mwells 87285ba3cd use gbmemcpy not memcpy so we can get profiler working again
since memcpy can't be interrupted and backtrace() called.
2015-01-13 12:25:42 -07:00

5508 lines
188 KiB

#include "gb-include.h"
#include "IndexTable2.h"
#include "Stats.h"
#include <math.h>
#include "Conf.h"
#include "Mem.h" // getHighestLitBitValue()
#include "TopTree.h"
#include "sort.h"
#include "RdbBase.h"
#include "Msg39.h"
//#include "CollectionRec.h"
#include "SearchInput.h"
#include "Timedb.h"
// global var
TopTree *g_topTree;
// when using Msg39.cpp to call addLists_r() on 2 5MB prefab lists:
// 1. it takes 100ms just to load the 10MB from mainMem into L1cache.(133MB/s)
// 2. Then we read AND write 10MB to the hash table in the L1 cache,
// which @ 400MB/s takes 25ms + 25ms = 50ms.
// 2b. Also, when hashing 2 millions keys, each key will read and write a
// full slot in hash table, so each slot is 10 bytes, that's 20 megs
// @ 400MB/s which is 50ms + 50ms = 100ms.
// 2c. Then there's chaining, about 10% of docids will chain, 10ms
// 3. Then we loop 2432 times over the 20k hash table in the L1 cache to
// get the winners which is reading 49MB @ 400MB/s = 122ms.
// 4. total mem access times is 382ms
// 5. so out of the 620ms or so, for intersecting 'the .. sex' 382ms is
// just bare memory bottleneck!
// NOTE: i used membustest.cpp to measure L1 cache speed, main mem speed, etc.
// on lenny
#define AFF_SAMPLE_SIZE 20.0
// this was 50.0, try 200.0 cuz 'new mexico tourism' had too high
// of a correlation weight because of all the implicit matches
#define CORR_SAMPLE_SIZE 200.0
// event ids range from 1 to 255, so that requires 256 bits which
// is 16 bytes!!
IndexTable2::IndexTable2() {
// top docid info
m_q = NULL;
m_buf = NULL;
//m_bigBuf = NULL;
m_localBuf = NULL;
//m_bitScoresBuf = NULL;
m_r = NULL;
m_useYesDocIdTable = false;
m_useNoDocIdTable = false;
m_useBoolTable = false;
IndexTable2::~IndexTable2() { reset(); }
void IndexTable2::reset() {
// has init() been called?
m_initialized = false;
m_estimatedTotalHits = -1;
m_computedAffWeights = false;
// filterTopDocIds is now in msg3a, and so we need to init some stuff
// or else it cores when addlists2_r is not executed.
m_numTopDocIds = 0;
// Msg3a uses the exact explicit matches count to stats, that's it
m_numExactExplicitMatches = 0;
m_numExactImplicitMatches = 0;
// if all of our termlists are BELOW the required read size, then
// we call this an "undersized" query, and we tell that to Msg3a
// so it will not re-call us or go to the next tier with us, because
// we simply have no more termlist data on disk to work with.
m_isDiskExhausted = false;
m_ni = -1;
m_tmpDocIdPtrs2 = NULL;
m_tmpScoresVec2 = NULL;
m_tmpEbitVec2 = NULL;
m_tmpHardCounts2 = NULL;
m_useYesDocIdTable = false;
m_useNoDocIdTable = false;
m_errno = 0;
m_imapIsValid = false;
// assume no-op
m_t1 = 0LL;
// realloc to save mem if we're rat
void IndexTable2::freeMem ( ) {
if ( m_bigBuf ) {
mfree ( m_bigBuf , m_bigBufSize , "IndexTable22" );
m_bigBuf = NULL;
if ( m_buf ) mfree ( m_buf , m_bufSize , "IndexTable2" );
m_buf = NULL;
m_localBuf = NULL;
//m_bitScoresBuf = NULL;
m_tmpDocIdPtrs2 = NULL;
m_tmpScoresVec2 = NULL;
m_tmpDateVec2 = NULL;
m_tmpEbitVec2 = NULL;
m_tmpHardCounts2= NULL;
m_maxTmpDocIds2 = 0;
m_numTmpDocIds2 = 0;
// . max score weight
// . we base score weight on the termFreq(# of docs that have that term)
// . drop it down from 1000 to 100 because we logged "got score breach"
#define MAX_SCORE_WEIGHT 100
#define MIN_DOCIDS 100
// . returns false on error and sets g_errno
// . NOTE: termFreqs is just referenced by us, not copied
// . sets m_startKeys, m_endKeys and m_minNumRecs for each termId
// . TODO: ensure that m_termFreqs[] are all UPPER BOUNDS on the actual #!!
// we should be able to get an upper bound estimate from the b-tree
// quickly using Msg36!
// . we now support multiple plus signs before the query term
// . lists[] and termFreqs[] must be 1-1 with q->m_qterms[]
void IndexTable2::init ( Query *q ,
bool isDebug ,
void *logstate ,
bool requireAllTerms ,
TopTree *topTree ,
char *coll ,
IndexList *lists ,
int32_t numLists ,
HashTableX *sortByDateTablePtr ,
int32_t docsWanted ,
// termFreqs are in QUERY SPACE not IMAP SPACE
int64_t *termFreqs ,
bool useDateLists ,
bool sortByDate ,
char sortBy , // for events
bool showExpiredEvents ,
float userLat ,
float userLon ,
bool doInnerLoopSiteClustering ,
bool doSiteClustering ,
bool getWeights ,
Msg39Request *r ) {
// sanity check -- watch out for double calls
if ( m_initialized ) { char *xx= NULL; *xx =0; }
// clear everything
// we are now
m_initialized = true;
// set debug flag
m_isDebug = isDebug;
// this mean to do it too!
if ( g_conf.m_logDebugQuery ) m_isDebug = true;
// point to them
m_termFreqs = termFreqs;
// some other stuff
m_useDateLists = useDateLists;
m_sortByDate = sortByDate;
m_sortBy = sortBy;
m_showExpiredEvents = showExpiredEvents;
m_sortByDateTablePtr = sortByDateTablePtr;
m_userLatIntComp = 0;
m_userLonIntComp = 0;
// sanity check - make sure it is NOT normalized (0 to 360)
if ( userLat != 999.0 && userLat < -180.0 ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
if ( userLat != 999.0 && userLat > 180.0 ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// now normalize here
userLat += 180.0;
userLon += 180.0;
// . just like we normalized that lat/lon in Events::hash() we must
// do so with the user's location for sorting by distance
// . also normalize the same way we do in Msg39::getList() now
if ( userLat >= 0.0 && userLat <= 360.0 &&
userLon >= 0.0 && userLon <= 360.0 ) {
m_userLatIntComp = (uint32_t) (userLat * 10000000.0);
m_userLonIntComp = (uint32_t) (userLon * 10000000.0);
// complement
m_userLatIntComp = ~m_userLatIntComp;
m_userLonIntComp = ~m_userLonIntComp;
// disable sort by distance if invalid m_userLat or m_userLon
else if ( m_sortBy == SORTBY_DIST ) {
m_sortBy = 0; // Dist = false;
// fix
if ( m_sortByDate && ! m_useDateLists ) m_sortByDate= false;
// we should save the lists!
m_lists = lists;
m_numLists = q->m_numTerms;
m_doSiteClustering = doSiteClustering;
m_getWeights = getWeights;
m_searchingEvents = r->m_searchingEvents;
m_showInProgress = r->m_showInProgress;
// save the request
m_r = r;
// save this
m_coll = coll;
// get the rec for it
CollectionRec *cr = g_collectiondb.getRec ( m_coll );
if ( ! cr ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// set this now
m_collnum = cr->m_collnum;
// we always use it now
if ( ! topTree ) {char *xx=NULL;*xx=0;}
// how many docids to get, treat this as a minimum # of docids to get
m_docsWanted = docsWanted;
// . getting 100 takes same time as getting 1
// . TODO: take docids form the same 8-bit sitehash into consideration
// and return a variety of sites even if it means exceeding
// m_docsWanted. it will save time!
if ( m_docsWanted < MIN_DOCIDS ) m_docsWanted = MIN_DOCIDS;
// you can only get up to the top MAX_RESULTS results unless you
// use the RdbTree, m_topTree, to hold the top results, sorted by score
//if ( ! topTree && m_docsWanted > MAX_RESULTS ) {char*xx=NULL; *xx=0;}
// . get # of docs in collection
// . we use this to help modify the affinities to compensate for very
// popular words so 'new order' gets a decent affinity
//int64_t cnt1 = 0;
//int64_t cnt2 = 0;
//RdbBase *base1 = getRdbBase ( RDB_CHECKSUMDB , coll );
//RdbBase *base2 = getRdbBase ( RDB_CLUSTERDB , coll );
//if ( base1 ) cnt1 = base1->getNumGlobalRecs();
//if ( base2 ) cnt2 = base2->getNumGlobalRecs();
// get the max
//if ( cnt1 > cnt2 ) m_numDocsInColl = cnt1;
//else m_numDocsInColl = cnt2;
RdbBase *base = getRdbBase ( RDB_CLUSTERDB , coll );
if ( base ) m_numDocsInColl = base->getNumGlobalRecs();
// issue? set it to 1000 if so
if ( m_numDocsInColl < 0 ) {
log("query: Got num docs in coll of %"INT64" < 0",m_numDocsInColl);
// avoid divide by zero below
m_numDocsInColl = 1;
// . are we default AND? it is much faster.
// . using ~/queries/queries.X.rex on rex:
// . 81q/s raw=8&sc=0&dr=0&rat=1 sum = 288.0 avg = 0.3 sdev = 0.5
// . 70q/s raw=8&sc=1&dr=1&rat=1 sum = 185.0 avg = 0.4 sdev = 0.5
// . -O2 sum = 204.00 avg = 0.15 sdev = 0.26
// . 45q/s raw=8&sc=0&dr=0&rat=0 sum = 479.0 avg = 1.1 sdev = 1.1
// . 38q/s raw=8&sc=1&dr=1&rat=0 sum = 429.0 avg = 1.2 sdev = 1.2
// . -O2 raw=8&sc=0&dr=0&rat=0 sum = 351.00 avg = 0.60 sdev = 0.69
// . speed up mostly from not having to look up as many title recs?
// . the Msg39 reported time to intersect is 4 times higher for rat=0
// . grep "intersected lists took" rat1 | awk '{print $8}' | add
// . do this on host0c for speed testing:
// ?q=windows+2000+server+product+key&usecache=0&debug=1&rat=1
m_requireAllTerms = requireAllTerms;
// force this off if boolean though!
if ( q->m_isBoolean ) m_requireAllTerms = false;
// and can not have more than 16 explicit bits!
// save it
m_topTree = topTree;
// a ptr for debugging i guess
g_topTree = topTree;
// remember the query class, it has all the info about the termIds
m_q = q;
// just a int16_t cut
m_componentCodes = m_q->m_componentCodes;
// for debug msgs
m_logstate = (int32_t)logstate;
// calc the size of each termlist, 1-1 with m_q->m_qterms[]
int64_t max = 0;
for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < m_q->m_numTerms ; i++ ) {
m_sizes[i] = 0;
// . component lists are merged into one compound list
// . they are basically ignored everywhere in IndexTable2.cpp
if ( m_componentCodes[i] >= 0 ) continue;
// PageParser.cpp gives us NULL lists, skip them
if ( ! m_lists ) continue;
m_sizes [i] += m_lists[i].getListSize();
max += m_sizes[i];
// if setting up to compute final docids from cached winners,
// bail now, we will get the imap from the cached rec
if ( m_numLists <= 0 ) return;
// . imap is int16_t for "intersection map"
// . it tells us what termlists/lists to intersect FIRST
// . it puts smallest lists first to optimize intersection times
// . it leaves out component lists, and other "ignored" lists so
// m_ni may be less than m_q->m_numTerms
// . that is why it needs m_sizes[], the sizes of the termlists
// . see Query.cpp::getImap() for more info
// . set imap here now so we can get the smallest block size to
// set m_maxNumTopDocIds2, the maximum number of docids we will
// have can not be larger than the smallest required termlist!
// . we need this for calling setFreqWeights()
m_nb = 0;
m_ni = m_q->getImap ( m_sizes , m_imap , m_blocksize , &m_nb );
// mark it as valid
m_imapIsValid = true;
// fill in m_revImap[], etc.
// . if we are computing the phr and aff weights, no need to
// deal with the tf weights?
// . msg3a first calls each split with getWeights set to true so it
// can get everyone's sample points for the aff and tf weights. then
// it average those together and re-sends itself exactly the same
// request to each split, but with m_geWeights set to FALSE... that
// is the "second call"
// . NO, msg3a also likes to send the same weights to everyone,
// and even now the tf weights here will all be computed exactly
// the same on each split, in the future we may do "relative tfs"
// and each split may calculate its own relative tfs and weights,
// to send back to msg3a so it can avg them and recompute the top
// docids on each split by doing a 2nd call
//if ( m_getWeights ) return;
// compute the min freq weight of them all, in IMAP space
float min = -1.0;
for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < m_ni ; i++ )
if ( m_freqWeights[i] < min || min < 0.0 )
min = m_freqWeights[i];
// . divide by that to normalize them all
// . now the freq weights range from 1.0 to infinite
for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < m_ni ; i++ )
m_freqWeights[i] /= min;
void IndexTable2::setStuffFromImap ( ) {
// sanity check
if ( ! m_imapIsValid ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// . make the reverse imap
// . for mapping from query term space into imap space
// . zero out, i is in normal query term space
for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < m_q->m_numTerms ; i++ )
m_revImap[i] = -1;
// set it, i is now in crazy imap space
for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < m_ni ; i++ )
m_revImap[m_imap[i]] = i;
// now put m_q->m_qterms[i].m_leftPhraseTermNum into imap space
// using revImap[]
for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < m_ni ; i++ ) {
// map "m" into query term num space from imap space
int32_t m = m_imap[i];
// get query term #i
QueryTerm *qt = &m_q->m_qterms[m];
// assume not there
m_imapLeftPhraseTermNum [i] = -1;
m_imapRightPhraseTermNum[i] = -1;
// . these are intially in query term space so we must convert
// into imap space, using revImap[]
// . -1 implies no valid phrase term
if ( qt->m_leftPhraseTermNum >= 0 ) {
// . map into imap space
// . will be -1 if not in imap space at all
int32_t ileft = m_revImap[qt->m_leftPhraseTermNum];
// store in array in imap space
m_imapLeftPhraseTermNum[i] = ileft;
if ( qt->m_rightPhraseTermNum >= 0 ) {
// . map into imap space
// . will be -1 if not in imap space at all
int32_t iright = m_revImap[qt->m_rightPhraseTermNum];
// store in array in imap space
m_imapRightPhraseTermNum[i] = iright;
// now m_qterms[m_imap[left]] is the query term you want
// . set score weight for each term based on termFreqs
// . termFreqs is just the max size of an IndexList
// . set weights for phrases and singletons independently
// . m_termFreqs[] is in IMAP space
if ( m_getWeights ) {
setFreqWeights ( m_q , true );
setFreqWeights ( m_q , false );
// do not recompute the affinity and freq weights, use what we
// are provided
if ( ! m_getWeights ) setAffWeights ( m_r );
class CacheRec {
uint64_t m_queryId;
uint32_t m_queryHash;
char m_tier;
char *m_buf;
int32_t m_bufSize;
int32_t m_maxTmpDocIds2;
int32_t m_numTmpDocIds2;
char *m_bufMiddle;
int32_t m_ni;
int32_t m_numExactExplicitMatches;
int32_t m_numExactImplicitMatches;
int64_t m_estimatedTotalHits;
time_t m_timestamp; // local clock time
time_t m_nowUTCMod;
int32_t m_localBufSize ;
//int32_t m_bitScoresBufSize ;
char *m_listBufs [MAX_QUERY_TERMS];
int32_t m_listBufSizes[MAX_QUERY_TERMS];
int32_t m_numLists;
bool m_isDiskExhausted;
int32_t m_imap [MAX_QUERY_TERMS];
int32_t m_blocksize [MAX_QUERY_TERMS];
int32_t m_nb;
#define ICACHESIZE 25
static CacheRec s_recs[ICACHESIZE];
static int32_t s_maxi = 0;
void IndexTable2::setAffWeights ( Msg39Request *r ) {
// m_imap must be valid
if ( ! m_imapIsValid ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// . use the weights passed into us when calling computeWeightedScore()
// from inside the fillTopDocids() function.
// . copy this over into IMAP space so we can use them
// . TODO: make sure m_imap[] is valid!
float *affWeightsQS = (float *)r->ptr_affWeights;
float *tfWeightsQS = (float *)r->ptr_tfWeights;
for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < m_ni ; i++ ) {
m_freqWeights[i] = tfWeightsQS [m_imap[i]];
m_affWeights [i] = affWeightsQS[m_imap[i]];
//gbmemcpy ( m_freqWeights , tfWeights , nqt * sizeof(float) );
//gbmemcpy ( m_affWeights , affWeights , nqt * sizeof(float) );
// do not compute them ourselves again
m_computedAffWeights = true;
// . recompute the top docids from a cached intersection using the supplied
// weight vectors, affWeights[] and tfWeights[]
// . returns true if we could get intersection from cache
bool IndexTable2::recompute ( Msg39Request *r ) {
// assume no-op
m_t1 = 0LL;
// reset this
m_errno = 0;
uint64_t queryId = r->m_queryId;
// hash the query
uint32_t queryHash = hash32 ( r->ptr_query , r->size_query );
// . do not recompute the affinity and freq weights, use what we
// are provided
// . this is now set in setStuffFromImap()
//setAffWeights ( r );
char *data = NULL;
// get from cache
int32_t i = 0;
for ( i = 0 ; i < s_maxi ; i++ ) {
// grab that thang
data = s_recs[i].m_buf;
// skip if empty
if ( ! data ) continue;
// is it us?
if ( s_recs[i].m_queryId != queryId ) continue;
// just a secondary precaution, if a host is quickly restarted it could
// send us another query with the same queryId
if ( s_recs[i].m_queryHash != queryHash ) continue;
// we need to match the tier too!
if ( s_recs[i].m_tier != r->m_tier ) continue;//{ char*xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// how many docids we got in the intersection
// return false if could not get it!
if ( i >= s_maxi ) {
// note it
log (LOG_DEBUG,"query: MISSED THE CACHE qid=0x%"XINT64" tier=%"INT32"",
return false;
// log it
if ( m_isDebug )
logf(LOG_DEBUG,"query: found in cache qid=0x%"XINT64" tier=%"INT32"",
// the number of valid quer terms we are dealing with
int32_t nqt = s_recs[i].m_ni;
// sanity check
if ( nqt == -1 ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// set it
m_ni = nqt;
m_isDiskExhausted = s_recs[i].m_isDiskExhausted;
// need this for sortByTime
m_nowUTCMod = s_recs[i].m_nowUTCMod;
// set our stuff from it
int32_t nd = s_recs[i].m_maxTmpDocIds2;
char *p = s_recs[i].m_bufMiddle;
m_tmpDocIdPtrs2 = (char **)p ; p += nd * 4;
m_tmpScoresVec2 = (uint8_t *)p ; p += nd * nqt;
m_tmpEbitVec2 = (qvec_t *)p ; p += nd * sizeof(qvec_t);
m_tmpHardCounts2 = (int16_t *)p ; p += nd * 2;
if ( m_sortByDate ) {
m_tmpDateVec2 = (uint32_t *)p; p += nd * 4; }
if ( m_sortBy == SORTBY_DIST ) {
m_tmpLatVec2 = (uint32_t *)p; p += nd * 4;
m_tmpLonVec2 = (uint32_t *)p; p += nd * 4;
//if ( m_sortBy == SORTBY_TIME ) {
// m_tmpTimeVec2 = (uint32_t *)p; p += nd * 4;
// m_tmpEndVec2 = (uint32_t *)p; p += nd * 4;
if ( m_searchingEvents ) {
m_tmpEventIds2 = (uint8_t *)p; p += nd; }
// for debug
//for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < 38 ; i++ )
// logf(LOG_DEBUG,"poo2: tt=%"UINT32"",m_tmpTimeVec2[i]);
// sizes here
m_localBufSize = s_recs[i].m_localBufSize;
//m_bitScoresBufSize = s_recs[i].m_bitScoresBufSize;
// set the local hash table buf (unused i think for us)
m_localBuf = p; p += m_localBufSize;
// the boolean bit scores table
//m_bitScoresBuf = p ; p += m_bitScoresBufSize;
// set the # we got too
m_numTmpDocIds2 = s_recs[i].m_numTmpDocIds2;
// inherit these cuz msg3a re-gets it from the msg39 reply
m_numExactExplicitMatches = s_recs[i].m_numExactExplicitMatches;
m_numExactImplicitMatches = s_recs[i].m_numExactImplicitMatches;
m_estimatedTotalHits = s_recs[i].m_estimatedTotalHits;
// retrieve the imap
m_nb = s_recs[i].m_nb;
gbmemcpy ( m_blocksize , s_recs[i].m_blocksize , m_nb * 4 );
gbmemcpy ( m_imap , s_recs[i].m_imap , m_ni * 4 );
// fill in the related stuff
// fake it
//m_computedAffWeights = true;
//m_topTree = topTree;
//m_q = q;
// for allocTopTree, need these
//m_docsWanted = docsWanted;
//m_doSiteClustering = doSiteClustering;
// how many results did we get?
int32_t numTopDocIds = 0;
// make m_topTree alloc the mem it needs
//if ( ! allocTopTree() ) goto skipFill;
// we must also re-compute the table that maps the explicit
// bits of a docid into a bit score so m_q->getBitScore(ebits) works!
if ( ! m_q->m_bmapIsSet ) m_q->setBitMap();
// . set boolean bit scores necessary for resolving boolean queries
// . maps an implicit bit vector to a "true" if it is a valid search
// results or "false" if it is not
//if ( m_q->m_isBoolean ) {
// this returns false if no truths are possible, in which
// case we have no search results
//if ( ! m_q->setBitScoresBoolean ( m_bitScoresBuf ,
// m_bitScoresBufSize ) )
// return false;
// set these to bogus values to prevent core
m_timeTermOff = 999;
m_endTermOff = 999;
m_latTermOff = 999;
m_lonTermOff = 999;
// . now fill the top docids with the top of the big list
// . this will fill m_topTree if it is non-NULL
numTopDocIds = fillTopDocIds ( //NULL , // topp
//NULL , // tops
//NULL , // topb
m_docsWanted ,
m_tmpDocIdPtrs2 ,
m_tmpScoresVec2 ,
m_tmpDateVec2 ,
m_tmpLatVec2 ,
m_tmpLonVec2 ,
//m_tmpTimeVec2 ,
//m_tmpEndVec2 ,
m_tmpEbitVec2 ,
m_tmpHardCounts2 ,
m_tmpEventIds2 ,
m_numTmpDocIds2 );
// sanity check
if ( numTopDocIds != m_topTree->m_numUsedNodes ) {
char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// skipFill:
freeCacheRec ( i );
// we got the top docids, return true
return true;
void IndexTable2::freeCacheRec ( int32_t i ) {
// remove from cache
if ( m_isDebug )
logf(LOG_DEBUG,"query: freeing cache rec #%"INT32" qid=0x%"XINT64" "
// was it already freed? this happens sometimes, dunno why exactly...
if ( ! s_recs[i].m_buf ) {
logf(LOG_DEBUG,"query: Caught double free on itcache");
mfree ( s_recs[i].m_buf , s_recs[i].m_bufSize , "ITCache2");
// free the lists
for ( int32_t j = 0 ; j < s_recs[i].m_numLists ; j++ )
mfree ( s_recs[i].m_listBufs [j] ,
s_recs[i].m_listBufSizes[j] , "ITCache3" );
// free the cache slot
s_recs[i].m_buf = NULL;
// do not free again!
