2015-02-12 16:12:23 -08:00

1091 lines
34 KiB

#include "gb-include.h"
#include "TopTree.h"
#include "Mem.h"
#include "Errno.h"
#include "Titledb.h" // DOCID_MASK
#include "Msg40.h" // MAXDOCIDSTOCOMPUTE
int64_t TopNode::getDocId ( ) {
int64_t d;
gbmemcpy ( &d , m_docIdPtr , 6 );
d >>= 2;
return d;
int64_t TopNode::getDocIdForMsg3a ( ){
int64_t d;
gbmemcpy ( &d , m_docIdPtr , 6 );
// d >>= 2;
return d;
TopTree::TopTree() {
m_nodes = NULL;
// sampleVectors = NULL;
TopTree::~TopTree() { reset(); }
void TopTree::reset ( ) {
if ( m_nodes ) mfree(m_nodes,m_allocSize,"TopTree");
m_nodes = NULL;
m_useIntScores = false;
//m_sampleVectors = NULL;
m_numNodes = 0;
m_numUsedNodes = 0;
m_headNode = -1;
m_lowNode = -1;
m_highNode = -1;
// deletes the nodes, but doesn't free memory
// so basically just reset everything
void TopTree::deleteNodes ( ) {
m_numUsedNodes = 0;
// make empty the last
m_emptyNode = 0;
// set it
m_headNode = -1;
// score info
m_lowNode = -1;
m_highNode = -1;
// . pre-allocate memory
// . returns false and sets g_errno on error
bool TopTree::setNumNodes ( int32_t docsWanted , bool doSiteClustering ) {
// save this
m_docsWanted = docsWanted;
m_doSiteClustering = doSiteClustering;
// reset this
m_kickedOutDocIds = false;
//m_lastKickedOutDocId = -1LL;
// how many nodes to we need to accomodate "docsWanted" docids?
// we boost it up here for domain/host counting for site clustering.
m_ridiculousMax = (int64_t)docsWanted * 2;
if ( m_ridiculousMax < 50 ) m_ridiculousMax = 50;
int64_t numNodes = m_ridiculousMax * 256;
// i would say limit it to 100,000 nodes regarless
// craziness overflow?
if ( numNodes < 0 ) numNodes = MAXDOCIDSTOCOMPUTE;
// amp it up last minute, after we set numNodes, if we need to
if ( ! m_doSiteClustering ) m_ridiculousMax = 0x7fffffff;
// if not doing siteclustering... don't use 5gb of ram!
// add 1 for printing "next 10" link
if ( ! m_doSiteClustering ) numNodes = m_docsWanted + 1;
// how many docids do we have, not FULLY counting docids from
// "dominating" domains? aka the "variety count"
m_vcount = 0.0;
// limit vcount to "cap" docids per domain
m_cap = m_docsWanted / 50;
if ( m_cap < 2 ) m_cap = 2;
if ( ! m_doSiteClustering ) m_cap = 0x7fffffff;
// to keep things more continuous as a function of "m_docsWanted" we
// count docids right at the "cap" as a fractional count. see below.
m_partial = (float)(m_docsWanted % 50) / 50.0;
// reset dom count array
memset ( m_domCount , 0 , 4 * 256 );
// reset domain min nodes
for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < 256 ; i++ )
m_domMinNode[i] = -1;
// return if nothing needs to be done
if ( m_nodes && numNodes == m_numNodes ) return true;
// save this
//m_useSampleVectors = useSampleVectors;
// . grow using realloc if we should
// . alloc for one extra to use as the "empty node"
//int32_t vecSize = 0;
//if ( useSampleVectors ) vecSize = SAMPLE_VECTOR_SIZE ;
char *nn ;
int64_t oldsize = (m_numNodes+1) * ( sizeof(TopNode) );
int64_t newsize = ( numNodes+1) * ( sizeof(TopNode) );
// if they ask for to many, this can go negative
if ( newsize < 0 ) {
g_errno = ENOMEM;
return false;
bool updated = false;
if (! m_nodes) {
nn=(char *)mmalloc (newsize,"TopTree");
m_numUsedNodes = 0;
else {
nn=(char *)mrealloc(m_nodes,oldsize,newsize,"TopTree");
updated = true;
if ( ! nn ) return log("query: Can not allocate %"INT64" bytes for "
"holding resulting docids.", newsize);
// save this for freeing
m_allocSize = newsize;
// success
char *p = nn;
m_nodes = (TopNode *)p;
m_numNodes = numNodes;
p += (numNodes+1) * sizeof(TopNode);
// vectors
//if ( m_useSampleVectors ) m_sampleVectors = (int32_t *)p;
// bail now if just realloced
if ( updated ) return true;
// make empty the last
m_emptyNode = 0;
// set it
m_headNode = -1;
// score info
m_lowNode = -1;
m_highNode = -1;
// setup the linked list of empty nodes
for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < m_numNodes ; i++ ) {
m_nodes[i].m_parent = -2;
m_nodes[i].m_right = i+1;
// last node is the end of the linked list of available nodes
m_nodes[m_numNodes-1].m_right = -1;
// alloc space for m_t2, only if doing site clustering
if ( ! m_doSiteClustering ) return true;
// . we must limit domHash to m_ridiculousMax nodes
// . "dataInPtrs" mean we have a 4 byte data that we store in the
// "dataPtr". this is somewhat of a hack, but we need a place to
// store the node number of this node in this top tree. see below.
if ( ! m_t2.set ( 4 , // fixedDataSize
m_numNodes , // maxNumNodes
true , // doBalancing
-1 , // memMax (-1-->no max)
false , // ownData?
