Matt Wells 4e803210ee tons of changes from live github on neo.
lots of core fixes.
took out ppthtml powerpoint convert, it hangs.
dynamic rdbmap to save memory per coll.
fixed disk page cache logic and brought it
2014-01-17 21:01:43 -08:00

1129 lines
39 KiB

#include "gb-include.h"
#include "RdbDump.h"
#include "Rdb.h"
//#include "Tfndb.h"
//#include "Sync.h"
#include "Collectiondb.h"
//#include "CollectionRec.h"
#include "Tagdb.h"
//#include "Catdb.h"
#include "Statsdb.h"
#include "Accessdb.h"
extern void dumpDatedb ( char *coll,long sfn,long numFiles,bool includeTree,
long long termId , bool justVerify ) ;
extern void dumpPosdb ( char *coll,long sfn,long numFiles,bool includeTree,
long long termId , bool justVerify ) ;
void doneReadingForVerifyWrapper ( void *state ) ;
//void gotTfndbListWrapper ( void *state , RdbList *list, Msg5 *msg5 ) ;
// . return false if blocked, true otherwise
// . sets g_errno on error
bool RdbDump::set ( //char *coll ,
collnum_t collnum ,
BigFile *file ,
long id2 , // in Rdb::m_files[] array
bool isTitledb ,
RdbBuckets *buckets , // optional buckets to dump
RdbTree *tree , // optional tree to dump
RdbMap *map ,
RdbCache *cache ,
long maxBufSize ,
bool orderedDump , // dump in order of keys?
bool dedup , // 4 RdbCache::incorporateList()
long niceness ,
void *state ,
void (* callback) ( void *state ) ,
bool useHalfKeys ,
long long startOffset ,
//key_t prevLastKey ,
char *prevLastKey ,
char keySize ,
class DiskPageCache *pc ,
long long maxFileSize ,
Rdb *rdb ) {
if ( ! orderedDump ) {
log(LOG_LOGIC,"db: RdbDump does not support non-ordered.");
char *xx = NULL; *xx = 0;
//if ( ! coll &&
//if ( ! coll && rdb->m_isCollectionLess )
// strcpy(m_coll,rdb->m_dbname);
m_collnum = collnum;
// use 0 for collectionless
if ( rdb && rdb->m_isCollectionLess ) m_collnum = 0;
if ( ! coll && g_catdb.getRdb() == rdb )
strcpy(m_coll, "catdb");
else if ( ! coll && g_statsdb.getRdb() == rdb )
strcpy(m_coll, "statsdb");
else if ( ! coll && g_accessdb.getRdb() == rdb )
strcpy(m_coll, "accessdb");
// strcpy ( m_coll , coll );
m_file = file;
m_id2 = id2;
m_isTitledb = isTitledb;
m_buckets = buckets;
m_tree = tree;
m_map = map;
m_cache = cache;
m_orderedDump = orderedDump;
m_dedup = dedup;
m_state = state;
m_callback = callback;
m_list = NULL;
m_niceness = niceness;
m_tried = false;
m_isSuspended = false;
m_ks = keySize;
m_addToMap = true;
// reset this in case we run out of mem, it doesn't get set properly
// and needs to be NULL for RdbMem's call to getLastKeyinQueue()
m_lastKeyInQueue = NULL;
m_isDumping = false;
m_writing = false;
m_buf = NULL;
m_verifyBuf = NULL;
m_maxBufSize = maxBufSize;
m_offset = startOffset ;
m_rolledOver = false; // true if m_nextKey rolls over back to 0
//m_nextKey = 0 ; // used in dumpTree()
m_nextNode = 0 ; // used in dumpTree()
// if we're dumping indexdb, allow half keys
m_useHalfKeys = useHalfKeys;
//m_prevLastKey = prevLastKey;
// for setting m_rdb->m_needsSave after deleting the dump list
m_rdb = rdb;
// . don't dump to a pre-existing file
// . seems like Rdb.cpp makes a new BigFile before calling this
// . now we can resume merges, so we can indeed dump to the END
// of a pre-exiting file, but not when dumping a tree!
//if ( m_file->doesExist() > 0 ) {
if ( (m_tree || m_buckets) && m_file->getFileSize() > 0 ) {
g_errno = EEXIST;
log("db: Could not dump to %s. File exists.",
return true;
// . NOTE: MAX_PART_SIZE in BigFile must be defined to be bigger than
// anything we actually dump since we only anticipate spanning 1 file
// and so only register the first file's fd for write callbacks
//if ( m_tree && m_tree->getMaxMem() > MAX_PART_SIZE )
//return log("RdbDump::dump: tree bigger than file part size");
// . open the file nonblocking, sync with disk, read/write
// . NOTE: O_SYNC doesn't work too well over NFS
// . we need O_SYNC when dumping trees only because we delete the
// nodes/records as we dump them
// . ensure this sets g_errno for us
// . TODO: open might not block! fix that!
