Zak Betz fc3ba95226 Fix host selection for downloading when nospider directives are present.
It was always choosing the first host sequentially with spidering
enabled.  Now it looks at the other hosts in the shard selected.
2015-11-29 21:36:19 -07:00

756 lines
24 KiB

// Matt Wells, Copyright Nov 2000
// . every host (aka server) has a unique positive 32 bit hostId
// . to get the groupId of a hostId we must reverse the bits and then
// AND the result with g_hostdb.m_groupMask
// . host record is about 32 bytes
// . we keep a list of all hosts in the conf file
// . this new model is much easier to work with
// . format of hosts in the xml conf file
// . <host0> <ip> </> <port> 1234 </>
#ifndef _HOSTDB_H_
#define _HOSTDB_H_
#include <sys/ioctl.h> // ioctl() - get our ip address from a socket
#include <net/if.h> // for struct ifreq passed to ioctl()
//#include "../../rsa/rsa.h" // public_key private_key vint32_t (seals)
//#include "Conf.h" // for getting m_groupId/m_groupMask
#include "Xml.h" // host file in xml
// the default mattster udp port (also re-defined in conf/Conf.cpp) TODO: unify
//#define DEFAULTPORT 55
// the default high priority udp port (these requests are handled first)
//#define DEFAULTPORT2 56
// what ping time constitutes a dead host (in milliseconds)?
//#define DEAD_HOST_PING 5500
// when renaming over 100 titledb files on ide drive it seems to take
// more than 10 seconds some times, i think just when the neighboring ide
// drive is also busy reading/writing. let's try 16.5 seconds.
// But now we use threaded renames and unlinks so put back down to 7500
// I get too many false positives when at 9500 for some reason... i think
// when we get hit with a query bomb... so go from 9500 to 16500
// This is now g_conf.m_deadHostTimeout and configurable.
//#define DEAD_HOST_PING 16500
enum {
// for the Host::m_flags
#define PFLAG_MERGING 0x02
#define PFLAG_DUMPING 0x04
// these two flags are used by DailyMerge.cpp to sync the daily merge
// between all the hosts in the cluster
#define PFLAG_MERGEMODE0 0x08
#define PFLAG_MERGEMODE0OR6 0x10
#define PFLAG_OUTOFSYNC 0x100
// added slow disk reads to it, 4 bytes (was 52)
// 21 bytes for the gbversion (see getVersionSize())
//#define MAX_PING_SIZE (44+4+4+21)
#define HT_GRUNT 0x01
#define HT_SPARE 0x02
#define HT_PROXY 0x04
#define HT_QCPROXY 0x08
#define HT_SCPROXY 0x10
int32_t *getLocalIps ( ) ;
class EventStats {
int32_t m_expired;
int32_t m_active;
// these are all active
int32_t m_experimental;
int32_t m_resultSet1;
int32_t m_resultSetOther;
int32_t m_facebook;
int32_t m_badGeocoder;
void clear ( ) { memset ( this , 0 , sizeof(EventStats) ); };
class PingInfo {
// m_lastPing MUST be on top for now...
//int64_t m_lastPing;
// this timestamp MUST be on top because we set requestSize to 8
// and treat it like an old 8-byte ping in PingServer.cpp
int64_t m_localHostTimeMS;
int32_t m_hostId;
int32_t m_loadAvg;
float m_percentMemUsed;
float m_cpuUsage;
int32_t m_totalDocsIndexed;
int32_t m_slowDiskReads;
int32_t m_hostsConfCRC;
float m_diskUsage;
int32_t m_flags;
// some new stuff
int32_t m_numCorruptDiskReads;
int32_t m_numOutOfMems;
int32_t m_socketsClosedFromHittingLimit;
int32_t m_totalResends;
int32_t m_etryagains;
int32_t m_udpSlotsInUseIncoming;
int32_t m_tcpSocketsInUse;
int16_t m_currentSpiders;
collnum_t m_dailyMergeCollnum;
int16_t m_hdtemps[4];
char m_gbVersionStr[21];
char m_repairMode;
char m_kernelErrors;
uint8_t m_recoveryLevel;
class Host {
//bool isDead ( ) { return m_hostdb->m_isDead (); };
int32_t m_hostId ;
//uint32_t m_groupId ;
// shards and groups are basically the same, but let's keep it simple.
