diffbotToken.set ( token );
cr->m_diffbotApi.set ( api );
// these are optional, may be NULL
cr->m_diffbotApiQueryString.set ( apiQueryString );
cr->m_diffbotUrlCrawlPattern.set ( urlCrawlPattern );
cr->m_diffbotUrlProcessPattern.set ( urlProcessPattern );
cr->m_diffbotPageProcessPattern.set ( pageProcessPattern );
cr->m_diffbotClassify = classify;
// let's make these all NULL terminated strings
// do not spider more than this many urls total. -1 means no max.
cr->m_diffbotMaxToCrawl = maxCrawled;
// do not process more than this. -1 means no max.
cr->m_diffbotMaxToProcess = maxToProcess;
// reset the crawl stats
cr->m_diffbotCrawlStartTime = gettimeofdayInMillisecondsGlobal();
cr->m_diffbotCrawlEndTime = 0LL;
// reset crawler stats. they should be loaded from crawlinfo.txt
memset ( &cr->m_localCrawlInfo , 0 , sizeof(CrawlInfo) );
memset ( &cr->m_globalCrawlInfo , 0 , sizeof(CrawlInfo) );
//cr->m_globalCrawlInfoUpdateTime = 0;
cr->m_replies = 0;
cr->m_requests = 0;
// support current web page api i guess for test crawls
//cr->m_isDiffbotTestCrawl = false;
//char *strange = hr->getString("href",NULL);
//if ( strange && strcmp ( strange,"/dev/crawl#testCrawl" ) == 0 )
// cr->m_isDiffbotTestCrawl = true;
// extra diffbot ARTICLE parms
// . ppl mostly use meta, html and tags.
// . dropping support for dontStripAds. mike is ok with that.
// . use for jsonp requests. needed for cross-domain ajax.
//char *callback = hr->getString("callback",NULL);
// a download timeout
//long timeout = hr->getLong("timeout",5000);
// "xml" or "json"
char *format = hr->getString("format",NULL,"json");
// save that
// return all content from page? for frontpage api.
// TODO: can we put "all" into "fields="?
//bool all = hr->hasField("all");
// specify diffbot fields to return in the json output
// point to the safebuf that holds the fields the user wants to
// extract from each url. comma separated list of supported diffbot
// fields like "meta","tags", ...
SafeBuf *f = &cr->m_diffbotFields;
// transcribe provided fields if any
char *fields = hr->getString("fields",NULL);
// appends those to our field buf
if ( fields ) f->safeStrcpy(fields);
// if something there push a comma in case we add more below
if ( f->length() ) f->pushChar(',');
// return contents of the page's meta tags? twitter card metadata, ..
if ( hr->hasField("meta" ) ) f->safeStrcpy("meta,");
if ( hr->hasField("html" ) ) f->safeStrcpy("html,");
if ( hr->hasField("tags" ) ) f->safeStrcpy("tags,");
if ( hr->hasField("comments") ) f->safeStrcpy("comments,");
if ( hr->hasField("summary" ) ) f->safeStrcpy("summary,");
if ( hr->hasField("all" ) ) f->safeStrcpy("all,");
// if we added crap to "fields" safebuf remove trailing comma
// set some defaults. max spiders for all priorities in this collection
cr->m_maxNumSpiders = 10;
// make the gigablast regex table just "default" so it does not
// filtering, but accepts all urls. we will add code to pass the urls
// through m_diffbotUrlCrawlPattern alternatively. if that itself
// is empty, we will just restrict to the seed urls subdomain.
for ( long i = 0 ; i < MAX_FILTERS ; i++ ) {
cr->m_spiderPriorities[i] = 0;
cr->m_maxSpidersPerRule [i] = 10;
cr->m_spiderIpWaits [i] = 250; // 250 ms for now
cr->m_spiderIpMaxSpiders[i] = 10;
cr->m_spidersEnabled [i] = 1;
cr->m_spiderFreqs [i] = 7.0;
// by default to not spider image or movie links or
// links with /print/ in them
long i = 0;
cr->m_spiderPriorities[i] = SPIDER_PRIORITY_FILTERED;
cr->m_spiderPriorities[i] = SPIDER_PRIORITY_FILTERED;
cr->m_spiderPriorities[i] = SPIDER_PRIORITY_FILTERED;
cr->m_spiderPriorities[i] = SPIDER_PRIORITY_FILTERED;
cr->m_spiderPriorities[i] = SPIDER_PRIORITY_FILTERED;
cr->m_spiderPriorities[i] = SPIDER_PRIORITY_FILTERED;
cr->m_spiderPriorities[i] = SPIDER_PRIORITY_FILTERED;
cr->m_spiderPriorities[i] = SPIDER_PRIORITY_FILTERED;
cr->m_spiderPriorities[i] = SPIDER_PRIORITY_FILTERED;
cr->m_spiderPriorities[i] = SPIDER_PRIORITY_FILTERED;
cr->m_spiderPriorities[i] = SPIDER_PRIORITY_FILTERED;
// if user did not specify a url crawl pattern then keep
// the crawl limited to the same subdomain of the seed url
if ( cr->m_diffbotUrlCrawlPattern.length() == 0 ) {
// first limit to http://subdomain
cr->m_spiderPriorities [i] = 50;
cr->m_maxSpidersPerRule [i] = 10;
cr->m_spiderIpWaits [i] = 250; // 500 ms for now
cr->m_spiderIpMaxSpiders[i] = 10;
cr->m_spidersEnabled [i] = 1;
// then include HTTPS
cr->m_spiderPriorities [i] = 50;
cr->m_maxSpidersPerRule [i] = 10;
cr->m_spiderIpWaits [i] = 250; // 500 ms for now
cr->m_spiderIpMaxSpiders[i] = 10;
cr->m_spidersEnabled [i] = 1;
// and make all else filtered
cr->m_spiderPriorities [i] = SPIDER_PRIORITY_FILTERED;
cr->m_maxSpidersPerRule [i] = 10;
cr->m_spiderIpWaits [i] = 250; // 500 ms for now
cr->m_spiderIpMaxSpiders[i] = 10;
cr->m_spidersEnabled [i] = 1;
else {
cr->m_spiderPriorities [i] = 50;
cr->m_maxSpidersPerRule [i] = 10;
cr->m_spiderIpWaits [i] = 250; // 500 ms for now
cr->m_spiderIpMaxSpiders[i] = 10;
cr->m_spidersEnabled [i] = 1;
// just the default rule!
cr->m_numRegExs = i;
cr->m_numRegExs2 = i;
cr->m_numRegExs3 = i;
cr->m_numRegExs10 = i;
cr->m_numRegExs5 = i;
cr->m_numRegExs6 = i;
cr->m_numRegExs7 = i;
//cr->m_spiderPriorities [1] = -1; // filtered? or banned?
//cr->m_maxSpidersPerRule [1] = 10;
//cr->m_spiderIpWaits [1] = 500; // 500 ms for now
cr->m_needsSave = 1;
// start the spiders!
cr->m_spideringEnabled = true;
// and global spider must be on...