s_recs[i].m_queryId = 0;
s_recs[i].m_queryHash = 0;
// . store the allocated mem in a little cache thingy
// . returns false on error and sets g_errno, true on success
bool IndexTable2::cacheIntersectionForRecompute ( Msg39Request *r ) {
if ( ! m_topTree ) { char*xx=NULL;*xx=0;}
// clear last one so we have on to store this in
if ( s_maxi < ICACHESIZE ) s_recs[s_maxi].m_buf = NULL;
// the max for i
int32_t maxi = s_maxi + 1;
// limit to 50
if ( maxi > ICACHESIZE ) maxi = ICACHESIZE;
uint32_t queryHash = hash32 ( r->ptr_query , r->size_query );
int32_t nowLocal = getTimeLocal();
// free our old intersection
int32_t i;
for ( i = 0 ; i < maxi ; i++ ) {
// skip if can't free
if ( ! s_recs[i].m_buf ) continue;
// if we advance to the next tier, we will find the results
// of the first tier in here!
if ( s_recs[i].m_queryId == r->m_queryId &&
s_recs[i].m_queryHash == queryHash )
freeCacheRec ( i );
else if ( nowLocal - s_recs[i].m_timestamp > 120 ) {
if ( m_isDebug )
log("query: freeing aged CacheRec");
freeCacheRec ( i );
// find and empty slot to store it in
for ( i = 0 ; i < maxi ; i++ )
// stop if empty
if ( ! s_recs[i].m_buf ) break;
// return if no room in the cache
if ( i >= maxi ) {
logf(LOG_DEBUG,"query: could not add cache rec for "
"qid=0x%"XINT64" tier=%"INT32"",
return false;
if ( m_isDebug )
logf(LOG_DEBUG,"query: adding cache rec #%"INT32". "
"numTmpDocIds2=%"INT32" qid=0x%"XINT64" tier=%"INT32"",i,
// save m_buf/m_bufSize
s_recs[i].m_buf = m_buf;
s_recs[i].m_bufSize = m_bufSize;
s_recs[i].m_bufMiddle = m_bufMiddle;
s_recs[i].m_maxTmpDocIds2 = m_maxTmpDocIds2;
s_recs[i].m_numTmpDocIds2 = m_numTmpDocIds2;
s_recs[i].m_timestamp = nowLocal;
s_recs[i].m_nowUTCMod = m_nowUTCMod;
// do not allow it to be freed now
m_buf = NULL;
// for debug
//for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < 38 ; i++ )
// logf(LOG_DEBUG,"poo: tt=%"UINT32"",m_tmpTimeVec2[i]);
// # docids we got buf for
//int32_t nd = m_maxTmpDocIds2;
// the last two bufs
s_recs[i].m_localBufSize = m_localBufSize;
//s_recs[i].m_bitScoresBufSize = m_bitScoresBufSize;
// alloc for it
//char *data = (char *)mmalloc ( keepSize , "IT2Cache" );
//if ( ! data ) return false;
// hopefully this is super fast
//gbmemcpy ( data , keepStart , keepSize );
// save the termlists since m_tmpDocIdPtrs2[] references into them
for ( int32_t j = 0 ; j < m_numLists ; j++ ) {
s_recs[i].m_listBufs [j] = m_lists[j].m_alloc;
s_recs[i].m_listBufSizes[j] = m_lists[j].m_allocSize;
// tell list not to free its stuff
m_lists[j].m_ownData = false;
s_recs[i].m_numLists = m_numLists;
// miscellaneous
s_recs[i].m_queryId = r->m_queryId;
s_recs[i].m_queryHash = hash32 ( r->ptr_query , r->size_query );
s_recs[i].m_tier = r->m_tier;
s_recs[i].m_ni = m_ni;
s_recs[i].m_isDiskExhausted = m_isDiskExhausted;
// save these since Msg3a needs it for determining if it needs to
// go to the next tier
s_recs[i].m_numExactExplicitMatches = m_numExactExplicitMatches;
s_recs[i].m_numExactImplicitMatches = m_numExactImplicitMatches;
// and save the estimate
s_recs[i].m_estimatedTotalHits = m_estimatedTotalHits;
// sanity check
if ( ! m_imapIsValid ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0;}
// store the imap in case it changes
s_recs[i].m_nb = m_nb;
gbmemcpy ( s_recs[i].m_blocksize , m_blocksize , m_nb * 4 );
gbmemcpy ( s_recs[i].m_imap , m_imap , m_ni * 4 );
//m_ni = m_q->getImap ( m_sizes , m_imap , m_blocksize , &m_nb );
if ( s_maxi < i+1 ) s_maxi = i + 1;
return true;
// these should be in IMAP space!
void IndexTable2::setFreqWeights ( Query *q , bool phrases ) {
if ( ! m_imapIsValid ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// get the minimum TF, "minFreq"
double minFreq = 0x7fffffffffffffffLL;
for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < q->getNumTerms() ; i++ ) {
// component lists are merged into one compound list
if ( m_componentCodes[i] >= 0 ) continue;
// . if we're setting phrases, it must be an UNQUOTED phrase
// . quoted phrases have a term sign!
if ( phrases ) {
if ( q->isInQuotes (i) ) continue;
if ( ! q->isPhrase (i) ) continue;
if ( q->getTermSign(i) != '\0' ) continue;
else if ( ! q->isInQuotes (i) &&
q->isPhrase (i) &&
q->getTermSign(i) == '\0' )
// is this the new min?
if ( m_termFreqs[i] < minFreq ) minFreq = m_termFreqs[i];
// to balance things out don't allow minFreq below "absMin"
double absMin = GB_INDEXDB_PAGE_SIZE/(2*sizeof(key_t));
if ( minFreq < absMin ) minFreq = absMin;
float wmax = 0.0;
// . loop through each term computing the score weight for it
// . j is in imap space
for ( int32_t j = 0 ; j < m_ni ; j++ ) {
// reset frequency weight to default
float fw = 1.0;
// . get query term num, q->m_qterms[i]
// . i is in query term space
int32_t i = m_imap[j];
// sanity checks
if ( i < 0 ) { char *xx = NULL; *xx = 0; }
if ( i >= q->m_numTerms ) { char *xx = NULL; *xx = 0; }
// component lists are merged into one compound list
if ( m_componentCodes[i] >= 0 ) continue;
// is it a "weak" phrase term?
bool isWeakPhrase = true;
if ( ! q->isPhrase (i) ) isWeakPhrase = false;
if ( q->isInQuotes (i) ) isWeakPhrase = false;
if ( q->getTermSign(i) != '\0' ) isWeakPhrase = false;
// if we're setting phrases, it must be a weak phrase
if ( phrases && ! isWeakPhrase ) continue;
if ( ! phrases && isWeakPhrase ) continue;
// increase small term freqs to the minimum
double freq = m_termFreqs[i];
if ( freq < absMin ) freq = absMin;
// get ratio into [1,inf)
double ratio1 = 2.71828 * freq / minFreq; // R1
// . natural log it
// . gives a x8 whereas log10 would give a x4 for a wide case
double ratio2 = log ( ratio1 ); // R2
// square
// ratio = ratio * ratio;
// make bigger now for '"warriors of freedom" game' query
// so it weights 'game' less
//double ratio3 = pow ( ratio2 , 2.6 ); // R3
// raise to the m_queryExp power
double ratio3 = pow ( ratio2, (double)g_conf.m_queryExp );// R3
// now invert
double ratio4 = 1.0 / ratio3; // R4
// Example for 'boots in the uk' query: (GB_PAGE_SIZE is 32k, absMin=1365)
// TERM df R1 R2 R3 R4 W1
// boots(184) --> 7500000 7465 8.9179 295.58 .00338 1.1255
// uk (207) --> 78000000 77636 11.2597 541.97 .001845 .6143
// "boots.. uk"(25)--> 2731 2.71828 1.0 1.0 1.0 333
// don't exceed multiplier
//if ( ratio < 1.0 / g_conf.m_queryMaxMultiplier )
// ratio = 1.0 / g_conf.m_queryMaxMultiplier;
// get the pure weight
int32_t weight= (int32_t)(((double)MAX_SCORE_WEIGHT) * ratio4);
// HACK: just make all phrases have a 1.0 weight here,
// because "mexico tourism" in "new mexico tourism" is a
// somewhat rare thing compare to "new mexico" BUT it should
// not be boosted because of that!!
if ( phrases ) weight = MAX_SCORE_WEIGHT;
// ensure at least 1
if ( weight < 1 ) weight = 1;
// don't breech MAX_SCORE
if ( weight > MAX_SCORE_WEIGHT ) weight = MAX_SCORE_WEIGHT;
// store it for use by addLists_r
fw = (float)weight;
// . apply user-defined weights
// . we add this with completed disregard with date weighting
QueryTerm *qt = &q->m_qterms[i];
// . if this is a phrase then give it a boost
// . NOTE: this might exceed MAX_SCORE_WEIGHT then!!
if ( qt->m_isPhrase )
fw = ( fw * g_conf.m_queryPhraseWeight ) / 100.0 ;
//the user weight, "w"
float w;
if ( qt->m_userType == 'r' ) w = fw;
else w = 1LL;
// 'r' means relative, so multiply this by "fw", otherwise
// the provided weight is absolute...
w *= (float)qt->m_userWeight;
// . it can be multiplied by up to 256 (the term count)
// . then it can be multiplied by an affinity weight, but
// that ranges from 0.0 to 1.0.
int64_t max = 0x7fffffff / 256;
if ( w > max ) {
log("query: Weight breech. Truncating to %"UINT64".",max);
w = (float)max;
// if this is a special term like lat/lon/time/end then we
// do not want it to contribute to the score of the result
// so set this to zero. thus getWeightedScore() should ignore
// it completely.
if ( qt->m_fieldCode == FIELD_GBLATRANGE ||
qt->m_fieldCode == FIELD_GBLONRANGE ||
qt->m_fieldCode == FIELD_GBLATRANGECITY ||
qt->m_fieldCode == FIELD_GBLONRANGECITY )
//qt->m_fieldCode == FIELD_GBSTARTRANGE ||
//qt->m_fieldCode == FIELD_GBENDRANGE )
w = 0.0;
// . let's put this into IMAP space
// . so it will be 1-1 with m_affWeights!
m_freqWeights[j] = w;
// get max
if ( w > wmax ) wmax = w;
// . stop words always get a weight of 1 regardless
// . we don't usually look them up unless all words in the
// query are stop words
//if ( q->m_isStopWords[i] ) weight = 1;
// log it
if ( m_isDebug || g_conf.m_logDebugQuery ) {
// get the term in utf8
//char bb[256];
//utf16ToUtf8(bb, 256, qt->m_term, qt->m_termLen);
char *tpc = qt->m_term + qt->m_termLen;
char c = *tpc;
*tpc = '\0';
char sign = qt->m_termSign;
if ( sign == 0 ) sign = '0';
logf(LOG_DEBUG,"query: [%"UINT32"] term=\"%s\" "
"qnum=%"INT32" has freq=%"INT64" "
"r1=%.3f r2=%.3f r3=%.3f r4=%.3f score "
"freqWeight=%.3f termId=%"INT64" "
"sign=%c field=%"INT32"",
// put it back
*tpc = c;
// normalize so max is 1.0
for ( int32_t j = 0 ; j < m_ni ; j++ ) {
// skip if zero because we should ignore it
if ( m_freqWeights[j] == 0.0 ) continue;
// normalize it
m_freqWeights[j] /= wmax;
// cap it to floor
if ( m_freqWeights[j] < 0.0001 )
m_freqWeights[j] = 0.0001;
// set weights in query space too!
for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < m_q->m_numTerms ; i++ )
m_freqWeightsQS [i] = -1.0;
// store the weights in query space format for passing back in the
// Msg39Reply for processing
for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < m_ni ; i++ )
m_freqWeightsQS [m_imap[i]] = m_freqWeights [i];
// we compute word scores after phrases, wait for that
if ( phrases ) return;
if ( ! g_conf.m_useDynamicPhraseWeighting ) return;
// . reduce weights of single word terms if their term freq is close
// to that of one of the phrase terms they are in
// . this is really only necessary because we weight words low if they
// are in a repeated phrase on a document. has really
// low scores for real and estate, but not for 'real estate' and
// is not coming up in the top 50!
// . coldwellbanker has a high score for 'real' because it contains
// it in its title, so it gets into the concept table as a single
// word, then a neighborhood pwid contains it NOT in the phrase
// "real estate"...
for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < q->m_numWords ; i++ ) {
// get the query word
QueryWord *qw = &q->m_qwords[i];
// how can this be null?
if ( ! qw ) continue;
// skip if no associated QueryTerm class. punct word?
if ( ! qw->m_queryWordTerm ) continue;
// get the term # for word #i (query word term num)
int32_t qwtn = qw->m_queryWordTerm - &q->m_qterms[0];
// get the freq of that
int64_t freq = q->m_termFreqs[qwtn];
// component lists are merged into one compound list
if ( m_componentCodes[qwtn] >= 0 ) continue;
// get the query word # that starts the phrase on our left
int32_t wordnum1 = qw->m_leftPhraseStart;
// get that word into "qw1"
QueryWord *qw1 = NULL;
if ( wordnum1 >= 0 ) qw1 = &q->m_qwords[wordnum1];
// get the QueryTerm of the PHRASE that word starts
QueryTerm *qt1 = NULL;
if ( qw1 ) qt1 = qw1->m_queryPhraseTerm;
// get term # of that phrase
int32_t term1 = -1;
if ( qt1 ) term1 = qt1 - &q->m_qterms[0];
// sanity check
if ( term1 >= q->m_numTerms ) { char *xx = NULL; *xx = 0; };
// get the term freq of the left phrase
int64_t leftFreq = -1LL;
if ( term1 >= 0 ) leftFreq = q->m_termFreqs [ term1 ];
// get the phrase term this query word starts
QueryTerm *qt2 = qw->m_queryPhraseTerm;
// get term # of that phrase
int32_t term2 = -1;
if ( qt2 ) term2 = qt2 - &q->m_qterms[0];
// sanity check
if ( term2 >= q->m_numTerms ) { char *xx = NULL; *xx = 0; };
// get the term freq of the left phrase
int64_t rightFreq = -1LL;
if ( term2 >= 0 ) rightFreq = q->m_termFreqs [ term2 ];
// . take the min phrase freq
// . these are -1 if not set
int64_t min = leftFreq;
if ( min < 0 ) min = rightFreq;
if ( rightFreq < min && rightFreq >= 0 ) min = rightFreq;
// skip if no phrases at all for query term #i
if ( min == -1LL ) continue;
// . what percentage is the phrase freq of the word?
// . if the phrase's term freq equals that of the word's then
// it is safe to demote the word weight to very little,
// just above 0...
double scalar = 1.0 - ( (double)min / (double)freq );
// sanity check really
if ( scalar < 0.0 ) scalar = 0.0;
float newWeight = m_freqWeights[qwtn] * scalar;
// debug msg
logf(LOG_DEBUG,"query: reduce query word score #%"INT32" from %f "
"to %f", i,m_freqWeights[qwtn],newWeight);
// reduce the word's term score
m_freqWeights[qwtn] = newWeight;
// max temp buffer slots for rat=0 (NORAT_
//#define NORAT_TMP_SLOTS 655350
// . alloc all the mem we need to do the intersection
// . do allocs here since intersection is usually in a thread and we can't
// call malloc from the thread (not thread safe)
// . the "need" buffer holds space that is basically pointers to lists
// for all the termlists involved in the intersection.
// . each list has an array of ptrs into its termlist. each ptr points to a
// sublist which is sorted by docid and that makes it convenient to
// intersect one range of docids at a time, since the hash table is small
// . the "need2" buffer is pointed to by m_tmpDocIdPtrs2[] etc. that buffer
// is used to hold the docids that are in the "active intersection", which
// is carried over from one intersection operation to the next with every
// call the addList2_r(). It shrinks with each interscetino operation.
// . the "need2" buffer is also used to hold the top NUMRAT_SLOTS docids
// in the case of a rat=0 intersection which intersects all termlists in
// a single call the addLists2_r() until enough docids are obtained to
// calculcate the affinities and affinity weights so that we can calcualte
// the proper scores of each docid and therefore only keep the top X scoring
// docids.
// . the "need3" buffer is m_localBuf
bool IndexTable2::alloc ( ) {
// no need to allocate if we have nothing to intersect!
if ( m_nb <= 0 ) return true;
// sanity check -- must have called m_ni = getImap() in init() above
if ( m_ni < 0 ) { char *xx = NULL; *xx = 0; }
// . alloc space for top tree
// . returns false and sets g_errno on error
// . increase docs to get if doing site clustering
// . this is no longer done in Msg40.cpp for FULL SPLITS, we do it here
// . the top tree is only needed if m_recopute is true now!!
//if ( ! allocTopTree() ) return false;
// pre-allocate all the space we need for intersecting the lists
int64_t need = 0;
// we only look at the lists in imap space, there are m_ni of them
int32_t nqt = m_ni;
need += nqt * 256 * sizeof(char *) ; // ptrs
need += nqt * 256 * sizeof(char *) ; // pstarts
if ( m_useDateLists )
need += nqt * 256 * sizeof(char *) ; // ptrEnds
need += nqt * 256 * sizeof(char *) ; // oldptrs
// one table for each list to map 1-byte score to tf*affWeight score
need += nqt * 256 * sizeof(int32_t ) ;
// and one table for just mapping to affWeighted score
need += nqt * 256 * sizeof(int32_t ) ;
need += nqt * sizeof(char ) ; // listSigns
need += nqt * sizeof(char ) ; // listHardCount
need += nqt * sizeof(int32_t *) ; // listScoreTablePtrs1
need += nqt * sizeof(int32_t *) ; // listScoreTablePtrs2
need += nqt * sizeof(int32_t ) ; // listIndexes
need += nqt * sizeof(char *) ; // listEnds
need += nqt * sizeof(char ) ; // listHash
need += nqt * sizeof(qvec_t) ; // listExplicitBits
need += nqt * sizeof(int32_t ) ; // listPoints
// mark spot for m_tmpDocIdPtrs2 arrays
int32_t middle = need;
// if sorting by date we need a much larger hash table than normal
if ( sortByDate ) {
// we need a "ptr end" (ptrEnds[i]) for each ptr since the
// buckets are not delineated by a date or score
need += nqt * 256 * sizeof(char *) ;
// get number of docids in largest list
int32_t max = 0;
for ( int32_t j = 0 ; j < numLists ; j++ ) {
// datedb lists are 10 bytes per half key
int32_t nd = lists[j].getListSize() / 10;
if ( nd > max ) max = nd;
// how big to make hash table?
int32_t slotSize = 4+4+2+sizeof(qvec_t);
int64_t need = slotSize * max;
// have some extra slots in between for speed
need = (need * 5 ) / 4;
// . do not go overboard
// . let's try to keep it in the L2 cache
// . we can only do like 1 million random access to main
// memory per second. L2 mem should be much higher.
//if ( need > 30*1024*1024 ) need = 30*1024*1024;
//if ( need > 512*1024 ) need = 512*1024;
//if ( need > 1024*1024 ) need = 1024*1024;
// . this is balance between two latency functions. with more
// "need" we can have a bigger hash table which decrease
// m_numLoops, but increases our memory access latency since
// we'll be hitting more of main memory. use hashtest.cpp
// with a high # of slots to see the affects of increasing
// the size of the hash table. every loop in m_numLoops
// means we read the entire datedb lists and we can only do
// that at most at 2.5GB/sec or so on the current hardware.
// . i don't expect memory access times to improve as fast as
// memory throughput, so in the future to maintain optimal
// behaviour, we should decrease the max for "need"???
//if ( need > 4*1024*1024 ) need = 4*1024*1024;
if ( need > 2*1024*1024 ) need = 2*1024*1024;
//if ( need > 512*1024 ) need = 512*1024;
// we need to have AT LEAST 1024 slots in our hash table
if ( need < slotSize*1024 ) need = slotSize*1024;
// clear this out in case it was set
if ( m_bigBuf ) {
mfree ( m_bigBuf , m_bigBufSize , "IndexTable22" );
m_bigBuf = NULL;
// alloc again
m_bigBuf = (char *)mmalloc ( need , "IndexTable22" );
if ( ! m_bigBuf && need > 1024*1024 ) {
need >>= 1; goto tryagain; }
// set it
m_bigBufSize = need;
if ( ! m_bigBuf ) {
log("query: Could not allocate %"INT64" for query "
return false;
// sanity check
if ( m_tmpDocIdPtrs2 ) {
log(LOG_LOGIC,"query: bad top docid ptrs2.");
char *xx = NULL; *xx = 0; }
// hks = half key size (size of everything except the termid)
char hks = 6;
// fks = full key size
char fks = 12;
// dateLists are 4 more bytes per key than standard 12-byte key lists
// because they have a 4-byte date/time stamp in addition to
// everything else
if ( m_useDateLists ) { hks += 4; fks += 4; }
// . we expect up to "min" docids to be stored in memory at a time
// . for rat=1 these docids are the docids (and related info)
// contained in the "active intersection" (m_tmpDocIdsPtrs2[],etc.)
// . the "active intersection" is the result of the last intersection
// we performed.
// . we intersect each termlist with the "active intersection" by
// calling addLists2_r()
int64_t min = 0;
if ( m_requireAllTerms && m_nb > 0 ) {
for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < m_blocksize[0]; i++ )
min += m_lists[m_imap[i]].getListSize() / hks ;
// . for rat=0, we now use these buffers to hold the last
// NORAT_TMP_SLOTS docids.
// . for rat=0, we intersect all termlists in one call to addLists2_r()
// so there is no "active intersection" that needs to be preserved
// between multiple calls to addLists2_r(), however, it is not
// as fast.
// . but now we do need to store a lot of docids (NORAT_TMP_SLOTS)
// in order to do our phrase and synonym affinity calculations
// . one we determine those affinities we can then determine scores
// for docids as we get them, and we no longer need to store all
// of the result docids into m_tmpDocIdPtrs2[], HOWEVER, we do need
// to store the top-scoring docids (usually 100 or so) in the
// m_topDocIds[] array, which is easy and efficient.
else {
// for rat = 0 we'll have a limited sized buffer
// MDW: no, lets cache the whole lot of 'em now since we
// broke up the msg3a thing into two phases, weight generation
// and converting the score vectors into the top X docids
for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < m_numLists; i++ )
// TODO: ignore the ignored lists!!
min += m_lists[i].getListSize() / hks ;
// crap when searching events we have multiple event ids that share
// one datedb key, so we have to count each on separately! that is
// we have a range of one byte eventids, a to b in the datedb key
// as a form of compression, since frequently such events share
// many terms in common. we might have a boolean query like
// 'health OR +sports' in which case we should probably add up
// every event ids in every key of every list anyhow...
//if ( m_requireAllTerms && m_nb > 0 ) {
if ( m_nb > 0 && m_searchingEvents ) {
// . reset this since we are counting eventids now
// . no we need this in case fieldCode == FIELD_GBLATRANGE etc
// and num == 1, so do not nuke "min"!!
//min = 0;
// how many lists should we scan for counting eventids
int32_t num ;
// just count event ids in the first termlist, the int16_test
// termlist (and its associated phrase terms), if
// requireAllTerms is true.
if ( m_requireAllTerms ) num = m_blocksize[0];
// otherwise, we are doing a boolean OR or rat=0 and
// we need to count all eventids in all lists in case they
// all make it into the final search results.
// don't use numLists because it is not deduped for same
// query terms like m_ni???
else num = m_ni;//numLists;
// then scan just those termlists
for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < num ; i++ ) {
// point to that list
RdbList *clist = &m_lists[m_imap[i]];
// get query term
QueryTerm *qt = &m_q->m_qterms[m_imap[i]];
// skip if a lat/lon/time key list, we only
// have one of these keys per event id. we already
// added one for each docid in the loops above
// that were for non-event searching, so if we only
// have on termlist and its a lat/lon we should be
// covered from those loops, so skip it here!!
if ( qt->m_fieldCode == FIELD_GBLATRANGE ||
qt->m_fieldCode == FIELD_GBLONRANGE ||
qt->m_fieldCode == FIELD_GBLATRANGECITY ||
qt->m_fieldCode == FIELD_GBLONRANGECITY )
//qt->m_fieldCode == FIELD_GBSTARTRANGE ||
//qt->m_fieldCode == FIELD_GBENDRANGE )
// start at first key
// scan that list
int32_t a = ((uint8_t *)clist->m_listPtr)[7];
int32_t b = ((uint8_t *)clist->m_listPtr)[6];
if ( a - b < 0 ) {
// corruption?
min += b-a;
log("index: strangr corruption");
//char *xx=NULL;*xx=0;
// . count eventid range 8-8 as one...