// since we use m_map in Hostdb.cpp to map the bits of a key to
// the shard # now (not a groupId anymore, since groupId does not
// work for non binary powers of shards)
uint32_t m_shardNum;
//int32_t m_groupNum;
// char m_pubKey[20]; // 128bit(16 byte) and a int16_t/int32_t
uint32_t m_ip ; // used for internal communcation (udp)
// what stripe are we in? i.e. what twin number are we?
int32_t m_stripe;
// . these are used for talking w/ a particular host from the outside
// . usually m_extHttpPort = m_httpPort, but if you are going through
// a router it can do portmapping. It might portmap 80 to 8000 so
// you should use 80 here then.
//uint32_t m_externalIp; // used for web-based GUI, to the world
// this ip is now the shotgun ip. the problem with an "external" ip
// is that people internal to the network cannot usually see it!!
// so now this is just a secondary regular ip address for servers with
// dual gigabit ethernet ports. make performance much better.
uint32_t m_ipShotgun;
uint16_t m_externalHttpPort;
uint16_t m_externalHttpsPort;
// his checksum of his hosts.conf so we can ensure we have the
// same hosts.conf file! 0 means not legit.
//int32_t m_hostsConfCRC;
// used by Process.cpp to do midnight stat dumps and emails
EventStats m_eventStats;
// time_t m_lastComm ; // time of last communication
// time_t m_lastAttempt ; // time of last attempted communication
// int32_t m_bandwidth; // bytes per second
// int64_t m_bytesRecvdFrom; // why do we need this?
// int64_t m_bytesSentTo; // why do we need this?
uint16_t m_port ; // Mattster Protocol (MP) UDP port
//uint16_t m_portShotgun; // for shotgunning
//uint16_t m_port2; // the high priority port
uint16_t m_httpPort ; // http port
uint16_t m_httpsPort;
//int32_t m_pingAvg ; // in ms
//int32_t m_pingStdDev; // in ms
//int32_t m_pings[4]; // our window of the last 4 pings
int32_t m_ping;
int32_t m_pingShotgun;
int32_t m_pingMax;
// have we ever got a ping reply from him?
char m_gotPingReply;
double m_loadAvg;
//float m_percentMemUsed;
// the first time we went OOM (out of mem, i.e. >= 99% mem used)
int64_t m_firstOOMTime;
// cpu usage
//float m_cpuUsage;
//float m_diskUsage;
//int32_t m_slowDiskReads;
// doc count
//int32_t m_docsIndexed;
int32_t m_urlsIndexed;
int32_t m_eventsIndexed;
// did gb log system errors that were given in g_conf.m_errstr ?
//char m_kernelErrors;
bool m_kernelErrorReported;
//int32_t m_flags;
// used be SEO pipeline in xmldoc.cpp
int32_t m_numOutstandingRequests;
// used by DailyMerge.cpp exclusively
//collnum_t m_dailyMergeCollnum;
// last time was called for this host in milliseconds.
int64_t m_lastPing;
char m_tmpBuf[4];
int16_t m_tmpCount;
// . first time we sent an unanswered ping request to this host
// . used so we can determine when to send an email alert
int64_t m_startTime;
// is a ping in progress for this host?
char m_inProgress1;
// shotgun
char m_inProgress2;
int64_t m_numPingReplies;
// send to eth 0 or 1 when sending to this host?
char m_preferEth;
// machine #, a machine can have several hosts on it
int32_t m_machineNum;
// . this is used for sending email alerts to admin about dead hosts
// . 0 means we can send an email for this host if he goes dead on us
// . +1 means we already sent an email for him since he was down and
// he hasn't come back up since
// . -1 means he went down gracefully so no alert is needed
// . -2 means he went down while g_conf.m_sendEmailAlert was false
// . -3 means another host was responsible for sending to him, not us
// . -4 means we are currently in progress sending an email for him
// . -5 means he went down before host we alerted admin about revived
int32_t m_emailCode;
// . ide channel
// . Msg34 will add disk load from other gigablast process that are
// using your channel and your ip
int32_t m_ideChannel;
//int32_t m_tokenGroupNum;
// 0 means no, 1 means yes, 2 means unknown
char m_syncStatus;
// we now include the working dir in the hosts.conf file
// so main.cpp can do gb --install and gb --allstart
char m_dir [ 128 ];
char m_hostname[16];
// the secondary ethernet interface hostname
char m_hostname2[16];
// client port
uint16_t m_dnsClientPort;
// . what set the host is in
// . its redundant twins are always in different sets
//int32_t m_group;
// was host in gk0 cluster and retired because its twin got
// ssds, so it was no longer really needed.
