2013-08-02 13:12:24 -07:00

2237 lines
64 KiB

// Matt Wells, copyright Apr 2009
// . 2. you can also call setTitleRec() and then call getMetaList()
// . this class is used by Repair.cpp and by Msg7 (inject) and SpiderLoop.cpp
// . Msg7 and Repair.cpp and injections can also set more than just
// m_firstUrl, like m_content, etc. or whatever elements are known, but
// they must also set the corresponding "valid" flags of those elements
// . both methods must yield exactly the same result, the same "meta list"
// . after setting the contained classes XmlDoc::setMetaList() makes the list
// of rdb records to be added to all the rdbs, this is the "meta list"
// . the meta list is made by hashing all the termIds/scores into some hash
// tables in order to accumulate scores, then the hash table are serialized
// into the "meta list"
// . the meta list is added to all rdbs with a simple call to
// Msg4::addMetaList(), which is only called by Msg14 or Repair.cpp for now
#ifndef _XMLDOC_H_
#define _XMLDOC_H_
//#include "HashTableX.h"
#include "Lang.h"
#include "Words.h"
#include "Bits.h"
#include "Pos.h"
#include "Phrases.h"
//#include "Synonyms.h"
//#include "Weights.h"
#include "Xml.h"
#include "LangList.h"
#include "SafeBuf.h"
#include "Images.h"
#include "Sections.h"
#include "Msge0.h"
#include "Msge1.h"
//#include "Msge2.h"
#include "Msg4.h"
#include "Msg8b.h"
#include "SearchInput.h"
#include "Msg40.h"
#include "Dates.h"
#include "IndexList.h"
#include "Msg0.h"
#include "Msg22.h"
#include "Tagdb.h"
#include "Url.h"
#include "Linkdb.h"
//#include "LinkInfo.h"
//#include "Msg25.h"
#include "MsgC.h"
#include "Msg13.h"
#include "RdbList.h"
#include "SiteGetter.h"
#include "CollectionRec.h"
#include "Msg20.h"
#include "Matches.h"
#include "Query.h"
#include "Title.h"
#include "Summary.h"
#include "Msg8b.h"
#include "Address.h"
#include "zlib.h" // Z_OK
#include "Spider.h" // SpiderRequest/SpiderReply definitions
#include "HttpMime.h" // ET_DEFLAT
#include "Msg1.h"
//#define XMLDOC_MAX_AD_IDS 4
//#define XMLDOC_ADLEN 64
#define MAXFRAGWORDS 80000
#define MAX_WIKI_DOCIDS 20
#include "Msg40.h"
//#define SAMPLE_VECTOR_SIZE (32*4)
#define POST_VECTOR_SIZE (32*4)
#define XD_GQ_MAX_SIZE 1000
#define XD_MAX_AD_IDS 5
double getTrafficPercent ( long rank ) ;
bool setLangVec ( class Words *words ,
class SafeBuf *langBuf ,
class Sections *sections ,
long niceness ) ;
bool logQueryLogs ( );
// Address.cpp calls this to make a vector from the "place name" for comparing
// to other places in placedb using the computeSimilarity() function. if
// we got a >75% similarity we set the AF_VERIFIED_PLACE_NAME bit in the
// Address::m_flags for that address on the web page.
long makeSimpleWordVector ( char *s, long *vbuf, long vbufSize, long niceness);
// this is used for making the event summary/title vectors as well as in
// Msg40.cpp where it merges events and does not want to repetitively display
// the same summary lines for an event
bool getWordVector ( char *s ,
HashTableX *ht ,
uint32_t *d ,
long *nd ,
long ndmax ) ;
bool getDensityRanks ( long long *wids ,
long nw,
//long wordStart ,
//long wordEnd ,
long hashGroup ,
SafeBuf *densBuf ,
Sections *sections ,
long niceness );
// diversity vector
bool getDiversityVec ( class Words *words ,
class Phrases *phrases ,
class HashTableX *countTable ,
class SafeBuf *sbWordVec ,
//class SafeBuf *sbPhraseVec ,
long niceness );
float computeSimilarity ( long *vec0 ,
long *vec1 ,
// corresponding scores vectors
long *s0 ,
long *s1 ,
class Query *q ,
long niceness ,
// only Sections::addDateBasedImpliedSections()
// sets this to true right now. if set to true
// we essentially dedup each vector, although
// the score is compounded into the remaining
// occurence. i'm not sure if that is the right
// behavior though.
bool dedupVecs = false );
bool isSimilar_sorted ( long *vec0 ,
long *vec1 ,
long nv0 , // how many longs in vec?
long nv1 , // how many longs in vec?
// they must be this similar or more to return true
long percentSimilar,
long niceness ) ;
// this is called by Msg40.cpp to set "top"
long intersectGigabits ( Msg20 **mp , // search results
long nmp ,
uint8_t langId , // searcher's langId
long maxTop ,
long docsToScan ,
long minDocCount , // must be in this # docs
class GigabitInfo *top ,
long niceness ) ;
long getDirtyPoints ( char *s , long len , long niceness ) ;
bool storeTerm ( char *s ,
long slen ,
long long termId ,
class HashInfo *hi ,
long wordNum ,
long wordPos ,
char densityRank ,
char diversityRank ,
char wordSpamRank ,
char hashGroup ,
//bool isPhrase ,
class SafeBuf *wbuf ,
class HashTableX *wts ,
char synSrc ,
char langId ) ;
// tell zlib to use our malloc/free functions
int gbuncompress ( unsigned char *dest ,
unsigned long *destLen ,
unsigned char *source ,
unsigned long sourceLen );
int gbcompress ( unsigned char *dest ,
unsigned long *destLen ,
unsigned char *source ,
unsigned long sourceLen ,
long encoding = ET_DEFLATE);
int gbcompress7 ( unsigned char *dest ,
unsigned long *destLen ,
unsigned char *source ,
unsigned long sourceLen ,
bool compress = true );
int gbuncompress7 ( unsigned char *dest ,
unsigned long *destLen ,
unsigned char *source ,
unsigned long sourceLen ) ;
uint32_t score8to32 ( uint8_t score8 );
// for Msg13.cpp
char getContentTypeFromContent ( char *p , long niceness ) ;
// . for Msg13.cpp
// . *pend must equal \0
long getContentHash32Fast ( unsigned char *p ,
long plen ,
long niceness ) ;
uint16_t getCharsetFast ( class HttpMime *mime,
char *url ,
char *s ,
long slen ,
long niceness );
#define EMAILBUFSIZE 512
#define ROOT_TITLE_BUF_MAX 512
// store the subsentences in an array now
class SubSent {
sentflags_t m_subSentFlags;
//esflags_t m_esflags;
long m_senta;
long m_sentb;
long m_subEnding;
float m_titleScore;
#define MAX_XML_DOCS 4
class XmlDoc {
// . variable size rdb records all start with key then dataSize
// . do not do that here since we compress our record's data!!
//key_t m_titleRecKey;
//long m_dataSize;
// headerSize = this->ptr_firstUrl - this->m_headerSize
uint16_t m_headerSize;
uint16_t m_version;
// these flags are used to indicate which ptr_ members are present:
uint32_t m_internalFlags1;
long m_ip;
long m_crawlDelay;
// . use this to quickly detect if doc is unchanged
// . we can avoid setting Xml and Words classes etc...
long m_contentHash32;
// like the above but hash of all tags in TagRec for this url
long m_tagHash32;
long m_siteNumInlinks;
long m_siteNumInlinksUniqueIp; // m_siteNumInlinksFresh
long m_siteNumInlinksUniqueCBlock; // m_sitePop;
time_t m_spideredTime;
time_t m_minPubDate;
time_t m_maxPubDate;
time_t m_pubDate; // aka m_datedbDate
//time_t m_nextSpiderTime;
time_t m_firstIndexedDate;
time_t m_outlinksAddedDate;
uint16_t m_charset; // the ORIGINAL charset, we are always utf8!
uint16_t m_countryId;
//uint16_t m_reserved1;//titleWeight;
//uint16_t m_reserved2;//headerWeight;
long m_siteNumInlinksTotal;
//uint16_t m_reserved3;//urlPathWeight;
uint8_t m_metaListCheckSum8; // bring it back!!
char m_reserved3b;
uint16_t m_reserved4;//externalLinkTextWeight;
uint16_t m_reserved5;//internalLinkTextWeight;
uint16_t m_reserved6;//conceptWeight;
// these do not include header/footer (dup) addresses
//int16_t m_numAddresses;
int16_t m_httpStatus; // -1 if not found (empty http reply)
//int8_t m_nextSpiderPriority;
int8_t m_hopCount;
//int8_t m_metalistChecksum; // parser checksum
//uint8_t m_numBannedOutlinks8;
uint8_t m_langId;
uint8_t m_rootLangId;
uint8_t m_contentType;
// bit flags
uint16_t m_isRSS:1;
uint16_t m_isPermalink:1;
uint16_t m_isAdult:1;
uint16_t m_wasInjected:1;//eliminateMenus:1;
uint16_t m_spiderLinks:1;
uint16_t m_isContentTruncated:1;
uint16_t m_isLinkSpam:1;
uint16_t m_hasAddress:1;
uint16_t m_hasTOD:1;
uint16_t m_hasSiteVenue:1;
uint16_t m_hasContactInfo:1;
uint16_t m_isSiteRoot:1;
uint16_t m_reserved8;
char *ptr_firstUrl;
char *ptr_redirUrl;
//char *ptr_tagRecData;
char *ptr_rootTitleBuf;
long *ptr_gigabitHashes;
long *ptr_gigabitScores;
long long *ptr_adVector;
long long *ptr_wikiDocIds;
rscore_t *ptr_wikiScores;
char *ptr_imageData;
long *ptr_catIds;
long *ptr_indCatIds;
char *ptr_dmozTitles;
char *ptr_dmozSumms;
char *ptr_dmozAnchors;
char *ptr_utf8Content;
//char *ptr_sectionsReply; // votes read from sectiondb - m_osvt
//char *ptr_sectionsVotes; // our local votes - m_nsvt
//char *ptr_addressReply;
char *ptr_clockCandidatesData;
// . serialization of the sectiondb and placedb lists
// . that way we can store just these and not have to store the content
// of the entire page if we do not need to
//char *ptr_sectiondbData;
//char *ptr_placedbData;
// do not let SiteGetter change this when we re-parse!
