Matt Wells eb49094343 try to start indexing spider replies
as regular search results in the index so
you can query on those. get histograms of
spider status msgs, etc. ability to turn
that and images on/off.
2014-05-09 11:18:24 -07:00

807 lines
24 KiB

#include "gb-include.h"
#include "SafeBuf.h"
#include "Collectiondb.h"
//#include "CollectionRec.h"
#include "Msg22.h"
#include "Query.h"
#include "HttpServer.h"
#include "Highlight.h"
#include "Pages.h"
#include "PageNetTest.h"
#include "Tagdb.h"
#include "XmlDoc.h"
#include "PageResults.h" // printEventAddress()...
// TODO: redirect to host that has the titleRec locally
static bool sendErrorReply ( void *state , long err ) ;
static void processLoopWrapper ( void *state ) ;
static bool processLoop ( void *state ) ;
class State2 {
Msg22 m_msg22;
//TitleRec m_tr;
long m_niceness;
XmlDoc m_xd;
char *m_tr;
long m_trSize;
uint8_t m_langId;
//Msg8a m_msg8a;
//SiteRec m_sr;
//TagRec m_tagRec;
TcpSocket *m_socket;
HttpRequest m_r;
char m_coll[MAX_COLL_LEN+2];
//CollectionRec *m_cr;
bool m_isAdmin;
bool m_isLocal;
//bool m_seq;
bool m_rtq;
char m_q[MAX_QUERY_LEN+1];
long m_qlen;
char m_boolFlag;
long long m_docId;
bool m_includeHeader;
bool m_includeBaseHref;
bool m_queryHighlighting;
long m_strip;
bool m_clickAndScroll;
bool m_clickNScroll; // new click 'n' scroll
bool m_cnsPage; // Are we in the click 'n' scroll page?
bool m_printDisclaimer;
bool m_netTestResults;
bool m_isBanned;
bool m_noArchive;
// . returns false if blocked, true otherwise
// . sets g_errno on error
bool sendPageGet ( TcpSocket *s , HttpRequest *r ) {
// get the collection
long collLen = 0;
char *coll = r->getString("c",&collLen);
if ( ! coll || ! coll[0] ) {
//coll = g_conf.m_defaultColl;
coll = g_conf.getDefaultColl( r->getHost(), r->getHostLen() );
collLen = gbstrlen(coll);
// ensure collection not too big
if ( collLen >= MAX_COLL_LEN ) {
g_errno = ECOLLTOOBIG;
return g_httpServer.sendErrorReply(s,500,mstrerror(g_errno));
// get the collection rec
CollectionRec *cr = g_collectiondb.getRec ( coll );
if ( ! cr ) {
g_errno = ENOTFOUND;
log("query: Archived copy retrieval failed. "
"No collection record found for "
"collection \"%s\".",coll);
return g_httpServer.sendErrorReply(s,500,mstrerror(g_errno));
// does this collection ban this IP?
if ( ! cr->hasSearchPermission ( s ) ) {
g_errno = ENOPERM;
//log("PageGet::sendDynamicReply0: permission denied for %s",
// iptoa(s->m_ip) );
g_msg = " (error: permission denied)";
return g_httpServer.sendErrorReply(s,500,mstrerror(g_errno));
// . get fields from cgi field of the requested url
// . get the search query
long qlen = 0;
char *q = r->getString ( "q" , &qlen , NULL /*default*/);
// ensure query not too big
if ( qlen >= MAX_QUERY_LEN-1 ) {
return g_httpServer.sendErrorReply (s,500 ,mstrerror(g_errno));
// the docId
long long docId = r->getLongLong ( "d" , 0LL /*default*/ );
// get url
char *url = r->getString ( "u",NULL);
// . should we do a sequential lookup?