"tree-toptree" ,
true , // dataInPtrs?
NULL , // dbname (generic)
12 , // keySize
false ))// useProtection?
return false;
return true;
#define RIGHT(i) m_nodes[i].m_right
#define LEFT(i) m_nodes[i].m_left
#define DEPTH(i) m_nodes[i].m_depth
#define PARENT(i) m_nodes[i].m_parent
// . we only compute this when we need to, no need to keep it going on
// . no, because we re-use the tree
int32_t TopTree::getHighNode ( ) {
if ( m_headNode == -1 ) return -1;
int32_t tn2;
int32_t tn = m_headNode;
while ( (tn2=RIGHT(tn)) >= 0 ) tn = tn2;
return tn;
//m_highNode = tn;
//return m_highNode;
// returns true if added node. returns false if did not add node
bool TopTree::addNode ( TopNode *t , int32_t tnn ) {
// respect the dom hashes
//uint8_t domHash = g_titledb.getDomHash8((uint8_t*)t->m_docIdPtr);
uint8_t domHash = g_titledb.getDomHash8FromDocId(t->m_docId);
// if vcount is satisfied, only add if better score than tail
if ( m_vcount >= m_docsWanted ) {
int32_t i = m_lowNode;
if ( m_useIntScores ) {
if ( t->m_intScore < m_nodes[i].m_intScore ) {
m_kickedOutDocIds = true; return false; }
if ( t->m_intScore > m_nodes[i].m_intScore) goto addIt;
else {
if ( t->m_score < m_nodes[i].m_score ) {
m_kickedOutDocIds = true; return false; }
if ( t->m_score > m_nodes[i].m_score ) goto addIt;
// . finally, compare docids, store lower ones first
// . docids should not tie...
if ( t->m_docId >= m_nodes[i].m_docId ) {
m_kickedOutDocIds = true; return false; }
// we got a winner
goto addIt;
if ( *(uint32_t *)(t->m_docIdPtr+1) >
*(uint32_t *)(m_nodes[i].m_docIdPtr+1) ) {
m_kickedOutDocIds = true; return false; }
if ( *(uint32_t *)(t->m_docIdPtr+1) <
*(uint32_t *)(m_nodes[i].m_docIdPtr+1) ) goto addIt;
if ( (*(unsigned char *)(t->m_docIdPtr)&0xfc) >
(*(unsigned char *)(m_nodes[i].m_docIdPtr)&0xfc)) {
m_kickedOutDocIds = true; return false; }
if ( (*(unsigned char *)(t->m_docIdPtr)&0xfc) <
(*(unsigned char *)(m_nodes[i].m_docIdPtr)&0xfc) )
goto addIt;
// a tie, skip it
m_kickedOutDocIds = true;
return false;
int32_t iparent = -1;
// this is -1 iff there are no nodes used in the tree
int32_t i = m_headNode;
// JAB: gcc-3.4
char dir = 0;
// if we're the first node we become the head node and our parent is -1
if ( m_numUsedNodes == 0 ) {
m_headNode = 0;
iparent = -1;
// . find the parent of node i and call it "iparent"
// . if a node exists with our key then do NOT replace it
else while ( i >= 0 ) {
iparent = i;
// . compare to the ith node
if ( m_useIntScores ) {
if ( t->m_intScore < m_nodes[i].m_intScore ) {
i = LEFT(i); dir = 0; continue; }
if ( t->m_intScore > m_nodes[i].m_intScore ) {
i = RIGHT(i); dir = 1; continue; }
else {
if ( t->m_score < m_nodes[i].m_score ) {
i = LEFT(i); dir = 0; continue; }
if ( t->m_score > m_nodes[i].m_score ) {
i = RIGHT(i); dir = 1; continue; }
// . finally, compare docids, store lower ones first
// . docids should not tie...