long flags = O_RDWR | O_CREAT ;
// a niceness bigger than 0 means to do non-blocking dumps
if ( niceness > 0 ) flags |= O_ASYNC | O_NONBLOCK ;
if ( ! m_file->open ( flags , pc , maxFileSize ) ) return true;
// . get the file descriptor of the first real file in BigFile
// . we should only dump to the first file in BigFile otherwise,
// we'd have to juggle fd registration
m_fd = m_file->getfd ( 0 , false /*for reading?*/ );
if ( m_fd < 0 ) {
log(LOG_LOGIC,"db: dump: Bad fd of first file in BigFile.") ;
return true;
// debug test
//char buf1[10*1024];
//long n1 = m_file->write ( buf1 , 10*1024 , 0 );
//log("bytes written=%li\n",n1);
// we're now considered to be in dumping state
m_isDumping = true;
// . if no tree was provided to dump it must be RdbMerge calling us
// . he'll want to call dumpList() on his own
if ( ! m_tree && !m_buckets ) return true;
// how many recs in tree?
long nr;
char *structureName;
if(m_tree) {
nr = m_tree->getNumUsedNodes();
structureName = "tree";
else if(m_buckets){
nr = m_buckets->getNumKeys();
structureName = "buckets";
// debug msg
log(LOG_INFO,"db: Dumping %li recs from %s to files.",
nr, structureName);
// nr , m_file->getFilename() );
// keep a total count for reporting when done
m_totalPosDumped = 0;
m_totalNegDumped = 0;
// we have our own flag here since m_dump::m_isDumping gets
// set to true between collection dumps, RdbMem.cpp needs
// a flag that doesn't do that... see RdbDump.cpp.
// this was in Rdb.cpp but when threads were turned off it was
// NEVER getting set and resulted in corruption in RdbMem.cpp.
m_rdb->m_inDumpLoop = true;
// . start dumping the tree
// . return false if it blocked
if ( ! dumpTree ( false ) ) return false;
// no longer dumping
// return true since we didn't block
return true;
void RdbDump::reset ( ) {
// free verify buf if there
if ( m_verifyBuf ) {
mfree ( m_verifyBuf , m_verifyBufSize , "RdbDump4");
m_verifyBuf = NULL;
void RdbDump::doneDumping ( ) {
long saved = g_errno;
m_isDumping = false;
// print stats
"db: Dumped %li positive and %li negative recs. Total = %li.",
m_totalPosDumped , m_totalNegDumped ,
m_totalPosDumped + m_totalNegDumped );
// . map verify
// . if continueDumping called us with no collectionrec, it got
// deleted so RdbBase::m_map is nuked too i guess
if ( saved != ENOCOLLREC )
log("db: map # pos=%lli neg=%lli",
// free the list's memory
if ( m_list ) m_list->freeList();
// reset verify buffer
// did collection get deleted/reset from under us?
if ( saved == ENOCOLLREC ) return;
// save the map to disk
// sanity check
if ( ! m_map->verifyMap ( m_file ) ) {
char *xx = NULL; *xx = 0; }
// now check the whole file for consistency
if ( m_ks == 18 ) { // map->m_rdbId == RDB_POSDB ) {
collnum_t collnum = g_collectiondb.getCollnum ( m_coll );
class RdbBase *base = m_rdb->m_bases[collnum];
long startFileNum = base->getNumFiles()-1;
log("sanity: startfilenum=%li",startFileNum);
startFileNum, // startFileNum
1 , // numFiles
false , // includeTree
-1 , // termId
true );// justVerify?
// . append it to "sync" state we have in memory
// . when host #0 sends a OP_SYNCTIME signal we dump to disk
//g_sync.addOp ( OP_CLOSE , m_file , 0 );
static void tryAgainWrapper2 ( int fd , void *state ) ;
void tryAgainWrapper2 ( int fd , void *state ) {
// debug msg
log(LOG_INFO,"db: Trying to get data again.");
// stop waiting
g_loop.unregisterSleepCallback ( state , tryAgainWrapper2 );
// bitch about errors
if (g_errno) log("db: Had error: %s.",mstrerror(g_errno));
// get THIS ptr from state
RdbDump *THIS = (RdbDump *)state;
// continue dumping the tree or give control back to caller
THIS->continueDumping ( );
// . returns false if blocked, true otherwise
// . sets g_errno on error
// . dumps the RdbTree, m_tree, into m_file
// . also sets and writes the RdbMap for m_file
// . we methodically get RdbLists from the RdbTree
// . dumped recs are ordered by key if "orderedDump" was true in call to set()
// otherwise, lists are ordered by node #
// . we write each list of recs to the file until the whole tree has been done
// . we delete all records in list from the tree after we've written the list
// . if a cache was provided we incorporate the list into the cache before
// deleting it from the tree to keep the cache in sync. NO we do NOT!
// . called again by writeBuf() when it's done writing the whole list
bool RdbDump::dumpTree ( bool recall ) {
// set up some vars
//long nextNode;
//key_t maxEndKey;
char maxEndKey[MAX_KEY_BYTES];
// if dumping statsdb, we can only dump records 30 seconds old or
// more because Statsdb.cpp can "back modify" such records in the tree
// because it may have a query that took 10 seconds come in then it
// needs to add a partial stat to the last 10 stats for those 10 secs.