// . we need to match summary here so we need to know this
//bool seq = r->getLong ( "seq" , false );
// restrict to root file?
bool rtq = r->getLong ( "rtq" , false );
// . get the titleRec
// . TODO: redirect client to a better http server to save bandwidth
State2 *st ;
try { st = new (State2); }
catch (... ) {
g_errno = ENOMEM;
log("PageGet: new(%i): %s", sizeof(State2),mstrerror(g_errno));
return g_httpServer.sendErrorReply(s,500,mstrerror(g_errno));}
mnew ( st , sizeof(State2) , "PageGet1" );
// save the socket and if Host: is local in the Http request Mime
st->m_socket = s;
st->m_isAdmin = g_conf.isCollAdmin ( s , r );
st->m_isLocal = r->isLocal();
st->m_docId = docId;
// include header ... "this page cached by Gigablast on..."
st->m_includeHeader = r->getLong ("ih" , true );
st->m_includeBaseHref = r->getLong ("ibh" , false );
st->m_queryHighlighting = r->getLong ("qh" , true );
st->m_strip = r->getLong ("strip" , 0 );
st->m_clickAndScroll = r->getLong ("cas" , true );
st->m_cnsPage = r->getLong ("cnsp" , true );
char *langAbbr = r->getString("qlang",NULL);
st->m_langId = langUnknown;
if ( langAbbr ) {
uint8_t langId = getLangIdFromAbbr ( langAbbr );
st->m_langId = langId;
strncpy ( st->m_coll , coll , MAX_COLL_LEN+1 );
// store query for query highlighting
st->m_netTestResults = r->getLong ("rnettest", false );
//if( st->m_netTestResults ) {
// mdelete ( st , sizeof(State2) , "PageGet1" );
// delete ( st );
// return sendPageNetResult( s );
if ( q && qlen > 0 ) strcpy ( st->m_q , q );
else st->m_q[0] = '\0';
st->m_qlen = qlen;
//st->m_seq = seq;
st->m_rtq = rtq;
st->m_boolFlag = r->getLong ("bq", 2 /*default is 2*/ );
st->m_isBanned = false;
st->m_noArchive = false;
st->m_socket = s;
// default to 0 niceness
st->m_niceness = 0;
st->m_r.copy ( r );
//st->m_cr = cr;
st->m_printDisclaimer = true;
if ( st->m_cnsPage )
st->m_printDisclaimer = false;
if ( st->m_strip ) // ! st->m_evbits.isEmpty() )
st->m_printDisclaimer = false;
// should we cache it?
char useCache = r->getLong ( "usecache" , 1 );
char rcache = r->getLong ( "rcache" , 1 );
char wcache = r->getLong ( "wcache" , 1 );
long cacheAge = r->getLong ( "cacheAge" , 60*60 ); // default one hour
if ( useCache == 0 ) { cacheAge = 0; wcache = 0; }
if ( rcache == 0 ) cacheAge = 0;
// . fetch the TitleRec
// . a max cache age of 0 means not to read from the cache
XmlDoc *xd = &st->m_xd;
// url based?
if ( url ) {
SpiderRequest sreq;
strcpy(sreq.m_url, url );
// this returns false if "coll" is invalid
if ( ! xd->set4 ( &sreq , NULL , coll , NULL , st->m_niceness ) )
goto hadSetError;
// . when getTitleRec() is called it will load the old one
// since XmlDoc::m_setFromTitleRec will be true
// . niceness is 0
// . use st->m_coll since XmlDoc just points to it!
// . this returns false if "coll" is invalid
else if ( ! xd->set3 ( docId , st->m_coll , 0 ) ) {
mdelete ( st , sizeof(State2) , "PageGet1" );
delete ( st );
g_errno = ENOMEM;
log("PageGet: set3: %s", mstrerror(g_errno));
return g_httpServer.sendErrorReply(s,500,mstrerror(g_errno));
// if it blocks while it loads title rec, it will re-call this routine
xd->setCallback ( st , processLoopWrapper );
// good to go!
return processLoop ( st );
// returns true
bool sendErrorReply ( void *state , long err ) {
// ensure this is set
if ( ! err ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// get it
State2 *st = (State2 *)state;
// get the tcp socket from the state
TcpSocket *s = st->m_socket;
char tmp [ 1024*32 ] ;
sprintf ( tmp , "<b>had server-side error: %s</b><br>",
// nuke state2
mdelete ( st , sizeof(State2) , "PageGet1" );
delete (st);
// erase g_errno for sending
//g_errno = 0;
// . now encapsulate it in html head/tail and send it off
//return g_httpServer.sendDynamicPage ( s , tmp , gbstrlen(tmp) );
return g_httpServer.sendErrorReply ( s, err, mstrerror(err) );
void processLoopWrapper ( void *state ) {
processLoop ( state );
// returns false if blocked, true otherwise
bool processLoop ( void *state ) {
// get it
State2 *st = (State2 *)state;
// get the tcp socket from the state
TcpSocket *s = st->m_socket;
// get it
XmlDoc *xd = &st->m_xd;
if ( ! xd->m_loaded ) {
// setting just the docid. niceness is 0.
