Matt Wells 4e803210ee tons of changes from live github on neo.
lots of core fixes.
took out ppthtml powerpoint convert, it hangs.
dynamic rdbmap to save memory per coll.
fixed disk page cache logic and brought it
2014-01-17 21:01:43 -08:00

1202 lines
45 KiB

#include "gb-include.h"
#include "Msg3.h"
#include "Rdb.h"
#include "Threads.h"
#include "Stats.h" // for timing and graphing merge time
//#include "Sync.h" // incremental syncing
//#include "Tfndb.h" // makeMaxKey()
#include "PingServer.h"
#include "Process.h"
static void doneScanningWrapper ( void *state ) ;
//bool mainShutdown ( bool urgent );
long g_numIOErrors = 0;
Msg3::Msg3() {
m_alloc = NULL;
m_numScansCompleted = 0;
m_numScansStarted = 0;
Msg3::~Msg3() {
void Msg3::reset() {
if ( m_numScansCompleted < m_numScansStarted ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
m_hadCorruption = false;
// reset # of lists to 0
m_numScansCompleted = 0;
m_numScansStarted = 0;
if ( ! m_alloc ) return;
// call destructors
for ( long i = 0 ; i < m_numChunks ; i++ ) m_lists[i].destructor();
if ( m_alloc == m_buf ) return;
mfree ( m_alloc , m_allocSize , "Msg3" );
m_alloc = NULL;
// . return false if blocked, true otherwise
// . set g_errno on error
// . read list of keys in [startKey,endKey] range
// . read at least "minRecSizes" bytes of keys in that range
// . the "m_endKey" of resulting, merged list may have a smaller endKey
// than the argument, "endKey" due to limitation by "minRecSizes"
// . resulting list will contain ALL keys between ITS [m_startKey,m_endKey]
// . final merged list "should" try to have a size of at least "minRecSizes"
// but due to negative/postive rec elimination may be less
// . the endKey of the lists we read may be <= "endKey" provided
// . we try to shrink the endKey if minRecSizes is >= 0 in order to
// avoid excessive reading
// . by shrinking the endKey we cannot take into account the size of deleted
// records, so therefore we may fall short of "minRecSizes" in actuality,
// in fact, the returned list may even be empty with a shrunken endKey
// . we merge all lists read from disk into the provided "list"
// . caller should call Msg3.getList(long i) and Msg3:getNumLists() to retrieve
// . this makes the query engine faster since we don't need to merge the docIds
// and can just send them across the network separately and they will be
// hashed into IndexTable's table w/o having to do time-wasting merging.
// . caller can specify array of filenums to read from so incremental syncing
// in Sync class can just read from titledb*.dat files that were formed
// since the last sync point.
bool Msg3::readList ( char rdbId ,
char *coll ,
//key_t startKey ,
//key_t endKey ,
char *startKeyArg ,
char *endKeyArg ,
long minRecSizes , // max size of scan
long startFileNum , // first file to scan
long numFiles , // rel. to startFileNum
void *state , // for callback
void (* callback ) ( void *state ) ,
long niceness ,
long retryNum ,
long maxRetries ,
bool compensateForMerge ,
long long syncPoint ,
bool justGetEndKey ,
bool allowPageCache ,
bool hitDisk ) {
// clear, this MUST be done so if we return true g_errno is correct
g_errno = 0;
// assume lists are not checked for corruption
m_listsChecked = false;
// warn
if ( minRecSizes < -1 ) {
log(LOG_LOGIC,"db: Msg3 got minRecSizes of %li, changing "
"to -1.",minRecSizes);
minRecSizes = -1;
// reset m_alloc and data in all lists in case we are a re-call
// warning
if ( ! coll ) log(LOG_LOGIC,"net: NULL collection. msg3.");
// remember the callback
m_rdbId = rdbId;
m_coll = coll;
m_callback = callback;
m_state = state;
m_niceness = niceness;
m_numScansCompleted = 0;
m_retryNum = retryNum;
m_maxRetries = maxRetries;
m_compensateForMerge = compensateForMerge;
m_allowPageCache = allowPageCache;
m_hitDisk = hitDisk;
m_hadCorruption = false;
// get keySize of rdb
m_ks = getKeySizeFromRdbId ( m_rdbId );
// reset the group error
m_errno = 0;
// . reset all our lists
// . these are reset in call the RdbScan::setRead() below
//for ( long i = 0 ; i < MAX_RDB_FILES ; i++ ) m_lists[i].reset();
// . ensure startKey last bit clear, endKey last bit set
// . no! this warning is now only in Msg5
// . if RdbMerge is merging some files, not involving the root
// file, then we can expect to get a lot of unmatched negative recs.
// . as a consequence, our endKeys may often be negative. This means
// it may not annihilate with the positive key, but we should only
// miss like this at the boundaries of the lists we fetch.
// . so in that case RdbList::merge will stop merging once the
// minRecSizes limit is reached even if it means ending on a negative
// rec key
//if ( (startKey.n0 & 0x01) == 0x01 )
if ( !KEYNEG(startKeyArg) )
log(LOG_REMIND,"net: msg3: StartKey lastbit set.");
if ( KEYNEG(endKeyArg) )
log(LOG_REMIND,"net: msg3: EndKey lastbit clear.");
// declare vars here becaues of 'goto skip' below
long mergeFileNum = -1 ;
long max ;
// get base, returns NULL and sets g_errno to ENOCOLLREC on error
RdbBase *base; if (!(base=getRdbBase(m_rdbId,m_coll))) return true;
// if caller specified exactly
m_syncPoint = syncPoint;
if ( syncPoint != -1 && syncPoint != 0 ) {
// . store them all
// . what if we merged one of these files (or are merging)???
