Matt Wells 9178d67b2f fix churn bug in winnerlistcache in spider.cpp
so do not add the dolebuf list of spiderrequests
back into the cache, but just modify the "jump"
in the first 4 bytes of the cached record. because
when we re-added it back to the cache it created too
much churn and we'd lose cached records unnecessarily.
2015-10-01 19:35:34 -07:00

644 lines
24 KiB

// Matt Wells, Copyright May 2001
#ifndef _RDBLIST_H_
#define _RDBLIST_H_
* Core of the storage, this implements a list of <key><dataSize><data>.
* Additional documentation by Sam, May 15th 2015
* Compared to a standard vector, this class offers a few low level optimizations
* it seems, like compression of the keys when successive keys start with the same
* bits.
* The size of the key seems to be defined during creation (with maximum of 28 bytes,
* defined in type.h
* Sometimes, this type of list is used without any <data> (I guess in this case dataSize is 0)
* This is the case for the term-lists used in Msg2 for instance.
* Original documentation by Matt (2001?)
* RdbList is the heart of Rdb, Record DataBase
* an RdbList is a list of rdb records sorted by their keys.
* An rdb record is just a key with an optional dataSize and/or data
* All records in the RdbList must have keys in [m_startKey, m_endKey].
* TODO: speed up by using templates are by having 2-3 different RdbLists:
* 1 for dataLess Rdb's, 1 for fixedDataSize Rdb's, 1 for var dataSize
* m_useHalfKeys is only for IndexLists
* it is a compression method for key-only lists (data-less)
* it allows use of 6-byte keys if the last 12-byte key before has the same
* most significant 6 bytes
* this saves space and time (35% of indexdb can be cut)
* we cannot just override skipCurrentRecord(), etc. in IndexList because
* it would have to be a virtual function thing (ptr to a function) when
* called in RdbMap, Msg1, merge_r(), ... OR the callers would have
* to have a separate routine just for IndexLists
* for speed I opted to just add the m_useHalfKeys option to the RdbList
* class rather than have a virtual function or having to write lots of
* additional support routines for IndexLists
class RdbList {
// IndexList sees keys as termId/score/docId tuples
friend class IndexList; // this class is derived from RdbList
friend class RdbScan; // for hacking to make first key read 12 bytes
friend class RdbDump; // for hacking m_listPtrHi/m_listPtr
friend class RdbMap; // for call to RdbList::setListPtr()
friend class Msg1;
RdbList () ;
~RdbList () ;
void constructor();
void destructor ();
// sets m_listSize to 0, keeps any allocated buffer (m_alloc), however
void reset ( );
// like reset, but frees m_alloc/m_allocSize and resets all to 0
void freeList ( );
// return false and sets g_errno on error
bool copyList ( class RdbList *list );
// . set it to this list
// . "list" is a serialized sequence of rdb records sorted by key
// . startKey/endKey specifies the list's range
// . there may, however, be some keys in the list outside of the range
// . if "ownData" is true we free "list" on our reset/destruction
void set (char *list ,
int32_t listSize ,
char *alloc ,
int32_t allocSize ,
//key_t startKey ,
//key_t endKey ,
char *startKey ,
char *endKey ,
int32_t fixedDataSize ,
bool ownData ,
bool useHalfKeys ,
char keySize ); // 12 is default
// call the above set()
void set (char *list ,
int32_t listSize ,
char *alloc ,
int32_t allocSize ,
key_t startKey ,
key_t endKey ,
int32_t fixedDataSize ,
bool ownData ,
bool useHalfKeys ) {
set(list,listSize,alloc,allocSize,(char *)&startKey,
(char *)&endKey,fixedDataSize,ownData,useHalfKeys,
// like above but uses 0/maxKey for startKey/endKey
void set (char *list ,
int32_t listSize ,
char *alloc ,
int32_t allocSize ,
int32_t fixedDataSize ,
bool ownData ,