bool m_retired;
// used for logging when a host goes dead for the first time
bool m_wasAlive;
bool m_wasEverAlive;
int64_t m_timeOfDeath;
// this toggles between 0 and 1 for alternating packet sends to
// eth0 and eth1 of this host
char m_shotgunBit;
// how many ETRYAGAINs we received as replies from this host
//int32_t m_etryagains;
// how many resends total we had to do to this host
//int32_t m_totalResends;
// how many total error replies we got from this host
int32_t m_errorReplies;
// now include a note for every host
char m_note[128];
char m_doingSync;
char m_switchId;
char m_onProperSwitch;
bool m_isProxy;
// used for compressing spidered docs before sending back to local
// network to save on local loop bandwidth costs
char m_type;
bool isProxy() { return (m_type == HT_PROXY); };
bool isGrunt() { return (m_type == HT_GRUNT); };
// for m_type == HT_QCPROXY, we forward the query to the regular proxy
// at this Ip:Port. we should receive a compressed 0xfd reply and
// we uncompress it and return it to the browser.
int32_t m_forwardIp;
int16_t m_forwardPort;
int64_t m_dgramsTo;
int64_t m_dgramsFrom;
char m_repairMode;
// for timing how long the msg39 takes from this host
int32_t m_splitsDone;
int64_t m_splitTimes;
// . the hostdb to which this host belongs!
// . getHost(ip,port) will return a Host ptr from either
// g_hostdb or g_hostdb2, so UdpServer.cpp needs to know which it
// is from when making the UdpSlot key.
class Hostdb *m_hostdb;
// . temps in celsius of the hard drives
// . set in Process.cpp
//int16_t m_hdtemps[4];
// 24 bytes including ending \0
//char m_gbVersionStrBuf[24];
// Syncdb.cpp uses these
char m_inSync ;
char m_isPermanentOutOfSync ;
//char *m_lastKnownGoodCrawlInfoReply;
//char *m_lastKnownGoodCrawlInfoReplyEnd;
//int32_t m_replyAllocSize;
// . used by Parms.cpp for broadcasting parm change requests
// . each parm change request has an id
// . this let's us know which id is in progress and what the last
// id completed was
int32_t m_currentParmIdInProgress;
int32_t m_lastParmIdCompleted;
class ParmNode *m_currentNodePtr;
int32_t m_lastTryError;
int32_t m_lastTryTime;
bool m_spiderEnabled;
bool m_queryEnabled;
//char m_requestBuf[MAX_PING_SIZE];
PingInfo m_pingInfo;//RequestBuf;
#define MAX_HOSTS 512
#define MAX_SPARES 64
#define MAX_PROXIES 6
// . this is used by Bandwidth.h and Msg21.cpp
// . it should really be about the same as MAX_HOSTS if we have one host
// per machine
#define MAX_MACHINES 256
// for table for mapping key to a groupid
#define MAX_KSLOTS 8192
class Hostdb {
// . set up our Hostdb
// . sets itself from g_conf (our configuration class)
// . returns false on fatal error
// . gets filename from Conf.h class
bool init ( int32_t hostId , char *netname = NULL,
bool proxyHost = false , char useTempCluster = 0 ,
char *cwd = NULL );
// for dealing with pings
bool registerHandler ( );
// if config changes this *should* change
int32_t getCRC();
// . to prevent script kiddies from sending bogus udp packets to
// our udp servers we make sure they are from an IP in our hosts.conf
// file. If not, then we drop it. If the script kiddie spoofed us
// then we just have to deal with malformed packets in the handlers.