// . then sync class should not discard syncpoints until no
// longer syncing and we'll know about it
// . this should compensate for merges by including any files
// that are merging a file in m_fileNums
m_numFileNums = g_sync.getFileNums ( m_rdbId ,
m_coll ,
m_syncPoint ,
m_fileNums ,
log("NOOOOOO. we do not alloc if we go to skip!!");
char *xx = NULL; *xx = 0;
// bring back the comment below... i removed it because i added
// "long chunk" et al below and didn't want to move them.
//if ( m_numFileNums > 0 ) goto skip;
log("net: Trying to read data in %s from files generated after"
" a sync point %llu in \"sync\" file, but none found.",
return true;
// should we read all?
if ( m_syncPoint == 0 ) {
numFiles = -1;
startFileNum = 0;
// store the file numbers in the array, these are the files we read
m_numFileNums = 0;
// save startFileNum here, just for recall
m_startFileNum = startFileNum;
m_numFiles = numFiles;
// . if we have a merge going on, we may have to change startFileNum
// . if some files get unlinked because merge completes then our
// reads will detect the error and loop back here
// . we launch are reads right after this without giving up the cpu
// and we use file descriptors, so any changes to Rdb::m_files[]
// should not hurt us
// . WARNING: just make sure you don't lose control of cpu until after
// you call RdbScan::set()
// . we use hasMergeFile() instead of isMerging() because he may not
// be merging cuz he got suspended or he restarted and
// hasn't called attemptMerge() yet, but he may still contain it
if ( g_conf.m_logDebugQuery )
"net: msg3: "
"c=%li hmf=%li sfn=%li msfn=%li nf=%li db=%s.",
long pre = -10;
if ( compensateForMerge && base->hasMergeFile() &&
startFileNum >= base->m_mergeStartFileNum - 1 &&
(startFileNum > 0 || numFiles != -1) ) {
// now also include the file being merged into, but only
// if we are reading from a file being merged...
if ( startFileNum < base->m_mergeStartFileNum +
base->m_numFilesToMerge - 1 )
//m_fileNums [ m_numFileNums++ ] =
// base->m_mergeStartFileNum - 1;
pre = base->m_mergeStartFileNum - 1;
// debug msg
if ( g_conf.m_logDebugQuery )
"net: msg3: startFileNum from %li to %li (mfn=%li)",
// if merge file was inserted before us, inc our file number
// adjust num files if we need to, as well
if ( compensateForMerge && base->hasMergeFile() &&
startFileNum < base->m_mergeStartFileNum - 1 &&
numFiles != -1 &&
startFileNum + numFiles - 1 >= base->m_mergeStartFileNum - 1 ) {
// debug msg
if ( g_conf.m_logDebugQuery )
log(LOG_DEBUG,"net: msg3: numFiles up one.");
// if merge file was inserted before us, inc our file number
// . how many rdb files does this base have?
// . IMPORTANT: this can change since files are unstable because they
// might have all got merged into one!
// . so do this check to make sure we're safe... especially if
// there was an error before and we called readList() on ourselves
max = base->getNumFiles();
// -1 means we should scan ALL the files in the base
if ( numFiles == -1 ) numFiles = max;
// limit it by startFileNum, however
if ( numFiles > max - startFileNum ) numFiles = max - startFileNum;
// set g_errno and return true if it is < 0
if ( numFiles < 0 ) {
"net: msg3: readList: numFiles = %li < 0 (max=%li)(sf=%li)",
numFiles , max , startFileNum );
// force core dump
char *xx=NULL;*xx=0;
return true;
// . allocate buffer space
// . m_scans, m_startpg, m_endpg, m_hintKeys, m_hintOffsets,
// m_fileNums, m_lists, m_tfns
long chunk = sizeof(RdbScan) + // m_scans
4 + // m_startpg
4 + // m_endpg
//sizeof(key_t) + // m_hintKeys
m_ks + // m_hintKeys
4 + // m_hintOffsets
4 + // m_fileNums
sizeof(RdbList) + // m_lists
4 ; // m_tfns
long nn = numFiles;
if ( pre != -10 ) nn++;
m_numChunks = nn;
long need = nn * (chunk);
m_alloc = m_buf;
if ( need > (long)MSG3_BUF_SIZE ) {
m_allocSize = need;
m_alloc = (char *)mcalloc ( need , "Msg3" );
if ( ! m_alloc ) {
log("disk: Could not allocate %li bytes read "
"structures to read %s.",need,base->m_dbname);
return true;
char *p = m_alloc;
m_scans = (RdbScan *)p; p += nn * sizeof(RdbScan);
m_startpg = (long *)p; p += nn * 4;
m_endpg = (long *)p; p += nn * 4;
//m_hintKeys = (key_t *)p; p += nn * sizeof(key_t);
m_hintKeys = (char *)p; p += nn * m_ks;
m_hintOffsets = (long *)p; p += nn * 4;
m_fileNums = (long *)p; p += nn * 4;
m_lists = (RdbList *)p; p += nn * sizeof(RdbList);
m_tfns = (long *)p; p += nn * 4;
// sanity check
if ( p - m_alloc != need ) {
log(LOG_LOGIC,"disk: Bad malloc in Msg3.cpp.");
char *xx = NULL; *xx = 0;
// call constructors
for ( long i = 0 ; i < nn ; i++ ) m_lists[i].constructor();
// make fix from up top
if ( pre != -10 ) m_fileNums [ m_numFileNums++ ] = pre;
// store them all
for ( long i = startFileNum ; i < startFileNum + numFiles ; i++ )
m_fileNums [ m_numFileNums++ ] = i;
// we skip down to here when a syncPoint was used to set the
// m_fileNums/m_numFileNums array of files to read from
// JAB: warning abatement
// skip:
// . remove file nums that are being unlinked after a merge now