// do not turn it off on shutdown i guess, too
g_conf.m_spideringEnabled = true;
// . add the seed url to spiderdb
// . make a "meta" list to add to spiderdb using msg4 below
SafeBuf listBuf;
listBuf.pushChar ( RDB_SPIDERDB );
SpiderRequest sreq;
// constructor does not use reset i guess so we must call it
// string ptr
char *url = cr->m_diffbotSeed.getBufStart();
// use this as the url
strcpy( sreq.m_url, url );
// parentdocid of 0
long firstIp = hash32n ( url );
if ( firstIp == -1 || firstIp == 0 ) firstIp = 1;
sreq.setKey( firstIp,0LL, false );
sreq.m_isInjecting = 0;
sreq.m_isPageInject = 0;
sreq.m_hopCount = 0;
sreq.m_hopCountValid = 1;
sreq.m_fakeFirstIp = 1;
sreq.m_firstIp = firstIp;
// store it into list to add to spiderdb
listBuf.safeMemcpy ( (char *)&sreq , sreq.getRecSize() );
// allow search queries to take precedence over this operation.
// otherwise, we'd make it niceness 0.
long niceness = 1;
Msg4 *m4 = &nc->m_msg4;
// save this in our state
nc->m_collnum = cr->m_collnum;
nc->m_socket = s;
if ( m4->addMetaList ( listBuf.getBufStart(),
listBuf.length() ,
// add spiderrequest to our new coll name
nc ,
gotMsg4ReplyWrapper ,
niceness ) ) {
// i guess it did not block
gotMsg4ReplyWrapper ( nc );
return true;
// it blocked
return false;
// . come here after the SpiderRequest was added to Spiderdb
// . just transmit back the crawlerid, just like dan does now
void gotMsg4ReplyWrapper ( void *state ) {
// cast it
StateNC *nc = (StateNC *)state;
// get the special ptr we hid in there
CollectionRec *cr = g_collectiondb.getRec(nc->m_collnum);
// the crawlid is the last 16 characters of the collection name
char *crawlIdStr = cr->m_coll + cr->m_collLen - 16;
// get it
TcpSocket *socket = nc->m_socket;
// nuke it
delete nc;
mdelete ( nc , sizeof(StateNC) , "stnc" );
// httpserver.cpp copies the reply so don't worry that it is on
// the stack
//char reply[128];
//sprintf(reply,"%016llx", crawlIdStr );
// we successfully started the crawl...
g_httpServer.sendDynamicPage ( socket ,
gbstrlen(crawlIdStr) );
// We ask each shard for 10MB of Spiderdb records. If 10MB was returned
// then we repeat. Everytime we get 10MB from each shard we print the
// Spiderdb records out into "safebuf" and transmit it to the user. once
// the buffer has been transmitted then we ask the shards for another 10MB
// worth of spider records.
// use this as a state while dumping out spiderdb for a collection
class StateCD {
StateCD () { m_needsMime = true; };
void sendBackDump2 ( ) ;
void readDataFromRdb ( ) ;
void gotRdbList ( ) ;
void printSpiderdbList ( RdbList *list , SafeBuf *sb , char *format ) ;
void printTitledbList ( RdbList *list , SafeBuf *sb , char *format ) ;
bool m_needsMime;
char m_rdbId;
bool m_downloadJSON;
collnum_t m_collnum;
long m_numRequests;
long m_numReplies;
long m_minRecSizes;
bool m_someoneNeedsMore;
TcpSocket *m_socket;
Msg0 m_msg0s[MAX_HOSTS];
key128_t m_spiderdbStartKeys[MAX_HOSTS];
key_t m_titledbStartKeys[MAX_HOSTS];
RdbList m_lists[MAX_HOSTS];
bool m_needMore[MAX_HOSTS];
// . basically dump out spiderdb
// . returns urls in csv format in reply to a "GET /api/downloadcrawl "
// . the ordering of the urls is not specified so whatever order they are
// in spiderdb will do
// . the gui that lists the urls as they are spidered in real time when you
// do a test crawl will just have to call this repeatedly. it shouldn't
// be too slow because of disk caching, and, most likely, the spider requests
// will all be in spiderdb's rdbtree any how
// . because we are distributed we have to send a msg0 request to each
// shard/group asking for all the spider urls. dan says 30MB is typical
// for a csv file, so for now we will just try to do a single spiderdb
// request.
bool sendBackDump ( TcpSocket *s, HttpRequest *hr ) {
CollectionRec *cr = getCollRecFromHttpRequest ( hr );
if ( ! cr ) {
char *msg = "token or id (crawlid) invalid";
log("crawlbot: invalid token or crawlid to dump");
return true;
char *path = hr->getPath();
char rdbId = RDB_NONE;
bool downloadJSON = false;
if ( strncmp ( path ,"/crawlbot/downloadurls",22 ) == 0 )
if ( strncmp ( path ,"/crawlbot/downloadpages",23 ) == 0 )
if ( strncmp ( path ,"/crawlbot/downloadobjects",25 ) == 0 ) {
downloadJSON = true;
// sanity, must be one of 3 download calls
if ( rdbId == RDB_NONE ) {
char *msg ;
msg = "usage: downloadurls, downloadpages, downloadobjects";
log("crawlbot: %s",msg);
return true;
StateCD *st;
try { st = new (StateCD); }
catch ( ... ) {
return g_httpServer.sendErrorReply(s,500,mstrerror(g_errno));
mnew ( st , sizeof(StateCD), "statecd");
// initialize the new state
st->m_rdbId = rdbId;
st->m_downloadJSON = downloadJSON;
st->m_socket = s;
// the name of the collections whose spiderdb we read from
st->m_collnum = cr->m_collnum;
// begin the possible segmented process of sending back spiderdb
// to the user's browser
// i dont think this return values matters at all since httpserver.cpp
// does not look at it when it calls sendReply()
return true;
void StateCD::sendBackDump2 ( ) {
m_numRequests = 0;
m_numReplies = 0;
// read 10MB from each shard's spiderdb at a time
m_minRecSizes = 9999999;
// we stop reading from all shards when this becomes false
m_someoneNeedsMore = true;
// initialize the spiderdb startkey "cursor" for each shard's spiderdb
for ( long i = 0 ; i < g_hostdb.m_numGroups ; i++ ) {
m_needMore[i] = true;
KEYMIN((char *)&m_spiderdbStartKeys[i],sizeof(key128_t));
KEYMIN((char *)&m_titledbStartKeys[i],sizeof(key_t));
// begin reading from each shard and sending the spiderdb records
// over the network
readDataFromRdb ( );
void gotRdbListWrapper ( void *state ) ;
void StateCD::readDataFromRdb ( ) {
// set end key to max key. we are limiting using m_minRecSizes for this
key128_t ek; KEYMAX((char *)&ek,sizeof(key128_t));
CollectionRec *cr = g_collectiondb.getRec(m_collnum);
// launch one request to each shard
for ( long i = 0 ; i < g_hostdb.m_numGroups ; i++ ) {
// count it
// this is the least nice. crawls will yield to it mostly.
long niceness = 0;
// point to right startkey
char *sk ;
if ( m_rdbId == RDB_SPIDERDB )
sk = (char *)&m_spiderdbStartKeys[i];
sk = (char *)&m_titledbStartKeys[i];
// get host
Host *h = g_hostdb.getLiveHostInGroup(i);
// msg0 uses multicast in case one of the hosts in a shard is
// dead or dies during this call.
if ( ! m_msg0s[i].getList ( h->m_hostId , // use multicast
0, // maxcacheage
false, // addtocache?
(char *)&ek,
// get at most about
// "minRecSizes" worth of spiderdb
// records
gotRdbListWrapper ,
niceness ) )
// continue if it blocked
// we got a reply back right away...
