2015-07-13 18:42:13 -06:00

286 lines
9.1 KiB

// Matt Wells, copyright Jul 2001
// . gets xhtml filtered into plain text
// . parses plain text into Words
// . gets rawTermIds from the query
// . uses Matches class to find words that match rawTermIds
// . for each term in query, find the line with that term and the most
// other matching terms, and print that line
// . modifications...
// . exclude title from the plain text (call xml->getText() twice?)
// . find up to X lines
// . find phrases by setting the Phrases class as well
// . score lines by termfreqs of terms you highlight in the line
// . highlight terms in order of their termFreq, lowest first!
// . remove junk from start/end of summary (no back-to-back punct)
// . stop summary line on space, not non-alnum (no breaking on apostrophe)
// . don't highlight stop words????
#ifndef _SUMMARY_H_
#define _SUMMARY_H_
#include "gb-include.h"
#include "Unicode.h"
#include "matches2.h"
#include "Query.h"
#include "Xml.h"
#include "Mem.h"
//#include "LinkInfo.h" // BIG HACK support
#include "Words.h"
#include "Bits.h"
#include "Pos.h"
#include "Matches.h"
#include "HashTableT.h"
//#include "Places.h"
#include "Domains.h"
#include "CountryCode.h"
#define MAX_SUMMARY_LEN 1024*20
class Summary {
void reset();
// . like above but flattens the xml for you then calls the above
// . returns false and sets errno on error
bool set ( class Xml *xml ,
class Query *q ,
int64_t *termFreqs ,
bool doStemming ,
int32_t maxSummaryLen ,
int32_t maxNumLines ,
int32_t maxNumCharsPerLine ,
//int32_t bigSampleRadius ,
//int32_t bigSampleMaxLen ,
bool ratInSummary = false ,
class Url *f = NULL );
//bool excludeAnchText = false,
//bool hackFixWords = false,
//bool hackFixPhrases = false ) ;
// this should eventually replace set()
bool set2 ( class Xml *xml ,
class Words *words ,
class Bits *bits ,
class Sections *sections ,
class Pos *pos ,
class Query *q ,
int64_t *termFreqs ,
float *affWeights , // 1-1 with qterms
//char *coll ,
//int32_t collLen ,
bool doStemming ,
int32_t maxSummaryLen ,
int32_t numDisplayLines ,
int32_t maxNumLines ,
int32_t maxNumCharsPerLine ,
//int32_t bigSampleRadius ,
//int32_t bigSampleMaxLen ,
bool ratInSummary ,
//TitleRec *tr ,
class Url *f ,
//bool allowPunctInPhrase = true,
//bool excludeLinkText = false,
//bool excludeMetaText = false,
//bool hackFixWords = false,
//bool hackFixPhrases = false,
//float *queryProximityScore= NULL ,
class Matches *matches = NULL ,
char *titleBuf = NULL ,
int32_t titleBufLen = 0 );
// this is NULL terminated
char *getSummary ( ) { return m_summary; };
int32_t getSummaryLen ( ) { return m_summaryLen; };
// me = "max excerpts". we truncate the summary if we need to.
// XmlDoc.cpp::getSummary(), likes to request more excerpts than are
// actually displayed so it has a bigger summary for deduping purposes.