// we use Global time at this juncture
if ( m_rdb->m_rdbId == RDB_STATSDB ) {
long nowSecs = getTimeGlobal();
StatKey *sk = (StatKey *)maxEndKey;
sk->m_zero = 0x01;
sk->m_labelHash = 0xffffffff;
// leave last 60 seconds in there just to be safe
sk->m_time1 = nowSecs - 60;
// this list will hold the list of nodes/recs from m_tree
m_list = &m_ourList;
// convert coll to collnum
//collnum_t collnum = g_collectiondb.getCollnum ( m_coll );
// a collnum of -1 is for collectionless rdbs
//if ( collnum < 0 ) {
// //if ( g_catdb->getRdb() == m_rdb )
// if ( ! m_rdb->m_isCollectionLess ) {
// char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; //return true;
// }
// g_errno = 0;
// collnum = 0;
// getMemOccupiedForList2() can take some time, so breathe
long niceness = 1;
// if the lastKey was the max end key last time then we're done
if ( m_rolledOver ) return true;
// this is set to -1 when we're done with our unordered dump
if ( m_nextNode == -1 ) return true;
// . NOTE: list's buffer space should be re-used!! (TODO)
// . "lastNode" is set to the last node # in the list
bool status = true;
//if ( ! m_orderedDump ) {
// status = ((RdbTree *)m_tree)->getListUnordered ( m_nextNode ,
// m_maxBufSize ,
// m_list ,
// &nextNode );
// // this is -1 when no more nodes are left
// m_nextNode = nextNode;
// "lastKey" is set to the last key in the list
//else {
if ( recall ) goto skip;
// debug msg
//log("RdbDump:: getting list");
m_t1 = gettimeofdayInMilliseconds();
status = m_tree->getList ( m_collnum ,
m_nextKey ,
maxEndKey ,
m_maxBufSize , // max recSizes
m_list ,
&m_numPosRecs ,
&m_numNegRecs ,
m_useHalfKeys ,
niceness );
else if(m_buckets)
status = m_buckets->getList ( m_collnum,
m_nextKey ,
maxEndKey ,
m_maxBufSize , // max recSizes
m_list ,
&m_numPosRecs ,
&m_numNegRecs ,
m_useHalfKeys );
// if(!m_list->checkList_r ( false , // removeNegRecs?
// false , // sleep on problem?
// m_rdb->m_rdbId )) {
// log("db: list to dump is not sane!");
// char *xx=NULL;*xx=0;
// }
long long t2;
//key_t lastKey;
char *lastKey;
// if error getting list (out of memory?)
if ( ! status ) goto hadError;
// debug msg
t2 = gettimeofdayInMilliseconds();
log(LOG_INFO,"db: Get list took %lli ms. "
"%li positive. %li negative.",
t2 - m_t1 , m_numPosRecs , m_numNegRecs );
// keep a total count for reporting when done
m_totalPosDumped += m_numPosRecs;
m_totalNegDumped += m_numNegRecs;
// . check the list we got from the tree for problems
// . ensures keys are ordered from lowest to highest as well
log("dump: verifying list before dumping");
m_list->checkList_r ( false , // removeNegRecs?
false , // sleep on problem?
m_rdb->m_rdbId );
// if list is empty, we're done!
if ( status && m_list->isEmpty() ) {
// consider that a rollover?
if ( m_rdb->m_rdbId == RDB_STATSDB )
m_rolledOver = true;
return true;
// get the last key of the list
lastKey = m_list->getLastKey();
// advance m_nextKey
//m_nextKey = lastKey ;
//m_nextKey += (unsigned long)1;
//if ( m_nextKey < lastKey ) m_rolledOver = true;
if (KEYCMP(m_nextKey,lastKey,m_ks)<0) m_rolledOver = true;
// debug msg
// . return true on error, g_errno should have been set
// . this is probably out of memory error
if ( ! status ) {
log("db: Had error getting data for dump: %s. Retrying.",
// debug msg
//log("RdbDump::getList: sleeping and retrying");
// retry for the remaining two types of errors
if (!g_loop.registerSleepCallback(1000,this,tryAgainWrapper2)){
"db: Retry failed. Could not register callback.");
return true;
// wait for sleep
return false;
// if list is empty, we're done!
if ( m_list->isEmpty() ) return true;
// . set m_firstKeyInQueue and m_lastKeyInQueue
// . this doesn't work if you're doing an unordered dump, but we should
// not allow adds when closing
m_lastKeyInQueue = m_list->getLastKey();
//m_firstKeyInQueue = m_list->getCurrentKey();
// . write this list to disk
// . returns false if blocked, true otherwise
// . sets g_errno on error
// . if this blocks it should call us (dumpTree() back)
if ( ! dumpList ( m_list , m_niceness , false ) ) return false;
// close up shop on a write/dumpList error
if ( g_errno ) return true;
// . if dumpList() did not block then keep on truckin'
// . otherwise, wait for callback of dumpTree()
goto loop;
static void doneWritingWrapper ( void *state ) ;
// . return false if blocked, true otherwise
// . sets g_errno on error
// . this one is also called by RdbMerge to dump lists
bool RdbDump::dumpList ( RdbList *list , long niceness , bool recall ) {
// if we had a write error and are being recalled...
