
2666 lines
74 KiB

#include "gb-include.h"
#include "Process.h"
#include "Rdb.h"
//#include "Checksumdb.h"
#include "Clusterdb.h"
#include "Hostdb.h"
#include "Tagdb.h"
#include "Catdb.h"
#include "Posdb.h"
#include "Cachedb.h"
#include "Monitordb.h"
#include "Datedb.h"
#include "Titledb.h"
//#include "Revdb.h"
#include "Sections.h"
#include "Spider.h"
#include "Statsdb.h"
//#include "Tfndb.h"
#include "Threads.h"
#include "PingServer.h"
#include "Dns.h"
#include "Repair.h"
#include "RdbCache.h"
#include "Spider.h"
//#include "Classifier.h"
//#include "PageTopDocs.h"
#include "HttpServer.h"
#include "Speller.h"
//#include "Thesaurus.h"
#include "Spider.h"
#include "Profiler.h"
//#include "PageNetTest.h"
#include "LangList.h"
#include "AutoBan.h"
//#include "SiteBonus.h"
#include "Msg4.h"
#include "Msg5.h"
//#include "PageTurk.h"
//#include "Syncdb.h"
//#include "Placedb.h"
#include "Wiki.h"
#include "Wiktionary.h"
#include "Users.h"
#include "Proxy.h"
#include "Rebalance.h"
#include "SpiderProxy.h"
// the query log hashtable defined in XmlDoc.cpp
//extern HashTableX g_qt;
// normally in seo.cpp, but here so it compiles
SafeBuf g_qbuf;
long g_qbufNeedSave = 0;
// for resetAll()
//#include "Msg6.h"
extern void resetPageAddUrl ( );
extern void resetHttpMime ( );
extern void reset_iana_charset ( );
//extern void resetAdultBit ( );
extern void resetDomains ( );
extern void resetEntities ( );
extern void resetQuery ( );
extern void resetStopWords ( );
extern void resetAbbrTable ( );
extern void resetUnicode ( );
// our global instance
Process g_process;
//static long s_flag = 1;
static long s_nextTime = 0;
char *g_files[] = {
// might have localhosts.conf
// called by gb via system() to convert non-html doc to html
// need for checking hard drive temperature
// used by tagdb i guess
//"7za" , // 7-zip compression
// 'gbfilter' calls these filters to convert various doc types
// into html before being fed to parser
"antiword" , // msword
"pdftohtml", // pdf
"pstotext" , // postscript
//"ppthtml" , // powerpoint
// required for SSL server support for both getting web pages
// on https:// sites and for serving https:// pages
// the main binary!
// for spell checking
// . thumbnail generation
// . i used 'apt-get install netpbm' to install
// this junk can be generated
// used to make package to install files for the package.
// so do not include hosts.conf or gb.conf
bool Process::getFilesToCopy ( char *srcDir , SafeBuf *buf ) {
// sanirty
long slen = gbstrlen(srcDir);
if ( srcDir[slen-1] != '/' ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
for ( long i = 0 ; i < (long)sizeof(g_files)/4 ; i++ ) {
// terminate?
if ( ! g_files[i] ) break;
// skip subdir shit it won't work
if ( strstr(g_files[i],"/") ) continue;
// if not first
if ( i > 0 ) buf->pushChar(' ');
// append it
, srcDir
, g_files[i] );
// and the required runtime subdirs
buf->safePrintf(" %santiword-dir",srcDir);
buf->safePrintf(" %sucdata",srcDir);
buf->safePrintf(" %shtml",srcDir);
return true;
bool Process::checkFiles ( char *dir ) {
// check these by hand since you need one or the other
File f1;
File f2;
File f3;
File f4;
f1.set ( dir , "allCountries.txt" );
f2.set ( dir , "postalCodes.txt" );
//f3.set ( dir , "places.dat" );
f4.set ( dir , "zips.dat" );
if ( //( ! f3.doesExist() || ! f4.doesExist() ) &&
( ! f4.doesExist() ) &&
( ! f1.doesExist() || ! f2.doesExist() ) ) {
log("db: need either (%s and %s) or (%s and %s)",
f3.getFilename() ,
f4.getFilename() ,
f1.getFilename() ,
f2.getFilename() );
//return false;
// check for email subdir
//f1.set ( dir , "/html/email/");
//if ( ! f1.doesExist() ) {
// log("db: email subdir missing. add html/email");
// return false;
// make sure we got all the files
//if ( ! g_conf.m_isLive ) return true;
bool needsFiles = false;
for ( long i = 0 ; i < (long)sizeof(g_files)/4 ; i++ ) {
// terminate?
if ( ! g_files[i] ) break;
File f;
char *dd = dir;
if ( g_files[i][0] != '/' )
f.set ( dir , g_files[i] );
else {
f.set ( g_files[i] );
dd = "";
if ( ! f.doesExist() ) {
log("db: %s%s file missing."
//log("db: %s%s missing. Copy over from "
// "titan:/gb/conf/%s",dd,g_files[i],g_files[i]);
// i like to debug locally without having to load this!
//if ( ! g_conf.m_isLive &&
// ! strcmp(g_files[i],"dict/unifiedDict") )
// continue;
// get subdir in working dir
//char subdir[512];
//char *p = g_files[i];
//char *last = NULL;
//for ( ; *p ; p++ )
// if ( *p == '/' ) last = p;
// try copying
//char cmd[1024];
//sprintf(cmd,"cp -p /home/mwells/gigablast/%s "
// "%s%s",g_files[i],g_hostdb.m_dir,g_files[i]);
//log("db: trying to copy: \"%s\"",cmd);
needsFiles = true;
if ( needsFiles ) {
log("db: Missing files. See above. Exiting.");
return false;
//if ( needsFiles ) {
// log("db: use 'apt-get install -y netpbm' to install "
// "pnmfiles");
// return false;
// . check for tagdb files tagdb0.xml to tagdb50.xml
// . MDW - i am phased these annoying files out 100%
//for ( long i = 0 ; i <= 50 ; i++ ) {
// char tmp[100];
// sprintf ( tmp , "tagdb%li.xml" , i );
// File f;
// f.set ( dir , tmp );
// if ( ! f.doesExist() )
// return log("db: %s%s missing. Copy over from "
// "titan:/gb/conf/%s",dir,tmp,tmp);
if ( ! g_conf.m_isLive ) return true;
m_swapEnabled = 0;
// first check to make sure swap is off
SafeBuf psb;
if ( psb.fillFromFile("/proc/swaps") < 0 ) {
log("gb: failed to read /proc/swaps");
//if ( ! g_errno ) g_errno = EBADENGINEER;
//return true;
// if we don't know if swap is enabled or not, use -1
m_swapEnabled = -1;
File f;
f.set ("/proc/swaps");
long size = f.getFileSize() ;
char *buf = (char *)mmalloc ( size+1, "S99" );
if ( ! buf ) return false;
if ( ! ( O_RDONLY ) )
return log("gb: failed to open %s",f.getFilename());
if ( size != ( buf , size , 0 ) )
return log("gb: failed to read %s: %s",f.getFilename() ,
buf[size] = '\0';
// we should redbox this! or at least be on the optimizations page
if ( m_swapEnabled == 0 ) {
char *buf = psb.getBufStart();
if ( strstr ( buf,"dev" ) )
//return log("gb: can not start live gb with swap "
m_swapEnabled = 1;
// . make sure elvtune is being set right
// . must be in /etc/rcS.d/S99local
f.set ("/etc/rcS.d/S99local" );
size = f.getFileSize() ;
buf = (char *)mmalloc ( size+1, "S99" );
if ( ! buf ) return false;
if ( ! ( O_RDONLY ) )
return log("gb: failed to open %s",f.getFilename());
if ( size != ( buf , size , 0 ) )
return log("gb: failed to read %s",f.getFilename() );
if ( ! strstr (buf,"\n/usr/sbin/elvtune -w 32 /dev/sda") ||
! strstr (buf,"\n/usr/sbin/elvtune -w 32 /dev/sdb") ||
! strstr (buf,"\n/usr/sbin/elvtune -w 32 /dev/sdc") ||
! strstr (buf,"\n/usr/sbin/elvtune -w 32 /dev/sdd") )
// just note it now and do not exit since 2.6's elevator
// tuning is totally different. NO! we are not using 2.6
// cuz it sux...
