2013-12-10 15:28:04 -08:00

6850 lines
203 KiB

#include "Posdb.h"
#include "gb-include.h"
#include "Indexdb.h"
#include "Url.h"
#include "Clusterdb.h"
//#include "Checksumdb.h"
#include "Threads.h"
#include "Posdb.h"
// a global class extern'd in .h file
Posdb g_posdb;
// for rebuilding posdb
Posdb g_posdb2;
// resets rdb
void Posdb::reset() {
bool Posdb::init ( ) {
// sanity check
key144_t k;
long long termId = 123456789LL;
long long docId = 34567292222LL;
long dist = MAXWORDPOS-1;//54415;
long densityRank = 10;
long diversityRank = MAXDIVERSITYRANK-1;//11;
long wordSpamRank = MAXWORDSPAMRANK-1;//12;
long siteRank = 13;
long hashGroup = 1;
long langId = 59;
long multiplier = 29;
char isSynonym = 1;
g_posdb.makeKey ( &k ,
termId ,
densityRank , // 0-15
hashGroup ,
isSynonym , // syn?
false ); // delkey?
// test it out
if ( g_posdb.getTermId ( &k ) != termId ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
//long long d2 = g_posdb.getDocId(&k);
if ( g_posdb.getDocId (&k ) != docId ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
if ( g_posdb.getHashGroup ( &k ) !=hashGroup) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
if ( g_posdb.getWordPos ( &k ) != dist ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
if ( g_posdb.getDensityRank (&k)!=densityRank){ char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
if ( g_posdb.getDiversityRank(&k)!=diversityRank){char *xx=NULL;*xx=0;}
if ( g_posdb.getWordSpamRank(&k)!=wordSpamRank){ char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
if ( g_posdb.getSiteRank (&k) != siteRank ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
if ( g_posdb.getLangId ( &k ) != langId ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
if ( g_posdb.getMultiplier ( &k ) !=multiplier){char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
if ( g_posdb.getIsSynonym ( &k ) != isSynonym) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// more tests
setDocIdBits ( &k, docId );
setMultiplierBits ( &k, multiplier );
setSiteRankBits ( &k, siteRank );
setLangIdBits ( &k, langId );
// test it out
if ( g_posdb.getTermId ( &k ) != termId ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
if ( g_posdb.getDocId (&k ) != docId ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
if ( g_posdb.getWordPos ( &k ) != dist ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
if ( g_posdb.getDensityRank (&k)!=densityRank){ char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
if ( g_posdb.getDiversityRank(&k)!=diversityRank){char *xx=NULL;*xx=0;}
if ( g_posdb.getWordSpamRank(&k)!=wordSpamRank){ char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
if ( g_posdb.getSiteRank (&k) != siteRank ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
if ( g_posdb.getHashGroup ( &k ) !=hashGroup) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
if ( g_posdb.getLangId ( &k ) != langId ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
if ( g_posdb.getMultiplier ( &k ) !=multiplier){char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
if ( g_posdb.getIsSynonym ( &k ) != isSynonym) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
setSectionSiteHash32 ( &k,45678 );
if ( getSectionSiteHash32 ( &k ) != 45678 ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0;}
// more tests
key144_t sk;
key144_t ek;
g_posdb.makeEndKey (&ek,termId);
RdbList list;
key144_t ka;
ka.n2 = 0x1234567890987654ULL;
ka.n1 = 0x5566778899aabbccULL;
ka.n0 = (unsigned short)0xbaf1;
list.addRecord ( (char *)&ka,0,NULL,true );
key144_t kb;
kb.n2 = 0x1234567890987654ULL;
kb.n1 = 0x5566778899aabbccULL;
kb.n0 = (unsigned short)0xeef1;
list.addRecord ( (char *)&kb,0,NULL,true );
char *p = list.m_list;
char *pend = p + list.m_listSize;
for ( ; p < pend ; p++ )
log("db: %02li) 0x%02lx",p-list.m_list,
(long)(*(unsigned char *)p));
char *xx=NULL;*xx=0;
long long maxTreeMem = 350000000; // 350MB
// make it lower now for debugging
//maxTreeMem = 5000000;
// . what's max # of tree nodes?
// . each rec in tree is only 1 key (12 bytes)
// . but has 12 bytes of tree overhead (m_left/m_right/m_parents)
// . this is UNUSED for bin trees!!
long nodeSize = (sizeof(key144_t)+12+4) + sizeof(collnum_t);
long maxTreeNodes = maxTreeMem / nodeSize ;
long pageSize = GB_INDEXDB_PAGE_SIZE;
// we now use a disk page cache as opposed to the
// old rec cache. i am trying to do away with the Rdb::m_cache rec
// cache in favor of cleverly used disk page caches, because
// the rec caches are not real-time and get stale.
long pcmem = 50000000; // 50MB
// make sure at least 30MB
//if ( pcmem < 30000000 ) pcmem = 30000000;
// keep this low if we are the tmp cluster, 30MB
if ( g_hostdb.m_useTmpCluster && pcmem > 30000000 ) pcmem = 30000000;
// do not use any page cache if doing tmp cluster in order to
// prevent swapping
if ( g_hostdb.m_useTmpCluster ) pcmem = 0;
// save more mem!!! allow os to cache it i guess...
pcmem = 0;
// disable for now... for rebuild
//pcmem = 0;
// . init the page cache
// . MDW: "minimize disk seeks" not working otherwise i'd enable it!
if ( ! m_pc.init ( "posdb",
pcmem ,
pageSize ,
true , // use RAM disk?
false )) // minimize disk seeks?
return log("db: Posdb init failed.");
// . set our own internal rdb
// . max disk space for bin tree is same as maxTreeMem so that we
// must be able to fit all bins in memory
// . we do not want posdb's bin tree to ever hit disk since we
// dump it to rdb files when it is 90% full (90% of bins in use)
if ( !m_rdb.init ( g_hostdb.m_dir ,
"posdb" ,
true , // dedup same keys?
0 , // fixed data size
// -1 means look in
// CollectionRec::m_posdbMinFilesToMerge
-1,//g_conf.m_posdbMinFilesToMerge , // 6...
maxTreeMem , // g_conf.m_posdbMaxTreeMem ,
maxTreeNodes ,
// now we balance so Sync.cpp can ordered huge lists
true , // balance tree?
0 , // g_conf.m_posdbMaxCacheMem ,
0 , // maxCacheNodes ,
true , // use half keys?
false , // g_conf.m_posdbSav
&m_pc ,
false , // istitledb?
false , // preloaddiskpagecache?
) )
return false;
return true;
// validate posdb
//return verify();
// init the rebuild/secondary rdb, used by PageRepair.cpp
bool Posdb::init2 ( long treeMem ) {
//if ( ! setGroupIdTable () ) return false;
// . what's max # of tree nodes?
// . each rec in tree is only 1 key (12 bytes)
// . but has 12 bytes of tree overhead (m_left/m_right/m_parents)
// . this is UNUSED for bin trees!!
long nodeSize = (sizeof(key144_t)+12+4) + sizeof(collnum_t);
long maxTreeNodes = treeMem / nodeSize ;
// . set our own internal rdb
// . max disk space for bin tree is same as maxTreeMem so that we
// must be able to fit all bins in memory
// . we do not want posdb's bin tree to ever hit disk since we
// dump it to rdb files when it is 90% full (90% of bins in use)
if ( ! m_rdb.init ( g_hostdb.m_dir ,
"posdbRebuild" ,
true , // dedup same keys?
0 , // fixed data size
// change back to 200!!
//2 , // min files to merge
//230 , // min files to merge
1000 , // min files to merge
treeMem ,
maxTreeNodes ,
true , // balance tree?
0 , // MaxCacheMem ,
0 , // maxCacheNodes
true , // use half keys?
false , // posdbSaveCache
NULL , // s_pc
false ,
false ,
sizeof(key144_t) ) )
return false;
return true;
bool Posdb::addColl ( char *coll, bool doVerify ) {
if ( ! m_rdb.addColl ( coll ) ) return false;
if ( ! doVerify ) return true;
// verify
if ( verify(coll) ) return true;
// do a deep verify to figure out which files are corrupt
//deepVerify ( coll );
// if not allowing scale, return false
if ( ! g_conf.m_allowScale ) return false;
// otherwise let it go
log ( "db: Verify failed, but scaling is allowed, passing." );
return true;
bool Posdb::verify ( char *coll ) {
return true;
log ( LOG_INFO, "db: Verifying Posdb for coll %s...", coll );
Msg5 msg5;
Msg5 msg5b;
RdbList list;
key144_t startKey;
key144_t endKey;
//long minRecSizes = 64000;
if ( ! msg5.getList ( RDB_POSDB ,
coll ,
&list ,
&startKey ,
&endKey ,
64000 , // minRecSizes ,
true , // includeTree ,
false , // add to cache?
0 , // max cache age
0 , // startFileNum ,
-1 , // numFiles ,
NULL , // state
NULL , // callback
0 , // niceness
false , // err correction?
0 ,
-1 ,
true ,
-1LL ,
&msg5b ,
true )) {
return log("db: HEY! it did not block");
long count = 0;
long got = 0;
bool printedKey = false;
bool printedZeroKey = false;
for ( list.resetListPtr() ; ! list.isExhausted() ;
list.skipCurrentRecord() ) {
key144_t k;
//unsigned long groupId = k.n1 & g_hostdb.m_groupMask;
//unsigned long groupId = getGroupId ( RDB_POSDB , &k );
//if ( groupId == g_hostdb.m_groupId ) got++;
unsigned long shardNum = getShardNum( RDB_POSDB , &k );
if ( shardNum == getMyShardNum() ) got++;
else if ( !printedKey ) {
log ( "db: Found bad key in list (only printing once): "
"%llx %llx %lx", k.n2, k.n1 ,(long)k.n0);
printedKey = true;
if ( k.n1 == 0 && k.n0 == 0 ) {
if ( !printedZeroKey ) {
log ( "db: Found Zero key in list, passing. "
"(only printing once)." );
printedZeroKey = true;
if ( shardNum != getMyShardNum() )
if ( got != count ) {
log ("db: Out of first %li records in posdb, only %li belong "
"to our group.",count,got);
// exit if NONE, we probably got the wrong data
if ( got == 0 ) log("db: Are you sure you have the "
"right "
"data in the right directory? "
log ( "db: Exiting due to Posdb inconsistency." );
return g_conf.m_bypassValidation;
log ( LOG_INFO, "db: Posdb passed verification successfully for %li "
"recs.", count );
return true;
// make just the 6 byte key
void Posdb::makeKey48 ( char *vkp ,
long wordPos ,
char densityRank ,
char diversityRank ,
char wordSpamRank ,
char hashGroup ,
char langId ,
bool isSynonym ,
bool isDelKey ) {
unsigned long kk = wordPos;// = (unsigned long *)(vkp + 2 );
//*kp = wordPos;
// GGGG bits
kk <<= 4;
kk |= hashGroup;
// ssss bits (wordspamrank)
kk <<= 4;
kk |= wordSpamRank;
// vvvv bits
kk <<= 4;
kk |= diversityRank;
// FF bits (is syn etc.)
kk <<= 2;
if ( isSynonym ) kk |= 0x01;
// store it
*(unsigned long *)(vkp + 2) = kk;
// ppppp density rank bits, etc.
vkp[1] = ((unsigned char)densityRank) << 3;
// positive key bit and compression bits.
vkp[0] = 0x01 | 0x04;
// one maverick langid bit, the 6th bit
// TODO: do we need this???
if ( langId & 0x20 ) vkp[0] |= 0x08;
// . see Posdb.h for format of the 12 byte key
// . TODO: substitute var ptrs if you want extra speed
void Posdb::makeKey ( void *vkp ,
long long termId ,
unsigned long long docId ,
long wordPos ,
char densityRank ,
char diversityRank ,
char wordSpamRank ,
char siteRank ,
char hashGroup ,
char langId ,
long multiplier ,
bool isSynonym ,
bool isDelKey ) {
// sanity
if ( siteRank > MAXSITERANK ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
if ( wordSpamRank > MAXWORDSPAMRANK ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
if ( densityRank > MAXDENSITYRANK ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
if ( diversityRank > MAXDIVERSITYRANK ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
if ( langId > MAXLANGID ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
if ( hashGroup > MAXHASHGROUP ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
if ( wordPos > MAXWORDPOS ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
if ( multiplier > MAXMULTIPLIER ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
key144_t *kp = (key144_t *)vkp;
// make sure we mask out the hi bits we do not use first
termId = termId & TERMID_MASK;
kp->n2 = termId;
// then 16 bits of docid
kp->n2 <<= 16;
kp->n2 |= docId >> (38-16); // 22
// rest of docid (22 bits)
kp->n1 = docId & (0x3fffff);
// a zero bit for aiding b-stepping alignment issues
kp->n1 <<= 1;
kp->n1 |= 0x00;
// 4 site rank bits
kp->n1 <<= 4;
kp->n1 |= siteRank;
// 4 langid bits
kp->n1 <<= 5;
kp->n1 |= (langId & 0x1f);
// the word position, 18 bits
kp->n1 <<= 18;
kp->n1 |= wordPos;
// the hash group, 4 bits
kp->n1 <<= 4;
kp->n1 |= hashGroup;
// the word span rank, 4 bits
kp->n1 <<= 4;
kp->n1 |= wordSpamRank;
// the diversity rank, 4 bits
kp->n1 <<= 4;
kp->n1 |= diversityRank;
// word form bits, F-bits. right now just use 1 bit
kp->n1 <<= 2;
if ( isSynonym ) kp->n1 |= 0x01;
// density rank, 5 bits
kp->n0 = densityRank;
// is in outlink text? reserved
kp->n0 <<= 1;
// a 1 bit for aiding b-stepping
kp->n0 <<= 1;
kp->n0 |= 0x01;
// multiplier bits, 5 bits
kp->n0 <<= 5;
kp->n0 |= multiplier;
// one maverick langid bit, the 6th bit
kp->n0 <<= 1;
if ( langId & 0x20 ) kp->n0 |= 0x01;
// compression bits, 2 of 'em
kp->n0 <<= 2;
// delbit
kp->n0 <<= 1;
if ( ! isDelKey ) kp->n0 |= 0x01;
RdbCache g_termFreqCache;
static bool s_cacheInit = false;
// . accesses RdbMap to estimate size of the indexList for this termId
// . returns an UPPER BOUND
long long Posdb::getTermFreq ( char *coll, long long termId ) {
collnum_t collnum = g_collectiondb.getCollnum ( coll );
if ( ! s_cacheInit ) {
long maxMem = 20000000; // 20MB
maxMem = 5000000; // 5MB now... save mem
long maxNodes = maxMem / 17; // 8+8+1
if( ! g_termFreqCache.init ( maxMem , // maxmem 20MB
8 , // fixed data size
false , // supportlists?
maxNodes ,
false , // use half keys?
"tfcache", // dbname
false , // load from disk?
8 , // cache key size
0 // data key size
log("posdb: failed to init termfreqcache: %s",
// ignore errors
g_errno = 0;
s_cacheInit = true;
// . check cache for super speed
// . TODO: make key incorporate collection
// . colnum is 0 for now
long long val = g_termFreqCache.getLongLong2 ( collnum ,
termId , // key
86400 , // maxage
true );// promote?
// -1 means not found in cache. if found, return it though.
if ( val >= 0 ) {
//log("posdb: got %lli in cache",val);
return val;
// establish the list boundary keys
key144_t startKey ;
key144_t endKey ;
makeStartKey ( &startKey, termId );
makeEndKey ( &endKey , termId );
// . ask rdb for an upper bound on this list size
// . but actually, it will be somewhat of an estimate 'cuz of RdbTree
key144_t maxKey;
long long maxRecs;
// . don't count more than these many in the map
// . that's our old truncation limit, the new stuff isn't as dense
//long oldTrunc = 100000;
// turn this off for this
long long oldTrunc = -1;
// get maxKey for only the top "oldTruncLimit" docids because when
// we increase the trunc limit we screw up our extrapolation! BIG TIME!
maxRecs = m_rdb.getListSize(coll,
(char *)&startKey,
(char *)&endKey,
(char *)&maxKey,
oldTrunc );
// over all splits!
maxRecs *= g_hostdb.m_numShards;
// . assume about 8 bytes per key on average for posdb.
// . because of compression we got 12 and 6 byte keys in here typically
// for a single termid
maxRecs /= 8;
// log it
//log("posdb: put %lli in cache",maxRecs);
// now cache it. it sets g_errno to zero.
g_termFreqCache.addLongLong2 ( collnum, termId, maxRecs );
// return it
return maxRecs;
#include "gb-include.h"
#include "Stats.h"
#include <math.h>
#include "Conf.h"
#include "Mem.h" // getHighestLitBitValue()
#include "TopTree.h"
#include "sort.h"
#include "RdbBase.h"
#include "Msg39.h"
//#include "CollectionRec.h"
#include "SearchInput.h"
#include "Timedb.h"
// global var
TopTree *g_topTree;
PosdbTable::PosdbTable() {
// top docid info
m_q = NULL;
m_r = NULL;
PosdbTable::~PosdbTable() {
void PosdbTable::reset() {
// has init() been called?
m_initialized = false;
m_estimatedTotalHits = -1;
m_errno = 0;
// does not free the mem of this safebuf, only resets length
// assume no-op
m_t1 = 0LL;
m_addedSites = false;
// realloc to save mem if we're rat
void PosdbTable::freeMem ( ) {
// . returns false on error and sets g_errno
// . NOTE: termFreqs is just referenced by us, not copied
// . sets m_startKeys, m_endKeys and m_minNumRecs for each termId
// . TODO: ensure that m_termFreqs[] are all UPPER BOUNDS on the actual #!!
// we should be able to get an upper bound estimate from the b-tree
// quickly using Msg36!
// . we now support multiple plus signs before the query term
// . lists[] and termFreqs[] must be 1-1 with q->m_qterms[]
void PosdbTable::init ( Query *q ,
char debug ,
void *logstate ,
TopTree *topTree ,
char *coll ,
Msg2 *msg2 ,
//IndexList *lists ,
//long numLists ,
Msg39Request *r ) {
// sanity check -- watch out for double calls
if ( m_initialized ) { char *xx= NULL; *xx =0; }
// clear everything
// we are now
m_initialized = true;
// set debug flag
m_debug = debug;
// this mean to do it too!
if ( g_conf.m_logDebugQuery ) m_debug = 1;//true;
// we should save the lists!
//m_lists = msg2->m_lists;//lists;
//m_numLists = q->m_numTerms;
m_msg2 = msg2;
// sanity
if ( m_msg2 && ! m_msg2->m_query ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// save the request
m_r = r;
// save this
m_coll = coll;
// get the rec for it
CollectionRec *cr = g_collectiondb.getRec ( m_coll );
if ( ! cr ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// set this now
m_collnum = cr->m_collnum;
// save it
m_topTree = topTree;
// a ptr for debugging i guess
g_topTree = topTree;
// remember the query class, it has all the info about the termIds
m_q = q;
// for debug msgs
m_logstate = (long)logstate;
m_realMaxTop = r->m_realMaxTop;
if ( m_realMaxTop > MAX_TOP ) m_realMaxTop = MAX_TOP;
// seo.cpp supplies a NULL msg2 because it already sets
// QueryTerm::m_posdbListPtrs
if ( ! msg2 ) return;
// sanity
if ( msg2->getNumLists() != m_q->getNumTerms() ) {char *xx=NULL;*xx=0;}
// copy the list ptrs to the QueryTerm::m_posdbListPtr
for ( long i = 0 ; i < m_q->m_numTerms ; i++ )
m_q->m_qterms[i].m_posdbListPtr = msg2->getList(i);
// we always use it now
if ( ! topTree ) {char *xx=NULL;*xx=0;}
// this is separate from allocTopTree() function below because we must
// call it for each iteration in Msg39::doDocIdSplitLoop() which is used
// to avoid reading huge termlists into memory. it breaks the huge lists
// up by smaller docid ranges and gets the search results for each docid
// range separately.
bool PosdbTable::allocWhiteListTable ( ) {
// the whitetable is for the docids in the whitelist. we have
// to only show results whose docid is in the whitetable, which
// is from the "&" custom search site list
// provided by the user.
if ( m_r->size_whiteList <= 1 ) m_useWhiteTable = false; // inclds \0
else m_useWhiteTable = true;
RdbList *whiteLists = m_msg2->m_whiteLists;
long nw = m_msg2->m_w;
long sum = 0;
for ( long i = 0 ; i < nw ; i++ ) {
RdbList *list = &whiteLists[i];
if ( list->isEmpty() ) continue;
// assume 12 bytes for all keys but first which is 18
long size = list->getListSize();
sum += size / 12 + 1;
if ( sum ) {
// making this sum * 3 does not show a speedup... hmmm...
long numSlots = sum * 2;
// keep it restricted to 5 byte keys so we do not have to
// extract the docid, we can just hash the ptr to those
// 5 bytes (which includes 1 siterank bit as the lowbit,
// but should be ok since it should be set the same in
// all termlists that have that docid)
if ( ! m_whiteListTable.set(5,0,numSlots,NULL,0,false,
return false;
// try to speed up. wow, this slowed it down about 4x!!
//m_whiteListTable.m_maskKeyOffset = 1;
// this seems to make it like 20x faster... 1444ms vs 27000ms:
m_whiteListTable.m_useKeyMagic = true;
return true;
bool PosdbTable::allocTopTree ( ) {
long nn = m_r->m_docsToGet;
if ( m_r->m_doSiteClustering ) nn *= 2;
// limit to this regardless!
CollectionRec *cr = g_collectiondb.getRec ( m_coll );
if ( ! cr ) return false;
// this actually sets the # of nodes to MORE than nn!!!
if ( ! m_topTree->setNumNodes(nn,m_r->m_doSiteClustering))
return false;
// let's use nn*4 to try to get as many score as possible, although
// it may still not work!
long xx = m_r->m_docsToGet ;
// try to fix a core of growing this table in a thread when xx == 1
if ( xx < 32 ) xx = 32;
if ( m_r->m_doSiteClustering ) xx *= 4;
m_maxScores = xx;
// for seeing if a docid is in toptree. niceness=0.
//if ( ! m_docIdTable.set(8,0,xx*4,NULL,0,false,0,"dotb") )
// return false;
if ( m_r->m_getDocIdScoringInfo ) {
m_scoreInfoBuf.setLabel ("scinfobuf" );
// . for holding the scoring info
// . add 1 for the \0 safeMemcpy() likes to put at the end so
// it will not realloc on us
if ( ! m_scoreInfoBuf.reserve ( xx * sizeof(DocIdScore) +100) )
return false;
// likewise how many query term pair scores should we get?
long numTerms = m_q->m_numTerms;
// limit
if ( numTerms > 10 ) numTerms = 10;
// the pairs. divide by 2 since (x,y) is same as (y,x)
long numPairs = (numTerms * numTerms) / 2;
// then for each pair assume no more than MAX_TOP reps, usually
// it's just 1, but be on the safe side
numPairs *= m_realMaxTop;//MAX_TOP;
// now that is how many pairs per docid and can be 500! but we
// still have to multiply by how many docids we want to
// compute. so this could easily get into the megabytes, most
// of the time we will not need nearly that much however.
numPairs *= xx;
m_pairScoreBuf.setLabel ( "pairbuf" );
m_singleScoreBuf.setLabel ("snglbuf" );
// but alloc it just in case
if ( ! m_pairScoreBuf.reserve (numPairs * sizeof(PairScore) ) )
return false;
// and for singles
long numSingles = numTerms * m_realMaxTop * xx; // MAX_TOP *xx;
if ( !m_singleScoreBuf.reserve(numSingles*sizeof(SingleScore)))
return false;
//bool useNewAlgo = false;
// set the m_qiBuf, alloc it etc.
//if ( m_r->m_useNewAlgo && ! setQueryTermInfo () )
// return false;
when we bring back fast intersections we can bring this back
when doAlternativeAlgo is true again
// merge buf
long long total = 0LL;
for ( long k = 0 ; k < m_msg2->getNumLists() ; k++ ) {
// count
RdbList *list = m_msg2->getList(k);
// skip if null
if ( ! list ) continue;
// skip if list is empty, too
if ( list->isEmpty() ) continue;
// tally
total += list->m_listSize;
if ( ! m_mergeBuf.reserve ( total + 12 ) ) return false;
if ( m_r->m_getSectionStats ) {
// fill up listGroup[]
//RdbList **listGroup = m_msg2->getListGroup (0);
//long numLists = m_msg2->getNumListsInGroup(0);
long long total = 0LL;
RdbList *list = m_msg2->getList(0);
//for ( long i = 0; i < numLists ; i++ )
// total += listGroup[i]->getListSize();
total += list->getListSize();
// assume list is a unique site for section hash dup
long maxSites = total / 6;
// slot
long slots = maxSites * 4;
// min of at least 20 otherwise m_dt re-allocs in thread and
// causes a core!
if ( slots < 32 ) slots = 32;
// limit this bitch to 10 million otherwise this gets huge!
// like over 28 million i've seen and it goes oom
if ( slots > 2000000 ) {
log("posdb: limiting section stats list to 2M docids");
slots = 20000000;
// each site hash is 4 bytes
if ( ! m_siteHashList.reserve ( slots ,"shshbuf" ) )
return false;
// quad # of sites to have space in between
if ( ! m_dt.set(4,0,slots,NULL,0,false,0,"pdtdt"))
return false;
return true;
PosdbTable *g_this = NULL;
static bool s_init = false;
static float s_diversityWeights [MAXDIVERSITYRANK+1];
static float s_densityWeights [MAXDENSITYRANK+1];
static float s_wordSpamWeights [MAXWORDSPAMRANK+1]; // wordspam
// siterank of inlinker for link text:
static float s_linkerWeights [MAXWORDSPAMRANK+1];
static float s_hashGroupWeights [HASHGROUP_END];
static char s_isCompatible [HASHGROUP_END][HASHGROUP_END];
static char s_inBody [HASHGROUP_END];
// initialize the weights table
void initWeights ( ) {
if ( s_init ) return;
s_init = true;
float sum = 0.15;
for ( long i = 0 ; i <= MAXDIVERSITYRANK ; i++ ) {
//s_diversityWeights[i] = sum;
// disable for now
s_diversityWeights[i] = 1.0; // sum
sum *= 1.135; // so a rank of 15 implies a weight of 1.0
// density rank to weight
//sum = 0.0;
sum = 0.35;
for ( long i = 0 ; i <= MAXDENSITYRANK ; i++ ) {
//sum += 1.0/(MAXDENSITYRANK+1);
if ( sum > 1.0 ) sum = 1.0;
s_densityWeights[i] = sum;
// used to get this
// entered '.15 * X^31 = 1.00'
sum *= 1.03445; // so a rank of 31 implies a weight of 1.0
// . word spam rank to weight
// . make sure if word spam is 0 that the weight is not 0!
for ( long i = 0 ; i <= MAXWORDSPAMRANK ; i++ )
s_wordSpamWeights[i] = (float)(i+1) / (MAXWORDSPAMRANK+1);
// site rank of inlinker
// to be on the same level as multiplying the final score
// by the siterank+1 we should make this a sqrt() type thing
// since we square it so that single term scores are on the same
// level as term pair scores
for ( long i = 0 ; i <= MAXWORDSPAMRANK ; i++ )
s_linkerWeights[i] = sqrt(1.0 + i);
// if two hashgroups are comaptible they can be paired
for ( long i = 0 ; i < HASHGROUP_END ; i++ ) {
// set this
s_inBody[i] = 0;
// is it body?
if ( i == HASHGROUP_BODY ||
s_inBody[i] = 1;
for ( long j = 0 ; j < HASHGROUP_END ; j++ ) {
// assume not
s_isCompatible[i][j] = 0;
// or both in body (and not title)
bool inBody1 = true;
if ( i != HASHGROUP_BODY &&
inBody1 = false;
bool inBody2 = true;
if ( j != HASHGROUP_BODY &&
inBody2 = false;
// no body allowed now!
if ( inBody1 || inBody2 ) continue;
//if ( ! inBody ) continue;
// now neither can be in the body, because we handle
// those cases in the new sliding window algo.