// all done? return if still waiting on more msg0s to get their data
if ( m_numReplies < m_numRequests ) return;
// done i guess, print and return
void gotRdbListWrapper ( void *state ) {
// get the Crawler dump State
StateCD *st = (StateCD *)state;
void StateCD::gotRdbList ( ) {
// get the Crawler dump State
// inc it
// return if still awaiting more replies
if ( m_numReplies < m_numRequests ) return;
SafeBuf sb;
// . if we haven't yet sent an http mime back to the user
// then do so here, the content-length will not be in there
// because we might have to call for more spiderdb data
if ( m_needsMime ) {
HttpMime mime;
mime.makeMime ( -1, // totel content-lenght is unknown!
0 , // do not cache (cacheTime)
0 , // lastModified
0 , // offset
-1 , // bytesToSend
NULL , // ext
false, // POSTReply
"text/csv", // contenttype
"utf-8" , // charset
-1 , // httpstatus
NULL ); //cookie
sb.safeMemcpy(mime.getMime(),mime.getMimeLen() );
CollectionRec *cr = g_collectiondb.getRec ( m_collnum );
// we set this to true below if any one shard has more spiderdb
// records left to read
m_someoneNeedsMore = false;
// got all replies... create the HTTP reply and send it back
for ( long i = 0 ; i < g_hostdb.m_numGroups ; i++ ) {
if ( ! m_needMore[i] ) continue;
// get the list from that group
RdbList *list = &m_lists[i];
// get the format
char *format = cr->m_diffbotFormat.getBufStart();
if ( cr->m_diffbotFormat.length() <= 0 ) format = NULL;
char *ek = list->getEndKey();
// now print the spiderdb list out into "sb"
if ( m_rdbId == RDB_SPIDERDB ) {
// print SPIDERDB list into "sb"
printSpiderdbList ( list , &sb , format );
// update spiderdb startkey for this shard
KEYSET((char *)&m_spiderdbStartKeys[i],ek,
// advance by 1
m_spiderdbStartKeys[i] += 1;
if ( m_rdbId == RDB_TITLEDB ) {
// print TITLEDB list into "sb"
printTitledbList ( list , &sb , format );
// update titledb startkey for this shard
KEYSET((char *)&m_titledbStartKeys[i],ek,
// advance by 1
m_titledbStartKeys[i] += 1;
// should we try to read more?
m_needMore[i] = false;
if ( list->m_listSize >= m_minRecSizes ) {
m_needMore[i] = true;
m_someoneNeedsMore = true;
// if first time, send it back
if ( m_needsMime ) {
// only do once
m_needsMime = false;
// start the send process
TcpServer *tcp = &g_httpServer.m_tcp;
if ( ! tcp->sendMsg ( m_socket ,
sb.getBufStart(), // sendBuf ,
sb.getCapacity(),//sendBufSize ,
sb.length(),//sendBufSize ,
sb.length(), // msgtotalsize
this , // data for callback
doneSendingWrapper ) ) { // callback
// do not free sendbuf we are transmitting it
// error?
//TcpSocket *s = m_socket;
// sometimes it does not block and is successful
if ( ! g_errno ) sb.detachBuf();
// nuke state
delete this;
mdelete ( this , sizeof(StateCD) , "stcd" );
if ( g_errno )
log("diffbot: tcp sendmsg did not block. error: %s",
return ;
// if nothing to send back we are done. return true since we
// did not block sending back.
if ( sb.length() == 0 ) return;
// put socket in sending-again mode
m_socket->m_sendBuf = sb.getBufStart();
m_socket->m_sendBufSize = sb.getCapacity();
m_socket->m_sendBufUsed = sb.length();
m_socket->m_sendOffset = 0;
m_socket->m_totalSent = 0;
m_socket->m_totalToSend = sb.length();
// tell TcpServer.cpp to send this latest buffer! HACK!
m_socket->m_sockState = ST_SEND_AGAIN;
// do not let safebuf free this, we will take care of it
// . when it is done sending call this callback, don't hang up!
// . if m_someoneNeedsMore is false then this callback should just
// destroy the socket and delete "this"
m_socket->m_callback = doneSendingWrapper;
m_socket->m_state = this;
// we blocked sending back
// TcpServer.cpp calls this when done sending TcpSocket's m_sendBuf
void doneSendingWrapper ( void *state , TcpSocket *sock ) {
StateCD *st = (StateCD *)state;
TcpSocket *socket = st->m_socket;
// free the old sendbuf then i guess since we might replace it
// in the above function.
mfree ( socket->m_sendBuf ,
socket->m_sendBufSize ,
// in case we have nothing to send back do not let socket free
// what we just freed above. it'll core.
socket->m_sendBuf = NULL;
// all done?
if ( st->m_someoneNeedsMore ) {
// . read more from spiderdb from one or more shards
// . will also put into socket's write buf and set
// TcpSocket::m_sockState to ST_SEND_AGAIN so that
// TcpServer.cpp resumes the sending process and does not
// destroy the socket
// delete that state
delete st;
mdelete ( st , sizeof(StateCD) , "stcd" );
void StateCD::printSpiderdbList ( RdbList *list , SafeBuf *sb , char *format) {
// declare these up here
SpiderRequest *sreq = NULL;
SpiderReply *srep = NULL;
long long lastUh48 = 0LL;
long long prevReplyUh48 = 0LL;
long prevReplyError = 0;
time_t prevReplyDownloadTime = 0LL;
// parse through it
for ( ; ! list->isExhausted() ; list->skipCurrentRec() ) {
// this record is either a SpiderRequest or SpiderReply
char *rec = list->getCurrentRec();
// we encounter the spiderreplies first then the
// spiderrequests for the same url
if ( g_spiderdb.isSpiderReply ( (key128_t *)rec ) ) {
srep = (SpiderReply *)rec;
sreq = NULL;
prevReplyUh48 = srep->getUrlHash48();
// 0 means indexed successfully. not sure if
// this includes http status codes like 404 etc.
// i don't think it includes those types of errors!
prevReplyError = srep->m_errCode;
prevReplyDownloadTime = srep->m_spideredTime;
// ok, we got a spider request
sreq = (SpiderRequest *)rec;
// sanity check
if ( srep && srep->getUrlHash48() != sreq->getUrlHash48()){
log("diffbot: had a spider reply with no "
"corresponding spider request for uh48=%lli"
, srep->getUrlHash48());
//char *xx=NULL;*xx=0;
// print the url if not yet printed
long long uh48 = sreq->getUrlHash48 ();
bool printIt = false;
// there can be multiple spiderrequests for the same url!
if ( lastUh48 != uh48 ) printIt = true;
if ( ! printIt ) continue;
lastUh48 = uh48;
// debug point
//if ( strstr(sreq->m_url,"chief") )
// log("hey");
// 1 means spidered, 0 means not spidered, -1 means error
long status = 1;
// if unspidered, then we don't match the prev reply
// so set "status" to 0 to indicate hasn't been
// downloaded yet.
if ( lastUh48 != prevReplyUh48 ) status = 0;
// if it matches, perhaps an error spidering it?
if ( status && prevReplyError ) status = -1;
// use the time it was added to spiderdb if the url
// was not spidered
time_t time = sreq->m_addedTime;
// if it was spidered, successfully or got an error,
// then use the time it was spidered
if ( status ) time = prevReplyDownloadTime;
char *msg = "Successfully Crawled";
if ( status == 0 ) msg = "Unexamined";
if ( status == -1 ) msg = mstrerror(prevReplyError);
// "csv" is default if json not specified
if ( format && strcmp(format,"json")==0 )
, sreq->m_url
// when was it first added to spiderdb?