// . keep it here (below skip: label) so sync point reads can use it
long n = 0;
for ( long i = 0 ; i < m_numFileNums ; i++ ) {
// skip those that are being unlinked after the merge
if ( base->m_isUnlinking &&
m_fileNums[i] >= base->m_mergeStartFileNum &&
m_fileNums[i] < base->m_mergeStartFileNum +
base->m_numFilesToMerge )
// otherwise, keep it
m_fileNums[n++] = m_fileNums[i];
m_numFileNums = n;
// . if root file is being merged, he's file #0, & root file is file #1
// . this is a hack so caller gets what he wants
//if ( startFileNum == 0 && base->getFileId(0) == 0 && numFiles == 1 )
// numFiles = 2;
// remember the file range we should scan
m_numScansStarted = 0;
m_numScansCompleted = 0;
//m_startKey = startKey;
//m_endKey = endKey;
//m_constrainKey = endKey; // set in case justGetEndKey is true
KEYSET(m_constrainKey,endKeyArg,m_ks);//set incase justGetEndKey istrue
m_minRecSizes = minRecSizes;
m_compensateForMerge = compensateForMerge;
// bail if 0 files to scan -- no! need to set startKey/endKey
if ( numFiles == 0 ) return true;
// don't read anything if endKey < startKey
//if ( m_startKey > m_endKey ) return true;
if ( KEYCMP(m_startKey,m_endKey,m_ks)>0 ) return true;
// keep the original in tact in case g_errno == ETRYAGAIN
//m_endKeyOrig = endKey;
m_minRecSizesOrig = minRecSizes;
// start reading at this key
m_fileStartKey = startKeyArg;
// start the timer, keep it fast for clusterdb though
if ( g_conf.m_logTimingDb ) m_startTime = gettimeofdayInMilliseconds();
// translate base to an id, for the sake of m_msg0
//char baseId = m_msg0->getRdbId ( base );
// map ptrs
RdbMap **maps = base->getMaps();
// . we now boost m_minRecSizes to account for negative recs
// . but not if only reading one list, cuz it won't get merged and
// it will be too big to send back
if ( m_numFileNums > 1 ) compensateForNegativeRecs ( base );
// . often endKey is too big for an efficient read of minRecSizes bytes
// because we end up reading too much from all the files
// . this will set m_startpg[i], m_endpg[i] for each RdbScan/RdbFile
// to ensure we read "minRecSizes" worth of records, not much more
// . returns the new endKey for all ranges
// . now this just overwrites m_endKey
//m_endKey = setPageRanges ( base ,
setPageRanges ( base ,
m_fileNums ,
m_numFileNums ,
m_fileStartKey , // start reading @ key
m_endKey , // stop reading @ key
m_minRecSizes );
// . NEVER let m_endKey be a negative key, because it will
// always be unmatched, since delbit is cleared
// . adjusting it here ensures our generated hints are valid
// . we will use this key to call constrain() with
//m_constrainKey = m_endKey;
//if ( ( m_constrainKey.n0 & 0x01) == 0x00 )
// m_constrainKey -= (unsigned long)1;
if ( KEYNEG(m_constrainKey) )
// if m_endKey splits some keys that should be together, we need to
// decrease it so such a split doesn't happen.
//if ( m_endKey != m_endKeyOrig && m_rdbId==RDB_TFNDB && numFiles > 0){
if ( KEYCMP(m_endKey,m_endKeyOrig,m_ks)!=0 && m_rdbId==RDB_TFNDB &&
numFiles > 0 ) {
// . drop the docid down one and max out the tfn...
// . we may lose some recs when we call constrain, but at least
// we are guaranteed not to split a sequence with the same
// docid but different tfns... thus the disk merge will
// then work correctly. before we were splitting these
// sequence between successive disk reads and they were not
// getting annihilated together in the call to indexMerge_r()
long long d = g_tfndb.getDocId ( (key_t *)&m_endKey );
if ( d > 0 ) d = d - 1LL;
//m_constrainKey = g_tfndb.makeMaxKey(d);
*(key_t *)m_constrainKey = g_tfndb.makeMaxKey(d);
// set the half bit on
//m_constrainKey.n0 |= 0x02;
*m_constrainKey |= 0x02;
// note it
//logf(LOG_DEBUG,"oldukey.n1=%lx n0=%llx new.n1=%lx n0=%llx",
// m_endKey.n1,m_endKey.n0,
// m_constrainKey.n1,m_constrainKey.n0);
// Msg5 likes to get the endkey for getting the list from the tree
if ( justGetEndKey ) return true;
// sanity check
if ( m_numFileNums > nn ) {
log(LOG_LOGIC,"disk: Failed sanity check in Msg3.");
char *xx = NULL; *xx = 0;
// debug msg
//log("msg3 getting list (msg5=%lu)",m_state);
// . MDW removed this -- go ahead an end on a delete key
// . RdbMerge might not pick it up this round, but oh well
// . so we can have both positive and negative co-existing in same file
// make sure the last bit is set so we don't end on a delete key
//m_endKey.n0 |= 0x01LL;
// . now start reading/scanning the files
// . our m_scans array starts at 0
for ( long i = 0 ; i < m_numFileNums ; i++ ) {
// get the page range
//long p1 = m_startpg [ i ];
//long p2 = m_endpg [ i ];
//#ifdef _SANITYCHECK_
long fn = m_fileNums[i];
// this can happen somehow!
if ( fn < 0 ) {
log(LOG_LOGIC,"net: msg3: fn=%li. Bad engineer.",fn);
// sanity check
if ( i > 0 && m_fileNums[i-1] >= fn ) {
"net: msg3: files must be read in order "
"from oldest to newest so RdbList::indexMerge_r "
"works properly. Otherwise, corruption will "
"result. ");
char *xx = NULL; *xx = 0;
return true;
// . sanity check?