if ( t->m_docId > m_nodes[i].m_docId ) {
i = LEFT (i); dir = 0; continue; }
if ( t->m_docId < m_nodes[i].m_docId ) {
i = RIGHT(i); dir = 1; continue; }
// if equal do not replace
return false;
if ( *(uint32_t *)(t->m_docIdPtr+1) >
*(uint32_t *)(m_nodes[i].m_docIdPtr+1) ) {
i = LEFT(i); dir = 0; continue; }
if ( *(uint32_t *)(t->m_docIdPtr+1) <
*(uint32_t *)(m_nodes[i].m_docIdPtr+1) ) {
i = RIGHT(i); dir = 1; continue; }
if ( (*(unsigned char *)(t->m_docIdPtr)&0xfc) >
(*(unsigned char *)(m_nodes[i].m_docIdPtr)&0xfc) ) {
i = LEFT(i); dir = 0; continue; }
if ( (*(unsigned char *)(t->m_docIdPtr)&0xfc) <
(*(unsigned char *)(m_nodes[i].m_docIdPtr)&0xfc) ) {
i = RIGHT(i); dir = 1; continue; }
return false;
// this block of code here makes a new key and adds it to m_t2,
// and RdbTree. This allows us to keep track of the top
// "m_ridiculousMax" domains, and keep them in order of highest
// to lowest scoring. Without limiting nodes from the same domHash
// a single domain can easily flood/dominate the TopTree. We are seek
// a variety of domains to make site clustering as "guaranteed" as
// possible. If not doing site clustering we could skip this block.
// debug hack
//m_ridiculousMax = 2;
// . make our key the dom tree, m_t2
// . mask out 0x80 and 0x40 in bscore
// . WARNING: if t->m_score is fractional, the fraction will be
// dropped and could result in the lower scoring of the two docids
// being kept.
uint32_t cs ;
if ( m_useIntScores )
cs = (uint32_t) t->m_intScore;
cs = ((uint32_t)t->m_score);
key_t k;
k.n1 = domHash << 24; // 1 byte domHash
//k.n1 |= (t->m_bscore & ~0xc0) << 16; // 1 byte bscore
k.n1 |= cs >> 16; // 4 byte score
k.n0 = ((int64_t)cs) << (64-16);
k.n0 |= t->m_docId; // getDocIdFromPtr ( t->m_docIdPtr );
// do not add dups
//int32_t dd = m_t2.getNode ( 0 , k );
//if ( dd >= 0 ) return false;
// get min node now for this dom
int32_t min = m_domMinNode[domHash];
// the node we add ourselves to
int32_t n;
// delete this node
SPTRTYPE deleteMe = -1;
// do not even try to add if ridiculous count for this domain
if ( m_domCount[domHash] >= m_ridiculousMax ) {
// sanity check
//if ( min < 0 ) { char *xx=NULL; *xx=0; }
// if we are lesser or dup of min, just don't add!
if ( k <= *((key_t *)m_t2.getKey(min)) ) return false;
// . add ourselves. use 0 for collnum.
// . dataPtr is not really a ptr, but the node
n = m_t2.addNode ( 0 , k , NULL , 4 );
//if ( n == 52 )
// log("r2 node 52 has domHash=%"INT32"",domHash);
// the next node before the current min will be the next min
int32_t next = m_t2.getNextNode(min);
// sanity check
//if ( next < 0 ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// sanity check
//key_t *kp1 = (key_t *)m_t2.getKey(min);
//if ( (kp1->n1) >>24 != domHash ) {char*xx=NULL;*xx=0;}
//key_t *kp2 = (key_t *)m_t2.getKey(next);
//if ( (kp2->n1) >>24 != domHash ) {char*xx=NULL;*xx=0;}
// the new min is the "next" of the old min
m_domMinNode[domHash] = next;
// get his "node number" in the top tree, "nn" so we can
// delete him from the top tree as well as m_t2. it is
// "hidden" in the dataPtr
deleteMe = (SPTRTYPE)m_t2.m_data[min];
// delete him from the top tree now as well
//deleteNode ( nn , domHash );
// then delete him from the m_t2 tree
m_t2.deleteNode3 ( min , false );
//logf(LOG_DEBUG,"deleting1 %"INT32"",min);
// if we have not violated the ridiculous max, just add ourselves
else if ( m_doSiteClustering ) {
n = m_t2.addNode ( 0 , k , NULL , 4 );
//if ( n == 52 )
// log("r2 nodeb 52 has domHash=%"INT32"",domHash);
// sanity check
//if ( min > 0 ) {
// key_t *kp1 = (key_t *)m_t2.getKey(min);
// if ( (kp1->n1) >>24 != domHash ) {char*xx=NULL;*xx=0;}
// are we the new min? if so, assign it
if ( min == -1 || k < *((key_t *)m_t2.getKey(min)) )
m_domMinNode[domHash] = n;
if ( m_doSiteClustering ) {
// update the dataPtr so every node in m_t2 has a reference
// to the equivalent node in this top tree
if ( n < 0 || n > m_t2.m_numNodes ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
m_t2.m_data[n] = (char *)(PTRTYPE)tnn;
// end special m_t2 code block
// increment count of domain hash of the docId added
// do not count if over limit
if ( m_domCount[domHash] < m_cap ) m_vcount += 1.0;
// if equal, count partial
else if ( m_domCount[domHash] == m_cap ) m_vcount += m_partial;
// . we were the empty node, get the next in line in the linked list
// . should be -1 if none left
m_emptyNode = t->m_right;
// stick ourselves in the next available node, "m_nextNode"
t->m_parent = iparent;
// make our parent, if any, point to us
if ( iparent >= 0 ) {
if ( dir == 0 ) LEFT(iparent) = tnn; // 0
else RIGHT(iparent) = tnn; // 1
// our kids are -1 means none
t->m_left = -1;
t->m_right = -1;
// our depth is now 1 since we're a leaf node (we include ourself)
t->m_depth = 1;
// . reset depths starting at i's parent and ascending the tree
// . will balance if child depths differ by 2 or more
setDepths ( iparent );
// are we the new low node? lower-scoring stuff is on the LEFT!