, sreq->m_addedTime
, status
, msg
// but default to csv
, sreq->m_url
// when was it first added to spiderdb?
, sreq->m_addedTime
, status
, msg
//, iptoa(sreq->m_firstIp)
void StateCD::printTitledbList ( RdbList *list , SafeBuf *sb , char *format ) {
XmlDoc xd;
CollectionRec *cr = g_collectiondb.getRec ( m_collnum );
// parse through it
for ( ; ! list->isExhausted() ; list->skipCurrentRec() ) {
// this record is either a SpiderRequest or SpiderReply
char *rec = list->getCurrentRec();
// skip ifnegative
if ( (rec[0] & 0x01) == 0x00 ) continue;
// uncompress it
if ( ! xd.set2 ( rec ,
0, // maxSize unused
cr->m_coll ,
NULL , // ppbuf
0 , // niceness
NULL ) ) { // spiderRequest
log("diffbot: error setting titlerec in dump");
// must be of type json to be a diffbot json object
if ( m_downloadJSON && xd.m_contentType != CT_JSON ) continue;
// or if downloading web pages...
if ( ! m_downloadJSON ) {
// skip if json object content type
if ( xd.m_contentType == CT_JSON ) continue;
// . just print the cached page
// . size should include the \0
sb->safeStrcpy ( xd.m_firstUrl.m_url);
// then \n
// then page content
sb->safeStrcpy ( xd.ptr_utf8Content );
// null term just in case
// separate pages with \0 i guess
// \n
// skip if not a diffbot json url
if ( ! xd.m_isDiffbotJSONObject ) continue;
// get the json content
char *json = xd.ptr_utf8Content;
// just print that out. encode \n's and \r's back to \\n \\r
// and backslash to a \\ ...
// but if they originally had a \u<backslash> encoding and
// we made into utf8, do not put that back into the \u
// encoding because it is not necessary.
if ( ! sb->safeStrcpyPrettyJSON ( json ) )
log("diffbot: error printing json in dump");
// separate each JSON object with \n i guess
// SUPPORT FOR GET /api/crawls and /api/activecrawls
// Just scan each collection record whose collection name includes the
// provided "token" of the user. then print out the stats of just
// example output for
// [{"id":"c421f09d-7c31-4131-9da2-21e35d8130a9","finish":1378233585887,"matched":274,"status":"Stopped","start":1378233159848,"token":"matt","parameterMap":{"token":"matt","seed":"","api":"article"},"crawled":274}]
// example output from activecrawls?id=....
// {"id":"b7df5d33-3fe5-4a6c-8ad4-dad495b586cd","finish":null,"matched":27,"status":"Crawling","start":1378322184332,"token":"matt","parameterMap":{"token":"matt","seed":"","api":"article"},"crawled":34}
// NOTE: it does not seem to include active crawls! bad!! like if you lost
// the crawlid...
// "cr" is NULL if showing all crawls!
bool showAllCrawls ( TcpSocket *s , HttpRequest *hr ) {
long tokenLen = 0;
char *token = hr->getString("token",&tokenLen);
// token MUST be there because this function's caller checked for it
if ( ! token ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// store the crawl stats as html into "sb"
SafeBuf sb;
// scan the collection recs
for ( long i = 0 ; i < g_collectiondb.m_numRecs ; i++ ) {
// get it
CollectionRec *cr = g_collectiondb.m_recs[i];
// skip if empty
if ( ! cr ) continue;
// get name
char *coll = cr->m_coll;
//long collLen = cr->m_collLen;
// skip if first 16 or whatever characters does not match
// the user token because the name of a collection is
if ( coll[0] != token[0] ) continue;
if ( coll[1] != token[1] ) continue;
if ( coll[2] != token[2] ) continue;
// scan the rest
bool match = true;
for ( long i = 3 ; coll[i] && token[i] ; i++ ) {
// the name of a collection is <TOKEN>-<CRAWLID>
// so if we hit the hyphen we are done
if ( coll[i] == '-' ) break;
if ( coll[i] != token[i] ) { match = false; break; }
if ( ! match ) continue;
// we got a match, print them out
printCrawlStats ( &sb , cr );
// and send back now
return g_httpServer.sendDynamicPage (s, sb.getBufStart(),
-1);// cachetime
char *getTokenFromHttpRequest ( HttpRequest *hr ) {
// provided directly?
char *token = hr->getString("token",NULL,NULL);
if ( token ) return token;
// extract token from coll?
char *c = hr->getString("c",NULL,NULL);
if ( ! c ) return NULL;
CollectionRec *cr = g_collectiondb.getRec(c);
if ( ! cr ) return NULL;
if ( cr->m_diffbotToken.length() <= 0 ) return NULL;
token = cr->m_diffbotToken.getBufStart();
return token;
CollectionRec *getCollRecFromHttpRequest ( HttpRequest *hr ) {
// if we have the collection name explicitly, get the coll rec then
char *c = hr->getString("c",NULL,NULL);
if ( c ) return g_collectiondb.getRec ( c );
// otherwise, get it from token/crawlid
char *token = getTokenFromHttpRequest( hr );
for ( long i = 0 ; i < g_collectiondb.m_numRecs ; i++ ) {
CollectionRec *cr = g_collectiondb.m_recs[i];
if ( ! cr ) continue;
if ( strcmp ( cr->m_diffbotToken.getBufStart(),token)==0 )
return cr;
// no matches
return NULL;
// doesn't have to be fast, so just do a scan
CollectionRec *getCollRecFromCrawlId ( char *crawlId ) {
long idLen = gbstrlen(crawlId);
// scan collection names
for ( long i = 0 ; i < g_collectiondb.m_numRecs ; i++ ) {
// get it
CollectionRec *cr = g_collectiondb.m_recs[i];
// skip if empty
if ( ! cr ) continue;
// get name
char *coll = cr->m_coll;
long collLen = cr->m_collLen;
if ( collLen < 16 ) continue;
// skip if first 16 or whatever characters does not match
// the user token because the name of a collection is
if ( coll[collLen-1] != crawlId[idLen-1] ) continue;
if ( coll[collLen-2] != crawlId[idLen-2] ) continue;
if ( coll[collLen-3] != crawlId[idLen-3] ) continue;
if ( ! strstr ( coll , crawlId ) ) continue;
return cr;
return NULL;
void printCrawlStatsWrapper ( void *state ) {
StateXX *sxx = (StateXX *)state;
// get collection rec
CollectionRec *cr = g_collectiondb.getRec(sxx->m_collnum);
// print out the crawl
SafeBuf sb;
printCrawlStats ( &sb , cr );
// save before nuking state
TcpSocket *sock = sxx->m_socket;
// nuke the state
delete sxx;
mdelete ( sxx , sizeof(StateXX) , "stxx" );
// and send back now
g_httpServer.sendDynamicPage ( sock ,
-1 ); // cachetime
void printCrawlStats ( SafeBuf *sb , CollectionRec *cr ) {
// if we are the first, print a '[' to start a json thingy
if ( sb->length() == 0 )
// otherwise, remove the previous ']' since we are not the last
else {
char *p = sb->getBufStart();
long plen = sb->length();
if ( p[plen-1]=='[' )
sb->safePrintf( "{"
// get the token from coll name
char *token = cr->m_coll;
// and the length, up to the hyphen that separates it from crawl id
long tokenLen = 0;
for ( ; token[tokenLen] && token[tokenLen] != '-' ; tokenLen++ );
// now crawl id
char *crawlId = token + tokenLen;
// skip hyphen
if ( crawlId[0] == '-' ) crawlId++;
// print crawl id out
sb->safeStrcpy ( crawlId );
// end its quote
sb->safeStrcpy ( "\",");
// now the time the crawl finished.
if ( cr->m_spideringEnabled )
// how many urls we handoff to diffbot api. that implies successful
// download and that it matches the url crawl pattern and
// url process pattern and content regular expression pattern.