// . no, we must get again since we turn on endKey's last bit
long p1 , p2;
maps[fn]->getPageRange ( m_fileStartKey ,
m_endKey ,
&p1 ,
&p2 ,
//if ( p1 != p1c || p2 != p2c ) {
// fprintf(stderr,"Msg3::bad page range\n");
// sleep(50000);
// sanity check, each endpg's key should be > endKey
//if ( p2 < maps[fn]->getNumPages() &&
// maps[fn]->getKey ( p2 ) <= m_endKey ) {
// fprintf(stderr,"Msg3::bad page range 2\n");
// sleep(50000);
//long p1 , p2;
//maps[fn]->getPageRange (startKey,endKey,minRecSizes,&p1,&p2);
// now get some read info
long long offset = maps[fn]->getAbsoluteOffset ( p1 );
long bytesToRead = maps[fn]->getRecSizes ( p1, p2, false);
// max out the endkey for this list
// debug msg
//#ifdef _DEBUG_
//if ( minRecSizes == 2000000 )
//log("Msg3:: reading %li bytes from file #%li",bytesToRead,i);
// inc our m_numScans
// . keep stats on our disk accesses
// . count disk seeks (assuming no fragmentation)
// . count disk bytes read
if ( bytesToRead > 0 ) {
base->m_rdb->didSeek ( );
base->m_rdb->didRead ( bytesToRead );
// . the startKey may be different for each RdbScan class
// . RdbLists must have all keys within their [startKey,endKey]
// . therefore set startKey individually from first page in map
// . this endKey must be >= m_endKey
// . this startKey must be < m_startKey
//key_t startKey = maps[fn]->getKey ( p1 );
//key_t endKey = maps[fn]->getKey ( p2 );
char startKey2 [ MAX_KEY_BYTES ];
char endKey2 [ MAX_KEY_BYTES ];
maps[fn]->getKey ( p1 , startKey2 );
maps[fn]->getKey ( p2 , endKey2 );
//char *startKey = maps[fn]->getKeyPtr ( p1 );
//char *endKey = maps[fn]->getKeyPtr ( p2 );
// store in here
m_startpg [ i ] = p1;
m_endpg [ i ] = p2;
// . we read UP TO that endKey, so reduce by 1
// . but iff p2 is NOT the last page in the map/file
// . maps[fn]->getKey(lastPage) will return the LAST KEY
// and maps[fn]->getOffset(lastPage) the length of the file
//if ( maps[fn]->getNumPages()!=p2) endKey -=(unsigned long)1;
if ( maps[fn]->getNumPages() != p2 ) KEYSUB(endKey2,1,m_ks);
// otherwise, if we're reading all pages, then force the
// endKey to virtual inifinite
//else endKey.setMax();
else KEYMAX(endKey2,m_ks);
// . set up the hints
// . these are only used if we are only reading from 1 file
// . these are used to call constrain() so we can constrain
// the end of the list w/o looping through all the recs
// in the list
long h2 = p2 ;
// decrease by one page if we're on the last page
if ( h2 > p1 && maps[fn]->getNumPages() == h2 ) h2--;
// . decrease hint page until key is <= endKey on that page
// AND offset is NOT -1 because the old way would give
// us hints passed the endkey
// . also decrease so we can constrain on minRecSizes in
// case we're the only list being read
// . use >= m_minRecSizes instead of >, otherwise we may
// never be able to set "size" in RdbList::constrain()
// because "p" could equal "maxPtr" right away
while ( h2 > p1 &&
//( maps[fn]->getKey (h2) > m_constrainKey ||
maps[fn]->getOffset(h2) == -1 ||
maps[fn]->getAbsoluteOffset(h2) - offset >=
m_minRecSizes ) )
// now set the hint
m_hintOffsets [ i ] = maps[fn]->getAbsoluteOffset ( h2 ) -
maps[fn]->getAbsoluteOffset ( p1 ) ;
//m_hintKeys [ i ] = maps[fn]->getKey ( h2 );
// reset g_errno before calling setRead()
g_errno = 0;
// . this fix is now in RdbList::checklist_r()
// . we can now have dup keys, so, we may read in
// a rec with key "lastMinKey" even though we don't read
// in the first key on the end page, so don't subtract 1...
