Matt Wells 9178d67b2f fix churn bug in winnerlistcache in spider.cpp
so do not add the dolebuf list of spiderrequests
back into the cache, but just modify the "jump"
in the first 4 bytes of the cached record. because
when we re-added it back to the cache it created too
much churn and we'd lose cached records unnecessarily.
2015-10-01 19:35:34 -07:00

3598 lines
118 KiB

#include "gb-include.h"
#include "Errno.h" // for EDATANOTOWNED
#include "RdbList.h"
#include "Mem.h" // for g_mem.malloc()
//#include "Tfndb.h" // groupid filtering in merge
//#include "Checksumdb.h"
#include "Clusterdb.h"
#include "Hostdb.h"
#include "Tagdb.h"
#include "Indexdb.h"
#include "Titledb.h"
#include "Spider.h"
#include "Datedb.h"
#include "Linkdb.h"
#include "sched.h"
// we no longer do ALLOW_SCALE! now user can click "rebalance shards"
// to scan all rdbs of every coll and move the recs to the appropriate
// shard in real time.
//#define ALLOW_SCALE
void RdbList::constructor () {
m_list = NULL;
m_alloc = NULL;
m_allocSize = 0;
m_useHalfKeys = false;
m_ownData = false;
RdbList::RdbList () {
m_list = NULL;
m_alloc = NULL;
m_allocSize = 0;
m_useHalfKeys = false;
m_ownData = false;
// free m_list on destruction
RdbList::~RdbList () {
void RdbList::destructor() {
void RdbList::freeList () {
if ( m_ownData && m_alloc ) mfree ( m_alloc , m_allocSize ,"RdbList");
m_list = NULL;
m_alloc = NULL;
m_allocSize = 0;
void RdbList::resetListPtr () {
m_listPtr = m_list;
m_listPtrHi = NULL;
m_listPtrLo = NULL;
// this is used if m_useHalfKeys is true
//if ( m_list && m_listSize >= 12 ) m_listPtrHi = m_list + 6;
if ( m_list && m_listSize >= m_ks ) {
m_listPtrHi = m_list + (m_ks-6);
m_listPtrLo = m_list + (m_ks-12);
// . this now just resets the size to 0, does not do any freeing
// . free will only happen on list destruction
void RdbList::reset ( ) {
// . if we don't own our data then, NULLify it
// . if we do own the data, don't free it
if ( ! m_ownData ) { m_alloc = NULL; m_allocSize = 0; }
m_listSize = 0;
m_list = m_alloc;
m_listEnd = m_list;
m_ownData = true;
// use this call now to set m_listPtr and m_listPtrHi
// init to -1 so we know if merge_r() was called w/o calling
// prepareForMerge()
m_mergeMinListSize = -1;
m_lastKeyIsValid = false;
// default key size to 12 bytes
m_ks = 12;
// returns false and sets g_errno on error
bool RdbList::copyList ( RdbList *listSrc ) {
// do not copy over yourself!
if ( listSrc == this ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// sanity
if ( listSrc->m_listSize < 0 ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// basically just copy
gbmemcpy ( this , listSrc , sizeof(RdbList) );
// null out our crap in case the copy fails or list is empty
m_list = NULL;
m_listSize = 0;
m_alloc = NULL;
m_allocSize = 0;
// all done if empty
if ( listSrc->m_listSize == 0 || ! listSrc->m_list )
return true;
// otherwise we gotta copy the list data itself
char *copy = (char *)mmalloc ( listSrc->m_listSize, "lstcp");
if ( ! copy ) return false;
gbmemcpy ( copy , listSrc->m_list , listSrc->m_listSize );
// now we use the copy
m_list = copy;
m_listSize = listSrc->m_listSize;
m_alloc = copy;
m_allocSize = listSrc->m_listSize;
m_listEnd = copy + m_listSize;
m_ownData = true;
return true;
// . set from a pre-existing list
// . all keys of records in list must be in [startKey,endKey]
void RdbList::set ( char *list ,
int32_t listSize ,
char *alloc ,
int32_t allocSize ,
//key_t startKey ,
//key_t endKey ,
char *startKey ,
char *endKey ,
int32_t fixedDataSize ,
bool ownData ,
bool useHalfKeys ,
char keySize ) {
// free and NULLify any old m_list we had to make room for our new list
// set this first since others depend on it
m_ks = keySize;
// sanity check (happens when IndexReadInfo exhausts a list to Msg2)
//if ( startKey > endKey )
if ( KEYCMP(startKey,endKey,m_ks) > 0 )
log(LOG_REMIND,"db: rdblist: set: startKey > endKey.");
// safety check
if ( fixedDataSize != 0 && useHalfKeys ) {
log(LOG_LOGIC,"db: rdblist: set: useHalfKeys 1 when "
"fixedDataSize not 0.");
useHalfKeys = false;
// got an extremely ugly corrupt stack core without this check
if ( m_list && m_listSize == 0 ){
log ( LOG_WARN, "rdblist: listSize of 0 but list pointer not "
"NULL!" );
m_list = NULL;
// set our list parms
m_list = list;
m_listSize = listSize;
m_alloc = alloc;
m_allocSize = allocSize;
m_listEnd = list + listSize;
//m_startKey = startKey;
//m_endKey = endKey;
KEYSET(m_endKey ,endKey ,m_ks);
m_fixedDataSize = fixedDataSize;
m_ownData = ownData;
m_useHalfKeys = useHalfKeys;
// use this call now to set m_listPtr and m_listPtrHi based on m_list
// like above but uses 0/maxKey for startKey/endKey
void RdbList::set (char *list ,
int32_t listSize ,
char *alloc ,
int32_t allocSize ,
int32_t fixedDataSize ,
bool ownData ,
bool useHalfKeys ,
char keySize ) {
//key_t startKey = 0;
//key_t endKey ; endKey.setMax();
char *startKey = KEYMIN();
char *endKey = KEYMAX();
set ( list ,
listSize ,
alloc ,
allocSize ,
//startKey ,
//endKey ,
startKey ,
endKey ,
fixedDataSize ,
ownData ,
useHalfKeys ,
keySize );
// just set the start and end keys
//void RdbList::set ( key_t startKey , key_t endKey ) {
void RdbList::set ( char *startKey , char *endKey ) {
//m_startKey = startKey;
//m_endKey = endKey;
KEYSET ( m_startKey , startKey , m_ks );
KEYSET ( m_endKey , endKey , m_ks );
//key_t RdbList::getLastKey ( ) {
char *RdbList::getLastKey ( ) {
if ( ! m_lastKeyIsValid ) {
log("db: rdblist: getLastKey: m_lastKey not valid.");
char *xx=NULL;*xx=0;
return m_lastKey;
//void RdbList::setLastKey ( key_t k ) {
void RdbList::setLastKey ( char *k ) {
//m_lastKey = k;
KEYSET ( m_lastKey , k , m_ks );
m_lastKeyIsValid = true;
// this has to scan through each record for variable sized records and
// if m_useHalfKeys is true
int32_t RdbList::getNumRecs ( ) {
// we only keep this count for lists of variable sized records
if ( m_fixedDataSize == 0 && ! m_useHalfKeys )
// return m_listSize / ( sizeof(key_t) + m_fixedDataSize );
return m_listSize / ( m_ks + m_fixedDataSize );
// save the list ptr
char *saved = m_listPtr;
char *hi = m_listPtrHi;
// reset m_listPtr and m_listPtrHi
// count each record individually since they're variable size
int32_t count = 0;
// go through each record
while ( ! isExhausted() ) {
// restore list ptr
m_listPtr = saved;
m_listPtrHi = hi;
// return the count
return count;
// . returns false and sets g_errno on error
// . only used by Msg14.cpp for clusterdb at the time I wrote this
bool RdbList::addRecordRaw ( char *rec , int32_t recSize ) {
// return false if we don't own the data
if ( ! m_ownData ) {
log("db: rdblist: addRecord: Data not owned.");
char *p = NULL; *p = 0; exit(-1);
// grow the list if we need to
if ( m_listEnd + recSize > m_alloc + m_allocSize )
if ( ! growList ( m_allocSize + recSize ) )
return false;// log("RdbList::merge: growList failed");
// gbmemcpy the key to the end of the list
gbmemcpy ( m_list + m_listSize , rec , recSize );
m_listSize += recSize;
m_listEnd += recSize;
return true;
// . returns false and sets g_errno on error
// . used by merge() above to add records to merged list
// . used by RdbTree to construct an RdbList from branches of records
// . NOTE: does not set m_endKey/m_startKey/ etc..
//bool RdbList::addRecord ( key_t &key , int32_t dataSize , char *data ,
bool RdbList::addRecord ( char *key , int32_t dataSize , char *data ,
bool bitch ) {
if ( m_ks == 18 ) { // m_rdbId == RDB_POSDB ) {
// sanity
if ( key[0] & 0x06 ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// grow the list if we need to
if ( m_listEnd + 18 > m_alloc + m_allocSize )
if ( ! growList ( m_allocSize + 18 ) )
return false;
if ( m_listPtrHi && memcmp ( m_listPtrHi, key+12, 6 ) == 0){
// compare next 6 bytes
if ( memcmp ( m_listPtrLo,key+6,6)==0) {
// store in end key
// turn on both half bits
*m_listEnd |= 0x06;
// clear magic bit
// grow list
m_listSize += 6;
m_listEnd += 6;
return true;
// no match...
// need to update this then
m_listPtrLo = m_listEnd+6;
// turn on just one compression bit
*m_listEnd |= 0x02;
// grow list
m_listSize += 12;
m_listEnd += 12;
return true;
// no compression
m_listPtrLo = m_listEnd+6;
m_listPtrHi = m_listEnd+12;
m_listSize += 18;
m_listEnd += 18;
return true;
// return false if we don't own the data
if ( ! m_ownData && bitch ) {
log(LOG_LOGIC,"db: rdblist: addRecord: Data not owned.");
char *p = NULL; *p = 0; exit(-1);
// get total size of the record
//int32_t recSize = sizeof(key_t) + dataSize;
int32_t recSize = m_ks + dataSize;
// sanity
if ( dataSize && KEYNEG(key) ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// . include the 4 bytes to store the dataSize if it's not fixed
// . negative keys never have a datasize field now
if ( m_fixedDataSize < 0 && !KEYNEG(key) ) recSize += 4;
// grow the list if we need to
if ( m_listEnd + recSize > m_alloc + m_allocSize )
if ( ! growList ( m_allocSize + recSize ) )
return false;// log("RdbList::merge: growList failed");
// sanity check
//if ( m_listEnd != m_list+m_listSize ) { char *xx = NULL; *xx = 0; }
// . special case for half keys
// . if high 6 bytes are the same as last key,
// then just store low 6 bytes
if ( m_useHalfKeys &&
m_listPtrHi &&
//memcmp ( m_listPtrHi, ((char *)&key)+6, 6 ) == 0 ) {
memcmp ( m_listPtrHi, key+(m_ks-6), 6 ) == 0 ) {
// store low 6 bytes of key into m_list
//*(int32_t *)&m_list[m_listSize] = *(int32_t *)&key;
//*(int16_t *)(&m_list[m_listSize+4]) =
// *(int16_t *)&(((char *)&key)[4]);
// turn on half bit
//m_list[m_listSize] |= 0x02;
*m_listEnd |= 0x02;
// grow list
//m_listSize += 6;
//m_listEnd += 6;
m_listSize += (m_ks - 6);
m_listEnd += (m_ks - 6);
return true;
// store the key at the end of the list
//*(key_t *)(&m_list[m_listSize]) = key;
KEYSET ( &m_list[m_listSize], key, m_ks );
// update the ptr
if ( m_useHalfKeys ) {
// we're the new hi key
//m_listPtrHi = (m_list + m_listSize + 6);
m_listPtrHi = (m_list + m_listSize + (m_ks - 6));
// turn off half bit
m_list[m_listSize] &= 0xfd;
//m_listSize += sizeof(key_t);
//m_listEnd += sizeof(key_t);
m_listSize += m_ks;
m_listEnd += m_ks;
// return true if we're dataless
if ( m_fixedDataSize == 0 ) return true;
// copy the dataSize to the list if it's not fixed or negative...
if ( m_fixedDataSize == -1 && !KEYNEG(key) ) {
*(int32_t *)(&m_list[m_listSize]) = dataSize ;
m_listSize += 4;
m_listEnd += 4;
// copy the data itself to the list
gbmemcpy ( &m_list[m_listSize] , data , dataSize );
m_listSize += dataSize;
m_listEnd += dataSize;
return true;
// . this prepares this list for a merge
// . call this before calling merge_r() below to do the actual merge
// . this will pre-allocate space for this list to hold the mergees
// . this is useful because you can call it in the main process before
// before calling merge_r() in a thread
// . allocates on top of m_listSize
// . returns false and sets g_errno on error, true on success
bool RdbList::prepareForMerge ( RdbList **lists ,
int32_t numLists ,
int32_t minRecSizes ) {
// return false if we don't own the data
if ( ! m_ownData ) {
log("db: rdblist: prepareForMerge: Data not owned.");
char *p = NULL; *p = 0; exit(-1);
// . reset ourselves
// . sets m_listSize to 0 and m_ownData to true
// . does not free m_list, however
// . NO! we want to keep what we got and add records on back
// do nothing if no lists passed in
if ( numLists <= 0 ) return true;
// . we inherit our dataSize/dedup from who we're merging
// . TODO: all lists may not be the same fixedDataSize
m_fixedDataSize = lists[0]->m_fixedDataSize;
// assume we use half keys
m_useHalfKeys = lists[0]->m_useHalfKeys;
// inherit key size
m_ks = lists[0]->m_ks;
// minRecSizes is only a good size-constraining parameter if
// we know the max rec size, cuz we could overshoot list
// by a rec of size 1 meg!! quite a bit! then we would have to
// call growList() in the merge_r() routine... that won't work since
// we'd be in a thread.
if ( m_fixedDataSize >= 0 && minRecSizes > 0 ) {
//int32_t newmin = minRecSizes + sizeof(key_t) + m_fixedDataSize;
int32_t newmin = minRecSizes + m_ks + m_fixedDataSize;
// we have to grow another 12 cuz we set "first" in
// indexMerge_r() to false and try to add another rec to see
// if there was an annihilation
//newmin += sizeof(key_t);
newmin += m_ks;
// watch out for wrap around
if ( newmin < minRecSizes ) newmin = 0x7fffffff;
minRecSizes = newmin;
else if ( m_fixedDataSize < 0 ) minRecSizes = -1;
// . temporarily set m_listPtr/m_listEnd of each list based on
// the contraints: startKey/endKey
// . compute our max list size from all these ranges
int32_t maxListSize = 0;
for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < numLists ; i++ ) {
// each list should be constrained already
maxListSize += lists[i]->getListSize();
// ensure same dataSize type for each list
if (lists[i]->getFixedDataSize() == m_fixedDataSize) continue;
// bitch if not
log(LOG_LOGIC,"db: rdblist: prepareForMerge: Non-uniform "
"fixedDataSize. %"INT32" != %"INT32".",
lists[i]->getFixedDataSize(), m_fixedDataSize );
return false;
// . set the # of bytes we need to merge at minimum
// . include our current list size, too
// . our current list MUST NOT intersect w/ these lists
m_mergeMinListSize = maxListSize + m_listSize ;
if ( minRecSizes >= 0 && m_mergeMinListSize > minRecSizes )
m_mergeMinListSize = minRecSizes;
// . now alloc space for merging these lists
// . won't shrink our m_list buffer, might grow it a bit if necessary
// . this should keep m_listPtr and m_listPtrHi in order, too
// . grow like 12 bytes extra since posdb might compress off 12
// bytes in merge_r code.
int32_t grow = m_mergeMinListSize;
//if ( m_ks == 18 ) grow += 12;
// tack on a bit because rdbs that use compression like clusterdb,
// posdb, etc. in the merge_r() code check for buffer break and
// they use a full key size! so add that on here! otherwise, they
// exit before getting the full mintomerge and come up int16_t
grow += m_ks;
if ( growList ( grow ) ) return true;
// otherwise, bitch about error
return false; // log("RdbList::merge: growList failed");
// . get the current records key
// . this needs to be fast!!