// if one term is only in the link text and the other
// term is only in the title, ... what then? i guess
// allow those here, but they will be penalized
// some with the fixed distance of like 64 units or
// something...
s_isCompatible[i][j] = 1;
// if either is in the body then do not allow now
// and handle in the sliding window algo
//s_isCompatible[i][j] = 1;
s_hashGroupWeights[HASHGROUP_BODY ] = 1.0;
s_hashGroupWeights[HASHGROUP_TITLE ] = 8.0;
s_hashGroupWeights[HASHGROUP_HEADING ] = 1.5;//3.0
s_hashGroupWeights[HASHGROUP_INLIST ] = 0.3;
// fix toyota cressida photos GALLERY by making this 0.1!
s_hashGroupWeights[HASHGROUP_INMETATAG ] = 0.1;//1.5;//2.0;
s_hashGroupWeights[HASHGROUP_INLINKTEXT ] = 16.0;
s_hashGroupWeights[HASHGROUP_INTAG ] = 1.0;
// ignore neighborhoods for now kinda
s_hashGroupWeights[HASHGROUP_NEIGHBORHOOD ] = 0.0; // 2.0;
s_hashGroupWeights[HASHGROUP_INURL ] = 1.0;
s_hashGroupWeights[HASHGROUP_INMENU ] = 0.2;
float getHashGroupWeight ( unsigned char hg ) {
if ( ! s_init ) initWeights();
return s_hashGroupWeights[hg];
float getDiversityWeight ( unsigned char diversityRank ) {
if ( ! s_init ) initWeights();
return s_diversityWeights[diversityRank];
float getDensityWeight ( unsigned char densityRank ) {
if ( ! s_init ) initWeights();
return s_densityWeights[densityRank];
float getWordSpamWeight ( unsigned char wordSpamRank ) {
if ( ! s_init ) initWeights();
return s_wordSpamWeights[wordSpamRank];
float getLinkerWeight ( unsigned char wordSpamRank ) {
if ( ! s_init ) initWeights();
return s_linkerWeights[wordSpamRank];
float getTermFreqWeight ( long long termFreq , long long numDocsInColl ) {
// do not include top 6 bytes at top of list that are termid
//float fw = listSize - 6;
// sanity
//if ( fw < 0 ) fw = 0;
// estimate # of docs that have this term. the problem is
// that posdb keys can be 18, 12 or 6 bytes!
//fw /= 11.0;
// adjust this so its per split!
//long nd = numDocsInColl / g_hostdb.m_numShards;
float fw = termFreq;
// what chunk are we of entire collection?
//if ( nd ) fw /= nd;
if ( numDocsInColl ) fw /= numDocsInColl;
// limit
if ( fw > .50 ) fw = .50;
// make a percent
//fw *= 100.0;
// . map <= 1% to a weight of 1.00
// . map <= 2% to a weight of 0.99
// . map <= 3% to a weight of 0.98
// . map <= 50% to a weight of 0.50
//return 1.00 - fw;
// . invert since we use the MIN algorithm for scoring!
// . so the more important terms need to score much higher now
// to avoid being in the min scoring term pair
return .50 + fw;
bool printDiversityWeightTable ( SafeBuf &sb , bool isXml ) {
if ( ! isXml )
sb.safePrintf("<table border=1>"
"<tr><td colspan=2>"
"<center>diversityRank to Weight</center>"
// TODO: truncate titles at index time?
// kinda like getTermPairScore, but uses the word positions currently
// pointed to by ptrs[i] and does not scan the word position lists.
// also tries to sub-out each term with the title or linktext wordpos term
// pointed to by "bestPos[i]"
void PosdbTable::evalSlidingWindow ( char **ptrs ,
long nr ,
char **bestPos ,
float *scoreMatrix ,
long advancedTermNum ) {
char *wpi;
char *wpj;
float wikiWeight;
char *maxp1 = NULL;
char *maxp2;
//bool fixedDistance;
float minTermPairScoreInWindow = 999999999.0;
// TODO: only do this loop on the (i,j) pairs where i or j
// is the term whose position got advanced in the sliding window.
// advancedTermNum is -1 on the very first sliding window so we
// establish our max scores into the scoreMatrix.
long maxi = nr;
//if ( advancedTermNum >= 0 ) maxi = advancedTermNum + 1;
for ( long i = 0 ; i < maxi ; i++ ) {
// skip if to the left of a pipe operator
if ( m_bflags[i] & (BF_PIPED|BF_NEGATIVE|BF_NUMBER) ) continue;
//if ( ptrs[i] ) wpi = ptrs[i];
// if term does not occur in body, sub-in the best term
// from the title/linktext/etc.
//else wpi = bestPos[i];
wpi = ptrs[i];
// only evaluate pairs that have the advanced term in them
// to save time.
long j = i + 1;
long maxj = nr;
//if ( advancedTermNum >= 0 && i != advancedTermNum ) {
// j = advancedTermNum;
// maxj = j+1;
// loop over other terms
for ( ; j < maxj ; j++ ) {
// skip if to the left of a pipe operator
if ( m_bflags[j] & (BF_PIPED|BF_NEGATIVE|BF_NUMBER) ) continue;
// TODO: use a cache using wpi/wpj as the key.
//if ( ptrs[j] ) wpj = ptrs[j];
// if term does not occur in body, sub-in the best term
// from the title/linktext/etc.
//else wpj = bestPos[j];
wpj = ptrs[j];
// in same wikipedia phrase?
if ( m_wikiPhraseIds[j] == m_wikiPhraseIds[i] &&
// zero means not in a phrase
m_wikiPhraseIds[j] ) {
// try to get dist that matches qdist exactly
m_qdist = m_qpos[j] - m_qpos[i];
// wiki weight
wikiWeight = WIKI_WEIGHT; // .50;
else {
// basically try to get query words as close
// together as possible
m_qdist = 2;
// fix 'what is an unsecured loan' to get the
// exact phrase with higher score
//m_qdist = m_qpos[j] - m_qpos[i];
// wiki weight
wikiWeight = 1.0;
// this will be -1 if wpi or wpj is NULL
float max = getTermPairScoreForWindow ( i,j,wpi, wpj, 0 );
// try sub-ing in the best title occurence or best
// inlink text occurence. cuz if the term is in the title
// but these two terms are really far apart, we should
// get a better score
float score = getTermPairScoreForWindow ( i,j,bestPos[i],
wpj ,
if ( score > max ) {
maxp1 = bestPos[i];
maxp2 = wpj;
max = score;
//fixedDistance = true;
else {
maxp1 = wpi;
maxp2 = wpj;
//fixedDistance = false;
// a double pair sub should be covered in the
// getTermPairScoreForNonBody() function
score = getTermPairScoreForWindow ( i,j,bestPos[i],
bestPos[j] ,
if ( score > max ) {
maxp1 = bestPos[i];
maxp2 = bestPos[j];
max = score;
//fixedDistance = true;
score = getTermPairScoreForWindow ( i,j,wpi ,
bestPos[j] ,
if ( score > max ) {
maxp1 = wpi;
maxp2 = bestPos[j];
max = score;
//fixedDistance = true;
// wikipedia phrase weight
if ( wikiWeight != 1.0 ) max *= wikiWeight;
// term freqweight here
max *= m_freqWeights[i] * m_freqWeights[j];
// use score from scoreMatrix if bigger
if ( scoreMatrix[MAX_QUERY_TERMS*i+j] > max ) {
max = scoreMatrix[MAX_QUERY_TERMS*i+j];
//if ( m_ds ) {
// winners1[i*MAX_QUERY_TERMS+j] = NULL;
// winners2[i*MAX_QUERY_TERMS+j] = NULL;
// if we end up selecting this window we will want to know
// the term pair scoring information, but only if we
// did not take the score from the scoreMatrix, which only
// contains non-body term pairs.
//else if ( m_ds ) {
// winners1[i*MAX_QUERY_TERMS+j] = maxp1;
// winners2[i*MAX_QUERY_TERMS+j] = maxp2;
// scores [i*MAX_QUERY_TERMS+j] = max;
// in same quoted phrase?
if ( m_quotedStartIds[j] >= 0 &&
m_quotedStartIds[j] == m_quotedStartIds[i] ) {
// no subouts allowed i guess
if ( ! wpi ) {
max = -1.0;
else if ( ! wpj ) {
max = -1.0;
else {
long qdist = m_qpos[j] - m_qpos[i];
long p1 = g_posdb.getWordPos ( wpi );
long p2 = g_posdb.getWordPos ( wpj );
long dist = p2 - p1;
// must be in right order!
if ( dist < 0 ) {
max = -1.0;
//log("ddd0: i=%li j=%li "
// "dist=%li qdist=%li",
// i,j,dist,qdist);
// allow for a discrepancy of 1 unit in case
// there is a comma? i think we add an extra
// unit
else if ( dist > qdist && dist - qdist > 1 ) {
max = -1.0;
//log("ddd1: i=%li j=%li "
// "dist=%li qdist=%li",
// i,j,dist,qdist);
else if ( dist < qdist && qdist - dist > 1 ) {
max = -1.0;
//log("ddd2: i=%li j=%li "
// "dist=%li qdist=%li",
// i,j,dist,qdist);
//else {
// log("ddd3: i=%li j=%li "
// "dist=%li qdist=%li",
// i,j,dist,qdist);
// now we want the sliding window with the largest min
// term pair score!
if ( max < minTermPairScoreInWindow )
minTermPairScoreInWindow = max;
if ( minTermPairScoreInWindow <= m_bestWindowScore ) return;
m_bestWindowScore = minTermPairScoreInWindow;
// record term positions in winning window
for ( long i = 0 ; i < maxi ; i++ )
m_windowTermPtrs[i] = ptrs[i];
if ( ! m_ds ) return;
for ( long i = 0 ; i < nr ; i++ ) {
for ( long j = i+1 ; j < nr ; j++ ) {
m_finalWinners1[i*MAX_QUERY_TERMS+j] =
m_finalWinners2[i*MAX_QUERY_TERMS+j] =
m_finalScores [i*MAX_QUERY_TERMS+j] =
scores [i*MAX_QUERY_TERMS+j];
// sanity
//if ( winners1[i*MAX_QUERY_TERMS+j])
//unsigned char hg1;
//if ( winners2[i*MAX_QUERY_TERMS+j])
//unsigned char hg2;
//log("winner %li x %li 0x%lx 0x%lx",i,j,
// (long)winners1[i*MAX_QUERY_TERMS+j],
// (long)winners1[i*MAX_QUERY_TERMS+j]);
char *getHashGroupString ( unsigned char hg ) {
if ( hg == HASHGROUP_BODY ) return "body";
if ( hg == HASHGROUP_TITLE ) return "title";
if ( hg == HASHGROUP_HEADING ) return "header";
if ( hg == HASHGROUP_INLIST ) return "in list";
if ( hg == HASHGROUP_INMETATAG ) return "meta tag";
//if ( hg == HASHGROUP_INLINKTEXT ) return "offsite inlink text";
if ( hg == HASHGROUP_INLINKTEXT ) return "inlink text";
if ( hg == HASHGROUP_INTAG ) return "tag";
if ( hg == HASHGROUP_NEIGHBORHOOD ) return "neighborhood";
if ( hg == HASHGROUP_INTERNALINLINKTEXT) return "onsite inlink text";
if ( hg == HASHGROUP_INURL ) return "in url";
if ( hg == HASHGROUP_INMENU ) return "in menu";
return "unknown!";
char *xx=NULL;*xx=0;
return NULL;
// the SECOND intersect routine to avoid merging rdblists
#define MAX_SUBLISTS 50
// . these lists[] are 1-1 with q->m_qterms
void PosdbTable::intersectLists9_r ( ) {
//long numGroups = m_msg2->getNumListGroups();
// fill up listGroup[]
//RdbList **listGroup [MAX_QUERY_TERMS];
//long numSubLists [MAX_QUERY_TERMS];
//for ( long i = 0 ; i < numGroups ; i++ ) {
// listGroup[i] = m_msg2->getListGroup (i);
// numSubLists [i] = m_msg2->getNumListsInGroup(i);
// if we are just a sitehash:xxxxx list and m_getSectionStats is
// true then assume the list is one of hacked posdb keys where
// the wordposition bits and others are really a 32-bit site hash
// and we have to see how many different docids and sites have
// this term. and we compare to our site hash,
// m_r->m_sectionSiteHash32 to determine if the posdb key is
// onsite or offsite. then XmlDoc::printRainbowSections()
// can print out how many page/sites duplicate your section's content.
if ( m_r->m_getSectionStats ) {
// reset
m_sectionStats.m_onSiteDocIds = 0;
m_sectionStats.m_offSiteDocIds = 0;
// scan the posdb keys
//for ( long i = 0 ; i < m_msg2->getNumListsInGroup(0); i++) {
// get the sublist
RdbList *list = m_msg2->getList(0);//Group(0)[i];
char *p = list->getList ();
char *pend = p + list->getListSize();
// test
//long long final = 5663137686803656554LL;
//final &= TERMID_MASK;
//if ( p<pend && g_posdb.getTermId(p) == final )
// log("boo");
// scan it
for ( ; p < pend ; ) {
// . first key is the full size
// . uses the w,G,s,v and F bits to hold this
long sh32 = g_posdb.getSectionSiteHash32 ( p );
//long long d = g_posdb.getDocId(p);
//long rs = list->getRecSize(p);
// this will not update listptrlo, watch out!
p += list->getRecSize ( p );
// onsite or off?
if ( sh32 == m_r->m_siteHash32 )
// unique site count
if ( m_dt.isInTable ( &sh32 ) ) continue;
// count it
// only once
m_dt.addKey ( &sh32 );
// log it
//log("usite: %08lx %lli rs=%li",sh32,d,rs);
// stop if too much so we do not try to
// re-alloc in a thread!
if ( m_dt.m_numSlotsUsed >= 1000000 ) break;
// and return the list of merging
long *s = (long *)m_siteHashList.getBufStart();
long *send = (long *)m_siteHashList.getBufEnd();
//if ( m_sectionStats.m_numUniqueSites == 17 ) {
// log("q=%s",m_r->ptr_query);
// log("hey");
// //char *xx = NULL;*xx=0;
// log("boo");
long *orig = s;
for ( long i = 0 ; i < m_dt.m_numSlots ; i++ ) {
if ( ! m_dt.m_flags[i] ) continue;
*s++ = *(long *)m_dt.getKeyFromSlot(i);
if ( s >= send ) break;
m_siteHashList.setLength((char *)s-(char *)orig);
g_this = this;
// clear, set to ECORRUPTDATA below
m_errno = 0;
// assume no-op
m_t1 = 0LL;
// set start time
long long t1 = gettimeofdayInMilliseconds();
//char *modListPtrs [MAX_QUERY_TERMS];
//long modListSizes [MAX_QUERY_TERMS];
//for ( long i = 0 ; i < m_numSubLists ; i++ )
// m_lists[i].checkList_r(false,false,RDB_POSDB);
// . now swap the top 12 bytes of each list
// . this gives a contiguous list of 6-byte score/docid entries
// because the first record is always 12 bytes and the rest are
// 6 bytes (with the half bit on) due to our termid compression
// . this makes the lists much much easier to work with, but we have
// to remember to swap back when done!
//for ( long k = 0 ; k < m_msg2->getNumLists() ; k++ ) {
for ( long k = 0 ; k < m_q->m_numTerms ; k++ ) {
// count
long long total = 0LL;
// loop over each list in this group
//for ( long i = 0 ; i < m_msg2->getNumListsInGroup(k); i++ ) {
// get the list
//RdbList *list = m_msg2->getListGroup(k)[i];
//RdbList *list = m_msg2->getList(k);
RdbList *list = m_q->m_qterms[k].m_posdbListPtr;
// skip if null
if ( ! list ) continue;
// skip if list is empty, too
if ( list->isEmpty() ) continue;
// tally
total += list->m_listSize;
// point to start
char *p = list->m_list;
// remember to swap back when done!!
char ttt[10];
memcpy ( ttt , p , 12 );
memcpy ( p , p + 12 , 6 );
memcpy ( p + 6 , ttt , 12 );
// point to the low "hks" bytes now
p += 6;
// turn half bit on
*p |= 0x02;
// MANGLE the list
list->m_listSize -= 6;
list->m_list = p;
// print total list sizes
if ( ! m_debug ) continue;
log("query: termlist #%li totalSize=%lli",k,total);
// set the required groups of lists
RdbList *requiredGroup [ MAX_QUERY_TERMS ][ MAX_SUBLISTS ];
// the bigram set # of each sublist
//char bigramSet [ MAX_QUERY_TERMS ][ MAX_SUBLISTS ];
// flags to indicate if bigram list should be scored higher
char bigramFlags [ MAX_QUERY_TERMS ][ MAX_SUBLISTS ];
// how many required lists total? should be <= numGroups.
long nrg = 0;
// how many lists per required group?
long numRequiredSubLists [ MAX_QUERY_TERMS ];
float termFreqWeights [ MAX_QUERY_TERMS ];
long qtermNums [ MAX_QUERY_TERMS ];
long qpos [ MAX_QUERY_TERMS ];
long wikiPhraseIds [ MAX_QUERY_TERMS ];
RdbList *list = NULL;
// these should be 1-1 with query terms
//for ( long i = 0 ; i < m_msg2->getNumListGroups() ; i++ ) {
//for ( long i = 0 ; i < m_msg2->getNumLists() ; i++ ) {
for ( long i = 0 ; i < m_q->m_numTerms ; i++ ) {
QueryTerm *qt = &m_q->m_qterms[i];
if ( ! qt->m_isRequired ) continue;
// set this stff
QueryWord *qw = qt->m_qword;
long wordNum = qw - &m_q->m_qwords[0];
qtermNums [ nrg ] = i;
qpos [ nrg ] = wordNum;
wikiPhraseIds [ nrg ] = qw->m_wikiPhraseId;
// count
long nn = 0;
// also add in bigram lists
long left = qt->m_leftPhraseTermNum;
long right = qt->m_rightPhraseTermNum;
// terms
QueryTerm *leftTerm = qt->m_leftPhraseTerm;
QueryTerm *rightTerm = qt->m_rightPhraseTerm;
bool leftAlreadyAdded = false;
bool rightAlreadyAdded = false;
//long long totalTermFreq = 0;
//long long *tfreqs = (long long *)m_r->ptr_termFreqs;
// add the non-bigram list AFTER the
// bigrams, which we like to do when we PREFER the bigram
// terms because they are scored higher, specifically, as
// in the case of being half stop wikipedia phrases like
// "the tigers" for the query 'the tigers' we want to give
// a slight bonus, 1.20x, for having that bigram since its
// in wikipedia
// add left bigram lists. BACKWARDS.
if ( left>=0 && leftTerm && leftTerm->m_isWikiHalfStopBigram ){
// assume added
leftAlreadyAdded = true;
// get list
//list = m_msg2->getList(left);
list = m_q->m_qterms[left].m_posdbListPtr;
// add list ptr into our required group
requiredGroup[nrg][nn] = list;
// left bigram is #2
//bigramSet[nrg][nn] = 2;
// special flags
bigramFlags[nrg][nn] = BF_HALFSTOPWIKIBIGRAM;
// before a pipe operator?
if ( qt->m_piped ) bigramFlags[nrg][nn] |= BF_PIPED;
// only really add if useful
if ( list && list->m_listSize ) nn++;
// add bigram synonyms! like "new jersey" bigram
// has the synonym "nj"
for ( long k = 0 ; k < m_msg2->getNumLists() ; k++ ) {
QueryTerm *bt = &m_q->m_qterms[k];
if ( bt->m_synonymOf != leftTerm ) continue;
//list = m_msg2->getList(k);
list = m_q->m_qterms[k].m_posdbListPtr;
requiredGroup[nrg][nn] = list;
bigramFlags[nrg][nn] = BF_HALFSTOPWIKIBIGRAM;
bigramFlags[nrg][nn] |= BF_SYNONYM;
if (qt->m_piped)bigramFlags[nrg][nn]|=BF_PIPED;
if ( list && list->m_listSize ) nn++;
// then the right bigram if also in a wiki half stop bigram
if ( right>=0 &&rightTerm &&rightTerm->m_isWikiHalfStopBigram){
// assume added
rightAlreadyAdded = true;
// get list
//list = m_msg2->getList(right);
list = m_q->m_qterms[right].m_posdbListPtr;
// add list ptr into our required group
requiredGroup[nrg][nn] = list;
// right bigram is #3
//bigramSet[nrg][nn] = 3;
// special flags
bigramFlags[nrg][nn] = BF_HALFSTOPWIKIBIGRAM;
// before a pipe operator?
if ( qt->m_piped ) bigramFlags[nrg][nn] |= BF_PIPED;
// only really add if useful
if ( list && list->m_listSize ) nn++;
// add bigram synonyms! like "new jersey" bigram
// has the synonym "nj"
//for(long k = 0 ; k < m_msg2->getNumLists() ; k++ ) {
for ( long k = 0 ; k < m_q->m_numTerms ; k++ ) {
QueryTerm *bt = &m_q->m_qterms[k];
if ( bt->m_synonymOf != rightTerm ) continue;
//list = m_msg2->getList(k);
list = m_q->m_qterms[k].m_posdbListPtr;
requiredGroup[nrg][nn] = list;
bigramFlags[nrg][nn] = BF_HALFSTOPWIKIBIGRAM;
bigramFlags[nrg][nn] |= BF_SYNONYM;
if (qt->m_piped)bigramFlags[nrg][nn]|=BF_PIPED;
if ( list && list->m_listSize ) nn++;
// then the non-bigram termlist
// add to it. add backwards since we give precedence to
// the first list and we want that to be the NEWEST list!
//list = m_msg2->getList(i);
list = m_q->m_qterms[i].m_posdbListPtr;
// add list ptr into our required group
requiredGroup[nrg][nn] = list;
// how many in there?
//long count = m_msg2->getNumListsInGroup(left);
// base term is #1
//bigramSet[nrg][nn] = 1;
// special flags
bigramFlags[nrg][nn] = 0;
// before a pipe operator?
if ( qt->m_piped ) bigramFlags[nrg][nn] |= BF_PIPED;
// is it a negative term?
if ( qt->m_termSign == '-') bigramFlags[nrg][nn]|=BF_NEGATIVE;
// only really add if useful
if ( list && list->m_listSize ) nn++;
// add left bigram now if not added above
if ( left>=0 && ! leftAlreadyAdded ) {
// get list
//list = m_msg2->getList(left);
list = m_q->m_qterms[left].m_posdbListPtr;
// add list ptr into our required group
requiredGroup[nrg][nn] = list;
// left bigram is #2
//bigramSet[nrg][nn] = 2;
// special flags
bigramFlags[nrg][nn] = 0;
// before a pipe operator?
if ( qt->m_piped ) bigramFlags[nrg][nn] |= BF_PIPED;
// call it a synonym i guess
bigramFlags[nrg][nn] |= BF_BIGRAM;
// only really add if useful
if ( list && list->m_listSize ) nn++;
// add bigram synonyms! like "new jersey" bigram
// has the synonym "nj"
//for( long k = 0 ; k < m_msg2->getNumLists() ; k++ ) {
for ( long k = 0 ; k < m_q->m_numTerms ; k++ ) {
QueryTerm *bt = &m_q->m_qterms[k];
if ( bt->m_synonymOf != leftTerm ) continue;
//list = m_msg2->getList(k);
list = m_q->m_qterms[k].m_posdbListPtr;
requiredGroup[nrg][nn] = list;
bigramFlags[nrg][nn] = BF_SYNONYM;
if (qt->m_piped)bigramFlags[nrg][nn]|=BF_PIPED;
if ( list && list->m_listSize ) nn++;
// add right bigram now if not added above
if ( right>=0 && ! rightAlreadyAdded ) {
// get list
//list = m_msg2->getList(right);
list = m_q->m_qterms[right].m_posdbListPtr;
// add list ptr into our required group
requiredGroup[nrg][nn] = list;
// right bigram is #3
//bigramSet[nrg][nn] = 3;
// special flags
bigramFlags[nrg][nn] = 0;
// call it a synonym i guess
bigramFlags[nrg][nn] |= BF_BIGRAM;
// before a pipe operator?
if ( qt->m_piped ) bigramFlags[nrg][nn] |= BF_PIPED;
// only really add if useful
if ( list && list->m_listSize ) nn++;
// add bigram synonyms! like "new jersey" bigram
// has the synonym "nj"
//for( long k = 0 ; k < m_msg2->getNumLists() ; k++ ) {
for ( long k = 0 ; k < m_q->m_numTerms ; k++ ) {
QueryTerm *bt = &m_q->m_qterms[k];
if ( bt->m_synonymOf != rightTerm ) continue;
//list = m_msg2->getList(k);
list = m_q->m_qterms[k].m_posdbListPtr;
requiredGroup[nrg][nn] = list;
bigramFlags[nrg][nn] = BF_SYNONYM;
if (qt->m_piped)bigramFlags[nrg][nn]|=BF_PIPED;
if ( list && list->m_listSize ) nn++;
//for ( long k = 0 ; k < m_msg2->getNumLists() ; k++ ) {
for ( long k = 0 ; k < m_q->m_numTerms ; k++ ) {
QueryTerm *qt2 = &m_q->m_qterms[k];
QueryTerm *st = qt2->m_synonymOf;
// skip if not a synonym of this term
if ( st != qt ) continue;
// its a synonym, add it!