//xd->set3 ( st->m_docId , st->m_coll , 0 );
// callback
xd->setCallback ( state , processLoop );
// . and tell it to load from the old title rec
// . this sets xd->m_oldTitleRec/m_oldTitleRecSize
// . this sets xd->ptr_* and all other member vars from
// the old title rec if found in titledb.
if ( ! xd->loadFromOldTitleRec ( ) ) return false;
if ( g_errno ) return sendErrorReply ( st , g_errno );
// now force it to load old title rec
//char **tr = xd->getTitleRec();
SafeBuf *tr = xd->getTitleRecBuf();
// blocked? return false if so. it will call processLoop() when it rets
if ( tr == (void *)-1 ) return false;
// we did not block. check for error? this will free "st" too.
if ( ! tr ) return sendErrorReply ( st , g_errno );
// if title rec was empty, that is a problem
if ( xd->m_titleRecBuf.length() == 0 )
return sendErrorReply ( st , ENOTFOUND);
// set callback
char *na = xd->getIsNoArchive();
// wait if blocked
if ( na == (void *)-1 ) return false;
// error?
if ( ! na ) return sendErrorReply ( st , g_errno );
// forbidden? allow turkeys through though...
if ( ! st->m_isAdmin && *na )
return sendErrorReply ( st , ENOCACHE );
// this was calling XmlDoc and setting sections, etc. to
// get the SpiderReply junk... no no no
// is it banned or filtered? this ignores the TagRec in the titleRec
// and uses msg8a to get it fresh instead
char *vi = xd->getIsFiltered();//Visible( );
// wait if blocked
if ( vi == (void *)-1 ) return false;
// error?
if ( ! vi ) return sendErrorReply ( st , g_errno );
// banned?
if ( ! st->m_isAdmin && ! *vi ) return sendErrorReply (st,EDOCBANNED);
// get the utf8 content
char **utf8 = xd->getUtf8Content();
//long len = xd->size_utf8Content - 1;
// wait if blocked???
if ( utf8 == (void *)-1 ) return false;
// strange
if ( xd->size_utf8Content<=0) {
log("pageget: utf8 content <= 0");
return sendErrorReply(st,EBADENGINEER );
// alloc error?
if ( ! utf8 ) return sendErrorReply ( st , g_errno );
// get this host
Host *h = g_hostdb.getHost ( g_hostdb.m_hostId );
if ( ! h ) {
log("pageget: hostid %li is bad",g_hostdb.m_hostId);
return sendErrorReply(st,EBADENGINEER );
char *content = xd->ptr_utf8Content;
long contentLen = xd->size_utf8Content - 1;
// shortcut
char strip = st->m_strip;
SafeBuf sb;
// alloc buffer now
//char *buf = NULL;
//long bufMaxSize = 0;
//bufMaxSize = len + ( 32 * 1024 ) ;
//bufMaxSize = contentLen + ( 32 * 1024 ) ;
//buf = (char *)mmalloc ( bufMaxSize , "PageGet2" );
//char *p = buf;
//char *bufEnd = buf + bufMaxSize;
//if ( ! buf ) {
// return sendErrorReply ( st , g_errno );
// for undoing the header
//char *start1 = p;
long startLen1 = sb.length();
// we are always utfu
if ( strip != 2 )
sb.safePrintf( "<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" "
// base href
//Url *base = &xd->m_firstUrl;
//if ( xd->ptr_redirUrl.m_url[0] )
// base = &xd->m_redirUrl;
char *base = xd->ptr_firstUrl;
if ( xd->ptr_redirUrl ) base = xd->ptr_redirUrl;
//Url *redir = *xd->getRedirUrl();
if ( strip != 2 ) {
sb.safePrintf ( "<BASE HREF=\"%s\">" , base );
//p += gbstrlen ( p );
// default colors in case css files missing
if ( strip != 2 ) {
sb.safePrintf( "\n<style type=\"text/css\">\n"
//p += gbstrlen ( p );
// for undoing the stuff below
long startLen2 = sb.length();//p;
// query should be NULL terminated
char *q = st->m_q;
long qlen = st->m_qlen;
char styleTitle[128] = "font-size:14px;font-weight:600;"
char styleText[128] = "font-size:14px;font-weight:400;"
char styleLink[128] = "font-size:14px;font-weight:400;"
char styleTell[128] = "font-size:14px;font-weight:600;"
// get the url of the title rec
Url *f = xd->getFirstUrl();
bool printDisclaimer = st->m_printDisclaimer;
if ( xd->m_contentType == CT_JSON )
printDisclaimer = false;
// We should always be displaying this disclaimer.