// . we already added 1 for each key in the
// section above... so no need to add one
// here again!
min += a-b;//+1;
MDW: this was coring on gk144 for 'health OR +sports' query.
and m_requireAllTerms was false...
else {
for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < m_numLists ; i++ ) {
// point to that list
RdbList *clist = &m_lists[i];
// start at first key
// scan that list
int32_t a = ((uint8_t *)clist->m_listPtr)[7];
int32_t b = ((uint8_t *)clist->m_listPtr)[6];
if ( a - b < 0 ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
min += a-b;
// debug msg
//log("minSize = %"INT32" docids q=%s",min,m_q->m_orig);
// . now add in space for m_tmpDocIdPtrs2 (holds winners of a
// 2 list intersection (more than 2 lists if we have phrases) [imap]
// . allow for 5% more for inserting maxDocIds every block
// so hashTmpDocIds2() can use that
// . actually, double in case we get all the termIds, but only one
// per slot scan/hash, so every other guy is a maxdocid
// . no, now we use lastGuy/lastGuy2 to check if our new maxDocId
// is within 50 or less of the second last maxDocId added, and
// if it is, we bury the lastGuy and replace him.
// . TODO: can we end up with a huge list and only one last guy?
// won't that cause performance issues? panics?
int64_t nd = (105 * min) / 100 + 10 ;
if ( min < 0 ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0;}
if ( nd < 0 ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0;}
int32_t need2 =
( 4 + // m_tmpDocIdPtrs2
nqt + // m_tmpScoresVec2
sizeof(qvec_t)+ // m_tmpEbitVec2
2 // m_tmpHardCounts2
) * nd;
// m_tmpDateVec2
if ( m_sortByDate ) need2 += 4 * nd;
// sorting by dist, we have a lat and lon vec per resut
if ( m_sortBy == SORTBY_DIST ) need2 += 8 * nd;
//if ( m_sortBy == SORTBY_TIME ) need2 += 8 * nd;
if ( m_searchingEvents )
// like we have a score for each query term, we now have
// a single event id, which ranges from 1 to 255 (one byte)
need2 += nd;
// for both rat=0 and rat=1 we add docids to m_tmpDocIdPtrs2[] to
// hold the docids until we can calculate affinities later and store
// them finall into m_topDocIds[] after we score them.
// . add space for our hash table for doing the intersections
// . up to 10000 slots in the hash table
// . docidptr = 4
// scoreVec = 1*nqt // score vec, 1 byte per query term
// explicitBits = 1*sizeof(qvec_t)
// hardcount = 2 // each list only needs 1 byte, but we use 2 here
// dates = 4 // iff sortByDate
int32_t need3 = 10000 * (4 + nqt + sizeof(qvec_t) + 2);
// add in space for dates
if ( m_sortByDate ) need3 += 10000 * 4;
// and lat/lon of each
if ( m_sortBy == SORTBY_DIST ) need3 += 10000 * 8;
// two endpoints of time for each event
//if ( m_sortBy == SORTBY_TIME ) need3 += 10000 * 8;
// and event ids, one per entry
if ( m_searchingEvents ) need3 += 10000 ;
// . and finally, space for the boolean bit scores table!
// . we now call Query::setBitScoresBoolean() from this thread so
// it does not block things up!
// . how many bit combinations do we have for these terms?
// . the bit #i represents term #i
// No more truth table!
//uint64_t numCombos = 0;
// only for boolean queries
//if ( m_q->m_isBoolean ) numCombos = 1LL << m_q->m_numExplicitBits;
// do not use any more than 10MB for a boolean table right now
//if ( numCombos > 10000000 ) { g_errno = ENOMEM; return false; }
// 1 byte per combo
//int32_t need4 = numCombos;
// do it
m_bufSize = need + need2 + need3;
// . sanity! prevent a core from calling mmalloc with negative size
// . if the query has too many terms that are not UOR'ed this will
// happen! especially since MAX_TERMS is now 1500...
if ( m_bufSize < 0 ) {
g_errno = ENOMEM;
return log("query: table alloc overflow");
m_buf = (char *) mmalloc ( m_bufSize , "IndexTable2" );
if ( ! m_buf ) return log("query: table alloc(%"INT64"): %s",
// save it for breach checking below
m_bufMiddle = m_buf + middle;
m_tmpLatVec2 = NULL;
m_tmpLonVec2 = NULL;
//m_tmpTimeVec2 = NULL;
char *p = m_buf + middle;
m_tmpDocIdPtrs2 = (char **)p ; p += nd * 4;
m_tmpScoresVec2 = (uint8_t *)p ; p += nd * nqt;
m_tmpEbitVec2 = (qvec_t *)p ; p += nd * sizeof(qvec_t);
m_tmpHardCounts2 = (int16_t *)p ; p += nd * 2;
if ( m_sortByDate ) {
m_tmpDateVec2 = (uint32_t *)p; p += nd * 4; }
if ( m_sortBy == SORTBY_DIST ) {
m_tmpLatVec2 = (uint32_t *)p; p += nd * 4;
m_tmpLonVec2 = (uint32_t *)p; p += nd * 4;
//if ( m_sortBy == SORTBY_TIME ) {
// m_tmpTimeVec2 = (uint32_t *)p; p += nd * 4;
// m_tmpEndVec2 = (uint32_t *)p; p += nd * 4;
// like we have a score vector, we have an event id bit vector
if ( m_searchingEvents ) {
// each ptr is 4 bytes, unlike scores which are 1 byte each
m_tmpEventIds2 = (uint8_t *)p;
p += nd ;
// we don't have any stored in there yet
m_numTmpDocIds2 = 0;
// we can't exceed this max
m_maxTmpDocIds2 = nd;
// set the hash table buf to the end
m_localBuf = p;
m_localBufSize = need3;
p += need3;
// the boolean bit scores tbale
//m_bitScoresBuf = p;
//m_bitScoresBufSize = need4;
//p += need4;
// sanity -- must match up exactly
if ( p - m_buf != m_bufSize ) { char *xx = NULL; *xx = 0; }
if ( ! makeHashTables() ) return false;
// sort by distance needs this too to see if events are expired!
//if ( m_sortBy == SORTBY_TIME ) {
if ( m_r->m_clockSet ) m_nowUTCMod = m_r->m_clockSet;
else m_nowUTCMod = m_r->m_nowUTC;
// add to it
m_nowUTCMod += m_r->m_clockOff;
// success
return true;
bool IndexTable2::allocTopTree ( ) {
int32_t nn = m_docsWanted;
if ( m_doSiteClustering ) nn *= 2;
// limit to this regardless!
CollectionRec *cr = g_collectiondb.getRec ( m_coll );
if ( ! cr ) return false;
//if ( nn > cr->m_maxDocIdsToCompute ) nn = cr->m_maxDocIdsToCompute;
if ( ! m_topTree->setNumNodes(nn,m_doSiteClustering,m_searchingEvents))
return false;
return true;
bool IndexTable2::makeHashTables ( ) {
// reset
m_useYesDocIdTable = false;
m_useNoDocIdTable = false;
m_useBoolTable = false;
// clear this
// populate our hash table of docids
if ( ! m_r ) return true;
// count how many docids we got, they are a cgi value, so represented
// in ascii separated by +'s. i.e. "12345+435322+3439333333"
if ( ! hashFromString ( &m_dt , m_r->ptr_sqDocIds ) ) return false;
// set a flag
if ( m_dt.m_numSlotsUsed > 0 && m_r->size_sqDocIds > 1 )
m_useYesDocIdTable = true;
// likewise, exclude thse docids
if ( ! hashFromString ( &m_et , m_r->ptr_noDocIds ) ) return false;
// set a flag
if ( m_et.m_numSlotsUsed > 0 && m_r->size_noDocIds > 1 )
m_useNoDocIdTable = true;
if ( m_q->m_isBoolean ) {
//if (m_isDebug)
// logf(LOG_DEBUG,
// "query: getBitScoreCacheInit "
// "queryId=%lld",
// m_r->m_queryId);
m_useBoolTable = true;
// reasonable initial number of slots?
// should be more than enough for most queries
if (!m_bt.set(1024)) return false;
return true;
IndexTable2 *g_this = NULL;
// . these lists[] are 1-1 with q->m_qterms
void IndexTable2::addLists_r ( int32_t *totalListSizes , float sortByDateWeight ){
// . assume no use to read more from disk
// . so Msg39 knows if we can go to the next tier to get more
// docs. this is the "isDiskExhausted" parm in Msg3a.cpp
m_isDiskExhausted= true;
g_this = this;
// clear, set to ECORRUPTDATA below
m_errno = 0;
// assume no-op
m_t1 = 0LL;
// sanity check
if ( ! m_useDateLists && m_sortByDate ) {
log(LOG_LOGIC,"query: bad useDateLists/sortByDate.");
//char *xx = NULL; *xx = 0; }
m_sortByDate = false;
// bail if nothing to intersect... if all lists are empty
if ( m_ni == 0 ) return;
// it is -1 if init() never called
if ( m_ni == -1 ) return;
// sanity check - we always need at least one block to intersect
if ( m_nb <= 0 ) { char *xx = NULL; *xx = 0; }
// if query is boolean, turn off rat
if ( m_q->m_isBoolean ) m_requireAllTerms = false;
// hks = half key size (size of everything except the termid)
char hks = 6;
// fks = full key size
char fks = 12;
// dateLists are 4 more bytes per key than standard 12-byte key lists
// because they have a 4-byte date/time stamp in addition to
// everything else
if ( m_useDateLists ) { hks += 4; fks += 4; }
// is the intersection empty?
bool empty = false;
// it is if first termlist is empty, if so, intersection may be empty
if ( m_sizes[m_imap[0]] < fks ) empty = true;
// not for rat = 0 though
if ( ! m_requireAllTerms ) empty = false;
// git its ebit
qvec_t ebit = m_q->m_qterms [ m_imap[0] ].m_explicitBit;
// and not empty if a synonym termlist implies this and is non-empty
for ( int32_t i = 0 ; empty && i < m_q->m_numTerms ; i++ ) {
// skip ourselves
if ( i == m_imap[0] ) continue;
// does this guy imply us? if not skip him too
if ( ! (m_q->m_qterms[i].m_implicitBits & ebit) ) continue;
// is he empty? skip if so
if ( m_sizes[i] < fks ) continue;
// otherwise, we have a fighting chance!
empty = false;
// if intersection is definitely empty, just return now,
// m_isDiskExhausted should already be set to true
if ( empty ) return;
// set start time
int64_t t1 = gettimeofdayInMilliseconds();
// . set the bit map so m_tmpq.m_bmap[][] gets set and we can convert
// an explicit vector to an implicit bit vector by
// Query::getImplicits()
// . this might take some time so do it in a thread
// . this may be already set if we are being re-called from Msg39's
// re-call to gotLists() because of excessive site clustering
if ( ! m_q->m_bmapIsSet ) m_q->setBitMap();
// No more truth table!
// . set boolean bit scores necessary for resolving boolean queries
// . maps an implicit bit vector to a "true" if it is a valid search
// results or "false" if it is not
//if ( m_q->m_isBoolean ) {
// this returns false if no truths are possible, in which
// case we have no search results
// if ( ! m_q->setBitScoresBoolean ( m_bitScoresBuf ,
// m_bitScoresBufSize ) )
// return;
// . now swap the top 12 bytes of each list
// . this gives a contiguous list of 6-byte score/docid entries
// because the first record is always 12 bytes and the rest are
// 6 bytes (with the half bit on) due to our termid compression
// . this makes the lists much much easier to work with, but we have
// to remember to swap back when done!
for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < m_numLists ; i++ ) {
// skip if list is empty, too
if ( m_lists[i].isEmpty() ) continue;
// point to start
char *p = m_lists[i].getList();
// remember to swap back when done!!
char ttt[10];
gbmemcpy ( ttt , p , hks );
gbmemcpy ( p , p + hks , 6 );
gbmemcpy ( p + 6 , ttt , hks );
// point to the low "hks" bytes now
p += 6;
// turn half bit on
*p |= 0x02;
// . we use a hash table to intersect the termlists
// . count # of panics (panics when hash table gets full)
m_numPanics = 0;
// and # of collisions in the hash table
m_numCollisions = 0;
// count # of hash loops we do
m_numLoops = 0;
// . we can ditch the bit vector and use a "hard count" for each docid
// . this is how many REQUIRED query terms a doc has
// . some list have a "hard count" INSTEAD of an explicit bit, for them
// we just add up our hard count and make sure we have at least
// minHardCount for the docid to be a match.
int32_t minHardCount = 0;
// if not rat, do it now
if ( ! m_requireAllTerms ) {
// . no re-arranging the query terms for default OR searches
// because it is only beneficial when doing sequential
// intersectinos to minimize the intersection and speed up
// . but we did get Query::getImap() above, however, that is
// only good for rat=1 queries
int32_t count = 0;
for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < m_q->m_numTerms ; i++ ) {
// component lists are merged into one compound list
if ( m_componentCodes[i] >= 0 ) continue;
// skip repeated terms too!
if ( m_q->m_qterms[i].m_repeat ) continue;
m_imap[count] = i;
// don't forget to update revImap
m_revImap[i] = count;
// inc count now
// set the new imap size here too
m_ni = count;
// . intersect all termlists in a single call to addLists2_r
// . not nearly as fast as doing a single intersection with
// each call to addLists2_r() as rat=1 does, because that
// shrinks the active intersection with each call and
// eliminates a lot of computations.
// . "minHardCount" will be set to the number of query terms
// required to be a perfect result.
// . even though m_numLists may be greater than m_ni,
// we select the lists from imap space in addLists2_r()
addLists2_r ( m_ni , // numLists
m_imap ,
true ,
0 ,
sortByDateWeight ,
&minHardCount );
goto swapBack;
// i added this superfluous '{' so we can call "goto swapBack" above.
// TODO: use ptrs to score so when hashing m_tmpDocIdPtrs2 first and
// another non-required list second we can just add to the scores
// directly? naahhh. too complicated.
// count number of base lists
int32_t numBaseLists = m_blocksize[0];
// how many lists to intersect initially? that is numLists.
int32_t numListsToDo = m_blocksize[0];
// if we got a second block, add his lists (single term plus phrases)
if ( m_nb > 1 ) numListsToDo += m_blocksize[1];
// how many "total" termlists are we intersecting?
int32_t total = 0;
for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < m_nb ; i++ )
total += m_blocksize[i];
// . if this is true we set m_topDocIds/m_topScores/etc. in
// addLists2_r() to the FINAL list of winning docids/scores/etc.
// . so if this is a two word query it will be the last round and
// we end up only calling addLists2_r() once
bool lastRound = (numListsToDo == total);
// this will intersect the numListsToDo lists and if this is the
// "lastRound" then the top docids, m_topDocIds[], etc., will be set,
// otherwise, the current intersection will be stored into
// m_tmpDocIdPtrs2[], etc., and we have to call addLists2_r() again
// with the next block below.
addLists2_r ( numListsToDo ,
m_imap , lastRound , numBaseLists ,
sortByDateWeight , &minHardCount );
// the first list in each block is the explicit list i guess, and
// the other lists in the same block imply the first list. so
// "cat" would be the first list and "cat dog" would be the 2nd list
// in the same block as "cat".
int32_t m0 = m_imap[0];
int32_t m1 = 0 ;
if ( m_nb > 1 ) m1 = m_imap[m_blocksize[0]];
// totalListSizes[m0] is the size (number of docids) we were trying
// to get for this list. m_sizes[m0] is the actual size. was it int16_t?
// if so, that means there are no more docids onDisk/available.
if ( m_sizes[m0] >= totalListSizes[m0]&&m_q->getTermSign(m0)!='-')
m_isDiskExhausted = false;
if(m_nb>1&& m_sizes[m1]>=totalListSizes[m1]&&m_q->getTermSign(m1)!='-')
m_isDiskExhausted = false;
// . offset into imap
// . imap[off] must NOT be a signless phrase term
// . we already intersected the first 2 blocks of lists at this point
// so make "off" point to the next block to throw into the
// intersection
int32_t off = numListsToDo;
// . follow up calls
// . intersect one block at a time into the "active intersection"
// . the "active intersection" is stored in the m_tmpDocIdPtrs2[]
// array and is hashed into the hash table along with the lists
// in block #i.
// . this is the rat=1 algo that is the reason why it is much faster
// than rat=0, because the intersection is ever-shrinking requiring
// less and less CPU cycles to intersect.
for ( int32_t i = 2 ; i < m_nb ; i++ ) {
// if it is the lastRound then addLists2_r() will compute
// the final m_topDocIds/m_topScores arrays which contains
// the highest-scoring docids
lastRound = (i == m_nb - 1);
// . if we have no more, might as well stop!
// . remember, maxDocIds is stored in here, so it will be at
// least 1
// . "maxDocIds" is a fake docid that tells us how many docids
// are stored in m_tmpDocIdPtrs2[] so we know how many
// docids are in the "active intersection"
// . so if this count is 1 we are still empty!
if ( m_numTmpDocIds2 <= 1 ) break;
// is this list undersized? i.e. more left on disk
int32_t mx = m_imap[off];
if (m_sizes[mx]>=totalListSizes[mx]&&m_q->getTermSign(mx)!='-')
m_isDiskExhausted = false;
// . set number of lists in block #i
// . this is how many lists we are intersecting with the
// "active intersection"
numListsToDo = m_blocksize[i];
// . add it to the intersection
// . this will intersect the docids in m_tmpDocIds2[] with
// this block of lists
addLists2_r ( numListsToDo ,
m_imap + off , lastRound, 0 ,
sortByDateWeight , &minHardCount );
// skip to next block of lists
off += m_blocksize[i];
// end superfluous {
// compute total number of docids we dealt with
m_totalDocIds = 0;
// now swap the top 12 bytes of each list back into original order
for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < m_numLists ; i++ ) {
// skip if list is empty, too
if ( m_lists[i].isEmpty() ) continue;
// . compute total number of docids we dealt with
// . date lists have 5 bytes scores, not 1 byte scores
m_totalDocIds += (m_lists[i].getListSize()-6)/hks;
// point to start
//char *p = m_lists[i].getList();
// swap back
//char ttt[10];
//gbmemcpy ( ttt , p , hks );
//gbmemcpy ( p , p + hks , 6 );
//gbmemcpy ( p + 6 , ttt , hks );
// turn half bit off
//*p &= ~0x02;
// get time now
int64_t now = gettimeofdayInMilliseconds();
// store the addLists time
m_addListsTime = now - t1;
m_t1 = t1;
m_t2 = now;
// . measure time to add the lists in bright green
// . use darker green if rat is false (default OR)
int32_t color;
char *label;
if ( ! m_requireAllTerms ) {
color = 0x00008000 ;
label = "termlist_intersect_soft";
else {
color = 0x0000ff00 ;
label = "termlist_intersect";
g_stats.addStat_r ( 0 , t1 , now , label, color );
// . this makes 2 tables
// . the weightTable[] maps the single byte score from a particular query term
// to the 4 byte score, and it includes the affinity (phrase AND synonym)
// and term frequence weights
// . the weightTable[] also includes the effects of user defined weights
// . the affWeightTable[] does the same, but only includes the affinity Weights
void makeScoreTable ( ) {
// . make score table to avoid IMUL instruction (16-36 cycles)
// . 1k per table! will that fit in L1/L2 cache, too?
// . if too big, limit j to ~32 to cover most common scores
// . remember that scores in the indexdb keys are complemented
// so higher guys appear on top
// . if score is weighted with a relative 0 weight, that means
// that the term is required, but should not contribute to
// the final ranking in any way, so use a score of 1 despite
// the term count of this term in the page
QueryTerm *qt = &m_q->m_qterms[m];
// one score table per query term
for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < numListsPerTier; i++ ) {
scoreTable [ i ] = (int32_t *)p; p += 256 * sizeof(int32_t); }
if ( qt->m_userWeight == 0 && qt->m_userType == 'r' )
for ( int32_t k = 0 ; k < 256 ; k++ )
scoreTable[i][k] = 1;
for ( int32_t k = 0 ; k < 256 ; k++ )
scoreTable[i][k] = m_freqWeights[m] * (255-k);
// sorty by date uses the dates as scores, but will add the
// normal score to the date, after weighting it with this
if ( m_sortByDate ) // && sortByDateWeight > 0.0 )
for ( int32_t k = 0 ; k < 256 ; k++ )
scoreTable[i][k] = (int32_t)((float)
scoreTable[i][k] *
// doubling this will half the number of loops (m_numLoops) required, but if
// we hit the L2 cache more then it might not be worth it. TODO: do more tests.
#define RAT_SLOTS (1024)
// . the 1.4Ghz Athlon has a 64k L1 data cache (another 64k for instructions)
// . TODO: put in conf file OR better yet... auto detect it!!!
// . we're like 3 times faster on host0 when L1 cache is 32k instead of 64k
//#define L1_DATA_CACHE_SIZE (64*1024)
//#define L1_DATA_CACHE_SIZE (32*1024)
// this is only 8k on my new pentium 4s!!!
#define L1_DATA_CACHE_SIZE (8*1024)
// . this is in bytes. the minimal size of a cached chunk of mem.
// . error on the large side if you don't know
// . this is 64 bytes for Athlon's from what I've heard
// . this is 64bytes for my new pentium 4s, too
#define L1_CACHE_LINE_SIZE 64
// . DO NOT set g_errno cuz this is probably in a thread
// . these lists should be 1-1 with the query terms
// . we try to restrict the hash table to the L1 cache to avoid slow mem
// . should result in a 10x speed up on the athlon, 50x on newer pentiums,
// even more in the future as the gap between L1 cache mem speed and
// main memory widens
void IndexTable2::addLists2_r ( int32_t numListsToDo ,
int32_t *imap ,
bool lastRound ,
int32_t numBaseLists ,
float sortByDateWeight ,
int32_t *minHardCountPtr ) {
// int16_tcut
int32_t rat = m_requireAllTerms;
// reset for hashTmpDocIds2()
m_nexti = 0;
// sanity check
if ( numListsToDo <= 0 ) { char *xx = NULL; *xx = 0; }
// . get the "required" bits bit mask
// . every docid in the results has a bit vector
// . if that bit vector matches "requiredBits" vector then the docid
// has all the required query terms to be a match
qvec_t requiredBits = 0;
// any term that has a '+'" in front of it is a forced term
qvec_t forcedBits = 0;
// what explicit bits (query terms) are preceeded by a minus sign?
qvec_t negativeBits = m_q->m_negativeBits;
// the number of query terms in imap space, excludes query terms
// that do not directly have a termlist at this point
int32_t nqt = m_ni;
// . convenience ptrs
// . the highest-scoring docids go into these array which contain
// the final results, sorted by score, when we are done
//char **topp = m_topDocIdPtrs ;
//score_t *tops = m_topScores ;
//unsigned char *topb = m_topBitScores ;
// assume no top docIds now
int32_t numTopDocIds = 0;
// begin hashing setup
// count # of docs that EXPLICITLY have all query singleton terms
//int32_t explicitCount = 0;
// count # of docs that IMPLICITLY have all query singleton terms
//int32_t implicitCount = 0;
// . count all mem that should be in the L1 cache
// . the less mem we use the more will be available for the hash table
int32_t totalMem = 0;
// . we mix up the docIdBits a bit before hashing using this table
// . TODO: what was the reason for this? particular type of query
// was too slow w/o it?