//key_t RdbList::getKey ( char *rec ) {
void RdbList::getKey ( char *rec , char *key ) {
// posdb?
if ( m_ks == 18 ) {
if ( rec[0]&0x04 ) {
gbmemcpy ( key+12,m_listPtrHi,6);
gbmemcpy ( key+6 ,m_listPtrLo,6);
gbmemcpy ( key,rec,6);
// clear compressionbits (1+2+4+8)
key[0] &= 0xf9;
if ( rec[0]&0x02 ) {
gbmemcpy ( key+12 ,m_listPtrHi,6);
gbmemcpy ( key,rec,12);
// clear compressionbits (1+2+4+8)
key[0] &= 0xf9;
gbmemcpy ( key , rec , 18 );
//if ( ! m_useHalfKeys ) return *(key_t *)rec;
if ( ! m_useHalfKeys || ! isHalfBitOn ( rec ) ) {
KEYSET(key,rec,m_ks); return; }
// seems like we don't have to be aligned to do this!
//if ( ! isHalfBitOn ( rec ) ) return *(key_t *)rec;
// set to last big key we read
// linkdb
if ( m_ks == sizeof(key224_t) ) {
// set top most 4 bytes from hi key
*(int32_t *)(&key[24]) = *(int32_t *)&m_listPtrHi[2];
// next 2 bytes from hi key
*(int16_t *)(&key[22]) = *(int16_t *)m_listPtrHi;
// next 8 bytes from rec
*(int64_t *)(&key[ 14]) = *(int64_t *)&rec [14];
// next 8 bytes from rec
*(int64_t *)(&key[ 6]) = *(int64_t *)&rec [ 6];
// next 4 bytes from rec
*(int32_t *)(&key[ 2]) = *(int32_t *)&rec [ 2];
// last 2 bytes from rec
*(int16_t *)(&key[ 0]) = *(int16_t *) rec;
// turn half bit off since this is the full 16 bytes
*key &= 0xfd;
if ( m_ks == 24 ) {
// set top most 4 bytes from hi key
*(int32_t *)(&key[20]) = *(int32_t *)&m_listPtrHi[2];
// next 2 bytes from hi key
*(int16_t *)(&key[18]) = *(int16_t *)m_listPtrHi;
// next 8 bytes from rec
*(int64_t *)(&key[ 10]) = *(int64_t *)&rec [10];
// next 8 bytes from rec
*(int64_t *)(&key[ 2]) = *(int64_t *)&rec [ 2];
// last 2 bytes from rec
*(int16_t *)(&key[ 0]) = *(int16_t *) rec;
// turn half bit off since this is the full 16 bytes
*key &= 0xfd;
//key_t key ;
if ( m_ks == 16 ) {
// set top most 4 bytes from hi key
*(int32_t *)(&key[12]) = *(int32_t *)&m_listPtrHi[2];
// next 2 bytes from hi key
*(int16_t *)(&key[10]) = *(int16_t *)m_listPtrHi;
// next 4 bytes from rec
*(int32_t *)(&key[ 6]) = *(int32_t *)&rec [6];
// next 4 bytes from rec
*(int32_t *)(&key[ 2]) = *(int32_t *)&rec [2];
// last 2 bytes from rec
*(int16_t *)(&key[ 0]) = *(int16_t *) rec;
// turn half bit off since this is the full 16 bytes
*key &= 0xfd;
// sanity
if ( m_ks != 12 ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// set top most 4 bytes from hi key
//*(int32_t *)(&((char *)&key)[8]) = *(int32_t *)&m_listPtrHi[2];
// next 2 bytes from hi key
//*(int16_t *)(&((char *)&key)[6]) = *(int16_t *)m_listPtrHi;
// next 4 bytes from rec
//*(int32_t *)(&((char *)&key)[2]) = *(int32_t *)&rec [2];
// last 2 bytes from rec
//*(int16_t *)(&((char *)&key)[0]) = *(int16_t *) rec;
// turn half bit off since this is the full 12 bytes
//*(char *)(&key) &= 0xfd;
//return key;
*(int32_t *)(&key[8]) = *(int32_t *)&m_listPtrHi[2];
// next 2 bytes from hi key
*(int16_t *)(&key[6]) = *(int16_t *)m_listPtrHi;
// next 4 bytes from rec
*(int32_t *)(&key[2]) = *(int32_t *)&rec [2];
// last 2 bytes from rec
*(int16_t *)(&key[0]) = *(int16_t *) rec;
// turn half bit off since this is the full 12 bytes
*key &= 0xfd;
int32_t RdbList::getDataSize ( char *rec ) {
if ( m_fixedDataSize == 0 ) return 0;
// negative keys always have no datasize entry
if ( (rec[0] & 0x01) == 0 ) return 0;
if ( m_fixedDataSize >= 0 ) return m_fixedDataSize;
//return *(int32_t *)(rec+sizeof(key_t));
return *(int32_t *)(rec+m_ks);
char *RdbList::getData ( char *rec ) {
if ( m_fixedDataSize == 0 ) return NULL;
//if ( m_fixedDataSize > 0 ) return rec + sizeof(key_t) ;
//return rec + sizeof(key_t) + 4;
if ( m_fixedDataSize > 0 ) return rec + m_ks;
// negative key? then no data
if ( (rec[0] & 0x01) == 0 ) return NULL;
return rec + m_ks + 4;
// returns false on error and set g_errno
bool RdbList::growList ( int32_t newSize ) {
// return false if we don't own the data
if ( ! m_ownData ) {
log(LOG_LOGIC,"db: rdblist: growlist: Data not owned.");
char *p = NULL; *p = 0; exit(-1);
// sanity check
if ( newSize < 0 ) {
log(LOG_LOGIC,"db: rdblist: growlist: Size is negative.");
char *p = NULL; *p = 0; exit(-1);
// don't shrink list
if ( newSize <= m_allocSize ) return true;
// debug msg
// log("RdbList::growList 0x%"PTRFMT "from %"INT32" to %"INT32"",
// (PTRTYPE)this,m_allocSize , newSize );
// make a new buffer
char *tmp =(char *) mrealloc ( m_alloc,m_allocSize,newSize,"RdbList");
//if ( (int32_t)tmp == 0x904dbd0 )
// log("hey");
// debug msg
//log("tmp=%"XINT32"", (int32_t)tmp);
// debug msg
//if ( newSize > 2500000 /*about 2.5megs*/ ) {
// log("BIG LIST SIZE");
// sleep(50000);
// return false and g_errno should be set to ENOMEM
// do not log down this low, log higher up -- out of memory
//return log("RdbList::growList: couldn't realloc from %"INT32" "
// "to %"INT32"", m_allocSize , newSize );
if ( ! tmp ) return false;
// if we got a different address then re-set the list
// TODO: fix this to keep our old list
if ( tmp != m_list ) {
m_listPtr = tmp + ( m_listPtr - m_alloc );
m_list = tmp + ( m_list - m_alloc );
m_listEnd = tmp + ( m_listEnd - m_alloc );
// this may be NULL, if so, keep it that way
if ( m_listPtrHi )
m_listPtrHi = tmp + ( m_listPtrHi - m_alloc );
if ( m_listPtrLo )
m_listPtrLo = tmp + ( m_listPtrLo - m_alloc );
// assign m_list and reset m_allocSize
m_alloc = tmp;
m_allocSize = newSize;
// . we need to reset to set m_listPtr and m_listPtrHi
// . NO! prepareForMerge() may be on its second call! we want to
// add new merged recs on to end of this list then
return true;
// . TODO: check keys to make sure they belong to this group!!
// . I had a problem where a foreign spider rec was in our spiderdb and
// i couldn't delete it because the del key would go to the foreign group!
// . as a temp patch i added a msg1 force local group option
bool RdbList::checkList_r ( bool removeNegRecs , bool sleepOnProblem ,
char rdbId ) {
// bail if empty
if ( m_listSize <= 0 || ! m_list ) return true;
// ensure m_listSize jives with m_listEnd
if ( m_listEnd - m_list != m_listSize ) {
log("db: Data end does not correspond to data size.");
if ( sleepOnProblem ) {char *xx = NULL; *xx = 0; }
if ( sleepOnProblem ) sleep(50000);
return false;
// . watch out for positive fixed size lists
// . crap negative keys will not have data! so you can't do
// this check really!!!
if ( removeNegRecs &&
m_fixedDataSize > 0 &&
( m_listSize % (m_fixedDataSize+m_ks))!=0){
log("db: Odd data size. Corrupted data file.");
if ( sleepOnProblem ) {char *xx = NULL; *xx = 0; }
if ( sleepOnProblem ) sleep(50000);
return false;
// if ( m_useHalfKeys && m_ks == 12 ) // m_ks != 18 && m_ks != 24 )
// return checkIndexList_r ( removeNegRecs ,
// sleepOnProblem );
//key_t oldk;
//oldk.n0 = 0 ; oldk.n1 = 0;
char oldk[MAX_KEY_BYTES];
// point to start of list
// we can accept keys == endKey + 1 because we may have dup keys
// which cause Msg3.cpp:setEndPages() to hiccup, cuz it subtracts
// one from the start key of a page... blah blah
//key_t acceptable ;
//acceptable.n1 = m_endKey.n1 ;
//acceptable.n0 = m_endKey.n0 ;
//acceptable += (uint32_t) 1;
char acceptable[MAX_KEY_BYTES];
KEYSET ( acceptable , m_endKey , m_ks );
KEYADD ( acceptable , 1 , m_ks );
// watch out for wrap around...
//if ( acceptable.n0 == 0 && acceptable.n1 == 0 ) {
// acceptable.n1 = m_endKey.n1 ;
// acceptable.n0 = m_endKey.n0 ;
if ( KEYCMP(acceptable,KEYMIN(),m_ks)==0 )
KEYSET ( acceptable , m_endKey , m_ks );
char k[MAX_KEY_BYTES];
static int32_t th = 0;
if ( ! th ) th = hash64Lower_a ( "roottitles" , 10 );
while ( ! isExhausted() ) {
//key_t k = getCurrentKey();
getCurrentKey( k );
// if titleRec, check size
if ( rdbId == RDB_TITLEDB && ! KEYNEG(k) ) {
int32_t dataSize = getCurrentDataSize();
char *data = NULL;
if ( dataSize >= 4 ) data = getCurrentData();
if ( data &&
(*(int32_t *)data < 0 ||
*(int32_t *)data > 100000000 ) ) {
char *xx = NULL; *xx = 0; }
// tagrec?
if ( rdbId == RDB_TAGDB && ! KEYNEG(k) ) {
//TagRec *gr = (TagRec *)getCurrentRec();
//Tag *tag = gr->getFirstTag ( );
//for ( ; tag ; tag = gr->getNextTag ( tag ) ) {
Tag *tag = (Tag *)getCurrentRec();
if ( tag->m_type == th ) {
char *tdata = tag->getTagData();
int32_t tsize = tag->getTagDataSize();
// core if tag val is not \0 terminated
if ( tsize > 0 && tdata[tsize-1]!='\0' ) {
log("db: bad root title tag");
char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
if ( rdbId == RDB_SPIDERDB && ! KEYNEG(k) &&
getCurrentDataSize() > 0 ) {
//char *data = getCurrentData();
char *rec = getCurrentRec();
// bad url in spider request?
if ( g_spiderdb.isSpiderRequest ( (key128_t *)rec ) ){
SpiderRequest *sr = (SpiderRequest *)rec;
if ( strncmp(sr->m_url,"http",4) != 0 ) {
log("db: spider req url");
char *xx=NULL;*xx=0;
// title bad uncompress size?
if ( rdbId == RDB_TITLEDB && ! KEYNEG(k) ) {
char *rec = getCurrentRec();
int32_t usize = *(int32_t *)(rec+12+4);
if ( usize <= 0 ) {
log("db: bad titlerec uncompress size");
char *xx=NULL;*xx=0;
// debug msg
// pause if it's google
//if ((((k.n0) >> 1) & 0x0000003fffffffffLL) == 70166155664)
// log("hey you!");
//int32_t dataSize = getCurrentDataSize();
//if ( m_ks >= 18 ) // include linkdb and posdb now
// log("db: key=%s",KEYSTR((unsigned char *)k,m_ks));
// special checks for debugging linkdb bug
//if ( m_ks == 24 ) {
// unsigned char hc;
// hc = g_linkdb.getLinkerHopCount_uk((key192_t *)k);
// if ( hc ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
//log("key.n1=%"INT32" key.n0=%"INT64" dsize=%"INT32"",
// k.n1,k.n0,dataSize);
//if ( k < oldk ) {
//if ( k < m_startKey ) {
if ( KEYCMP(k,m_startKey,m_ks)<0 ) {
log("db: Key before start key in list of records.");
log("db: sk=%s",KEYSTR(m_startKey,m_ks));
log("db: k2=%s",KEYSTR(k,m_ks));
if ( sleepOnProblem ) {char *xx = NULL; *xx = 0; }
if ( sleepOnProblem ) sleep(50000);
return false;
if ( KEYCMP(k,oldk,m_ks)<0 ) {
"db: Key out of order in list of records.");
log("db: k1=%s",KEYSTR(oldk,m_ks));
log("db: k2=%s",KEYSTR(k,m_ks));
//log("db: k1.n1=%"XINT64" k1.n0=%"XINT64"",
// KEY1(oldk,m_ks),KEY0(oldk));
//log("db:k2.n1=%"XINT64" k2.n0=%"XINT64"",KEY1(k,m_ks),KEY0(k));
//char *xx=NULL;*xx=0;
//if ( sleepOnProblem ) {char *xx = NULL; *xx = 0; }
//if ( sleepOnProblem ) sleep(50000);
return false;
//if ( k > acceptable ) {
if ( KEYCMP(k,acceptable,m_ks)>0 ) {
log("db: Key after end key in list of records.");
//log("db: k.n1=%"XINT32" k.n0=%"XINT64"",k.n1,k.n0);
log("db: k2=%s",KEYSTR(k,m_ks));
log("db: ak=%s",KEYSTR(acceptable,m_ks));
//log("db:e.n1=%"XINT32" e.n0=%"XINT64"",m_endKey.n1,m_endKey.n0);
log("db: ek=%s",KEYSTR(m_endKey,m_ks));
if ( sleepOnProblem ) {char *xx = NULL; *xx = 0; }
if ( sleepOnProblem ) sleep(50000);
return false;
// check for delete keys
//if ( (k.n0 & 0x01LL) == 0LL ) {
if ( KEYNEG(k) ) {
if ( removeNegRecs ) {
log("db: Got unmet negative key.");
if ( sleepOnProblem ) {char *xx = NULL; *xx=0;}
if ( sleepOnProblem ) sleep(50000);
return false;
// ensure delete keys have no dataSize
if ( m_fixedDataSize == -1 &&
getCurrentDataSize() != 0 ) {
log("db: Got negative key with "
"positive dataSize.");
// what's causing this???
char *xx=NULL;*xx=0;
if ( sleepOnProblem ) {char *xx = NULL; *xx=0;}
if ( sleepOnProblem ) sleep(50000);
return false;
//oldk = k;
KEYSET ( oldk , k , m_ks );
// save old guy
char *saved = m_listPtr;
// test this
//int32_t recSize = getCurrentRecSize();
//log("db: recsize=%"INT32"",recSize);
// advance to next guy
// test this - no, might be end of list!