// - May eventually want to display this at a different location
// on the page, or on the click 'n' scroll browser page itself
// when this page is not being viewed solo.
// CNS: if ( ! st->m_clickNScroll ) {
if ( printDisclaimer ) {
sb.safePrintf(//sprintf ( p ,
//"<BASE HREF=\"%s\">"
//"<table border=1 width=100%%>"
"<table border=\"1\" bgcolor=\"#"
"\" cellpadding=\"10\" "
//"id=\"gbcnsdisctable\" class=\"gbcnsdisctable_v\""
"cellspacing=\"0\" width=\"100%%\" color=\"#ffffff\">"
//" id=\"gbcnsdisctr\" class=\"gbcnsdisctr_v\""
//"<font face=times,sans-serif color=black size=-1>"
"<span style=\"%s\">"
"This is Gigablast's cached page of </span>"
"<a href=\"%s\" style=\"%s\">%s</a>"
"" , styleTitle, f->getUrl(), styleLink,
f->getUrl() );
//p += gbstrlen ( p );
// then the rest
//sprintf(p ,
"<span style=\"%s\">. "
"Gigablast is not responsible for the content of "
"this page.</span>", styleTitle );
//p += gbstrlen ( p );
sb.safePrintf ( "<br/><span style=\"%s\">"
"Cached: </span>"
"<span style=\"%s\">",
styleTitle, styleText );
//p += gbstrlen ( p );
// then the spider date in GMT
time_t lastSpiderDate = xd->m_spideredTime;
struct tm *timeStruct = gmtime ( &lastSpiderDate );
char tbuf[100];
strftime ( tbuf, 100,"%b %d, %Y UTC", timeStruct);
//p += gbstrlen ( p );
// Moved over from PageResults.cpp
sb.safePrintf( "</span> - <a href=\""
" style=\"%s\">"
q , st->m_coll ,
st->m_docId, styleLink );
// a link to alexa
if ( f->getUrlLen() > 5 ) {
sb.safePrintf( " - <a href=\"http:"
" style=\"%s\">"
"[older copies]</a>" ,
f->getUrl(), styleLink );
if (st->m_noArchive){
sb.safePrintf( " - <span style=\"%s\"><b>"
styleTell );
if (st->m_isBanned){
sb.safePrintf(" - <span style=\"%s\"><b>"
styleTell );
// only print this if we got a query
if ( qlen > 0 ) {
sb.safePrintf("<br/><br/><span style=\"%s\"> "
"These search terms have been "
"highlighted: ",
styleText );
//p += gbstrlen ( p );
// how much space left in p?
//long avail = bufEnd - p;
// . make the url that we're outputting for (like in PageResults.cpp)
// . "thisUrl" is the baseUrl for click & scroll
char thisUrl[MAX_URL_LEN];
char *thisUrlEnd = thisUrl + MAX_URL_LEN;
char *x = thisUrl;
// . use the external ip of our gateway
// . construct the NAT mapped port
// . you should have used iptables to map port to the correct
// internal ip:port
//unsigned long ip =g_conf.m_mainExternalIp ; // h->m_externalIp;
//unsigned short port=g_conf.m_mainExternalPort;//h->m_externalHttpPort
// local check
//if ( st->m_isLocal ) {
unsigned long ip = h->m_ip;
unsigned short port = h->m_httpPort;
//sprintf ( x , "http://%s:%li/get?q=" , iptoa ( ip ) , port );
// . we no longer put the port in here
// . but still need http:// since we use <base href=>
if (port == 80) sprintf(x,"http://%s/get?q=",iptoa(ip));
else sprintf(x,"http://%s:%hu/get?q=",iptoa(ip),port);
x += gbstrlen ( x );
// the query url encoded
long elen = urlEncode ( x , thisUrlEnd - x , q , qlen );
x += elen;
// separate cgi vars with a &
//sprintf ( x, "&seq=%li&rtq=%lid=%lli",
// (long)st->m_seq,(long)st->m_rtq,st->m_msg22.getDocId());
sprintf ( x, "&d=%lli",st->m_docId );
x += gbstrlen(x);
// set our query for highlighting
Query qq;
qq.set2 ( q, st->m_langId , true );
// print the query terms into our highlight buffer
Highlight hi;
// make words so we can set the scores to ignore fielded terms
Words qw;
qw.set ( q , // content being highlighted, utf8
qlen , // content being highlighted, utf8
true , // computeIds
false ); // hasHtmlEntities?