//list = m_msg2->getList(k);
list = m_q->m_qterms[k].m_posdbListPtr;
// add list ptr into our required group
requiredGroup[nrg][nn] = list;
// special flags
bigramFlags[nrg][nn] = BF_SYNONYM;
// before a pipe operator?
if ( qt->m_piped ) bigramFlags[nrg][nn] |= BF_PIPED;
// only really add if useful
if ( list && list->m_listSize ) nn++;
// empty implies no results!!!
if ( nn == 0 && qt->m_termSign != '-' ) {
// store # lists in required group
numRequiredSubLists[nrg] = nn;
// set the term freqs for this list group/set
termFreqWeights[nrg] = ((float *)m_r->ptr_termFreqWeights)[i];
// crazy?
if ( nn >= MAX_SUBLISTS ) {
log("query: too many sublists. %li >= %li",
char *xx=NULL; *xx=0;
// count # required groups
if ( nrg == 0 ) {
// get the smallest termlist
long long minListSize = 0;
long mini = -1;
//long long freqs [MAX_QUERY_TERMS];
//float freqWeights [MAX_QUERY_TERMS];
// hopefully no more than 100 sublists per term
char *listEnds [ MAX_QUERY_TERMS ][ MAX_SUBLISTS ];
// set ptrs now i guess
for ( long i = 0 ; i < nrg ; i++ ) {
// compute total sizes
long long total = 0LL;
// do not consider for first termlist if negative
if ( bigramFlags[i][0] & BF_NEGATIVE ) continue;
// add to it
for ( long q = 0 ; q < numRequiredSubLists[i] ; q++ ) {
// add list ptr into our required group
RdbList *list = requiredGroup[i][q];
// set end ptr
listEnds[i][q] = list->m_list + list->m_listSize;
// get it
long long listSize = list->getListSize();
// add it up
total += listSize;
// get min
if ( total < minListSize || mini == -1 ) {
minListSize = total;
mini = i;
// do not include the termid 6 bytes at the top
//float fw=getTermFreqWeight ( termFreqs[i], m_numDocsInColl );
//float fw = 100.0 - (size / 1000000);
//if ( fw < 1.0 ) fw = 1.0;
//freqWeights[i] = fw;
// a guess!
//freqs[i] = total;
//freqs[i] = termFreqs[i];
// for evalSlidingWindow() function
m_freqWeights = termFreqWeights;
//m_freqs = termFreqs;//freqs;
m_qtermNums = qtermNums;
// if smallest required list is empty, 0 results
if ( minListSize == 0 ) return;
// alternative algo vars
char *mptr = NULL;
char *lastMptr = NULL;
char *mend = NULL;
char *mergedList [ MAX_QUERY_TERMS ];
char *mergedListEnd [ MAX_QUERY_TERMS ];
char mergedFlags [ MAX_QUERY_TERMS ];
bool doAlternativeAlgo = false;
if ( minListSize > 10000000 ) doAlternativeAlgo = true;
// turn it off for now since its way slower for
// 'how to make a lockpick set'
doAlternativeAlgo = false;
// -1 means auto, otherwise we can force on or off...
// but its default in Parms.cpp is -1
if ( m_r->m_fastIntersection == 0 ) doAlternativeAlgo = false;
if ( m_r->m_fastIntersection == 1 ) doAlternativeAlgo = true;
if ( nrg <= 1 ) doAlternativeAlgo = false;
// force on for testing
//doAlternativeAlgo = true;
if ( doAlternativeAlgo ) {
mptr = m_mergeBuf.getBuf();
mend = m_mergeBuf.getBufEnd();
// time it
long long startTime = 0LL;
if ( doAlternativeAlgo ) startTime = gettimeofdayInMilliseconds();
// . only do this if smallest list is big!
// . if smallest list is small it's faster to do the binary jumping
// approach. like consider the ' +the' query.
// . loop over each group and merge them
for ( long j = 0 ; doAlternativeAlgo && j < nrg ; j++ ) {
// short cut
long numLists = numRequiredSubLists[j];
// if only one list, skip it
if ( numLists == 1 ) {
mergedList [j] = requiredGroup[j][0]->m_list;
mergedListEnd[j] = requiredGroup[j][0]->m_listEnd;
mergedFlags [j] = bigramFlags [j][0];
// need to declare these
char *nwp [100];
char *nwp12 [100];
char *nwpEnd [100];
char nwpFlags[100];
if ( numLists >= 100 ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
long nsub = 0;
// set the list ptrs to merge
for ( long k = 0 ; k < numLists ; k++ ) {
nwp [nsub] = requiredGroup[j][k]->m_list;
nwp12 [nsub] = requiredGroup[j][k]->m_list;
nwpEnd [nsub] = listEnds [j][k];
nwpFlags[nsub] = bigramFlags [j][k];
if ( ! nwp[nsub] ) continue;
if ( nwp[nsub] == nwpEnd[nsub] ) continue;
// get the min key and add into the list buf
mergedList[j] = mptr;
long long prevDocId = -1LL;
long mink = -1;
char minks = -1;
for ( long k = 0 ; k < nsub ; k++ ) {
// skip if list is exhausted
if ( ! nwp[k] ) continue;
char ks = g_posdb.getKeySize(nwp[k]);
// auto winner?
if ( mink == -1 ) {
mink = k;
minks = ks;
// top 6 bytes (i.e. docid)
if ( *(unsigned long *)(nwp12[k ]+2+6) >
*(unsigned long *)(nwp12[mink]+2+6) )
if ( *(unsigned long *)(nwp12[k ]+2+6) <
*(unsigned long *)(nwp12[mink]+2+6) )
goto gotWinner;
if ( *(unsigned short *)(nwp12[k ]+6) >
*(unsigned short *)(nwp12[mink]+6) )
if ( *(unsigned short *)(nwp12[k ]+6) <
*(unsigned short *)(nwp12[mink]+6) )
goto gotWinner;
// lower 6 bytes
if ( *(unsigned long *)(nwp[k ]+2) >
*(unsigned long *)(nwp[mink]+2) )
if ( *(unsigned long *)(nwp[k ]+2) <
*(unsigned long *)(nwp[mink]+2) )
goto gotWinner;
if ( *(unsigned short *)(nwp[k ]) >
*(unsigned short *)(nwp[mink]) )
if ( *(unsigned short *)(nwp[k ]) <
*(unsigned short *)(nwp[mink]) )
goto gotWinner;
// otherwise, forget it! perfect tie...
// a new min...
mink = k;
minks = ks;
// all exhausted? merge next set of lists then for term #j
if ( mink == -1 ) {
mergedListEnd[j] = mptr;
mergedFlags [j] = bigramFlags[j][0] ;
mergedFlags [j] &= (BF_NEGATIVE|BF_PIPED);
// get docid
long long docId = g_posdb.getDocId(nwp12[mink]);
// if this key matches our previously stored docid, then
// it's 6 bytes, otherwise 12
if ( docId != prevDocId ) {
// TODO: make this not use memset
//memcpy ( mptr , nwp[mink] , 12 );
*(long long *)mptr = *(long long *)nwp[mink];
*(long *)(mptr+8) = *(long *)(nwp[mink]+8);
// set the synbit so we know if its a synonym of term
if ( nwpFlags[mink] & (BF_BIGRAM|BF_SYNONYM))
mptr[2] |= 0x02;
// make sure its 12 bytes! it might have been
// the first key for the termid, and 18 bytes.
mptr[0] &= 0xf9;
mptr[0] |= 0x02;
lastMptr = mptr;
mptr += 12;
// update this
prevDocId = docId;
else {
// if matches last key word position, do not add!
// we should add the bigram first if more important
// since it should be added before the actual term
// above in the sublist array. so if they are
// wikihalfstop bigrams they will be added first,
// otherwise, they are added after the regular term.
// should fix double scoring bug for 'cheat codes'
// query!
// TODO: fix this for fast intersection algo!!!
// it does not order the nwp lists that way...
if ( lastMptr[4] == nwp[mink][4] &&
lastMptr[5] == nwp[mink][5] &&
(lastMptr[3] & 0xc0) == (nwp[mink][3] & 0xc0) )
goto skipOver2;
*(long *) mptr = *(long *) nwp[mink];
*(short *)(mptr+4) = *(short *)(nwp[mink]+4);
// set the synbit so we know if its a synonym of term
if ( nwpFlags[mink] & (BF_BIGRAM|BF_SYNONYM))
mptr[2] |= 0x02;
// if it was the first key of its list it may not
// have its bit set for being 6 bytes now! so turn
// on the 2 compression bits
mptr[0] |= 0x06;
// save it
lastMptr = mptr;
mptr += 6;
// advace the cursor over the key we used.
nwp[mink] += minks; // g_posdb.getKeySize(nwp[mink]);
// now continue to advance this list's ptr until it points
// to a docid in our previous list, if any
// exhausted? then set to NULL
if ( nwp[mink] >= nwpEnd[mink] ) {
nwp[mink] = NULL;
goto mergeMore2;
// get new keysize
char ks = g_posdb.getKeySize(nwp[mink]);
// only advance this to a 12 byte key
if ( ks == 12 ) nwp12[mink] = nwp[mink];
// merge some more now
goto mergeMore2;
// breach?
if ( doAlternativeAlgo ) {
// sanity check
if ( mptr > mend ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
long long endTime = gettimeofdayInMilliseconds();
long long took = endTime - startTime;
log("posdb: synlist merge took %lli ms", took);
bool secondPass = false;
DocIdScore dcs;
DocIdScore *pdcs;
long minx =0;
bool allNull;
long minPos =0;
long long lastDocId = 0LL;
long lastLen = 0;
char siteRank =0;
char docLang =0;
float score;
float minScore;
float minPairScore;
float minSingleScore;
long long docId;
char *ptrs [MAX_QUERY_TERMS];
char *ends [MAX_QUERY_TERMS];
char bflags[MAX_QUERY_TERMS];
m_bflags = bflags;
long qdist;
float wts;
float pss;
char *bestPos[MAX_QUERY_TERMS];
float maxNonBodyScore;
//long nr2;
//char *winnerStack1[MAX_QUERY_TERMS * MAX_QUERY_TERMS];
//char *winnerStack2[MAX_QUERY_TERMS * MAX_QUERY_TERMS];
//float scoreStack [MAX_QUERY_TERMS * MAX_QUERY_TERMS];
char *winnerStack[MAX_QUERY_TERMS];
long long prevDocId = 0LL;
// scan the posdb keys in the smallest list
long minddd =0;
char *saved;
long long dtmp;
// raised from 200 to 300,000 for 'da da da' query
char mbuf[300000];
char *mptrEnd = mbuf + 299000;
//char *mptr;
//char *lastMptr = NULL;
// assume no more than 100 sublists in a group
char *dp[MAX_SUBLISTS];
// save these for alternative loop algo
char *origList[100];
for ( long i = 0 ; doAlternativeAlgo && i < nrg ; i++ )
// reset mergedlist ptrs
origList[i] = mergedList[i];
// reset these
prevDocId = 0LL;
minddd =0;
lastMptr = NULL;
// initialize dp[] to point to each sublist in group #mini
for ( long i = 0 ; i < numRequiredSubLists[mini] ; i++ )
dp[i] = requiredGroup[mini][i]->m_list;
// and for alternative loop as well
// how many terms must we have?
long needToMatch = 0;
for ( long i = 0 ; doAlternativeAlgo && i < nrg ; i++ ) {
// reset mergedlist ptrs
mergedList[i] = origList[i];
if ( mergedFlags[i] & BF_NEGATIVE ) continue;
// do not use the binary stepping, just straight up merge intersection.
// hopefully faster when smallest termlist is quite big.
// get current docid
if ( doAlternativeAlgo ) {
// reset match count, we match term in "mini" list
long match ;
// get current docid
long long currentDocId = g_posdb.getDocId(mergedList[mini]);
// if second pass, must be in the hashtable
if ( secondPass && ! m_docIdTable.isInTable(&currentDocId) ) {
match = 0;
goto skipMinList;
// otherwise, we got one match, the term in the min list
match = 1;
// increment the other lists so their docid >= this
for ( long i = 0 ; i < nrg ; i++ ) {
// skip if mini
if ( i == mini ) continue;
// advance until >= current docid
for (; ; ) {
// stop if >=
if ( g_posdb.getDocId(mergedList[i]) >=
currentDocId )
// get key size
char mks = g_posdb.getKeySize(mergedList[i]);
// loop back here for 6 byte keys
// advance it
mergedList[i] += mks;
// stop if done
if ( mergedList[i] >= mergedListEnd[i] )
goto done;
// if next key is 6 bytes, skip it, since
// it has no docid!!
mks = g_posdb.getKeySize(mergedList[i]);
// 6 bytes?
if ( mks == 6 ) goto littleLoop;
// equals docid?
if ( g_posdb.getDocId(mergedList[i]) == currentDocId ){
// negative term? very bad!
if ( mergedFlags[i] & BF_NEGATIVE ) match=-100;
else match++;
// got a match? then set up the ptrs for jumping down below
for ( long i = 0 ; match == needToMatch && i < nrg ; i++ ) {
ptrs [i] = mergedList [i];
bflags [i] = mergedFlags [i];
ends [i] = mergedListEnd[i];
docId = currentDocId;
// debug
//log("posdb: matched d=%lli",currentDocId);
// advance mini's docid
mergedList[mini] += 12;
// skip following 6 byte keys
for ( ; ; ) {
// stop on breach
if ( mergedList[mini] >= mergedListEnd[mini] )
// stop if 12 byte key
char mks = g_posdb.getKeySize(mergedList[mini]);
// stop if 12
if ( mks == 12 ) break;
// it's 6 byte, skip it
mergedList[mini] += 6;
// do the jump after we've incremented mini's list ptr
if ( match == needToMatch )
goto jumpDownHere;
// all done?
if ( mergedList[mini] >= mergedListEnd[mini] ) goto done;
// otherwise try the next docid in mini's list
goto altIntersectionLoop;
// merge bigram list with the regular list. that way 'streetlight'
// can sub in for the word 'street' for the query 'street light facts'
// or we could just assume there are TWO lists for every term here
// and keep a ptr1 and ptr2 for the two lists.
// assume all sublists exhausted for this query term
docId = MAX_DOCID;
// find the next docid from all the sublists
for ( long i = 0 ; i < numRequiredSubLists[mini] ; i++ ) {
// get the next docid
if ( dp[i] >= listEnds[mini][i] ) continue;
// get docid from this sublist
dtmp = g_posdb.getDocId(dp[i]);
// take the rec from the last list in the event
// the docid is equal, because that is the most recent list
// according to Msg5::gotList2() function.
// for 'cheat' termlist for 'cheat codes' query we need
// to take 'cheat' for that docid from the tree list, not
// an older list, so this MUST be >=, not >
if ( dtmp >= docId ) continue;
// no negative keys allowed!!
docId = dtmp;
minddd = i;
// sanity
if ( minddd >= MAX_SUBLISTS ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// all sublists exhausted for the smallest required termlist?
if ( docId == MAX_DOCID ) goto done;
// save it
saved = dp[minddd];
//if ( docId == 20622118994LL )
// log("hey");
// advance to next docid in this sublist if we are a positive key
dp[minddd] = g_posdb.getNextDocIdSublist ( dp[minddd] ,
listEnds[mini][minddd] );
// if same as last docid, just advance and be done with it
if ( docId == prevDocId )
goto docIdLoop;
// udpate this
prevDocId = docId;
// . second pass? for printing out transparency info
// . docidtable should be pre-allocated in allocTopTree() function
if ( secondPass && ! m_docIdTable.isInTable ( &docId ) )
goto docIdLoop;
// debug
//if ( docId != 238314041956LL )
// goto docIdLoop;
// debug
//if ( docId == 20622118994LL )
// log("hey");
// we got a docid that has all the query terms, so merge
// each term's sublists into a single list just for this docid.
// all posdb keys for this docid should fit in here, the merge buf:
// currently it is 10k
mptr = mbuf;
// merge each list set
for ( long j = 0 ; j < nrg ; j++ ) {
// num sublists to merge
long nsub = 0;
char *nwp [100];
char *nwpEnd[100];
char nwpFlags[100];
// scan the sublists
for ( long k = 0 ; k < numRequiredSubLists[j] ; k++ ) {
// . get sublist ptr
// . get docid sublist of list #k for query term #j
nwp[nsub] = getWordPosList ( docId ,
// this is null if this list does not have this docid
if ( ! nwp[nsub] ) continue;
// save i guess
nwpEnd[nsub] = listEnds[j][k];
// and this
nwpFlags[nsub] = bigramFlags[j][k];
// print out
if ( ! m_debug ) continue;
char *xx = nwp[nsub];
char *xxend = nwpEnd[nsub];
char ks;
for ( ; xx < xxend ; xx += ks ) {
if ( xx>nwp[nsub]&&g_posdb.getKeySize(xx) != 6)
ks = g_posdb.getKeySize(xx);
char hgx = g_posdb.getHashGroup(xx);
long pos = g_posdb.getWordPos(xx);
"posdb: premerge k=%li j=%li,nsub=%li "
"hg=%s pos=%li",k,j,nsub,
// this docid has this term, yay
// if we have a negative term, that is a show stopper
if ( bigramFlags[j][0] & BF_NEGATIVE ) {
// if its empty, that's good!
if ( nsub == 0 ) {
// need this
ptrs [j] = NULL;
ends [j] = NULL;
bflags[j] = BF_NEGATIVE;//nwpFlags[0];
// otherwise, forget it!
goto docIdLoop;
// . does this docid have term # j?
// . if not there then go to next docid
if ( nsub == 0 ) goto docIdLoop;
// if only one list, no need to merge
// UNLESS it's a synonym list then we gotta set the
// synbits on it, below!!!
if ( nsub == 1 && !(nwpFlags[0] & BF_SYNONYM)) {
ptrs [j] = nwp [0];
ends [j] = nwpEnd[0];
bflags[j] = nwpFlags[0];
// init merge
ptrs [j] = mptr;
// just use the flags from first term i guess
bflags[j] = nwpFlags[0];
bool isFirstKey = true;
// . ok, merge the lists into a list in mbuf
// . get the min of each list
long mink = -1;
for ( long k = 0 ; k < nsub ; k++ ) {
// skip if list is exhausted
if ( ! nwp[k] ) continue;
// auto winner?
if ( mink == -1 ) {
mink = k;
if ( *(unsigned long *)(nwp[k ]+2) >
*(unsigned long *)(nwp[mink]+2) )
if ( *(unsigned long *)(nwp[k ]+2) ==
*(unsigned long *)(nwp[mink]+2) &&
*(unsigned short *)(nwp[k ]) >=
*(unsigned short *)(nwp[mink]) )
// a new min...
mink = k;
// all exhausted? merge next set of lists then for term #j
if ( mink == -1 ) {
ends[j] = mptr;
// get keysize
//char ks = g_posdb.getKeySize(nwp[mink]);
// if the first key in our merged list store the docid crap
if ( isFirstKey ) {
memcpy ( mptr , nwp[mink] , 12 );
// sanity check! make sure these not being used...
//if ( mptr[2] & 0x03 ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// wipe out its syn bits and re-use our way
mptr[2] &= 0xfc;
// set the synbit so we know if its a synonym of term
if ( nwpFlags[mink] & (BF_BIGRAM|BF_SYNONYM))
mptr[2] |= 0x02;
// wiki half stop bigram? so for the query
// 'time enough for love' the phrase term "enough for"
// is a half stopword wiki bigram, because it is in
// a phrase in wikipedia ("time enough for love") and
// one of the two words in the phrase term is a
// stop word. therefore we give it more weight than
// just 'enough' by itself.
if ( nwpFlags[mink] & BF_HALFSTOPWIKIBIGRAM )
mptr[2] |= 0x01;
// make sure its 12 bytes! it might have been
// the first key for the termid, and 18 bytes.
mptr[0] &= 0xf9;
mptr[0] |= 0x02;
// show hg
//char hgx = g_posdb.getHashGroup(mptr);
//long pos = g_posdb.getWordPos(mptr);
//log("j=%li mink=%li hgx=%li pos=%li",j,mink,hgx,pos);
lastMptr = mptr;
mptr += 12;
isFirstKey = false;
else {
// if matches last key word position, do not add!
// we should add the bigram first if more important
// since it should be added before the actual term
// above in the sublist array. so if they are
// wikihalfstop bigrams they will be added first,
// otherwise, they are added after the regular term.
// should fix double scoring bug for 'cheat codes'
// query!
if ( lastMptr[4] == nwp[mink][4] &&
lastMptr[5] == nwp[mink][5] &&
(lastMptr[3] & 0xc0) == (nwp[mink][3] & 0xc0) )
goto skipOver;
*(long *) mptr = *(long *) nwp[mink];
*(short *)(mptr+4) = *(short *)(nwp[mink]+4);
// wipe out its syn bits and re-use our way
mptr[2] &= 0xfc;
// set the synbit so we know if its a synonym of term
if ( nwpFlags[mink] & (BF_BIGRAM|BF_SYNONYM))
mptr[2] |= 0x02;
if ( nwpFlags[mink] & BF_HALFSTOPWIKIBIGRAM )
mptr[2] |= 0x01;
// if it was the first key of its list it may not
// have its bit set for being 6 bytes now! so turn
// on the 2 compression bits
mptr[0] |= 0x06;
// show hg
//char hgx = g_posdb.getHashGroup(mptr);
//long pos = g_posdb.getWordPos(mptr);
//log("j=%li mink=%li hgx=%li pos=%li",j,mink,hgx,pos);
//if ( pos == 8949 ) { // 73779 ) {
// char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// save it
lastMptr = mptr;
mptr += 6;
// advace the cursor over the key we used.
if ( (nwp[mink][0]) & 0x04 ) nwp[mink] += 6;
else nwp[mink] += 12;
//nwp[mink] += ks; // g_posdb.getKeySize(nwp[mink]);
// exhausted?
if ( nwp[mink] >= nwpEnd[mink] )
nwp[mink] = NULL;
// or hit a different docid
else if ( g_posdb.getKeySize(nwp[mink]) != 6 )
nwp[mink] = NULL;
// avoid breach of core below now
if ( mptr < mptrEnd ) goto mergeMore;
// breach?
if ( mptr > mbuf + 300000 ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// clear the counts on this DocIdScore class for this new docid
pdcs = NULL;
if ( secondPass ) {
pdcs = &dcs;
for ( long i = 0 ; i < nrg ; i++ ) {
// skip if not part of score
if ( bflags[i] & (BF_PIPED|BF_NEGATIVE) ) continue;
for ( long j = i+1 ; j < nrg ; j++ ) {
// skip if not part of score
if ( bflags[j] & (BF_PIPED|BF_NEGATIVE) ) continue;
// but if they are in the same wikipedia phrase
// then try to keep their positions as in the query.
// so for 'time enough for love' ideally we want
// 'time' to be 6 units apart from 'love'
if ( wikiPhraseIds[j] == wikiPhraseIds[i] &&
// zero means not in a phrase
wikiPhraseIds[j] ) {
qdist = qpos[j] - qpos[i];
// wiki weight
wts = (float)WIKI_WEIGHT; // .50;
else {
// basically try to get query words as close
// together as possible
qdist = 2;
// this should help fix
// 'what is an unsecured loan' so we are more likely
// to get the page that has that exact phrase in it.
// yes, but hurts how to make a lock pick set.
//qdist = qpos[j] - qpos[i];
// wiki weight
wts = 1.0;
pss = 0.0;
// get score for term pair from non-body occuring terms
if ( ptrs[i] && ptrs[j] )
qdist ,
// it's -1 if one term is in the body/header/menu/etc.
if ( pss < 0 ) {
scoreMatrix[i*MAX_QUERY_TERMS+j] = -1.00;
wts = -1.0;
else {
wts *= pss;
wts *= m_freqWeights[i];//sfw[i];
wts *= m_freqWeights[j];//sfw[j];
// store in matrix for "sub out" algo below
// when doing sliding window
scoreMatrix[i*MAX_QUERY_TERMS+j] = wts;
// if terms is a special wiki half stop bigram
//if ( bflags[i] == 1 ) wts *= WIKI_BIGRAM_WEIGHT;
//if ( bflags[j] == 1 ) wts *= WIKI_BIGRAM_WEIGHT;
//if ( ts < minScore ) minScore = ts;
maxNonBodyScore = -2.0;
minSingleScore = 999999999.0;
// . now add single word scores
// . having inlink text from siterank 15 of max
// diversity/density will result in the largest score,
// but we add them all up...
// . this should be highly negative if singles[i] has a '-'
// termsign...
for ( long i = 0 ; i < nrg ; i++ ) {
float sts;
// skip if to the left of a pipe operator
if ( bflags[i] & (BF_PIPED|BF_NEGATIVE) ) continue;
// sometimes there is no wordpos subtermlist for this docid
// because it just has the bigram, like "streetlight" and not
// the word "light" by itself for the query 'street light'
//if ( ptrs[i] ) {
// assume all word positions are in body
//bestPos[i] = NULL;
// . this scans all word positions for this term
// . sets "bestPos" to point to the winning word
// position which does NOT occur in the body
// . adds up MAX_TOP top scores and returns that sum
// . pdcs is NULL if not secondPass
sts = getSingleTermScore (i,ptrs[i],ends[i],pdcs,
// sanity check
if ( bestPos[i] &&
s_inBody[g_posdb.getHashGroup(bestPos[i])] ) {
char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
//sts /= 3.0;
if ( sts < minSingleScore ) minSingleScore = sts;
// . multiplier from siterank i guess
// . ptrs[0] list can be null if it does not have 'street' but
// has 'streetlight' for the query 'street light'
if ( ptrs[0] ) {
siteRank = g_posdb.getSiteRank ( ptrs[0] );
docLang = g_posdb.getLangId ( ptrs[0] );
else {
for ( long k = 1 ; k < nrg ; k++ ) {
if ( ! ptrs[k] ) continue;
siteRank = g_posdb.getSiteRank ( ptrs[k] );
docLang = g_posdb.getLangId ( ptrs[k] );
// parms for sliding window algorithm
m_qpos = qpos;
m_wikiPhraseIds = wikiPhraseIds;
//if ( secondPass ) m_ds = &dcs;
//else m_ds = NULL;
//m_sfw = sfw;
m_bestWindowScore = -2.0;
//m_finalWinners1 = winnerStack1;
//m_finalWinners2 = winnerStack2;
//m_finalScores = scoreStack;
m_windowTermPtrs = winnerStack;
// . now scan the terms that are in the body in a sliding window
// . compute the term pair score on just the terms in that
// sliding window. that way, the term for a word like 'dog'
// keeps the same word position when it is paired up with the
// other terms.
// . compute the score the same way getTermPairScore() works so
// we are on the same playing field
// . sub-out each term with its best scoring occurence in the title
// or link text or meta tag, etc. but it gets a distance penalty
// of like 100 units or so.
// . if term does not occur in the body, the sub-out approach should
// fix that.
// . keep a matrix of the best scores between two terms from the
// above double nested loop algo. and replace that pair if we
// got a better score in the sliding window.