return log("gb: %s does not contain "
"/usr/sbin/elvtune -w 32 /dev/sd[a-d]" ,
mfree ( buf , size+1, "S99" );
// now that we are open source skip the checks below
return true;
// check kernel version
FILE *fd;
fd = fopen ( "/proc/version" , "r" );
if ( ! fd ) {
log("gb: could not open /proc/version to check kernel version:%s",
return false;
// read in version
char vbuf[4000];
fgets ( vbuf , 3900 , fd );
fclose ( fd );
// compare it
if ( strcmp ( vbuf , "Linux version 2.4.31-bigcore "
"(jolivares@voyager) (gcc version 2.95.4 20011002 "
"(Debian prerelease)) #2 SMP Fri Apr 14 12:48:46 "
"MST 2006\n") == 0 )
return true;
if ( strcmp ( vbuf , "Linux version 2.4.31-bigcore "
"(msabino@voyager) (gcc version 2.95.4 20011002 "
"(Debian prerelease)) #7 SMP Mon Aug 21 18:09:30 "
"MDT 2006\n") == 0 )
return true;
// this one is for the dual and quad core machines i think
if ( strcmp ( vbuf , "Linux version 2.4.34-e755 (jolivares@titan) "
"(gcc version 2.95.4 20011002 (Debian prerelease)) "
"#22 SMP Tue May 15 02:22:43 MDT 2007\n")==0 )
return true;
// temp hack test
//if ( strcmp ( vbuf , "Linux version 2.6.30 (mwells@titan) (gcc "
// "version 4.1.2 20061115 (prerelease) (Debian 4.1.1-"
// "21)) #4 SMP Thu Jun 18 12:56:50 MST 2009\n")==0 )
// return true;
// this is used for router0 and router1
if ( g_hostdb.m_myHost->m_isProxy &&
strcmp ( vbuf , "Linux version (mwells@titan) "
"(gcc version 4.1.2 20061115 (prerelease) "
"(Debian 4.1.1-21)) #9 SMP Sun Oct 12 15:23:40 "
"MST 2008\n")== 0)
return true;
log("gb: kernel version is not an approved version.");
//return false;
return true;
static void powerMonitorWrapper ( int fd , void *state ) ;
static void fanSwitchCheckWrapper ( int fd , void *state ) ;
static void gotPowerWrapper ( void *state , TcpSocket *s ) ;
static void doneCmdWrapper ( void *state ) ;
static void hdtempWrapper ( int fd , void *state ) ;
static void hdtempDoneWrapper ( void *state , ThreadEntry *t ) ;
static void *hdtempStartWrapper_r ( void *state , ThreadEntry *t ) ;
static void heartbeatWrapper ( int fd , void *state ) ;
//static void diskHeartbeatWrapper ( int fd , void *state ) ;
static void processSleepWrapper ( int fd , void *state ) ;
Process::Process ( ) {
m_mode = NO_MODE;
m_exiting = false;
m_powerIsOn = true;
m_totalDocsIndexed = -1LL;
bool Process::init ( ) {
// -1 means unknown
m_diskUsage = -1.0;
m_diskAvail = -1LL;
// we do not know if the fans are turned off or on
m_currentFanState = -1;
m_threadOut = false;
m_powerReqOut = false;
m_powerIsOn = true;
m_numRdbs = 0;
m_suspendAutoSave = false;
// . init the array of rdbs
// . primary rdbs
// . let's try to save tfndb first, that is the most important,
// followed by titledb perhaps...
//m_rdbs[m_numRdbs++] = g_tfndb.getRdb ();
m_rdbs[m_numRdbs++] = g_titledb.getRdb ();
//m_rdbs[m_numRdbs++] = g_revdb.getRdb ();
m_rdbs[m_numRdbs++] = g_sectiondb.getRdb ();
m_rdbs[m_numRdbs++] = g_posdb.getRdb ();
//m_rdbs[m_numRdbs++] = g_datedb.getRdb ();
m_rdbs[m_numRdbs++] = g_spiderdb.getRdb ();
m_rdbs[m_numRdbs++] = g_clusterdb.getRdb ();
m_rdbs[m_numRdbs++] = g_tagdb.getRdb ();
m_rdbs[m_numRdbs++] = g_catdb.getRdb ();
m_rdbs[m_numRdbs++] = g_statsdb.getRdb ();
m_rdbs[m_numRdbs++] = g_linkdb.getRdb ();
m_rdbs[m_numRdbs++] = g_cachedb.getRdb ();
m_rdbs[m_numRdbs++] = g_serpdb.getRdb ();
m_rdbs[m_numRdbs++] = g_monitordb.getRdb ();
//m_rdbs[m_numRdbs++] = g_placedb.getRdb ();
// save what urls we have been doled
m_rdbs[m_numRdbs++] = g_doledb.getRdb ();
//m_rdbs[m_numRdbs++] = g_syncdb.getRdb ();
// secondary rdbs (excludes catdb)
//m_rdbs[m_numRdbs++] = g_tfndb2.getRdb ();
m_rdbs[m_numRdbs++] = g_titledb2.getRdb ();
//m_rdbs[m_numRdbs++] = g_revdb2.getRdb ();
m_rdbs[m_numRdbs++] = g_sectiondb2.getRdb ();
m_rdbs[m_numRdbs++] = g_posdb2.getRdb ();
//m_rdbs[m_numRdbs++] = g_datedb2.getRdb ();
m_rdbs[m_numRdbs++] = g_spiderdb2.getRdb ();
//m_rdbs[m_numRdbs++] = g_checksumdb2.getRdb ();
m_rdbs[m_numRdbs++] = g_clusterdb2.getRdb ();
//m_rdbs[m_numRdbs++] = g_tagdb2.getRdb ();
//m_rdbs[m_numRdbs++] = g_statsdb2.getRdb ();
m_rdbs[m_numRdbs++] = g_linkdb2.getRdb ();
//m_rdbs[m_numRdbs++] = g_placedb2.getRdb ();
m_rdbs[m_numRdbs++] = g_tagdb2.getRdb ();
// Add any new rdbs to the END of the list above so
// it doesn't screw up Rebalance.cpp which uses this list too!!!!
//call these back right before we shutdown the
m_callbackState = NULL;
m_callback = NULL;
// do not do an autosave right away
m_lastSaveTime = 0;//gettimeofdayInMillisecondsLocal();
// reset this
m_sentShutdownNote = false;
// this is used for shutting down as well
m_blockersNeedSave = true;
m_repairNeedsSave = true;
// count tries
m_try = 0;
// reset this timestamp
m_firstShutdownTime = 0;
// set the start time, local time
m_processStartTime = gettimeofdayInMillisecondsLocal();
// reset this
m_lastHeartbeatApprox = 0;
m_calledSave = false;
// heartbeat check
if ( ! g_loop.registerSleepCallback(100,NULL,heartbeatWrapper,0))
return false;
// we use SSDs now so comment this out
//if ( !g_loop.registerSleepCallback(500,NULL,diskHeartbeatWrapper,0))
// return false;
// get first snapshot of load average...
// . continually call this once per second
// . once every half second now so that autosaves are closer together
// in time between all hosts
if ( ! g_loop.registerSleepCallback(500,NULL,processSleepWrapper))
return false;
// . hard drive temperature
// . now that we use intel ssds that do not support smart, ignore this
// . well use it for disk usage i guess
if ( ! g_loop.registerSleepCallback(10000,NULL,hdtempWrapper,0))
return false;
// power monitor, every 30 seconds
if ( ! g_loop.registerSleepCallback(30000,NULL,powerMonitorWrapper,0))
return false;
// check temps to possible turn fans on/off every 60 seconds
if ( !g_loop.registerSleepCallback(60000,NULL,fanSwitchCheckWrapper,0))
return false;
// -99 means unknown
m_dataCtrTemp = -99;
m_roofTemp = -99;
// success
return true;
bool Process::isAnyTreeSaving ( ) {
for ( long i = 0 ; i < m_numRdbs ; i++ ) {
Rdb *rdb = m_rdbs[i];
if ( rdb->m_isCollectionLess ) continue;
if ( rdb->isSavingTree() ) return true;
// we also just disable writing below in Process.cpp
// while saving other files. so hafta check that as well
// since we use isAnyTreeSaving() to determine if we can
// write to the tree or not.
if ( ! rdb->isWritable() ) return true;
return false;
void powerMonitorWrapper ( int fd , void *state ) {
if ( g_isYippy ) return;
// only if in matt wells datacenter
if ( ! g_conf.m_isMattWells )
// are we in group #0
bool checkPower = false;
// get our host
Host *me = g_hostdb.m_myHost;
// if we are not host #0 and host #0 is dead, we check it
if ( me->m_shardNum == 0 && g_hostdb.isDead((long)0) )
checkPower = true;
// if we are host #0 we always check it
if ( me->m_hostId == 0 ) checkPower = true;
// proxy never checks power
if ( me->m_isProxy ) checkPower = false;
// if not checking, all done
if ( ! checkPower ) return;
// only if live
//if ( ! g_conf.m_isLive ) return;
// skip if request out already
if ( g_process.m_powerReqOut ) return;
// the url
char *url = "";
// download it
//log(LOG_INFO,"powermo: getting %s",url);
// for httpserver
//Url u; u.set ( url , gbstrlen(url) );
// mark the request as outstanding so we do not overlap it
g_process.m_powerReqOut = true;
// get it
bool status = g_httpServer.
getDoc ( url , // url to download
0 , // ip
0 , // offset
-1 , // size
0 , // ifModifiedSince
NULL , // state
gotPowerWrapper , // callback
30*1000 , // timeout
0 , // proxy ip
0 , // proxy port
1*1024*1024 , // maxLen
1*1024*1024 , // maxOtherLen
"Mozilla/4.0 "
"(compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows 98; "
"Win 9x 4.90)" ,
//false , // respect download limit?
"HTTP/1.1" );// fake 1.1 otherwise we get error!