char *ptr_site;
LinkInfo *ptr_linkInfo1;
char *ptr_linkdbData;
char *ptr_sectiondbData;
char *ptr_tagRecData;
LinkInfo *ptr_linkInfo2;
long size_firstUrl;
long size_redirUrl;
//long size_tagRecData;
long size_rootTitleBuf;
long size_gigabitHashes;
long size_gigabitScores;
long size_adVector;
long size_wikiDocIds;
long size_wikiScores;
long size_imageData;
long size_catIds;
long size_indCatIds;
long size_dmozTitles;
long size_dmozSumms;
long size_dmozAnchors;
long size_utf8Content;
//long size_sectionsReply;
//long size_sectionsVotes;
//long size_addressReply;
long size_clockCandidatesData;
//long size_sectiondbData;
//long size_placedbData;
long size_site;
long size_linkInfo1;
long size_linkdbData;
long size_sectiondbData;
long size_tagRecData;
long size_linkInfo2;
char m_dummyEnd;
// . returns false and sets errno on error
// . once you call this you can call setMetaList() below
// . sets all the contained parser classes, Words, Xml, etc. if they
// have not already been set! that way Msg16/Msg14 can set bits
// and pieces here and there and we do not reset what it's done
// . our m_xml will contain ptrs into titleRec's content, be careful
// . if titleRec gets freed we should be freed too
//bool set ( char *titleRec ,
// class SafeBuf *pbuf = NULL ,
// long niceness = MAX_NICENESS ,
// bool justSetLinks = false );
// . used by Msg16 to set the Xml to get meta redirect tag's content
// . used by Msg16 to get <META NAME="ROBOTS" CONTENT="index,follow">
// . this should be set by Msg16 so it can get meta redirect url
void print ( );
bool set2 ( char *titleRec,
long maxSize,
char *coll,
class SafeBuf *p,
long niceness ,
class SpiderRequest *sreq = NULL );
// . since being set from a docId, we will load the old title rec
// and use that!
// . used by PageGet.cpp
bool set3 ( long long docId ,
char *coll ,
long niceness );
bool set4 ( class SpiderRequest *sreq ,
key_t *doledbKey ,
char *coll ,
class SafeBuf *pbuf ,
long niceness ,
char *utf8Content = NULL ,
bool deleteFromIndex = false ,
long forcedIp = 0 ,
uint8_t contentType = CT_HTML ,
time_t spideredTime = 0 ,
bool contentHasMime = false ) ;
// we now call this right away rather than at download time!
long getSpideredTime();
// another entry point, like set3() kinda
bool loadFromOldTitleRec ();
XmlDoc() ;
~XmlDoc() ;
void nukeDoc ( class XmlDoc *);
void reset ( ) ;
bool setFirstUrl ( char *u , bool addWWW , Url *base = NULL ) ;
class CollectionRec *getCollRec ( );
bool setRedirUrl ( char *u , bool addWWW ) ;
void setStatus ( char *s ) ;
void setCallback ( void *state, void (*callback) (void *state) ) ;
void setCallback ( void *state, bool (*callback) (void *state) ) ;
bool addToSpiderdb ( ) ;
bool indexDoc ( );
key_t *getTitleRecKey() ;
//char *getSkipIndexing ( );
char *prepareToMakeTitleRec ( ) ;
char **getTitleRec ( ) ;
char *getIsAdult ( ) ;
long **getIndCatIds ( ) ;
long **getCatIds ( ) ;
class CatRec *getCatRec ( ) ;
long long **getWikiDocIds ( ) ;
void gotWikiResults ( class UdpSlot *slot );
long *getPubDate ( ) ;
//class DateParse2 *getDateParse2 ( ) ;
class Dates *getSimpleDates();
class Dates *getDates();
class HashTableX *getClockCandidatesTable();
long getUrlPubDate ( ) ;
long getOutlinkAge ( long outlinkNum ) ;
char *getIsPermalink ( ) ;
char *getIsUrlPermalinkFormat ( ) ;
char *getIsRSS ( ) ;
class Xml *getXml ( ) ;
uint8_t *getLangVector ( ) ;
uint8_t *getLangId ( ) ;
char computeLangId ( Sections *sections ,Words *words , char *lv ) ;
class Words *getWords ( ) ;
class Bits *getBits ( ) ;
class Bits *getBitsForSummary ( ) ;
class Pos *getPos ( );
class Phrases *getPhrases ( ) ;
//class Synonyms *getSynonyms ( );
class Sections *getExplicitSections ( ) ;
class Sections *getImpliedSections ( ) ;
class Sections *getSections ( ) ;
class Sections *getSectionsWithDupStats ( );
bool gotSectionStats( class Msg3a *msg3a );
class SectionStats *getSectionStats ( long long secHash64 );
class SectionVotingTable *getOldSectionVotingTable();
class SectionVotingTable *getNewSectionVotingTable();
char **getSectionsReply ( ) ;
char **getSectionsVotes ( ) ;
HashTableX *getSectionVotingTable();
long *getLinkSiteHashes ( );
class Links *getLinks ( bool doQuickSet = false ) ;
class HashTableX *getCountTable ( ) ;
bool hashString_ct ( class HashTableX *ht, char *s , long slen ) ;
uint8_t *getSummaryLangId ( ) ;
long *getTagPairHashVector ( ) ;
uint32_t *getTagPairHash32 ( ) ;
long *getSummaryVector ( ) ;
long *getPageSampleVector ( ) ;
long *getPostLinkTextVector ( long linkNode ) ;
long computeVector ( class Sections *sections, class Words *words,
uint32_t *vec , long start = 0 , long end = -1 );
float *getTagSimilarity ( class XmlDoc *xd2 ) ;
float *getGigabitSimilarity ( class XmlDoc *xd2 ) ;
float *getPageSimilarity ( class XmlDoc *xd2 ) ;
float *getPercentChanged ( );
uint64_t *getDupHash ( );
class IndexList *getDupList ( ) ;
class RdbList *getLikedbListForReq ( );
class RdbList *getLikedbListForIndexing ( );
long addLikedbRecords ( bool justGetSize ) ;
char *getIsDup ( ) ;
char *isDupOfUs ( long long d ) ;
uint32_t *getGigabitVectorScorelessHash ( ) ;
long *getGigabitHashes ( );
char *getGigabitQuery ( ) ;
char *getMetaDescription( long *mdlen ) ;
char *getMetaSummary ( long *mslen ) ;
char *getMetaKeywords( long *mklen ) ;
bool addGigabits ( char *s , long long docId , uint8_t langId ) ;
bool addGigabits2 ( char *s,long slen,long long docId,uint8_t langId);
bool addGigabits ( class Words *ww ,
long long docId,
class Sections *sections,
//class Weights *we ,
uint8_t langId );
long *getSiteSpiderQuota ( ) ;
class Url *getCurrentUrl ( ) ;
class Url *getFirstUrl() ;
long long getFirstUrlHash48();
long long getFirstUrlHash64();
class Url **getRedirUrl() ;
class Url **getMetaRedirUrl() ;
long *getFirstIndexedDate ( ) ;
long *getOutlinksAddedDate ( ) ;
//long *getNumBannedOutlinks ( ) ;
uint16_t *getCountryId ( ) ;
class XmlDoc **getOldXmlDoc ( ) ;
bool isRobotsTxtFile ( char *url , long urlLen ) ;
class XmlDoc **getExtraDoc ( char *url , long maxCacheAge = 0 ) ;
bool getIsPageParser ( ) ;
class XmlDoc **getRootXmlDoc ( long maxCacheAge = 0 ) ;
//class XmlDoc **getGatewayXmlDoc ( ) ;
// . returns false if blocked, true otherwise.