// . a suburl:com collision problem, where all docids have the same
// score and are spaced equally apart somehow made us have too
// many collisions before, probably because we included the score
// in the hash...? use bk revtool IndexTable2.cpp to see the old file
static uint32_t s_mixtab [ 256 ] ;
// is the table initialized?
static bool s_mixInit = false;
if ( ! s_mixInit ) {
srand ( 1945687 );
for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < 256 ; i++ )
s_mixtab [i]= ((uint32_t)rand());
s_mixInit = true;
// randomize again
srand ( time(NULL) );
// s_mixtab should be in the L1 cache cuz we use it to hash
totalMem += 256 * sizeof(int32_t);
// . now form a set of ptrs for each list
// . each "ptrs[i]" pts to a sublist of a list in lists[]
// . each "ptrs[i]" pts to the first 6-byte key for a particular score
// . each sublist contains all the docids that have the same termid
// and same score
// . each sublist is sorted by docid
// . this makes it easy to intersect a small RANGE of docids at a time
// into our small hash table, contained in the L1 cache for speed
char *p = m_buf;
char **ptrs = (char **)p; p += nqt *sizeof(char *)*256;
char **pstarts = (char **)p; p += nqt *sizeof(char *)*256;
char **ptrEnds = NULL;
if ( m_useDateLists ) {
ptrEnds = (char **)p; p += nqt *sizeof(char *)*256;
// these are for rolling back ptrs[] in the even of a panic
char **oldptrs = (char **)p; p += nqt *sizeof(char *)*256;
// . this mem is used for two tables now. saves us MUL instructions.
// . see makeScoreTables()
int32_t **scoreTable1 = (int32_t **)p; p += nqt *sizeof(int32_t );
int32_t **scoreTable2 = (int32_t **)p; p += nqt *sizeof(int32_t );
// we have to keep this info handy for each list
char *listSigns = (char *)p; p += nqt *sizeof(char );
char *listHardCount = (char *)p; p += nqt *sizeof(char );
int32_t **listScoreTablePtrs1= (int32_t **)p; p += nqt *sizeof(int32_t **);
int32_t **listScoreTablePtrs2= (int32_t **)p; p += nqt *sizeof(int32_t **);
int32_t *listIndexes = (int32_t *)p; p += nqt *sizeof(int32_t);
char **listEnds = (char **)p; p += nqt *sizeof(char *);
char *listHash = (char *)p; p += nqt *sizeof(char );
qvec_t *listExplicitBits = (qvec_t *)p; p += nqt *sizeof(qvec_t);
int32_t *listPoints = (int32_t *)p; p += nqt *sizeof(int32_t );
// do not breech
if ( p > m_bufMiddle ) {
log(LOG_LOGIC,"query: indextable: Got table "
"mem breech.");
char *xx = NULL; *xx = 0;
// half key size (size of everything except the termid)
char hks = 6;
// dateLists are 4 more bytes per key than standard 12-byte key lists
if ( m_useDateLists ) hks += 4;
// . "numPtrs" is how many sublists we have from all termslists
// . all the docids in each sublist have the same termid/score
int32_t numPtrs = 0;
// how many docids are in all lists we are intersecting here
uint32_t numDocIds = 0;
// just used for stats
int32_t numSorts = 0;
// . how many of the terms we are intersecting are "required" and
// therefore do not have an associated explicit bit. this allows us
// to support queries of many query terms, when the query terms
// exceeds the bits in "qvec_t".
// . resume where we left off, this build on itself since we keep a
// total ongoing hard count in m_tmpHardCounts2[]
int32_t minHardCount = *minHardCountPtr;
// . each list can have up to 256 ptrs, corrupt data may mess this up
// . because there are 256 total possible single byte scores
int32_t maxNumPtrs = nqt * 256;
// only log this error message once per call to this routine
char pflag = 0;
// time the gbsorting for the datelists
int64_t t1 = gettimeofdayInMilliseconds();
// set latTermOff/lonTermOff
m_latTermOff = -1;
m_lonTermOff = -1;
m_timeTermOff = -1;
m_endTermOff = -1;
// . add a bunch of lists info for every termlist we have
// . list ptrs and info are stored in the list*[] arrays
// . loop over every imapped term, there are m_ni of them
// . terms which are ignored, etc. are not imapped
for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < numListsToDo ; i++ ) {
// . map i to a list number in query term space
// . this "imap" may be shifted from the normal m_imap
int32_t m = imap[i];
// skip if list is empty. NO! that will screw up the 1-1
// correlation of the "numLists" with imap space
//if ( lists[m].isEmpty() ) continue;
// are we using the hard count instead of an explicit bit?
char hc = 0;
// get the query term
QueryTerm *qt = &m_q->m_qterms[m];
// if we use hard counts we can require a lot more terms
// because we are not limited by the # of bits in qvec_t,
// however, a phrase term cannot IMPLY us because we have
// no explicit bit! so this is not a good thing in general
// unless you do not care about small tier sizes truncating
// your result set. BUT, some lists can have the explicit bit
// and some may just use a hard count, so you can have a
// hybrid, and the ones that have a hard count, perhaps do not
// need to be IMPLIED by a phrase term...
if ( qt->m_explicitBit == 0 ) {
// . it is either a phrase in quotes or a single word
// . or something like cd-rom or
if ( qt->m_isPhrase ) {
if ( qt->m_inQuotes ) minHardCount++;
if ( qt->m_termSign == '+' ) minHardCount++;
if ( qt->m_termSign == '*' ) minHardCount++;
hc = 1;
else {
hc = 1;
// build a local require bit vector, since we may not be
// intersecting all termlists in this one call
if ( qt->m_explicitBit & m_q->m_requiredBits )
requiredBits |= qt->m_explicitBit;
if ( qt->m_explicitBit & m_q->m_forcedBits )
forcedBits |= qt->m_explicitBit;
// count mem from score table
totalMem += 256 * sizeof(int32_t);
// there is also a affWeight only score table now too
totalMem += 256 * sizeof(int32_t);
// corrupt data can make numPtrs too big
if ( numPtrs >= maxNumPtrs ) {m_errno = ECORRUPTDATA; return;}
// every query term has a unique identifier bit
// unless it uses the hard count (hc) method
qvec_t ebit = qt->m_explicitBit;
// get the sign
char sign = qt->m_termSign;
// . rat is special
// . do not change the sign to 'd' before checking if its '-'
// . we use the definition from Query.h::m_requiredBits
if ( rat ) {
// negative terms are NEVER required
if ( sign == '-' )
required |= 0x00;
// . certain signed phrases are always required
// . '*' means cd-rom (connected) or in quotes
// . '+' means +"my phrase" (force required)
else if ( qt->m_isPhrase && (sign=='+' || sign=='*'))
required |= ebit;
// single word terms ALWAYS required for rat=1
else if ( ! qt->m_isPhrase )
required |= ebit;
// are we date?
if ( m_useDateLists && m_sortByDate ) sign = 'd';
// this is not sort by date...
else if ( m_useDateLists ) sign= 'e';
// a speciali list?
if ( qt->m_fieldCode == FIELD_GBLATRANGE ||
qt->m_fieldCode == FIELD_GBLONRANGE ||
qt->m_fieldCode == FIELD_GBLATRANGECITY ||
qt->m_fieldCode == FIELD_GBLONRANGECITY )
//qt->m_fieldCode == FIELD_GBSTARTRANGE ||
//qt->m_fieldCode == FIELD_GBENDRANGE )
sign = 'x';
// set sign of list
listSigns[i] = sign;
// . point to its table
// . these tables will be initialized before
// fillTopDocIds() is called!
// . we need to call makeScoreTables() to do that
listScoreTablePtrs1[i] = scoreTable1[i];
listScoreTablePtrs2[i] = scoreTable2[i];
//listIndexes [i] = i;
// int16_tcut
int32_t rm = m_revImap[m];
listIndexes [i] = rm;
// set this
if ( qt->m_fieldCode == FIELD_GBLATRANGE ) m_latTermOff = rm;
if ( qt->m_fieldCode == FIELD_GBLATRANGECITY)m_latTermOff = rm;
if ( qt->m_fieldCode == FIELD_GBLONRANGE ) m_lonTermOff = rm;
if ( qt->m_fieldCode == FIELD_GBLONRANGECITY)m_lonTermOff = rm;
//if ( qt->m_fieldCode == FIELD_GBSTARTRANGE )
// m_timeTermOff =rm;
//if ( qt->m_fieldCode == FIELD_GBENDRANGE ) m_endTermOff=rm;
// sanity check
if ( listIndexes[i] < 0 || listIndexes[i] >=m_q->m_numTerms ){
char *xx = NULL; *xx = 0; }
// and its explicit bit
listExplicitBits[i] = ebit;
// synonyms are special, if we contain one, assume we
// explicitly have what they are a synonym of.
// NO! because it messes up the computeAffinities(), that looks
// for docs that contain all explicit bits to gen synAff. also
// it messes up zeroOutComponentVectors()
//if ( qt->m_synonymOf )
// listExplicitBits[i] = m_q->getImplicits ( ebit );
// some have a hard count instead of an explicit bit
listHardCount[i] = hc;
// . the end of this list
// . the hash loop removes it from the array when it
// has been exhausted (i.e. all of its docids have
// been hashed/intersected)
listEnds[i] = m_lists[m].getListEnd();
// . should list be hashed first?
// . only applies to rat=1
// . when rat=1 and we are called for the first time
// two *blocks* of lists are passed in. each block
// may have multiple lists in it. numBaseLists is
// how many lists are in the first block, block[0].
if ( i < numBaseLists ) listHash[i] = true;
else listHash[i] = false;
if ( ! rat ) listHash[i] = true;
// what is the first sublist # this list has?
listPoints[i] = numPtrs;
// . it should be in L1 cache, too
// . 1 = listSign
// 4 = listScoreTablePtrs1
// 4 = listScoreTablePtrs2
// 4 = listIndex
// qvec_t = listExplicitBits
// 1 = listHardCount
// 4 = listEnds
// 1 = listHash
// 4 = listPoints
totalMem += 1 + 4 + 4 + 4 + sizeof(qvec_t) + 1 + 4 + 1 + 4;
// . now fill the ptr[] array
// . reset ptrs to start of list
// point to start
char *p = m_lists[m].getList();
// and end
char *pend = m_lists[m].getListEnd();
// . if empty watch out!
// . we still need to inc numLists and have this list here
// as a place holder because we listIndexes[i] needs to
// be 1-1 with the imap for setting the scoresVec[]
if ( m_lists[m].getListSize() == 0 ) {
// must let inner intersectino loop know we are empty
ptrs [ numPtrs ] = NULL;
pstarts [ numPtrs ] = NULL;
if ( m_useDateLists ) ptrEnds [ numPtrs ] = NULL;
// inc this
// try next termlist
// add to total docids
numDocIds += (m_lists[m].getListSize() - 6) / hks;
// point to the low 6 bytes now
p += 6;
// turn half bit on
*p |= 0x02;
// set ptr to sublist #numPtrs
ptrs [ numPtrs ] = p;
// to make sort by date faster, we now artificially
// create 256 buckets on each date list and then
// sort each bucket by docid
if ( m_useDateLists ) {
int32_t listSize = pend - p;
int32_t pstep = listSize / 250;
// . do not go too low
// . TODO: try lowering this to see if it
// gets faster. i could not test lower
// values because buzz starting
// querying again.
if ( pstep < 10000 ) pstep = 10000;
// make sure it is divisible by 10
while ( (pstep % hks) ) pstep--;
// do not go crazy
if ( pstep <= 0 ) pstep = listSize;
// now make 256 approximately equally sized
// buckets of datedb records . a lot of times
// the dates are the same and they are already
// sorted by docid, so we might want to check
// for that to save time. (TODO)
for ( ; p < pend ; p += pstep ) {
// get the end
char *end = p + pstep;
if ( end > pend ) end = pend;
// store the current ptr info
pstarts [ numPtrs ] = p;
ptrEnds [ numPtrs ] = end;
ptrs [ numPtrs++ ] = p;
int32_t size = end - p;
// count it
// the biggest event datedb termlists are
// probable gbresultset:1 and maybe the
// lat lon lists, and other flag-ish lists
// so i'd say they all are like
// evidrange 1-1 or n-n, a score of 1 and
// then docid... so quickly check to see if
// the docids are already in order. and even
// better might be to partition the buckets
// on n-n boundaries if possible.
// also, don't include gbdaily:1 UOR ...
// if they are all checked!!
CRAP! this was dropping results!!
if ( *(int64_t *)(end-10+5) ==
*(int64_t *)(p+5) &&
*(int16_t *)(end-10+8) ==
*(int16_t *)(p+8)
// now sort each p
// NO NO this is super slow for us!!
hsort_10_1_5((uint8_t *)p, size / 10 );
//gbsort( p, size, hks, dateDocIdCmp );
// skip the rest
// . set this new var so we don't rollback too much
// when re-hashing because of a panic
// . a panic occurs when the hash table fills up
// because we did not select a small enough docid
// range.
// . when we panic we decrease ptrs[i] for every i
// until pointing to the beginning of the docid range
// so we need to make sure we do not drift into
// the previous sublist.
// . we can't just use ptrs[i-1] cuz it might be in a
// different termlist!
pstarts [ numPtrs++ ] = p;
// advance
p += 6;
// . fill up the ptrs array
// . find all the sublists
// . each sublist is responsible for a single score
// . there are up to 256 different scores
for ( ; p < pend ; p += hks ) {
// if we got a new score, add a new ptr
if ( p[5] != p[-1] ) {
// if data is corrupt, we have
// to watch so we don't breech!!
if ( numPtrs >= maxNumPtrs ) {
if ( ! pflag )
"query: Got indextable "
"breech. np=%"INT32"",numPtrs);
pflag = 1;
// speed test -- remove the small head
// score is COMPLEMENTED!!!
//unsigned char c =(unsigned char)p[5];
//if ( 255-c <= (unsigned char)25 ) {
pstarts [ numPtrs ] = p;
ptrs [ numPtrs++ ] = p;
// . jump by 30 if he's got same score as us
// . this saves a good amount of time!
while (p+300*6 < pend && p[300*6+5] == p[5] )
p += 300*6;
// . init these to NULL! in case we panic and a list is empty, its
// oldptrs[i] should be NULL. otherwise, we rollback into garbage.
// . oldptrs[] are 1-1 with ptrs[]/numPtrs
memset ( oldptrs , 0 , numPtrs * 4 );
// time the gbsorting for the datelists
if ( m_isDebug || g_conf.m_logDebugQuery ) {
int64_t t2 = gettimeofdayInMilliseconds();
logf(LOG_DEBUG,"query: Took %"INT64" ms to prepare list ptrs. "
"numDocIds=%"UINT32" numSorts=%"INT32"",
t2 - t1 , numDocIds , numSorts );
logf(LOG_DEBUG,"query: numListsToDo=%"INT32" "
"lastRound=%"INT32" numBaseLists=%"INT32" "
"sortByDateWeight=%f negbits=0x%"XINT32"",
for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < numListsToDo ; i++ ) {
int32_t m = imap[i];
// add in bonus since "imap" points within m_imap
int32_t off = imap - m_imap;
logf(LOG_DEBUG,"query: imap[%"INT32"]=%"INT32"",i+off,m);
// . save it
// . how many query terms are required but had no explicit bit set?
// . this is an ongoing count and increases with each call to
// addLists2_r()
*minHardCountPtr = minHardCount;
// count mem from ptrs
totalMem += numPtrs * sizeof(char *);
// . and what they point to too! first line should/will be in cache.
// . assume a cache line size of 64 bytes
totalMem += numPtrs * L1_CACHE_LINE_SIZE;
// count miscellaneous mem access (like "point" and "next")
totalMem += 256;
// convenience vars
//register int32_t i = 0 ;
int32_t j;
// a dummy var
//int64_t tmpHi = 0x7fffffffffffffffLL;
// . the info of the weakest entry in the top winners
// . if its is full and we get another winner, the weakest will be
// replaced by the new winner
//unsigned char minTopBitScore = 0 ;
//score_t minTopScore = 0 ;
//char *minTopDocIdPtr = (char *)&tmpHi;
// . how many slots in the in-mem-cache hash table... up to 10000
// . use the remainder of the L1 cache to hold this hash table
int32_t availSlots = (L1_DATA_CACHE_SIZE - totalMem) / 10;
// make a power of 2 for easy hashing (avoids % operator)
int32_t numSlots = getHighestLitBitValue ( availSlots );
// don't go below this min even if we must leave the cache
if ( numSlots < 1024 ) numSlots = 1024;
// damn,now we have to keep this fixed for rat because hashTmpDocIds2()
// needs to have numSlots consistent for all calls to addLists2_r()
// because m_tmpDocIdPtrs2 needs to hash full blocks. blocks are
// separated by maxDocId values, which are stored as docId ptrs in
// m_tmpDocIdPtrs2[], and indicated by having a score of 0. so if we
// stored one block into m_tmpDocIdPtrs2[] when numSlots was 2048 that
// block might not hash into a 1024 slot table...
if ( rat ) numSlots = RAT_SLOTS;
// sanity check
if ( numSlots > 10000 ) {
log(LOG_LOGIC,"query: bad numSlots.");
char *xx = NULL; *xx = 0; }
// . sort by date should try to maximize maxDocId and the size of the
// hash table in order to prevent rescanning the termlists
// . no, not now, we split the lists to prevent rescanning...
if ( sortByDate ) {
numSlots = m_bigBufSize / (4+4+2+sizeof(qvec_t));
// make a power of 2 for easy hashing (avoids % operator)
numSlots = getHighestLitBitValue ( numSlots );
// don't go below this min even if we must leave the cache
if ( numSlots < 1024 ) {
log(LOG_LOGIC,"query: bad numSlots2.");
char *xx = NULL; *xx = 0; }
// point to the buffer space
pp = m_bigBuf;
// . this is the hash table
// . it is small cuz we are trying to stuff it all into the L1 cache
// . it could be as big as 128k, so reserve enough to take advantage
// . some of the cache will be used for scoreTables[], ptrs[] etc.
// . i tried using a struct that holds these 3 but it made everything
// about 10% slower
// . now this buffer is more dynamic, instead of a int32_t per score
// we will store a byte per query term to store the original score
// and compute the final score later
char *pp = m_localBuf;
char **docIdPtrs = (char **)pp; pp += numSlots*4;
uint8_t *scoresVec = (uint8_t *)pp; pp += numSlots*nqt;
int16_t *hardCounts = (int16_t *)pp; pp += numSlots*2;
qvec_t *explicitBits = (qvec_t *)pp; pp += numSlots*sizeof(qvec_t);
uint32_t *dateVec = NULL;
uint32_t *latVec = NULL;
uint32_t *lonVec = NULL;
//uint32_t *timeVec = NULL; // time startpoints termlist
//uint32_t *endVec = NULL; // time endpoints termlist
uint8_t *eventIds = NULL;
// each docid has a "date" now
if ( m_sortByDate ) {
dateVec = (uint32_t *)pp; pp += numSlots*4; }
if ( m_sortBy == SORTBY_DIST ) {
latVec = (uint32_t *)pp; pp += 4*numSlots;
lonVec = (uint32_t *)pp; pp += 4*numSlots;
//if ( m_sortBy == SORTBY_TIME ) {
// timeVec = (uint32_t *)pp; pp += numSlots*4;
// endVec = (uint32_t *)pp; pp += numSlots*4;
// each event id is one byte
if ( m_searchingEvents ) {eventIds = (uint8_t *)pp; pp += numSlots; }
// sanity check
if ( pp > m_buf + m_bufSize ) { char *xx = NULL; *xx = 0; }
//if ( pp > m_bitScoresBuf ) { char *xx = NULL; *xx = 0; }
// for hashing we need a mask to use instead of the % operator
uint32_t mask = (uint32_t)numSlots - 1;
// empty all buckets in the hash table
for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < numSlots ; i++ ) docIdPtrs[i] = NULL;
// . use numSlots to get first docid upper bound
// . this is just the top 4 bytes of docids allowed to hash...
// . since hash table is so small we can only hash docids below
// "maxDocId"
// . therefore, we have to do several iterations
// . i found a slight increase in speed chaning to 8/20 instead of
// 1/2 on the 'the .. sex' test now commented out in Msg39.cpp
// . if rat (require all terms) is true we only have two lists and
// only the smallest one (first one) gets hashed..
uint32_t step = numSlots * 8 / 20 ; // >> 1 ;
uint32_t dd = numDocIds ;
if ( dd <= 0 ) dd = 1;
// max it out if numDocIds is smaller than numSlots/2
if ( dd <= step ) step = 0xffffffff;
else step *= ((uint32_t)0xffffffff / dd) ;
// hash all docids in (lastMaxDocId,maxDocId] into hash table
uint32_t maxDocId = step;
// we overwrite m_tmpDocIdPtrs2/m_tmpScoresVec2
int32_t newTmpDocIds2 = 0;
// these two guys save us on memory
int32_t lastGuy2 = -10000;
int32_t lastGuy = -10000;
// save the last maxDocId in case we have to rollback for a panic
uint32_t lastMaxDocId = 0;
// used for hashing
int32_t nn = 0;
int32_t nnstart;
// these vars are specific to each list
char sign = 0;
//int32_t *scoreTablePtr1 = NULL;
//int32_t *scoreTablePtr2 = NULL;
qvec_t ebits = 0;
char *listEnd = NULL;
bool hashIt = true;
char hc = 0;
// if maxDocId is too we panic (hash table gets full) and we big
// step down by this much / 2
uint32_t downStep = step;
// used to check for overflow when incrementing maxDocId
uint32_t oldDocId ;
// a flag used for logging the number of panics
int32_t printed = -1;
int32_t weakest = -1;
//int32_t numIlscRedos = 0;
static char s_flag = 0;
//int32_t tn ;
//TopNode *t ;
// save # of ptrs for stats
m_numPtrs = numPtrs;
// count # loops we do, for stats purposes
m_numLoops = 0;
// save for debug
m_numSlots = numSlots;
// begin the hashing loop
// this is where we need SUPER SPEED!!!!
// . should we hash topDocIds2? only if we got some
// . numBaseLists is how many lists are in block #0, but this is 0
// if we are NOT hashing block #0 at this time.
// . does not apply to rat=0 since we hash all termlists at once
bool hashThem = ( rat && m_tmpDocIdPtrs2 && numBaseLists == 0 );
// these vars help us change the list-specific vars
int16_t point ;
int16_t next ;
int16_t listi ;
// this is just for stats reporting
// these vars help us change the list-specific vars
point = 0;
next = 0;
listi = 0;
// this kinda replaces zeroOutVectorComponents()
// . if this is a successive rat call, m_tmpDocIdPtrs2[] points to the
// "active intersection" and should be hashed
// . and we also hash it with the one list/blockOfLists supplied to us
// . this is good when rat is 0 now because we're adding the phrases
// so it's like partial rat going on
// . if m_numTmpDocIds2 is 1, that is just the stored maxDocId, it
// is a "fake" docid and means we are really empty..
// . this will dictate "maxDocId" for the hashing the provided block
// of lists.
if ( hashThem && m_numTmpDocIds2 > 0 )
hashTmpDocIds2 ( &maxDocId ,
docIdPtrs ,
scoresVec ,
eventIds ,
latVec ,
lonVec ,
//timeVec ,
//endVec ,
explicitBits ,
hardCounts ,
mask ,
numSlots ,
nqt );
if ( m_searchingEvents )
// returns false if it paniced
if ( ! eventHashLoop ( listIndexes ,
listSigns ,
listExplicitBits ,
listEnds ,
listHash ,
listHardCount ,
numPtrs ,
maxDocId ,
numSlots ,
docIdPtrs ,
hardCounts ,
eventIds ,
scoresVec ,
nqt ) )
goto panic;
// loop over the ptrs to the SUBlists
for ( register int32_t i = 0 ; i < numPtrs ; i++ ) {
// when i reaches this break point we've switched lists
if ( i == point ) {
// do not do this for loop since we called
// eventHashLoop() above
if ( m_searchingEvents ) break;
listi = listIndexes [ next ];
//logf(LOG_DEBUG,"query: imap[%"INT32"]=%"INT32"",
// listi, imap[listi]);
sign = listSigns [ next ];
//scoreTablePtr = listScoreTablePtrs [ next ];
ebits = listExplicitBits [ next ];
listEnd = listEnds [ next ];
hashIt = listHash [ next ];
hc = listHardCount [ next ];
//scoreTablePtr = scoreTable [ listi ];
// if that was the last list, then we'll exit the
// loop by i hitting numPtrs, so don't worry
if ( next < numListsToDo ) point = listPoints [ next ];
else point = -1;
// skip if emptied (end of that list fragment)
if ( ! ptrs[i] ) continue;
// if the top 4 bytes of his docid is > maxDocId,
// then skip to next ptr/sublist
if ( *(uint32_t *)(ptrs[i]+1) > maxDocId ) continue;
// otherwise, hash him, use the top 32 bits of his docid
nn = (*(uint32_t *)(ptrs[i]+1) )& mask ;
// removing the mix table reduces time by about 10%
//^ (s_mixtab[ptrs[i][2]])) & mask;
// save start position so we can see if we chain too much
nnstart = nn;
// the score position is nn * numTermsPerList + [list index]
// debug point
int64_t ddd ;
gbmemcpy ( &ddd , ptrs[i] , 6 );
ddd >>= 2;
ddd &= DOCID_MASK;
if ( ddd == 7590103015LL )
log("got it");
if ( ddd ==
unsigned char ss = (unsigned char)ptrs[i][5];
int32_t sss = scoreTablePtr[ss];
logf(LOG_DEBUG,"i=%"INT32" max=%"UINT64" sc=%hhu sc2=%"UINT32" d=%"UINT64"",
(int64_t)(((int64_t)maxDocId)<<6) | 0x3fLL,
(int64_t)ddd );
// . if the hashtable slot is empty (docIdPtrs[nn] is NULL),
// then take right away
// . this is the most common case so we put it first
if ( docIdPtrs[nn] == NULL ) {
// . did we miss it?