bool useHalfKeys ,
char keySize = sizeof(key_t) );
void setFromSafeBuf ( class SafeBuf *sb , char rdbId );
void setFromPtr ( char *p , int32_t psize , char rdbId ) ;
// just set the start and end keys
//void set ( key_t startKey , key_t endKey );
void set ( char *startKey , char *endKey );
void setStartKey ( key_t startKey ){
if ( m_ks!=12 ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0;}
KEYSET(m_startKey,(char *)&startKey,12);
//*((key_t *)m_startKey) = startKey; };
void setEndKey ( key_t endKey ){
if ( m_ks!=12 ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0;}
KEYSET(m_endKey,(char *)&endKey,12);
//*(key_t *)m_endKey = endKey ; };
void setStartKey ( char *startKey ){KEYSET(m_startKey,startKey,m_ks);};
void setEndKey ( char *endKey ){KEYSET(m_endKey ,endKey ,m_ks);};
void setUseHalfKeys ( bool use ) { m_useHalfKeys = use; };
// if you don't want data to be freed on destruction then don't own it
void setOwnData ( bool ownData ) { m_ownData = ownData; };
void setFixedDataSize ( int32_t fixedDataSize ) {
m_fixedDataSize = fixedDataSize; };
//key_t getStartKey () { return m_startKey; };
//key_t getEndKey () { return m_endKey; };
char *getStartKey () { return m_startKey; };
char *getEndKey () { return m_endKey; };
int32_t getFixedDataSize () { return m_fixedDataSize; };
bool getOwnData () { return m_ownData; };
void getStartKey ( char *k ) { KEYSET(k,m_startKey,m_ks);};
void getEndKey ( char *k ) { KEYSET(k,m_endKey ,m_ks);};
void getLastKey ( char *k ) {
if ( ! m_lastKeyIsValid ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// will scan through each record if record size is variable
int32_t getNumRecs () ;
// these operate on the whole list
char *getList () { return m_list; };
int32_t getListSize () { return m_listSize; };
char *getListEnd () { return m_list + m_listSize; };
//key_t getListStartKey () { return m_startKey; };
//key_t getListEndKey () { return m_endKey; };
char *getListStartKey () { return m_startKey; };
char *getListEndKey () { return m_endKey; };
// often these equal m_list/m_listSize, but they may encompass
char *getAlloc () { return m_alloc; };
int32_t getAllocSize () { return m_allocSize; };
// . skip over the current record and point to the next one
// . returns false if we skipped into a black hole (end of list)
bool skipCurrentRecord ( ) {
return skipCurrentRec ( getRecSize ( m_listPtr ) ); };
bool skipCurrentRec ( ) {
return skipCurrentRec ( getRecSize ( m_listPtr ) ); };
// this is specially-made for RdbMap's processing of IndexLists
bool skipCurrentRec ( int32_t recSize ) {
m_listPtr += recSize;
if ( m_listPtr >= m_listEnd ) return false;
if ( m_ks == 18 ) {
// a 6 byte key? do not change listPtrHi nor Lo
if ( m_listPtr[0] & 0x04 ) return true;
// a 12 byte key?
if ( m_listPtr[0] & 0x02 ) {
m_listPtrLo = m_listPtr + 6;
return true;
// if it's a full 18 byte key, change both ptrs
m_listPtrHi = m_listPtr + 12;
m_listPtrLo = m_listPtr + 6;
return true;
if ( m_useHalfKeys && ! isHalfBitOn ( m_listPtr ) )
m_listPtrHi = m_listPtr + (m_ks-6);
return true;
bool isExhausted () { return (m_listPtr >= m_listEnd); };
//key_t getCurrentKey () { return getKey ( m_listPtr );};
key_t getCurrentKey () {
key_t key ; getKey ( m_listPtr,(char *)&key ); return key; };
void getCurrentKey (void *key) { getKey(m_listPtr,(char *)key);};
int32_t getCurrentDataSize () { return getDataSize ( m_listPtr );};
char *getCurrentData () { return getData ( m_listPtr );};
int32_t getCurrentRecSize () { return getRecSize ( m_listPtr );};
int32_t getCurrentSize () { return m_listEnd - m_listPtr; };
char *getCurrentRec () { return m_listPtr; };
char *getListPtr () { return m_listPtr; };
char *getListPtrHi () { return m_listPtrHi; };
void resetListPtr () ;
// are there any records in the list?