// use special ptrs for the windows so we do not mangle ptrs[]
// array because we use that below!
char *xpos[MAX_QUERY_TERMS];
for ( long i = 0 ; i < nrg ; i++ ) xpos[i] = ptrs[i];
allNull = true;
// init each list ptr to the first wordpos rec in the body
// and if no such rec, make it NULL
for ( long i = 0 ; i < nrg ; i++ ) {
// skip if to the left of a pipe operator
if ( bflags[i] & (BF_PIPED|BF_NEGATIVE) ) continue;
// skip wordposition until it in the body
while ( xpos[i] &&!s_inBody[g_posdb.getHashGroup(xpos[i])]) {
// advance
if ( (xpos[i][0] & 0x04) ) xpos[i] += 6;
else xpos[i] += 12;
// NULLify list if no more for this docid
if (xpos[i] < ends[i] && (xpos[i][0] & 0x04)) continue;
// ok, no more! null means empty list
xpos[i] = NULL;
// must be in title or something else then
if ( ! bestPos[i] ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// if all xpos are NULL, then no terms are in body...
if ( xpos[i] ) allNull = false;
// if no terms in body, no need to do sliding window
if ( allNull ) goto doneSliding;
minx = -1;
// . now all xpos are in the body
// . calc the window score
// . if window score beats m_bestWindowScore we store the
// term xpos that define this window in m_windowTermPtrs[] array
// . will try to sub in s_bestPos[i] if better, but will fix
// distance to FIXED_DISTANCE
// . "minx" is who just got advanced, this saves time because we
// do not have to re-compute the scores of term pairs that consist
// of two terms that did not advance in the sliding window
// . "scoreMatrix" hold the highest scoring non-body term pair
// for sub-bing out the term pair in the body with
// . sets m_bestWindowScore if this window score beats it
// . does sub-outs with the non-body pairs and also the singles i guess
// . uses "bestPos[x]" to get best non-body scoring term for sub-outs
evalSlidingWindow ( xpos ,
nrg ,
bestPos ,
scoreMatrix ,
minx );
// now find the min word pos still in body
minx = -1;
for ( long x = 0 ; x < nrg ; x++ ) {
// skip if to the left of a pipe operator
if ( bflags[x] & (BF_PIPED|BF_NEGATIVE) ) continue;
if ( ! xpos[x] ) continue;
if ( xpos[x] && minx == -1 ) {
minx = x;
//minRec = xpos[x];
minPos = g_posdb.getWordPos(xpos[x]);
if ( g_posdb.getWordPos(xpos[x]) >= minPos )
minx = x;
//minRec = xpos[x];
minPos = g_posdb.getWordPos(xpos[x]);
// sanity
if ( minx < 0 ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// now advance that to slide our window
if ( (xpos[minx][0] & 0x04) ) xpos[minx] += 6;
else xpos[minx] += 12;
// NULLify list if no more for this docid
if ( xpos[minx] >= ends[minx] || ! (xpos[minx][0] & 0x04) ) {
// exhausted list now
xpos[minx] = NULL;
// are all null now?
long k;
for ( k = 0 ; k < nrg ; k++ ) {
// skip if to the left of a pipe operator
if ( bflags[k] & (BF_PIPED|BF_NEGATIVE) ) continue;
if ( xpos[k] ) break;
// all lists are now exhausted
if ( k >= nrg ) goto doneSliding;
// ok, now recompute the next min and advance him
goto advanceMin;
// if it left the body then advance some more i guess?
if ( ! s_inBody[g_posdb.getHashGroup(xpos[minx])] )
goto advanceAgain;
// do more!
goto slideMore;
minPairScore = -1.0;
// for debug
m_docId = docId;
// (similar to NON-BODY TERM PAIR SCORING LOOP above)
for ( long i = 0 ; i < nrg ; i++ ) {
// skip if to the left of a pipe operator
if ( bflags[i] & (BF_PIPED|BF_NEGATIVE) ) continue;
for ( long j = i+1 ; j < nrg ; j++ ) {
// skip if to the left of a pipe operator
if ( bflags[j] & (BF_PIPED|BF_NEGATIVE) ) continue;
// get score for term pair from non-body occuring terms
if ( ! ptrs[i] ) continue;
if ( ! ptrs[j] ) continue;
// . this will skip over body terms that are not
// in the winning window defined by m_windowTermPtrs[]
// that we set in evalSlidingWindow()
// . returns the best score for this term
float score = getTermPairScoreForAny (i,
pdcs );
// get min of all term pair scores
if ( score >= minPairScore && minPairScore >= 0.0 ) continue;
// got a new min
minPairScore = score;
minScore = 999999999.0;
// get a min score from all the term pairs
if ( minPairScore < minScore && minPairScore >= 0.0 )
minScore = minPairScore;
// if we only had one query term
if ( minSingleScore < minScore )
minScore = minSingleScore;
// try dividing it by 3! (or multiply by .33333 faster)
score = minScore * (((float)siteRank)*SITERANKMULTIPLIER+1.0);
// . not foreign language? give a huge boost
// . use "qlang" parm to set the language. i.e. "&qlang=fr"
if ( m_r->m_language == 0 ||
docLang == 0 ||
m_r->m_language == docLang)
// if doing the second pass for printint out transparency info
// then do not mess with top tree
if ( ! secondPass ) {
// add to top tree then!
long tn = m_topTree->getEmptyNode();
TopNode *t = &m_topTree->m_nodes[tn];
// set the score and docid ptr
t->m_score = score;
t->m_docId = docId;
// . this will not add if tree is full and it is less than the
// m_lowNode in score
// . if it does get added to a full tree, lowNode will be
// removed
m_topTree->addNode ( t, tn);
goto docIdLoop;
// ok, add the scoring info since we are on the second pass and this
// docid is in the top tree
dcs.m_siteRank = siteRank;
dcs.m_finalScore = score;
dcs.m_docId = docId;
dcs.m_numRequiredTerms = nrg;
// ensure enough room we can't allocate in a thread!
if ( m_scoreInfoBuf.getAvail() < (long)sizeof(DocIdScore)+1) {
char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// if same as last docid, overwrite it since we have a higher
// siterank or langid i guess
if ( docId == lastDocId )
m_scoreInfoBuf.m_length = lastLen;
// save that
lastLen = m_scoreInfoBuf.m_length;
// copy into the safebuf for holding the scoring info
m_scoreInfoBuf.safeMemcpy ( (char *)&dcs, sizeof(DocIdScore) );
// save it
lastDocId = docId;
// try to fix dup docid problem! it was hitting the
// overflow check right above here... strange!!!
//m_docIdTable.removeKey ( &docId );
// advance to next docid
//p = pend;
// if not of end list loop back up
//if ( p < listEnd ) goto bigloop;
goto docIdLoop;
// now repeat the above loop, but with m_dt hashtable
// non-NULL and include all the docids in the toptree, and
// for each of those docids store the transparency info in english
// into the safebuf "transBuf".
if ( ! secondPass && m_r->m_getDocIdScoringInfo ) {
// only do one second pass
secondPass = true;
long count = 0;
// clear it in case still set from previous docid range split
// logic, which i added to prevent oom conditions
// stock m_docIdTable
for ( long ti = m_topTree->getHighNode() ;
ti >= 0 ; ti = m_topTree->getPrev(ti) ) {
// get the guy
TopNode *t = &m_topTree->m_nodes[ti];
// limit to max!
if ( count++ >= m_maxScores ) break;
// now
goto secondPassLoop;
// get time now
long long now = gettimeofdayInMilliseconds();
// store the addLists time
m_addListsTime = now - t1;
m_t1 = t1;
m_t2 = now;
float PosdbTable::getSingleTermScore ( long i,
char *wpi ,
char *endi ,
DocIdScore *pdcs,
//SingleScore *ss ,
char **bestPos ) {
float nonBodyMax = -1.0;
//char *maxp;
bool first = true;
long minx;
float bestScores[MAX_TOP];
char *bestwpi [MAX_TOP];
char bestmhg [MAX_TOP];
long numTop = 0;
// assume no terms!
*bestPos = NULL;
// empty list? no terms!
if ( ! wpi ) goto done;
float score;
unsigned char hg;
unsigned char mhg;
unsigned char dens;
unsigned char wspam;
unsigned char div;
long bro;
score = 100.0;
// good diversity?
div = g_posdb.getDiversityRank ( wpi );
score *= s_diversityWeights[div];
score *= s_diversityWeights[div];
// hash group? title? body? heading? etc.
hg = g_posdb.getHashGroup ( wpi );
mhg = hg;
if ( s_inBody[mhg] ) mhg = HASHGROUP_BODY;
score *= s_hashGroupWeights[hg];
score *= s_hashGroupWeights[hg];
// good density?
dens = g_posdb.getDensityRank ( wpi );
score *= s_densityWeights[dens];
score *= s_densityWeights[dens];
// to make more compatible with pair scores divide by distance of 2
//score /= 2.0;
// word spam?
wspam = g_posdb.getWordSpamRank ( wpi );
// word spam weight update
score *= s_linkerWeights [wspam];
score *= s_linkerWeights [wspam];
else {
score *= s_wordSpamWeights[wspam];
score *= s_wordSpamWeights[wspam];
// synonym
if ( g_posdb.getIsSynonym(wpi) ) {
// do not allow duplicate hashgroups!
bro = -1;
for ( long k = 0 ; k < numTop ; k++ ) {
if ( bestmhg[k] == mhg && hg !=HASHGROUP_INLINKTEXT ){
bro = k;
if ( bro >= 0 ) {
if ( score > bestScores[bro] ) {
bestScores[bro] = score;
bestwpi [bro] = wpi;
bestmhg [bro] = mhg;
// best?
else if ( numTop < m_realMaxTop ) { // MAX_TOP ) {
bestScores[numTop] = score;
bestwpi [numTop] = wpi;
bestmhg [numTop] = mhg;
else if ( score > bestScores[minx] ) {
bestScores[minx] = score;
bestwpi [minx] = wpi;
bestmhg [minx] = mhg;
// set "minx" to the lowest score out of the top scores
if ( numTop >= m_realMaxTop ) { // MAX_TOP ) {
minx = 0;
for ( long k = 1 ; k < m_realMaxTop; k++ ){//MAX_TOP ; k++ ) {
if ( bestScores[k] > bestScores[minx] ) continue;
minx = k;
// for evalSlidingWindow() sub-out algo, i guess we need this?
if ( score > nonBodyMax && ! s_inBody[hg] ) {
nonBodyMax = score;
*bestPos = wpi;
// first key is 12 bytes
if ( first ) { wpi += 6; first = false; }
// advance
wpi += 6;
// exhausted?
if ( wpi < endi && g_posdb.getKeySize(wpi) == 6 ) goto loop;
// add up the top scores
float sum = 0.0;
for ( long k = 0 ; k < numTop ; k++ ) {
// if it is something like "enough for" in a wikipedia
// phrase like "time enough for love" give it a boost!
// now we set a special bit in the keys since we do a mini
// merge, we do the same thing for the syn bits
if ( g_posdb.getIsHalfStopWikiBigram(bestwpi[k]) )
sum += (bestScores[k] *
// otherwise just add it up
sum += bestScores[k];
// wiki weight
//sum *= ts;
sum *= m_freqWeights[i];
sum *= m_freqWeights[i];
// shortcut
//char *maxp = bestwpi[k];
// if terms is a special wiki half stop bigram
//if ( m_bflags[i] & BF_HALFSTOPWIKIBIGRAM ) {
// empty list?
//if ( ! wpi ) sum = -2.0;
// end the loop. return now if not collecting scoring info.
if ( ! pdcs ) return sum;
// none? wtf?
if ( numTop <= 0 ) return sum;
// point into buf
SingleScore *sx = (SingleScore *)m_singleScoreBuf.getBuf();
long need = sizeof(SingleScore) * numTop;
// point to that
if ( pdcs->m_singlesOffset < 0 )
pdcs->m_singlesOffset = m_singleScoreBuf.length();
// reset this i guess
pdcs->m_singleScores = NULL;
// sanity
if ( m_singleScoreBuf.getAvail() < need ) {
static bool s_first = true;
if ( s_first ) log("posdb: CRITICAL single buf overflow");
s_first = false;
return sum;
//char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// increase buf ptr over this then
// set each of the top scoring terms individiually
for ( long k = 0 ; k < numTop ; k++ , sx++ ) {
// udpate count
char *maxp = bestwpi[k];
sx->m_isSynonym = g_posdb.getIsSynonym(maxp);
sx->m_isHalfStopWikiBigram =
//sx->m_isSynonym = (m_bflags[i] & BF_SYNONYM) ;
sx->m_diversityRank = g_posdb.getDiversityRank(maxp);
sx->m_wordSpamRank = g_posdb.getWordSpamRank(maxp);
sx->m_hashGroup = g_posdb.getHashGroup(maxp);
sx->m_wordPos = g_posdb.getWordPos(maxp);
sx->m_densityRank = g_posdb.getDensityRank(maxp);
float score = bestScores[k];
//score *= ts;
score *= m_freqWeights[i];
score *= m_freqWeights[i];
// if terms is a special wiki half stop bigram
if ( sx->m_isHalfStopWikiBigram ) {
sx->m_finalScore = score;
sx->m_tfWeight = m_freqWeights[i];
sx->m_qtermNum = m_qtermNums[i];
//long long *termFreqs = (long long *)m_r->ptr_termFreqs;
//sx->m_termFreq = termFreqs[sx->m_qtermNum];
sx->m_bflags = m_bflags[i];
return sum;
// . advace two ptrs at the same time so it's just a linear scan
// . TODO: add all up, then basically taking a weight of the top 6 or so...
void PosdbTable::getTermPairScoreForNonBody ( long i, long j,
char *wpi , char *wpj ,
char *endi, char *endj,
long qdist ,
float *retMax ) {
long p1 = g_posdb.getWordPos ( wpi );
long p2 = g_posdb.getWordPos ( wpj );
// fix for bigram algorithm
//if ( p1 == p2 ) p2 = p1 + 2;
unsigned char hg1 = g_posdb.getHashGroup ( wpi );
unsigned char hg2 = g_posdb.getHashGroup ( wpj );
unsigned char wsr1 = g_posdb.getWordSpamRank(wpi);
unsigned char wsr2 = g_posdb.getWordSpamRank(wpj);
float spamw1 ;
float spamw2 ;
if ( hg1 == HASHGROUP_INLINKTEXT ) spamw1 = s_linkerWeights[wsr1];
else spamw1 = s_wordSpamWeights[wsr1];
if ( hg2 == HASHGROUP_INLINKTEXT ) spamw2 = s_linkerWeights[wsr2];
else spamw2 = s_wordSpamWeights[wsr2];
char *maxp1;
char *maxp2;
// density weight
//float denw ;
//if ( hg1 == HASHGROUP_BODY ) denw = 1.0;
float denw1 = s_densityWeights[g_posdb.getDensityRank(wpi)];
float denw2 = s_densityWeights[g_posdb.getDensityRank(wpj)];
bool firsti = true;
bool firstj = true;
// if m_msg2 is NULL that means we are being called from seo.cpp
// which gives us 6-byte keys only since we are restricted to just
// one particular docid
if ( ! m_msg2 ) {
firsti = false;
firstj = false;
float score;
float max = -1.0;
long dist;
bool fixedDistance;
if ( p1 <= p2 ) {
// . skip the pair if they are in different hashgroups
// . we no longer allow either to be in the body in this
// algo because we handle those cases in the sliding window
// algo!
if ( ! s_isCompatible[hg1][hg2] ) goto skip1;
// git distance
dist = p2 - p1;
// if zero, make sure its 2. this happens when the same bigram
// is used by both terms. i.e. street uses the bigram
// 'street light' and so does 'light'. so the wordpositions
// are exactly the same!
if ( dist < 2 ) dist = 2;
// fix distance if in different non-body hashgroups
if ( dist > 50 ) {
fixedDistance = true;
else {
fixedDistance = false;
// if both are link text and > 50 units apart that means
// they are from different link texts
//if ( hg1 == HASHGROUP_INLINKTEXT && dist > 50 ) goto skip1;
// subtract from the dist the terms are apart in the query
if ( dist >= qdist ) dist = dist - qdist;
//else dist = qdist - dist;
// compute score based on that junk
//score = (MAXWORDPOS+1) - dist;
// good diversity? uneeded for pair algo
//score *= s_diversityWeights[div1];
//score *= s_diversityWeights[div2];
// good density?
score = 100 * denw1 * denw2;
// hashgroup modifier
score *= s_hashGroupWeights[hg1];
score *= s_hashGroupWeights[hg2];
// if synonym or alternate word form
if ( g_posdb.getIsSynonym(wpi) ) score *= SYNONYM_WEIGHT;
if ( g_posdb.getIsSynonym(wpj) ) score *= SYNONYM_WEIGHT;
//if (m_bflags[i] & BF_SYNONYM) score *= SYNONYM_WEIGHT;
//if (m_bflags[j] & BF_SYNONYM) score *= SYNONYM_WEIGHT;
// word spam weights
score *= spamw1 * spamw2;
// huge title? do not allow 11th+ word to be weighted high
//if ( hg1 == HASHGROUP_TITLE && dist > 20 )
// score /= s_hashGroupWeights[hg1];
// mod by distance
score /= (dist + 1.0);
// log it for debug
if ( ! m_msg2 && m_r->m_seoDebug >= 2 )
log("seo: "
"gottermpairscore=%.05f "
"term1=%li "
"term2=%li "
"wpos1=%li "
"wpos2=%li "
"hg1=%s "
"hg2=%s "
"dr1=%li "
"dr2=%li "
// tmp hack
//score *= (dist+1.0);
// best?
if ( score > max ) {
max = score;
maxp1 = wpi;
maxp2 = wpj;
// first key is 12 bytes
if ( firsti ) { wpi += 6; firsti = false; }
// advance
wpi += 6;
// end of list?
if ( wpi >= endi ) goto done;
// exhausted?
if ( g_posdb.getKeySize ( wpi ) != 6 ) goto done;
// update. include G-bits?
p1 = g_posdb.getWordPos ( wpi );
// hash group update
hg1 = g_posdb.getHashGroup ( wpi );
// update density weight in case hash group changed
denw1 = s_densityWeights[g_posdb.getDensityRank(wpi)];
// word spam weight update
goto loop;
else {
// . skip the pair if they are in different hashgroups
// . we no longer allow either to be in the body in this
// algo because we handle those cases in the sliding window
// algo!
if ( ! s_isCompatible[hg1][hg2] ) goto skip2;
// get distance
dist = p1 - p2;
// if zero, make sure its 2. this happens when the same bigram
// is used by both terms. i.e. street uses the bigram
// 'street light' and so does 'light'. so the wordpositions
// are exactly the same!
if ( dist < 2 ) dist = 2;
// fix distance if in different non-body hashgroups
if ( dist > 50 ) {
fixedDistance = true;
else {
fixedDistance = false;
// if both are link text and > 50 units apart that means
// they are from different link texts
//if ( hg1 == HASHGROUP_INLINKTEXT && dist > 50 ) goto skip2;
// subtract from the dist the terms are apart in the query
if ( dist >= qdist ) {
dist = dist - qdist;
// add 1 for being out of order
dist += qdist - 1;
else {
//dist = dist - qdist;
// add 1 for being out of order
dist += 1; // qdist - 1;
// compute score based on that junk
//score = (MAXWORDPOS+1) - dist;
// good diversity? uneeded for pair algo
//score *= s_diversityWeights[div1];
//score *= s_diversityWeights[div2];
// good density?
score = 100 * denw1 * denw2;
// hashgroup modifier
score *= s_hashGroupWeights[hg1];
score *= s_hashGroupWeights[hg2];
// if synonym or alternate word form
if ( g_posdb.getIsSynonym(wpi) ) score *= SYNONYM_WEIGHT;
if ( g_posdb.getIsSynonym(wpj) ) score *= SYNONYM_WEIGHT;
//if ( m_bflags[i] & BF_SYNONYM ) score *= SYNONYM_WEIGHT;
//if ( m_bflags[j] & BF_SYNONYM ) score *= SYNONYM_WEIGHT;
// word spam weights
score *= spamw1 * spamw2;
// huge title? do not allow 11th+ word to be weighted high
//if ( hg1 == HASHGROUP_TITLE && dist > 20 )
// score /= s_hashGroupWeights[hg1];
// mod by distance
score /= (dist + 1.0);
// tmp hack
//score *= (dist+1.0);
// best?
if ( score > max ) {
max = score;
maxp1 = wpi;
maxp2 = wpj;
// first key is 12 bytes
if ( firstj ) { wpj += 6; firstj = false; }
// advance
wpj += 6;
// end of list?
if ( wpj >= endj ) goto done;
// exhausted?
if ( g_posdb.getKeySize ( wpj ) != 6 ) goto done;
// update
p2 = g_posdb.getWordPos ( wpj );
// hash group update
hg2 = g_posdb.getHashGroup ( wpj );
// update density weight in case hash group changed
denw2 = s_densityWeights[g_posdb.getDensityRank(wpj)];
// word spam weight update
goto loop;
//if ( max < *retMax ) return;
//if ( max > 0 )
// log("posdb: ret score = %f",max);
*retMax = max;
float PosdbTable::getTermPairScoreForWindow ( long i,
long j,
char *wpi ,
char *wpj ,
long fixedDistance ) {
if ( ! wpi ) return -1.00;
if ( ! wpj ) return -1.00;
long p1 = g_posdb.getWordPos ( wpi );
long p2 = g_posdb.getWordPos ( wpj );
unsigned char hg1 = g_posdb.getHashGroup ( wpi );
unsigned char hg2 = g_posdb.getHashGroup ( wpj );
unsigned char wsr1 = g_posdb.getWordSpamRank(wpi);
unsigned char wsr2 = g_posdb.getWordSpamRank(wpj);
float spamw1;
float spamw2;
float denw1;
float denw2;
float dist;
float score;
if ( hg1 ==HASHGROUP_INLINKTEXT)spamw1=s_linkerWeights[wsr1];
else spamw1=s_wordSpamWeights[wsr1];
if ( hg2 ==HASHGROUP_INLINKTEXT)spamw2=s_linkerWeights[wsr2];
else spamw2=s_wordSpamWeights[wsr2];
denw1 = s_densityWeights[g_posdb.getDensityRank(wpi)];
denw2 = s_densityWeights[g_posdb.getDensityRank(wpj)];
// set this
if ( fixedDistance != 0 ) {
dist = fixedDistance;
else {
// do the math now
if ( p2 < p1 ) dist = p1 - p2;
else dist = p2 - p1;
// if zero, make sure its 2. this happens when the same bigram
// is used by both terms. i.e. street uses the bigram
// 'street light' and so does 'light'. so the wordpositions
// are exactly the same!
if ( dist < 2 ) dist = 2;
// subtract from the dist the terms are apart in the query
if ( dist >= m_qdist ) dist = dist - m_qdist;
// out of order? penalize by 1 unit
if ( p2 < p1 ) dist += 1;
// TODO: use left and right diversity if no matching query term
// is on the left or right
//score *= s_diversityWeights[div1];
//score *= s_diversityWeights[div2];
// good density?
score = 100 * denw1 * denw2;
// wikipedia phrase weight
//score *= ts;
// hashgroup modifier
score *= s_hashGroupWeights[hg1];
score *= s_hashGroupWeights[hg2];
// if synonym or alternate word form
if ( g_posdb.getIsSynonym(wpi) ) score *= SYNONYM_WEIGHT;
if ( g_posdb.getIsSynonym(wpj) ) score *= SYNONYM_WEIGHT;
//if ( m_bflags[i] & BF_SYNONYM ) score *= SYNONYM_WEIGHT;
//if ( m_bflags[j] & BF_SYNONYM ) score *= SYNONYM_WEIGHT;
// word spam weights
score *= spamw1 * spamw2;
// mod by distance
score /= (dist + 1.0);
// tmp hack
//score *= (dist+1.0);
return score;
// . advance two ptrs at the same time so it's just a linear scan
// . TODO: add all up, then basically taking a weight of the top 6 or so...
// . skip body terms not in the sliding window as defined by m_windowTermPtrs[]
float PosdbTable::getTermPairScoreForAny ( long i, long j,
char *wpi , char *wpj ,
char *endi, char *endj,
DocIdScore *pdcs ) {
// wiki phrase weight?
float wts;
long qdist;
// but if they are in the same wikipedia phrase
// then try to keep their positions as in the query.
// so for 'time enough for love' ideally we want
// 'time' to be 6 units apart from 'love'
if ( m_wikiPhraseIds[j] == m_wikiPhraseIds[i] &&
// zero means not in a phrase
m_wikiPhraseIds[j] ) {
qdist = m_qpos[j] - m_qpos[i];
// wiki weight
wts = (float)WIKI_WEIGHT; // .50;
else {
// basically try to get query words as close
// together as possible
qdist = 2;
// this should help fix
// 'what is an unsecured loan' so we are more likely
// to get the page that has that exact phrase in it.
// yes, but hurts how to make a lock pick set.
//qdist = qpos[j] - qpos[i];
// wiki weight
wts = 1.0;
bool inSameQuotedPhrase = false;
if ( m_quotedStartIds[i] == m_quotedStartIds[j] &&
m_quotedStartIds[i] >= 0 )
inSameQuotedPhrase = true;
if ( inSameQuotedPhrase )
qdist = m_qpos[j] - m_qpos[i];
long p1 = g_posdb.getWordPos ( wpi );
long p2 = g_posdb.getWordPos ( wpj );
// fix for bigram algorithm
//if ( p1 == p2 ) p2 = p1 + 2;
unsigned char hg1 = g_posdb.getHashGroup ( wpi );
unsigned char hg2 = g_posdb.getHashGroup ( wpj );
unsigned char mhg1 = hg1;
unsigned char mhg2 = hg2;
if ( s_inBody[mhg1] ) mhg1 = HASHGROUP_BODY;
if ( s_inBody[mhg2] ) mhg2 = HASHGROUP_BODY;
unsigned char wsr1 = g_posdb.getWordSpamRank(wpi);
unsigned char wsr2 = g_posdb.getWordSpamRank(wpj);
float spamw1 ;
float spamw2 ;
if ( hg1 == HASHGROUP_INLINKTEXT ) spamw1 = s_linkerWeights[wsr1];
else spamw1 = s_wordSpamWeights[wsr1];
if ( hg2 == HASHGROUP_INLINKTEXT ) spamw2 = s_linkerWeights[wsr2];
else spamw2 = s_wordSpamWeights[wsr2];
// density weight
//float denw ;
//if ( hg1 == HASHGROUP_BODY ) denw = 1.0;
float denw1 = s_densityWeights[g_posdb.getDensityRank(wpi)];
float denw2 = s_densityWeights[g_posdb.getDensityRank(wpj)];
bool firsti = true;
bool firstj = true;
// if m_msg2 is NULL that means we are being called from seo.cpp
// which gives us 6-byte keys only since we are restricted to just
// one particular docid. not any more, i think we use
// QueryTerm::m_posdbListPtr and make the first key 12 bytes.