if ( iparent == m_lowNode && dir == 0 ) m_lowNode = tnn;
// count it
// we should delete this, it was delayed for the add...
if ( deleteMe >= 0 ) deleteNode ( deleteMe , domHash );
// remove as many docids as we should
while ( m_vcount-1.0 >= m_docsWanted || m_numUsedNodes == m_numNodes) {
// he becomes the new empty node
int32_t tn = m_lowNode;
// sanity check
if ( tn < 0 ) { char *xx=NULL; *xx=0; }
// sanity check
//if ( getNext(tn) == -1 ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// get the min node
TopNode *t = &m_nodes[tn];
// get its docid ptr
//uint8_t domHash2 = g_titledb.getDomHash8((ui)t->m_docIdPtr);
uint8_t domHash2 = g_titledb.getDomHash8FromDocId(t->m_docId);
// . also must delete from m_t2
// . make the key
key_t k;
// WARNING: if t->m_score is fractional, the fraction will be
// dropped and could result in the lower scoring of the two
// docids being kept.
uint32_t cs ;
if ( m_useIntScores )
cs = (uint32_t) t->m_intScore;
cs = ((uint32_t)t->m_score);
k.n1 = domHash2 << 24; // 1 byte domHash
//k.n1 |= (t->m_bscore & ~0xc0) << 16; // 1 byte bscore
k.n1 |= cs >> 16; // 4 byte score
k.n0 = ((int64_t)cs) << (64-16);
k.n0 |= t->m_docId; // getDocIdFromPtr ( t->m_docIdPtr );
// delete the low node, this might do a rotation
deleteNode ( tn , domHash2 );
// the rest is for site clustering only
if ( ! m_doSiteClustering ) continue;
// get the node from t2
int32_t min = m_t2.getNode ( 0 , (char *)&k );
// sanity check. LEAVE THIS HERE!
if ( min < 0 ) { break; char *xx=NULL; *xx=0; }
// sanity check
//key_t *kp1 = (key_t *)m_t2.getKey(min);
//if ( (kp1->n1) >>24 != domHash2 ) {char*xx=NULL;*xx=0;}
// get next node from t2
int32_t next = m_t2.getNextNode ( min );
// delete from m_t2
m_t2.deleteNode3 ( min , false );
// skip if not th emin
if ( m_domMinNode[domHash2] != min ) continue;
// if we were the last, that's it
if ( m_domCount[domHash2] == 0 ) {
// no more entries for this domHash2
m_domMinNode[domHash2] = -1;
// sanity check
//if ( next > 0 ) {
//key_t *kp2 = (key_t *)m_t2.getKey(next);
//if ( (kp2->n1) >>24 == domHash2 ) {char*xx=NULL;*xx=0;}
// sanity check
//if ( next < 0 ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// sanity check
//key_t *kp2 = (key_t *)m_t2.getKey(next);
//if ( (kp2->n1) >>24 != domHash2 ) {char*xx=NULL;*xx=0;}
// the new min is the "next" of the old min
m_domMinNode[domHash2] = next;
//logf(LOG_DEBUG,"deleting %"INT32"",on);
return true;
// . remove this node from the tree
// . used to remove the last node and replace it with a higher scorer
void TopTree::deleteNode ( int32_t i , uint8_t domHash ) {
// sanity check
if ( PARENT(i) == -2 ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// get node
//TopNode *t = &m_nodes[i];
// debug
//if ( ! checkTree ( false ) ) { char *xx = NULL; *xx = 0; }
//if ( i == 262 )
// log("HEY");
// if it was the low node, update it
if ( i == m_lowNode ) {
m_lowNode = getNext ( i );
if ( m_lowNode == -1 ) {
log("toptree: toptree delete error node #%"INT32" "
"domHash=%"INT32" because next node is -1 numnodes=%"INT32"",
//char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// update the vcount
if ( m_domCount[domHash] < m_cap ) m_vcount -= 1.0;
else if ( m_domCount[domHash] == m_cap ) m_vcount -= m_partial;
// update the dom count
// debug
//if ( domHash == 0x35 )
// log("top: domCount down for 0x%"XINT32" now %"INT32"",domHash,m_domCount[domHash]);
// parent of i
int32_t iparent ;
int32_t jparent ;
// j will be the node that replace node #i
int32_t j = i;
// . now find a node to replace node #i
// . get a node whose key is just to the right or left of i's key
// . get i's right kid
// . then get that kid's LEFT MOST leaf-node descendant
// . this little routine is stolen from getNextNode(i)
// . try to pick a kid from the right the same % of time as from left
if ( ( m_pickRight && RIGHT(j) >= 0 ) ||
( LEFT(j) < 0 && RIGHT(j) >= 0 ) ) {
// try to pick a left kid next time
