2014-02-09 12:38:40 -07:00

367 lines
9.9 KiB

#include "gb-include.h"
#include "Pages.h"
#include "Collectiondb.h"
#include "Msg4.h"
#include "Spider.h"
static bool sendReply ( void *state , bool addUrlEnabled );
static void addedStuff ( void *state );
class State1 {
Msg4 m_msg4;
TcpSocket *m_socket;
long m_urlLen;
char m_url[MAX_URL_LEN];
bool m_strip;
bool m_spiderLinks;
long m_numSent;
long m_numReceived;
SpiderRequest m_sreq;
// . returns false if blocked, true otherwise
// . sets g_errno on error
// . add url page for admin, users use sendPageAddUrl() in PageRoot.cpp
bool sendPageAddUrl2 ( TcpSocket *s , HttpRequest *r ) {
// . get fields from cgi field of the requested url
// . get the search query
long urlLen = 0;
char *url = r->getString ( "u" , &urlLen , NULL /*default*/);
// also try "url" and "urls"
if ( ! url ) url = r->getString ( "url" , &urlLen , NULL );
if ( ! url ) url = r->getString ( "urls" , &urlLen , NULL );
// see if they provided a url of a file of urls if they did not
// provide a url to add directly
// can't be too long, that's obnoxious
if ( urlLen > MAX_URL_LEN ) {
g_msg = " (error: url too long)";
return g_httpServer.sendErrorReply(s,500,"url too long");
// get collection rec
CollectionRec *cr = g_collectiondb.getRec ( r );
// bitch if no collection rec found
if ( ! cr ) {
g_errno = ENOCOLLREC;
g_msg = " (error: no collection)";
return g_httpServer.sendErrorReply(s,500,"no coll rec");
// make a new state
State1 *st1 ;
try { st1 = new (State1); }
catch ( ... ) {
g_errno = ENOMEM;
log("PageAddUrl: new(%i): %s",
return g_httpServer.sendErrorReply(s,500,mstrerror(g_errno)); }
mnew ( st1 , sizeof(State1) , "PageAddUrl" );
st1->m_socket = s;
// assume no url buf yet, set below
//st1->m_ubuf = NULL;
//st1->m_ubufAlloc = NULL;
//st1->m_metaList = NULL;
// save the url
st1->m_url[0] = '\0';
if ( url ) {
// normalize and add www. if it needs it
Url uu;
uu.set ( url , gbstrlen(url) , true );
// remove >'s i guess and store in st1->m_url[] buffer
st1->m_urlLen=cleanInput ( st1->m_url,
uu.getUrlLen() );
// point to that as the url "buf" to add
//st1->m_ubuf = st1->m_url;
//st1->m_ubufSize = urlLen;
//st1->m_ubufAlloc = NULL; // do not free it!
st1->m_spiderLinks = true;
st1->m_strip = true;
// or if in read-only mode
if ( g_conf.m_readOnlyMode ) return sendReply ( st1 , false );
st1->m_strip = r->getLong("strip",0);
// Remember, for cgi, if the box is not checked, then it is not
// reported in the request, so set default return value to 0
long spiderLinks = r->getLong("spiderLinks",-1);
// also support all lowercase like PageInject.cpp uses
if ( spiderLinks == -1 )
spiderLinks = r->getLong("spiderlinks",0);
// . should we force it into spiderdb even if already in there
// . use to manually update spider times for a url
// . however, will not remove old scheduled spider times
// . mdw: made force on the default
//st1->m_forceRespider = r->getLong("force",1); // 0);
// if no url given, just print a blank page
if ( ! url ) return sendReply ( st1 , true );
// make a SpiderRequest
SpiderRequest *sreq = &st1->m_sreq;
// set the SpiderRequest from this add url
if ( ! sreq->setFromAddUrl ( st1->m_url ) ) {
if ( ! g_errno ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// send reply back with g_errno set if this returned false
return sendReply ( st1 , true );
// shortcut
Msg4 *m = &st1->m_msg4;
// now add that to spiderdb using msg4
if ( ! m->addMetaList ( (char *)sreq ,
sreq->getRecSize() ,
cr->m_coll ,
st1 , // state
addedStuff ,
// we blocked
return false;
// send back the reply
return sendReply ( st1 , true );
void addedStuff ( void *state ) {
State1 *st1 = (State1 *)state;
// otherwise call gotResults which returns false if blocked, true else
// and sets g_errno on error
sendReply ( st1 , true );
bool sendReply ( void *state , bool addUrlEnabled ) {
// allow others to add now
//s_inprogress = false;
// get the state properly
State1 *st1 = (State1 *) state;
// in order to see what sites are being added log it, then we can
// more easily remove sites from that are
// being added but not being searched
log(LOG_INFO,"http: add url %s (%s)",st1->m_url ,mstrerror(g_errno));