bool isEmpty ( ) { return (m_listSize == 0); };
// . add this record to the end of the list, @ m_list+m_listSize
// . returns false and sets errno on error
// . grows list (m_allocSize) if we need more space
//bool addRecord ( key_t &key , int32_t dataSize , char *data ,
bool addRecord ( key_t &key , int32_t dataSize , char *data ,
bool bitch = true ) {
return addRecord ((char *)&key,dataSize,data,bitch); };
bool addRecord ( char *key , int32_t dataSize , char *data ,
bool bitch = true );
//bool addKey ( key_t &key );
// . record has key included in this case
// . returns false and sets errno on error
// . grows list (m_allocSize) if we need more space
bool addRecordRaw ( char *rec , int32_t recSize );
// . constrain a list to [startKey,endKey]
// . returns false and sets g_errno on error
// . only called by Msg3.cpp for 1 list reads to avoid memmov()'ing
// and malloc()'ing
// . may change m_list and/or m_listSize
//bool constrain ( key_t startKey ,
// key_t endKey ,
bool constrain ( char *startKey ,
char *endKey ,
int32_t minRecSizes ,
int32_t hintOffset ,
//key_t hintKey ,
char *hintKey ,
char *filename ,
int32_t niceness ) ;
// . this MUST be called before calling merge_r()
// . will alloc enough space for m_listSize + sizes of "lists"
bool prepareForMerge ( RdbList **lists ,
int32_t numLists ,
int32_t minRecSizes = -1 );
// . merge the lists into this list
// . set our startKey/endKey to "startKey"/"endKey"
// . exclude any records from lists not in that range
void merge_r ( RdbList **lists ,
int32_t numLists ,
//key_t startKey ,
//key_t endKey ,
char *startKey ,
char *endKey ,
int32_t minRecSizes ,
bool removeNegRecs ,
char rdbId ,
int32_t *filtered ,
int32_t *tfns , // used for titledb
RdbList *tfndbList , // used for titledb
bool isRealMerge ,
int32_t niceness );
// . we now use half keys for Tfndb, cuts mem usage in half.
// . Tfndb keys are special in that we ignore the 'f' and C' bits
// when comparing keys in this routine
bool indexMerge_r ( RdbList **lists ,
int32_t numLists ,
//key_t startKey ,
//key_t endKey ,
char *startKey ,
char *endKey ,
int32_t minRecSizes ,
bool removeNegKeys ,
//key_t prevKey ,
char *prevKey ,
int32_t *prevCountPtr ,
int32_t truncLimit ,
int32_t *dupsRemoved ,
//bool isTfndb ,
char rdbId ,
int32_t *filtered ,
bool doGroupMask , //= true ,
bool isRealMerge , //= false );
bool useBigRootList ,
int32_t niceness );
bool indexMerge_r ( RdbList **lists ,
int32_t numLists ,
key_t startKey ,
key_t endKey ,
int32_t minRecSizes ,
bool removeNegKeys ,
key_t prevKey ,
int32_t *prevCountPtr ,
int32_t truncLimit ,
int32_t *dupsRemoved ,
//bool isTfndb ,
char rdbId ,
int32_t *filtered ,
bool doGroupMask ,//= true ,
bool isRealMerge ,//= false ) {
bool useBigRootList ,
int32_t niceness ) {
return indexMerge_r ( lists ,
numLists ,
(char *)&startKey ,
(char *)&endKey ,
minRecSizes ,
removeNegKeys ,
(char *)&prevKey ,
prevCountPtr ,
truncLimit ,
dupsRemoved ,
//isTfndb ,
rdbId ,
filtered ,
doGroupMask ,
isRealMerge ,
useBigRootList ,
niceness ); };
bool posdbMerge_r ( RdbList **lists ,
int32_t numLists ,
char *startKey ,
char *endKey ,
int32_t minRecSizes ,
bool removeNegKeys ,
int32_t *filtered ,
bool doGroupMask ,
bool isRealMerge ,
int32_t niceness ) ;
// returns false if we skipped into a black hole (end of list)
int32_t getRecSize ( char *rec ) {
// posdb?