// . this just hashes each ip into m_ipHashes at startup and checks
// for the ip in there
//bool isIpInNetwork ( int32_t ip );
// . add ips from all hosts to our validation table so isIpInNetwork()
// returns true for them
// . this will add the dns ips from the Conf file
//bool validateIps ( class Conf *conf ) ;
char *getNetName ( );
void reset();
uint32_t getMyIp ( ) { return m_myIp; };
uint16_t getMyPort ( ) { return m_myPort; };
//uint16_t getMyPort2 ( ) { return m_myPort2; };
int32_t getMyHostId ( ) { return m_hostId; };
int32_t getMyMachineNum ( ) { return m_myMachineNum; };
uint32_t getLoopbackIp ( ) { return m_loopbackIp; };
Host *getMyHost ( ) { return m_myHost; };
bool amProxy ( ) { return m_myHost->isProxy(); };
Host *getMyShard ( ) { return m_myShard; };
int32_t getMyShardNum ( ) { return m_myHost->m_shardNum; };
bool isMyIp ( uint32_t ip ) {
if ( ip == m_myIp ) return true;
if ( ip == m_myIpShotgun ) return true;
if ( ip == 0x0100007f ) return true;
return false;
// . one machine may have several hosts
// . get the machine # the hostId resides on
int32_t getMachineNum ( int32_t hostId ) {
return getHost(hostId)->m_machineNum; };
int32_t getNumMachines ( ) { return m_numMachines; };
// . some utility routines
// . hostIds go from 0 to N-1 where N is # of particiapting hosts
// . groupIds have hi bits set first & depend on # of groups
// . groupMask is just the highest groupId
//int32_t makeHostId ( uint32_t groupId ) ;
//uint32_t makeGroupId ( int32_t hostId , int32_t numGroups );
//uint32_t makeGroupMask ( int32_t numGroups ) ;
// uses a table
//int32_t makeHostIdFast ( uint32_t groupId ) ;
// we consider the host dead if we didn't get a ping reply back
// after 10 seconds
bool isDead ( int32_t hostId ) ;
bool isDead ( Host *h ) ;
int32_t getAliveIp ( Host *h ) ;
bool hasDeadHost ( );
bool kernelErrors (Host *h) { return h->m_pingInfo.m_kernelErrors; };
int64_t getNumGlobalRecs ( );
int64_t getNumGlobalEvents ( );
bool isShardDead ( int32_t shardNum ) ;
//Host *getLiveHostInGroup ( int32_t groupId );
Host *getLiveHostInShard ( int32_t shardNum );
Host *getLeastLoadedInShard ( uint32_t shardNum , char niceness );
int32_t getHostIdWithSpideringEnabled ( uint32_t shardNum );
// in the entire cluster. return host #0 if its alive, otherwise
// host #1, etc.
Host *getFirstAliveHost ();
// . returns false if blocks and will call your callback later
// . returns true if doesn't block
// . sets errno on error
// . used to get array of hosts in 1 group usually for transmitting to
// . returned group includes all hosts in host "hostId"'s group
// . RdbList will be populated with the hosts in that group
// . we do not create an RdbList, you must do that
// . callback passes your RdbList back to you
//Host *getGroup ( uint32_t groupId , int32_t *numHosts = NULL );
Host *getShard ( uint32_t shardNum , int32_t *numHosts = NULL ) {
if ( numHosts ) *numHosts = m_numHostsPerShard;
return &m_hosts[shardNum * m_numHostsPerShard];
//Host *getGroupFromGroupId ( uint32_t gid ) {
// return getGroup ( gid );
//Host *getGroupFromGroupNum ( int32_t groupNum ) {
// // the array of Hosts that this points into is sorted
// // by groupId first, so we should be ok
// return m_groups[groupNum];
// the row #
//int32_t getStripe ( uint32_t groupId ) {
// Host *h = getGroup ( groupId );
// if ( ! h ) return -1;
// return h->m_stripe;//groupNum;
// the column #
//int32_t getGroupNum ( uint32_t groupId ) {
// Host *h = getGroup ( groupId );
// if ( ! h ) return -1;
// return h->m_group;
// quickly get the lowest hostid in group "groupId"
//Host *getHostIdFast ( uint32_t groupId );
// hosts in a token group share a token that is required for
// performing merges (big read/writes on disk)
//Host **getTokenGroup ( uint32_t hostId , int32_t *numHosts = NULL);
// this is used to set the Host::m_tokenGroupNum members
//int32_t getTokenGroupNum ( Host *ha ) ;
// . map a group num to a groupId
// . used by titledb.h to find groupId for a docId
//uint32_t getGroupId_old ( int32_t groupNum ) {
// return m_hostPtrs[groupNum]->m_groupId_old; }
//uint32_t getGroupIdFromHostId ( int32_t hostId ) {
// return m_hostPtrs[hostId]->m_groupId; };
// get the host in this group with the smallest avg roundtrip time
//Host *getFastestHostInGroup ( uint32_t groupId );
// get the host that has this path/ip
Host *getHost2 ( char *cwd , int32_t *localIps ) ;
Host *getProxy2 ( char *cwd , int32_t *localIps ) ;
// . like above but just gets one host
// Host *getHost ( int32_t hostId ) { return m_groups[hostId]; };
Host *getHost ( int32_t hostId ) {
if ( hostId < 0 ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
return m_hostPtrs[hostId];
Host *getSpare ( int32_t spareId ) {
return m_spareHosts[spareId]; };
Host *getProxy ( int32_t proxyId ) {
return m_proxyHosts[proxyId]; };
int32_t getNumHosts ( ) { return m_numHosts; };
int32_t getNumProxy ( ) { return m_numProxyHosts; };
int32_t getNumProxies ( ) { return m_numProxyHosts; };
int32_t getNumGrunts ( ) { return m_numHosts; };
// how many of the hosts are non-dead?