//recSize = getCurrentRecSize();
//log("db: recsize2=%"INT32"",recSize);
// sometimes dataSize is too big in corrupt lists
if ( m_listPtr > m_listEnd ) {
"db: Got record with bad data size field. "
"Corrupted data file.");
if ( sleepOnProblem ) {char *xx = NULL; *xx=0;}
if ( sleepOnProblem ) sleep(50000);
return false;
// don't go backwards, and make sure to go forwards at
// least 6 bytes, the min size of a key (half key)
if ( m_listPtr < saved + 6 ) {
"db: Got record with bad data size field. "
"Corrupted data file.");
if ( sleepOnProblem ) {char *xx = NULL; *xx=0;}
if ( sleepOnProblem ) sleep(50000);
return false;
// . check last key
// . oldk ALWAYS has the half bit clear, so clear it on lastKey
// . this isn't so much a check for corruption as it is a check
// to see if the routines that set the m_lastKey were correct
//if ( m_lastKeyIsValid && oldk != m_lastKey ) {
if ( m_lastKeyIsValid && KEYCMP(oldk,m_lastKey,m_ks) != 0 ) {
"db: rdbList: checkList_r: Got bad last key.");
//"db: rdbList: checkList_r: k.n1=%"XINT32" k.n0=%"XINT64"",
"db: rdbList: checkList_r: key=%s",
//"db: rdbList: checkList_r: l.n1=%"XINT32" l.n0=%"XINT64"",
"db: rdbList: checkList_r: key=%s",
KEYSTR(m_lastKey,m_ks) );
if ( sleepOnProblem ) {char *xx = NULL; *xx=0;}
if ( sleepOnProblem ) sleep(50000);
// fix it
//m_lastKey = oldk;
// . otherwise, last key is now valid
// . this is only good for the call to Msg5::getRemoteList()
if ( ! m_lastKeyIsValid ) {
//m_lastKey = oldk;
m_lastKeyIsValid = true;
// don't do this any more cuz we like to call merge_r back-to-back
// and like to keep our m_listPtr/m_listPtrHi intact
// all is ok
return true;
// . TODO: check keys to make sure they belong to this group!!
// . I had a problem where a foreign spider rec was in our spiderdb and
// i couldn't delete it because the del key would go to the foreign group!
// . as a temp patch i added a msg1 force local group option
bool RdbList::checkIndexList_r ( bool removeNegRecs , bool sleepOnProblem ) {
// sanity check
//if ( m_ks != 12 ) {
// log(LOG_LOGIC,"db: Key size is not 12.");
// char *xx = NULL; *xx = 0;
//logf(LOG_DEBUG,"db: checking list");
// first key must be 12 bytes for lists that support half keys
if ( isHalfBitOn ( m_list ) ) {
log(LOG_LOGIC,"db: rdblist: checkIndexList_r: First key in "
"list is a half key. Bad.");
if ( sleepOnProblem ) {char *xx = NULL; *xx=0;}
if ( sleepOnProblem ) sleep(50000);
return false;
// if first key can have a non-contiguous hi ptr we'll have to change
// the setting of phi here
char *p = m_list;
//char *phi = m_list + 6;
char *phi = m_list + (m_ks-6);
char *pend = m_listEnd;
char *oldp = NULL;
char *oldphi = NULL;
// bail now if empty
if ( p >= pend ) return true;
// compare first key to start key
//char *startPtr = (char *)&m_startKey;
char *startPtr = m_startKey;
//char *startPtrHi = startPtr + 6;
char *startPtrHi = startPtr + (m_ks-6);
int32_t status ;
if ( m_ks == 12 ) status = fcmp ( p , phi , startPtr , startPtrHi );
else status = bfcmp ( p , phi , startPtr , startPtrHi );
//if ( fcmp ( p , phi , startPtr , startPtrHi ) < 0 ) {
if ( status < 0 ) {
log("db: Record key in list is before start key.");
//key_t k ;
//gbmemcpy ( ((char *)&k) , p , 6 );
//gbmemcpy ( ((char *)&k)+6 , phi , 6 );
//log("db: k.n1=%"XINT32" k.n0=%"XINT64"",
// k.n1,k.n0);
//log("db: s.n1=%"XINT32" s.n0=%"XINT64"",
// m_startKey.n1,m_startKey.n0);
if ( sleepOnProblem ) {char *xx = NULL; *xx=0;}
if ( sleepOnProblem ) sleep(50000);
return false;
// if upper 6 bytes of current key matches upper 6 of
// the last key, then it must be a half key
if (!isHalfBitOn(p) && oldp && memcmp(p+(m_ks-6),oldp+(m_ks-6),6)==0){
log("db: Key is 12 bytes, but should be 6 bytes.");
if ( sleepOnProblem ) {char *xx = NULL; *xx=0;}
if ( sleepOnProblem ) sleep(50000);
return false;
// dups are ok, cuz, if we get saved or crash halfway through
// an add command, then url could be re-spidered next time
// and the stuff gets re-added
//if ( oldp && fcmp ( p , phi , oldp , oldphi ) < 0 ) {
if ( oldp ) {
if ( m_ks == 12 ) status = fcmp ( p , phi , oldp, oldphi );
else status = bfcmp ( p , phi , oldp, oldphi );
if ( status < 0 ) {
log("db: Key out of order in list of records.");
//char *xx = NULL; *xx=0;
if ( sleepOnProblem ) {char *xx = NULL; *xx=0;}
if ( sleepOnProblem ) sleep(50000);
return false;
// check for delete keys
if ( (*p & 0x01LL) == 0LL && removeNegRecs ) {
log("db: Got unmet del key.");
if ( sleepOnProblem ) {char *xx = NULL; *xx=0;}
if ( sleepOnProblem ) sleep(50000);
return false;
// we now become the old key
oldp = p;
oldphi = phi;
// skip to next
//if ( isHalfBitOn ( p ) ) p += 6;
//else p += 12;
if ( isHalfBitOn ( p ) ) p += (m_ks-6);
else p += m_ks;
// are more keys left?
if ( p < pend ) {
// if new key is 12 bytes he has the top 6 then
//if ( ! isHalfBitOn ( p ) ) phi = p + 6;
if ( ! isHalfBitOn ( p ) ) phi = p + (m_ks-6);
// check him out
goto loop;
// . otherwise, we're done
// . if p is not right on m_listEnd there was a problem
// . sometimes dataSize is too big in corrupt lists
if ( p != pend ) {
log("db: Had record with bad data size field.");
if ( sleepOnProblem ) {char *xx = NULL; *xx=0;}
if ( sleepOnProblem ) sleep(50000);
return false;
// was the last key we read under the endkey?
//char *endPtr = (char *)&m_endKey;
//char *endPtrHi = endPtr + 6;
char *endPtr = m_endKey;
char *endPtrHi = endPtr + (m_ks-6);
// TODO: can be greater by 1???? acceptable key we removed?
//if ( fcmp ( oldp , oldphi , endPtr , endPtrHi ) > 0 ) {
if ( m_ks == 12 ) status = fcmp ( oldp , oldphi , endPtr , endPtrHi);
else status = bfcmp ( oldp , oldphi , endPtr , endPtrHi);
if ( status > 0 ) {
log("db: Got record key in list over end key.");
//key_t k ;
//gbmemcpy ( ((char *)&k) , oldp , 6 );
//gbmemcpy ( ((char *)&k)+6 , oldphi , 6 );
//log("db: k.n1=%"XINT32" k.n0=%"XINT64"",k.n1,k.n0);
//log("db: e.n1=%"XINT32" e.n0=%"XINT64"",m_endKey.n1,m_endKey.n0);
if ( sleepOnProblem ) {char *xx = NULL; *xx=0;}
if ( sleepOnProblem ) sleep(50000);
return false;
// . check last key
// . oldk ALWAYS has the half bit clear, so clear it on lastKey
//key_t lastKey = m_lastKey ;
char lastKey[MAX_KEY_BYTES];
// clear the half bit
//lastKey.n0 &= 0xfffffffffffffffdLL;
lastKey[0] &= 0xfd;
// break up last key
//char *lastPtr = (char *)&m_lastKey;
//char *lastPtrHi = lastPtr + 6;
char *lastPtr = m_lastKey;
char *lastPtrHi = lastPtr + (m_ks-6);
// . did it match what we got?
// . this isn't so much a check for corruption as it is a check
// to see if the routines that set the m_lastKey were correct
if ( m_lastKeyIsValid ) {
if ( m_ks == 12 ) status =fcmp (oldp,oldphi,lastPtr,lastPtrHi);
else status =bfcmp(oldp,oldphi,lastPtr,lastPtrHi);
if ( m_lastKeyIsValid &&
//fcmp ( oldp , oldphi , lastPtr , lastPtrHi ) != 0 ) {
status != 0 ) {
log(LOG_LOGIC,"db: Got bad last key.");
//key_t k ;
//gbmemcpy ( ((char *)&k) , oldp , 6 );
//gbmemcpy ( ((char *)&k)+6 , oldphi , 6 );
char k[MAX_KEY_BYTES];
gbmemcpy ( k , oldp , m_ks-6 );
gbmemcpy ( k+(m_ks-6) , oldphi , 6 );
//log(LOG_LOGIC,"db: k.n1=%"XINT32" k.n0=%"XINT64"",k.n1,k.n0);
//log(LOG_LOGIC,"db: l.n1=%"XINT32" l.n0=%"XINT64"",
// m_lastKey.n1,m_lastKey.n0);
log(LOG_LOGIC,"db: k.n1=%"XINT64" k.n0=%"XINT64"",KEY1(k,m_ks),KEY0(k));
log(LOG_LOGIC,"db: L.n1=%"XINT64" L.n0=%"XINT64"",
if ( sleepOnProblem ) {char *xx = NULL; *xx=0;}
if ( sleepOnProblem ) sleep(50000);
// fix it
//m_lastKey = k;
// . otherwise, last key is now valid
// . this is only good for the call to Msg5::getRemoteList()
if ( ! m_lastKeyIsValid ) {
//gbmemcpy ( ((char *)&m_lastKey) , oldp , 6 );
//gbmemcpy ( ((char *)&m_lastKey)+6 , oldphi , 6 );
gbmemcpy ( m_lastKey , oldp , (m_ks-6) );
gbmemcpy ( m_lastKey+(m_ks-6) , oldphi , 6 );
m_lastKeyIsValid = true;
// don't do this any more cuz we like to call merge_r back-to-back
// and like to keep our m_listPtr/m_listPtrHi intact
// all is ok
return true;
// . return false and set g_errno on error
// . repairlist repair the list
bool RdbList::removeBadData_r ( ) {
int32_t orderCount = 0;
int32_t rangeCount = 0;
int32_t loopCount = 0;
log("rdblist: trying to remove bad data from list");
if ( ++loopCount >= 2000 ) {
log("db: Giving up on repairing list. It is probably "
"a big chunk of low keys followed by a big chunk of "
"high keys and should just be patched by a twin.");
return true;
// . if not fixed size, remove all the data for now
// . TODO: make this better, man
if ( m_fixedDataSize == -1 ) {
// don't call reset because it sets m_ks back to 12
m_listSize = 0;
m_list = NULL;
m_listPtr = NULL;
m_listEnd = NULL;
m_mergeMinListSize = -1;
m_lastKeyIsValid = false;
return true;
//key_t oldk;
char oldk[MAX_KEY_BYTES];
int32_t oldRecSize = 0;
char *bad = NULL;
char *badEnd = NULL;
int32_t oldSize = m_listSize;
int32_t minSize = m_ks - 6;
// posdb recs can be 6 12 or 18 bytes
if ( m_ks == 18 ) minSize = 6;
while ( ! isExhausted() ) {
char *rec = getCurrentRec();
// watch out for rec sizes that are too small
//if ( rec + 6 > m_listEnd ) {
if ( rec + minSize > m_listEnd ) {
log("db: Record size of %"INT32" is too big. "
"Truncating list at record.",minSize);
m_listEnd = rec;
m_listSize = m_listEnd - m_list;
goto top;
int32_t size = getCurrentRecSize();
// or too big
if ( rec + size > m_listEnd ) {
log("db: Record size of %"INT32" is too big. "
"Truncating list at record.",size);
m_listEnd = rec;
m_listSize = m_listEnd - m_list;
goto top;
// size must be at least 6 -- corruption causes negative sizes
//if ( size < 6 ) {
if ( size < minSize ) {
log( "db: Record size of %"INT32" is too small. "
"Truncating list at record.",size);
m_listEnd = rec;
m_listSize = m_listEnd - m_list;
goto top;
//key_t k = getCurrentKey();
char k[MAX_KEY_BYTES];
getCurrentKey ( k );
//if ( k < m_startKey || k > m_endKey ) {
if ( KEYCMP(k,m_startKey,m_ks)<0 || KEYCMP(k,m_endKey,m_ks)>0){
// if this is the first bad rec, mark it
if ( ! bad ) {
bad = rec ;
badEnd = rec ;
// advance end ptr
badEnd += size;
// skip this key
// . if bad already set from bad range, extract it now in
// case we also have an out of order key which sets its own
// bad range
// . if we were good, bury any badness we might have had before
if ( bad ) {
int32_t n = m_listEnd - badEnd;
memmove ( bad , badEnd , n );
// decrease list size
int32_t bsize = badEnd - bad;
m_listSize -= bsize;
m_listEnd -= bsize;
bad = NULL;
goto top;
// if we don't remove out of order keys, then we might
// get out of order keys in the map, causing us not to be
// able to load because we won't get passed RdbMap::verifyMap()
//if ( k < oldk && oldRecSize ) {
if ( KEYCMP(k,oldk,m_ks)<0 && oldRecSize ) {
// bury both right away
bad = rec - oldRecSize;
badEnd = rec + size;
int32_t n = m_listEnd - badEnd;
memmove ( bad , badEnd , n );
// decrease list size
int32_t bsize = badEnd - bad;
m_listSize -= bsize;
m_listEnd -= bsize;
// we don't keep a stack of old rec sizes so we
// must start over from the top... can make us take
// quite long... TODO: make it more efficient
goto top;
// save k for setting m_lastKey correctly
//oldk = k;
oldRecSize = size;
// if we had badness at the end, bury it, no memmove required
if ( bad ) {
// decrease list size
int32_t bsize = badEnd - bad;
m_listSize -= bsize;
m_listEnd -= bsize;
// ensure m_lastKey
//m_lastKey = oldk;
m_lastKeyIsValid = true;
// msg -- taken out since will be in thread usually
"db: Removed %"INT32" bytes of data from list to make it sane." ,
oldSize-m_listSize );
"db: Removed %"INT32" recs to fix out of order problem.",orderCount*2);
"db: Removed %"INT32" recs to fix out of range problem.",rangeCount );
// sanity. assume posdb???
//if ( m_ks == 18 ) {
// if ( ! checkList_r ( false,false,RDB_POSDB) )
// log("rdblist: something wrong with repaired list");
// all is ok
return true;
int RdbList::printList ( ) {
// save
char *oldp = m_listPtr;
char *oldphi = m_listPtrHi;
log(LOG_INFO, "db: STARTKEY=%s",KEYSTR(m_startKey,m_ks));
while ( ! isExhausted() ) {
//key_t k = getCurrentKey();
char k[MAX_KEY_BYTES];
int32_t dataSize = getCurrentDataSize();
char *d;
if ( (*m_listPtr & 0x01) == 0x00 ) d = " (del)";
else d = "";
"db: k=%s dsize=%07"INT32"%s",
if ( m_lastKeyIsValid )
log(LOG_INFO, "db: LASTKEY=%s", KEYSTR(m_lastKey,m_ks));
log(LOG_INFO, "db: ENDKEY=%s",KEYSTR(m_endKey,m_ks));
m_listPtr = oldp;
m_listPtrHi = oldphi;
return 0;
// . ensure all recs in this list are in [startKey,endKey]
// . used to ensure that m_listSize does not exceed minRecSizes by more than
// one record, but we'd have to change the endKey then!!! so i took it out.