if ( recall ) { m_offset -= m_bytesToWrite; goto recallskip; }
// assume we don't hack the list
m_hacked = false;
m_hacked12 = false;
// save ptr to list... why?
m_list = list;
// nothing to do if list is empty
if ( m_list->isEmpty() ) return true;
// we're now in dump mode again
m_isDumping = true;
// don't check list if we're dumping an unordered list from tree!
if ( m_orderedDump ) {
m_list->checkList_r ( false /*removedNegRecs?*/ );
// print list stats
log("dump: sk=%s ",KEYSTR(m_list->m_startKey,m_ks));
log("dump: ek=%s ",KEYSTR(m_list->m_endKey,m_ks));
// before calling RdbMap::addList(), always reset list ptr
// since we no longer call this in RdbMap::addList() so we don't
// mess up the possible HACK below
// . ensure first key is >= last key added to the map map
if ( m_offset > 0 ) {
//key_t k = m_list->getCurrentKey();
char k[MAX_KEY_BYTES];
//key_t lastKey = m_map->getLastKey (); // m_lastKey
char lastKey[MAX_KEY_BYTES];
//char *lastKey = m_map->getLastKey();
//if ( k <= lastKey ) {
if ( KEYCMP(k,lastKey,m_ks)<=0 ) {
log(LOG_LOGIC,"db: Dumping list key out of order. "
//"lastKey.n1=%lx n0=%llx k.n1=%lx n0=%llx",
"lastKey=%s k=%s",
//return true;
char *xx = NULL; *xx = 0;
if ( m_ks==18 ) {
if ( m_ks == 18 && m_orderedDump && m_offset > 0 ) {
char k[MAX_KEY_BYTES];
// . same top 6 bytes as last key we added?
// . if so, we should only add 6 bytes from this key, not 12
// so on disk it is compressed consistently
if ( memcmp ( (k ) + (m_ks-12) ,
(m_prevLastKey ) + (m_ks-12) , 12 ) == 0 ) {
char tmp[MAX_KEY_BYTES];
char *p = m_list->getList();
// swap high 12 bytes with low 6 bytes for first key
memcpy ( tmp , p , m_ks-12 );
memcpy ( p , p + (m_ks-12) , 12 );
memcpy ( p + 12, tmp , m_ks-12 );
// big hack here
m_list->m_list = p + 12;
m_list->m_listPtr = p + 12;
m_list->m_listPtrLo = p ;
m_list->m_listPtrHi = p + 6;
m_list->m_listSize -= 12 ;
// turn on both bits to indicate double compression
*(p+12) |= 0x06;
m_hacked12 = true;
// . HACK
// . if we're doing an ordered dump then hack the list's first 12 byte
// key to make it a 6 byte iff the last key we dumped last time
// shares the same top 6 bytes as the first key of this list
// . this way we maintain compression consistency on the disk
// so IndexTable.cpp can expect all 6 byte keys for the same termid
// and RdbList::checkList_r() can expect the half bits to always be
// on when they can be on
// . IMPORTANT: calling m_list->resetListPtr() will mess this HACK up!!
if ( m_useHalfKeys && m_orderedDump && m_offset > 0 && ! m_hacked12 ) {
//key_t k = m_list->getCurrentKey();
char k[MAX_KEY_BYTES];
// . same top 6 bytes as last key we added?
// . if so, we should only add 6 bytes from this key, not 12
// so on disk it is compressed consistently
//if ( memcmp ( ((char *)&k ) + 6 ,
// ((char *)&m_prevLastKey ) + 6 , 6 ) == 0 ) {
if ( memcmp ( (k ) + (m_ks-6) ,
(m_prevLastKey ) + (m_ks-6) , 6 ) == 0 ) {
m_hacked = true;
//char tmp[6];
char tmp[MAX_KEY_BYTES];
char *p = m_list->getList();
//memcpy ( tmp , p , 6 );
//memcpy ( p , p + 6 , 6 );
//memcpy ( p + 6 , tmp , 6 );
memcpy ( tmp , p , m_ks-6 );
memcpy ( p , p + (m_ks-6) , 6 );
memcpy ( p + 6 , tmp , m_ks-6 );
// big hack here
m_list->m_list = p + 6;
m_list->m_listPtr = p + 6;
// make this work for POSDB, too
m_list->m_listPtrLo = p + 6 + 6;
m_list->m_listPtrHi = p ;
m_list->m_listSize -= 6 ;
// hack on the half bit, too
*(p+6) |= 0x02;
// update old last key
//m_prevLastKey = m_list->getLastKey();
// now write it to disk
m_buf = m_list->getList ();
m_bytesToWrite = m_list->getListSize();
//#ifdef _SANITYCHECK_
//if (m_list->getListSize()!=m_list->getListEnd() - m_list->getList()){
// log("RdbDump::dumpList: major problem here!");
// sleep(50000);