int32_t getSummaryLen ( int32_t me ) ;
// for related topics.. sample surrounding the query terms
//char *getBigSampleBuf ( ) { return m_buf; };
//int32_t getBigSampleLen ( ) { return m_bufLen; };
void truncateSummaryForExcerpts ( int32_t numExcerpts ,
int32_t maxSummaryLen,
char *dmozSumms ,
int32_t *dmozSummLens ,
int32_t numCatids ,
bool *sumFromDmoz );
//float getDiversity() {return m_diversity;}
//float getProximityScore() { return m_proximityScore; };
// for places in summary
bool scanForLocations ( );
int32_t getNumSummaryLocs ( ) {
return m_summaryLocs.length()/sizeof(uint64_t); };
int32_t getSummaryLocsSize ( ) {
return m_summaryLocs.length(); }
uint64_t *getSummaryLocs ( ) {
return (uint64_t *)m_summaryLocs.getBufStart(); };
int32_t getSummaryLocsPopsSize( ) {
return m_summaryLocsPops.length(); }
int32_t *getSummaryLocsPops ( ) {
return (int32_t *)m_summaryLocsPops.getBufStart(); };
// private:
// . content is an html/xml doc
// . we highlight "query" in "content" as best as we can
// . returns false and sets errno on error
// . CAUTION: this is destructive on "doc"
// . stores bigSample into "doc" which should be "m_buf"
// and sets bytes stored into *bigSampleLen
bool set ( char *doc ,
int32_t docLen ,
Query *q ,
int64_t *termFreqs ,
bool doStemming ,
int32_t maxSummaryLen ,
int32_t maxNumLines ,
int32_t maxNumCharsPerLine ,
//int32_t bigSampleRadius ,
//int32_t bigSampleMaxLen ,
//int32_t *bigSampleLen ,
char *foundTermVector );
// BIG HACK support
//bool allQTermsFound( Query *q, TitleRec *tr, Xml *xml,
// class Matches *matches,
// qvec_t reqMask, qvec_t negMask,
// bool excludeLinkText,
// bool excludeMetaText,
// bool allowPunctInPhrase );
// THE NEW SUMMARY GENERATOR routines below here
bool getDefaultSummary ( Xml *xml,
Words *words,
class Sections *sections ,
Pos *pos,
//int32_t bigSampleRadius,
int32_t maxSummaryLen );
void setSummaryScores ( class Matches *matches ,
//Words *words ,
//Scores *scores ,
//Pos *pos ,
//int32_t numNeedles,
//Needle *needles ,
Query *q ,
float *phraseAffWeights ,
//int32_t *docSummaryScore,
//int32_t *queryInSectionScore,
int32_t commentStart );
int64_t getBestWindow ( class Matches *matches ,
int32_t mn ,
int32_t *lasta ,
int32_t *besta ,
int32_t *bestb ,
char *gotIt ,
char *retired ,
int32_t maxExcerptLen );
//int32_t numFindableQWords,
//char *represented,
//int32_t *foundNew );
void reduceQueryScores ( class Matches *matches,
int32_t m, int32_t a, int32_t b ) ;
void reduceScoreForWords ( class Matches *matches, int32_t qtn ) ;
// a wrapper basically for the set0 below
bool set0 ( char *doc, int32_t docLen, Query *q, class Msg20Request *mr);
// . the old string based summary generator -- ULTRA FAST!
// . resurrected from /gb/datil2-release.git/src/Summary.cpp
// . returns false with g_errno set on error
bool set1 ( char *doc ,
int32_t docLen ,
Query *q ,
int32_t maxSummaryLen ,
int32_t maxNumLines ,
int32_t maxNumCharsPerLine ,
int32_t bigSampleRadius ,
int32_t bigSampleMaxLen ,
int32_t *bigSampleLen ,
char *foundTermVector ,
int64_t *termFreqs ) ;
// null terminate and store the summary here.
char m_summary [ MAX_SUMMARY_LEN ];
int32_t m_summaryLen;
int32_t m_summaryExcerptLen [ MAX_SUMMARY_EXCERPTS ];
int32_t m_numExcerpts;
bool m_isNormalized;
// hold the big sample here
//char *m_buf;
//int32_t m_bufMaxLen;
//int32_t m_bufLen;
//bool m_freeBuf;
//char m_localBuf[10032];
// if getting more lines for deduping than we need for displaying,
// how big is that part of the summary to display?
int32_t m_numDisplayLines;
int32_t m_displayLen;
int32_t getSummaryDisplayLen() { return m_displayLen; }
int32_t m_maxNumCharsPerLine;
int32_t m_titleVersion;
// ptr to the query
Query *m_q;
// query scores
//int32_t *m_qscores;
// pub date list offsets
bool m_useDateLists;
bool m_exclDateList;
int32_t m_begPubDateList;
int32_t m_endPubDateList;
//float m_diversity;
//float m_proximityScore;
char *m_bitScoresBuf;
int32_t m_bitScoresBufSize;
//float m_wordWeights[MAX_QUERY_WORDS];
float *m_wordWeights;
int32_t m_wordWeightSize;
char m_tmpBuf[128];
char *m_buf4;
int32_t m_buf4Size;
char m_tmpBuf4[128];
char m_summaryLocBuf[MAX_SUMMARY_LOCS*sizeof(uint64_t)];
SafeBuf m_summaryLocs;
char m_summaryLocPopsBuf[MAX_SUMMARY_LOCS*sizeof(int32_t)];
SafeBuf m_summaryLocsPops;