// . if rat is true, then advance to next right now
if ( ! hashIt ) {
if ( ! m_useDateLists)goto advance;
else if(m_sortByDate) goto dateAdvance1;
else goto dateAdvance2;
// hold ptr to our stuff
docIdPtrs [ nn ] = ptrs[i];
// set pure bits
explicitBits [ nn ] = ebits;
hardCounts [ nn ] = hc;
// if we're not exclusive or date search, do it quick
if ( sign=='\0' || sign=='*' || sign=='+' || sign=='-')
scoresVec[nn*nqt+listi] = (uint8_t)ptrs[i][5];
// date contstrain (still read from datedb)
else if (sign == 'e') {
// there is no score based on date in this case
// but we are still getting the termlists from
// datedb, we just use the regular score that
// is contained in the datedb termlist, after
// the date itself.
scoresVec[nn*nqt+listi] = (uint8_t)ptrs[i][5];
// sanity check (MDW)
//if ( scoresVec[nn*nqt+listi] == 0 ) {
// char *xx = NULL; *xx = 0; }
// replicate the code below for speed
ptrs[i] += 10;
if (ptrs[i] < ptrEnds[i] ) goto addMore;
oldptrs[i] = ptrs[i];
ptrs [i] = NULL;
// . sort by date
// . actually a hybrid sort between date and score
else {
// sanity check
if ( sign != 'd' ) { char *xx=NULL; *xx=0; }
// store the regular score too
scoresVec[nn*nqt+listi] = (uint8_t)ptrs[i][5];
// sanity check (MDW)
//if ( scoresVec[nn*nqt+listi] == 0 ) {
// char *xx = NULL; *xx = 0; }
// we must store the date since it is also
// used to determine the final score
dateVec [nn] = ~*(uint32_t *)(&ptrs[i][6]);
// replicate the code below for speed
ptrs[i] += 10;
if (ptrs[i] < ptrEnds[i] ) goto addMore;
oldptrs[i] = ptrs[i];
ptrs [i] = NULL;
// debug msg
//log("added score=%05"INT32" totalscore=%05"INT32" to "
// "slotnum=%04"INT32" ptrList=%"INT32"",
// scoreTablePtr[((unsigned char)ptrs[i][5])],
// scoresVec[nn],nn,i);
// advance ptr to point to next score/docid 6 bytes
ptrs[i] += 6;
// if he points to his lists end or a different score
// then remove him from the list of ptrs
if ( ptrs[i] >= listEnd || ptrs[i][5] != ptrs[i][-1] ){
// save him in case we have to roll back
oldptrs[i] = ptrs[i];
// signify this sublist's demise
ptrs[i] = NULL;
// otherwise, try to add more from this ptr list
goto addMore;
// if docIds bits don't match, chain to next bucket
if ( *(int32_t *)(ptrs[i]+1) != *(int32_t *)(docIdPtrs[nn]+1) ||
(*ptrs[i] & 0xfd) != (*docIdPtrs[nn] & 0xfd) ) {
if ( ++nn >= numSlots ) nn = 0;
// if we wrapped back, table is FULL!! PANIC!
if ( nn == nnstart ) goto panic;
// count the number of times we miss
goto chain;
// got dup docid for the same termid due to index corruption?
if ( explicitBits[nn] & ebits ) {
// no point in logging since in thread!
//int64_t dd ;
//gbmemcpy ( &dd , ptrs[i] , 6 );
//dd >>= 2;
//dd &= DOCID_MASK;
//fprintf(stderr,"got dup score for docid=%"INT64"\n",dd);
if ( ! m_useDateLists ) goto advance;
else if ( m_sortByDate ) goto dateAdvance1;
else goto dateAdvance2;
// if docIdBits match OR in the pure bits
explicitBits[nn] |= ebits;
// . else if we are using hardCounts for *many* query terms...
// . terms not explicitly required will still have ebits > 0
// in order to support boolean expressions along side of
// hard required terms
// . non-required phrases can all share the same ebit when we
// have a lot of query terms, so they will not be
// able to imply hard-required, single-word terms but at
// least they can add to scores[]. they have ebits of 0.
// . an ebits of 0x80000000 means it's a hard required term
if ( hc ) hardCounts[nn]++;
// always store in scores vec
scoresVec[nn*nqt+listi] =(uint8_t)ptrs[i][5];
// sanity check (MDW)
//if ( scoresVec[nn*nqt+listi] == 0 ) {
// char *xx = NULL; *xx = 0; }
// get next docid from sublist and hash that, too!
if ( sign == '\0' || sign == '+' || sign == '*' ||sign == '-')
goto advance;
// 'e' means not sorting by date, just using datedb lists
if ( sign == 'e' )
goto dateAdvance2;
// we are sorting by date, store this
dateVec [nn] = ~*(uint32_t *)(&ptrs[i][6]);
// we got a 'd'
goto dateAdvance1;
// . ok, we come here when we have hashed all the docids from the
// range given by the old maxDocId up to the current maxDocId
// . now get the winners
// . for rat=1 the winners must have the "required" bits
// . the "required" bits match the query terms that are required
// . for rat=0 we throw everyone into m_tmpDocIdPtrs2[] until we have
// NORAT_TMP_SLOTS of them, at which point we set our affinityWeights
// so we can begin formulating a score from every docid going forward
// and therefore, can just store the top-scoring "docWanted" docids
// from that point forward.
goto getWinners;
// we "panic" if the hash table got filled up and we have to cut
// the docid range in half and re-try
// . keep cutting the maxDocId in half until all docids below
// it fit into our little hash table
// . TODO: scan hash table to find a good maxDocId/downstep?
downStep = maxDocId - lastMaxDocId;
// and then half it for good measure
downStep >>= 1;
// sanity check
if ( lastMaxDocId >= maxDocId ) { char *xx = NULL; *xx = 0; }
// sanity test, log if not sane
//log(LOG_LOGIC,"query: last=%"UINT32" downstep=%"UINT32" max=%"UINT32"",
// lastMaxDocId,downStep,maxDocId);
// count
// . if it is zero we're fucked! how can this happen really?
// . very very rare
// . TODO: look into this more
if ( downStep == 0 || downStep >= maxDocId || m_numPanics > 100) {
log(LOG_LOGIC,"query: indextable: Major panic. "
"downstep=%"UINT32" maxDocId=%"UINT32" numPanics=%"INT32"",
goto done;
// why is this still maxed out after a panic?
if ( maxDocId == 0xffffffff && m_numPanics > 1 ) {
log(LOG_LOGIC,"query: indextable: Logic panic. "
"downstep=%"UINT32" maxDocId=%"UINT32" numPanics=%"INT32"",
goto done;
// decrease docid ceiling by half a step each time this is called
maxDocId -= downStep ;
// clear the hash table
memset ( docIdPtrs , 0 , numSlots * 4 );
// roll back m_nexti so hashTmpDocIds2() works again
m_nexti = m_oldnexti;
// . now move each ptrs[i] backwards if we need to
// . if the docid is in this hash table that panicked,move it backwards
j = 0;
for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < numPtrs ; i++ ) {
char *p = ptrs[i];
// was it emptied? if so we just negate the ptr and go back 6
if ( ! p ) {
// get last value
p = oldptrs[i];
// lists that were empty to begin with have NULL
// oldptrs[i]
if ( ! p ) continue;
// back him up to the last docid for this score
p -= hks;
// if hashed int32_t ago, continue
if ( *(uint32_t *)(p+1) <= lastMaxDocId )
// for logging stats, inc j
// get his score
//unsigned char score = (unsigned char)(p[5]);
// was previous guy in this hash table? if so, rollback
while ( p - hks >= pstarts[i] &&
*(uint32_t *)((p-hks)+1) > lastMaxDocId ) {
// backup a key
p -= hks;
// for logging stats, inc j
// sanity check, does not apply to date lsits
//if(! m_useDateLists && (unsigned char)(p-hks)[5] != score ) {
// char *xx = NULL ; *xx = 0; }
// re-assign the rolled back value so we can try to rehash
// all docds in the new range: (lastMaxDocId,newMaxDocId]
ptrs[i] = p;
if ( m_isDebug || g_conf.m_logDebugQuery )
logf(LOG_DEBUG,"query: indextable: Rolled back over "
"%"INT32" docids.",j);
// sanity check, no, you can hash more if docids intersect with
// existing docids in hash table. then one slot gives multiple
// ptr rollbacks.
//if ( j != numSlots ) { char *xx = NULL; *xx = 0; }
// try to fit all docids into it from the beginning
goto top;
uint8_t bscore;
// scrape off any winners
if ( m_isDebug && s_flag == 0 ) {
s_flag = 1;
logf(LOG_DEBUG,"query: "
"requiredBits=0x%08"XINT32" "
"negativeBits=0x%08"XINT32" "
"forcedBits=0x%08"XINT32" "
"minHardCount=0%"INT32" "
"useYes=%"INT32" "
(int32_t)m_useNoDocIdTable );
// sanity checks
if ( m_useYesDocIdTable && m_r && m_r->size_sqDocIds <= 1 ) {
char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
if ( m_useNoDocIdTable && m_r && m_r->size_noDocIds <= 1 ) {
char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < numSlots ; i++ ) {
// skip empty slots
if ( docIdPtrs[i] == NULL ) continue;
// get implied bits from explicit bits
qvec_t ibits = m_q->getImplicits ( explicitBits[i] );
// log each one!
if ( m_isDebug ) {
int64_t d = getDocIdFromPtr(docIdPtrs[i]);
if ( d == 17601280831LL )
log("query: checking docid %"INT64" "
// add it right away to m_tmpDocIdPtrs2[] if we're rat
if ( rat ) {
// . we need to have the required term count to make it
// . this is increased by one with each call to
// addLists_r() and start with a value of 1 or 2
if ( (ibits & requiredBits) != requiredBits ) {
docIdPtrs[i] = NULL;
// . skip if it contains a negative term
// . like dog in 'cat -dog'
if ( negativeBits && (ibits & negativeBits) ) {
docIdPtrs[i] = NULL;
// must have all the terms preceeded by a '+' sign
if ( forcedBits && (ibits & forcedBits) != forcedBits){
docIdPtrs[i] = NULL;
// we now also check the hard count
if ( hardCounts[i] < minHardCount ) {
docIdPtrs[i] = NULL;
// skip if if not in the sqDocIds
if ( m_useYesDocIdTable ) {
// make a docid out of it
int64_t d = getDocIdFromPtr(docIdPtrs[i]);
// if not in table, skip it
if ( m_dt.getSlot(d) < 0 ) {
docIdPtrs[i] = NULL; continue; }
if ( m_useNoDocIdTable ) {
// make a docid out of it
int64_t d = getDocIdFromPtr(docIdPtrs[i]);
// if in this table skip it
if ( m_et.getSlot(d) >= 0 ) {
docIdPtrs[i] = NULL; continue; }
// sanity check
if ( newTmpDocIds2 >= m_maxTmpDocIds2 ) {
log(LOG_LOGIC,"query: bad newTmpDocIds2.");
char *xx = NULL; *xx = 0;
// . store in the buffer
// . we now save ebits because a phrase in the base
// block may imply a term we add later on, but do
// not have explicitly. this way we still get it.
m_tmpDocIdPtrs2 [ newTmpDocIds2 ] = docIdPtrs [i];
// some of the phrase term vector components may
// be non-zero when they should be zero! fix this
// below when computing the final winners in done:.
gbmemcpy ( &m_tmpScoresVec2[nqt*newTmpDocIds2] ,
&scoresVec [nqt*i ] ,
nqt );
// like we have a score vector, one score per query
// term, we have an event id bit vector, where a bit
// is on if the term corresponds to that event id
if ( m_searchingEvents ) {
// always have event ids
m_tmpEventIds2[newTmpDocIds2] = eventIds[i];
// lat/lon?
if ( latVec ) {
// since we may not be intersecting all the
// termlists this round, only store these if
// we had one
//if ( timeVec ) //&& timeVec[i] )
// m_tmpTimeVec2[newTmpDocIds2]=timeVec[i];
//if ( endVec ) // && endVec[i] )
// m_tmpEndVec2[newTmpDocIds2]=endVec[i];
// store the dates!
if ( dateVec )
m_tmpDateVec2[newTmpDocIds2] = dateVec[i];
// each query term has a different "explicit bit" which
// is set in this vector. save the vector.
m_tmpEbitVec2 [ newTmpDocIds2 ] = explicitBits[i];
m_tmpHardCounts2 [ newTmpDocIds2 ] = hardCounts [i];
// clear this slot in the hash tbale
docIdPtrs[i] = NULL;
// TODO: we could support boolean queries with int32_t
// sequences of ORs by making all the ORs to one bit!
// . skip if it contains a negative term
// . like dog in 'cat -dog'
if ( negativeBits && (ibits & negativeBits) ) {
docIdPtrs[i] = NULL;
// must have all hard counts, too (works for boolean queries?)
if ( hardCounts[i] < minHardCount ) {
docIdPtrs[i] = NULL;
// must have all the terms preceeded by a '+' sign
if ( forcedBits && (ibits & forcedBits) != forcedBits ) {
docIdPtrs[i] = NULL;
// . count EXplicit matches
// . bit #6 is on iff he has all "required terms" EXplicitly
// . "required terms" just means all the terms that we would
// need to have if we were a default AND engine
// . now he must have all phrase bits, too, where
// phrases start and end with non-ignored single words
//if ( bscore & 0x40 )
// explicitCount++;
// . count IMplicit matches
// . bit #5 is on if he has all requird terms IMplicitly
// . if the doc has the phrase "A B" then he has term A and
// term B IMplicitly
//if ( bscore & 0x20 )
// implicitCount++;
// . don't let explicits always sort above the implicits
// . but guys with all required terms should always sort
// above guys without, so we DO NOT clear 0x20 (bit #5)
// . might as well clear bit #7, too, it should always be set
// . REMOVE THIS line if you want any doc that has
// all the terms EXplicitly to always outrank any
// doc that only has them IMplicitly
// . 0xc0 = 0x80 + 0x40 and the ~0xc0 = 0x3f
// . no, we have to preserve this!
//bscore &= ~0xc0;
// add in our hard count (for boolean queries)
//bscore += hardCounts[i];
if ( weakest >= 0 )
log("bscore=%04"UINT32" score=%04"INT32" topp+1=%08"XINT32" "
"replacing "
"#%02"INT32" bscore=%04"UINT32" score=%04"INT32" topp+1=%08"XINT32"",
bscore,scores[i],*(int32_t *)(docIdPtrs[i]+1),
j,topb[j],tops[j],*(int32_t *)(topp[j]+1));
log("bscore=%04"UINT32" score=%04"INT32" topp+1=%08"XINT32" adding #%"INT32"",
bscore,scores[i],*(int32_t *)(docIdPtrs[i]+1),j);
//uint8_t bscore;
// . if we are boolean, and bscore is 0, filter it out, that
// means it does not satisfy the truth table
// . this was causing a ton of panics!
if ( m_q->m_isBoolean ) {
//if (m_isDebug)
// logf(LOG_DEBUG,
// "query: getBitScore1 "
// "queryId=%lld bits=0x%016"XINT64"",
// m_r->m_queryId,
// (int64_t) explicitBits[i]);
uint8_t bscore = getBitScore(explicitBits[i]);
// if we are boolean we must have the right bscore
if ( bscore == 0 ) {
docIdPtrs[i] = NULL;
else if ( weakest != -1 ) {
if ( weakest != -1 ) {
bscore = m_q->getBitScore(explicitBits[i]);
// add in hard counts
bscore += hardCounts[i];
// remove 0x80 | 0x40 so we do not sort explicit
// exact matches above implicit exact matches
//bscore &= ~0xc0;
// . add top tree if it is NON-NULL
// . only do this after we've computed the affinities because
// i do not have score vectors in TopNode, just m_score.
// . this is rat=0, so at some point we compute the affinities
// and we keep doing more intersections... after we compute
// the affinities weakest is NOT -1.
// . we can only call getWeightedScore() after weakest!=-1
// because we do not have the affinities necessary to compute
// the affinity weights required for computing the score.
if ( weakest != -1 ) { // && m_topTree ) {
// . bscore's bit #6 (0x40) is on if he has all terms
// explicitly, use this to disallow a high-tiered
// node from topping a node that has bit #6 on
tn = m_topTree->getEmptyNode();
// get the empty TopNode ptr
t = &m_topTree->m_nodes[tn];
// fill it up
t->m_bscore = bscore;
// if sorting by date, score is just the date
if ( m_sortByDate )
t->m_score= dateVec[i];
nqt ,
m_freqWeights ,
m_affWeights ,
// store ptr to docid in TopNode
//t->m_docIdPtr = docIdPtrs[i];
t->m_docId = getDocIdFromPtr(docIdPtrs[i]);
// . nodes that have that all the terms explicitly
// cannot be passed by higher-tiered nodes,
// otherwise they are game
// . de-duping is done at display time
// . this will not add if tree is full and it is
// less than the m_lowNode in score
// . if it does get added to a full tree, lowNode will
// be removed
// dummy variables
//bool removedNode = false;
//char *removedDocIdPtr = NULL;
// REMEMBER TO clear the slot
docIdPtrs[i] = NULL;
// get the next docid from the hash table
// . store it in m_tmpDocIdPtrs2[], etc.
// . m_topDocIds2[] is now used to hold the first
// "NORAT_TMP_SLOTS" rat=0 results that have any of the
// query terms...
// . the sample, NORAT_TMP_SLOTS should be pretty big since we
// are not guaranteed that all results have all required
// query terms since it is rat=0
// . now get the next empty bucket and advance ptr
j = newTmpDocIds2++;
// store the ptr to the docid
m_tmpDocIdPtrs2[j] = docIdPtrs[i];
// store the score vector
gbmemcpy ( &m_tmpScoresVec2[j * nqt], &scoresVec[nqt*i], nqt);
// store this too
if ( m_searchingEvents ) {
m_tmpEventIds2[j] = eventIds[i];
if ( latVec ) m_tmpLatVec2 [j] = latVec[i];
if ( lonVec ) m_tmpLonVec2 [j] = lonVec[i];
//if ( timeVec ) m_tmpTimeVec2[j] = timeVec[i];
//if ( endVec ) m_tmpEndVec2 [j] = endVec[i];
// store date if sorting by date
if ( m_sortByDate )
m_tmpDateVec2[j] = dateVec[i];
// save the explicit bits vector
m_tmpEbitVec2 [j] = explicitBits[i];
m_tmpHardCounts2 [j] = hardCounts [i];
// clear the slot
docIdPtrs[i] = NULL;
// fill it up!!!
// . keep adding to m_tmpDocIdPtrs2[] until filled up!
// . only then will we try to compute the affinity weights
if ( newTmpDocIds2 < NORAT_TMP_SLOTS ) continue;
// we have to make sure to fill up m_topDocIds[], etc., so
// that getWeakest() works right
if ( newTmpDocIds2 < m_docsWanted ) continue;
// zero out the vector components that do not
// exist according to the explicitBits[] array.
zeroOutVectorComponents ( m_tmpScoresVec2 ,
m_tmpEbitVec2 ,
m_tmpHardCounts2 ,
newTmpDocIds2 ,
rat );
// if we haven't computed our term weights yet, do it with the
// existing sample
computeAffWeights ( rat ,
newTmpDocIds2 ,
m_tmpDocIdPtrs2 ,
m_tmpScoresVec2 ,
m_tmpEbitVec2 ,
m_tmpHardCounts2 ,
m_affWeights ,
m_affinities );
// . we need to compute the scores of the current winners
// . sets m_tmpScores2[] array
//computeWeightedScores ( newTmpDocIds2 ,
// m_tmpScoresVec2 ,
// m_tmpEbitVec2 ,
// m_affWeights ,
// m_tmpDocIdPtrs2 );
// . now fill the top docids with the top of the big list
// . put them into "topp,tops,topb,tope" which are the
// m_topDocIds[] arrays
// . only put at most "docsWanted" results into
// "topp,tops,topb,tope" arrays
// . fill top tree if m_topTree (MDW)
numTopDocIds = fillTopDocIds ( topp ,
tops ,
topb ,
m_docsWanted ,
m_tmpDocIdPtrs2 ,
m_tmpScoresVec2 ,
m_tmpDateVec2 ,
m_tmpEbitVec2 ,
m_tmpHardCounts2 ,
newTmpDocIds2 );
// fake it out if using top tree
if ( m_topTree ) {
weakest = 999999;
// get the next weakest so we discard any future results below
// minTopBitScore/minTopScore/...
weakest = getWeakestTopDocId ( topp ,
tops ,
topb ,
numTopDocIds ,
&minTopBitScore ,
&minTopScore ,
&minTopDocIdPtr );
// sanity check
if ( weakest == -1 ) { char *xx=NULL; *xx=0; }
// sanity check (MDW)
//zeroOutVectorComponents ( m_tmpScoresVec2 ,
// m_tmpEbitVec2 ,
// m_tmpHardCounts2 ,
// newTmpDocIds2 ,
// rat );
// . sanity check
// . "newTmpDocIds2" is the "active intersection" for rat=1
// . "newTmpDocIds2" is the NORAT_TMP_SLOTS winner buffer for rat=0
// . make sure we do not breach it
if ( newTmpDocIds2 >= m_maxTmpDocIds2 ) {
log(LOG_LOGIC,"query: bad newTmpDocIds2b.");
char *xx = NULL; *xx = 0;
// . if rat then store the maxDocId for re-hashing m_tmpDocIdPtrs2,
// the "active intersection", the next time addLists2_r() is called
// . store the docids that were in the intersection above into
// m_tmpDocIdPtrs2, etc. so that when addLists2_r() is called again
// with another termlist(s) then we can hash this intersection
// into the hash table with the termlist(s) to get the next
// intersection. we try to hash the smallest termlists first in order
// to reduce the intersection as fast as possible, thereby improving
// performance. (m_imap[] is responsible for re-ordering the
// termlists to improve intersection speed)
// . this only applies to rat=1, because rat=0 intersects ALL termlists
// at the same time with a single call to addLists2_r()
if ( rat ) {
// . if 2nd last guy is within 50 of us then bury the last guy
// . this guarantees all maxDocIds stored in m_tmpDocIdPtrs2
// are at least 50 units away from each other, with the
// exception of the last one added, of course, and this
// allows us to save memory (see IndexTable2::alloc() above)
// . we are basically collapsing hash loops into a single
// "hash loop"
// . these "maxDocIds" stored in m_tmpDocIdPtrs2[] are fake
// docids that dictate the docid ranges we will use the
// next time addLists2_r() is called with another termlist
if ( lastGuy2 >= 0 && newTmpDocIds2 - lastGuy2 < 50 ) {
// peel the guy off the end of the list
// . use him to bury "lastGuy"
// . we should only be overwriting the "maxDocId" ptr
// that is stored in m_tmpDocIdPtrs2[lastGuy]
// (see below)
// . we are essentially combining two separate lists
// into one, thereby, only requiring one hashing
// loop above instead of two
m_tmpDocIdPtrs2 [ lastGuy ] =
m_tmpDocIdPtrs2 [ newTmpDocIds2 ];
if ( m_searchingEvents ) {
if ( m_tmpLatVec2 )
m_tmpLatVec2[lastGuy] =
if ( m_tmpLonVec2 )
m_tmpLonVec2[lastGuy] =
//if ( m_tmpTimeVec2 )
// m_tmpTimeVec2[lastGuy] =
// m_tmpTimeVec2[newTmpDocIds2];
//if ( m_tmpEndVec2 )
// m_tmpEndVec2[lastGuy] =
// m_tmpEndVec2[newTmpDocIds2];
m_tmpEbitVec2 [lastGuy]=m_tmpEbitVec2[newTmpDocIds2];
m_tmpHardCounts2[ lastGuy ] =
m_tmpHardCounts2[ newTmpDocIds2 ];
// and replace him...