// wait for it
if ( ! status ) return;
// i guess it is back!
g_process.m_powerReqOut = false;
// call this to wrap things up
g_process.gotPower ( NULL );
void gotPowerWrapper ( void *state , TcpSocket *s ) {
g_process.gotPower ( s );
// . returns false if blocked, true otherwise
// . returns true and sets g_errno on error
bool Process::gotPower ( TcpSocket *s ) {
// i guess it is back!
g_process.m_powerReqOut = false;
if ( ! s ) {
log("powermo: got NULL socket");
return true;
// point into buffer
char *buf ;
long bufSize ;
// assume power is on
long val = 0;
HttpMime mime;
char *content;
long contentLen;
char *p;
char *dataCtrTempStr;
char *roofTempStr;
char *tag1,*tag2;
float newTemp;
if ( g_errno ) {
log("powermo: had error getting power state: %s. assuming "
"power on.",
//return true;
// assume power went off
//val = 1;
goto skip;
// point into buffer
buf = s->m_readBuf;
bufSize = s->m_readOffset;
// note it
//log(LOG_INFO,"powermo: got power reply");
if ( ! buf ) {
log(LOG_INFO,"powermo: got empty reply. assuming power on.");
// return true;
// assume power went off
//val = 1;
goto skip;
mime.set ( buf , bufSize , NULL );
content = buf + mime.getMimeLen();
contentLen = bufSize - mime.getMimeLen();
// get the state of the power!
p = strstr ( content ,"\"power\",status:" );
// panic?
if ( ! p ) {
log("powermo: could not parse out power from room alert. "
"assuming power on. "
"content = %s",content);
//return true;
// assume power went off
//val = 1;
goto skip;
// . get the value
// . val is 0 if the power is ON!!!!
// . val is non-zero if the power is OFF!!!
val = atoi ( p + 15 );
// random values for testing!!
//val = rand()%2;
// . now get the temperature in the data ctr and the roof
// . log it every hour i guess for shits and giggles
// . if the roof temp is less than the data ctr temp then
// we want to keep the fans on, otherwise we need to send an
// http request to the power strip control to turn the fans off
tag1 = "\"Exit Temp\",tempf:\"" ;
dataCtrTempStr = strstr( content, tag1 );
if ( ! dataCtrTempStr ) {
log("powermo: could not parse our data ctr temp from "
"room alert.");
goto skip;
newTemp = atof ( dataCtrTempStr+ gbstrlen(tag1) );
if ( newTemp != m_dataCtrTemp )
log("powermo: data ctr temp changed from %0.1f to %.01f",
m_dataCtrTemp = newTemp;
tag2 = "\"Roof Temp\",tempf:\"";
roofTempStr = strstr( content, tag2 );
if ( ! dataCtrTempStr ) {
log("powermo: could not parse out roof temp from "
"room alert.");
goto skip;
newTemp = atof ( roofTempStr+gbstrlen(tag2));
if ( newTemp != m_roofTemp )
log("powermo: roof temp changed from %0.1f to %.01f",
m_roofTemp = newTemp;
// 0 means the alert is not triggered and power is on
if ( val == 0 && m_powerIsOn == true ) {
//log("powermo: power is still ON.");
return true;
// if it is off and was off before, don't do anything
if ( val && m_powerIsOn == false ) {
log("powermo: power is still OFF.");
return true;
char *up = NULL;
// if it was off before, tell everyone it is back on
if ( val == 0 && m_powerIsOn == false ) {
log("powermo: power is back ON!");
up = "/master?haspower=1&username=msg28&cast=0";
// update ourselves to prevent sending these multiple times
//m_powerIsOn = true;
else if ( val && m_powerIsOn == true ) {
log("powermo: power is OFF!");
up = "/master?haspower=0&username=msg28&cast=0";
// . update ourselves to prevent sending these multiple times
// . no, we need to make sure to save in Parms.cpp::
// CmdPower
//m_powerIsOn = false;
// how did this happen?
if ( m_powerReqOut ) return true;
// the request url
//Url ru; ru.set ( up , gbstrlen(up) );
// set the http reqeust
if ( ! m_r.set ( up ) ) {
log("powermo: got httpreqeust set error: %s",
return true;
// we are out again...
g_process.m_powerReqOut = true;
log("powermo: sending notice to all hosts.");
SafeBuf parmList;
// add the parm rec as a parm cmd
if ( ! g_parms.addNewParmToList1 ( &parmList,
NULL, // parmval (argument)
-1, // collnum (-1 -> globalconf)
"poweron") ) // CommandPowerOn()!
return true;
// . use the broadcast call here so things keep their order!
// . we do not need a callback when they have been completely
// broadcasted to all hosts so use NULL for that
g_parms.broadcastParmList ( &parmList , NULL , NULL );
// . turn off spiders
// . also show that power is off now!
//if ( ! m_msg28.massConfig ( m_r.getRequest() ,
// NULL , // state
// doneCmdWrapper ) )
// // return false if this blocked
// return false;
// . hmmm.. it did not block
// . this does not block either
doneCmdWrapper ( NULL );
return true;
void doneCmdWrapper ( void *state ) {
// we are back
g_process.m_powerReqOut = false;
// note it
log("powermo: DONE sending notice to all hosts.");
void hdtempWrapper ( int fd , void *state ) {
// also download test urls from spider proxies to ensure they
// are up and running properly
// reset this... why?
g_errno = 0;
// do not get if already getting
if ( g_process.m_threadOut ) return;
// skip if exiting
if ( g_process.m_mode == EXIT_MODE ) return;
// current local time
long now = getTime();
// or if haven't waited long enough
if ( now < s_nextTime ) return;
// set it
g_process.m_threadOut = true;
// . call thread to call popen
// . callThread returns true on success, in which case we block
NULL , // this
hdtempDoneWrapper ,
hdtempStartWrapper_r ) ) return;
// back
g_process.m_threadOut = false;
// . call it directly
// . only mention once to avoid log spam
static bool s_first = true;
if ( s_first ) {
s_first = false;
log("build: Could not spawn thread for call to get hd temps. "
"Ignoring hd temps. Only logging once.");
// MDW: comment these two guys out to avoid calling it for now
// get the data
//hdtempStartWrapper_r ( false , NULL ); // am thread?
// and finish it off
//hdtempDoneWrapper ( NULL , NULL );
// come back here
void hdtempDoneWrapper ( void *state , ThreadEntry *t ) {
// we are back
g_process.m_threadOut = false;
// current local time
long now = getTime();
// if we had an error, do not schedule again for an hour
//if ( s_flag ) s_nextTime = now + 3600;
// reset it
//s_flag = 0;
// send email alert if too hot
Host *h = g_hostdb.m_myHost;
// get max temp
long max = 0;
for ( long i = 0 ; i < 4 ; i++ ) {
short t = h->m_hdtemps[i];
if ( t > max ) max = t;
// . leave if ok
// . the seagates tend to have a max CASE TEMP of 69 C
// . it says the operating temps are 0 to 60 though, so
// i am assuming that is ambient?