//if ( ! m_msg2 ) {
// firsti = false;
// firstj = false;
float score;
long minx = -1;
float bestScores[MAX_TOP];
char *bestwpi [MAX_TOP];
char *bestwpj [MAX_TOP];
char bestmhg1 [MAX_TOP];
char bestmhg2 [MAX_TOP];
char bestFixed [MAX_TOP];
long numTop = 0;
long dist;
bool fixedDistance;
long bro;
char syn1;
char syn2;
// pos = 19536
//log("hg1=%li hg2=%li pos1=%li pos2=%li",
// (long)hg1,(long)hg2,(long)p1,(long)p2);
// . if p1/p2 is in body and not in window, skip
// . this is how we restrict all body terms to the winning
// sliding window
if ( s_inBody[hg1] && wpi != m_windowTermPtrs[i] )
goto skip1;
if ( s_inBody[hg2] && wpj != m_windowTermPtrs[j] )
goto skip2;
// make this strictly < now and not <= because in the event
// of bigram terms, where p1==p2 we'd like to advance p2/wj to
// point to the non-syn single term in order to get a better score
// to fix the 'search engine' query on
if ( p1 <= p2 ) {
// git distance
dist = p2 - p1;
// if in the same quoted phrase, order is bad!
if ( inSameQuotedPhrase ) {
// debug
//log("dddx: i=%li j=%li dist=%li qdist=%li posi=%li "
// "posj=%li",
// i,j,dist,qdist,p1,p2);
// TODO: allow for off by 1
if ( dist > qdist && dist - qdist >= 2 )
goto skip2;
if ( dist < qdist && qdist - dist >= 2 )
goto skip2;
// are either synonyms
syn1 = g_posdb.getIsSynonym(wpi);
syn2 = g_posdb.getIsSynonym(wpj);
// if zero, make sure its 2. this happens when the same bigram
// is used by both terms. i.e. street uses the bigram
// 'street light' and so does 'light'. so the wordpositions
// are exactly the same!
if ( dist < 2 ) {
dist = 2;
// fix distance if in different non-body hashgroups
if ( dist < 50 ) {
fixedDistance = false;
// body vs title, linktext vs title, linktext vs body
else if ( mhg1 != mhg2 ) {
fixedDistance = true;
// link text to other link text
else if ( mhg1 == HASHGROUP_INLINKTEXT ) {
fixedDistance = true;
// if both are link text and > 50 units apart that means
// they are from different link texts
//if ( hg1 == HASHGROUP_INLINKTEXT && dist > 50 ) goto skip1;
// subtract from the dist the terms are apart in the query
if ( dist >= qdist ) dist = dist - qdist;
//else dist = qdist - dist;
// compute score based on that junk
//score = (MAXWORDPOS+1) - dist;
// good diversity? uneeded for pair algo
//score *= s_diversityWeights[div1];
//score *= s_diversityWeights[div2];
// good density?
score = 100 * denw1 * denw2;
// hashgroup modifier
score *= s_hashGroupWeights[hg1];
score *= s_hashGroupWeights[hg2];
// if synonym or alternate word form
if ( syn1 ) score *= SYNONYM_WEIGHT;
if ( syn2 ) score *= SYNONYM_WEIGHT;
// the new logic
if ( g_posdb.getIsHalfStopWikiBigram(wpi) )
if ( g_posdb.getIsHalfStopWikiBigram(wpj) )
//if ( m_bflags[i] & BF_SYNONYM ) score *= SYNONYM_WEIGHT;
//if ( m_bflags[j] & BF_SYNONYM ) score *= SYNONYM_WEIGHT;
// word spam weights
score *= spamw1 * spamw2;
// huge title? do not allow 11th+ word to be weighted high
//if ( hg1 == HASHGROUP_TITLE && dist > 20 )
// score /= s_hashGroupWeights[hg1];
// mod by distance
score /= (dist + 1.0);
// tmp hack
//score *= (dist+1.0);
// log it for debug
if ( ! m_msg2 && m_debug >= 2 )
log("seo: "
"gottermpairscore2=%.010f "
"term1=%li "
"term2=%li "
"wpos1=%li "
"wpos2=%li "
"dist=%li "
"qdist=%li "
"syn1=%li "
"syn2=%li "
"hg1=%s "
"hg2=%s "
"dr1=%li "
"dr2=%li "
"wts=%f "
"tfw1=%f "
"tfw2=%f "
,score * wts * m_freqWeights[i] * m_freqWeights[j]
// if our hg1/hg2 hashgroup pairing already exists
// in the bestScores array we have to beat it and then
// we have to replace that. we can only have one per,
// except for linktext!
//if ( m_docId == 52648678438LL )
// log("hey");
bro = -1;
for ( long k = 0 ; k < numTop ; k++ ) {
if ( bestmhg1[k]==mhg1 && hg1 !=HASHGROUP_INLINKTEXT ){
bro = k;
if ( bestmhg2[k]==mhg2 && hg2 !=HASHGROUP_INLINKTEXT ){
bro = k;
if ( bro >= 0 ) {
if ( score > bestScores[bro] ) {
bestScores[bro] = score;
bestwpi [bro] = wpi;
bestwpj [bro] = wpj;
bestmhg1 [bro] = mhg1;
bestmhg2 [bro] = mhg2;
bestFixed [bro] = fixedDistance;
// best?
else if ( numTop < m_realMaxTop ) { // MAX_TOP ) {
bestScores[numTop] = score;
bestwpi [numTop] = wpi;
bestwpj [numTop] = wpj;
bestmhg1 [numTop] = mhg1;
bestmhg2 [numTop] = mhg2;
bestFixed [numTop] = fixedDistance;
else if ( score > bestScores[minx] ) {
bestScores[minx] = score;
bestwpi [minx] = wpi;
bestwpj [minx] = wpj;
bestmhg1 [minx] = mhg1;
bestmhg2 [minx] = mhg2;
bestFixed [minx] = fixedDistance;
// set "minx" to the lowest score out of the top scores
if ( numTop >= m_realMaxTop ) { // MAX_TOP ) {
minx = 0;
for ( long k = 1 ; k < m_realMaxTop;k++){//MAX_TOP;k++
if (bestScores[k]>bestScores[minx] ) continue;
minx = k;
// first key is 12 bytes
if ( firsti ) { wpi += 6; firsti = false; }
// advance
wpi += 6;
// end of list?
if ( wpi >= endi ) goto done;
// exhausted?
if ( g_posdb.getKeySize ( wpi ) != 6 ) {
// sometimes there is posdb index corruption and
// we have a 12 byte key with the same docid but
// different siterank or langid because it was
// not deleted right!
if ( (unsigned long long)g_posdb.getDocId(wpi) !=
m_docId ) {
char *xx=NULL;*xx=0;
goto done;
// re-set this i guess
firsti = true;
// update. include G-bits?
p1 = g_posdb.getWordPos ( wpi );
// hash group update
hg1 = g_posdb.getHashGroup ( wpi );
// the "modified" hash group
mhg1 = hg1;
if ( s_inBody[mhg1] ) mhg1 = HASHGROUP_BODY;
// update density weight in case hash group changed
denw1 = s_densityWeights[g_posdb.getDensityRank(wpi)];
// word spam weight update
goto loop;
else {
// get distance
dist = p1 - p2;
// if in the same quoted phrase, order is bad!
if ( inSameQuotedPhrase ) {
// debug
//log("dddy: i=%li j=%li dist=%li qdist=%li posi=%li "
// "posj=%li",
// i,j,dist,qdist,p1,p2);
goto skip2;
// if zero, make sure its 2. this happens when the same bigram
// is used by both terms. i.e. street uses the bigram
// 'street light' and so does 'light'. so the wordpositions
// are exactly the same!
if ( dist < 2 ) dist = 2;
// fix distance if in different non-body hashgroups
if ( dist < 50 ) {
fixedDistance = false;
// body vs title, linktext vs title, linktext vs body
else if ( mhg1 != mhg2 ) {
fixedDistance = true;
// link text to other link text
else if ( mhg1 == HASHGROUP_INLINKTEXT ) {
fixedDistance = true;
// if both are link text and > 50 units apart that means
// they are from different link texts
//if ( hg1 == HASHGROUP_INLINKTEXT && dist > 50 ) goto skip2;
// subtract from the dist the terms are apart in the query
if ( dist >= qdist ) {
dist = dist - qdist;
// add 1 for being out of order
dist += qdist - 1;
else {
//dist = dist - qdist;
// add 1 for being out of order
dist += 1; // qdist - 1;
// compute score based on that junk
//score = (MAXWORDPOS+1) - dist;
// good diversity? uneeded for pair algo
//score *= s_diversityWeights[div1];
//score *= s_diversityWeights[div2];
// good density?
score = 100 * denw1 * denw2;
// hashgroup modifier
score *= s_hashGroupWeights[hg1];
score *= s_hashGroupWeights[hg2];
// if synonym or alternate word form
if ( g_posdb.getIsSynonym(wpi) ) score *= SYNONYM_WEIGHT;
if ( g_posdb.getIsSynonym(wpj) ) score *= SYNONYM_WEIGHT;
//if ( m_bflags[i] & BF_SYNONYM ) score *= SYNONYM_WEIGHT;
//if ( m_bflags[j] & BF_SYNONYM ) score *= SYNONYM_WEIGHT;
// word spam weights
score *= spamw1 * spamw2;
// huge title? do not allow 11th+ word to be weighted high
//if ( hg1 == HASHGROUP_TITLE && dist > 20 )
// score /= s_hashGroupWeights[hg1];
// mod by distance
score /= (dist + 1.0);
// tmp hack
//score *= (dist+1.0);
// log it for debug
if ( ! m_msg2 && m_debug >= 2 )
log("seo: "
"gottermpairscore3=%.010f "
"term1=%li "
"term2=%li "
"wpos1=%li "
"wpos2=%li "
"dist=%li "
"qdist=%li "
"syn1=%li "
"syn2=%li "
"hg1=%s "
"hg2=%s "
"dr1=%li "
"dr2=%li "
"wts=%f "
"tfw1=%f "
"tfw2=%f "
,score * wts * m_freqWeights[i] * m_freqWeights[j]
// if our hg1/hg2 hashgroup pairing already exists
// in the bestScores array we have to beat it and then
// we have to replace that. we can only have one per,
// except for linktext!
//if ( m_docId == 52648678438LL )
// log("hey");
bro = -1;
for ( long k = 0 ; k < numTop ; k++ ) {
if ( bestmhg1[k]==mhg1 && hg1 !=HASHGROUP_INLINKTEXT ){
bro = k;
if ( bestmhg2[k]==mhg2 && hg2 !=HASHGROUP_INLINKTEXT ){
bro = k;
if ( bro >= 0 ) {
if ( score > bestScores[bro] ) {
bestScores[bro] = score;
bestwpi [bro] = wpi;
bestwpj [bro] = wpj;
bestmhg1 [bro] = mhg1;
bestmhg2 [bro] = mhg2;
bestFixed [bro] = fixedDistance;
// best?
else if ( numTop < m_realMaxTop ) { // MAX_TOP ) {
bestScores[numTop] = score;
bestwpi [numTop] = wpi;
bestwpj [numTop] = wpj;
bestmhg1 [numTop] = mhg1;
bestmhg2 [numTop] = mhg2;
bestFixed [numTop] = fixedDistance;
else if ( score > bestScores[minx] ) {
bestScores[minx] = score;
bestwpi [minx] = wpi;
bestwpj [minx] = wpj;
bestmhg1 [minx] = mhg1;
bestmhg2 [minx] = mhg2;
bestFixed [minx] = fixedDistance;
// set "minx" to the lowest score out of the top scores
if ( numTop >= m_realMaxTop ) { // MAX_TOP ) {
minx = 0;
for ( long k = 1 ; k < m_realMaxTop;k++){//MAX_TOP;k++
if (bestScores[k]>bestScores[minx] ) continue;
minx = k;
// first key is 12 bytes
if ( firstj ) { wpj += 6; firstj = false; }
// advance
wpj += 6;
// end of list?
if ( wpj >= endj ) goto done;
// exhausted?
if ( g_posdb.getKeySize ( wpj ) != 6 ) {
// sometimes there is posdb index corruption and
// we have a 12 byte key with the same docid but
// different siterank or langid because it was
// not deleted right!
if ( (unsigned long long)g_posdb.getDocId(wpj) !=
m_docId ) {
char *xx=NULL;*xx=0;
goto done;
// re-set this i guess
firstj = true;
// update
p2 = g_posdb.getWordPos ( wpj );
// hash group update
hg2 = g_posdb.getHashGroup ( wpj );
// the "modified" hash group
mhg2 = hg2;
if ( s_inBody[mhg2] ) mhg2 = HASHGROUP_BODY;
// update density weight in case hash group changed
denw2 = s_densityWeights[g_posdb.getDensityRank(wpj)];
// word spam weight update
goto loop;
// add up the top scores
float sum = 0.0;
for ( long k = 0 ; k < numTop ; k++ )
sum += bestScores[k];
if ( m_debug >= 2 ) {
for ( long k = 0 ; k < numTop ; k++ )
log("posdb: best score #%li = %f",k,bestScores[k]);
log("posdb: best score sum = %f",sum);
// wiki phrase weight
sum *= wts;
// mod by freq weight
sum *= m_freqWeights[i];
sum *= m_freqWeights[j];
if ( m_debug >= 2 )
log("posdb: best score final = %f",sum);
// wiki bigram weight
// i don't think this works this way any more!
// end the loop. return now if not collecting scoring info.
if ( ! pdcs ) return sum;
// none? wtf?
if ( numTop <= 0 ) return sum;
// now store the PairScores into the m_pairScoreBuf for this
// top docid.
// point into buf
PairScore *px = (PairScore *)m_pairScoreBuf.getBuf();
long need = sizeof(PairScore) * numTop;
// point to that
if ( pdcs->m_pairsOffset < 0 )
pdcs->m_pairsOffset = m_pairScoreBuf.length();
// reset this i guess
pdcs->m_pairScores = NULL;
// sanity
if ( m_pairScoreBuf.getAvail() < need ) {
// m_pairScores will be NULL
static bool s_first = true;
if ( s_first ) log("posdb: CRITICAL pair buf overflow");
s_first = false;
return sum;
// increase buf ptr over this then
//if ( m_debug )
// log("posdb: DOCID=%lli BESTSCORE=%f",m_docId,sum);
// set each of the top scoring terms individiually
for ( long k = 0 ; k < numTop ; k++ , px++ ) {
char *maxp1 = bestwpi[k];
char *maxp2 = bestwpj[k];
float score = bestScores[k];
bool fixedDist = bestFixed[k];
score *= wts;
score *= m_freqWeights[i];
score *= m_freqWeights[j];
// we have to encode these bits into the mini merge now
if ( g_posdb.getIsHalfStopWikiBigram(maxp1) )
if ( g_posdb.getIsHalfStopWikiBigram(maxp2) )
//if ( m_bflags[i] & BF_HALFSTOPWIKIBIGRAM )
//if ( m_bflags[j] & BF_HALFSTOPWIKIBIGRAM )
// wiki phrase weight
px->m_finalScore = score;
px->m_wordPos1 = g_posdb.getWordPos(maxp1);
px->m_wordPos2 = g_posdb.getWordPos(maxp2);
char syn1 = g_posdb.getIsSynonym(maxp1);
char syn2 = g_posdb.getIsSynonym(maxp2);
px->m_isSynonym1 = syn1;
px->m_isSynonym2 = syn2;
px->m_isHalfStopWikiBigram1 =
px->m_isHalfStopWikiBigram2 =
//px->m_isSynonym1 = ( m_bflags[i] & BF_SYNONYM );
//px->m_isSynonym2 = ( m_bflags[j] & BF_SYNONYM );
px->m_diversityRank1 = g_posdb.getDiversityRank(maxp1);
px->m_diversityRank2 = g_posdb.getDiversityRank(maxp2);
px->m_wordSpamRank1 = g_posdb.getWordSpamRank(maxp1);
px->m_wordSpamRank2 = g_posdb.getWordSpamRank(maxp2);
px->m_hashGroup1 = g_posdb.getHashGroup(maxp1);
px->m_hashGroup2 = g_posdb.getHashGroup(maxp2);
px->m_qdist = qdist;
// bigram algorithm fix
//if ( px->m_wordPos1 == px->m_wordPos2 )
// px->m_wordPos2 += 2;
px->m_densityRank1 = g_posdb.getDensityRank(maxp1);
px->m_densityRank2 = g_posdb.getDensityRank(maxp2);
px->m_fixedDistance = fixedDist;
px->m_qtermNum1 = m_qtermNums[i];
px->m_qtermNum2 = m_qtermNums[j];
//long long *termFreqs = (long long *)m_r->ptr_termFreqs;
//px->m_termFreq1 = termFreqs[px->m_qtermNum1];
//px->m_termFreq2 = termFreqs[px->m_qtermNum2];
px->m_tfWeight1 = m_freqWeights[i];//sfw[i];
px->m_tfWeight2 = m_freqWeights[j];//sfw[j];
px->m_bflags1 = m_bflags[i];
px->m_bflags2 = m_bflags[j];
// flag it as in same wiki phrase
if ( wts == (float)WIKI_WEIGHT ) px->m_inSameWikiPhrase =true;
else px->m_inSameWikiPhrase =false;
// only log for debug if it is one result
if ( m_debug < 2 ) continue;
// log each one for debug
log("posdb: result #%li "
"i=%li "
"j=%li "
"termNum0=%li "
"termNum1=%li "
"finalscore=%f "
"tfw0=%f "
"tfw1=%f "
"fixeddist=%li " // bool
"wts=%f "
"bflags0=%li "
"bflags1=%li "
"syn0=%li "
"syn1=%li "
"div0=%li "
"div1=%li "
"wspam0=%li "
"wspam1=%li "
"hgrp0=%s "
"hgrp1=%s "
"qdist=%li "
"wpos0=%li "
"wpos1=%li "
"dens0=%li "
"dens1=%li "
, (long)m_bflags[i]
, (long)m_bflags[j]
, (long)px->m_isSynonym1
, (long)px->m_isSynonym2
, (long)px->m_diversityRank1
, (long)px->m_diversityRank2
, (long)px->m_wordSpamRank1
, (long)px->m_wordSpamRank2
, getHashGroupString(px->m_hashGroup1)
, getHashGroupString(px->m_hashGroup2)
, (long)px->m_qdist
, (long)px->m_wordPos1
, (long)px->m_wordPos2
, (long)px->m_densityRank1
, (long)px->m_densityRank2
// do the same but for second bests! so seo.cpp's top term pairs
// algo can do a term insertion, and if that hurts the best pair
// the 2nd best might cover for it. ideally, we'd have all the term
// pairs for this algo, but i think we'll have to get by on just this.
return sum;
// . each QueryTerm has this attached additional info now:
// . these should be 1-1 with query terms, Query::m_qterms[]
class QueryTermInfo {
// the required lists for this query term, synonym lists, etc.
RdbList *m_subLists [MAX_SUBLISTS];
// flags to indicate if bigram list should be scored higher
char m_bigramFlags [MAX_SUBLISTS];
// shrinkSubLists() set this:
long m_newSubListSize [MAX_SUBLISTS];
char *m_newSubListStart [MAX_SUBLISTS];
char *m_newSubListEnd [MAX_SUBLISTS];
char *m_cursor [MAX_SUBLISTS];
char *m_savedCursor [MAX_SUBLISTS];
long m_numNewSubLists;
// how many are valid?
long m_numSubLists;
// size of all m_subLists in bytes
long long m_totalSubListsSize;
// the term freq weight for this term
float m_termFreqWeight;
// what query term # do we correspond to in Query.h
long m_qtermNum;
// the word position of this query term in the Words.h class
long m_qpos;
// the wikipedia phrase id if we start one
long m_wikiPhraseId;
// phrase id term or bigram is in
long m_quotedStartId;
// returns false and sets g_errno on error
bool PosdbTable::setQueryTermInfo ( ) {
// alloc space. assume max
//long qneed = sizeof(QueryTermInfo) * m_msg2->getNumLists();
long qneed = sizeof(QueryTermInfo) * m_q->m_numTerms;
if ( ! m_qiBuf.reserve(qneed,"qibuf") ) return false; // label it too!
// point to those
QueryTermInfo *qip = (QueryTermInfo *)m_qiBuf.getBufStart();
RdbList *list = NULL;
long nrg = 0;
// assume not sorting by a numeric termlist
m_sortByTermNum = -1;
//for ( long i = 0 ; i < m_msg2->getNumLists() ; i++ ) {
for ( long i = 0 ; i < m_q->m_numTerms ; i++ ) {
QueryTerm *qt = &m_q->m_qterms[i];
if ( ! qt->m_isRequired ) continue;
// set this stff
QueryWord *qw = qt->m_qword;
long wordNum = qw - &m_q->m_qwords[0];
// get one
QueryTermInfo *qti = &qip[nrg];
// and set it
qti->m_qtermNum = i;
qti->m_qpos = wordNum;
qti->m_wikiPhraseId = qw->m_wikiPhraseId;
qti->m_quotedStartId = qw->m_quoteStart;
// is it gbsortby:?
if ( qt->m_fieldCode == FIELD_GBSORTBY ||
qt->m_fieldCode == FIELD_GBREVSORTBY )
m_sortByTermNum = i;
// count
long nn = 0;
// also add in bigram lists
long left = qt->m_leftPhraseTermNum;
long right = qt->m_rightPhraseTermNum;
// terms
QueryTerm *leftTerm = qt->m_leftPhraseTerm;
QueryTerm *rightTerm = qt->m_rightPhraseTerm;
bool leftAlreadyAdded = false;
bool rightAlreadyAdded = false;
//long long totalTermFreq = 0;
//long long *tfreqs = (long long *)m_r->ptr_termFreqs;
// add the non-bigram list AFTER the
// bigrams, which we like to do when we PREFER the bigram
// terms because they are scored higher, specifically, as
// in the case of being half stop wikipedia phrases like
// "the tigers" for the query 'the tigers' we want to give
// a slight bonus, 1.20x, for having that bigram since its
// in wikipedia
// add left bigram lists. BACKWARDS.
if ( left>=0 && leftTerm && leftTerm->m_isWikiHalfStopBigram ){
// assume added
leftAlreadyAdded = true;
// get list
//list = m_msg2->getList(left);
list = m_q->m_qterms[left].m_posdbListPtr;
// add list ptr into our required group
qti->m_subLists[nn] = list;
// left bigram is #2
//bigramSet[nrg][nn] = 2;
// special flags
qti->m_bigramFlags[nn] = BF_HALFSTOPWIKIBIGRAM;
// before a pipe operator?
if ( qt->m_piped ) qti->m_bigramFlags[nn] |= BF_PIPED;
// only really add if useful
if ( list && list->m_listSize ) nn++;
// add bigram synonyms! like "new jersey" bigram
// has the synonym "nj"
//for ( long k = 0 ; k < m_msg2->getNumLists() ; k++) {
for ( long k = 0 ; k < m_q->m_numTerms ; k++ ) {
QueryTerm *bt = &m_q->m_qterms[k];
if ( bt->m_synonymOf != leftTerm ) continue;
//list = m_msg2->getList(k);
list = m_q->m_qterms[k].m_posdbListPtr;
qti->m_subLists[nn] = list;
qti->m_bigramFlags[nn] = BF_HALFSTOPWIKIBIGRAM;
qti->m_bigramFlags[nn] |= BF_SYNONYM;
if (qt->m_piped)
if ( list && list->m_listSize ) nn++;
// then the right bigram if also in a wiki half stop bigram
if ( right>=0 &&rightTerm &&rightTerm->m_isWikiHalfStopBigram){
// assume added
rightAlreadyAdded = true;
// get list
//list = m_msg2->getList(right);
list = m_q->m_qterms[right].m_posdbListPtr;
// add list ptr into our required group
qti->m_subLists[nn] = list;
// right bigram is #3
//bigramSet[nrg][nn] = 3;
// special flags
qti->m_bigramFlags[nn] = BF_HALFSTOPWIKIBIGRAM;
// before a pipe operator?
if ( qt->m_piped ) qti->m_bigramFlags[nn] |= BF_PIPED;
// only really add if useful
if ( list && list->m_listSize ) nn++;
// add bigram synonyms! like "new jersey" bigram
// has the synonym "nj"
//for (long k = 0 ; k < m_msg2->getNumLists() ; k++ ) {
for ( long k = 0 ; k < m_q->m_numTerms ; k++ ) {
QueryTerm *bt = &m_q->m_qterms[k];
if ( bt->m_synonymOf != rightTerm ) continue;
//list = m_msg2->getList(k);
list = m_q->m_qterms[k].m_posdbListPtr;
qti->m_subLists[nn] = list;
qti->m_bigramFlags[nn] = BF_HALFSTOPWIKIBIGRAM;
qti->m_bigramFlags[nn] |= BF_SYNONYM;
if (qt->m_piped)
if ( list && list->m_listSize ) nn++;
// then the non-bigram termlist
// add to it. add backwards since we give precedence to
// the first list and we want that to be the NEWEST list!
//list = m_msg2->getList(i);
list = m_q->m_qterms[i].m_posdbListPtr;
// add list ptr into our required group
qti->m_subLists[nn] = list;
// how many in there?
//long count = m_msg2->getNumListsInGroup(left);
// base term is #1
//bigramSet[nrg][nn] = 1;
// special flags
qti->m_bigramFlags[nn] = 0;
// before a pipe operator?
if ( qt->m_piped ) qti->m_bigramFlags[nn] |= BF_PIPED;
// is it a negative term?
if ( qt->m_termSign=='-')qti->m_bigramFlags[nn]|=BF_NEGATIVE;
// numeric posdb termlist flags. instead of word position
// they have a float stored there for sorting etc.
if (qt->m_fieldCode == FIELD_GBSORTBY )
if (qt->m_fieldCode == FIELD_GBREVSORTBY )
if (qt->m_fieldCode == FIELD_GBNUMBERMIN )
if (qt->m_fieldCode == FIELD_GBNUMBERMAX )
// only really add if useful
// no, because when inserting NEW (related) terms that are
// not currently in the document, this list may initially
// be empty.
if ( list && list->m_listSize ) nn++;
// add left bigram now if not added above
if ( left>=0 && ! leftAlreadyAdded ) {
// get list
//list = m_msg2->getList(left);
list = m_q->m_qterms[left].m_posdbListPtr;
// add list ptr into our required group
qti->m_subLists[nn] = list;
// left bigram is #2
//bigramSet[nrg][nn] = 2;
// special flags
qti->m_bigramFlags[nn] = 0;
// before a pipe operator?
if ( qt->m_piped ) qti->m_bigramFlags[nn] |= BF_PIPED;
// call it a synonym i guess
qti->m_bigramFlags[nn] |= BF_BIGRAM;
// only really add if useful
if ( list && list->m_listSize ) nn++;
// add bigram synonyms! like "new jersey" bigram
// has the synonym "nj"
//for( long k = 0 ; k < m_msg2->getNumLists() ; k++ ) {
for ( long k = 0 ; k < m_q->m_numTerms ; k++ ) {
QueryTerm *bt = &m_q->m_qterms[k];
if ( bt->m_synonymOf != leftTerm ) continue;
//list = m_msg2->getList(k);
list = m_q->m_qterms[k].m_posdbListPtr;
qti->m_subLists[nn] = list;
qti->m_bigramFlags[nn] = BF_SYNONYM;
if (qt->m_piped)
if ( list && list->m_listSize ) nn++;
// add right bigram now if not added above
if ( right>=0 && ! rightAlreadyAdded ) {
// get list
//list = m_msg2->getList(right);
list = m_q->m_qterms[right].m_posdbListPtr;
// add list ptr into our required group
qti->m_subLists[nn] = list;
// right bigram is #3
//bigramSet[nrg][nn] = 3;
// special flags
qti->m_bigramFlags[nn] = 0;
// call it a synonym i guess
qti->m_bigramFlags[nn] |= BF_BIGRAM;
// before a pipe operator?
if ( qt->m_piped ) qti->m_bigramFlags[nn] |= BF_PIPED;
// only really add if useful
if ( list && list->m_listSize ) nn++;
// add bigram synonyms! like "new jersey" bigram
// has the synonym "nj"
//for (long k = 0 ; k < m_msg2->getNumLists() ; k++ ) {
for ( long k = 0 ; k < m_q->m_numTerms ; k++ ) {
QueryTerm *bt = &m_q->m_qterms[k];
if ( bt->m_synonymOf != rightTerm ) continue;
//list = m_msg2->getList(k);
list = m_q->m_qterms[k].m_posdbListPtr;
qti->m_subLists[nn] = list;
qti->m_bigramFlags[nn] = BF_SYNONYM;
if (qt->m_piped)
if ( list && list->m_listSize ) nn++;
//for ( long k = 0 ; k < m_msg2->getNumLists() ; k++ ) {
for ( long k = 0 ; k < m_q->m_numTerms ; k++ ) {
QueryTerm *qt2 = &m_q->m_qterms[k];
QueryTerm *st = qt2->m_synonymOf;
// skip if not a synonym of this term
if ( st != qt ) continue;
// its a synonym, add it!