// . only for use by indexdb and dbs that use half keys
// . returns false and sets g_errno on error, true otherwise
// . "offsetHint" is where to start looking for the last key <= endKey
// . it shoud have been supplied by Msg3's RdbMap
// . this is only called by Msg3.cpp
// . CAUTION: destructive! may write 6 bytes so key at m_list is 12 bytes
// . at hintOffset bytes offset into m_list, the key is hintKey
// . these hints allow us to constrain the tail without looping over all recs
// . CAUTION: ensure we update m_lastKey and make it valid if m_listSize > 0
// . mincRecSizes is really only important when we read just 1 list
// . it's a really good idea to keep it as -1 otherwise
//bool RdbList::constrain ( key_t startKey ,
// key_t endKey ,
bool RdbList::constrain ( char *startKey ,
char *endKey ,
int32_t minRecSizes ,
int32_t hintOffset ,
//key_t hintKey ,
char *hintKey ,
char *filename ,
int32_t niceness ) {
// return false if we don't own the data
if ( ! m_ownData ) {
g_errno = EBADLIST;
return log("db: constrain: Data not owned.");
// bail if empty
if ( m_listSize == 0 ) {
// tighten the keys
//m_startKey = startKey;
//m_endKey = endKey;
return true;
// ensure we our first key is 12 bytes if m_useHalfKeys is true
if ( m_useHalfKeys && isHalfBitOn ( m_list ) ) {
return log("db: First key is 6 bytes. Corrupt data "
// sanity. hint key should be full key
if ( m_ks == 18 && hintKey && (hintKey[0]&0x06)){
return log("db: Hint key is corrupt.");
//char *xx=NULL;*xx=0;}
if ( hintOffset > m_listSize ) { //char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
return log("db: Hint offset %"INT32" > %"INT32" is corrupt."
// . no need to constrain if our keys are stricter
// . yes... need to set m_lastKey
//if ( m_startKey >= startKey && m_endKey <= endKey ) return true;
// save original stuff in case we encounter corruption so we can
// roll it back and let checkList_r and repairList_r deal with it
char *savelist = m_list;
char *savelistPtrHi = m_listPtrHi;
char *savelistPtrLo = m_listPtrLo;
char lastKey[MAX_KEY_BYTES];
// . remember the start of the list at the beginning
// . hint is relative to this
char *firstStart = m_list;
// reset our m_listPtr and m_listPtrHi
// point to start of this list to constrain it
char *p = m_list;
// . advance "p" while < startKey
// . getKey() needsm_listPtrHi to be correct
char k[MAX_KEY_BYTES];
//while ( p < m_listEnd && getKey(p) < startKey ) {
while ( p < m_listEnd ) {
// check key order!
if ( KEYCMP(k,lastKey,m_ks)<= 0 ) {
log("constrain: key=%s out of order",
char *xx=NULL;*xx=0;
// stop if we are >= startKey
if ( KEYCMP(k,startKey,m_ks) >= 0 ) break;
// debug msg
log("constrain: skipping key=%s rs=%"INT32"",
// . since we don't call skipCurrentRec() we must update
// m_listPtrHi ourselves
// . this is fruitless if m_useHalfKeys is false...
//if ( ! isHalfBitOn ( p ) ) m_listPtrHi = p + 6;
if ( ! isHalfBitOn ( p ) ) m_listPtrHi = p + (m_ks-6);
// posdb uses two compression bits
if ( m_ks == 18 && !(p[0]&0x04)) m_listPtrLo = p + (m_ks-12);
// get size of this rec, this can be negative if corrupt!
int32_t recSize = getRecSize ( p );
// watch out for corruption, let Msg5 fix it
if ( recSize < 0 ) {
m_listPtrHi = savelistPtrHi ;
m_listPtrLo = savelistPtrLo ;
return log("db: Got record size of %"INT32" < 0. "
"Corrupt data file.",recSize);
p += recSize;
// . if p is exhausted list is empty, all keys were under startkey
// . if p is already over endKey, we had no keys in [startKey,endKey]
// . I don't think this call is good if p >= listEnd, it would go out
// of bounds
// corrupt data could send it well beyond listEnd too.
if ( p < m_listEnd )
//if ( p >= m_listEnd || getKey(p) > endKey ) {
if ( p >= m_listEnd || KEYCMP(k,endKey,m_ks)>0 ) {
// make list empty
m_listSize = 0;
m_listEnd = m_list;
// tighten the keys
//m_startKey = startKey;
//m_endKey = endKey;
// reset to set m_listPtr and m_listPtrHi
return true;
// posdb uses two compression bits
if ( m_ks == 18 && (p[0] & 0x06) ) {
// store the full key into "k" buffer
// how far to go back?
if ( p[0] & 0x04 ) p -= 12;
else p -= 6;
// write the full key back into "p"
// . if p points to a 6 byte key, make it 12 bytes
// . this is the only destructive part of this function
else if ( m_useHalfKeys && isHalfBitOn ( p ) ) {
// the key returned should have half bit cleared
//key_t k = getKey(p);
// write the key back 6 bytes
p -= 6;
//*(key_t *)p = k;
// sanity
//if ( p < m_list ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
log("constrain: hk=%s",KEYSTR(hintKey,m_ks));
log("constrain: hintOff=%"INT32"",hintOffset);
// inc m_list , m_alloc should remain where it is
m_list = p;
// . set p to the hint
// . this is the last key in the map before the endkey i think
// . saves us from having to scan the WHOLE list
p = firstStart + hintOffset;
// set our hi key temporarily cuz the actual key in the list may
// only be the lower 6 bytes
//m_listPtrHi = ((char *)&hintKey) + 6;
m_listPtrHi = hintKey + (m_ks-6);
m_listPtrLo = hintKey + (m_ks-12);
// . store the key @p into "k"
// . "k" should then equal the hint key!!! check it below
// . dont' start looking for the end before our new m_list
// . don't start at m_list+6 either cuz we may have overwritten that
// with the *(key_t *)p = k above!!!! tricky...
if ( p < m_list + m_ks ) {
p = m_list;
m_listPtr = m_list;
//m_listPtrHi = m_list + 6;
m_listPtrHi = m_list + (m_ks-6);
m_listPtrLo = m_list + (m_ks-12);
// . if first key is over endKey that's a bad hint!
// . might it be a corrupt RdbMap?
// . reset "p" to beginning if hint is bad
//else if ( getKey(p) != hintKey || hintKey > endKey ) {
else if ( KEYCMP(k,hintKey,m_ks)!=0 || KEYCMP(hintKey,endKey,m_ks)>0) {
log("db: Corrupt data or map file. Bad hint for %s.",filename);
// . until we fix the corruption, drop a core
// . no, a lot of files could be corrupt, just do it for merge
//char *xx = NULL; *xx = 0;
p = m_list;
m_listPtr = m_list;
//m_listPtrHi = m_list + 6;
m_listPtrHi = m_list + (m_ks-6);
m_listPtrLo = m_list + (m_ks-12);
// . max a max ptr based on minRecSizes
// . if p hits or exceeds this we MUST stop
char *maxPtr = m_list + minRecSizes;
// watch out for wrap around!
if ( maxPtr < m_list ) maxPtr = m_listEnd;
// if mincRecSizes is -1... do not constrain on this
if ( minRecSizes < 0 ) maxPtr = m_listEnd;
// size of last rec we read in the list
int32_t size = -1 ;
// advance until endKey or minRecSizes kicks us out
//while ( p < m_listEnd && getKey(p) <= endKey && p < maxPtr ) {
while ( p < m_listEnd ) {
if ( KEYCMP(k,endKey,m_ks)>0 ) break;
if ( p >= maxPtr ) break;
size = getRecSize ( p );
// watch out for corruption, let Msg5 fix it
if ( size < 0 ) {
m_list = savelist;
m_listPtrHi = savelistPtrHi;
m_listPtrLo = savelistPtrLo;
m_listPtr = savelist;
return log("db: Corrupt record size of %"INT32" "
"bytes in %s.",size,filename);
// set hiKey in case m_useHalfKeys is true for this list
//if ( size == 12 ) m_listPtrHi = p + 6 ;
if ( size == m_ks ) m_listPtrHi = p + (m_ks-6) ;
// posdb uses two compression bits
if ( m_ks == 18 && !(p[0]&0x04)) m_listPtrLo = p + (m_ks-12);
// watch out for wrap
char *oldp = p;
p += size;
// if size is corrupt we can breech the whole list and cause
// m_listSize to explode!!!
if ( p > m_listEnd || p < oldp ) {
m_list = savelist;
m_listPtrHi = savelistPtrHi;
m_listPtrLo = savelistPtrLo;
m_listPtr = savelist;
return log("db: Corrupt record size of %"INT32" "
"bytes in %s.",size,filename);
// . if minRecSizes was limiting constraint, reset m_endKey to lastKey
// . if p equals m_listEnd it is ok, too... this happens mostly when
// we get the list from the tree so there is not *any* slack
// left over.
//if ( p < m_listEnd && getKey(p) <= endKey && p >= maxPtr && size >0){
if ( p < m_listEnd ) getKey(p,k);
if ( p < m_listEnd && KEYCMP(k,endKey,m_ks)<=0 && p>=maxPtr && size>0){
// this line seemed to have made us make corrupt lists. So
// deal with the slack in Msg5 directly.
//(p == m_listEnd && p >= maxPtr && size >0) ) {
// watch out for corruption, let Msg5 fix it
if ( p - size < m_alloc ) {
m_list = savelist;
m_listPtrHi = savelistPtrHi;
m_listPtrLo = savelistPtrLo;
m_listPtr = savelist;
return log("db: Corrupt record size of %"INT32" "
"bytes in %s.",size,filename);
// set endKey to last key in our constrained list
//endKey = getKey ( p - size );
// cut the tail
m_listEnd = p;
m_listSize = m_listEnd - m_list;
// bitch if size is -1 still
if ( size == -1 ) {
log("db: Encountered bad endkey in %s. listSize=%"INT32"",
char *xx=NULL;*xx=0;
// otherwise store the last key if size is not -1
else if ( m_listSize > 0 ) {
//m_lastKey = getKey ( p - size );
m_lastKeyIsValid = true;
// reset to set m_listPtr and m_listPtrHi
// and the keys can be tightened
//m_startKey = startKey;
//m_endKey = endKey;
return true;
// . merges a bunch of lists together
// . one of the most complicated routines in Gigablast
// . the newest record (in the highest list #) wins key ties
// . all provided lists must have their recs in [startKey,endKey]
// so you should have called RdbList::constrain() on them
// . should only be used by Msg5 to merge diskLists (Msg3) and treeList
// . we no longer do annihilation, instead the newest key, be it negative
// or positive, will override all the others
// . the logic would have been much simpler had we chosen to use distinct
// keys for distinct titleRecs, but that would hurt our incremental updates
// . m_listPtr will equal m_listEnd when this is done so you can concantenate
// with successive calls
// . we add merged lists to this->m_listPtr, NOT this->m_list
// . m_mergeMinListSize must be set appropriately by calling prepareForMerge()
// before calling this
// . CAUTION: you should call constrain() on all "lists" before calling this
// so we don't have to do boundary checks on the keys here
void RdbList::merge_r ( RdbList **lists ,
int32_t numLists ,
//key_t startKey ,
//key_t endKey ,
char *startKey ,
char *endKey ,
int32_t minRecSizes ,
bool removeNegRecs ,
char rdbId ,
int32_t *filtered ,
int32_t *tfns , // used for titledb
RdbList *tfndbList , // used for titledb
bool isRealMerge ,
int32_t niceness ) {
// tfndb merging should always use indexMerge_r() now
if ( rdbId == RDB_TFNDB || rdbId == RDB2_TFNDB2 ) {
char *xx = NULL; *xx = 0; }
// sanity
if ( ! m_ownData ) {
log("list: merge_r data not owned");
char *xx=NULL;*xx=0;
// this is used for merging titledb lists
//if ( tfndbList ) tfndbList->resetListPtr();
if ( tfndbList ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// count how many removed due to scaling number of servers
if ( filtered ) *filtered = 0;
// bail if none! i saw a doledb merge do this from Msg5.cpp
// and it was causing a core because m_MergeMinListSize was -1
if ( numLists == 0 ) return;
// save this
int32_t startListSize = m_listSize;
// did they call prepareForMerge()?
if ( m_mergeMinListSize == -1 ) {
log(LOG_LOGIC,"db: rdblist: merge_r: prepareForMerge() not "
// save state and dump core, sigBadHandler will catch this
char *p = NULL; *p = 0;
// already there?
if ( minRecSizes >= 0 && m_listSize >= minRecSizes ) return;
// now if we're only merging 2 data-less lists to it super fast
//if ( m_useHalfKeys ) {
// log(LOG_LOGIC,"db: rdblist: merge_r: call indexMerge_r() not "
// "merge_r()");
// char *p = NULL; *p = 0; exit(-1);
// warning msg
if ( m_listPtr != m_listEnd )
log(LOG_LOGIC,"db: rdblist: merge_r: warning. "
"merge not storing at end of list for %s.",
// set our key range
//m_startKey = startKey;
//m_endKey = endKey;
// . NEVER end in a negative rec key (dangling negative rec key)
// . we don't want any positive recs to go un annhilated
// . but don't worry about this check if start and end keys are equal
//if ( m_startKey != m_endKey && (m_endKey.n0 & 0x01) == 0x00 )
// . MDW: this happens during the qainject1() qatest in qa.cpp that
// deletes all the urls then does a dump of just negative keys.
// so let's comment it out for now
if ( KEYCMP(m_startKey,m_endKey,m_ks)!=0 && KEYNEG(m_endKey) ) {
// log(LOG_LOGIC,"db: rdblist: merge_r: Illegal endKey for "
// "merging rdb=%s. fixing.",getDbnameFromId(rdbId));
// make it legal so it will be read first NEXT time
// do nothing if no lists passed in
if ( numLists <= 0 ) return;
// inherit the key size of what we merge
m_ks = lists[0]->m_ks;
// sanity check
for ( int32_t i = 1 ; i < numLists ; i++ )
if ( lists[i]->m_ks != m_ks ) {
log("db: non conforming key size of %"INT32" != %"INT32" for "
"list #%"INT32".",(int32_t)lists[i]->m_ks,(int32_t)m_ks,i);
char *xx = NULL; *xx = 0;
// bail if nothing requested
if ( minRecSizes == 0 ) return;
if ( rdbId == RDB_POSDB ) {
posdbMerge_r ( lists ,
numLists ,
startKey ,
endKey ,
removeNegRecs ,
filtered ,
isRealMerge, // doGroupMask ,
isRealMerge ,
niceness );
int32_t required = -1;
// . if merge not necessary, print a warning message.
// . caller should have just called constrain() then
if ( numLists == 1 ) {
// we do this sometimes to remove the negative keys!!
//log(LOG_LOGIC,"db: rdblist: merge_r: merge_r called on one "
// "list.");
// this seems to nuke our list!!