// make sure we have enough mem to add to map after a successful
// dump up here, otherwise, if we write it and fail to add to map
// the map is not in sync if we core thereafter
if ( m_addToMap && m_map && ! m_map->prealloc ( m_list ) ) {
log("db: Failed to prealloc list into map: %s.",
// g_errno should be set to something if that failed
if ( ! g_errno ) { char *xx = NULL; *xx = 0; }
return true;
// tab to the old offset
long long offset = m_offset;
// might as well update the offset now, even before write is done
m_offset += m_bytesToWrite ;
// write thread is out
m_writing = true;
//m_bytesWritten = 0;
// sanity check
//log("dump: writing %li bytes at offset %lli",m_bytesToWrite,offset);
// . if we're called by RdbMerge directly use m_callback/m_state
// . otherwise, use doneWritingWrapper() which will call dumpTree()
// . BigFile::write() return 0 if blocked,-1 on error,>0 on completion
// . it also sets g_errno on error
bool isDone = m_file->write ( m_buf ,
m_bytesToWrite ,
offset ,
&m_fstate ,
this ,
doneWritingWrapper ,
niceness );
// debug msg
//log("RdbDump dumped %li bytes, done=%li\n",
// m_bytesToWrite,isDone);
// return false if it blocked
if ( ! isDone ) return false;
// done writing
m_writing = false;
// return true on error
if ( g_errno ) return true;
// . delete list from tree, incorporate list into cache, add to map
// . returns false if blocked, true otherwise, sets g_errno on error
// . will only block in calling updateTfndb()
return doneDumpingList ( true );
// . delete list from tree, incorporate list into cache, add to map
// . returns false if blocked, true otherwise, sets g_errno on error
bool RdbDump::doneDumpingList ( bool addToMap ) {
// we can get suspended when gigablast is shutting down, in which
// case the map may have been deleted. only RdbMerge suspends its
// m_dump class, not Rdb::m_dump. return false so caller nevers
// gets called back. we can not resume from this suspension!
//if ( m_isSuspended ) return false;
// . if error was EFILECLOSE (file got closed before we wrote to it)
// then try again. file can close because fd pool needed more fds
// . we cannot do this retry in BigFile.cpp because the BigFile
// may have been deleted/unlinked from a merge, but we could move
// this check to Msg3... and do it for writes, too...
// . seem to be getting EBADFD errors now, too (what code is it?)
// i don't remember, just do it on *all* errors for now!
//if ( g_errno == EFILECLOSED || g_errno == EBADFD ) {
if ( g_errno && ! m_isSuspended ) {
log(LOG_INFO,"db: Had error dumping data: %s. Retrying.",
// . deal with the EBADF bug, it will loop forever on this
// . i still don't know how the fd gets closed and s_fds[vfd]
// is not set to -1?!?!?!
if ( g_errno == EBADF ) {
// note it
log(LOG_LOGIC,"db: setting fd for vfd to -1.");
// mark our fd as not there...
long i = (m_offset - m_bytesToWrite) / MAX_PART_SIZE;
// sets s_fds[vfd] to -1
if ( m_file->m_files[i] )
releaseVfd ( m_file->m_files[i]->m_vfd );
//log("RdbDump::doneDumpingList: retrying.");
return dumpList ( m_list , m_niceness , true );
// bail on error
if ( g_errno ) {
log("db: Had error dumping data: %s.", mstrerror(g_errno));
//log("RdbDump::doneDumpingList: %s",mstrerror(g_errno));
return true;
// . don't delete the list if we were dumping an unordered list
// . we only dump unordered lists when we do a save
// . it saves time not having to delete the list and it also allows
// us to do saves without deleting our data! good!
if ( ! m_orderedDump ) return true; //--turn this off until save works
// save for verify routine
m_addToMap = addToMap;
// should we verify what we wrote? useful for preventing disk
// corruption from those pesky Western Digitals and Maxtors?
