Matt Wells fe1a7d1a75 rdbbase not fully resetting? it was
trying to dump to coll directories that
had been moved to trash folder.
and printing out "deleted from under us".
at least it was corrupting data in RdbMem
this time because i added m_dumpErrno logic.
2013-11-15 09:01:58 -08:00

558 lines
16 KiB

#include "gb-include.h"
#include "CollectionRec.h"
#include "Collectiondb.h"
#include "HttpServer.h" // printColors2()
#include "Msg5.h"
#include "Threads.h"
#include "Datedb.h"
#include "Timedb.h"
#include "Spider.h"
static CollectionRec g_default;
CollectionRec::CollectionRec() {
//m_numSearchPwds = 0;
//m_numBanIps = 0;
//m_numSearchIps = 0;
//m_numSpamIps = 0;
//m_numAdminPwds = 0;
//m_numAdminIps = 0;
memset ( m_bases , 0 , 4*RDB_END );
// how many keys in the tree of each rdb? we now store this stuff
// here and not in RdbTree.cpp because we no longer have a maximum
// # of collection recs... MAX_COLLS. each is a 32-bit "long" so
// it is 4 * RDB_END...
memset ( m_numNegKeysInTree , 0 , 4*RDB_END );
memset ( m_numPosKeysInTree , 0 , 4*RDB_END );
m_spiderColl = NULL;
m_overflow = 0x12345678;
m_overflow2 = 0x12345678;
// the spiders are currently uninhibited i guess
m_spiderStatus = SP_INITIALIZING; // this is 0
//m_spiderStatusMsg = NULL;
// for Url::getSite()
m_updateSiteRulesTable = 1;
m_lastUpdateTime = 0LL;
m_clickNScrollEnabled = false;
// inits for sortbydatetable
m_inProgress = false;
m_msg5 = NULL;
// JAB - track which regex parsers have been initialized
//log(LOG_DEBUG,"regex: %p initalizing empty parsers", m_pRegExParser);
// clear these out so Parms::calcChecksum can work:
memset( m_spiderFreqs, 0, MAX_FILTERS*sizeof(*m_spiderFreqs) );
//for ( int i = 0; i < MAX_FILTERS ; i++ )
// m_spiderQuotas[i] = -1;
memset( m_spiderPriorities, 0,
MAX_FILTERS*sizeof(*m_spiderPriorities) );
//memset( m_rulesets, 0, MAX_FILTERS*sizeof(*m_rulesets) );
//for ( int i = 0; i < MAX_SEARCH_PASSWORDS; i++ ) {
// *(m_searchPwds[i]) = '\0';
//for ( int i = 0; i < MAX_ADMIN_PASSWORDS; i++ ) {
// *(m_adminPwds[i]) = '\0';
//memset( m_banIps, 0, MAX_BANNED_IPS*sizeof(*m_banIps) );
//memset( m_searchIps, 0, MAX_SEARCH_IPS*sizeof(*m_searchIps) );
//memset( m_spamIps, 0, MAX_SPAM_IPS*sizeof(*m_spamIps) );
//memset( m_adminIps, 0, MAX_ADMIN_IPS*sizeof(*m_adminIps) );
//for ( int i = 0; i < MAX_FILTERS; i++ ) {
// //m_pRegExParser[i] = NULL;
// *(m_regExs[i]) = '\0';
m_numRegExs = 0;
//m_requests = 0;
//m_replies = 0;
//m_doingCallbacks = false;
m_lastResetCount = 0;
// for diffbot caching the global spider stats
// add default reg ex if we do not have one
CollectionRec::~CollectionRec() {
//invalidateRegEx ();
// new collection recs get this called on them
void CollectionRec::setToDefaults ( ) {
g_parms.setFromFile ( this , NULL , NULL );
// add default reg ex
void CollectionRec::reset() {
// make sure we do not leave spiders "hanging" waiting for their
// callback to be called... and it never gets called
//if ( m_callbackQueue.length() > 0 ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
//if ( m_doingCallbacks ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
//if ( m_replies != m_requests ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
//m_requests = 0;
//m_replies = 0;
CollectionRec *g_cr = NULL;
// . load this data from a conf file
// . values we do not explicitly have will be taken from "default",
// collection config file. if it does not have them then we use
// the value we received from call to setToDefaults()
// . returns false and sets g_errno on load error
bool CollectionRec::load ( char *coll , long i ) {
// also reset some counts not included in parms list
// before we load, set to defaults in case some are not in xml file
g_parms.setToDefault ( (char *)this );
// get the filename with that id
File f;
char tmp2[1024];
sprintf ( tmp2 , "%scoll.%s.%li/coll.conf", g_hostdb.m_dir , coll,i);
f.set ( tmp2 );
if ( ! f.doesExist () ) return log("admin: %s does not exist.",tmp2);
// set our collection number
m_collnum = i;
// set our collection name
m_collLen = gbstrlen ( coll );
strcpy ( m_coll , coll );
// collection name HACK for backwards compatibility
//if ( strcmp ( coll , "main" ) == 0 ) {
// m_coll[0] = '\0';
// m_collLen = 0;
// the default conf file
char tmp1[1024];
sprintf ( tmp1 , "%sdefault.conf" , g_hostdb.m_dir );
// . set our parms from the file.