//char *xx=NULL;*xx=0;
required = m_listSize + lists[0]->m_listSize;
// otherwise, list #j has the minKey, although may not be min
int32_t mini ;
int32_t i ;
// . find a value for "m_lastKey" that does not exist in any of lists
// . we increment by 2 too
// . if minKey is a delete, then make it a non-delete key
// . add 2 to ensure that it stays a non-delete key
//key_t lastKey ;
char lastKey[MAX_KEY_BYTES];
bool lastKeyIsValid = false;
//key_t lastPosKey;
//key_t highestKey;
char lastPosKey[MAX_KEY_BYTES];
char highestKey[MAX_KEY_BYTES];
bool firstTime = true;
//char *lastNegKey = NULL;
char lastNegKey[MAX_KEY_BYTES];
int32_t lastNegi = -1;
// init highestKey
//highestKey.n1 = 0;
//highestKey.n0 = 0LL;
// this is used for rolling back delete records
int32_t lastListSize = m_listSize;
// for seeing if negative rec is OLDER than positve key before
// annilating them together
//int32_t lastMini = -1;
// two vars for removing negative recs from the end of the final list
int32_t savedListSize = -1;
//key_t savedLastKey;
//key_t savedHighestKey;
char savedLastKey[MAX_KEY_BYTES];
char savedHighestKey[MAX_KEY_BYTES];
// reset each list's ptr
for ( i = 0 ; i < numLists ; i++ ) lists[i]->resetListPtr();
// don't breech the list's boundary when adding keys from merge
char *allocEnd = m_alloc + m_allocSize;
// sanity
//if ( ! m_alloc ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// now begin the merge loop
//key_t ckey;
//key_t mkey;
char ckey[MAX_KEY_BYTES];
char mkey[MAX_KEY_BYTES];
//int64_t prevDocId = 0LL;
// set the yield point for yielding the processor
char *yieldPoint = NULL;
char minKey[MAX_KEY_BYTES];
int64_t tt1 = getTagTypeFromStr( "sitenuminlinksfresh");
int64_t tt2 = getTagTypeFromStr( "sitepop");
// remove keys that don't belong -- for when scaling number of servers
uint32_t groupId ;
uint32_t myGroupId = g_hostdb.m_groupId;
//uint32_t groupMask = g_hostdb.m_groupMask;
// get the biggest possible minKey so everyone's <= it
//key_t minKey;
//minKey.n0 = 0xffffffffffffffffLL;
//minKey.n1 = 0xffffffff;
// assume we have no min key
mini = -1;
// . loop over the lists
// . get newer rec with same key as older rec FIRST
for ( i = 0 ; i < numLists ; i++ ) {
// TODO: to speed up extract from list of RdbLists
if ( lists[i]->isExhausted() ) continue;
// see if the current key from this scan's read buffer is 2 big
//ckey = lists[i]->getCurrentKey();
//mkey = minKey;
// treat negatives and positives as equals for this
//ckey.n0 |= 0x01;
//mkey.n0 |= 0x01;
*ckey |= 0x01;
*mkey |= 0x01;
// clear compression bits if posdb
if ( m_ks == 18 ) *ckey &= 0xf9;
// TODO: if merging titledb recs mask out all but the docids???
// then we don't have to worry about adding the negative
// key in Msg14.cpp adding to RDB_TITLEDB. that was causing
// us to add then delete the tfndb rec for the same docid
// because of the TITLEDB/TFNDB logic in Rdb::addList/Record()
// crap, then i would have to deal with rdbtree too! so
// comment this out..
//if ( rdbId == RDB_TITLEDB ) {
// // all but the least significant 7 bytes are docid bits
// // for the most part
// memset(ckey,7,0);
// memset(mkey,7,0);
// // these 2 bits are not docid bits
// ckey[7] &= 0xfc;
// mkey[7] &= 0xfc;
//if ( ckey > mkey ) continue;
if ( KEYCMP(ckey,mkey,m_ks)>0 ) continue;
// if this guy is newer and equal, skip the old guy
//if ( ckey == mkey && mini >= 0 )
if ( KEYCMP(ckey,mkey,m_ks)==0 && mini >= 0 )
// now this new guy is the min key
//minKey = lists[i]->getCurrentKey();
mini = i;
// if we are high niceness, yield every 100k we merge
if ( m_listPtr >= yieldPoint ) {
if ( niceness > 0 ) yieldPoint = m_listPtr + 100000;
else yieldPoint = m_listPtr + 500000;
// only do this for low priority stuff now, i am concerned
// about long merge times during queries (MDW)
// this is showing up in the profiler, not sure why
// so try taking out.
//if ( niceness > 0 ) sched_yield();
// we're done if all lists are exhausted
if ( mini == -1 ) goto done;
// . bail if minKey out of range
// . lists are not constrained properly anymore with the addition of
// tfndblist in Msg5.cpp
//if ( minKey > endKey ) goto done;
if ( KEYCMP(minKey,endKey,m_ks)>0 ) goto done;
//if ( removeNegRecs && (minKey.n0 & 0x01) == 0x00 ) goto skip;
if ( removeNegRecs && KEYNEG(minKey) ) {
required -= m_ks;
lastNegi = mini;
//lastNegKey = lists[mini]->getCurrentRec();
goto skip;
// special filter to remove obsolete tags from tagdb
if ( rdbId == RDB_TAGDB ) {
Tag *tag = (Tag *)lists[mini]->getCurrentRec();
if ( tag->m_type == tt1 || tag->m_type == tt2 ) {
required -= tag->getRecSize();//m_ks;
goto skip;
// . skip the junk below if not a real merge
// . this is kinda a hack so that dumpTitledb() in main.cpp works
// because i don't think it reads in myGroupId properly because
// it is 0 at this point... when it shouldn't be
if ( ! isRealMerge ) goto notRealMerge;
// if we are scaling, skip this stuff
//if ( g_conf.m_allowScale ) goto skipfilter;
groupId = getGroupId ( rdbId , (key_t *)minKey );
if ( groupId != myGroupId ) {
if ( filtered ) *filtered = *filtered + 1;
required -= m_ks;
goto skip;
// skip this filter logic for now, only used for scaling, this is
// dangerous and i don't want to risk deleting data
//goto skipfilter;
// . filter out if does not belong in our group
// . used when scaling number of servers
groupId = getGroupId ( rdbId , (key_t *)minKey );
if ( groupId != myGroupId ) {
if ( g_conf.m_allowScale ) {
if ( filtered ) *filtered = *filtered + 1;
goto skip;
else {
// this means corruption, don't allow it anymore!
log ( "db: Found invalid rec in db. key=%"XINT32" %"XINT64" "
"group=%"INT32" myGroup=%"INT32"",
groupId, myGroupId );
//char *xx = NULL; *xx = 0;
if ( filtered ) *filtered = *filtered + 1;
goto skip;
// skipfilter:
// remember state before we are stored in case we're annihilated and
// we hafta roll back to it
lastListSize = m_listSize;
// before storing key, if last key was negative and its
// "i" was > our "i", and we match, then erase us...
if ( lastNegi > mini ) {
// does it annihilate us?
if ( KEYCMPNEGEQ(minKey,lastNegKey,m_ks)==0 ) goto skip;
// otherwise, we are beyond it...
//lastNegKey = NULL;
lastNegi = -1;
// posdb?
if ( m_ks == 18 ) {
// if adding the key would breech us, goto done
// TODO: what about compression?
if (m_list + m_listSize + 6 >allocEnd ) goto done;
// add it using compression bits
addRecord ( minKey ,0,NULL,false);
// new linkedb?
else if ( m_ks == sizeof(key224_t) ) {
// if adding the key would breech us, goto done
// TODO: what about compression?
if (m_list + m_listSize + 18 >allocEnd ) goto done;
// add it using compression bits
addRecord ( minKey ,0,NULL,false);
// . copy the winning record into our list
// . these increment store at m_list+m_listSize and inc m_listSize
if ( m_fixedDataSize == 0 ) {
// if adding the key would breech us, goto done
//if (m_list + m_listSize + sizeof(key_t) >allocEnd) goto done;
if (m_list + m_listSize + m_ks >allocEnd ) goto done;
// watch out
//int32_t foo;
//if ( m_ks == 18 && m_listSize == 20136 )
// foo = 1;
// add it using compression bits
addRecord ( minKey ,0,NULL,false);
// add the record to end of list
//*(key_t *)(m_list + m_listSize) = minKey;
//m_listSize += sizeof(key_t);
//m_listSize += m_ks;
else {
// if adding the key would breech us, goto done
//int32_t recSize=sizeof(key_t)+lists[mini]->getCurrentDataSize();
int32_t recSize=m_ks+lists[mini]->getCurrentDataSize();
// negative keys have no datasize entry
if (m_fixedDataSize < 0 && ! KEYNEG(minKey) ) recSize += 4;
if (m_list + m_listSize + recSize > allocEnd) goto done;
// . fix m_listEnd so it doesn't try to call growList() on us
// . normally we don't set this right until we're done merging
m_listEnd = m_list + m_listSize;
// add the record to end of list
addRecord ( minKey ,
lists[mini]->getCurrentDataSize() ,
lists[mini]->getCurrentData() );
// if we are positive and unannhilated, store it in case
// last key we get is negative and removeNegRecs is true we need to
// know the last positive key to set m_lastKey
//if ( (*(char *)&minKey & 0x01) == 0x01 ) lastPosKey = minKey;
if ( !KEYNEG(minKey) ) KEYSET(lastPosKey,minKey,m_ks);
//lastKey = minKey;
//lastMini = mini;
lastKeyIsValid = true;
// get the next key in line and goto top
// keep adding/merging more records if we still have more room w/o grow
if ( m_listSize < m_mergeMinListSize ) goto top;
// . is the last key we stored negative, a dangling negative?
// . if not, skip this next section
//if ( lastKeyIsValid && (*(char *)&lastKey & 0x01) == 0x01 )
if ( lastKeyIsValid && !KEYNEG(lastKey) )
goto positive;
// are negatives allowed?
if ( removeNegRecs ) {
// . keep chugging if there MAY be keys left
// . they will replace us if they are added cuz "removeNegRecs"
// is true
//if ( mini >= 0 && minKey < endKey ) goto top;
if ( mini >= 0 && KEYCMP(minKey,endKey,m_ks)<0 ) goto top;
// . otherwise, all lists were exhausted
// . peel the dangling negative off the top
// . highestKey is irrelevant here cuz all lists are exhausted
m_listSize = lastListSize;
// fix this
if ( required >= 0 ) required = lastListSize;
//lastKey = lastPosKey;
// if all lists are exhausted, we're really done
if ( mini < 0 ) goto positive;
// . we are done iff the next key does not match us (+ or -)
// . so keep running until last key is positive, or we
// have two different, adjacent negatives on the top at which time
// we can peel the last one off and accept the dangling negative
// . if this is our first time here, set some flags
if ( firstTime ) {
// next time we come here, it won't be our first time
firstTime = false;
// save our state because next rec may not annihilate
// with this one and be saved on the list and we have to
// peel it off and accept this dangling negative as unmatched
savedListSize = m_listSize;
//savedLastKey = lastKey;
//savedHighestKey = highestKey;
goto top;
// . if this is our second time here, the added key MUST be a
// negative that did not match
// . if it was positive, we would have jumped to "positive:" above
// . if it was a dup negative, it wouldn't have come here to done: yet
// . roll back over that unnecessary unmatching negative key to
// expose our original negative key, an acceptable dangling negative
m_listSize = savedListSize;
//lastKey = savedLastKey;
//highestKey = savedHighestKey;
// but don't set the listSize negative
if ( m_listSize < 0 ) m_listSize = 0;
// set these 2 things for our final merged list
m_listEnd = m_list + m_listSize;
m_listPtr = m_listEnd;
// . set this for RdbMerge class i guess
// . it may not actually be present if it was a dangling
// negative rec that we removed 3 lines above
if ( m_listSize > startListSize ) { // > 0 ) {
//m_lastKey = lastKey;
m_lastKeyIsValid = true;
// mini can be >= 0 and no keys may remain... so check here
for ( i = 0 ; i < numLists ; i++ )
if ( ! lists[i]->isExhausted() ) break;
bool keysRemain = (i < numLists);
// . we only need to shrink the endKey if we fill up our list and
// there's still keys under m_endKey left over to merge
// . if no keys remain to merge, then don't decrease m_endKey
// . i don't want the endKey decreased unnecessarily because
// it means there's no recs up to the endKey
if ( m_listSize >= minRecSizes && keysRemain ) {
// the highestKey may have been annihilated, but it is still
// good for m_endKey, just not m_lastKey
//key_t endKey;
//if ( m_lastKey < highestKey ) endKey = highestKey;
//else endKey = m_lastKey;
char endKey[MAX_KEY_BYTES];
if ( KEYCMP(m_lastKey,highestKey,m_ks)<0 )
KEYSET(endKey,m_lastKey ,m_ks);
// if endkey is now negative we must have a dangling negative
// so make it positive (dangling = unmatched)
//if ( (*(char *)&endKey & 0x01) == 0x00 )
if ( KEYNEG(endKey) )
//endKey += (uint32_t)1;
// be careful not to increase original endkey, though
//if ( endKey < m_endKey ) m_endKey = endKey;
if ( KEYCMP(endKey,m_endKey,m_ks)<0 )
// . sanity check. if merging one list, make sure we get it
// . but if minRecSizes kicked us out first, then we might have less
// then "required"
if ( required >= 0 && m_listSize < required && m_listSize<minRecSizes){
char*xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// dedup for spiderdb
//if ( rdbId == RDB_SPIDERDB )
// dedupSpiderdbList ( this , niceness , removeNegRecs );
if ( rdbId == RDB_POSDB ) {
RdbList ttt;
ttt.m_ks = 18;
ttt.m_fixedDataSize = 0;
ttt.prepareForMerge ( lists,numLists,minRecSizes);
ttt.posdbMerge_r ( lists ,
numLists ,
startKey ,
endKey ,
removeNegRecs ,
filtered ,
isRealMerge, // doGroupMask ,
isRealMerge ,
niceness );
// compare
int32_t min = ttt.m_listSize;
if ( min > m_listSize ) min = m_listSize;
for ( int32_t k = 0 ; k < min ; k++ ) {
if ( ttt.m_list[k] != m_list[k] ) {
char *xx=NULL;*xx=0;}
if ( ttt.m_listSize != m_listSize ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0;}
if ( ttt.m_listPtr - ttt.m_list !=
m_listPtr - m_list ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
if ( ttt.m_listPtrLo - ttt.m_list !=
m_listPtrLo - m_list ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
if ( ttt.m_listPtrHi - ttt.m_list !=
m_listPtrHi - m_list ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
if ( ttt.m_listEnd - ttt.m_list !=
m_listEnd - m_list ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
if ( ttt.m_fixedDataSize != m_fixedDataSize){
char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
if ( ttt.m_useHalfKeys != m_useHalfKeys){char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
//if ( ttt.m_list &&
// memcmp ( ttt.m_list , m_list , ttt.m_listSize ) ){
// char *xx=NULL;*xx=0;}
if ( KEYCMP(ttt.m_endKey,m_endKey,m_ks) !=0){
char *xx=NULL;*xx=0;}
if ( m_lastKeyIsValid &&
char *xx=NULL;*xx=0;}
if ( m_lastKeyIsValid !=ttt.m_lastKeyIsValid){
char *xx=NULL;*xx=0;}
#include "Msg3.h" // #define for MAX_RDB_FILES
#include "Indexdb.h"
void RdbList::testIndexMerge ( ) {
key_t k1; k1.n1 = 1; k1.n0 = 1;
key_t k2; k1.n1 = 1; k1.n0 = 2;
key_t k3; k1.n1 = 2; k1.n0 = 1;
key_t k4; k1.n1 = 2; k1.n0 = 2;
RdbList list4;
list4.m_ks = 12;
list4.set((char *)&k1,(char *)&k4);
list4.addRecord((char *)&k1,0,NULL);
list4.addRecord((char *)&k2,0,NULL);
list4.addRecord((char *)&k3,0,NULL);
list4.addRecord((char *)&k4,0,NULL);
RdbList list1;
RdbList list2;
RdbList list3;
// make oldest list contain positive key
// next oldest list contain dup of positive key
// newest list contain the negative, should crush both keys
int32_t buf1[] = { 0x040 , 0x00 , 0x00 };
int32_t buf2[] = { 0x041 , 0x00 , 0x00 };
int32_t buf3[] = { 0x041 , 0x00 , 0x00 };
//key_t startKey;
//key_t endKey;
char startKey[MAX_KEY_BYTES];
char endKey[MAX_KEY_BYTES];
char big[1000];
set ( big , 0 , big , 1000 , startKey , endKey , 0 , false , true, 12);
list1.set ( (char *)buf1, 12, (char *)buf1, 12,
startKey, endKey, 0, false, true , 12 );
list2.set ( (char *)buf2, 12, (char *)buf2, 12,
startKey, endKey, 0, false, true , 12 );
list3.set ( (char *)buf3, 12, (char *)buf3, 12,
startKey, endKey, 0, false, true , 12 );
RdbList *lists [ 3 ];
lists [ 0 ] = &list1;
lists [ 1 ] = &list2;
lists [ 2 ] = &list3;
//key_t prevKey ;
char prevKey[MAX_KEY_BYTES];
int32_t prevCountPtr = 0;
int32_t dupsRemoved = 0;
// set these like we are host #0 in the only group
uint32_t keep1 = g_hostdb.m_groupId;
uint32_t keep2 = g_hostdb.m_groupMask;
g_hostdb.m_groupId = 0;
g_hostdb.m_groupMask = 0;
indexMerge_r ( lists ,
3 , // num lists
startKey ,
endKey ,
1000 , // minRecSizes
false , // removeNegKeys?
prevKey ,
&prevCountPtr ,
100000 , // truncLimit
&dupsRemoved ,
//false , // is tfndb?
true , // doGroupMask
false , // is real merge?
false , // do big list merge?