// . returns true and sets g_errno on error
//bool setFromOldTitleRec ( ) ;
//RdbList *getOldMetaList ( ) ;
char **getOldTitleRec ( );
uint8_t *getRootLangId ();
//bool *updateRootLangId ( );
char **getRootTitleRec ( ) ;
//char **getContactTitleRec ( char *url ) ;
long long *getDocId ( ) ;
char *getIsIndexed ( ) ;
class TagRec *getTagRec ( ) ;
char *getHasContactInfo ( ) ;
char *getIsThisDocContacty ( );
bool *getHasTOD();
bool *getHasSiteVenue();
// non-dup/nondup addresses only
bool *getHasAddress();
class Addresses *getAddresses ( ) ;
Address **getContactAddresses ( );
long *getNumOfficialEmails ( ) ;
char *getEmailBuf ( ) ;
long *getNumContactAddresses ( );
long addEmailTags ( class Xml *xml , class Words *ww ,
class TagRec *gr , long ip ) ;
//class Url *getContactUsLink ( ) ;
//class Url *getAboutUsLink ( ) ;
long *getFirstIp ( ) ;
bool *updateFirstIp ( ) ;
long *getSiteNumInlinksUniqueIp ( ) ;
long *getSiteNumInlinksUniqueCBlock ( ) ;
long *getSiteNumInlinksTotal ( );
//long *getSiteNumInlinksFresh ( ) ;
//long *getSitePop ( ) ;
uint8_t *getSiteNumInlinks8 () ;
long *getSiteNumInlinks ( ) ;
class LinkInfo *getSiteLinkInfo() ;
long *getIp ( ) ;
long *gotIp ( bool save ) ;
bool *getIsAllowed ( ) ;
//long getTryAgainTimeDelta() {
// if ( ! m_tryAgainTimeDeltaValid ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0;}
// return m_tryAgainTimeDelta;
char *getIsWWWDup ( ) ;
class LinkInfo *getLinkInfo1 ( ) ;
class LinkInfo **getLinkInfo2 ( ) ;
char *getSite ( ) ;
void gotSite ( ) ;
long long *getSiteHash64 ( ) ;
long *getSiteHash32 ( ) ;
char **getHttpReply ( ) ;
char **getHttpReply2 ( ) ;
char **gotHttpReply ( ) ;
char *getIsContentTruncated ( );
long *getDownloadStatus ( ) ;
long long *getDownloadEndTime ( ) ;
int16_t *getHttpStatus ( );
char waitForTimeSync ( ) ;
bool m_alreadyRegistered;
class HttpMime *getMime () ;
char **getContent ( ) ;
uint8_t *getContentType ( ) ;
uint16_t *getCharset ( ) ;
char *getIsBinary ( ) ;
char **getFilteredContent ( ) ;
void filterStart_r ( bool amThread ) ;
char **getRawUtf8Content ( ) ;
char **getExpandedUtf8Content ( ) ;
char **getUtf8Content ( ) ;
long *getContentHash32 ( ) ;
long *getTagHash32 ( ) ;
long getHostHash32a ( ) ;
long getHostHash32b ( ) ;
long getDomHash32 ( );
char **getImageData();
class Images *getImages ( ) ;
int8_t *getNextSpiderPriority ( ) ;
long *getPriorityQueueNum ( ) ;
class TagRec ***getOutlinkTagRecVector () ;
long **getOutlinkFirstIpVector () ;
//char **getOutlinkIsIndexedVector () ;
long *getRegExpNum ( long outlinkNum ) ;
long *getRegExpNum2 ( long outlinkNum ) ;
char *getIsSiteRoot ( ) ;
bool getIsOutlinkSiteRoot ( char *u , class TagRec *gr ) ;
int8_t *getHopCount ( ) ;
//int8_t *getOutlinkHopCountVector ( ) ;
char *getSpiderLinks ( ) ;
long *getNextSpiderTime ( ) ;
//char *getIsSpam() ;
char *getIsFiltered ();
bool getIsInjecting();
long *getSpiderPriority ( ) ;
long *getIndexCode ( ) ;
SafeBuf *getNewTagBuf ( ) ;
char *updateTagdb ( ) ;
bool logIt ( ) ;
bool m_doConsistencyTesting;
bool doConsistencyTest ( bool forceTest ) ;
long printMetaList ( ) ;
void printMetaList ( char *metaList , char *metaListEnd ,
class SafeBuf *pbuf );
bool verifyMetaList ( char *p , char *pend , bool forDelete ) ;
bool hashMetaList ( class HashTableX *ht ,
char *p ,
char *pend ,
bool checkList ) ;
char *getMetaList ( bool forDelete = false );
void copyFromOldDoc ( class XmlDoc *od ) ;
// we add a SpiderReply to spiderdb when done spidering, even if
// m_indexCode or g_errno was set!
class SpiderReply *getNewSpiderReply ( );
void setSpiderReqForMsg20 ( class SpiderRequest *sreq ,
class SpiderReply *srep );
char *addOutlinkSpiderRecsToMetaList ( );
bool addTable96 ( class HashTableX *tt1 ,
long date1 ,
bool nosplit ) ;
long getSiteRank ();
bool addTable144 ( class HashTableX *tt1 ,
bool nosplit ) ;
bool addTable224 ( HashTableX *tt1 ) ;
bool addTableDate ( class HashTableX *tt1 , //T<key128_t,char> *tt1
uint64_t docId ,
uint8_t rdbId ,
bool nosplit ) ;
bool addTable128 ( class HashTableX *tt1 , // T <key128_t,char>*tt1
uint8_t rdbId ,
bool forDelete ) ;
bool hashNoSplit ( class HashTableX *tt ) ;
char *hashAll ( class HashTableX *table ) ;
long getBoostFromSiteNumInlinks ( long inlinks ) ;
bool hashMetaTags ( class HashTableX *table ) ;
bool hashIsClean ( class HashTableX *table ) ;
bool hashZipCodes ( class HashTableX *table ) ;
bool hashMetaZip ( class HashTableX *table ) ;
bool hashContentType ( class HashTableX *table ) ;
bool hashLinks ( class HashTableX *table ) ;
bool hashUrl ( class HashTableX *table ) ;
bool hashSections ( class HashTableX *table ) ;
bool hashIncomingLinkText ( class HashTableX *table ,
bool hashAnomalies ,
bool hashNonAnomalies ) ;
bool hashLinksForLinkdb ( class HashTableX *table ) ;
bool hashNeighborhoods ( class HashTableX *table ) ;
bool hashRSSInfo ( class HashTableX *table ) ;
bool hashRSSTerm ( class HashTableX *table , bool inRSS ) ;
bool hashTitle ( class HashTableX *table );
bool hashBody2 ( class HashTableX *table );
bool hashMetaKeywords ( class HashTableX *table );
bool hashMetaSummary ( class HashTableX *table );
bool linksToGigablast ( ) ;
bool searchboxToGigablast ( ) ;
bool hashLanguage ( class HashTableX *table ) ;
bool hashCountry ( class HashTableX *table ) ;
bool hashSiteNumInlinks ( class HashTableX *table ) ;
bool hashCharset ( class HashTableX *table ) ;
bool hashTagRec ( class HashTableX *table ) ;
bool hashPermalink ( class HashTableX *table ) ;
bool hashVectors(class HashTableX *table ) ;
bool hashAds(class HashTableX *table ) ;
class Url *getBaseUrl ( ) ;
bool hashSubmitUrls ( class HashTableX *table ) ;
void set20 ( Msg20Request *req ) ;
class Msg20Reply *getMsg20Reply ( ) ;
char **getImageUrl() ;
class MatchOffsets *getMatchOffsets () ;
Query *getQuery() ;
Matches *getMatches () ;
char *getDescriptionBuf ( char *displayMetas , long *dlen ) ;
class Title *getTitle ();
class Summary *getSummary () ;
char *getHighlightedSummary ();
SafeBuf *getSampleForGigabits ( ) ;
char *getIsCompromised ( ) ;
char *getIsNoArchive ( ) ;
long *getUrlFilterNum();
long long **getAdVector ( ) ;
char *getIsLinkSpam ( ) ;
char *getIsHijacked();
char *getIsErrorPage ( ) ;
char* matchErrorMsg(char* p, char* pend );
bool hashWords ( //long wordStart ,
//long wordEnd ,
class HashInfo *hi ) ;
bool hashSingleTerm ( long long termId ,
class HashInfo *hi ) ;
bool hashSingleTerm ( char *s ,
long slen ,
class HashInfo *hi );
bool hashString ( class HashTableX *ht ,
//class Weights *we ,
class Bits *bits ,
char *s ,
long slen ) ;
bool hashString ( char *s ,
long slen ,
class HashInfo *hi ) ;
bool hashWords3 ( //long wordStart ,
//long wordEnd ,
class HashInfo *hi ,
class Words *words ,
class Phrases *phrases ,
class Synonyms *synonyms ,
class Sections *sections ,
class HashTableX *countTable ,
char *fragVec ,
char *wordSpamVec ,
char *langVec ,
char docLangId , // default lang id
class SafeBuf *pbuf ,
class HashTableX *wts ,
class SafeBuf *wbuf ,
long niceness );
bool hashString3 ( char *s ,
long slen ,
class HashInfo *hi ,
class HashTableX *countTable ,
class SafeBuf *pbuf ,
class HashTableX *wts ,
class SafeBuf *wbuf ,
long version ,
long siteNumInlinks ,
long niceness );
// print out for PageTitledb.cpp and PageParser.cpp
bool printDoc ( class SafeBuf *pbuf );
bool printMenu ( class SafeBuf *pbuf );
bool printDocForProCog ( class SafeBuf *sb , HttpRequest *hr ) ;
bool printGeneralInfo ( class SafeBuf *sb , HttpRequest *hr ) ;
bool printRainbowSections ( class SafeBuf *sb , HttpRequest *hr );
bool printSiteInlinks ( class SafeBuf *sb , HttpRequest *hr );
bool printPageInlinks ( class SafeBuf *sb , HttpRequest *hr );
bool printTermList ( class SafeBuf *sb , HttpRequest *hr );
bool printSpiderStats ( class SafeBuf *sb , HttpRequest *hr );
bool printCachedPage ( class SafeBuf *sb , HttpRequest *hr );
bool printSerpFiltered ( class Section *sx , char *tagName ) ;
char **getTitleBuf ( );
char **getRootTitleBuf ( );
char **getFilteredRootTitleBuf ( );
// funcs that update our tagdb tagrec, m_tagRec, and also update tagdb
bool *updateVenueAddresses ( );
// called by msg0 handler to add posdb termlists into g_termListCache
// for faster seo pipeline
bool cacheTermLists();
// stuff set from the key of the titleRec, above the compression area
//key_t m_key;
long long m_docId;
char *m_ubuf;
long m_ubufSize;
long m_ubufAlloc;
// does this page link to gigablast, or has a search form to it?