if ( m_ks == 18 ) {
if ( rec[0]&0x04 ) return 6;
if ( rec[0]&0x02 ) return 12;
return 18;
if ( m_useHalfKeys ) {
//if ( isHalfBitOn(rec) ) return 6;
if ( isHalfBitOn(rec) ) return m_ks-6;
//return sizeof(key_t);
return m_ks;
//if (m_fixedDataSize == 0) return sizeof(key_t);
//if (m_fixedDataSize >0) return sizeof(key_t)+m_fixedDataSize;
//return *(int32_t *)(rec + sizeof(key_t)) + sizeof(key_t) + 4 ;
if (m_fixedDataSize == 0) return m_ks;
// negative keys always have no datasize entry
if ( (rec[0] & 0x01) == 0 ) return m_ks;
if (m_fixedDataSize > 0) return m_ks+m_fixedDataSize;
return *(int32_t *)(rec + m_ks) + m_ks + 4 ;
// . is the format bit set? that means it's a 12-byte key
// . used exclusively for index lists (indexdb)
// . see Indexdb.h for format of the 12-byte and 6-byte indexdb keys
bool isHalfBitOn ( char *rec ) { return ( *rec & 0x02 ); };
bool useHalfKeys () { return m_useHalfKeys; };
char *getData ( char *rec ) ;
int32_t getDataSize ( char *rec ) ;
void getKey ( char *rec , char *key ) ;
key_t getKey ( char *rec ) {
key_t k; getKey(rec,(char *)&k); return k; };
// . merge_r() sets m_lastKey for the list it merges the others into
// . otherwise, this may be invalid
//key_t getLastKey ( ) ;
char *getLastKey ( ) ;
//void setLastKey ( key_t k );
void setLastKey ( char *k );
// sometimes we don't have a valid m_lastKey because it is only
// set in calls to constrain(), merge_r() and indexMerge_r()
bool isLastKeyValid () { return m_lastKeyIsValid; };
//key_t getFirstKey ( ) { return *(key_t *)m_list; };
char *getFirstKey ( ) { return m_list; };
bool growList ( int32_t newSize ) ;
// . check to see if keys in order
// . logs any problems
// . set "removedNegRecs" to true if neg recs should have been removed
// . sleeps if any problems encountered
bool checkList_r ( bool removedNegRecs , bool sleepOnProblem = true ,
char rdbId = 0 ); // RDB_NONE );
// . removes records whose keys aren't in proper range (corruption)
// . returns false and sets errno on error/problem
bool removeBadData_r ( ) ;
// . print out the list (uses log())
int printList ();
void setListPtrs ( char *p , char *hi ) {m_listPtr=p;m_listPtrHi=hi;};
void setListSize ( int32_t size ) { m_listSize = size; };
//void testIndexMerge ( );
// private:
bool checkIndexList_r ( bool removedNegRecs , bool sleepOnProblem );
// so RdbDump can avoid dumping out neg recs the first time it
// dumps to a file.