// . but this temp is probably the case temp that we are measuring
if ( max <= g_conf.m_maxHardDriveTemp ) return;
// leave if we already sent and alert within 5 mins
static long s_lasttime = 0;
if ( now - s_lasttime < 5*60 ) return;
// prepare msg to send
char msgbuf[1024];
Host *h0 = g_hostdb.getHost ( 0 );
snprintf(msgbuf, 1024,
"hostid %li has overheated HD at %li C "
"cluster=%s (%s). Disabling spiders.",
// send it, force it, so even if email alerts off, it sends it
g_pingServer.sendEmail ( NULL , // Host *h
msgbuf , // char *errmsg = NULL ,
true , // bool sendToAdmin = true ,
false , // bool oom = false ,
false , // bool kernelErrors = false ,
false , // bool parmChanged = false ,
true );// bool forceIt = false );
s_lasttime = now;
// set Process::m_diskUsage
float getDiskUsage ( long long *diskAvail ) {
// first get disk usage now
char cmd[10048];
char out[1024];
snprintf(cmd,10000,"df -ka %s | tail -1 | "
"awk '{print $4\" \"$5}' > %s",
errno = 0;
int err = system ( cmd );
if ( err == 127 ) {
log("build: /bin/sh does not exist. can not get disk usage.");
return -1.0; // unknown
// this will happen if you don't upgrade glibc to 2.2.4-32 or above
if ( err != 0 ) {
log("build: Call to system(\"%s\") had error: %s",
return -1.0; // unknown
// read in temperatures from file
int fd = open ( out , O_RDONLY );
if ( fd < 0 ) {
//m_errno = errno;
log("build: Could not open %s for reading: %s.",
return -1.0; // unknown
char buf[2000];
long r = read ( fd , buf , 2000 );
// did we get an error
if ( r <= 0 ) {
//m_errno = errno;
log("build: Error reading %s: %s.",out,mstrerror(errno));
close ( fd );
return -1.0; // unknown
// clean up shop
close ( fd );
float usage;
long long avail;
sscanf(buf,"%lli %f",&avail,&usage);
// it is in KB so make it into bytes
if ( diskAvail ) *diskAvail = avail * 1000LL;
return usage;
// . sets m_errno on error
// . taken from Msg16.cpp
void *hdtempStartWrapper_r ( void *state , ThreadEntry *t ) {
// run the df -ka cmd
g_process.m_diskUsage = getDiskUsage( &g_process.m_diskAvail );
// ignore temps now. ssds don't have it
return NULL;
static char *s_parm = "ata";
// make a system call to /usr/sbin/hddtemp /dev/sda,b,c,d
//char *cmd =
// "/usr/sbin/hddtemp /dev/sda > /tmp/hdtemp ;"
// "/usr/sbin/hddtemp /dev/sdb >> /tmp/hdtemp ;"
// "/usr/sbin/hddtemp /dev/sdc >> /tmp/hdtemp ;"
// "/usr/sbin/hddtemp /dev/sdd >> /tmp/hdtemp ";
// linux 2.4 does not seem to like hddtemp
char *path = g_hostdb.m_dir;
//char *path = "/usr/sbin/";
char cmd[10048];
sprintf ( cmd ,
"%ssmartctl -Ad %s /dev/sda | grep Temp | awk '{print $10}' > /tmp/hdtemp2;"
"%ssmartctl -Ad %s /dev/sdb | grep Temp | awk '{print $10}' >> /tmp/hdtemp2;"
"%ssmartctl -Ad %s /dev/sdc | grep Temp | awk '{print $10}' >> /tmp/hdtemp2;"
"%ssmartctl -Ad %s /dev/sdd | grep Temp | awk '{print $10}' >> /tmp/hdtemp2" ,
path,s_parm ,
path,s_parm ,
path,s_parm ,
path,s_parm );
// the output
char *out = "/tmp/hdtemp2";
// timeout of 5 seconds
//int err = my_system_r ( cmd , 5 );
int err = system ( cmd );
//logf(LOG_DEBUG,"proc: system \"%s\"",cmd);
if ( err == 127 ) {
//m_errno = EBADENGINEER;
log("build: /bin/sh does not exist.");
return NULL;
// this will happen if you don't upgrade glibc to 2.2.4-32 or above
if ( err != 0 ) {
//m_errno = EBADENGINEER;
log("build: Call to system(\"%s\") had error.",cmd);
//s_flag = 1;
// wait 5 minutes
s_nextTime = getTime() + 300; // 3600;
return NULL;
// read in temperatures from file
int fd = open ( "/tmp/hdtemp2" , O_RDONLY );
if ( fd < 0 ) {
//m_errno = errno;
log("build: Could not open %s for reading: %s.",
return NULL;
char buf[2000];
long r = read ( fd , buf , 2000 );
// maybe try the marvell option?
if ( r == 0 && s_parm[0]!='m' ) {
log("gb: smartctl did not work. Trying marvell option.");
s_parm = "marvell";
goto retry;
else if ( r == 0 ) {
log("gb: Please run apt-get install smartmontools to install "
"smartctl and then chown root:root %ssmartctl ; "
"chmod +s %ssmartctl. cmd=%s",path,path,cmd);
// wait 5 mins
s_nextTime = getTime() + 300;
// did we get an error
if ( r < 0 ) {
//m_errno = errno;
log("build: Error reading %s: %s.",out,mstrerror(errno));
close ( fd );
return NULL;
// clean up shop
close ( fd );
// . typical file from hddtemp:
// /dev/sda: ST3400620AS: 39 C
// /dev/sdb: ST3400620AS: 39 C
// /dev/sdc: ST3400620AS: 39 C
// /dev/sdd: ST3400620AS: 39 C
// . typical file from smartctl
// 39\n37\n37\n37\n
char *p = buf;
// end
char *pend = buf + gbstrlen(buf);
// store the temps here
short *temp = g_hostdb.m_myHost->m_hdtemps;
// there are 4
short *tempEnd = temp + 4;
// parse output from smartctl
while ( temp < tempEnd ) {
// get temp
*temp++ = atoi(p);
// skip til after \n
while ( p < pend && *p != '\n' ) p++;
// skip \n
// done? strange.
if ( p >= pend ) return NULL;
// done
return NULL;
// parse output from hddtemp
// get all 4
while ( temp < tempEnd ) {
// skip till after 2nd colon
while ( p < pend && *p!=':' ) p++;
// skip over colon
// skip until we hit 2nd colon
while ( p < pend && *p!=':' ) p++;
// skip colon and space
p += 2;
// get temp
*temp++ = atoi(p);
return NULL;
void Process::callHeartbeat () {
heartbeatWrapper ( 0 , NULL );
void heartbeatWrapper ( int fd , void *state ) {
static long long s_last = 0LL;
static long long s_lastNumAlarms = 0LL;
long long now = gettimeofdayInMilliseconds();
if ( s_last == 0LL ) {
s_last = now;
s_lastNumAlarms = g_numAlarms;
// . log when we've gone 100+ ms over our scheduled beat
// . this is a sign things are jammed up
long long elapsed = now - s_last;
if ( elapsed > 200 )
// now we print the # of elapsed alarms. that way we will
// know if the alarms were going off or not...
// this happens if the rt sig queue is overflowed.
// check the "cat /proc/<pid>/status | grep SigQ" output
// to see if its overflowed. hopefully i will fix this by
// queue the signals myself in Loop.cpp.
log("db: missed heartbeat by %lli ms. Num elapsed alarms = "
"%li", elapsed-100,(long)(g_numAlarms - s_lastNumAlarms));
s_last = now;
s_lastNumAlarms = g_numAlarms;
// save this time so the sig alarm handler can see how long
// it has been since we've been called, so after 10000 ms it
// can dump core and we can see what is holding things up
g_process.m_lastHeartbeatApprox = g_nowApprox;
void diskHeartbeatWrapper ( int fd , void *state ) {
// skip this now that we use SSDs
bool stuck = false;
// do we have reads waiting?
bool isWaiting =
( g_threads.m_threadQueues[DISK_THREAD].m_hiReturned <
g_threads.m_threadQueues[DISK_THREAD].m_hiLaunched ) ;
// . must have been more than 1.5 secs since last read finished
// . if the disk read queue is empty when we add a new read thread
// request in BigFile.cpp, we set g_diskRequestAdded to g_now
if ( isWaiting &&
g_now - g_lastDiskReadCompleted >= 1500 &&
g_now - g_lastDiskReadStarted >= 1500 )
stuck = true;
// return if not stuck
if ( ! stuck ) {
// if we just got unstuck, log that
if ( g_diskIsStuck )
log("gb: disk is now unstuck.");
g_diskIsStuck = false;
// if first time, log that
if ( ! g_diskIsStuck )
log("gb: disk appears to be stuck.");
// flag it so BigFile.cpp and File.cpp just return EDISKSTUCK and so
// we do not kill all disk read threads again
g_diskIsStuck = true;
// now call the callback of all disk read threads that have niceness
// 0 but set g_errno to EDISKSTUCK. when the actual read finally does
// complete it should just basically stop...
// take this out now that we have solid states!!!!!!!!!!!!!
// called by PingServer.cpp only as of now
long long Process::getTotalDocsIndexed() {
if ( m_totalDocsIndexed == -1LL ) {
Rdb *rdb = g_clusterdb.getRdb();
// useCache = true
m_totalDocsIndexed = rdb->getNumTotalRecs(true);
return m_totalDocsIndexed;
void processSleepWrapper ( int fd , void *state ) {
if ( g_process.m_mode == EXIT_MODE ) {g_process.shutdown2(); return; }
if ( g_process.m_mode == SAVE_MODE ) {g_process.save2 (); return; }
if ( g_process.m_mode == LOCK_MODE ) {g_process.save2 (); return; }
if ( g_process.m_mode != NO_MODE ) return;
// update global rec count
static long s_rcount = 0;
// every 2 seconds
if ( ++s_rcount >= 4 ) {
s_rcount = 0;
// PingServer.cpp uses this
Rdb *rdb = g_clusterdb.getRdb();
g_process.m_totalDocsIndexed = rdb->getNumTotalRecs();
// do not do autosave if no power
if ( ! g_process.m_powerIsOn ) return;
// . i guess try to autoscale the cluster in cast hosts.conf changed
// . if all pings came in and all hosts have the same hosts.conf
// and if we detected any shard imbalance at startup we have to
// scan all rdbs for records that don't belong to us and send them
// where they should go
// . returns right away in most cases
// if doing the final part of a repair.cpp loop where we convert
// titledb2 files to titledb etc. then do not save!
if ( g_repairMode == 7 ) return;
// autosave? override this if power is off, we need to save the data!
//if (g_conf.m_autoSaveFrequency <= 0 && g_process.m_powerIsOn) return;
if ( g_conf.m_autoSaveFrequency <= 0 ) return;
// never if in read only mode
if ( g_conf.m_readOnlyMode ) return;
// skip autosave while sync in progress!
if ( g_process.m_suspendAutoSave ) return;
// need to have a clock unified with host #0. i guess proxy
// does not sync with host #0 though
//if ( ! isClockInSync() && ! g_hostdb.m_myHost->m_isProxy ) return;
// get time the day started
long now;
if ( g_hostdb.m_myHost->m_isProxy ) now = getTimeLocal();
else {
// need to be in sync with host #0's clock
if ( ! isClockInSync() ) return;
// that way autosaves all happen at about the same time
now = getTimeGlobal();
// set this for the first time
if ( g_process.m_lastSaveTime == 0 )
g_process.m_lastSaveTime = now;
// we now try to align our autosaves with start of the day so that
// all hosts autosave at the exact same time!! this should keep
// performance somewhat consistent.