m_pickRight = 0;
// go to the right kid
j = RIGHT ( j );
// now go left as much as we can
while ( LEFT ( j ) >= 0 ) j = LEFT ( j );
// use node j (it's a leaf or has a right kid)
goto gotReplacement;
// . now get the previous node if i has no right kid
// . this little routine is stolen from getPrevNode(i)
if ( LEFT(j) >= 0 ) {
// try to pick a right kid next time
m_pickRight = 1;
// go to the left kid
j = LEFT ( j );
// now go right as much as we can
while ( RIGHT ( j ) >= 0 ) j = RIGHT ( j );
// use node j (it's a leaf or has a left kid)
goto gotReplacement;
// . come here if i did not have any kids (i's a leaf node)
// . get i's parent
iparent = PARENT(i);
// make i's parent, if any, disown him
if ( iparent >= 0 ) {
if ( LEFT(iparent) == i ) LEFT (iparent) = -1;
else RIGHT(iparent) = -1;
// empty him
PARENT(i) = -2;
// . reset the depths starting at iparent and going up until unchanged
// . will balance at pivot nodes that need it
//if ( m_doBalancing )
setDepths ( iparent );
// debug
//if ( ! checkTree ( false ) ) { char *xx = NULL; *xx = 0; }
goto done;
// . now replace node #i with node #j
// . i should not equal j at this point
// . j's parent should take j's one kid
// . that child should likewise point to j's parent
// . j should only have <= 1 kid now because of our algorithm above
// . if j's parent is i then j keeps his kid
jparent = PARENT(j);
if ( jparent != i ) {
// parent: if j is my left kid, then i take j's right kid
// otherwise, if j is my right kid, then i take j's left kid
if ( LEFT ( jparent ) == j ) {
LEFT ( jparent ) = RIGHT ( j );
if (RIGHT(j)>=0) PARENT ( RIGHT(j) ) = jparent;
else {
RIGHT ( jparent ) = LEFT ( j );
if (LEFT (j)>=0) PARENT ( LEFT(j) ) = jparent;
// . j inherits i's children (providing i's child is not j)
// . those children's parent should likewise point to j
if ( LEFT (i) != j ) {
LEFT (j) = LEFT (i);
if ( LEFT(j) >= 0 ) PARENT(LEFT (j)) = j;
if ( RIGHT(i) != j ) {
RIGHT(j) = RIGHT(i);
if ( RIGHT(j) >= 0 ) PARENT(RIGHT(j)) = j;
// j becomes the kid of i's parent, if any
iparent = PARENT(i);
if ( iparent >= 0 ) {
if ( LEFT(iparent) == i ) LEFT (iparent) = j;
else RIGHT(iparent) = j;
// iparent may be -1
PARENT(j) = iparent;
// if i was the head node now j becomes the head node
if ( m_headNode == i ) m_headNode = j;
// kill i
PARENT(i) = -2;
// return if we don't have to balance
//if ( ! m_doBalancing ) return;
// our depth becomes that of the node we replaced, unless moving j
// up to i decreases the total depth, in which case setDepths() fixes
DEPTH ( j ) = DEPTH ( i );
// debug msg
//fprintf(stderr,"... replaced %"INT32" it with %"INT32" (-1 means none)\n",i,j);
// . recalculate depths starting at old parent of j
// . stops at the first node to have the correct depth
// . will balance at pivot nodes that need it
if ( jparent != i ) setDepths ( jparent );
else setDepths ( j );
// the guy we are deleting is now the first "empty node" and
// he must link to the old empty node
m_nodes[i].m_right = m_emptyNode;
m_emptyNode = i;
//m_lastKickedOutDocId = m_nodes[i].m_docId;
// count it
// flag it
m_kickedOutDocIds = true;
// debug
//if ( ! checkTree ( true ) ) { char *xx = NULL; *xx = 0; }
int32_t TopTree::getPrev ( int32_t i ) {
// cruise the kids if we have a left one
if ( LEFT(i) >= 0 ) {
// go to the left kid
i = LEFT ( i );
// now go right as much as we can
while ( RIGHT ( i ) >= 0 ) i = RIGHT ( i );
// return that node (it's a leaf or has one left kid)
return i;
// now keep getting parents until one has a key bigger than i's key
int32_t p = PARENT(i);
// if we're the right kid of the parent, then the parent is the
// next least node
if ( RIGHT(p) == i ) return p;
// if we're the low that's it!
if ( i == m_lowNode ) return -1;
// keep getting the parent until it has a bigger key
// or until we're the RIGHT kid of the parent. that's better
// cuz comparing keys takes longer. loop is 6 cycles per iteration.