//void removeNegRecs ();
// the unalterd raw list. keys may be outside of [m_startKey,m_endKey]
char *m_list;
int32_t m_listSize; // how many bytes we're using for a list
//key_t m_startKey;
//key_t m_endKey;
char m_startKey [ MAX_KEY_BYTES ];
// the list contains all the keys in [m_startKey,m_endKey] so make
// sure if the list is truncated by minrecsizes that you decrease
// m_endKey so this is still true. seems like zak did not do that
// for rdbbuckets code.
char m_endKey [ MAX_KEY_BYTES ];
char *m_listEnd; // = m_list + m_listSize
char *m_listPtr; // points to current record in list
int32_t m_allocSize; // how many bytes we've allocated at m_alloc
char *m_alloc ; // start of chunk that was allocated
// m_fixedDataSize is -1 if records are variable length,
// 0 for data-less records (keys only) and N for records of dataSize N
int32_t m_fixedDataSize;
// this is set to the last key in this list if we were made by merge()
//key_t m_lastKey;
char m_lastKey [ MAX_KEY_BYTES ];
bool m_lastKeyIsValid;
// max list rec sizes to merge as set by prepareForMerge()
int32_t m_mergeMinListSize;
// . this points to the most significant 6 bytes of a key
// . only valid if m_useHalfKeys is true
char *m_listPtrHi;
// for the secondary compression bit for posdb
char *m_listPtrLo;
// do we own the list data (m_list)? if so free it on destruction
bool m_ownData;
// are keys compressed? only used for index lists right now
bool m_useHalfKeys;
// keysize, usually 12, for 12 bytes. can be 16 for date index (datedb)
char m_ks;
// if first key is only 6 bytes, we store the top 6 here and
// point m_listPtrHi to it when list ptrs are reset
//char m_tmp[6];
// . inline this which compares to keys split into 6 byte ptrs
// . returns -1, 0 , 1 if a < b , a == b , a > b
// . for comparison purposes, we must set 0x02 (half bits) on all keys
// so negative keys will always be ordered before their positive
inline char cmp ( char *alo , char *ahi , char *blo , char *bhi ) {
if (*(uint32_t *)(&ahi[2])<*(uint32_t *)&bhi[2]) return -1;
if (*(uint32_t *)(&ahi[2])>*(uint32_t *)&bhi[2]) return 1;
if (*(uint16_t *)( ahi )<*(uint16_t *)bhi ) return -1;
if (*(uint16_t *)( ahi )>*(uint16_t *)bhi ) return 1;
if (*(uint32_t *)(&alo[2])<*(uint32_t *)&blo[2]) return -1;
if (*(uint32_t *)(&alo[2])>*(uint32_t *)&blo[2]) return 1;
// we now ignore the half bit
if ( ((*(uint16_t *)( alo ))|0x02) <
((*(uint16_t *) blo )|0x02) ) return -1;
if ( ((*(uint16_t *)( alo ))|0x02) >
((*(uint16_t *) blo )|0x02) ) return 1;
return 0;
// man, inline is not working... don't count on it
#define fcmp(alo,ahi,blo,bhi) \
(*(uint32_t *)&((char *)ahi)[2] < \