//list = m_msg2->getList(k);
list = m_q->m_qterms[k].m_posdbListPtr;
// add list ptr into our required group
qti->m_subLists[nn] = list;
// special flags
qti->m_bigramFlags[nn] = BF_SYNONYM;
// before a pipe operator?
if ( qt->m_piped ) qti->m_bigramFlags[nn] |= BF_PIPED;
// only really add if useful
if ( list && list->m_listSize ) nn++;
// empty implies no results!!!
//if ( nn == 0 && qt->m_termSign != '-' ) {
// return;
// store # lists in required group. nn might be zero!
qti->m_numSubLists = nn;
// set the term freqs for this list group/set
qti->m_termFreqWeight =((float *)m_r->ptr_termFreqWeights)[i];
// crazy?
if ( nn >= MAX_SUBLISTS ) {
log("query: too many sublists. %li >= %li",
return false;
char *xx=NULL; *xx=0;
// compute m_totalSubListsSize
qti->m_totalSubListsSize = 0LL;
for ( long q = 0 ; q < qti->m_numSubLists ; q++ ) {
// add list ptr into our required group
RdbList *list = qti->m_subLists[q];
// set end ptr
//qti->m_subListEnds[q]=list->m_list +list->m_listSize;
// get it
long long listSize = list->getListSize();
// add it up
qti->m_totalSubListsSize += listSize;
// count # required groups
// get the query term with the least data in posdb including syns
m_minListSize = 0;
m_minListi = -1;
// hopefully no more than 100 sublists per term
//char *listEnds [ MAX_QUERY_TERMS ][ MAX_SUBLISTS ];
// set ptrs now i guess
for ( long i = 0 ; i < nrg ; i++ ) {
// compute total sizes
long long total = 0LL;
// get it
QueryTermInfo *qti = &qip[i];
// do not consider for first termlist if negative
if ( qti->m_bigramFlags[0] & BF_NEGATIVE ) continue;
// add to it
total = qti->m_totalSubListsSize;
// get min
if ( total < m_minListSize || m_minListi == -1 ) {
m_minListSize = total;
m_minListi = i;
// bad! ringbuf[] was not designed for this nonsense!
if ( m_minListi >= 255 ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// set this for caller to use to loop over the queryterminfos
m_numQueryTermInfos = nrg;
// . m_minListSize is set in setQueryTermInfo()
// . how many docids do we have at most in the intersection?
// . all keys are of same termid, so they are 12 or 6 bytes compressed
// . assume 12 if each is a different docid
long maxDocIds = m_minListSize / 12;
// store all interesected docids in here for new algo plus 1 byte vote
long need = maxDocIds * 6;
// get max # of docids we got in an intersection from all the lists
if ( ! m_docIdVoteBuf.reserve ( need,"divbuf" ) ) return false;
return true;
void PosdbTable::rmDocIdVotes ( QueryTermInfo *qti ) {
// shortcut
char *bufStart = m_docIdVoteBuf.getBufStart();
register char *dp = NULL;
register char *dpEnd;
register char *recPtr ;
char *subListEnd ;
// just scan each sublist vs. the docid list
for ( long i = 0 ; i < qti->m_numSubLists ; i++ ) {
// get that sublist
recPtr = qti->m_subLists[i]->getList();
subListEnd = qti->m_subLists[i]->getListEnd();
// reset docid list ptrs
dp = m_docIdVoteBuf.getBufStart();
dpEnd = dp + m_docIdVoteBuf.length();
// loop it
// scan for his docids and inc the vote
for ( ; dp < dpEnd ; dp += 6 ) {
// if current docid in docid list is >= the docid
// in the sublist, stop. docid in list is 6 bytes and
// recPtr must be pointing to a 12 byte posdb rec.
if ( *(unsigned long *)(dp+1) >
*(unsigned long *)(recPtr+8) )
// less than? keep going
if ( *(unsigned long *)(dp+1) <
*(unsigned long *)(recPtr+8) )
// top 4 bytes are equal. check lower single byte then.
if ( *(unsigned char *)(dp) >
(*(unsigned char *)(recPtr+7) ) ) // & 0xfc ) )
if ( *(unsigned char *)(dp) <
(*(unsigned char *)(recPtr+7) ) ) // & 0xfc ) )
// . equal! mark it as nuked!
dp[5] = -1;//listGroupNum;
// skip it
dp += 6;
// advance recPtr now
// if we've exhausted this docid list go to next sublist
if ( dp >= dpEnd ) continue;
// skip that docid record in our termlist. it MUST have been
// 12 bytes, a docid heading record.
recPtr += 12;
// skip any following keys that are 6 bytes, that means they
// share the same docid
for ( ; recPtr < subListEnd && ((*recPtr)&0x04); recPtr += 6 );
// if we have more posdb recs in this sublist, then keep
// adding our docid votes into the docid list
if ( recPtr < subListEnd ) goto subLoop;
// otherwise, advance to next sublist
// now remove docids with a 0xff vote, they are nuked
dp = m_docIdVoteBuf.getBufStart();
dpEnd = dp + m_docIdVoteBuf.length();
register char *dst = dp;
for ( ; dp < dpEnd ; dp += 6 ) {
// do not re-copy it if it was in this negative termlist
if ( dp[5] == -1 ) continue;
// copy it over. might be the same address!
*(long *) dst = *(long *) dp;
*(short *)(dst+4) = *(short *)(dp+4);
dst += 6;
// shrink the buffer size now
m_docIdVoteBuf.setLength ( dst - bufStart );
// . add a QueryTermInfo for a term (synonym lists,etc) to the docid vote buf
// "m_docIdVoteBuf"
// . this is how we intersect all the docids to end up with the winners
void PosdbTable::addDocIdVotes ( QueryTermInfo *qti , long listGroupNum ) {
// sanity check, we store this in a single byte below for voting
if ( listGroupNum >= 256 ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// shortcut
char *bufStart = m_docIdVoteBuf.getBufStart();
register char *dp = NULL;
register char *dpEnd;
register char *recPtr ;
char *subListEnd ;
// . just scan each sublist vs. the docid list
// . a sublist is a termlist for a particular query term, for instance
// the query term "jump" will have sublists for "jump" "jumps"
// "jumping" "jumped" and maybe even "jumpy", so that could be
// 5 sublists, and their QueryTermInfo::m_qtermNum should be the
// same for all 5.
// . IFF listGroupNum > 0, we handle first listgroup below, because
// the first listGroup is not intersecting, just adding to
// the docid vote buf. that is, if the query is "jump car" we
// just add all the docids for "jump" and then intersect with the
// docids for "car".
for ( long i = 0 ; i < qti->m_numSubLists && listGroupNum > 0 ; i++ ) {
// get that sublist
recPtr = qti->m_subLists[i]->getList();
subListEnd = qti->m_subLists[i]->getListEnd();
// reset docid list ptrs
dp = m_docIdVoteBuf.getBufStart();
dpEnd = dp + m_docIdVoteBuf.length();
// loop it
// scan for his docids and inc the vote
for ( ; dp < dpEnd ; dp += 6 ) {
// if current docid in docid list is >= the docid
// in the sublist, stop. docid in list is 6 bytes and
// recPtr must be pointing to a 12 byte posdb rec.
if ( *(unsigned long *)(dp+1) >
*(unsigned long *)(recPtr+8) )
// less than? keep going
if ( *(unsigned long *)(dp+1) <
*(unsigned long *)(recPtr+8) )
// top 4 bytes are equal. check lower single byte then.
if ( *(unsigned char *)(dp) >
(*(unsigned char *)(recPtr+7) ) ) // & 0xfc ) )
if ( *(unsigned char *)(dp) <
(*(unsigned char *)(recPtr+7) ) ) // & 0xfc ) )
// . equal! record our vote!
// . we start at zero for the
// first termlist, and go to 1, etc.
dp[5] = listGroupNum;
// skip it
dp += 6;
// advance recPtr now
// if we've exhausted this docid list go to next sublist
if ( dp >= dpEnd ) continue;
// skip that docid record in our termlist. it MUST have been
// 12 bytes, a docid heading record.
recPtr += 12;
// skip any following keys that are 6 bytes, that means they
// share the same docid
for ( ; recPtr < subListEnd && ((*recPtr)&0x04); recPtr += 6 );
// if we have more posdb recs in this sublist, then keep
// adding our docid votes into the docid list
if ( recPtr < subListEnd ) goto subLoop;
// otherwise, advance to next sublist
// . all done if not the first group of sublists
// . shrink the docid list then
if ( listGroupNum > 0 ) {
// ok, shrink the docidbuf by removing docids with not enough
// votes which means they are missing a query term
dp = m_docIdVoteBuf.getBufStart();
dpEnd = dp + m_docIdVoteBuf.length();
register char *dst = dp;
for ( ; dp < dpEnd ; dp += 6 ) {
// skip if it has enough votes to be in search
// results so far
if ( dp[5] != listGroupNum ) continue;
// copy it over. might be the same address!
*(long *) dst = *(long *) dp;
*(short *)(dst+4) = *(short *)(dp+4);
dst += 6;
// shrink the buffer size now
m_docIdVoteBuf.setLength ( dst - bufStart );
// OTHERWISE add the first sublist's docids into the docid buf!!!!
// cursors
char *cursor[MAX_SUBLISTS];
char *cursorEnd[MAX_SUBLISTS];
for ( long i = 0 ; i < qti->m_numSubLists ; i++ ) {
// get that sublist
cursor [i] = qti->m_subLists[i]->getList();
cursorEnd [i] = qti->m_subLists[i]->getListEnd();
// reset docid list ptrs
dp = m_docIdVoteBuf.getBufStart();
char *minRecPtr;
char *lastMinRecPtr = NULL;
long mini = -1;
// reset this
minRecPtr = NULL;
// just scan each sublist vs. the docid list
for ( long i = 0 ; i < qti->m_numSubLists ; i++ ) {
// skip if exhausted
if ( ! cursor[i] ) continue;
// shortcut
recPtr = cursor[i];
// get the min docid
if ( ! minRecPtr ) {
minRecPtr = recPtr;
mini = i;
// compare!
if ( *(unsigned long *)(recPtr +8) >
*(unsigned long *)(minRecPtr+8) )
// a new min
if ( *(unsigned long *)(recPtr +8) <
*(unsigned long *)(minRecPtr+8) ) {
minRecPtr = recPtr;
mini = i;
// check lowest byte
if ( *(unsigned char *)(recPtr +7) >
*(unsigned char *)(minRecPtr+7) )
// a new min
if ( *(unsigned char *)(recPtr +7) <
*(unsigned char *)(minRecPtr+7) ) {
minRecPtr = recPtr;
mini = i;
// if no min then all lists exhausted!
if ( ! minRecPtr ) {
// update length
m_docIdVoteBuf.setLength ( dp - bufStart );
// all done!
// advance that guy over that docid
cursor[mini] += 12;
// 6 byte keys follow?
for ( ; ; ) {
// end of list?
if ( cursor[mini] >= cursorEnd[mini] ) {
// use NULL to indicate list is exhausted
cursor[mini] = NULL;
// if we hit a new 12 byte key for a new docid, stop
if ( ! ( cursor[mini][0] & 0x04 ) ) break;
// otherwise, skip this 6 byte key
cursor[mini] += 6;
// is it a docid dup?
if(lastMinRecPtr &&
*(unsigned long *)(lastMinRecPtr+8)==
*(unsigned long *)(minRecPtr+8)&&
*(unsigned char *)(lastMinRecPtr+7)==
*(unsigned char *)(minRecPtr+7))
goto getMin;
// update
lastMinRecPtr = minRecPtr;
// . do not store the docid if not in the whitelist
// . FIX: two lower bits, what are they? at minRecPtrs[7].
// . well the lowest bit is the siterank upper bit and the
// other bit is always 0. we should be ok with just using
// the 6 bytes of the docid ptr as is though since the siterank
// should be the same for the site: terms we indexed for the same
// docid!!
if ( m_useWhiteTable && ! m_whiteListTable.isInTable(minRecPtr+7) )
goto getMin;
// store our docid. actually it contains two lower bits not
// part of the docid, so we'll have to shift and mask to get
// the actual docid!
// docid is only 5 bytes for now
*(long *)(dp+1) = *(long *)(minRecPtr+8);
// the single lower byte
dp[0] = minRecPtr[7] ; // & 0xfc;
// 0 vote count
dp[5] = 0;
// debug
long long dd = g_posdb.getDocId(minRecPtr);
log("posdb: adding docid %lli", dd);
// test
unsigned long long actualDocId;
actualDocId = *(unsigned long *)(dp+1);
actualDocId <<= 8;
actualDocId |= (unsigned char)dp[0];
actualDocId >>= 2;
if ( dd != actualDocId ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// advance
dp += 6;
// get the next min from all the termlists
goto getMin;
void PosdbTable::shrinkSubLists ( QueryTermInfo *qti ) {
// reset count of new sublists
qti->m_numNewSubLists = 0;
// scan each sublist vs. the docid list
for ( long i = 0 ; i < qti->m_numSubLists ; i++ ) {
// get that sublist
register char *recPtr = qti->m_subLists[i]->getList();
register char *subListEnd = qti->m_subLists[i]->getListEnd();
// reset docid list ptrs
register char *dp = m_docIdVoteBuf.getBufStart();
register char *dpEnd = dp + m_docIdVoteBuf.length();
// re-copy into the same buffer!
char *dst = recPtr;
// save it
char *savedDst = dst;
// scan the docid list for the current docid in this termlist
for ( ; ; dp += 6 ) {
// no docids in list? no need to skip any more recPtrs!
if ( dp >= dpEnd ) goto doneWithSubList;
// if current docid in docid list is >= the docid
// in the sublist, stop. docid in list is 6 bytes and
// recPtr must be pointing to a 12 byte posdb rec.
if ( *(unsigned long *)(dp+1) >
*(unsigned long *)(recPtr+8) )
// try to catch up docid if it is behind
if ( *(unsigned long *)(dp+1) <
*(unsigned long *)(recPtr+8) )
// check lower byte if equal
if ( *(unsigned char *)(dp) >
*(unsigned char *)(recPtr+7) ) // & 0xfc )
if ( *(unsigned char *)(dp) <
*(unsigned char *)(recPtr+7) ) // & 0xfc )
// copy over the 12 byte key
*(long long *)dst = *(long long *)recPtr;
*(long *)(dst+8) = *(long *)(recPtr+8);
// skip that
dst += 12;
recPtr += 12;
// copy over any 6 bytes keys following
for ( ; ; ) {
if ( recPtr >= subListEnd )
// give up on this exhausted term list!
goto doneWithSubList;
// next docid willbe next 12 bytekey
if ( ! ( recPtr[0] & 0x04 ) ) break;
// otherwise it's 6 bytes
*(long *)dst = *(long *)recPtr;
*(short *)(dst+4) = *(short *)(recPtr+4);
dst += 6;
recPtr += 6;
// continue the docid loop for this new recPtr
// skip that docid record in our termlist. it MUST have been
// 12 bytes, a docid heading record.
recPtr += 12;
// skip any following keys that are 6 bytes, that means they
// share the same docid
for ( ; ; ) {
// list exhausted?
if ( recPtr >= subListEnd ) goto doneWithSubList;
// stop if next key is 12 bytes, that is a new docid
if ( ! (recPtr[0] & 0x04) ) break;
// skip it
recPtr += 6;
// process the next rec ptr now
goto subLoop;
// set sublist end
long x = qti->m_numNewSubLists;
qti->m_newSubListSize [x] = dst - savedDst;
qti->m_newSubListStart [x] = savedDst;
qti->m_newSubListEnd [x] = dst;
qti->m_cursor [x] = savedDst;
qti->m_savedCursor [x] = savedDst;
if ( qti->m_newSubListSize [x] ) qti->m_numNewSubLists++;
//static long s_sss = 0;
Query *g_q;
// . compare the output of this to intersectLists9_r()
// . hopefully this will be easier to understand and faster
// . IDEAS:
// we could also note that if a term was not in the title or
// inlink text it could never beat the 10th score.
void PosdbTable::intersectLists10_r ( ) {
m_finalScore = 0.0;
//log("seo: intersecting query %s",m_q->m_orig);
bool seoHack = false;
if ( ! m_msg2 ) seoHack = true;
// if we are just a sitehash:xxxxx list and m_getSectionStats is
// true then assume the list is one of hacked posdb keys where
// the wordposition bits and others are really a 32-bit site hash
// and we have to see how many different docids and sites have
// this term. and we compare to our site hash,
// m_r->m_sectionSiteHash32 to determine if the posdb key is
// onsite or offsite. then XmlDoc::printRainbowSections()
// can print out how many page/sites duplicate your section's content.
if ( m_r->m_getSectionStats ) {
// reset
m_sectionStats.m_onSiteDocIds = 0;
m_sectionStats.m_offSiteDocIds = 0;
// scan the posdb keys
//for ( long i = 0 ; i < m_msg2->getNumListsInGroup(0); i++) {
// get the sublist
RdbList *list = m_msg2->getList(0);//Group(0)[i];
char *p = list->getList ();
char *pend = p + list->getListSize();
// test
//long long final = 5663137686803656554LL;
//final &= TERMID_MASK;
//if ( p<pend && g_posdb.getTermId(p) == final )
// log("boo");
// scan it
for ( ; p < pend ; ) {
// . first key is the full size
// . uses the w,G,s,v and F bits to hold this
long sh32 = g_posdb.getSectionSiteHash32 ( p );
//long long d = g_posdb.getDocId(p);
//long rs = list->getRecSize(p);
// this will not update listptrlo, watch out!
p += list->getRecSize ( p );
// onsite or off?
if ( sh32 == m_r->m_siteHash32 )
// unique site count
if ( m_dt.isInTable ( &sh32 ) ) continue;
// count it
// only once
m_dt.addKey ( &sh32 );
// log it
//log("usite: %08lx %lli rs=%li",sh32,d,rs);
// stop if too much so we do not try to
// re-alloc in a thread!
if ( m_dt.m_numSlotsUsed >= 1000000 ) break;
// and return the list of merging
long *s = (long *)m_siteHashList.getBufStart();
long *send = (long *)m_siteHashList.getBufEnd();
//if ( m_sectionStats.m_numUniqueSites == 17 ) {
// log("q=%s",m_r->ptr_query);
// log("hey");
// //char *xx = NULL;*xx=0;
// log("boo");
long *orig = s;
for ( long i = 0 ; i < m_dt.m_numSlots ; i++ ) {
if ( ! m_dt.m_flags[i] ) continue;
*s++ = *(long *)m_dt.getKeyFromSlot(i);
if ( s >= send ) break;
m_siteHashList.setLength((char *)s-(char *)orig);
// hash the docids in the whitelist termlists into a hashtable.
// every docid in the search results must be in there. the
// whitelist termlists are from a provided "&"
// cgi parm. the user only wants search results returned from the
// specified subdomains. there can be up to MAX_WHITELISTS (500)
// sites right now. this hash table must have been pre-allocated
// in Posdb::allocTopTree() above since we might be in a thread.
RdbList *whiteLists = NULL;
long nw = 0;
if ( m_msg2 ) {
whiteLists = m_msg2->m_whiteLists;
nw = m_msg2->m_w;
for ( long i = 0 ; ! m_addedSites && i < nw ; i++ ) {
RdbList *list = &whiteLists[i];
if ( list->isEmpty() ) continue;
// sanity test
long long d1 = g_posdb.getDocId(list->getList());
if ( d1 > m_msg2->m_docIdEnd ) {
log("posdb: d1=%lli > %lli",
//char *xx=NULL;*xx=0;
if ( d1 < m_msg2->m_docIdStart ) {
log("posdb: d1=%lli < %lli",
//char *xx=NULL;*xx=0;
// first key is always 18 bytes cuz it has the termid
// scan recs in the list
for ( ; ! list->isExhausted() ; list->skipCurrentRecord() ) {
char *rec = list->getCurrentRec();
// point to the 5 bytes of docid
m_whiteListTable.addKey ( rec + 7 );
m_addedSites = true;
g_this = this;
// clear, set to ECORRUPTDATA below
m_errno = 0;
// assume no-op
m_t1 = 0LL;
// set start time
long long t1 = gettimeofdayInMilliseconds();
long long lastTime = t1;
// assume we return early
m_addListsTime = 0;
//for ( long i = 0 ; i < m_numSubLists ; i++ )
// m_lists[i].checkList_r(false,false,RDB_POSDB);
// . now swap the top 12 bytes of each list
// . this gives a contiguous list of 6-byte score/docid entries
// because the first record is always 12 bytes and the rest are
// 6 bytes (with the half bit on) due to our termid compression
// . this makes the lists much much easier to work with, but we have
// to remember to swap back when done!
//for ( long k = 0 ; k < m_msg2->getNumLists() ; k++ ) {
// now we only do this if m_msg2 is valid, because we do this
// ahead of time in seo.cpp which sets msg2 to NULL. so skip in that
// case.
for ( long k = 0 ; ! seoHack && k < m_q->m_numTerms ; k++ ) {
// count
long long total = 0LL;
// loop over each list in this group
//for ( long i = 0 ; i < m_msg2->getNumListsInGroup(k); i++ ) {
// get the list
//RdbList *list = m_msg2->getListGroup(k)[i];
//RdbList *list = m_msg2->getList(k);
RdbList *list = m_q->m_qterms[k].m_posdbListPtr;
// skip if null
if ( ! list ) continue;
// skip if list is empty, too
if ( list->isEmpty() ) continue;
// tally
total += list->m_listSize;
// point to start
char *p = list->m_list;
// remember to swap back when done!!
char ttt[12];
memcpy ( ttt , p , 12 );
memcpy ( p , p + 12 , 6 );
memcpy ( p + 6 , ttt , 12 );
// point to the low "hks" bytes now
p += 6;
// turn half bit on. first key is now 12 bytes!!
*p |= 0x02;
// MANGLE the list
list->m_listSize -= 6;
list->m_list = p;
// print total list sizes
if ( ! m_debug ) continue;
log("query: termlist #%li totalSize=%lli",k,total);
//static long s_special = 0;
//if ( s_special == 2836 )
// log("hey");
// setQueryTermInfos() should have set how many we have
if ( m_numQueryTermInfos == 0 ) {
// . if smallest required list is empty, 0 results
// . also set in setQueryTermInfo
if ( m_minListSize == 0 ) return;
for ( long k = 0 ; seoHack && k < m_q->m_numTerms ; k++ ) {
// count
long long total = 0LL;
RdbList *list = m_q->m_qterms[k].m_posdbListPtr;
// skip if null
if ( ! list ) continue;
// skip if list is empty, too
if ( list->isEmpty() ) continue;
// test it
char *p = list->m_list;
// you must provide termlists that start with 12 byte key
// for the seo hack! this is for scoring individual docids
if ( g_posdb.getKeySize(p) != 12 ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0;}
long long now;
long long took;
long phase = 1;
long listGroupNum = 0;
// point to our array of query term infos set in setQueryTermInfos()
QueryTermInfo *qip = (QueryTermInfo *)m_qiBuf.getBufStart();
// if all non-negative query terms are in the same wikiphrase then
// we can apply the WIKI_WEIGHT in getMaxPossibleScore() which
// should help us speed things up!
m_allInSameWikiPhrase = true;
for ( long i = 0 ; i < m_numQueryTermInfos ; i++ ) {
// get it
QueryTermInfo *qti = &qip[i];
// skip if negative query term
if ( qti->m_bigramFlags[0] & BF_NEGATIVE ) continue;
// skip if numeric field like gbsortby:price gbmin.price:1.23
if ( qti->m_bigramFlags[0] & BF_NUMBER ) continue;
// set it
if ( qti->m_wikiPhraseId == 1 ) continue;
// stop
m_allInSameWikiPhrase = false;
// if doing a special hack for seo.cpp and just computing the score
// for one docid...
// we need this i guess because we have to do the minimerges
// to merge synlists together otherwise 'advance+search' query
// fails to find results even though has
// 'advanced search' on the page because advanced is a syn of advance.
//if ( ! m_msg2 ) goto seoHackSkip;
// . create "m_docIdVoteBuf" filled with just the docids from the
// smallest group of sublists
// . m_minListi is the queryterminfo that had the smallest total
// sublist sizes of m_minListSize. this was set in
// setQueryTermInfos()
// . if all these sublist termlists were 50MB i'd day 10-25ms to
// add their docid votes.
addDocIdVotes ( &qip[m_minListi] , listGroupNum );
// test docid buf
char *xdp = m_docIdVoteBuf.getBufStart();
char *xdpEnd = xdp + m_docIdVoteBuf.length();
for ( ; xdp < xdpEnd ; xdp += 6 ) {
unsigned long long actualDocId;
actualDocId = *(unsigned long *)(xdp+1);
actualDocId <<= 8;
actualDocId |= (unsigned char)xdp[0];
actualDocId >>= 2;
log("posdb: intact docid %lli",actualDocId);
// now repeat the docid scan for successive lists but only
// inc the docid count for docids we match. docids that are
// in m_docIdVoteBuf but not in sublist group #i will be removed
// from m_docIdVoteBuf. worst case scenario with termlists limited
// to 30MB will be about 10MB of docid vote buf, but it should
// shrink quite a bit every time we call addDocIdVotes() with a
// new group of sublists for a query term. but scanning 10MB should
// be pretty fast since gk0 does like 4GB/s of main memory reads.