if ( g_conf.m_verifyWrites ) {
// a debug message, if log disk debug messages is enabled
log(LOG_DEBUG,"disk: Verifying %li bytes written.",
// make a read buf
if ( m_verifyBuf && m_verifyBufSize < m_bytesToWrite ) {
mfree ( m_verifyBuf , m_verifyBufSize , "RdbDump3" );
m_verifyBuf = NULL;
m_verifyBufSize = 0;
if ( ! m_verifyBuf ) {
m_verifyBuf = (char *)mmalloc ( m_bytesToWrite ,
"RdbDump3" );
m_verifyBufSize = m_bytesToWrite;
// out of mem? if so, skip the write verify
if ( ! m_verifyBuf ) return doneReadingForVerify();
// read what we wrote
bool isDone = m_file->read ( m_verifyBuf ,
m_bytesToWrite ,
m_offset - m_bytesToWrite ,
&m_fstate ,
this ,
doneReadingForVerifyWrapper ,
m_niceness );
// debug msg
//log("RdbDump dumped %li bytes, done=%li\n",
// m_bytesToWrite,isDone);
// return false if it blocked
if ( ! isDone ) return false;
return doneReadingForVerify();
void doneReadingForVerifyWrapper ( void *state ) {
RdbDump *THIS = (RdbDump *)state;
// return if this blocks
if ( ! THIS->doneReadingForVerify() ) return;
// delete list from tree, incorporate list into cache, add to map
//if ( ! THIS->doneDumpingList( true ) ) return;
// continue
THIS->continueDumping ( );
bool RdbDump::doneReadingForVerify ( ) {
// see if what we wrote is the same as what we read back
if ( m_verifyBuf && memcmp(m_verifyBuf,m_buf,m_bytesToWrite) != 0 &&
! g_errno ) {
log("disk: Write verification of %li bytes to file %s "
"failed at offset=%lli. Retrying.",
m_offset - m_bytesToWrite);
// try writing again
return dumpList ( m_list , m_niceness , true );
// time dump to disk (and tfndb bins)
long long t ;
// start timing on first call only
if ( m_addToMap ) t = gettimeofdayInMilliseconds();
// sanity check
if ( m_list->m_ks != m_ks ) { char *xx = NULL; *xx = 0; }
// . register this with the map now
// . only register AFTER it's ALL on disk so we don't get partial
// record reads and we don't read stuff on disk that's also in tree
// . add the list to the rdb map if we have one
// . we don't have maps when we do unordered dumps
// . careful, map is NULL if we're doing unordered dump
if ( m_addToMap && m_map && ! m_map->addList ( m_list ) ) {
g_errno = ENOMEM;
log("db: Failed to add data to map.");
// undo the offset update, the write failed, the parent
// should retry. i know RdbMerge.cpp does, but not sure
// what happens when Rdb.cpp is dumping an RdbTree
//m_offset -= m_bytesToWrite ;
// this should never happen now since we call prealloc() above
char *xx = NULL; *xx = 0;
return true;
// debug msg
long long now = gettimeofdayInMilliseconds();
log(LOG_TIMING,"db: adding to map took %llu ms" , now - t );
// . Msg5.cpp and RdbList::merge_r() should remove titleRecs
// that are not supported by tfndb, so we only need to add tfndb
// records at this point to update the tfndb recs to point to the
// new tfn we are dumping into for the existing titlerecs
// . we just add one tfndb rec per positive titleRec in m_list
// . negative TitleRec keys should have had a negative tfndb key
// added to tfndb in Rdb.cpp::addRecord() already, and ...
// . RdbList::indexMerge_r() will take care of merging properly
// so as to not treat the tfn bits as part of the key when comparing
// . this will re-call this doneDumpingList(false) if it blocks
// . returns false if blocks, true otherwise
//if ( ! updateTfndbLoop() ) return false;
// . HACK: fix hacked lists before deleting from tree
// . iff the first key has the half bit set
if ( m_hacked ) {
//char tmp[6];
char tmp[MAX_KEY_BYTES];
char *p = m_list->getList() - 6 ;
//memcpy ( tmp , p , 6 );
//memcpy ( p , p + 6 , 6 );
//memcpy ( p + 6 , tmp , 6 );
memcpy ( tmp , p , 6 );
memcpy ( p , p + 6 , m_ks-6 );
memcpy ( p + (m_ks-6) , tmp , 6 );
// undo the big hack
m_list->m_list = p ;
m_list->m_listPtr = p ;
// make this work for POSDB...
m_list->m_listPtrLo = p + m_ks - 12;
m_list->m_listPtrHi = p + m_ks - 6;
m_list->m_listSize += 6 ;
// hack off the half bit, we're 12 bytes again
*p &= 0xfd ;
// turn it off again just in case
m_hacked = false;
if ( m_hacked12 ) {
char tmp[MAX_KEY_BYTES];
char *p = m_list->getList() - 12 ;
// swap high 12 bytes with low 6 bytes for first key
memcpy ( tmp , p , 12 );
memcpy ( p , p + 12 , 6 );
memcpy ( p + 6, tmp , 12 );
// big hack here
m_list->m_list = p ;
m_list->m_listPtr = p ;
m_list->m_listPtrLo = p + 6;
m_list->m_listPtrHi = p + 12;
m_list->m_listSize += 12 ;
// hack off the half bit, we're 12 bytes again
*p &= 0xf9 ;
m_hacked12 = false;
// verify keys are in order after we hack it back
//if ( m_orderedDump ) m_list->checkList_r ( false , true );
// if we're NOT dumping a tree then return control to RdbMerge
if ( ! m_tree && !m_buckets ) return true;
// . merge the writeBuf into the cache at this point or after deleting
// . m_list should have it's m_lastKey set since we got called from
// RdbMerge if m_cache is non-NULL and it called RdbList::merge()
// through Msg5 at one point to form this list
// . right now i just made this clear the cache... it's easier
//if ( m_cache ) m_cache->incorporateList ( m_list , m_dedup ,
// m_list->getLastKey() );
// . delete these nodes from the tree now that they're on the disk
// now that they can be read from list since addList() was called
// . however, while we were writing to disk a key that we were
// writing could have been deleted from the tree. To prevent
// problems we should only delete nodes that are present in tree...