//bool linksToGigablast();
//bool searchboxToGigablast();
// private:
// we we started spidering it, in milliseconds since the epoch
long long m_startTime;
// when set() was called by Msg20.cpp so we can time how long it took
// to generate the summary
long long m_setTime;
// timers
long long m_beginSEOTime;
long long m_beginTimeAllMatch;
long long m_beginTimeMatchUrl;
long long m_beginTimeFullQueries;
long long m_beginTimeLinks;
//long long m_beginMsg98s;
long long m_beginRelatedQueries;
long long m_beginMsg95s;
// . these should all be set using set*() function calls so their
// individual validity flags can bet set to true, and successive
// calls to their corresponding get*() functions will not core
// . these particular guys are set immediately on set(char *titleRec)
Url m_redirUrl;
Url *m_redirUrlPtr;
Url m_metaRedirUrl;
Url *m_metaRedirUrlPtr;
long m_redirError;
char m_allowSimplifiedRedirs;
Url m_firstUrl;
long long m_firstUrlHash48;
long long m_firstUrlHash64;
Url m_currentUrl;
char *m_coll;
char m_collBuf[MAX_COLL_LEN+1]; // include \0
char *m_content;
long m_contentLen;
char *m_metaList;
long m_metaListSize;
// . same thing, a little more complicated
// . these classes are only set on demand
Xml m_xml;
Links m_links;
Words m_words;
Bits m_bits;
Bits m_bits2;
Pos m_pos;
Phrases m_phrases;
//Synonyms m_synonyms;
SafeBuf m_synBuf;
//Weights m_weights;
Sections m_sections;
Section *m_si;
//Section *m_nextSection;
//Section *m_lastSection;
long m_msg3aRequestsOut;
long m_msg3aRequestsIn;
char *m_queryBuf;
Msg39Request *m_msg39RequestArray;
SafeBuf m_msg3aBuf;
Msg3a *m_msg3aArray;
char *m_inUse;
Query *m_queryArray;
long long *m_secHash64Array;
bool m_gotDupStats;
//long m_secHash64;
//Query m_q4;
//Msg3a m_msg3a;
//Msg39Request m_r39;
Msg39Request m_mr2;
HashTableX m_sectionStatsTable;
//char m_sectionHashQueryBuf[128];
// also set in getSections()
long m_maxVotesForDup;
// . for rebuild logging of what's changed
// . Repair.cpp sets these based on titlerec
char m_logLangId;
long m_logSiteNumInlinks;
//SectionVotingTable m_nsvt;
//SectionVotingTable m_osvt;
//long m_numSectiondbReads;
//long m_numSectiondbNeeds;
//key128_t m_sectiondbStartKey;
//RdbList m_secdbList;
//long m_sectiondbRecall;
//HashTableX m_rvt;
//Msg17 m_msg17;
//char *m_cachedRootVoteRec;
//long m_cachedRootVoteRecSize;
//bool m_triedVoteCache;
//bool m_storedVoteCache;
//SafeBuf m_cacheRecBuf;
HashTableX m_turkVotingTable;
HashTableX m_turkBitsTable;
uint32_t m_confirmedTitleContentHash ;
uint32_t m_confirmedVenueContentHash ;
uint32_t m_confirmedTitleTagHash ;
uint32_t m_confirmedVenueTagHash ;
// turk voting tag rec
TagRec m_vtr;
// tagrec of banned turks
TagRec m_bannedTurkRec;
// and the table of the hashed banned turk users
HashTableX m_turkBanTable;
// used for displaying turk votes...
HashTableX m_vctab;
HashTableX m_vcduptab;
Images m_images;
HashTableX m_countTable;
HttpMime m_mime;
TagRec m_tagRec;
SafeBuf m_tagRecBuf;
// copy of m_oldTagRec but with our modifications, if any
//TagRec m_newTagRec;
SafeBuf m_newTagBuf;
SafeBuf m_fragBuf;
SafeBuf m_wordSpamBuf;
SafeBuf m_finalSummaryBuf;
// this one is initially the same as m_tagRec, but we do not modify it
// so that Address.cpp can reference into its buffer, m_buf, without
// fear of getting the buffer overwritten by crap
//TagRec m_savedTagRec1;
//char *m_sampleVector ;
uint32_t m_tagPairHash;
long m_firstIp;
class SafeBuf *m_savedSb;
class HttpRequest *m_savedHr;
// validity flags. on reset() all these are set to false.
// DO NOT add validity flags above this line!
char m_metaListValid;
//char m_docQualityValid;
char m_siteValid;
char m_startTimeValid;
char m_currentUrlValid;
char m_firstUrlValid;
char m_firstUrlHash48Valid;
char m_firstUrlHash64Valid;
char m_lastUrlValid;
char m_docIdValid;
char m_collValid;
char m_tagRecValid;
char m_robotsTxtLenValid;
char m_tagRecDataValid;
char m_newTagBufValid;
char m_rootTitleBufValid;
char m_filteredRootTitleBufValid;
char m_titleBufValid;
char m_fragBufValid;
char m_wordSpamBufValid;
char m_finalSummaryBufValid;
char m_matchingQueryBufValid;
char m_relatedQueryBufValid;
char m_queryLinkBufValid;
//char m_queryPtrsValid;
char m_queryOffsetsValid;
//char m_queryPtrsSortedValid;
char m_queryPtrsWholeValid;
char m_relatedDocIdBufValid;
char m_topMatchingQueryBufValid;
char m_relatedDocIdsScoredBufValid;
char m_relatedDocIdsWithTitlesValid;
char m_relatedTitleBufValid;
//char m_queryLinkBufValid;
char m_missingTermBufValid;
char m_matchingTermBufValid;
//char m_relPtrsValid;
char m_sortedPosdbListBufValid;
char m_wpSortedPosdbListBufValid;
char m_termListBufValid;
char m_insertableTermsBufValid;
char m_scoredInsertableTermsBufValid;
//char m_iwfiBufValid; // for holding WordFreqInfo instances
char m_wordPosInfoBufValid;
char m_recommendedLinksBufValid;
char m_tempMsg25PageValid;
char m_tempMsg25SiteValid;
//char m_queryHashTableValid;
char m_queryOffsetTableValid;
//char m_socketWriteBufValid;
//char m_numBannedOutlinksValid;
char m_hopCountValid;
char m_isInjectingValid;
char m_metaListCheckSum8Valid;
char m_contentValid;
char m_filteredContentValid;
char m_charsetValid;
char m_langVectorValid;
char m_langIdValid;
char m_rootLangIdValid;
char m_datedbDateValid;
char m_isRSSValid;
char m_spiderLinksArgValid;
char m_isContentTruncatedValid;
char m_xmlValid;
char m_linksValid;
char m_wordsValid;
char m_bitsValid;
char m_bits2Valid;
char m_posValid;
char m_isUrlBadYearValid;
char m_phrasesValid;
//char m_synonymsValid;
//char m_weightsValid;
char m_sectionsValid;
char m_subSentsValid;
//char m_osvtValid;
//char m_nsvtValid;
//char m_rvtValid;
char m_turkVotingTableValid;
char m_turkBitsTableValid;
char m_turkBanTableValid;
char m_vctabValid;
char m_explicitSectionsValid;
char m_impliedSectionsValid;
char m_sectionVotingTableValid;
char m_imageDataValid;
char m_imagesValid;
char m_msge0Valid;
char m_msge1Valid;
//char m_msge2Valid;
//char m_sampleVectorValid;
char m_gigabitHashesValid;
char m_tagPairHashValid;
char m_oldsrValid;
char m_newsrValid;
char m_titleRecValid;
bool m_ipValid;
bool m_firstIpValid;
bool m_spideredTimeValid;
//bool m_nextSpiderTimeValid;
bool m_firstIndexedValid;
bool m_outlinksAddedDateValid;
bool m_countryIdValid;
bool m_titleWeightValid;
bool m_headerWeightValid;
bool m_urlPathWeightValid;
bool m_externalLinkTextWeightValid;
bool m_internalLinkTextWeightValid;
bool m_conceptWeightValid;
bool m_httpStatusValid;
bool m_crawlDelayValid;
bool m_titleRecKeyValid;
bool m_adVectorValid;
bool m_wikiDocIdsValid;
bool m_catIdsValid;
bool m_versionValid;
bool m_indCatIdsValid;
bool m_dmozTitlesValid;
bool m_dmozSummsValid;
bool m_dmozAnchorsValid;