g_parms.setFromFile ( this , tmp2 , tmp1 );
// add default reg ex
// LOAD the crawlinfo class in the collectionrec for diffbot
sprintf ( tmp1 , "%scoll.%s.%li/localcrawlinfo.dat",
g_hostdb.m_dir , m_coll , (long)m_collnum );
log("coll: loading %s",tmp1);
SafeBuf sb;
// fillfromfile returns 0 if does not exist, -1 on read error
if ( sb.fillFromFile ( tmp1 ) > 0 )
// it is binary now
memcpy ( &m_localCrawlInfo , sb.getBufStart(),sb.length() );
sprintf ( tmp1 , "%scoll.%s.%li/globalcrawlinfo.dat",
g_hostdb.m_dir , m_coll , (long)m_collnum );
log("coll: loading %s",tmp1);
if ( sb.fillFromFile ( tmp1 ) > 0 )
// it is binary now
memcpy ( &m_globalCrawlInfo , sb.getBufStart(),sb.length() );
// ignore errors i guess
g_errno = 0;
// fix for diffbot
if ( m_isCustomCrawl ) m_dedupingEnabled = true;
// always turn on distributed spider locking because otherwise
// we end up calling Msg50 which calls Msg25 for the same root url
// at the same time, thereby wasting massive resources. it is also
// dangerous to run without this because webmaster get pissed when
// we slam their servers.
// This is now deprecated...
//m_useSpiderLocks = false;
// and all pages downloaded from a particular ip should be done
// by the same host in our cluster to prevent webmaster rage
//m_distributeSpiderGet = true;
return true;
bool CollectionRec::countEvents ( ) {
// set our m_numEventsOnHost value
log("coll: loading event count termlist gbeventcount");
// temporarily turn off threads
bool enabled = g_threads.areThreadsEnabled();
// count them
m_numEventsOnHost = 0;
// 1MB at a time
long minRecSizes = 1000000;
// look up this termlist, gbeventcount which we index in XmlDoc.cpp
long long termId = hash64n("gbeventcount") & TERMID_MASK;
// make datedb key from it
key128_t startKey = g_datedb.makeStartKey ( termId , 0xffffffff );
key128_t endKey = g_datedb.makeEndKey ( termId , 0 );
Msg5 msg5;
RdbList list;
// . init m_numEventsOnHost by getting the exact length of that
// termlist on this host
// . send in the ping request packet so all hosts can total up
// . Rdb.cpp should be added to incrementally so we should have no
// double positives.
// . Rdb.cpp should inspect each datedb rec for this termid in
// a fast an efficient manner
// use msg5 to get the list, should ALWAYS block since no threads
if ( ! msg5.getList ( RDB_DATEDB ,
m_coll ,
&list ,
(char *)&startKey ,
(char *)&endKey ,
minRecSizes ,
true , // includeTree ,
false , // add to cache?
0 , // max cache age
0 , // startFileNum ,
-1 , // numFiles ,
NULL , // state
NULL , // callback
0 , // niceness
false , // err correction?
NULL , // cache key ptr
0 , // retry num
-1 , // maxRetries
true , // compensate for merge
-1LL , // sync point
NULL )){// msg5b
// not allowed to block!
char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// scan the list, score is how many valid events from that docid
unsigned long total = 0;
for ( ; ! list.isExhausted() ; list.skipCurrentRec() ) {
unsigned char *rec = (unsigned char *)list.getCurrentRec();
// in datedb score is byte #5
total += (255-rec[5]);
// declare
char *lastKeyPtr;
key128_t newStartKey;
// add to count. datedb uses half keys so subtract 6 bytes
// since the termids will be the same...