// . actually i fixed that problem by not deleting any nodes that
// might be in the middle of being dumped
// . i changed Rdb::addNode() and Rdb::deleteNode() to do this
// . since we made it here m_list MUST be ordered, therefore
// let's try the new, faster deleteOrderedList and let's not do
// balancing to make it even faster
// . balancing will be restored once we're done deleting this list
// debug msg
//log("RdbDump:: deleting list");
long long t1 = gettimeofdayInMilliseconds();
// convert to number, this is -1 if no longer exists
//collnum_t collnum = g_collectiondb.getCollnum ( m_coll );
//if ( collnum < 0 && m_rdb->m_isCollectionLess ) {
// collnum = 0;
// g_errno = 0;
//m_tree->deleteOrderedList ( m_list , false /*do balancing?*/ );
// tree delete is slow due to checking for leaks, not balancing
bool s;
if(m_tree) {
s = m_tree->deleteList(m_collnum,m_list,true/*do balancing?*/);
else if(m_buckets) {
s = m_buckets->deleteList(m_collnum, m_list);
// problem?
if ( ! s && ! m_tried ) {
m_tried = true;
log("db: Corruption in tree detected when dumping to %s. "
"Fixing. Your memory had an error. Consider replacing it.",
if ( m_rdb && m_rdb->m_rdbId != RDB_DOLEDB ) {
// core now to debug this for sectiondb
char *xx=NULL;*xx=0;
((RdbTree *)m_tree)->fixTree ( );
// tell rdb he needs saving now
//if ( m_rdb ) m_rdb->m_needsSave = true;
// debug msg
long long t2 = gettimeofdayInMilliseconds();
log(LOG_TIMING,"db: dump: deleteList: took %lli",t2-t1);
return true;
static void tryAgainWrapper ( int fd , void *state ) ;
// returns false if blocks, true otherwise
bool RdbDump::updateTfndbLoop () {
// only if dumping titledb
if ( ! m_isTitledb ) return true;
// . start from beginning in case last add failed
// . this may result in some dups if we get re-called, but that's ok
// point to it
Rdb *tdb = g_tfndb.getRdb();
// is it the secondary/repair rdb used by Repair.cpp?
if ( m_rdb == g_titledb2.getRdb () ) tdb = g_tfndb2.getRdb();
// get collection number
collnum_t collnum = g_collectiondb.getCollnum ( m_coll );
// bail if collection gone
if ( collnum < (collnum_t)0 ) {
//if ( g_catdb->getRdb() == m_rdb )
if ( strcmp ( m_coll, "catdb" ) == 0 )
collnum = 0;
else if ( strcmp ( m_coll, "statsdb" ) == 0 )
collnum = 0;
else {
log("Collection \"%s\" removed during dump.",m_coll);
return true;
// get next
if ( m_list->isExhausted() ) return true;
// get the TitleRec key
//key_t k = m_list->getCurrentKey();
char k[MAX_KEY_BYTES];
//char *rec = m_list->getCurrentRec();
//long recSize = m_list->getCurrentRecSize();
// advance for next call
// skip if a delete
if ( KEYNEG(k) ) goto loop;
// . otherwise, this is the "final" titleRec for this docid because
// Msg5/RdbList::merge_r() should have removed it if it is not the
// ultimate titleRec for this docid, because RdbList::merge_r()
// takes a "tfndbList" as input just to weed out titleRecs that
// are not supported by a tfndb record
// . make the tfndb key
long long d = g_titledb.getDocIdFromKey ((key_t *) k );
//long e = g_titledb.getHostHash ( (key_t *)k );
long long uh48 = g_titledb.getUrlHash48 ( (key_t *)k );
long tfn = m_id2;
// delete=false
key_t tk = g_tfndb.makeKey ( d, uh48, tfn, false );
KEYSET(m_tkey,(char *)&tk,sizeof(key_t));
// debug msg
//logf(LOG_DEBUG,"db: rdbdump: updateTfndbLoop: tbadd docId=%lli "
// "tfn=%03li", g_tfndb.getDocId((key_t *)m_tkey ),
// (long)g_tfndb.getTitleFileNum((key_t *)m_tkey));
// . add it, returns false and sets g_errno on error
// . this will override any existing tfndb record for this docid
// because RdbList.cpp uses a special key compare function (cmp2)
// to ignore the tfn bits on tfndb keys, so we get the newest/latest
// tfndb key after the merge.