//while ( p >= 0 && m_keys(p) > m_keys(i) ) p = PARENT(p);
while ( p >= 0 && LEFT(p) == i ) { i = p; p = PARENT(p); }
// p will be -1 if none are left
return p;
int32_t TopTree::getNext ( int32_t i ) {
// cruise the kids if we have a right one
if ( RIGHT(i) >= 0 ) {
// go to the right kid
i = RIGHT ( i );
// now go left as much as we can
while ( LEFT ( i ) >= 0 ) i = LEFT ( i );
// return that node (it's a leaf or has one right kid)
return i;
// now keep getting parents until one has a key bigger than i's key
int32_t p = PARENT(i);
// if parent is negative we're done
if ( p < 0 ) return -1;
// if we're the left kid of the parent, then the parent is the
// next biggest node
if ( LEFT(p) == i ) return p;
// . if we're the low that's it!
// . we're only called for getting a new m_lowNode, should never happen
//if ( i == m_highNode ) return -1;
// otherwise keep getting the parent until it has a bigger key
// or until we're the LEFT kid of the parent. that's better
// cuz comparing keys takes longer. loop is 6 cycles per iteration.
//while ( p >= 0 && m_keys[p] < m_keys[i] ) p = m_parents[p];
while ( p >= 0 && RIGHT(p) == i ) { i = p; p = PARENT(p); }
// p will be -1 if none are left
return p;
// . recompute depths of nodes starting at i and ascending the tree
// . call rotateRight/Left() when depth of children differs by 2 or more
void TopTree::setDepths ( int32_t i ) {
// inc the depth of all parents if it changes for them
while ( i >= 0 ) {
// . compute the new depth for node i
// . get depth of left kid
// . left/rightDepth is depth of subtree on left/right
int32_t leftDepth = 0;
int32_t rightDepth = 0;
if ( LEFT (i) >= 0 ) leftDepth = DEPTH ( LEFT (i) ) ;
if ( RIGHT(i) >= 0 ) rightDepth = DEPTH ( RIGHT(i) ) ;
// . get the new depth for node i
// . add 1 cuz we include ourself in our DEPTH
int32_t newDepth ;
if ( leftDepth > rightDepth ) newDepth = leftDepth + 1;
else newDepth = rightDepth + 1;
// if the depth did not change for i then we're done
int32_t oldDepth = DEPTH(i) ;
// set our new depth
DEPTH(i) = newDepth;
// diff can be -2, -1, 0, +1 or +2
int32_t diff = leftDepth - rightDepth;
// . if it's -1, 0 or 1 then we don't need to balance
// . if rightside is deeper rotate left, i is the pivot
// . otherwise, rotate left
// . these should set the DEPTH(*) for all nodes needing it
if ( diff == -2 ) i = rotateLeft ( i );
else if ( diff == 2 ) i = rotateRight ( i );
// . return if our depth was ultimately unchanged
// . i may have change if we rotated, but same logic applies
if ( DEPTH(i) == oldDepth ) break;
// debug msg
//fprintf (stderr,"changed node %"INT32"'s depth from %"INT32" to %"INT32"\n",
// get his parent to continue the ascension
i = PARENT ( i );
// debug msg
// W , X and B are SUBTREES.
// B's subtree was 1 less in depth than W or X, then a new node was added to
// W or X triggering the imbalance.
// However, if B gets deleted W and X can be the same size.
// Right rotation if W subtree depth is >= X subtree depth:
// A N
// / \ / \
// / \ / \
// N B ---> W A
// / \ / \
// W X X B
// Right rotation if W subtree depth is < X subtree depth:
// A X
// / \ / \
// / \ / \
// N B ---> N A
// / \ / \ / \
// W X W Q T B
// / \
// Q T
// . we come here when A's left subtree is deeper than it's right subtree by 2
// . this rotation operation causes left to lose 1 depth and right to gain one
// . the type of rotation depends on which subtree is deeper, W or X
// . W or X must deeper by the other by exactly one
// . if they were equal depth then how did adding a node inc the depth?
// . if their depths differ by 2 then N would have been rotated first!