// NOTE: pageProcessAttempts can be higher than m_pageDownloadAttempts
// when we call getMetaList() on an *old* (in titledb) xmldoc,
// where we just get the cached content from titledb to avoid a
// download, but we still call getDiffbotReply(). perhaps reconstruct
// the diffbot reply from XmlDoc::m_diffbotJSONCount
// "processed" here corresponds to the "maxProcessed" cgi parm
// specified when instantiating the crawl parms for the first time.
// likewise "crawled" corresponds to "maxCrawled"
// how many spiders outstanding for this coll right now?
SpiderColl *sc = g_spiderCache.getSpiderColl(cr->m_collnum);
long spidersOut = sc->getTotalOutstandingSpiders();
// . status of the crawl: "Stopped" or "Active"?
// . TODO: check with dan to see if Active is correct and
// ShuttingDown is allowable
if ( cr->m_spideringEnabled )
else if ( spidersOut )
// spider crawl start time
// the token
// BEGIN parameter map
// the token again
// the seed url
// the api
// END parameter map
// crawl count. counts non-errors. successful downloads.
// cr->m_globalCrawlInfo.m_pageCrawlAttempts);
// assume we are the last json object in the array
// . Based on page.
// . got to /dev/crawl to see this!
// generate a random collection name
char *getNewCollName ( ) { // char *token , long tokenLen ) {
// let's create a new crawl id. dan was making it 32 characters
// with 4 hyphens in it for a total of 36 bytes, but since
// MAX_COLL_LEN, the maximum length of a collection name, is just
// 64 bytes, and the token is already 32, let's limit to 16 bytes
// for the crawlerid. so if we print that out in hex, 16 hex chars
// 0xffffffff 0xffffffff is 64 bits. so let's make a random 64-bit
// value here.
unsigned long r1 = rand();
unsigned long r2 = rand();
unsigned long long crawlId64 = (unsigned long long) r1;
crawlId64 <<= 32;
crawlId64 |= r2;
static char s_collBuf[MAX_COLL_LEN+1];
//long tokenLen = gbstrlen(token);
// include a +5 for "-test"
// include 16 for crawlid (16 char hex #)
//if ( tokenLen + 16 + 5>= MAX_COLL_LEN ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0;}
// ensure the crawlid is the full 16 characters long so we
// can quickly extricate the crawlid from the collection name
//memcpy ( s_collBuf, token, tokenLen );
//sprintf(s_collBuf + tokenLen ,"-%016llx",crawlId64);
sprintf(s_collBuf ,"%016llx",crawlId64);
return s_collBuf;
bool printCrawlBotPage ( TcpSocket *s ,
HttpRequest *hr ,
SafeBuf *injectionResponse ) {
SafeBuf sb;
"<title>Crawlbot - "
"Web Data Extraction and Search Made Easy</title>"
// if no token... they need to login or signup
char *token = getTokenFromHttpRequest ( hr );
if ( ! token ) { // || tokenLen == 0 ) {
sb.safePrintf("In order to use crawlbot you must "
"first LOGIN:"
"<form action=/crawlbot method=get>"
"<input type=text name=token size=50>"
"<input type=submit name=submit value=OK>"
"<b>- OR -</b>"
"<br> SIGN UP"
"<form action=/crawlbot method=get>"
"Name: <input type=text name=name size=50>"
"Email: <input type=text name=email size=50>"
"<input type=submit name=submit value=OK>"
return g_httpServer.sendDynamicPage (s,
-1); // cachetime
//char *crawlId = getCrawlIdFromHttpRequest();
CollectionRec *cr = NULL;
// . add new collection?
// . make a new collection and it also becomes the cursor
long addColl = hr->getLong("addcoll",0);
if ( addColl )
cr = addNewDiffbotColl ( hr );
char *delColl = hr->getString("delcoll",NULL,NULL);
if ( delColl )
g_collectiondb.deleteRec ( delColl , true );
char *resetColl = hr->getString("resetcoll",NULL,NULL);
if ( resetColl )
g_collectiondb.resetColl ( resetColl );
// set this to current collection. if only token was provided
// then it will return the first collection owned by token.
// if token has no collections it will be NULL.
if ( ! cr )
cr = getCollRecFromHttpRequest ( hr );
// if you reset from crawlbot api page then enable spiders
if ( resetColl && cr )
cr->m_spideringEnabled = 1;
// if no collection, then it is the first time or this token
// so automatically add one for them
if ( ! cr )
cr = addNewDiffbotColl ( hr );
if ( ! cr ) {
log("crawlbot: failed to add new coll rec");
g_msg = " (error: crawlbot failed to allocate crawl)";
return g_httpServer.sendErrorReply(s,500,
"crawlbot crawl "
"alloc failed?");
sb.safePrintf("<table border=0>"
"<b><font size=+2>"
"<a href=/crawlbot?token=%s>"
"<font size=-1>"
"Crawl, Datamine and Index the Web"
, token
// first print "add new collection"
sb.safePrintf("<a href=/crawlbot?addcoll=1&token=%s>"
"add new collection"
"</a> &nbsp; "
"<a href=/crawlbot/summary?token=%s>"
"all collections"
"</a> &nbsp; "
, token
, token
long tokenLen = gbstrlen(token);
// print list of collections controlled by this token
for ( long i = 0 ; i < g_collectiondb.m_numRecs ; i++ ) {
CollectionRec *cx = g_collectiondb.m_recs[i];
if ( ! cx ) continue;
// get its token if any
char *ct = cx->m_diffbotToken.getBufStart();
if ( ! ct ) continue;
// skip if token does not match
if ( strcmp(ct,token) )
// highlight the tab if it is what we selected
bool highlight = false;
if ( cx == cr ) highlight = true;
char *style = "";
if ( highlight ) {
style = "style=text-decoration:none; ";
sb.safePrintf ( "<b><font color=red>");
// print the crawl id. collection name minus <TOKEN>-
sb.safePrintf("<a %shref=/crawlbot?c=%s>"
"</a> &nbsp; "
, style
, cx->m_coll
, cx->m_coll
if ( highlight )
sb.safePrintf ( "</center><br/>" );
long maxToCrawl = hr->getLongLong("maxtocrawl",-1LL);
long maxToProcess = hr->getLongLong("maxtoprocess",-1LL);
if ( maxToCrawl != -1 ) cr->m_diffbotMaxToCrawl = maxToCrawl;
if ( maxToProcess != -1 ) cr->m_diffbotMaxToProcess = maxToProcess;
//char *api = hr->getString("diffbotapi",NULL,NULL);
//if ( api ) {
// cr->m_diffbotApi.set(api);
// cr->m_diffbotApi.nullTerm();
#define FMT_HTML 1
#define FMT_XML 2
#define FMT_JSON 3
// . now show stats for the current crawl
// . put in xml or json if format=xml or format=json or
// xml=1 or json=1 ...