int32_t getNumHostsAlive ( ) { return m_numHostsAlive; };
int32_t getNumProxyAlive ( ) { return m_numProxyAlive; };
//int32_t getNumGroups () { return m_numGroups; };
int32_t getNumShards () { return m_numShards; };
int32_t getNumIndexSplits() { return m_indexSplits; };
// how many hosts in this group?
//int32_t getNumHostsPerShard ( ) { return m_numHostsPerShard; };
int32_t getNumHostsPerShard ( ) { return m_numHostsPerShard; };
// goes with Host::m_stripe
int32_t getNumStripes ( ) { return m_numHostsPerShard; };
// . get a host entry from ip/port
// . returns NULL if no match
//Host *getHost ( uint32_t ip , uint16_t port );
//Host *getProxy ( uint32_t ip , uint16_t port );
// from http/https ports
//Host *getHostFromTcpPort ( uint32_t ip , uint16_t port );
//Host *getProxyFromTcpPort ( uint32_t ip , uint16_t port );
// . get the Host sharing m_hosts[n]'s ip and ide channel
// . used by Msg34.cpp to compute load on the channel
// . TODO: speed this up when we get a *lot* of hosts
// . right now it just does a linear scan
//Host *getSharer ( Host *h ) ;
// . add ip to allowed packets table, if we receive a udp packet
// from an ip not in this list, we discard it
// . returns true on success
bool addIp ( int32_t ip ) ;
// . hostId of -1 means unknown
//void getTimes ( int32_t hostId , int32_t *avg , int32_t *stdDev );
// . update ping time info of this host
// . uses a 10-ping running average
// . "tripTime" is in milliseconds
// . hostId of -1 means unknown (will just return true)
//void stampHost ( int32_t hostId , int32_t tripTime , bool timedOut );
// hash the hosts into the hash tables for lookup
bool hashHosts();
bool hashHost ( bool udp , Host *h , uint32_t ip , uint16_t port ) ;
int32_t getHostId ( uint32_t ip , uint16_t port ) ;
Host *getHostByIp ( uint32_t ip ) ;
Host *getHost ( uint32_t ip , uint16_t port ) ;
Host *getUdpHost ( uint32_t ip , uint16_t port ) ;
Host *getTcpHost ( uint32_t ip , uint16_t port ) ;
bool isIpInNetwork ( uint32_t ip ) ;
Host *getHostFromTable ( bool udp , uint32_t ip , uint16_t port ) ;
// sets the note for a host
bool setNote ( int32_t hostId, char *note, int32_t noteLen );
bool setSpareNote ( int32_t spareId, char *note, int32_t noteLen );
// replace a host with a spare
bool replaceHost ( int32_t origHostId, int32_t spareHostId );
void setOnProperSwitchFlags ( ) ;
// write a hosts.conf file
bool saveHostsConf ( );
// sync a host with its twin
bool syncHost ( int32_t syncHostId, bool useSecondaryIps );
void syncStart_r ( bool amThread );
void syncDone ( );
int32_t getBestIp ( Host *h , int32_t fromIp ) ;
Host *getBestSpiderCompressionProxy ( int32_t *key ) ;
// only used by 'gb scale <hostdb.conf>' cmd for now
void resetPortTables ();
// returns best IP to use for "h" which is a host in hosts2.conf
int32_t getBestHosts2IP ( Host *h );
// our host's info used by Udp* classes for internal communication
uint32_t m_myIp;
uint32_t m_myIpShotgun;
uint16_t m_myPort;
//uint16_t m_myPort2;
int32_t m_myMachineNum;
Host *m_myHost;
Host *m_myShard;
// the loopback ip (
uint32_t m_loopbackIp;
// . the hosts are stored from g_conf in xml to here
// . m_hosts[i] is the ith Host entry
Host *m_hosts;
int32_t m_numHosts;
int32_t m_numHostsAlive;
int32_t m_allocSize;
// . this maps a hostId to the appropriate host!