// . the parameter "i" is the node # for A in the illustration above
// . return the node # that replaced A so the balance() routine can continue
// . TODO: check our depth modifications below
int32_t TopTree::rotateRight ( int32_t i ) {
// i's left kid's RIGHT kid takes his place
int32_t A = i;
int32_t N = LEFT ( A );
int32_t W = LEFT ( N );
int32_t X = RIGHT ( N );
int32_t Q = -1;
int32_t T = -1;
if ( X >= 0 ) {
Q = LEFT ( X );
T = RIGHT ( X );
// let AP be A's parent
int32_t AP = PARENT ( A );
// whose the bigger subtree, W or X? (depth includes W or X itself)
int32_t Wdepth = 0;
int32_t Xdepth = 0;
if ( W >= 0 ) Wdepth = DEPTH(W);
if ( X >= 0 ) Xdepth = DEPTH(X);
// debug msg
//fprintf(stderr,"A=%"INT32" AP=%"INT32" N=%"INT32" W=%"INT32" X=%"INT32" Q=%"INT32" T=%"INT32" "
//"Wdepth=%"INT32" Xdepth=%"INT32"\n",A,AP,N,W,X,Q,T,Wdepth,Xdepth);
// goto Xdeeper if X is deeper
if ( Wdepth < Xdepth ) goto Xdeeper;
// N's parent becomes A's parent
PARENT ( N ) = AP;
// A's parent becomes N
PARENT ( A ) = N;
// X's parent becomes A
if ( X >= 0 ) PARENT ( X ) = A;
// A's parents kid becomes N
if ( AP >= 0 ) {
if ( LEFT ( AP ) == A ) LEFT ( AP ) = N;
else RIGHT ( AP ) = N;
// if A had no parent, it was the headNode
else {
//fprintf(stderr,"changing head node from %"INT32" to %"INT32"\n",
m_headNode = N;
// N's RIGHT kid becomes A
RIGHT ( N ) = A;
// A's LEFT kid becomes X
LEFT ( A ) = X;
// . compute A's depth from it's X and B kids
// . it should be one less if Xdepth smaller than Wdepth
// . might set DEPTH(A) to computeDepth(A) if we have problems
if ( Xdepth < Wdepth ) DEPTH ( A ) -= 2;
else DEPTH ( A ) -= 1;
// N gains a depth iff W and X were of equal depth
if ( Wdepth == Xdepth ) DEPTH ( N ) += 1;
// now we're done, return the new pivot that replaced A
return N;
// come here if X is deeper
// X's parent becomes A's parent
PARENT ( X ) = AP;
// A's parent becomes X
PARENT ( A ) = X;
// N's parent becomes X
PARENT ( N ) = X;
// Q's parent becomes N
if ( Q >= 0 ) PARENT ( Q ) = N;
// T's parent becomes A
if ( T >= 0 ) PARENT ( T ) = A;
// A's parent's kid becomes X
if ( AP >= 0 ) {
if ( LEFT ( AP ) == A ) LEFT ( AP ) = X;
else RIGHT ( AP ) = X;
// if A had no parent, it was the headNode
else {
//fprintf(stderr,"changing head node2 from %"INT32" to %"INT32"\n",
m_headNode = X;
// A's LEFT kid becomes T
LEFT ( A ) = T;
// N's RIGHT kid becomes Q
RIGHT ( N ) = Q;
// X's LEFT kid becomes N
LEFT ( X ) = N;
// X's RIGHT kid becomes A
RIGHT ( X ) = A;
// X's depth increases by 1 since it gained 1 level of 2 new kids
DEPTH ( X ) += 1;
// N's depth decreases by 1
DEPTH ( N ) -= 1;
// A's depth decreases by 2
DEPTH ( A ) -= 2;
// now we're done, return the new pivot that replaced A
return X;
// this is the same as above but LEFT and RIGHT are swapped
int32_t TopTree::rotateLeft ( int32_t i ) {
// i's left kid's LEFT kid takes his place
int32_t A = i;
int32_t N = RIGHT ( A );
int32_t W = RIGHT ( N );
int32_t X = LEFT ( N );
int32_t Q = -1;
int32_t T = -1;
if ( X >= 0 ) {
Q = RIGHT ( X );
T = LEFT ( X );
// let AP be A's parent
int32_t AP = PARENT ( A );
// whose the bigger subtree, W or X? (depth includes W or X itself)
int32_t Wdepth = 0;
int32_t Xdepth = 0;
if ( W >= 0 ) Wdepth = DEPTH(W);
if ( X >= 0 ) Xdepth = DEPTH(X);
// debug msg
//fprintf(stderr,"A=%"INT32" AP=%"INT32" N=%"INT32" W=%"INT32" X=%"INT32" Q=%"INT32" T=%"INT32" "
//"Wdepth=%"INT32" Xdepth=%"INT32"\n",A,AP,N,W,X,Q,T,Wdepth,Xdepth);
// goto Xdeeper if X is deeper
if ( Wdepth < Xdepth ) goto Xdeeper;
// N's parent becomes A's parent
PARENT ( N ) = AP;
// A's parent becomes N
PARENT ( A ) = N;
// X's parent becomes A
if ( X >= 0 ) PARENT ( X ) = A;
// A's parents kid becomes N
if ( AP >= 0 ) {
if ( RIGHT ( AP ) == A ) RIGHT ( AP ) = N;
else LEFT ( AP ) = N;
// if A had no parent, it was the headNode
else {
//fprintf(stderr,"changing head node from %"INT32" to %"INT32"\n",
m_headNode = N;
// N's LEFT kid becomes A
LEFT ( N ) = A;
// A's RIGHT kid becomes X
RIGHT ( A ) = X;