//if ( endKey != m_endKeyOrig )
// endKey += (unsigned long) 1;
// timing debug
if ( g_conf.m_logTimingDb )
"net: msg: reading %li bytes from %s file #%li "
// set the tfn
if ( m_rdbId == RDB_TITLEDB )
m_tfns[i] = base->getFileId2(m_fileNums[i]);
// log huge reads, those hurt us
if ( bytesToRead > 150000000 ) {
logf(LOG_INFO,"disk: Reading %li bytes at offset %lli "
"from %s.",
// if any keys in the map are the same report corruption
char tmpKey [16];
char lastTmpKey[16];
long ccount = 0;
if ( bytesToRead > 10000000 &&
bytesToRead / 2 > m_minRecSizes &&
base->m_fixedDataSize >= 0 ) {
for ( long pn = p1 ; pn <= p2 ; pn++ ) {
maps[fn]->getKey ( pn , tmpKey );
if ( KEYCMP(tmpKey,lastTmpKey,m_ks) == 0 )
if ( ccount > 10 ) {
logf(LOG_INFO,"disk: Reading %li bytes from %s file #"
"%li when min "
"required is %li. Map is corrupt and has %li "
"identical consecutive page keys because the "
"map was \"repaired\" because out of order keys "
"in the index.",
m_hadCorruption = true;
//m_maxRetries = 0;
// . do the scan/read of file #i
// . this returns false if blocked, true otherwise
// . this will set g_errno on error
bool done = m_scans[i].setRead (base->getFile(m_fileNums[i]),
base->m_fixedDataSize ,
offset ,
bytesToRead ,
startKey2 ,
endKey2 ,
m_ks ,
&m_lists[i] ,
this ,
doneScanningWrapper ,
base->useHalfKeys() ,
m_niceness ,
m_allowPageCache ,
m_hitDisk ) ;
// . damn, usually the above will indirectly launch a thread
// to do the reading, but it sets g_errno to EINTR,
// "interrupted system call"!
// . i guess the thread does the read w/o blocking and then
// queues the signal on g_loop's queue before it exits
// . try ignoring, and keep going
if ( g_errno == EINTR ) {
log("net: Interrupted system call while reading file. "
g_errno = 0;
// debug msg
//fprintf(stderr,"Msg3:: reading %li bytes from file #%li,"
// "done=%li,offset=%lli,g_errno=%s,"
// "startKey=n1=%lu,n0=%llu, "
// "endKey=n1=%lu,n0=%llu\n",
// bytesToRead,i,(long)done,offset,mstrerror(g_errno),
// m_startKey,m_endKey);
//if ( bytesToRead == 0 )
// fprintf(stderr,"shit\n");
// if it did not block then it completed, so count it
if ( done ) m_numScansCompleted++;
// break on an error, and remember g_errno in case we block
if ( g_errno && g_errno != ENOTHREADSLOTS ) {
long tt = LOG_WARN;
if ( g_errno == EFILECLOSED ) tt = LOG_INFO;
log(tt,"disk: Reading %s had error: %s.",
base->m_dbname, mstrerror(g_errno));
m_errno = g_errno;
// debug test
//if ( rand() % 100 <= 10 ) m_errno = EIO;
// if we blocked, return false
if ( m_numScansCompleted < m_numScansStarted ) return false;
// . if all scans completed without blocking then wrap it up & ret true
// . doneScanning may now block if it finds data corruption and must
// get the list remotely
return doneScanning();
void doneScanningWrapper ( void *state ) {
Msg3 *THIS = (Msg3 *) state;
// inc the scan count
// we decided to try to ignore these errors
if ( g_errno == EINTR ) {
log("net: Interrupted system call while reading file. "
g_errno = 0;
// if we had an error, remember it
if ( g_errno ) {
// get base, returns NULL and sets g_errno to ENOCOLLREC on err
RdbBase *base; base=getRdbBase(THIS->m_rdbId,THIS->m_coll);
char *dbname = "NOT FOUND";
if ( base ) dbname = base->m_dbname;
long tt = LOG_WARN;
if ( g_errno == EFILECLOSED ) tt = LOG_INFO;
log(tt,"net: Reading %s had error: %s.",
THIS->m_errno = g_errno;
g_errno = 0;
// return now if we're awaiting more scan completions
if ( THIS->m_numScansCompleted < THIS->m_numScansStarted ) return;
// . give control to doneScanning
// . return if it blocks
if ( ! THIS->doneScanning() ) return;
// if one of our lists was *huge* and could not alloc mem, it was
// due to corruption
if ( THIS->m_hadCorruption ) g_errno = ECORRUPTDATA;
// if it doesn't block call the callback, g_errno may be set
THIS->m_callback ( THIS->m_state );
static void doneSleepingWrapper3 ( int fd , void *state ) ;
// . but now that we may get a list remotely to fix data corruption,
// this may indeed block
bool Msg3::doneScanning ( ) {
// . did we have any error on any scan?
// . if so, repeat ALL of the scans
g_errno = m_errno;
// 2 retry is the default
long max = 2;
// see if explicitly provided by the caller
if ( m_maxRetries >= 0 ) max = m_maxRetries;
// now use -1 (no max) as the default no matter what
max = -1;
// ENOMEM is particulary contagious, so watch out with it...
if ( g_errno == ENOMEM && m_maxRetries == -1 ) max = 0;
// msg0 sets maxRetries to 2, don't let max stay set to -1
if ( g_errno == ENOMEM && m_maxRetries != -1 ) max = m_maxRetries;
// when thread cannot alloc enough read buf it keeps the read buf
// set to NULL and BigFile.cpp sets g_errno to EBUFTOOSMALL
if ( g_errno == EBUFTOOSMALL && m_maxRetries == -1 ) max = 0;
// msg0 sets maxRetries to 2, don't let max stay set to -1
if ( g_errno == EBUFTOOSMALL && m_maxRetries != -1 ) max = m_maxRetries;
// . if no thread slots available, that hogs up serious memory.
// the size of Msg3 is 82k, so having just 5000 of them is 430MB.