// . assign scores of 0 to query words that should be ignored
// . TRICKY: loop over words in qq.m_qwords, but they should be 1-1
// with words in qw.
// . sanity check
//if ( qw.getNumWords() != qq.m_numWords ) { char *xx = NULL; *xx = 0;}
// declare up here
Matches m;
// do the loop
//Scores ss;
//ss.set ( &qw , NULL );
//for ( long i = 0 ; i < qq.m_numWords ; i++ )
// if ( ! m.matchWord ( &qq.m_qwords[i],i ) ) ss.m_scores[i] = 0;
// now set m.m_matches[] to those words in qw that match a query word
// or phrase in qq.
m.setQuery ( &qq );
//m.addMatches ( &qw , &ss , true );
m.addMatches ( &qw );
long hilen = 0;
// CNS: if ( ! st->m_clickNScroll ) {
// and highlight the matches
if ( printDisclaimer ) {
hilen = hi.set ( //p ,
//avail ,
&sb ,
&qw , // words to highlight
&m , // matches relative to qw
false , // doSteming
false , // st->m_clickAndScroll ,
(char *)thisUrl );// base url for ClcknScrll
//p += hilen;
// now an hr
//memcpy ( p , "</span></table></table>\n" , 24 ); p += 24;
bool includeHeader = st->m_includeHeader;
// do not show header for json object display
if ( xd->m_contentType == CT_JSON )
includeHeader = false;
//mfree(uq, uqCapacity, "PageGet");
// undo the header writes if we should
if ( ! includeHeader ) {
// including base href is off by default when not including
// the header, so the caller must explicitly turn it back on
if ( st->m_includeBaseHref ) sb.m_length=startLen2;//p=start2;
else sb.m_length=startLen1;//p=start1;
// identify start of <title> tag we wrote out
char *sbstart = sb.getBufStart();
char *sbend = sb.getBufEnd();
char *titleStart = NULL;
char *titleEnd = NULL;
for ( char *t = sbstart ; t < sbend ; t++ ) {
// title tag?
if ( t[0]!='<' ) continue;
if ( to_lower_a(t[1])!='t' ) continue;
if ( to_lower_a(t[2])!='i' ) continue;
if ( to_lower_a(t[3])!='t' ) continue;
if ( to_lower_a(t[4])!='l' ) continue;
if ( to_lower_a(t[5])!='e' ) continue;
// point to it
char *x = t + 5;
// max - to keep things fast
char *max = x + 500;
for ( ; *x && *x != '>' && x < max ; x++ );
// find end
char *e = x;
for ( ; *e && e < max ; e++ ) {
if ( e[0]=='<' &&
to_lower_a(e[1])=='/' &&
to_lower_a(e[2])=='t' &&
to_lower_a(e[3])=='i' &&
to_lower_a(e[4])=='t' &&
to_lower_a(e[5])=='l' &&
to_lower_a(e[6])=='e' )
if ( e < max ) {
titleStart = x;
titleEnd = e;
// . print title at top!
// . consider moving
if ( titleStart ) {
char *ebuf = st->m_r.getString("eb");
if ( ! ebuf ) ebuf = "";
//p += sprintf ( p ,
"<table border=1 "
"cellpadding=10 "
"cellspacing=0 "
"width=100%% "
"color=#ffffff>" );
long printLinks = st->m_r.getLong("links",0);
if ( ! printDisclaimer && printLinks )
sb.safePrintf(//p += sprintf ( p ,
// first put cached and live link
"<td bgcolor=lightyellow>"
// print cached link
"&nbsp; "
"<a "
"color:#000000;\" "
"cached link</a>"
" &nbsp; "
"<a "
"color:#000000;\" "
"href=%s>live link</a>"
,thisUrl // st->ptr_ubuf
if ( printLinks ) {
sb.safePrintf(//p += sprintf ( p ,
"<tr><td bgcolor=pink>"
"<span style=\"font-size:18px;"
"&nbsp; "
"<b>PAGE TITLE:</b> "
long tlen = titleEnd - titleStart;
sb.safeMemcpy ( titleStart , tlen );
sb.safePrintf ( "</span></td></tr>" );
sb.safePrintf( "</table><br>\n" );
// is the content preformatted?