*(uint32_t *)&((char *)bhi)[2] ? -1 \
: (*(uint32_t *)&((char *)ahi)[2] > \
*(uint32_t *)&((char *)bhi)[2] ? 1 \
: (*(uint16_t *) ((char *)ahi) < \
*(uint16_t *) ((char *)bhi) ? -1 \
: (*(uint16_t *) ((char *)ahi) > \
*(uint16_t *) ((char *)bhi) ? 1 \
: (*(uint32_t *)&((char *)alo)[2] < \
*(uint32_t *)&((char *)blo)[2] ? -1 \
: (*(uint32_t *)&((char *)alo)[2] > \
*(uint32_t *)&((char *)blo)[2] ? 1 \
:(((*(uint16_t *) ((char *)alo) )|0x02) < \
((*(uint16_t *) ((char *)blo) )|0x02) ? -1 \
:(((*(uint16_t *) ((char *)alo) )|0x02) > \
((*(uint16_t *) ((char *)blo) )|0x02) ? 1 \
: 0 ))))))))
// like above but we treat positive and negative keys as identical
#define fcmp2(alo,ahi,blo,bhi) \
(*(uint32_t *)&((char *)ahi)[2] < \
*(uint32_t *)&((char *)bhi)[2] ? -1 \
: (*(uint32_t *)&((char *)ahi)[2] > \
*(uint32_t *)&((char *)bhi)[2] ? 1 \
: (*(uint16_t *) ((char *)ahi) < \
*(uint16_t *) ((char *)bhi) ? -1 \
: (*(uint16_t *) ((char *)ahi) > \
*(uint16_t *) ((char *)bhi) ? 1 \
: (*(uint32_t *)&((char *)alo)[2] < \
*(uint32_t *)&((char *)blo)[2] ? -1 \
: (*(uint32_t *)&((char *)alo)[2] > \
*(uint32_t *)&((char *)blo)[2] ? 1 \
:(((*(uint16_t *) ((char *)alo) )|0x03) < \
((*(uint16_t *) ((char *)blo) )|0x03) ? -1 \
:(((*(uint16_t *) ((char *)alo) )|0x03) > \
((*(uint16_t *) ((char *)blo) )|0x03) ? 1 \
: 0 ))))))))
// like above but we treat positive and negative keys as identical
#define fcmp2low(alo,blo) \
(*(uint32_t *)&((char *)alo)[2] < \
*(uint32_t *)&((char *)blo)[2] ? -1 \
: (*(uint32_t *)&((char *)alo)[2] > \
*(uint32_t *)&((char *)blo)[2] ? 1 \
:(((*(uint16_t *) ((char *)alo) )|0x03) < \
((*(uint16_t *) ((char *)blo) )|0x03) ? -1 \
:(((*(uint16_t *) ((char *)alo) )|0x03) > \
((*(uint16_t *) ((char *)blo) )|0x03) ? 1 \
: 0 ))))
// . like above but this compares Tfndb keys so it ignores the tfn bits
// . see Tfndb.h for the bit map of a Tfndb key
inline char cmp2b ( char *alo , char *ahi , char *blo , char *bhi ) {
//if(*(uint32_t *)(&ahi[2])<*(uint32_t *)&bhi[2])return -1;
//if(*(uint32_t *)(&ahi[2])>*(uint32_t *)&bhi[2])return 1;
if (*(uint32_t *)( ahi )<*(uint32_t *)bhi ) return -1;
if (*(uint32_t *)( ahi )>*(uint32_t *)bhi ) return 1;
if (*(uint32_t *)(&alo[2])<*(uint32_t *)&blo[2]) return -1;
if (*(uint32_t *)(&alo[2])>*(uint32_t *)&blo[2]) return 1;
// . we ignore the half bit AND tfn bits (see Tfndb.h key bitmap)
// . now we also treat negative and positive keys as the same
if ( ((*(uint16_t *)( alo ))|0x03ff) <
((*(uint16_t *) blo )|0x03ff) ) return -1;
if ( ((*(uint16_t *)( alo ))|0x03ff) >
((*(uint16_t *) blo )|0x03ff) ) return 1;
return 0;
inline char cmp2b ( char *alo , char *ahi , char *blo , char *bhi ) {