// . i just made Msg3 alloc mem when it needs more than about 2k
// so this problem is greatly reduced, therefore let's keep
// retrying... forever if no thread slots in thread queue since
// we become the thread queue in a way.
if ( g_errno == ENOTHREADSLOTS ) max = -1;
// this is set above if the map has the same consecutive key repeated
// and the read is enormous
if ( g_errno == ECORRUPTDATA ) max = 0;
// usually bad disk failures, don't retry those forever
//if ( g_errno == EIO ) max = 3;
// no, now our hitachis return these even when they're good so
// we have to keep retrying forever
if ( g_errno == EIO ) max = -1;
// count these so we do not take drives offline just because
// kernel ring buffer complains...
if ( g_errno == EIO ) g_numIOErrors++;
// bail early on high priority reads for these errors
if ( g_errno == EDISKSTUCK && m_niceness == 0 ) max = 0;
if ( g_errno == EIO && m_niceness == 0 ) max = 0;
// how does this happen? we should never bail out on a low priority
// disk read... we just wait for it to complete...
if ( g_errno == EDISKSTUCK && m_niceness != 0 ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0;}
// on I/O, give up at call it corrupt after a while. some hitachis
// have I/O errros on little spots, like gk88, maybe we can fix him
if ( g_errno == EIO && m_retryNum >= 5 ) {
m_hadCorruption = true;
// do not do any retries any more
max = 0;
// convert m_errno to ECORRUPTDATA if it is EBUFTOOSMALL and the
// max of the bytesToRead are over 500MB.
// if bytesToRead was ludicrous, then assume that the data file
// was corrupted, the map was regenerated and it patched
// over the corrupted bits which were 500MB or more in size.
// we cannot practically allocate that much, so let's just
// give back an empty buffer. treat it like corruption...
// the way it patches is to store the same key over all the corrupted
// pages, which can get pretty big. so if you read a range with that
// key you will be hurting!!
// this may be the same scenario as when the rdbmap has consecutive
// same keys. see above where we set m_errno to ECORRUPTDATA...
if ( g_errno == EBUFTOOSMALL ) {
long biggest = 0;
for ( long i = 0 ; i < m_numFileNums ; i++ ) {
if ( m_scans[i].m_bytesToRead < biggest ) continue;
biggest = m_scans[i].m_bytesToRead;
if ( biggest > 500000000 ) {
log("db: Max read size was %li > 500000000. Assuming "
"corrupt data in data file.",biggest);
m_hadCorruption = true;
// do not do any retries on this, the read was > 500MB
max = 0;
// get base, returns NULL and sets g_errno to ENOCOLLREC on error
RdbBase *base; if (!(base=getRdbBase(m_rdbId,m_coll))) return true;
// this really slows things down because it blocks the cpu so
// leave it out for now
// check for corruption here, do not do it again in Msg5 if we pass
if ( ! g_errno ) { // && g_conf.m_doErrorCorrection ) {
long i;
for ( i = 0 ; i < m_numFileNums ; i++ )
if ( ! m_lists[i].checkList_r ( false, false ) ) break;
if ( i < m_numFileNums ) {
max = g_conf.m_corruptRetries; // try 100 times
log("db: Encountered corrupt list in file %s.",
m_listsChecked = true;
// . if we had a ETRYAGAIN error, then try again now
// . it usually means the whole file or a part of it was deleted
// before we could finish reading it, so we should re-read all now
// . RdbMerge deletes BigFiles after it merges them and also chops
// off file heads
// . now that we have threads i'd imagine we'd get EBADFD or something
// . i've also seen "illegal seek" as well
if ( m_errno && (m_retryNum < max || max < 0) &&
// this will complete in due time, we can't call a sleep wrapper
// on it because the read is really still pending...
m_errno != EDISKSTUCK ) {
// print the error
static time_t s_time = 0;
time_t now = getTime();
if ( now - s_time > 5 || g_errno != ENOTHREADSLOTS ) {
log("net: Had error reading %s: %s. Retrying. "
"(retry #%li)",
base->m_dbname,mstrerror(g_errno) , m_retryNum );
s_time = now;
// send email alert if in an infinite loop, but don't send
// more than once every 2 hours
static long s_lastSendTime = 0;
if ( m_retryNum == 100 && getTime() - s_lastSendTime > 3600*2){
// remove this for now it is going off all the time
// "100 read retries",true);
s_lastSendTime = getTime();
// clear g_errno cuz we should for call to readList()
g_errno = 0;
// free the list buffer since if we have 1000 Msg3s retrying
// it will totally use all of our memory
for ( long i = 0 ; i < m_numChunks ; i++ )
// count retries
// backoff scheme, wait 100ms more each time
long wait ;
if ( m_retryNum == 1 ) wait = 10;
else wait = 200 * m_retryNum;
// . don't wait more than 10 secs between tries
// . i've seen gf0 and gf16 get mega saturated
if ( wait > 10000 ) wait = 10000;
// wait 500 ms
if ( g_loop.registerSleepCallback ( wait , // ms
this ,
return false;
// otherwise, registration failed
"net: Failed to register sleep callback for retry. "
"Abandoning read. This is bad.");
// return, g_errno should be set
return true;
// if we got an error and should not retry any more then give up
if ( g_errno ) {
"net: Had error reading %s: %s. Giving up after %li "
base->m_dbname,mstrerror(g_errno) , m_retryNum );
return true;
// note it if the retry finally worked
if ( m_retryNum > 0 )
log(LOG_INFO,"disk: Read succeeded after retrying %li times.",
// count total bytes for logging
long count = 0;
// . constrain all lists to make merging easier
// . if we have only one list, then that's nice cuz the constrain
// will allow us to send it right away w/ zero copying
// . if we have only 1 list, it won't be merged into a final list,
// that is, we'll just set m_list = &m_lists[i]
for ( long i = 0 ; i < m_numFileNums ; i++ ) {
// count total bytes for logging
count += m_lists[i].getListSize();
// . hint offset is relative to the offset of first key we read
// . if that key was only 6 bytes RdbScan shift the list buf
// down 6 bytes to make the first key 12 bytes... a
// requirement for all RdbLists
// . don't inc it, though, if it was 0, pointing to the start
// of the list because our shift won't affect that
if ( m_scans[i].m_shifted == 6 && m_hintOffsets[i] > 0 )
m_hintOffsets[i] += 6;
// posdb double compression
if ( m_scans[i].m_shifted == 12 && m_hintOffsets[i] > 0 )
m_hintOffsets[i] += 12;
// . don't constrain on minRecSizes here because it may
// make our endKey smaller, which will cause problems
// when Msg5 merges these lists.
