2013-08-02 13:12:24 -07:00

138 lines
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// Matt Wells, copyright Jul 2001
// . get many RdbLists at once
// . used by ../indexdb/Msg39.cpp to get many IndexLists (RdbLists)
#ifndef _MSG2_H_
#define _MSG2_H_
#include "Query.h" // MAX_QUERY_TERMS
#include "Msg0.h"
// define the max # of lists you can get as the max # of query terms for now
// launch up to 25 msg0 requests at a time
//#define MSG2_MAX_REQUESTS 25
class Msg2 {
void reset();
// . returns false if blocked, true otherwise
// . sets errno on error
// . "termIds/termFreqs" should NOT be on the stack in case we block
bool getLists ( long rdbId ,
char *coll ,
long maxAge ,
bool addToCache ,
//key_t *startKeys ,
//key_t *endKeys ,
//char *startKeys ,
//char *endKeys ,
//class QueryTerm *qterms ,
class Query *query ,
// isSplit[i] is true if list #i is split.
// i.e., etc.
//char *isSplit ,
long *minRecSizes ,
//long numLists ,
RdbList *lists ,
void *state ,
void (* callback)(void *state ) ,
class Msg39Request *request ,
long niceness = MAX_NICENESS ,
bool doMerge = true ,
bool isDebug = false ,
long *bestSenderHostIds = NULL ,
bool restrictPosdb = false ,
char forceParitySplit = -1 ,
bool checkCache = false);
bool getLists();
// for posdbtable to get lists
//long getNumListGroups ( ) { return m_query->m_numTerms; }
// . get each list group
// . lists are from oldest to newest
//RdbList **getListGroup ( long i ){return m_msg5[i].m_listPtrs;}
//long getNumListsInGroup ( long i ){return m_msg5[i].m_numListPtrs;}
RdbList *getList ( long i ) { return &m_lists[i]; }
long getNumLists ( ) { return m_query->m_numTerms; }
// get how many bytes we read
//long getTotalRead() { return m_totalRead; };
// leave public so C wrapper can call
bool gotList ( RdbList *list );
// we can get up to MAX_QUERY_TERMS term frequencies at the same time
Msg5 m_msg5 [ MSG2_MAX_REQUESTS ];
//Msg0 m_msg0 [ MSG2_MAX_REQUESTS ];
bool m_avail [ MSG2_MAX_REQUESTS ]; // which msg0s are available?
long m_errno;
RdbList *m_lists;
char m_inProgress [ MAX_NUM_LISTS ];
char m_slotNum [ MAX_NUM_LISTS ];
// used for getting component lists if compound list is empty
void mergeLists_r ( ) ;
long *m_componentCodes;
char *m_ignore;
class Query *m_query;
class QueryTerm *m_qterms;
//char m_cacheKeys[MAX_NUM_LISTS * MAX_KEY_BYTES];
long *m_minRecSizes;
long m_maxAge;
long m_numLists;
bool m_getComponents;
char m_rdbId;
bool m_addToCache;
char *m_coll;
bool m_restrictPosdb;
long m_compoundListMaxSize;
char m_forceParitySplit;
bool m_checkCache;
long m_k;
long m_n;
//RdbList *m_listPtrs [ MAX_NUM_LISTS ];
class Msg39Request *m_req;
// true if its a compound list that needs to be inserted into the cache
//char m_needsCaching [ MAX_NUM_LISTS ];
long m_numReplies ;
long m_numRequests ;
void *m_state ;
void ( * m_callback ) ( void *state );
long m_niceness;
// . should lists from cache, tree and disk files be merged into one?
// . or appended out of order?
// . avoiding merge saves query engine valuable time
bool m_doMerge;
// if this is true we log more output
bool m_isDebug;
// keep a count of bytes read from all lists (local or remote)
//long m_totalRead;
// start time
long long m_startTime;