0 );// niceness
// set back
g_hostdb.m_groupId = keep1;
g_hostdb.m_groupMask = keep2;
// print the final list
//log("final list size=%"INT32"",m_listSize);
if ( m_listSize != 12 ) { char *xx = NULL; *xx = 0; }
// test tfndb merge
//key_t k1 , k2;
//k1.n1 = 0;
//k2.n1 = 0;
char sk1[MAX_KEY_BYTES];
char sk2[MAX_KEY_BYTES];
//0004b12da1019f01 docId=005038106688 e=0x33 tfn=224 clean=0 half=0
//k1.n0 = 0x0004b12da1019f01LL;
*(int64_t *)sk1 = 0x0004b12da1019f01LL;
//0004b12da1019809 docId=005038106688 e=0x33 tfn=001 clean=0 half=0
//k2.n0 = 0x0004b12da1019809LL;
*(int64_t *)sk2 = 0x0004b12da1019809LL;
set ( big , 0 , big , 1000 , startKey , endKey , 0 , false , true, 12);
//list1.set ( (char *)&k1, 12, (char *)&k1, 12,
list1.set ( sk1, 12, sk1, 12,
startKey, endKey, 0, false, true , 12);
//list2.set ( (char *)&k2, 12, (char *)&k2, 12,
list2.set ( sk2, 12, sk2, 12,
startKey, endKey, 0, false, true , 12);
lists [ 0 ] = &list1;
lists [ 1 ] = &list2;
prevCountPtr = 0;
dupsRemoved = 0;
// set these like we are host #0 in the only group
indexMerge_r ( lists ,
2 , // num lists
startKey ,
endKey ,
1000 , // minRecSizes
false , // removeNegKeys?
prevKey ,
&prevCountPtr ,
100000 , // truncLimit
&dupsRemoved ,
//true , // is tfndb? YES!
true , // doGroupMask
false , // is real merge?
false , // do big list merge?
0 );// niceness
// . should only have 1 key in it
// . will have 0 keys if not in group #0
if ( m_listSize > 12 )
log(LOG_LOGIC,"db: Failed tfndb merge test.");
// . this merge is only for indexdb lists
// . it is used by RdbMerge for file maintenance merging, through Msg5
// . it is used when merging indexdb files at query time, through Msg5
// . similar to RdbList::merge_r() above, but our policy is slightly different
// since all records are data-less
// . we do true key annihilation here, not just balloon popping.
// NO! that is bad, do balloon popping!! the true annihilation fucks up
// because if a doc is added twice in a row, and then deleted it will still
// be in the index!!! BAD ENGINEER... i fixed this for steinar.
// . TODO: have a merge when top 6 bytes of startKey = top 6 bytes of endKey
// . IMPORTANT: we assume that constrain has already been called so we know
// all keys in each list are in [startKey,endKey] !!!!
// . m_listPtr will equal m_listEnd when this is done
// . will add merged lists to this->m_listPtr, NOT this->m_list
// . NOTE: we store new recs at m_listPtr so you can call this multiple times
// after reading more recs (sequentially) from disk
// . returns false and sets "errno" on error (g_errno is used by main process)
// . returns true on success
// . we perform truncation here now
// . you must pass in "prevKey" of previous merge so we can continue truncation
// . as well as "prevCount" of the termid of that last key
// . "fileIds" is the fileId the list is from, 1-1 with "lists"
bool RdbList::indexMerge_r ( RdbList **lists ,
int32_t numLists ,
//key_t startKey ,
//key_t endKey ,
char *startKey ,
char *endKey ,
int32_t minRecSizes ,
bool removeNegKeys ,
//key_t prevKey ,
char *prevKey ,
int32_t *prevCountPtr ,
int32_t truncLimit ,
int32_t *dupsRemoved ,
//bool isTfndb ,
char rdbId ,
int32_t *filtered ,
bool doGroupMask ,
bool isRealMerge ,
bool useBigRootList ,
int32_t niceness ) {
// how big is our half key? (half key size)
uint8_t hks = m_ks - 6;
// count how many removed due to scaling number of servers
if ( filtered ) *filtered = 0;
if ( numLists == 0 ) return true;
//log(LOG_INFO,"mdw: sk.n1=%"UINT32" sk.n0=%"UINT64" ek.n1=%"UINT32" ek.n0=%"UINT64"",
//startKey.n1, startKey.n0, endKey.n1, endKey.n0 );
log(LOG_INFO,"mdw: sk.n1=%"XINT64" sk.n0=%"XINT64" ek.n1=%"XINT64" ek.n0=%"XINT64"",
int32_t omini = -1;
int32_t fns[MAX_RDB_FILES+1];
// did they call prepareForMerge()?
if ( m_allocSize < m_mergeMinListSize ) {
log(LOG_LOGIC,"db: rdblist: indexMerge_r: prepareForMerge() "
"not called.");
// save state and dump core, sigBadHandler will catch this
char *p = NULL; *p = 0;
// now if we're only merging 2 data-less lists to it super fast
if ( ! m_useHalfKeys ) {
log(LOG_LOGIC,"db: rdblist: indexMerge_r: call merge_r() "
"not indexMerge_r()");
// save state and dump core, sigBadHandler will catch this
char *p = NULL; *p = 0;
// tfndb does not have a truncation limit
//if ( isTfndb ) truncLimit = 0x7fffffff;
//if ( rdbId == RDB_TFNDB ) truncLimit = 0x7fffffff;
// warning msg
if ( m_listPtr != m_listEnd )
log(LOG_LOGIC,"db: rdblist: indexMerge_r: warning. "
"merge not storing at end of list.");
// set the yield point for yielding the processor
char *yieldPoint = NULL;
// sanity check
if ( numLists>0 && lists[0]->m_ks != m_ks ) { char *xx=NULL; *xx=0; }
// set this list's boundary keys
//m_startKey = startKey;
//m_endKey = endKey;
// . NEVER end in a negative rec key (dangling negative rec key)
// . we don't want any positive recs to go un annhilated
// . but don't worry about this check if start and end keys are equal
//if ( m_startKey != m_endKey && (m_endKey.n0 & 0x01) == 0x00 )
if ( KEYCMP(m_startKey,m_endKey,m_ks)!=0 && KEYNEG(m_endKey) ) {
log(LOG_LOGIC,"db: rdblist: indexMerge_r: Illegal endKey for "
// this happens when dumping datedb... wtf?
//char *xx=NULL;*xx=0;
// bail if nothing requested
if ( minRecSizes == 0 ) return true;
// get the biggest possible minKey so everyone's <= it
uint64_t tmpHi = 0xffffffffffffffffLL;
uint64_t tmpLo = 0LL;
// maxPtr set by minRecSizes
char *maxPtr = m_list + minRecSizes;
// watch out for wrap around
if ( maxPtr < m_list ) maxPtr = m_alloc + m_allocSize;
// don't exceed what we alloc'd though
if ( maxPtr > m_alloc + m_allocSize ) maxPtr = m_alloc + m_allocSize;
// convenience vars
int32_t i ;
// bitch if too many lists
if ( numLists > MAX_RDB_FILES + 1 ) {
// set errno, cuz g_errno is used by main process only
return log(LOG_LOGIC,"db: rdblist: indexMerge_r: Too many "
"lists for merging.");
// initialize the arrays, 1-1 with the unignored lists
char *ptrs [ MAX_RDB_FILES + 1 ];
char *ends [ MAX_RDB_FILES + 1 ];
char *hiKeys [ MAX_RDB_FILES + 1 ];
char *e;
// set the ptrs that are non-empty
int32_t n = 0;
// convenience ptr
for ( i = 0 ; i < numLists ; i++ ) {
// skip if empty
if ( lists[i]->isEmpty() ) continue;
// reset list ptr
// debug msg
// . first key of a list must ALWAYS be 12 byte
// . bitch if it isn't, that should be fixed!
// . cheap sanity check
if ( isHalfBitOn ( lists[i]->getList() ) ) {
log(LOG_LOGIC,"db: indexMege_r: First key of list is "
"a half key.");
return false;
fns [n] = i;
// set ptrs
ends [n] = lists[i]->getListEnd ();
ptrs [n] = lists[i]->getList ();
//hiKeys [n] = lists[i]->getList () + 6;
hiKeys [n] = lists[i]->getList () + hks;
// new # of lists, in case any lists were empty
numLists = n;
// . are all lists and trash exhausted?
// . all their keys are supposed to be <= m_endKey
if ( numLists <= 0 ) return true;
// debug msg
//log("merge start.n1=%"XINT32" n0=%"XINT64"", m_startKey.n1 , m_startKey.n0 );
//log("merge end .n1=%"XINT32" n0=%"XINT64"", m_endKey.n1 , m_endKey.n0 );
// point to most significant 4 bytes of "tmp"
char *minPtrLo ;
char *minPtrHi ;
int16_t mini = -1; // int16_t -> must be able to accomodate MAX_RDB_FILES!!
// for saving state in case of key annihilation
//char *oldListPtr = NULL;
//char *oldListPtrHi = NULL;
//char *oldLastPtrLo = NULL;
// we can have multiple negative keys stacked, so count 'em
//int32_t delDup = 0;
// we may be able to set m_endKey higher than m_lastKey if
// we had a higher key, but it annihilated
char *highestKeyPtrLo = (char *)&tmpLo;
char *highestKeyPtrHi = (char *)&tmpLo;
// . we have not stored any keys on list yet...
// . this is used to check for matches
char *lastPtrLo = NULL;
// a flag that helps eliminate dangling negatives
bool firstTime = true;
// for saving state for eliminating dangling negatives
char *savedListPtr = NULL;
char *savedListPtrHi = NULL;
char *savedLastPtrLo = NULL;
char *savedHighestKeyPtrLo = NULL;
char *savedHighestKeyPtrHi = NULL;
// keep stats of dups removed
int32_t dupCount = 0;
// get truncation counts
int32_t prevCount = *prevCountPtr;
// and the key of the list we merged before this
//#ifdef ALLOW_SCALE
//char *prevHi = ((char *)&prevKey) + 6;
//char *prevHi = prevKey + hks;
// for tfndb...
//char *prevLo = ((char *)&prevKey) ;
//char *prevLo = prevKey ;
char uflag = 0;
// this was disabled for a while, so uflag was always 0 because
// isRealMerge was always false when called from Msg5.cpp, so if we
// have troubles look into this.
if ( isRealMerge ) uflag = 1;
char ss;
uint32_t groupId ;
uint32_t myGroupId = g_hostdb.m_groupId;
//uint32_t groupMask = g_hostdb.m_groupMask;
//uint64_t docid;
//char *pp;
bool skipFilter = false;
// do not bother with the groupid filter if we are not scaling,
// this will save some time. this should usually be false.
if ( ! g_conf.m_allowScale ) skipFilter = true;
// if not doing a real disk merge, we don't go through this code either
if ( ! doGroupMask ) skipFilter = true;
// tfndb has some special logic in there?
//if ( rdbId == RDB_TFNDB ) skipFilter = false;
key_t key;
char *k ;
// we only support indexdb right now
char *bstart;
char *bend;
int32_t need;
int32_t lastmini = -1;
char *bigPtrLo ;
// JAB: warning abatement
//char *bigPtrHi ;
// do not do the big root list algo under any of these conditions
bool bigRootList = true;
if ( ! skipFilter ) bigRootList = false;
if ( ! useBigRootList ) bigRootList = false;
if ( m_ks != 12 ) bigRootList = false;
if ( rdbId != RDB_INDEXDB ) bigRootList = false;
if ( numLists <= 1 ) bigRootList = false;
// don't take any chances on messing up a file merge just yet
if ( isRealMerge ) bigRootList = false;
// if he's empty he'll never have a chance to be mini and therefore
// somehow negative keys can get in here
if ( lists[0]->m_listSize == 0 ) bigRootList = false;
// . and only do it for a single termid
// . ensure, termid is still 48 bits
if ( NUMTERMIDBITS != 48 ) { char *xx = NULL; *xx = 0; }
key_t *SK = (key_t *)startKey;
key_t *EK = (key_t *)endKey;
if ( m_ks == 12 && SK->n1 != EK->n1 ) bigRootList = false;
if ( m_ks == 12 &&
(SK->n0 & 0xffff000000000000LL) !=
(EK->n0 & 0xffff000000000000LL) ) bigRootList = false;
// take this out for testing for now
//if ( lists[0]->m_listSize < lists[1]->m_listSize * 3 )
// bigRootList = false;
if ( bigRootList )
log(LOG_DEBUG,"query: Using big root list algo.");
// see Indexdb.h for format of a 12-byte or 6-byte indexdb key
// sched_yield();
// reset min ptrs
minPtrLo = (char *)&tmpHi ;
minPtrHi = (char *)&tmpHi ;
// if first list is ROOT AND very big compared to the rest, then
// find the lowest key from the other lists. this only applies to
// indexdb and datedb right now, not tfndb.
if ( bigRootList && lastmini == 0 ) i = 1;
else i = 0;
// merge loop over the lists, get the smallest key
for ( ; i < numLists ; i++ ) {
// sanity check
//if ( fcmp (minPtrLo,minPtrHi,ptrs[i],hiKeys[i]) !=
// cmp (minPtrLo,minPtrHi,ptrs[i],hiKeys[i]) ) {
// char *xx = NULL; *xx = 0; }
// . this cmp() function is inlined in RdbList.h
// tfndb uses special compare function that ignores the
// tfn bits and clean bit when comparing
//if ( isTfndb )
// ss = cmp2 (minPtrLo,minPtrHi,ptrs[i],hiKeys[i]);
if ( rdbId == RDB_TFNDB || rdbId == RDB2_TFNDB2 )
ss = cmp2b (minPtrLo,minPtrHi,ptrs[i],hiKeys[i]);
// . this cmp() function is inlined in RdbList.h
else if ( m_ks == 12 )
ss = fcmp2 (minPtrLo,minPtrHi,ptrs[i],hiKeys[i]);
ss = bfcmp2 (minPtrLo,minPtrHi,ptrs[i],hiKeys[i]);
// . continue if tie, so we get the oldest first
// . treat negative and positive keys as identical for this
if ( ss < 0 ) continue;
// advance old winner
if ( ss == 0 ) goto skip;
// we got a new min
minPtrLo = ptrs [i];
minPtrHi = hiKeys[i];
mini = i;
// . copy over from the big root list until we hit this min key
// . this is here as a speed up. usually we have a massive indexdb
// root file and like 95% of all the keys come from it.
// . MAKE SURE last key added was from big root list #0, too!
// need to do this so we don't have to worry about annihilations
if ( lastmini == 0 && bigRootList && m_listPtrHi ) {
// convenient ptrs
bigPtrLo = ptrs [0];
//bigPtrHi = hiKeys[0];
// save for gbmemcpy
bstart = bigPtrLo;
bend = ends[0];
// stop gbmemcpy just before minRecSizes worth of keys are had
need = minRecSizes - (int32_t)(m_listPtr - m_list);
if ( bend - bstart > need ) bend = bstart + need;
// . skip keys until >= minPtrLo/Hi
// . there should not be any negative keys in the root file
//while ( fcmp2 (bigPtrLo,bigPtrHi,minPtrLo,minPtrHi) < 0 ) {
// now that we are guaranteed that the termId stays the same,
// we never have to check the high 6 bytes gain because
// the termid is 48bits
while ( fcmp2low (bigPtrLo,minPtrLo) < 0 ) {
// doing the single gbmemcpy below is not good enough,
// because we may have
// advance 6 or 12 more... NO
//if ( isHalfBitOn(bigPtrLo) ) bigPtrLo += 6 ;
// . we got a full 12 byte key
// . this should NEVER happen!!