char format = FMT_HTML;
long pause = hr->getLong("pause",-1);
if ( pause == 0 ) cr->m_spideringEnabled = 1;
if ( pause == 1 ) cr->m_spideringEnabled = 0;
// show urls being crawled (ajax) (from Spider.cpp)
sb.safePrintf ( "<table width=100%% cellpadding=5 "
"<tr><td colspan=50>"// bgcolor=#%s>"
"<b>Last 10 URLs</b> (%li spiders active)"
if ( cr->m_spideringEnabled )
sb.safePrintf(" "
"<a href=/crawlbot?c=%s&pause=1>"
"<font color=red><b>Pause spiders</b>"
, cr->m_coll
sb.safePrintf(" "
"<a href=/crawlbot?c=%s&pause=0>"
"<font color=green><b>Resume spidering</b>"
, cr->m_coll
sb.safePrintf("</td></tr>\n" );
// the table headers so SpiderRequest::printToTable() works
if ( ! SpiderRequest::printTableHeaderSimple(&sb,true) )
return false;
// shortcut
XmlDoc **docs = g_spiderLoop.m_docs;
// first print the spider recs we are spidering
for ( long i = 0 ; i < (long)MAX_SPIDERS ; i++ ) {
// get it
XmlDoc *xd = docs[i];
// skip if empty
if ( ! xd ) continue;
// sanity check
if ( ! xd->m_oldsrValid ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// skip if not our coll rec!
if ( xd->m_cr != cr ) continue;
// grab it
SpiderRequest *oldsr = &xd->m_oldsr;
// get status
char *status = xd->m_statusMsg;
// show that
if ( ! oldsr->printToTableSimple ( &sb , status,xd) )
return false;
// end the table
sb.safePrintf ( "</table>\n" );
sb.safePrintf ( "<br>\n" );
// show stats
if ( format == FMT_HTML ) {
"<form method=get action=/crawlbot>"
"<input type=hidden name=c value=\"%s\">"
, cr->m_coll
sb.safePrintf("<TABLE border=0>"
"<TR><TD valign=top>"
"<table border=0 cellpadding=5>"
// this will have to be in crawlinfo too!
//"<td><b>pages indexed</b>"
"<td><b>Objects Found</b></td>"
"<td><b>URLs Harvested</b></td>"
"<td><b>URLs Examined</b></td>"
"<td><b>Page Download Attempts</b></td>"
"<td><b>Page Download Successes</b></td>"
"<td><b>Page Process Attempts</b></td>"
"<td><b>Page Process Successes</b></td>"
, cr->m_globalCrawlInfo.m_objectsAdded -
, cr->m_globalCrawlInfo.m_urlsHarvested
, cr->m_globalCrawlInfo.m_urlsConsidered
, cr->m_globalCrawlInfo.m_pageDownloadAttempts
, cr->m_globalCrawlInfo.m_pageDownloadSuccesses
, cr->m_globalCrawlInfo.m_pageProcessAttempts
, cr->m_globalCrawlInfo.m_pageProcessSuccesses
// spacer column
// what diffbot api to use?
char *api = cr->m_diffbotApi.getBufStart();
char *s[10];
for ( long i = 0 ; i < 10 ; i++ ) s[i] = "";
if ( api && strcmp(api,"all") == 0 ) s[0] = " selected";
if ( api && strcmp(api,"article") == 0 ) s[1] = " selected";
if ( api && strcmp(api,"product") == 0 ) s[2] = " selected";
if ( api && strcmp(api,"image") == 0 ) s[3] = " selected";
if ( api && strcmp(api,"frontpage") == 0 ) s[4] = " selected";
if ( api && strcmp(api,"none") == 0 ) s[5] = " selected";
if ( ! api || ! api[0] ) s[5] = " selected";
sb.safePrintf( "<TD valign=top>"
"<table cellpadding=5 border=0>"
"Diffbot API"
"<select name=diffbotapi>"
"<option value=all%s>All</option>"
"<option value=article%s>Article</option>"
"<option value=product%s>Product</option>"
"<option value=image%s>Image</option>"
"<option value=frontpage%s>FrontPage</option>"
"<option value=none%s>None</option>"
, s[0]
, s[1]
, s[2]
, s[3]
, s[4]
, s[5]
"<td><b>Download Objects:</b> "
"<a href=/crawlbot/downloadobjects?"
"&nbsp; "
"<a href=/crawlbot/downloadobjects?"
"<td><b>Download Urls:</b> "
"<a href=/api/downloadcrawl?"
" &nbsp; "
"<a href=/api/downloadcrawl?"
"&nbsp; "
"<a href=/crawlbot/downloadurls?c=%s"
"<td><b>Download Pages:</b> "
"<a href=/crawlbot/downloadpages?"
"<td><b>Max Page Download Successes:</b> "
"<input type=text name=maxtocrawl "
"size=9 value=%lli> "
"<input type=submit name=submit value=OK>"
"<td><b>Max Page Process Successes:</b>"
"<input type=text name=maxtoprocess "
"size=9 value=%lli> "
"<input type=submit name=submit value=OK>"
"Use Robots.txt when crawling? "
"<input type=checkbox name=userobotstxt checked>"
"Use spider proxies on AWS? "
"<input type=checkbox name=usefloaters checked>"
, cr->m_diffbotToken.getBufStart()
, cr->m_coll
, cr->m_coll
//, cr->m_coll
//, cr->m_coll
, cr->m_coll
, cr->m_coll
, cr->m_diffbotMaxToCrawl
, cr->m_diffbotMaxToProcess
unsigned long r1 = rand();
unsigned long r2 = rand();
unsigned long long rand64 = (unsigned long long) r1;
rand64 <<= 32;
rand64 |= r2;
"<table border=0 cellpadding=5>"
// OBJECT search input box
"<form method=get action=/search>"
"<b>Search Objects:</b>"
"<input type=text name=q size=50>"
"<input type=hidden name=c value=\"%s\">"
"<input type=hidden name=rand value=%lli>"
// restrict search to json objects
"<input type=hidden name=prepend value=\"type:json |\">"
" "
"<input type=submit name=submit value=OK>"
// PAGE search input box
"<form method=get action=/search>"
"<b>Search Pages:</b>"
"<input type=text name=q size=50>"
"<input type=hidden name=c value=\"%s\">"
"<input type=hidden name=rand value=%lli>"
// restrict search to NON json objects
"<input type=hidden name=prepend value=\"-type:json |\">"
" "
"<input type=submit name=submit value=OK>"
// add url input box
"<form method=get action=/inject>"
"<b>Inject Url: </b>"
"<input type=text name=u size=50>"
" "
"<input type=submit name=submit value=OK>"
" &nbsp; &nbsp; <input type=checkbox "
"name=spiderlinks value=1 "
" <i>crawl links on this page?</i>"
, cr->m_coll
, rand64
, cr->m_coll
, rand64
if ( injectionResponse )
sb.safePrintf("<br><font size=-1>%s</font>\n"
sb.safePrintf("<input type=hidden name=c value=\"%s\">"
"<input type=hidden name=crawlbotapi value=1>"
"<td><b>Upload URLs</b></td>"
"<td><input type=button value=\"Select File "
"to Upload\">"
" &nbsp; &nbsp; <input type=checkbox "
"name=spiderlinks value=1 "
" <i>crawl links on those pages?</i>"
, cr->m_coll
// xml or json does not show the input boxes
//if ( format != FMT_HTML )
// return g_httpServer.sendDynamicPage ( s,
// sb.getBufStart(),
// sb.length(),
// -1 ); // cachetime
// print url filters. use "multimedia" to handle jpg etc.
// use "notindexable" for images/movies/css etc.