// get frequency in minutes
long freq = (long)g_conf.m_autoSaveFrequency ;
// convert into seconds
freq *= 60;
// how many seconds into the day has it been?
long offset = now % (24*3600);
long dayStart = now - offset;
// how many times should we have autosaved so far for this day?
long autosaveCount = offset / freq;
// convert to when it should have been last autosaved
long nextLastSaveTime = (autosaveCount * freq) + dayStart;
// if we already saved it for that time, bail
if ( g_process.m_lastSaveTime >= nextLastSaveTime ) return;
//long long now = gettimeofdayInMillisecondsLocal();
// . get a snapshot of the load average...
// . MDW: disable for now. not really used...
// convert from minutes in milliseconds
//long long delta = (long long)g_conf.m_autoSaveFrequency * 60000LL;
// if power is off make this every 30 seconds temporarily!
//if ( ! g_process.m_powerIsOn ) delta = 30000;
// return if we have not waited long enough
//if ( now - g_process.m_lastSaveTime < delta ) return;
// update
g_process.m_lastSaveTime = nextLastSaveTime;//now;
// save everything
logf(LOG_INFO,"db: Autosaving.");;
bool Process::save ( ) {
// never if in read only mode
if ( g_conf.m_readOnlyMode ) return true;
// bail if doing something already
if ( m_mode != 0 ) return true;
// log it
logf(LOG_INFO,"db: Entering lock mode for saving.");
m_mode = LOCK_MODE; // SAVE_MODE;
m_urgent = false;
return save2();
bool Process::shutdown ( bool urgent ,
void *state,
void (*callback) (void *state )) {
// bail if doing something already
if ( m_mode != 0 ) {
// if already in exit mode, just return
if ( m_mode == EXIT_MODE )
return true;
// otherwise, log it!
log("process: shutdown called, but mode is %li",
return true;
m_mode = EXIT_MODE;
m_urgent = urgent;
// check memory buffers for overruns/underrunds to see if that
// caused this core
if ( urgent ) g_mem.printBreeches(false);
if(!shutdown2()) {
m_callbackState = state;
m_callback = callback;
return false;
return true;
// return false if blocked/waiting
bool Process::save2 ( ) {
// MDW: why was this here? i commented it out. we need to do
// quickpolls when autosaving for sure.
// only the main process can call this
if ( g_threads.amThread() ) return true;
// . wait for any dump to complete
// . when merging titldb, it sets Rdb::m_dump.m_isDumping to true
// because it is dumping the results of the merge to a file.
// occasionally it will initiate a dump of tfndb which will not be
// possible because Rdb/RdbDump checks g_process.m_mode == SAVE_MODE,
// and do not allow dumps to begin if that is true! so we end up in
// deadlock! the save can not complete
if ( isRdbDumping() ) return false;
// ok, now nobody is dumping, etc. make it so no dumps can start.
// Rdb.cpp/RdbDump.cpp check for this and will not dump if it is
// set to SAVE_MODE
m_mode = SAVE_MODE;
logf(LOG_INFO,"gb: Saving data to disk. Disabling writes.");
// . disable adds/deletes on all rdb trees
// . Msg1 requests will get ETRYAGAIN error replies
// . this is instantaneous because all tree mods happen in this
// main process, not in a thread
bool useThreads = true;
// . tell all rdbs to save trees
// . will return true if no rdb tree needs a save
if ( ! saveRdbTrees ( useThreads ) ) return false;
// . save all rdb maps if they need it
// . will return true if no rdb map needs a save
// . save these last since maps can be auto-regenerated at startup
if ( ! saveRdbMaps ( useThreads ) ) return false;
// . save the conf files and caches. these block the cpu.
// . save these first since more important than the stuff below
// . no, to avoid saving multiple times, put this last since the
// stuff above may block and we have to re-call this function
if ( ! saveBlockingFiles1() ) return false;
// save addsInProgress.dat etc. if power goes off. this should be the
// one time we are called from power going off... since we do not
// do autosave when the power is off. this just blocks and never
// returns false, so call it with checking the return value.
if ( ! g_process.m_powerIsOn ) saveBlockingFiles2() ;
// for Test.cpp parser test we want to save the waitingtree.dat
else if ( g_threads.m_disabled ) saveBlockingFiles2() ;
// until all caches have saved, disable them
g_cacheWritesEnabled = false;
// . save caches
// . returns true if NO cache needs to be saved
//if ( ! saveRdbCaches ( useThreads ) ) return false;
// bring them back
g_cacheWritesEnabled = true;
// reenable tree writes since saves were completed
log(LOG_INFO,"gb: Saved data to disk. Re-enabling Writes.");
// update
//m_lastSaveTime = gettimeofdayInMillisecondsLocal();
// unlock
m_mode = NO_MODE;
return true;
// . return false if blocked/waiting
// . this is the SAVE BEFORE EXITING
bool Process::shutdown2 ( ) {
// only the main process can call this
if ( g_threads.amThread() ) return true;
if ( m_urgent )
log(LOG_INFO,"gb: Shutting down urgently. Try #%li.",m_try++);
log(LOG_INFO,"gb: Shutting down. Try #%li.",m_try++);
// turn off statsdb so it does not try to add records for these writes
g_statsdb.m_disabled = true;
// assume we will use threads
bool useThreads = true;
// if urgent do not allow any further threads to be spawned unless
// they were already queued
if ( m_urgent ) {
// do not use thread spawning
useThreads = false;
// turn off all threads just in case
if ( ! useThreads ) g_threads.disableThreads();
// disable all spidering
// we can exit while spiders are in the queue because
// if they are in the middle of being added they will be
// saved by spider restore
// wait for all spiders to clear
// don't shut the crawler down on a core
//g_conf.m_spideringEnabled = false;
//g_conf.m_injectionEnabled = false;
// . suspend all merges
g_merge.suspendMerge () ;
g_merge2.suspendMerge() ;
// make sure they are in a saveable state. we need to make sure
// they have dumped out the latest merged list and updated the
// appropriate RdbMap so we can save it below
bool wait = false;
if ( g_merge.m_isMerging && ! g_merge.m_isReadyToSave ) wait = true;
if ( g_merge2.m_isMerging && ! g_merge2.m_isReadyToSave ) wait = true;
// wait for any dump to complete
if ( isRdbDumping() ) wait = true;
// . wait for the merge or dump to complete
// . but NOT if urgent...
if ( wait && ! m_urgent ) return false;
// . disable adds/deletes on all rdb trees
// . Msg1 requests will get ECLOSING error msgs
// . this is instantaneous because all tree mods happen in this
// main process, not in a thread
// . tell all rdbs to save trees
// . will return true if no rdb tree needs a save
if ( ! saveRdbTrees ( useThreads ) )
if ( ! m_urgent ) return false;
// save this right after the trees in case we core
// in saveRdbMaps() again due to the core we are
// handling now corrupting memory
if ( m_repairNeedsSave ) {
m_repairNeedsSave = false;;
// . save all rdb maps if they need it
// . will return true if no rdb map needs a save
if ( ! saveRdbMaps ( useThreads ) )
if ( ! m_urgent ) return false;
long long now = gettimeofdayInMillisecondsLocal();
if ( m_firstShutdownTime == 0 ) m_firstShutdownTime = now;
// these udp servers will not read in new requests or allow
// new requests to be sent. they will timeout any outstanding
// UdpSlots, and when empty they will return true here. they will
// close their m_sock and set it to -1 which should force their
// thread to exit.
// if not urgent, they will wait for a while for the
// sockets/slots to clear up.
// however, if 5 seconds or more have elapsed then force it
bool udpUrgent = m_urgent;
if ( now - m_firstShutdownTime >= 3000 ) udpUrgent = true;
if ( ! g_dns.m_udpServer.shutdown ( udpUrgent ) )
if ( ! udpUrgent ) return false;
// . send notes to all the hosts in the network telling them we're
// shutting down
// . this returns false if it blocks
// . we don't care if it blocks or not
// . don't bother asking the hosts to send an email alert for us
// since we're going down gracefully by letting everyone know
// . don't send this unless we are very sure we can shutdown NOW
// . i.e. no blocking after this call!
if ( ! m_sentShutdownNote && ! m_urgent ) {
log(LOG_INFO,"gb: Broadcasting shutdown notice.");
m_sentShutdownNote = true;
g_pingServer.broadcastShutdownNotes ( false , //sendEmailAlert?