if (*(uint32_t *)(&ahi[2])!=*(uint32_t *)&bhi[2]) return 0;
if (*(uint16_t *)( ahi )!=*(uint16_t *)bhi ) return 0;
if (*(uint32_t *)(&alo[2])!=*(uint32_t *)&blo[2]) return 0;
// we now ignore the half bit AND f bits and C bit (see Tfndb.h bitmap)
// AND set negative bit on blo
if ( ((*(uint16_t *)( alo ))|0x03fe) !=
((*(uint16_t *) blo )|0x03ff) ) return 0;
return 1;
// this is for 16-byte keys
#define bfcmp(alo,ahi,blo,bhi) \
(*(uint32_t *)&((char *)ahi)[2] < \
*(uint32_t *)&((char *)bhi)[2] ? -1 \
: (*(uint32_t *)&((char *)ahi)[2] > \
*(uint32_t *)&((char *)bhi)[2] ? 1 \
: (*(uint16_t *) ((char *)ahi) < \
*(uint16_t *) ((char *)bhi) ? -1 \
: (*(uint16_t *) ((char *)ahi) > \
*(uint16_t *) ((char *)bhi) ? 1 \
: (*(uint64_t *)&((char *)alo)[2] < \
*(uint64_t *)&((char *)blo)[2] ? -1 \
: (*(uint64_t *)&((char *)alo)[2] > \
*(uint64_t *)&((char *)blo)[2] ? 1 \
:(((*(uint16_t *) ((char *)alo) )|0x02) < \
((*(uint16_t *) ((char *)blo) )|0x02) ? -1 \
:(((*(uint16_t *) ((char *)alo) )|0x02) > \
((*(uint16_t *) ((char *)blo) )|0x02) ? 1 \
: 0 ))))))))
// like above but we treat positive and negative keys as identical
#define bfcmp2(alo,ahi,blo,bhi) \
(*(uint32_t *)&((char *)ahi)[2] < \
*(uint32_t *)&((char *)bhi)[2] ? -1 \
: (*(uint32_t *)&((char *)ahi)[2] > \
*(uint32_t *)&((char *)bhi)[2] ? 1 \
: (*(uint16_t *) ((char *)ahi) < \
*(uint16_t *) ((char *)bhi) ? -1 \
: (*(uint16_t *) ((char *)ahi) > \
*(uint16_t *) ((char *)bhi) ? 1 \
: (*(uint64_t *)&((char *)alo)[2] < \
*(uint64_t *)&((char *)blo)[2] ? -1 \
: (*(uint64_t *)&((char *)alo)[2] > \
*(uint64_t *)&((char *)blo)[2] ? 1 \
:(((*(uint16_t *) ((char *)alo) )|0x03) < \
((*(uint16_t *) ((char *)blo) )|0x03) ? -1 \
:(((*(uint16_t *) ((char *)alo) )|0x03) > \
((*(uint16_t *) ((char *)blo) )|0x03) ? 1 \
: 0 ))))))))
inline char bfcmpPosdb ( char *alo , char *ame , char *ahi ,
char *blo , char *bme , char *bhi ) {
if (*(uint32_t *)( ahi+2 )<*(uint32_t *)(bhi+2)) return -1;
if (*(uint32_t *)( ahi+2 )>*(uint32_t *)(bhi+2)) return 1;
if (*(uint16_t *)( ahi )<*(uint16_t *)(bhi )) return -1;
if (*(uint16_t *)( ahi )>*(uint16_t *)(bhi )) return 1;
if (*(uint32_t *)( ame+2 )<*(uint32_t *)(bme+2)) return -1;
if (*(uint32_t *)( ame+2 )>*(uint32_t *)(bme+2)) return 1;
if (*(uint16_t *)( ame )<*(uint16_t *)(bme )) return -1;
if (*(uint16_t *)( ame )>*(uint16_t *)(bme )) return 1;
if (*(uint32_t *)( alo+2 )<*(uint32_t *)(blo+2)) return -1;
if (*(uint32_t *)( alo+2 )>*(uint32_t *)(blo+2)) return 1;
if ( ((*(uint16_t *)( alo ))|0x0007) <
((*(uint16_t *) blo )|0x0007) ) return -1;
if ( ((*(uint16_t *)( alo ))|0x0007) >
((*(uint16_t *) blo )|0x0007) ) return 1;
return 0;