// add a "process" column to send to diffbot...
char *s1 = "Show";
char *s2 = "none";
if ( hr->getLongFromCookie("showtable",0) ) {
s1 = "Hide";
s2 = "";
"<a onclick="
"var e = document.getElementById('filters');"
"var m = document.getElementById('msg');"
"if ( == 'none' ){"
" = '';"
"m.innerHTML='Hide URL Filters Table';"
"document.cookie = 'showtable=1;';"
"else {"
" = 'none';"
"m.innerHTML='Show URL Filters Table';"
"document.cookie = 'showtable=0;';"
" "
"<div id=msg>"
"%s URL Filters Table"
"<div id=filters style=display:%s;>"
"<form method=get action=/crawlbot>"
"<input type=hidden name=c value=\"%s\">"
"<input type=hidden name=showtable value=1>"
, s1
, s2
, cr->m_coll
// . update the parms for this collection
// . just update the url filters for now since that is complicated
long page = PAGE_FILTERS;
WebPage *pg = g_pages.getPage ( page ) ;
g_parms.setFromRequest ( hr , s, pg->m_function);
// print url filters. HACKy...
g_parms.sendPageGeneric ( s ,
hr ,
&sb ,
cr->m_coll // coll override
// end HACKy hack
// add search box to your site
"<td><a onclick=unhide();>"
"Add this search box to your site"
// show input boxes
"<table cellpadding=5>"
// reset collection form
"<form method=get action=/crawlbot>"
"<input type=hidden name=token value=\""
sb.safeMemcpy ( token , tokenLen );
"<input type=hidden name=resetcoll value=%s>"
// also show it in the display, so set "c"
"<input type=hidden name=c value=%s>"
"<input type=submit name=button value=\""
"Reset this collection\">"
// end reset collection form
// delete collection form
"<form method=get action=/crawlbot>"
"<input type=hidden name=token value=\""
, cr->m_coll
, cr->m_coll
sb.safeMemcpy ( token , tokenLen );
"<input type=hidden name=delcoll value=%s>"
"<input type=submit name=button value=\""
"Delete this collection\">"
// end delete collection form
, cr->m_coll
return g_httpServer.sendDynamicPage ( s,
-1 ); // cachetime
"<h1>API for Diffbot</h1>"
"<form action=/api/diffbot>"
"<input type=text name=url size=100>"
"<input type=submit name=inject value=\"Inject\">"
"<h1>API for Crawlbot</h1>"
// "<form id=\"addCrawl\" onSubmit=\"addCrawlFromForm(); return false;\">"
"<form action=/api/startcrawl method=get>"
"<div class=\"control-group well\">"
"<div id=\"apiSelection\" class=\"titleColumn\">"
"<div class=\"row \">"
"Token: <input type=text name=token><br><br>"
"API: <input type=text name=api> <i>(article, product)</i><br><br>"
"<div class=\"span2\"><label class=\"on-default-hide\">Page-type</label></div>"
"<div class=\"input-append span7\">"
"<select id=\"apiSelect\" name=\"api\" class=\"span2\" value=\"sds\">"
"<option value=\"\" disabled=\"disabled\" selected=\"selected\">Select pages to process and extract</option>"
"<option class=\"automatic\" value=\"article\">Article</option>"
"<option class=\"automatic\" value=\"frontpage\">Frontpage</option>"
"<option class=\"automatic\" value=\"image\">Image</option>"
"<option class=\"automatic\" value=\"product\">Product</option>"
"<span id=\"formError-apiSelect\" class=\"formError\">Page-type is required</span>"
"<span class=\"inputNote\">API calls will be made using your current token.</span>"
"<div id=\"apiQueryString\" class=\"titleColumn\">"
"<div class=\"row \">"
"<div class=\"span2\"><label class=\"on-default-hide\">API Querystring</label></div>"
"<div class=\"input-prepend span7\">"
"<span class=\"add-on\">?</span><input class=\"span6 search-input\" name=\"apiQueryString\" size=\"16\" type=\"text\" placeholder=\"Enter a querystring to specify Diffbot API parameters\">"
"<div id=\"seedUrl\" class=\"titleColumn\">"
"<div class=\"row \">"
"<div class=\"span2\"><label class=\"on-default-hide\">Seed URL</label></div>"
"<div class=\"input-append span7\">"
"<input class=\"span6 search-input\" name=\"seed\" size=\"16\" type=\"text\" placeholder=\"Enter a seed URL\">"
"<span id=\"formError-seedUrl\" class=\"formError\"><br>Seed URL is required</span>"
"<div id=\"headerRow\" class=\"titleColumn\">"
"<div class=\"row \">"
"<div class=\"span2\"><label class=\"on-default-hide\"><strong>Crawl Filters</strong></label></div>"
"<div id=\"urlCrawlPattern\" class=\"titleColumn\">"
"<div class=\"regex-edit row \">"
"<div class=\"span2\"><label class=\"on-default-hide\">URL Regex</label></div>"
"<div class=\"input-append span7\">"
"<input class=\"span6\" name=\"urlCrawlPattern\" size=\"16\" type=\"text\" placeholder=\"Only crawl pages whose URLs match this regex\" value=\"\">"
"<span class=\"inputNote\">Diffbot uses <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Java regex syntax</a>. Be sure to escape your characters.</span>"
"<div id=\"maxCrawled\" class=\"titleColumn\">"
"<div class=\"regex-edit row \"><div class=\"span2\"><label class=\"on-default-hide\">Max Pages Crawled</label></div> <div class=\"input-append span7\"> <input class=\"span1\" name=\"maxCrawled\" size=\"\" type=\"text\" value=\"\"> </div> </div> </div> <div id=\"headerRow\" class=\"titleColumn\"> <div class=\"row \"> <div class=\"span2\"><label class=\"on-default-hide\"><strong>Processing Filters</strong></label></div> </div> </div> <div id=\"classify\" class=\"titleColumn\"> <div class=\"row\"> <div class=\"span2\" id=\"smartProcessLabel\"><label class=\"on-default-hide\">Smart Processing</label></div> <div class=\"span7\"><label class=\"checkbox\"><input id=\"smartProcessing\" type=\"checkbox\" name=\"classify\"><span id=\"smartProcessAutomatic\">Only process pages that match the selected page-type. Uses <a href=\"/our-apis/classifier\">Page Classifier API</a>.</span><span id=\"smartProcessCustom\">Smart Processing only operates with Diffbot <a href=\"/products/automatic\">Automatic APIs.</a></span></label></div> </div> </div> <div id=\"urlProcessPattern\" class=\"titleColumn\"> <div class=\"regex-edit row \"> <div class=\"span2\"><label class=\"on-default-hide\">URL Regex</label></div> <div class=\"input-append span7\"> <input class=\"span6\" name=\"urlProcessPattern\" size=\"16\" type=\"text\" placeholder=\"Only process pages whose URLs match this regex\" value=\"\"> </div> </div> </div> <div id=\"pageProcessPattern\" class=\"titleColumn\"> <div class=\"regex-edit row \"> <div class=\"span2\"><label class=\"on-default-hide\">Page-Content Regex</label></div> <div class=\"input-append span7\"> <input class=\"span6\" name=\"pageProcessPattern\" size=\"16\" type=\"text\" placeholder=\"Only process pages whose content contains a match to this regex\" value=\"\"> </div> </div> </div> <div id=\"maxMatches\" class=\"titleColumn\"> <div class=\"regex-edit row \"> <div class=\"span2\"><label class=\"on-default-hide\">Max Pages Processed</label></div> <div class=\"input-append span7\"> <input class=\"span1\" name=\"maxProcessed\" size=\"16\" type=\"text\" value=\"\"> </div> </div> </div> <hr> <div class=\"controls row\"> <div class=\"span2\">&nbsp;</div> <div class=\"span7\" id=\"startCrawlButtons\"> <button id=\"testButton\" class=\"btn\" type=\"button\" onclick=\"testcrawl(formToData());clicky.log('/dev/crawl#testCrawl','Test Crawl');\">Test</button> "
"<!--<button id=\"submitButton\" class=\"btn btn-info\" type=\"button\" onclick=\"addCrawlFromForm()\" >Start Crawl</button>-->"
"<input type=submit name=start value=\"Start Crawl\">"
" </div> </div> </div> <div id=\"hiddenTestDiv\" style=\"display: none;\"></div> </form> </div><!-- end Crawler tab -->" );
CollectionRec *addNewDiffbotColl ( HttpRequest *hr ) {
char *token = getTokenFromHttpRequest ( hr );
if ( ! token ) {
log("crawlbot: need token to add new coll");
return NULL;
char *collBuf = getNewCollName ( );//token , tokenLen );
if ( ! g_collectiondb.addRec ( collBuf ,
NULL , // copy from
0 , // copy from len
true , // it is a brand new one
-1 , // we are new, this is -1
false , // is NOT a dump
true // save it for sure!