//broadcastShutdownNotes uses g_udpServer so we do this last.
if ( ! g_udpServer.shutdown ( udpUrgent ) )
if ( ! udpUrgent ) return false;
// save the conf files and caches. these block the cpu.
if ( m_blockersNeedSave ) {
m_blockersNeedSave = false;
if (!g_conf.m_readOnlyMode)
logf(LOG_INFO,"gb: Saving miscellaneous data files.");
saveBlockingFiles1() ;
saveBlockingFiles2() ;
// . save all rdb caches if they need it
// . do this AFTER udp server is shut down so cache should not
// be accessed any more
// . will return true if no rdb cache needs a save
//if ( ! saveRdbCaches ( useThreads ) ) return false;
// always diable threads at this point so will
// always return false and we do not queue any new threads for
// spawning
// urgent means we need to dump core, SEGV or something
if ( m_urgent ) {
// log it
log("gb: Dumping core after saving.");
// at least destroy the page caches that have shared memory
// because they seem to not clean it up
// let's ensure our core file can dump
struct rlimit lim;
lim.rlim_cur = lim.rlim_max = RLIM_INFINITY;
if ( setrlimit(RLIMIT_CORE,&lim) )
log("gb: setrlimit: %s.", mstrerror(errno) );
// . force an abnormal termination which will cause a core dump
// . do not dump core on SIGHUP signals any more though
// keep compiler happy
return true;
// cleanup threads, this also launches them too
// wait for all threads to complete...
long n = g_threads.getNumThreadsOutOrQueued() ;
//if ( n > 0 )
// return log(LOG_INFO,
// "gb: Waiting for %li threads to complete.",n);
log(LOG_INFO,"gb: Has %li threads out.",n);
//ok, resetAll will close httpServer's socket so now is the time to
//call the callback.
if(m_callbackState) (*m_callback)(m_callbackState);
// tell Mutlicast::reset() not to destroy all the slots! that cores!
m_exiting = true;
// let everyone free their mem
// show what mem was not freed
// kill any outstanding hd temp thread?
if ( g_process.m_threadOut )
log(LOG_INFO,"gb: still has hdtemp thread");
// exit abruptly
// keep compiler happy
return true;
void Process::disableTreeWrites ( ) {
// loop over all Rdbs
for ( long i = 0 ; i < m_numRdbs ; i++ ) {
Rdb *rdb = m_rdbs[i];
// disable all spider trees and tables
for ( long i = 0 ; i < g_collectiondb.m_numRecs ; i++ ) {
SpiderColl *sc = g_spiderCache.getSpiderCollIffNonNull(i);
if ( ! sc ) continue;
sc->m_waitingTree .disableWrites();
sc->m_doleIpTable .disableWrites();
void Process::enableTreeWrites ( ) {
// loop over all Rdbs
for ( long i = 0 ; i < m_numRdbs ; i++ ) {
Rdb *rdb = m_rdbs[i];
// enable all waiting trees
for ( long i = 0 ; i < g_collectiondb.m_numRecs ; i++ ) {
SpiderColl *sc = g_spiderCache.getSpiderCollIffNonNull(i);
if ( ! sc ) continue;
sc->m_waitingTree .enableWrites();
sc->m_doleIpTable .enableWrites();
// . returns false if blocked, true otherwise
// . calls callback when done saving
bool Process::isRdbDumping ( ) {
// loop over all Rdbs and save them
for ( long i = 0 ; i < m_numRdbs ; i++ ) {
Rdb *rdb = m_rdbs[i];
if ( rdb->m_dump.m_isDumping ) return true;
return false;
bool Process::isRdbMerging ( ) {
// loop over all Rdbs and save them
for ( long i = 0 ; i < m_numRdbs ; i++ ) {
Rdb *rdb = m_rdbs[i];
if ( rdb->isMerging() ) return true;
return false;
// . returns false if blocked, true otherwise
// . calls callback when done saving
bool Process::saveRdbTrees ( bool useThread ) {
// never if in read only mode
if ( g_conf.m_readOnlyMode ) return true;
// turn off statsdb until everyone is done
//g_statsdb.m_disabled = true;
// loop over all Rdbs and save them
for ( long i = 0 ; ! m_calledSave && i < m_numRdbs ; i++ ) {
Rdb *rdb = m_rdbs[i];
rdb->saveTree ( useThread );
// . save waitingtrees for each collection, blocks.
// . can we make this non-blocking?
// . true = "usethreads"
// . all writes have been disabled, so should be cleanly saved
// . if this did not block that means it does not need any saving
// . this just launched all the write threads for the trees/tables
// that need to be saved. it sets m_isSaving once they are all
// launched.
// . and sets m_isSaving=false on SpiderCache::doneSaving when they
// are all done. ( useThread );
// do not re-save the stuff we just did this round
m_calledSave = true;
// quickly re-enable if statsdb tree does not need save any more
//if ( ! g_statsdb.m_rdb.needsSave() ) g_statsdb.m_disabled = false;
// check if any need to finish saving
for ( long i = 0 ; i < m_numRdbs ; i++ ) {
Rdb *rdb = m_rdbs[i];
//if ( rdb->needsSave ( ) ) return false;
// we disable the tree while saving so we can't really add recs
// to one rdb tree while saving, but for crawlbot
// we might have added or deleted collections.
if ( rdb->isSavingTree ( ) ) return false;
// . check spider cache files (doleiptable waitingtree etc.)
// . this should return true if it still has some files that haven't
// saved to disk yet... so if it returns true we return false
// indicating that we are still waiting!
if ( g_spiderCache.needsSave () ) return false;
// reset for next call
m_calledSave = false;
// everyone is done saving
return true;
// . returns false if blocked, true otherwise
// . calls callback when done saving
bool Process::saveRdbMaps ( bool useThread ) {
// never if in read only mode
if ( g_conf.m_readOnlyMode ) return true;
useThread = false;
// loop over all Rdbs and save them
for ( long i = 0 ; i < m_numRdbs ; i++ ) {
Rdb *rdb = m_rdbs[i];
rdb->saveMaps ( useThread );
// everyone is done saving
return true;
// . returns false if blocked, true otherwise
// . calls callback when done saving
bool Process::saveRdbCaches ( bool useThread ) {
// never if in read only mode
if ( g_conf.m_readOnlyMode ) return true;
//useThread = false;
// loop over all Rdbs and save them
for ( long i = 0 ; i < m_numRdbs ; i++ ) {
Rdb *rdb = m_rdbs[i];
// . returns true if cache does not need save
// . returns false if blocked and is saving
// . returns true if useThreads is false
// . we return false if it blocks
if ( ! rdb->saveCache ( useThread ) ) return false;
// everyone is done saving
return true;
bool Process::saveBlockingFiles1 ( ) {
// never if in read only mode
if ( g_conf.m_readOnlyMode ) return true;
// save user accounting files. 3 of them.
if ( g_hostdb.m_myHost->m_isProxy )
// save the Conf file now;
// save the conf files;
// . save repair state
// . this is repeated above too
// . keep it here for auto-save;
// save our place during a rebalance
// save the login table;
// save stats on spider proxies if any
// save the query log buffer if it was modified by the
// runSeoQueryLoop() in seo.cpp which updates its
// QueryLogEntry::m_minTop50Score member and corresponding timestamp
if ( g_qbufNeedSave ) {
char fname[1024];
log("process: saving changes to %s",fname);
g_qbufNeedSave = false;
// . save the add state from Msg4.cpp
// . these are records in the middle of being added to rdbs across
// the cluster
// . saves to "addsinprogress.saving" and moves to .saved
// . eventually this may replace "spiderrestore.dat"
if ( g_repair.isRepairActive() ) saveAddsInProgress ( "repair-" );
else saveAddsInProgress ( NULL );
// . save the syncdb quicktree and insync.dat file, very important!!
// . must do this LAST so we truly no if in sync or not!!
// in fctypes.cpp. save the clock offset from host #0's clock so
// our startup is fast again
return true;
#include "PageTurk.h"
bool Process::saveBlockingFiles2 ( ) {
// never if in read only mode
if ( g_conf.m_readOnlyMode ) return true;
// the spider dup request cache
// false ); // use threads?
// save waitingtrees for each collection, blocks.
//if ( ! ) return false;
// save what templates each turk has turked
// g_hostdb.m_dir , "turkedtemplates.dat" );
// the robots.txt cache
Msg13::getHttpCacheRobots()->save( false ); // use threads?
// save our caches
for ( long i = 0; i < MAX_GENERIC_CACHES; i++ ) {
if ( g_genericCache[i].useDisk() )
// do not use threads
g_genericCache[i].save( false );
// save dead wait cache
//if ( g_deadWaitCache.useDisk () )
// g_deadWaitCache .save ();
//if ( g_forcedCache.useDisk () )
// g_forcedCache .save ( false ); // use threads?
//if ( g_alreadyAddedCache.useDisk () )
// ( false ); // use threads?
// save dns caches
RdbCache *c ;
c = g_dns.getCache();
if ( c->useDisk() ) c->save( false ); // use threads?
// save quota cache
//c = &g_qtable;
//if ( c->useDisk() ) c->save( false ); // use threads?