// . compute A's depth from it's X and B kids
// . it should be one less if Xdepth smaller than Wdepth
// . might set DEPTH(A) to computeDepth(A) if we have problems
if ( Xdepth < Wdepth ) DEPTH ( A ) -= 2;
else DEPTH ( A ) -= 1;
// N gains a depth iff W and X were of equal depth
if ( Wdepth == Xdepth ) DEPTH ( N ) += 1;
// now we're done, return the new pivot that replaced A
return N;
// come here if X is deeper
// X's parent becomes A's parent
PARENT ( X ) = AP;
// A's parent becomes X
PARENT ( A ) = X;
// N's parent becomes X
PARENT ( N ) = X;
// Q's parent becomes N
if ( Q >= 0 ) PARENT ( Q ) = N;
// T's parent becomes A
if ( T >= 0 ) PARENT ( T ) = A;
// A's parent's kid becomes X
if ( AP >= 0 ) {
if ( RIGHT ( AP ) == A ) RIGHT ( AP ) = X;
else LEFT ( AP ) = X;
// if A had no parent, it was the headNode
else {
//fprintf(stderr,"changing head node2 from %"INT32" to %"INT32"\n",
m_headNode = X;
// A's RIGHT kid becomes T
RIGHT ( A ) = T;
// N's LEFT kid becomes Q
LEFT ( N ) = Q;
// X's RIGHT kid becomes N
RIGHT ( X ) = N;
// X's LEFT kid becomes A
LEFT ( X ) = A;
// X's depth increases by 1 since it gained 1 level of 2 new kids
DEPTH ( X ) += 1;
// N's depth decreases by 1
DEPTH ( N ) -= 1;
// A's depth decreases by 2
DEPTH ( A ) -= 2;
// now we're done, return the new pivot that replaced A
return X;
// returns false if tree had problem, true otherwise
bool TopTree::checkTree ( bool printMsgs ) {
// now check parent kid correlations
for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < m_numUsedNodes ; i++ ) {
// skip node if parents is -2 (unoccupied)
if ( PARENT(i) == -2 ) continue;
// if no left/right kid it MUST be -1
if ( LEFT(i) < -1 )
return log("query: toptree: checktree: left "
"kid %"INT32" < -1",i);
if ( RIGHT(i) < -1 )
return log("query: toptree: checktree: right "
"kid %"INT32" < -1",i);
// check left kid
if ( LEFT(i) >= 0 && PARENT(LEFT(i)) != i )
return log("query: toptree: checktree: tree has "
"error %"INT32"",i);
// then right kid
if ( RIGHT(i) >= 0 && PARENT(RIGHT(i)) != i )
return log("query: toptree: checktree: tree has "
"error2 %"INT32"",i);
// now return if we aren't doing active balancing
//if ( ! DEPTH ) return true;
// debug -- just always return now
if ( printMsgs ) log("***m_headNode=%"INT32", m_numUsedNodes=%"INT32"",
// verify that parent links correspond to kids
for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < m_numUsedNodes ; i++ ) {
int32_t P = PARENT (i);
if ( P == -2 ) continue; // deleted node
if ( P == -1 && i != m_headNode )
return log("query: toptree: checktree: node %"INT32" has "
"no parent",i);
// check kids
if ( P>=0 && LEFT(P) != i && RIGHT(P) != i )
return log("query: toptree: checktree: node %"INT32"'s "
"parent disowned",i);
// ensure i goes back to head node
int32_t j = i;
while ( j >= 0 ) {
if ( j == m_headNode ) break;
j = PARENT(j);
if ( j != m_headNode )
return log("query: toptree: checktree: node %"INT32"'s no "
"head node above",i);
if ( printMsgs )
fprintf(stderr,"***node=%"INT32" left=%"INT32" rght=%"INT32" "
"prnt=%"INT32", depth=%"INT32"\n",
//ensure depth
int32_t newDepth = computeDepth ( i );
if ( DEPTH(i) != newDepth )
return log("query: toptree: checktree: node %"INT32"'s "
"depth should be %"INT32"",i,newDepth);
if ( printMsgs ) log("query: ---------------");
// no problems found
return true;
// . depth of subtree with i as the head node
// . includes i, so minimal depth is 1
int32_t TopTree::computeDepth ( int32_t i ) {
int32_t leftDepth = 0;
int32_t rightDepth = 0;
if ( LEFT (i) >= 0 ) leftDepth = DEPTH ( LEFT (i) ) ;
if ( RIGHT(i) >= 0 ) rightDepth = DEPTH ( RIGHT(i) ) ;
// . get the new depth for node i
// . add 1 cuz we include ourself in our DEPTH
if ( leftDepth > rightDepth ) return leftDepth + 1;
else return rightDepth + 1;
bool TopTree::hasDocId ( int64_t d ) {
int32_t i = getLowNode ( );
// scan the nodes
for ( ; i >= 0 ; i = getNext ( i ) ) {
//if ( PARENT(i) == -2 ) continue; // deleted node
if ( m_nodes[i].m_docId == d ) return true;
return false;