// . If all lists have different endKeys RdbList's merge
// chooses the min and will merge in recs beyond that
// causing a bad list BECAUSE we don't check to make
// sure that recs we are adding are below the endKey
// . if we only read from one file then constrain based
// on minRecSizes so we can send the list back w/o merging
// OR if just merging with RdbTree's list
long mrs ;
// . constrain to m_minRecSizesOrig, not m_minRecSizes cuz
// that could be adjusted by compensateForNegativeRecs()
// . but, really, they should be the same if we only read from
// the root file
if ( m_numFileNums == 1 ) mrs = m_minRecSizesOrig;
else mrs = -1;
// . this returns false and sets g_errno on error
// . like if data is corrupt
BigFile *ff = base->getFile(m_fileNums[i]);
if ( ! m_lists[i].constrain ( m_startKey ,
m_constrainKey , // m_endKey
mrs , // m_minRecSizes
m_hintOffsets[i] ,
//m_hintKeys [i] ,
&m_hintKeys [i*m_ks] ,
ff->getFilename() ,
m_niceness ) ) {
log("net: Had error while constraining list read from "
"%s: %s%s. vfd=%li parts=%li. "
"This is likely caused by corrupted "
"data on disk.",
mstrerror(g_errno), ff->m_dir ,
ff->getFilename(), ff->m_vfd ,
(long)ff->m_numParts );
// print the time
if ( g_conf.m_logTimingDb ) {
long long now = gettimeofdayInMilliseconds();
long long took = now - m_startTime;
"net: Took %lli ms to read %li lists of %li bytes total"
" from %s (niceness=%li).",
return true;
void doneSleepingWrapper3 ( int fd , void *state ) {
Msg3 *THIS = (Msg3 *)state;
// now try reading again
if ( ! THIS->doneSleeping ( ) ) return;
// if it doesn't block call the callback, g_errno may be set
THIS->m_callback ( THIS->m_state );
bool Msg3::doneSleeping ( ) {
// unregister
// read again
if ( ! readList ( m_rdbId ,
m_coll ,
m_startKey ,
m_endKeyOrig ,
m_minRecSizesOrig ,
m_startFileNum ,
m_numFiles ,
m_state ,
m_callback ,
m_niceness ,
m_retryNum ,
m_maxRetries ,
m_compensateForMerge ,
-1,//m_syncPoint ,
false ,
m_allowPageCache ,
m_hitDisk ) ) return false;
return true;
// . returns a new, smaller endKey
// . shrinks endKey while still preserving the minRecSizes requirement
// . this is the most confusing subroutine in the project
// . this now OVERWRITES endKey with the new one
//key_t Msg3::setPageRanges ( RdbBase *base ,
void Msg3::setPageRanges ( RdbBase *base ,
long *fileNums ,
long numFileNums ,
//key_t startKey ,
//key_t endKey ,
char *startKey ,
char *endKey ,
long minRecSizes ) {
// sanity check
//if ( m_ks != 12 && m_ks != 16 ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// get the file maps from the rdb
RdbMap **maps = base->getMaps();
// . initialize the startpg/endpg for each file
// . we read from the first offset on m_startpg to offset on m_endpg
// . since we set them equal that means an empty range for each file
for ( long i = 0 ; i < numFileNums ; i++ ) {
long fn = fileNums[i];
if ( fn < 0 ) { char *xx = NULL; *xx = 0; }
m_startpg[i] = maps[fn]->getPage( startKey );
m_endpg [i] = m_startpg[i];
// just return if minRecSizes 0 (no reading needed)
//if ( minRecSizes <= 0 ) return endKey ;
if ( minRecSizes <= 0 ) return;
// calculate minKey minus one
//key_t lastMinKey ;
char lastMinKey[MAX_KEY_BYTES];
char lastMinKeyIsValid = 0;
// loop until we find the page ranges that barely satisfy "minRecSizes"
// find the map whose next page has the lowest key
long minpg = -1;
//key_t minKey;
char minKey[MAX_KEY_BYTES];
for ( long i = 0 ; i < numFileNums ; i++ ) {
long fn = fileNums[i];
// this guy is out of race if his end key > "endKey" already
//if ( maps[fn]->getKey ( m_endpg[i] ) > endKey ) continue;
// get the next page after m_endpg[i]
long nextpg = m_endpg[i] + 1;
// if endpg[i]+1 == m_numPages then we maxed out this range
if ( nextpg > maps[fn]->getNumPages() ) continue;
// . but this may have an offset of -1
// . which means the page has no key starting on it and
// it's occupied by a rec which starts on a previous page
while ( nextpg < maps[fn]->getNumPages() &&
maps[fn]->getOffset ( nextpg ) == -1 ) nextpg++;
// . continue if his next page doesn't have the minimum key
// . if nextpg == getNumPages() then it returns the LAST KEY
// contained in the corresponding RdbFile
//if ( minpg != -1 && maps[fn]->getKey ( nextpg ) > minKey )
if (minpg != -1 &&
// . we got a winner, his next page has the current min key
// . if m_endpg[i]+1 == getNumPages() then getKey() returns the
// last key in the mapped file
// . minKey should never equal the key on m_endpg[i] UNLESS
// it's on page #m_numPages
//minKey = maps[fn]->getKey ( nextpg );
minpg = i;
// if minKey is same as the current key on this endpg, inc it
// so we cause some advancement, otherwise, we'll loop forever
//if ( minKey != maps[fn]->getKey ( m_endpg[i] ) ) continue;
if ( KEYCMP(minKey,maps[fn]->getKeyPtr(m_endpg[i]),m_ks)!=0)
//minKey += (unsigned long) 1;
// . we're done if we hit the end of all maps in the race
// . return the max end key
// key_t maxEndKey; maxEndKey.setMax(); return maxEndKey; }
// . no, just the endKey
//if ( minpg == -1 ) return endKey;
if ( minpg == -1 ) return;
// sanity check
if ( lastMinKeyIsValid && KEYCMP(minKey,lastMinKey,m_ks)<=0 ) {
log("db: Got corrupted map in memory for %s. This is almost "
"always because of bad memory. Please replace your RAM.",
// do not wait for any merge to complete... otherwise
// Rdb.cpp will not close until the merge is done
g_merge.m_isMerging = false;
g_merge2.m_isMerging = false;
// to complete
// shutdown with urgent=true so threads are disabled.
