2013-08-02 13:12:24 -07:00

237 lines
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// Zak Betz, Copyright, Jun 2008
// A sorted list of sorted lists for storing rdb keys. Faster and more
// cache friendly than RdbTree. Optimized for batched adds, amortized O(1)
// add operation, O(log n) for retrival, ranged getList for k keys is
// O(log(n) + k) where as RdbTree is O(k * log(n)).
// Memory is alloced and used on a on demand basis rather than all up
// front as with RdbTree, so memory usage is much lower most of the time.
// Collections are handled as a linked list, each RdbBuckets has a nextColl
// pointer. The front bucket acts as the gatekeeper for all of the
// other buckets, Only it's values for needsSave and isWritable are
// significant
//when selecting bucketnum and also when deduping, use KEYCMPNEGEQ which
//will mask off the delbit, that way pos and neg keys will be in the same
//bucket and only the newest key will survive. When getting or deleting
//a list, use KEYCMP within a bucket and use KEYCMPNEGEQ to select the
//bucket nums. This is because iterators in rdb dump get a list, then
//add 1 to a key and get the next list and adding 1 to a pos key will get
//the negative one.
#ifndef _RDBBUCKETS_H_
#define _RDBBUCKETS_H_
#include "Mem.h" // for g_mem.calloc and g_mem.malloc
#include "BigFile.h" // for saving and loading the tree
#include "RdbList.h"
#include "RdbMem.h"
#include "RdbTree.h"
class RdbBuckets;
class RdbBucket {
RdbBucket() {};
bool set(RdbBuckets *parent, char *newbuf );
void reset();
void clear();
void reBuf(char *newbuf);
char *getFirstKey();
char *getEndKey() { return m_endKey; }
long getNumKeys() { return m_numKeys; }
char *getKeys() { return m_keys; }
collnum_t getCollnum() { return m_collnum; }
void setCollnum(collnum_t c){ m_collnum = c; }
bool addKey(char *key , char *data , long dataSize);
char *getKeyVal ( char *key , char **data , long* dataSize );
long getKeyNumExact(char* key); //returns -1 if not found
long getNumNegativeKeys ( );
void resetLastSorted() { m_lastSorted = 0; }
bool getList(RdbList* list,
char *startKey,
char *endKey,
long minRecSizes,
long *numPosRecs,
long *numNegRecs,
bool useHalfKeys);
bool deleteList(RdbList *list);
//Save State
long long fastSave_r(int fd, long long offset);
long long fastLoad(BigFile *f, long long offset);
bool selfTest ( char *prevKey);
void printBucket();
bool sort();
RdbBucket *split(RdbBucket *newBucket);
char *m_endKey;
char *m_keys;
RdbBuckets *m_parent;
long m_numKeys;
long m_lastSorted;
collnum_t m_collnum;
class RdbBuckets {
friend void *saveBucketsWrapper ( void *state , ThreadEntry *t );
friend void threadDoneBucketsWrapper ( void *state , ThreadEntry *t );
RdbBuckets( );
~RdbBuckets( );
void clear();
void reset();
bool set ( long fixedDataSize ,
long maxMem,
bool ownData ,
char *allocName ,
char rdbId ,
bool dataInPtrs ,//= false ,
char *dbname ,//= NULL ,
char keySize ,//= 12 ,
bool useProtection );//= false );
bool resizeTable(long numNeeded);
long addNode ( collnum_t collnum ,
char *key , char *data , long dataSize );
bool addList(RdbList* list, collnum_t collnum);
char* getKeyVal ( collnum_t collnum , char *key ,
char **data , long* dataSize );
bool getList ( collnum_t collnum ,
char *startKey, char *endKey, long minRecSizes ,
RdbList *list , long *numPosRecs , long *numNegRecs ,
bool useHalfKeys );
bool deleteList(collnum_t collnum, RdbList *list);
long long getListSize ( collnum_t collnum,
char *startKey, char *endKey,
char *minKey, char *maxKey );
bool addBucket (RdbBucket *newBucket, long i);
long getBucketNum(char *key, collnum_t collnum);
char bucketCmp(char *akey, collnum_t acoll, char *bkey, collnum_t bcoll);
char bucketCmp(char *akey, collnum_t acoll, RdbBucket* b);
bool collExists(collnum_t coll);
char *getDbname() { return m_dbname; }
uint8_t getKeySize() { return m_ks; }
long getFixedDataSize() { return m_fixedDataSize;}
long getRecSize() { return m_recSize; }
void setSwapBuf(char *s) { m_swapBuf = s; }
char *getSwapBuf() { return m_swapBuf; }
bool needsSave() { return m_needsSave; }
bool isSaving() { return m_isSaving; }
char *getSortBuf() { return m_sortBuf; }
long getSortBufSize() { return m_sortBufSize; }
bool isWritable() { return m_isWritable; }
void disableWrites () { m_isWritable = false; }
void enableWrites () { m_isWritable = true ; }
long getMaxMem() { return m_maxMem; }
void setNeedsSave(bool s);
long getMemAlloced ();
long getMemAvailable();
bool is90PercentFull();
bool needsDump();
bool hasRoom ( long numRecs );
long getNumKeys();
long getMemOccupied( );
long getNumNegativeKeys ( );
long getNumPositiveKeys ( );
bool delColl ( collnum_t collnum );
//just for this collection
// long getMemOccupied ( collnum_t collnum );
long getNumKeys ( collnum_t collnum );
// long getNumNegativeKeys ( collnum_t collnum );
// long getNumPositiveKeys ( collnum_t collnum );
//syntactic sugar
RdbBucket* bucketFactory();
void updateNumRecs(long n, long bytes, long numNeg);
bool selfTest(bool thorough, bool core);
long addTree(RdbTree *rt);
void printBuckets();
bool repair();
bool testAndRepair();
bool fastSave ( char *dir ,
bool useThread ,
void *state ,
void (*callback) (void *state) );
bool fastSave_r ();
long long fastSaveColl_r( int fd, long long offset);
bool loadBuckets ( char* dbname);
bool fastLoad ( BigFile *f , char* dbname);
long long fastLoadColl ( BigFile *f,
char* dbname,
long long offset );
RdbBucket **m_buckets;
RdbBucket *m_bucketsSpace;
char *m_masterPtr;
long m_masterSize;
long m_firstOpenSlot;
long m_numBuckets;
long m_maxBuckets;
uint8_t m_ks;
long m_fixedDataSize;
long m_recSize;
long m_numKeysApprox;//includes dups
long m_numNegKeys;
long m_maxMem;
long m_maxBucketsCapacity;
long m_dataMemOccupied;
char m_rdbId;
char *m_dbname;
char *m_swapBuf;
char *m_sortBuf;
long m_sortBufSize;
bool m_repairMode;
bool m_isWritable;
bool m_isSaving;
// true if buckets was modified and needs to be saved
bool m_needsSave;
char *m_dir;
void *m_state;
void (*m_callback) (void *state);
long m_saveErrno;
char *m_allocName;