lastGuy = lastGuy2;
//log("adding marker %"INT32"",newTmpDocIds2);
// overwrite last entry if no actual docids were added since
// then, this allows us to save memory and fixes the seg fault
//if ( newTmpDocIds2 > 0 &&
// m_tmpScores2 [ newTmpDocIds2 - 1 ] == 0 )
// newTmpDocIds2--;
// add the new maxDocId "marker" (fake docid)
m_tmpDocIdPtrs2 [ newTmpDocIds2 ] = (char *)maxDocId;
// indicate that he is a special (fake) docid
m_tmpHardCounts2 [ newTmpDocIds2 ] = -1;
//memset(&m_tmpScoresVec2[newTmpDocIds2*nqt], 0, nqt);
// update second last guy
lastGuy2 = lastGuy ;
lastGuy = newTmpDocIds2 - 1 ;
// sanity check (MDW)
//zeroOutVectorComponents ( m_tmpScoresVec2 ,
// m_tmpEbitVec2 ,
// m_tmpHardCounts2 ,
// newTmpDocIds2 ,
// rat );
// . reset our step down function
// . do not reset this if we've panicked more than 20 times
// . globalspec's single term query termlist's docids were all
// essentially sequential thus requiring VERY small steps of like
// 100 or something... it seemed to block forever.
if ( m_numPanics < 5 ) downStep = step ;
// log it the first time it happens
else if ( m_numPanics >= 5 && printed != m_numPanics ) {
printed = m_numPanics;
// it should be impossible that downStep be 0 or small like
// that because we have a lot of slots in the hash table
//char *qq = "";
//if ( m_q && m_q->m_orig && m_q->m_orig[0] ) qq = m_q->m_orig;
// i am seeing a lot of 5 and 6 panics msgs, stop that...
if ( m_numPanics >= 7 )
log(LOG_INFO,"query: Got %"INT32" panics. Using small steps of "
// set step to downStep, otherwise, maxDocId will not be
// able to be decreased close to within lastMaxDocId because
// it is only decremented by downStep above, but
// incremented below by step below. i think this matters
// more for date termlists cuz those use lastMaxDocId
step = downStep;
// save it to check for wraps
oldDocId = maxDocId;
// if we were maxxed, we're done
if ( maxDocId == (uint32_t)0xffffffff ) goto done;
// save the last maxDocId in case we have to rollback for a panic
lastMaxDocId = maxDocId;
// now advance the ceiling
maxDocId += step;
// if wrapped, set to max
if ( maxDocId <= oldDocId ) {
maxDocId = (uint32_t)0xffffffff;
// . if we panic after this, come down "half the distance to
// the goal line" and try to hash all the docIds in the
// range: (lastMaxDocId,maxDocId-downStep]
// . downStep is divided by 2 (right shifted) in panic: above
// . otherwise, downStep can be too big and mess us up!
downStep = (maxDocId - lastMaxDocId);
// sanity check
if ( maxDocId - (downStep / 2) <= lastMaxDocId+1 ) {
log("query: Got infinite loop criteria.");
maxDocId = 0xffffffff;
goto done;
// . do another round
// . TODO: start with bottom of ptrs to take advantage of cache more!
goto top;
// . rat=1 will have m_tmpDocIdPtrs2[] all filled up and needing to
// be scored and ranked.
// . rat=0 may or may not have m_tmpDocIdPtrs2[] filled up. if it
// does then it needs to be scored and ranked too! if it does not
// then its m_topDocIds[] are the valid winners!
// update the new count now
m_numTmpDocIds2 = newTmpDocIds2;
qvec_t timap[MAX_QUERY_TERMS];
// map each query term to a qvec_t implied
for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < nqt ; i++ ) {
// get query term explicit
qvec_t ebit = m_q->m_qterms[i].m_explicitBit;
// map it
timap[i] = m_q->getImplicits ( ebit );
// . sanity check for our hacked parsing
// . key bitmap from datedb.h:
// . tttttttt tttttttt tttttttt tttttttt t = termId (48bits)
// . tttttttt tttttttt 00000000 00000000
// iiiiiiii IIIIIIII ssssssss dddddddd s = ~score, [i-I] = evid rang
// . dddddddd dddddddd dddddddd dddddd0Z d = docId (38 bits)
int32_t date = (13<<8) | (66);
date = ~date;
key128_t dk = g_datedb.makeKey ( 0,date,33,9999,false);
char *dkp = (char *)&dk;
if ( dkp[7] != 13 || dkp[6] != 66 ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// removed event logic from here
// compute the scores here if we need to
if ( ( rat && lastRound ) ||
( !rat && weakest == -1 ) ) {
// . zero out the vector components that do not exist
// according to the explicitBits[] array.
// . we do not bother keeping components zeroed out in
// the hash table for performance reasons, so just do
// it here for the "winning" docids
zeroOutVectorComponents ( m_tmpScoresVec2 ,
m_tmpEbitVec2 ,
m_tmpHardCounts2 ,
m_numTmpDocIds2 ,
rat );
// compute the affinities and weights
computeAffWeights ( rat ,
m_numTmpDocIds2 ,
m_tmpDocIdPtrs2 ,
m_tmpScoresVec2 ,
m_tmpEbitVec2 ,
m_tmpHardCounts2 ,
m_affWeights ,
m_affinities );
// . compute the score for each docid now
// . sets m_tmpScores2[] array
//computeWeightedScores ( m_numTmpDocIds2 ,
// m_tmpScoresVec2 ,
// m_tmpEbitVec2 ,
// m_affWeights ,
// m_tmpDocIdPtrs2 );
// . now fill the top docids with the top of the big list
// . this will fill m_topTree if it is non-NULL
// . now it always just fills top tree...
numTopDocIds = fillTopDocIds ( //topp ,
//tops ,
//topb ,
//tope ,
m_docsWanted ,
m_tmpDocIdPtrs2 ,
m_tmpScoresVec2 ,
m_tmpDateVec2 ,
m_tmpLatVec2 ,
m_tmpLonVec2 ,
//m_tmpTimeVec2 ,
//m_tmpEndVec2 ,
m_tmpEbitVec2 ,
m_tmpHardCounts2 ,
m_tmpEventIds2 ,
m_numTmpDocIds2 );
// sort the winners
// get the counts of the winners
//int32_t explicitCount = 0;
//int32_t implicitCount = 0;
//bool didSwap;
// explicit matches
m_numExactExplicitMatches = 0;
// implicit matches
m_numExactImplicitMatches = 0;
// . look in the intersection for these i guess
// . we save these values in the cache so ::recompute() has them
// set properly.
for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < m_numTmpDocIds2 ; i++ ) {
//if (m_isDebug)
// logf(LOG_DEBUG,
// "query: getBitScore2 "
// "queryId=%lld bits=0x%016"XINT64"",
// m_r->m_queryId,
// (int64_t) m_tmpEbitVec2[i]);
// get the bit score, # terms implied
bscore = getBitScore ( m_tmpEbitVec2[i] ) ;
// count it if it has all terms EXplicitly
if ( (bscore & 0x40) && m_tmpHardCounts2[i] >= minHardCount )
// count hits with all terms implied
if ( bscore &0x20 )
// . if we're rat and we've hashed all the termlists then let's
// compute ex/implicitCount
// . we need to store the explicit bits to compute the bscore!!
// . if we're rat then we MUST have all terms in every doc...
if ( m_topTree ) {
// . set the number of exact matches
// . TODO: loop through tree to fix this later!
m_numExactExplicitMatches = 0; //m_topTree->m_explicits;
// implicit matches
m_numExactImplicitMatches = 0; //m_topTree->m_implicits;
// . set our # of top docids member var
m_numTopDocIds = m_topTree->m_numUsedNodes;
// . if we use top tree, TRY to estimate the hits now
// . will only estimate if this is the first round
goto doEstimation;
// get the counts
for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < numTopDocIds ; i++ ) {
// get the bit score, # terms implied
bscore = m_q->getBitScore ( m_tmpEbitVec2[i] ) ;
// count it if it has all terms EXplicitly
if ( (bscore & 0x40) && m_tmpHardCounts2[i] >= minHardCount )
// count hits with all terms implied
if ( bscore &0x20 )
// set the number of exact matches
m_numExactExplicitMatches = explicitCount;
// implicit matches
m_numExactImplicitMatches = implicitCount;
// set our # of top docids member var
m_numTopDocIds = numTopDocIds;
if ( m_topTree ) goto doEstimation;
// . now sort by m_topBitScores/m_topScores/m_topDocIdPtrs
// . do a quick bubble sort
// assume no swap will happen
didSwap = false;
for ( int32_t i = 1 ; i < numTopDocIds ; i++ ) {
// continue if no switch needed
if ( isBetterThanWeakest ( topb[i-1] ,
tops[i-1] ,
topp[i-1] ,
topb[i ] ,
tops[i ] ,
topp[i ] ) )
// otherwise swap
score_t tmpScore = tops [i-1];
unsigned char tmpBitScore = topb [i-1];
char *tmpDocIdPtr = topp [i-1];
tops [i-1] = tops [i ];
topb [i-1] = topb [i ];
topp [i-1] = topp [i ];
tops [i ] = tmpScore;
topb [i ] = tmpBitScore;
topp [i ] = tmpDocIdPtr;
didSwap = true;
// if it's sorted then return
if ( didSwap ) goto keepSorting;
// . now extrapolate the total # of hits from what we got
// . use default AND for this
// . use this for boolean queries, too
// . only set for the first call, so this number is consistent!!
// . little graph: X's are matching terms, O's are unmatched
// and the hyphens separate stages. see the combinations.
// . list #1 list #2
// . X -------> X
// . X -------> X
// . X -------> X
// . O O
// . O O
// . O O
// . ----------------
// . O O
// . O O
// . O O
// . O
// . O
// . O
// . we can re-compute if we didn't get many hits the first time!
if ( m_estimatedTotalHits == -1 || m_doRecalc ) {
// # of tried and untried combinations respectfully
double tried = 1.0;
double untried = 1.0;
double noretry = 1.0;
// minimum term frequency of the eligible query terms
int64_t mintf = 0x7fffffffffffffffLL;
// . total hits we got now
// . we use explicit, because we're only taking combinations
// of non-negative terms and positive phrase terms, using
// implicit matches would mess our count up
// . furthermore, re-arranging query words would change the
// hit count because it would change the implicit count
int32_t totalHits = m_numExactExplicitMatches;
// . use combinatorics, NOT probability theory for this cuz
// we're quite discrete
// . MOST of the error in this is from inaccurate term freqs
// because i think this logic is PERFECT!!!
// . how many tuple combinations did we have?
// . do not use imap here
for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < m_q->m_numTerms ; i++ ) {
// component lists are merged into one compound list
if ( m_componentCodes[i] >= 0 ) continue;
// skip if negative or unsigned phrase
QueryTerm *qt = &m_q->m_qterms[i];
if ( qt->m_termSign == '-' ) continue;
if ( qt->m_termSign =='\0' && qt->m_isPhrase) continue;
// if its a boolean query under a NOT sign
if ( qt->m_underNOT ) continue;
// get current total size of list #i
int32_t total = 0;
//int32_t size = m_lists[i].getListSize();
int32_t size = m_sizes[i];
if ( size >= 12 ) size -= 6;
size /= 6;
total += size;
// NSD: but for a one word query, totalHits should be
// equal to the term Freq!
if ( m_q->m_numTerms == 1 ) totalHits = m_termFreqs[i];
// how many docs have this term?
int64_t tf = m_termFreqs[i];
// . multiply to get initial # of combinations of terms
// . "tried" means we tried these combinations to
// produce the "totalHits" search results
tried *= (double)total;
// get # of untried combinations
untried *= (double) ( tf - totalHits );
// get # of combinations we tried amongst STAGE0 guys
// so we don't retry in untried
noretry *= (double) ( total - totalHits );
// count required terms
// if we only have one required term, nothing isuntried
// record the min tf as a safety catch
if ( tf < mintf ) mintf = tf;
// don't retry combos tried in "tried" count (intersection)
untried -= noretry;
// don't go negative... if tf == total
if ( untried < 0.0 ) untried = 0.0;
// dont divide by 0
if ( tried < 1.0 ) tried = 1.0;
// . out of "tried" combinations we got "totalHits" hits!
// . what's the prob. a particular combination is a hit?
double percent = (double)totalHits / (double)tried;
// out of the untried combinations,how many hits can we expect?
m_estimatedTotalHits = totalHits +
(int64_t) (untried * percent);
// don't exceed the max tf of any one list (safety catch)
if ( m_estimatedTotalHits > mintf )
m_estimatedTotalHits = mintf;
// make it at least what we got for sure
if ( m_estimatedTotalHits < totalHits )
m_estimatedTotalHits = totalHits;
// if we get a re-call, replace the total hits calc
if ( m_numExactExplicitMatches <= 0 ) m_doRecalc = true;
else m_doRecalc = false;
if (m_useBoolTable)
log(LOG_DEBUG,"query: boolTable: queryId=%lld numSlotsUsed=%"INT32"",
// hasheventloop eventloophash
bool IndexTable2::eventHashLoop ( int32_t *listIndexes ,
char *listSigns ,
qvec_t *listExplicitBits ,
char **listEnds ,
char *listHash ,
char *listHardCount ,
int32_t *listPoints ,
char **ptrs ,
char **ptrEnds ,
char **oldptrs ,
int32_t numPtrs ,
int64_t maxDocId ,
int32_t numListsToDo ,
int32_t numSlots ,
char **docIdPtrs ,
qvec_t *explicitBits ,
int16_t *hardCounts ,
uint8_t *eventIds ,
uint8_t *scoresVec ,
uint32_t *latVec,
uint32_t *lonVec,
//uint32_t *timeVec,
//uint32_t *endVec,
int32_t nqt ) {
// these vars help us change the list-specific vars
int16_t point = 0;
int16_t next = 0;
int16_t listi = 0;
uint32_t mask = (uint32_t)numSlots - 1;
char sign;
qvec_t ebits;
char *listEnd;
char hc;
bool hashIt;
// before the for loop was wrapping "a" when "b" was 255 so make this
// a int16_t
uint16_t a,b;
int32_t nn;
int32_t nnstart;
// loop over the ptrs to the SUBlists
for ( register int32_t i = 0 ; i < numPtrs ; i++ ) {
// when i reaches this break point we've switched lists
if ( i == point ) {
listi = listIndexes [ next ];
sign = listSigns [ next ];
ebits = listExplicitBits [ next ];
listEnd = listEnds [ next ];
hashIt = listHash [ next ];
hc = listHardCount [ next ];
// if that was the last list, then we'll exit the
// loop by i hitting numPtrs, so don't worry
if ( next < numListsToDo ) point = listPoints [ next ];
else point = -1;
// skip if emptied (end of that list fragment)
if ( ! ptrs[i] ) continue;
// if the top 4 bytes of his docid is > maxDocId,
// then skip to next ptr/sublist
if ( *(uint32_t *)(ptrs[i]+1) > maxDocId ) continue;
// is this a gbxlatitude/gbxlongitude/gbxstarttime
// field key? then event id is in score field.
if ( sign == 'x' ) {
a = b = 255 - *(uint8_t *)(ptrs[i]+5);
// is is a regular word in an event description?
// then event id is a range in the date field.
else {
// get event id range
a = 255 - *(uint8_t *)(ptrs[i]+7);
b = 255 - *(uint8_t *)(ptrs[i]+6);
// sanity
if ( a > b ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// for debuging lat/lon/times for an event
//int64_t d = getDocIdFromPtr(ptrs[i]);
//if ( d == 17601280831LL && a==1 )
// log("hey listi=%"INT32"",listi);
// loop over event ids for this key
for ( ; a <= b ; a++ ) {
// . otherwise, hash him, use the top 32 bits of his docid
// . added in event id here
nn = (*(uint32_t *)(ptrs[i]+1) + a*33 )& mask ;
// save start position so we can see if we chain too much
nnstart = nn;
// . if the hashtable slot is empty (docIdPtrs[nn] is NULL),
// then take right away
// . this is the most common case so we put it first
if ( docIdPtrs[nn] == NULL ) {
// if we are sorting by distance we need to
// add the "date" which is the lat or the lon
if ( latVec ) {
if ( listi == m_latTermOff )
if ( listi == m_lonTermOff )
// same for sorting by "time"
if ( timeVec ) {
if ( listi == m_timeTermOff )
if ( endVec ) {
if ( listi == m_endTermOff )
// . did we miss it?
// . if rat is true, then advance to next right now
if ( ! hashIt ) continue;
// hold ptr to our stuff
docIdPtrs [ nn ] = ptrs[i];
// set pure bits
explicitBits [ nn ] = ebits;
hardCounts [ nn ] = hc;
eventIds [ nn ] = a;
// date contstrain (still read from datedb)
// there is no score based on date in this case
// but we are still getting the termlists from
// datedb, we just use the regular score that
// is contained in the datedb termlist, after
// the date itself.
scoresVec[nn*nqt+listi] = (uint8_t)ptrs[i][5];
// replicate the code below for speed
// if docIds bits don't match, chain to next bucket
if ( *(int32_t *)(ptrs[i]+1) != *(int32_t *)(docIdPtrs[nn]+1) ||
// event ids must match too now
a != eventIds[nn] ||
(*ptrs[i] & 0xfd) != (*docIdPtrs[nn] & 0xfd) ) {
if ( ++nn >= numSlots ) nn = 0;
// if we wrapped back, table is FULL!! PANIC!
if ( nn == nnstart ) return false; // goto panic;
// count the number of times we miss
goto chain;
// add in start and end times, but only if not set from above
// where docIptr == NULL, we do not want to overwrite the first
// one we encounter.
if ( timeVec ) {
// if the timeVec[nn] slot is unset, or if we are
// less than what's in it, then put us in there
if ( listi == m_timeTermOff ) {
uint32_t tt = *(uint32_t*)(&ptrs[i][6]);
if ( timeVec[nn] == 0 ) timeVec[nn] = tt;
// these times are COMPLEMENTED!
else if ( tt > timeVec[nn] ) timeVec[nn] = tt;
// same for the time endpoint
if ( listi == m_endTermOff ) {
uint32_t tt = *(uint32_t*)(&ptrs[i][6]);
if ( endVec[nn] == 0 ) endVec[nn] = tt;
// these times are COMPLEMENTED!
else if ( tt > endVec[nn] ) endVec[nn] = tt;
// . got dup docid for the same termid due to index corruption?
// . this happens a lot for m_searchingEvents because it adds
// multiple keys for the same termid but with different
// "dates", which are really hidden eventId ranges in
// disguise
if ( explicitBits[nn] & ebits ) {
// . add in the score
// . TODO: not correct because we are adding 8 bit
// scores that were mapped from 32-bit scores...
// but for now let's see what happens
scoresVec[nn*nqt+listi] += (uint8_t)ptrs[i][5];
// if docIdBits match OR in the pure bits
explicitBits[nn] |= ebits;
// . else if we are using hardCounts for *many* query terms...
// . terms not explicitly required will still have ebits > 0
// in order to support boolean expressions along side of
// hard required terms
// . non-required phrases can all share the same ebit when we
// have a lot of query terms, so they will not be
// able to imply hard-required, single-word terms but at
// least they can add to scores[]. they have ebits of 0.
// . an ebits of 0x80000000 means it's a hard required term
if ( hc ) hardCounts[nn]++;
// always store in scores vec
scoresVec[nn*nqt+listi] =(uint8_t)ptrs[i][5];
// if we are sorting by distance we need to
// add the "date" which is the lat or the lon
if ( latVec ) {
if ( listi == m_latTermOff )
if ( listi == m_lonTermOff )
// end the for loop over the key
// advance to next key now that we've exhausted the event id
// range, [a,b]
ptrs[i] += 10;
if (ptrs[i] < ptrEnds[i] ) goto addMore;
oldptrs[i] = ptrs[i];
ptrs [i] = NULL;
// end the big for loop here
// no panic? then return true
return true;
// . set *maxDocId for hashing the other termlists in addLists2_r()
// . store our "current/ongoing intersection" into the hash table
void IndexTable2::hashTmpDocIds2 ( uint32_t *maxDocId ,
char **docIdPtrs ,
unsigned char *scoresVec ,
uint8_t *eventIds ,
uint32_t *latVec ,
uint32_t *lonVec ,
//uint32_t *timeVec ,
//uint32_t *endVec ,
qvec_t *explicitBits ,
int16_t *hardCounts ,
uint32_t mask ,
int32_t numSlots ,
int32_t nqt ) {
// if none left to hash, we're done
if ( m_nexti >= m_numTmpDocIds2 ) {
*maxDocId = (uint32_t)0xffffffff;
*maxDocId = 0;
int32_t maxi = m_nexti + (numSlots >> 1);
if ( maxi > m_numTmpDocIds2 ) maxi = m_numTmpDocIds2;
int32_t oldmaxi = maxi;
// . move maxi down to a maxDocId slot
// . we now use a hard count of -1 to indicate this special slot
while ( maxi > 0 && m_tmpHardCounts2[maxi-1] != -1 ) maxi--;
// sometimes, the block can be bigger than numSlots when we
// overestimate maxDocIds and the second list hits the first like 80%
// or more of the time or so
if ( maxi == 0 || maxi <= m_nexti ) {
maxi = oldmaxi;
int32_t bigmax = m_nexti + numSlots;
if ( bigmax > m_numTmpDocIds2 ) bigmax = m_numTmpDocIds2;
// we can equal bigmax if we have exactly m_numSlots(1024)
// winners!! VERY RARE!! but it happened for me on the query
// ''. we filled up our hash
// table exactly so we got m_numSlots winners, and before this
// was "maxi < bigmax" which stopped int16_t of what we needed.