//else bigPtrLo += 12;
// this should never happen either, negative keys
// are not allowed in the root list
//if ( *bigPtrLo & 0x01 ) break;
// termid (upper 6 bytes) is always the same
bigPtrLo += 6;
// break if list is exhausted
if ( bigPtrLo >= bend ) break;
// if the next key is full, use its high bytes. NO
//if ( ! isHalfBitOn(bigPtrLo) )
// bigPtrHi = bigPtrLo + 6;
// we have to make sure to set last key ptrs in
// case another list annihilates us, or overrides us
if ( bigPtrLo > bstart ) lastPtrLo = bigPtrLo - 6;
// now do the gbmemcpy
gbmemcpy ( m_listPtr , bstart , bigPtrLo - bstart );
// does it matter this points into another list? YES!!
// but we are keeping the same termid, so ignore this
//m_listPtrHi = m_listPtr + (bigPtrHi - bstart);
// advance
m_listPtr += bigPtrLo - bstart;
// reassign for next time
ptrs [0] = bigPtrLo;
//hiKeys [0] = bigPtrHi;
// if he's exhausted though remove from list
if ( bigPtrLo < bend ) {
// next key we add is not from this root list
lastmini = -1;
//goto next;
goto top;
// otherwise, remove him from array
for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < numLists - 1 ; i++ ) {
ptrs [i] = ptrs [i+1];
ends [i] = ends [i+1];
hiKeys [i] = hiKeys [i+1];
//#ifdef _MERGEDEBUG_
//fns [i] = fns [i+1];
// one less list to worry about
// if we got minRecSizes, we're done
if ( m_listPtr >= maxPtr || numLists == 0 ) {
// done: uses minPtrLo
minPtrLo = lastPtrLo;
goto done;
// no more big root list
bigRootList = false;
// now continue on our way...
goto top;
// if lastKey was not from root list, mark it as so now
//lastmini = mini;
// JAB: warning abatement
// next:
if ( removeNegKeys && (minPtrLo[0] & 0x01) == 0x00 ) goto skip;
// if this is true, we do not need to call this groupid filter code
if ( skipFilter ) goto skipfilter;
k = (char*)&key;
gbmemcpy(k, minPtrLo, 6);
gbmemcpy(&k[6], minPtrHi, 6);
groupId = getGroupId ( rdbId , &key );
// filter out if does not belong in this group due to scaling servers
if ( groupId != myGroupId && doGroupMask ) {
if ( g_conf.m_allowScale ) {
if ( filtered ) *filtered = *filtered + 1;
goto skip;
else {
// this means corruption, don't allow it anymore!
log ( "db: Found invalid rec in db. (IndexMerge) "
"group=%"INT32" myGroup=%"INT32"", groupId, myGroupId );
//char *xx = NULL; *xx = 0;
if ( filtered ) *filtered = *filtered + 1;
goto skip;
// store the 6 low bytes at m_listPtr
if ( m_ks == 12 ) {
*(int32_t *) m_listPtr = *(int32_t *) minPtrLo;
*(int16_t *)(&m_listPtr[4]) = *(int16_t *)(&minPtrLo[4]) ;
// otherwise, store 10 for 16 byte keys
else {
*(int64_t *) m_listPtr = *(int64_t *) minPtrLo;
*(int16_t *)(&m_listPtr[8]) = *(int16_t *)(&minPtrLo[8]) ;
// if we are high niceness, yield every 100k we merge
if ( m_listPtr >= yieldPoint ) {
if ( niceness > 0 ) yieldPoint = m_listPtr + 100000;
else yieldPoint = m_listPtr + 500000;
// only do this for low priority stuff now, i am concerned
// about long merge times during queries (MDW)
if ( niceness > 0 ) sched_yield();
omini = mini;
// . if our top 6 bytes don't match the last key stored, we must
// store them as well
// . if we are the first key in this list m_listPtrHi should be NULL
// and we should always store the top 6 bytes
if ( ! m_listPtrHi ||
( *(int32_t *) minPtrHi != *(int32_t *) m_listPtrHi ||
*(int16_t *)(&minPtrHi[4]) != *(int16_t *)(&m_listPtrHi[4]) ) ) {
// store most significant 6 bytes
// *(int16_t *)&m_listPtr[6] = *(int16_t *) minPtrHi;
// *(int32_t *)&m_listPtr[8] = *(int32_t *)&minPtrHi[2] ;
*(int16_t *)&m_listPtr[hks ] = *(int16_t *) minPtrHi;
*(int32_t *)&m_listPtr[hks+2] = *(int32_t *)&minPtrHi[2] ;
// turn off half bit
*m_listPtr &= 0xfd;
// point to the new hi key
//m_listPtrHi = &m_listPtr[6];
//m_listPtr += 12;
m_listPtrHi = &m_listPtr[hks];
m_listPtr += m_ks;
// . if we are NOT the first key, always reset
// . otherwise, we're the FIRST key so only reset if we do NOT
// match the previous key of the last call to indexMerge_r()
//if ( m_listPtrHi ||
// *(int32_t *) minPtrHi != *(int32_t *)(prevHi) ||
// *(int16_t *)(&minPtrHi[4]) != *(int16_t *)(prevHi+4) )
prevCount = 1;
// . save us as the last key ptr
// . m_listPtrHi should have our top 6 bytes so we don't need
// a lastPtrHi
lastPtrLo = minPtrLo;
// don't add him if he's over the trunc limit
else { //if ( prevCount < truncLimit ) {
// turn on half bit (0x02)
*m_listPtr |= 0x02;
// point to the new hi key
//m_listPtr += 6;
m_listPtr += hks;
// count it for truncation
// . save us as the last key ptr
// . m_listPtrHi should have our top 6 bytes so we don't need
// a lastPtrHi
lastPtrLo = minPtrLo;
else {
log(LOG_INFO,"mdw: got truncated!");
// . if it is truncated then we just skip it
// . it may have set oldList* stuff above, but that should not matter
// . TODO: BUT! if endKey has same termid as currently truncated key
// then we should bail out now and boost the endKey to the max for
// this termid (the we can fix Msg5::needsRecall() )
// . TODO: what if last key we were able to add was NEGATIVE???
// if lastKey was not from root list, mark it as so now
lastmini = mini;
// advance winning src list ptr
//if ( isHalfBitOn ( ptrs [ mini ] ) ) ptrs [ mini ] += 6 ;
//else ptrs [ mini ] += 12 ;
if ( isHalfBitOn ( ptrs [ mini ] ) ) ptrs [ mini ] += hks ;
else ptrs [ mini ] += m_ks ;
// if the src list that we advanced is not exhausted, then continue
if ( ptrs[mini] < ends[mini] ) {
// should we reset his hi key now?
if ( ! isHalfBitOn ( ptrs [ mini ] ) )
//hiKeys [ mini ] = ptrs [ mini ] + 6;
hiKeys [ mini ] = ptrs [ mini ] + hks;
// but if we got enough recs and this list doesn't need to
// be remove, we should be about done
if ( m_listPtr >= maxPtr ) goto done;
// otherwise, we need more recs and this list is NOT exhausted
goto top;
// REMOVE THE LIST at mini
// debug msg
//log("removing list #%"INT32"", mini);
// otherwise, remove him from array
for ( int32_t i = mini ; i < numLists - 1 ; i++ ) {
ptrs [i] = ptrs [i+1];
ends [i] = ends [i+1];
hiKeys [i] = hiKeys [i+1];
fns [i] = fns [i+1];
// if we removed list #0, no more using the big root algo
if ( mini == 0 ) bigRootList = false;
// one less list to worry about
// if we got minRecSizes, we're done
if ( m_listPtr >= maxPtr ) goto done;
// if we have more lists, continue adding
if ( numLists > 0 ) goto top;
// come here to try to fix any dangling negatives
// if last key is positive, skip this stuff
if ( (*minPtrLo & 0x01) == 0x01 ) goto positive;
// if no lists left and no recyclable trash remains, nothing we can do
if ( numLists <= 0 ) goto positive;
// . we are done iff the next key does not match us (+ or -)
// . so keep running until last key is positive, or we
// have two different, adjacent negatives on the top at which time
// we can peel the last one off and accept the dangling negative
// . if this is our first time here, set some flags
if ( firstTime ) {
// next time we come here, it won't be our first time
firstTime = false;
// sometimes we force it... see below
// save our state because next rec may not annihilate
// with this one and be saved on the list and we have to
// peel it off and accept this dangling negative as unmatched
savedListPtr = m_listPtr;
savedListPtrHi = m_listPtrHi;
savedLastPtrLo = lastPtrLo;
savedHighestKeyPtrLo = highestKeyPtrLo;
savedHighestKeyPtrHi = highestKeyPtrHi;
goto top;
// . if this is our second time here then our original dangling
// negative annihilated and was replaced by another negative,
// OR it stayed there and another negative fell on top of it
// . if the listSize is the same, then it was replaced! so pretend
// this was the first time again
// . a dup negative key might have fallen on top, but we don't store
// those so m_listPtr should remain the same (we just inc delDup)
// . normally we could just do a "goto top", but m_listPtrHi might
// have changed if last negative key was only 6 bytes and new one
// is 12
if ( savedListPtr == m_listPtr ) goto forceFirst;
// . otherwise, a different negative fell on top of it, so our
// dangling negative is acceptable
// . if it was positive, we would have jumped to "positive:" above
// . if it was a dup negative, savedListPtr would equal m_listPtr
// and we would have did a "goto forceFirst" above
// . roll back over that unnecessary unmatching negative key to
// expose our original negative key, an acceptable dangling negative
m_listPtr = savedListPtr;
m_listPtrHi = savedListPtrHi;
lastPtrLo = savedLastPtrLo;
highestKeyPtrLo = savedHighestKeyPtrLo;
highestKeyPtrHi = savedHighestKeyPtrHi;
// set new size and end of this merged list
m_listSize = m_listPtr - m_list;
m_listEnd = m_list + m_listSize;
// . save count
// . this count applies to termid of last key in the list
*prevCountPtr = prevCount;
// set dupsRemoved
*dupsRemoved = dupCount;
// return now if we're empty... all our recs annihilated?
if ( m_listSize <= 0 ) return true;
// . return if we added nothing
// . this happens if everything was trashed, too, so m_endKey
// should not need to be changed
if ( ! lastPtrLo ) return true;
// the last key we stored
//e = (char *)&m_lastKey;
e = m_lastKey;
//gbmemcpy ( e , lastPtrLo , 6 );
//gbmemcpy ( e + 6 , m_listPtrHi , 6 );
// why did we get rid of the above gbmemcpy's()?
// *(int32_t *) e = *(int32_t *) lastPtrLo;
// *(int16_t *)(e+ 4) = *(int16_t *)(lastPtrLo+4);
gbmemcpy ( e , lastPtrLo , hks );
gbmemcpy ( e + hks , m_listPtrHi , 6 );
// *(int32_t *)(e+ 6) = *(int32_t *) m_listPtrHi; new one
// *(int16_t *)(e+10) = *(int16_t *)(m_listPtrHi+4); new one
// sanity check
//key_t fk;
//char *f = (char *)&fk;
//gbmemcpy ( f , lastPtrLo , 6 );
//gbmemcpy ( f + 6 , m_listPtrHi , 6 );
//if ( m_lastKey != fk ) { char *xx = NULL; *xx = 0; }
m_lastKeyIsValid = true;
// . we only need to shrink the endKey if we fill up our list and
// there's still keys under m_endKey left over to merge
// . if no keys remain to merge, then don't decrease m_endKey
// . i don't want the endKey decreased unnecessarily because
// it means there's no recs up to the endKey
if ( m_listSize >= minRecSizes && numLists > 0 ) {
// get highest key in regular form
//key_t highestKey ;
//e = (char *)&highestKey;
char highestKey[MAX_KEY_BYTES];
e = highestKey;
gbmemcpy ( e , highestKeyPtrLo , hks );
gbmemcpy ( e + hks , highestKeyPtrHi , 6 );
// the highestKey may have been annihilated, but it is still
// good for m_endKey, just not m_lastKey
//key_t endKey;
//if ( highestKey > m_lastKey ) endKey = highestKey;
//else endKey = m_lastKey;
char endKey[MAX_KEY_BYTES];
if ( KEYCMP(highestKey,m_lastKey,m_ks)>0 )
// if endkey is now negative we must have a dangling negative
// so make it positive (dangling = unmatched)
//if ( (*(char *)&endKey & 0x01) == 0x00 )
// endKey += (uint32_t)1;
if ( KEYNEG(endKey) ) KEYADD(endKey,1,m_ks);
// be careful not to increase original endkey, though
//if ( endKey < m_endKey ) m_endKey = endKey;
if ( KEYCMP(endKey,m_endKey,m_ks)<0 )
// turn the half bit on in endKey
// . why? can't we skip a key because of this? what if
// we just missed the half key?
//m_endKey.n0 |= 0x02;
// *m_endKey |= 0x02;
return true;
bool RdbList::posdbMerge_r ( RdbList **lists ,
int32_t numLists ,
char *startKey ,
char *endKey ,
int32_t minRecSizes ,
bool removeNegKeys ,
//char *prevKey ,
//int32_t *prevCountPtr ,
//int32_t truncLimit ,
//int32_t *dupsRemoved ,
//char rdbId ,
int32_t *filtered ,
bool doGroupMask ,
bool isRealMerge ,
//bool useBigRootList ,
int32_t niceness ) {
// sanity
if ( m_ks != sizeof(key144_t) ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// how big is our half key? (half key size)
//uint8_t hks = m_ks - 6;
// count how many removed due to scaling number of servers
if ( filtered ) *filtered = 0;
if ( numLists == 0 ) return true;
//log(LOG_INFO,"mdw: sk.n1=%"UINT32" sk.n0=%"UINT64" ek.n1=%"UINT32" ek.n0=%"UINT64"",
//startKey.n1, startKey.n0, endKey.n1, endKey.n0 );
log(LOG_INFO,"mdw: sk.n1=%"XINT64" sk.n0=%"XINT64" ek.n1=%"XINT64" ek.n0=%"XINT64"",
int32_t omini = -1;
int32_t fns[MAX_RDB_FILES+1];
// did they call prepareForMerge()?
if ( m_allocSize < m_mergeMinListSize ) {
log(LOG_LOGIC,"db: rdblist: posdbMerge_r: prepareForMerge() "
"not called.");
// save state and dump core, sigBadHandler will catch this
char *p = NULL; *p = 0;
// warning msg
if ( m_listPtr != m_listEnd )
log(LOG_LOGIC,"db: rdblist: posdbMerge_r: warning. "
"merge not storing at end of list.");
// set the yield point for yielding the processor
char *yieldPoint = NULL;
// sanity check
if ( numLists>0 && lists[0]->m_ks != m_ks ) { char *xx=NULL; *xx=0; }
// set this list's boundary keys
// . NEVER end in a negative rec key (dangling negative rec key)
// . we don't want any positive recs to go un annhilated
// . but don't worry about this check if start and end keys are equal
//if ( m_startKey != m_endKey && (m_endKey.n0 & 0x01) == 0x00 )
// . MDW: this happens during the qainject1() qatest in qa.cpp that
// deletes all the urls then does a dump of just negative keys.
// so let's comment it out for now
// if ( KEYCMP(m_startKey,m_endKey,m_ks)!=0 && KEYNEG(m_endKey) ) {
// log(LOG_LOGIC,"db: rdblist: posdbMerge_r: Illegal endKey for "
// "merging");
// // this happens when dumping datedb... wtf?