//m_numEventsOnHost += list.getListSize() / (sizeof(key128_t)-6);
m_numEventsOnHost += total;
// bail if under limit
if ( list.getListSize() < minRecSizes ) goto done;
// update key
lastKeyPtr = list.m_listEnd - 10;
// we make a new start key
list.getKey ( lastKeyPtr , (char *)&newStartKey );
// maxxed out?
if ( newStartKey.n0==0xffffffffffffffffLL &&
newStartKey.n1==0xffffffffffffffffLL )
goto done;
// sanity check
if ( newStartKey < startKey ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
if ( newStartKey > endKey ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// inc it
// in the top if the bottom wrapped
if ( newStartKey.n0 == 0LL ) newStartKey.n1++;
// assign
startKey = newStartKey;
// and loop back up for more now
goto loop;
// update all colls count
g_collectiondb.m_numEventsAllColls += m_numEventsOnHost;
if ( enabled ) g_threads.enableThreads();
log("coll: got %li local events in termlist",m_numEventsOnHost);
// set "m_hasDocQualityFiler"
return true;
void CollectionRec::setUrlFiltersToDefaults ( ) {
bool addDefault = false;
if ( m_numRegExs == 0 )
addDefault = true;
//if ( m_numRegExs > 0 && strcmp(m_regExs[m_numRegExs-1],"default") )
// addDefault = true;
if ( ! addDefault ) return;
long n = 0;
//strcpy(m_regExs [n],"default");
m_spiderFreqs [n] = 30; // 30 days default
m_spiderPriorities[n] = 0;
m_maxSpidersPerRule[n] = 99;
m_spiderIpWaits[n] = 1000;
m_spiderIpMaxSpiders[n] = 1;
m_spidersEnabled[n] = 1;
//m_spiderDiffbotApiNum[n] = 1;
bool CrawlInfo::print (SafeBuf *sb ) {
return sb->safePrintf("objectsAdded:%lli\n"
, m_objectsAdded
, m_objectsDeleted
, m_urlsConsidered
, m_pageDownloadAttempts
, m_pageDownloadSuccesses
, m_pageProcessAttempts
, m_pageProcessSuccesses
, m_lastUpdateTime
bool CrawlInfo::setFromSafeBuf (SafeBuf *sb ) {
return sscanf(sb->getBufStart(),
, &m_objectsAdded
, &m_objectsDeleted
, &m_urlsConsidered
, &m_pageDownloadAttempts
, &m_pageDownloadSuccesses
, &m_pageProcessAttempts
, &m_pageProcessSuccesses
, &m_lastUpdateTime
// returns false on failure and sets g_errno, true otherwise
bool CollectionRec::save ( ) {
if ( g_conf.m_readOnlyMode ) return true;
//File f;
char tmp[1024];
//sprintf ( tmp , "%scollections/%li.%s/c.conf",
// g_hostdb.m_dir,m_id,m_coll);
// collection name HACK for backwards compatibility
//if ( m_collLen == 0 )
// sprintf ( tmp , "%scoll.main/coll.conf", g_hostdb.m_dir);
sprintf ( tmp , "%scoll.%s.%li/coll.conf",
g_hostdb.m_dir , m_coll , (long)m_collnum );
if ( ! g_parms.saveToXml ( (char *)this , tmp ) ) return false;
// log msg
//log (LOG_INFO,"db: Saved %s.",tmp);//f.getFilename());
// save the crawlinfo class in the collectionrec for diffbot
sprintf ( tmp , "%scoll.%s.%li/localcrawlinfo.dat",
g_hostdb.m_dir , m_coll , (long)m_collnum );
//log("coll: saving %s",tmp);
SafeBuf sb;
//m_localCrawlInfo.print ( &sb );
// binary now
sb.safeMemcpy ( &m_localCrawlInfo , sizeof(CrawlInfo) );
if ( sb.dumpToFile ( tmp ) == -1 ) {
log("coll: failed to save file %s : %s",
g_errno = 0;
sprintf ( tmp , "%scoll.%s.%li/globalcrawlinfo.dat",
g_hostdb.m_dir , m_coll , (long)m_collnum );
//log("coll: saving %s",tmp);
//m_globalCrawlInfo.print ( &sb );
// binary now
sb.safeMemcpy ( &m_globalCrawlInfo , sizeof(CrawlInfo) );
if ( sb.dumpToFile ( tmp ) == -1 ) {
log("coll: failed to save file %s : %s",
g_errno = 0;
// do not need a save now
m_needsSave = false;
return true;
// calls hasPermissin() below
bool CollectionRec::hasPermission ( HttpRequest *r , TcpSocket *s ) {
long plen;
char *p = r->getString ( "pwd" , &plen );
long ip = s->m_ip;
return hasPermission ( p , plen , ip );
// . does this password work for this collection?