) )
return NULL;
// get the collrec
CollectionRec *cr = g_collectiondb.getRec ( collBuf );
// did an alloc fail?
if ( ! cr ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// normalize the seed url
//Url norm;
//norm.set ( seed );
//cr->m_diffbotSeed.set ( norm.getUrl() );
// remember the token
cr->m_diffbotToken.set ( token );
/* this stuff can be set later.
cr->m_diffbotApi.set ( api );
// these are optional, may be NULL
cr->m_diffbotApiQueryString.set ( apiQueryString );
cr->m_diffbotUrlCrawlPattern.set ( urlCrawlPattern );
cr->m_diffbotUrlProcessPattern.set ( urlProcessPattern );
cr->m_diffbotPageProcessPattern.set ( pageProcessPattern );
cr->m_diffbotClassify = classify;
// let's make these all NULL terminated strings
// do not spider more than this many urls total. -1 means no max.
cr->m_diffbotMaxToCrawl = 100000;
// do not process more than this. -1 means no max.
cr->m_diffbotMaxToProcess = 100000;
// this collection should always hit diffbot
//cr->m_useDiffbot = true;
// show the ban links in the search results. the collection name
// is cryptographic enough to show that
cr->m_isCustomCrawl = true;
// reset the crawl stats
cr->m_diffbotCrawlStartTime = gettimeofdayInMillisecondsGlobal();
cr->m_diffbotCrawlEndTime = 0LL;
// reset crawler stats. they should be loaded from crawlinfo.txt
memset ( &cr->m_localCrawlInfo , 0 , sizeof(CrawlInfo) );
memset ( &cr->m_globalCrawlInfo , 0 , sizeof(CrawlInfo) );
//cr->m_globalCrawlInfoUpdateTime = 0;
cr->m_replies = 0;
cr->m_requests = 0;
// support current web page api i guess for test crawls
//cr->m_isDiffbotTestCrawl = false;
//char *strange = hr->getString("href",NULL);
//if ( strange && strcmp ( strange,"/dev/crawl#testCrawl" ) == 0 )
// cr->m_isDiffbotTestCrawl = true;
// extra diffbot ARTICLE parms
// . ppl mostly use meta, html and tags.
// . dropping support for dontStripAds. mike is ok with that.
// . use for jsonp requests. needed for cross-domain ajax.
//char *callback = hr->getString("callback",NULL);
// a download timeout
//long timeout = hr->getLong("timeout",5000);
// "xml" or "json"
char *format = hr->getString("format",NULL,"json");
// save that
// return all content from page? for frontpage api.
// TODO: can we put "all" into "fields="?
//bool all = hr->hasField("all");
// specify diffbot fields to return in the json output
// point to the safebuf that holds the fields the user wants to
// extract from each url. comma separated list of supported diffbot
// fields like "meta","tags", ...
SafeBuf *f = &cr->m_diffbotFields;
// transcribe provided fields if any
char *fields = hr->getString("fields",NULL);
// appends those to our field buf
if ( fields ) f->safeStrcpy(fields);
// if something there push a comma in case we add more below
if ( f->length() ) f->pushChar(',');
// return contents of the page's meta tags? twitter card metadata, ..
if ( hr->hasField("meta" ) ) f->safeStrcpy("meta,");
if ( hr->hasField("html" ) ) f->safeStrcpy("html,");
if ( hr->hasField("tags" ) ) f->safeStrcpy("tags,");
if ( hr->hasField("comments") ) f->safeStrcpy("comments,");
if ( hr->hasField("summary" ) ) f->safeStrcpy("summary,");
if ( hr->hasField("all" ) ) f->safeStrcpy("all,");
// if we added crap to "fields" safebuf remove trailing comma
// set some defaults. max spiders for all priorities in this collection
cr->m_maxNumSpiders = 10;
// make the gigablast regex table just "default" so it does not
// filtering, but accepts all urls. we will add code to pass the urls
// through m_diffbotUrlCrawlPattern alternatively. if that itself
// is empty, we will just restrict to the seed urls subdomain.
for ( long i = 0 ; i < MAX_FILTERS ; i++ ) {
cr->m_spiderPriorities[i] = 0;
cr->m_maxSpidersPerRule [i] = 10;
cr->m_spiderIpWaits [i] = 250; // 250 ms for now
cr->m_spiderIpMaxSpiders[i] = 10;
cr->m_spidersEnabled [i] = 1;
cr->m_spiderFreqs [i] = 7.0;
cr->m_spiderDiffbotApiNum[i] = DBA_NONE;
// by default to not spider image or movie links or
// links with /print/ in them
long i = 0;
cr->m_spiderPriorities[i] = 49;
cr->m_spiderPriorities[i] = SPIDER_PRIORITY_FILTERED;
// if user did not specify a url crawl pattern then keep
// the crawl limited to the same subdomain of the seed url
//if ( cr->m_diffbotUrlCrawlPattern.length() == 0 ) {
// first limit to http://subdomain
cr->m_spiderPriorities [i] = 50;
cr->m_maxSpidersPerRule [i] = 10;
cr->m_spiderIpWaits [i] = 250; // 500 ms for now
cr->m_spiderIpMaxSpiders[i] = 10;
cr->m_spidersEnabled [i] = 1;
// and make all else filtered
cr->m_spiderPriorities [i] = SPIDER_PRIORITY_FILTERED;
cr->m_maxSpidersPerRule [i] = 10;
cr->m_spiderIpWaits [i] = 250; // 500 ms for now
cr->m_spiderIpMaxSpiders[i] = 10;
cr->m_spidersEnabled [i] = 1;
// just the default rule!
cr->m_numRegExs = i;
cr->m_numRegExs2 = i;
cr->m_numRegExs3 = i;
cr->m_numRegExs10 = i;
cr->m_numRegExs11 = i;
cr->m_numRegExs5 = i;
cr->m_numRegExs6 = i;
cr->m_numRegExs7 = i;
//cr->m_spiderPriorities [1] = -1; // filtered? or banned?
//cr->m_maxSpidersPerRule [1] = 10;
//cr->m_spiderIpWaits [1] = 500; // 500 ms for now
cr->m_needsSave = 1;
// start the spiders!
cr->m_spideringEnabled = true;
return cr;