// i would think scanning and docid voting for 200MB of termlists
// should take like 50-100ms
for ( long i = 0 ; i < m_numQueryTermInfos ; i++ ) {
// skip if we did it above
if ( i == m_minListi ) continue;
// get it
QueryTermInfo *qti = &qip[i];
// do not consider for adding if negative ('my house -home')
if ( qti->m_bigramFlags[0] & BF_NEGATIVE ) continue;
// inc this
// add it
addDocIdVotes ( qti , listGroupNum );
// remove the negative query term's docids from our docid vote buf
for ( long i = 0 ; i < m_numQueryTermInfos ; i++ ) {
// skip if we did it above
if ( i == m_minListi ) continue;
// get it
QueryTermInfo *qti = &qip[i];
// do not consider for adding if negative ('my house -home')
if ( ! (qti->m_bigramFlags[0] & BF_NEGATIVE) ) continue;
// add it
rmDocIdVotes ( qti );
// test docid buf
xdp = m_docIdVoteBuf.getBufStart();
xdpEnd = xdp + m_docIdVoteBuf.length();
for ( ; xdp < xdpEnd ; xdp += 6 ) {
unsigned long long actualDocId;
actualDocId = *(unsigned long *)(xdp+1);
actualDocId <<= 8;
actualDocId |= (unsigned char)xdp[0];
actualDocId >>= 2;
log("posdb: intact docid %lli",actualDocId);
if ( m_debug ) {
now = gettimeofdayInMilliseconds();
took = now - lastTime;
log("posdb: new algo phase %li took %lli ms", phase,took);
lastTime = now;
// NOW REMOVED DOCIDS from m_docIdBuf if in a negative termlist
for ( long i = 0 ; i < m_numQueryTermInfos ; i++ ) {
// do not consider for first termlist if negative
if ( ! ( bigramFlags[i][0] & BF_NEGATIVE ) ) continue;
// remove docid votes for all docids in this
removeDocIdVotes ( requiredGroup [i] ,
listEnds [i] ,
//numRequiredSubLists [i] );
// only do exact matches not synonyms!
1 );
// NOW FILTER EVERY SUBLIST to just the docids in m_docIdVoteBuf.
// Filter in place so it is destructive. i would think
// that doing a filter on 200MB of termlists wouldn't be more than
// 50-100ms since we can read 4GB/s from main memory.
for ( long i = 0 ; i < m_numQueryTermInfos ; i++ ) {
// get it
QueryTermInfo *qti = &qip[i];
// do not consider for adding if negative ('my house -home')
if ( qti->m_bigramFlags[0] & BF_NEGATIVE ) continue;
// remove docids from each termlist that are not in
// m_docIdVoteBuf (the intersection)
shrinkSubLists ( qti );
if ( m_debug ) {
now = gettimeofdayInMilliseconds();
took = now - lastTime;
log("posdb: new algo phase %li took %lli ms", phase,took);
lastTime = now;
// TRANSFORM QueryTermInfo::m_* vars into old style arrays
long wikiPhraseIds [MAX_QUERY_TERMS];
long quotedStartIds[MAX_QUERY_TERMS];
long qpos [MAX_QUERY_TERMS];
long qtermNums [MAX_QUERY_TERMS];
float freqWeights [MAX_QUERY_TERMS];
for ( long i = 0 ; i < m_numQueryTermInfos ; i++ ) {
// get it
QueryTermInfo *qti = &qip[i];
// set it
wikiPhraseIds [i] = qti->m_wikiPhraseId;
quotedStartIds [i] = qti->m_quotedStartId;
// query term position
qpos [i] = qti->m_qpos;
qtermNums [i] = qti->m_qtermNum;
freqWeights [i] = qti->m_termFreqWeight;
// for evalSlidingWindow() function
//m_freqWeights = (float *)m_r->ptr_termFreqWeights;
m_freqWeights = freqWeights;
m_qtermNums = qtermNums;
bool secondPass = false;
DocIdScore dcs;
DocIdScore *pdcs = NULL;
long minx =0;
bool allNull;
long minPos =0;
unsigned long long lastDocId = 0LL;
long lastLen = 0;
char siteRank =0;
char docLang =0;
float score;
float minScore;
float minPairScore;
float minSingleScore;
//long long docId;
char *miniMergedList [MAX_QUERY_TERMS];
char *miniMergedEnd [MAX_QUERY_TERMS];
char bflags [MAX_QUERY_TERMS];
m_bflags = bflags;
long qdist;
float wts;
float pss;
char *bestPos[MAX_QUERY_TERMS];
float maxNonBodyScore;
char *winnerStack[MAX_QUERY_TERMS];
// new vars for removing supplanted docid score infos and
// corresponding pair and single score infos
char *sx;
char *sxEnd;
long pairOffset;
long pairSize;
long singleOffset;
long singleSize;
// scan the posdb keys in the smallest list
// raised from 200 to 300,000 for 'da da da' query
char mbuf[300000];
char *mptrEnd = mbuf + 299000;
char *mptr;
char *docIdPtr;
char *docIdEnd = m_docIdVoteBuf.getBufStart()+m_docIdVoteBuf.length();
float minWinningScore = -1.0;
char *nwp [MAX_SUBLISTS];
char *nwpEnd [MAX_SUBLISTS];
char nwpFlags[MAX_SUBLISTS];
char *lastMptr = NULL;
long topCursor = -9;
long numProcessed = 0;
#define RINGBUFSIZE 4096
//#define RINGBUFSIZE 1024
unsigned char ringBuf[RINGBUFSIZE+10];
unsigned char *ringBufEnd = ringBuf + RINGBUFSIZE;
// for overflow conditions in loops below
ringBuf[RINGBUFSIZE+0] = 0xff;
ringBuf[RINGBUFSIZE+1] = 0xff;
ringBuf[RINGBUFSIZE+2] = 0xff;
ringBuf[RINGBUFSIZE+3] = 0xff;
//long bestDist[MAX_QUERY_TERMS];
//long dist;
//long prevPos = -1;
unsigned char qt;
QueryTermInfo *qtx;
unsigned long wx;
long fail0 = 0;
long pass0 = 0;
long fail = 0;
long pass = 0;
long ourFirstPos = -1;
//char *savedCursors [MAX_SUBLISTS*MAX_QUERY_TERMS];
//QueryTermInfo *cursorTermInfos[MAX_SUBLISTS*MAX_QUERY_TERMS];
//long numCursors = 0;
// populate the cursors for each sublist
long nnn = m_numQueryTermInfos;
if ( ! m_r->m_doMaxScoreAlgo ) nnn = 0;
// do not do it if we got a gbsortby: field
if ( m_sortByTermNum >= 0 ) nnn = 0;
// skip all this if getting score of just one docid on special
// posdb termlists that are 6-byte only keys
// no, because we have to merge syn lists!!!!
for ( long j = 0 ; ! m_msg2 && j < m_numQueryTermInfos ; j++ ) {
// get the query term info
QueryTermInfo *qti = &qip[j];
// just use the flags from first term i guess
// NO! this loses the wikihalfstopbigram bit! so we
// gotta add that in for the key i guess the same way
// we add in the syn bits below!!!!!
bflags [j] = qti->m_bigramFlags[0];
// if we have a negative term, skip it
if ( qti->m_bigramFlags[0] & BF_NEGATIVE )
// if its empty, that's good!
// get query term #
long qtn = qti->m_qtermNum;
// get list
RdbList *list = m_q->m_qterms[qtn].m_posdbListPtr;
// skip if list empty
if ( ! list ) {
miniMergedList[j] = NULL;
miniMergedEnd [j] = NULL;
// . because we are special, we only have one
// "sublist", the posdb termlist for this docid, so
// there's no need to merge a bunch of lists
// . assign that. first key is 12 bytes, the others
// are 6
miniMergedList[j] = list->m_list;
miniMergedEnd [j] = list->m_listEnd;
// shit, if it's a synonym, we gotta set the syn bits
if ( !(nwpFlags[0] & BF_SYNONYM) &&
// ok, set that 0x02 bit on each key
char *p = list->m_list;
char *pend = list->m_listEnd;
bool firstKey = true;
for ( ; p < pend ; ) {
// set the synbit so we know its a syn of term
if ( bflags[j] & (BF_BIGRAM|BF_SYNONYM) )
p[2] |= 0x02;
// set wiki half stop bigram bit
if ( bflags[j] & (BF_HALFSTOPWIKIBIGRAM) )
p[2] |= 0x01;
// skip to next key
p += 6;
if ( ! firstKey ) continue;
p += 6;
firstKey = false;
// ok, lists should be set now
if ( ! m_msg2 )
goto seoHackSkip2;
// reset docid to start!
docIdPtr = m_docIdVoteBuf.getBufStart();
// reset QueryTermInfo::m_cursor[] for second pass
for ( long i = 0 ; secondPass && i < m_numQueryTermInfos ; i++ ) {
// get it
QueryTermInfo *qti = &qip[i];
// skip negative termlists
if ( qti->m_bigramFlags[0] & BF_NEGATIVE ) continue;
// do each sublist
for ( long j = 0 ; j < qti->m_numNewSubLists ; j++ ) {
qti->m_cursor [j] = qti->m_newSubListStart[j];
qti->m_savedCursor [j] = qti->m_newSubListStart[j];
// the main loop for looping over each docid
// is this right?
if ( docIdPtr >= docIdEnd ) goto done;
// assume all sublists exhausted for this query term
//docId = *(long long *)docIdPtr;
// advance for next loop iteration
//docIdPtr += 6;
// docid ptr points to 5 bytes of docid shifted up 2
long long tmpDocId;
tmpDocId = *(unsigned long *)(docIdPtr+1);
tmpDocId <<= 8;
tmpDocId |= (unsigned char)docIdPtr[0];
tmpDocId >>= 2;
if ( tmpDocId == 236271972369LL )
// . second pass? for printing out transparency info
// . skip if not a winner
if ( secondPass ) {
// did we get enough score info?
if ( numProcessed >= m_r->m_docsToGet ) goto done;
// loop back up here if the docid is from a previous range
// this mean top tree empty basically
if ( topCursor == -1 ) goto done;
// get the #1 docid/score node #
if ( topCursor == -9 ) {
// if our query had a quoted phrase, might have had no
// docids in the top tree! getHighNode() can't handle
// that so handle it here
if ( m_topTree->m_numUsedNodes == 0 ) goto done;
// otherwise, initialize topCursor
topCursor = m_topTree->getHighNode();
// get current node
TopNode *tn = m_topTree->getNode ( topCursor );
// advance
topCursor = m_topTree->getPrev ( topCursor );
// count how many so we do not exceed requested #
// shortcut
m_docId = tn->m_docId;
// skip if not in our range! the top tree now holds
// all the winners from previous docid ranges. msg39
// now does the search result in docid range chunks to avoid
// OOM conditions.
if ( m_r->m_minDocId != -1 &&
m_r->m_maxDocId != -1 &&
( m_docId < (unsigned long long)m_r->m_minDocId ||
m_docId >= (unsigned long long)m_r->m_maxDocId ) )
goto nextNode;
// set query termlists in all sublists
for ( long i = 0 ; i < m_numQueryTermInfos ; i++ ) {
// get it
QueryTermInfo *qti = &qip[i];
// do not advance negative termlist cursor
if ( qti->m_bigramFlags[0] & BF_NEGATIVE ) continue;
// do each sublist
for ( long j = 0 ; j < qti->m_numNewSubLists ; j++ ) {
// get termlist for that docid
char *xlist = qti->m_newSubListStart[j];
char *xlistEnd = qti->m_newSubListEnd[j];
char *xp = getWordPosList ( m_docId ,
xlist ,
xlistEnd - xlist);
// try this hack
char *px = xlist;
for ( ; ; ) {
if ( px >= xlistEnd ) {px=NULL;break;}
if ( px[0] & 0x04 ) { px+=6; continue;}
long long dx = g_posdb.getDocId(px);
if ( dx == (long long)m_docId ) break;
px += 12;
// sanity check
if ( px != xp ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// not there? xlist will be NULL
qti->m_savedCursor[j] = xp;
// if not there make cursor NULL as well
if ( ! xp ) {
qti->m_cursor[j] = NULL;
// skip over docid list
xp += 12;
for ( ; ; ) {
// do not breach sublist
if ( xp >= xlistEnd ) break;
// break if 12 byte key: another docid!
if ( !(xp[0] & 0x04) ) break;
// skip over 6 byte key
xp += 6;
// point to docid sublist end
qti->m_cursor[j] = xp;
// skip the pre-advance logic below
goto skipPreAdvance;
// . pre-advance each termlist's cursor to skip to next docid
// . set QueryTermInfo::m_cursor and m_savedCursor of each termlist
// so we are ready for a quick skip over this docid
// . TODO: use just a single array of termlist ptrs perhaps,
// then we can remove them when they go NULL. and we'd save a little
// time not having a nested loop.
for ( long i = 0 ; i < m_numQueryTermInfos ; i++ ) {
// get it
QueryTermInfo *qti = &qip[i];
// do not advance negative termlist cursor
if ( qti->m_bigramFlags[0] & BF_NEGATIVE ) continue;
// do each sublist
for ( long j = 0 ; j < qti->m_numNewSubLists ; j++ ) {
// shortcuts
register char *xc = qti->m_cursor[j];
register char *xcEnd = qti->m_newSubListEnd[j];
// exhausted? (we can't make cursor NULL because
// getMaxPossibleScore() needs the last ptr)
// must match docid
if ( xc >= xcEnd ||
*(long *)(xc+8) != *(long *)(docIdPtr+1) ||
*(char *)(xc+7) != *(char *)(docIdPtr ) ) {
// flag it as not having the docid
qti->m_savedCursor[j] = NULL;
// skip this sublist if does not have our docid
// sanity. must be 12 byte key
//if ( (*xc & 0x06) != 0x02 ) {
// char *xx=NULL;*xx=0;}
// save it
qti->m_savedCursor[j] = xc;
// get new docid
//log("new docid %lli",g_posdb.getDocId(xc) );
// advance the cursors. skip our 12
xc += 12;
// then skip any following 6 byte keys because they
// share the same docid
for ( ; ; xc += 6 ) {
// end of whole termlist?
if ( xc >= xcEnd ) break;
// sanity. no 18 byte keys allowed
if ( (*xc & 0x06) == 0x00 ) {
// i've seen this triggered on gk28.
// a dump of posdb for the termlist
// for 'post' had corruption in it,
// yet its twin, gk92 did not. the
// corruption could have occurred
// anywhere from nov 2012 to may 2013,
// and the posdb file was never
// re-merged! must have been blatant
// disk malfunction?
log("posdb: encountered corrupt "
"posdb list. bailing.");
//char *xx=NULL;*xx=0;
// the next docid? it will be a 12 byte key.
if ( ! (*xc & 0x04) ) break;
// assign to next docid word position list
qti->m_cursor[j] = xc;
// TODO: consider skipping this pre-filter if it sucks, as it does
// for 'time enough for love'. it might save time!
// . if there's no way we can break into the winner's circle, give up!
// . this computes an upper bound for each query term
for ( long i = 0 ; i < nnn ; i++ ) { // m_numQueryTermInfos ; i++ ) {
// skip negative termlists
if ( qip[i].m_bigramFlags[0] & BF_NEGATIVE ) continue;
// an upper bound on the score we could get
float maxScore = getMaxPossibleScore ( &qip[i], 0, 0, NULL );
// -1 means it has inlink text so do not apply this constraint
// to this docid because it is too difficult because we
// sum up the inlink text
if ( maxScore == -1.0 ) {
// if any one of these terms have a max score below the
// worst score of the 10th result, then it can not win.
if ( maxScore <= minWinningScore && ! secondPass ) {
docIdPtr += 6;
goto docIdLoop;
if ( m_sortByTermNum >= 0 ) goto skipScoringFilter;
// test why we are slow
//if ( (s_sss++ % 8) != 0 ) { docIdPtr += 6; fail0++; goto docIdLoop;}
// TODO: consider skipping this pre-filter if it sucks, as it does
// for 'search engine'. it might save time!
// reset ring buf. make all slots 0xff. should be 1000 cycles or so.
for ( long *rb = (long *)ringBuf ; ; ) {
rb[0] = 0xffffffff;
rb[1] = 0xffffffff;
rb[2] = 0xffffffff;
rb[3] = 0xffffffff;
rb[4] = 0xffffffff;
rb[5] = 0xffffffff;
rb[6] = 0xffffffff;
rb[7] = 0xffffffff;
rb += 8;
if ( rb >= (long *)ringBufEnd ) break;
// now to speed up 'time enough for love' query which does not
// have many super high scoring guys on top we need a more restrictive
// filter than getMaxPossibleScore() so let's pick one query term,
// the one with the shortest termlist, and see how close it gets to
// each of the other query terms. then score each of those pairs.
// so quickly record the word positions of each query term into
// a ring buffer of 4096 slots where each slot contains the
// query term # plus 1.
qtx = &qip[m_minListi];
// populate ring buf just for this query term
for ( long k = 0 ; k < qtx->m_numNewSubLists ; k++ ) {
// scan that sublist and add word positions
char *sub = qtx->m_savedCursor [k];
// skip sublist if it's cursor is exhausted
if ( ! sub ) continue;
char *end = qtx->m_cursor [k];
// add first key
//long wx = g_posdb.getWordPos(sub);
wx = (*((unsigned long *)(sub+3))) >> 6;
// mod with 4096
wx &= (RINGBUFSIZE-1);
// store it. 0 is legit.
ringBuf[wx] = m_minListi;
// set this
ourFirstPos = wx;
// skip first key
sub += 12;
// then 6 byte keys
for ( ; sub < end ; sub += 6 ) {
// get word position
//wx = g_posdb.getWordPos(sub);
wx = (*((unsigned long *)(sub+3))) >> 6;
// mod with 4096
wx &= (RINGBUFSIZE-1);
// store it. 0 is legit.
ringBuf[wx] = m_minListi;
// now get query term closest to query term # m_minListi which
// is the query term # with the shortest termlist
// get closest term to m_minListi and the distance
for ( long i = 0 ; i < m_numQueryTermInfos ; i++ ) {
// skip the man
if ( i == m_minListi ) continue;
// get the query term info
QueryTermInfo *qti = &qip[i];
// if we have a negative term, skip it
if ( qti->m_bigramFlags[0] & BF_NEGATIVE )
// if its empty, that's good!
// store all his word positions into ring buffer AS WELL
for ( long k = 0 ; k < qti->m_numNewSubLists ; k++ ) {
// scan that sublist and add word positions
char *sub = qti->m_savedCursor [k];
// skip sublist if it's cursor is exhausted
if ( ! sub ) continue;
char *end = qti->m_cursor [k];
// add first key
//long wx = g_posdb.getWordPos(sub);
wx = (*((unsigned long *)(sub+3))) >> 6;
// mod with 4096
wx &= (RINGBUFSIZE-1);
// store it. 0 is legit.
ringBuf[wx] = i;
// skip first key
sub += 12;
// then 6 byte keys
for ( ; sub < end ; sub += 6 ) {
// get word position
//wx = g_posdb.getWordPos(sub);
wx = (*((unsigned long *)(sub+3))) >> 6;
// mod with 4096
wx &= (RINGBUFSIZE-1);
// store it. 0 is legit.
ringBuf[wx] = i;
// reset
long ourLastPos = -1;
long hisLastPos = -1;
long bestDist = 0x7fffffff;
// how far is this guy from the man?
for ( long x = 0 ; x < (long)RINGBUFSIZE ; ) {
// skip next 4 slots if all empty. fast?
if (*(unsigned long *)(ringBuf+x)==0xffffffff) {
// skip if nobody
if ( ringBuf[x] == 0xff ) { x++; continue; }
// get query term #
qt = ringBuf[x];
// if it's the man
if ( qt == m_minListi ) {
// record
hisLastPos = x;
// skip if we are not there yet
if ( ourLastPos == -1 ) { x++; continue; }
// try distance fix
if ( x - ourLastPos < bestDist )
bestDist = x - ourLastPos;
// if us
else if ( qt == i ) {
// record
ourLastPos = x;
// skip if he's not recorded yet
if ( hisLastPos == -1 ) { x++; continue; }
// update
ourLastPos = x;
// check dist
if ( x - hisLastPos < bestDist )
bestDist = x - hisLastPos;
// compare last occurence of query term #x with our first occ.
// since this is a RING buffer
long wrapDist = ourFirstPos + ((long)RINGBUFSIZE-hisLastPos);
if ( wrapDist < bestDist ) bestDist = wrapDist;
// query distance
qdist = qpos[m_minListi] - qpos[i];
// compute it
float maxScore2 = getMaxPossibleScore(&qip[i],
// -1 means it has inlink text so do not apply this constraint
// to this docid because it is too difficult because we
// sum up the inlink text
if ( maxScore2 == -1.0 ) continue;
// if any one of these terms have a max score below the
// worst score of the 10th result, then it can not win.
if ( maxScore2 <= minWinningScore && ! secondPass ) {
docIdPtr += 6;
goto docIdLoop;
// we need to do this for seo hacks to merge the synonyms together
// into one list
//log("seo: special=%li",s_special);
//if ( m_q->m_numTerms >= 3 &&
// strncmp(m_q->m_qterms[1].m_term,"fine ",5)==0)
// log("seo: debug. (special=%li) posdblistptr2size=%li",
// special,m_q->m_qterms[2].m_posdbListPtr->m_listSize);
// we got a docid that has all the query terms, so merge
// each term's sublists into a single list just for this docid.
// all posdb keys for this docid should fit in here, the
// mini merge buf:
mptr = mbuf;
// . merge each set of sublists
// . like we merge a term's list with its two associated bigram
// lists, if there, the left bigram and right bigram list.
// . and merge all the synonym lists for that term together as well.
// so if the term is 'run' we merge it with the lists for
// 'running' 'ran' etc.
for ( long j = 0 ; j < m_numQueryTermInfos ; j++ ) {
// get the query term info
QueryTermInfo *qti = &qip[j];
// just use the flags from first term i guess
// NO! this loses the wikihalfstopbigram bit! so we gotta
// add that in for the key i guess the same way we add in
// the syn bits below!!!!!
bflags [j] = qti->m_bigramFlags[0];
// if we have a negative term, skip it
if ( qti->m_bigramFlags[0] & BF_NEGATIVE ) {
// need to make this NULL for getSiteRank() call below
miniMergedList[j] = NULL;
// if its empty, that's good!
// the merged list for term #j is here:
miniMergedList [j] = mptr;
bool isFirstKey = true;
// populate the nwp[] arrays for merging
long nsub = 0;
for ( long k = 0 ; k < qti->m_numNewSubLists ; k++ ) {
// NULL means does not have that docid
if ( ! qti->m_savedCursor[k] ) continue;
// getMaxPossibleScore() incremented m_cursor to
// the next docid so use m_savedCursor.
nwp [nsub] = qti->m_savedCursor [k];
// sanity
//if ( g_posdb.getKeySize(nwp[nsub]) > 12 ) {
// char *xx=NULL;*xx=0;}
// if doing seohack then m_cursor was not advanced
// so advance it here
if ( m_msg2 ) nwpEnd [nsub] = qti->m_cursor [k];
else nwpEnd [nsub] = qti->m_newSubListEnd[k];
nwpFlags [nsub] = qti->m_bigramFlags [k];
/* // scan the sublists and print them out
if ( 1==1 ) { //g_conf.m_logDebugSEOInserts ) {
for ( long k = 0 ; ! m_msg2 && k < nsub ; k++ ) {
// skip if empty
//if ( ! qti->m_savedCursor[k] ) continue;
// print out
char *xx = nwp[k];
char *xxend = nwpEnd[k];
if ( g_posdb.getKeySize(xx) != 12 ) {
char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
char ks;
for ( ; xx < xxend ; xx += ks ) {
if ( xx>nwp[k]&&g_posdb.getKeySize(xx)
!= 6)
ks = g_posdb.getKeySize(xx);
char hgx = g_posdb.getHashGroup(xx);
long pos = g_posdb.getWordPos(xx);
log("seo: term#=%li,nsub=%li "
"hgx=%li pos=%li",
} */
// debug point
//if ( ! m_msg2 )
// log("poo");
// if only one sublist had this docid, no need to merge
// UNLESS it's a synonym list then we gotta set the
// synbits on it, below!!! or a half stop wiki bigram like
// the term "enough for" in the wiki phrase
// "time enough for love" because we wanna reward that more!
if ( nsub == 1 &&
!(nwpFlags[0] & BF_SYNONYM) &&
!(nwpFlags[0] & BF_HALFSTOPWIKIBIGRAM) ) {
miniMergedList [j] = nwp [0];
miniMergedEnd [j] = nwpEnd [0];
bflags [j] = nwpFlags[0];
// . ok, merge the lists into a list in mbuf
// . get the min of each list
long mink = -1;
for ( long k = 0 ; k < nsub ; k++ ) {
// skip if list is exhausted
if ( ! nwp[k] ) continue;
// auto winner?
if ( mink == -1 ) {
mink = k;
if ( *(unsigned long *)(nwp[k ]+2) >
*(unsigned long *)(nwp[mink]+2) )
if ( *(unsigned long *)(nwp[k ]+2) ==
*(unsigned long *)(nwp[mink]+2) &&
*(unsigned short *)(nwp[k ]) >=
*(unsigned short *)(nwp[mink]) )
// a new min...
mink = k;
// all exhausted? merge next set of sublists then for term #j
if ( mink == -1 ) {
miniMergedEnd[j] = mptr;
// get keysize
char ks = g_posdb.getKeySize(nwp[mink]);
// sanity
//if ( ks > 12 ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// skip it if its a query phrase term, like
// "searchengine" is for the 'search engine' query
// AND it has the synbit which means it was a bigram
// in the doc (i.e. occurred as two separate terms)
if ( (nwpFlags[mink] & BF_BIGRAM) &&
// this means it occurred as two separate terms
// or could be like bob and occurred as "bob's".
// see XmlDoc::hashWords3().
(nwp[mink][2] & 0x03) )
goto skipOver;
// if the first key in our merged list store the docid crap
if ( isFirstKey ) {
// store a 12 byte key in the merged list buffer
memcpy ( mptr , nwp[mink] , 12 );
// sanity check! make sure these not being used...
//if ( mptr[2] & 0x03 ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// wipe out its syn bits and re-use our way
mptr[2] &= 0xfc;
// set the synbit so we know if its a synonym of term
if ( nwpFlags[mink] & (BF_BIGRAM|BF_SYNONYM))
mptr[2] |= 0x02;
// wiki half stop bigram? so for the query
// 'time enough for love' the phrase term "enough for"
// is a half stopword wiki bigram, because it is in
// a phrase in wikipedia ("time enough for love") and
// one of the two words in the phrase term is a
// stop word. therefore we give it more weight than
// just 'enough' by itself.
if ( nwpFlags[mink] & BF_HALFSTOPWIKIBIGRAM )
mptr[2] |= 0x01;
// make sure its 12 bytes! it might have been
// the first key for the termid, and 18 bytes.
mptr[0] &= 0xf9;
mptr[0] |= 0x02;
// show hg
//char hgx = g_posdb.getHashGroup(mptr);
//long pos = g_posdb.getWordPos(mptr);
//log("j1=%li mink=%li hgx=%li pos=%li",
// (long)j,(long)mink,(long)hgx,(long)pos);
lastMptr = mptr;
mptr += 12;
isFirstKey = false;
else {
// if matches last key word position, do not add!