bool CollectionRec::isAssassin ( long ip ) {
// ok, make sure they came from an acceptable IP
//for ( long i = 0 ; i < m_numSpamIps ; i++ )
// // they also have a matching IP, so they now have permission
// if ( m_spamIps[i] == ip ) return true;
return false;
// . does this password work for this collection?
bool CollectionRec::hasPermission ( char *p, long plen , long ip ) {
// just return true
// collection permission is checked from Users::verifyColl
// in User::getUserType for every request
return true;
// scan the passwords
// MDW: no longer, this is too vulnerable!!!
for ( long i = 0 ; i < m_numAdminPwds ; i++ ) {
long len = gbstrlen ( m_adminPwds[i] );
if ( len != plen ) continue;
if ( strncmp ( m_adminPwds[i] , p , plen ) != 0 ) continue;
// otherwise it's a match!
//goto checkIp;
// . matching one password is good enough now, default OR
// . because just matching an IP is good enough security,
// there is really no need for both IP AND passwd match
return true;
// . if had passwords but the provided one didn't match, return false
// . matching one password is good enough now, default OR
//if ( m_numPasswords > 0 ) return false;
// checkIp:
// ok, make sure they came from an acceptable IP
//for ( long i = 0 ; i < m_numAdminIps ; i++ )
// // they also have a matching IP, so they now have permission
// if ( m_adminIps[i] == ip ) return true;
// if no security, allow all NONONONONONONONONO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
//if ( m_numAdminPwds == 0 && m_numAdminIps == 0 ) return true;
// if they did not match an ip or password, even if both lists
// are empty, do not allow access... this prevents security breeches
// by accident
return false;
// if there were IPs then they failed to get in
//if ( m_numAdminIps > 0 ) return false;
// otherwise, they made it
//return true;
// can this ip perform a search or add url on this collection?
bool CollectionRec::hasSearchPermission ( TcpSocket *s , long encapIp ) {
// get the ip
long ip = 0; if ( s ) ip = s->m_ip;
// and the ip domain
long ipd = 0; if ( s ) ipd = ipdom ( s->m_ip );
// and top 2 bytes for the israel isp that has this huge block
long ipt = 0; if ( s ) ipt = iptop ( s->m_ip );
// is it in the ban list?
for ( long i = 0 ; i < m_numBanIps ; i++ ) {
if ( isIpTop ( m_banIps[i] ) ) {
if ( m_banIps[i] == ipt ) return false;
// check for ip domain match if this banned ip is an ip domain
if ( isIpDom ( m_banIps[i] ) ) {
if ( m_banIps[i] == ipd ) return false;
// otherwise it's just a single banned ip
if ( m_banIps[i] == ip ) return false;
// check the encapsulate ip if any
// 1091771468731 0 Aug 05 23:51:08 GET
// /search?code=mammaXbG&uip=
// +nj+state HTTP/1.0
if ( encapIp ) {
ipd = ipdom ( encapIp );
ip = encapIp;
for ( long i = 0 ; i < m_numBanIps ; i++ ) {
if ( isIpDom ( m_banIps[i] ) ) {
if ( m_banIps[i] == ipd ) return false;
if ( isIpTop ( m_banIps[i] ) ) {
if ( m_banIps[i] == ipt ) return false;
if ( m_banIps[i] == ip ) return false;
return true;
// do we have an "only" list?
if ( m_numSearchIps == 0 ) return true;
// it must be in that list if we do
for ( long i = 0 ; i < m_numSearchIps ; i++ ) {
// check for ip domain match if this banned ip is an ip domain
if ( isIpDom ( m_searchIps[i] ) ) {
if ( m_searchIps[i] == ipd ) return true;
// otherwise it's just a single ip
if ( m_searchIps[i] == ip ) return true;
// otherwise no permission
return false;