bool m_rawUtf8ContentValid;
bool m_expandedUtf8ContentValid;
bool m_utf8ContentValid;
bool m_isAllowedValid;
//bool m_tryAgainTimeDeltaValid;
bool m_eliminateMenusValid;
bool m_redirUrlValid;
bool m_metaRedirUrlValid;
bool m_statusMsgValid;
bool m_mimeValid;
bool m_pubDateValid;
bool m_hostHash32aValid;
bool m_hostHash32bValid;
bool m_indexCodeValid;
bool m_priorityValid;
bool m_downloadStatusValid;
bool m_downloadEndTimeValid;
bool m_redirErrorValid;
bool m_domHash32Valid;
bool m_contentHash32Valid;
bool m_tagHash32Valid;
bool m_linkInfo2Valid;
bool m_spiderLinksValid;
//bool m_nextSpiderPriorityValid;
bool m_firstIndexedDateValid;
bool m_isPermalinkValid;
bool m_isAdultValid;
bool m_hasAddressValid;
bool m_hasTODValid;
bool m_hasSiteVenueValid;
bool m_catRecValid;
bool m_urlPubDateValid;
bool m_isUrlPermalinkFormatValid;
bool m_percentChangedValid;
bool m_unchangedValid;
bool m_countTableValid;
bool m_summaryLangIdValid;
bool m_tagPairHashVecValid;
bool m_summaryVecValid;
bool m_titleVecValid;
bool m_pageSampleVecValid;
bool m_postVecValid;
bool m_dupListValid;
bool m_likedbListValid;
bool m_isDupValid;
bool m_gigabitVectorHashValid;
bool m_gigabitQueryValid;
bool m_metaDescValid;
bool m_metaSummaryValid;
bool m_metaKeywordsValid;
bool m_siteSpiderQuotaValid;
bool m_oldDocValid;
bool m_extraDocValid;
bool m_ahrefsDocValid;
//bool m_contactDocValid;
bool m_rootDocValid;
//bool m_gatewayDocValid;
bool m_oldMetaListValid;
bool m_oldTitleRecValid;
bool m_rootTitleRecValid;
//bool m_contactTitleRecValid;
bool m_isIndexedValid;
bool m_hasContactInfoValid;
bool m_isContactyValid;
bool m_contactInfoTagRecValid;
bool m_addressesValid;
bool m_contactAddressesValid;
bool m_emailBufValid;
//bool m_contactUsLinkValid;
//bool m_aboutUsLinkValid;
//bool m_contactLinksValid;
bool m_siteNumInlinksValid;
bool m_siteNumInlinksUniqueIpValid;//FreshValid;
bool m_siteNumInlinksUniqueCBlockValid;//sitePopValid
bool m_siteNumInlinksTotalValid;
bool m_siteNumInlinks8Valid;
bool m_siteLinkInfoValid;
bool m_isWWWDupValid;
bool m_linkInfo1Valid;
bool m_linkSiteHashesValid;
//bool m_dateParse2Valid;
bool m_simpleDatesValid;
bool m_datesValid;
bool m_sectionsReplyValid;
bool m_sectionsVotesValid;
//bool m_sectiondbDataValid;
bool m_placedbDataValid;
bool m_siteHash64Valid;
bool m_siteHash32Valid;
bool m_httpReplyValid;
bool m_contentTypeValid;
bool m_isBinaryValid;
bool m_priorityQueueNumValid;
bool m_outlinkTagRecVectorValid;
bool m_outlinkIpVectorValid;
bool m_outlinkIsIndexedVectorValid;
bool m_isSiteRootValid;
bool m_wasInjectedValid;
bool m_outlinkHopCountVectorValid;
//bool m_isSpamValid;
bool m_isFilteredValid;
bool m_urlFilterNumValid;
bool m_numOutlinksAddedValid;
bool m_baseUrlValid;
bool m_replyValid;
bool m_isPageParserValid;
bool m_imageUrlValid;
bool m_matchOffsetsValid;
bool m_queryValid;
bool m_matchesValid;
bool m_dbufValid;
bool m_titleValid;
//bool m_twidsValid;
bool m_termId32BufValid;
bool m_termInfoBufValid;
bool m_newTermInfoBufValid;
bool m_summaryValid;
bool m_gsbufValid;
bool m_isCompromisedValid;
bool m_isNoArchiveValid;
//bool m_isVisibleValid;
bool m_clockCandidatesTableValid;
bool m_clockCandidatesDataValid;
bool m_isLinkSpamValid;
bool m_isErrorPageValid;
bool m_isHijackedValid;
bool m_dupHashValid;
// shadows
char m_isRSS2;
char m_isPermalink2;
char m_isAdult2;
char m_spiderLinks2;
char m_isContentTruncated2;
char m_isLinkSpam2;
bool m_hasAddress2;
bool m_hasTOD2;
bool m_hasSiteVenue2;
char m_hasContactInfo2;
char m_isSiteRoot2;
// DO NOT add validity flags below this line!
char m_VALIDEND;
// more stuff
//char *m_utf8Content;
//long m_utf8ContentLen;
CatRec m_catRec;
// use this stuff for getting wiki docids that match our doc's gigabits
//Query m_wq;
//SearchInput m_si;
//Msg40 m_msg40;
//DateParse2 m_dateParse2;
Dates m_dates;
HashTableX m_clockCandidatesTable;
SafeBuf m_cctbuf;
float m_ageInDays;
long m_urlPubDate;
//long m_urlAge;
char m_isUrlPermalinkFormat;
uint8_t m_summaryLangId;
long m_tagPairHashVec[MAX_TAG_PAIR_HASHES];
long m_tagPairHashVecSize;
long m_summaryVec [SAMPLE_VECTOR_SIZE/4];
long m_summaryVecSize;
long m_titleVec [SAMPLE_VECTOR_SIZE/4];
long m_titleVecSize;
long m_pageSampleVec[SAMPLE_VECTOR_SIZE/4];
long m_pageSampleVecSize;
long m_postVec[POST_VECTOR_SIZE/4];
long m_postVecSize;
float m_tagSimilarity;
float m_gigabitSimilarity;
float m_pageSimilarity;
float m_percentChanged;
bool m_unchanged;
// what docids are similar to us? docids are in this list
IndexList m_dupList;
RdbList m_likedbList;
uint64_t m_dupHash;
Msg0 m_msg0;
Msg5 m_msg5;
char m_isDup;
long m_ei;
long m_lastLaunch;
Msg22Request m_msg22Request;
Msg22 m_msg22a;
Msg22 m_msg22b;
Msg22 m_msg22c;
Msg22 m_msg22d;
Msg22 m_msg22e;
Msg22 m_msg22f;
long m_collLen;
uint32_t m_gigabitVectorHash;
char m_gigabitQuery [XD_GQ_MAX_SIZE];
long m_gigabitHashes [XD_MAX_GIGABIT_HASHES];
long m_gigabitScores [XD_MAX_GIGABIT_HASHES];
char *m_gigabitPtrs [XD_MAX_GIGABIT_HASHES];
// for debug printing really
class GigabitInfo *m_top[100];
long m_numTop;
//char m_metaDesc[1025];
//char m_metaKeywords[1025];
// these now reference directly into the html src so our
// WordPosInfo::m_wordPtr algo works in seo.cpp
char *m_metaDesc;
long m_metaDescLen;
char *m_metaSummary;
long m_metaSummaryLen;
char *m_metaKeywords;
long m_metaKeywordsLen;
long m_siteSpiderQuota;
//long m_numBannedOutlinks;
class XmlDoc *m_oldDoc;
class XmlDoc *m_extraDoc;
class XmlDoc *m_ahrefsDoc;
//class XmlDoc *m_contactDoc;
class XmlDoc *m_rootDoc;
//class XmlDoc *m_gatewayDoc;
RdbList m_oldMetaList;
char *m_oldTitleRec;
long m_oldTitleRecSize;
char *m_rootTitleRec;
long m_rootTitleRecSize;
//char *m_contactTitleRec;
//long m_contactTitleRecSize;
char m_isIndexed;
Msg8a m_msg8a;
char *m_tagdbColl;
long m_tagdbCollLen;
Addresses m_addresses;
Address *m_contactAddresses[MAX_CONTACT_ADDRESSES];
long m_numContactAddresses;
char m_isContacty;
//Url m_contactUsLink;
//Url m_aboutUsLink;
char *m_contactLinks [MAX_CONTACT_OUTLINKS];
long m_contactLens [MAX_CONTACT_OUTLINKS];
long m_contactScores [MAX_CONTACT_OUTLINKS];
long m_contactFlags [MAX_CONTACT_OUTLINKS];
char m_contactProcessed [MAX_CONTACT_OUTLINKS];
char *m_contactText [MAX_CONTACT_OUTLINKS];
char *m_contactTextEnd [MAX_CONTACT_OUTLINKS];
long m_minContactScore;
long m_minContactIndex;
long m_numContactLinks;
Url m_extraUrl;
//long m_siteNumInlinksFresh;
//long m_sitePop;
uint8_t m_siteNumInlinks8;
//long m_siteNumInlinks;
LinkInfo m_siteLinkInfo;
char m_isInjecting;
char m_useFakeMime;
char m_useSiteLinkBuf;
char m_usePageLinkBuf;
char m_printInXml;
Msg25 m_msg25;
Msg25 *m_tempMsg25Page;
Msg25 *m_tempMsg25Site;
// for page or for site?