// //char *xx=NULL;*xx=0;
// }
// bail if nothing requested
if ( minRecSizes == 0 ) return true;
// maxPtr set by minRecSizes
char *maxPtr = m_list + minRecSizes;
// watch out for wrap around
if ( maxPtr < m_list ) maxPtr = m_alloc + m_allocSize;
// don't exceed what we alloc'd though
if ( maxPtr > m_alloc + m_allocSize ) maxPtr = m_alloc + m_allocSize;
// debug note
if ( m_listSize && g_conf.m_logDebugBuild )
log(LOG_LOGIC,"db: storing recs in a non-empty list for merge"
" probably from recall from negative key loss");
// convenience vars
int32_t i ;
// bitch if too many lists
if ( numLists > MAX_RDB_FILES + 1 ) {
// set errno, cuz g_errno is used by main process only
log(LOG_LOGIC,"db: rdblist: posdbMerge_r: Too many "
"lists for merging.");
char *xx=NULL;*xx=0;
// initialize the arrays, 1-1 with the unignored lists
char *ptrs [ MAX_RDB_FILES + 1 ];
char *ends [ MAX_RDB_FILES + 1 ];
char *hiKeys [ MAX_RDB_FILES + 1 ];
char *loKeys [ MAX_RDB_FILES + 1 ];
// set the ptrs that are non-empty
int32_t n = 0;
// convenience ptr
for ( i = 0 ; i < numLists ; i++ ) {
// skip if empty
if ( lists[i]->isEmpty() ) continue;
// reset list ptr
// debug msg
// . first key of a list must ALWAYS be 12 byte
// . bitch if it isn't, that should be fixed!
// . cheap sanity check
if ( (lists[i]->getList()[0]) & 0x06 ) {
log(LOG_LOGIC,"db: posdbMerge_r: First key of list is "
"a compressed key.");
char *xx=NULL;*xx=0;
fns [n] = i;
// set ptrs
ends [n] = lists[i]->getListEnd ();
ptrs [n] = lists[i]->getList ();
hiKeys [n] = lists[i]->getList () + 12; //hks;
loKeys [n] = lists[i]->getList () + 6; //hks;
// new # of lists, in case any lists were empty
numLists = n;
// . are all lists and trash exhausted?
// . all their keys are supposed to be <= m_endKey
if ( numLists <= 0 ) return true;
// debug msg
//log("merge start.n1=%"XINT32" n0=%"XINT64"", m_startKey.n1 , m_startKey.n0 );
//log("merge end .n1=%"XINT32" n0=%"XINT64"", m_endKey.n1 , m_endKey.n0 );
// point to most significant 4 bytes of "tmp"
char *minPtrBase ; // lowest 6 bytes
char *minPtrLo ; // next 6 bytes
char *minPtrHi ; // highest 6 bytes
int16_t mini = -1; // int16_t -> must be able to accomodate MAX_RDB_FILES!!
// a flag that helps eliminate dangling negatives
//bool firstTime = true;
// for saving state for eliminating dangling negatives
//char *savedListPtr = NULL;
//char *savedLastPtrLo = NULL;
//char *savedListPtrHi = NULL;
//char *savedpp = NULL;
// keep stats of dups removed
//int32_t dupCount = 0;
char uflag = 0;
// this was disabled for a while, so uflag was always 0 because
// isRealMerge was always false when called from Msg5.cpp, so if we
// have troubles look into this.
if ( isRealMerge ) uflag = 1;
char ss;
//int32_t foo;
uint32_t groupId ;
uint32_t myGroupId = g_hostdb.m_groupId;
bool skipFilter = false;
// do not bother with the groupid filter if we are not scaling,
// this will save some time. this should usually be false.
if ( ! g_conf.m_allowScale ) skipFilter = true;
// if not doing a real disk merge, we don't go through this code either
if ( ! doGroupMask ) skipFilter = true;
key_t key;
char *k ;
char *pp = NULL;
// see Posdb.h for format of a 12-byte or 6-byte indexdb key
// sched_yield();
// assume key in first list is the winner
minPtrBase = ptrs [0];
minPtrLo = loKeys[0];
minPtrHi = hiKeys[0];
mini = 0;
// merge loop over the lists, get the smallest key
for ( i = 1 ; i < numLists ; i++ ) {
// sanity check
//if ( fcmp (minPtrBase,minPtrHi,ptrs[i],hiKeys[i]) !=
// cmp (minPtrBase,minPtrHi,ptrs[i],hiKeys[i]) ) {
// char *xx = NULL; *xx = 0; }
// this cmp() function is inlined in RdbList.h
ss = bfcmpPosdb (minPtrBase,minPtrLo,minPtrHi,
// . continue if tie, so we get the oldest first
// . treat negative and positive keys as identical for this
if ( ss < 0 ) continue;
// advance old winner. this happens if this key is positive
// and minPtrBase/Lo/Hi was a negative key! so this is
// the annihilation. skip the positive key.
if ( ss == 0 ) goto skip;
// we got a new min
minPtrBase = ptrs [i];
minPtrLo = loKeys[i];
minPtrHi = hiKeys[i];
mini = i;
// watch out
//if ( m_ks == 18 && m_listPtr - m_list == 20136 )
// foo = 1;
// ignore if negative i guess, just skip it
if ( removeNegKeys && (minPtrBase[0] & 0x01) == 0x00 ) goto skip;
// if this is true, we do not need to call this groupid filter code
if ( skipFilter ) goto skipfilter;
k = (char*)&key;
gbmemcpy(k, minPtrBase, 6);
gbmemcpy(&k[6], minPtrHi, 6);
groupId = getGroupId ( RDB_POSDB , &key );
// filter out if does not belong in this group due to scaling servers
if ( groupId != myGroupId && doGroupMask ) {
if ( g_conf.m_allowScale ) {
if ( filtered ) *filtered = *filtered + 1;
goto skip;
else {
// this means corruption, don't allow it anymore!
log ( "db: Found invalid rec in db. (posdbMerge) "
"group=%"INT32" myGroup=%"INT32"", groupId, myGroupId );
//char *xx = NULL; *xx = 0;
if ( filtered ) *filtered = *filtered + 1;
goto skip;
// save ptr
pp = m_listPtr;
// store lowest 6 bytes, the base
*(int32_t *) m_listPtr = *(int32_t *) minPtrBase;
*(int16_t *)(&m_listPtr[4]) = *(int16_t *)(&minPtrBase[4]) ;
m_listPtr += 6;
// if we are high niceness, yield every 100k we merge
if ( m_listPtr >= yieldPoint ) {
if ( niceness > 0 ) yieldPoint = m_listPtr + 100000;
else yieldPoint = m_listPtr + 500000;
// only do this for low priority stuff now, i am concerned
// about long merge times during queries (MDW)
// this is showing up in the profiler, not sure why
// so try taking out.
//if ( niceness > 0 ) sched_yield();
omini = mini;
// if hi 6 bytes different, MUST do the low
bool hiDiff;
if ( ! m_listPtrHi ||
( *(int32_t *) &minPtrHi[0] != *(int32_t *) m_listPtrHi ||
*(int16_t *)(&minPtrHi[4]) != *(int16_t *)(&m_listPtrHi[4]) ) )
hiDiff = true;
hiDiff = false;
// turn off all compression bits
*pp &= 0xf9;
// . if our mid 6 bytes don't match the last key stored, we must
// store them as well
// . if we are the first key in this list m_listPtrLo should be NULL
// and we should always store the top 6 bytes
if ( hiDiff ||
! m_listPtrLo ||
( *(int32_t *) minPtrLo != *(int32_t *) m_listPtrLo ||
*(int16_t *)(&minPtrLo[4]) != *(int16_t *)(&m_listPtrLo[4]) ) ) {
// store most significant 6 bytes
*(int16_t *)&m_listPtr[0] = *(int16_t *) minPtrLo;
*(int32_t *)&m_listPtr[2] = *(int32_t *)&minPtrLo[2] ;
// point to the new lo key
m_listPtrLo = m_listPtr;
// skip that
m_listPtr += 6;
else {
// assume we are a 6 byte key
// turn on both bits to be compatible with addRecord()
*pp |= 0x06;
// . if our top 6 bytes don't match the last key stored, we must
// store them as well
// . if we are the first key in this list m_listPtrHi should be NULL
// and we should always store the top 6 bytes
if ( hiDiff ) {
// store most significant 6 bytes
*(int16_t *)&m_listPtr[0] = *(int16_t *) minPtrHi;
*(int32_t *)&m_listPtr[2] = *(int32_t *)&minPtrHi[2] ;
// point to the new hi key
m_listPtrHi = m_listPtr;
// skip that
m_listPtr += 6;
else {
// we are a 12 byte key then... or 6 byte... depending
// on if we set the 0x04 bit above
if ( ! (*pp & 0x04) ) *pp |= 0x02;
// . if it is truncated then we just skip it
// . it may have set oldList* stuff above, but that should not matter
// . TODO: BUT! if endKey has same termid as currently truncated key
// then we should bail out now and boost the endKey to the max for
// this termid (the we can fix Msg5::needsRecall() )
// . TODO: what if last key we were able to add was NEGATIVE???
// if lastKey was not from root list, mark it as so now
//lastmini = mini;
// advance winning src list ptr
if ( ptrs[mini][0] & 0x04 ) ptrs [ mini ] += 6;
else if ( ptrs[mini][0] & 0x02 ) ptrs [ mini ] += 12;
else ptrs [ mini ] += 18;
// if the src list that we advanced is not exhausted, then continue
if ( ptrs[mini] < ends[mini] ) {
// is new key 6 bytes? then do not touch hi/lo ptrs
if ( ptrs[mini][0] & 0x04 ) {
// is new key 12 bytes?
else if ( ptrs[mini][0] & 0x02 ) {
loKeys [ mini ] = ptrs [ mini ] + 6;
// is new key 18 bytes? full key.
else {
hiKeys [ mini ] = ptrs [ mini ] + 12;
loKeys [ mini ] = ptrs [ mini ] + 6;
// but if we got enough recs and this list doesn't need to
// be remove, we should be about done
if ( m_listPtr >= maxPtr ) goto done;
// otherwise, we need more recs and this list is NOT exhausted
goto top;
// REMOVE THE LIST at mini
// debug msg
//log("removing list #%"INT32"", mini);
// otherwise, remove him from array
for ( int32_t i = mini ; i < numLists - 1 ; i++ ) {
ptrs [i] = ptrs [i+1];
ends [i] = ends [i+1];
hiKeys [i] = hiKeys [i+1];
loKeys [i] = loKeys [i+1];
fns [i] = fns [i+1];
// one less list to worry about
// if we got minRecSizes, we're done
if ( m_listPtr >= maxPtr ) goto done;
// if we have more lists, continue adding
if ( numLists > 0 ) goto top;
// come here to try to fix any dangling negatives
// if last key we added is positive, skip this stuff
if ( (*minPtrBase & 0x01) == 0x01 ) goto positive;
// if no lists left and no recyclable trash remains, nothing we can do
if ( numLists <= 0 ) goto positive;
// . WHY DO WE NEED THIS? if there is a negative/positive key combo
// they should annihilate in the primary for loop above!! UNLESS
// one list was truncated at the end and we did not get its
// annihilating key... strange, but i guess it could happen...
// . we are done iff the next key does not match us (+ or -)
// . so keep running until last key is positive, or we
// have two different, adjacent negatives on the top at which time
// we can peel the last one off and accept the dangling negative
// . if this is our first time here, set some flags
if ( firstTime ) {
// next time we come here, it won't be our first time
firstTime = false;
// sometimes we force it... see below
// save our state because next rec may not annihilate
// with this one and be saved on the list and we have to
// peel it off and accept this dangling negative as unmatched
savedListPtr = m_listPtr;
savedLastPtrLo = m_listPtrLo;
savedListPtrHi = m_listPtrHi;
savedpp = pp;
//savedHighestKeyPtrLo = highestKeyPtrLo;
//savedHighestKeyPtrHi = highestKeyPtrHi;
goto top;
// . if this is our second time here then our original dangling
// negative annihilated and was replaced by another negative,
// OR it stayed there and another negative fell on top of it
// . if the listSize is the same, then it was replaced! so pretend
// this was the first time again
// . a dup negative key might have fallen on top, but we don't store
// those so m_listPtr should remain the same (we just inc delDup)
// . normally we could just do a "goto top", but m_listPtrHi might
// have changed if last negative key was only 6 bytes and new one
// is 12
if ( savedListPtr == m_listPtr ) goto forceFirst;
// . otherwise, a different negative fell on top of it, so our
// dangling negative is acceptable
// . if it was positive, we would have jumped to "positive:" above
// . if it was a dup negative, savedListPtr would equal m_listPtr
// and we would have did a "goto forceFirst" above
// . roll back over that unnecessary unmatching negative key to
// expose our original negative key, an acceptable dangling negative
m_listPtr = savedListPtr;
m_listPtrLo = savedLastPtrLo;
m_listPtrHi = savedListPtrHi;
pp = savedpp;
// set new size and end of this merged list
m_listSize = m_listPtr - m_list;
m_listEnd = m_list + m_listSize;
// return now if we're empty... all our recs annihilated?
if ( m_listSize <= 0 ) return true;
// . return if we added nothing
// . this happens if everything was trashed, too, so m_endKey
// should not need to be changed
//if ( ! lastPtrLo ) return true;
// if we are tacking this merge onto a non-empty list
// and we just had negative keys then pp could be NULL.
// we would log "storing recs in a non-empty list" from
// above and "pp" would be NULL.
if ( pp ) {
// the last key we stored
char *e = m_lastKey;
// record the last key we added in m_lastKey
gbmemcpy ( e , pp , 6 );
// take off compression bits
*e &= 0xf9;
e += 6;
gbmemcpy ( e , m_listPtrLo , 6 );
e += 6;
gbmemcpy ( e , m_listPtrHi , 6 );
// validate it now
m_lastKeyIsValid = true;
if ( m_listSize && ! m_lastKeyIsValid )
log("db: why last key not valid?");
// under what was requested? then done.
if ( m_listSize < minRecSizes ) return true;
// or if no more lists
if ( numLists <= 0 ) return true;
// save original end key
char orig[MAX_KEY_BYTES];
gbmemcpy ( orig , m_endKey , m_ks );
// . we only need to shrink the endKey if we fill up our list and
// there's still keys under m_endKey left over to merge
// . if no keys remain to merge, then don't decrease m_endKey
// . i don't want the endKey decreased unnecessarily because
// it means there's no recs up to the endKey
gbmemcpy ( m_endKey , m_lastKey , m_ks );
// if endkey is now negative we must have a dangling negative
// so make it positive (dangling = unmatched)
if ( KEYNEG(m_endKey) ) KEYADD(m_endKey,1,m_ks);
// be careful not to increase original endkey, though
if ( KEYCMP(orig,m_endKey,m_ks)<0 )
return true;
void RdbList::setFromSafeBuf ( SafeBuf *sb , char rdbId ) {
// free and NULLify any old m_list we had to make room for our new list
// set this first since others depend on it
m_ks = getKeySizeFromRdbId ( rdbId );
// set our list parms
m_list = sb->getBufStart();
m_listSize = sb->length();
m_alloc = sb->getBufStart();
m_allocSize = sb->getCapacity();
m_listEnd = m_list + m_listSize;
KEYMAX(m_endKey ,m_ks);
m_fixedDataSize = getDataSizeFromRdbId ( rdbId );
m_ownData = false;//ownData;
m_useHalfKeys = false;//useHalfKeys;
// use this call now to set m_listPtr and m_listPtrHi based on m_list
void RdbList::setFromPtr ( char *p , int32_t psize , char rdbId ) {
// free and NULLify any old m_list we had to make room for our new list
// set this first since others depend on it
m_ks = getKeySizeFromRdbId ( rdbId );
// set our list parms
m_list = p;
m_listSize = psize;
m_alloc = p;
m_allocSize = psize;
m_listEnd = m_list + m_listSize;
KEYMAX(m_endKey ,m_ks);
m_fixedDataSize = getDataSizeFromRdbId ( rdbId );
m_ownData = false;//ownData;
m_useHalfKeys = false;//useHalfKeys;
// use this call now to set m_listPtr and m_listPtrHi based on m_list