if ( tdb->addRecord ( collnum , m_tkey , NULL , 0 , 0) ) goto loop;
// return true with g_errno set for most errors, that's bad
if ( g_errno != ETRYAGAIN && g_errno != ENOMEM ) {
log("db: Had error adding record to tfndb: %s.",
return true;
// try starting a dump, Rdb::addRecord() does not do this like it
// should, only Rdb::addList() does
if ( tdb->needsDump() ) {
log(LOG_INFO,"db: Dumping tfndb while merging titledb.");
// . CAUTION! must use niceness one because if we go into
// urgent mode all niceness 2 stuff will freeze up until
// we exit urgent mode! so when tfndb dumps out too much
// stuff he'll go into urgent mode and freeze himself
if ( ! tdb->dumpTree ( 1 ) ) // niceness
log("db: Error dumping tfndb to disk: %s.",
// debug msg
//log("db: Had error when trying to dump tfndb: %s. Retrying.",
// mstrerror(g_errno));
// retry for the remaining two types of errors
if ( ! g_loop.registerSleepCallback(1000,this,tryAgainWrapper)) {
log("db: Failed to retry. Very bad.");
return true;
// wait for sleep
return false;
void tryAgainWrapper ( int fd , void *state ) {
// debug msg
log(LOG_INFO,"db: Trying to update tfndb again.");
// stop waiting
g_loop.unregisterSleepCallback ( state , tryAgainWrapper );
// bitch about errors
if ( g_errno ) log(LOG_LOGIC,"db: dump: Could not unregister "
"retry callback: %s.",mstrerror(g_errno));
// get THIS ptr from state
RdbDump *THIS = (RdbDump *)state;
// continue loop, this returns false if it blocks
if ( ! THIS->updateTfndbLoop() ) return;
// don't add to map, we already did
if ( ! THIS->doneDumpingList ( false ) ) return;
// continue dumping the tree or give control back to caller
THIS->continueDumping ( );
// continue dumping the tree
void doneWritingWrapper ( void *state ) {
// get THIS ptr from state
RdbDump *THIS = (RdbDump *)state;
// done writing
THIS->m_writing = false;
// bitch about errors
if ( g_errno ) log("db: Dump to %s had write error: %s.",
// delete list from tree, incorporate list into cache, add to map
if ( ! THIS->doneDumpingList( true ) ) return;
// continue
THIS->continueDumping ( );
void RdbDump::continueDumping() {
// if someone reset/deleted the collection we were dumping...
CollectionRec *cr = g_collectiondb.getRec ( m_collnum );
if ( ! cr ) {
g_errno = ENOCOLLREC;
// m_file is invalid if collrec got nuked because so did
// the Rdbbase which has the files
log("db: continue dumping lost collection");
// bitch about errors
else if (g_errno)log("db: Dump to %s had error writing: %s.",
// go back now if we were NOT dumping a tree
if ( ! (m_tree || m_buckets) ) {
m_isDumping = false;
m_callback ( m_state );
// . continue dumping the tree
// . return if this blocks
// . if the collrec was deleted or reset then g_errno will be
// ENOCOLLREC and we want to skip call to dumpTree(
if ( g_errno != ENOCOLLREC && ! dumpTree ( false ) )
// close it up
doneDumping ( );
// call the callback
m_callback ( m_state );
// . load the table from a dumped btree (unordered dump only!)
// . must NOT have been an ordered dump cuz tree will be seriously skewed
// . this is completely blocking cuz it used on init to recover a saved table
// . used for recovering a table that was too small to dump to an rdbfile
// . returns true if "filename" does not exist
// . stored in key/dataSize/data fashion
// . TODO: TODO: this load() routine and the m_orderedDump stuff above are
// just hacks until we make the tree balanced. Then we can use RdbScan
// to load the tree. Also, I we may not have enough mem to load the tree
// because it loads it all in at once!!!!!
bool RdbDump::load ( Rdb *rdb , long fixedDataSize, BigFile *file ,
class DiskPageCache *pc ) {
//m_tree = tree;
// return true if the file does not exist
if ( file->doesExist() <= 0 ) return true;
// open the file read only
if ( ! file->open ( O_RDONLY , pc ) )
return log("db: Could not open %s: %s.",file->getFilename(),
// a harmless note
log(LOG_INFO,"db: Loading data from %s",file->getFilename());
// read in all data at once since this should only be run at
// startup when we still have plenty of memory
long bufSize = file->getFileSize();
// return true if filesize is 0
if ( bufSize == 0 ) return true;
// otherwise, alloc space to read the WHOLE file
char *buf = (char *) mmalloc( bufSize ,"RdbDump");
if ( ! buf ) return log("db: Could not allocate %li bytes to load "
"%s" , bufSize , file->getFilename());
//long n = file->read ( buf , bufSize , m_offset );
file->read ( buf , bufSize , m_offset );
if ( g_errno ) {
mfree ( buf , bufSize , "RdbDump");
return log("db: Had error reading %s: %s.",file->getFilename(),
char *p = buf;
char *pend = buf + bufSize;
// now let 'er rip
while ( p < pend ) {
// get the key
key_t key = *(key_t *) p;
// advance the buf ptr
p += sizeof(key_t);
// get dataSize
long dataSize = fixedDataSize;
// we may have a datasize
if ( fixedDataSize == -1 ) {
dataSize = *(long *)p;
p += 4;
// point to data if any
char *data ;
if ( dataSize > 0 ) data = p;
else data = NULL;
// skip p over data
p += dataSize;
// add to rdb
if ( ! rdb->addRecord ( key , data , dataSize ) ) {
mfree ( buf , bufSize ,"RdbDump");
return log("db: Could not add record from %s: %s.",
// we must dup the data so the tree can free it
//char *copy = mdup ( p , dataSize ,"RdbDump");
// add the node
//if ( m_tree->addNode ( key , copy , dataSize ) < 0 ) {
// mfree ( buf , bufSize ,"RdbDump");
// return log("RdbDump::load:addNode failed");
// free the m_buffer we used
mfree ( buf , bufSize , "RdbDump");
return true;