// sleep for now until we make sure this works
// don't let minKey exceed endKey, however
//if ( minKey > endKey ) {
if ( KEYCMP(minKey,endKey,m_ks)>0 ) {
//minKey = endKey ;
//minKey += (unsigned long) 1;
//lastMinKey = endKey;
else {
//lastMinKey = minKey ;
//lastMinKey -= (unsigned long) 1;
// it is now valid
lastMinKeyIsValid = 1;
// . advance m_endpg[i] so that next page < minKey
// . we want to read UP TO the first key on m_endpg[i]
for ( long i = 0 ; i < m_numFileNums ; i++ ) {
long fn = fileNums[i];
m_endpg[i] = maps[fn]->getEndPage ( m_endpg[i], lastMinKey );
// . if the minKey is BIGGER than the provided endKey we're done
// . we don't necessarily include records whose key is "minKey"
//if ( minKey > endKey ) return endKey;
if ( KEYCMP(minKey,endKey,m_ks)>0) return;
// . calculate recSizes per page within [startKey,minKey-1]
// . compute bytes of records in [startKey,minKey-1] for each map
// . this includes negative records so we may have annihilations
// when merging into "diskList" and get less than what we wanted
// but endKey should be shortened, so our caller will know to call
// again if he wants more
long recSizes = 0;
for ( long i = 0 ; i < m_numFileNums ; i++ ) {
long fn = fileNums[i];
recSizes += maps[fn]->getMinRecSizes ( m_startpg[i] ,
m_endpg [i] ,
startKey ,
lastMinKey ,
false );
// if we hit it then return minKey -1 so we only read UP TO "minKey"
// not including "minKey"
//if ( recSizes >= minRecSizes )
if ( recSizes >= minRecSizes ) {
// . sanity check
// . this sanity check fails sometimes, but leave it
// out for now... causes the Illegal endkey msgs in
// RdbList::indexMerge_r()
//if ( KEYNEG(lastMinKey) ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
//return lastMinKey;
// keep on truckin'
goto loop;
// . we now boost m_minRecSizes to account for negative recs in certain files
// . TODO: use floats for averages, not ints
void Msg3::compensateForNegativeRecs ( RdbBase *base ) {
// get the file maps from the rdb
RdbMap **maps = base->getMaps();
// add up counts from each map
long long totalNegatives = 0;
long long totalPositives = 0;
long long totalFileSize = 0;
for (long i = 0 ; i < m_numFileNums ; i++) {
long fn = m_fileNums[i];
// . this cored on me before when fn was -1, how'd that happen?
// . it happened right after startup before a merge should
// have been attempted
if ( fn < 0 ) {
log(LOG_LOGIC,"net: msg3: fn=%li. bad engineer.",fn);
totalNegatives += maps[fn]->getNumNegativeRecs();
totalPositives += maps[fn]->getNumPositiveRecs();
totalFileSize += maps[fn]->getFileSize();
// add em all up
long long totalNumRecs = totalNegatives + totalPositives;
// if we have no records on disk, why are we reading from disk?
if ( totalNumRecs == 0 ) return ;
// what is the size of a negative record?
//long negRecSize = sizeof(key_t);
long negRecSize = m_ks;
if ( base->getFixedDataSize() == -1 ) negRecSize += 4;
// what is the size of all positive recs combined?
long long posFileSize = totalFileSize - negRecSize * totalNegatives;
// . we often overestimate the size of the negative recs for indexdb
// because it uses half keys...
// . this can make posFileSize go negative and ultimately result in
// a newMin of 0x7fffffff which really fucks us up
if ( posFileSize < 0 ) posFileSize = 0;
// what is the average size of a positive record?
long posRecSize = 0;
if ( totalPositives > 0 ) posRecSize = posFileSize / totalPositives;
// we annihilate the negative recs and their positive pairs
long long loss = totalNegatives * (negRecSize + posRecSize);
// what is the percentage lost?
long long lostPercent = (100LL * loss) / totalFileSize;
// how much more should we read to compensate?
long newMin = ((long long)m_minRecSizes * (lostPercent + 100LL))/100LL;
// newMin will never be smaller unless it overflows
if ( newMin < m_minRecSizes ) newMin = 0x7fffffff;
// print msg if we changed m_minRecSizes
//if ( newMin != m_minRecSizes )
// log("Msg3::compensated from minRecSizes from %li to %li",
// m_minRecSizes, newMin );
// set the new min
m_minRecSizes = newMin;