// extract info from state
TcpSocket *s = st1->m_socket;
char *url = NULL;
if ( st1->m_urlLen ) url = st1->m_url;
// re-null it out if just http://
bool printUrl = true;
if ( st1->m_urlLen == 0 ) printUrl = false;
if ( ! st1->m_url ) printUrl = false;
if (st1->m_urlLen==7&&st1->m_url&&!strncasecmp(st1->m_url,"http://",7))
printUrl = false;
// page is not more than 32k
char buf[1024*32+MAX_URL_LEN*2];
SafeBuf sb(buf, 1024*32+MAX_URL_LEN*2);
//char rawbuf[1024*8];
//SafeBuf rb(rawbuf, 1024*8);
//rb.safePrintf("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>\n");
//CollectionRec *cr = g_collectiondb.getRec ( st1->m_coll );
// collection name
char tt [ 128 ];
tt[0] = '\0';
// the bg colors and style
g_pages.printColors (&sb);
sb.safePrintf ( "<title>Gigablast Add a Url</title>"
"<table><tr><td valign=bottom><a href=/>"
//"<img width=200 length=25 border=0 src=/logo2.gif></a>"
"<img width=210 height=25 border=0 src=/logo2.gif></a>"
"&nbsp;&nbsp;</font></td><td><font size=+1>"
"<b>Add Url%s</td></tr></table>" , tt );
// watch out for NULLs
if ( ! url ) url = "http://";
// if there was an error let them know
char msg[MAX_URL_LEN + 1024];
char *pm = "";
if ( g_errno ) {
sprintf ( msg ,"Error adding url(s): <b>%s[%i]</b>",
mstrerror(g_errno) , g_errno);
pm = msg;
//rb.safePrintf("Error adding url(s): %s[%i]",
// mstrerror(g_errno) , g_errno);
else {
if ( url && printUrl && url[0] ) {
sprintf ( msg ,"<u>%s</u> added to spider "
"queue "
"successfully", url );
//rb.safePrintf("%s added to spider "
// "queue successfully", url );
else {
sprintf(msg,"Add the url you want:");
//rb.safePrintf("Add the url you want:");
pm = msg;
url = "http://";
// pm = "Don't forget to <a href=/gigaboost.html>"
// "Gigaboost</a> your URL.";
// print the add url table
sb.safePrintf (
"<b>%s</b>" // the url msg
"<FORM method=post action=/addurl>"
"<table %s>"
"<tr class=hdrow><td colspan=2>"
//"<font size=+1>"
"Inject URL</b>"
"<tr class=poo><td><b>url</b>"
"<font size=-2>"
"Submit requests for Gigablast to index certain urls. "
"They must match the patterns you have specified in "
"the <a href=/admin/sites>spider sites</a> list. "
"You can override that behavior on the "
"<a href=/admin/scheduler>spider scheduler</a> by "
"telling Gigablast to always index manually added "
"urls. If your url does not index as you expect you "
"can check it's history. " // (spiderdb lookup)
"Added urls will have a "
"<a href=/admin/scheduler#hopcount>hopcount</a> of 0. "
"The add url api is described on the "
"<a href=/admin/api>api</a> page. "
"<tr><td colspan=2>"
//"<input type=text name=url value=\"%s\" size=50> "
"<textarea cols=80 rows=20 name=urls>"
, pm // msg
, url // submitted urls
sb.safePrintf (
"<br><b>or specify the url of a "
"file of urls to add:</b>"
"<input type=text name=ufu size=50> "
"<input type=submit value=\"add file\" border=0><br>"
//"<br><b>or a query to scrape from major engines:</b>"
// qts = query to scrape
//"<input type=text name=qts size=49> "
//"<input type=submit value=\"add query\" border=0><br>"
"<br><b>collection to add to:</b> "
"<input type=text name=c size=20 value=\"%s\">"
st1->m_coll );
// upload a file of urls to add
sb.safePrintf ( "<br>"
"<input "
"size=20 "
"type=file "
"name=\"Upload file of urls\">"
char *ss = "";
if ( st1->m_strip ) ss =" checked";
sb.safePrintf ("<tr><td>"
"<input type=checkbox name=strip value=1%s>"
"strip sessionids"
, ss );
// adding spider links box
char *sl = "";
if ( st1->m_spiderLinks ) sl =" checked";
sb.safePrintf ("<tr><td>"
"<input type=checkbox name=spiderLinks value=1%s>"
"spider (harvest) links from page"
, sl );
"<tr><td colspan=2>"
"<input type=submit value=\"add urls\" border=0>"
// . print the url box, etc...
// . assume user is always forcing their url
// sprintf ( p ,
// "<br><br>"
// "<input type=checkbox name=force value=1 checked> "
// "force respider<br>" );
//p += gbstrlen ( p );
// print the final tail
g_pages.printTail ( &sb, true ); // admin?
// clear g_errno, if any, so our reply send goes through
g_errno = 0;
// nuke state
mdelete ( st1 , sizeof(State1) , "PageAddUrl" );
delete (st1);
return g_httpServer.sendDynamicPage (s,
-1 ); // cachetime