// we should add the bigram first if more important
// since it should be added before the actual term
// above in the sublist array. so if they are
// wikihalfstop bigrams they will be added first,
// otherwise, they are added after the regular term.
// should fix double scoring bug for 'cheat codes'
// query!
if ( lastMptr[4] == nwp[mink][4] &&
lastMptr[5] == nwp[mink][5] &&
(lastMptr[3] & 0xc0) == (nwp[mink][3] & 0xc0) ){
goto skipOver;
*(long *) mptr = *(long *) nwp[mink];
*(short *)(mptr+4) = *(short *)(nwp[mink]+4);
// wipe out its syn bits and re-use our way
mptr[2] &= 0xfc;
// set the synbit so we know if its a synonym of term
if ( nwpFlags[mink] & (BF_BIGRAM|BF_SYNONYM))
mptr[2] |= 0x02;
if ( nwpFlags[mink] & BF_HALFSTOPWIKIBIGRAM )
mptr[2] |= 0x01;
// if it was the first key of its list it may not
// have its bit set for being 6 bytes now! so turn
// on the 2 compression bits
mptr[0] |= 0x06;
// show hg
//char hgx = g_posdb.getHashGroup(mptr);
//long pos = g_posdb.getWordPos(mptr);
//log("j2=%li mink=%li hgx=%li pos=%li",
// (long)j,(long)mink,(long)hgx,(long)pos);
//if ( pos == 8949 ) { // 73779 ) {
// char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// save it
lastMptr = mptr;
mptr += 6;
//log("skipping ks=%li",(long)ks);
// advance the cursor over the key we used.
nwp[mink] += ks; // g_posdb.getKeySize(nwp[mink]);
// exhausted?
if ( nwp[mink] >= nwpEnd[mink] )
nwp[mink] = NULL;
// or hit a different docid
else if ( g_posdb.getKeySize(nwp[mink]) != 6 )
nwp[mink] = NULL;
// avoid breach of core below now
if ( mptr < mptrEnd ) goto mergeMore;
// breach?
if ( mptr > mbuf + 300000 ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// clear the counts on this DocIdScore class for this new docid
pdcs = NULL;
if ( secondPass ) {
pdcs = &dcs;
// log out what the min-scoring pair is if doing debug
if ( ! m_msg2 && m_r->m_seoDebug ) { //g_conf.m_logDebugSEOInserts ) {
pdcs = &dcs;
// second pass already sets m_docId above
if ( ! secondPass && m_msg2 ) {
// docid ptr points to 5 bytes of docid shifted up 2
m_docId = *(unsigned long *)(docIdPtr+1);
m_docId <<= 8;
m_docId |= (unsigned char)docIdPtr[0];
m_docId >>= 2;
// seoHackSkip2:
// sanity check for all
for ( long i = 0 ; i < m_numQueryTermInfos ; i++ ) {
// skip if not part of score
if ( bflags[i] & (BF_PIPED|BF_NEGATIVE) ) continue;
// get list
char *plist = miniMergedList[i];
char *plistEnd = miniMergedEnd[i];
long psize = plistEnd - plist;
// test it. first key is 12 bytes.
if ( psize && g_posdb.getKeySize(plist) != 12 ) {
char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// next key is 6
if ( psize > 12 && g_posdb.getKeySize(plist+12) != 6){
char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// show it
//if ( ! m_msg2 && m_r->m_seoDebug ) {
// log("seo: dumping mergedlist #%li",i);
// printTermList(i,plist,psize);
// log("seo: DONE dumping mergedlist #%li",i);
// . nested for loops to score the term pairs
// . store best scores into the scoreMatrix so the sliding window
// algorithm can use them from there to do sub-outs
// scan over each query term (its synonyms are part of the
// QueryTermInfo)
for ( long i = 0 ; i < m_numQueryTermInfos ; i++ ) {
// skip if not part of score
if ( bflags[i] & (BF_PIPED|BF_NEGATIVE|BF_NUMBER) ) continue;
// and pair it with each other possible query term
for ( long j = i+1 ; j < m_numQueryTermInfos ; j++ ) {
// skip if not part of score
if ( bflags[j] & (BF_PIPED|BF_NEGATIVE|BF_NUMBER) ) continue;
// but if they are in the same wikipedia phrase
// then try to keep their positions as in the query.
// so for 'time enough for love' ideally we want
// 'time' to be 6 units apart from 'love'
if ( wikiPhraseIds[j] == wikiPhraseIds[i] &&
// zero means not in a phrase
wikiPhraseIds[j] ) {
// . the distance between the terms in the query
// . ideally we'd like this distance to be reflected
// in the matched terms in the body
qdist = qpos[j] - qpos[i];
// wiki weight
wts = (float)WIKI_WEIGHT; // .50;
else {
// basically try to get query words as close
// together as possible
qdist = 2;
// this should help fix
// 'what is an unsecured loan' so we are more likely
// to get the page that has that exact phrase in it.
// yes, but hurts how to make a lock pick set.
//qdist = qpos[j] - qpos[i];
// wiki weight
wts = 1.0;
pss = 0.0;
// get score for term pair from non-body occuring terms
if ( miniMergedList[i] && miniMergedList[j] )
qdist ,
// it's -1 if one term is in the body/header/menu/etc.
if ( pss < 0 ) {
scoreMatrix[i*MAX_QUERY_TERMS+j] = -1.00;
wts = -1.0;
else {
wts *= pss;
wts *= m_freqWeights[i];//sfw[i];
wts *= m_freqWeights[j];//sfw[j];
// store in matrix for "sub out" algo below
// when doing sliding window
scoreMatrix[i*MAX_QUERY_TERMS+j] = wts;
// if terms is a special wiki half stop bigram
//if ( bflags[i] == 1 ) wts *= WIKI_BIGRAM_WEIGHT;
//if ( bflags[j] == 1 ) wts *= WIKI_BIGRAM_WEIGHT;
//if ( ts < minScore ) minScore = ts;
maxNonBodyScore = -2.0;
minSingleScore = 999999999.0;
// . now add single word scores
// . having inlink text from siterank 15 of max
// diversity/density will result in the largest score,
// but we add them all up...
// . this should be highly negative if singles[i] has a '-'
// termsign...
for ( long i = 0 ; i < m_numQueryTermInfos ; i++ ) {
float sts;
// skip if to the left of a pipe operator
if ( bflags[i] & (BF_PIPED|BF_NEGATIVE|BF_NUMBER) ) continue;
// sometimes there is no wordpos subtermlist for this docid
// because it just has the bigram, like "streetlight" and not
// the word "light" by itself for the query 'street light'
//if ( miniMergedList[i] ) {
// assume all word positions are in body
//bestPos[i] = NULL;
// . this scans all word positions for this term
// . this should ignore occurences in the body and only
// focus on inlink text, etc.
// . sets "bestPos" to point to the winning word
// position which does NOT occur in the body
// . adds up MAX_TOP top scores and returns that sum
// . pdcs is NULL if not secondPass
sts = getSingleTermScore (i,
// sanity check
if ( bestPos[i] &&
s_inBody[g_posdb.getHashGroup(bestPos[i])] ) {
char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
//sts /= 3.0;
if ( sts < minSingleScore ) minSingleScore = sts;
// . multiplier from siterank i guess
// . miniMergedList[0] list can be null if it does not have 'street'
// but has 'streetlight' for the query 'street light'
if ( miniMergedList[0] ) {
siteRank = g_posdb.getSiteRank ( miniMergedList[0] );
docLang = g_posdb.getLangId ( miniMergedList[0] );
else {
for ( long k = 1 ; k < m_numQueryTermInfos ; k++ ) {
if ( ! miniMergedList[k] ) continue;
siteRank = g_posdb.getSiteRank ( miniMergedList[k] );
docLang = g_posdb.getLangId ( miniMergedList[k] );
// parms for sliding window algorithm
m_qpos = qpos;
m_wikiPhraseIds = wikiPhraseIds;
m_quotedStartIds = quotedStartIds;
//if ( secondPass ) m_ds = &dcs;
//else m_ds = NULL;
m_bestWindowScore = -2.0;
m_windowTermPtrs = winnerStack;
// . now scan the terms that are in the body in a sliding window
// . compute the term pair score on just the terms in that
// sliding window. that way, the term for a word like 'dog'
// keeps the same word position when it is paired up with the
// other terms.
// . compute the score the same way getTermPairScore() works so
// we are on the same playing field
// . sub-out each term with its best scoring occurence in the title
// or link text or meta tag, etc. but it gets a distance penalty
// of like 100 units or so.
// . if term does not occur in the body, the sub-out approach should
// fix that.
// . keep a matrix of the best scores between two terms from the
// above double nested loop algo. and replace that pair if we
// got a better score in the sliding window.
// use special ptrs for the windows so we do not mangle
// miniMergedList[] array because we use that below!
char *xpos[MAX_QUERY_TERMS];
for ( long i = 0 ; i < m_numQueryTermInfos ; i++ )
xpos[i] = miniMergedList[i];
allNull = true;
// init each list ptr to the first wordpos rec in the body
// and if no such rec, make it NULL
for ( long i = 0 ; i < m_numQueryTermInfos ; i++ ) {
// skip if to the left of a pipe operator
if ( bflags[i] & (BF_PIPED|BF_NEGATIVE|BF_NUMBER) ) continue;
// skip wordposition until it in the body
while ( xpos[i] &&!s_inBody[g_posdb.getHashGroup(xpos[i])]) {
// advance
if ( ! (xpos[i][0] & 0x04) ) xpos[i] += 12;
else xpos[i] += 6;
// NULLify list if no more for this docid
if (xpos[i] < miniMergedEnd[i] && (xpos[i][0] & 0x04))
// ok, no more! null means empty list
xpos[i] = NULL;
// must be in title or something else then
if ( ! bestPos[i] ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// if all xpos are NULL, then no terms are in body...
if ( xpos[i] ) allNull = false;
// if no terms in body, no need to do sliding window
if ( allNull ) goto doneSliding;
minx = -1;
// . now all xpos are in the body
// . calc the window score
// . if window score beats m_bestWindowScore we store the
// term xpos that define this window in m_windowTermPtrs[] array
// . will try to sub in s_bestPos[i] if better, but will fix
// distance to FIXED_DISTANCE
// . "minx" is who just got advanced, this saves time because we
// do not have to re-compute the scores of term pairs that consist
// of two terms that did not advance in the sliding window
// . "scoreMatrix" hold the highest scoring non-body term pair
// for sub-bing out the term pair in the body with
// . sets m_bestWindowScore if this window score beats it
// . does sub-outs with the non-body pairs and also the singles i guess
// . uses "bestPos[x]" to get best non-body scoring term for sub-outs
evalSlidingWindow ( xpos ,
bestPos ,
scoreMatrix ,
minx );
// now find the min word pos still in body
minx = -1;
for ( long x = 0 ; x < m_numQueryTermInfos ; x++ ) {
// skip if to the left of a pipe operator
// and numeric posdb termlists do not have word positions,
// they store a float there.
if ( bflags[x] & (BF_PIPED|BF_NEGATIVE|BF_NUMBER) ) continue;
if ( ! xpos[x] ) continue;
if ( xpos[x] && minx == -1 ) {
minx = x;
//minRec = xpos[x];
minPos = g_posdb.getWordPos(xpos[x]);
if ( g_posdb.getWordPos(xpos[x]) >= minPos )
minx = x;
//minRec = xpos[x];
minPos = g_posdb.getWordPos(xpos[x]);
// sanity
if ( minx < 0 ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// now advance that to slide our window
if ( ! (xpos[minx][0] & 0x04) ) xpos[minx] += 12;
else xpos[minx] += 6;
// NULLify list if no more for this docid
if ( xpos[minx] >= miniMergedEnd[minx] || ! (xpos[minx][0] & 0x04) ) {
// exhausted list now
xpos[minx] = NULL;
// are all null now?
long k;
for ( k = 0 ; k < m_numQueryTermInfos ; k++ ) {
// skip if to the left of a pipe operator
if ( bflags[k] & (BF_PIPED|BF_NEGATIVE|BF_NUMBER) )
if ( xpos[k] ) break;
// all lists are now exhausted
if ( k >= m_numQueryTermInfos ) goto doneSliding;
// ok, now recompute the next min and advance him
goto advanceMin;
// if it left the body then advance some more i guess?
if ( ! s_inBody[g_posdb.getHashGroup(xpos[minx])] )
goto advanceAgain;
// do more!
goto slideMore;
minPairScore = -1.0;
// debug
//log("posdb: eval docid %lli",m_docId);
// (similar to NON-BODY TERM PAIR SCORING LOOP above)
for ( long i = 0 ; i < m_numQueryTermInfos ; i++ ) {
// skip if to the left of a pipe operator
if ( bflags[i] & (BF_PIPED|BF_NEGATIVE|BF_NUMBER) ) continue;
for ( long j = i+1 ; j < m_numQueryTermInfos ; j++ ) {
// skip if to the left of a pipe operator
if ( bflags[j] & (BF_PIPED|BF_NEGATIVE|BF_NUMBER) ) continue;
// get score for term pair from non-body occuring terms
if ( ! miniMergedList[i] ) continue;
if ( ! miniMergedList[j] ) continue;
// . this limits its scoring to the winning sliding window
// as far as the in-body terms are concerned
// . it will do sub-outs using the score matrix
// . this will skip over body terms that are not
// in the winning window defined by m_windowTermPtrs[]
// that we set in evalSlidingWindow()
// . returns the best score for this term
float score = getTermPairScoreForAny (i,
pdcs );
// get min of all term pair scores
if ( score >= minPairScore && minPairScore >= 0.0 ) continue;
// got a new min
minPairScore = score;
m_preFinalScore = minPairScore;
minScore = 999999999.0;
// get a min score from all the term pairs
if ( minPairScore < minScore && minPairScore >= 0.0 )
minScore = minPairScore;
// if we only had one query term
if ( minSingleScore < minScore )
minScore = minSingleScore;
//score = -1.0;
//log("score: minPairScore=%f",minPairScore);
// fix "Recently I posted a question about how"
if ( minScore <= 0.0 )
goto advance;
// try dividing it by 3! (or multiply by .33333 faster)
score = minScore * (((float)siteRank)*SITERANKMULTIPLIER+1.0);
// . not foreign language? give a huge boost
// . use "qlang" parm to set the language. i.e. "&qlang=fr"
if ( m_r->m_language == 0 ||
docLang == 0 ||
m_r->m_language == docLang)
// if we have a gbsortby:price term then score exclusively on that
if ( m_sortByTermNum >= 0 )
score = g_posdb.getFloat ( miniMergedList[m_sortByTermNum] );
// . seoDebug hack so we can set "dcs"
// . we only come here if we actually made it into m_topTree
if ( secondPass || m_r->m_seoDebug ) {
dcs.m_siteRank = siteRank;
dcs.m_finalScore = score;
dcs.m_docId = m_docId;
dcs.m_numRequiredTerms = m_numQueryTermInfos;
dcs.m_docLang = docLang;
// ensure enough room we can't allocate in a thread!
if ( m_scoreInfoBuf.getAvail() < (long)sizeof(DocIdScore)+1) {
char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// if same as last docid, overwrite it since we have a higher
// siterank or langid i guess
if ( m_docId == lastDocId )
m_scoreInfoBuf.m_length = lastLen;
// save that
long len = m_scoreInfoBuf.m_length;
// just in case?
if ( m_r->m_seoDebug ) m_scoreInfoBuf.reset();
// show it, 190255775595
//log("posdb: storing score info for d=%lli",m_docId);
// copy into the safebuf for holding the scoring info
m_scoreInfoBuf.safeMemcpy ( (char *)&dcs, sizeof(DocIdScore) );
// save that
lastLen = len;
// save it
lastDocId = m_docId;
// try to fix dup docid problem! it was hitting the
// overflow check right above here... strange!!!
//m_docIdTable.removeKey ( &docId );
// . docid range split HACK...
// . if we are doing docid range splitting, we process
// the search results separately in disjoint docid ranges.
// . so because we still use the same m_scoreInfoBuf etc.
// for each split we process, we must remove info from
// a top docid of a previous split that got supplanted by
// a docid of this docid-range split, so we do not breach
// the allocated buffer size.
// . so find out which docid we replaced
// in the top tree, and replace his entry in scoreinfobuf
// as well!
// . his info was already added to m_pairScoreBuf in the
// getTermPairScoreForAny() function
sx = m_scoreInfoBuf.getBufStart();
sxEnd = sx + m_scoreInfoBuf.length();
DocIdScore *si;
// if we have not supplanted anyone yet, be on our way
for ( ; sx < sxEnd ; sx += sizeof(DocIdScore) ) {
si = (DocIdScore *)sx;
// if top tree no longer has this docid, we must
// remove its associated scoring info so we do not
// breach our scoring info bufs
if ( ! m_topTree->hasDocId( si->m_docId ) ) break;
// might not be full yet
if ( sx >= sxEnd ) goto advance;
// must be there!
if ( ! si ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// get his single and pair offsets
pairOffset = si->m_pairsOffset;
pairSize = si->m_numPairs * sizeof(PairScore);
singleOffset = si->m_singlesOffset;
singleSize = si->m_numSingles * sizeof(SingleScore);
// nuke him
m_scoreInfoBuf .removeChunk1 ( sx , sizeof(DocIdScore) );
// and his related info
m_pairScoreBuf .removeChunk2 ( pairOffset , pairSize );
m_singleScoreBuf.removeChunk2 ( singleOffset , singleSize );
// adjust offsets of remaining single scores
sx = m_scoreInfoBuf.getBufStart();
for ( ; sx < sxEnd ; sx += sizeof(DocIdScore) ) {
si = (DocIdScore *)sx;
if ( si->m_pairsOffset > pairOffset )
si->m_pairsOffset -= pairSize;
if ( si->m_singlesOffset > singleOffset )
si->m_singlesOffset -= singleSize;
// adjust this too!
lastLen -= sizeof(DocIdScore);
// if doing the second pass for printint out transparency info
// then do not mess with top tree
else if ( m_msg2 ) { // ! secondPass ) {
// add to top tree then!
long tn = m_topTree->getEmptyNode();
TopNode *t = &m_topTree->m_nodes[tn];
// set the score and docid ptr
t->m_score = score;
t->m_docId = m_docId;
// . this will not add if tree is full and it is less than the
// m_lowNode in score
// . if it does get added to a full tree, lowNode will be
// removed
m_topTree->addNode ( t, tn);
// top tree only holds enough docids to satisfy the
// Msg39Request::m_docsToGet (m_r->m_docsToGet) request
// from the searcher. It basically stores m_docsToGet
// into TopTree::m_docsWanted. TopTree::m_docsWanted is often
// double m_docsToGet to compensate for site clustering, and
// it can be even more than that in order to ensure we get
// enough domains represented in the search results.
// See TopTree::addNode(). it will not add the "t" node if
// its score is not high enough when the top tree is full.
if ( m_topTree->m_numUsedNodes > m_topTree->m_docsWanted ) {
// get the lowest scoring node
long lowNode = m_topTree->getLowNode();
// and record its score in "minWinningScore"
minWinningScore = m_topTree->m_nodes[lowNode].m_score;
if ( ! m_msg2 && m_r->m_seoDebug ) { //g_conf.m_logDebugSEOInserts ) {
// fix it
DocIdScore *nds = (DocIdScore *)m_scoreInfoBuf.getBufStart();
// set this... this is done in msg3a normally, but if doing
// seo shit we gotta do it here. since only running on one
// docid we can do this
if ( nds->m_pairsOffset != 0 &&
nds->m_numPairs ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
if ( nds->m_singlesOffset != 0 &&
nds->m_numSingles ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
nds->m_pairScores =
(PairScore *)m_pairScoreBuf.getBufStart();
nds->m_singleScores =
(SingleScore *)m_singleScoreBuf.getBufStart();
if ( ! m_msg2 ) {
// if doing this for seo.cpp
m_finalScore = score;
// advance to next docid
docIdPtr += 6;
//p = pend;
// if not of end list loop back up
//if ( p < listEnd ) goto bigloop;
goto docIdLoop;
if ( m_debug ) {
now = gettimeofdayInMilliseconds();
took = now - lastTime;
log("posdb: new algo phase %li took %lli ms", phase,took);
lastTime = now;
// now repeat the above loop, but with m_dt hashtable
// non-NULL and include all the docids in the toptree, and
// for each of those docids store the transparency info in english
// into the safebuf "transBuf".
if ( ! secondPass && m_r->m_getDocIdScoringInfo ) {
// only do one second pass
secondPass = true;
// reset this for purposes above!
//m_topTree->m_lastKickedOutDocId = -1LL;
long count = 0;
// stock m_docIdTable
for ( long ti = m_topTree->getHighNode() ;
ti >= 0 ; ti = m_topTree->getPrev(ti) ) {
// get the guy
TopNode *t = &m_topTree->m_nodes[ti];
// limit to max!
if ( count++ >= m_maxScores ) break;
// now
goto secondPassLoop;
if ( m_debug ) {
log("posdb: # fail0 = %li ", fail0 );
log("posdb: # pass0 = %li ", pass0 );
log("posdb: # fail = %li ", fail );
log("posdb: # pass = %li ", pass );
// get time now
now = gettimeofdayInMilliseconds();
// store the addLists time
m_addListsTime = now - t1;
m_t1 = t1;
m_t2 = now;
// . "bestDist" is closest distance to query term # m_minListi
// . set "bestDist" to 1 to ignore it
float PosdbTable::getMaxPossibleScore ( QueryTermInfo *qti ,
long bestDist ,
long qdist ,
QueryTermInfo *qtm ) {
// get max score of all sublists
float bestHashGroupWeight = -1.0;
unsigned char bestDensityRank;
char siteRank = -1;
char docLang;
//char bestWordSpamRank ;
unsigned char hgrp;
bool hadHalfStopWikiBigram = false;
// scan those sublists to set m_ptrs[] and to get the
// max possible score of each one
for ( long j = 0 ; j < qti->m_numNewSubLists ; j++ ) {
// scan backwards up to this
char *start = qti->m_savedCursor[j] ;
// skip if does not have our docid
if ( ! start ) continue;
// note it if any is a wiki bigram
if ( qti->m_bigramFlags[0] & BF_HALFSTOPWIKIBIGRAM )
hadHalfStopWikiBigram = true;
// skip if entire sublist/termlist is exhausted
if ( start >= qti->m_newSubListEnd[j] ) continue;
// set this?
if ( siteRank == -1 ) {
siteRank = g_posdb.getSiteRank(start);
docLang = g_posdb.getLangId(start);
// skip first key because it is 12 bytes, go right to the
// 6 byte keys. we deal with it below.
start += 12;
// get cursor. this is actually pointing to the next docid
char *dc = qti->m_cursor[j];
// back up into our list
dc -= 6;
// reset this
bool retried = false;
// do not include the beginning 12 byte key in this loop!
for ( ; dc >= start ; dc -= 6 ) {
// loop back here for the 12 byte key
// get the best hash group
hgrp = g_posdb.getHashGroup(dc);
// if not body, do not apply this algo because
// we end up adding term pairs from each hash group
if ( hgrp == HASHGROUP_INLINKTEXT ) return -1.0;
//if ( hgrp == HASHGROUP_TITLE ) return -1.0;
// loser?
if ( s_hashGroupWeights[hgrp] < bestHashGroupWeight ) {
// if in body, it's over for this termlist
// because this is the last hash group
// we will encounter.
if ( hgrp == HASHGROUP_BODY )
goto nextTermList;
// otherwise, keep chugging
char dr = g_posdb.getDensityRank(dc);
// a clean win?
if ( s_hashGroupWeights[hgrp] > bestHashGroupWeight ) {
// if the term was in an inlink we end
// up summing those up so let's just return
// -1 to indicate we had inlinktext so
// we won't apply the constraint to this
// docid for this term
return -1.0;
bestHashGroupWeight = s_hashGroupWeights[hgrp];
bestDensityRank = dr;
// but worst density rank?
if ( dr < bestDensityRank )
// better?
if ( dr > bestDensityRank )
bestDensityRank = dr;
// another tie, oh well... just ignore it
// handle the beginning 12 byte key
if ( ! retried ) {
retried = true;
dc = qti->m_savedCursor[j];
goto retry;
// if nothing, then maybe all sublists were empty?
if ( bestHashGroupWeight < 0 ) return 0.0;
// assume perfect adjacency and that the other term is perfect
float score = 100.0;
score *= bestHashGroupWeight;
score *= bestHashGroupWeight;
// since adjacent, 2nd term in pair will be in same sentence
// TODO: fix this for 'qtm' it might have a better density rank and
// better hashgroup weight, like being in title!
score *= s_densityWeights[bestDensityRank];
score *= s_densityWeights[bestDensityRank];
// wiki bigram?
if ( hadHalfStopWikiBigram ) {
//score *= perfectWordSpamWeight * perfectWordSpamWeight;
score *= (((float)siteRank)*SITERANKMULTIPLIER+1.0);
// language boost if same language (or no lang specified)
if ( m_r->m_language == docLang ||
m_r->m_language == 0 ||
docLang == 0 )
// assume the other term we pair with will be 1.0
score *= qti->m_termFreqWeight;
// the new logic to fix 'time enough for love' slowness
if ( qdist ) {
// no use it
score *= qtm->m_termFreqWeight;
// subtract qdist
bestDist -= qdist;
// assume in correct order
if ( qdist < 0 ) qdist *= -1;
// make it positive
if ( bestDist < 0 ) bestDist *= -1;
// avoid 0 division
if ( bestDist > 1 ) score /= (float)bestDist;
// terms in same wikipedia phrase?
//if ( wikiWeight != 1.0 )
// score *= WIKI_WEIGHT;
// if query is 'time enough for love' it is kinda slow because
// we were never multiplying by WIKI_WEIGHT, even though all
// query terms were in the same wikipedia phrase. so see if this
// speeds it up.
if ( m_allInSameWikiPhrase )
score *= WIKI_WEIGHT;
return score;
void printTermList ( long i, char *list, long listSize ) {
// first key is 12 bytes
bool firstKey = true;
char *px = list;//->m_list;
char *pxend = px + listSize;//list->m_listSize;
for ( ; px < pxend ; ) {
long wp = g_posdb.getWordPos(px);
long dr = g_posdb.getDensityRank(px);
long hg = g_posdb.getHashGroup(px);
long syn = g_posdb.getIsSynonym(px);
log("seo: qterm#%li pos=%li dr=%li hg=%s syn=%li"
, i
, wp
, dr
, getHashGroupString(hg)
, syn
if ( firstKey && g_posdb.getKeySize(px)!=12) {
char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
else if ( ! firstKey&& g_posdb.getKeySize(px)!=6) {
char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
if ( firstKey ) px += 12;
else px += 6;
firstKey = false;