bool pre = false;
char ctype = (char)xd->m_contentType;
if ( ctype == CT_TEXT ) pre = true ; // text/plain
if ( ctype == CT_DOC ) pre = true ; // filtered msword
if ( ctype == CT_PS ) pre = true ; // filtered postscript
// if it is content-type text, add a <pre>
if ( pre ) {//p + 5 < bufEnd && pre ) {
//p += 5;
if ( st->m_strip == 1 )
contentLen = stripHtml( content, contentLen,
(long)xd->m_version, st->m_strip );
// it returns -1 and sets g_errno on error, line OOM
if ( contentLen == -1 ) {
//if ( buf ) mfree ( buf , bufMaxSize , "PageGet2" );
return sendErrorReply ( st , g_errno );
Xml xml;
Words ww;
// if no highlighting, skip it
bool queryHighlighting = st->m_queryHighlighting;
if ( st->m_strip == 2 ) queryHighlighting = false;
// do not do term highlighting if json
if ( xd->m_contentType == CT_JSON )
queryHighlighting = false;
if ( ! queryHighlighting ) {
sb.safeMemcpy ( content , contentLen );
//p += contentLen ;
else {
// get the content as xhtml (should be NULL terminated)
//Words *ww = xd->getWords();
if ( ! xml.set ( content , contentLen , false ,
false , 0 , CT_HTML ) ) { // niceness is 0
//if ( buf ) mfree ( buf , bufMaxSize , "PageGet2" );
return sendErrorReply ( st , g_errno );
if ( ! ww.set ( &xml , true , 0 ) ) { // niceness is 0
//if ( buf ) mfree ( buf , bufMaxSize , "PageGet2" );
return sendErrorReply ( st , g_errno );
// sanity check
//if ( ! xd->m_wordsValid ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// how much space left in p?
//avail = bufEnd - p;
Matches m;
m.setQuery ( &qq );
m.addMatches ( &ww );
hilen = hi.set ( &sb , // p , avail ,
&ww , &m ,
false /*doStemming?*/ ,
st->m_clickAndScroll ,
thisUrl /*base url for click & scroll*/);
//p += hilen;
log(LOG_DEBUG, "query: Done highlighting cached page content");
// if it is content-type text, add a </pre>
if ( pre ) { // p + 6 < bufEnd && pre ) {
sb.safeMemcpy ( "</pre>" , 6 );
//p += 6;
// calculate bufLen
//long bufLen = p - buf;
long ct = xd->m_contentType;
// now filter the entire buffer to escape out the xml tags
// so it is displayed nice
SafeBuf newbuf;
if ( ct == CT_XML ) {
// encode the xml tags into &lt;tagname&gt; sequences
if ( !newbuf.htmlEncodeXmlTags ( sb.getBufStart() ,
0)){// niceness=0
//if ( buf ) mfree ( buf , bufMaxSize , "PageGet2" );
return sendErrorReply ( st , g_errno );
// free out buffer that we alloc'd before returning since this
// should have copied it into another buffer
//if ( buf ) mfree ( buf , bufMaxSize , "PageGet2" );
// reassign
//buf = newbuf.getBufStart();
//bufLen = newbuf.length();
sb.stealBuf ( &newbuf );
// now encapsulate it in html head/tail and send it off
// sendErr:
char *contentType = "text/html";
if ( strip == 2 ) contentType = "text/xml";
// xml is usually buggy and this throws browser off
//if ( ctype == CT_XML ) contentType = "text/xml";
if ( xd->m_contentType == CT_JSON )
contentType = "application/json";
// nuke state2
mdelete ( st , sizeof(State2) , "PageGet1" );
delete (st);
bool status = g_httpServer.sendDynamicPage (s,
-1, NULL, "utf8" );
// free out buffer that we alloc'd before returning since this
// should have copied it into another buffer
//if ( ct == CT_XML ) newbuf.purge();
//else if ( buf ) mfree ( buf , bufMaxSize , "PageGet2" );
// and convey the status
return status;