Msg25 *getAllInlinks ( bool forSite );
// lists from cachedb for msg25's msg20 replies serialized
RdbList m_siteReplyList;
RdbList m_pageReplyList;
bool m_checkedCachedbForSite;
bool m_checkedCachedbForPage;
bool m_triedToAddWordPosInfoToCachedb;
bool m_calledMsg25ForSite;
bool m_calledMsg25ForPage;
//void (* m_masterLoopWrapper) (void *state);
MsgC m_msgc;
bool m_isAllowed;
bool m_forwardDownloadRequest;
bool m_isChildDoc;
Msg13 m_msg13;
Msg13Request m_msg13Request;
bool m_isSpiderProxy;
// for limiting # of iframe tag expansions
long m_numExpansions;
char m_newOnly;
//long m_tryAgainTimeDelta;
//long m_sameIpWait;
//long m_sameDomainWait;
//long m_maxSpidersPerDomain;
char m_isWWWDup;
char m_calledMsg0b;
Url m_tmpUrl;
SafeBuf m_tmpsb1;
SafeBuf m_tmpsb2;
SafeBuf m_turkBuf;
SafeBuf m_linkSiteHashBuf;
SafeBuf m_linkdbDataBuf;
SafeBuf m_langVec;
Msg0 m_msg0b;
class RdbList *m_ulist;
void *m_hack;
class XmlDoc *m_hackxd;
//class LinkInfo *m_linkInfo1Ptr;
char *m_linkInfoColl;
//char m_injectedReply;
long m_minInlinkerHopCount;
//class LinkInfo *m_linkInfo2Ptr;
SiteGetter m_siteGetter;
long long m_siteHash64;
//char *m_site;
//long m_siteLen;
//Url m_siteUrl;
long m_siteHash32;
char *m_httpReply;
char m_downloadAttempted;
char m_redirectFlag;
//char m_isScraping;
//char m_throttleDownload;
char m_spamCheckDisabled;
char m_useRobotsTxt;
long m_robotsTxtLen;
long m_httpReplySize;
long m_httpReplyAllocSize;
char m_isBinary;
char *m_filteredContent;
long m_filteredContentLen;
char *m_filter;
long m_filteredContentAllocSize;
long m_filteredContentMaxSize;
char m_calledThread;
long m_errno;
class CollectionRec *m_cr;
//long m_utf8ContentAllocSize;
long m_hostHash32a;
long m_hostHash32b;
long m_domHash32;
long m_priorityQueueNum;
// this points into m_msge0 i guess
//class TagRec **m_outlinkTagRecVector;
Msge0 m_msge0;
// this points into m_msge1 i guess
//long *m_outlinkIpVector;
Msge1 m_msge1;
// functions and vars for the seo query matching tool
bool loadTitleRecFromDiskOrSpider();
//SafeBuf *getSEOQueryInfo ( );
HashTableX *getTermIdBufDedupTable32();
//long *getTopWordsVector( bool includeSynonyms );
SafeBuf *getTermId32Buf();
SafeBuf *getTermInfoBuf();
SafeBuf *getNewTermInfoBuf();
SafeBuf *getMatchingQueryBuf();
SafeBuf *getQueryLinkBuf(SafeBuf *docIdListBuf,bool doMatchingQueries);
//SafeBuf *getMatchingQueriesScored();
SafeBuf *getMatchingQueriesScoredForFullQuery();
SafeBuf *getRelatedDocIds();
SafeBuf *getRelatedDocIdsScored();
SafeBuf *getTopMatchingQueryBuf();
bool addRelatedDocIdInfo ( long long docId ,
long queryNum ,
float score ,
long rank ,
long siteHash26 ) ;
bool setRelatedDocIdWeightAndRank ( class RelatedDocId *rd );
SafeBuf *getRelatedDocIdsWithTitles();
bool setRelatedDocIdInfoFromMsg20Reply ( class RelatedDocId *rd ,
class Msg20Reply *reply );
SafeBuf *getRelatedQueryBuf();
//SafeBuf *getRelatedQueryLinksModPart ( long modPart );
bool addTermsFromQuery ( char *queryStr,
uint8_t queryLangId,
long gigablastTraffic,
long googleTraffic,
long hackqoff,
class SafeBuf *tmpBuf ,
class HashTableX *scoreTable ,
class HashTableX *topWordsTable ,
float imp,
bool isRelatedQuery ) ;
bool sortTermsIntoBuf ( class HashTableX *scoreTable ,
class SafeBuf *tmpBuf ,
class SafeBuf *missingTermBuf ) ;
SafeBuf *getMissingTermBuf ();
SafeBuf *getMatchingTermBuf ();
SafeBuf *getTermIdSortedPosdbListBuf();
SafeBuf *getWordPosSortedPosdbListBuf();
SafeBuf *getTermListBuf(); // list of posdb termlists for caching
SafeBuf *getWordPosInfoBuf ( ) ;
//bool sendBin ( long i );
//bool scoreDocIdRestrictedQueries(class Msg99Reply **replyPtrs,
// class QueryLink *linkPtrs,
// long numPtrs );
// private like functions
bool addUniqueWordsToBuf ( SafeBuf *termInfoBuf,
HashTableX *dedupTable ,
HashTableX *filterTable ,
HashTableX *minCountTable ,
bool storeCounts,
Words *words ,
bool includeSynonyms );
//void gotMsg99Reply ( UdpSlot *slot );
//void gotMsg98Reply ( UdpSlot *slot );
void gotMsg95Reply ( UdpSlot *slot );
//void gotMsg3aReplyForMainUrl ( );
void gotMsg3aReplyForFullQuery( );
//void gotMsg3aReplyForFullQueryCached ( char *cachedRec ,
// class Msg99Reply *qp );
//void gotMsg3aReplyForRelQuery ( class Msg3a *msg3a );
void gotMsg3fReply ( class Bin *bin );
//void pumpSocketWriteBuf ( );
//HashTableX *getMatchingQueryHashTable();
HashTableX *getMatchingQueryOffsetTable();
long getNumInsertableTerms ( );
class SafeBuf *getInsertableTerms ( );
class SafeBuf *getScoredInsertableTerms ( );
//class SafeBuf *getInsertableWordFreqInfoBuf ();
bool processMsg95Replies();
void setWordPosInfosTrafficGain ( class InsertableTerm *it );
long getTrafficGain( class QueryChange *qc ) ;
// print in xml
bool printScoredInsertableTerms ( SafeBuf *sbuf ) ;
HashTableX m_tidTable32;
//long *m_twids;
//long m_numTwids;
SafeBuf m_termId32Buf;
SafeBuf m_termInfoBuf;
SafeBuf m_newTermInfoBuf;
//long m_maxQueries;
//long m_maxRelatedQueries;
//long m_maxRelatedUrls;
//long m_numMsg99Requests;
//long m_numMsg98Requests;
//long m_numMsg99Replies;
//long m_numMsg98Replies;
//char *m_msg99ReplyPtrs [MAX_HOSTS];
//long m_msg99ReplySizes[MAX_HOSTS];
//long m_msg99ReplyAlloc[MAX_HOSTS];
//long m_msg99HostIds [MAX_HOSTS];
char *m_msg95ReplyPtrs [MAX_HOSTS];
long m_msg95ReplySizes[MAX_HOSTS];
//HashTableX m_queryHashTable;
HashTableX m_queryOffsetTable;
HashTableX m_tmpTable;
HashTableX m_fullQueryDedup;
//SafeBuf m_twbuf;
//SafeBuf m_queryPtrs;
SafeBuf m_matchingQueryBuf;
SafeBuf m_matchingQueryStringBuf;
SafeBuf m_relatedQueryBuf;
SafeBuf m_relatedQueryStringBuf;
SafeBuf m_docIdListBuf;
SafeBuf m_queryOffsets;
SafeBuf m_extraQueryBuf;
//SafeBuf m_socketWriteBuf;
SafeBuf m_relatedDocIdBuf;
SafeBuf m_relatedTitleBuf;
SafeBuf m_commonQueryNumBuf;
SafeBuf m_topMatchingQueryBuf;
HashTableX m_rdtab;
// related query algo stuff
SafeBuf m_queryLinkBuf;
SafeBuf m_queryLinkStringBuf;
char *m_msg8eReply [MAX_HOSTS];
long m_msg8eReplySize[MAX_HOSTS];
long m_numMsg8eRequests;
long m_numMsg8eReplies;
//bool m_launchedAll;
long long m_tlbufTimer;
SafeBuf m_missingTermBuf;
SafeBuf m_matchingTermBuf;
//SafeBuf m_queryRelBuf;
//SafeBuf m_relPtrs;
SafeBuf m_sortedPosdbListBuf;
SafeBuf m_wpSortedPosdbListBuf;
SafeBuf m_termListBuf;
SafeBuf m_insertableTermsBuf;
//SafeBuf m_iwfiBuf;
SafeBuf m_wordPosInfoBuf;
//SafeBuf m_msg20ReplyPtrBuf;
SafeBuf m_recommendedLinksBuf;
SafeBuf m_tmpMsg0Buf;
SafeBuf m_msg20Array;
SafeBuf m_newLinkerBuf;
//Msg17 m_msg17;
//key_t m_cacheKey;
//char *m_cacheRec;
//long m_cacheRecSize;
//bool m_triedCache;
//class TopDocIds *m_topDocIdsBuf;
//long m_topDocIdsBufSize;
SafeBuf m_topDocIdsBuf;
//class TopDocIds *m_nextAvailTopDocIds;
//long m_nextAvailTopDocIdsOffset;
//long m_maxFullQueries;
//XmlDoc *m_newxd;
//XmlDoc *m_newxd2;
//bool m_newxd2Blocked;
//HashTableX m_tmpDupTable;
//class Msg20 *m_newMsg20;
Msg3a *m_msg3a;
Query *m_query3a;
long m_numMsg3aRequests;
long m_numMsg3aReplies;
long m_numMsg3fRequests;
long m_numMsg3fReplies;
long m_numMsg4fRequests;
long m_numMsg4fReplies;
bool m_sentMsg4fRequests;
class UdpSlot *m_savedSlot;
long m_numMsg95Requests;
long m_numMsg95Replies;
long m_qcursor;
char m_seoDebug;
char m_progressBar;
bool m_readFromCachedb;
bool m_writeToCachedb;
//bool m_setForReplyPtrs;
//bool m_setForLinkPtrs;
SafeBuf *getRecommendedLinksBuf ( );
bool processLinkInfoMsg20Reply ( class Msg25 *msg25 );
bool printRecommendedLinksBuf ( class SafeBuf *sb ) ;
// recommendedlinksbuf vars and functions
long m_numLinkRequestsOut;
long m_numLinkRequestsIn;
long m_hadLinkInfoError;
long m_numMsg20sIn;
long m_numMsg20sOut;
long m_numValidMsg20s;
long m_titleCursor;
long m_msg20Phase;
long m_recommendedLinkError;
SafeBuf *lookupTitles();
bool gotLinkerTitle ( class Msg20 *msg20 );
// 1 *current* bin per host!