// maxi should technically be allowed to equal m_numTmpDocIds2
while ( maxi <= bigmax && m_tmpHardCounts2[maxi-1]!=-1) maxi++;
// sanity check
if ( m_tmpHardCounts2[maxi-1] != -1 ) {
log(LOG_LOGIC,"query: bad tmpHardCounts.");
char *xx = NULL; *xx = 0;
// set maxDocId
*maxDocId = (int32_t)m_tmpDocIdPtrs2[maxi-1];
// sanity check
if ( *maxDocId == 0 ) {
log(LOG_LOGIC,"query: bad maxDocId.");
char *xx = NULL; *xx = 0; }
// debug msg
if ( m_isDebug || g_conf.m_logDebugQuery )
logf(LOG_DEBUG,"query: Hashing %"INT32" top docids2, [%"INT32", %"INT32")",
int32_t nn;
// we use a hard count of -1 to denote docid blocks
for ( int32_t i = m_nexti ; i < maxi ; i++ ) {
// . if hard count is -1 then that's a tag block
// . all the docids before this should be < the docid in here
if ( m_tmpHardCounts2[i] == -1 ) continue;
// hash the top 32 bits of this docid
// get event id if we should
if ( m_searchingEvents )
nn = (*(uint32_t *)(m_tmpDocIdPtrs2[i]+1) +
m_tmpEventIds2[i]*33) & mask ;
nn = (*(uint32_t *)(m_tmpDocIdPtrs2[i]+1)) & mask ;
// . if empty, take right away
// . this is the most common case so we put it first
if ( docIdPtrs[nn] == NULL ) {
// hold ptr to our stuff
docIdPtrs [ nn ] = m_tmpDocIdPtrs2[i];
// store score
gbmemcpy ( &scoresVec [nn * nqt] ,
&m_tmpScoresVec2[i * nqt],
nqt );
// and this vector
if ( m_searchingEvents ) {
eventIds[nn] = m_tmpEventIds2[i];
if ( latVec ) latVec [nn] = m_tmpLatVec2[i];
if ( lonVec ) lonVec [nn] = m_tmpLonVec2[i];
//if(timeVec ) timeVec [nn] = m_tmpTimeVec2[i];
//if(endVec ) endVec [nn] = m_tmpEndVec2[i];
// insane sanity check (MDW)
for ( int32_t x = 0 ; x < nqt ; x++ ) {
int32_t m = m_imap[x];
QueryTerm *qt = &m_q->m_qterms[m];
qvec_t eb = qt->m_explicitBit;
if ( !(eb & m_tmpEbitVec2[i]) ) continue;
if ( scoresVec[nn*nqt+x] == 0 ) {
char *xx = NULL; *xx = 0; }
// now we use the explicitBits!
explicitBits [ nn ] = m_tmpEbitVec2[i];
// and hard counts
hardCounts [ nn ] = m_tmpHardCounts2[i];
// add the next one
// if docIds bits don't match, chain to next bucket
// since we don't have dups and this is the first list we do
// not need to check for matching docids
if ( ++nn >= numSlots ) nn = 0;
goto chain;
// save the old one in case of a panic and rollback
m_oldnexti = m_nexti;
// advance next i
m_nexti = maxi;
// . output stored in affWeights[] and affinities[]
// . affinities[i] ranges from 0.0 to 1.0
// . affWeights[i] ranges from 0.0 to 1.0
void IndexTable2::computeAffWeights ( bool rat ,
int32_t numDocIds ,
char **docIdPtrs ,
unsigned char *scoresVec ,
qvec_t *explicitBits ,
int16_t *hardCounts ,
float *affWeights ,
float *affinities ) {
// did we already do it?
if ( m_computedAffWeights ) return;
// sanity check.
if ( ! m_getWeights ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// do not re-do
m_computedAffWeights = true;
// in imap space
int32_t nqt = m_ni;
//int64_t startTime = gettimeofdayInMilliseconds();
//logf ( LOG_DEBUG, "query: ComputeAffWeights nd=%"INT32" nqt=%"INT32"",
// numDocIds, nqt );
// compute phrase affinities and weights
// counts for domain voting restriction
uint8_t domCount[256];
int32_t maxCount;
float phrAffinities [ MAX_QUERY_TERMS ];
float phrWeights [ MAX_QUERY_TERMS ];
// initialize all the weights and affinities to 1.0
for ( int32_t i = 0; i < nqt; i++ ) {
phrWeights [i] = 1.0f;
// -1.0f means the affinity is unknown
phrAffinities [i] = -1.0f;
// . initialize the total to 0
// . these are in imapped space
int32_t termTotals [ MAX_QUERY_TERMS ];
int32_t phraseTotals [ MAX_QUERY_TERMS ];
// loop through this many docids
int32_t nd = numDocIds;
// . if doing rat, do not oversample
// . limit to sample size to keep things consistent
// . if we look at too many then affinity can drop for rarer
// phrases that are actually very relevent for the query.
// . if we stop above "MIN_DOCIDS" we risk being inconsistent
// on same-tier re-calls due to clustered/filtered results.
//if ( rat && nd > MIN_DOCIDS ) nd = MIN_DOCIDS;
// for non-rat, we limit sample to NORAT_TMP_SLOTS docids...
//if ( ! rat && nd > NORAT_TMP_SLOTS ) nd = NORAT_TMP_SLOTS;
// DEBUG: if not rat leave weights at 1
//if ( !rat ) goto skipWeights;
// first go through and add up all the totals for each phrase
for ( int32_t t = 0; t < nqt; t++ ) {
// reset counts
termTotals[t] = 0;
phraseTotals[t] = 0;
// get the correct term num
int32_t it = m_imap[t];
// is this a phrase?
if ( !m_q->isPhrase(it) || m_q->isInQuotes(it) ) continue;
// get the query term
QueryTerm *qt = &m_q->m_qterms[it];
// . only allow a dom to vote at most 3 times
// . prevents 'new mexico tourism' affinity from being controlled by
// cuz it has like the top 100 positions, and they
// all have the phrase "new mexico tourism" so "mexico tourism"
// ends up getting a high phrase affinity
memset ( domCount , 0 , 256 );
// max votes per domHash starts at 1, if we have 20+ explicit
// matches, it will move to 2, 50+ then to 3.
maxCount = 1;
// loop through the results and count for this phrase
for ( int32_t i = 0; i < nd ; i++ ) {
// skip if a fake docid (used as token in m_tmp*2[]
if ( hardCounts[i] == -1 ) continue;
// get the matching bits
qvec_t ebits = explicitBits[i];
// skip if docid has minus query terms (not a match)
if ( ebits & m_q->m_negativeBits ) continue;
// does this docid explicitly have all the terms
// implied by phrase term #t? if not, continue.
if ((ebits & qt->m_implicitBits)!= qt->m_implicitBits)
// . only allow up to 5 docids from any one domain
// . the 8 bits of the docid is now the hash of the
// domain, primarily, for this purpose!
uint8_t dh=g_titledb.getDomHash8((uint8_t *)docIdPtrs[i]);
// only allow 3 votes per domain
if ( domCount[dh] >= maxCount ) continue;
// inc it
// 20+/50+ explicit matches, set maxCount to 2/3
if ( termTotals[t] == 20 ) maxCount = 2;
if ( termTotals[t] == 50 ) maxCount = 3;
// debug
if ( m_isDebug ) {
int64_t d = getDocIdFromPtr(docIdPtrs[i]);
int32_t cb = 0;
if ( ebits & qt->m_explicitBit ) cb = 1;
logf(LOG_DEBUG,"query: affweights d=%"INT64" "
" phrase=%"INT32" dh=0x%"XINT32"",d,it,cb,(int32_t)dh);
// count this docid. it has aANDb... (MDW)
// . does the result have this phrase explicitly?
// . count for aADJb
if ( ebits & qt->m_explicitBit )
// limit to sample size to keep things consistent
if ( termTotals[t] >= MIN_DOCIDS ) break;
//logf ( LOG_DEBUG, "query: Doc[%"INT32"] ibits=%"XINT32" "
// "Term[%"INT32"] ebit=%"XINT32" ibits=%"XINT32"",
// i, (int32_t)ibits,
// t, (int32_t)term->m_explicitBit,
// (int32_t)term->m_implicitBits );
// now compute the actual affinites from the counts
for ( int32_t i = 0; i < nqt; i++ ) {
// get the correct term num
int32_t it = m_imap[i];
// . words or quoted phrase terms do not have phrase affinities
// . use -1.0 to signify this
if ( ! m_q->isPhrase(it) || m_q->isInQuotes(it) ) {
phrAffinities[i] = -1.0f;
// how many docs had all required query terms explicitly?
float total = (float)termTotals[i];
// . use -1 to indicate affinity unknown
// . do not divide by 0
//if ( total <= 0.0 ) {
// phrAffinities[i] = -1.0f;
// continue;
// divide docs that have the ith phrase term by "total" to get
// the base affinity
float ratio ;
if ( total > 0.0 ) ratio = (float)phraseTotals[i] / total;
// i think the default is .1
else ratio = (float)DEFAULT_AFFINITY;
// . move it closer to default the fewer sample points we have
// . take a weighted average
// . perfect average if we have 20 docs that have all required
// query terms explicitly
// . the default phrase affinity is about .10 i reckon'
ratio = (total * ratio + AFF_SAMPLE_SIZE * DEFAULT_AFFINITY) /
(total + AFF_SAMPLE_SIZE );
// store it
phrAffinities[i] = ratio;
// . save "phraseAffinity" for logging before we mod it below
// . this is in imap space
float baseAff[MAX_QUERY_TERMS];
for ( int32_t i = 0; i < nqt; i++ )
baseAff[i] = phrAffinities[i];
// now if two adjacent phrase terms correlate, i.e. if every
// doc that has phrase A also has phrase B, then increase
// the affinity of both A and B. BUT do not do this if
// the current affinities of A and B are not close in order to
// avoid increasing the affinity for "crazy real" in the phrase
// "crazy real estate".
// zero out first in a separate loop since a phrase term has a shot
// at two different correlations for the phrase term to its left and
// the phrase term to its right. we choose the maximum in the loop
// below.
float correlations [ MAX_QUERY_TERMS ];
int32_t correlationTotal [ MAX_QUERY_TERMS ];
for ( int32_t t = 0; t < nqt; t++ ) {
// zero out
correlations [t] = -1.00;
correlationTotal [t] = 0;
for ( int32_t t = 0; t < nqt; t++ ) {
// skip if not a phrase term or invalid
if ( phrAffinities[t] < 0.0 ) continue;
// get imap space query term num
int32_t it1 = m_imap[t];
// get query term
QueryTerm *qt = &m_q->m_qterms[it1];
// get our implicit bits
qvec_t ibits1 = qt->m_implicitBits;
// . now find the next phrase term that shares an implicit bit
// . start looking at the term after us
int32_t j = t + 1;
for ( ; j < nqt ; j++ ) {
// skip if not a phrase term or invalid
if ( phrAffinities[j] < 0.0 ) continue;
// get imap space query term num
int32_t it2 = m_imap[j];
// get query term
QueryTerm *t2 = &m_q->m_qterms[it2];
// get our implicit bits
qvec_t ibits2 = t2->m_implicitBits;
// skip if no overlap
if ( ! ( ibits1 & ibits2 ) ) continue;
// get got the match
// skip if no correlating term
if ( j >= nqt ) continue;
// get imap space query term num
int32_t it2 = m_imap[j];
// . make the mask, one bit per word term in this phrase
// . this can be empty for phrases like "to be or not to be"
//uint32_t mask = m_q->m_qterms[t-1].m_implicitBits;
qvec_t mask1 = m_q->m_qterms[it1].m_explicitBit;
qvec_t mask2 = m_q->m_qterms[it2].m_explicitBit;
qvec_t maskBoth = mask1 | mask2;
// now we require all terms explicitly if not last tier
qvec_t allSingles = 0;
allSingles |= m_q->m_qterms[it1].m_implicitBits;
allSingles |= m_q->m_qterms[it2].m_implicitBits;
//if ( tier == MAX_TIERS - 1 ) allSingles = 0;
// init counts
int32_t total = 0;
int32_t totalBoth = 0;
// do not allow one domain to dominate here either!
memset ( domCount , 0 , 256 );
// max votes per domHash starts at 1, if we have 20+ explicit
// matches, it will move to 2, 50+ then to 3.
maxCount = 1;
// compute a correlation score
for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < nd ; i++ ) {
// skip if a fake docid (used as token in m_tmp*2[]
if ( hardCounts[i] == -1 ) continue;
// skip if docid has NEITHER singleton term
// in the phrase term (term #(t-1))
//if ( ! (explicitBits[i] & mask) ) continue;
if ( !(explicitBits[i] & maskBoth) ) continue;
// . only allow up to 5 docids from any one domain
// . the 8 bits of the docid is now the hash of the
// domain, primarily, for this purpose!
uint8_t dh;
dh=g_titledb.getDomHash8((uint8_t *)docIdPtrs[i]);
// only allow 3 votes per domain
if ( domCount[dh] >= maxCount ) continue;
// inc it
// up the max as we go...
if ( total == 128 ) maxCount = 2;
if ( total == 256 ) maxCount = 3;
// total count
// . does it have both?
// . otherwise it only has one!!!
if ( (explicitBits[i] & maskBoth) == maskBoth )
// get correlation of the two phrase terms
float corr = (float)totalBoth / (float)total;
// count for logging, too
correlationTotal[t] = total;
// . the correlation depends on the size of the sample as well
// . use the weighted average approach
// . the default correlation is about .10 i reckon'?????
//corr = (total * corr + 10.0 * DEFAULT_CORRELATION) /
// (total + 10.0 );
// . assume 0 is the default correlation (no correlation), so
// to outperform that you need well over 10 sample points
// . if we only have a few docids in the results in tier 0
// there's a good chance some of them have the terms
// implicitly because they have the phrase terms... and that
// will bias the correlation score, so do a weighted of
// of it with a sample size of 50...
corr = (total * corr + CORR_SAMPLE_SIZE * 0.0 ) /
(total + CORR_SAMPLE_SIZE );
// assign
correlations[j] = corr;
// this may already have a correlation, if so, then
// pick the highest one! give it the benefit of the doubt.
if ( corr > correlations[t] )
correlations[t] = corr;
//if ( corr > correlations[j] )
// correlations[j] = corr;
// initialize
float popAffMods [MAX_QUERY_TERMS];
int32_t savedScore [MAX_QUERY_TERMS];
int32_t scorePos [MAX_QUERY_TERMS];
float tfAffinities [MAX_QUERY_TERMS];
for ( int32_t i = 0; i < nqt; i++ ) {
popAffMods [i] = 1.0;
savedScore [i] = 0;
scorePos [i] = 0;
tfAffinities [i] = DEFAULT_AFFINITY;
problem is that "matchmaking india" actually gets a high phrase
affinity from this logic. bad! and MANY other phrase terms as well!
"mexico tourism" in 'new mexico tourism', etc.
// . add up the top 100 scores from each phrase termlist.
// . get the 100th score of the phrase termlist
// . 100th*x, actually, where x is # docs / 1B
// . if that score is < 20 then, decrease affinity, > 20 increase
for ( int32_t i = 0; i < nqt; i++ ) {
// map to query term space
int32_t it = m_imap[i];
// skip if not an unquoted phrase
if ( ! m_q->isPhrase(it) || m_q->isInQuotes(it) ) continue;
// scale based on 1B pages
float scalar = (float)m_numDocsInColl / (float)1000000000LL;
// the magic number changes
int32_t nn = 500;
// . changes based on splits
// . we may have legacy split!! like on gb1
nn /= g_hostdb.m_indexSplits;
// changes based on size of index
nn = (int32_t)((float)nn * scalar);
// min of 10
if ( nn < 10 ) nn = 10;
// get it
RdbList *list = &m_lists[it];
// use raw data
char *data = list->getList();
// get 2nd key! (first key is 12 bytes)
char *rec = data + 12;
// get the end of the termlist
char *listEnd = list->getListEnd();
// set this score
unsigned char score = 0;
// count total valid voters
int32_t totalVoters = 0;
// do not allow one domain to dominate here either!
memset ( domCount , 0 , 256 );
// max votes per domHash starts at 1, if we have 20+ explicit
// matches, it will move to 2, 50+ then to 3.
maxCount = 1;
// loop over all recs
for ( ; rec < listEnd ; rec += 6 ) {
// . only allow up to 5 docids from any one domain
// . the 8 bits of the docid is now the hash of the
// domain, primarily, for this purpose!
uint8_t dh=g_titledb.getDomHash8((uint8_t *)rec);
// only allow 3 votes per domain
if ( domCount[dh] >= maxCount ) continue;
// inc it
// every 128 gives an increase to "maxCount"
if ( ((++totalVoters)%128) == 0 ) maxCount++;
// watch out! how can this happen?
if ( maxCount >= 254 ) break;
// bust out?
if ( totalVoters < nn ) continue;
// . snag that score, we are done
// . treat as score of 1 if breached
if ( rec + 5 >= listEnd ) score = 1;
// otherwise get score from termlist
else score = 255 - (unsigned char)rec[5];
// all done!
// preserve the score for logging
savedScore[i] = (int32_t)score;
scorePos [i] = nn;
// get 8 bit dom hash
// . for every .01 over .10 weight affinity by 1.05
// . "water fight"'s 100th score is 64 on a 1B pg index
// and i consider that to be a borderline phrase
// . i changed the 64 to a 32: MDW
// . 'new mexico tourism' had a score of 6
// and 'office max denver' like 62
bool boosted = false;
while ( score > 32 ) {
boosted = true;
// increase by 5% for every 1 score pt above 20
popAffMods [i] *= 1.04;
tfAffinities [i] *= 1.04;
//phrAffinities[i]*= 1.04;
// . lowest demotion is about .30 if we use .98
// . do not punish weights for now, the problem is mostly
// that "new order" was not getting the proper high affweight
// because 'new' and 'order' are so generic and popular
// . let's do it in case we have a small inaccurate sample
// for the aADJb calc above, however, punish very slightly!
// . we have to punish now since we get the max score*affWeight
// from a word and its phrases it is in now, without dividing
// the phrase score by 30...
// . NO! do not punish, if we query 'zak betz' it has very low
// term frequency!!
//while ( score < 64 ) {
// score++;
// // decrease by 5% for every 1 score pt above 20
// popAffMods [i] *= 0.98; // was 0.96
// phrAffinities [i] *= 0.98;
// set phrase affinity to the max of the countAffinity or the tfAffinity
// MDW: disable for now. 'emmi medical billing' query was not getting
// the url because "medical billing"'s phraff was
// too high because of this. and a query for 'new .. order' seems to
// work just fine now!
//if ( (tfAffinities[i] > phrAffinities[i]) && boosted )
// phrAffinities[i] = tfAffinities[i];
// average correlation with phrase affinity, provided we have a valid
// correlation, which means another phrase term must follow us
for ( int32_t t = 0; t < nqt ; t++ ) {
// must be a valid phrase term
if ( phrAffinities[t] < 0.0 ) continue;
if ( correlations [t] < 0.0 ) continue;
// . only increase phrase affinity from this!
// . we do not want to punish "running shoes" in the query
// 'running shoes in the uk' just because 'shoes in the uk'
// does not correlate with 'running shoes'
if ( correlations[t] < phrAffinities[t] ) continue;
// average it and store
float avg;
avg = (phrAffinities[t+0] + correlations[t]) / 2.0;
// only do it if it is higher
if ( avg > phrAffinities[t+0] ) phrAffinities[t] = avg;
// do not apply to the next guy if he is not a phrase term
if ( phrAffinities[t+1] < 0.0 ) continue;
// . he uses our correlation, we correlated with him
// . he might correlate with the phrase term following him too!
// . only do it if it is higher
avg = (phrAffinities[t+1] + correlations[t]) / 2.0;
if ( avg > phrAffinities[t+1] ) phrAffinities[t+1] = avg;
// sanity cutoff
for ( int32_t t = 0; t < nqt ; t++ )
if ( phrAffinities[t] > 1.0 ) phrAffinities[t] = 1.0;
// now compute the actual affinity weights
for ( int32_t i = 0; i < nqt; i++ ) {
// ez var
float p = phrAffinities[i];
// is this a phrase?
if ( p < 0.0 ) continue;
// go to query term space
int32_t it = m_imap[i];
// compute the weight
QueryTerm *qt = &m_q->m_qterms[it];
// . if "qt" is a synonym, then skip this loop
// . otherwise, synonyms "imply" what they are a synonym of
// so the synonym phrase term, "auto insurance" of the
// phrase term "car insurance" would imply that, and have
// its explicit bit in its qt->m_implicitBits and it would
// mess up its phrase weight here. synonyms should inherit
// their phrase and syn weights and affinities in the loop
// right below here.
if ( qt->m_synonymOf ) continue;
// demote phrase weight, if affinity is below default
// . demote phrase #i if affinity <= 0.30
// . fixes 'books retail' query
// . TODO: make more continuous
while ( p < DEFAULT_AFFINITY ) {
// dominates results for
// 'new mexico tourism' thereby making
// 'mexico tourism' have a higher affinity
// than it should, so do not demote too much!
// BUT if we do it too little then we get
// coming up for mexico!
phrWeights[i] *= 0.50;
//phrWeights[i] *= 0.80;
p *= 2.00;
// demote the words in phrase term #i if affinity >= .40
for ( int32_t j = 0; j < nqt; j++ ) {
// query term space (i-transformed=it)
int32_t it = m_imap[j];
// get query term #j
QueryTerm *checkTerm = &m_q->m_qterms[it];
// skip if word not part of phrase term #i
if (!(qt->m_implicitBits & checkTerm->m_explicitBit))
// re-assign for each word
p = phrAffinities[i];
// . demote word #j
// . cut aff weight in half for every 10% pts above
// the default affinity, (currently 10%)
// . so if you have a 100% affinity (1.0) then the
// words in the phrase get their affinity weight
// cut in half 10 times!!
// . TODO: make more continuous
while ( p > DEFAULT_AFFINITY ) {
// dominates results for
// 'new mexico tourism' thereby making
// 'mexico tourism' have a higher affinity
// than it should, so do not demote too much!
// BUT if we do it too little then we get
// coming up for mexico!
phrWeights[j] *= 0.50;
//phrWeights[j] *= 0.80;
p -= 0.10;
// now loop through all non-phrase synonyms and apply the
// phrWeight from the term they are a synonym of to their phrWeight,
// otherwise, for the query 'car insurance', where 'car' has a very
// low phrWeight, the synonym, 'auto' will not! actually, in that
// case we should not consider synonyms that are synonyms of a single
// word in such a tight phrase!
for ( int32_t i = 0; i < nqt; i++ ) {
// ez var
float p = phrAffinities[i];
// skip if a phrase, should be -1 if not a phrase
if ( p >= 0.0 ) continue;
// go to query term space
int32_t it = m_imap[i];
// compute the weight
QueryTerm *qt = &m_q->m_qterms[it];
// get who it is a syn of
QueryTerm *parent = qt->m_synonymOf;
// skip if we are not a synonym
if ( ! parent ) continue;
// get parent term's index #
int32_t pn = parent - m_q->m_qterms ;
// skip if < 0! how can this happen?
if ( pn < 0 ) continue;
// phrWeights is in imap space, so go back
int32_t ipn = m_revImap[pn];
// get parent's phrWeight
float pw = phrWeights[ipn];
// multiply it to ours
phrWeights[i] *= pw;
// compute synonym affinities and weights
float synAffinities [ MAX_QUERY_TERMS ];
float synWeights [ MAX_QUERY_TERMS ];
int32_t docsWithAll [ MAX_QUERY_TERMS ];
int32_t docsWithAllAndSyn [ MAX_QUERY_TERMS ];
// reset to defaults
for ( int32_t i = 0; i < nqt; i++ ) {
// default weight is 1.0
synWeights [i] = 1.0f;
// -1.0f means the affinity is unknown
synAffinities [i] = -1.0f;
// clear the stats
docsWithAll [i] = 0;
docsWithAllAndSyn [i] = 0;
qvec_t requiredBits = m_q->m_requiredBits;
int32_t count1 = 0;
int32_t count2 = 0;
// . see how well synonyms correlate to what they are a synonym of
// . only look at results that match the query
for ( int32_t t = 0; t < nqt; t++ ) {
// get the correct term num
int32_t it = m_imap[t];
// get the query term
QueryTerm *qt = &m_q->m_qterms[it];
// only deal with synonyms here
if ( ! qt->m_synonymOf ) continue;
// what are we a synonym of
//qvec_t ebits1 = qt->m_implicitBits;
// our ebit
qvec_t ebits2 = qt->m_explicitBit;
// reset counts
count1 = 0;
count2 = 0;
// . only allow a dom to vote at most 3 times
// . prevents a dominating domain from controlling a
// synonym's affinity
memset ( domCount , 0 , 256 );
// max votes per domHash starts at 1, if we have 20+ explicit
// matches, it will move to 2, 50+ then to 3.
maxCount = 1;
// loop through the results
for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < nd ; i++ ) {
// skip if a fake docid (used as token in m_tmp*2[]
if ( hardCounts[i] == -1 ) continue;
// get the matching bits
//qvec_t ibits = m_q->getImplicits(explicitBits[i]);
//if ( ! (ibits & ebits1) ) continue;
// must EXPLICITLY contain what we are a synonym of,
// skip if not
//if ( ! (explicitBits[i] & ebits1) ) continue;
// actually, let's require we got them all!
if ( (explicitBits[i] & requiredBits) != requiredBits)
// . only allow up to 5 docids from any one domain
// . the 8 bits of the docid is now the hash of the dom
uint8_t dh;
dh=g_titledb.getDomHash8((uint8_t *)docIdPtrs[i]);
// only allow 3 votes per domain
if ( domCount[dh] >= maxCount ) continue;
// inc it
// 20+/50+ explicit matches, set maxCount to 2/3
if ( count1 == 20 ) maxCount = 2;
if ( count1 == 50 ) maxCount = 3;
// count it MDW
// debug
if ( m_isDebug ) {
int64_t d = getDocIdFromPtr(docIdPtrs[i]);
int32_t cb = 0;
if ( explicitBits[i] & ebits2 ) cb=1;
logf(LOG_DEBUG,"query: syn term #%"INT32" "
"docid=%"INT64" "
"hasSynTerm=%"INT32" "
// and contain us?