// save current spidering process, "spiderrestore.dat"
// save autoban stuff;
// this one too
// save state for top docs
// save the turk url cache, urls and user states
return true;
void Process::resetAll ( ) {
g_log .reset();
g_hostdb .reset();
g_hostdb2 .reset();
g_spiderLoop .reset();
for ( long i = 0 ; i < m_numRdbs ; i++ ) {
Rdb *rdb = m_rdbs[i];
g_catdb .reset();
g_collectiondb .reset();
g_categories1 .reset();
g_categories2 .reset();
//g_robotdb .reset();
g_dns .reset();
g_udpServer .reset();
//g_dnsServer .reset();
//g_udpServer2 .reset();
g_httpServer .reset();
g_loop .reset();
g_speller .reset();
//g_thesaurus .reset();
g_spiderCache .reset();
g_threads .reset();
g_ucUpperMap .reset();
g_ucLowerMap .reset();
g_ucProps .reset();
g_ucScripts .reset();
g_profiler .reset();
g_langList .reset();
g_autoBan .reset();
//g_qtable .reset();
//g_pageTopDocs .destruct();
//g_pageNetTest .destructor();
for ( long i = 0; i < MAX_GENERIC_CACHES; i++ )
// reset disk page caches
// termfreq cache in Posdb.cpp
// in Msg0.cpp
// in msg5.cpp
// reset other caches
// Msg20.cpp's parser cache
// query log table
// query log buffer
void Process::resetPageCaches ( ) {
log("gb: Resetting page caches.");
g_posdb .getDiskPageCache()->reset();
//g_datedb .getDiskPageCache()->reset();
g_linkdb .getDiskPageCache()->reset();
g_titledb .getDiskPageCache()->reset();
g_sectiondb .getDiskPageCache()->reset();
g_tagdb .getDiskPageCache()->reset();
g_spiderdb .getDiskPageCache()->reset();
//g_tfndb .getDiskPageCache()->reset();
//g_checksumdb .getDiskPageCache()->reset();
g_clusterdb .getDiskPageCache()->reset();
g_catdb .getDiskPageCache()->reset();
//g_placedb .getDiskPageCache()->reset();
g_doledb .getDiskPageCache()->reset();
//g_statsdb .getDiskPageCache()->reset();
// ============================================================================
// load average shedding via /proc/loadavg and an async BigFile
typedef struct {
char buf[20]; // read buffer
double load_average; // last parsed load avg.
int64_t time_req; // time of last parse
int64_t time_parse;
bool waiting; // waiting on async result?
bool closing; // shutting down...
BigFile bigfile;
FileState filestate;
} loadavg_state;
static loadavg_state s_st_lavg;
static void loadavg_callback(loadavg_state* state) {
if (state == NULL)
if (s_st_lavg.closing)
// MDW: stop doing it for now, it is not accurate
state->load_average = 0.00;
if (s_st_lavg.filestate.m_errno != 0) {
// do not thrash!
// leave time_req alone so next open will occur in 5 seconds...
// do not deadlock!
// set load_average=0 until file can be successfully re-read.
s_st_lavg.load_average = 0.0;
log(LOG_INFO, "build: errno %ld reading /proc/loadavg",
s_st_lavg.filestate.m_errno = 0;
state->time_parse = gettimeofdayInMilliseconds();
state->waiting = false;
state->load_average = atof(state->buf);
log(LOG_DEBUG, "build: loadavg currently: %.2f latency %lld ms",
state->load_average, state->time_parse - state->time_req);
static loadavg_state* s_state_ptr = NULL;
static void update_load_average(int64_t now) {
// initialize loadavg collection...
if (s_state_ptr == NULL) {
s_st_lavg.load_average = 0.0;
s_st_lavg.time_req = 0;
s_st_lavg.time_parse = 0;
s_st_lavg.waiting = false;
s_st_lavg.closing = false;
s_st_lavg.bigfile.set("/proc", "loadavg");
s_state_ptr = &s_st_lavg;
if (s_st_lavg.closing)
if (s_st_lavg.waiting)
// the 2.4 kernel updates /proc/loadavg on a 5-second interval
if (s_st_lavg.waiting == false && now - s_st_lavg.time_req < (5 * 1000))
s_st_lavg.time_req = now;
s_st_lavg.waiting = true;
s_st_lavg.filestate.m_errno = 0;
if (! s_st_lavg.buf,
// if we did not block (as is normal for _this_ file), then
// call callback directly and update state struct.
double Process::getLoadAvg() {
return s_st_lavg.load_average;
void Process::resetLoadAvg() {
if (s_state_ptr == NULL)
s_st_lavg.closing = true;
s_state_ptr = NULL;
// ============================================================================
// event nightly stats process
// copied from main.cpp dumpEvents() function
static long s_lastRunTime = 0;
void eventStatSleepWrapper ( void *state , int fd ) {
// why even register it if not host #0?
if ( g_hostdb.m_myHostId != 0 ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// local time. we are on host #0
long now = getTimeLocal();
// wait at least one hour
if ( now - s_lastRunTime < 3600 ) return;
// wait until midnight us time
long tod = now % 86400;
// or shortly after
if ( tod > 1500 ) return;
// ok, execute it
s_lastRunTime = now;
// send to everyhost
for ( long i = 0 ;i < g_hostdb.m_numHosts ; i++ ) {
Host *h = g_hostdb.getHost(i);
// reset his stats
// skip if dead
if ( h->isDead() ) continue;
g_udpServer.sendRequest ( 0xdd ,
gotStatReply ,
&h->m_eventStats );//store reply here
// wait for replies!
s_numReplies = 0;
void gotStatReply ( UdpSlot *slot ) {
// wait for all replies to come in
if ( s_numReplies < s_numRequests ) return;
// ok, tally up
EventStats total;
for ( long i = 0 ; i < g_hostdb.m_numHosts ; i++ ) {
Host *h = g_hostdb.getHost(i);
EventStats *es = &h->m_eventStats;
total.m_active += es->m_active;
SafeBuf sb;
// email cruft
//"MAIL from:<>\r\n"
"MAIL From:<>\r\n"
"RCPT To:<%s>\r\n"
"From: mwells <>\r\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\r\n"
"To: %s\r\n"
"Subject: Event Stats\r\n"
"Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8; format=flowed\r\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\r\n"
// mime header must be separated from body by
// an extra \r\n
sb.safePrintf("total expired events %li\n\n", total.m_expired );
sb.safePrintf("total active events %li\n\n", total.m_active );
// print the stats now a
fprintf(stdout,"expired %li\n",expiredCount);
fprintf(stdout,"active %li\n",activeCount);
fprintf(stdout,"expired+active %li\n",expiredCount+activeCount);
fprintf(stdout,"activeresultset1 %li\n",activeResultSet1Count);
fprintf(stdout,"activeexperimental %li\n",activeExperimentalCount);
fprintf(stdout,"activeresultset1+activeexperimental %li\n",
fprintf(stdout,"activefacebook %li\n",facebookCount);
fprintf(stdout,"activebadgeocoder %li\n",badGeocoderCount);
// by country
fprintf(stdout,"active by country\n");
for ( long i = 0 ;i < 256 ; i++ ) {
if ( ! cctable[i] ) continue;
char *cs = getCountryCode ( (uint8_t)i );
if ( ! cs ) continue;
fprintf(stdout,"%s %li\n",cs,cctable[i]);
sb.safePrintf("%li of %li hosts reporting.\n\n",
s_numReplies, g_hostdb.m_numHosts );
// email that to
long ip = atoip ( "" ); // gk37, our mail server
if ( ! ts->sendMsg ( ip,
25, // smtp (send mail transfer protocol) port
NULL, // es,
NULL, // gotEmailReplyWrapper,
1000*1024 ) )
log("estats: sent event stats email to");
// we did not block, so update facebook rec with timestamps
//gotEmailReply( es , NULL );
// we did not block
log("estats: tcp sendMsg did not block!");
// defined in XmlDoc.cpp:
bool isExpired ( EventDisplay *ed , long nowUTC , long niceness );
// defined in Address.cpp
uint8_t getCountryIdFromAddrStr ( char *addr );
// . host #0 call this around midnight on every host...
// . dd is the stat dump
// . returns the stats
void handleRequestdd ( UdpSlot *slot , long netnice ) {
// set stats
EventStats es;
// use msg5 to get the list, should ALWAYS block since no threads
if ( ! msg5.getList ( RDB_TITLEDB ,
coll ,
&list ,
startKey ,
endKey ,
minRecSizes ,
true,//includeTree ,
false , // add to cache?
0 , // max cache age
0,//startFileNum ,
-1,//numFiles ,
NULL , // state
NULL , // callback
0 , // niceness
false , // err correction?
NULL , // cache key ptr
0 , // retry num
-1 , // maxRetries
true , // compensate for merge
-1LL , // sync point
&msg5b )){
log(LOG_LOGIC,"db: getList did not block.");
// all done if empty
if ( list.isEmpty() ) goto done;
// loop over entries in list
for ( list.resetListPtr() ; ! list.isExhausted() ;
list.skipCurrentRecord() ) {
key_t k = list.getCurrentKey();
char *rec = list.getCurrentRec();
long recSize = list.getCurrentRecSize();
long long docId = g_titledb.getDocIdFromKey ( k );
if ( k <= lastKey )
log("key out of order. "
"lastKey.n1=%lx n0=%llx "
"currKey.n1=%lx n0=%llx ",
lastKey = k;
// print deletes
if ( (k.n0 & 0x01) == 0) {
fprintf(stdout,"n1=%08lx n0=%016llx docId=%012lli "
k.n1 , k.n0 , docId );
// . make this
// . (there's a mem leak so just new each time!)