//class Bin *m_currentBinPtrs[MAX_HOSTS];
//long m_binError;
//long m_msg98ReplyError;
//long m_binErrorForReplyPtrs;
//long m_binErrorForLinkPtrs;
HashTableX m_qstringTable;
// flow flags
bool m_printedQueries;
bool m_printedRelatedDocIds;
bool m_printedRelatedQueries;
bool m_printedScoredInsertableTerms;
bool m_printedRecommendedLinks;
bool m_loggedMsg3;
long long m_lastPrintedDocId;
//bool m_docIndexed;
//bool m_sentMsg99Requests;
bool m_didSet3;
//bool m_didSet3b;
bool m_registeredSocketCallback;
// the caller's socket the expect the xml reply on
TcpSocket *m_seoSocket;
TcpSocket *m_hackSocket;
bool m_doingSEO;
bool clientClosedConnection ( );
bool m_hadMatchError;
bool m_clientClosed;
bool m_lastCheckTime;
long m_msg3aErrno ;
bool m_computedMetaListCheckSum;
// cachedb related args
//bool m_seoInfoSetFromCache;
bool m_checkedCachedb;
bool m_processedCachedbReply;
//bool m_storedIntoCachedb;
RdbList m_cacheList;
//SafeBuf m_msg99ReplyBuf;
SafeBuf m_queryChangeBuf;
SafeBuf m_queryLogBuf;
//SafeBuf m_itStrBuf;
SafeBuf m_debugScoreInfoBuf;
SafeBuf m_origScoreInfoBuf;
RdbList m_storeList;
Msg1 m_msg1;
bool m_allHashed;
bool checkCachedb ( );
bool storeScoredInsertableTermsIntoCachedb ( ) ;
bool storeRelatedQueriesIntoCachedb ( ) ;
bool storeRelatedDocIdsIntoCachedb ( ) ;
bool storeMatchingQueriesIntoCachedb ( ) ; // only the top 1000 or so
bool storeMissingTermBufIntoCachedb ( );
bool storeWordPosInfoBufIntoCachedb ( );
bool storeRecommendedLinksBuf ( );
// cursors
long m_socketWriteBufSent;
long m_queryNum;
long m_rdCursor;
long m_relatedNum;
long m_numRelatedAdded;
// for getRelatedDocIdsWithTitles() launching msg20s
long m_relatedDocIdError;
long m_numMsg20Replies;
long m_numMsg20Requests;
SafeBuf m_msg20Buf;
// this points into m_msge2
//char *m_outlinkIsIndexedVector;
//Msge2 m_msge2;
bool m_doneWithAhrefs;
bool m_useAhrefs;
bool m_reallyInjectLinks;
long m_downloadLevel;
long m_numRegExs;
//char m_isSiteRoot;
int8_t *m_outlinkHopCountVector;
long m_outlinkHopCountVectorSize;
//char m_isSpam;
char m_isUrlBadYear;
char m_isFiltered;
long m_urlFilterNum;
long m_numOutlinksAdded;
long m_numRedirects;
bool m_isPageParser;
Url m_baseUrl;
Msg20Reply m_reply;
Msg20Request *m_req;
//char *m_gsbuf;
SafeBuf m_gsbuf;
//long m_gsbufSize;
//long m_gsbufAllocSize;
char *m_note;
char *m_imageUrl;
char m_imageUrlBuf[100];
long m_imageUrlSize;
MatchOffsets m_matchOffsets;
Query m_query;
Matches m_matches;
// meta description buf
long m_dbufLen;
char m_dbuf[1024];
Title m_title;
Summary m_summary;
char m_isCompromised;
char m_isNoArchive;
char m_isErrorPage;
char m_isHijacked;
//char m_isVisible;
char m_dmozBuf[12000];
// stuff
char *m_statusMsg;
Msg4 m_msg4;
Msg8b m_msg8b;
bool m_incCount;
bool m_decCount;
bool m_deleteFromIndex;
// ptrs to stuff
char *m_titleRec;
long m_titleRecSize;
bool m_freeTitleRec;
long m_titleRecAllocSize;
key_t m_titleRecKey;
// for isDupOfUs()
char *m_dupTrPtr;
long m_dupTrSize;
// parse these out of spider rec
long m_retryNum ;
long m_spiderRecPriority ;
bool m_spiderRecIsNew ;
long m_spiderRecSiteNumInlinks ;
long m_spiderRecRetryCount ;
long m_spiderRecHopCount ;
key_t m_spiderRecKey ;
bool m_spiderRecForced ;
long m_spiderRecTime ;
long m_srDataSize ;
char m_srData [ MAX_SPIDERREC_SIZE ];
key_t m_doledbKey;
SpiderRequest m_oldsr;
SpiderReply m_newsr;
// bool flags for what procedures we have done
bool m_checkedUrlFilters;
bool m_listAdded ;
bool m_listFlushed ;
bool m_check1 ;
bool m_check2 ;
bool m_prepared ;
bool m_updatedCounts ;
bool m_updatedCounts2 ;
//bool m_updatedTagdb1 ;
//bool m_updatedTagdb2 ;
//bool m_updatedTagdb3 ;
//bool m_updatedTagdb4 ;
//bool m_updatedTagdb5 ;
bool m_copied1 ;
bool m_updatingSiteLinkInfoTags ;
bool m_addressSetCalled ;
//bool m_calledMsg22a ;
//bool m_calledMsg22b ;
//bool m_calledMsg22c ;
long long m_calledMsg22d ;
bool m_didDelay ;
bool m_didDelayUnregister ;
bool m_calledMsg22e ;
bool m_calledMsg22f ;
bool m_calledMsg25 ;
bool m_calledMsg25b ;
bool m_calledMsg8b ;
bool m_calledMsg40 ;
bool m_calledSections ;
bool m_firstEntry ;
bool m_firstEntry2 ;
bool m_launchedSpecialMsg8a ;
bool m_launchedMsg8a2 ;
bool m_loaded ;
// used for getHasContactInfo()
bool m_processed0 ;
// a lock to prevent infinite loops
//bool m_checkForRedir ;
bool m_processedLang ;
bool m_doingConsistencyCheck ;
long m_langIdScore;
//long m_rootLangIdScore;
//uint8_t m_rootLangId;
// used for getting contact info
//bool m_triedRoot ;
//long m_winner ;
long m_dist;
// the tags in this tagRec are just contact info based tags and
// created in the addContactInfo() function. also, in that same
// function we add/sub the tags in m_citr to the m_newTagRec tag rec.