// . we can't use m_hosts[i] because we sort it by groupId for getGroup
Host *m_hostPtrs[MAX_HOSTS];
// . m_hostIdToTokenGroupNum maps a host id to a "tgn"
// . m_hostPtrs2 [ tgn ] is the list of Host ptrs in that host's
// merge token group and the size of the group is m_groupSize [ tgn ]
// . used by getTokenGroup() which is used by Msg35.cpp
//Host *m_hostPtrs2 [ MAX_HOSTS ] ;
//int32_t m_hostIdToTokenGroupNum [ MAX_HOSTS ] ;
//int32_t m_groupSize [ MAX_HOSTS ];
// we must have the same number of hosts in each group
int32_t m_numHostsPerShard;
// store the file in m_buf
char m_buf [MAX_HOSTS * 128];
int32_t m_bufSize;
// this maps shard # to the array of hosts in that shard
Host *m_shards[MAX_HOSTS];
int32_t m_numMachines;
// the hash table of the ips in hosts.conf
int32_t *m_ips;
int32_t m_numIps;
// does a host share an ide channel with another host?
//bool m_ideSharing;
// . our group info
int32_t m_hostId; // our hostId
int32_t m_numShards;
//uint32_t m_groupId; // hi bits are set before low bits
//uint32_t m_groupMask; // hi bits are set before low bits
char m_dir[256];
char m_httpRootDir[256];
char m_logFilename[256];
int32_t m_indexSplits;
char m_netName[32];
// spare hosts list
Host *m_spareHosts[MAX_SPARES];
int32_t m_numSpareHosts;
// proxy host list
Host *m_proxyHosts[MAX_PROXIES];
int32_t m_numProxyHosts;
int32_t m_numProxyAlive;
int32_t m_numTotalHosts;
bool m_initialized;
bool createHostsConf( char *cwd );
bool m_created;
int32_t m_crc;
int32_t m_crcValid;
// for sync
Host *m_syncHost;
bool m_syncSecondaryIps;
char m_useTmpCluster;
//uint32_t getGroupId (char rdbId, void *key, bool split = true);
//uint32_t getGroupIdFromDocId ( int64_t d ) ;
uint32_t getShardNum (char rdbId, void *key );
uint32_t getShardNumFromDocId ( int64_t d ) ;
// assume to be for posdb here
uint32_t getShardNumByTermId ( void *key );
uint32_t m_map[MAX_KSLOTS];
extern class Hostdb g_hostdb;
extern class Hostdb g_hostdb2;
extern Host *g_listHosts [ MAX_HOSTS * 4 ];
extern uint32_t g_listIps [ MAX_HOSTS * 4 ];
extern uint16_t g_listPorts [ MAX_HOSTS * 4 ];
extern int32_t g_listNumTotal;
inline uint32_t getShardNum ( char rdbId, void *key ) {
return g_hostdb.getShardNum ( rdbId , key );
inline uint32_t getMyShardNum ( ) {
return g_hostdb.m_myHost->m_shardNum;
inline uint32_t getShardNumFromDocId ( int64_t d ) {
return g_hostdb.getShardNumFromDocId ( d );
int32_t getShardNumFromTermId ( int64_t termId );
//inline uint32_t getGroupId ( char rdbId, void *key,bool split = true) {
// return g_hostdb.getGroupId ( rdbId , key , split );
//inline uint32_t getGroupIdFromDocId ( int64_t d ) {
// return g_hostdb.getGroupIdFromDocId ( d );