XmlDoc *xd;
try { xd = new (XmlDoc); }
catch ( ... ) {
fprintf(stdout,"could not alloc for xmldoc\n");
// uncompress the title rec
if ( ! xd->set2 ( rec , recSize , coll ,NULL , 0 ) )
// now log each event we got that we hashed
char *p = xd->ptr_eventData;
char *pend = xd->ptr_eventData + xd->size_eventData;
// scan them
for ( ; p < pend ; ) {
// cast it
EventDisplay *ed = (EventDisplay *)p;
// skip this event display blob
p += ed->m_totalSize;
// ok, transform the offsets into ptrs
ed->m_desc = (EventDesc *)((long)ed->m_desc +
ed->m_addr = (char *)((long)ed->m_addr +
ed->m_int = (long *)((long)ed->m_int +
ed->m_normDate=(char *)((long)ed->m_normDate +
// do not repeat!
ed->m_eventFlags |= EV_DESERIALIZED;
// compile into EventStats class
addInEventStats ( es , &es, nowUTC ) ;
mdelete ( xd , sizeof(XmlDoc) , "mainxd" );
delete xd;
startKey = *(key_t *)list.getLastKey();
startKey += (unsigned long) 1;
// watch out for wrap around
if ( startKey >= *(key_t *)list.getLastKey() ) goto loop;
void addInEventStats ( EventDisplay *ed , EventStats *es , long nowUTC ) {
// count expired
if ( isExpired(ed,nowUTC,MAX_NICENESS)) {
// count bad geocoder (lat=999.000|888.000)
if ( ed->m_geocoderLat > 180.0 ||
ed->m_geocoderLon < -180.0 )
// count resultset1 unexpired
bool hasTitle = false;
if ( ed->m_eventFlags & EV_HASTITLEWORDS) hasTitle = true;
if ( ed->m_eventFlags & EV_HASTITLEBYVOTES) hasTitle = true;
bool hasDate = false;
if ( ed->m_eventFlags & EV_HASTIGHTDATE ) hasDate = true;
if ( hasTitle && hasDate ) es->m_resultSet1++;
else es->m_otherResultSet++;
// facebook
if ( ed->m_eventFlags & EV_FACEBOOK ) es->m_facebook++;
// counts by country. if 'us' will be empty
uint8_t crid = getCountryIdFromAddrStr(ed->m_addr);
static void gotFanReplyWrapper ( void *state , TcpSocket *s ) {
g_process.gotFanReply ( s );
void fanSwitchCheckWrapper ( int fd , void *state ) {
g_process.checkFanSwitch ();
void Process::checkFanSwitch ( ) {
// skip if you are not me, because this controls my custom fan
if ( ! g_conf.m_isMattWells )
// are we in group #0
bool check = false;
// get our host
Host *me = g_hostdb.m_myHost;
// if we are not host #0 and host #0 is dead, we check it
if ( me->m_shardNum == 0 && g_hostdb.isDead((long)0) )
check = true;
// if we are host #0 we always check it
if ( me->m_hostId == 0 ) check = true;
// proxy never checks power
if ( me->m_isProxy ) check = false;
// if not checking, all done
if ( ! check ) return;
// only if live
//if ( ! g_conf.m_isLive ) return;
// skip if request out already
if ( m_fanReqOut ) return;
// both must be legit
if ( m_roofTemp <= -99.0 ) return;
if ( m_dataCtrTemp <= -99.0 ) return;
// for shits and giggles log it every 10 minutes
long now = getTimeLocal();
static long s_lastLogTime = 0;
if ( s_lastLogTime - now > 60*10 ) {
s_lastLogTime = now;
log("powermo: dataCtrTemp=%.1f roofTemp=%.1f",
m_roofTemp );
// what is the desired state? assume fans on.
m_desiredFanState = 1;
// if roof is hotter then fans off! we don't want hotter air.
if ( //m_roofTemp > m_dataCtrTemp &&
// even if roof temp is slightly cooler, turn off fans. it
// needs to be more than 5 degrees cooler.
m_roofTemp + 5.0 > m_dataCtrTemp )
// 0 means we want fans to be off
m_desiredFanState = 0;
// if matches, leave alone
if ( m_currentFanState == m_desiredFanState ) return;
// ok change! the url
// . the IP9258 power controller
// . default ip=
// . default user=admin
// . default pwd=12345678
// . default mac=00:92:00:00:00:3D
// . the instruction sheet says to run IPEDIT on the cd with your
// computer directly connected to the IP9258 via the eth port in
// order to get the default ip address of it.
// . i changed the ip to since the roomalert is at
// . turn all 4 ports on or off so we can plug the fans into two
// separate ports
char *url ;
if ( m_desiredFanState )
url = ""
"P60_TS=0&" // timer seconds?
"P60_TC=Off&" // timer control?
url = ""
"P60_TS=0&" // timer seconds?
"P60_TC=Off&" // timer control?
// . make a cookie with the login info
// . on chrome open the console and click "Network" tab
// to view the http network requests and replies
char *cookie = "admin=12345678; Taifatech=yes";
// the new power switch is hopefully less flaky!
SafeBuf urlBuf;
if ( m_desiredFanState ) {
// this turns it on
if ( !urlBuf.safePrintf(""
getTimeGlobal()) )
else {
// this turns it off
if ( !urlBuf.safePrintf(""
getTimeGlobal()) )
// . make a cookie with the login info
// . on chrome open the console and click "Network" tab
// to view the http network requests and replies
//char *cookie = "admin=12345678; Taifatech=yes";
char *cookie = NULL;
// mark the request as outstanding so we do not overlap it
m_fanReqOut = true;
log("process: trying to set fan state to %li",m_desiredFanState);
// get it
bool status = g_httpServer.
getDoc ( urlBuf.getBufStart() , // url to download
0 , // ip
0 , // offset
-1 , // size
0 , // ifModifiedSince
NULL , // state
gotFanReplyWrapper , // callback
30*1000 , // timeout
0 , // proxy ip
0 , // proxy port
1*1024*1024 , // maxLen
1*1024*1024 , // maxOtherLen
"Mozilla/4.0 "
"(compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows 98; "
"Win 9x 4.90)" ,
//false , // respect download limit?
"HTTP/1.1" ,// fake 1.1 otherwise we get error!
true , // doPost? converts cgi str to post
cookie ,
// additional mime headers
"Authorization: Basic YWRtaW46^C");
// wait for it
if ( ! status ) return;
// i guess it is back!
m_fanReqOut = false;
// call this to wrap things up
gotFanReply ( NULL );
// . returns false if blocked, true otherwise
// . returns true and sets g_errno on error
bool Process::gotFanReply ( TcpSocket *s ) {
// i guess it is back!
m_fanReqOut = false;
if ( ! s ) {
log("powermo: got NULL socket in fan reply");
return true;
if ( g_errno ) {
log("powermo: had error getting fan state: %s.",
return true;
// point into buffer
char *buf = s->m_readBuf;
long bufSize = s->m_readOffset;
if ( ! buf ) {
log(LOG_INFO,"powermo: got empty fan state reply.");
return true;
HttpMime mime;
mime.set ( buf , bufSize , NULL );
char *content = buf + mime.getMimeLen();
long contentLen = bufSize - mime.getMimeLen();
// get the state of the power! (from old power switch)
//char *p = strstr ( content ,"\"power\",status:" );
// get the state of the power! (from new power switch)
char *tag = "<outlet1_status>";
long tagLen = gbstrlen(tag);
char *p = strstr ( content, tag );
// panic?
if ( ! p ) {
log("powermo: could not parse out fan power state "
"from power strip. "
"content = %s",content);
return true;
// . get the value
// . val is 0 if the fan power off, 1 if on?
long val = atoi ( p + tagLen );
m_currentFanState = val;
if ( m_currentFanState == m_desiredFanState )
log("powermo: desired fan state, %li, achieved",
log("powermo: fan state is %li, but needs to be %li",
return true;
// make sure ntpd is running, we can't afford to get our clock
// out of sync for credit card transactions
bool Process::checkNTPD ( ) {
if ( ! g_conf.m_isLive ) return true;
FILE *pd = popen("ps auxww | grep ntpd | grep -v grep","r");
if ( ! pd ) {
log("gb: failed to ps auxww ntpd");
if ( ! g_errno ) g_errno = EBADENGINEER;
return false;
char tmp[1024];
char *ss = fgets ( tmp , 1000 , pd );
if ( ! ss ) {
log("gb: failed to ps auxww ntpd 2");
if ( ! g_errno ) g_errno = EBADENGINEER;
return false;
// must be there
if ( ! strstr ( tmp,"ntpd") ) {
log("gb: all proxies must have ntpd running! this "
"one does not!");
if ( ! g_errno ) g_errno = EBADENGINEER;
return false;
return true;