//TagRec m_citr ;
char m_emailBuf[EMAILBUFSIZE];
long m_numOfficialEmails;
// use to store a \0 list of "titles" of the root page so we can
// see which if any are the venue name, and thus match that to
// addresses of the venue on the site, and we can use those addresses
// as default venue addresses when no venues are listed on a page
// on that site.
char m_rootTitleBuf[ROOT_TITLE_BUF_MAX];
long m_rootTitleBufSize;
// . this is filtered
// . certain punct is replaced with \0
char m_filteredRootTitleBuf[ROOT_TITLE_BUF_MAX];
long m_filteredRootTitleBufSize;
// like m_rootTitleBuf but for the current page
char m_titleBuf[ROOT_TITLE_BUF_MAX];
long m_titleBufSize;
bool m_setTr ;
//bool m_checkedRobots ;
bool m_triedTagRec ;
bool m_didGatewayPage ;
bool m_didQuickDupCheck ;
void (* m_masterLoop) ( void *state );
void * m_masterState;
void (* m_callback1) ( void *state );
bool (* m_callback2) ( void *state );
void *m_state;
//void (* m_injectionCallback) ( void *state );
//void *m_injectionState;
// flags for spider
//bool m_isAddUrl;
//bool m_forceDelete;
// this is non-zero if we decided not to index the doc
long m_indexCode;
// the spider priority
long m_priority;
// the download error, like ETIMEDOUT, ENOROUTE, etc.
long m_downloadStatus;
// . when the download was completed. will be zero if no download done
// . used to set SpiderReply::m_downloadEndTime because we need
// high resolution for that so we can dole out the next spiderrequest
// from that IP quickly if the sameipwait is like 500ms.
long long m_downloadEndTime;
char *m_metaListEnd;
long m_metaListAllocSize;
char *m_p;
char *m_pend;
long m_maxCacheAge;
// a list of 32-bit ints followed by a zero 32-bit int to terminate
long long m_adIds [ XD_MAX_AD_IDS ];
//char *m_adVector;// [XMLDOC_MAX_AD_IDS];
//long m_adVectorSize;
char *m_wikiqbuf;
long m_wikiqbufSize;
long long m_wikiDocIds [ MAX_WIKI_DOCIDS ];
rscore_t m_wikiScores [ MAX_WIKI_DOCIDS ];
bool m_registeredSleepCallback;
bool m_addedNegativeDoledbRec;
bool m_hashedTitle;
bool m_hashedMetas;
long m_niceness;
bool m_usePosdb ;
bool m_useDatedb ;
bool m_useClusterdb ;
bool m_useLinkdb ;
bool m_useSpiderdb ;
bool m_useTitledb ;
bool m_useTagdb ;
bool m_usePlacedb ;
//bool m_useTimedb ;
//bool m_useSectiondb ;
//bool m_useRevdb ;
bool m_useSecondaryRdbs ;
long m_linkeeQualityBoost;
SafeBuf *m_pbuf;
// used by SpiderLoop to set m_pbuf to
SafeBuf m_sbuf;
// store termlist into here if non-null
bool m_storeTermListInfo;
char m_sortTermListBy;
//SafeBuf m_sectiondbData;
//char *m_sectiondbData;
char *m_placedbData;
//long m_sectiondbDataSize;
long m_placedbDataSize;
// we now have HashInfo to replace this
//bool m_inHashNoSplit;
// store the terms that we hash into this table so that PageParser.cpp
// can print what was hashed and with what score and what description
class HashTableX *m_wts;
HashTableX m_wtsTable;
SafeBuf m_wbuf;
// used by addContactInfo() to keep track of what urls we have
// processed for contact info to avoid re-processing them in the
// recursive loop thing that we do
//HashTableX m_pt;
// Msg25.cpp stores its pageparser.cpp output into this one
SafeBuf m_pageLinkBuf;
SafeBuf m_siteLinkBuf;
SafeBuf m_serpBuf;
// which set() function was called above to set us?
bool m_setFromTitleRec;
bool m_setFromSpiderRec;
bool m_setFromUrl;
bool m_setFromDocId;
bool m_freeLinkInfo1;
bool m_freeLinkInfo2;
bool m_contentInjected;
bool m_recycleContent;
//bool m_loadFromOldTitleRec;
char *m_rawUtf8Content;
long m_rawUtf8ContentSize;
long m_rawUtf8ContentAllocSize; // we overallocate sometimes
char *m_expandedUtf8Content;
long m_expandedUtf8ContentSize;
char *m_savedp;
char *m_oldp;
bool m_didExpansion;
SafeBuf m_esbuf;
SafeBuf m_xbuf;
//bool m_useIpsTxtFile ;
//bool m_readFromTestCache ;
// used by msg13
class Msg13Request *m_r;
// Msg20 uses this to stash its TcpSlot
void *m_slot;
char *getTestDir();
bool m_freed;
bool m_msg4Waiting;
// word spam detection
char *getWordSpamVec ( );
bool setSpam ( long *profile, long plen , long numWords ,
unsigned char *spam );
long getProbSpam ( long *profile, long plen , long step );
bool m_isRepeatSpammer;
long m_numRepeatSpam;
bool m_totallySpammed;
// frag vector (repeated fragments). 0 means repeated, 1 means not.
// vector is 1-1 with words in the document body.
char *getFragVec ( );
bool injectLinks ( HashTableX *linkDedupTable ,
HashTableX *domDedupTable ,
void *finalState ,
void (* finalCallback)(void *));
bool injectAhrefsLinks();
bool doInjectLoop ( );
void doneInjecting ( class XmlDoc *xd );
long m_i;
long m_blocked;
HashTableX m_domDedupTable;
HashTableX *m_linkDedupTablePtr;
HashTableX *m_domDedupTablePtr;
bool m_dedupLinkDomains;
void *m_finalState;
void (* m_finalCallback) ( void *state );
char m_used[MAX_XML_DOCS];
class XmlDoc *m_xmlDocs[MAX_XML_DOCS];
long long m_cacheStartTime;
// . PageParser.cpp uses this class for printing hashed terms out by calling
// XmlDoc::print()
// . we store TermInfos into XmlDoc::m_wtsTable, a HashTableX
// . one for each term hashed
// . the key is the termId. dups are allowed
// . the term itself is stored into a separate buffer, m_wbuf, a SafeBuf, so
// that TermInfo::m_term will reference that and it won't disappear on us
class TermDebugInfo {
long m_termOff;
long m_termLen;
//uint32_t m_score32;
long m_descOff; // the description offset
long m_prefixOff; // the prefix offset, like "site" or "gbadid"
long long m_termId;
long m_date;
bool m_noSplit;
//float m_weight;
char m_langId;
char m_diversityRank;
char m_densityRank;
char m_wordSpamRank;
char m_hashGroup;
long m_wordNum;
long m_wordPos;
//bool m_isSynonym;
// 0 = not a syn, 1 = syn from presets,2=wikt,3=generated
char m_synSrc;
long long m_langBitVec64;
// this is copied from Weights::m_rvw or m_rvp
//float m_rv[MAX_RULES];
// a ptr to HashInfo is passed to hashString() and hashWords()
class HashInfo {
HashInfo() {
m_tt = NULL;
m_prefix = NULL;
m_desc = NULL;
m_date = 0;
m_noSplit = false;
//m_useWeights = false;
m_useSynonyms = false;
m_hashGroup = -1;
m_startDist = 0;
m_siteHash32 = 0;
class HashTableX *m_tt;
char *m_prefix;
// "m_desc" should detail the algorithm
char *m_desc;
long m_date;
char m_noSplit;
char m_linkerSiteRank;
//char m_useWeights;
char m_useSynonyms;
char m_hashGroup;
long m_startDist;
long m_siteHash32;
// g_tt is used for debugging
//extern class TermTable *g_tt;
extern uint8_t score32to8 ( uint32_t score ) ;
extern pid_t g_pid ;
extern long g_ticker ;
extern long g_filterTimeout ;
// as recommended in the "man system" page we use our own
int my_system_r ( char *cmd , long timeout ) ;
// . returns 0 to 100 , the probability of spam for this subprofile
// . a "profile" is an array of all the positions of a word in the document
// . a "position" is just the word #, like first word, word #8, etc...
// . we are passed a subprofile, "profile", of the actual profile
// because some of the document may be more "spammy" than other parts
// . inlined to speed things up because this may be called multiple times
// for each word in the document
// . if "step" is 1 we look at every word position in the profile
// . if "step" is 2 we look at every other word position
// . if "step" is 3 we look at every 3rd word position, etc...
inline long XmlDoc::getProbSpam(long *profile, long plen, long step) {
// you can spam 2 or 1 letter words all you want to
if ( plen <= 2 ) return 0;
// if our step is bigger than the profile return 0
if ( step == plen ) return 0;
register long avgSpacing, stdDevSpacing;
long d,dev=0;
register long i;
for (long j = 0; j < step; j++) {
// find avg. of gaps between consecutive tokens in subprofile
// TODO: isn't profile[i] < profile[i+1]??
long istop = plen-1;
avgSpacing = 0;
for (i=0; i < istop; i += step )
avgSpacing += ( profile[i] - profile[i+1] );
// there's 1 less spacing than positions in the profile
// so we divide by plen-1
avgSpacing = (avgSpacing * 256) / istop;
// compute standard deviation of the gaps in this sequence
stdDevSpacing = 0;
for (i = 0 ; i < istop; i += step ) {
d = (( profile[i] - profile[i+1]) * 256 ) - avgSpacing;
if ( d < 0 ) stdDevSpacing -= d;
else stdDevSpacing += d;
// TODO: should we divide by istop-1 for stdDev??
stdDevSpacing /= istop;
// average of the stddevs for all sequences
dev += stdDevSpacing;
dev /= step;
// if the plen is big we should expect dev to be big
// here's some interpolation points:
// plen >= 2 and dev<= 0.2 --> 100%
// plen = 7 and dev = 1.0 --> 100%
// plen = 14 and dev = 2.0 --> 100%
// plen = 21 and dev = 3.0 --> 100%
// plen = 7 and dev = 2.0 --> 50%
// NOTE: dev has been multiplied by 256 to avoid using floats
if ( dev <= 51.2 ) return 100; // (.2 * 256)
long prob = ( (256*100/7) * plen ) / dev;
if (prob>100) prob=100;
return prob;
//if (prob>=0) {
// long i;
// for (i=0;i<plen;i++)
// printf("%i#",profile[i]);
// printf("\n");