//if ( ! (ibits & ebits2) ) continue;
if ( ! (explicitBits[i] & ebits2) ) continue;
// count it
// set synonym affinity in imap space, not "it" query term spc
//float aff = (float)count2/(float)count1;
// get the weighted synonym affinity, 0.0 is the default!
float waff = ((float)count2 + 20.0 * 0.0) /
((float)count1 + 20.0);
// sanity cut off
if ( waff > 1.0 ) waff = 1.0;
// store it
synAffinities[t] = waff;
// now compute the synonym affinity weights, synWeights[], for
// these guys it is the same for now...
synWeights [t] = waff * 2.0;
// to not go overboard! it is just a synonym after all
if ( synWeights[t] > .80 )
synWeights[t] = .80;
// count it for stats debug
docsWithAll [t] = count1;
docsWithAllAndSyn [t] = count2;
// if we are a phrase synonym compare our tf to the
// thing we are a syn of, be it a phrase or word. so
// if we do the query 'automobile insurance' then
// "car insurance" receives a big boost...
if ( ! qt->m_isPhrase ) continue;
// . the tf of the syn
// . m_termFreqs is in QUERY SPACE not IMAP SPACE
float synTf = m_termFreqs[it];
// and the thing it is a syn of
int32_t pn = qt->m_synonymOf - m_q->m_qterms;
float origTf = m_termFreqs[pn];
// give a bonus if we're more popular
if ( synTf < origTf ) continue;
// how much to boost the syn weight?
float boost = 1.0;
// watch out for divide by 0
if ( origTf >= 1.0 ) boost = synTf / origTf;
// no more than 10x
if ( boost > 10.0 ) boost = 10.0;
// apply it
synWeights[t] *= boost;
// if the term is a high syn affinity, it will get a high
// syn weight. 1.0 is the highest syn weight possible.
synWeights[t] = 1.0;
float p = synAffinities[t];
// if you have a syn affinity of .75, meaning you are
// in half the docs that the word/phrase you are a syn of
// is in, that is pretty good! in that case leave the syn
// weight as 1.0, meaning you got a good chance of getting
// the same final weight as the term you a are a syn of gets!
while ( p < .70 ) {
synWeights[t] *= 0.80;
p += 0.10;
// compute the final affinity-based weights
// incorporate both the phrase and synonym affinity
// into affWeights[]
for ( int32_t t = 0; t < nqt; t++ ) {
// default
affWeights[t] = 1.0f;
// if phrase weight invalid, just use synWeight
float pw = phrWeights[t];
if ( pw == -1.00 ) pw = 1.00;
// store the final weight
affWeights[t] = pw * synWeights[t] ;
// pure affinities
affinities[t] = 1.0;
if (phrAffinities[t] >= 0.0) affinities[t] *= phrAffinities[t];
if (synAffinities[t] >= 0.0) affinities[t] *= synAffinities[t];
// . reset the weights in query space because some query terms are
// ignored and not even mentioned in imap space
// . do not use "nqt" cuz that is really m_ni! not same as
// m_q->m_numTerms if some query terms are ignored
for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < m_q->m_numTerms ; i++ ) {
m_affWeightsQS [i] = -1.0;
// this done in setFreqWeights() now
//m_freqWeightsQS [i] = -1.0;
// store the weights in query space format for passing back in the
// Msg39Reply for processing
for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < nqt ; i++ ) {
m_affWeightsQS [m_imap[i]] = affWeights [i];
// this done in setFreqWeights() now
//m_freqWeightsQS [m_imap[i]] = freqWeights [i];
// debug info
// log the final weights
if ( ! m_isDebug ) return;
for ( int32_t i = 0; i < nqt; i++ ) {
// query term space
int32_t it = m_imap[i];
// get the term in utf8
QueryTerm *qt = &m_q->m_qterms[it];
//char bb[256];
//utf16ToUtf8(bb, 256, qt->m_term, qt->m_termLen);
char *tpc = qt->m_term + qt->m_termLen;
char c = *tpc;
*tpc = '\0';
char sign = qt->m_termSign;
if ( sign == 0 ) sign = '0';
int32_t pn = -1;
QueryTerm *parent = qt->m_synonymOf;
if ( parent ) pn = parent - m_q->m_qterms;
// print query term
logf ( LOG_DEBUG, "query: Term "
"term=\"%s\" "
"termId=%"INT64" "
"synOfTermQnum#=%"INT32" "
"sign=%c "
"qnum=%"INT32" inum=%"INT32" "
"docsWithSingleTermsExplicitly(aANDb)=%"INT32" "
"suchDocsAlsoWithPhrase(aADJb)=%"INT32" "
//"freqWeight=%"INT32" "
"termFreq=%f "
"freqWeight=%.04f "
"}... "
"basePhrAff=%f " // preCorPhrAff
"(scalar,midscore=%"INT32" nn=%"INT32") "
"(corrtotal=%"UINT32") "
"phrAffinity=%f "
"phrWeight=%f "
"synAffinity=%f "
"synWeight=%f "
"docsWithAll=%"INT32" "
"docsWithAllAndSyn=%"INT32" "
"finalAffinity=%f "
"finalAffWeight=%f "
qt->m_term,//bb ,
(int64_t)qt->m_termId ,
pn ,
it ,
i ,
(int32_t)termTotals [i] ,
(int32_t)phraseTotals [i] ,
m_freqWeights [i] ,
baseAff [i] ,
//popAffMods [i] ,
tfAffinities [i] , // based on midscore and tf
savedScore [i] ,
scorePos [i] ,
correlations [i] ,
correlationTotal[i] ,
phrAffinities [i] ,
phrWeights [i] ,
synAffinities [i] ,
synWeights [i] ,
docsWithAll [i] ,
affinities [i] ,
affWeights [i] ,
affWeights [i] * m_freqWeights[i] );
// put it back
*tpc = c;
int64_t endTime = gettimeofdayInMilliseconds();
logf ( LOG_DEBUG, "query: ComputeAffWeights took %"INT64" ms",
endTime - startTime );
// when hashing docids into the small hash table for doing the intersection,
// it may not have a phrase term, and therefore, never store a value in that
// part of the scores vector, therefore, it is uninitialized. this routine
// resets it to 0. it is fast because we only consider the lastRound winners.
void IndexTable2::zeroOutVectorComponents ( unsigned char *scoresVec ,
qvec_t *ebits ,
int16_t *hardCounts ,
int32_t numDocIds ,
char rat ) {
// we are in imap space
int32_t nqt = m_ni;
// loop over the query terms in imap space
for ( int32_t t = 0 ; t < nqt ; t++ ) {
// map from imap space to query term numspace
int32_t it = m_imap[t];
// get query term's ebit
qvec_t ebit = m_q->m_qterms[it].m_explicitBit;
// loop over all docids
for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < numDocIds ; i++ ) {
// skip if marker
if ( hardCounts[i] == -1 ) continue;
// does it have it? if so, skip it
if ( ebits[i] & ebit ) {
// sanity check (MDW)
//if ( rat && scoresVec[i*nqt+t] == 0 ){
// char*xx=NULL;*xx=0;}
// otherwise, zero out vector component (complement it)
scoresVec[i*nqt+t] = 255;
void IndexTable2::computeWeightedScores ( int32_t numDocIds ,
int32_t *finalScores ,
unsigned char *scoresVec ,
qvec_t *explicitBits ,
float *affWeights ,
char **docIdPtrs ) {
// in imap space
int32_t nqt = m_ni;
// find the average score for each query term
//int32_t avgs[MAX_QUERY_TERMS];
for ( int32_t t = 0 ; numDocIds > 0 && t < nqt ; t++ ) {
// reset
float sum = 0;
// loop over all docids
for ( int32_t j = 0 ; j < numDocIds ; j++ ) {
// get score
float s = m_freqWeights[t] * 100.0 *(255-scoresVec[t]);
// let's take this out until we figure out a way
// to deal with small samples without having
// to make Msg3a go to the next tier, when the
// combined samples from each split would be
// enough to compute an affinity. also, we do not
// want splits using different affinities!
if ( affWeights[t] > 0.0 )
s = s * affWeights[t];
// add em up
sum += s;
// make avg
m_avgs[t] = (float)sum / (float)numDocIds ;
if ( m_isDebug || 1 == 1 ) {
// show the avg score for each term
for ( int32_t t = 0 ; numDocIds > 0 && t < nqt ; t++ )
logf(LOG_DEBUG,"query: term #%"INT32" avg score=%f",
//int64_t startTime = gettimeofdayInMilliseconds();
//logf ( LOG_DEBUG, "query: ComputeWeightedScores nd=%"INT32" nqt=%"INT32"",
// numDocIds, nqt );
// compute final scores
for ( int32_t i = 0; i < numDocIds; i++ ) {
// skip negatives and empty slots
//if ( flags[i] == 0 ) {
// finalScores[i] = 0;
// continue;
// get the final score
finalScores[i] = getWeightedScore ( &scoresVec[i * nqt],
nqt ,
m_freqWeights ,
affWeights );
if ( ! m_isDebug ) return;
char tmp[4096];
char *pend = tmp + 4095;
for ( int32_t i = 0; i < numDocIds; i++ ) {
//if ( flags[i] == 0 ) continue;
int64_t d = 0;
gbmemcpy(&d, docIdPtrs[i], 6);
d >>= 2;
// log the score vec and the final score
char *p = tmp;
p += sprintf(p,"query: IndexTable2 - [%012"UINT64"] "
"ebits=%"UINT32" vec=[ ",
float min = 9999999.0;
float phraseMin = 9999999.0;
for ( int32_t t = 0; t < nqt; t++ ) {
if ( pend - p < 32 ) break;
p += sprintf(p, "%03"INT32" ",
float pre = 255 - scoresVec[i*nqt+t];
if ( affWeights[t] > 0.0 )
pre = pre * affWeights[t];
//float s = m_freqWeights[t]*100.0*pre;
// skip if term is not hard required
qvec_t ebit = m_q->m_qterms[t].m_explicitBit;
if ( (ebit & (m_q->m_requiredBits)) == 0 ) {
if ( pre < phraseMin ) phraseMin = pre;
// get the max between us and our phrase terms
int32_t j;
float pscore;
//int32_t it = m_imap[t];
pscore= 255-scoresVec[i*nqt+j];
if ( affWeights[j]>0)
pscore *= affWeights[j];
if ( pscore > pre ) pre = pscore;
pscore = 255-scoresVec[i*nqt+j];
if ( affWeights[j]>0)
pscore *= affWeights[j];
if ( pscore > pre ) pre = pscore;
if ( pre < min ) min = pre;
// use phrase min if we had no terms explicitly
if ( min == 9999999.0 ) min = phraseMin;
p += sprintf(p, "] min=%f [",min);
float sum = 0.0;
for ( int32_t t = 0; t < nqt; t++ ) {
if ( pend - p < 32 ) break;
float s = m_freqWeights[t] * 100.0 *
if ( affWeights[t] > 0.0 )
s = s * affWeights[t];
p += sprintf(p, "%f ", s );
sum += s;
// skip if not required
//qvec_t requiredBits = m_q->m_requiredBits ;
// qvec_t ebit = m_q->m_qterms[t].m_explicitBit;
// if ( (ebit & requiredBits) == 0 ) continue;
// //if ( min >= 0.0 && s > min ) continue;
// //min = s;
// if ( min >= 0.0 && 255-scoresVec[i*nqt+t]>min)
// continue;
// min = 255-scoresVec[i*nqt+t];
p += sprintf(p, "] "
//"min=%f "
logf ( LOG_DEBUG, "%s", tmp );
//int64_t endTime = gettimeofdayInMilliseconds();
//logf ( LOG_DEBUG, "query: ComputeWeightedScores took %"INT64" ms",
// endTime - startTime );
// fill topp[],tops[] and topb[] with up to "numTop" of the highest-scoring
// docids from topp2[],tops2[],topdv2[],topev2[],tophc2[].
int32_t IndexTable2::fillTopDocIds ( //char **topp ,
//score_t *tops ,
//unsigned char *topb ,
int32_t numTop ,
char **tmpp2 ,
uint8_t *tmpsv2 ,
uint32_t *tmpdv2 ,
uint32_t *tmplatv2 ,
uint32_t *tmplonv2 ,
//uint32_t *tmptimev2 ,
//uint32_t *tmpendv2 ,
qvec_t *tmpev2 ,
int16_t *tmphc2 ,
uint8_t *tmpeid2 , // event ids
int32_t numTmp2 ) {
// affinities must be computed
if ( ! m_computedAffWeights ) { char *xx = NULL; *xx = 0; }
// sanity check (do not check last guy)
//for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < numTmp2 - 1 ; i++ ) {
// if ( tmptimev2 && tmptimev2[i] == 0 ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// only compute these on the SECOND CALL
if ( m_getWeights ) return 0;
// how many docids are we putting into "topd", etc.?
int32_t max = numTop;
if ( max > numTmp2 ) max = numTmp2;
int32_t i = 0;
//unsigned char minBitScore = 0;
//score_t minScore = 0;
//char *minDocIdPtr = NULL;
//int32_t weakest = -1;
//int32_t count = 0;
// top tree stuff
int32_t nqt = m_ni;
int32_t tn;
TopNode *t;
qvec_t ebits ;
score_t score;
// this is used by TopTree only if TopTree::m_searchingEvents is true
score_t score2 = 0;
int32_t notFoundCount = 0;
//uint8_t domHash = 0;
int32_t numDomHashDocIdsTotal[256];
memset ( numDomHashDocIdsTotal, 0, 256 * sizeof(int32_t) );
//bool removedNode = false;
//char *removedDocIdPtr = NULL;
// . pick the best table
// . if searcher provided a "setclock=" or "clockset="
// cgi parm then they want to see what the results would
// have looked like at the provided time_t time. so in that
// case we should have generated a custom hashtable by
// scanning all of timedb for the next occuring time of
// each event from that time.
HashTableX *ht = m_sortByDateTablePtr;
// otherwise, if no "setclock=" was provided we use the
// current time and therefore use this current hash table
// that is being continuously updated so that given an eventid
// it provides the next occuring time for that event.
if ( ! ht ) {
// get it for that coll
CollectionRec *cr = g_collectiondb.getRec(m_collnum);
//if ( ! cr ) return true;
ht = &cr->m_sortByDateTable;
// loop to fill top tree with the highest-scoring docids
// all done? if so, return how many we got in TopTree!
if ( i >= numTmp2 ) {
// this is because of doing a clockset? see comment in Timedb.h
if ( notFoundCount )
log("timedb: %"INT32" events not found in timedb",
// all done
return m_topTree->m_numUsedNodes;
// skip if it is a bogus flag marker docid
if ( tmphc2[i] == -1 ) { i++; goto loop1; }
// also skip if it is a bogus docId, for innerLoopClustering
//if ( getDocIdFromPtr(tmpp2[i]) == 0 ) { i++; goto loop1; }
//if ( getDocIdFromPtr(tmpp2[i]) == 216132219700LL )
// log("hey");
score = getWeightedScore ( &tmpsv2[i * nqt] ,
nqt ,
m_freqWeights ,
m_affWeights ,
// . the m_affWeights[] are computed at this point
// . score is just the date if sorting by date
if ( m_sortByDate ) {
// use regular score as secondary score
score2 = score;
// assume none
//score_t score2 = 0;
// set it differently depedning...
//if ( ! m_searchingEvents )
// score2 = (score_t)tmpdv2[i];
// . of one the datedb termlists has a termid that is a hash
// of the event id for that docid, and whose date is the
// start of the event, so use that as the score. by default
// assume it is the last term.
// . BUT to be safe, just use m_timeTermOff like how we
// use m_latTermOff below
// . also, we now store the date of EACH termlist since the
// date fields will be different when searching events since
// we use the date field to hold the range of event ids that
// the term's section spans.
score = (score_t)tmpdv2[i*nqt];//+m_timeTermOff];
// scale relevancy score
//if ( score > 256 ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// just add it in... 256 seconds shouldn't be a big deal
//score += score2;
//score = score2;
else if ( m_sortBy == SORTBY_DIST ) {
// check to see if expired!!!
int32_t tt = getTimeScore (getDocIdFromPtr(tmpp2[i]), // docid
tmpeid2[i] , // eventId
ht ,
m_showInProgress );
// skip if event is over and not displaying expired events
if ( tt == 1 && ! m_showExpiredEvents ) {
goto loop1;
// not found?
if ( tt == 0 ) notFoundCount++;
// use regular score as secondary score
score2 = score;
// . sanity checks
// . no, these could be -1 if we added the lat/lon
// termlists first and other termlists after with a
// 2nd call to addLists_r() to refine the intersection!!
//if ( m_latTermOff == -1 ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
//if ( m_lonTermOff == -1 ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// . the date value is the lat or the lon depending on if this
// is termlist gbxlatitude or gbxlongitude
// . make sure to have multiplied m_userLat by 10M
// . remember the bits in the date are complemented!
int32_t latDiff = tmplatv2[i] - m_userLatIntComp;
if ( latDiff < 0 ) latDiff *= -1;
int32_t lonDiff = tmplonv2[i] - m_userLonIntComp;
if ( lonDiff < 0 ) lonDiff *= -1;
// shrink a little to prevent overflow
//latDiff /= 2;
//lonDiff /= 2;
// make the final score
score = latDiff + lonDiff;
// complement that since closer is better (smaller is better)
score = ~score;
// boost by 100 -- nah, already could be 360*10M*2....
//score2 *= 100;
// scale relevancy score?
//if ( score > 256 ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// just add it in... 256 points shouldn't be a big deal
//score += score2;
//score = score2;
else if ( m_sortBy == SORTBY_TIME ) {
// use regular score as secondary score
score2 = score;
// consult the timedb table (getTimeScore() is in Timedb.h)
//score = g_sortByDateTable.getScore ( docIdPtr,eventId );
score = getTimeScore (//m_collnum,
getDocIdFromPtr(tmpp2[i]), // docid
tmpeid2[i] , // eventId
ht ,
m_showInProgress );
// skip if event is over and not displaying expired events
if ( score == 1 && ! m_showExpiredEvents ) {
goto loop1;
// is it in progress (and showing in progress is disabled),
// over or no longer in timedb?
if ( score == 0 ) {
goto loop1;
// debug
//int64_t d = getDocIdFromPtr(tmpp2[i]);
//logf(LOG_DEBUG,"gb: docid=%012"UINT64" eventid=%03"INT32" score=%"UINT32"",
// d, (int32_t)tmpeid2[i],score);
// sanity checks
//if ( m_timeTermOff == -1 ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// on stack now
//score_t score2;
// get start time
time_t start = ~tmptimev2[i];
// get endpoint
time_t end = ~tmpendv2[i];
// how is this?
if ( start == -1 ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// end point is now -1 to indicate no tod range, just a start
// time. before we were setting this to midnight which is not
// a good assumption.
if ( end == -1 ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// debug
int64_t d = getDocIdFromPtr(tmpp2[i]);
logf(LOG_DEBUG,"gb: start=%"UINT32" end=%"UINT32" storehrs=%"INT32" "
"end-start=%"INT32" docid=%"UINT64" eventid=%"INT32"",
// . if this is a "store hours" "event" AND the "store" is
// currently open, then we want to score it by how much time
// is left before it closes.
// . last bit in end time is 0 to indicate NOT store hours,
// and 1 to indicate store hours
// . and endvec2[i] is the ending time, complemented
// . store hours are now indicated by having a tod range,
// and if no tod range is given, then the Interval::m_b is
// set to m_a in Dates.cpp.
if ( end != start && // (end & 0x01 ) == 1 &&
// and it is not yet closed
end > m_nowUTCMod &&
// next start time is after that...
start > end ) {
// then the score is the complement of how many secs
// are left before it closes
score = ~(end - m_nowUTCMod);
// note score
//log(LOG_DEBUG,"gb: storescore=%"UINT32"",(end-m_nowUTC));
// set score otherwise
else {
score = ~(start - m_nowUTCMod);
//log(LOG_DEBUG,"gb: eventscore=%"UINT32"",start-m_nowUTC);
// mdw mdw mdw
// #8 s=4294957824.000 eventid=9
// #10 s=4294957824.000 eventid=8 *wrong score*
// #15 s=4294950656.000 eventid=10
// #8 has the right score, but not #10
// complement, no, it is already complemented so leave it
// that way so events that have lower start times have a
// higher score
//score2 = ~score2;
// scale relevancy score
//if ( score > 256 ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// just add it in... 256 seconds shouldn't be a big deal
//score += score2;
//score = score2;
// add it to node #tn
tn = m_topTree->getEmptyNode();
t = &m_topTree->m_nodes[tn];
// set the score and docid ptr
t->m_score = score;
t->m_score2 = score2;
t->m_docId = getDocIdFromPtr(tmpp2[i]); //tmpp2[i];
// get explicit bits and use to set t->m_bscore
ebits = tmpev2[i];
//if (m_isDebug)
// logf(LOG_DEBUG,
// "query: getBitScore3 "
// "queryId=%lld bits=0x%016"XINT64"",
// m_r->m_queryId,
// (int64_t) ebits);
// set the bit score
t->m_bscore = getBitScore ( ebits );
// add in hard count (why didn't tree have this before?)
t->m_bscore += tmphc2[i];
// . ignore the top bits
// . no! msg3a looks at them to see how many explicit hits it got
// in this tier...
//t->m_bscore &= ~0xc0;
// the actual docids has the event id multiplied by 33 and added to
// it in order to keep the event ids separated. so we have to
// remember to subtract that when done...
if ( m_searchingEvents ) t->m_eventId = tmpeid2[i];
// DEBUG - show the winner
if ( m_isDebug ) {
// TMP debug vars
char tt[10024];
char *pp ;
int64_t d ;
pp = tt;
pp += sprintf(pp,"[");
for ( int32_t k = 0 ; k < m_q->m_numTerms ; k++ ) {
// map into imap space
int32_t qi = m_revImap[k];
if ( qi == -1 )
pp += sprintf(pp,"-- ");
pp += sprintf(pp,"%"INT32" ",
pp += sprintf(pp,"] affw=[");
for ( int32_t k = 0 ; k < m_q->m_numTerms ; k++ ) {
// map into imap space
int32_t qi = m_revImap[k];
if ( qi == -1 )
pp += sprintf(pp,"-- ");
pp += sprintf(pp,"%f ",m_affWeights[qi]);
pp += sprintf(pp,"] freqw=[");
for ( int32_t k = 0 ; k < m_q->m_numTerms ; k++ ) {
// map into imap space
int32_t qi = m_revImap[k];
if ( qi == -1 )
pp += sprintf(pp,"-- ");
pp += sprintf(pp,"%.04f ",m_freqWeights[qi]);
pp += sprintf(pp,"] revImap=[");
for ( int32_t k = 0 ; k < m_q->m_numTerms ; k++ ) {
// map into imap space
int32_t qi = m_revImap[k];
if ( qi == -1 )
pp += sprintf(pp,"-- ");
pp += sprintf(pp,"%"INT32" ",qi);
pp += sprintf(pp,"]");
d = getDocIdFromPtr(tmpp2[i]);
uint8_t dh=g_titledb.getDomHash8((uint8_t *)tmpp2[i]);
// show event id?
if ( m_searchingEvents ) {
// get event id
uint8_t eid = tmpeid2[i];
pp += sprintf(pp," eventid=%"UINT32"" ,(int32_t)eid );
// fix docid
//d -= 33 * eid;
// print out score_t
logf(LOG_DEBUG,"query: T %"INT32") d=%"UINT64" %s s=%"UINT32" dh=0x%hhx "
"bs=0x%02"XINT32" ebits=0x%"XINT32" required=0x%"XINT64"", i,d,tt,score,dh,
// . this will not add if tree is full and it is less than the
// m_lowNode in score
// . if it does get added to a full tree, lowNode will be removed
m_topTree->addNode ( t, tn);//, &removedNode, &removedDocIdPtr );
// advance i
// repeat with next docids
goto loop1;